FREEPORT-McMoRan COPPER & GOLD INC.
               (As amended effective December 10, 1996)

                            ARTICLE I

                       PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

        The  purpose  of  the  1995  Stock  Option  Plan for Non-Employee
Directors  (the  "Plan")  is to align more closely the interests  of  the
non-employee  directors  of Freeport-McMoRan  Copper  &  Gold  Inc.  (the
"Company") with that of the  Company's  stockholders by providing for the
automatic  grant  to  such  directors  of stock  options  ("Options")  to
purchase Shares (as hereinafter defined), in accordance with the terms of
the Plan.

                            ARTICLE II


        For the purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:

        Applicable Rate:  With respect to  the exercise of an Option, the
rate, expressed as a percentage, determined  according  to  the following

                        x divided by (1-x)

in  which  x  equals  the  maximum federal income tax rate applicable  to
individuals in effect on the date of such exercise of such Option.

        Board:  The Board of Directors of the Company.

        Change in Control:   A  Change in Control shall be deemed to have
occurred if either (a) any person, or any two or more persons acting as a
group, and all affiliates of such  person  or  persons,  shall, otherwise
than as a result of the Distribution, beneficially own more  than  20% of
all  classes  and  series of the Company's stock outstanding, taken as  a
whole, that has voting  rights  with respect to the election of directors
of  the Company (not including any  series  of  preferred  stock  of  the
Company  that  has  the right to elect directors only upon the failure of
the Company to pay dividends)  pursuant to a tender offer, exchange offer
or series of purchases or other acquisitions, or any combination of those
transactions, or (b) there shall  be  a  change in the composition of the
Board  at  any  time within two years after any  tender  offer,  exchange
offer, merger, consolidation,  sale  of  assets or contested election, or
any combination of those transactions (a "Transaction"),  so that (i) the
persons  who were directors of the Company immediately before  the  first
such Transaction cease to constitute a majority of the Board of Directors
of the corporation  which shall thereafter be in control of the companies
that were parties to  or  otherwise involved in such Transaction, or (ii)
the  number  of  persons  who  shall  thereafter  be  directors  of  such
corporation shall be fewer than  two-thirds of the number of directors of
the Company immediately prior to such  first  Transaction.   A  Change in
Control  shall  be  deemed  to take place upon the first to occur of  the
events specified in the foregoing clauses (a) and (b).


        Code:  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to

        Committee:  A committee  of  the Board designated by the Board to
administer the Plan and composed of not fewer than two directors, each of
whom, to the extent necessary to comply  with Rule 16b-3 only, is a "non-
employee director" within the meaning of Rule  16b-3  and,  to the extent
necessary  to  comply with Section 162(m) only, is an "outside  director"
under Section 162(m).   Until  otherwise  determined  by  the  Board, the
Committee shall be the Corporate Personnel Committee of the Board.

        Distribution:  The distribution by Freeport-McMoRan Inc.  ("FTX")
of  all  the  then  outstanding Shares owned by FTX to the holders of FTX
common stock.

        Election Period:   The period beginning on the third business day
following  a  date on which the  Company  releases  for  publication  its
quarterly or annual  summary statements of sales and earnings, and ending
on the twelfth business day following such date.

        Eligible Director:   A  director  of  the Company who is not, and
within the preceding one year has not been, an  officer or an employee of
the Company or a Subsidiary, an officer or an employee  of an entity with
which  the  Company  has  contracted  to receive executive or  management
services, or otherwise eligible for selection  to participate in any plan
of the Company or any Subsidiary that entitles the  participants  therein
to  acquire  stock,  stock  options  or  stock appreciation rights of the
Company or its Subsidiaries.

        Exchange Act:  The Securities Exchange  Act  of  1934, as amended
from time to time.

        Fair  Market  Value:  The average of the per Share high  and  low
quoted sale prices on the  date  in question (or, if there is no reported
sale on such date, on the last preceding  date on which any reported sale
occurred)  on  the principal exchange or market  where  such  Shares  are

        Grant Date:  The first day of the first month following the month
in which the Distribution occurs.

        Option Cancellation Gain:  With respect to the cancellation of an
Option pursuant to Section 3 of Article IV hereof, the excess of the Fair
Market Value as  of the Option Cancellation Date (as that term is defined
in Section 3 of Article  IV hereof) of all the outstanding Shares covered
by such Option, whether or  not then exercisable, over the purchase price
of such Shares under such Option.


        Option Gain:  The excess  of  the Fair Market Value of the Shares
covered by the exercise of an Option over  the  purchase  price  of  such
Shares  under such Option, as such Fair Market Value is determined on the
date of such exercise.

        Rule 16b-3:  Rule 16b-3 promulgated by the SEC under the Exchange
Act, or any  successor  rule or regulation thereto as in effect from time
to time.

        SEC:  The Securities and Exchange Commission, including the staff
thereof, or any successor thereto.

        Section 162(m):   Section  162(m) of the Code and all regulations
promulgated thereunder as in effect from time to time.

        Shares:  Shares of Class B Common  Stock,  par  value  $0.10  per
share,  of  the  Company  and  any  shares  into which such Shares may be
converted  or  combined in accordance with the  terms  of  the  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation.

        Subsidiary:  Any corporation of which stock representing at least
50% of the ordinary voting power is owned, directly or indirectly, by the
Company; and any  other  entity  of  which equity securities or interests
representing at least 50% of the ordinary  voting  power  or  50%  of the
total  value  of  all  classes  of equity securities or interests of such
entity are owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company.

                           ARTICLE III

                    ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

        This Plan shall be administered  by  the  Board.   The Board will
interpret  this  Plan  and  may  from  time to time adopt such rules  and
regulations for carrying out the terms and  provisions of this Plan as it
may deem best; however, the Board shall have  no  discretion with respect
to  the selection of directors who receive Options,  the  timing  of  the
grant  of  Options,  the  number  of Shares subject to any Options or the
purchase price thereof.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Committee
shall have the authority to make all determinations with respect  to  the
transferability  of  Options in accordance with Article VIII hereof.  All
determinations by the  Board  or  the  Committee  shall  be  made  by the
affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  its  respective  members, but any
determination  reduced  to  writing  and  signed  by  a majority  of  its
respective members shall be fully as effective as if it  had been made by
a  majority  vote  at  a  meeting duly called and held.  Subject  to  any
applicable provisions of the  Company's  By-Laws  or  of  this  Plan, all
determinations  by the Board and the Committee pursuant to the provisions
of this Plan, and  all related orders or resolutions of the Board and the
Committee,  shall be  final,  conclusive  and  binding  on  all  persons,
including the  Company  and  its  stockholders,  employees, directors and
optionees.   In  the  event  of  any  conflict  or inconsistency  between
determinations, orders, resolutions, or other actions  of  the  Committee
and the Board taken in connection with this Plan, the action of the Board
shall control.


                            ARTICLE IV

                    STOCK SUBJECT TO THE PLAN

        SECTION 1.  The Shares to be issued or delivered upon exercise of
Options  shall be made available, at the discretion of the Board,  either
from the authorized  but  unissued  Shares  of the Company or from Shares
reacquired by the Company, including Shares purchased  by  the Company in
the  open  market  or  otherwise  obtained;  provided, however, that  the
Company, at the discretion of the Board, may,  upon  exercise  of Options
granted  under  this  Plan, cause a Subsidiary to deliver Shares held  by
such Subsidiary.

        SECTION 2.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  3  of this
Article  IV,  the  aggregate  number  of  Shares  which  may be purchased
pursuant to Options shall not exceed 2,000,000.

        SECTION 3.  In the event of the payment of any dividends  payable
in  Shares,  or  in  the  event  of any subdivision or combination of the
Shares, the number of Shares which  may be purchased under this Plan, and
the number of Shares subject to each  Option  granted  in accordance with
Section   2   of   Article   VII,   shall   be   increased  or  decreased
proportionately, as the case may be, and the number of Shares deliverable
upon the exercise thereafter of any Option theretofore  granted  (whether
or not then exercisable) shall be increased or decreased proportionately,
as  the case may be, without change in the aggregate purchase price.   In
the event  the  Company  is  merged  or consolidated into or with another
corporation in a transaction in which the Company is not the survivor, or
in the event that substantially all of  the  Company's assets are sold to
another entity not affiliated with the Company,  any holder of an Option,
whether or not then exercisable, shall be entitled to receive (unless the
Company  shall  take  such  alternative  action as may  be  necessary  to
preserve the economic benefit of the Option  for  the  optionee)  on  the
effective  date of any such transaction (the "Option Cancellation Date"),
in cancellation  of  such  Option,  an amount in cash equal to the Option
Cancellation  Gain  relating  thereto,  determined   as   of  the  Option
Cancellation Date.

                            ARTICLE V


        The purchase price per Share under each Option shall  be  100% of
the Fair Market Value of a Share at the time such Option is granted,  but
in  no  case  shall  such  price be less than the par value of the Shares
subject to such Option.


                            ARTICLE VI


        Options will be granted  only  to  individuals  who  are Eligible
Directors at the time of such grant.

                           ARTICLE VII

                         GRANT OF OPTIONS

        SECTION  1.   Each  Option shall constitute a nonqualified  stock
option which is not intended to qualify under Section 422 of the Code.

        SECTION 2.  On the Grant  Date  in 1995 and on the anniversary of
such  date  in  each subsequent year through  and  including  2004,  each
Eligible Director,  as  of  each such date, shall be granted an Option to
purchase  10,000  Shares.  Each  Option  shall  become  exercisable  with
respect to 2,500 Shares  on  each  of the first, second, third and fourth
anniversaries of the date of grant and  may  be  exercised  by the holder
thereof  with  respect  to all or any part of the Shares comprising  each
installment as such holder  may  elect at any time after such installment
becomes  exercisable  but no later than  the  termination  date  of  such
Option; provided that each Option shall become exercisable in full upon a
Change in Control.

        SECTION 3.  Each  Option  shall  provide that, promptly following
the exercise of all or any portion of such  Option, the Company shall pay
to the holder of such Option an amount in cash  equal  to the Option Gain
multiplied  by  the  Applicable Rate.  If an Option has been  transferred
pursuant to Section VIII(c)  hereof,  the right to any payment under this
Article VII, Section 3 remains with the  original  holder  of the Option,
except  that  in the case of a transfer pursuant to a domestic  relations
order, such payment  shall  be  made  to  the  spouse responsible for the
federal income tax related to the Option exercise.

                           ARTICLE VIII


        No  Options  granted  hereunder  may  be  transferred,   pledged,
assigned or otherwise encumbered by an optionee except:

             (a)  by will;

             (b)  by the laws of descent and distribution; or


             (c)   if  permitted by the Committee and so provided in  the
        Option  or an amendment  thereto,  (i)  pursuant  to  a  domestic
        relations order, as defined in the Code, (ii) to Immediate Family
        Members,  (iii)  to  a  partnership  in  which  Immediate  Family
        Members,  or  entities  in which Immediate Family Members are the
        sole owners, members or beneficiaries,  as  appropriate,  are the
        only  partners,  (iv)  to  a  limited  liability company in which
        Immediate Family Members, or entities in  which  Immediate Family
        Members  are  the  sole  owners,  members  or  beneficiaries,  as
        appropriate, are the only members, or (v) to a trust for the sole
        benefit of Immediate Family Members.  "Immediate  Family Members"
        shall be defined as the spouse and natural or adopted children or
        grandchildren of the optionee and their spouses.

Any  attempted  assignment,  transfer,  pledge,  hypothecation  or  other
disposition  of  Options,  or levy of attachment or similar process  upon
Options not specifically permitted  herein,  shall  be  null and void and
without effect.

                            ARTICLE IX

                       EXERCISE OF OPTIONS

        SECTION 1.  Each Option shall terminate 10 years  after  the date
on which it was granted.

        SECTION  2.   Except  in  cases provided for in Article X hereof,
each  Option  may  be exercised by the  holder  thereof  only  while  the
optionee to whom such Option was granted is an Eligible Director.

        SECTION 3.   Each  Option  shall  provide  that the Option or any
portion  thereof may be exercised only during an Election  Period.   Each
Option shall  provide, however, that in the event of a Change in Control,
the Election Period exercise requirement is waived.

        SECTION  4.   A  person  electing  to  exercise  an Option or any
portion thereof then exercisable shall give written notice to the Company
of such election and of the number of Shares such person has  elected  to
purchase,  and  shall  at  the  time of purchase tender the full purchase
price  of  such Shares, which tender  shall  be  made  in  cash  or  cash
equivalent (which  may  be  such  person's  personal  check) or in Shares
already  owned  by  such  person (which Shares shall be valued  for  such
purpose on the basis of their Fair Market Value on the date of exercise),
or in any combination thereof.   The  Company shall have no obligation to
deliver Shares pursuant to the exercise  of  any  Option,  in whole or in
part, until such payment in full of the purchase price of such  Shares is
received  by the Company.  No optionee, or legal representative, legatee,
distributee,  or  assignee of such optionee shall be or be deemed to be a
holder of any Shares  subject to such Option or entitled to any rights of
a stockholder of the Company  in  respect  of  any Shares covered by such
Option distributable in connection therewith until  such Shares have been
paid  for in full and certificates for such Shares have  been  issued  or
delivered by the Company.


        SECTION  5.  Each Option shall be subject to the requirement that
if at any time the  Board  shall  be advised by counsel that the listing,
registration or qualification of the  Shares  subject to such Option upon
any securities exchange or under any state or federal law, or the consent
or  approval  of  any  governmental  regulatory  body,  is  necessary  or
desirable as a condition of, or in connection with,  the granting of such
Option or the issue or purchase of Shares thereunder, such Option may not
be  exercised  in  whole  or  in part unless such listing,  registration,
qualification, consent or approval  shall  have been effected or obtained
free from any conditions not reasonably acceptable  to  such  counsel for
the Board.

        SECTION  6.  The Company may establish appropriate procedures  to
provide for payment  or  withholding of such income or other taxes as may
be required by law to be paid or withheld in connection with the exercise
of  Options,  and to ensure  that  the  Company  receives  prompt  advice
concerning the  occurrence  of  any event which may create, or affect the
timing or amount of, any obligation  to pay or withhold any such taxes or
which may make available to the Company  any tax deduction resulting from
the occurrence of such event.

                            ARTICLE X

                      TERMINATION OF SERVICE
                     AS AN ELIGIBLE DIRECTOR

        SECTION 1.  If and when an optionee shall cease to be an Eligible
Director for any reason other than death or  retirement  from  the Board,
all  of  the Options granted to such optionee shall be terminated  except
that any Option,  to the extent then exercisable, may be exercised by the
holder thereof within  three  months  after such optionee ceases to be an
Eligible Director, but not later than the termination date of the Option.

        SECTION 2.  If and when an optionee shall cease to be an Eligible
Director by reason of the optionee's retirement  from  the  Board, all of
the Options granted to such optionee shall be terminated except  that any
Option,  to  the  extent  then exercisable or exercisable within one year
thereafter, may be exercised  by  the  holder  thereof within three years
after  such retirement, but not later than the termination  date  of  the

        SECTION  3.   Should an optionee die while serving as an Eligible
Director, all the  Options  granted to such optionee shall be terminated,
except that any Option to the extent exercisable by the holder thereof at
the time of such death, together  with the unmatured installment (if any)
of  such  Option  which  at  that  time  is   next  scheduled  to  become
exercisable,  may be exercised within one year after  the  date  of  such
death, but not  later  than  the  termination  date of the Option, by the
holder thereof, the optionee's estate, or the person  designated  in  the
optionee's last will and testament, as appropriate.


        SECTION  4.   Should  an  optionee  die  after  ceasing  to be an
Eligible Director, all of the  Options granted to such optionee shall  be
terminated,  except  that  any  Option,  to the extent exercisable by the
holder thereof at the time of such death,  may  be  exercised  within one
year  after  the  date  of such death, but not later than the termination
date of the Option, by the  holder thereof, the optionee's estate, or the
person  designated  in  the  optionee's   last  will  and  testament,  as

                            ARTICLE XI


        The Board may at any time terminate  or  from time to time amend,
modify or suspend this Plan; provided, however, that no such amendment or
modification without the approval of the stockholders shall:

             (a)  except pursuant to Section 3 of  Article  IV,  increase
        the  maximum  number  (determined  as  provided  in this Plan) of
        Shares  which  may  be  purchased  pursuant  to  Options,  either
        individually or in aggregate;

             (b)   permit the granting of any Option at a purchase  price
        other than 100%  of  the  Fair  Market Value of the Shares at the
        time such Option is granted, subject  to  adjustment  pursuant to
        Section 3 of Article IV;

             (c)   permit  the  exercise  of  an  Option  unless the full
        purchase price of the Shares as to which the Option  is exercised
        is paid at the time of exercise;

             (d)   extend  beyond  May  1,  2004 the period during  which
        Options may be granted;

             (e)  modify  in  any respect the class  of  individuals  who
        constitute Eligible Directors; or

             (f)    materially  increase   the   benefits   accruing   to
        participants hereunder.