
                                                   EXECUTION COPY

                         FIFTH AMENDMENT dated as of July 17,
                    1995 (this "Amendment"), to the Credit
                    Agreement dated as of October 27, 1989, as
                    previously amended through the Fourth
                    Amendment, Consent and Limited Waiver thereto
                    dated as of November 23, 1994 (as heretofore
                    amended, the "Existing Credit Agreement"),
                    among P.T. FREEPORT INDONESIA COMPANY, a
                    limited liability company organized under the
                    laws of Indonesia and also domesticated in
                    Delaware ("FI"), FREEPORT-McMoRAN COPPER &
                    GOLD INC., a Delaware corporation ("FCX"),
                    FREEPORT-McMoRan INC., a Delaware corporation
                    ("FTX"; FI, FCX and FTX being, collectively,
                    the "Transaction Parties"), the undersigned
                    banks (collectively, the "Lenders"), FIRST
                    successor to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of
                    New York), acting as trustee for the Banks
                    (as herein defined) under the FI Trust
                    Agreement (in such capacity, the "FI
                    Trustee") and, acting in the capacity of FI
                    Trustee, as security agent for the Banks
                    under the FI Security Documents (as herein
                    defined), for purposes of Article VIII of the
                    Amended Credit Agreement (as herein defined)
                    only, CHEMICAL BANK, as agent for the Banks
                    under the Existing Credit Agreement (in such
                    capacity, the "Agent"), CHEMICAL BANK, as
                    Administrative Agent for the Banks under the
                    Amended Credit Agreement (in such capacity,
                    the "Administrative Agent"), and as FCX
                    collateral agent for the Banks (in such
                    capacity, the "FCX Collateral Agent") under
                    the FCX Collateral Agreement referred to
                    below, and THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL
                    ASSOCIATION) ("Chase"), as documentary agent
                    for the Banks under the Amended Credit
                    Agreement (the "Documentary Agent"; the
                    Administrative Agent, the FCX Collateral
                    Agent and the Documentary Agent being
                    referred to herein as the "Agents").

               The Transaction Parties, certain of the Lenders,
     the FI Trustee and the Agent are parties to the Existing
     Credit Agreement.  The Transaction Parties have advised the
     other parties hereto that FTX intends to distribute to its
     shareholders all shares of FCX owned by it, thereby leaving
     FTX as a holding company for FRP, and FCX as the publicly
     held holding company for FI (such distribution, to be on a
     generally tax-free basis (with exceptions approved by the
     Administrative Agent), together with arrangements required
     or effectuated in connection with such distribution (and the
     RTZ Stock Purchase Agreement referred to in the FCX Credit
     Agreement defined below) with respect to existing
     contractual agreements and indebtedness of FTX, FRP, FCX and
     FI, all on terms approved by the Banks (including all tax,
     accounting, corporate and partnership matters) being
     referred to herein as the "Restructuring").

               The Transaction Parties wish to amend the Existing
     Credit Agreement to provide, among other things, for
     (i) deletion of provisions relating to FTX and FRP and other
     modifications to provide to FI the benefit of the modified
     covenants and agreements which the Banks are providing to FI
     pursuant to a new $200 million credit agreement (the "FCX
     Credit Agreement") dated as of June 30, 1995, among FI, FCX,
     the banks party thereto, First Trust of New York, National
     Association, Chemical Bank, as Administrative Agent and FCX
     Collateral Agent and The Chase Manhattan Bank (National
     Association), as Documentary Agent (the Existing Credit
     Agreement as amended by Section 3 of this Amendment being
     the "Amended Credit Agreement"), (ii) the termination of the
     Commitments of certain of the Lenders which are presently
     parties to the Existing Credit Agreement (the "Departing
     Banks") and their withdrawal as parties to the Amended
     Credit Agreement, (iii) the Lenders listed on the signature
     pages hereto under the caption "Additional Banks" to become
     "Banks" for all purposes under the Amended Credit Agreement
     with the Commitments set forth on Schedule II hereto next to
     their names, (iv) the Lenders which are presently party to
     the Existing Credit Agreement but which are not Departing
     Banks (the "Continuing Banks") to continue to be "Banks"
     under the Amended Credit Agreement but with their
     Commitments modified to be the Commitments listed on
     Schedule II hereto next to their names (for purposes of this
     Amendment and the Amended Credit Agreement, the term "Banks"
     shall mean the Additional Banks and the Continuing Banks),
     (v) the division of the existing role of Agent into separate
     roles of Administrative Agent (with Chemical Bank to become
     the Administrative Agent) and Documentary Agent (with Chase
     becoming the Documentary Agent), each with the respective
     responsibilities and roles set forth in Article VIII of the
     Amended Credit Agreement, (vi) the release of FTX's
     guarantee of the borrowings of FI under the Existing Credit
     Agreement, with FTX ceasing to be a party to the Amended
     Credit Agreement, (vii) the pledge by FCX of the shares of
     FI owned by it to secure its guarantee of FI's borrowings
     under the Amended Credit Agreement and borrowings by FCX or
     FI under the FCX Credit Agreement pursuant to the FCX Pledge
     Agreement, (viii) certain changes in the interest rates
     payable on the Loans to those set forth on Schedule I hereto
     and administrative procedures for the Loans as provided in
     the Amended Credit Agreement and (ix) certain other changes
     to the terms and conditions of the Existing Credit
     Agreement, including the representations and warranties and
     covenants provided therein, to reflect the Restructuring and
     the amendments referred to above and certain other
     arrangements between the Transaction Parties and the Banks.

               In order to accomplish such amendments, the
     Transaction Parties, the Lenders and the Agent have
     determined that certain amendments to the Existing Credit
     Agreement are required.  Accordingly, the Transaction
     Parties, the Lenders, the FI Trustee, Chemical Bank (as
     Agent, Administrative Agent and FCX Collateral Agent)and
     Chase (as Documentary Agent) agree as follows:

               SECTION 1.  Defined Terms, etc.  Capitalized terms
     used but not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned
     to such terms in Section 1.1 of the Amended Credit
     Agreement.  Unless otherwise stated, Section, Article,
     Exhibit and Schedule references made herein are to Sections,
     Articles, Exhibits and Schedules, as the case may be, of
     this Amendment.

               SECTION 2.  Amendment Closing, Amendment Closing
     Date; Termination.  (a)  The transactions provided for in
     Sections 3 and 4 shall be consummated at a closing (the
     "Amendment Closing") to be held on the Fifth Amendment
     Closing Date (as defined herein) at the offices of Cravath,
     Swaine & Moore, New York, New York, and/or at such other
     time and place as the parties shall agree.

               (b)  The "Fifth Amendment Closing Date" shall be
          the date as of which all the conditions set forth in
          Section 6 shall have been satisfied.

               (c)  Notwithstanding anything herein to the
     contrary, this Amendment shall terminate and be of no force
     or effect if the Amendment Closing shall not have occurred
     on or prior to September 30, 1995.  In the event of such
     termination, the Existing Credit Agreement shall continue in
     full force as in effect on the date hereof.

               (d)  Without limitation of Section 3(a)(21), and
     in addition thereto, the Continuing Banks and the Additional
     Banks shall also be entitled to receive a Commitment Fee on
     the entire amount of their Commitment set forth on
     Schedule I hereto for the period commencing with June 30,
     1995, until the earlier of (i) the Fifth Amendment Closing
     Date and (ii) the date the Commitments of the Continuing
     Banks and the Additional Banks are terminated.

               SECTION 3.  Amendment of the Existing Credit
     Agreement; Change of Agents.  (a) Effective as of the Fifth 
     Amendment Closing Date, the Existing Credit Agreement
     (including the exhibits and schedules thereto) shall be
     amended as follows:

               (1)  All capitalized terms used in the Amended
          Credit Agreement but not separately defined in this
          Amendment which are defined in the FCX Credit Agreement
          shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
          FCX Credit Agreement and shall be deemed added to the
          Amended Credit Agreement and all capitalized terms
          defined in the Existing Credit Agreement which have
          been differently defined in the FCX Credit Agreement,
          shall be replaced with definitions from, or referring
          to, the FCX Credit Agreement, in each such case
          modified if and as appropriate such that references
          therein are correct (e.g., references to the FI Credit
          Agreement shall, as used in the Amended Credit
          Agreement, instead where appropriate be deemed to be
          references to the FCX Credit Agreement, references to
          the Closing Date, and the FCX Funding Date shall be
          replaced by references to the "Fifth Amendment Closing
          Date" and references to the "FI Funding Date" shall not
          be added to the Amended Credit Agreement).  All terms
          defined in the Existing Credit Agreement but no longer
          used in the Amended Credit Agreement shall be deleted. 
          Exhibits and Schedules to the Existing Credit Agreement
          shall be replaced in accordance with the foregoing.

               (2)  All references to "FTX" shall be replaced by
          "FCX" except in such instances where such replacement
          would be duplicative, in which case "FTX" shall be
          deleted.  All references to FRP shall be deleted.  

               (3)  All references to "Permitted Secured Swap"
          shall be replaced by "Permitted Secured Hedge",
          references to the Closing Date, and references to the
          FCX Funding Date and to the Amendment Closing Date
          shall be replaced by references to the "Fifth Amendment
          Closing Date" and references to the "FI Funding Date"
          shall not be added to the Amended Credit Agreement.

               (4)  Any reference to "Borrowers" or a "Borrower"
          in any section incorporated by reference from the FCX
          Credit Agreement shall be deemed, if such reference is
          to the Person who is a borrower under the Amended
          Credit Agreement, to be a reference to FI as the sole
          Borrower under the Amended Credit Agreement or, if such
          reference is to FCX and/or FI in some other capacity,
          to be a reference to FCX and FI, or to FCX or FI, as
          the case may be.

               (5)  All references to "Guarantor" or "Guarantors"
          shall be deemed to be references to FCX.

               (6)  All references to any "Major Subsidiary" or
          to "Major Subsidiaries" shall be deemed to be
          references to FI.

               (7)  All provisions relating to CD Rate Loans and
          the related CD pricing shall be eliminated.

               (8)  The following definitions shall be added to
          Section 1.1 in the appropriate alphabetical location:

          "FCX Agent" means Chemical as administrative agent for
          the FCX Lenders under the FCX Credit Agreement.

          "FCX Agreement Notes" means the promissory notes of FCX
          issued to the FCX Lenders pursuant to the FCX Credit

          "FCX Credit Agreement" means the Credit Agreement dated
          as of June 30, 1995, among FI, FCX, the FCX Lenders,
          the FI Trustee, the FCX Agent and the Documentary
          Agent, as the same may be amended and in effect from
          time to time.

          "FCX Credit Agreement Loan" means any loan made by the
          FCX Lenders pursuant to the FCX Credit Agreement.

          "FCX Credit Agreement Loan Exposure" means the
          aggregate amount of unpaid principal of all FCX Credit
          Agreement Loans made by the FCX Lenders.

          "FCX Credit Agreement Total Commitment" means
          $200,000,000, the committed amount under the FCX Credit
          Agreement, as the same may be permanently terminated or
          reduced from time to time.

          "FCX Credit Event" means the making of an FCX Credit
          Agreement Loan.

          "FCX Lenders" means the banks party to the FCX Credit

          "Fifth Amendment" means the Fifth Amendment hereto
          dated as of the Fifth Amendment Closing Date.

          "Fifth Amendment Closing Date" has the meaning assigned
          such term in Section 2(b) of the Fifth Amendment.

          References throughout the Credit Agreement to the FTX
          Credit Agreement and related terms shall be replaced
          with references to the FCX Credit Agreement.

               (9)  Section 1.2 shall be amended by adding the
          following sentence at the end of such section:

          "In the event any change in GAAP materially affects any
          provisions of this Agreement, the Banks, FCX and FI
          agree that they shall negotiate in good faith in order
          to amend the affected provisions in such a way as will
          restore the parties to their respective positions prior
          to such change, and until such amendment becomes
          effective FCX's and FI's compliance with such
          provisions shall be determined on the basis of GAAP as
          in effect immediately before such change in GAAP became

               (10)  Section 1.3 shall be amended by adding the
          last three sentences of Section 1.3 of the FCX Credit
          Agreement to the end thereof.  

               (11)  Article II shall be amended by incorporation
          of Article II of the FCX Credit Agreement by reference.

               (12)  Section 3.2 shall be amended by
          (i) replacing "during the Commitment Period" with
          "until the earlier of the Maturity Date and the
          termination of the Commitment of such Bank in
          accordance with the terms hereof"; (ii) deleting the
          words "Unused Net Commitment Amount" and inserting in
          its place the words "then effective unused Total
          Commitment"; and (iii) deleting the proviso in its
          entirety and by inserting in its place the proviso from
          Section 3.1 of the FCX Credit Agreement.

               (13)  Section 3.3(a) shall be amended by inserting
          "(i)" after the words "shall be" in the second line
          thereof and inserting the words "or (ii) equal to the
          remaining available balance of the applicable
          Commitments" after the word "$1,000,000" in the first
          sentence thereof.

               (14)  Section 3.3(c) shall be amended by deleting
          the penultimate sentence thereof and inserting in its
          place the penultimate sentence of Section 3.2(c) of the
          FCX Credit Agreement.

               (15)  Section 3.4(a) shall be amended by adding
          the words "(which shall not end after the Maturity
          Date)" after the words "Interest Periods" in clause (3)

               (16)  Section 3.4(b) shall be amended by
          incorporating by reference at the end thereof the
          second sentence of Section 3.3(b) of the FCX Credit
          Agreement except that the references therein to
          Section 3.3 shall be to Section 3.4.

               (17)  Section 3.4(c) shall be amended by deleting
          the words "(each as defined in the FTX Credit
          Agreement) of any FTX Lender being outstanding under
          the Corporate Group Facility at any one time" and
          inserting in its place the words "of any Bank".

               (18)  Section 3.5(b) shall be amended by adding
          before the first sentence thereof the first sentence of
          Section 3.4(b) of the FCX Credit Agreement.

               (19)  Section 3.5 shall be amended by inserting as
          new clauses (c) and (d) thereof clauses (c) and (d) of
          Section 3.4 of the FCX Credit Agreement, except that
          the references therein to Section 3.4 shall be to
          Section 3.5.

               (20)  Section 3.6 shall be amended by (i) adding
          in the parenthetical after the words "as the case may
          be" in clause (a) thereof the words ", when determined
          by reference to the Prime Rate, and over a year of 360
          days at all other times", (ii) inserting the words "The
          Applicable Reference Rate and" at the beginning of the
          second sentence of clause (c) thereof and
          (iii) deleting clauses (b) and (d) thereof and re-
          lettering the remaining clauses accordingly.

               (21)  Section 3.7(a) shall be amended by replacing
          the words after "1% per annum" with the following:  ",
          (ii) with respect to any quarter after the Amendment
          Closing Date until the Fifth Amendment Closing Date,
          the amount set forth in and pursuant to (and not in
          duplication of) Section 3.7(a) of the FTX Credit
          Agreement and (iii) commencing on the Fifth Amendment
          Closing Date, the rate set forth in Schedule I to the
          FCX Credit Agreement".  Section 3.7(d) shall be

               (22)  Clause (ii) of the second proviso to
          Section 3.8(a) and the words "the lesser of (i)" in
          such proviso shall be deleted.  Section 3.8 (b) shall
          be deleted.

               (23)  Section 3.9(a) shall be amended by deleting
          the words "scheduled maturity date" in clause (i)
          thereof and inserting in its place the words "last date
          of the Interest Period then in effect".  Section 3.9(c)
          shall be deleted.

               (24)  Section 3.10(b) shall be amended by
          (i) deleting the words "FI shall from time to time" and
          inserting in its place the following words:

          "In the event of any termination of the Commitments, FI
          shall repay or prepay all its outstanding Loans on the
          date of such termination.  On the date of any partial
          reduction of the Commitments pursuant to Section 3.8,
          FI shall",

          and (ii) deleting clause (i) thereof and (iii)
          replacing the words in former clause (ii) after "then
          in effect" with "immediately following such reduction".

               (25)  Section 3.10(c) shall be amended by deleting
          the following words:
          "Not later than 90 days after each reduction in the
          amount of the Borrowing Base as a result of any
          redetermination of the Borrowing Base Factors pursuant
          to Article II of the FCX Credit Agreement, FI shall
          prepay the outstanding Loans in such amount as may be
          necessary so that"

          and inserting in its place the following words:

          "If required by Section 2.4, FI shall repay the
          outstanding Loans in such amount as may be necessary so
          that, no later than the relevant date required by
          Section 2.4 for compliance with Sections 3.2 and

               (26)  Sections 3.12(b) through 3.12(e) shall be
          replaced with Sections 3.11(b) through 3.11(e) of the
          FCX Credit Agreement except that (i) the references
          therein to Section 3.17 shall be to Section 3.18 and
          (ii) references to the Amendment Closing Date shall be
          deemed references to the Fifth Amendment Closing Date. 

               (27)  Sections 3.13 and 3.14 shall be replaced
          with Sections 3.12 and 3.13 of the FCX Credit Agreement
          except that the references therein to the Closing Date
          shall be deemed references to the Fifth Amendment
          Closing Date, and the references to Sections 3.9 and
          3.12 shall be deemed references to Sections 3.10 and

               (28)  Section 3.15 shall be amended by adding the
          words "(or, if such Commitments shall have expired or
          been terminated, in accordance with the respective
          principal amounts of their outstanding Loans)" at the
          end of the first sentence thereof.

               (29)  Section 3.16 shall be replaced with
          Section 3.15 of the FCX Agreement with appropriate
          changes in cross-references.

               (30)  Section 3.17 shall be amended by replacing 
          clauses (c) and (d) thereof with clauses (c) and (d) of
          Section 3.16 of the FCX Credit Agreement.

               (31)  Sections 3.18 and Sections 3.19 shall be
          replaced with Sections 3.17 and 3.18, respectively, of
          the FCX Credit Agreement, with appropriate changes in
          the cross references.

               (32)  Clause (i) to the lead-in to Article IV
          shall be deleted and the clauses re-numbered

               (33)  References to the Pledge Agreement and the
          Security Agreement in Article IV, (for example, at the
          end of Section 4.1(b)) shall be replaced with
          references to the FCX Pledge Agreements.

               (34)  Section 4.1(e) is deleted in its entirety
          and shall be replaced by Section 4.1(e) of the FCX
          Credit Agreement in its entirety.

               (35)  Section 4.1(f) shall be amended (i) by
          deleting the word "1992" in the first line of
          clause (i) thereof and inserting in its place the word
          "1994" and by inserting the words "Fifth" before the
          words "Amendment Closing Date" and (ii) by replacing
          the words after "could" in the first sentence of
          clause (ii) of Section 4.1(f) with the words "result in
          a Material Adverse Effect".

               (36)  Section 4.1(h) shall be amended by deleting
          clauses (iii) and (iv) thereof in their entirety and in
          their place inserting clauses (iii) and (iv) of
          Section 4.1(h) of the FCX Credit Agreement.

               (37)  Sections 4.1(i) through (q) are deleted in
          their entirety and shall be replaced by Sections 4.1(i)
          through (q) of the FCX Credit Agreement in their

               (38)  Article V is deleted and Article V of the
          FCX Credit Agreement is incorporated by reference in
          its entirety, with references to the "FI Funding Date"
          in the incorporated Article being replaced with the
          "Fifth Amendment Closing Date".

               (39)  Article VII is deleted and Article VII of
          the FCX Credit Agreement is incorporated by reference
          in its entirety.

               (40)  Article VIII is deleted and Article VIII of
          the FCX Credit Agreement is incorporated by reference
          in its entirety.

               (41)  Article IX is deleted and Article IX of the
          FCX Agreement is incorporated by reference in its

               (42)  Sections 10.3, 10.4 and 10.7(b) shall be
          replaced with Sections 10.3, 10.4 and 10.7(b) of the
          FCX Agreement, with appropriate changes in the cross-
          references, with references to the "Closing Date" being
          replaced with the "Fifth Amendment Closing Date".

               (43)  Section 10.12 shall be renumbered as Section
          10.18 and Sections 10.13 through 10.17 shall be
          renumbered accordingly.

               (44)  Section 10.17 of the FCX Credit Agreement
          shall be incorporated by reference.

               (45)  Schedules I and II shall be replaced by
          Schedules I and II hereto.

               (b)  By their execution and delivery of this
     Amendment, the parties hereto agree that the single role of
     Agent shall be divided as of the Fifth Amendment Closing
     Date into separate roles of Administrative Agent and
     Documentary Agent and that Chemical Bank is hereby appointed
     by the Banks as of the Fifth Amendment Closing Date as the
     Administrative Agent and Chase is hereby appointed by the
     Banks as of the Fifth Amendment Closing Date as the
     Documentary Agent, each as contemplated by Article VIII of
     the Amended Credit Agreement.  References to the Agent
     throughout the Credit Agreement shall be amended to conform
     to the references to the Agents under the FCX Credit
     Agreement.  Chemical Bank shall continue to be entitled to
     all the fees, immunities, indemnities and protection
     provided to it as Agent under the Existing Credit Agreement,
     including without limitation Article VIII and Section 10.4
     thereof, for the period up to the Fifth Amendment Closing
     Date, including in respect of any actions taken or omitted
     to be taken while acting as Agent.  Chemical Bank is also
     hereby appointed by the Banks as of the Fifth Amendment
     Closing Date as FCX Collateral Agent under the FCX Pledge

               SECTION 4.  Delivery of Notes; Assignments.

               (a)  At the Amendment Closing, the Continuing
     Banks and the Departing Banks shall deliver to the
     Administrative Agent, for delivery to and cancellation by
     FI, all promissory notes issued by FI under the Existing
     Credit Agreement and then held by them (collectively, the
     "Old Notes").  FI shall execute and deliver to the
     Administrative Agent for the account of each Bank the
     Promissory Note that such Bank is entitled to receive
     pursuant to Section 3.4 of the Amended Credit Agreement, in
     the form set forth as Exhibit A hereto (the "New Notes"),
     and the schedules attached to such New Notes shall reflect
     the Loans outstanding as of the Fifth Amendment Closing
     Date, subject to the arrangements provided in this
     Section 4.  Upon the Amendment Closing, the Administrative
     Agent shall release and deliver the Old Notes to FI for
     cancellation and shall deliver the New Notes to the
     Continuing Banks and the Additional Banks.  In the event all
     or a portion of an Old Note held by a Continuing Bank or a
     Departing Bank has been lost or destroyed, such Lender may
     deliver, in lieu of such Old Note, an indemnity agreement
     relating to such Old Note in a form reasonably satisfactory
     to FI.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the failure of any
     Lender to deliver any Old Notes shall not prohibit or delay
     the closing on the Fifth Amendment Closing Date, unless FI
     shall so notify such Lender.

               (b)  Effective as of the Amendment Closing,
     (i) the Additional Banks shall become "Banks" for all
     purposes under the Amended Credit Agreement with the
     Commitments set forth on Schedule II hereto next to their
     names and (ii) the Departing Banks shall cease to be Banks
     for all purposes under the Amended Credit Agreement and the
     Commitments (as defined in the Existing Credit Agreement) of
     such Departing Banks shall be terminated.  Notwithstanding
     such termination and the other amendments effected by this
     Amendment, the Departing Banks shall continue to be entitled
     to the protection of Sections 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.18,
     3.19 and 10.5 of the Existing Credit Agreement and to any
     fees to which they are entitled pursuant to Section 3.7 of
     the Existing Credit Agreement up to, but not including, the
     Fifth Amendment Closing Date.

               (c)  Effective as of the Amendment Closing and by
     its execution hereof, each Departing Bank and each
     Continuing Bank with a Commitment under the Amended Credit
     Agreement that is less than its Commitment under the
     Existing Credit Agreement (each a "Decreasing Bank") hereby
     assigns to the Additional Banks and the Continuing Banks
     with respective Commitments under the Amended Credit
     Agreement that are greater than such Continuing Banks'
     respective Commitments under the Existing Credit Agreement
     (each an "Increasing Bank"), and, effective as of the
     Amendment Closing and by its execution hereof, each
     Additional Bank and Increasing Bank hereby purchases from
     the Departing Banks and the Decreasing Banks at the
     principal amount thereof, such interests in the Loans that
     are outstanding on the Fifth Amendment Closing Date under
     the Existing Credit Agreement and will continue to be
     outstanding as Loans under the Amended Credit Agreement
     ("Continuing Loans") as shall be necessary in order that,
     after giving effect to all such assignments and purchases,
     such Continuing Loans will be held by the Additional Banks
     and the Continuing Banks ratably in accordance with their
     respective Commitments under the Amended Credit Agreement. 
     Such assignments, purchases and acceptances shall be without
     recourse or representation, except that each Departing Bank
     and Decreasing Bank shall be deemed to have represented to
     each Additional Bank and Increasing Bank that it is the
     legal and beneficial owner of the interests assigned by it
     free and clear of any adverse claims arising by, through or
     under it.

               (d)  On the Fifth Amendment Closing Date, (i) each
     Additional Bank and Increasing Bank shall pay the purchase
     price for the interests purchased by it pursuant to
     paragraph (c) of this Section 4 by wire transfer of
     immediately available funds to the Administrative Agent not
     later than 12:00 noon (New York time) and (ii) the
     Administrative Agent shall pay to each Departing Bank and
     Decreasing Bank out of the amounts received by the
     Administrative Agent pursuant to clause (i) of this
     paragraph (d), the purchase price for the interests assigned
     by it pursuant to such paragraph (c) by wire transfer of
     immediately available funds no later than 3:00 p.m. (New
     York time).  In addition, on the Fifth Amendment Closing
     Date, FI shall pay interest on each Loan outstanding (at the
     rate applicable to such Loan) for the period from the date
     of the last interest payment on such Loan to but not
     including the Fifth Amendment Closing Date.  FI shall pay
     such interest by wire transfer of immediately available
     funds to the Administrative Agent not later than 11:00 a.m.
     (New York time) and the Administrative Agent shall pay the
     applicable Continuing Bank or Departing Bank, out of the
     amount so received from FI, such interest by wire transfer
     of immediately available funds no later than 3:00 p.m. (New
     York time).  The interest payable on each Continuing Loan on
     the next Interest Payment Date therefor occurring after the
     Fifth Amendment Closing Date shall be decreased by the
     amount of interest paid on such Continuing Loan pursuant to
     this Section 4(d).

               (e)  FI hereby consents to the assignments and
     purchases provided for in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
     Section 4, and agrees that each Increasing Bank shall have
     all the rights of a Bank under the Amended Credit Agreement
     with respect to the interests in the Loans purchased by it
     pursuant to such paragraphs.  In the event that interests in
     any LIBO Rate Loan shall be assigned pursuant to
     paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Section 4 prior to the last
     day of the Interest Period for such Loan, each Departing
     Bank and Decreasing Bank that shall have assigned a portion
     of such Loan shall be deemed to have the same rights under
     Section 3.14 of the Amended Credit Agreement as it would
     have if the portion it assigned had been prepaid and each
     Additional Bank and Increasing Bank so purchasing a LIBO
     Rate Loan shall be entitled to receive reimbursement from FI
     for any loss or expense which such Additional Bank or
     Increasing Bank sustains or incurs as a result of making
     such Continuing Loan as of the Fifth Amendment Closing Date
     rather than on the first day of the current Interest Period
     for such Continuing Loan (it being understood that such loss
     or expense shall be payable for the period commencing with
     the Fifth Amendment Closing Date and ending with the next
     Interest Payment Date for such Continuing Loan).  Each
     Additional Bank, Decreasing Bank or Increasing Bank claiming
     compensation for any such loss or expense shall make such
     request for reimbursement pursuant to the same procedures
     provided in Section 3.13 of the Amended Credit Agreement for
     claiming of breakage amounts.

               SECTION 5.  Representations and Warranties.  As of
     the Fifth Amendment Closing Date(i) FTX represents and
     warrants with respect to itself only, (ii) FCX and FI
     jointly and severally represent and warrant with respect to
     FI and (iii) FCX represents and warrants with respect to
     itself, in each case to each Lender, the FI Trustee, the
     Agent and the Agents, as follows:

               (a)  The representations and warranties by such
     Transaction Party (other than FTX) set forth in Article IV
     of the Amended Credit Agreement and in each other Loan
     Document entered into on the Fifth Amendment Closing Date
     are true and correct in all material respects as if made on
     and as of the Fifth Amendment Closing Date.

               (b)  FCX and FI are in compliance with all the
     terms and conditions of the Amended Credit Agreement and the
     other Loan Documents, and no Default or Event of Default
     (each as defined in the Amended Credit Agreement) has
     occurred or is continuing, and each Transaction Party is in
     compliance with all the terms and conditions of the Existing
     Credit Agreement and no Default or Event of Default (each as
     defined in the Existing Credit Agreement) has occurred and
     is continuing.

               (c)  Each of the Transaction Parties has the
     corporate power and authority to enter into and perform this
     Amendment.  The execution, delivery and performance of this
     Amendment has been duly authorized by each Transaction Party
     and constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of
     such Transaction Party, enforceable against such Transaction
     Party in accordance with its terms, (ii) will not violate
     (A) the Certificate of Incorporation, the Certificate of
     Domestication or the Indonesian Articles of Association, as
     applicable, or the By-laws of such Transaction Party,
     (B) any Governmental Rule binding upon such Transaction
     Party or (C) any provision of any indenture, agreement or
     other instrument to which such Transaction Party is a party
     or by which it or any of its properties or assets are or may
     be bound, (iii) will not be in conflict with, result in a
     breach of or constitute (alone or with notice or lapse of
     time or both) a default under any such indenture, agreement
     or other instrument referred to in clause (ii)(C) above and
     (iv) will not result in the creation or imposition of any
     Lien upon any Transaction Party, except for the liens of the
     FCX Pledge Agreement and the FI Security Documents.

               SECTION 6.  Conditions to Closing.  The
     consummation of the transactions set forth in Sections 3 and
     4 shall be subject to the satisfaction, or the waiver by
     each Bank, of the following conditions precedent:

               (a)  Each Bank shall have received the following:

                    (i) a copy of the Certificate of
               Domestication of FI as in effect on the Fifth
               Amendment Closing Date certified by the Secretary
               of State of the State of Delaware (as of a date
               reasonably near the Fifth Amendment Closing Date)
               as being a true and correct copy of such documents
               on file in his office;

                   (ii) the signed Certificate of the Secretary
               of State of the State of Delaware, in regular form
               (dated reasonably near the Fifth Amendment Closing
               Date), listing the Certificate of Domestication of
               FI as in effect on the Fifth Amendment Closing
               Date on file in his office and stating that such
               documents are the only charter documents of FI on
               file in his office, that FI is duly domesticated
               and in good standing in the State of Delaware, and
               has filed all franchise tax returns and has paid
               all franchise taxes required by law to be filed
               and paid by FI to the date of his Certificate;

                  (iii) a copy of the Indonesian Articles of
               Association of FI and any amendments thereto as in
               effect on the Fifth Amendment Closing Date;

                   (iv) the signed Certificate of the Secretary
               or an Assistant Secretary of FI, dated the Fifth
               Amendment Closing Date and certifying, among other
               things, (A) a true and correct copy of resolutions
               adopted by the Board of Directors of FI and
               concurred in by the Board of Commissioners of FI
               authorizing the making and performance of this
               Amendment and the Amended Credit Agreement and the
               other Loan Documents to which FI is or is to be a
               party and the issuance by FI of the New Notes and
               the borrowings by FI under the Amended Credit
               Agreement, and that such resolutions have not been
               modified, rescinded or amended and are in full
               force and effect, (B) true and correct copies of
               the Indonesian Articles of Association and the By-
               laws of FI as in effect on the Fifth Amendment
               Closing Date and at all times since a date prior
               to the date of the resolutions described in
               (A) above, (C) that the Certificate of
               Domestication of FI has not been amended since the
               date of the last amendment, shown on the
               certificate referred to in (ii) above, and (D) the
               incumbency and specimen signatures of officers of
               FI executing the foregoing documents and any other
               documents delivered to the Lenders in connection
               with the Fifth Amendment Closing Date;

                   (v) the signed opinion of (A) the General
               Counsel of FCX substantially in the form of
               Exhibit J to the FCX Credit Agreement, but with
               respect to this Agreement and the Amended Credit
               Agreement, (B) Davis Polk & Wardwell, special New
               York counsel for FI, substantially in the form of
               Exhibit K to the FCX Credit Agreement, but with
               respect to this Agreement and the Amended Credit
               Agreement, (C) Liskow & Lewis, special Louisiana
               counsel for  FI, substantially in the form of
               Exhibit L to the FCX Credit Agreement, but with
               respect to this Agreement and the Amended Credit
               Agreement, (D) Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho
               Reksodiputro, special Indonesian counsel for FI,
               substantially in the form of Exhibit M to the FCX
               Credit Agreement, but with respect to this
               Agreement and the Amended Credit Agreement, and
               (E) Mochtar, Karuwin & Komar, special Indonesian
               counsel for the Agent, substantially in the form
               of Exhibit N to the FCX Credit Agreement, but with
               respect to this Agreement and the Amended Credit
               Agreement, in each case dated the Fifth Amendment
               Closing Date and satisfactory to Cravath, Swaine &
               Moore, special counsel for the Agents, or such
               other opinions of counsel as may be satisfactory
               to Cravath, Swaine & Moore; 

                   (vi) signed Certificates of the Secretary of
               State of the State of Delaware with respect to 
               FCX, dated reasonably near the Fifth Amendment
               Closing Date, listing FCX's Certificate of
               Incorporation as in effect on the Fifth Amendment
               Closing Date on file in his office and stating
               that such documents are the only charter documents
               of FCX on file in his office, that FCX is duly
               incorporated and in good standing in the State of
               Delaware, and has filed all franchise tax returns
               and has paid all franchise taxes required by law
               to be filed and paid by FCX to the date of his

                   (vii) a signed Certificate of the Secretary or
               an Assistant Secretary of FCX, dated the Fifth
               Amendment Closing Date and certifying, among other
               things, (A) a true and correct copy of resolutions
               adopted by the Board of Directors of FCX
               authorizing the making and performance of this
               Amendment and the continued performance by it of
               the Amended Credit Agreement, the continued
               guarantee by it of the borrowings by FI under the
               Amended Credit Agreement and the execution and
               delivery of the FCX Pledge Agreement and the
               pledge by it of the shares of FI held by it
               pursuant thereto, and that such resolutions have
               not been modified, rescinded or amended and are in
               full force and effect, (B) a true and correct copy
               of the Certificate of Incorporation and the By-
               laws of FCX as in effect on the Fifth Amendment
               Closing Date and at all times since a date prior
               to the date of the resolutions described in (A)
               above, (C) that the Certificate of Incorporation
               of FCX has not been amended since the date of the
               last amendment shown on the Certificate with
               respect to FCX referred to in (vi) above, and (D)
               the incumbency and specimen signatures of officers
               of FCX executing the foregoing documents and any
               other documents delivered to the Banks in
               connection with the Amendment Closing;

                 (viii) the signed Certificate of a Responsible
               Officer of each of FCX and FI dated the Fifth
               Amendment Closing Date and certifying that each
               representation and warranty made by FCX or FI, as
               applicable, in this Amendment is true and correct
               and no Default or Event of Default (under either
               the Existing Credit Agreement or the Amended
               Credit Agreement) shall have occurred and be
               continuing; and

                   (ix) such other instruments and documents as
               the Agents or any Bank may reasonably request in
               connection with the Amendment Closing.

               (b) FI shall have paid on the Fifth Amendment
          Closing Date (i) to the Agent, for the account of the
          Agent, the Agency Fee due under the Existing Credit
          Agreement on such date in an aggregate amount to be
          agreed upon by FTX and the Agent, (ii) to the Departing
          Banks, the fees to which they are entitled under the
          last sentence of Section 4(b) and (iii) to the Lenders
          entitled thereto, the amounts referred to in
          Section 2(d) and in the penultimate sentence of
          Section 4(d) and in 4(e).

               (c) All amounts payable under Section 4(d)(i)
          shall have been received by the Administrative Agent.

               (d) Each Bank shall have received a New Note of FI
          duly executed by FI payable to its order and otherwise
          complying with the provisions of Section 3.4 of the
          Amended Credit Agreement.

               (e) The consent of Bank Indonesia shall have been
          obtained and shall be in full force and effect. 

               (f) All other consents, approvals and agreements
          necessary or advisable in the judgment of the Agents or
          their counsel for consummation of the Restructuring and
          the Amendment Closing shall have been obtained and
          shall be in full force and effect and there shall not
          be any action, suit, litigation or other proceeding at
          law or in equity or by or before any court of any
          Governmental Authority pending which, in the judgment
          of the Agents or their counsel, is likely to restrain,
          prevent or impose materially adverse conditions upon
          the Restructuring or the Amendment Closing or the full
          and timely performance by the Transaction Parties of
          their obligations under the Loan Documents and in
          connection with the Restructuring. 

               (g) No judgment, order or decree shall be
          outstanding, and no action shall have been taken by any
          Governmental Authority, that, in the judgement of the
          Agents or their counsel, has or is likely to have the
          effect of restraining, preventing or imposing
          materially adverse conditions upon the Amendment
          Closing or the Restructuring, or the full and timely
          performance by the Transaction Parties of their
          obligations under the Loan Documents and in connection
          with the Restructuring.  

               (h) The Eighth Amendment to the FI Trust Agreement
          substantially in the form of Exhibit F-1 to the FCX
          Credit Agreement shall have been executed by the
          parties thereto and shall be in full force and effect,
          and a copy of such Amendment shall have been delivered
          to the Agent.  

               (i) An amended and restated instrument of power of
          attorney (Surat Kuasa), substantially in the form of
          Exhibit F-2 to the FCX Credit Agreement, shall have
          been executed and delivered by FI, and the
          Administrative Agent and the Documentary Agent shall
          have received evidence that all taxes and notary fees
          in connection therewith have been paid.

                    (j) An amended and restated Fiduciary Assignment
               substantially in the form of Exhibit F-3 to the FCX Credit
               Agreement and an amended and restated Fiduciary Transfer
               substantially in the form of Exhibit F-4, together with an
               amended and restated Fiduciary Power substantially in the
               form of Exhibit F-5, each shall have been executed and
               delivered by the respective parties thereto and the
               Administrative Agent and the Documentary Agent shall have
               received evidence that all taxes and notary fees in
               connection therewith have been paid.

                    (k) The FCX Pledge Agreements substantially in the
               forms of Exhibit E-1 and E-2 to the FCX Credit Agreement
               shall have been duly executed by the parties thereto and
               delivered to the FCX Collateral Agent and shall be in full
               force and effect, and all the outstanding capital stock of
               FI owned by FCX shall have been duly and validly pledged
               thereunder to the FCX Collateral Agent for the ratable
               benefit of the Banks, the holders of the B.V. Notes, the
               lenders under the FCX Credit Agreement and the beneficiaries
               of FCX Guaranty and certificates representing such stock,
               accompanied by instruments of transfer endorsed in blank,
               shall be in the actual possession of the FCX Collateral

                    (l)  The Restructuring shall have been completed on a
               generally tax-free basis (subject to exceptions approved by
               Administrative Agent and the Documentary Agent), including
               arrangements in connection with the Restructuring with
               respect to existing indebtedness of FTX, FRP, FCX and FI,
               all on substantially on the terms of Schedule VII to the FCX
               Credit Agreement or on terms otherwise satisfactory to the
               Banks (including all tax, accounting, corporate and
               partnership matters), and the Administrative Agent and the
               Documentary Agent shall have received satisfactory opinions
               of counsel with respect to the Restructuring, its tax status
               and related matters as they shall reasonably request.

                    (m)  Closing of a new $400,000,000 Chemical/Chase Bank
               credit facility for FRP and FTX and the satisfaction of the
               conditions to the initial credit event thereunder shall have
               occurred substantially simultaneously with the Amendment

                     (n)  Closing of the FCX Credit Agreement and the FCX
                Funding Date shall have occurred substantially
                simultaneously with the Amendment Closing. 

                    (o)  The Administrative Agent shall have received an
               environmental due diligence summary memorandum in form, scope
               and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Banks, from
               Cravath, Swaine & Moore as to certain environmental hazards,
               liabilities or Remedial Action to which FI or its
               Subsidiaries may be subject and the Banks shall be reasonably
               satisfied with the nature and cost of any such hazards,
               liabilities or Remedial Action and with FI's plans with
               respect thereto.
                    (p) Copies of this Amendment which, when taken together,
               bear the signatures of the parties hereto shall have been
               received by the Administrative Agent and the Documentary

                    (q) All legal matters incident to the Restructuring,
               this Amendment, the New Notes, the other Loan Documents and
               the borrowings under the Amended Credit Agreement shall be
               satisfactory to Cravath, Swaine & Moore, special counsel for
               the Agents.

                    SECTION 7.  Amendment; Waiver.  This Amendment may not
          be amended nor any provision hereof waived except pursuant to a
          writing signed by each Lender or as otherwise provided herein. 
          Any amendment or waiver of the provisions hereof pursuant to such
          a writing shall be binding upon each party hereto. 

                    SECTION 8.  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be
          executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall constitute
          an original, but all of which when taken together shall constitute
          but one instrument.

          OF NEW YORK.

                    SECTION 10.  Expenses.  FI shall pay all out-of-pocket
          expenses incurred by the Agents in connection with the preparation
          of this Amendment and with the Amendment Closing, including, but
          not limited to, the reasonable fees and disbursements of Cravath,
          Swaine & Moore, special counsel for the Agents, and Mochtar,
          Karuwin & Komar, special Indonesian counsel to the Agents.

                    SECTION 11.  Composite Agreement.  Effective upon the
          Fifth Amendment Closing Date, FI, FCX and the Agents shall cause
          to be prepared a composite agreement embodying all amendments
          (including this Amendment) to the Existing Credit Agreement (the
          "Composite Agreement"), and which may include minor technical
          corrections to give effect to such amendments.  Upon its approval
          by FI, FCX and the Agents (as evidenced by their countersigning an
          execution version thereof), the Composite Agreement shall be
          distributed to each of the Banks and become the Amended Credit
          Agreement and shall be binding upon the parties thereto.

                    SECTION 12.  Headings.  The headings of this Amendment
          are for reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the
          meaning hereof.

                    SECTION 13.  Amendment.  Except as and to the extent
          expressly provided herein, the Existing Credit Agreement shall
          remain in full force and effect.

                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
          Amendment Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized
          officers or agents as of the date first above written.

          Borrower:                     P.T. FREEPORT INDONESIA COMPANY,

                                          by  /s/ R. Foster Duncan

                                             Name: R. Foster Duncan 
                                             Title: Treasurer

          Departing Guarantor:          FREEPORT-McMoRan INC., 

                                          by  /s/ R. Foster Duncan

                                             Name: R. Foster Duncan  
                                             Title: Treasurer

          Continuing Guarantor:         FREEPORT-McMoRAN COPPER & GOLD INC.,

                                          by /s/ R. Foster Duncan
                                             Name:  R. Foster Duncan
                                             Title:  Treasurer

          Agents:                       CHEMICAL BANK, as Agent, as
                                        Administrative Agent and as FCX
                                        Collateral Agent,

                                          by /s/ Ronald Potter
                                             Name:  Ronald Potter
                                             Title: Managing Director

                                        THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL
                                        ASSOCIATION), as Documentary Agent,

                                          by /s/ Alexander S. Rapetski

                                             Name: Alexander S. Rapetski
                                             Title: Vice President

          FI Trustee:                   FIRST TRUST OF NEW YORK, NATIONAL
                                        ASSOCIATION (as successor to Morgan
                                        Guaranty Trust Company of New York),
                                        as FI Trustee,

                                          by /s/ P.J. Crowley
                                             Name: P.J. Crowley
                                             Title:Vice President

          Continuing Banks:             CHEMICAL BANK,


                                        THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL
