December 11, 2009

- -----------------------------

Mr. Lyn Shenk
Branch Chief
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:      Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
         File No. 000-16704

Dear Mr. Shenk:

This  letter is in  response  to your  correspondence  of October  30, 2009 (the
"Comment Letter")  containing comments arising from your review of the financial
statements and related  disclosures  included in our report on Form 10-K for the
year  ended  December  31,  2008 and our  report on Form 10-Q for the  quarterly
period ended June 30, 2009.

In accordance with your request the Company hereby acknowledges that:

     o    the  Company is  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of the
          disclosure in its filings;

     o    staff  comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments
          do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
          the filings; and

     o    the  Company  may  not  assert  staff  comments  as a  defense  in any
          proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
          securities laws of the United States.

The Company  provides this  acknowledgement  without  prejudice to its rights to
disclose  staff  comments  and  the  Company's  response  thereto  in  any  such

We have addressed each matter raised in the Comment Letter below by reference to
the headings and/or numbered items contained therein. For the convenience of the
Commission's  staff,  we  reproduce  the text of each  heading  and/or  numbered
paragraph in the Comment Letter and follow with our response.

Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008

Item 7. Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations, page II-4

1.  Please  present a table of  contractual  obligations  for  amounts due under
specified  contractual  obligations,  including but not limited to the agreement
with GATX, as of the latest fiscal year end balance sheet as required by FR 67.

1. Response.

Contractual Obligations under FR 67
- -----------------------------------

The  Company's  only  contractual  obligation  as of  December  31, 2008 was the
operating lease with GATX Corporation for 72 gondolas which was disclosed in the
10-K for the year  ended  December  31,  2008 in Section 7 under  Liquidity  and
Capital Resources.

The Company will modify its future  filings to include the table of  contractual
obligations for amounts due under specified  contractual  obligations as follows
and update at the end of each fiscal year:

Contractual Obligations
- -----------------------

The Company has no contractual  obligations which are recorded as liabilities in
its  Financial  Statements.  Other  items,  such as  operating  leases,  are not
recognized as  liabilities  in its Financial  Statements  but are required to be
disclosed in the Notes to Financial Statements.

The following table sets forth the Company's significant contractual obligations
as of December 31, 2008:

- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
                             Payments Due by Period
- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------
 Contractual          Total     Less than   1-3 Years   3-5 years      More
 Obligations                     1 Year                                than
(in thousands)                                                       5 years

- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------
- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------
Operating lease (a)   $1,493      $248        $496        $496        $253

- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------
- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------
Total                 $1,493      $248        $496        $496        $253
- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------

(a)  Represents  future minimum lease payments under a non-cancelable  operating
     lease in effect as of January 10, 2008.

The table above excludes Long-term Debt as there were no borrowings  outstanding
under the  Company's  Revolving  Credit  Facility as of December 31,  2008.  The
Company had no Capital Lease  Obligations,  Purchase  Obligations  or Other Long
Term Liabilities at December 31, 2008.

Notes 1 and 3 -- Property and Equipment, pages 11-18 and 11-22
- --------------------------------------------------------------

2. We note that property and equipment comprise  approximately 81% of your total
consolidated  assets with track structures being  approximately 65% of the gross
cost of total  property  and  equipment.  In addition,  you disclose  that track
structures  are being  depreciated  over a period as long as 67 years.  As it is
unclear how much of track structures is being depreciated over 67 years,  please
tell us the amount of total track structures being  depreciated over this period
as well as the average  depreciation  period (in percentage or years) being used
for the total track structures asset in each of the last three fiscal years.

In addition,  we note a significant  number of other  railroad  operators  using
estimated lives of rail / track  structures that generally  approximate a useful
life of 25-40 years or an average  depreciation  rate that  approximates  3% per
year  (equivalent to an approximate 35 year life).  As other railroad  operators
use periods that are significantly less than your 67 year estimated life, please
also tell us in complete and clear detail why you believe a 67 year depreciation
period  being  [sic]  currently  being  used is  appropriate  as well as why you
believe  that your  circumstances  provide for an estimated  life  significantly
higher  than  your  peers.  In  connection  with  this  response,   please  also
re-evaluate  whether  your  current  depreciation  period  being used  should be
revised under the circumstances.

Notwithstanding the above, we believe the MD&A and financial statement notes can
be significantly  enhanced with additional  disclosures with respect to property
and equipment because of its significance as follows:

     o    Significant  Accounting Policy disclosure describing (i) what types of
          costs  are  capitalized;   (ii)  how  often  you  conduct  studies  of
          depreciation  rates;  (iii) how changes in  estimated  useful lives of
          depreciation  are  treated  in  the  financial  statements;  (iv)  how
          estimated   historical   installment   costs  from  gross  assets  and
          accumulated   depreciation  are  removed  upon  replacement  of  track
          structures; and (v) how and what constitutes an abnormal retirement of
          track structure assets, if any;

     o    Critical   Accounting  Estimate  disclosure  related  to  depreciation
          studies  including their  relevance to any  assumptions  that normally
          retired property is fully  depreciated upon replacement as well as how
          the historical  costs  attributable  to retired or replaced assets are
          estimated; and

     o    Liquidity   and  capital   resources   discussion   regarding   actual
          replacement activity on track structures.

Please advise and revise, accordingly.

2. Response.

The  Company is a Class II  railroad  as defined  by the United  States  Surface
Transportation Board ("STB"). Prior to 1973 the Company did not engage in active
operations  as all of its  track  was  leased  to other  railroads.  In 1973 the
Company  regained  control over its track and recommenced  operations and, since
that  time,  the  Company  has grown its track in  service  from 45 miles to 516
miles,  primarily  through  acquisition  of track and track  rights  from  other
railroads. The Company is responsible for maintaining 313 of the 516 track miles
comprising  its  system.  To the  Company's  knowledge,  the only other Class II
railroads  for which public  information  is available  are part of two railroad
holding companies.

Class I railroads divide their track structure into several classes depending on
the  intensity of use.  Class II Track is defined as track that  averages  less,
over a three-year period,  than 20 million gross ton-miles per mile on an annual
basis and has not been  designated for  abandonment  ("Class II Track").  See 49
C.F.R. Part 1201, Instruction 4-3(e).

In  1985  the  Company  adopted  the  depreciation  method  of  accounting  (the
"Depreciation  Method"),  discontinuing use of its prior method,  the Betterment
Method.  To effect the conversion to the  Depreciation  Method,  the Company was
required first to establish the value of the track  structure among other assets
and,  second,  to arrive at the proper class life for each class of assets.  The
Company  spent  nearly a year  determining  values and proper  class lives as of
January 1, 1985 by researching the historical records of the former Penn Central
Railroad,  the New York, New Haven and Hartford  Railroad,  and other railroads,
including  Consolidated Rail Corporation,  from which it acquired track or track
rights.  In establishing a class life for each asset,  the Company  examined (i)
the age of the existing track structure, (ii) the class lives for Class II Track
used by Class I  railroads,  (iii) to the extent the  information  was  publicly
available, the class lives used by Class II railroads,  (iv) the depreciation of
class lives as  permitted  under  Section 167 of the  Internal  Revenue Code and
related  regulations  and  revenue  rulings,  and (v) various  other  accounting
pronouncements. The Company also took into account the fact that the class lives
adopted by Class I railroads for their Class II Track were not comparable  since
the  intensity  of use  of the  Company's  track  and  structure  was,  and  is,
significantly different.  Finally, the Company evaluated the impact of its level
of routine maintenance on the useful life of its track structure,  believing its
level of maintenance is greater than that of  similarly-situated  railroads,  in
determining  that:  rail and other track  material,  ballast,  and,  bridges and
trestles had a proper class life of sixty-seven  years;  ties had a proper class
life  of  forty  years;  and  "other"  components  had a  proper  class  life of
thirty-three years. Based upon these studies, the Company determined the cost of
the improvements and the duration of appropriate  useful lives applicable to the
asset classes comprising its track structure at December 31, 1985.

At December 31, 2008, the applicable costs and depreciable lives of the various
categories comprising track structure were:

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
                                   COSTS            DEPRECIABLE LIFE (IN
      ASSET CLASS             (IN THOUSANDS)        YEARS)

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
Ties                              $45,808                      40

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
Rail & Other Track                $21,849                      67

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
Ballast                           $ 5,590                      67

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
Bridges & Trestles                $ 6,434                      67

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
Other                             $ 1,834                      33

- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------
TOTAL                             $81,515
- ------------------------ -------------------------- --------------------------

The weighted  average useful live of the Company's  track  structure  during the
period 2006-2008 was 52 years. The Company does not anticipate any change in the
weighted average useful life for 2009.

The following table represents the information concerning book lives reported by
Class I  railroads  to the STB for the period  ended  December  31, 2008 for the
range of asset lives for their Class II Track:

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
                                LOWEST USEFUL LIFE       HIGHEST USEFUL LIFE

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
Ties                                22.4 Years               41.5 Years

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
Rail & Other Track
Materials                           37.5 Years               52.4 Years

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
Ballast                             27.2 Years               62.1 Years

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
Bridges & Trestles &
Culverts                            59.5 Years               97.1 Years

- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------

Source:  Derived from materials prepared by Philip Burris, an economist with the
firm of L.E.  Peabody & Associates,  Inc. on November 18, 2009 from  information
contained in Schedule  416 of the 2008 Annual  Report on Form R-1 filed with the
Surface Transportation Board by certain Class I railroads.

Since 1985,  the  Company has not  experienced  any  significant  changes in its
overall  operations  or its  business  or the related  use of its  property  and
equipment,  or had any indication that asset lives no longer remain appropriate.
The Company's useful lives for two (rail and other track materials, and ballast)
of the four asset  categories  constituting  track  structure  exceed the useful
lives  adopted by the above  Class I  railroads  for their  Class II Track.  The
Company has concluded  that its useful lives as compared to other  railroads are
supported by two factors - one, its low ton-miles per mile of track structure as
compared  with the higher  intensity  use of Class II Track of Class I railroads
and, second, its level of routine (non-capitalized) maintenance.

For the three year period ended December 31, 2008, the gross  ton-miles  carried
on the Company's aggregate rights-of-way and the ton-miles per track mile were:

 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
                         TOTAL TON MILES            TON-MILES PER MILE OF
 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
       2006                 5,848,800                      18,666

 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
       2007                 5,228,800                      16,705

 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------
       2008                 5,813,600                      18,573

 ----------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------

oBased on 313 miles of track owned

As is evidenced from the above data, the Company's  total  ton-miles per mile of
track is less than  1/10th  of one  percent  of the  20,000,000  gross  ton-mile
threshold  used by the STB to define the maximum  ton-miles  carried on Class II

Since it commenced active  operations in 1973, the Company has had in place what
it believes is an aggressive  maintenance program designed to support the useful
lives it has adopted.  The Company  believes  that its level of  maintenance  is
greater than that of similarly-situated Class II railroads.

Each year,  ties,  linear  feet of rail and tons of  ballast  are  "retired"  in
amounts equal to the number of new ties, linear feet of rail and tons of ballast
installed on those lines.  The Company  maintains its fixed assets  records with
respect to track  structure  by subclass  (rail,  ties,  etc.) which in turn are
categorized  by the  particular  segment  of track to which each  relates.  When
replacements  are made on any track segment,  the Company  retires an equivalent
amount of its oldest rail structure assets. For example, if the Company replaces
1,000 ties on its Gardner  Branch,  it retires the oldest  1,000 ties by date of
installation.  Retirements  of track  structure  are  recorded by  removing  the
historical cost and related  accumulated  depreciation of ties, rail and ballast
which have been replaced each year on a first in, first out basis.

