Information Required in Proxy Statement

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                            CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                 Not Applicable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a6(i)(1) and 0-11.

    1)    Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


    2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


    3)    Per unit or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on
          which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was


    4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


    5)    Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing:

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:


     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3)   Filing Party:


     4)   Date Filed:


                            CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES

                                                        Worcester, Massachusetts
                                                                  March 13, 2000

   To Our Shareholders:

     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CIGNA High Income Shares will be held
at The Sheraton Springfield Hotel, One Monarch Place, Springfield, Massachusetts
01144 on Monday, April 24, 2000 at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Formal notice of the
meeting appears on the next page and is followed by the proxy statement.

     We hope you will find it convenient to attend the meeting, but we urge you
in any event to complete and return the enclosed proxy card in the envelope
provided. It is very important that your proxy card be received as soon as
possible so that the necessary quorum will be represented at the meeting. If you
do attend, you may vote in person if you so desire.

    The Annual Report of CIGNA High Income Shares for the year ended December
31, 1999 has previously been mailed to you.


                                           /s/ Richard H. Forde

                                           Richard H. Forde

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES


To Shareholders of CIGNA High Income Shares:

     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CIGNA High Income Shares (the "Fund")
will be held at The Sheraton  Monarch  Hotel,  One Monarch  Place,  Springfield,
Massachusetts  01144 on Monday,  April 24, 2000 at 1:00 p.m.,  Eastern Time, for
the following purposes:

      (1)   To elect five Trustees to serve until  the  next Annual Meeting  of
            Shareholders  or  until  the  election  and  qualification of  their

      (2)   To   ratify   the  appointment  by   the   Board  of  Trustees   of
            PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as  independent accountants of  the  Fund
            for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000.

      (3)   To  transact  such  other  business as  may properly come before the
            meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof.

      Holders of record of the shares of the Fund at the close of business on
March 7, 2000 are entitled to vote at the meeting.

                                          /s/ Jeffrey S. Winer

                                          Jeffrey S. Winer

Worcester, Massachusetts
March 13, 2000

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                            CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES

     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Trustees of CIGNA High Income  Shares (the "Fund") for use at the
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Fund to be held at The Sheraton  Monarch
Hotel, One Monarch Place, Springfield,  Massachusetts 01144 on Monday, April 24,
2000 at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time, and at any postponement or adjournment thereof.

     Any person  executing a proxy may revoke it at any time prior to its use by
executing a new proxy or by  registering  with the  Secretary of the Fund at the
meeting and requesting a revocation.  Executed proxies received by the Fund will
be voted in accordance with the directions specified in the proxy. A majority of
the  outstanding  shares of the Fund must be present at the meeting in person or
by proxy to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

     For  purposes  of  determining  the  presence  of a quorum for  transacting
business at the meeting and determining  whether sufficient votes have been cast
FOR the proposals,  abstentions (that is, votes that are marked  "withheld") and
broker  "non-votes"  (that is, proxies from brokers or nominees  indicating that
such persons have not received  instructions  from the beneficial owner or other
persons entitled to vote the shares on a particular matter with respect to which
the  brokers or  nominees  do not have  discretionary  power) will be treated as
shares which are present and entitled to vote,  but which have not voted on such
matter.  For this reason,  abstentions and broker non-votes will assist the Fund
in obtaining a quorum;  however,  abstentions and broker  non-votes will have no
effect on the outcome of the vote.

     The Board of Trustees  recommends  a vote FOR the  election of Trustees and
FOR the ratification of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as independent accountants.
If no  specification  is made,  the  proxy  will be voted  FOR the  election  of
Trustees   as   listed,   FOR   the   ratification   of   the   appointment   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP and at the discretion of the proxy  holders,  on any
other matters which may properly come before the meeting or at any  postponement
or  adjournment.  The  Board of  Trustees  does not  know of any  actions  to be
considered at the meeting other than those referred to above.

     Costs of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne by the Fund.  In  addition  to
solicitation  of proxies by use of the mails,  some of the  officers of the Fund
and persons  affiliated  with CIGNA  Corporation  ("CIGNA")  and its  affiliated
companies may, without remuneration, solicit proxies in person or by telephone.

     At the  close of  business  on  March  7,  2000,  the  record  date for the
determination  of  shareholders  entitled  to vote at the  meeting,  there  were
51,743,655  outstanding  shares.  Each share is entitled to one vote. This proxy
statement and the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and form
of proxy are being mailed on or about March 13, 2000 to  shareholders  of record
on the record date.


