Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission
     Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12


                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[x]  No fee required
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (4) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a) (2) and  identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

1)   Amount Previously Paid:

2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

3)   Filing Party

4)   Date Filed:


                                75 Hammond Street

                         Worcester, Massachusetts 01610


                                 April 27, 2005

     PLEASE  TAKE NOTICE that the 2005  annual  meeting of the  shareholders  of
Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company (the  "Company") will be held at the
Crowne Plaza, 10 Lincoln Square, Worcester,  Massachusetts,  on Wednesday, April
27, 2005 at 10:00 o'clock A.M., local time, for the following purposes:

     (1) To elect three  directors (by the holders of Common Stock only) and six
     directors  (by the holders of  Preferred  Stock only) to serve for terms of
     one year and until their successors are elected and qualified;

     (2) To approve the Company's All Star/Anniversary Safety Incentive Plan, in
     the form set forth as Appendix B to the  accompanying  proxy  statement (by
     the  holders  of  Common  Stock and  Preferred  Stock,  voting as  separate

     (3) To  approve  an  amendment  to the  Company's  Bylaws  eliminating  the
     mandatory  retirement  age for  members of the Board of  Directors  (by the
     holders of Common Stock and Preferred Stock,  voting as separate  classes);

     (4) To transact  such other  business,  if any, as may properly come before
     the meeting or any adjournment or  adjournments  thereof (by the holders of
     Common Stock and Preferred Stock, voting as separate classes).

     Holders of record of the Common  Stock or  Preferred  Stock on the books of
the  Company as of the close of  business  on March 4, 2005 will be  entitled to

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       MARY A. TANONA
                                       Secretary and General Counsel
                                       PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RAILROAD COMPANY

Worcester, Massachusetts
March 26, 2005

     If you are the holder of record of only one class of the Company's  capital
stock, only one proxy card is enclosed.  If you are the holder of record of both
Common Stock and Preferred Stock, two proxy cards are enclosed.  Kindly fill in,
date and sign the enclosed  proxy  card(s) and  promptly  return the same in the
enclosed addressed  envelope,  which requires no postage if mailed in the United
States. If you are personally present at the meeting,  the proxy or proxies will
not be used without your consent.


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders

                                 April 27, 2005


     The  accompanying  proxy or proxies are solicited by the Board of Directors
of Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company  (herein called the "Company") in
connection  with the  annual  meeting of the  shareholders  to be held April 27,
2005; the Company will bear the cost of such  solicitation.  It is expected that
the  solicitation  of proxies  will be  primarily  by mail.  Proxies may also be
solicited  personally by regular  employees of the Company at nominal cost.  The
Company  may  reimburse  brokerage  houses and other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries  holding  stock  for  others  in their  names,  or in those of their
nominees, for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in sending proxy materials
to their  principals  or  beneficial  owners and obtaining  their  proxies.  Any
shareholder  giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time  prior to its
exercise,  but the  revocation  of a proxy will not be  effective  until  notice
thereof has been given to the Secretary of the Company. Notice of revocation may
be  delivered  in  writing  to the  Secretary  prior  to the  meeting  or may be
transmitted orally to the Secretary at the meeting.  Every properly signed proxy
will be voted in accordance with the specifications made thereon.

     The Company's Annual Report for 2004, including financial statements,  this
proxy statement and the  accompanying  proxy or proxies are expected to be first
sent to shareholders  on or about March 26, 2005.  Neither the Annual Report nor
the financial statements therein are incorporated in this Proxy Statement and do
not form any part of the material for the solicitation of proxies.

                                VOTING AT MEETING

     Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on March 4, 2005 will
be entitled to vote at the meeting.  Under the Company's charter, the holders of
the Company's  Common Stock,  voting  separately as a class, are entitled to one
vote for each  share held in the  election  of  one-third  (1/3) of the Board of
Directors  of the Company  proposed to be elected at the meeting (or the nearest
larger whole number, if such fraction is not a whole number). The holders of the
Company's  Preferred  Stock,  voting  separately as a class, are entitled to one
vote  for  each  share  held in the  election  of the  balance  of the  Board of
Directors  proposed to be elected at the meeting.  The holders of the  Company's
Common Stock and the holders of the  Company's  Preferred  Stock are entitled to
one vote per share, voting as separate classes and not together,  upon all other
matters presented to the shareholders for their approval.

     Common Stock  directors will be elected in each case by vote of the holders
of a majority of the Common Stock present or represented at the meeting, and the
Preferred Stock directors will be similarly  elected by vote of the holders of a
majority of the Preferred Stock.

     Shares  represented by proxies which are marked  "withhold  authority" with
respect to the election of any particular  nominee for director,  "abstain" with
respect to any other  matter,  or to deny  discretionary  authority on any other
matters  will  be  counted  as  shares  present  and  entitled  to  vote,   and,
accordingly,  any such  marking of a proxy  will have the same  effect as a vote
against the proposal to which it relates.

     Brokers  who hold  shares in street  name may lack  authority  to vote such
shares on certain items,  absent  specific  instructions  from their  customers.
Shares subject to such "broker non-votes" will not be treated as shares entitled
to vote on the matters to which they relate and therefore will be treated as not
present at the meeting for those purposes,  but otherwise will have no effect on
the outcome of the voting on such matters.

     On the record date,  there were  4,481,784  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock and 645 shares of the Company's  Preferred Stock  outstanding and entitled
to vote at the meeting.


     The  majority of the  Preferred  Stock of the Company is owned by Robert H.
Eder,  resulting in a "controlled"  company, as defined in Section 801(a) of the
American  Stock  Exchange  ("AMEX")  Company  Guide  (the  "AMEX  Guide").  As a
"controlled"  company,  the Company is not subject to the AMEX Guide requirement
that at least a majority of the  directors of a listed  company be, and continue
to be,  independent  directors  as defined in  Section  121A of the AMEX  Guide.
However,  the Board has considered the relationship between the Company and each
of the current directors and director nominees,  including information contained
in the 2005  Directors' and Officers'  Questionnaire  provided to the Company by
each of them and has  determined  that all of the directors and nominees,  other
than Robert H. Eder and Orville R. Harrold,  are independent as set forth in the
AMEX Guide.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     At the annual meeting, three Common Stock directors and six Preferred Stock
directors  are to be elected,  and each will hold  office  until the next annual
meeting and until his/her successor is elected and qualified.  The proxies named
in the accompanying  proxy or proxies,  who have been designated by the Board of
Directors,  intend to vote, unless otherwise instructed, for the election to the
Board of Directors of the persons named below,  all of whom are now directors of
the Company with the exception of James C. Garvey,  who was nominated  following
the process described in the section below entitled  "Committees of the Board of
Directors" and whose nomination was approved by a unanimous vote of the Board of
Directors  at its  quarterly  meeting on  January  26,  2005 to replace  John H.
Cronin, who informed the Company of his decision not to stand for re-election to
the Board by an undated letter in January 2005. Certain  information  concerning
such nominees is set forth below:

                    Principal Occupation                                Director
Name and Age        During Past Five Years                              Since(a)
- ------------        ----------------------                              --------

                    Common Stock Director Nominees:

Richard W. Anderson Senior Vice President of Massachusetts Capital        1998
     (57)             Resource Company
Robert H. Eder (72) Chairman of the Company                               1965
John J. Healy (69)  President of Worcester Affiliated Mfg. L.L.C.         1991
                    (manufacturing consultant) and Director of
                     Manufacturing Advancement Center and Director
                     of Operations for the Massachusetts Manufacturing
                     Extension Partnership

                    Preferred Stock Director Nominees:

Frank W. Barrett Executive Vice President of Banknorth Massachusetts       1995
     (65)         (prior to January 2002, Executive Vice President of
                   First Massachusetts Bank, N.A., prior to June 2000,
                   Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer
                   of Family Bank)
J. Joseph Garrahy President of J. Joseph Garrahy & Associates, Inc.         1992
     (74)           (business consultants)
James C. Garvey   President and CEO of Flagship Bank & Trust Company
    (48)            (prior to 2001, Executive Vice President of Flagship
                      Bank & Trust Company)
Orville R. Harrold President of the Company                                 1978
Charles M.        President of Bertha M. McCollam, Inc. and Vice            1996
 McCollam, Jr.(72) President and Secretary of Kronholm & McCollam
                   (insurance firms) and President of McCollam
                    Associates (consultant)
Craig M. Scott (41) Managing Partner of Duffy, Sweeney & Scott, Ltd.        2004

     (a)  Dates  of  directorships   include   directorships  of  the  Company's

Brief Biographies

     Richard W.  Anderson,  Director.  Mr.  Anderson  has been a Director of the
Company  since  1998.  He is Senior  Vice  President  of  Massachusetts  Capital
Resource  Company   ("MCRC"),   a  private   investment  firm  funded  by  major
Massachusetts  based life insurance companies providing high risk growth capital
to Massachusetts  businesses.  He began working at MCRC in 1981. Mr. Anderson is
also a  director  of  Valpey  Fisher  Corporation,  a  company  specializing  in
frequency control devices, and Polar Beverages, Inc.

     Frank W. Barrett,  Director. Mr. Barrett has been a Director of the Company
since 1995.  Effective  January 1, 1999, he became  Executive Vice President and
Chief  Lending  Officer of Family Bank.  Family Bank became First  Massachusetts
Bank,  N.A.  upon  the  acquisition  of Bank  North  Group by  Peoples  Heritage
Financial Group (which then changed its name to BankNorth Group). Effective June
2000, he became  Executive  Vice  President of First  Massachusetts  Bank,  N.A.
Effective  January 2002,  First  Massachusetts  Bank, N.A. merged into Banknorth
Massachusetts.  No change in Mr.  Barrett's  responsibility  was  effected  as a
result of the merger.

     Robert H. Eder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Eder
became  President of the Company in 1966 and led the Company through its efforts
to become an independent  operating  company.  He has been Chairman of the Board
since 1980.  He is a graduate of Harvard  College and Harvard Law School.  He is
also  majority  owner  (with  his  wife) and  Chairman  of the Board of  Capital
Properties,  Inc., a real estate holding company of which he is also a Director.
Mr. Eder is admitted to practice law in Rhode Island and New York.

     J. Joseph Garrahy, Director. Mr. Garrahy has been a Director of the Company
since 1992. He is a former four term  Governor of Rhode Island and,  since 1990,
has been an independent  business  consultant in the State of Rhode Island.  Mr.
Garrahy is also a director of SENESCO, the Southeastern New England Shipbuilding

     James C. Garvey,  Nominee.  Mr.  Garvey has been  President  and CEO of the
Worcester-based  Flagship Bank & Trust Company  ("Flagship Bank") since 2001. He
began working at Flagship Bank in 1999 as Executive Vice President.

     Orville R. Harrold,  President,  Chief Operating Officer and Director.  Mr.
Harrold  has  been  with the  Company  since  the  commencement  of  independent
operations in February 1973.  Over the past 31 years,  he has held the positions
of Chief Engineer and General Manager,  becoming  President in 1980. Mr. Harrold
has a  bachelors  degree in  mechanical  engineering  from the Pratt  Institute,
Brooklyn,  New York and has been  employed in the  railroad  industry in various
capacities since 1960.

     John J. Healy, Director. Mr. Healy has been a Director of the Company since
1991. He has been President of Worcester  Affiliated Mfg. L.L.C., an independent
business  consulting  firm  involved in efforts to revitalize  manufacturing  in
Massachusetts,   since  January  1997.   Mr.  Healy  is  also  Director  of  the
Manufacturing   Advancement   Center  and   Director  of   Operations   for  the
Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

     Charles M. McCollam, Jr., Director. Mr. McCollam has been a Director of the
Company  since  1996.  He is  President  of Bertha M.  McCollam,  Inc.  and Vice
President and  Secretary of Kronholm & McCollam  (insurance  firms),  as well as
owner and President of McCollam  Associates,  a consulting  firm in the State of
Connecticut. He was the Chief of Staff to a former governor of Connecticut.

     Craig M.  Scott,  Director.  Mr.  Scott has been a Director  of the Company
since 2004.  He is managing  partner of the  Providence-based  law firm,  Duffy,
Sweeney & Scott, Ltd.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     The  Board  of  Directors  has an  Executive  Committee,  a Stock  Option &
Compensation  Committee and an Audit Committee.  The Board of Directors does not
have a nominating committee.  In accordance with the By-laws of the Company, the
Executive  Committee,  currently  comprising Robert H. Eder,  Chairman,  John J.
Healy and Orville R. Harrold,  exercises the authority of the Board of Directors
when  formal  Board  action  is  required  between  meetings,   subject  to  the
limitations imposed by law, the By-laws or the Board of Directors. The Executive
Committee  acts  on  routine  matters  such  as  authorizing  the  execution  of
government  contracts  for  reimbursement  for Company work on highway  projects
adjacent to the railroad and grade crossing rehabilitation.

     The Stock Option & Compensation  Committee,  currently  comprising  John H.
Cronin,  Chairman,  Charles M. McCollam,  Jr. and Craig M. Scott, is responsible
for  establishing  the amount of option  shares to be  granted to the  Company's
employees  under the Stock Option Plan and for  approving  and  reporting to the
Board the  executive  compensation  plan  (including  incentive  awards)  of the
Chairman of the Board and the President and any other officer who is a member of
the Board.

     The Audit  Committee of the Board of  Directors,  currently  comprising  J.
Joseph Garrahy,  Chairman, Frank W. Barrett and Richard W. Anderson, all of whom
are  independent as defined by the AMEX listing  standards,  is responsible  for
providing independent, objective oversight of the Company's accounting functions
and internal  controls.  The Company has,  and will  continue to have,  an Audit
Committee  that  consists  of at least  three  members,  each of whom  meets the
independence  requirements  of AMEX and the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC") and the financial sophistication requirements of AMEX. The Board has
determined that Frank W. Barrett meets the standards set forth in Item 401(h)(2)
of SEC Regulation S-K to qualify as an audit committee financial expert, as that
term is defined in Item 401(h)(2).

     The Audit  Committee  operates  under a written  charter  first adopted and
approved by the Board of Directors on April 26,  2000.  The Company  reviews the
charter  annually,   and  modified  it  in  January  2004  to  comply  with  the
requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and new AMEX requirements. A copy
of the Audit  Committee  Charter is attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix

     The Company  does not have a written  procedure  for  shareholders  to make
nominations  to the Board of  Directors,  but the  Company  does  consider  such
nominations.  The holders of the Preferred Stock elect a majority of the members
of the Board of Directors.  Mr. Eder, who owns a majority of the Preferred Stock
and who  serves  as the  Chairman  of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company,
involves himself in the screening and selection of directors of the Company when
vacancies  occur on the Board of Directors  and the Board of Directors has voted
to sit as a  committee  of the whole to  consider  any  recommendations  made by
shareholders  and/or  other  directors of persons to be directors of the Company
and in determining  whether to nominate any such recommended person for election
by the  shareholders.  Thus, the Board of Directors has determined  that (i) the
Company shall not have a nominating  committee;  and (ii) the Board of Directors
shall consider the  competencies  and experience of such  recommended  person as
they relate to the business of the Company,  together  with such  person's  age,
reputation and ability to carry out the  requirements  to serve as a director of
the  Company.  In  addition,  because the Company is a  "controlled"  company as
defined in Section  801(a) of the AMEX Guide,  the Company is not subject to the
AMEX Guide  requirement  that a listed company adopt a formal written charter or
board resolution addressing the nominations process.

     The Board of Directors  held five meetings,  the Audit  Committee held five
meetings,  the Stock Option &  Compensation  Committee  held one meeting and the
Executive Committee held nine meetings during the fiscal year ended December 31,
2004. All directors attended at least 75% of all meetings.

Shareholder Communications

     Shareholders  of the Company may  communicate  directly with the members of
the Board of Directors by writing directly to those individuals at the following
address:   Providence  and  Worcester  Railroad  Company,   75  Hammond  Street,
Worcester,   Massachusetts  01610,  and  the  Company  shall  forward,  and  not
intentionally  screen, any mail received at the Company's  corporate office that
is sent directly to an individual  director or to the directors generally unless
the Corporation believes that the communication may pose a security risk.

Audit Committee Report

     Management is responsible for the Company's internal controls and financial
reporting process. The independent accountants are responsible for performing an
audit of the Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  in accordance  with
generally accepted auditing  standards and to issue a report thereon.  The Audit
Committee's  responsibility  is to appoint,  compensate,  retain and oversee any
independent  auditor  engaged for the purpose of  preparing  or issuing an audit
report or performing other audit,  review or attest  services,  and otherwise to
monitor and oversee these processes.

     The  responsibilities of the Audit Committee include engaging an accounting
firm as the Company's independent accountants. Additionally, and as appropriate,
the Audit Committee  reviews and evaluates,  and discusses and consults with the
Company's  management and independent  accountants  regarding,  the scope of the
audit  plan,  the  results  of the  audit,  the  Company's  financial  statement
disclosure documents, the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company's accounting
and financial controls and changes in accounting  principles,  and the auditor's
performance and independence.  The Audit Committee also oversees the receipt and
processing of complaints by employees  related to accounting,  internal controls
or auditing-related matters and reviews related-party transactions.

     In connection with these responsibilities, the Audit Committee reviewed and
discussed the audited  financial  statements  with  management and the Company's
independent  accountants,  Deloitte  & Touche  LLP.  The  Audit  Committee  also
discussed  with  Deloitte & Touche LLP the  matters  required  by  Statement  on
Auditing  Standards No. 61. The Audit Committee  received from Deloitte & Touche
LLP written disclosures and the letter regarding its independence as required by
Independence  Standards Board Standard No. 1. The Audit Committee discussed this
information with Deloitte & Touche LLP and also considered the  compatibility of
non-audit  services  provided  by  Deloitte & Touche LLP with its  independence.
Based on the  review of the  audited  financial  statements  and  these  various
discussions,  the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
audited financial  statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
10-K, to be filed with the SEC.

Audit Committee:
     J. Joseph Garrahy, Chairman
     Frank W. Barrett
     Richard W. Anderson

Compensation of Directors

     During the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2004,  each director who was not
an employee of the Company received a base fee of $500 for each attended meeting
of the Board of Directors plus $50 per attended meeting for each year of service
as a director,  and each member of the Audit  Committee  and the Stock  Option &
Compensation  Committee received $300 for each attended meeting of the committee
(other than the Chairman of the Committee, who received $350).

     During the month of January of each year, directors of the Company who were
serving as such on the preceding  December 31 and are not full time employees of
the  Company are  granted  options for the  purchase of 100 shares of the Common
Stock of the Company,  plus options for an  additional  ten shares for each full
year of service to the Company. The exercise price is the last sale price of the
Common Stock on the last  business day of the  preceding  year,  and the term of
each option is ten years  (subject to earlier  termination if the grantee ceases
to serve as a director), provided, however, that no option is exercisable within
six months following the date of grant.

     On January 2, 2004, each director of the Company who was serving as such on
December  31,  2003 and was not a full time  employee of the Company was granted
options for the  purchase  of 100 shares of Common  Stock of the  Company,  plus
options  for an  additional  ten  shares  for each full year of  service  to the
Company. The exercise price for such options is $8.89.

Report on Executive Compensation

     The Stock Option & Compensation Committee of the Board (the "Committee") is
composed entirely of independent (as defined by AMEX and the SEC),  non-employee
directors.  From time to time Mr. Harrold meets with the Committee to review the
compensation  program. The Committee is charged with the broad responsibility of
seeing that executive officers are effectively  compensated in a manner which is
internally  equitable  and  externally  competitive.  Because  the  Company is a
"controlled" company as defined in Section 801(a) of the AMEX Guide, the Company
is not  subject to the AMEX Guide  requirement  that  compensation  of the chief
executive  officer and all other officers be  determined,  or recommended to the
Board  for  determination,  either  by a  compensation  committee  comprised  of
independent  directors  or by a majority  of the  independent  directors  on its
Board. However, the Company's  Compensation  Committee Charter provides that the
Compensation  Committee  shall  approve  and  report to the Board the  executive
compensation plan (including  incentive awards) of the Chairman of the Board and
the President and any other officer who is a member of the Board.

     Executive  Compensation  Philosophy.  The Company's executive  compensation
philosophy  seeks  to link  executive  officer  compensation  with  the  values,
objectives,  business strategy, management initiatives and financial performance
of the Company.  The overall objectives of the program are to attract and retain
highly qualified individuals in key executive positions,  to motivate executives
to achieve  goals  inherent  in the  Company's  business  strategy,  and to link
executives'  and  shareholders'  interests.  The Company also seeks to achieve a
balance of the compensation paid to a particular individual and the compensation
paid to other  executives  both inside the Company  and at  comparable  railroad

     Base  Salary.  Base  salaries  for  executive  officers  are  substantially
dependent  upon the base  salaries  paid for  comparable  positions  at  similar
companies,  the  responsibilities of the position held, and the experience level
of the particular  executive officer.  The base salary for executive officers is
set by reviewing  compensation  for competitive  positions in the market and the
historical compensation levels of the executives.

     Bonus. All bonuses for executive  officers are determined at the discretion
of the  Committee,  taking  into  consideration  the  Company's  objectives  and

     Stock  Options.  Total  compensation  at the executive  level also includes
long-term   incentives   afforded  by  stock  options  granted  under  the  1993
Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan ("Plan").  The objectives of the program are to
align  executive and  shareholder  long-term  interests by creating a strong and
direct link between  executive pay and total shareholder  return,  and to enable
executives to develop and maintain  long-term stock  ownership  positions in the
Company's  Common  Stock.  Annual grants of stock options are made in accordance
with the terms of the Plan. Options are granted at fair market value.

     Simplified  Employee  Pension  Plan  ("SEPP").  Total  compensation  at the
executive  level also includes a  contribution  by the Company on behalf of each
"eligible  employee",  as defined under the 1979 SEPP, as amended,  of an amount
not to exceed 12% of said employee's  "eligible  compensation" for the preceding
year ending  December 31.  "Eligible  compensation",  as defined under the SEPP,
means all taxable  compensation of an "eligible employee" paid by the Company in
any calendar  year,  excluding  any  contribution  made by the Company under the
SEPP,  provided,  however,  that "eligible  compensation" shall be limited to no
more than $200,000,  or such amount as permitted under Section 401(a)(17) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code.  Such  contribution  is made  directly to an individual
retirement  account  or  individual  retirement  annuity  as  determined  by the
"eligible employee".

     Compensation  of  Chief  Executive   Officer.   Mr.  Eder  is  eligible  to
participate in the same executive  compensation  plans available to other senior
executives  other  than the  Company's  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  Plan.  The
Compensation  Committee  regularly reviews Mr. Eder's salary,  and adjusts it as
deemed  appropriate  to be  consistent  with salary  levels among  executives in
comparable  positions  within the  railroad  industry.  In  addition,  Mr.  Eder
receives cost of living adjustments in salary provided to all Company employees.

     Conclusion.  The  Committee  believes  that the  compensation  program  for
executive  officers  is  competitive  and  that  the  program  effectively  ties
executive  compensation  to the Company's  performance and resultant stock price

Stock Option & Compensation Committee:
     John H. Cronin, Chairman
     Charles M. McCollam, Jr.
     Craig M. Scott

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     The following  table  summarizes  the  compensation  paid or accrued by the
Company  during the three year period  ended  December  31,  2004,  to its Chief
Executive  Officer  and each of its  executive  officers  who  earned  more than
$100,000  in salary  and bonus in 2004 (the  "Named  Executive  Officers"),  for
services rendered in all capacities to the Company during 2004.

                                  Annual Compensation         Compensation
                                  -------------------         ------------
                                                              Underlying    All
                                                    Other     Options to   Other
                                                    Annual    Purchase   Compen-
                                   Salary          Compen-    Common      sation
Name and Principal Position  Year  ($)(a) Bonus($) sation($)  Stock       ($)(b)
- ---------------------------- ----  ------ ------   --------  ------------ ------
 Robert H. Eder............. 2004  364,985     0    28,127(c)     0      41,367
  Chairman of the Board and  2003  357,512     0     2,274        0      44,132
   Chief Executive Officer   2002  358,655     0     2,638        0      45,796

 Orville R. Harrold......... 2004  314,140     0      0         1,086    44,460
  President and Chief        2003  308,037     0      0         1,149    39,328
   Operating Officer         2002  308,250     0      0         1,151    38,992

 P. Scott Conti............. 2004  132,155     0      0           296     8,920
  Vice President Engineering 2003  127,661     0      0           246     8,661
                             2002  125,578     0      0           234     8,503

 Robert J. Easton........... 2004  147,151     0      0           333    10,005
    Treasurer                2003  143,783     0      0           353     9,730
                             2002  144,618     0      0           356     9,762

 Mary A. Tanona............  2004  119,949     0      0           108     8,097
   Secretary and General     2003  116,843     0      0           114     7,887
     Counsel                 2002  116,352     0      0           112     7,854

(a)  Includes  amounts  taxable to employees  for personal use of  Company-owned
     vehicles,  other than Mr. Eder and Ms. Tanona, who do not have personal use
     of a Company-owned vehicle.

(b)  Includes  amounts paid  directly to the  retirement  accounts of management
     staff under the Company's  simplified  employee  pension plan,  and, in the
     case of Robert H. Eder and Orville R.  Harrold,  includes for 2004 premiums
     paid for life  insurance  coverage in the  amounts of $27,529 and  $30,622,

(c)  Includes the cost of a vehicle for Mr. Eder.


The following  table sets forth  information as of the end of the Company's most
recently  completed  fiscal year with respect to compensation  plans  (including
individual  compensation  arrangements)  under which  equity  securities  of the
Company are authorized for issuance.

                      Number of Securities                          Number of
                       to be Issued Upon     Weighted Average      Securities
                          Exercise of        Exercise Price of      Remaining
                      Outstanding Options,  Outstanding Options,  Available For
  Plan Category       Warrants and Rights   Warrants and Rights  Future Issuance
  -------------       -------------------   -------------------  ---------------
Equity compensation plans         46,223            $9.47              310,931
approved by security holders

Equity compensation plans not       N/A               N/A              209,956
approved by security holders

Total                             46,223            $9.47              520,887


     The following  table  contains  information  concerning  the grant of stock
options  under  the  Company's  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  Plan to the  Named
Executive  Officers  during the Company's last fiscal year. The Company does not
issue stock appreciation rights.

                                    % of Total
                        Number of    Options
                        Securities   Granted To
                        Underlying   Employees                        Grant Date
                         Options     In Fiscal   Exercise  Expiration    Present
     Name              Granted(a)     2004       Price($)     Date   Value($)(b)
    ------             ----------   ---------     ------    -------- -----------

Robert H. Eder(c).....      0          0           0         0           0

Orville R. Harrold....    1,086       15.51       8.89    01/02/14    5,691

P. Scott Conti........      296        4.24       8.89    01/02/14    1,551

Robert J. Easton......      333        4.76       8.89    01/02/14    1,745

Mary A. Tanona........      108        1.54       8.89    01/02/14      566

(a)  All options were granted on January 2, 2004 and became  exercisable on July
     2, 2004.

(b)  Amounts  represent fair value of options and were estimated to be $5.24 per
     share as of the date of grant using  Black-Scholes  options - pricing model
     with the following  weighted average  assumptions:  expected  volatility of
     70%; expected life 7 years; and risk free interest rate of 3.90%. Dividends
     at the rate of 1.80% per share were assumed for purposes of this estimate.

(c)  Under the terms of the Company's  Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan, Mr. Eder
     is not eligible to receive a grant of stock options.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES

     The following table sets forth individual exercises of stock options during
2004 and the  year-end  values of options to purchase  Common  Stock held by the
Named Executive Officers as of December 31, 2004.

                                      Number of Securities
                                   Underlying Unexercised   Value of Unexercised
                                              Options at         In-the-Money at
                                         December 31, 2004  December 31, 2004(b)
                                         -----------------  --------------------
                      Acquired on     Value      Exercisable/       Exercisable/
             Name     Exercise   Realized($)(a) Unexercisable   Unexercisable($)
             ----    ----------- -------------- -------------   ----------------

 Robert H. Eder.......    0          0            0/0                     0/0

 Orville R. Harrold...  1,086      2,944      1,882/0                    972/0

 P. Scott Conti.......    0          0        1,053/0                  4,211/0

 Robert J. Easton.....   203       1,066      2,490/0                 10,964/0

 Mary A. Tanona.......    0          0          424/0                  2,478/0

(a)  Based on the last sale  price of the Common  Stock on the date of  exercise
     minus the exercise price.

(b)  Based on the  difference  between the exercise  price of each grant and the
     closing  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the AMEX on December 31,
     2004, which was $13.49.

                                Performance Graph

Prepared by Burnham  Securities  Inc.  for  Providence  and  Worcester  Railroad

                                 5 - Year Return
                   Providence and Worcester Railroad Company,
                  U.S. Railroad Index and S&P Industrial Index

                                [OBJECT OMITTED]

*Compiled by Burnham Securities Inc.
Index Components: CSX Corp. (NYSE:CSX), Pioneer Railcorp (NDSC:PRRR),  Genesee &
Wyoming Inc.  (NYSE:GWR),  Union  Pacific  Corp.  (NYSE:UNP),  RailAmerica  Inc.
(NYSE:RRA),  Burlington  Northern Santa Fe Corp.  (NYSE:BNI),  Norfolk  Southern
Corp. (NYSE:NSC), Kansas City Southern (NYSE:KSU), Florida East Coast Industries
Inc. (NYSE:FLA), Providence and Worcester Railroad Co. (AMEX:PWX)

                         Fiscal Years Ended December 31

                              1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004
- --------------------------   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
- --------------------------   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----    -----
PWX                          100       91.1     99.1    122.5    124.4    165.9
U.S. Railroad Index          100       64.4     71.3     71.8     85.0     93.0
S&P Industrials              100       82.9     72.4     54.6     69.8     74.9
- --------------------------   -----    -----    -----    -----    -----    -----

The S&P Industrial Index is calculated using 372 industrial companies in the S&P
500. The U.S. Railroad Index is compiled by Burnham Securities Inc. and includes
10  railroad-operating  companies.

The Board of Directors  recognizes  that the market price of stock is influenced
by many factors,  only one of which is issuer  performance.  The Company's stock
price may also be  influenced  by market  perception,  economic  conditions  and
government  regulation.  The stock price  performance  shown in the graph is not
necessarily an indicator of future price performance.


     The table set forth below reflects the only persons  (including any "group"
as that term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934)
who,  to the  best  of the  Company's  knowledge,  were on  March  4,  2005  the
beneficial owners of more than five percent of the Company's  outstanding Common
Stock,  $.50 par value,  or Preferred  Stock,  $50 par value.  Each share of the
Company's  outstanding Preferred Stock is convertible at any time, at the option
of the  holder,  into one hundred  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company.  The
footnote to the table below sets forth the percentages of the outstanding Common
Stock  which would be held by the  indicated  owners if such  owners'  Preferred
Stock were converted in whole into Common Stock.

Name and Address                      Number of Shares Owned           of Class
- ----------------                      ----------------------           --------

Robert H. and Linda Eder                    842,742 (Common)           18.8%(a)
120 Sunset Avenue                           500 (Preferred)            77.5%
Palm Beach, Florida  33480

Steinberg Asset Management, LLC             504,500 (Common)           11.3%
Michael A. Steinberg & Company, Inc.
Michael A. Steinberg
12 East 49th Street
Suite 1202
New York, New York  10017

Franklin Resources, Inc.                    205,000 (Common)            4.6%
Charles B. Johnson
Rupert H. Johnson, Jr.
One Franklin Parkway
San Mateo, California  94403-1906

Keeley Asset Management Corp.               306,345 (Common)            6.8%
Kamco Performance Limited Partnership
Kamco Limited Partnership No. 1
401 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois  60605

     (a) Assuming no conversion of Preferred  Stock.  If their  Preferred  Stock
were  converted in whole to Common  Stock,  Mr. and Mrs. Eder would own 19.7% of
the outstanding Common Stock.

     Of the shares owned by Mr. and Mrs.  Eder,  768,162  shares of Common Stock
and 500 shares of Preferred  Stock were held  directly by Mr.  Eder,  and 74,580
shares of Common  Stock  were held  directly  by Mrs.  Eder.  By reason of their
ownership,  Mr. and Mrs. Eder may be deemed to be "control persons" with respect
to the Company.

     The following table reflects, as of March 4, 2005, the beneficial ownership
of the Common Stock of the Company by directors,  nominees for directors,  Named
Executive Officers and all officers and directors as a group.

Name                                                   Number       Percentage
- ----                                                   ------       ----------

 Richard W. Anderson(a) .......................       201,450         4.4%
 Frank W. Barrett(b)...........................         1,660          *
 P. Scott Conti(c).............................         5,578          *
 John H. Cronin(d).............................         3,010          *
 Robert J. Easton(e) ..........................         6,037          *
 Robert H. Eder(f).............................       892,742        19.7%
 J. Joseph Garrahy(g)..........................           980          *
 James C. Garvey...............................             0          0
 Orville R. Harrold(h).........................        24,367          *
 John J. Healy(i)..............................         2,170          *
 Charles M. McCollam, Jr.(j)...................         3,380          *
 Craig M. Scott................................         1,000          *
 Mary A. Tanona(k).............................         2,027          *
 All executive officers, directors and a
     nominee for director as a group
    (14 persons)(l)............................     1,144,458         25.2%

 *   Less than one percent

(a)  Includes  200,000  shares of common  stock  held by  Massachusetts  Capital
     Resource Company of which Mr. Anderson disclaims beneficial ownership.  Mr.
     Anderson  is  Senior  Vice  President  of  Massachusetts  Capital  Resource
     Company.  Also  includes  750 shares of Common Stock  issuable  under stock
     options exercisable within 60 days.
(b)  Includes  1,160  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(c)  Includes  1,053  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(d)  Includes  1,680  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(e)  Includes 118 shares of Common Stock held by Mr.  Easton's  wife in her name
     and 2,490 shares of Common Stock issuable  under stock options  exercisable
     within 60 days.
(f)  Includes 74,580 shares of Common Stock owned by Mr. Eder's wife and assumes
     the conversion of the 500 shares of Preferred Stock owned by Mr. Eder.
(g)  Includes  310  shares  of  Common  Stock   issuable   under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(h)  Includes  3,200 shares of Common Stock held by a custodian in an individual
     retirement  account  for the  benefit of Mr.  Harrold  and 1,698  shares of
     Common Stock issuable under stock options exercisable within 60 days.
(i)  Includes  1,620  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(j)  Includes  110  shares  of  Common  Stock   issuable   under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(k)  Includes  424  shares  of  Common  Stock   issuable   under  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.
(l)  Includes  57 shares of Common  Stock owned by an officer of the Company who
     is not a Named  Executive  Officer,  50,000 shares of Common Stock issuable
     upon  conversion  of  Preferred  Stock and  11,295  shares of Common  Stock
     issuable under stock options exercisable within 60 days.


     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended  (the
"Exchange  Act"),  requires the  Company's  officers,  directors and persons who
beneficially  own more than ten percent of a registered  class of the  Company's
equity  securities to file reports of  securities  ownership and changes in such
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Officers,  directors and
greater  than  ten-percent   beneficial   owners  also  are  required  by  rules
promulgated  by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     Based  solely  upon a review of the copies of such forms  furnished  to the
Company or written  representations  that no Form 5 filings were  required,  the
Company  believes  that during 2004 its  officers,  directors  and greater  than
ten-percent  beneficial owners complied with all applicable Section 16(a) filing
requirements, except for the inadvertent late filing of J. Joseph Garrahy's Form
4 (on January 4, 2005) in connection with his disposition of 950 shares of stock
in December 2004.


     The Audit  Committee  (composed of independent  (as defined by AMEX and the
SEC) non-employee  directors) of the Board of Directors has appointed Deloitte &
Touche LLP, who acted as independent auditors of the accounts of the Company for
2004, as independent  auditors of the accounts of the Company for the year 2005.
The Company has recently been advised by Deloitte & Touche LLP that they have no
direct financial  interest or any material  indirect  financial  interest in the
Company,  nor have they had any  connection  during the past four years with the
Company in the  capacity of promoter,  underwriter,  voting  trustee,  director,
officer or employee.

     It is  expected  that a  representative  of  Deloitte  & Touche LLP will be
present at the annual meeting with the opportunity to make a statement if he/she
so  desires,  and that such  representative  will be  available  to  respond  to
appropriate questions.

Audit Fees and Services

     Aggregate  fees for  professional  services  rendered  for the  Company  by
Deloitte & Touche LLP as of or for the fiscal years ended  December 31, 2004 and
2003 are set forth below.  The aggregate fees included in the Audit category are
billed  for the  fiscal  years  for the  audit  of  Company's  annual  financial
statements and review of financial statements or engagements. The aggregate fees
included in each of the other categories are fees billed in the fiscal years.

                                   Fiscal Year 2004           Fiscal Year 2003
                                   ----------------           ----------------
Audit Fees                             $153,456                  $134,500
Audit-Related Fees                      $31,500                   $19,000
Tax Fees                                 $5,890                    $4,258
All Other Fees                             ---                        ---

     Audit Fees for the fiscal  years ended  December 31, 2004 and 2003 were for
professional services rendered for the audits of the financial statements of the
Company,  quarterly review of the financial statements included in the Company's
Quarterly  Reports on Form  10-Q,  consents  and other  assistance  required  to
complete the year end audit of the consolidated financial statements.

     Audit-Related  Fees as of the fiscal years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003
were for  employee  benefit  plan  audits and advice  relating to an SEC Comment
Letter in 2004.

     Tax Fees as of the fiscal  years ended  December 31, 2004 and 2003 were for
services rendered for review of tax returns and tax advice.

     All Other Fees.  As of the fiscal  years ended  December  31, 2004 and 2003
there were no other fees.

     The Audit Committee has determined that the provision of the above services
is compatible with maintaining Deloitte & Touche LLP's independence.

     Policy on Audit Committee  Pre-Approval.  The Audit Committee  pre-approves
all audit and non-audit  services provided by the independent  accountants prior
to the engagement of the independent  accountants with respect to such services.
Unless a type of service to be provided by the independent  auditor has received
general  pre-approval,  it  will  require  specific  pre-approval  by the  Audit
Committee.  Any proposed  services  exceeding  pre-approved  cost levels require
specific  pre-approval  by the  Audit  Committee.  The  Committee  may  delegate
pre-approval  authority  to one or more of its  members  and that  member  shall
report any  pre-approval  decisions to the Audit Committee at its next scheduled


     To provide an added incentive for  non-management  employees to work safely
and to promote  ownership of Company  stock by such  employees,  the Company has
developed the Providence  and Worcester  Railroad  Company All  Star/Anniversary
Safety  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan").  Under the Plan,  eligible  participating
employees are awarded shares of Company stock for the achievement of outstanding
safety records.

                               Description of Plan

     The  following is a summary of the principal  provisions  of the Plan.  The
summary is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Plan,
set forth as Appendix B to this Proxy Statement.

     The Plan. The Plan was announced to the Company's employees in 2004, but no
shares have been awarded thereunder, pending review of the Plan by the Company's
Board of Directors and approval of the Company's shareholders. Recommendation of
the Plan to the  shareholders  by the Board of Directors was approved on January
26, 2005.

     The  aggregate  number of common  shares of the Company  that may be issued
under the Plan shall not exceed 25,000 shares.

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                   All Star/Anniversary Safety Incentive Plan*

              Name and Position                Dollar Value ($)  Number of Units

Robert H. Eder, Chairman and CEO                    N/A                N/A
Orville R. Harrold, President and COO               N/A                N/A
P. Scott Conti, Vice President Engineering          N/A                N/A
Robert J. Easton, Treasurer                         N/A                N/A
Mary A. Tanona, Secretary and General Counsel       N/A                N/A
Executive Group                                     N/A                N/A
Non Executive Director Group                        N/A                N/A
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group             17,874.25       1,325 (All Star
                                                                Portion of Plan)
                                                  8,903.40      660 (Anniversary
                                                                Portion of Plan)

*    The number of shares to be awarded in any year is indeterminable. The table
     discloses  the number of shares and value of those  shares at December  31,
     2004 as if the Plan had been in effect during 2004.

     Benefits  Under the Plan.  Assuming  the Plan is approved by the  Company's
shareholders,  the  Company's  non-management  employees  shall be  eligible  to
participate  in the Plan.  The  benefits to be  received  under the Plan by such
employees cannot be determined.

     Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by the person(s)  appointed
by  the  Compensation  Committee  of  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  (the
"Administrator").  The Administrator may establish, subject to the provisions of
the Plan,  such  rules and  regulations  as it deems  necessary  for the  proper
administration of the Plan, and make such  determinations  and take such actions
in connection  therewith or in relation  with the Plan as it deems  necessary or
advisable, consistent with the Plan.

     Eligibility  and  Participation.  Any person who is employed by the Company
under the terms of a collective  bargaining  agreement and any other employee as
determined  by the Company's  Safety  Director,  in his or her sole  discretion,
shall participate in the Plan,  except that management  employees of the Company
shall not be eligible to participate.  The total number of eligible Participants
as of January 1, 2005 was 112.

     Stock Bonus  Awards.  The Company  shall make stock bonus awards  annually.
Participants  in the Plan shall  receive  stock bonus awards from the Company as
they become eligible in accordance  with Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Plan.  Awards
are based upon the length of time a Participant goes without suffering an injury
and the number of injuries suffered by members of the Participant's  team in any
calendar year.

     Plan Awards.

     (a) As promptly as practicable after the end of each Plan Year, the Company
will cause the Common Shares awarded to each Participant eligible under the Plan
to be  registered  in the name of such  Participant,  or if the  Participant  so
directs by written  notice to the  Treasurer of the Company  prior to the end of
such Plan Year, in the name of the  Participant and one such other person as may
be designated by the  Participant,  as joint tenants with rights of survivorship
or as tenants by the  entireties,  to the extent  permitted by applicable law. A
Participant  shall have all of the rights and  privileges of a shareholder  with
respect to all Common Shares  registered  in the  Participant's  name,  subject,
however, to the restrictions described in subparagraph (b) below.

     (b) Common Shares awarded to any  Participant  pursuant to the Plan may not
be sold, exchanged, transferred, pledged, hypothecated, or otherwise disposed of
by the  Participant  for a period of three  years  after the date of such award,
other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

     (c) No  certificates  for Common  Shares will be delivered to a Participant
until the expiration of the  restrictions  described in subparagraph  (b) above.
Upon written request of the Participant at any time after the expiration of such
restrictions,  the Company shall deliver to the Participant  stock  certificates
representing the Common Shares registered in his or her name.

     Share Adjustments. In the event there is any change in the Company's common
shares resulting from stock splits,  stock dividends,  combinations or exchanges
of  shares,  or  other  similar  capital  adjustments,  equitable  proportionate
adjustments   shall   automatically  be  made  without  further  action  by  the
Administrator in the number of shares available for award under the Plan.

     Amendment or Termination.  The  Administrator may terminate the Plan at any
time,  and may  amend  the  Plan at any  time or from  time to  time;  provided,
however,  that any amendment that would increase the aggregate  number of shares
that may be issued under the Plan,  materially increase the benefits accruing to
employees  under  the  Plan,  or  materially   modify  the  requirements  as  to
eligibility  for  participation  in the Plan shall be subject to the approval of
the Company's Board of Directors.

     Tax  Withholding.  Any stock  bonus  awarded  under the Plan shall  provide
appropriate  arrangements  for the  satisfaction  by the  Company  and the  Plan
participant of all federal,  state, local or other income,  excise or employment
taxes or tax withholding requirements applicable to the receipt of common shares
as determined by the Administrator.

     Recommendations  of Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors  recommends
that the  shareholders  vote FOR  approval  of the All  Star/Anniversary  Safety
Incentive  Plan.  The  affirmative  votes of the  holders of  majorities  of the
outstanding Common Stock and Preferred Stock,  voting as separate classes,  will
be required for such approval.


     The Company's By-Laws  currently provide that the mandatory  retirement age
for  members  of the  Board of  Directors  is 75.  The  Board of  Directors  has
determined  that it is in the best interests of the Company to amend the By-Laws
of the Company to eliminate such mandatory retirement age.

     Recommendations  of Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors  recommends
that the  shareholders  vote FOR  approval of the  amendment  to the Bylaws that
eliminates  a  mandatory  retirement  age  for  the  Board  of  Directors.   The
affirmative  votes of the holders of majorities of the outstanding  Common Stock
and  Preferred  Stock,  voting as separate  classes,  will be required  for such

                        PROPOSALS FOR 2006 ANNUAL MEETING

     The 2006 annual meeting of the  shareholders of the Company is scheduled to
be held April 26, 2006. If a shareholder intending to present a proposal at that
meeting  wishes  to have a  proper  proposal  included  in the  Company's  proxy
statement and form of proxy relating to the meeting, the shareholder must submit
the proposal to the Company not later than November 18, 2005.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     No  business  other  than  that  described  above  and/or  set forth in the
attached  Notice of Meeting is expected to come before the annual  meeting,  but
should any other matters  requiring a vote of  shareholders  arise,  including a
question of adjourning the meeting,  the persons named in the accompanying proxy
will vote  thereon  according  to their best  judgment in the  interests  of the
Company.  In the event any of the  nominees  for the office of  director  should
withdraw or otherwise  become  unavailable for reasons not presently  known, the
persons named as proxies will vote for other persons in their place in what they
consider the best interests of the Company.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                     MARY A. TANONA
                                     Secretary and General Counsel
                                     PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RAILROAD COMPANY

Dated:  March 26, 2005

                                                                      Appendix A
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

- -------

     The primary  function of the  Providence  and  Worcester  Railroad  Company
(hereinafter  "Company") Audit Committee is to report to and assist the Board of
Directors (hereinafter "Board") in fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities by
reviewing: the financial reports provided by the Company to its stockholders and
the general public; the Company's systems of internal controls regarding finance
and accounting;  and the Company's auditing,  accounting and financial reporting
process. The Audit Committee's primary duties and responsibilities are to:

     1.   Serve as an independent and objective party to monitor and oversee the
          integrity of the Company's  financial  reporting  process and internal
          control system.

     2.   Evaluate  qualifications  and independence  of, appoint,  oversee and,
          where  appropriate,  replace the external auditors who are accountable
          to the Audit Committee and the Board.

     3.   Provide an open avenue of communication  among the external  auditors,
          financial and senior management, and the Board.

     4.   Oversee  the system of  disclosure  controls  and  system of  internal
          controls regarding finance, accounting, legal compliance and ethics.

     The Audit Committee is responsible for the duties set forth in this charter
but is not responsible for either the preparation of the financial statements or
the auditing of the financial  statements.  Management has the responsibility of
preparing the financial  statements and implementing  internal  controls and the
independent  accountants have the  responsibility of auditing the statements and
monitoring  the  effectiveness  of the  internal  controls.  The  review  of the
financial  statements  by the Audit  Committee is not of the same quality as the
audit   performed  by  the   independent   accountants.   In  carrying  out  its
responsibilities,  the Audit  Committee  believes its  policies  and  procedures
should remain flexible in order to best react to a changing environment.

     The Audit  Committee,  and each member of the Audit Committee in his or her
capacity  as such,  shall be entitled to rely,  in good faith,  on  information,
opinions,  reports or statements,  or other information prepared or presented to
them by officers and employees of the Company,  whom such member  believes to be
reliable  and  competent  in  the  matters  presented  and  on  counsel,  public
accountants  or other  persons as to matters  which the  member  believes  to be
within the professional competence of such person.

- ------------

     The Audit  Committee  shall be  comprised  of at least three  directors  as
determined by the Board,  each of whom shall satisfy the independence  standards
specified in the American Stock Exchange  (hereinafter "Amex") Company Guide and
Rule  10A-3  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and all  other  legal
requirements.  Each  member  shall be free from any  relationship  that,  in the
opinion of the Board,  would interfere with the exercise of his/her  independent
judgment as a member of the Audit  Committee.  All members shall be  financially
literate and able to read and understand financial statements, including balance
sheets,  income  statements,  and cash  flow  statements.  The  Audit  Committee
chairman shall, by reason of experience and background, demonstrate a reasonably
high level of financial sophistication including,  without limitation,  being or
having been a chief executive  officer,  chief financial officer or other senior
officer with financial oversight responsibilities.

     Determination  of  independence,   Audit  Committee  financial   expertise,
financial  literacy and  accounting or related  financial  management  expertise
shall be made by the Board as the Board  interprets such  qualifications  in its
business  judgment  and in  accordance  with  applicable  law  and  the  listing
requirements of Amex.

     The Audit  Committee  shall have the power to adopt its own operating rules
and  procedures and to call upon  assistance  from officers and employees of the
Company and outside counsel and consultants without the consent of management.

- ---------------------------

     1.   Be directly responsible for the appointment,  compensation,  retention
          and oversight of any  independent  auditor  engaged for the purpose of
          preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit, review
          or attest services. The external auditors shall report directly to the
          Audit Committee.

     2    Meet at  least  once  each  quarter  and  meet at  least  annually  in
          executive  session  with  the  external  auditors  without  management

     3.   Meet with the external auditors and financial management to review the
          scope of the audit for the current year and the audit procedures to be
          utilized.  At the conclusion of the audit year,  review the results of
          the audit,  including any comments or  recommendations of the external

     4.   Appraise with the external  auditors and  management  the adequacy and
          effectiveness of the accounting and financial  controls of the Company
          and the  appropriateness of the Company's  accounting  principles.  In
          connection therewith:

          o    Elicit any  recommendations  for the improvement of such internal
               controls and/or accounting principles; and

          o    Review any  deficiencies  identified  by management in the design
               and operation of internal controls for financial reporting and at
               least annually consider,  in consultation with management and the
               independent  auditors,  the  adequacy of the  Company's  internal
               controls for financial  reporting,  including  the  resolution of
               identified material weaknesses and reportable conditions, if any.

     5.   Prior to release of the Company's  Annual  Report to the  shareholders
          and the public, review the financial statements contained therein with
          management and the external auditors to determine that the disclosures
          and content of the financial  statements are  satisfactory  and review
          and discuss:

          o    Changes  in  accounting  standards  or rules  promulgated  by the
               Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board or the SEC  that  have an
               impact on the financial statements;

          o    Estimates  made by  management  having a  material  impact on the
               financial statements;

          o    The effect of alternative assumptions,  estimates or GAAP methods
               on the Company's financial statements;

          o    Any changes from prior years in accounting  principles applied in
               the preparation of such financial statements; and

          o    Any  material  written  communications  between  the  independent
               auditor and the Company's  management,  including any  management
               letter  provided by the  independent  auditor  and the  Company's
               response to that letter.

     6.   Annually review with management and the independent auditors the basis
          for  the  disclosures  made  in  the  Annual  Report  to  shareholders
          regarding the Company's internal controls for financial reporting.

     7.   Ensure that retention of the independent  auditor to perform audit and
          nonaudit  services  is  properly  disclosed  in  the  Company's  proxy
          statement and filings with the SEC.

     8    Discuss with the external  auditors and  management,  via telephone if
          appropriate,  the quarterly financial statements of the Company before
          the results are released to the shareholders and the public.

     9.   Inquire  of  management  (including  the  General  Counsel),  and  the
          external  auditor,  about  significant  risks or exposures  that could
          financially  impact the  Company and assess the steps  management  has
          taken to minimize such risks.

     10.  Investigate  any matter  brought to its attention  within the scope of
          its  duties,  with the  power to  compensate  and  obtain  advice  and
          assistance  from outside legal,  accounting or other advisors for this
          purpose  if,  in  its  judgment,  that  is  appropriate.  Resolve  any
          disagreements between the external auditors and management.  Determine
          funding for the appropriate  compensation of the independent  auditors
          and other advisors that the Audit  Committee  chooses to engage,  with
          such funding to be provided by the Company.

     11.  Submit  the  minutes of all  meetings  of the Audit  Committee  to, or
          discuss the matters communicated at each meeting with, the full Board.

     12.  Review, at least annually, with management and the independent auditor
          the qualifications,  performance,  independence and objectivity of the
          independent  auditor.  In connection  with such review and evaluation,
          the Audit Committee shall

          o    Obtain and review a written report from the  independent  auditor
               at   least    annually    regarding   the   auditor's    internal
               quality-control  procedures and any material issues raised by the
               most recent quality-control review;

          o    Obtain an annual written  statement from the independent  auditor
               delineating all relationships,  both direct and indirect, between
               the independent auditor and the Company, including each non-audit
               service  provided  to the  Company  and at least the  matters set
               forth in Independence Standards Board No. 1;

          o    Consider   whether  the   provision  of  non-audit   services  is
               compatible with  maintaining the auditor's  independence,  taking
               into account the opinions of management;

          o    Discuss  any   relationships   that  may  impair  the   auditor's
               independence  and take such  actions as it deems  appropriate  or
               make  recommendations  to the Board regarding actions to be taken
               to remedy such impairment; and

          o    Ensure  appropriate  audit and  concurring  partner  rotation  as
               required by law.

     13.  Review and approve any related-party  transactions entered into by the

     14.  Review and  pre-approve  the engagement of independent  accountants to
          perform  permissible  non-audit  services in accordance  with policies
          adopted by the Audit  Committee and applicable  laws and  regulations.
          Review any  non-audit  services  performed on behalf of the Company by
          the independent  accountants that meet the de minimis  exception under
          applicable laws and regulations.

     15.  Establish  procedures for receipt and processing of complaints related
          to accounting,  internal controls or auditing-related matters, and the
          confidential,  anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding
          questionable accounting or auditing practices.

     16.  Administer  the Company's Code of Ethics for Chief  Executive  Officer
          and Senior Financial Officers,  including consideration of any waivers
          and investigation of any alleged violations thereof.

- ---------------------------

     This amended  Audit  Committee  Charter was adopted by the Audit  Committee
pursuant to a  delegation  of  authority  by vote of the Board of the Company on
January 28, 2004 and became effective immediately.

- -------------

     At least  annually,  members of the Audit  Committee shall review the terms
and scope of the Audit  Committee  charter  to  determine  the  adequacy  of the
charter.  Such review and any  recommendations  which follow thereafter shall be
reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee during which such
review was undertaken.

                                                                      Appendix B
                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                   All Star/Anniversary Safety Incentive Plan

     This Providence and Worcester Railroad Company All Star/Anniversary  Safety
Incentive  Plan (the "Plan") is adopted by  Providence  and  Worcester  Railroad
Company  (the  "Company")  for the purpose of  advancing  the  interests  of the
Company by providing compensation to participating employees for the achievement
of outstanding safety records.

     1.  Definitions.  For purposes of this Plan, the following terms shall have
the meanings set forth below:

          "Administrator"  means the  person(s)  appointed  by the  Compensation
     Committee  of the Board to  administer  the Plan as provided in Paragraph 2

          "Board"  means the Board of  Directors  of  Providence  and  Worcester
     Railroad Company.

          "Common Shares" means shares of the Company's  common stock,  $.50 par
     value per share.

          "Company" means  Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company,  a Rhode
     Island corporation.

          "Effective Date" means January 1, 2004.

          "Injury" means a reportable injury according to the regulations of the
     Federal Railroad Administration.

          "Participant"   means  an  employee  who  meets  the  requirements  of
     eligibility described in Paragraph 3 hereof.

          "Plan Year" means the calendar year.

          "Stock  Bonus" means a bonus paid pursuant to the terms of the Plan in
     the form of the Company's Common Stock.

          "Team" means the American League Team and/or the National League Team,
     as applicable, as described in Paragraph 5 hereof.

     2. Administration. The Plan shall be administered by the Administrator. The
Administrator  may establish,  subject to the provisions of the Plan, such rules
and regulations as it deems necessary for the proper administration of the Plan,
and make such determinations and take such actions in connection therewith or in
relation with the Plan as it deems  necessary or advisable,  consistent with the

     3. Eligibility and Participation. Any person who is employed by the Company
under the terms of a collective  bargaining  agreement and any other employee as
determined  by the Company's  Safety  Director,  in his or her sole  discretion,
shall participate in the Plan.

     4. Stock Bonus Awards.  The Company shall make Stock Bonus awards annually.
Participants  in the Plan shall  receive  Stock Bonus awards from the Company as
they become eligible in accordance with Paragraphs 5 and 6 hereof.

     5. All Star  Safety  Awards.  The  American  League  Team shall  consist of
Company  employees  who are  members  of the  United  Transportation  Union  and
Transportation Communications International Union. The National League Team will
consist of Company  employees  who are  members of the  Brotherhood  of Railroad
Signalmen.  Management  employees  of  the  Company  shall  not be  eligible  to
participate.  The All Star program shall begin on January 1st of each year.  For
each calendar quarter that a Team goes without an Injury,  each Team member will
accrue a possible five (5) Common Shares.  For any calendar  quarter for which a
Team has an Injury, Team members will not accrue any possible shares. At the end
of each Plan Year,  the members of the Team that has the fewer  Injuries will be
awarded  their  accrued  shares (if any),  plus an  additional 5 shares per Team
member (the "Winner's Bonus") for being the winning Team. If both Teams have the
same number of Injuries,  the members of the Team with the fewest lost time days
resulting  from such Injuries  shall be awarded  their  accrued  shares plus the
Winner's  Bonus.  If both Teams end the Plan Year with no Injuries,  the accrued
shares plus the Winner's Bonus shall be awarded to all members of both Teams.

     6. Anniversary Safety Awards. During any Plan Year, a Participant who shall
have or will have  completed  the numbers of  continuous  Plan Years  without an
Injury  as set  forth  below  shall be  awarded  the  number  of  Common  Shares
applicable to such anniversary as set forth below.

          1 year      10 Common Shares
          5 years     25 Common Shares
         10 years     50 Common Shares
         15 years     65 Common Shares
         20 years     80 Common Shares
         25 years    100 Common Shares
         30 years    120 Common Shares
         35 years    140 Common Shares
         40 years    160 Common Shares
         45 years    180 Common Shares
         50 years    200 Common Shares

     7. Plan Awards.

     (a) As promptly as practicable after the end of each Plan Year, the Company
will cause the Common Shares awarded to each Participant  eligible in accordance
with  Paragraphs  5  and/or  6  hereof  to be  registered  in the  name  of such
Participant, or if the Participant so directs by written notice to the Treasurer
of the  Company  prior  to  the  end of  such  Plan  Year,  in the  name  of the
Participant  and one such other person as may be designated by the  Participant,
as joint tenants with rights of survivorship or as tenants by the entireties, to
the extent  permitted by  applicable  law. A  Participant  shall have all of the
rights and  privileges  of a  shareholder  with  respect  to all  Common  Shares
registered in the  Participant's  name,  subject,  however,  to the restrictions
described in subparagraph (b) below.

     (d) Common Shares awarded to any  Participant  pursuant to the Plan may not
be sold, exchanged, transferred, pledged, hypothecated, or otherwise disposed of
by the  Participant  for a period of three  years  after the date of such award,
other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

     (e) No  certificates  for Common  Shares will be delivered to a Participant
until the expiration of the  restrictions  described in subparagraph  (b) above.
Upon written request of the Participant at any time after the expiration of such
restrictions,  the Company shall deliver to the Participant  stock  certificates
representing the Common Shares registered in his or her name.

     8. Shares Subject to the Plan. The Common Shares to be issued and delivered
to the Company pursuant to the Plan may be either authorized but unissued shares
or treasury shares of the Company.  The aggregate number of Common Shares of the
Company  which may be issued  under the Plan  shall not  exceed  25,000  shares;
subject,  however,  to the  adjustment  provided in Paragraph 10 hereof,  in the
event of stock  dividends,  exchanges of shares or the like occurring  after the
Effective Date of the Plan.

     9.  Compliance with  Securities  Laws.  Common Shares issued by the Company
pursuant to this Plan shall be granted and issued only in full  compliance  with
all applicable  securities  laws,  including laws,  rules and regulations of the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission and  applicable  state Blue Sky Laws.  With
respect thereto, the Board may impose such conditions on transfer,  restrictions
and  limitation as it may deem necessary and  appropriate  to ensure  compliance
with such applicable securities laws.

     10. Share  Adjustments.  In the event there is any change in the  Company's
Common Shares  resulting from stock splits,  stock  dividends,  combinations  or
exchanges  of  shares,   or  other  similar   capital   adjustments,   equitable
proportionate  adjustments shall automatically be made without further action by
the Administrator in the number of shares available for award under the Plan.

     11. Amendment or Termination.  The Administrator may terminate this Plan at
any time,  and may  amend  the Plan at any time or from time to time;  provided,
however,  that any amendment that would increase the aggregate  number of shares
that may be issued under the Plan,  materially increase the benefits accruing to
employees  under  the  Plan,  or  materially   modify  the  requirements  as  to
eligibility  for  participation  in the Plan shall be subject to the approval of
the Board.

     12. Tax  Withholding.  Any Stock  Bonus  awarded  hereunder  shall  provide
appropriate arrangements for the satisfaction by the Company and the Participant
of all federal,  state, local or other income, excise or employment taxes or tax
withholding   requirements  applicable  to  the  receipt  of  Common  Shares  as
determined by the Administrator.

     13. No Effect on  Employment  Status.  The fact that an  employee  has been
granted a Stock Bonus under this Plan shall not limit or  otherwise  qualify the
right of the Company to terminate the employee's employment at any time.

     14.  Rhode  Island  Law  to  Govern.  This  Plan  shall  be  construed  and
administered  in accordance  with and governed by the laws of the State of Rhode

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Safety Incentive Plan to be
executed by its duly authorized officer as of the 1st day of January, 2004.

                                                     PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER
                                                     RAILROAD COMPANY

                                                     By _____________________




                 Annual Meeting of Shareholders - April 27, 2005

           This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

     The undersigned, whose signature appears on the reverse side of this proxy,
hereby  appoints  Robert H. Eder,  Orville  R.  Harrold  and  Robert J.  Easton,
attorneys  each  with  power  of  substitution  and  with  all  the  powers  the
undersigned would possess if personally  present, to vote the Preferred Stock of
Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company held of record by the undersigned on
March 4, 2005 at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held on April 27, 2005
in Worcester, Massachusetts, and at any adjournments thereof, as follows.

- -------------                                                  -------------
SEE REVERSE                                                    SEE REVERSE
- -------------                                                  -------------

X   Please mark votes as in this example.

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted
for Proposals 1, 2 and 3.

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                       2.Proposal to approve the
   Nominees:(01) F. Barrett, (02) J. Garrahy,     Company's All Star/Anniversary
            (03) J. Garvey, (04) O. Harrold,      Safety Incentive  Plan:
            (05) C. McCollam, Jr.,(06) C. Scott
                FOR            WITHHELD            FOR  AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                ---            --------            ---  -------    -------

                                                3. Amendment to the Company's
                                                   Bylaws to eliminate mandatory
                                                   retirement age for Board of

                                                   FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                   ---   -------    -------

                                               4. In their discretion,upon such
                                                  other matters as may properly
                                                  come before the meeting.

   ______________________________________         MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE
   To withhold authority to vote for any          AND NOTE AT LEFT  _____
   individual nominee(s), write the name of such
   nominee(s) in the space provided above.


                    (Sign exactly as your name appears  hereon.  When signing as
                    attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,
                    please  give full title as such.  If a  corporation,  please
                    sign full corporate name by duly  authorized  officer.  If a
                    partnership,  please sign in partnership  name by authorized
                    person.  In case of joint tenants or multiple  owners,  each
                    party must sign.)

Signature:               Date:       Signature:                 Date:
           ------------       ------            ---------------      ----------



                 Annual Meeting of Shareholders - April 27, 2005

           This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

     The undersigned, whose signature appears on the reverse side of this proxy,
hereby  appoints  Robert H. Eder,  Orville  R.  Harrold  and  Robert J.  Easton,
attorneys  each  with  power  of  substitution  and  with  all  the  powers  the
undersigned  would  possess if personally  present,  to vote the Common Stock of
Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company held of record by the undersigned on
March 4, 2005 at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held on April 27, 2005
in Worcester, Massachusetts, and at any adjournments thereof, as follows.

- -------------                                                  -------------
SEE REVERSE                                                    SEE REVERSE
- -------------                                                  -------------

X   Please mark votes as in this example.

This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted
for Proposals 1, 2 and 3.

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                       2.Proposal to approve the
   Nominees:(01) Richard Anderson, (02) Robert    Company's All Star/Anniversary
                 Eder, (03) John Healy            Safety Incentive  Plan:
                FOR            WITHHELD
                --------       -------             FOR  AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                   ---  -------    -------

                                                3. Amendment to the Company's
                                                   Bylaws to eliminate mandatory
                                                   retirement age for Board of

                                                   FOR   AGAINST    ABSTAIN
                                                   ---   -------    -------

                                                4. In their discretion,upon such
                                                   other matters as may properly
                                                   come before the meeting.

   ______________________________________         MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE
   To withhold authority to vote for any          AND NOTE AT LEFT  _____
   individual nominee(s), write the name of such
   nominee(s) in the space provided above.


                    (Sign exactly as your name appears  hereon.  When signing as
                    attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,
                    please  give full title as such.  If a  corporation,  please
                    sign full corporate name by duly  authorized  officer.  If a
                    partnership,  please sign in partnership  name by authorized
                    person.  In case of joint tenants or multiple  owners,  each
                    party must sign.)

Signature:               Date:       Signature:                 Date:
           ------------       ------            ---------------      ----------