Kinetic  Concepts  develops  and markets  innovative  therapeutic
healing   systems   that  address  skin  breakdown,   circulatory
problems,  and  pulmonary  complications.   Our  healing  systems
consist  of  specialty  beds, mattress replacement  systems,  and
related  medical devices.  We serve multiple care settings,  both
in the United States and abroad.

Table of contents                   
Letter to Shareholders              2-3
Change and KCI                      4-11
Financial Summary                   12-13
Management's Discussion and         14-20
Financial Statements and Notes      21-31
Report of Independent Public        32
Investor Information                Inside back cover

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                           
(in millions, except per     1995 1 1994 2   1993   1992   1991
share data)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue                      $243.4 $269.6 $268.9 $278.5 $248.7
Operating earnings             43.8  124.1   20.5   55.1   48.8
Net Earnings                   28.4   64.4    8.1   28.5   24.8
Earnings per share              0.63   1.46   0.18   0.63   0.49

Cash flow provided by                                          
operations                     56.8   96.5   56.5   58.0   60.2
   1 Results were negatively affected                                  
     by $927,000 or $0.02 per share in
     non-recurring items.
   2 Results include $43.1 million or                                   
     $0.98 per share from several
     non-recurring gains.

The  health care industry is changing and that's good for Kinetic
Concepts.  There are more sick people than ever before, and  they
need  solutions  to  their  problems.  That's  good  for  Kinetic
Concepts because our therapies have been proven effective in  the
lab  and with the patient.  Health care providers have to squeeze
a  dollar farther than ever before, and they need therapies  that
are cost effective.  That's good for Kinetic Concepts because  we
not only save lives, we save money that can save more lives.  And
that's good for everyone.

Dear Fellow Shareholders,

Change  continues to shape the health care industry.   Driven  by
efforts  to control health care spending at all levels,  stemming
the  rise in medical costs has become a national priority.  As  a
result,   health   care   providers  are  consolidating   at   an
unprecedented  rate  in  order to gain  operating  synergies  and
purchasing leverage.  The changing health care landscape has also
affected  the patient as care providers are increasingly  turning
the home into a place of healing.

Many  of these changes can be good for both Kinetic Concepts  and
our  industry.  The growing emphasis on improved patient outcomes
at  a  lower  cost is really what Kinetic Concepts is all  about.
What's  exciting  about this change is that  the  marketplace  is
discovering what we've known all along -- prevention  of  serious
medical  complications is far more effective and  less  expensive
than treating an illness once it develops.

Our  annual  report  to you highlights four key  changes  in  the
health  care industry and describes how these changes can benefit
KCI.  These changes are:
     1.   The increased pressure on health care providers to
          reduce costs,
     2.   The migration of patients away from acute care
          facilities into new care settings,
     3.   The consolidation of health care providers, and
     4.   The global focus on improved health care.

We  have  positioned KCI to embrace and take  advantage  of   the
changes  in  the marketplace. During the past two years  we  sold
several   underperforming   assets,   radically   improved   core
operations and successfully settled a patent infringement lawsuit
against  a  major  competitor, all  of  which  have  enabled  the
profitability  of  our core business to rebound.   This  is  best
reflected by our earnings per share, which have increased 250% in
the past two years.

One  of  the reasons we've improved our financial performance  is
that  we've  sharpened  our  marketing  focus  to  emphasize  the
effectiveness  of our products.  Unlike many of our  competitors,
we  can  demonstrate the effectiveness of our products  with  our
extensive  collection of clinical research.   These  are  studies
conducted  by  teaching  hospitals and  other  institutions  that
compare the medical efficacy of our specialty products with  non-
specialized  treatment  protocols.  These studies  overwhelmingly
demonstrate  that  KCI's products produce patient  outcomes  much
superior  to  traditional treatments.  We call this our  Clinical
Advantage  and it has been very successful in building  awareness
of  Kinetic Concept's unique  therapeutic benefits, as well as in
easing the price erosion that has been common among providers  of
medical products and services.

Core  business growth strategies - Each of our operating segments
has  a blueprint to ensure future revenue growth.  Here's a  look
at what we are doing:

     Acute  and Extended Care - To better serve the needs of  our
     acute  care  and extended care markets, we have added  KCI's
     TriaDyne  critical care specialty bed and our  BariKare  bed
     for  large  patients to our continuum of  surfaces.   Strong
     demand for these premium products and our full product  line
     have  resulted in increased patient therapy days and  higher
     average rental rates.
     Home  Care  -  Since the start of 1995, we have  served  the
     growing  home care market through top-quality partners  such
     as  Apria, American HomePatient and others.  Shifting  to  a
     dealer network has let us build on each other's strengths as
     we  participate in the growing home health care market  with
     only minimal increases in our infrastructure.
     International  -  In late 1995 we opened  sales  offices  in
     Italy  and  Sweden,  bringing the  number  of  international
     markets   we   serve  to  10.   Revenue  growth   from   our
     international operations continues to outpace  our  domestic
     business, and we have strong global growth opportunities.
     Medical Devices -- During 1995, we introduced the PlexiPulse
     All-in-1 System to our product line.  The PlexiPulse All-in-
     1  System  is not only highly effective at preventing  lower
     limb  blood  clotting,  but  it has  the  added  benefit  of
     lowering  inventory and operating costs for facilities  that
     offer this treatment.  Late last year we also introduced our
     revolutionary  wound  closure device,  The  V.A.C.,  in  the
     United States after its successful introduction in Europe 18
     months ago.

One  of  the  most exciting changes you'll see  in  1996  is  the
introduction  of  vastly improved information systems.   We  have
upgraded  our financial information systems so that we  now  have
real-time  visibility into the operations of all of  our  service
centers,  each  of our products and every one of  our  more  than
6,000  customer accounts.  In addition, our team members  in  the
field are all connected to our Genesis system, which they use  to
collect  patient data, track our assets and manage accounts.   As
we  combine  the  information gathered through Genesis  with  our
existing  Odyssey wound management software program,  we  provide
our  customers  with insights into their treatment protocols  and
likely patient outcomes that simply weren't available before.

In  January 1996 we completed a successful secondary offering  of
nearly 8.8 million shares of our stock.  The shares were held  by
the  Leininger  family and various charitable trusts,  and  their
sale  has greatly improved the liquidity of our company's  stock.
We  welcome  our  new shareholders and hope that they  share  our
enthusiasm for the future.

Another  change  we hope to see in 1996 is a sharpened  focus  by
everyone  at Kinetic Concepts on further improving our  operating
profit  margins  through revenue growth and cost  controls.   One
thing,  however, that will not change in 1996 is our emphasis  on
recruiting,  developing,  training  and  motivating  skilled  and
competent   KCI   team  members.   Our  successes   reflect   the
involvement of every single individual in this company.  We  both
believe  that  our  future successes will rest  on  the  quality,
integrity  and  competence of our dedicated team  members.   We'd
like  to finish this letter by once again thanking and commending
our team members who share our mission, beliefs and core values.

____________________________           _____________________________
Chairman of the Board of Directors      President and Chief Executive

#1 -- Increased pressure on costs and patient outcomes.

      Cost containment efforts have spread across all aspects  of
the   health   care  industry.   Both  private   and   government
reimbursement programs are moving toward systems where facilities
receive  a  fixed payment, based on each patient's diagnosis,  to
cover  all  medical  expenses.  Expenses that  exceed  the  fixed
amount  are paid by the facility, not the patient.  This type  of
system  puts  tremendous  pressure  on  facilities  to  eliminate
additional treatment costs due to secondary patient complications
such as pneumonia or pressure ulcers.

      Kinetic  Concepts has a full line of products that  prevent
and treat the medical complications that patients often encounter
in  a hospital or nursing home.  The cost of using these products
is  far  less  than the alternate cost of treating a complication
once  it  develops.  For example, the company's  Kinetic  Therapy
products rotate the patient laterally at least 40 degrees to each
side.   This therapy has been demonstrated to dramatically reduce
the  incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia as well  as  reduce
the  length  of time spent in a hospital or intensive care  unit,
all at a cost of less than $200 per day.  In contrast, a case  of
pneumonia can easily add $18,000 to the cost of a patient's  stay
in a hospital.

     We prove the effectiveness of our therapies to our customers
with  an  extensive collection of clinical studies  published  in
respected  peer reviewed medical journals. These studies  support
the  cost effectiveness of our products and provide the necessary
outcome data demanded by health care providers.

      Being able to provide cost savings is important in light of
efforts  to  control  the  federal government's  expenditures  on
health  care.   Even through we usually receive payment  for  our
products from a facility, approximately 35% of our total  revenue
ultimately comes from Medicare or Medicaid.  Our ability to  meet
the   demands  of  government  reimbursement  programs  for  cost
effectiveness is more important than ever.

Treatment Outlook for a     With Kinetic     Without Kinetic
Critically Ill Blunt           Therapy           Therapy
Trauma Victim
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Days on a ventilator              4                 7
Days in intensive care            5                 8
Total days in hospital           20                45
Total cost of hospital
stay                          $33,500           $51,500
Kinetic Therapy Cost                    $18,000
- ------------------------------------------------------------                  
Kinetic Therapy can greatly reduce a patient's cost of care
by reducing the total time spent in a hospital as well as the
costly intensive care unit.

We  have  the  most  extensive collection  of  clinical  research
studies in our industry.  Care providers look to these studies to
be sure that when they prescribe a Kinetic Concepts therapy, they
can be certain that it will deliver the desired outcome.

(Photo of TriaDyne specialty bed)  Critical care patients take  a
turn  for  the better on the KCI TriaDyne.  It's Kinetic  Therapy
rotates  the  patient  to keep lungs clear  of  fluids  and  keep
pneumonia  at  bay  while  its  percussion  and  pressure  relief
features  speed recovery, increase comfort and ease the  workload
for nurses.

# 2 -- Migration of patients away from acute care facilities

       Prompted  by  cost  reduction  pressures  from  government
reimbursement  programs,  private  insurers  and   managed   care
organizations,  health care is now readily available  in  a  wide
variety of settings.  The role of traditional hospitals has  been
somewhat reduced to more specific functions such as emergency and
specialty units.  Most rehabilitation now occurs in extended care
settings as well as in the home.

      We  are able to provide therapies to patients in these non-
acute care settings through our national distribution network and
a  broad  product line that provides our Continuum of Care.   Our
products range from specialty beds such as the TriaDyne, which is
designed  for  severely injured patients, to inflatable  mattress
overlays   designed for use in the home.  We also have 250  full-
time  clinicians on our team who make regular patient rounds  and
who  offer  insights into the appropriate surfaces for a  patient
entering a new care setting.  Our broad product line and clinical
data  give  us  the  tools  to access patients  across  all  care
settings.   With  an  increasing number of  patients  covered  by
managed   care  systems,  the  ability  to  provide  a   seamless
transition   for   a   patient's  movement   from   hospital   to
rehabilitation center to home is essential.

      The  home is gaining importance as a care setting.  Changes
in  federal  reimbursement programs as well as  commercial  payor
sources  have  made our therapies more widely accessible  in  the
home  market.  We are capitalizing on the growth of  home  health
care  by  accessing  these patients through  independent  medical
equipment  dealers.   We  currently have  more  than  700  dealer
distribution  points, and we plan to double  that  number  during
1996 to take advantage of this growing market.

Changes in Care Settings for  Acute     Extended  Home
a Typical Patient on
Mechanical Ventilation
1985                          20 Days   20 Days   8 Days
1995                          4 Days    14 Days   30 Days

Care  providers  are moving patients to the least expensive  care
setting as soon as possible.  Shown to the right are just  a  few
of the more than two patient support dozen products KCI offers to
speed healing.

Nature has an answer for everything, but sometimes it needs  some
help.   The  PlexiPulse  All-in-1 System duplicates  the  natural
blood-pumping action of walking for patients who are confined  to
a  bed.   Keeping the blood moving prevents dangerous clots  from
forming, so patients can get back on their feet.

#3 -- Consolidation of health care providers and national group
     purchasing organizations

Consolidation  of  health  care  providers  and  national   group
purchasing  organizations (GPOs) within the health care  industry
has  greatly  increased  the number of  patients  whose  care  is
covered by a national organization.  This increased patient  base
in  turn  gives  the  providers  and  GPOs  increased  purchasing
leverage.   These organizations not only want favorable  pricing,
they  want  to deal with as few vendors as possible  to  minimize
their operating costs.

      This  trend  towards consolidation is a  plus  for  Kinetic
Concepts  because  our  national distribution  system  and  broad
product  line are key differentiators that set us apart from  our
competitors.   Our  broad range of products  meets  the  changing
support surface needs of a patient across all care settings,  and
we  have  tailored our distribution network to  meet  the  unique
needs of our customers.

Acute  and  extended care:  We maintain a network of 143  service
centers across the United States that are on call 24 hours a day.
When a trauma patient enters an intensive care unit, the need for
a  specialty  bed is immediate.  We respond to that need  with  a
nationwide  service team that can have our products delivered  to
major trauma centers in the United States within two hours.   The
patient surface needs of an extended care patient can also change
rapidly  and  the  same  service  team  that  serves  acute  care
facilities also supports the needs of extended care facilities.

Home  care:  This growing market is served through more than  700
independent dealer outlets with that number growing rapidly as we
partner with more durable medical equipment providers serving the
home  market.   Much  of  the  growth  in  home  health  care  is
attributable to the increasing elderly population in  the  United
States.   The  vast  majority of pressure  ulcers  are  found  on
patients over the age of 65, and that segment is also the fastest
growing portion of the U.S. population.

Percentage of U.S. Population Covered
by 25 Largest Health Care Providers

1985           1990           1995
3.6%            5.1%           6.9%

Emergence of Disease State Niche Markets

The  industry  trend toward consolidation has yielded  additional
leverage  to  national  care  providers  to  demand  packages  of
products  and  services  that offer total solutions  to  specific
diseases.   We are currently developing the skin wound management
portion of a total patient care package that would be offered  in
conjunction  with several leading manufacturers  of  health  care

Patient information is a vital ingredient in any providers' plans
to  provide cost effective medical care.  Through our proprietary
Genesis  and  Odyssey software management programs,  we  and  our
customers  can  track statistical patient data, refine  treatment
protocols  and  quantify the clinical outcomes of our  therapies.
These  programs  give  us an advantage in establishing  long-term
relationships with national managed care organizations.

(Photo  of BariKare bed) The special needs of large patients  are
largely unaddressed in today's hospitals.  The BariKare serves as
a  bed,  chair and x-ray table for patients weighing  up  to  850
pounds.  It also lets nurses care for these special patients in a
safe and dignified manner.

#4 -- Global focus on improved health care

Health  care  systems in established economies  are  increasingly
seeking methods to provide improved care at a reduced cost.  Many
of these systems, particularly in western Europe, are government-
supported  and  are experiencing the same cost control  pressures
that  began  to  affect our own Medicare/Medicaid system  several
years ago.

In  addition,  emerging nations are beginning  to  seek  ways  to
provide  improved levels of health care, although they  may  lack
the  financial  resources of more established  economies.   As  a
result,  health care systems across the world are becoming  aware
of  the  cost effective benefits that therapeutic patient support
surfaces  can provide.  These products are particularly effective
when protocols dictate their usage in a preventative mode.

Kinetic   Concepts   is  well  positioned   for   global   growth
opportunities.   We  have direct operations in  10  international
markets  within  western  Europe,  as  well  as  in  Canada   and
Australia.  We use independent dealers in other selected  markets
such  as  Latin and South America, and we are actively  exploring
both direct and joint venture operations in Asia.

Health Care Dynamics for KCI's
International Markets

           1994           1993          % of GNP
           Population    Health Care    Spent on
           (millions)    Spending        Health
                         (billions)      Care
          -----------   -----------   ----------            
U.S.A.         258          $831         14.1%
Germany         81           155          8.6
U.K.            58            71          7.1
Austria          8            19          9.3
Switzerland      7            26          8.9
France          57           118          9.8
Canada          28            61         10.2
Australia       18            25          8.5
Italy           57            95          8.6
Sweden           9            10          7.5
Netherlands     15            22          9.3


Overseas Success Story -- KCI's revolutionary The V.A.C.  medical
device  was  introduced  in  Europe in  mid-1994.   Its  clinical
success overseas proved to KCI that this extraordinary device was
indeed a world-class therapy.

International  distribution network -- 45  service  centers,  200
service technicians, rental fleet of 5,800+ patient surfaces  and
medical devices

(Photo of The V.A.C.) Problem wounds need special solutions.  The
V.A.C. (Vacuum Assisted Closure) closes wounds when other methods
fail.     It  uses a pump and a special sponge to create  suction
within  a  wound, drawing the skin together.  For some  patients,
The V.A.C. is the only answer and only KCI has The V.A.C.

                (in thousands, except per share data)
                                      Year Ended December 31,
                               1995    1994     1993    1992    1991
Consolidated Statements of                                            
  Earnings Data:                                                      
  Rental and service        $206,653 $228,832  $232,250 $244,905 $223,192
  Sales and other             36,790   40,814    36,622   33,586   25,529
    Total revenue            243,443  269,646   268,872  278,491  248,721
Rental expenses              137,420  159,235   169,687  156,682  146,112
Cost of goods sold            13,729   19,388    18,666   18,987   14,238
    Gross profit              92,294   91,023    80,519  102,822   88,371
Selling, general and                                                  
  administrative expenses     48,502   51,813    53,279   47,710   39,538
Unusual items(1)                  --  (84,868)    6,705       --       --
    Operating earnings        43,792  124,078    20,535   55,112   48,833
Interest expense (income),            
    net                       (4,554)   4,528     5,908    7,195    6,736

    Earnings before income                                            
      taxes, minority interest,                                              
      extraordinary item and                                          
      cumulative effect of                                            
      changes in accounting
      principle               48,346  119,550    14,627   47,917   42,097
Income taxes                  19,905   55,949     7,175   19,405   17,260
    Earnings before minority                                          
      interest, extraordinary                                         
      item and cumulative
      effect of changes in
      accounting principle    28,441   63,601     7,452   28,512   24,837
Minority interest in                                                  
  subsidiary loss                 --       40       560       --       --
Extraordinary item -- debt                                            
  extinguishment, net             --       --      (400)      --       --
Cumulative effect of change                                           
  in accounting for inventory
  (2)                             --       742       --       --       --
Cumulative effect of change                                           
  in accounting for income
  taxes (3)                       --        --      450       --       --
    Net earnings             $28,441    $64,383 $ 8,062  $28,512  $24,837
    Earnings per share       $  0.63    $  1.46 $  0.18  $  0.63  $  0.49
Shares used in earnings per                                           
  share computations          45,457     44,143  44,627   45,060   50,469
Cash flow provided by         
  operations                 $56,782    $96,451 $56,538  $58,007  $60,241
Cash dividends paid to common                                         
  shareholders               $ 6,631    $ 6,588 $ 6,638  $ 6,277  $ 6,047
Cash dividends per share paid                                         
  to common shareholders     $   .15    $   .15 $   .15  $   .14  $   .12

                                        As of December 31,
                              1995    1994    1993     1992         1991
Consolidated Balance Sheet                                            
  Working capital          $109,413 $ 90,791  $ 60,907  $ 55,473  $ 32,206
  Total assets             $243,726 $232,731  $284,573  $286,915  $277,820
  Long-term obligations --                                            
    noncurrent (4)         $     -- $  2,636  $101,889  $102,237  $101,781
  Minority interest        $     -- $     --  $     40  $    990  $     --
  Redeemable convertible                    
    preferred stock        $     -- $     --  $     --  $  3,307  $  3,034
  Other capital accounts   $210,324 $185,423  $125,707  $123,813  $ 99,182

(1)  See  Note  11  of Notes to Consolidated Financial  Statements  for
     information on unusual items.
(2)  See  Note  1  of  Notes to Consolidated Financial  Statements  for
     information  on cumulative effect of change in method of  accounting
     for inventory.
(3)  See  Note  8  of  Notes to Consolidated Financial  Statements  for
     information  on cumulative effect of change in method of  accounting
     for income taxes.
(4) See Notes 6 and 7 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for
     information  concerning  the  Company's borrowing  arrangements  and
     lease obligations.



      The  health care industry is facing various challenges, including
increased  pressure  on  health care providers to  control  costs,  the
accelerating  migration  of patients from acute  care  facilities  into
extended  care  (e.g.  skilled  nursing facilities  and  rehabilitation
centers)  and  home  care settings, the consolidation  of  health  care
providers and national and regional group purchasing organizations  and
the  growing demand for clinically proven and cost effective therapies.
The pressure to control health care costs intensified during 1993 as  a
result of the health care reform debate and has continued through  1995
as  Congress attempts to slow the rate of growth of federal health care
expenditures  as  part  of its effort to balance  the  federal  budget.
While  the  exact amount and nature of the federal health  care  budget
cuts  are  not  final, the Company believes that health care  providers
will  continue  to  experience increased cost control  pressures.   The
expected reductions in future hospital payment rates will increase  the
cost  pressures on hospitals but the Company does not believe that  the
manner   in  which  hospitals  are  currently  reimbursed  will  change
materially  in  the foreseeable future.  However, current Congressional
proposals would change the method of reimbursement in the extended  and
home care settings from retrospective cost-based systems to prospective
payment  systems similar to the system adopted for hospitals  in  1983.
In  a  prospective payment system, reimbursement is based  on  national
averages  of costs for the care of a patient with a specific  diagnosis
instead  of  on costs actually incurred and decisions on selecting  the
products  and  services used in patient care are based on clinical  and
cost effectiveness.

      Industry trends including pricing pressures, the consolidation of
health  care  providers  and  national and  regional  group  purchasing
organizations and a shift in market demand toward lower-priced products
such as mattress overlays have had the impact of reducing the Company's
average  daily  rental rates on its products.  These  industry  trends,
together with the increasing migration of patients from acute  care  to
extended  and  home care settings have had the effect of  reducing  the
Company's  historical revenue from acute care facilities.  The  Company
expects  these industry trends to continue.  The Company is  addressing
these  trends  by increasing its marketing efforts beyond its  existing
base  of more than 1000 acute care hospitals to market to an additional
2000  medium  to large hospitals in which the Company has a  relatively
small presence.  The Company further believes that the introduction  of
the TriaDyne and BariKare beds will enable it to further penetrate this

      Beginning  in  1993, the Company restructured its management  and
operations  to meet the needs of the changing health care  environment.
The   Company  began  assembling  a  new  management  team   that   has
concentrated  on the Company's core lines of business,  divested  three
underperforming businesses and implemented various programs  to  reduce
the  Company's operating costs and to improve its information  systems.
On  September 30, 1994, the Company sold certain assets of its  Medical
Services  Division ("Medical Services") which rented  movable  critical
care  and life support equipment.  On March 27, 1995, the Company  sold
the  assets  of  Medical Retro Design, Inc. ("MRD"), a subsidiary  that
refurbished  standard hospital beds and furniture.  On June  15,  1995,
the  Company  sold  all  of the stock of KCI Financial  Services,  Inc.
("KCIFS"), a medical equipment leasing company.

      Generally,  the  Company's customers prefer to rent  rather  than
purchase patient support surfaces, due to such considerations  as  high
initial capital outlays and extensive maintenance requirements.   As  a
result,  rental revenues are a high percentage of the overall  revenues
of  the  Company.  More recently, sales have increased as a portion  of
the  Company's revenue.  The Company believes this trend will  continue
because certain U.S. health care providers are purchasing products that
are  less  expensive  and easier to maintain such as  medical  devices,
mattress  overlays  and  mattress replacement  systems.   In  addition,
international  health  care providers tend to  purchase  products  more
often  than U.S. health care providers, and the Company's revenue  from
international  operations  represents  an  increasing  portion  of  the
Company's  total  revenues.  Because of the cost pressures  within  the
health  care  industry,  patients are leaving the  acute  care  setting
sooner, thereby increasing the demand for the Company's products in the
extended and home care settings.  This demand increases the utilization
of  certain  of the Company's products which were originally  developed
for acute care settings and provides an additional market for sales  of
low-cost  products  such as mattress overlays and mattress  replacement

Results of Operations

Year Ended December 31, 1995 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1994

      The  following  table sets forth, for the periods indicated,  the
percentage  relationship of each item to total revenue as well  as  the
change  in  each  line  item  as compared  to  the  prior  year  ($  in

                           Year Ended December 31,
                                    Revenue        Increase
                                  Relationship    (Decrease)
                                  1995  1994      $      Pct
  Rental and service               85%   85%  $(22,179) (10%)
  Sales and other                  15    15     (4,024) (10)
                                 ----   ----  ---------              
                                  100%  100%   (26,203) (10)
Rental expenses                    56    59    (21,815) (14)
Cost of goods sold                  6     7     (5,659) (29)
                                 ----   ----  ---------          
    Gross profit                   38    34      1,271     1
Selling, general and                                    
administrative expenses            20    19     (3,311)   (6)
Unusual items                      --   (31)    84,868   
                                 ----   ----  ---------     
    Operating earnings             18    46    (80,286)  (65)
Interest (income) expense, net     (2)    1     (9,082) (201)
                                 ----   ----  ---------   
    Earnings before income                              
     taxes,minority interest,
     and cumulative effect of                              
     change in accounting
     principle                     20    45    (71,204)  (60)
Income taxes                        8    21    (36,044)  (64)
                                 ----   ----  --------- 
    Earnings before minority                            
      interest and cumulative                           
      effect of change in 
      accounting principle         12    24    (35,160)  (55)
Minority interest in subsidiary   
  loss                             --    --        (40)   --
Cumulative effect of change in                          
  accounting principle             --    --       (742)   --
                                 ----  ----    -------   ----              
    Net earnings                   12%   24%  $(35,942) (56%)

      The Company's revenue is derived from five primary markets.   The
following  table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the  amount  of
revenues derived from each of these markets ($ in millions):

                                     Year Ended December31,
                                        1995        1994
     Acute                             $111.0      $109.1
     Extended                            37.5        34.5
     Home                                14.7        14.1
     International                       60.7        46.4
     Medical devices                     16.9        13.9
     Other(1)                             2.6        51.6
                                       ------      ------
                                       $243.4      $269.6
                                       ======      ====== 

       (1) Consists of revenue of Medical Services, KCIFS, MRD and
           other sales.

      Unusual  Items.  In September 1994, the Company settled a  patent
infringement  suit  against its principal competitor,  Support  Systems
International,  Inc.  ("SSI"), a predecessor in interest  to  Hill-Rom,
Inc., for $84.8 million.  In connection with the settlement, SSI agreed
to   withdraw  its  high-end  specialty  bed  from  the  market.    The
comparability  of the Company's financial results for the  years  ended
December  31,  1995  and  1994  was  significantly  impacted  by   this
settlement  and  the pre-tax gain of $10.1 million  from  the  sale  of
certain  assets of Medical Services.  Partially offsetting these  items
were  certain  miscellaneous unusual items, primarily  dispositions  of
overstocked inventory and underutilized rental assets and a  write-down
of  the carrying value of the assets of MRD which had a negative impact
of  $6.8  million.   The following is a summary of  the  unusual  items
recorded in the prior year (in thousands):

     SSI patent litigation settlement              $ 84,750
     Legal fees related to SSI patent litigation   
       settlement                                    (3,154)
     Pre-tax gain on sale of Medical Services        10,121
     Miscellaneous                                   (6,849)
     Unusual items in operating earnings           $ 84,868

      Each  following reference to "on a pro forma basis"  shall  mean
that  the  results for the period have been adjusted  to  reflect  the
sales  of Medical Services and KCIFS as if such sales had occurred  on
January 1, 1994.

      Total  Revenue.   Total revenue in 1995 was  $243.4  million,  a
decrease  of  $26.2  million or 9.7% from  1994.   This  decrease  was
directly attributable the sale of Medical Services in September  1994.
Medical Services generated $43.8 million in revenue during 1994.  On a
pro  forma basis, total revenue for 1995 would have increased by $19.9
million  or  9.0%  to  $242.0  million from  $222.1  million  in  1994
primarily  as  a  result  of  growth in  the  Company's  international
operations  combined with smaller increases in each of  the  Company's
other  primary markets.  Revenue from acute care facilities was $111.0
million  in  1995,  an  increase of $1.9 million  or  1.7%  from  1994
primarily  as  a  result of increased therapy days in the  acute  care
setting,  due  partly to the successful introduction of new  products,
including the BariKare and the TriaDyne, offset by a continuing  shift
in product mix toward lower-cost overlays.  Revenue from extended care
settings  in  1995 was $37.5 million, an increase of $3.0  million  or
8.7%  from  1994, primarily due to increased patient days as  patients
migrated  from high-cost, acute care settings to lower-cost,  extended
care  settings. Revenue from home care settings was $14.7 million,  an
increase  of  $0.6  million  or  4.3% from  1994  which  reflects  the
Company's  decision to shift to an independent dealer network  at  the
beginning  of  the  year.  This network provides easier  access  to  a
larger  patient population; however, revenue received from dealers  is
less  than  that  which the Company would receive  from  direct  sales
because  revenue  from  dealers  is net  of  dealer  service  expense.
Revenue  from the Company's international operations was $60.7 million
in  1995,  up  $14.3  million or 30.8% from  1994.   Increased  market
penetration  and increased product sales contributed  to  this  higher
international   revenue.    In  addition,   international   operations
benefited  from  favorable currency exchange rate  fluctuations  which
accounted  for  $6.6  million of the revenue increase.   Revenue  from
medical  device operations was $16.9 million in 1995, an  increase  of
$3.0  million  or  21.6% from 1994, primarily as a result  of  greater
market penetration of the PlexiPulse.

      Rental  Expenses.  Rental expenses consist largely of  personnel
costs,  depreciation  of the Company's rental  equipment  and  related
facility  costs.   Rental  expenses for 1995 were  $137.4  million,  a
decrease  of  $21.8 million or 13.7% from 1994.  This decrease  was  a
result  of the sale of Medical Services in September 1994.  On  a  pro
forma  basis, rental expenses for 1995 would have been $137.4 million,
an  increase of $2.2 million or 1.6% over 1994.  On a pro forma basis,
as  a  percentage  of total revenue, rental expenses would  have  been
56.8%  in  1995 compared to 60.9% in 1994.  This decrease is primarily
attributable to the pro forma increase in revenue, as the majority  of
these  costs are relatively fixed, combined with a reduction in  field
headcount and depreciation expense.

      Gross  Profit.   Gross  profit in 1995  was  $92.3  million,  an
increase  of  $1.3 million or 1.4% over 1994.  On a pro  forma  basis,
gross  profit  in 1995 would have been $90.8 million, an  increase  of
$16.5  million  or  22.2%  from 1994.  On a  pro  forma  basis,  as  a
percentage  of  revenue, gross profit margin would have  increased  to
37.5%  in 1995 from 33.5% in 1994 as a result of the increase  in  pro
forma revenue, the relatively fixed nature of the rental expenses, and
the  reduction  in  headcount and depreciation  expense  as  discussed

      Selling, General and Administrative Expenses.  Selling,  general
and administrative expenses for 1995 were $48.5 million, a decrease of
$3.3  million  or  6.4% from 1994 as a result of the sale  of  Medical
Services  in  September 1994.  On a pro forma basis, selling,  general
and administrative expenses would have been $44.7 million, an increase
of  $9.0 million or 25.3% in 1995 from 1994.  On a pro forma basis, as
a  percentage of revenue, selling, general and administrative expenses
would  have  been  18.5% in 1995 compared to  16.1%  in  1994.   These
increases  related  primarily  to common  overhead  costs,  previously
allocated  to  Medical  Services, which  have  been  absorbed  by  the
Company,  and  costs  associated with certain  key  investments,  e.g.
improved information systems. The Company maintains an investment in a
Limited Partnership which invests in securities, primarily in small to
mid-sized  companies which have or may have the potential  to  provide
quality   products   or  services  to  healthcare  organizations   and
providers.  The Company's total investment as of December 31, 1995 was
$150,000,  however, the Company is committed to invest  a  maximum  of
$1.5  million with the Partnership.  The committed balance is callable
by the General Partner, as needed by the Partnership, on 30 days prior
written notice.

      Operating  Earnings.  Operating earnings  for  1995  were  $43.8
million, a decrease of $80.3 million or 64.7% from 1994, primarily  as
a  result  of the one-time benefit of the patent litigation settlement
and  the sale of Medical Services in 1994.  On a pro forma basis,  and
excluding  the  patent  litigation settlement and  the  other  unusual
items,  operating  profit margin would have  been  $46.1  million,  an
increase of $7.5 million or 19.4% from 1994.  On a pro forma basis and
excluding  the  patent  litigation settlement and  the  other  unusual
items,  as  a  percentage of revenue, operating  earnings  would  have
increased  to 19.1% for 1995 from 17.4% in 1994 substantially  due  to
the improved gross profit discussed above.
      Net  Interest  Income.  Net interest income for  1995  was  $4.6
million  as compared to net interest expense of $4.5 million in  1994.
This change was a result of the repayment of the Company's outstanding
long-term  debt  at the end of the third quarter of 1994.   On  a  pro
forma basis, net interest income for 1995 would have been $4.9 million
compared  to  net  interest  income of  $1.2  million  in  1994.  This
difference was primarily due to the fact that the 1995 results include
interest income and a reduction in interest expense resulting from the
additional  cash  provided  by the patent litigation  settlement.   In
addition,  interest income for 1995 included $1.7 million representing
the  principal  received  in excess of the  discounted  value  of  the
Mediq/PRN notes.

      Income Taxes.  The Company's effective income tax rate for  1995
was  41.2%  compared to 46.8% in 1994.  This decrease was primarily  a
result  of the recognition in 1995 of certain foreign tax credits  and
the  write-off  of  the goodwill associated with Medical  Services  in
September 1994.

     Net Earnings.  Net earnings for 1995 were $28.4 million, or $0.63
per  share, a decrease of $36.0 million from $64.4 million,  or  $1.46
per  share,  in 1994.  This decrease was primarily due to the  benefit
from  the  patent litigation settlement in 1994 and the net loss  from
the sale of KCIFS in 1995, and offset in part by the net loss from the
sale  of  Medical Services and other unusual items in 1994. On  a  pro
forma  basis  and  excluding  the  effect  of  the  patent  litigation
settlement and other unusual items, net earnings would have  increased
by  38.6%  to  $29.4  million or $0.65 per share in  1995  from  $21.2
million,  or  $0.48  per share, in 1994.  On a  pro  forma  basis  and
excluding  the  effect of the patent litigation settlement  and  other
unusual  items,  as  a percentage of revenue, net  margin  would  have
increased to 12.1% in 1995 from 9.5% in 1994, primarily as a result of
the improvement in gross profit discussed above.

Year Ended December 31, 1994 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
      The  following  table sets forth, for the periods indicated,  the
percentage  relationship of each item to total revenue as well  as  the
change  in  each  line  item  as compared  to  the  prior  year  ($  in

                           Year Ended December 31,
                                    Revenue       Increase
                                  Relationship    (Decrease)
                                 1994  1993      $      Pct
  Rental and service               85%   86%  $(3,418)   (1%)
  Sales and other                  15    14      4,192    11
                                  ----  ----  --------  ----
                                  100%  100%       774    -
Rental expenses                    59    63    (10,452)  (6)
Cost of goods sold                  7     7        722     4
                                 ----   ----  --------  ----
    Gross profit                   34    30     10,504    13
Selling, general and                                    
administrative expenses            19    20     (1,466)  (3)
Unusual items                     (31)    2    (91,573)
                                 ----  ----   --------- 
    Operating earnings             46     8    103,543   504
Interest (income) expense, net      1     2     (1,380)  (23)
                                 ----  ----   ---------      
    Earnings before income                              
      taxes,minority interest,                                
      extraordinary item and
      cumulative effect of
      change in accounting
      principle                    45     6    104,923  
Income taxes                       21     3     48,774   680
    Earnings before minority                            
      interest, extraordinary                           
      item and cumulative
      effect in accounting                          
      principle                    24     3     56,149   753
Minority interest in subsidiary
  loss                             --    --       (520)   --
Extraordinary item-debt            
  extinguishment                   --    --        400    --
Cumulative effect of change in                          
  method of accounting for 
  inventory                        --    --        742    --
Cumulative effect of change in                          
  method of accounting for                              
  income taxes                     --    --       (450)   --
                                  ----  ----  --------  -----                  
    Net earnings                   24%    3%  $ 56,321   699%
                                 ===== ====   ========  =====

     The  Company's revenue is derived from five primary markets.   The
following  table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the  amount  of
revenues derived from each of these markets ($ in millions):

                                     Year Ended December 31
                                       1994        1993
                                     --------    ---------
     Acute                             $109.1      $120.7
     Extended                            34.5        29.1
     Home                                14.1         8.9
     International                       46.4        39.6
     Medical devices                     13.9         7.3
     Other(1)                            51.6        63.3
                                     --------    --------
                                       $269.6      $268.9
                                     ========    ========
       (1) Consists of revenue of Medical Services, KCIFS, MRD and
           other sales.

     Unusual Items.  The Company's financial results for the year ended
December  31,  1994  were  significantly impacted  by  (i)  the  patent
litigation settlement in September 1994 with SSI for $84.8 million  and
(ii) the disposition of certain assets of Medical Services on September
30, 1994 for a pre-tax gain of $8.1 million.  During the fourth quarter
of 1994, the Company recognized a $2.0 million pre-tax gain as a result
of  the  collection of Medical Services' accounts receivable which  had
not been included in the sale.  These receivables had been reserved  at
the  time  of the sale.  Partially offsetting these gains were  certain
other  unusual items, primarily dispositions of overstocked inventories
and underutilized rental assets, a write-down of the carrying value  of
the  assets of MRD and an addition to the Company's reserve account for
product liability claims.  Collectively, these items had a negative pre-
tax  earnings  impact of $6.8 million.  A portion of the proceeds  from
the  patent litigation settlement and the sale of Medical Services  was
used  to pay down outstanding debt as well as to pay associated  income

      Total  Revenue.   Total revenue in 1994, including  revenue  from
Medical Services and KCIFS, increased by less than 1% to $269.6 million
from  $268.9 million in 1993 due to the increased revenue from  several
of  the  Company's  markets being offset by a decrease  in  acute  care
revenue.   Revenue  from acute care facilities was  $109.1  million,  a
decrease  of  $11.6  million or 9.6% from 1993.  This  decrease  was  a
result  of the Company's receiving lower average rental prices for  its
products  due  to  industry pricing pressures and an  increase  in  the
proportion of rentals of lower-priced products as a percentage of total
product mix.  Revenue from extended care settings was $34.5 million, an
increase  of $5.4 million or 18.7% from 1993 due to a shift in  patient
therapy  days  to  extended  care settings from  acute  care  settings.
Revenue from home care settings was $14.1 million, an increase of  $5.2
million  or  59.2%  from  1993  caused by the  increased  migration  of
patients  to home care settings.  Revenue from international operations
increased $6.9 million or 17.4% to $46.4 million in 1994 primarily  due
to  increased market penetration in Germany and Austria.  Revenue  from
medical devices increased by $6.6 million or 90.8% to $13.9 million  in
1994  primarily as a result of the introduction of the PlexiPulse  into
new geographic markets within the United States.

      Rental Expenses.  Rental expenses for 1994 were $159.2 million, a
decrease  of  $10.5  million or 6.2% from 1993.   As  a  percentage  of
revenue, rental expenses were 59.1% in 1994 compared to 63.1% in  1993.
This decrease was a result of the sale of Medical Services in September
1994,  lower  depreciation  expense and an overall  effort  to  control

     Gross Profit.  Gross profit increased by 13.0% to $91.0 million in
1994  from  $80.5 million in 1993.  As a percentage of  revenue,  gross
profit  margin increased to 33.7% in 1994 from 29.9% in 1993, primarily
due  to  the  reduced  depreciation expense and  cost  control  efforts
discussed above.

      Selling,  General and Administrative Expenses.  Selling,  general
and  administrative expenses decreased $1.5 million, or 2.8%, to  $51.8
million  in  1994  from  $53.3 million in 1993.   As  a  percentage  of
revenue,  selling, general and administrative expenses  were  19.2%  in
1994  compared to 19.8% in 1993.  These decreases primarily  relate  to
lower   expenses  in  the  corporate  office  and  field  organizations
(primarily  from  headcount reductions) caused by the sale  of  Medical
Services in September 1994 and a reduction in bad debt expenses.

      Operating Earnings.  Operating earnings increased $103.6  million
to  $124.1  million in 1994 from $20.5 million in 1993.  This  increase
was  directly attributable to the patent litigation settlement and  the
pre-tax  gain  on the sale of Medical Services.  Excluding  the  patent
litigation  settlement and the other unusual items, operating  earnings
would have increased by $12.0 million or 43.9% to $39.2 million in 1994
from $27.2 million in 1993.  Excluding the patent litigation settlement
and  other unusual items, as a percentage of revenue, operating  margin
would have increased to 14.5% in 1994 from 10.1% in 1993, primarily  as
a  result  of the decreased rental expense discussed above  and,  to  a
lesser extent, lower selling, general and administrative expenses.

      Net  Interest  Expense.  Net interest expense in  1994  was  $4.5
million  compared to $5.9 million in 1993 as a result of the  reduction
of the Company's long-term debt at the end of the third quarter of 1994
as well as the interest earned on the Mediq/PRN notes.

     Income Taxes.  The Company's effective income tax rate in 1994 was
46.8%   compared  to  49.1%  in  1993.   This  decrease  is   primarily
attributable to the fact that the nondeductibility of goodwill  written
off  in connection with the sale of Medical Services was offset by  the
impact  of  the  patent litigation settlement.  The  patent  litigation
settlement  contributed  approximately 68%  of  the  Company's  pre-tax
earnings and was taxed at the full statutory rate.

      Other.   During  1994,  the cumulative losses  allocated  to  the
minority  interest holder of MRD exceeded the balance of such  holder's
investment.   As  a  result,  the Company recognized  $3.8  million  of
losses.   These  losses  and  the diminished opportunities  within  the
refurbishment  business contributed towards the Company's  decision  to
liquidate   the   assets  and  discontinue  the  operations   of   MRD.
Concurrently,  the  Company  wrote off  unamortized  goodwill  of  $1.5
million and wrote down inventories to net realizable value.

      Change  in  Accounting Principles.  During the first  quarter  of
1994,  the  Company recorded the cumulative effect of a change  in  its
inventory  accounting  method which resulted in  a  one-time  after-tax
earnings increase of $742,000, or $0.02 per share.

      Net  Earnings.  Net earnings in 1994 were $64.4 million, or $1.46
per share, an increase of $56.3 million from $8.1 million, or $0.18 per
share,  in  1993,  primarily  as  a result  of  the  patent  litigation
settlement.   Excluding the effect of the patent litigation  settlement
and the other unusual items only, net earnings would have increased  by
80.5% to $22.0 million, or $0.50 per share, in 1994 from $12.2 million,
or  $0.27  per  share,  in 1993.  Excluding the effect  of  the  patent
litigation  settlement and the other unusual items, as a percentage  of
revenue, net earnings would have increased to 8.1% in 1994 from 4.5% in
1993,  primarily  as  a  result of reductions in depreciation  expense,
selling, general and administrative expenses and interest expense.

Year Ended December 31, 1993 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1992
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total  Revenue. Total revenue in 1993 decreased by 3.5% to $268.9
million from $278.5 million in 1992 primarily as a result of a decline
in  revenue  from  acute  care facilities.  Revenue  from  acute  care
facilities  was $120.7 million, a decrease of $18.6 million  or  13.3%
from 1992. This decrease was caused by the uncertainty created by  the
health  care  reform  debate,  which led  to  increased  cost  control
pressures. In addition, the shift in the Company's product mix  toward
lower-priced  products  such  as  mattress  overlays,  the   increased
migration  of patients from acute care settings to extended  and  home
care settings and the Company's loss of market share in the acute care
setting  contributed  to  this decrease. Revenue  from  extended  care
settings was $29.1 million, an increase of $2.8 million or 10.8%  from
1992  as  a  result of the patient migration discussed above.  Revenue
from  home care settings was $8.9 million, a decrease of $1.3  million
or  13.2%  from  1992, due to a significant reduction in reimbursement
rates  for  the HomeKair bed which was partially offset  by  increased
rentals of this product. Revenue from international operations in 1993
was  $39.6  million,  a decrease of $0.4 million or  1.1%  from  1992.
Revenue  from medical devices increased $5.6 million from $1.7 million
in  1992 to $7.3 million in 1993 due to increased market acceptance of
the PlexiPulse.
     Rental Expenses. Rental expenses for 1993 were $169.7 million, an
increase  of $13.0 million or 8.3% from $156.7 million in 1992.  As  a
percentage  of revenue, rental expense was 63.1% in 1993  compared  to
56.3% in 1992. The increase was primarily a result of additional costs
incurred  related  to  the  formation of operating  divisions  by  the
Company  which  resulted  in additional sales and  service  management
     Gross Profit. Gross profit decreased by $22.3 million or 21.7% to
$80.5 million in 1993 from $102.8 million in 1992. As a percentage  of
revenue,  gross profit decreased to 29.9% in 1993 from 36.9% in  1992,
primarily  due  to  the  decline in revenue and the  additional  costs
incurred  resulting from the formation of operating divisions  by  the
Company discussed above.
     Selling,  General  and Administrative Expenses. Selling,  general
and  administrative expenses increased $5.6 million or 11.7% to  $53.3
million  in  1993  from  $47.7 million in 1992.  As  a  percentage  of
revenue,  selling, general and administration expenses were  19.8%  in
1993  compared  to  17.1%  in  1992. These  increases  were  primarily
attributable  to  the  write-off of accounts receivable  and  start-up
expenses related to the Company's two newest lines of business, NuTech
and MRD.
     Unusual  Items.  During the fourth quarter of 1993,  the  Company
recorded  unusual items of $6.7 million which reduced net earnings  by
approximately  $4.1 million (net of tax benefit of $2.6  million),  or
$0.09  per  share. The Company recognized charges included in  unusual
items  totaling  $4.8 million, primarily related  to  dispositions  of
overstated inventories and underutilized rental assets. Unusual  items
also  included  a  provision for anticipated losses  of  $1.0  million
related  to  product  liability  claims  resulting  from  one  of  the
Company's  insurance  carriers being placed into receivership,  and  a
provision  of  $0.9  million  relating to severance  costs  and  costs
anticipated for the relocation of certain operations.
     Operating  Earnings.  Operating earnings decreased  by  62.7%  to
$20.5 million in 1993 from $55.1 million in 1992. Excluding the effect
of  the unusual items referred to above, operating earnings would have
decreased  by  50.6% to $27.2 million in 1993 from  $55.1  million  in
1992.  Excluding the effect of the unusual items, as a  percentage  of
revenue, operating earnings would have decreased to 10.1% in 1993 from
19.8%  in  1992, primarily as a result of the decline in revenue,  the
costs incurred related to the formation of operating divisions by  the
Company   and  the  increase  in  rental  and  selling,  general   and
administrative expenses discussed above.
     Net  Interest  Expense. Net interest expense  in  1993  was  $5.9
million  compared to $7.2 million in 1992 primarily due to a  reversal
of  interest accrued in prior years related to a contingent  liability
that  was  never realized. The effect of this reversal  was  partially
offset  by  an increase in the Company's borrowings under  its  credit
facilities and accrued interest related to prior year tax liabilities.
     Income Taxes. The Company's effective tax rate in 1993 was 49.1%,
compared to 40.5% in 1992. The increase in the effective tax rate  was
attributable  to  (i)  an increase in the marginal  statutory  federal
income  tax  rate  from 34% to 35%, (ii) an increase in  international
taxable  earnings  (which are subject to a tax rate  higher  than  the
marginal U.S. statutory rate) as a percentage of taxable income, (iii)
an   increase   in   non-deductible   expenses   (primarily   goodwill
amortization) as a percentage of taxable income and (iv) losses of MRD
which  were  non-deductible for federal and state  tax  purposes.  The
increases  were  partially  offset by  tax  benefits  related  to  the
recapitalization of the Company's Canadian and French subsidiaries.
     Other. In the fourth quarter of 1993, the Company refinanced  its
existing  debt facility which resulted in an extraordinary  charge  of
$0.4 million, net of a $0.3 million tax benefit, or $0.01 per share.
     Change  in  Accounting Principles. During 1993, the Company  also
recorded  the  cumulative effect of a change in accounting  principles
related to the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No.  109 (FAS 109) "Accounting for Income Taxes" which resulted  in  a
one-time earnings increase of $450,000 or $0.01 per share.
     Net Earnings. Net earnings decreased by 71.7% to $8.1 million, or
$0.18  per  share, in 1993 from $28.5 million, or $0.63 per share,  in
1992, as a result of the decline in revenue and increase in rental and
selling,   general   and  administrative  expenses  discussed   above.
Excluding the unusual items, net earnings during 1993 would have  been
$12.2  million, down 57.2% or $16.3 million, compared with 1992.  This
decrease  is primarily due to the decline in revenue and the  increase
in  rental  expenses and selling, general and administrative  expenses
discussed above.

Financial Condition

      The  change  in revenue and expenses experienced by  the  Company
during  1995,  as  well as the impact of the KCIFS  sale,  resulted  in
changes to the Company's balance sheet as follows:

      Total finance lease receivables decreased $15.3 million and  note
payable  and  total long-term obligations decreased $7.9  million  from
December  31,  1994 due to the sale of KCIFS in the second  quarter  of

     Note receivable from principal shareholder at December 31, 1995 of
$10.3  million relates to a $10.0 million loan (plus accrued  interest)
made  to  James  R.  Leininger,  M.D., the  principal  shareholder  and
chairman  of  the  Company's Board of Directors  in  August  1995.   In
January 1996, the note receivable was collected in full.

      Other  notes  receivable  at December  31,  1995  decreased  $6.0
million,  or  65.4% to $3.2 million from $9.2 million at  December  31,
1994 due to payments received during 1995.

      Income  taxes payable decreased $4.0 million to $4.0  million  at
December  31, 1995 from $8.0 million at December 31, 1994  due  to  the
increase  in 1994 taxable income related to the settlement of  the  SSI
lawsuit  and  the  sale of the Medical Services  division.   Total  tax
payments  for  1995  were $15.1 million compared to payments  of  $57.3
million for 1994.

      Deferred  income  taxes at December 31, 1995  were  $0.4  million
compared  to  a  deferred tax benefit of $4.1 million at  December  31,
1994.   The change from the prior year is primarily due to depreciation
on  an  asset  subject to a leveraged lease which was acquired  by  the
Company in December of 1994.

Income Taxes

      The provision for deferred income taxes is based on the asset and
liability  method and represents the change in the deferred income  tax
accounts during the year. Under the asset and liability method  of  FAS
109,   deferred  income  taxes  are  recognized  for  the  future   tax
consequences   attributable  to  differences  between   the   financial
statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their
respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are  measured
using  enacted  tax rates expected to apply to taxable  income  in  the
years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered
or settled.

      At the end of 1995 the net impact of these timing issues resulted
in  a  net deferred tax liability comprised of deferred tax liabilities
totalling  $6.4  million offset by deferred tax  assets  totaling  $6.0
million. During 1994, the net impact of these timing issues resulted in
a  net  deferred  tax  asset  versus the  net  deferred  tax  liability
recognized  in  1995. Primary components of these future  tax  benefits
include reserves for uncollectible accounts receivable and reserves for

Legal Proceedings

      On  February  21, 1992, Novamedix Limited ("Novamedix")  filed  a
lawsuit against the Company in the United States District Court for the
Western  District of Texas. Novamedix holds the patent  rights  to  the
principal  product  which directly competes with the  PlexiPulse.   The
suit  alleges  that the PlexiPulse infringes several  patents  held  by
Novamedix,  that the Company breached a confidential relationship  with
Novamedix   and  a  variety  of  subsidiary  claims.  Novamedix   seeks
injunctive relief and monetary damages. Discovery in this case has been
substantially  completed. Although it is not possible  to  predict  the
outcome  of this litigation or the damages which could be awarded,  the
Company believes that its defenses to these claims are meritorious  and
that  the  litigation will not have a material adverse  effect  on  the
Company's business, financial condition or results of operations.

      On  August 16, 1995, the Company filed a civil antitrust  lawsuit
against Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. and one of its subsidiaries, Hill-
Rom.   The suit was filed in the United States District Court  for  the
Western  District  of Texas.  The suit alleges that Hill-Rom  used  its
monopoly power in the standard hospital bed business to gain an  unfair
advantage  in  the specialty hospital bed business.  Specifically,  the
allegations  set  forth  in  the suit include  a  claim  that  Hill-Rom
required  hospitals and purchasing groups to agree to exclusively  rent
specialty  beds in order to receive substantial discounts  on  products
over  which  they have monopoly power -- hospital beds  and  head  wall
units.   The  suit further alleges that Hill-Rom engaged in  activities
which constitute predatory pricing and refusals to deal.  Hill-Rom  has
filed  an  answer  denying  the  allegations  in  the  suit.   Although
discovery  is  just  beginning and it is not possible  to  predict  the
outcome  of this litigation or the damages which might be awarded,  the
Company believes that its claims are meritorious.

      The  Company is party to several lawsuits arising in the ordinary
course  if its business and is contesting adjustments proposed  by  the
Internal  Revenue Service to prior years' tax returns. Provisions  have
been made in the Company's financial statements for estimated exposures
related  to these lawsuits and adjustments. See "Consolidated Financial
Statements".   In the opinion of management, the disposition  of  these
items  will  not  have  a  material adverse  effect  on  the  Company's
business, financial condition or results of operations.

      The  manufacturing and marketing of medical products  necessarily
entails  an  inherent  risk of product liability claims.   The  Company
currently has certain liability claims pending for which provision  has
been  made in the Company's financial statements.  Management  believes
that resolution of these claims will not have a material adverse effect
on   the   Company's  business,  financial  condition  or  results   of
operations.  The Company has not experienced any significant losses due
to  product liability claims and currently maintains umbrella liability
insurance coverage.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

      At  December 31, 1995, the Company had current assets  of  $142.4
million and current liabilities of $33.0 million resulting in a working
capital  surplus  of  $109.4 million, compared to a  surplus  of  $90.7
million at December 31, 1994.

      In  1995,  the  Company  made net capital expenditures  of  $33.9
million.   The  1995  capital  expenditures  primarily  relate  to  the
Company's  new  TriDyne  and  BariKare  products  and  the  design  and
development  of  new  information systems.  Other  than  the  committed
capital  expenditure for new product inventory for  $1.6  million,  the
Company has no material long-term capital commitments.

      The Company's Credit Agreement permits unsecured borrowings of up
to  $50.0 million.  At December 31, 1995, the entire borrowing base  of
$50.0  million was available.  The interest rate payable on  borrowings
under  the  Credit Agreement is, at the election of the  Company,   the
Bank  of America's reference rate or the London interbank offered  rate
quoted  to  Bank of America for one, two, three or six month Eurodollar
deposits  adjusted for appropriate reserves plus 40 basis points.   The
Credit  Agreement  requires that the Company maintain specified  ratios
and  meet certain financial targets and also contains certain customary
covenants.   At  December 31, 1995, the Company was in compliance  with
all covenants.

      During  1995, the Company generated $56.8 million  in  cash  from
operating  activities compared to $96.5 million in the prior year.  The
primary reason for this difference was the sale of Medical Services and
the  patent litigation settlement.  Investment activities for 1995 used
$42.9 million, including net capital expenditures of $33.9 million  and
a  $10.0  million  loan to James R. Leininger, M.D.,  chairman  of  the
Company's  Board of Directors.  As of January 31, 1996,  subsequent  to
the  secondary  sale  of  common shares by Dr.  Leininger  and  certain
related  selling shareholders, the loan to Dr. Leininger  was  paid  in
full.   Financing  activities  for 1995 used  $5.6  million  consisting
primarily of dividends paid to shareholders.

      At  December  31, 1995, cash and cash equivalents totaling  $52.4
million were available for general corporate purposes.  Based upon  the
current  level of operations, the Company believes that cash flow  from
operations  and cash reserves will be adequate to meet its  anticipated
requirements for working capital and capital expenditures through 1996.

                      Consolidated Balance Sheets
                            (in thousands)

                                         December 31,
                                                1995       1994
Current assets:                                                   
  Cash and cash equivalents                   $ 52,399  $ 43,241
  Accounts receivable, net                      56,032    55,456
  Finance lease receivables, current                --     8,051
  Inventories                                   18,854    18,167
  Note receivable from principal shareholder    10,291        --
  Notes receivable, current, net                    --     6,014
  Prepaid expenses and other                     4,865     4,474
                                               -------   -------
          Total current assets                 142,441   135,403
                                               -------   -------      
Net property, plant and equipment               62,276    51,357
Finance lease receivables, net of current           --     7,242
Other notes receivable, net                      3,187     3,187
Goodwill, less accumulated amortization of              
$10,625 in 1995 and $9,105 in 1994              13,968    15,476
Other assets, less accumulated amortization             
of $5,638 in 1995 and $8,012 in 1994            21,854    15,989
Deferred income tax benefit, net                    --     4,077
                                              --------  -------- 
                                              $243,726  $232,731
                                              ========  ========        
Current liabilities:                                    
  Accounts payable                            $  2,512  $  4,079
  Note payable                                      --     1,878
  Current installments of long-term                 
    obligations                                     --     3,410
  Accrued expenses                              26,490    27,280
  Income tax payable                             4,026     8,025
                                                ------    ------
          Total current liabilities             33,028    44,672
                                                ------    ------        
Long-term obligations, excluding current            
installments                                        --     2,636
Deferred income taxes, net                         374        --
                                                -------   ------
                                                33,402    47,308
                                                -------   ------        
Commitments and contingencies (Note 10)                 
Shareholders' equity:                                   
Common stock; issued and outstanding 44,331             
in 1995 and 43,921 in 1994                          44        44
Additional paid-in capital                      12,123    10,053
Retained earnings                              197,290   175,480
Cumulative foreign currency translation          
  adjustment                                     1,052      (154)
Notes receivable from officers                    (185)       --
                                               -------   -------
                                               210,324   185,423
                                               -------   -------      
                                              $243,726  $232,731
                                              ========  ========

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                  Consolidated Statements of Earnings
                 (in thousands, except per share data)

                               Year Ended December 31,
                                         1995   1994       1993
  Rental and service                   $206,653 $228,832  $232,250
  Sales and other                        36,790   40,814    36,622
                                       -------- --------  --------
         Total revenue                  243,443  269,646   268,872
                                       -------- --------  --------
Rental expenses                         137,420  159,235   169,687
Cost of goods sold                       13,729   19,388    18,666
                                       --------  -------  --------             
                                        151,149  178,623   188,353
                                       --------  -------  --------        
         Gross profit                    92,294   91,023    80,519
Selling, general and administrative                      
  expenses                               48,502   51,813    53,279
Unusual items                                --  (84,868)    6,705
                                       --------  -------   -------
         Operating earnings              43,792  124,078    20,535
Interest expense (income), net           (4,554)   4,528     5,908
                                       --------  -------   -------
         Earnings before income                          
           taxes, minority interest,                            
           extraordinary item and
           cumulative effect of
           changes in accounting                         
           principle                     48,346  119,550    14,627
Income taxes                             19,905   55,949     7,175
                                       --------  -------    ------
         Earnings before minority                        
           interest, extraordinary
           item and cumulative
           effect of changes in                          
           accounting principle          28,441   63,601     7,452
Minority interest in subsidiary loss         --       40       560
Extraordinary item -- debt                               
  extinguishment, net                        --       --      (400)
Cumulative effect of change in                           
  accounting for inventory                   --      742        --
Cumulative effect of change in                           
  accounting for income taxes                --       --       450
                                         ------   ------     -------
         Net earnings                   $28,441  $64,383     $8,062
                                         ======   ======     =======
Earnings per common and common                           
equivalent share:
  Earnings before extraordinary item                     
    and cumulative effect of changes
    in accounting principle             $  0.63  $  1.44     $  0.18
  Extraordinary item                         --       --       (0.01)
  Cumulative effect of change in                         
    accounting for inventory                 --     0.02          --
  Cumulative effect of change in                         
    accounting for income taxes              --       --        0.01
                                        -------   -------    --------
         Earnings per share             $  0.63  $  1.46     $  0.18
                                        =======  ========    ========
Shares used in earnings per share                        
  computations                           45,457   44,143      44,627
                                        =======  ========    ======== 

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                            (in thousands)

                                     Year Ended December 31,
                                              1995     1994      1993
Cash flows from operating activities:                                  
Net earnings                                 $28,441  $ 64,383  $ 8,062
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to                        
  net cash provided by operating activities:                        
  Depreciation and amortization               22,760    38,795   47,884
  Provision for uncollectible accounts
    receivable                                 1,883     1,100    5,330
  Noncash portion of unusual items                --     4,797    4,832
  Loss (gain) on KCIFS and Medical Services                     
     dispositions                              2,933   (10,121)      --
  Change in assets and liabilities net of                       
    effects from purchase of subsidiaries and                           
    unusual items:
  Decrease (increase) in accounts               
    receivable, net                           (2,695)    7,316   (2,481)
  Decrease (increase) in notes receivable      6,014    (9,201)      --
  Decrease (increase) in inventory              (998)    2,735   (1,326)
  Decrease (increase) in prepaid and other            
    assets                                      (593)   (3,947)  (5,437)
  Increase (decrease) in accounts payable       (895)   (3,672)     666
  Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses       (520)    2,781    3,930
  Increase (decrease) in income taxes        
    payable                                   (3,999)    5,378   (2,889)
  Increase (decrease) in deferred income     
    taxes                                      4,451   (11,787)  (2,033)
                                             --------  -------- --------   
        Net cash provided by operating     
            activities                        56,782    96,451   56,538
                                             --------  -------- --------
Cash flows from investing activities:                           
  Additions to property, plant and          
    equipment                                (36,104)  (13,814) (33,402)
  Decrease (increase) in inventory to be                        
    converted into equipment for short-
    term rental                               (1,000)    4,250   (3,865)
  Dispositions of property, plant and          
    equipment                                  3,231     2,869    2,773
  Businesses acquired in purchase                               
    transactions, net of cash acquired            --        --   (4,240)
  Proceeds from sale of KCIFS and Medical                       
    Services divisions                         7,182    65,300       --
  Decrease (increase) in finance lease                          
    receivables, net                             339    (1,561)    (419)
  Note received from principal shareholder   (10,000)       --       --
  Increase in other assets                    (6,531)   (9,230)   (4,412)
                                             --------   -------   -------
          Net cash provided (used) by                           
            investing activities             (42,883)   47,814   (43,565)
                                             --------   -------  --------      

Cash flows from financing activities:                           
  Borrowings (repayments) of notes payable                      
    and long-term obligations                    (800) (102,625)    7,277
  Repayments of capital lease obligations         (64)   (2,382)   (3,526)
  Proceeds from the exercise of stock options   4,919       915       632
  Payments for retirement of preferred stock       --        --    (3,452)
  Purchase and retirement of treasury stock    (2,849)   (1,157)   (2,951)
  Cash dividends paid to shareholders          (6,631)   (6,588)   (6,664)
  Other                                          (185)     (791)     (101)
                                              --------  --------   -------
Net cash used by financing activities          (5,610) (112,628)   (8,785)
                                              --------  --------   -------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and                     
cash equivalents                                  869     1,324      (871)
                                              -------   --------   -------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents       9,158    32,961     3,317
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of   
  year                                         43,241    10,280     6,963
                                              -------   -------    -------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year        $52,399  $ 43,241   $10,280
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

              Consolidated Statements of Capital Accounts
                  Three Years Ended December 31, 1995
                 (in thousands, except per share data)

                                                        Cumulative                       Receivable
                                                        Foreign                          from Officers
                                     Additional         Currency                         for Exercise
                   Preferred Common  Paid-In   Retained Translation Treasury   Loan to    of Stock
                    Stock    Stock    Capital  Earnings Adjustment   Stock     ESOP       Options   
                   --------  -----   --------  --------  ----------  --------   -------    ---------   
Balances at                                                                                    
December 31, 1992     $3,307    $45   $15,024  $116,432     $(663)    $(5,559)   $(1,181)    $(285)
  Net earnings  ..        --     --        --     8,062        --       --            --        --
  Exercise of                                                                                  
stock options   ..        --      1       631       --         --       --            --        --
  Forgiveness of                                                                               
officer receivable        --     --        --        --         --       --           --       225
  Tax benefit                                                                                  
realized from
stock option plan         --     --     3,148        --         --       --           --        --
  Accretion of                                                                                 
preferred stock ..       145     --        --      (145)        --       --           --        --
  Treasury stock                                                                               
purchased       ..        --     --        --        --         --     (2,951 )       --        --
  Cash dividends                                                                               
on common and
preferred stock --                                                                             
    $0.15 per share       --     --        --    (6,664)        --       --           --        --
Payments on loan                                                                             
to ESOP         ..        --     --        --        --         --       --          526        --
Purchase and                                                                                 
retirement of
perferred stock       (3,452)    --        --        --         --       --           --        --
Foreign currency                                                                             
adjustment                --     --        --        --       (939)        -          --        --
                      ------   ----    -------  -------     -------   ------      ------    ------
Balances at                                                                                    
December 31, 1993         --     46    18,803   117,685     (1,602)   (8,510)       (655)      (60)
  Net earnings  ..        --     --        --    64,383         --        --          --        --
  Exercise of                                                                                  
stock options   ..        --     --       803        --         --        --          --        --
  Forgiveness of                                                                               
officer receivable        --     --        --        --         --        --          --        60
  Tax benefit                                                                                  
realized from
stock option plan         --     --       112        --         --        --          --        --
  Treasury stock                                                                               
purchased       ..        --     --        --        --         --    (1,157)         --        --
  Treasury stock                                                                               
retired         ..        --     (2)   (9,665)       --         --     9,667          --        --
  Cash dividends                                                                               
on common stock--
    $0.15 per share       --     --        --    (6,588)        --       --           --        --
  Payments on loan                                                                             
to ESOP         ..        --     --        --        --         --       --          655        --
  Foreign currency                                                                             
translation adjustment    --     --       --         --      1,448       --           --        --
                        ----   -----    -----     -----      -----     -----        -----    ------
Balances at                                                                                    
December 31, 1994         --     44    10,053   175,480       (154)       --          --        --
  Net earnings  ..        --     --        --    28,441         --        --          --        --
  Exercise of                                                                                  
stock options   ..        --     --     4,024        --         --        --          --     (185)
  Tax benefit                                                                                  
realized from
stock option plan         --     --       895        --         --        --          --        --
  Treasury stock  
purchased                 --     --        --        --         --    (2,849)         --        --
  Treasury stock 
retired                   --     --    (2,849)       --         --     2,849          --        --
  Cash dividends                                                                               
on common stock--
   $0.15 per share        --     --        --    (6,631)        --        --          --        --
  Foreign currency                                                                             
translation adjustment    --     --        --        --      1,206        --          --        --
                        ----  -----  --------  --------     -------   -------     ------     -----   
Balances at                                                                                    
December 31, 1995     $   --  $  44   $12,123  $197,290     $1,052    $   --          --    $ (185)
                      ======= =====  ========  ========     ======    =======     ======    =======

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

NOTE 1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

(a) Principles of Consolidation
The  consolidated financial statements include  the  accounts  of
Kinetic    Concepts,   Inc.   ("KCI")   and   all    subsidiaries
(collectively,  the  "Company").  All  significant   intercompany
balances  and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.
Certain reclassifications of amounts related to prior years  have
been made to conform with the 1995 presentation.

(b) Nature of Operations and Customer Concentration
The   Company  designs,  manufactures,  markets  and  distributes
therapeutic products, primarily specialty hospital beds, mattress
overlays and mattress replacement systems, that treat and prevent
the  complications of immobility. The principal markets  for  the
Company's  products  are domestic and international  health  care
providers,  predominantly hospitals and extended care  facilities
throughout  the U.S. and Western Europe. Receivables  from  these
customers are unsecured.

The  Company operates in ten foreign countries including Germany,
Austria,  the  United Kingdom, Canada, France,  the  Netherlands,
Switzerland, Australia, Sweden and Italy. (see Note 12).

The   Company  contracts  with  both  proprietary  and  voluntary
purchasing organizations ("GPOs").  Proprietary GPOs own  all  of
the  hospitals which they represent and, as a result, can  ensure
complete   compliance   with  an  executed  national   agreement.
Voluntary  GPOs negotiate contracts on behalf of member  hospital
organizations  but cannot ensure that their members  will  comply
with  the terms of an executed national agreement.  Approximately
46%  of  the  Company's revenue during 1995 was  generated  under
national agreements with GPOs.

(c) Revenue Recognition
Service  and  rental  revenue  are  recognized  as  services  are
rendered.  Sales and other revenue are recognized  when  products
are  shipped.  Through June 15, 1995, the Company leased  certain
medical  equipment  under long-term lease agreements  which  were
accounted  for as direct financing leases. Unearned interest  was
amortized to income over the term of the lease using the interest
method. (see Note 2).

(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents
The  Company  considers  all highly liquid  investments  with  an
original maturity of ninety days or less to be cash equivalents.

(e) Inventories
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out)
or  market (net realizable value). Costs include material,  labor
and  manufacturing  overhead  costs.  Inventory  expected  to  be
converted   into  equipment  for  short-term  rental   has   been
reclassified to property, plant and equipment.

On  January  1, 1994, the Company changed its method of  applying
overhead to inventory. Historically, a single labor overhead rate
and  a single materials overhead rate were used in valuing ending
inventory. Labor overhead was applied as labor was incurred while
materials  overhead was applied at the time of  shipping.  During
1993,  the  Company completed a study to more precisely determine
the  labor overhead which should be applied to specific products,
parts  and  accessories which resulted in the  adoption  of  four
separate  labor overhead pools and the application  of  materials
overhead upon the receipt of materials.

The  Company believes that the change in the application of  this
accounting  principle is preferable because  it  more  accurately
assigns  overhead  costs to the products, parts  and  accessories
which  benefit from the related activities and thus improves  the
matching of costs with revenues in reporting operating results.
The  change  in  the  application of  this  accounting  principle
resulted  in  an  increase  in net earnings  of  $742,000  (after
reduction of income taxes of $455,000), or $0.02 per share, which
reflects  the  cumulative effect of this change for  the  periods
prior  to  January  1,  1994.  The  pro  forma  effects  of   the
retroactive  application  of the change in  accounting  principle
have  not been disclosed because the effects cannot be reasonably
estimated. The effect of the change for the period ended December
31,  1994  on  the  results of operations before  the  cumulative
effect of the change is not material.

(f) Property, Plant and Equipment
Property,  plant  and equipment are stated at  cost.  Betterments
which extend the useful life of the equipment are capitalized.

(g) Depreciation and Amortization
Depreciation  on property, plant and equipment is  calculated  on
the  straight-line method over the estimated useful lives (thirty
to  forty years for the buildings and between three and ten years
for  most of the Company's other property and equipment)  of  the

(h) Goodwill
Goodwill represents the excess purchase price over the fair value
of  net assets acquired and is amortized over five to thirty-five
years  from  the  date  of  acquisition using  the  straight-line

The  carrying value of goodwill is based on management's  current
assessment of recoverability. Management evaluates recoverability
using  both  objective and subjective factors. Objective  factors
include  management's best estimates of projected future earnings
and  cash flows and analysis of recent sales and earnings trends.
Subjective  factors  include competitive analysis,  technological
advantage or disadvantage, and the Company's strategic focus.

(i) Other Assets
Other  assets consist principally of patents, trademarks,  system
development  costs, long-term investments, cash  and  investments
restricted  for  use by the Company's captive insurance  company,
and  the  estimated  residual value of  an  asset  subject  to  a
leveraged  lease. Patents and trademarks are amortized  over  the
estimated useful life of the respective asset using the straight-
line method.

(j) Income Taxes
The  Company  recognizes certain transactions in  different  time
periods for financial reporting and income tax purposes. Deferred
tax  assets  and  liabilities are recognized for the  future  tax
consequences  attributable to differences between  the  financial
statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and
their  respective  tax bases. The provision for  deferred  income
taxes  represents  the  change in deferred  income  tax  accounts
during the year.

(k) Common Stock and Earnings Per Common and Common Equivalent
Earnings  per common and common equivalent share are computed  by
dividing  net earnings (after deducting preferred stock dividends
and  accretion)  by  the weighted average number  of  common  and
dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding during the  period.
Dilutive common equivalent shares consist of stock options (using
the  treasury  stock method). Earnings per share  computed  on  a
fully  diluted  basis is not presented as it is not significantly
different from earnings per share computed on a primary basis.

(l) Use of Estimates
The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with
generally  accepted accounting principles requires management  to
make  estimates and assumptions that affect the reported  amounts
of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities  at  the  date of the financial  statements  and  the
reported  amounts of revenues and expenses during  the  reporting
period.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(m) Insurance Programs
In  1993, the Company established the KCI Employee Benefits Trust
(the "Trust") as a self-insurer for certain risks related to  the
Company's  U.S. employee health plan and certain other  benefits.
The Company funds the Trust based on the value of expected future
payments, including claims incurred but not reported. The Company
has  purchased insurance which limits the Trust's liability under
the benefit plans.

During  1993, the Company formed a wholly-owned captive insurance
company, KCI Insurance Company, Ltd. (the "Captive"). The Captive
reinsures  the  primary  layer of commercial  general  liability,
workers'  compensation and auto liability insurance  for  certain
operating  subsidiaries  of the Company.  Provisions  for  losses
expected  under  these  programs  are  recorded  based  upon  the
Company's  estimates  of  the  aggregate  liability  for   claims
incurred  based  on actuarial reviews. The Company  has  obtained
insurance  coverage for catastrophic exposures as well  as  those
risks required to be insured by law or contract.

(n) Foreign Currency Translation
The functional currency for the majority of the Company's foreign
operations  is the applicable local currency. The translation  of
the  applicable foreign currencies into U.S. dollars is performed
for balance sheet accounts using the exchange rates in effect  at
the balance sheet date and for revenue and expense accounts using
a weighted average exchange rate during the period.

(o) New Pronouncements
Accounting for Asset Impairment
- -------------------------------
During  March  1995,  the  Financial Accounting  Standards  Board
issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  121
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-
Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of." The Company is required to adopt
Statement  121  in  the fiscal year beginning  January  1,  1996.
Statement  121  requires  that  long-lived  assets  and   certain
identifiable  intangibles to be held and used  by  an  entity  be
reviewed   for   impairment  whenever  events   or   changes   in
circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an  asset  may
not  be  recoverable. The Company has not completed  all  of  the
analysis  required to estimate the impact of the  new  statement;
however, the adoption of Statement 121 is not expected to have  a
material  adverse impact on the Company's financial  position  or
the results of its operations at the time of adoption.

Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation
- ---------------------------------------
During  October  1995, the Financial Accounting  Standards  Board
issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  123
"Accounting  for  Stock-Based Compensation.   The  new  Statement
allows   companies   to  continue  accounting   for   stock-based
compensation under the provisions of APB Opinion 25,  "Accounting
for Stock Issued to Employees"; however, companies are encouraged
to  adopt  a  new  accounting method based on the estimated  fair
value  of  employee stock options.  Companies that do not  follow
the  new  fair  value  based method will be required  to  provide
expanded  disclosures  in footnotes to the financial  statements.
The  Company  is  subject  to  the  disclosure  requirements   of
Statement 123 in the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1996.

NOTE 2.  Acquisitions and Dispositions
On  June  15,  1995,  the  Company sold  KCI  Financial  Services
("KCIFS") to Cura Capital Corporation ("Cura") for cash  under  a
Stock  Purchase Agreement. Upon consummation of this transaction,
Cura  acquired  all of the outstanding capital  stock  of  KCIFS.
Total  proceeds from the sale were $7.2 million. This transaction
resulted in a pre-tax loss of $2.9 million which is reflected  in
selling,   general  and  administrative  expenses  in  1995.   In
addition,  the Company and its affiliates agreed not  to  provide
lease  financing  for  medical equipment  manufactured  by  third
parties  for a period of three years. KCIFS served as the leasing
agent for Medical Services, certain assets of which were sold  in
September 1994. The operating results of KCIFS for 1995 and  1994
were  not  material  as compared to the overall  results  of  the
In  December of 1994, the Company adopted a plan to liquidate the
assets  of Medical Retro Design, Inc. ("MRD").  Pursuant to  that
plan,  the  Company sold certain operating assets of MRD  to  HBR
Healthcare Co. under an Asset Purchase Agreement effective  March
27,  1995.   The  sales  price  was approximately  $250,000.   In
conjunction with the sale, KCI and its affiliates agreed  not  to
refurbish  certain  hospital beds and  related  furniture  for  a
period of three years.  Goodwill of $1.5 million associated  with
MRD  was  written off in 1994.  The write-off was treated  as  an
unusual  item.   The operating results of MRD for 1995  and  1994
were immaterial to the overall results of the Company.

On  September  30,  1994, the Company sold  certain  assets  (the
"Assets") used exclusively by Medical Services to Mediq/PRN under
an   Asset   Purchase  Agreement.  Upon  consummation   of   this
transaction,  Mediq/PRN acquired the Assets and  assumed  certain
liabilities   of   Medical  Services.   The   sales   price   was
approximately  $84.1 million. In conjunction with the  sale,  the
Company   and  its affiliates agreed not to rent or distribute  a
portfolio  of critical care and life support equipment  for  five

Gross  proceeds  included a cash payment of  approximately  $65.3
million and promissory notes in the aggregate principal amount of
$18.8 million. The net proceeds of $72.8 million, pretax gain  of
$10.1  million,  and  after-tax net loss  of  $2.5  million  were
calculated, as follows (in thousands):

      Cash                                          $65,300
      Notes receivable (See Note 3)                   9,852
      Fees and commissions                           (2,329)
                Net proceeds                         72,823
      Equipment and inventory sold                  (38,959)
      Goodwill                                      (25,778)
      Accounts receivable provision                    (479)
      Capital leases assumed                          2,514
                Pre-tax gain on disposition          10,121
      Tax expense                                   (12,601)
                Net loss on disposition             $(2,480)

Tax   expense  exceeded  the  pretax  gain  amount  due  to   the
nondeductibility of $25.8 million in unamortized goodwill.

Assuming  the  sale had been consummated as of the  beginning  of
1994  and  1993 and excluding the after-tax loss on  disposition,
pro  forma  operating results of the Company would be as  follows
(in thousands):

                                        Year Ended December 31,
                                             1994       1993
                                        ----------    ---------
Revenue                                   $225,800    $212,882
Net earnings                              $ 71,116    $  8,064
Earnings per share                        $   1.61    $   0.18
Shares used                                 44,143      44,627

In  June,  1993,  the  Company acquired the operating  assets  of
Clinical   Systems,  Inc.  ("CSI"),  a  provider  of  intravenous
services and supplies to the home health care market, from a bank
for  $4.2  million, including direct acquisition costs. The  fair
value  of  assets acquired, including goodwill, was $5.1  million
and   liabilities  assumed  were  $0.9  million.    The   Company
recognized  the  excess  cost of the  assets  acquired  over  the
estimated fair value of such assets ("goodwill") of $1.4  million
which  was being amortized over 15 years.  The net assets of  CSI
were  sold  as  part  of the sale of  Medical  Services  and  the
unamortized goodwill was written off.

NOTE 3.  Notes Receivable
In  August  1995, the Company loaned $10.0 million  to  James  R.
Leininger,  M.D., the principal shareholder and chairman  of  the
Company's  Board of Directors.  The note was secured by  a  Stock
Pledge  Agreement covering one million shares of common stock  in
Kinetic   Concepts,   Inc.   Interest  was  payable   in   annual
installments  at the rate of 7.94%.  In January  1996,  the  note
receivable was collected in full.

Other notes receivable includes notes received from Mediq/PRN  as
part  of  the proceeds on the sale of Medical Services  effective
September 30, 1994. The values of the various notes receivable at
December  31, 1995 and December 31, 1994 for accounting  purposes
are described below (in thousands):

                                      Year Ended December 31,
                                    Principal Balance   Stated
                                     1995       1994    Interest
                                    -------   -------   --------
Note from PRN Holding, Inc. with                               
  interest due quarterly in                                   
  arrears beginning March, 1996
  and principal due
  September, 1999                  $10,000    $10,000      10%
Notes from Mediq/PRN due in 10                                
  equal monthly installments
  beginning December, 1994              --      5,404       --
Note from Mediq/PRN due in 12                                 
  equal monthly installments
  beginning December, 1994              --      2,734       8%
Miscellaneous                           --          4       --
                                    ------     ------                        
Total                               10,000     18,142         
Less discount and valuation                            
allowance                           (6,813)    (8,941)
Less amounts classified as                              
current                                 --     (6,014)
Notes receivable, noncurrent       $ 3,187    $ 3,187         
                                   =======    =======
At  the time of the sale, the Company received an opinion from an
independent investment banker on the notes receivable  which  was
used to arrive at the carrying values.  The Company believes that
the   carrying  amounts  for  notes  receivable  are   reasonable
estimates of the related fair values.

NOTE 4.  Supplemental Balance Sheet Data
A summary of accounts receivable follows (in thousands):

                                        December 31,
                                       1995     1994
                                       ----     ----
Trade accounts receivable             $60,149  $61,722
Employee and other receivables          2,060    2,334
                                      -------  -------
                                       62,209   64,056
Less allowance for doubtful             
receivables                             6,177    8,600
                                      -------  -------
                                      $56,032  $55,456
                                      =======  =======

Inventories are comprised of the following (in thousands):

                                        December 31,
                                       1995     1994
                                       ----    -----
Finished goods                        $ 2,890  $ 3,086
Work in process                         1,040    1,642
Raw materials, supplies and parts      20,174   17,689
                                      -------  -------
                                       24,104   22,417
Less amounts expected to be                           
  converted into equipment for
  short-term rental                     5,250    4,250
                                      -------  -------
                                      $18,854  $18,167
                                      =======  =======

Net property, plant and equipment consists of the following (in

                                        December 31,
                                       1995     1994
                                       ----     ----
Land                                     742      742
Buildings                             11,089    9,882
Equipment for short-term rental      110,858  117,745
Machinery, equipment and furniture    30,256   29,041
Leasehold improvements                   725      633
Inventory to be converted into         
equipment                              5,250    4,250
                                      ------   ------
                                     158,920  162,293
Less accumulated depreciation and                     
  amortization                        96,644  110,936
                                      ------  ------- 
                                     $62,276  $51,357

Accrued expenses consist of the following (in thousands):

                                        December 31,
                                       1995     1994
                                       -----   ------
Payroll, commissions and related 
  taxes                               $12,589  $11,450
Insurance accruals                      3,470    4,143
Accruals related to disposition of                    
  Medical Services                        178    1,524
Other accrued expenses (Note 11)       10,253   10,163
                                      -------  -------
                                      $26,490  $27,280
                                      =======  =======
The  carrying  amount of financial instruments in current  assets
and  current  liabilities approximate fair value because  of  the
short maturity of these instruments.

NOTE 5.  Equipment Leases
Through  June  15, 1995, the Company leased medical equipment  to
hospitals,  nursing  homes,  doctors and  others  through  KCIFS.
Equipment  leases  that  met the criteria  for  direct  financing
leases  were  carried at the gross investment in the  lease  less
unearned  income. Any equipment which did not meet  the  criteria
for  a  direct financing lease was accounted for as an  operating
lease.  Operating  leases  are usually  for  one  to  three  year
periods.  The  medical  devices under the  operating  leases  are
included  with property, plant and equipment in the  accompanying
December  31,  1994 balance sheet at a cost of $3.4  million  and
accumulated  depreciation of $1.2 million.  The carrying  amounts
of  these leases approximated fair market value.  At December 31,
1995,   there  were  no  remaining  finance  or  operating  lease
receivables (see Note 2).

NOTE 6.  Note Payable and Long-Term Obligations
On December 17, 1993, the Company entered into a revolving credit
and  term loan agreement (the "Credit Agreement") with a bank  as
agent  for itself and certain other financial institutions.   The
Credit  Agreement was subsequently amended on  May  8,  1995  and
provides  for  a  $50 million one-year revolving credit  facility
with  a  two-year renewal option.  Any advances under the  Credit
Agreement are due at the end of the period covered by the  Credit
Agreement.  At December 31, 1995, the entire $50 million  balance
was available.

The   interest  rate  payable  on  borrowings  under  the  Credit
Agreement  is  at  the election of the Company:  (i)  the  Bank's
reference rate, or (ii) the London inter-bank offered rate quoted
to the Bank for one, two, three, or six month Eurodollar deposits
adjusted for appropriate reserves ("LIBOR") plus 40 basis points.

The Credit Agreement requires that the Company maintain specified
ratios  and meet certain financial targets.  The Credit Agreement
also   contains  certain  events  of  default,  includes  certain
provisions  governing a change in contract of  the  Company,  and
establishes various fees to be paid by the Company.  At  December
31, 1995, the Company was in compliance with all covenants.

In   the  fourth  quarter  of  1993,  the  Company  recorded   an
extraordinary item of $400,000, net of $267,000 tax  benefit,  or
$0.01  per  share related to the refinancing of its then-existing
debt facility.

At December 31, 1994, KCIFS had a note payable which provided for
borrowings  up  to  a maximum of $5.0 million  with  a  bank.  At
December  31, 1994, $1.9 million was due on demand  on  the  note
payable. The term loan portion of this obligation is included  in
long-term obligations below. Interest on the note payable was  at
the bank's base lending rate plus one-half of one percent (9%  at
December 31, 1994).

A summary of long-term obligations follows (in thousands):

                                                December 31,
                                                1995     1994
                                                -----   -----
Nonrecourse notes payable to financial                        
  institutions, interest rates ranging
  from 10.5% to 13.5%, payable
  through October 1998                         $   --   $  891
Other notes                                        --    5,155
                                               -------  ------  
                                                   --    6,046
Less current installments                          --    3,410
                                               -------  ------ 
Long-term obligations, excluding current  
  installments                                 $   --   $2,636
                                               =======  ======

The  carrying  value of the Company's long-term debt  obligations
approximates their face value based on current rates for  similar
types of debt.

Interest paid on debt during 1995, 1994 and 1993 amounted to $0.4
million, $5.4 million and $7.0 million, respectively.

NOTE 7.  Leasing Obligations
The  Company  leases  service  vehicles,  office  space,  various
storage  spaces and manufacturing facilities under  noncancelable
operating leases which expire at various dates over the next  six
years. Total rental expense for operating leases, net of sublease
payments  received, was $12.0 million, $10.9  million  and  $11.1
million  for  the years ended December 31, 1995, 1994  and  1993,

Future  minimum  lease  payments  under  noncancelable  operating
leases  (with initial or remaining lease terms in excess  of  one
year) as of December 31, 1995 are as follows:

      1996                                    $8,396
      1997                                     5,389
      1998                                     3,296
      1999                                     1,861
      2000                                     1,182
      Later years                                302
      Total minimum lease payments           $20,426
NOTE 8.  Income Taxes
The  Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting  Standards
No.  109 "Accounting for Income Taxes" as of January 1, 1993. The
cumulative  effect of this change in accounting for income  taxes
of $450,000 was determined as of January 1, 1993, and is reported
separately in the consolidated statement of earnings for the year
ended December 31, 1993.

Earnings  before  income  taxes consists  of  the  following  (in

                                       Year Ended December 31,
                                       1995     1994     1993
                                       ----     ----     -----
Domestic                              $37,542  $110,287  $10,022
Foreign                                10,804    9,263     4,605
                                      -------  -------   -------
                                      $48,346  $119,550  $14,627
                                      =======  ========  =======

Income   tax  expense  attributable  to  income  from  continuing
operations consists of the following (in thousands):

                                    Year Ended December 31, 1995
                                    Current   Deferred   Total
                                    -------   --------   -------              
Federal                             $ 8,148   $ 4,174   $12,322
State                                 2,140       277     2,417
International                         5,166         0     5,166
                                    -------   -------   --------
                                    $15,454   $ 4,451   $19,905
                                    =======   =======   =======             

                                    Year Ended December 31, 1994
                                    Current   Deferred    Total
                                    -------   --------    -----
Federal                             $56,697  $(11,031)   $45,666
State                                 8,212      (756)     7,456
International                         3,282        --      3,282
                                    -------  ---------   -------
                                    $68,191  $(11,787)   $56,404
                                    =======  ========    =======                

                                    Year Ended December 31, 1993
                                    Current   Deferred    Total
                                    -------   --------    ------
Federal                            $ 4,483   $(1,071)   $ 3,412
State                                1,565      (574)       991
International                        2,710        62      2,772
                                   -------   -------    -------
                                   $ 8,758   $(1,583)   $ 7,175
                                   =======   =======    =======           

Income   tax  expense  attributable  to  income  from  continuing
operations  differed from the amounts computed  by  applying  the
statutory tax rate of 35 percent to pretax income from continuing
operations as a result of the following:

                                       Year Ended December 31,
                                       1995     1994      1993
                                       ----     ----     -----
Computed "expected" tax expense       $16,921 $41,843   $5,119
Goodwill                                  533   9,307      824
State income taxes, net of Federal                      
  benefit                               1,571   4,846      644
Loss in majority-owned subsidiary          --      --      802
Effect of change in tax rates on                        
temporary differences                      --      --      250
Foreign income taxed at other than                      
U.S. rates                              1,836     350    1,159
Utilization of foreign net operating                    
loss carryforwards                       (231)   (814)  (1,319)
Nonconsolidated foreign net                             
operating loss                            492     566       --
Foreign, other                         (1,450)    271     (135)
Effect of change in inventory                           
accounting method                          --     455       --
Other, net                                233    (420)    (169)
                                        ------   -----  -------
                                      $19,905 $56,404   $7,175
                                      ======= =======   =======

The  tax  effects  of temporary differences  that  give  rise  to
significant portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred  tax
liabilities  at  December  31, 1995 and  December  31,  1994  are
presented below:

                                               1995      1994
                                               ----      ----
Deferred Tax Assets:                                           
Accounts receivable, principally due to                        
  allowance for doubtful accounts              $3,591   $3,083
Intangible assets, deducted for book                   
  purposes but capitalized and amortized
  for tax purposes                                323       51
Net operating loss carryforwards                  492    1,193
Inventories, principally due to additional             
  costs capitalized for tax purposes
  pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1986          702    1,064
Notes receivable, basis difference                397      679
Legal fees, capitalized and amortized for              
  tax purposes                                    402      672
Other                                             560      139
                                               ------   ------
  Total gross deferred tax assets               6,467    6,881
  Less valuation allowance                       (492)  (1,193)
                                               ------   ------
  Net deferred tax assets                       5,975    5,688

Deferred Tax Liabilities:                              
Plant and equipment, principally due to                
  differences in depreciation and basis        (5,686)   (1,032)
Accrued liabilities, not currently                     
deductible for tax purposes                        --      (256)
Deferred state tax liability                     (421)     (144)
Other                                            (242)     (179)
                                               ------    ------
  Total gross deferred tax liabilities         (6,349)   (1,611)
  Net deferred tax asset (liability)           $ (374)   $4,077
                                               ======    ======               

At  December 31, 1995, the Company had $1.3 million of  operating
loss  carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income  of
certain international subsidiaries. These loss carryforwards must
be  utilized  within  the  applicable  carryforward  periods.   A
valuation allowance has been provided for the deferred tax assets
related to loss carryforwards. Carryforwards of $616,000  can  be
used  indefinitely  and the remainder expire  from  1997  through

The  Company  anticipates that the reversal of  existing  taxable
temporary  differences  and future taxable  income  will  provide
sufficient  taxable  income to realize the  tax  benefit  of  the
remaining  deferred tax assets.  In accordance with the Company's
accounting policy, U.S. deferred taxes have not been provided  on
undistributed  earnings of foreign subsidiaries  at  the  end  of
1995,   as   the  Company  intends  to  reinvest  these  earnings
permanently  in  the  foreign operations or  to  repatriate  such
earnings  only when advantageous for the Company to do  so.   The
amount  of the unrecognized tax liability for these undistributed
earnings  is  not  material  at  the  end  of  1995  due  to  the
availability of foreign tax credits.

Income taxes paid during 1995, 1994, and 1993 were $15.1 million,
$57.3 million and $13.3 million, respectively.

NOTE 9.  Shareholders' Equity and Employee Benefit Plans
Common Stock

The  Company is authorized to issue 100 million shares of  Common
Stock, $.001 par value (the "Common Stock"). The number of shares
of  Common  Stock issued and outstanding at the end of  1995  and
1994 was 44,331,000 and 43,921,000, respectively.

Treasury Stock

In  February, 1993, the Company's Board of Directors  approved  a
program to repurchase up to 3,000,000 shares of its Common Stock.
The  Company  repurchased 372,000 shares during 1995 and  237,000
shares  during  1994. In 1994, the Company's Board  of  Directors
adopted  a  resolution to return all repurchased  shares  to  the
status of authorized but unissued shares. In accordance with this
resolution,  the  Company retired 372,000 and 1,779,000  treasury
shares in 1995 and 1994, respectively.

Preferred Stock

The  Company  is authorized to issue up to 20 million  shares  of
Redeemable Preferred Stock, par value $0.001 per share, in one or
more  series. As of December 31, 1995 and December 31, 1994, none
were issued.


The 1987 Kinetic Concepts, Inc. Key Contributor Stock Option Plan
(the  "Key  Contributor  Stock Option  Plan")  covers  up  to  an
aggregate  of  5,750,000  shares of the Company's  Common  Stock.
Options  may  be granted under the Key Contributor  Stock  Option
Plan  to  employees (including officers), non-employee  directors
and consultants of the Company. The exercise price of the options
is  determined  by a committee of the Board of Directors  of  the
Company. The Key Contributor Stock Option Plan permits the  Board
of  Directors to declare the terms for payment when such  options
are  exercised. Options may be granted with a term not  exceeding
ten years.

The  following table summarizes the activity in the Company's Key
Contributor  Stock Option Plan (in thousands,  except  per  share

                                              Option Price
                                 Shares         Per Share
                                -------     ----------------
Outstanding, January 1, 1993      1,802     $3.00  to $8.625
Granted                           1,212     $3.75  to $7.625
Canceled                           (346)    $3.50  to $8.1875
Exercised                           (62)    $3.50  to $5.75
Outstanding, December 31, 1993    2,606     $3.00  to $8.625
Granted                           2,116     $3.375 to $6.00
Canceled                         (1,556)    $3.50  to $8.625
Exercised                          (199)    $3.50  to $5.75
Outstanding, December 31, 1994    2,967     $3.00  to $8.625
Granted                             865     $5.50  to $11.75
Canceled                           (277)    $3.375 to $8.1875
Exercised                          (760)    $3.375 to $6.75
Outstanding, December 31, 1995    2,795     $3.00  to $11.75

As  of  December 31, 1995 and 1994, 1.0 million and  1.1  million
options  were exercisable and 834,000 and 1,423,000  shares  were
available for future grants, respectively.

The  1988 Kinetic Concepts, Inc. Directors Stock Option Plan (the
"Directors  Stock  Option Plan") covers an aggregate  of  300,000
shares  of the Company's Common Stock and may be granted to  non-
employee directors of the Company. The exercise price of  options
granted  under the Directors Stock Option Plan shall be the  fair
market  value of the shares of the Company's Common Stock on  the
date that such option is granted.

The  following  table summarizes the activity  in  the  Directors
Stock Option Plan (in thousands, except per share data):

                                     Shares   Option Price Per
                                    --------  ----------------   
Outstanding, January 1, 1993           119   $4.125  to $13.25
Granted                                  8   $4.50
Exercised                              (57)  $7.00
Lapsed                                  (8)  $13.125 to $13.25
Outstanding, December 31, 1993          62   $4.125  to $9.375
Granted                                  8   $3.75   to $4.50
Exercised                               --   $--
Lapsed                                  (8)  $5.00   to $5.25
Outstanding, December 31, 1994          62   $3.75   to $9.375
Granted                                  8   $8.125  to $9.25
Exercised                              (32)  $4.125  to $5.875
Lapsed                                  --   $--
Outstanding, December 31, 1995          38   $3.75   to $9.375

In  July, 1991, the Company granted options to three non-employee
directors  of the Company to acquire a total of 30,000 shares  of
the  Company's Common Stock at $5.00 per share (the  fair  market
value at date of grant). At December 31, 1995, 20,000 options are
exercisable and expire ten years from the grant date.

In  addition,  in April, 1993, the Company granted a  warrant  to
AmHS Purchasing Partners, L.P. ("AmHS") to acquire 150,000 shares
of  the  Company's  common stock at $6.625 per  share  (the  fair
market value at date of grant). These options are exercisable and
expire over a five-year period from such date.

During 1994, the Chairman of the Board issued options for 440,000
of  his  shares  at  fair  market value of  $5.74  to  the  newly
appointed Chief Executive Officer.

The 1995 Kinetic Concepts, Inc. Senior Executive Management Stock
Option  Plan (the "Senior Executive Stock Option Plan") covers  a
total of 1.4 million shares of the Company's Common Stock and may
be  granted  to certain senior executives of the Company  at  the
recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer and  discretion  of
the  Company's Board of Directors.  The exercise price  for  each
share  of  common stock covered by an option shall be established
by  the  Board of Directors but may not in any case be less  than
the  fair  market  value of the shares of  common  stock  of  the
company  on  the  date of grant.  Vesting of options  granted  is
subject  to  certain terms and conditions.  The Senior  Executive
Stock  Option Plan is subject to final approval by the  Company's

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

The Company has established an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the
"ESOP")  covering employees of the Company who meet  minimum  age
and  length  of  service requirements. The ESOP enables  eligible
employees to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company.

As  of  December  31, 1995, and December 31,  1994,  566,772  and
500,000 shares, respectively, of the stock owned by the ESOP were
allocated to employees. Based on the number of shares planned  to
be  allocated  for the year, ESOP expense recorded  during  1995,
1994,  and  1993  amounted to $263,000,  $476,000  and  $594,000,
respectively.  ESOP expense in 1994 and 1993 included $5,000  and
$55,000,  respectively, of interest expense  related  to  a  loan
agreement with a bank.

Investment Plan

The  Company  has  an Investment Plan intended to  qualify  as  a
deferred  compensation plan under Section 401(k) of the  Internal
Revenue  Code  of 1986. The Investment Plan is available  to  all
domestic employees and the Company matches employee contributions
up  to  a  specified  limit. In 1995, 1994  and  1993,  $265,000,
$314,000  and $308,000, respectively, was charged to expense  for
matching contributions.

NOTE 10. Commitments and Contingencies
On  February 21, 1992, Novamedix Limited filed a lawsuit  against
the  Company in the United States District Court for the  Western
District  of  Texas.  Novamedix holds the patent  rights  to  the
principal  product which directly competes with  the  PlexiPulse.
The  suit  alleges that the PlexiPulse infringes several  patents
held  by  Novamedix,  that  the Company breached  a  confidential
relationship  with Novamedix and a variety of subsidiary  claims.
Novamedix seeks injunctive relief and monetary damages. Discovery
in this case has been substantially completed. Although it is not
possible to predict the outcome of this litigation or the damages
which could be awarded, the Company believes that its defenses to
these  claims  are meritorious and that the litigation  will  not
have  a  material  effect  on the Company's  business,  financial
condition or results of operations.

The Company is party to several lawsuits generally incidental  to
its  business, including product claims and is contesting certain
adjustments  proposed by the Internal Revenue  Service  to  prior
years' tax returns. Provisions have been made in the accompanying
financial  statements for estimated exposures  related  to  these
lawsuits  and  adjustments.  In the opinion  of  management,  the
disposition of these items will not have a material effect on the
Company's business, financial condition or results of operations.

See discussion of self-insurance program at Note 1 and leases  at
Note 7.

NOTE 11. Unusual Items
During  the  third quarter of 1994, the Company recorded  a  gain
from  the  settlement  of a patent infringement  lawsuit  brought
against  SSI.  The settlement was $84.75 million.  Net  of  legal
expenses,  this transaction added $81.6 million of pretax  income
to  the  1994 results. In addition, a $10.1  million pretax  gain
from  the  sale of Medical Services was recognized.  The  Company
recorded   certain   other  unusual  items,   primarily   planned
dispositions  of  under-utilized rental assets  and  over-stocked
inventories of $6.8 million.

A summary of unusual items follows (in thousands):

                                            1995     1994    1993
                                            ----     ----    -----
SSI settlement, net of legal fees          $  --   $81,596  $    --
Gain from Medical Services sale (Note 2)      --    10,121       --
Equipment and inventory write-downs           --    (4,045)  (4,850)
Other                                         --    (2,804)  (1,855)
                                           ------  -------- --------
          Unusual items in operating
          earnings                         $  --   $84,868  $(6,705)
                                           ------  -------  --------
During  the fourth quarter of 1993, the Company recorded  unusual
items  of  $6.7  million. Adjustments to the carrying  values  of
assets and liabilities, primarily related to planned dispositions
of  under-utilized  rental  assets and over-stocked  inventories,
totaling  $4.8  million  were charged to unusual  items.  Unusual
items  also  included provisions of $900,000 relating  to  losses
anticipated for the relocation of certain operations as  well  as
certain other severance costs. A provision for anticipated losses
of  $1  million  related  to product liability  claims  was  also
charged  to  unusual  items  when one  of  the  Company's  former
insurance carriers was placed into receivership.

NOTE 12.  Segment and Geographic Information
The  Company  operates  primarily in one  industry  segment:  the
distribution  of  specialty therapeutic beds and  rental  medical
devices to select health care providers.

A  summary  of  financial information by geographic  area  is  as

                             Year Ended December 31, 1995
                       Domestic  Foreign  Eliminations Consoliadated
                       --------  -------  ------------ -------------   
Total revenue:                                                 
    customers         $182,754  $60,689   $      --      $243,443
    transfers            6,991      --    $ (6,991)            --
                     ---------  -------   ---------      --------
          Total       $189,745  $60,689   $ (6,991)      $243,443
                     ---------  -------   ---------      --------
Operating earnings    $ 33,779  $10,845   $   (832)      $ 43,792
                     =========  =======   =========      ========
Total assets:                                                  
    assets            $157,615  $43,787   $(10,075)      $191,327
                     =========  =======   =========    
  Corporate assets                                         52,399
       Total assets                                      $243,726

                             Year Ended December 31, 1994
                       Domestic  Foreign   Eliminations  Consolidated
                       --------  -------   ------------  ------------          
Total revenue:                                                 
    customers          $223,202  $46,444    $     --     $269,646
    transfers             5,489       --      (5,489)          --
                       --------  -------    ---------    --------
       Total           $228,691  $46,444    $ (5,489)    $269,646
                       ========  =======    =========    ========               
Operating earnings     $117,368  $ 7,737    $ (1,027)    $124,078
                       ========  =======    =========    ========           
Total assets:                                                  
  Identifiable assets  $156,248  $41,756    $ (8,514)    $189,490
                       ========  =======    =========                  
  Corporate assets                                         43,241
       Total assets                                      $232,731

                             Year Ended December 31, 1993
                       Domestic  Foreign   Eliminations  Consolidated
                       --------  -------   ------------  ------------          
Total revenue:                                                 
    customers          $229,301  $39,571    $     --      $268,872
    transfers             3,644       --      (3,644)           --
                       --------  -------    --------      --------
       Total           $232,945  $39,571    $ (3,644)     $268,872
                       ========  =======    ========      ========
Operating earnings     $ 14,941  $ 6,093    $   (479)     $ 20,535
                       ========  =======    ========      ========            
Total assets:                                                  
  Identifiable assets  $244,495  $37,285    $ (7,487)     $274,293
                       ========  =======    ========      ========   
  Corporate assets                                          10,280
       Total assets                                       $284,573

Domestic intercompany transfers primarily represent shipments  of
equipment   and   parts  to  international  subsidiaries.   These
intercompany   shipments  are  made  at  transfer  prices   which
approximate  prices  charged to unaffiliated customers  and  have
been  eliminated from consolidated net revenues. Corporate assets
consist of cash and cash equivalents.

NOTE 13.  Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)
The  unaudited consolidated results of operations by quarter  are
summarized below:
                               Year Ended December 31, 1995
                             First   Second    Third   Fourth
                            Quarter  Quarter  Quarter  Quarter
                            -------  -------  -------  -------  
Revenue                     $57,027  $59,790  $61,606  $65,020(a)
Operating earnings          $ 9,577  $ 8,717  $12,734  $12,764
Net earnings                $ 6,098  $ 5,716  $ 8,535  $ 8,092                 
Earnings per common and                             
common equivalent share       $0.14    $0.13    $0.19    $0.18

                               Year Ended December 31, 1994
                             First   Second   Third    Fourth
                            Quarter Quarter  Quarter  Quarter
                            ------- -------  -------  -------   
Revenue                     $72,084 $67,751  $70,239  $59,572(a)
Operating earnings          $ 9,161 $ 8,035  $93,202  $13,680(b)
Net earnings                $ 4,264 $ 3,173  $48,641  $ 8,305(b)
Earnings per common and                                      
common equivalent share       $0.10   $0.07    $1.10    $0.19(b)

(a) See discussion of acquisitions/dispositions at Note 2.
(b)  See discussion of unusual items at Note 11 and extraordinary
     item at Note 6.

Earnings  per  share for the full year may differ  from  the  sum
total  of  the  quarterly  earnings per  share  due  to  rounding

                  Independent Auditors' Report


The Board of Directors and Shareholders
Kinetic Concepts, Inc.:

We  have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets  of
Kinetic  Concepts, Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31,  1995
and  1994,  and the related consolidated statements of  earnings,
cash  flows  and capital accounts for each of the  years  in  the
three-year  period  ended December 31, 1995.  These  consolidated
financial  statements  are the responsibility  of  the  Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on  these
consolidated financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits in accordance with generally  accepted
auditing  standards. Those standards require  that  we  plan  and
perform  the  audit to obtain reasonable assurance about  whether
the  financial  statements are free of material misstatement.  An
audit  includes  examining, on a test basis, evidence  supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also  includes  assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and
significant  estimates made by management, as well as  evaluating
the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to
above  present  fairly, in all material respects,  the  financial
position  of  Kinetic  Concepts,  Inc.  and  subsidiaries  as  of
December  31, 1995 and 1994, and the results of their  operations
and  their  cash  flows for each of the years in  the  three-year
period  ended  December  31, 1995, in conformity  with  generally
accepted accounting principles.

As  discussed  in  Notes  1 and 8 to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements,  the  Company changed its method  of  accounting  for
income  taxes  in  1993, and its method of applying  overhead  to
inventory in 1994.

                             /s/ KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
                              KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

San Antonio, Texas
February 6, 1996


Chairman of the Board of Directors

President and Chief Executive Officer

Executive Vice President

Chairman, National Imaging Affiliates, Inc.

Former Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating Officer
Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc.

Executive Vice President and Provost,
Texas Tech University Health Science Center


President and Chief Executive Officer

Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Vice President, Manufacturing


KCI Therapeutic Services, Inc.

KCI International, Inc.

KCI New Technologies, Inc.

Vice President and General Manager
KCI Home Care Division


Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer


A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K as filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission is available without charge
from Investor Relations, Kinetic Concepts, Inc.


NASDAQ National Market System, Ticker Symbol KNCI


c/o BostonEquiServe
Shareholder Services Division
P.O. Box 644
Boston, MA 02102-0644
(617) 575-3400


The Company's annual meeting of shareholders will be held on
Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. (local time) at:
Embassy Suites Hotel
7750 Briaridge
San Antonio, TX 78230


112 East Pecan
Suite 2400
San Antonio, Texas 78205

                               1995                       1994
                         High         Low          High          Low
                       ------       ------        -----         ----- 
First Quarter           8.250        6.563        4.250         3.750
Second Quarter          8.125        6.625        4.250         3.375
Third Quarter          11.625        7.000        5.875         3.375
Fourth Quarter         13.000       10.000        6.875         5.375

TRADEMARKS -  TriaDyne TM, BariKare(R), PlexiPulse(R), All-in-1
System,The V.A.C. TM, TheraPulse(R), KinAir(R), DynaPulse TM,
FirstStep(R), and HomeKair(R) are trademarks of Kinetic Concepts, Inc.
Clinical Advantage SM, Kinetic Therapy SM, Genesis SM, Odyssey SM,
and Continuum of Care SM, are service marks of Kinetic Concepts, Inc.
These products are subject to patent and/or pending patent.

(C) Copyright 1996 Kinetic Concepts, Inc.