     The principal executive offices of the Fund are located at (and its mailing
address is) 100 Front Street, Suite 300, Worcester, Massachusetts 01601.

CT 06152-2210, ATTN: ALFRED A. BINGHAM III, OR BY CALLING 1-800-426-5523.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

     At the meeting,  five Trustees are to be elected by the shareholders of the
Fund. The Board of Trustees has nominated and recommends the election of Messrs.
Hugh R. Beath,  Richard H. Forde,  Russell H. Jones, Thomas C. Jones and Paul J.
McDonald.  Each of the nominees is  currently  serving on the Board of Trustees.
Shareholders  are asked to elect Messrs.  Beath,  Forde,  R. Jones, T. Jones and
McDonald  as Trustees  of the Fund,  each to hold  office  until the next Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders  or  until  the  election  and  qualification  of  his

     Each of the  Trustees  of the  Fund  also  serves  as a  Director  of CIGNA
Investment  Securities,  Inc.  ("CIS").  TimesSquare  Capital  Management,  Inc.
("TimesSquare"),  an  indirect,  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of CIGNA,  serves as
investment  adviser to both the Fund and CIS. CIS will hold an annual meeting on
April 24, 2000,  at which  shareholders  will be asked to elect  Messrs.  Beath,
Forde, R. Jones, T. Jones and McDonald as Directors.

     All shares  represented  by valid  proxies will be voted in the election of
Trustees for the nominees unless  authority to vote for a particular  nominee is
withheld.  Proxies  cannot  be voted for a greater  number of  persons  than the
nominees named in the proxy statement. If any nominee should be unable to serve,
an event not now  anticipated,  proxies  will be voted for such other  person as
shall be  designated  by the  Board of  Trustees  of the  Fund,  or the Board of
Trustees may reduce the number of Trustees,  as authorized by the Declaration of
Trust. All of the nominees have agreed to serve if elected.

     Mr.  Beath was first  elected  to the Board in 1987.  Messrs.  R. Jones and
McDonald were first elected in 1995. Mr. T. Jones was first elected to the Board
in 1998. Mr. Forde was appointed to the Board in 1998. Messrs.  Beath, Forde, R.
Jones,  T. Jones and  McDonald  were last elected by  shareholders  on April 27,

     The following  table sets forth the number of shares of the Fund and shares
of CIGNA  beneficially owned by those who served on the Board of Trustees during
1999  and by the  Fund's  Trustees  and  officers  as a group.  The  information
provided is as of  December  31,  1999.  As of December  31,  1999,  neither the
Trustees as a group nor the Trustees and officers as a group owned  beneficially
more than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Fund or of CIGNA.


NAME                                                    FUND               CIGNA
- ----                                                    ----               -----
Hugh R. Beath..........................................  339                   0
Richard H. Forde(1)......................................650              20,854
Russell H. Jones.......................................1,000                   0
Thomas C. Jones(1).....................................1,011             134,725
Paul J. McDonald.......................................1,800                   0
Trustees and Officers As a Group.......................4,800             162,744
- ---------
(1) Includes shares of CIGNA which  may  be acquired  within 60  days  upon  the
    exercise of outstanding  stock options, as follows: Mr. Forde - 16,470;  Mr.
    T. Jones - 110,215.


     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  requires the Fund's  Trustees  and  executive  officers,  and
persons  who own  more  than 10% of a  registered  class  of the  Fund's  equity
securities,  to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the
New York Stock Exchange reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership
of common stock and other equity securities of the Fund. Officers,  Trustees and
greater than 10%  shareholders  are required by SEC  regulations  to furnish the
Fund with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file. Based solely on review of
the copies of such reports received by the Fund, or written representations from
certain  persons  that no such  reports  were  required  to be filed  for  those
persons,  the Fund believes all Section 16(a) filing requirements  applicable to
officers, Trustees and greater than 10% beneficial owners were satisfied.

     The  following  section  sets  forth as to each  nominee  his age,  present
position, his principal occupation or employment during the last five years, his
principal  affiliations,  including  any  directorships  he  presently  holds in
companies that have issued publicly-held securities and any material interest in
or relationship with TimesSquare and any of its affiliated persons presently and
during the preceding five years. The Fund does not have a principal  underwriter
or administrator.  Each nominee currently serves as a Trustee of the Fund, CIGNA
Funds  Group and CIGNA  Variable  Products  Group,  and as a  Director  of CIGNA
Investment  Securities,  Inc.,  except that Mr.  Forde is not a Trustee of CIGNA
Variable Products Group.


HUGH  R.  BEATH,  68,  Advisory  Director,   AdMedia  Corporate  Advisors,  Inc.
(investment banking);  previously Managing Director, AdMedia Corporate Advisors,
Inc.; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Beath Advisors, Inc.

RICHARD  H.  FORDE*,  46,  Senior  Managing  Director,   TimesSquare  and  CIGNA
Investment Management. Mr. Forde is also an officer or director of various other
entities which are subsidiaries or affiliates of CIGNA.

- -------
* Nominee is  an  "interested person"  of  the  Fund and  TimesSquare within the
  meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.


RUSSELL  H.  JONES,  55,  Vice  President  and  Treasurer,   Kaman   Corporation
(helicopters  and aircraft  components,  industrial  distribution);  Corporator,
Hartford  Seminary;  Trustee  and  Senior  Fellow,  American  Leadership  Forum;
previously Vice President,  Kaman Corporation;  Trustee,  Connecticut Policy and
Economic Counsel.

THOMAS C. JONES*,  53,  President,  CIGNA Investment  Management,  a division of
CIGNA; President and Director,  TimesSquare and CIGNA Investment Group, Inc. Mr.
Jones is also an  officer  or  director  of  various  other  entities  which are
subsidiaries  or affiliates of CIGNA;  previously  President,  CIGNA  Individual
Insurance,  a division  of CIGNA;  President,  CIGNA  Reinsurance  - Property  &
Casualty, a division of CIGNA.

PAUL J. MCDONALD, 56, Special Adviser to Board of Directors,  Friendly Ice Cream
Corporation (family restaurants and dairy products);  Chairman,  Dean's Advisory
Council, University of Massachusetts School of Management; Director, Springfield
YMCA; Trustee, Basketball Hall of Fame; Director, Western Massachusetts Electric
Company; previously Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
Friendly Ice Cream Corporation.

- ---------
* Nominee is  an  "interested person"  of  the  Fund and TimesSquare within  the
  meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.


     No officer of the Fund and no Trustee of the Fund received any remuneration
from the Fund during 1999 at the same time he was serving as a director, officer
or employee of TimesSquare,  CIGNA or any of its subsidiaries. The other current
Trustees,  taken as a group, were paid or accrued Trustee fees for 1999 from the
Fund  in  the  aggregate   amount  of  $31,800.   Under   current   compensation
arrangements,  such Trustees will be entitled to receive from the Fund an annual
retainer of $7,100 plus a fee of $200 for each Board  meeting  attended and $200
for each  Committee  meeting  attended.  These Trustees will also be entitled to
receive, as compensation for their services as Trustees or Directors,  an annual
retainer of $2,000,  a $200 Board meeting fee, and a $200 Committee  meeting fee
from CIGNA Variable  Products Group, an annual retainer of $4,000,  a $400 Board
meeting  fee,  and a $400  Committee  meeting  fee from CIGNA Funds Group and an
annual  retainer  of $5,100,  a $200 Board  meeting  fee,  and a $200  Committee
meeting fee from CIGNA Investment Securities,  Inc. All Trustees are entitled to
receive  reimbursements  for expenses incurred in connection with each Board and
Committee meeting attended. These reimbursements of expenses are allocated among
the Fund,  each series of CIGNA Funds Group and CIGNA Variable  Products  Group,
and CIGNA Investment  Securities,  Inc. so that each entity pays an amount based
on its net assets as a percentage of the aggregate net assets of such  entities.
The following  table sets forth  compensation  paid by the Fund and by the CIGNA
fund complex to Trustees in 1999:

                                                                    FROM FUND
                                                                    AND CIGNA
                                                 AGGREGATE          FUND COMPLEX
NAME OF PERSON,                                  COMPENSATION       PAID TO
POSITION WITH FUND                               FROM FUND          TRUSTEES(C)
- ------------------                               ----------         ------------
Hugh R. Beath, Trustee(a)......................     10,600               26,800
Richard H. Forde, Trustee,
  Chairman and President.......................          0                    0
Russell H. Jones, Trustee......................     10,600               26,800
Thomas C. Jones, Trustee.......................          0                    0
Paul J. McDonald, Trustee(b)...................     10,600               26,800
                                                 ------------          ---------
                                                 $  31,800             $ 80,400
                                                 ============          =========

- -----------
(a)  All but $1,231 of Mr. Beath's 1999 compensation was deferred under a plan
     for all CIGNA funds in which he had an aggregate balance of $215,952 as of
     December 31, 1999.
(b)  All but $1,231 of Mr. McDonald's 1999 compensation was deferred under a
     plan for all CIGNA funds in which he had an aggregate balance of $188,470
     as of December 31, 1999.
(c)  There were four (4) investment companies other than the Fund in the CIGNA
     fund complex.


     The Board of Trustees  held 5 Board  meetings  during  1999.  Each  Trustee
attended more than 75% of the aggregate  meetings of the Board and Committees on
which such  Trustee  served  during the year.  The Board of  Trustees  has three
standing committees as follows:


     The Audit Committee reviews the accounting  controls and procedures and the
quality of accounting services rendered to the Fund by independent  accountants,
and inquires into the work of management and of the independent  accountants and
the working  relationships between them. It has direct access to the independent
accountants,  and to financial officers and such other officers as the Committee
deems  desirable.  The Committee  also has the authority to approve the scope of
the annual audit and reports the results of its work to the Board of Trustees on
an  appropriate  schedule.  The Committee held two meetings in 1999. The current
members of the Committee are Messrs.  Beath,  R. Jones and McDonald  (Chairman),
none of whom are interested persons of the Fund.


     The Contracts  Committee reviews the performance of the investment  adviser
for the Fund, and makes  recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning the
renewal of the investment  advisory agreement.  In performing its function,  the
Committee  obtains from  TimesSquare  information it deems necessary to evaluate
the terms of the investment  advisory agreement and any changes or amendments to
or replacements  of the agreement.  The Committee held two meetings in 1999. The
current  members of the Committee are Messrs.  Beath,  R. Jones  (Chairman)  and
McDonald, none of whom are interested persons of the Fund.


     The Nominating  Committee  manages the  development  and maintenance of the
Board's  membership,   organization  and  compensation  and  it  identifies  and
recommends to the Board individuals to be nominated for election as Trustees. No
policy or procedure has been  established  as to the  recommendation  of Trustee
nominees by  shareholders.  The Committee  held one meeting in 1999. The current
members of the Committee are Messrs.  Beath  (Chairman),  R. Jones and McDonald,
none of whom are interested persons of the Fund.


     Each nominee for Trustee  receiving the  affirmative  vote of a majority of
the votes cast for election of Trustees  shall be elected.  Under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, a majority of the voting  securities  of the Fund means the
lesser of (a) the vote of the holders of 67% or more of the  outstanding  shares
of the Fund present in person or by proxy at a meeting of  shareholders,  if the
holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares are present or represented by
proxy; or (b) the vote of the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding shares
of the Fund.



                                   PROPOSAL 2


     The firm of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP has been  selected by the Board of
Trustees of the Fund as independent accountants for the Fund for the fiscal year
ending  December 31,  2000.  Shareholders  are asked to ratify the  selection of
independent accountants at the meeting.

     For the fiscal year ended  December  31, 1999,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP
performed  both  audit  and  non-audit  services  for the Fund.  Audit  services
consisted of  examinations  of the Fund's  financial  statements  and review and
consultation  in  connection  with  filings  with  the SEC.  Non-audit  services
included reviewing tax returns of the Fund and providing tax planning advice.

     PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP also serves as independent accountants for CIGNA
Investment Securities,  Inc. and for each of the series of shares of CIGNA Funds
Group and CIGNA  Variable  Products  Group and  performs  services  for all such
entities similar to the services performed for the Fund.  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP also serves as independent accountants for CIGNA.

     Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP may attend the meeting and be
provided  an  opportunity  to make a  statement  and to respond  to  appropriate
questions from shareholders.


     The selection of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as independent accountants of
the Fund will be ratified upon the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast by the shareholders of the Fund.


                             MANAGEMENT OF THE FUND

     Information  concerning the names,  positions held with the Fund, principal
occupation or employment during the last five years, and current affiliations of
the executive  officers of the Fund,  other than for Mr. Forde,  Chairman of the
Board and President of the Fund, is set out below.  Information  concerning  Mr.
Forde is set out in  Proposal  1 under the  caption  "Nominees".  The  executive
officers are elected annually by the Board of Trustees. As of December 31, 1999,
executive  officers of the Fund owned beneficially less than 1% of the shares of
the Fund and of CIGNA.

     ALFRED A. BINGHAM III, 55, Vice President and Treasurer, CIGNA Funds Group,
CIGNA Variable  Products  Group,  CIGNA High Income Shares and CIGNA  Investment
Securities, Inc.; Assistant Vice President, TimesSquare.


     ALAN C. PETERSEN, 49, Managing Director, TimesSquare; Vice President, CIGNA
High Income Shares.

     JEFFREY S. WINER, 42, Senior Counsel,  CIGNA; Vice President and Secretary,
CIGNA Funds Group,  CIGNA Variable Products Group,  CIGNA High Income Shares and
CIGNA Investment Securities, Inc.; previously Counsel, CIGNA.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS


     Shareholders  may propose  matters for inclusion in the proxy statement and
action at next year's annual meeting,  subject to certain  conditions.  Any such
shareholder  proposals  intended to be presented at the 2001 annual meeting must
be received  by  management  of the Fund prior to November 8, 2000.  Shareholder
proposals not included in the proxy  material may be presented from the floor at
the  annual  meeting  only  if  the  shareholder  notifies  the  Fund  as to the
proposal's nature and certain additional information by January 27, 2001.

     The management of the Fund does not know of any other matters to be brought
before  the  meeting.  If any other  matters  are  properly  brought  before the
meeting,  proxies not limited to the contrary will be voted in  accordance  with
the best judgment of the person or persons acting under the proxies.

                                        /s/ Jeffrey S. Winer

                                        Jeffrey S. Winer

Worcester, Massachusetts
March 13, 2000


[CIGNA TREE LOGO GRAPHIC APPEARS HERE]                             CGACM-PS-3/00

                           CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES


The  undersigned  shareholder  hereby  appoints  Richard H. Forde and Jeffrey S.
Winer and either  one of them,  proxies  of the  undersigned,  with the power of
substitution,  to vote the shares of the  undersigned  at the Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders of CIGNA High Income Shares (the "Fund"), on Monday, April 24, 2000
at 1:00 p.m.,  Eastern  Time,  at The Sheraton  Springfield  Hotel,  One Monarch
Place, Springfield, Massachusetts, and at any adjournment thereof, in the manner
directed  herein  with  respect  to the  matters  described  in the  notice  and
accompanying proxy statement for said meeting.  The Directors recommend that you
vote "FOR" each of the proposals.  As to any other matter, or if any nominee for
the office of Trustee is not available for election,  said proxies shall vote in
accordance with their best judgment.

|  ENVELOPE.                                                                   |
|Please  sign  this proxy  exactly  as  your  name  appears on the books of the|
|Fund.  Joint  owners  should  each  sign  personally.   Trustees   and   other|
|fiduciaries  should  indicate  the  capacity  in  which  they   sign.   If   a|
|corporation or partnership, signature should  be that of an authorized officer|
|who should state his or her title.                                            |


- -----------------------------------     ----------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------     ----------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------     ----------------------------------------

- --   AS IN THIS EXAMPLE                                                                                                    For All
         ____________________________________                  1.   Election of Trustees                For All    With-   Nominees
                                                                                                        Nominees   hold     Except
              CIGNA HIGH INCOME SHARES                                 (01) Mr. Beath  (03) Mr. R. Jones     __       __        __
         ____________________________________                          (02) Mr. Forde  (04) Mr. T. Jones    |__|     |__|      |__|
                                                                                       (05) Mr. McDonald
This proxy will be voted as specified.  If you simply sign
the proxy, it will be voted for proposal 1 and proposal 2.
In their discretion, the proxies will also be authorized to         If you do not wish your shares voted "For" a particular nominee,
vote upon such other matters that may properly come before          mark the "For All Nominees Except" box and strike a line through
the meeting.                                                        the name(s) of the nominee(s).  Your shares will be voted for
                                                                    the remaining nominee(s).
                                                                                                         For     Against   Abstain
                                                               2.   Ratification of the selection of      __       __         __
                                                                    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as        |__|     |__|       |__|
                                                                    independent accountants for the
                                                                    Fund for fiscal year 2000.

                                                               3.   In their discretion upon such other matters as may properly come
                                                                    before the meeting.


                                                   |---------------------------|                                                __
    Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy     |Date                       |      Mark box at right if an address has been |__|
|--------------------------------------------------|---------------------------|      noted on the reverse of this card.
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|---Shareholder sign here------------------------Co-owner sign here------------|      RECORD DATE SHARES: