FOR P.T. SMELTING CO.
                   MITSUBISHI CORPORATION, and


                 as amended on December 11, 1996

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1.   DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION............................2
     1.1     Definitions...............................................2
     1.2     Construction..............................................8

ARTICLE 2.   ESTABLISHMENT OF PROJECT COMPANY..........................8
     2.1     Organization and Registration.............................8
     2.2     Articles of Association...................................9
     2.3     Ratification by PTSC......................................9

     3.1     Initial Authorized Capital/Shares/Par Value...............9
     3.2     Subscription for Initial Issued Capital...................9
     3.3     First Capital Increase...................................10
     3.4     Initial Payment for First Capital Increase...............11
     3.5     Payment of the Authorized Capital Subscription 
     3.6     Increase of Authorized Capital Amount Prior to 
               Production Date........................................11
     3.7     Making of Subordinated Shareholder Loans.................12
     3.8     Default in Payment of Subscription or Making of
               Subordinated Shareholder Loans.........................13

ARTICLE 4.   PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS........................................15
     4.1     Increase in Authorized Capital After the Production 
     4.2     Preemptive Rights of Parties.............................15
     4.3     Consequences of Failure to Subscribe for Full 
               Proportionate Share....................................15

     5.1     Approval Required for Transfer...........................16
     5.2     Prohibition on Certain Transfers.........................17
     5.3     Right of First Offer.....................................17
     5.4     Consent to Certain Transfers by MMC......................18
     5.5     Consent to Certain Transfers to Subsidiaries.............19
     5.6     Consent to Share Pledges in Connection With the 
               Project Loans..........................................20
     5.7     Party's Right to Assign Shareholder Rights and 
               Subordinated Shareholder Loans.........................20
     5.8     Mandatory Participation by a Third Party in the 
               Share Capital of PTSC..................................20
     5.9     New Shareholder to Become Bound by this Agreement........22
     5.10    Obligations Continuing...................................22



     8.1     Dismissal................................................24
     8.2     Vacancy..................................................24

ARTICLE 9.   DIVIDEND POLICY..........................................24

     10.1    Execution of Agreements..................................24
     10.2    Reimbursement of Organizational Expenses.................25
     10.3    Reimbursement of Feasibility Study Expenses..............25

ARTICLE 11.  FINANCING................................................25
     11.1    Financial Plan...........................................25
     11.2    Financing and Guarantees.................................25
     11.3    Share and Subordinated Loan Transfers....................26
     11.4    Repayment of Shareholder Support.........................26

ARTICLE 12.  COVENANTS................................................28
     12.1    General..................................................28
     12.2    Governmental Approvals...................................28
     12.3    Execution of Other Agreements............................28
     12.4    Competition With PTSC....................................28
     12.5    MMC Preferential Return..................................28
              (a)  Total Return of 13% or Less........................28
              (b)  Total Return Exceeding 13%.........................29
              (c)  Calculation of Target Return.......................29
     12.6    Increase in Floor TC's and RC's..........................30
     12.7    Subordination of Advisory Fee............................31
     12.8    Subordination of MMC Smelter License Royalty.............31
     12.8    Subordination of MMC Smelter License Royalty.............32
     12.9    Subordination of Financial Disadvantage Payable  
               to MMC, MC or NMM......................................32

ARTICLE 13.  TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT...................................32

ARTICLE 14.  DEFAULT..................................................32
     14.1    Default..................................................32
     14.2    Effect of Default........................................33
     14.3    Share Purchase Right.....................................33
     14.4    Share Price..............................................34
     14.5    Share and Subordinated Loan Transfer.....................34


ARTICLE 16.  DISPUTE RESOLUTION.......................................36
     16.1    Amicable Settlement......................................36
     16.2    Arbitration Rules........................................36
     16.3    Arbitrators..............................................36
     16.4    Arbitration Award........................................37
     16.5    Award to be Final and Conclusive.........................37
     16.6    Performance of Obligations Pending Decision..............38
     16.7    Waiver of Right to Terminate Board of Arbitration........38

ARTICLE 17.  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES...........................38
     17.1    Corporate Power..........................................38
     17.2    Statements True..........................................38

ARTICLE 18.  CONFIDENTIALITY..........................................38
     18.1    Confidential Treatment/Permitted Disclosures.............38
     18.2    Implementation...........................................40
     18.3    Treatment of Project Information by PTSC.................40
     18.4    Obligations to Survive...................................40

Article 19.  ASSIGNMENT...............................................40

Article 20.  LAW AND INTERPRETATION...................................41
     20.1    Governing Law............................................41
     20.2    Governing Language of this Agreement.....................41
     20.3    Headings.................................................41

Article 21.  SEVERABILITY.............................................41

Article 22.  NOTICES..................................................41
     22.1    Manner of Delivery/Addresses.............................41
     22.2    Change of Address........................................43

Article 23.  FORCE MAJEURE............................................44

Article 24.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.........................................44

Article 25.  AMENDMENTS...............................................44

Article 26.  NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.............................46

Article 27.  NO CONFLICT WITH CREDIT DOCUMENTS........................46

Article 28.  MISCELLANEOUS............................................46

                      AND SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT is effective the 11th day  of  December 1996 between MITSUBISHI
MATERIALS CORPORATION ("MMC"), a corporation organized and existing under
the  laws of Japan; P.T. FREEPORT INDONESIA  COMPANY  ("FI"),  a  limited
liability company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia
which  is  also domesticated in the State of Delaware, U.S.A.; MITSUBISHI
CORPORATION  ("MC"),  a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of  Japan;  and  NIPPON MINING  &  METALS  COMPANY,  LIMITED  ("NMM"),  a
corporation organized  and  existing  under  the laws of Japan (sometimes
referred to individually as "Party" and together as the "Parties").

     WHEREAS,  MMC  and  FI  are shareholders of P.T.  Smelting  Co.,  an
Indonesian  limited  liability  company   ("PTSC")   formed  to  develop,
construct and operate a 200,000 metric ton per annum copper  smelter  and
refinery to be located at Gresik, East Java, Indonesia (the "Project");

     WHEREAS,  MMC,  FI  and  Fluor  Daniel  Asia, Inc. entered into that
certain Joint Venture and Shareholders' Agreement  dated October 25, 1995
concerning the development, construction, ownership  and operation of the
Project, as amended in the First Amended and Restated  Joint  Venture and
Shareholders'   Agreement   ("First   Amendment")   dated  May  24,  1996
(collectively, the "Shareholders Agreement");

     WHEREAS, MMC has now agreed to sell, and MC has  agreed  to purchase
83,125  Shares  and  paid up subscription rights to an additional  53,200
Shares, constituting 9.5%  of  the  total number of fully paid Shares and
subscription rights to Shares as of the date hereof;

     WHEREAS, MMC has also agreed to transfer to MC, and MC has agreed to
assume from MMC, a portion of MMC's obligations  as a shareholder of PTSC
and  sponsor of the Project, whereupon MMC shall be  released  from  such
obligations ot the extent transferred to MC;

     WHEREAS,  MMC has now agreed to sell, and NMM has agreed to purchase
43,750 Shares and  paid  up  subscription  rights to an additional 28,000
Shares, constituting 5.0% of the total number  of  fully  paid Shares and
subscription rights to Shares as of the date hereof;

     WHEREAS, MMC has also agreed to transfer to NMM, and NMM  has agreed
to  assume  from MMC, a portion of MMC's obligations as a shareholder  of
PTSC and sponsor  of  the  Project,  whereupon MMC shall be released from
such obligations to the extent transferred to NMM; and

     WHEREAS, MMC and FI now desire to  further  amend  the  Shareholders
Agreement  to  reflect  the  above  transactions,  MC  and NMM desire  by
execution  hereof  to  become Parties to the Shareholders Agreement,  and
MMC, FI, MC and NMM desire to further amend the Shareholders Agreement to
reflect other matters approved by them;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in   consideration  of  the  mutual  promises  and
covenants hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


     1.1  Definitions.  Unless  otherwise defined herein, all capitalized
terms used herein shall have the meaning as defined below:

     "Affiliate"  shall mean any entity  which  directly  or  indirectly,
through one or more  intermediaries,  controls,  is  controlled  by or is
under  common  control with a party to this Agreement.  Control shall  be
presumed to exist  whenever  one  person  or  entity  holds,  directly or
indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, twenty-five percent (25%)
or more of the outstanding voting shares or interests in another entity.

     "Accepting  Party"  shall  have  the  meaning  set  forth in Section

     "Auditor" means any independent firm of certified public accountants
of good international repute, appointed by PTSC and approved by a General
Meeting of Shareholders.

     "Basic Share Proportion" means the proportion in which  the  Parties
own  Shares  as  set  forth  in  Sections 3.2 and 3.3, as the same may be
adjusted pursuant to Section 3.8 or 4.3.

     "Basic Loan Proportion" means  the  proportion  in which the Parties
make Subordinated Shareholder Loans as set forth in Section  3.7,  as the
same may be adjusted pursuant to Section 3.8.

     "BKPM"  shall  mean  the  Capital  Investment  Coordinating Board of

     "Commencement of Commercial Operations" shall mean  the  date of the
first  charge  of  copper concentrates to the smelting furnace of  PTSC's

     "Concentrate Purchase  and Sale Agreement" means the agreement to be
entered into between PTSC and  FI  pursuant  to which FI will sell copper
concentrates  to PTSC, and any subsequent modifications,  supplements  or
amendments thereto.

     "Copper Cathode  Export  Sale  and  Purchase  Agreement"  means  the
agreement to be entered into between PTSC and MMC, MC and NMM pursuant to
which  MMC, MC and NMM will offtake all of the copper cathode produced by
PTSC for export sale.

     "Cost  Overrun  Support"  shall  have  the  meaning set forth in the
Credit Documents.

     "Credit  Documents" shall have the meaning set  forth  in  the  Loan

     "Default" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 14.1.

     "EPC Contracts" means the agreements dated May 31, 1996 between PTSC
and Chiyoda Corporation,  a  corporation organized and existing under the
laws of Japan, or one or more  of  its Affiliates, as the main contractor
for the engineering, procurement and  construction of the Facilities, any
related agreements for the engineering,  procurement  and construction of
the Facilities for which Chiyoda or its Affiliates will  act  as  project
manager   or   general  contractor,  and  any  subsequent  modifications,
supplements or amendments thereto.

     "Expatriate Consultant Recruitment Agreement" means the agreement to
be entered into  between  PTSC and a recruiting company pursuant to which
the recruiting company will recruit expatriate consultants for PTSC.

     "Facilities" shall mean  the copper smelter, refinery, sulfuric acid
plant, waste water treatment plant, jetty and associated facilities to be
constructed at the Project.

     "Financial Plan" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.1.

     "First Amendment" has the  meaning  set  forth  in  the  preliminary

     "First Capital Increase" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "Floor TC's and RC's Support" shall have the same meaning  as "Floor
Price Support" set forth in the Credit Documents.

     "Government"  shall  mean  any  ROI  ministry, department, political
subdivision, agency, or commission.

     "Land Agreements" means, collectively,  the agreements dated July 3,
1996 entered into between PTSC and PG pursuant  to  which  PG  will lease
land,  provide  use  of  PG  facilities,  and grant easements to PTSC  as
required   for   the   Facilities,  and  any  subsequent   modifications,
supplements or amendments thereto.

     "Loan Agreement" shall  mean that certain loan agreement dated as of
December 11, 1996 by and among  PTSC, the lenders and guarantee providers
specified therein, Tokyo-Mitsubishi  International  (Singapore)  Ltd., as
facility  agent, Barclays de Zoete Wedd Limited, as technical agent,  The
Industrial  Bank  of  Japan Trust Company, as off-shore collateral agent,
and P.T. IBJ Indonesia  Bank,  as  on-shore  collateral  agent, and their
respective successors and assigns.

     "Major   Contracts"   means  (i)  the  Offshore  Marketing  Services
Agreement, (ii) the Sulfuric  Acid Sale and Purchase Agreement, (iii) the
Land Agreements, (iv) the Offshore  Operation  and  Technical  Assistance
Agreement,  (v)  the  Smelter  License  Agreement,  (vi)  the Concentrate
Purchase and Sale Agreement, (vii) the EPC Contracts, (viii)  the Utility
Supply  Agreements,  (ix)  the  Copper  Cathode  Export Sale and Purchase
Agreement, (x) the Precious Metal Slime Sale and Purchase  Agreement (xi)
the   Offshore   Training  Agreement,  (xii)  the  Expatriate  Consultant
Recruitment  Agreement,  (xiii)  the  Credit  Documents,  and  (xiv)  the
Subordinated Shareholder Loan agreements.

     "Mitsubishi Continuous Copper Smelting and Converting Process" means
the method or  process  covered,  in  whole  or in part, by the technical
information   and/or   the  patents  for  the  substantially   continuous
production of anode copper from copper-bearing sulfide ore, copper scrap,
cement copper, copper matte  or other copper-bearing materials by using a
series of furnaces which are mutually  linked  together through launders,
provided  however  that  the  battery limits of the  process  range  from
concentrate dryer to anode furnace.

     "MMC Warranty Support" means  the  warranty  included  in the Credit
Documents  pursuant  to  which  MMC shall provide up to US$20,000,000  in
assistance to PTSC if a certain copper  loss recovery rate is exceeded in
PTSC's smelter.

     "Non-Subscribing Party" shall have the  meaning set forth in Section

     "Offshore Marketing Services Agreement" means  the  agreement  to be
entered into between PTSC, MMC, MC and NMM pursuant to which MMC, MC  and
NMM will provide marketing services from outside of Indonesia for certain
products  produced by PTSC, and any subsequent modifications, supplements
or amendments thereto.

     "Offshore  Operation  and  Technical Assistance Agreement" means the
agreement to be entered into between  PTSC  and MMC pursuant to which MMC
will provide certain operations and technical  assistance  services  from
outside   of   Indonesia  to  PTSC,  and  any  subsequent  modifications,
supplements or amendments thereto.

     "Offshore Training Agreement" means the agreement to be entered into
between PTSC and  MMC  pursuant to which MMC will provide certain smelter
operation training services in Japan.

     "Overdue Interest Rate" shall mean (i) with respect to amounts to be
paid by a Party or PTSC  in Dollars, the Standard Dollar Interest Rate as
changed from time to time  from  the  due  date  of  the  payment to (but
excluding) the date of payment, plus two percent (2%) (such  rate  to  be
adjusted  simultaneously with each change in the Standard Dollar Interest
Rate) and calculated on the basis of a three hundred sixth five (365) day
year and actual days elapsed; and (ii) with respect to amounts to be paid
by a Party  or  PTSC  in  Rupiah,  the  Standard  Rupiah Interest Rate as
changed  from  time  to  time from the due date of the  payment  to  (but
excluding) the date of payment,  plus  five percent (5%) (such rate to be
adjusted simultaneously with each change  in the Standard Rupiah Interest
Rate) and calculated on the basis of a three hundred sixty five (365) day
year and actual days elapsed.

     "Ownership Transfer Date" shall mean the  date  when, as a result of
the  exercise  by the Project Lenders of their rights under  the  Project
Loans, a third party  (other  than  one or more of the Project Lenders or
their successors or an entity majority-owned  or  controlled  by  any  of
them)  becomes  the  owner  of  a majority (at least 50.1%) of the issued

     "PG"  means  P.T.  Petrokimia  Gresik   (Persero),   a  State  owned
Indonesian limited liability company.

     "PMA  Account"  means the Indonesian bank account(s) established  by
PTSC and into which shall  be  deposited  all amounts contributed by each
Shareholder to PTSC for Shares, for subscription  payments for Shares, or
for Subordinated Shareholder Loans made by such Shareholder to PTSC.

     "Precious  Metal  Slime  Sale  and  Purchase  Agreement"  means  the
agreement  to be entered into between PTSC and MC pursuant  to  which  MC
will offtake all of the precious metal slime produced by PTSC.

     "Production  Date"  means  the  date  the  first  1,200 MT of anodes
acceptable for refining by PTSC's refinery have been produced  by  PTSC's
smelter over a period of four (4) consecutive days.

     "Project" has the meaning set forth in the preliminary statements.

     "Project Information" has the meaning set forth in Section 18.1(a).

     "Project Lenders" shall mean the agents and the lenders (other  than
PTSC's  shareholders), and that are party to the Project Loans, and their
successors and permitted assigns.

     "Project  Loans"  shall  mean the Loan Agreement (and related credit
and security documentation) to  be  entered  into  between  PTSC  and the
Project  Lenders  in  regards  to  financing the construction and initial
working capital of the Project.

     "Project Planning Agreement" means  that  certain  Project  Planning
Agreement  dated  May 12, 1995 entered into by MMC and FI concerning  the
preparation of a feasibility study for the Project.

     "Qualified Transferee" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.7.

     "ROI" means the Republic of Indonesia.

     "Share" or "Shares" means a share of common stock in PTSC.

     "Shareholder" means a person who owns Shares.

     "Shareholders   Agreement"   has   the  meaning  set  forth  in  the
preliminary statements.

     "Shareholder  Support"  has the meaning  set  forth  in  the  Credit

     "Smelter License Agreement"  means  the agreement to be entered into
between PTSC and MMC pursuant to which MMC  will  grant to PTSC a license
of the Mitsubishi Continuous Copper Smelting and Converting  Process, and
any subsequent modifications, supplements or amendments thereto.

     "Stage  2 Completion Date" shall have the meaning set forth  in  the
Loan Agreement.

     "Standard  Dollar  Interest  Rate"  shall  mean  the published prime
commercial lending rate of The Chase Manhattan Bank or its successor.

     "Standard  Rupiah  Interest  Rate"  shall  mean the published  prime
commercial lending rate of Bank Indonesia or its successor.

     "Subordinated Shareholder Loan" means a loan made by any Shareholder
to PTSC which by its terms is expressly made subordinate  to  the Project

     "Subsidiary"  means  any  entity  in which a Party to this Agreement
holds,  directly  or  indirectly,  through one  or  more  intermediaries,
beneficial ownership of fifty percent  (50%) or more of the voting shares
or equity interests.

     "Sulfuric Acid Sale and Purchase Agreement"  means  the agreement to
be  entered  into between PTSC and PG pursuant to which PG will  purchase
from PTSC, and PTSC will sell to PG, PTSC's sulfuric acid output, and any
subsequent modifications, supplements or amendments thereto.

     "Support  Fee"  shall  have  the  meaning  set forth in the Offshore
Operation and Technical Assistance Agreement.

     "Termination  Date" shall have the meaning set  forth  in  the  Loan

     "Transfer" means  any  pledge, mortgage, hypothecation, encumbrance,
assignment, sale, conveyance  or  disposition,  whether  voluntarily,  by
operation of law, at judicial sale or otherwise.

     "Utility  Supply Agreements" means the agreements to be entered into
between PTSC and  suppliers of power, oxygen, low pressure steam, natural
gas, and industrial  water  pursuant to which such suppliers will provide
said utilities to PTSC, and any  subsequent modifications, supplements or
amendments thereto.

     "VAT  Support"  shall have the  meaning  set  forth  in  the  Credit

     "Voluntary Capital  Contributions"  shall have the meaning set forth
in the Credit Documents.

     1.2  Construction

          (a)  In this Agreement, unless the  context otherwise requires,
the singular shall include the plural and vice  versa  and reference to a
gender shall include any other gender.

          (b)  Any  reference  herein  to  a  Section  or Sections  is  a
reference to the referenced Section or Sections of this  Agreement unless
otherwise specifically provided.

          (c)  Any  reference  herein  to an agreement is a reference  to
such  agreement  as  amended, varied, added  to,  substituted,  replaced,
renewed, or extended from time to time.

          (d)  Any reference  herein  to  any  law  or  statute  shall be
construed  as including all statutory provisions consolidating, amending,
or replacing the law or statute referred to.


     2.1  Organization and Registration.  PTSC has been established under
the laws of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia, and is domiciled in Jakarta at
Plaza 89, 6th Floor-S-602, J1.  H.R.  Rasuna  Said  Kav.X-7 No. 6 Jakarta
12940, Indonesia.

     2.2  Articles of Association.  The Articles of Association  of  PTSC
have  been  approved  by  the  Minister  of  Justice  of  the Republic of
Indonesia  by  Decree No. C2-1648.HT.01.01.TH'96 dated 7th February  1996
and have been published in the State Gazette of ROI No. 26 dated 29 March
1996 Supplement No. 3183.  The Parties acknowledge that the provisions of
this Agreement are more detailed in certain respects than the Articles of
Association and  the  Parties  agree that in such cases the more detailed
provisions of this Agreement, as  among the Parties, shall be applicable.
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and
the Articles of Association, this Agreement shall control and the Parties
shall to the extent permitted by applicable  law  amend  the  Articles of
Association  to  the  extent of any such conflict, so as to be consistent
with the provisions of this Agreement.

     2.3  Ratification  by  PTSC.   By  its execution hereof, PTSC hereby
ratifies and agrees to be bound by this Agreement  as  if it were a party
hereto, to carry out the management and administration and its businesses
in  accordance  with the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  and  to
perform all obligations intended under this Agreement to be undertaken or
performed by PTSC.


     3.1  Initial   Authorized   Capital/Shares/Par   Value.    PTSC  was
incorporated  with an initial authorized capital (the "Initial Authorized
Capital") of Rp  191,275,000,000  (One  Hundred  Ninety-One  Billion, Two
Hundred   Seventy-Five   Million   Rupiah)  [US$87,500,000  (Eighty-Seven
Million,  Five Hundred Thousand United  States  Dollars)],  divided  into
Shares of par value Rp218,600 (Two Hundred Eighteen Thousand, Six Hundred
Rupiah) [US$100 (One Hundred United States Dollars)] each.

     3.2  Subscription  for Initial Issued Capital.  The initial issuance
of   authorized   capital  (the   "Initial   Issued   Capital")   is   Rp
191,275,000,000 (One Hundred Ninety-One Billion, Two Hundred Seventy-Five
Million  Rupiah)  [US$87,500,000   (Eighty-Seven  Million,  Five  Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars)], represented  by  Eight Hundred Seventy-
Five Thousand (875,000) Shares.  The Parties have subscribed for (or have
received  Transfer of) the Shares of the Initial Issued  Capital  in  the
following ratio:

            Number of        Subscription     Basic Share
Party         Shares         Amount (US$)      Proportion
- -------     ---------        ------------     -----------
MMC          529,375          52,937,500          60.5%
FI           218,750          21,875,000          25.0%
MC            83,125           8,312,500           9.5%
NMM           43,750           4,375,000           5.0%
Total        875,000         $87,500,000         100.0%

     3.3  First   Capital  Increase.   The  Parties  agree  to  take  all
necessary steps to  amend  the Articles of Association of PTSC to reflect
an  increase  in the authorized  capital  from  Rp  191,275,000,000  (One
Hundred Ninety-One  Billion,  Two  Hundred  Seventy-Five  Million Rupiah)
[US$87,500,000 (Eighty-Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars)],  represented by Eight Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand  (875,000)
Shares to reflect  a  revised  authorized  capital  of Rp 327,900,000,000
(Three Hundred Twenty-Seven Billion Nine Hundred Million Rupiah), or such
other number of Rupiah as shall be specified by BKPM as the equivalent of
US$150,000,000   (One  Hundred  Fifty  Million  United  States   Dollars)
represented by One  Million  Five  Hundred Thousand (1,500,000) Shares of
par value Rp218,600 (Two Hundred Eighteen  Thousand, Six Hundred Rupiah),
or  such  other number of Rupiah as shall be specified  by  BKPM  as  the
equivalent of US$100 (One Hundred United States Dollars) each (the "First
Capital Increase").   In  addition  to  subscribing  for and/or receiving
Transfer  of  Shares  of  the Initial Issued Capital in the  Basic  Share
Proportion specified in Section  3.2,  the Parties agree to subscribe for
and  accept  the additional Six Hundred Twenty  Five  Thousand  (625,000)
Shares resulting  from the First Capital Increase in the same Basic Share
Proportion as follows:

            Number of        Subscription     Basic Share
Party         Shares         Amount (US$)      Proportion
- ------      --------         ------------     -----------
MMC          378,125          37,812,500          60.5%
FI           156,250          15,625,000          25.0%
MC            59,375           5,937,500           9.5%
NMM           31,250           3,125,000           5.0%
Total        625,000         $62,500,000         100.0%

     3.4  Initial  Payment   for   First  Capital  Increase.   Except  as
otherwise agreed by the Parties or resolved  by  the  Board  of Directors
(subject  to  the  approval  of the General Meeting of the Shareholders),
each Party shall pay its Basic Share Proportion of the subscription price
for the additional Six Hundred  Twenty  Five  Thousand  (625,000)  Shares
resulting  from  the  First  Capital Increase into the PMA Account by the
deadline required by the Indonesian  Ministry  of  Justice  in connection
with  approving  the  amendment  to  the Articles of Association of  PTSC
reflecting  such increase in the authorized  capital  of  PTSC.   Payment
shall be made in cash in U.S. Dollars, in a lump sum into the PMA Account
without any right of set-off.

     3.5  Payment  of  the  Authorized  Capital Subscription Balance.  In
accordance with the Financial Plan and the  provisions of this Agreement,
the Board of Directors may, subject to approval by the General Meeting of
Shareholders,  call further payments by the Parties  for  the  authorized
capital until the  Shares  subscribed to are fully paid-up.  The Board of
Directors may call such payments,  subject  to  approval  by  the General
Meeting  of  Shareholders,  in  U.S.  Dollars  at  such times and in such
amounts  as  may  be  necessary  to  meet  the expenditures  of  PTSC  in
accordance with the Financial Plan.  On each  call  for  further payment,
each Party shall pay in cash in the amount due without any  right of set-
off  within  thirty  (30) days from the date of the notice into  the  PMA
Account without any right  of  setoff.  All Shares subscribed for must be
fully paid up on or before the Commencement  of  Commercial Operations in
accordance with the Financial Plan.

     3.6  Increase of Authorized Capital Amount Prior  to Commencement of
Commercial  Operations.   To  the  fullest  extent  permitted   by   law,
notwithstanding the Articles of Association, prior to the Commencement of
Commercial  Operations  the Board of Directors may resolve, in accordance
with the Financial Plan and  the provisions of this Agreement and subject
to  approval by the General Meeting  of  Shareholders,  that  PTSC  shall
increase  its authorized capital amount at such times and in such amounts
as may be necessary  to  meet the expenditures of PTSC in accordance with
the  Financial  Plan.   Upon   approval   by   the   General  Meeting  of
Shareholders,  the  Shares representing the increased authorized  capital
amount shall be offered  to  and subscribed for by each of the Parties in
its Basic Share Proportion.  Each  Party  shall  pay  the  amount due, in
cash, in U.S. Dollars, without any right of set-off, into the PMA Account
by  the  deadline  required  by  the  Indonesian  Ministry of Justice  in
connection  with  the  approval  of  the  amendment  to the  Articles  of
Association of PTSC reflecting such increase in the authorized capital of

     3.7  Making of Subordinated Shareholder Loans.  In  addition  to the
capital  subscriptions  set  forth  in Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.6, at such
time  or  times as set by the Board of  Directors  and  approved  by  the
General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with the Financial Plan and
the Project  Loans,  the  Parties  each  agree  to make (or purchase from
another Shareholder who has made) initial Subordinated  Shareholder Loans
to PTSC in U.S. Dollars in the following aggregate principal amounts:

                                       Basic Loan
Party       Principal Amount (US$)     Proportion
- -------     ----------------------     ----------
MMC             106,480,000               60.5%
FI               44,000,000               25.0%
MC               16,720,000                9.5%
NMM               8,800,000                5.0%
Total          $176,000,000              100.0%

The  terms  of  the  Subordinated Shareholder Loans, including  the  Loan
period(s),  the  interest   rate(s),   repayment   terms,  subordination,
priority,  etc.  shall  be  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors  in
accordance with the Financial Plan and the Project Loans, and approved by
the General Meeting of Shareholders.  For the avoidance of doubt,  at any
time  prior  to  the  Commencement of Commercial Operations the amount of
Subordinated  Shareholder   Loans   may  be  increased  or  decreased  in
accordance  with  the  Financial  Plan by  resolution  of  the  Board  of
Directors, subject to approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders, in
a manner consistent with the Credit  Documents.   Upon  approval  by  the
General  Meeting of Shareholders, the additional Subordinated Shareholder
Loans shall (unless otherwise agreed by each of the Shareholders) be lent
by each of  the  Parties  in its Basic Loan Proportion.  Each Party shall
pay the principal amount of  the  Subordinated Shareholder Loan, in cash,
in U.S. Dollars, without any right  of  set-off,  into the PMA Account by
the  deadline  set  by  the Board of Directors, which shall  not,  unless
otherwise approved by the  General  Meeting  of  Shareholders, be earlier
than  fourteen  (14)  days  after  the approval by BKPM  of  the  revised
investment  plan  reflecting such increase  in  Subordinated  Shareholder

     3.8  Default in  Payment  of  Subscription or Making of Subordinated
Shareholder Loans

          (a)  If  any Party (in this  Section,  hereinafter  called  the
"Defaulting Party")  fails  to fulfill any of its obligations (i) to make
subscription payments for the  Initial  Authorized  Capital, (ii) to make
subscription  payments for additional Shares issued as  a  result  of  an
increase in authorized  capital  prior  to the Commencement of Commercial
Operations, or (iii) to make a Subordinated  Shareholder  Loan  when due,
PTSC  or  any  non-defaulting  Party may immediately serve notice on  the
Defaulting  Party,  with  copies to  all  other  Parties,  declaring  the
Defaulting Party to be in default and requiring it to remedy such default
in full within ten (10) days  of  the  date  of  the notice.  Interest on
overdue amounts shall be payable by the Defaulting  Party  to PTSC at the
Overdue Interest Rate from the date payment was due until paid.   All the
rights,   but   not  the  obligations,  of  the  Defaulting  Party  as  a
Shareholder, lender  of Subordinated Shareholder Loans, and Party to this
Agreement shall be suspended for as long as such default is unremedied or
until the Defaulting Party  ceases  to  be a Shareholder and/or lender of
Subordinated Shareholder Loans.

          (b)  Upon the expiration of the  ten  (10) day period described
in  Section  3.8(a)  without remedy of the default,  each  non-defaulting
Party shall have the right  to  acquire  all or any portion of the Shares
held  by  the  Defaulting Party and assume all  or  any  portion  of  the
Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  held  by  the Defaulting Party by giving
notice thereof within thirty (30) days.  If the total number of Shares or
total amount of Subordinated Shareholder Loans  for which such notice has
been given exceeds the total number of Shares or Subordinated Shareholder
Loans held by the Defaulting Party then each Party giving notice (in this
Section, hereinafter called "Accepting Party") may  acquire  at least the
number  of  Shares  and  may  assume  at least the amount of Subordinated
Shareholder Loans that bears the same ratio to the total number of Shares
or Subordinated Shareholder Loans (as the  case may be) of the Defaulting
Party that such Accepting Party's respective  Basic  Share Proportion and
Basic Loan Proportion bears to the aggregate Basic Share  Proportions and
Basic  Loan  Proportions  of  all  the Accepting Parties.  The Defaulting
Party shall transfer the appropriate  number of its Shares and assign the
appropriate amount of its Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans to each of the
Accepting Parties within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice from the
Accepting Party, and each Party's Basic Share Proportion  and  Basic Loan
Proportion  shall  be  adjusted accordingly.  The purchase price for  the
Shares to be paid by the  Accepting Party shall be fifty percent (50%) of
the aggregate amount paid up  on  such Shares by the Defaulting Party, or
the book value of such Shares as determined  by the Auditor, whichever is
less.  The Accepting Party shall also pay to PTSC  the  unpaid balance of
any  Shares  that  are  not  fully  paid.   The  purchase  price for  the
Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  shall  be  fifty percent (50%)  of  the
aggregate outstanding principal and interest then due on the Subordinated
Shareholder Loans to the Defaulting Party.  In  either  case the purchase
price shall be paid on the date the Accepting Party receives  the  Shares
or  the  assignment  of  the  Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  from  the
Defaulting  Party,  or,  in the case of the Shares, as soon thereafter as
the book value may be determined by the Auditor.

          (c)  If the total  number  of Shares or the total amount of the
Subordinated  Shareholder Loans accepted  or  assumed  by  the  Accepting
Parties is less  than the total number of Shares owned or total amount of
outstanding Subordinated  Shareholder Loans held by the Defaulting Party,
the Defaulting Party shall  be  required to sell any remaining Shares and
assign any remaining Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  to  a third party,
designated by the Board of Directors and approved by a General Meeting of
Shareholders, for the same price and payment terms as provided in Section
3.8(b) in the case of Transfer to an Accepting Party.  Upon  Transfer  of
the Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans to a third party, the Basic
Share  Proportion  and  Basic Loan Proportion of each Party and the third
party shall be adjusted accordingly.   The  third party shall also pay to
PTSC the unpaid balance of any Shares that are  not  fully paid.  For the
execution   of  such  sale  of  Shares  and  assignment  of  Subordinated
Shareholder Loans  to  a  third  party,  the  Board of Directors shall be
empowered for and on behalf of the Defaulting Party  to  apply to, appear
before,   submit   information,   obtain   approval  from  the  competent
authorities and to take any other action to accomplish the above Transfer
of Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans.

                  ARTICLE 4.  PREEMPTIVE RIGHTS

     4.1  Increase  in  Authorized  Capital  After  the  Commencement  of
Commercial  Operations.   If,  after  the  Commencement   of   Commercial
Operations,  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  determine that PTSC should
increase its authorized capital, the Board of Directors shall give notice
to  the  Shareholders  and  set  a  General Meeting of  Shareholders  for
approval of the authorized capital increase.   If approved by the General
Meeting of Shareholders, the increase in the authorized  capital  of PTSC
shall take effect when the Articles of Association are duly amended  and,
when necessary, any Government approvals have been obtained.

     4.2  Preemptive Rights of Parties.  Each Party shall be entitled  to
subscribe  for its Basic Share Proportion of any additional Shares issued
by PTSC as a result of an increase in the authorized capital as specified
in Section 4.1.   Upon  receipt  of notice from the Board of Directors of
PTSC's intention to issue additional Shares, each Party shall notify PTSC
within thirty (30) days whether it  intends  to  purchase its Basic Share
Proportion of the additional Shares to be issued.  If the total number of
Shares  for  which  the  Parties  have  exercised such pre-emptive  right
exceeds  the  total  number  of  shares to be  issued,  then  each  Party
exercising such pre-emptive right  may  acquire  at  least  the number of
Shares  that  bears  the same ratio to the total number of Shares  to  be
issued that such Party's  Basic  Share  Proportion bears to the aggregate
Basic Share Proportion of all Parties giving such notice.

     4.3  Consequences  of Failure to Subscribe  for  Full  Proportionate
Share.  Should any Party  elect not to subscribe for its full Basic Share
Proportion of the Shares then  being offered (a "Non-Subscribing Party"),
then such Non-Subscribing Party  shall  thereafter have no greater rights
than any person or entity not a Party to  this Agreement to subscribe for
Shares later offered by PTSC.  In the event any Party fails to notify the
Board of Directors in writing within such thirty  (30) day period that it
will  subscribe to its Basic Share Proportion of the  new  Shares  to  be
issued,  or  notifies  the Board of Directors in writing that it will not
subscribe to such new Shares  or  will subscribe to fewer new Shares than
those to which it is entitled, then  the  Board  of Directors shall first
offer  such  Shares  (the "Non-Subscribing Party Shares")  to  the  other
Parties.  Each Party receiving such notice shall have thirty (30) days to
notify PTSC whether it  desires to purchase its Basic Share Proportion of
the Non-Subscribing Party Shares.  If the total number of Non-Subscribing
Party Shares desired by the  other  Parties  exceeds  the total number of
Non-Subscribing Party Shares to be issued, then each Party  desiring Non-
Subscribing  Party  Shares  may  acquire  at  least  the  number  of Non-
Subscribing Party Shares that bears the same ratio to the total number of
Non-Subscribing  Party  Shares to be issued that such Party's Basic Share
Proportion bears to the aggregate  Basic  Share Proportion of all Parties
giving such notice; provided that should any Party accept in writing less
than  the  number  of  Shares to which it would  be  entitled  under  the
foregoing, such Party shall  be  entitled only to the number of Shares it
has   so   accepted,  and  the  remaining   Shares   shall   be   divided
proportionately  as above among those Parties who have accepted more than
the number of Shares  to  which they would be entitled in accordance with
the foregoing.  If the other Parties do not subscribe for Non-Subscribing
Party Shares within the time  limits established above, then the Board of
Directors may offer such Shares to third parties, with the prior approval
of a General Meeting of Shareholders.   Upon  completion of the foregoing
transactions,  the Basic Share Proportion of each  Party  and  the  third
party (if applicable)  shall be adjusted in accordance with its ownership


     5.1  Approval Required  for  Transfer.  Except as otherwise provided
herein, or except as may be approved  by  the Board of Directors (subject
to approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders),  none of the Parties
nor  any  person acting by authority of or for any of the  Parties  shall
Transfer any  or  all  of  its right, title or interest in its respective
Shares or its Subordinated Shareholder  Loans,  all such right, title and
interest of each of the Parties being personal and  non-transferable  and
non-assignable except as otherwise specified in this Agreement.

     5.2  Prohibition  on  Certain  Transfers.   Except  as  specifically
permitted  by  the  Credit  Documents  and this Agreement, no Shareholder
shall Transfer any interest in its Shares or its Subordinated Shareholder
Loans prior to the Stage 2 Completion Date.  Nor shall any Party, without
the written consent of the other Parties  or  except  in  the  case  of a
Transfer  pursuant  to Section 5.4, 5.7 or 5.8, make any Transfer of less
than all of its Shares to a single transferee as a result of which either
the transferring Party or its transferee shall own less than five percent
(5%) of all Shares of PTSC then issued.

     5.3  Right of First Offer.

          (a)  No Party  (a  "Transferring  Party") shall Transfer any of
its Shares or Subordinated Shareholder Loans  to  any third party, unless
it  shall  have  first  offered  to  sell  such  Shares and  assign  such
Subordinated Shareholder Loans by written notice to all the other Parties
and  the  Board  of  Directors.   The  written  notice  shall  contain  a
description of the number of Shares offered for sale and  the  amount and
terms  of the subordinated Shareholder Loans offered for assignment,  the
price  sought   by   the  Transferring  Party,  and  any  other  material
information necessary  for the other Parties to make an informed decision
whether to purchase the Shares and/or assume the Subordinated Shareholder

          (b)  Within thirty  (30)  days  following receipt of the notice
from the Transferring Party, each Party shall  give written notice to all
other  Parties  and  the Board of Directors of its  decision  whether  to
purchase all or any portion  of  such  Shares  and/or  assume  all or any
portion  of such Subordinated Shareholder Loans.  If the total number  of
Shares for  which  Parties  have  exercised  such right exceeds the total
number of Shares offered, or the total amount of Subordinated Shareholder
Loans  for  which  Parties have exercised such right  exceeds  the  total
amount  of  Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  offered,  then  each  Party
exercising such  right  may  acquire  at  least  the number of Shares and
assume at least the amount of Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  that bears
the  same ratio to the total number of Shares or Subordinated Shareholder
Loans  offered that such Party's Shares or Subordinated Shareholder Loans
bear to  the  total number of Shares or Subordinated Shareholder Loans of
all Parties exercising  such right; provided that should any Party accept
less than the number of Shares  or  amount  of  Subordinated  Shareholder
Loans to which it would be entitled under the foregoing, such Party shall
be  entitled  only  to  the  number  of  Shares or amount of Subordinated
Shareholder  Loans  it  has so accepted, and  the  remaining  Shares  and
Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  offered  for  Transfer  shall be divided
proportionately as above among those Parties who have accepted  more than
the number of Shares or amount of Subordinated Shareholder Loans to which
they would be entitled in accordance with the foregoing.

          (c)  Notwithstanding the right of first offer stated in Section
5.3(a)  and  (b),  in  the  event  that  the  total  number  of Shares or
Subordinated Shareholder Loans accepted in writing as provided in Section
5.3(b)  is less than all of the Shares or Subordinated Shareholder  Loans
offered for Transfer, the Transferring Party may:

               (i)  withdraw  in  whole  or in part its offer to Transfer
     the  number of Shares and amount of Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans
     offered; or

               (ii) Transfer  (A)  all  of the Shares and/or Subordinated
     Shareholder Loans offered (including  those accepted), or (B) if the
     Transferring  Party so determines, only  Transfer  those  Shares  or
     Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  that were not accepted by the other
     Parties.  In either case, the Transfer shall be made only to a third
     party who is financially responsible  and  of  generally  recognized
     good business repute at terms no more favorable than offered  to the
     Parties, after the Transferring Party has notified the other Parties
     of  the  identity  of  the  proposed  purchaser and the terms of the
     proposed Transfer, and after the Transferring Party has received the
     consent of the General Meeting of Shareholders,  and  any Government
     approvals required for the proposed Transfer.

     5.4  Consent to Certain Transfers by MMC, MC and NMM.

          (a)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Sections 5.1,  5.2  and
5.3 or the Articles of Association,  MMC shall have the absolute right to
Transfer up to five and four-tenths percent (5.4%) in total of the issued
Shares and an equivalent amount of the  Subordinated Shareholder Loans to
MC  and/or  NMM,  and/or, subject to the transferee  being  of  financial
standing  acceptable   to   the   other   Parties,  in  their  reasonable
determination, any other Japanese company(ies)  engaging  in  the  copper
smelting  business  or  trading  business,  provided  that the transferee
company(ies) agree to be bound to all of the terms and  conditions hereof
and the Articles of Association.  No guarantees or other support from MMC
shall be required to effectuate such Transfer of Shares and  Subordinated
Shareholder  Loans  by MMC.  Each Party agrees to vote in favor  of  such
Transfer at a General Meeting of Shareholders at the request of MMC.

          (b)  If  PG  does  not  exercise  its  option  under  the  Land
Agreements to exchange  its land for five percent (5%) of the Shares from
MMC, MMC shall thereafter  be entitled to Transfer such five percent (5%)
of the Shares (or whatever portion of the five percent (5%) of Shares not
transferred  to PG) to MC, NMM  or  another  third  party  transferee  as
authorized herein.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Sections 5.1, 5.2 and
5.3 or the Articles of Association, MC and NMM shall  have  the  absolute
right  to Transfer their Shares and/or Subordinated Shareholder Loans  to

     5.5  Consent  to Certain Transfers to Subsidiaries.  Notwithstanding
the  provisions  of  Section   5.1,  5.2  and  5.3  or  the  Articles  of
Association, any Party shall, subject to its obligations under the Credit
Documents,  have  the  right  to Transfer  its  Shares  and  Subordinated
Shareholder Loans to a Subsidiary,  provided that either of the following
conditions are met:

          (a)  such Subsidiary shall  be of financial standing acceptable
to  the  other  Parties  (which  acceptance  shall  not  be  unreasonably
withheld); or

          (b)  the transferring Party  shall remain jointly and severally
liable for its obligations assumed under this Agreement.

Notwithstanding the above:

          (c)  without the written consent of the other Parties or except
in the case of a Transfer pursuant to Section  5.4 or 5.8, no Party shall
make any Transfer as a result of which either the  transferring  Party or
its  Subsidiary  shall  own less than five percent (5%) of all Shares  of
PTSC then issued; and

          (d)  no such Subsidiary shall cease to be a fifty percent (50%)
or more owned Subsidiary of a Party without first transferring all of the
said Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans to the Party or to another
fifty percent (50%) or more owned Subsidiary of the Party.

     5.6  Consent to Share  Pledges in Connection With the Project Loans.
Notwithstanding the provisions  of  Section  5.1,  5.2  and  5.3  or  the
Articles of Association, the Parties hereby consent to a hypothecation or
pledge  of  Shares  if  such  hypothecation  or  pledge  is  required  in
connection with the execution or performance of the Project Loans.

     5.7  Party's  Right  to  Assign  Shareholder Rights and Subordinated
Shareholder Loans.  Should applicable laws, regulations or decrees of the
ROI at any time limit the ability of any  Party  to  fully  exercise  the
rights  granted  to  it  pursuant  to  this Agreement and the Articles of
Association, then such Party shall have  the  right  to assign all of the
rights  and  privileges  conferred upon it under this Agreement  and  the
Articles of Association to  any  other person or entity qualified to hold
its   Shares   and  Subordinated  Shareholder   Loans   (the   "Qualified
Transferee") and  such  Qualified  Transferee shall be entitled to all of
the privileges and to exercise all of the rights of such Party; provided,
however, that such Qualified Transferee shall agree to be bound to all of
the terms and conditions hereof.

     5.8  Mandatory Participation by  a  Third Party in the Share Capital
of PTSC.

          (a)  If, in the sole discretion  of  the Board of Directors, it
becomes necessary in connection with the acquisition  of the land for the
Project, in connection with obtaining financing for the  Project,  or  in
order  to  comply  with  Indonesian  laws, regulations and decrees, for a
third party to acquire an interest in  the  share  capital  of  PTSC (the
"Third   Party   Shareholder"),   the   Parties  agree  that  Shares  and
Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans shall be tendered  to  the  Third  Party
Shareholder in accordance with  the  procedure  set forth in this Section

          (b)  If the Third Party Shareholder is PG and the Transfer is a
result  of  PG's  exercise  of  its option under the Land  Agreements  to
exchange land for Shares, if so requested  by the Board of Directors, MMC
shall first make an irrevocable tender in writing to Transfer to PG up to
five  percent  (5%)  of the Shares and amount and  type  of  Subordinated
Shareholder Loans specified  by  the Board of Directors at MMC's cost for
the Shares, plus the outstanding principal amount and accrued interest of
such Subordinated Shareholder Loans.   If  it is necessary to fulfill the
option given to PG in the Land Agreements to  Transfer  to  PG  more than
five percent (5%) of the Shares, FI shall then make an irrevocable tender
in  writing  to  Transfer to PG the remainder of the Shares necessary  to
fulfill the option given to PG in the Land Agreements and amount and type
of Subordinated Shareholder  Loans specified by the Board of Directors at
FI's  cost for the Shares, plus  the  outstanding  principal  amount  and
accrued interest of such Subordinated Shareholder Loans.

          (c)  In  all cases other than as described in subparagraph (b),
before PTSC shall issue  new  Shares  to a Third Party Shareholder, if so
requested by the Board of Directors, FI  shall make an irrevocable tender
in writing to Transfer to the Third Party Shareholder the number and type
of  Shares  and  the  amount and type of Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans
specified by the Board  of  Directors at the amount actually paid for the
Shares by FI plus the outstanding  principal  amount and accrued interest
of the corresponding portion of such Subordinated  Shareholder Loans.  FI
shall send a copy of the tender to the other Parties  and  the  Board  of
Directors.  The tender shall be open for ninety (90) days from receipt by
the  Third  Party Shareholder and the Board of Directors.  If accepted by
the Third Party  Shareholder,  FI shall promptly Transfer such Shares and
Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans to  the  Third  Party  Shareholder  upon
receipt of payment therefor.   In  the  event  that  FI  is  required  to
Transfer  Shares  to  a  Third  Party Shareholder in accordance with this
subsection (c) and if, as a result,  FI retains ten percent (10%) or more
of the issued Shares, the other Parties  agree  to revise the Articles of
Association  and any affected provisions of this Agreement  as  necessary
such that FI shall  retain,  despite  such forced Transfer of Shares, the
shareholder veto rights it had prior to  the  Transfer  pursuant  to  the
Articles  of  Association.  Furthermore, in the case of a forced transfer
of Shares from  FI  to  a Third Party Shareholder in accordance with this
subsection (c) where FI retains  ten  percent (10%) or more of the issued
Shares  of  the  Company, pending formal amendment  of  the  Articles  of
Association and this  Agreement, the Parties agree that FI shall continue
to have the same veto rights  specified in the Articles of Association as
though it were an owner of twenty percent (20%) of the issued Shares.

          (d)  In the event of  a  forced  Transfer  in  accordance  with
Subsections  5.8(b)  or (c), the transferring Party shall Transfer to the
Third Party Shareholder  good and marketable title to the relevant Shares
and Subordinated Shareholder  Loans, and shall, prior to the Transfer, be
responsible to satisfy in full  any liens, pledges, or other encumbrances
on  the  Shares  and Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  other  than  liens,
pledges or encumbrances arising in connection with the Project Loans.

     5.9  New  Shareholder  to  Become  Bound  by  this  Agreement.   Any
transferor of Shares  or Subordinated Shareholder Loans shall, before the
transfer is effected, cause  the transferee (other than another Party) to
submit to all the other Parties a written confirmation and agreement in a
form reasonably satisfactory to  all  the  Parties to the effect that the
transferee acknowledges all the provisions of  this  Agreement and (prior
to the earlier of the Ownership Transfer Date and the  Termination  Date)
the  Credit  Documents,  and agrees to be bound by and to comply with all
the provisions applicable  to  the  transferor  as if the transferee were
originally a party to this Agreement and (prior to  the  earlier  of  the
Ownership Transfer Date and the Termination Date) the Credit Documents.

     5.10 Obligations  Continuing.   In the event any Party ceases to own
Shares and hold Subordinated Shareholder Loans, such Party shall cease to
be a Party to this Agreement and shall  thereafter not be entitled to any
rights or benefits under this Agreement.   However,  such Party shall not
be  released  from any outstanding obligations hereunder  (including  the
Party's duty of  Confidentiality  as  stated in Article 18), in the Major
Contracts or under any guarantee unless  the guarantee obligation is duly
assumed by the transferee and such Party is  released  with  the  written
consent of the other Parties.


     PTSC  shall be managed by a Board of Directors to be elected at  the
General Meeting of Shareholders.  The Board of Directors shall consist of
not less than  three  (3) and not more than fourteen (14) Directors.  The
initial number of Directors  shall  be  three (3), but shall be increased
shortly after establishment of PTSC to eleven (11).  Each Shareholder who
holds nine percent (9%) or more of the issued Shares shall have the right
to nominate one or more Directors.  The number  of  Directors  that  each
such Shareholder shall have the right to nominate shall be calculated  by
first  dividing  the Shareholder's percentage ownership of all issued and
outstanding Shares  of  PTSC  by  the  number nine (9), then rounding any
resulting fraction up or down to the nearest  whole  integer (a resulting
fraction  of  one-half  shall be rounded up).  Each Party  covenants  and
agrees to vote as a Shareholder  to  elect  as  Directors the individuals
nominated by each Shareholder who is entitled to  do so.  Each nominating
Party shall cause its nominated individual(s) to abide  by  the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.  MMC shall have the right to designate  one
of the Directors it nominates to be the President Director.


     PTSC  shall  have  a  Board  of  Commissioners  to be elected at the
General  Meeting  of  Shareholders.   The  Board  of Commissioners  shall
consist  of  not  less  than  three  (3)  and  not  more  than  five  (5)
Commissioners.   The initial number of Commissioners shall be  four  (4).
Each Shareholder who  holds  twenty  percent  (20%) or more of the issued
Shares shall have the right to nominate one or  more  Commissioners.  The
number of Commissioners that each such Shareholder shall  have  the right
to  nominate  shall  be  calculated  by  first dividing the Shareholder's
percentage ownership of all issued Shares  of  PTSC  by the number twenty
(20),  then  rounding any resulting fraction up or down  to  the  nearest
whole integer  (a  resulting  fraction  of one-half shall be rounded up).
Each Party covenants and agrees to vote as  a  Shareholder so as to elect
as  Commissioners the individuals nominated by each  Shareholder  who  is
entitled  to  do  so.   Each  nominating  Party shall cause its nominated
individual(s)  to abide by the terms and conditions  of  this  Agreement.
MMC shall have the  right  to  designate  one  of  the  Commissioners  it
nominates to be the President Commissioner.


     8.1  Dismissal.   Each  nominating Party may at any time by advising
the  other  Shareholders request  the  dismissal  of  such  Directors  or
Commissioners as have been so nominated by it and request the replacement
of  such  discussed   Directors   of  Commissioners  by  other  nominated
individual(s).  Each Party hereby covenants  and  agrees  to  vote  as  a
Shareholder to appoint the selected replacements and dismiss the selected
Directors or Commissioners as the case may be.

     8.2  Vacancy.   In  the  event  that  the  office  of  a Director or
Commissioner becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation,  removal  or
otherwise,  the  Partners agree to cause the election of a successor from
nominees  of  that Party  which  originally  nominated  the  Director  or
Commissioner concerned.

                   ARTICLE 9.   DIVIDEND POLICY

     The PTSC shall  declare  and  distribute  by  way  of  dividends all
profits  legally available for that purpose and permitted by the  Project
Loans after  setting  aside such reserves as may be required by law or by
the General Meeting of  Shareholders  as  provided  in  the  Articles  of


     10.1 Execution  of  Agreements.   Upon  approval  by  the  Board  of
Directors  and,  when applicable, by the General Meeting of Shareholders,
the Parties shall  cause  the  PTSC  to  execute and  deliver each of the
Major Contracts to which it is a party and  concurrently each Party shall
execute and deliver each of the Major Contracts  to  which it is a party;
provided  that in each case each such Party's obligation  to  enter  into
such Major Contracts shall be subject to such documentation being in form
and substance  satisfactory  to  it  after  negotiation  in good faith in
accordance with the principles set forth in this Agreement.

     10.2 Reimbursement   of  Organizational  Expense.   All  costs   and
expenses  of PTSC approved by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  reasonably
incurred in  connection  with  the incorporation and organization of PTSC
and the Major Contracts, including  but not limited to legal and notarial
fees, shall be borne by PTSC. All other expenses incurred by any Party in
connection herewith or otherwise relating  to  the Project shall be borne
by the Party so incurring such expenses or shall be reimbursed by PTSC in
accordance with the Project Planning Agreement.

     10.3 Reimbursement of Feasibility Study Expenses.   Subject  to  the
availability   of  funds,  PTSC  shall  reimburse  any  Party  which  has
subscribed and fully  paid in cash for its proportionate number of Shares
in the capital of PTSC  for  all Feasibility Study Expenses actually paid
by such Party pursuant to the terms of the Project Planning Agreement.

                     ARTICLE 11.   FINANCING.

     11.1 Financial Plan.  As  soon  as  feasible  after the execution of
this Agreement, the Parties shall cause PTSC to adopt  a  Financial  Plan
(the  "Financial Plan"), which shall have been approved in writing by all
of the  Parties  and which shall contain a detailed plan of the financial
requirements of the Project and the funding thereof for a period of three
(3) years.  In addition,  not  later  than November 1st of each year, the
Board  of Directors shall prepare and provide  to  the  Shareholders  for
their approval  an  annual  operating  and capital budget.  For reference
purposes only in relation to the annual  budgets,  the Board of Directors
shall also prepare a rolling three (3) year business  plan.   The rolling
three  (3) year plan shall not require the approval of a General  Meeting
of Shareholders.

     11.2 Financing  and Guarantees.  The Parties confirm that PTSC shall
use its best efforts to  procure  on  the  basis of its own resources the
funds  and  financial  facilities  it  requires in  accordance  with  the
approved  Financial Plan, by using its assets  as  security.   Except  as
otherwise expressly provided in the Credit Documents, Shareholder Support
shall be provided  by  the  Parties  severally, and not jointly, shall be
proportionate to their respective Basic  Share  Proportion and Basic Loan
Proportion at the time of provision of any such Shareholder  Support, and
shall be upon such terms and conditions as approved by a General  Meeting
of Shareholders.  If any Party fails to fulfill any of its obligations to
provide   Shareholder   Support   approved   by   a  General  Meeting  of
Shareholders, then the Party failing to provide such  Shareholder Support
shall  be deemed to be a Defaulting Party within the meaning  of  Section
3.8 hereof  and  the  provisions  of  such  Section  shall  apply mutatis
mutandis with respect to such failure and such Defaulting Party.

     11.3 Share and Subordinated Loan Transfers.  In the event  that  any
Party  Transfers  its  Shares  and/or Subordinated Shareholder Loans, the
transferring Party shall (to the  extent  permitted  by  the terms of the
Credit Documents) arrange that its guarantee or loan obligations shall be
duly  assumed  by  the transferee consistent with the percentage  of  the
Shares and amount of  Subordinated  Shareholder Loans Transferred, unless
such transferee is prohibited or precluded  from  providing any guarantee
or making such loans(s) under the laws, regulations  and  policies of the
ROI, in which chase the transferring Party shall continue to  assume  its
guarantee or loan obligations.

     11.4 Repayment  of  Shareholder  Support.  If Shareholder Support is
provided  by  the  Parties,  regardless  of  the  form  in  which  it  is
contributed  to  PTSC  (whether  as  Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  or
otherwise), such Shareholder Support shall  have priority over payment of
dividends  in  respect  of Shares, payment of principal  or  interest  in
respect of the $176,000,000  of  Subordinated Shareholder Loans specified
in  Section  3.6  of  this  Agreement  or   any  additional  Subordinated
Shareholder  Loans made in the form of Voluntary  Capital  Contributions,
and shall be repaid by PTSC in the following orders of priority:

          (a)  First Priority:

               (i)  Repayment  of  Floor  TC's and RC's Support by FI (in
     the  event that FI is required to increase  its  Floor TC's and RC's
     price from 21 cents to 23 cents per pound for a period of time  as
     provided in Section 12.6 hereof);

               (ii) Payment  of subordinated Support Fees, in  the  event
     that such Support Fees payable  to MMC are subordinated for a period
     of time as provided in Section 12.7 hereof; and

               (iii)Repayment of subordinated  Financial Disadvantage (as
     defined in the Copper Cathode Export Sale and  Purchase  Agreement),
     in the event that such Financial Disadvantage payments owed  by FTSC
     to MMC, MC, or NMM are subordinated for a period of time as provided
     in Section 12.9 hereof;

with such payments to MMC, FI, MC and NMM being paid on a pro-rate  basis
based on the amounts of such Shareholder Support provided by each.

          (b)  Second Priority:

Payment  of  subordinated  smelter  license royalties owed to MMC (in the
event that smelter license royalties  owed to MMC pursuant to the Smelter
License Agreement are subordinated as provided in Section 12.8).

          (c)  Third Priority:

Repayment  of amounts incurred or paid by  MMC  in  respect  of  the  MMC
Warranty Support (in the event that MMC Warranty Support is called upon).

          (d)  Fourth Priority:

Repayment of  VAT  Support  (in the event that VAT Support is required in
accordance with the Credit Documents);

with such payments to MMC, FI,  MC and NMM being paid on a pro-rata basis
based on the amounts of VAT Support provided by each.

          (e)  Fifth Priority:

Repayment  of Coast Overrun Support  (in  the  event  that  Cost  Overrun
Support is required in accordance with the Credit Documents);

with such payments  to MMC, FI, MC and NMM being paid on a pro-rata basis
based on the amounts of Cost Overrun Support provided by each.

                     ARTICLE 12.   COVENANTS

     12.1 General.  Each of the Parties agrees and covenants that it will
work diligently on all  major   aspects of the Project including, but not
limited  to,  facility  design,  securing   of  financing,  start-up  and
operation of the Project.

     12.2 Governmental  Approvals.   Each  of  the   Parties  agrees  and
covenants that it shall during the term of this Agreement  exert its best
efforts to procure all of the required government approvals  and licenses
for  the  establishment  and  continuance  of PTSC and the attainment  of
PTSC's  objectives,  including  but  not limited  to  all  authorizations
required under the Foreign Capital Investment law and regulations.

     13.2 Execution of Other Agreements.   Each  of the Parties covenants
and  agrees  to  enter  into  and  execute  such other documents  as  are
necessary to give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

     12.4 Competition With PTSC.  Each Party  may,  from time to time, be
engaged  in  businesses which are directly or indirectly  in  competition
with the business  of  PTSC.   While  the  Parties intend that each Party
shall be free to compete with each other Party and with PTSC, the Parties
agree that none of the Project Information or other information which has
been obtained concerning the Project or PTSC  shall  be used by any Party
to  the  detriment  of  the  other  Parties  or  PTSC,  or  otherwise  in
contravention of Article 18.

     12.5 MMC Preferential Return.

          (a)  Total Return of 13% or Less.  FI agrees, any transferee of
Shares  and/or  Subordinated Shareholder Loans from FI shall agree  as  a
condition  to such  Share  Transfer  being  registered  in  PTSC's  share
register or such Transfer of Subordinated Shareholder Loans being binding
on PTSC, that  for  so  long  as  MMC,  MC  and  NMM  (or  any authorized
transferee(s) of Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans held  by  MMC,
MC  or  NMM)  do  not receive an average annual simple return of thirteen
percent (13%) on their  total  capital  contribution (other than for Cost
Overrun Support) to PTSC (the "Target Return")  during  the  first twenty
(20)  years after the Commencement of Commercial Operations (the  "Return
Adjustment  Period")  then  (a)  FI  assigns  to  MMC, MC, NMM, and their
transferee(s)  up  to  one hundred percent (100%) of any  dividends  with
respect to Shares and interest  with  respect to Subordinated Shareholder
Loans that FI may be entitled to receive  from  PTSC (other than for Cost
Overrun Support) during the Return Adjustment Period  until  such time as
MMC,  MC,  NMM  and  their transferee(s) have achieved an average  annual
simple return equal to  the  Target  Return  (it  being agreed by FI that
during  the  Return  Adjustment  Period there shall be  no  repayment  of
principal on Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  lent  by  FI for so long as
MMC, MC, NM, and their transferee(s) have not received the Target Return)
and (b) as a condition to FI transferring any Shares and/or  Subordinated
Shareholder Loans, FI shall require its transferee to assign to  MMC, MC,
NMM  and  their  transferee(s)  up  to  one hundred percent (100%) of any
dividends  with  respect  to  Shares  and  interest   with   respect   to
Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  that FI's transferee may be entitled to
receive from PTSC (other than for Cost Overrun Support) during the Return
Adjustment Period on the same basis,  with such assignment to be prorated
based on the percentage shareholding as  between  FI and such transferee.
If the Return Adjustment Period should expire without  MMC,  MC,  NMM and
their transferee(s) receiving the Target Return for the Return Adjustment
Period,  they shall have no obligation to return any amounts assigned  by
FI or any FI transferee.

          (b)  Total   Return  Exceeding  13%.   Notwithstanding  Section
12.5(a), if MMC's, MC's,  NMM's  and any of their transferee(s)'s average
annual simple return shall at any  time  exceed  the Target Return during
the Return Adjustment Period, then, for so long as and only to the extent
that their cumulative return from PTSC exceeds the  Target  Return during
the Return Adjustment Period, MMC, MC, NMM and/or their transferee(s), as
the case may be, shall assign such excess returns to FI and any  such  FI
transferee  in  the  same ratio as amounts were assigned to it/them by FI
and any FI transferee until such time (irrespective of whether the Return
Adjustment Period has  expired)  as  FI  and  any FI transferee have been
reimbursed for all amounts which FI and any such FI transferee previously
assigned to MMC, MC, NMM and their transferee(s).

          (c)  Calculation  of  Target  Return.  In  determining  whether
MMC's, MC's, NMM's and their transferee(s)'s  actual  return  has equaled
the Target Return, the following rules shall apply:

               (i)  Calculation of the total capital contribution made by
     any Shareholder shall include the amount of equity contributions and
     the amount of Subordinated Shareholder Loans still outstanding  made
     by such Shareholder;

               (ii) Calculation  of  the  return received by MMC, MC, NMM
     and their transferee(s) (A) shall include  dividends with respect to
     Shares and interest with respect to Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans
     held  by  such  Shareholder,  (B)  shall  not  include any return of
     principal  with respect to Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  made  by
     them,  and  (C)  shall  include  all  amounts  received  by  way  of
     assignment from  FI  or  any  FI transferee pursuant to this Section

               (iii)Calculation of the  return  received  by MMC, MC, and
     NMM  and  their transferee(s) shall consist of the gross  amount  of
     interest and dividends paid (before deducting applicable withholding
     taxes), but  in the event that MMC, MC, NMM or any transferee(s), as
     the case may be,  (A) notifies PTSC that it is unable to utilize all
     or any part of the  amount of any Indonesian taxes actually withheld
     from payments made to it as a credit against its home country income
     taxes,  and  (B)  has provided  appropriate  documentation  to  PTSC
     related thereto, then  the  assignment  provisions  of the preceding
     paragraph  shall apply such that the sum of (1) the amount  of  cash
     actually received  by MMC, MC, NMM or any transferee(s), as the case
     may be, and (2) the tax benefits actually received by MMC, MC NMM or
     any transferee(s), as  the  case  may  be  against  its home country
     income taxes, equal the Target Return;

               (iv) Notwithstanding any other provision of  this  Section
     12.5, the Target Return shall not apply to Cost Overrun Support, but
     shall apply to Voluntary Capital Contributions; and

               (v)  For  reference purposes, a sample calculation of  the
     average annual simple return is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

     12.6 Increase in Floor  TC's  and  RC's.   In the event that (a) the
Indonesian government has not imposed an import tariff on copper cathodes
of  three  percent  (3%)  or  greater by the Commencement  of  Commercial
Operations, and (b) PTSC is receiving  treatment and refining charges for
the combined Part A and Part B tonnage sold  by  FI and purchased by PTSC
pursuant  to  the Concentrate Purchase and Sale Agreement  of  less  than
twenty-three cents  (US$0.23)  per pound of Payable Copper, as defined in
the Concentrate Purchase and Sales  Agreement,  then  FI  and  PTSC shall
amend  the Concentrate Purchase and Sale Agreement to increase the  Floor
TC's and  RC's, as defined in the Concentrate Purchase and Sale Agreement
to  twenty-three   cents   (US$0.23)   per   pound   of  Payable  Copper,
retroactively to the very first shipment to PTSC.  The  higher Floor TC's
and RC's shall continue until the first to occur of (i) the date on which
the Indonesian Government imposes an import tariff on copper  cathodes of
three  percent  (3%) or greater or (ii) the date which is five (5)  years
following the Production  Date.   For the avoidance of doubt, no interest
shall accrue on the amounts received by PTSC as a result of the foregoing
increase in the Floor TC's and RC's, except from the date when PTSC fails
to  repay the increased amounts received  when  due  in  accordance  with
Section 11.4(a)(i).

     12.7 Subordination  of  Support  Fee.   In  the  event  that (a) the
Indonesian Government has not imposed an import tariff on copper cathodes
of  three  percent  (3%)  or  greater  by  the Commencement of Commercial
Operations, and (b) FI and PTSC are required  to  amend  the  Concentrate
Purchase and Sale Agreement to increase the Floor TC's and RC's under the
Concentrate  Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement  as provided in Section  12.6
above, then the full Support Fee shall be subordinated  to  debt  service
and  debt  service  reserve  requirements  under  the Project Loans, such
subordination to be retroactive to the date of the  very  first  shipment
made  by  FI  under  the  Concentrate  Purchase and Sale Agreement and to
continue until the first to occur of (i) the date on which the Indonesian
Government imposes an import tariff on copper  cathodes  of three percent
(3%)  or  greater or (ii) the date which is five (5) years following  the
Production Date; and further provided that a Support Fee payment which is
deferred pursuant to the proviso immediately above shall not be deemed to
be a late payment  subject  to  accrual  of  interest  provided  that, if
deferred,  the  deferred  Support Fee is paid when no longer subordinated
pursuant to the Project Loans.

     12.8 Subordination of Smelter License Royalty.  As support for PTSC,
MMC agrees that each payment of the royalty due to MMC in accordance with
the  Smelter License Agreement  shall  be  subordinated  in  priority  of
payment to (a) all operating expenses of PTSC, (b) all amounts payable by
PTSC under  the  Project  Loans, including funds required to be deposited
into a debt service reserve  fund,  and (c) in the event that a tariff of
at least three percent (3%) is not imposed  by  the Indonesian Government
on  the  importation  of copper cathode by the due date  of  the  royalty
payment, and the absence  of  such tariff results in the payment by FI to
PTSC of increased treatment and refining charges pursuant to Section 12.6
and/or the deferral of payments  by PTSC to MMC for Support Fees pursuant
to  Section  12.7,  then to the payment  to  (i)  FI  of  such  increased
treatment and refining charges and (ii) MMC of such deferred Support Fees
in accordance with Section  11.4;  and  further  provided  that a royalty
payment which is deferred pursuant to the proviso immediately above shall
not  be  deemed  to be a later payment subject to accrual of interest  in
accordance with Section  5.2  of  the  Smelter License Agreement provided
that, if deferred, the deferred royalty  payment  is  paid when no longer
subordinated as provided herein.

     12.9 Subordination of Financial Disadvantage Payable  to  MMC, MC or
NMM.   As  support  for  PTSC,  MMC,  MC  and  NMM  agree that payment of
Financial Disadvantage (as defined in the Copper Cathode  Export Sale and
Purchase Agreement) owed by PTSC to MMC, MC or NMM in accordance with the
Copper  Cathode Export Sale and Purchase Agreement (and interest  accrued
thereon) shall be subordinated to debt service under the Project Loans to
the extent provided in the Credit Documents.


     This  Agreement  shall  remain  in  force and effect as long as PTSC
continues to exist, unless earlier terminated  as  provided  for  in this

                      ARTICLE 14.   DEFAULT

     14.1 Default.  Any of the following will constitute a Default:

          (a)  If  any  of  the  Parties  shall  be declared insolvent or
bankrupt, or make an assignment or other arrangement  for  the benefit of

          (b)  If any of the Parties shall be dissolved or liquidated; or

          (c)  If any of the Parties shall at any time be in  default  in
any  material  respect in the performance of any of its obligations under
this Agreement or otherwise commit any material breach of this Agreement,
and such default of breach shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days
after a written  notice demanding rectification of such default or breach
has been given by  PTSC  or any other Party to the defaulting Party, and,
provided further, such default  has  been  acknowledged by the defaulting
Party or confirmed by an arbitrator's judgment as provided in Article 16.

     14.2 Effect of Default.  Upon the occurrence  of  a Default, without
prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the non-defaulting  Parties
or  Party,  the rights of the defaulting Party under this Agreement shall
be suspended pending sale of the defaulting Party's Shares as provided in
Section 14.3 or for so long as the default is unrectified.

     14.3 Share  Purchase  Right.  In the event of a default, each of the
non-defaulting Parties shall  have  the right to purchase all or any part
of the Shares and assume all or any part  of the Subordinated Shareholder
Loans held by the defaulting Party, at the price determined in accordance
with Section 14.4, by giving notice ("an Exercise Notice") thereof to all
the  Parties within sixty (60) days after the  default  occurs.   If  the
total  number  of Shares and amount of Subordinated Shareholder Loans for
which Parties have  exercised  such  right  exceeds  the  total number of
Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans of the defaulting  Party,  then
each  Party  exercising  such  right  may  acquire at least the number of
Shares and amount of Subordinated Shareholder  Loans  that bears the same
ratio  to  the total number of Shares and Subordinated Shareholder  Loans
held by the  defaulting Party that such non-defaulting Party's respective
Basic Share Proportion  and  Basic Loan Proportion bears to the aggregate
Basic Share Proportion and Basic  Loan  Proportion  of all non-defaulting
Parties exercising such right; provided that should any  Party  accept in
writing  less  than  the number of Shares and/or Subordinated Shareholder
Loans to which it would be entitled under the foregoing, such Party shall
be entitled only to the  number of Shares and/or Subordinated Shareholder
Loans it has so accepted,  and  the  remaining  Shares  and  Subordinated
Shareholder  Loans  offered  for  sale  or  assignment  shall  be divided
proportionately as above among those Parties who have accepted more  than
the  number of Shares and/or Subordinated Shareholder Loans to which they
would  be entitled in accordance with the foregoing.  If the total number
of Shares  or  Subordinated  Shareholder  Loans  for  which  Parties have
exercised  such  right  is  less  than  the  total  number  of  Shares or
Subordinated Shareholder Loans available, then the Board of Directors may
offer  such  Shares  or  Subordinated Shareholder Loans to third parties,
with the prior approval of  a  General  Meeting  of  Shareholders.   Upon
completion  of the foregoing transactions, the Basic Share Proportion and
Basic Loan Proportion  of  each Party and the third party (if applicable)
shall be adjusted in accordance with its ownership percentage.

     14.4 Share Price.  For the purpose of the Transfer of the Shares and
Subordinated Shareholder Loans  as stated in Section 14.3 above, the sale
and purchase price of the Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans shall
be  at  (i)  the  then book value of  such  Shares  and  the  outstanding
principal and accrued  interest  of the Subordinated Shareholder Loans as
determined by the Auditor in the case  of Subsections 14.1(a) through (b)
above, or (ii) seventy-five percent (75%) of the par value of such Shares
or seventy-five percent (75%) of the then  book  value  of such Shares as
determined  by  the Auditor, whichever is less, and seventy-five  percent
(75%)  of  the  outstanding   principal   and  accrued  interest  of  the
Subordinated Shareholder Loans in the case of Subsection 14.1(c) above.

     14.5 Share and Subordinated Loan Transfer.   Within thirty (30) days
after  the  Share and Subordinated Shareholder Loans  purchase  price  is
determined in accordance with Section 14.4:

          (a)  the defaulting Party shall:

          (i)  execute   and   deliver  to  the  purchaser  the  relevant
documents required to transfer the  Shares  and  assign  the Subordinated
Shareholder Loans;

          (ii) Transfer  (consistent  with the Credit Documents)  to  the
purchaser the share certificate(s) (if  any)  relating  to the Shares and
loan  and  security  documents  relating to the Subordinated  Shareholder

          (iii)deliver to the purchaser a letter of resignation from each
of  the  Director(s) and Commissioner(s)  appointed  or  elected  on  its
nomination  with  a  waiver  of  all  claims for compensation for loss of

          (iv) deliver to the purchaser  a bank check for one half of the
amount of any stamp or other transfer tax  or  duty payable in respect of
the  Transfer of the Shares and Subordinated Shareholder  Loans,  failing
which  the  purchaser  may deduct such sum from the purchase price of the
Shares and Subordinated Shareholder Loans;

          (v)  deliver to  the purchaser all books and records of PTSC in
its possession or in the possession  of  Director(s)  or  Commissioner(s)
thereof elected or appointed on its nomination; and

          (vi) co-operate with the purchaser in the orderly  transfer  of
the  Shares  and  Subordinated  Shareholder Loans and, where appropriate,
control  and  management of the business  and  affairs  of  PTSC  to  the

          (b)  The purchasing Party shall deliver to the defaulting Party
a bank check for  the  purchase  price  of  the  Shares  and Subordinated
Shareholder Loans less any deduction in respect of stamp or  other tax or
duty in accordance with subparagraph (a)(iv) of this Section 14.5.


     Termination  of  this Agreement for any cause shall not release  the
Parties from any liability  which  at the time of termination has already
accrued or which thereafter may accrue  in respect of any act or omission
prior to such termination.  Further, any such termination hereof shall in
no way affect the survival of rights and obligations of the Parties which
are expressly stated elsewhere in this Agreement  to  survive termination
hereof  or  the  obligations  of  the  Parties  under  any  of the  Major
Contracts.   To  the  extent  necessary to give effect to the termination
provisions of this Agreement, the  Parties hereby waive the provisions of
Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil  Code  to  the  extent  they require
judicial approval of the termination of contracts.

                 ARTICLE 16.   DISPUTE RESOLUTION

     16.1 Amicable  Settlement.   Any  dispute  arising  out  of  or   in
connection   with  this  Agreement  or  its  performance,  including  the
validity,  scope,  meaning,  construction,  interpretation,  application,
breach or termination  hereof,  shall  to  the extent possible be settled
amicably by negotiation and discussion between  the  Parties.   Any Party
wishing to invoke the right to conduct such settlement negotiations shall
give written notice to the other Parties of the substance of the  dispute
and propose a schedule of conferences to resolve the matter.

     16.2 Arbitration  Rules.   Any  such dispute not settled by amicable
agreement  within  sixty  (60)  days of receipt  of  the  written  notice
described in Section 16.1 (or such  other  period as may be agreed by all
Parties  in writing in any specific case) shall  be  finally  settled  by
arbitration  in  Singapore  as  an  international  arbitration  under the
auspices  of  the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and applying
the ICC Arbitration  Rules.   In  the event of a conflict between the ICC
Arbitration Rules and the terms of  this  Agreement,  the  terms  of this
Agreement shall govern.  Documents may be submitted in either English  or
Japanese without the need for translation.

     16.3 Arbitrators.   Any  arbitration hereunder shall be conducted in
the  English  and/or  Japanese  languages   before   a   panel  of  three
arbitrators.  Each arbitrator shall preferably be fluent in  both English
and  Japanese, but if fluent in only one of such language, an interpreter
shall  be  retained and paid for by the Parties equally.  The arbitrators
shall be appointed in accordance with the following provisions:

          (a)  where  only  two Parties are involved in the dispute, each
Party shall appoint one arbitrator  and  the two arbitrators so appointed
shall  select  the  third arbitrator (who shall  not  be  a  resident  or
national of the same  country  as  either  of the Parties involved in the
dispute).  The third arbitrator shall act as the presiding arbitrator;

          (b)  if within a period of 30 days  from the date of the notice
of arbitration, a Party has failed to appoint an  arbitrator, or, the two
appointed arbitrators have failed to select the third  arbitrator  within
30  days after both arbitrators have been appointed, the Chairman of  the
Singapore  International Arbitration Centre shall appoint such arbitrator
or arbitrators as have not been appointed; and

          (c)  where  more  than two Parties are involved in the dispute,
the  Chairman of the Singapore  International  Arbitration  Centre  shall
appoint  each  of  the three arbitrators, and select one as the presiding

     16.4 Arbitration  Award.   The  award  rendered  in  any arbitration
commenced hereunder shall apportion the costs of the arbitration.

     16.5 Award  to be Final and Conclusive.  The award rendered  in  any
arbitration commenced  hereunder  shall  be  final  and  conclusive,  and
judgment  thereon may be entered in any court having jurisdiction for its
enforcement.   The  Parties  expressly  agree to waive Article 641 of the
Indonesian Code of Civil Procedure and Articles  15  and 108 of Law No. 1
of 1950 (Supreme Court Rules), and accordingly there shall  be  no appeal
to  any  court  from  the decision of the panel of arbitrators.  No Party
shall be entitled to commence  or  maintain  any action in a court of law
upon any matter in dispute until such matter shall  have  been  submitted
and decided as herein provided and then only for the enforcement  of  the
board of arbitration's award.

     16.6 Performance   of   Obligations   Pending   Decision.    Pending
submission to the board of arbitration and thereafter until the board  of
arbitration  gives  its  award,  the  Parties hereto agree that they will
continue to perform all their respective obligations under this Agreement
without  prejudice to the final judgment  in  accordance  with  the  said

     16.7 Waive  of Right to Terminate Board of Arbitration.  The Parties
hereto expressly agree to waive the applicability of Article 650.2 of the
Indonesian Commercial  Code,  so  that  the  appointment  of the board of
arbitration shall not terminate as of the sixth month from  the  date  of
its  appointment.   The mandate of the board of arbitration reconstituted
in accordance with the  terms hereof shall remain in effect until a final
arbitral award has been issued by the board of arbitration.


     17.1 Corporate  Power.    Each  Party  warrants  that  it  has  full
corporate  power  to  enter  into  this  Agreement  and  to  perform  its
obligations hereunder according to the  terms of this Agreement, and that
it has taken all necessary corporate or other  actions  to  authorize its
entry into and performance of this Agreement.

     17.2 Statements True.  Each party warrants that the statements  made
relating  to  it in this Agreement are true and accurate and that nothing
further  needs to  be  stated  to  prevent  such  statements  from  being

                   ARTICLE 18.  CONFIDENTIALITY

     18.1 Confidential  Treatment/Permitted  Disclosures.   Each  of  the
Parties covenants and agrees not to

          (a)  use  for  any  commercial purpose other than in connection
with  the  Project  any of the proprietary  or  confidential  information
concerning the Project,  including  but  not  limited  to proprietary and
confidential   technical   information   such   as  drawings,  documents,
specifications and non-public data and procedures, furnished by any Party
or its Affiliates or developed for purposes of the Project (collectively,
the "Project Information"), or

          (b)  divulge any Project Information to  third  parties without
the consent of the other Parties; except that (i) any party  may disclose
Project  Information  to  such  of  its  directors,  officers, employees,
consultants and advisors (including financial and legal advisors) as have
a reasonable need to know such Project Information in connection with the
Project Loans and its equity participation in the Project  (in  each case
pursuant to a written agreement whereby the recipient agrees to keep such
Project  Information  confidential);  (ii)  FI  shall  have  the right to
disclose such Project Information to the Government in furtherance of its
obligations under the Contract of Work with the ROI; and (iii) each other
Party  may  disclose  Project Information as required in accordance  with
applicable laws and for  the  due enforcement of its rights hereunder and
under the Major Contracts.

     Notwithstanding the above, no Party shall be under any obligation of
confidentiality and restricted  use  as  to  any  Project Information and
knowledge based thereon, which, as evidenced by documents,

          (c)  was in the lawful possession of the  receiving Party prior
to  the  disclosure  thereof by the disclosing Party and  which  was  not
obtained by the receiving  Party  either  directly or indirectly from the
disclosing Party or another Party, or

          (d)  is,  after disclosure by the  disclosing  Party,  lawfully
disclosed to the receiving Party by a third party having no obligation of
secrecy to the disclosing party as to the said information, or

          (e)  is or  at any time becomes available to the public through
no act, failure to act or other legal fault of receiving Party.

Specific information disclosed  to  a receiving Party shall not be deemed
to be within the foregoing exceptions  merely because such information is
embraced by more general information in  the  public  domain or is in the
possession  of  the  receiving  Party.   In addition, any combination  of
features shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely
because individual features are in the public domain or in the possession
of  the  receiving  Party,  but only if the combination  itself  and  its
principles of operation are in  the public domain or in the possession of
receiving Party.

     18.2 Implementation.   Each  Party   further   agrees  to  make  all
reasonable efforts, and to take all reasonable precaution, to prevent any
of its employees or personnel, or any other persons,  from  obtaining  or
making  any  unauthorized  use  of,  or  effecting  any disclosure of any
Project  Information.   The  Parties  shall  implement  this   policy  of
confidentiality in part by appropriate contract provisions, including but
not limited to appropriate terms in contracts of employment.

     18.3 Treatment  of Project Information by PTSC.  Each Party  further
agrees that PTSC shall  treat all Project Information as confidential and
shall not disclose all or  any part of it to any third party or otherwise
seek to exploit all or any part  of  it without the prior written consent
of  the  Party(ies)  from  which it was derived;  provided  that  Project
Information may be disclosed  by  PTSC  (a)  if  required to be disclosed
under any applicable law or regulation and (b) to its consultants, actual
or prospective financiers or transferees thereof (or  any  of their legal
counsel or consultants), the independent engineer appointed  pursuant  to
the  Project  Loans  or sub-consultants as reasonably necessary for their
services to PTSC or their  participation  in the Project, such disclosure
to be pursuant to a written agreement whereby  the  recipient  agrees  to
keep such Project Information confidential.

     18.4 Obligations  to  Survive.   The  obligations  contained in this
Article 18 shall bind the Parties during the term of this  Agreement  and
shall  continue  to  bind  the Parties after this Agreement is terminated
(for  whatever  cause)  or  expires  for  a  period  of  five  (5)  years

                     Article 19.  ASSIGNMENT

     Except as provided herein  concerning  the  authorized  Transfer  of
Shares  or Subordinated Shareholder Loans, no Party may assign any of its
rights or  obligations  under  this  Agreement  without the prior written
consent of the other Parties.  In the event an assignment is consented to
by the other Parties, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be
binding  upon  such  assignee  and its successors or  assigns,  and  such
assignee shall execute an appropriate  document or documents as necessary
to become a Party to this Agreement.

               Article 20.  LAW AND INTERPRETATION

     20.1 Governing  Law.  The provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  be
governed in all respects  by and construed in accordance with the laws of

     20.2 Governing  Language  of  this  Agreement.   This  Agreement  is
executed in the English  language  which  shall be the governing language
despite translation into any other language(s).

     20.3 Headings.  The headings of the Articles  and  Sections  in this
Agreement and table of contents shall not form part of this Agreement and
shall be disregarded in interpreting and construing this Agreement.

                    Article 21.  SEVERABILITY

     If  one  or  more  of  the provisions herein shall be void, invalid,
illegal or unenforceable in any  respect  under  any  applicable  law  or
decision,  the  validity,  legality  and  enforceability of the remaining
provisions contained shall not be affected  or impaired in any way.  Each
Party hereto shall, in any such event, execute  such additional documents
as the other Party(ies) may reasonably request in  order  to  give valid,
legal  and enforceable effect to any provision hereof which is determined
to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable as written in this Agreement.

                       Article 22.  NOTICES

     22.1 Manner  of  Delivery/Addresses.  Except as expressly set out in
this Agreement to the contrary,  all  notices and other communications to
be given to a Party under this Agreement  shall  be  in  writing  in  the
English language and communicated by personal delivery, mail or facsimile
from  one  Party to the other Party(ies) at their respective addresses as

     FI:       P.T. Freeport Indonesia Company
               Plaza 89, 5th Floor
               Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No. 6
               Jakarta 12940 Indonesia
               Attention: President Director
               Fax Number: 62-21-850-6736

          with a copy to:

               P.T. Freeport Indonesia Company
               1615 Poydras Street
               New Orleans, LA 70112 U.S.A.
               Attention: Legal Department
               Fax Number: 1-504-585-3513

     MMC:      Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
               1-5-1 Marunouchi
               Tokyo 100, Japan
               Attention: General Manager, Metals Division
               Fax Number: 81-3-5252-5426

     MC:       Mitsubishi Corporation
               2-6-3, Marunouchi
               Tokyo 100-86, Japan
               Attention: General Manager,
                          Base Metals Business Department
               Fax Number: 81-3-3210-8186

     NMM: Nippon Mining & Metals Company, Limited
               2-10-1, Toranomon
               Tokyo 105, Japan
               Attention: General Manager
                          Planning & Coordination Department
                          Copper & Chemical Division
               Fax Number: 81-3-5573-7595

     PTSC:     P.T. Smelting Co.
               Plaza 89, 6th Floor-S-602
               Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said
               Kav.X-7 No.6
               Jakarta, 12940
               Attention: President Director
               Fax Number: 62-21-522-9615

Subject to any  express  provisions  contained  in  this Agreement to the
contrary, the notices and other communications shall  be deemed delivered
when  sent  in the case of facsimile transmissions or personal  delivery,
and ten (10) days after sending in the case of mail.

     22.2 Change of Address.  Any Party hereto may at any time change its
address by written notice to the other Parties of such change.

                    Article 23.  FORCE MAJEURE

     No Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in the performance
of any of its  obligations  under  this Agreement to the extent that such
delay or failure is caused by Force  Majeure,  provided  that  the  Party
whose  performance  is  prevented  or delayed by such Force Majeure shall
make every good faith effort to overcome  or  dispel  the  event of Force
Majeure,  and  further  provided  that  Force Majeure shall not excuse  a
failure  to  pay  money when due.  For the purposes  of  this  Agreement,
"Force Majeure" shall  mean events or circumstances beyond the reasonable
control of a Party such  as  lightning,  fire,  explosion,  storm,  wind,
flood,  tidal  wave,  earthquake,  tempest  or other natural disasters of
overwhelming proportions or acts of God; civil commotion, rebellion, war,
sabotage, riot, strike, lock out or industrial  unrest;  or the enactment
of any law or regulation not existing or not applicable on  the  date  of
this  Agreement  by the Government which renders the Project economically
impracticable,  or   the  nationalization,  expropriation  or  compulsory
acquisition of the Project or any part thereof by the Government.

                  Article 24.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT

     This  Agreement and  the  Credit  Documents  constitute  the  entire
agreement between  the  Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof
and, with the exception of the project Planning Agreement, supersedes all
prior agreements, understandings and negotiations, both written and oral,
between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.
Insofar as possible this  Agreement shall be interpreted to be consistent
with the Project Planning Agreement, provided, however, that in the event
of a direct inconsistency,  this  Agreement  shall  take  precedence.  No
representation, inducement, promise, understanding, condition or warranty
not set forth herein has been made or relied upon by any Party hereto.

                     Article 25.  AMENDMENTS

     This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in  writing and
with the unanimous agreement of the Parties hereto.

            Article 26.  NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES

     Neither  this  Agreement  nor  any  provision hereof is intended  to
confer upon any person, firm, corporation  or other entity other than the
Parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.


     Each  Party  acknowledges  (and  upon  any  Transfer  of  Shares  or
Subordinated Shareholder Loans, each such transferee  shall  be deemed to
have  acknowledged)  that it has read and is familiar with the terms  and
conditions of the Credit  Documents and agrees that, prior to the earlier
of the Termination Date and  the Ownership Transfer Date, notwithstanding
any provision in this Agreement  to  the  contrary,  such Party shall not
take or permit to be taken any action pursuant hereto,  or  fail  to take
any  action  required  hereunder,  which  shall  conflict with any of its
obligations under any of the Credit Documents or cause  PTSC  to conflict
with any of its obligations under the Loan Agreement.

                    Article 28.  MISCELLANEOUS

     The  Parties agree to amend the Articles of Association of  PTSC  as
necessary to  comply with this Agreement.  This Agreement may be executed
in any number of  counterparts,  all  of  which when taken together shall
constitute one and the same instrument and  any of the parties hereto may
execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their duly authorized representatives on the  date  and year and place
first written above.

                              MITSUBISHI MATERIALS CORPORATION

                              By:  /s/Teesuo Kumana
                                      Teesuo Kumana
                              Title:  Managing Director, Metals Division

                              P.T. FREEPORT INDONESIA COMPANY

                              By: /s/ Robert M. Wohleber
                                   Robert M. Wohleber
                              Title:   Vice President

                              MITSUBISHI CORPORATION

                              By: /s/ Fukuda, Isamu
                                   Fukuda, Isamu
                              Title: Director, General Manager Non-Ferrous
                                     Metals Div.

                         NIPPON MINING & METALS COMPANY, LIMITED

                              By: /s/ Matuo Ide
                                   Matuo Ide
                              Title:   Managing Director


PTSC hereby ratifies and agrees to be bound by this  Agreement  as  if it
were  a  party  hereto, to carry out the management and administration of
its  business  in accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this
Agreement, and to  perform  all obligations intended under this Agreement
to be undertaken or performed by it.

                              P.T. Smelting Co.

                              By: /s/Shunichi Ajima
                                     Shunichi Ajima
                              Title: President Director

                                                              EXHIBIT "A"


Return Amounts Refer to Gross Distributions
(i.e., Distribution Including Application
Withholding Tax)
                              Year 1(*1)  Year 2   Year 3   Year 4    Year 5    Year 6    Year 7    Year 8    Year 9   Year 10
                              ----------  ------   ------   ------    ------    ------    ------    ------    ------   -------
Cash Available for Interest 
  on Shareholder Loans              0     25,000   33,000   20,000    18,000    15,000    15,000    14,000    12,500    11,500
Cash Available for Dividend         0          0        0        0    28,000    35,000    15,000    45,000    50,000    54,542
Cash Available for Principal 
  Repayment on Shareholder     
  Loans                             0          0        0   15,000    10,000    12,500    15,000    10,000    10,000    10,000
Total Cash Available for 
  Shareholder                       0     25,000   33,000   35,000    56,000    62,500    45,000    69,000    72,500    76,042
  MMC/MC/NMM Pro-Rata Return
    Interest on Shareholder 
      Loan (*2)                     0     17,291   22,824   13,307    11,613     9,244     8,620     7,581     6,284     5,254
    Common Stock Dividends          0          0        0        0    21,000    26,250    11,250    33,750    37,500    40,097
Return Assigned from FI             0      7,709   10,176    6,693    13,387    14,506    10,130         0         0         0
Return Reimbursed to FI             0          0        0        0         0         0         0    16,076    21,424     4,119
Annual Return                       0     25,000   33,000   20,000    46,000    50,000    30,000    25,255    22,360    42,042
Cumulative Return                   0     25,000   58,000   78,000   124,000   174,000   204,000   229,255   251,615   293,657
Average Balance-Shareholder 
  Loan                        132,000    132,000  132,000  117,000   107,000    94,500    79,500    69,500    59,500    49,500
Average Balance-Common                  
  Equity                      112,500    112,500  112,500  112,500   112,500   112,500   112,500   112,500   112,500   112,500
Average Balance-Capital 
  Contributions               244,500    244,500  244,500  229,500   219,500   207,000   192,000   182,000   172,000   162,000
Cumulative Average Balance    244,500    489,000  733,500  963,000 1,182,500 1,389,500 1,581,500 1,763,500 1,935,500 2,097,500
Average Annual Simple 
  Return to MC/MC/NMM(*3)        0.0%       5.1%     7.9%     8.1%     10.5%     12.5%     12.9%     13.0%     13.0%     14.0%

   FI Return
     Interest on Shareholder          
       Loan (*2)                    0      7,709   10,176    6,693     6,387     5,756     6,380     6,419     6,216     6,246
     Common Stock Dividends         0          0        0        0     7,000     8,750     3,750    11,250    12,500    13,636
   Return Assigned to MMC/       
     MC/NMM                         0      7,709   10,176    6,693    13,387    14,506    10,130         0         0         0
   Return Reimbursed from 
     MMC/MC/NMM                     0          0        0        0         0         0         0    16,076    21,424     4,119
   FI Arrearage (*4)                0      8,333   19,333   26,000    41,333    58,000    68,000    42,673     9,987         0
   Average Balance-
     Shareholder Loan          44,000     44,000   44,000   44,000    44,000    44,000    44,000    44,000    44,000    44,000
   Average Balance-Common 
     Equity                    37,500     37,500   37,500   37,500    37,500    37,500    37,500    37,500    37,500    37,500

*1      Years refer to fiscal  years following  commencement of commercial 
*2      Interest is assumed to be calculated according to the terms of the 
        Subordinated Loan Agreements.
*3      Average annual simple return is equal to the sum of gross interest 
        and dividends paid to MMC/MC/NMM to date divided by the cumulative 
        average  capital balance (based on actual days  outstanding)  from  
        the commencement of commercial operations to date.  Total debt and 
        equity  contributed  by  all  Sponsors  are  assumed to total $326 
        million as of commencement of commercial operations.  MMC/MC/NMM's 
        capital contribution is assumed to total $244.5 million.
*4      FI's  arrearage amount  equals the amount  by which gross interest  
        and  dividends  received by FI on its subordinate  debt and equity 
        investments fall short of or exceeds the  pro-rata share  of gross 
        interest and dividends received by MMC/MC/NMM on their subordinate 
        debt and equity investments.   In  the above example, FI holds $44  
        million  of subordinated  debt and $37.5  million of common equity 
        subject  to  dividend  assignment obligations,  and  is  therefore  
        entitled  to  receive 33.3% (i.e., 25%/75%)  of the gross interest 
        and dividends received by MMC/MC/NMM.