The Company's  average  historical cost is not estimated but, rather,  is actual
cost,  determined by reference to the date of  acquisition  of assets in records
maintained  by  the  Company  or its  predecessors  during  the  term  of  their
operations.  The net book value of track  retirements over the three most recent
years was:

 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
                                    NET BOOK VALUE OF TRACK RETIREMENTS
                                              (IN THOUSANDS)
         DECEMBER 31
 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
             2006                                   $ 6

 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
             2007                                   $12

 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
             2008                                   $48

 ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

The Company reviews annually the useful lives of its track structure  components
and to date has not noted any circumstances that would significantly  change its
estimated  useful lives.  The net book value of the retired track  structure has
been nominal which supports the Company's contention that the depreciation rates
have been, and remain,  appropriate.  If the Company were to identify changes in
remaining  useful  lives based on its annual  review or to  experience  material
write-offs in its fixed track structure account as a result of replacements, the
Company would re-evaluate the useful lives.

The Company accounts for improvements to its track as follows: Costs incurred in
the  installation  of track  structure are to be  capitalized to the extent that
such costs are in connection with the replacement of track structure pursuant to
a program of  rehabilitation  which  results  in  significant  future  benefits.
Examples include upgrading a significant  segment of track structure pursuant to
a grant which  results in  extension  of the useful  economic  life.  Upgradings
include the  replacement of certain  components of track  structure such as ties
and rail to support  railcars of heavier  weights or to allow for an increase in
track speed, as operating  requirements dictate. Since track structure upgrading
is replacement of depreciated  or nearly  fully-depreciated  track,  it does not
constitute an abnormal  retirement.  Also, costs incurred in the installation of
track  structure  are to be  capitalized  to the  extent  that such costs are in
connection  with the  construction of a new track  structure.  Costs for routine
maintenance  such as the  sporadic  replacement  of  individual  ties which have
deteriorated,  repair of track  structure  damaged in a  derailment,  washout or
other cause or event, or for the general upkeep of track structure to keep it in
good  operating  condition,  are to be expensed.  Costs shall be  capitalized or
expensed  depending on the facts and  circumstances  causing the expenditure and
based upon the judgment of the  accounting  department in  conjunction  with the
engineering department. The total amount of the costs to be capitalized is based
on the per-unit  standard cost for each category of expenditure  (ties, rail and
other track material and ballast) and the number of equivalent  units installed.
Per unit costs are developed annually using costs incurred for materials, direct
labor and overhead.

The Company has not conducted any formal depreciation studies, either internally
or externally since the time that it converted from the Betterment Method to the
Depreciation Method of accounting for track structures. The intensity of use and
the level of routine  maintenance per track mile have not significantly  changed
since 1985. However,  the Company on an annual basis reviews the useful lives of
the track structure  components and to date has not noted any circumstance  that
would significantly change the estimate of their useful lives. Accordingly,  the
Company has had no reason to disclose any changes in  estimated  useful lives or
the  manner  in  which  any  such  changes  would be  treated  in its  financial

The  Company  to  date  has  experienced  no  "abnormal   retirements  of  track
structure".  In addition,  if an abnormal  retirement were to occur, the Company
would  write off  undepreciated  costs of the  retired  assets to the  Company's
income statement.  The Company defines an "abnormal retirement" as a replacement
of a track structure  arising out of an unforeseen event such as a major washout
due to flood or other catastrophe.  Such unforeseen events are not factored into
the  calculation  of assets'  useful  lives on the date that assets are put into

For  the  three  years  ended  December  31,  2008,  the  Company's  capitalized
expenditures for track structures were as follows:

- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
              GROSS EXPENDITURES         GRANTS             NET EXPENDITURES
   YEAR         (IN THOUSANDS)       (IN THOUSANDS)          (IN THOUSANDS)
- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
   2006             $3,356                $121                   $3,235

- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
   2007             $3,512                $520                   $2,992

- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
   2008             $2,583                $172                   $2,411

- ----------- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------

The Company expects that on average it will continue to spend between $2,000,000
and  $3,000,000  for  capitalized  track   structures,   adjusted  annually  for

The  Company  proposes  to make  the  following  additional  disclosures  in the
Critical Accounting Policies and Liquidity and Capital Resources sections of its
Management's  Discussion and Analysis and to Note 1 to its Financial  Statements
(marked to show changes),  as indicated,  in its future periodic reports updated
at the end of each fiscal year:

Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of

                                     * * * *
Critical Accounting Policies
                                     * * * *

The Securities  and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  defines  critical  accounting
policies as those that  require  application  of  management's  most  difficult,
subjective or complex judgments, often as a result of the need to make estimates
about the  effect of matters  that are  inherently  uncertain  and may change in
subsequent  periods.  We base our  estimates  on  historical  experience  and on
various   other   assumptions   that  we  believe  are   reasonable   under  the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
circumstances,  the results of which form the basis for making  judgments  about
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
other sources.  The following critical  accounting  policies are a subset of the
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company's significant accounting policies


described  in Note 1 of the  Notes  to  Financial  Statements.  Not all of these
significant accounting policies require management to make difficult, subjective
or complex judgments or estimates.

The Company's rail operations are highly capital intensive.
- -----------------------------------------------------------

Management  believes that the Company's  policy for the evaluation of long-lived
asset impairment meets the SEC definition of critical.

Property and  equipment,  including land
- ----------------------------------------
held for development, is stated at historical cost (including  self-construction
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
costs).  Self-construction  costs for track structure include material costs for
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ties,  rail,  other  track  materials  and  ballast;  the  cost  of  direct  and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
supervisory labor,  including  railroad  retirement taxes and employee benefits;
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
costs for track  machinery and equipment  (including  depreciation)  and various
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
other  overhead  costs.  Major  renewals or betterments  are  capitalized  while
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
routine  maintenance  and repairs  that do not improve or extend asset lives are
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
charged to expense when  incurred.  Properties and equipment are carried at cost
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and are depreciated over their useful lives.  Items included in track structures
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
with similar  physical  characteristics,  use, date of installation and expected
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
life are grouped  together into separate  asset classes and  depreciated  by the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
estimated  useful  life for the asset class  group.  Gains or losses on sales or
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
other dispositions of property are created or charged to income.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

