FIRST AMENDMENT TO

          AGREEMENT (this "Amendment"), dated  as  of  December  31,  1995,
          among FM PROPERTIES OPERATING CO., a Delaware general partnership
          ("FM  Properties"), FREEPORT-MCMORAN INC., a Delaware corporation
          ("FTX"),   FREEPORT-McMoRan   COPPER  &  GOLD  INC.,  a  Delaware
          corporation  ("FCX") (FTX and FCX,  the  "Guarantors"),  HIBERNIA
          NATIONAL BANK,  a  national  banking association ("Hibernia") and
          CHEMICAL  BANK,  a  New  York  banking  corporation  ("Chemical")
          (Hibernia and Chemical, the "Banks"),  and Hibernia, as Agent for
          the Banks (the "Agent").


               A.   The parties hereto have executed  a  Second Amended and
          Restated  Note  Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1995  (the  "Note
          Agreement") relating to a $68,000,000 term loan from the Banks to
          FM Properties maturing on June 30, 1996.

               B.   FM Properties  has  requested that the maturity date of
          the loan be extended from June 30, 1996 to June 30, 1997, and the
          Banks are willing to do so on the  terms and conditions set forth

               C.   All capitalized terms used  herein  and  not  otherwise
          defined  herein  shall have the meanings ascribed to them in  the
          Note Agreement.

                                      ARTICLE I.

                           AMENDMENTS TO THE NOTE AGREEMENT

               1.   Section  1.1  (Defined  Terms) of the Note Agreement is
          hereby amended to substitute the following definition:

                    "Termination Date" shall mean June 30, 1997 or, if
               applicable, any earlier date on which the obligation to
               pay  the Notes in full shall mature  pursuant  to  this

               2.   Section  1.1  (Defined  Terms) of the Note Agreement is
          hereby amended to add the following definitions:

                    "Key Assets" means the properties  and  assets  of
               the Borrower shown on Schedule III hereto.

                    "Net  Proceeds"  means  the  connection  with  any
               permitted  asset  sale, the proceeds thereof (including
               any condemnation award and any payment or settlement of
               a casualty insurance  claim  not  used  to  restore the
               related   property)   in  the  form  of  cash  or  cash
               equivalents (including  any  such  proceeds received by
               way of deferred payment of principal pursuant to a note
               or installment receivable or purchase price adjustment,
               receivable   or  otherwise,  but  only  as   and   when
               received), net  of  the  following without duplication:
               (i)   customary   and   reasonable   attorneys'   fees,
               accountants' fees, investment  banking  fees, brokerage
               commissions, all closing costs and other customary fees
               and expenses actually incurred in connection  therewith
               as  transaction  costs,  and  bona  fide  reserves  and
               deposits   and   (ii)  any  taxes  paid  or  reasonably
               estimated  to be payable  solely  in  respect  of  such
               permitted asset  sale  as a result thereof by the owner
               of such asset (after taking  into account any available
               tax credits or deductions).

                    "Non-Key  Assets"  means all  the  properties  and
               assets of the Borrower except for Key Assets.

               3.   A  new Section 3.6 (Mandatory  Prepayments)  is  hereby
          added to the Note Agreement to read as follows:

                    3.6  Mandatory  Prepayments.  On July 30, 1996, FM
               Properties shall pay to  the  Banks  an amount equal to
               the sum of (i) 25% of the Net Proceeds of any Key Asset
               sale and (ii) 50% of the Net Proceeds  of  any  Non-Key
               Asset  sale  (in  excess  of a cumulative annual fiscal
               year amount of $7,500,000),  in  each case arising from
               sales  of  assets  occurring  during  the  period  from
               January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1996.   Similarly,  on
               January  30, 1997, FM Properties shall pay to the Banks
               an amount  equal  to  the  sum  of  (i)  25% of the Net
               Proceeds of any Key Asset sale and (ii) 50%  of the Net
               Proceeds  of  any  Non-Key  Asset  sale  (in excess  of
               $7,500,000), in each case arising from sales  of assets
               occurring  during  the period from July 1, 1996 through
               December 31, 1996.   At  the  time  of each payment, FM
               Properties shall deliver documentation  evidencing  the
               sale of assets and the calculation of the Net Proceeds.

               4.   The  Notes  are  hereby modified to extend the maturity
          dates thereof to June 30, 1997.

               5.   Each and every other  document, agreement or instrument
          which was executed in connection  with  or  pursuant  to the Note
          Agreement  is  hereby  modified  to reflect the extension of  the
          maturity of the Notes,this Amendment  to  the  Note Agreement and
          the modification to the documents contained herein.

                                     ARTICLE II.

                                 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

               1.   Conditions to Effectiveness.  The following  constitute
          conditions precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement:

                    (a)  Amendment.   The  Banks  shall have received  this
                         Amendment, executed by a Responsible Officer of FM
                         Properties, FTX and FCX.

                    (b)  FM    Properties   Partnership    and    Corporate
                         Proceedings.   The  Banks  shall  have  received a
                         certificate   of   the   Secretary   or  Assistant
                         Secretary of FTX, as managing general  partner  of
                         FM Properties, certifying (i) that there have been
                         no  amendments  to the partnership agreement of FM
                         Properties since  the  effective  date of the Note
                         Agreement   on   June  30,  1995,  and  (ii)   the
                         incumbency of the  officer(s)  of FTX, as managing
                         general partner, executing this  Amendment and all
                         documents related hereto.

                    (c)  Legal Opinion.  The Banks shall have  received  an
                         opinion  of  Jones,  Walker,  Waechter, Poitevent,
                         Carrere & Denegre, or John G. Amato, counsel to FM
                         Properties, in form and substance  satisfactory to
                         the Agent and addressed to the Banks.

                                     ARTICLE III.


               1.   FM Properties.  FM Properties hereby certifies  to  the
          Agent   and  the  Banks  that  all  of  the  representations  and
          warranties  of  FM  Properties  contained  in  the Note Agreement
          remain  true  and correct as of December 31, 1995,  and  that  no
          Default under the  Note  Agreement has occurred and is continuing
          as of December 31, 1995.

               2.   FTX.   FTX  as  guarantor   under   the   FTX  Guaranty
          Agreement,  hereby  certifies (i) that all of the representations
          and warranties contained in the FTX Guaranty Agreement and in the
          Note Agreement remain  true  and correct as of December 31, 1995;
          (ii) that FTX, as guarantor under  the  FTX  Guaranty  Agreement,
          hereby  consents  to  the execution of this Amendment; and  (iii)
          that the FTX Guaranty Agreement  remains in full force and effect
          following the date of this Amendment.

               3.   FCX.   FCX,  as  guarantor   under   the  FCX  Guaranty
          Agreement,  hereby certifies (i) that all of the  representations
          and warranties  contained  in  the  FCX Guaranty Agreement remain
          true  and  correct as of December 31, 1995;  (ii)  that  FCX,  as
          guarantor under  the  FCX  Guaranty Agreement, hereby consents to
          the execution of this Amendment;  and (iii) that the FCX Guaranty
          Agreement remains in full force and  effect following the date of
          this Agreement.

                                     ARTICLE IV.


               1.   Savings Clause.  Except as specifically amended by this
          Amendment,  all of the other terms and  conditions  of  the  Note
          Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

               2.   Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed by one or
          more of the parties  to  this Amendment on any number of separate
          counterparts and all of said counterparts taken together shall be
          deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.

               3.   Governing Law.   This  Amendment  shall be governed by,
          and construed and interpreted in accordance with,  the law of the
          State of Louisiana.

               IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties hereto have caused  this
          Amendment to be duly executed and  delivered  by their proper and
          duly  authorized  officers  as  of the day and year  first  above

                                    FM PROPERTIES OPERATING CO.

                                     BY: FREEPORT-McMoRan INC.,
                                         Managing General Partner

                                     By: /s/ R. Foster Duncan
                                             R. Foster Duncan
                                              Its Treasurer

                                         FREEPORT-McMoRan INC.

                                     By:  /s/ R. Foster Duncan
                                              R. Foster Duncan
                                              Its Treasurer

                                     FREEPORT-McMoRan COPPER & GOLD INC.

                                     By:  /s/ R. Foster Duncan
                                              R. Foster Duncan
                                              Its Treasurer

                                     HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK, as Agent
                                      and Bank

                                     By:  /s/ Bruce L. Ross
                                              Bruce L. Ross
                                              Its Vice President

                                      CHEMICAL BANK, as Bank

                                      By:  /s/ Theodore L. Parker
                                               Theodore L. Parker
                                               Its Vice President