The Company  reviews  property and equipment  retirements  each year in order to
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
determine  whether or not the estimated  useful lives are reasonable.  Since, in
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
most instances, assets retired have been fully or substantially depreciated, the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company  has not  found it  necessary,  historically,  to make  any  significant
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
adjustments to their estimated useful lives.  Retirements of track structure are
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
recorded by removing the historical cost and related accumulated depreciation of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the equivalent  amount of its oldest track  structures  with the related gain or
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
loss  being  charged  to  income.  Historically,  the  Company  has  not had any
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
significant  retirements  of  track  infrastructure  which  it  considers  to be
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abnormal and not in the normal course of business.
- --------------------------------------------------

The conclusions and ongoing evaluations of our estimated useful lives may result
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
in future material changes in the Company's maintenance and capital spending, as
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
well as revisions to the useful lives of property and equipment which may affect
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
depreciation rates and expenses.
- --------------------------------

The  Company  evaluates  long-lived  assets for  impairment  whenever  events or
changes in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not
be recoverable. When


circumstances  indicate that assets should be evaluated for possible impairment,
- ------------
the Company uses an estimate of the related  undiscounted future cash flows over
the remaining lives of the assets in determining whether the carrying amounts of
the assets are recoverable. If impairment exists it is measured by comparing the
carrying value to the fair value.  No impairments  were  recognized in the three
years presented.
- ----------------

                                     * * * *

The Company will make the following  additional  disclosure in the Liquidity and
Capital Resources section of its MD&A:

Liquidity and Capital Resources

                                     * * * *

The Company's expenditures for track structure replacement net of grants for the
past three years were:

- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
                                                   (IN THOUSANDS)

- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
                2006                                   $3,235
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
                2007                                   $2,992
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
                2008                                   $2,411
- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------

The Company expects that on average it will continue to spend between $2,000,000
and $3,000,000 per year for capitalized track structure adjusted annually for


1. Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     * * * *

Property and Equipment
- ----------------------

Property  and  equipment,  including  land  held for  development,  is stated at
historical cost (including  self-construction costs). Acquired railroad property
is recorded  at  purchased  cost.  Self-construction  costs for track  structure
include material costs for ties,  rail,  other track materials and ballast;  the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cost of direct and supervisory labor,  including  railroad  retirement taxes and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
employee   benefits;   costs  for  track  machinery  and  equipment   (including
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
depreciation)  and various other overhead  costs.  Major renewals or betterments
- -------------------------------------------------
are capitalized while routine  maintenance and repairs,  which do not improve or
extend assets lives are charged to expense when incurred.

Gains or losses on sales or dispositions are credited or charged to income.

Properties  and  equipment  are carried at cost and are  depreciated  over their
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
useful  lives.   Items  included  in  track  structures  with  similar  physical
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
characteristics,  use, year of  installation  and expected life are grouped into
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
separate asset classes and depreciated by the estimated useful life of the asset
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class group.  Depreciation is provided using the  straight-line  method over the
- ------------
estimated useful lives of assets as follows:

               Track structure:
         Ties                                          40 years
         Rail and other track material                 67 years
         Ballast                                       67 years
         Bridges & Trestles                            67 years
         Other                                         33 years
         Buildings and other structures                33 to 45 years
         Equipment, including rolling stock             4 to 25 years

Retirements of track  structure are recorded by removing the historical cost and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
related  accumulated  depreciation of the equivalent  amount of its oldest track
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
structures in the related  asset class group.  Gains or losses on sales or other
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dispositions are credited or charged to income.
- -----------------------------------------------

The  Company  evaluates  long-lived  assets for  impairment  whenever  events or
changes in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not
be recoverable. When


circumstances  indicate that assets should be evaluated for possible impairment,
- -------------
the Company uses an estimate of the related  undiscounted future cash flows over
the remaining lives of the assets in determining whether the carrying amounts of
the assets are recoverable. If impairment exists it is measured by comparing the
carrying value to the fair value.  No impairments  were  recognized in the three
years presented.

                                     * * * *

Use of Estimates
- ----------------

The  preparation  of the  Company's  financial  statements  in  conformity  with
accounting   principles   generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and  liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial  statements  and the reported  amounts of revenues and
expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  may differ from those
estimates. Historical cost of track structure assets retired is determined using
the assumption that the oldest  components of track structure have been replaced
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
by the new components added each year.
- --------------------------------------

Liabilities for casualty  claims,  legal judgments and other loss  contingencies
are recorded  when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability
has been  incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably  estimated.  The
Company  does not accrue  estimated  legal fees for  appeals of legal  judgments
since we do not believe that such costs meet the  definition  of a liability and
thus are accruable only at such time as legal services have been provided.

                                    * * * *

The Company  respectfully  requests  that the matters  identified in the Comment
Letter  as  requiring  enhancement  to the  Company's  existing  disclosures  as
outlined above be addressed in future filings  beginning with the report on Form
10-K for the period ending December 31, 2009.

3. Please tell us and disclose how you accounted for the  sale-leaseback  of the
72 gondolas with GATX,  including  whether any gain or loss was recognized,  how
any amount was determined, and the timing of the recognition of any amount.

3. Response.

In connection with the Exclusive Railcar Supply Agreement with GATX Corporation,
the Company  agreed to exchange 72 gondolas which it owned for 137 open top coal
hoppers  owned by GATX  which  were  being  leased by the  Company  pursuant  to
cancelable  operating leases.  The Company  simultaneously  entered into a lease
agreement for the 72 gondolas.  The net book value of the 72 gondolas  exchanged
was  approximately  $1,400,000 and their estimated fair value and the fair value
of the assets acquired was approximately $1,650,000.

The  Company   considered  the  relevant   accounting   literature   related  to
sale-leaseback  (SFAS 13, Accounting for Leases) as well as the related guidance
and the  prevailing  guidance for  nonmonetary  exchanges,  FASB  Statement 153,
Exchange of  Nonmonetary  Assets (an amendment of APB Opinion No. 29).  Based on
the foregoing  pronouncements and since the fair value of the assets transferred
did not differ  significantly  from the fair value of the assets  acquired,  the
Company  determined  not to record the deferred  gain on the  sale-leaseback  of
approximately  $250,000  in 2008 and  amortize  that gain into  income  over the
seven-year  term of the lease.  Had it so recorded the gain,  the impact of this
transaction on the Company's  balance sheet would have been to increase property
and equipment by $250,000 and to record a deferred gain in the same amount.  The
net impact on its income  statement  in 2008 and in each of the  succeeding  six
years would have been to increase  income before income taxes by $26,000.  Since
the  value of the  assets  transferred  did not  significantly  differ  from the
carrying value of such assets and since the impact of failure to record the gain
was immaterial in terms of the Company's balance sheet and income statement, the
Company  accounted for the exchange at net book value. The Company also assessed
whether  the  sale-leaseback   transaction  should  be  accorded  capital  lease
treatment and concluded  that none of the applicable  tests,  including the fair
value test, warranted capitalization.

Part II, page 1
- ---------------

Item 9A.(T). Controls and Procedures, page 27
- ---------------------------------------------

4. We note that you did not  include a  statement  explaining  the absence of an
attestation report of the company's registered public accounting firm. In future
filings,  please  include  such a  statement  pursuant  to  Item  308T(a)(4)  of
Regulation S-K.

4. Response.

The Company is a  non-accelerated  filer and therefore,  under  temporary  rules
currently  in  effect,  is not  required  to  provide  an  attestation  from its
registered  public  accounting firm. In our next 10-K filing we will include the
following statements:

     "This annual report does not include an attestation report of the Company's
     independent  registered public  accounting firm regarding  internal control
     over  financial   reporting.   Management's   report  was  not  subject  to

     attestation by the Company's independent  registered public accounting firm
     pursuant to temporary rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission that
     permit the  Company  to provide  only  management's  report in this  annual

Part IV, page 1

Exhibits Index, page 1

5. Please file or incorporate  by reference the Common Stock Purchase  Agreement
and the Exclusive  Railcar Supply Agreement with GATX Corporation with your next
periodic report.

5. Response.

The Common Stock Purchase Agreement,  the Exclusive Railcar Supply Agreement and
the  Registration  Rights  Agreement  by and  between  the Company and GATX were
previously filed as Exhibits  (10.1),  (10.2) and (10.3) with our Report on Form
10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2008 which was the period in which
the GATX transaction took place.

Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2
- ----------------------

6.  We  note  that  you  have  inappropriately  modified  the  content  of  your
certifications.   Please  amend  your  filing  to  provide  the  exact  form  of
certification required by Item 601(b)(31) of Regulation S-K.

6. Response.

Amendments to the Company's 10-K for the period ending December 31, 2008 and its
10-Q's  for the  periods  ending  March  31,  June  30 and  September  30,  2009
reflecting revised certifications are attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Each amendment will be filed on or before December 18, 2009.

Note 5. Other Income, page 8
- ----------------------------

7. Please tell us and disclose the circumstances resulting in the receipt of the
$950,000  settlement of "certain legal proceedings and the granting of permanent

7. Response.

7. Mobil Pipe Line  Company  ("MPLC")  operates  a pipeline  carrying  petroleum
products from East Providence,  Rhode Island to Springfield,  Massachusetts (the
"Pipeline")  which crosses the Company's  right-of-way in Oxford,  Massachusetts
for a distance of one hundred and twenty-feet  (120') (the "Pipeline  Location")
to which MPLC held leasehold rights through April 30, 2007. Immediately prior to
expiration of the lease,  MPLC filed an action with the Energy Facilities Siting
Board (the  "EFSB"),  a  Massachusetts  regulatory  body,  seeking  authority to

acquire by eminent  domain a permanent  easement  over the Pipeline  Location in
order to avoid  interruption of its use of the Pipeline.  Upon expiration of the
lease,  the Company  brought suit to evict MPLC from the  Pipeline  Location and
MPLC obtained a stay of that litigation on the basis of the pending EFSB action.
The  Supreme  Judicial  Court  of  Massachusetts  concluded  that  EFSB  had  no
jurisdiction  in the matter and the EFSB  subsequently  dismissed the proceeding
brought by MPLC.  MPLC and the Company then entered into  negotiations.  In June
2009, MPLC paid the Company $950,000 in consideration (a) of the Company's grant
to MPLC of a permanent easement for the Pipeline Location,  and (b) execution of
a Settlement  Agreement  covering all pending litigation between the Company and
MPLC, including joint stipulations of dismissal and mutual releases.

The Company  proposes to make the  following  additional  disclosure  in Note 5,
Other Income, in its future periodic reports:

     In June 2009 the Company  received  $950,000 for the  settlement of certain
     legal  proceedings  that arose following the expiration of leasehold rights
     of an unrelated third party to a pipeline location located on the Company's
     right-of-way,  and the  Company's  grant of a permanent  easement  for such
     pipeline location.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please  do not  hesitate  to  contact  me if  you  need  additional  information
regarding any of these matters.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Robert J. Easton
Robert J. Easton
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT 1

                                  UNITED STATES

                                Washington, D.C.

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

     (Annual Report Under Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934)

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008

                           Commission File No. 0-16704

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                Rhode Island                           05-0344399
                -------------                          ----------
        (State or Other Jurisdiction of               (IRS Employer
        Incorporation or Organization)              Identification No.)

                     75 HAMMOND STREET, WORCESTER, MA 01610
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (508) 755-4000
                (Issuer's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                     Common Stock, par value $0.50 per share
                               (Title of Class)


     Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known  seasoned  issuer,
as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes |_| No |X|

     Indicate by check mark if the  registrant  is not  required to file reports
pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.

Yes |_|  No |X|

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|

     Indicate by checkmark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive  proxy or information  statement
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. |X|

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer,
an accelerated  filer, a non-accelerated  filer, or a smaller reporting company.
See the  definitions  of "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated  filer"  and
"smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

       Large accelerated filer |_|                Accelerated filer |_|

       Non-accelerated filer |X|                  Smaller reporting company |_|

     Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is a shell  company  (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes |_| No |X|

As of June 30,  2008,  the  aggregate  market  value of the voting stock held by
non-affiliates  of the  Registrant  was  $52,329,402.  (For  this  purpose,  all
directors of the Registrant are considered affiliates.)

As of March 6, 2009, the Registrant had 4,803,900 shares of Common Stock


                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

This Amendment No. 1 on Form 10-K/A ("Amendment No. 1") amends the Annual Report
on Form 10-K of Providence and Worcester  Railroad  Company (the  "Company") for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008,  filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission ("SEC") on March 25, 2009 (the "Original 10-K"). This Amendment No. 1
is being filed for the sole purpose of correcting the certifications required by
Rules  13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act of 1934, as adopted  pursuant
to   Section   302   of   the    Sarbanes-Oxley    Act   of   2002   (the   "302
Certifications"),certain provisions of which were inadvertently omitted when the
Original 10-K was filed. The amended 302 Certifications are being filed in their
entirety as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this Amendment No. 1.

Except  as  described  above,  this  Amendment  No. 1 does not  amend  any other
information  set forth in the  Original  10-K and the  Company  has not  updated
disclosures  included therein to reflect any events that occurred  subsequent to
the date of the Original 10-K. Accordingly,  this Amendment No. 1 should be read
in  conjunction  with the Original 10-K and the Company's  filings made with the
SEC  subsequent to the filing of the Original 10-K. The filing of this Amendment
No. 1 shall  not be deemed an  admission  that the  Original  10-K,  when  made,
included any untrue  statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material
fact necessary to make a statement not misleading.

                                     PART IV


- -----------

     24   Power of Attorney (included on signature page of this report)

     31.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     31.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant  to  Section  906 of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant to
          Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

- -----------------------

     *    Filed herewith


     In accordance with Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, the Company has
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly

                                      PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER
                                      RAILROAD COMPANY

                                        Robert H. Eder
                                        Chief Executive Officer


     Each person whose signature  appears below constitutes and appoints each of
Robert H. Eder or Robert J. Easton, or either of them, each acting alone, his or
her  true  and  lawful   attorneys-in-fact   and  agents,  with  full  power  of
substitution and  resubstitution,  for such person and in his or her name, place
and stead,  in any and all  capacities in  connection  with the annual report on
Form 10-K of  Providence  and  Worcester  Railroad  Company.  for the year ended
December 31, 2008, to sign any and all  amendments to the Form 10-K, and to file
the  same,  with  all  exhibits  thereto,  and  other  documents  in  connection
therewith,  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  granting  unto said
attorneys-in-fact  and agents, each acting alone, full power and authority to do
and perform each and every act and thing  requisite  and necessary to be done in
and about the premises,  as fully to all intents and purposes as he or she might
or  could  do  in  person,   hereby  ratifying  and  confirming  all  that  said
attorneys-in-fact  and agents, or their substitutes or substitute,  may lawfully
do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed by the following  persons on behalf of the registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

- --------------------------------------------
Robert H. Eder
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
(Principal Executive Officer)

- --------------------------------------------
P. Scott Conti
President and Director (Principal Operating

- --------------------------------------------
Robert J. Easton, Treasurer
(Principal Financial Officer and Principal
Accounting Officer)

- --------------------------------------------
Richard W. Anderson, Director

- --------------------------------------------
Frank W. Barrett, Director

- --------------------------------------------
J. Joseph Garrahy, Director

- --------------------------------------------
John J. Healy, Director

- --------------------------------------------
James C. Garvey, Director

- --------------------------------------------
Charles M. McCollam, Director

- --------------------------------------------
Craig M. Scott, Director

- --------------------------------------------
Paul F. Titterton, Director

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.1

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT H. EDER, certify that:

     1. I have  reviewed  this  annual  report  on Form 10-K of  Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  ______________, 2009

                                    Robert H. Eder
                                    Chairman of the Board and
                                     Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.2

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT J. EASTON, certify that:

     1. I have  reviewed  this  annual  report  on Form 10-K of  Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  _______________, 2009

                                    Robert J. Easton
                                    Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.1

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In connection  with the Annual Report of Providence and Worcester  Railroad
Company (the  "Company") on Form 10-K for the year ending  December 31, 2008, as
filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on the date  hereof  (the
"Report"),  I, Robert H. Eder,  Chief Executive  Officer of the Company,  hereby
certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ___ day of _________, 2009.

                                       Robert H. Eder
                                       Chairman of the Board
                                        and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.2

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In connection  with the Annual Report of Providence and Worcester  Railroad
Company (the  "Company") on Form 10-K for the year ending  December 31, 2008, as
filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on the date  hereof  (the
"Report"),  I, Robert J. Easton, Chief Financial Officer of the Company,  hereby
certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ____ day of ____________, 2009.

                                    Robert J. Easton
                                    Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT 2

                                  UNITED STATES

                                Washington, D.C.

                                   FORM 10-Q/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                        For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2009

          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1937
                For the transition period from  ______________ to ____________

                           Commission File No. 0-16704

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

             Rhode Island                               05-0344399
            --------------                              ----------
      (State or Other Jurisdiction of                 (IRS Employer
       Incorporation or Organization)               Identification No.)

                     75 HAMMOND STREET, WORCESTER, MA 01610
                     (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (508) 755-4000
                (Issuer's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                     Common Stock, par value $0.50 per share
                                (Title of Class)


     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted  electronically
and  posted  on its  corporate  website,  if any,  every  Interactive  Data File
required  to be  submitted  and posted  pursuant to Rule 405 of  Regulation  S-T
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant
was required to submit and post files). Yes |_| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer,
an accelerated  filer, a non-accelerated  filer, or a smaller reporting company.
See the  definitions  of "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated  filer"  and
"smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

 Large accelerated filer |_|            Accelerated filer |_|

Non-accelerated filer    |X|            Smaller reporting company |_|

     Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is a shell  company  (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes |_| No |X|

     Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the Issuer's  classes
of common stock, as of May 1, 2009:

     Common  Stock -- Par  Value  $0.50         4,805,732  shares
     ----------------------------------      ----------------------
                 (class)                          (outstanding)


                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

This  Amendment  No. 1 on Form 10-Q/A  ("Amendment  No. 1") amends the Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q of Providence and Worcester Railroad Company (the "Company")
for the quarterly  period ended March 31, 2009,  filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  on May  15,  2009  (the  "Original  10-Q").  This
Amendment  No.  1 is  being  filed  for  the  sole  purpose  of  correcting  the
certifications  required by Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act of
1934, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the
"302  Certifications"),  certain provisions of which were inadvertently  omitted
when the Original 10-Q was filed. The amended 302 Certifications are being filed
in their entirety as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this Amendment No. 1.

Except  as  described  above,  this  Amendment  No. 1 does not  amend  any other
information  set forth in the  Original  10-Q and the  Company  has not  updated
disclosures  included therein to reflect any events that occurred  subsequent to
the date of the Original 10-Q. Accordingly,  this Amendment No. 1 should be read
in  conjunction  with the Original 10-Q and the Company's  filings made with the
SEC  subsequent to the filing of the Original 10-Q. The filing of this Amendment
No. 1 shall  not be deemed an  admission  that the  Original  10-Q,  when  made,
included any untrue  statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material
fact necessary to make a statement not misleading.

                           PART II. Other Information



          24   Power of Attorney (included on signature page of this report)

          31.1 Certification  of  Robert  J.  Eder,  Chief  Executive   Officer,
               pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

          31.2 Certification  of  Robert  J.  Easton,  Treasurer  and  Principal
               Financial Officer,  pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley
               Act of 2002*

          32.1 Certification  of  Robert  J.  Eder,  Chief  Executive   Officer,
               pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as adopted pursuant to Section
               906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

          32.2 Certification  of  Robert  J.  Easton,  Treasurer  and  Principal
               Financial Officer,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as adopted
               pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

         *     Filed herewith


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER
                                        RAILROAD COMPANY

                                           Robert H. Eder
                                           Chairman of the Board and
                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                          Robert J. Easton
                                          Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

DATED:    ___________________, 2009

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.1

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT H. EDER, certify that:

     1. I have  reviewed this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q  ofProvidence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  ________________, 2009

                                              Robert H. Eder
                                              Chairman of the Board and
                                               Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.2

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT J. EASTON, certify that:

     1. I have reviewed  this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

          a.   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the
               design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting
               which are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's
               ability  to  record,  process,  summarize  and  report  financial
               information; and

          b.   Any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or
               other employees who have a significant  role in the  registrant's
               internal control over financial reporting.

DATE:  _____________, 2009

                                          Robert J. Easton
                                          Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.1

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31,
2009, as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof
(the  "Report"),  I, Robert H. Eder,  Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,
hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section
906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ___ day of _________, 2009.

                                              Robert H. Eder
                                              Chairman of the Board and
                                               Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.2

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31,
2009, as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof
(the "Report"),  I, Robert J. Easton,  Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company,
hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section
906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ____ day of ____________, 2009.

                                          Robert J. Easton
                                          Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT 3

                                  UNITED STATES

                                Washington, D.C.

                                   FORM 10-Q/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

    ACT OF 1934
                For the  quarterly  period ended June 30, 2009

    ACT OF 193
        For the transition period from ______________ to ___________

                          Commission File No. 0-16704

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

               Rhode Island                           05-0344399
               --------------                         ----------
        (State or Other Jurisdiction of              (IRS Employer
        Incorporation or Organization)             Identification No.)

                     75 HAMMOND STREET, WORCESTER, MA 01610
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (508) 755-4000
                (Issuer's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                    Common Stock, par value $0.50 per share
                                (Title of Class)


     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted  electronically
and  posted  on its  corporate  website,  if any,  every  Interactive  Data File
required  to be  submitted  and posted  pursuant to Rule 405 of  Regulation  S-T
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant
was required to submit and post files). Yes |_| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer,
an accelerated  filer, a non-accelerated  filer, or a smaller reporting company.
See the  definitions  of "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated  filer"  and
"smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer |_|         Accelerated filer |_|

Non-accelerated filer |X|           Smaller reporting company |_|

     Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is a shell  company  (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes |_| No |X|

     Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the Issuer's  classes
of common stock, as of August 13, 2009:

        Common Stock -- Par Value $0.50                   4,807,702 shares
- ---------------------------------------------    -------------------------------
               (class)                                     (outstanding)


                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

     This  Amendment  No.  1 on Form  10-Q/A  ("Amendment  No.  1")  amends  the
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of Providence and Worcester  Railroad Company (the
"Company")  for the  quarterly  period  ended  June  30,  2009,  filed  with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") on August 13, 2009 (the  "Original
10-Q").  This  Amendment No. 1 is being filed for the sole purpose of correcting
the certifications required by Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act
of 1934, as adopted  pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002
(the "302  Certifications"),  certain  provisions  of which  were  inadvertently
omitted when the Original  10-Q was filed.  The amended 302  Certifications  are
being filed in their entirety as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this Amendment No. 1.

     Except as described  above,  this  Amendment No. 1 does not amend any other
information  set forth in the  Original  10-Q and the  Company  has not  updated
disclosures  included therein to reflect any events that occurred  subsequent to
the date of the Original 10-Q. Accordingly,  this Amendment No. 1 should be read
in  conjunction  with the Original 10-Q and the Company's  filings made with the
SEC  subsequent to the filing of the Original 10-Q. The filing of this Amendment
No. 1 shall  not be deemed an  admission  that the  Original  10-Q,  when  made,
included any untrue  statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material
fact necessary to make a statement not misleading.

                           PART II. Other Information


- ------------

     24   Power of Attorney (included on signature page of this report)

     31.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     31.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant  to  Section  906 of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant to
          Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

         *     Filed herewith


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                     PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER
                                     RAILROAD COMPANY

                                        Robert H. Eder
                                        Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                                        Robert J. Easton
                                        Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

DATED:    ___________________, 2009

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.1

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT H. EDER, certify that:

     1. I have reviewed  this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  _______________, 2009

                                        Robert H. Eder
                                        Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.2

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT J. EASTON, certify that:

     1. I have reviewed  this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  ______________, 2009

                                        Robert J. Easton
                                        Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.1

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period  ending June 30,
2009, as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof
(the  "Report"),  I, Robert H. Eder,  Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,
hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section
906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ___ day of _________, 2009.

                                        Robert H. Eder
                                        Chairman of the Board and
                                         Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.2
                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period  ending June 30,
2009, as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof
(the "Report"),  I, Robert J. Easton,  Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company,
hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section
906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ____ day of ____________, 2009.

                                        Robert J. Easton
                                         Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                   EXHIBIT 4

                                  UNITED STATES

                                Washington, D.C.

                                   FORM 10-Q/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

     ACT OF 1934
                For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2009

     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1937 For the transition period from _________ to _________

                           Commission File No. 0-16704

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

           Rhode Island                                   05-0344399
          --------------                                  ----------
          (State or Other Jurisdiction of                (IRS Employer
          Incorporation or Organization)               Identification No.)

                     75 HAMMOND STREET, WORCESTER, MA 01610
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (508) 755-4000
                (Issuer's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                     Common Stock, par value $0.50 per share
                                (Title of Class)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  Registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
Registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes |X| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted  electronically
and  posted  on its  corporate  website,  if any,  every  Interactive  Data File
required  to be  submitted  and posted  pursuant to Rule 405 of  Regulation  S-T
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant
was required to submit and post files). Yes |_| No |_|

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer,
an accelerated  filer, a non-accelerated  filer, or a smaller reporting company.
See the  definitions  of "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated  filer"  and
"smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

        Large accelerated filer  |_|       Accelerated filer |_|

        Non-accelerated filer |X|          Smaller reporting company |_|

     Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is a shell  company  (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes |_| No |X|

      Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Issuer's classes
of common stock, as of November 13, 2009:

       Common Stock -- Par Value $0.50                   4,810,210 shares
    --------------------------------------    ----------------------------------
        (class)                                           (outstanding)


                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

This  Amendment  No. 1 on Form 10-Q/A  ("Amendment  No. 1") amends the Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q of Providence and Worcester Railroad Company (the "Company")
for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2009, filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") on November 12, 2009 (the "Original  10-Q").  This
Amendment  No.  1 is  being  filed  for  the  sole  purpose  of  correcting  the
certifications  required by Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act of
1934, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the
"302  Certifications"),  certain provisions of which were inadvertently  omitted
when the Original 10-Q was filed. The amended 302 Certifications are being filed
in their entirety as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2 to this Amendment No. 1.

Except  as  described  above,  this  Amendment  No. 1 does not  amend  any other
information  set forth in the  Original  10-Q and the  Company  has not  updated
disclosures  included therein to reflect any events that occurred  subsequent to
the date of the Original 10-Q. Accordingly,  this Amendment No. 1 should be read
in  conjunction  with the Original 10-Q and the Company's  filings made with the
SEC  subsequent to the filing of the Original 10-Q. The filing of this Amendment
No. 1 shall  not be deemed an  admission  that the  Original  10-Q,  when  made,
included any untrue  statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material
fact necessary to make a statement not misleading.

                           PART II. Other Information


- ------------

     24   Power of Attorney (included on signature page of this report)

     31.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     31.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer, pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.1 Certification of Robert J. Eder, Chief Executive Officer,  pursuant to
          18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant  to  Section  906 of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

     32.2 Certification of Robert J. Easton,  Treasurer and Principal  Financial
          Officer,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  Section  1350 as adopted  pursuant to
          Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002*

         *     Filed herewith


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER
                                        RAILROAD COMPANY

                                           Robert H. Eder
                                           Chairman of the Board and
                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                           Robert J. Easton
                                           Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

DATED:    ___________________, 2009

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.1

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT H. EDER, certify that:

     1. I have reviewed  this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  ____________, 2009

                                           Robert H. Eder
                                           Chairman of the Board and
                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 31.2

                    Providence and Worcester Railroad Company
                            Certification Pursuant to
                  Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, ROBERT J. EASTON, certify that:

     1. I have reviewed  this  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q of Providence  and
Worcester Railroad Company;

     2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact  necessary  to make the
statements made, in light of the circumstances  under which such statements were
made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

     3. Based on my knowledge,  the financial  statements,  and other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

     4. The registrant's  other certifying  officer(s) and I are responsible for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal  control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(f) and  15d-15(f))  for the
registrant and have:

     a.   Designed  such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures,  or caused such
          disclosure   controls  and   procedures  to  be  designed   under  our
          supervision,  to ensure  that  material  information  relating  to the
          registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to
          us by others within those entities,  particularly during the period in
          which this report is being prepared;

     b.   Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or caused
          such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed under
          our  supervision,   to  provide  reasonable  assurance  regarding  the
          reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation of financial
          statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
          accounting principles;

     c.   Evaluated the  effectiveness of the registrant's  disclosure  controls
          and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions  about the
          effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end
          of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

     d.   Disclosed  in this  report  any  change in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant's
          most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth fiscal quarter in
          the case of an annual  report)  that has  materially  affected,  or is
          reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting; and

     5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based
on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial  reporting,  to
the registrant's  auditors and the audit committee of the registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

     a.   All significant  deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or
          operation  of internal  control  over  financial  reporting  which are
          reasonably  likely to  adversely  affect the  registrant's  ability to
          record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

     b.   Any fraud, whether or not material,  that involves management or other
          employees who have a  significant  role in the  registrant's  internal
          control over financial reporting.

DATE:  _____________, 2009

                                           Robert J. Easton
                                           Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.1

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company") on Form 10-Q for the period ending  September
30,  2009,  as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on the date
hereof  (the  "Report"),  I,  Robert H.  Eder,  Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company, hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to
Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ___ day of _________, 2009.

                                           Robert H. Eder
                                           Chairman of the Board and
                                            Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    EXHIBIT 32.2

                       PURSUANT TO 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350
                           SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002

     In  connection  with the  Quarterly  Report  of  Providence  and  Worcester
Railroad  Company (the  "Company") on Form 10-Q for the period ending  September
30,  2009,  as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on the date
hereof (the  "Report"),  I, Robert J.  Easton,  Chief  Financial  Officer of the
Company, hereby certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to
Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (a) the Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (b)  the  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and results of operations of the

Dated this ____ day of ____________, 2009.

                                           Robert J. Easton
                                           Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer