

   December 14, 1995

   Krupp Insured Plus - III Limited Partnership
   c/o Krupp Mortgage Corporation
   Harbor Plaza
   470 Atlantic Avenue
   Boston, Mass. 02210

   Attention: Ms. Peggy DeMuth

   Re: Royal Palm Place, Ltd.

   Dear Peggy:

   Attached   is  a  signed  executed  copy  of  the  Amended  and  Restated
   Promissory Note  with  Exhibits  A  and  B for  Royal  Palm  Place  dated
   December 1, 1995.

   If you have any questions, please call me at your earliest convenience.



   General Partner


   Joel L. Altman, President

   cc to Jeffrey Deutch
   cc to George L. Dave

   2201 corporate blvd., n.w., suite 200, boca raton, florida 33431    (407)
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          SUBORDINATED PROMISSORY NOTE

   partnership,  having an  address at  c/o Altman  Development Corporation,
   2201 Corporate Blvd., Suite 200,  Boca Raton, Florida 33431  (hereinafter
   referred to  as the  "Maker" or the  "Mortgagor") has  made and  executed
   this Amended  and Restated Subordinated Promissory Note (the "Amended and
   Restated  Subordinated Note") payable to KRUPP INSURED PLUS - III LIMITED
   PARTNERSHIP, or  order,  with  offices  c/o  Berkshire  Mortgage  Finance
   Corporation,  Harbor  Plaza, 470  Atlantic Avenue,  Boston, Massachusetts
   02110 (hereinafter, together  with its and their successors  and assigns,
   referred to as the "Holder").


             A. The  Maker  previously executed  a  Subordinated  Promissory
   Note  dated March  20, 1991,  made payable  to Holder  which Subordinated
   Promissory  Note was modified by a Modification Agreement dated March 20,
   1991 (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "Original  Subordinate
   Note".) This  Amended and Restated  Subordinate Note amends  and restates
   the  Original Subordinate Note. All accrued but unpaid interest under the
   Original Subordinate Note shall be payable as provided herein.

             B. The  Maker has  obtained  from First  Interstate  Commercial
   Mortgage Company, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter, together with  its
   successors and  assigns, referred to as the "First  Mortgagee") a loan in
   the original  principal amount of  Twenty-Two Million and  No/100 Dollars
   ($22,000,000) (the "First Mortgage  Loan") which First Mortgage  Loan was
   assigned to  the Federal National  Mortgage Association  with respect  to
   Royal Palm Place  Apartments, a 377-unit housing project  (the "Project")
   located in the City of Kendall, Florida, upon certain  real property more
   particularly described  in  Exhibit  "A"  to  the  Subordinated  Mortgage
   (hereinafter  defined) securing  this Amended  and  Restated Subordinated

             C.  The  First   Mortgage  Loan  is  evidenced   by  a  certain
   Multifamily Note (the "First Mortgage Note") from the Maker to  the First
   Mortgagee,  which First Mortgage Note  was modified on  December 1, 1995,
   and is secured by a certain mortgage (the "First Mortgage").

             D. The First Mortgage Loan  was funded through the sale  to the
   Holder  of a mortgage backed  security (the "Project  MBS"). The interest
   rate  on  the  First  Mortgage  Loan  and  the  Project  MBS  were  below
   prevailing  interest rates  for comparable  loans and securities  and the
   lower interest rates inured to  the benefit of the Maker. The  Holder was
   unwilling to acquire  the Project MBS  unless the  Maker agreed to  enter
   into the Original Subordinated Note. 

             E.  The Holder has entered  into a Participation Agreement with
   Krupp  Insured   Plus  -  I   Limited  Partnership  whereby   the  Holder
   transferred, assigned and conveyed a 27.3693546% interest  in the Project
   MBS and the Original Subordinated Note.

             NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of  the  foregoing and  one
   dollar  and other  good  and valuable  consideration  in hand  paid,  the
   receipt  and sufficiency of which-is hereby  acknowledged, subject to the
   requirements specified in Paragraph  3 hereof, the Maker promises  to pay
   to Holder  or order on April 1, 2006 (the "Maturity Date"), if not sooner
   paid,  as provided below, all  those sums as  more particularly described

   1. Payment of Additional Interest.  The Maker covenants and agrees to pay
   the  Holder from the date  hereof "Additional Interest"  which shall mean
   and  include  the greater  of  "Minimum Additional  Interest"  or "Shared
   Income  Interest"  as defined  below in  subparagraphs  A and  B,  and in
   addition, "Shared Appreciation Interest" as defined in Subparagraph C.

             A. Minimum  Additional Interest. "Minimum  Additional Interest"
   shall  mean  and include  interest from  April  1, 1993,  at the  rate of
   one-half  percent  (.5%) per  annum  calculated on  the  unpaid principal
   balance  of the First Mortgage Note. Minimum Additional Interest shall be
   deemed earned beginning April 1, 1993 and  on the first day of each month
   thereafter, and shall accrue  and be payable in cash  annually commencing
   on  the first  day  of  January  1996,  and  on the  first  day  of  each
   succeeding January  of each  calendar  year thereafter  ("Annual  Payment
   Date") until the entire balance of the First Mortgage Note  has been paid
   subject  to  the  provisions  of   Paragraph  3.A.  and  the  limitations
   described below  in this Paragraph 1.  Any owed but  unpaid amounts shall
   be  accrued and  paid upon any  future annual installment  or pursuant to
   Paragraph 1.F.

             B. Shared Income Interest. "Shared Income Interest" shall  mean
   and include thirty  percent (30%)  of "Gross Rental  Income", as  defined
   below,  actually  received  by the  Maker  during  the  annual period  of
   calculation in  excess of  $3,275,004 (the  "Annual Base Income")  during
   the  first calendar  year and  each-succeeding calendar  year thereafter.
   For purposes  of  this Amended  and  Restated Subordinated  Note,  "Gross
   Rental Income"  shall include all  cash, notes or  other things  of value
   and  any and all other consideration, direct or indirect, laundry income,
   parking income, and  all other  income from whatever  source received  in
   connection with the ownership  and operation of the Project,  except for:
   (a)  proceeds of  refinancing; (b)  casualty insurance,  flood insurance,
   condemnation  proceeds; and (c) capital contributions to the Maker.  Such
   Shared Income Interest shall be deemed earned beginning on  the first day
   of the first calendar  month-following the execution of this  Amended and
   Restated  Subordinated  Note  and   on  the  first  day  of   each  month
   thereafter, and shall  accrue and be payable in  arrears in cash annually
   on  each  Annual Payment  Date  thereafter so  long  as this  Amended and
   Restated Subordinated Note  is outstanding, subject to  the provisions of
   Paragraph 3.A. and the  limitations described below in this  Paragraph 1.
   Any owed  but unpaid amounts  shall be accrued  and paid upon  any future
   annual installment or pursuant to Paragraph 1.F.

             Notwithstanding the foregoing  obligation of the  Maker to  pay
   the  greater of Minimum  Additional Interest  or Shared  Income Interest,
   with respect to the any Annual  period, the Maker shall not pay more than
   the lesser of:

   (i) Thirty percent (30%) of Gross  Rental Income actually received by The
   Maker with  respect to such  annual period, less  the Annual  Base Income
   in-such annual period; or

    (ii) Fifty percent  (50%) of  the Project's net  income ("Net  Income").
   "Net Income" shall  mean Gross  Rental Income for  the applicable  period
   less  payments  for ordinary  and  necessary  operating expenses,  taxes,
   deposits  to a reserve for replacement escrow and debt service applicable
   to the modified First Mortgage Note as described below. Debt service  for
   the purpose of calculating Net Income shall consist of the following:

            interest-only payments  paid  in  accordance  with  the  modified
   First Mortgage Note for such applicable period; and

            in any applicable period in which a  paydown of principal of  the
   First  Mortgage Loan occurs in accordance  with the terms of the modified
   First  Mortgage Note, an amount  equal to the  principal amortization for
   such  period that would  have been paid  under the original  terms of the
   First  Mortgage Note had it  not been modified.  An amortization schedule
   following  the original terms  of the First Mortgage  Note is attached as
   Exhibit B.

   Furthermore, Gross Rental  Income shall  not be reduced  by any  payments
   for  expenses, replacement or capital items which are  reimbursed through
   a reserve for replacement escrow held by the First Mortgagee.

   Any  owed but unpaid  amounts shall be  accrued and paid  upon any future
   annual installment or pursuant to Paragraph 1.F.

             C.   Shared   Appreciation   Interest.   "Shared   Appreciation
   Interest"  shall mean and  include thirty percent (30%)  of the excess of
   the "Value", as defined below,  over the "Base Value", as defined  below,
   of the  Project until the first to occur of  (i) a "Sale of the Project",
   as defined  below,  to an  unrelated third  party  or parties;  (ii)  the
   Maturity Date determined  in accordance  with the terms  of this  Amended
   and Restated Subordinated Note;  or (iii) prepayment of this  Amended and
   Restated Subordinated Note in accordance with its term.

             The "Value" of  the Project shall equal all  consideration paid
   in  connection with  the  Sale  of  the  Project,  including  the  stated
   purchase price,  cash, notes,  any indebtedness  assumed and/or  to which
   the Project is  then subject,  interest on  any deferred  portion of  the
   purchase price and the value of  any and all other consideration,  direct
   or  indirect, and whether  paid to the  Maker or  to any other  period or
   party, but  excluding to  the extent  paid by Maker,  the following:  (i)
   prorations   and  reasonable   selling  expenses,   including  reasonable
   third  party  broker's commissions,  (ii)  title  searches, (iii)  survey
   costs, and (iv) recording costs, escrowed charges and transfer taxes.

             The term "Base Value" shall  mean $23,200,000 less all  eminent
   domain or
   condemnation awards, or damages and casualty insurance proceeds  received
   by the  Maker prior to  the Maturity  Date which are  not applied  to the
   restoration of the Project. Base Value may not be less  than the original
   principal balance of the First Mortgage.

             The term "Sale of  the Project" shall mean any  sale, transfer,
   assignment, exchange, liquidation  or other disposition  to an  unrelated
   third   party  for  value  of   substantially  all  of   the  Project  or
   substantially  all of the interests  in the Mortgagor  entity. Unless the
   Holder hereof  gives written approval, any  sale to a  "Related Party" or
   "Affiliate"  shall  not  be  Sale  of  the  Project.  A  "Related  Party"
   includes, without limitation, any spouse, brother, sister, parent,  child
   or grandchild  of the  Maker or principal  of the  Maker. An  "Affiliate"
   means, as to  the Maker, any  individual or entity  (i) that directly  or
   indirectly  controls or is controlled by  or is under common control with
   the Maker,  (ii) that is  an officer of,  partner in or trustee,  or with
   respect to  which the Maker serves  in a similar capacity,  or (iii) that
   is the  beneficial owner, directly or  indirectly, of 10% or  more of any
   class  of equity securities  of the  Maker or  of which  the Maker  is an
   officer, partner or  trustee, or with  respect to which the  Maker serves
   in a  similar capacity, or (iii)  that is the  beneficial owner, directly
   or indirectly,  of 10% or more of  any class of equity  securities of the
   Maker or of  which the Maker is  directly or indirectly the owner  of 10%
   or more of any class of equity securities.

             If  there has  been no Sale  of the  Project, the  Value of the
   Project shall be
   determined by an  appraisal of  the Project, prepared  within sixty  (60)
   days prior  to the Maturity Date  or the date of  voluntary prepayment of
   this Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note by the Maker.  The appraisal
   shall be prepared by a qualified M.A.I. appraiser selected by Holder.

              The determination of appraised value  shall be based, in part,
   upon the  assumption that the rental  income from or with  respect to the
   Project  is  based on  the then  prevailing  market rates  for comparable
   rental space  in the same vicinity as the Project even if the actual rent
   then  being paid by lessees thereon  is less. The appraisal shall specify
   the  Value of the Project assuming that  the said First Mortgage Loan may
   not be assumed;

             The  purpose of appraisal of  the Project shall  be to estimate
   the  market value  of the  fee simple  interest, as- unencumbered  of the
   Project  at current  occupancy  as  of the  date  of  the appraisal.  The
   definition  of market value is the highest  price in terms of money which
   a property  will  bring  in  a  competitive and  open  market  under  all
   conditions requisite  to a fair sale,  the buyer and  seller, each acting
   prudently,  knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue
   stimulus.  The determination  of market  value shall  be based,  in part,
   upon the  assumption that the rental  income from or with  respect to the
   Project  is based  on the  then prevailing  market rates,  for comparable
   rental space  in the  same vicinity  as the Project,  even if  the actual
   rent then being  paid by lessees  thereon is  less. The determination  of
   market  value shall  be  based, in  part,  upon  a determination  by  the
   appraiser of the  Project's highest and best  use, which may include  the
   value of  the Project assuming  conversion to condominium  or cooperative
   ownership,  provided, however, that it can  be proven that there exists a
   viable  market  for condominium  or cooperative  conversions in  the area
   where  the Project is  located and taking  into account  an allowance for
   reasonable costs incurred in connection with such conversion.

             In the event the Maker  does not agree with the appraisal,  the
   Maker must notify  the Holder  within three business  days after  receipt
   thereof, and  it may arrange  for another appraisal  of the project  by a
   qualified MAI appraiser,  which appraisal must be  completed within sixty
   (60) days of receipt of the first appraisal.

             In  the  event the  Holder does  not  agree with  the appraisal
   which is obtained by  the Maker, and the  Holder and the Maker is  unable
   to agree  upon the Value, the  Holder must notify the  Maker within three
   (3)  business days after the receipt thereof,  and the Holder may arrange
   for  another appraisal of the Project by  a qualified MAI appraiser to be
   selected jointly by  the two  appraisers who made  the prior  appraisals,
   which  appraisal must  be completed  within thirty  (30) days.  The Value
   established  pursuant to this third  appraisal shall be  binding upon the
   Maker and the Holder

            The cost of  the first appraisal shall be borne by the Maker. The
   cost of all
   subsequent appraisals shall be shared equally by Holder and the Maker.

             D. Shared  Appreciation Interest under subparagraph  C shall be
   deemed earned  and  shall be  payable (i)  on  the date  of  Sale of  the
   Project; (ii)  on the Maturity Date;  or (iii) upon a  prepayment of this
   Amended  and  Restated Subordinated  Note,  whichever  first occurs,  and
   further,  such Shared Appreciation Interest is payable only to the extent
   that it exceeds any prepayment premium paid under Paragraph 4.

             E.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event  of default by
   Maker  under   this  Amended  and  Restated  Subordinated   Note  or  the
   Subordinated Mortgage  securing  this Amended  and Restated  Subordinated
   Note, and upon Holder's  election, in its sole discretion,  to accelerate
   all  amounts due  hereunder-and  under the  Subordinated-Mortgage, Holder
   shall  obtain-the  appraisal, described  in  Subparagraph  C, within  one
   hundred twenty (120) days  after Holder's election so to  accelerate, and
   the Shared Appreciation Interest, if any, due Holder as a  result of such
   appraisal shall be due  and payable within ten (10) days after  a copy of
   the completed appraisal is delivered to Maker

             F. Notwithstanding the provisions  contained in Paragraph  l(c)
   above  providing  for  the  payments  of Additional  Interest,  upon  the
   earliest to  occur of  (i)  the date  of Sale  of the  Project; (ii)  the
   prepayment of this Amended  and Restated Subordinated Note; or  (iii) the
   Maturity  Date,  Maker expressly  understands and  agrees  to pay  to the
   Holder  the  aggregate  amount  of  all  accrued  and  unpaid  Additional
   Interest  payable  hereunder,  provided  that  the  aggregate  amount  of
   Additional  Interest  shall  not  exceed  fifty  percent   (50%)  of  any
   difference  between the  Value and  the  Base Value  of the  Project (the
   Value and the Base Value of the
   Project to  be calculated for purposes of this Paragraph 1.F. in the same
   manner as provided in Paragraph 1 .C.).

   2. Payment of First Mortgage Loan.

             The Maker covenants and agrees  to pay all sums due or required
   to  be paid  under the  terms of  the First Mortgage  Note and  the First
   Mortgage prior to making any payments due hereunder.

   3. Additional Requirements.

             A.  So long  as the  First Mortgage  Note is  held in  trust in
   connection with  the  Project MBS,  the  Maker  shall have  no  right  or
   obligation  to make any payments or prepayments hereunder from the income
   from the  Project unless at the  time of such payment  or prepayment, the
   income generated by the Project  is sufficient to pay in a  timely manner
   the   Project's   necessary  and   reasonable   expenses,  reserves   for
   replacement  and  all  other amounts  due  and  payable  under the  First
   Mortgage  Note  and  the  First  Mortgage. Nothing  contained  herein  is
   intended to relieve  or modify the  obligations of Maker  to pay any  and
   all  sums due on  or under the terms  of the First Mortgage  Note and the
   First Mortgage. Any  Additional Interest  or other sums  not paid in  any
   year because of  the restrictions  imposed by this  subparagraph A  shall
   continue  to accrue  without  interest  thereon  and  shall  be  paid  in
   subsequent  years as provided above. All such  unpaid sums shall be added
   to the amount of accrued Additional Interest payable under Paragraph 1.

             B. Nothing  in this Amended  and Restated Subordinated  Note is
   intended  to alter or conflict with the terms, conditions, and provisions
   of  the First Mortgage Note  or the First  Mortgage. In the  event of any
   conflict  or inconsistency between the terms of this Amended and Restated
   Subordinated  Note-or  the Subordinated  Mortgage-and  the  terms of  the
   First Mortgage Note or  the First Mortgage,  the provisions of the  First
   Mortgage Note  or the First Mortgage shall control, and the terms of this
   Amended  and  Restated Subordinated  Note  or  the Subordinated  Mortgage
   shall be deemed amended so as not to conflict with or alter such First
   Mortgage Note  or First Mortgage, so  long as the First  Mortgage has not
   been released.

             C. In the event of a  monetary default or pending default under
   any of  the terms of the  First Mortgage Note and/or  the First Mortgage,
   as  reasonably determined  by the  First Mortgagee,  no payments  will be
   made or accepted  under this  Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note  or
   under  the  Subordinated Mortgage  without  the  First Mortgagee's  prior
   written consent

             D. This Amended  and Restated  Subordinated Note  shall not  be
   modified or amended without the First Mortgagee's prior written consent.

             E. In the  event that the Holder receives  any payment or other
   distribution  of  any  kind from  the  Maker  or  from  any other  source
   whatsoever with respect to the subordinated debt  evidenced hereby, other
   than  as permitted under this  Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note or
   under  the  Subordinated Mortgage,  such  payment  or other  distribution
   shall be received in  trust for the  First Mortgagee and promptly  turned
   over to the First Mortgagee.

             F.  Any default  or  breach hereunder  also shall  constitute a
   breach and default under the First Mortgage Note and the First  Mortgage,
   and  upon  the occurrence  thereof, the  First  Mortgagee shall  have the
   right to  exercise any of the remedies to which  it is entitled under the
   First Mortgage Note and the First Mortgage.

             G. This  Amended and  Restated Subordinated  Note shall  not be
   negotiated, assigned  or otherwise transferred without  the prior written
   approval of the First Mortgagee.

              H. The Holder  shall not, without  the prior written  approval
   of  the First  Mortgagee, commence  or join  with any  other  creditor in
   commencing any bankruptcy, reorganization  or insolvency proceedings with
   respect to the Maker.

              I. In the event  of a condemnation which results in  a payment
   by the condemning body for  any portion of the  Project, or in the  event
   any  proceeds are received from  any casualty loss  covered by insurance,
   such condemnation proceeds or  casualty loss proceeds shall be  paid only
   to the First Mortgagee, and only upon the full satisfaction  of the First
   Mortgage  Note and the First  Mortgage, shall the  Holder receive payment
   from the remainder-of such proceeds.

              J.  In the  event of  a default  hereunder, the  Holder agrees
   that  it shall  not,  without the  prior  written  consent of  the  First
   Mortgagee, commence  foreclosure proceedings or any  other proceedings to
   enforce    collection   or-enforce    its   lien    evidenced    by   the

   4. Prepayment. This  Amended and  Restated Subordinated Note  may not  be
   prepaid, in whole or  in part, for a term  of one (1) year from  the date
   hereof.  After one  (1) year, the  Maker shall  have the  right to prepay
   this Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note in whole, provided  that the
   First Mortgage  Note is also prepaid  in whole, as follows:  if the Maker
   prepays this Amended  and Restated  Subordinated Note  during the  second
   through  the ninth  year,  the Maker  shall  pay to  Holder  a prepayment
   penalty equal  to nine percent (9%) of the unpaid principal amount of the
   First  Mortgage Note as of  the day immediately  preceding the prepayment
   date of  the First  Mortgage Note;  and if the  Maker prepays  during the
   tenth  year, the  Maker  shall  pay a  prepayment  penalty  equal to  one
   percent  (1 %) of the unpaid principal  amount of the First Mortgage Note
   as  of the  day immediately preceding  the prepayment  date of  the First
   Mortgage Note. On the date of a prepayment  in whole, the Maker shall pay
   to the Holder all Additional  Interest to be paid hereon. Any  prepayment
   shall be  made only after  not less than  ninety (90) days nor  more than
   one hundred  eighty (180) days prior written notice from the Maker to the
   Holder  and  to  the First  Mortgagee  of  Maker's  intention to  prepay.
   Notwithstanding anything contained  herein to the contrary,  in the event
   that the  Maker  prepays the  First Mortgage  Note,  the Maker  shall  be
   required to  also  prepay this  Amended and  Restated Subordinated  Note,
   together with the prepayment penalties set forth herein.

              Notwithstanding-anything  herein  contained  to the  contrary,
   there shall be  no prepayment premium due as a  result of the application
   of  (i) insurance proceeds;  (ii) condemnation proceeds;  (iii) the funds
   held  with regard  to the  Achievement Escrow,  as defined  in  the First
   Mortgage loan  documents, or  any paydowns  of the  outstanding principal
   balance of the  First Mortgage  Loan scheduled under  the modified  First
   Mortgage Note.

              Notwithstanding   anything  to  the   contrary  regarding  the
   payment of Additional Interest and  the 9% penalty upon prepayment of the
   Amended  and Restated  Subordinated  Note as  provided  above (the  "KIP"
   Penalty"), the Maker shall pay to Holder as follows:

            a.    For purposes of  this Paragraph 4,  fifty percent (50%)  of
   the difference between the Value  and the Base Value of the  Project upon
   the earliest to occur of  (i) the date of  Sale of the Project; (ii)  the
   prepayment  of the Amended and  Restated Subordinated Note;  or (iii) the
   Maturity  Date, shall be referred  to as the  Maximum Additional Interest

            b.   In  the event that the  KIP Penalty  is equal to or  exceeds
   the  Maximum  Additional   Interest  Payment,  no   accrued  and   unpaid
   Additional Interest will be owed to Holder.

            c.     In the  event the  KIP Penalty  is less  than the  Maximum
   Additional Interest  Payment, the  aggregate  amount of  any accrued  and
   unpaid Additional  Interest is payable only to the extent that the sum of
   such accrued and  unpaid Additional Interest and the KIP Penalty does not
   exceed the Maximum Additional Interest Payment.

            d.   Upon the earliest to  occur of  (i) the date of  Sale of the
   Project; (ii) the
            prepayment  of the  Amended and  Restated Subordinated  Note; or
   (iii)  the Maturity  Date, if  prepayment penalty  is due  from  Maker to
   First  Mortgagee  Holder  under  the  First  Mortgage  Loan  (the  "First
   Mortgage  Penalty"), Holder agrees to  pay to First  Mortgagee, on behalf
   of Maker,  (i) fifty  percent (50%) of  the First  Mortgage Penalty,  and
   (ii) if any,  the amount of which  the KIP Penalty received  rom Maker by
   Holder  exceeds the  Maximum  Additional Interest  Amount,  but not    in
   excess of the  First Mortgage Penalty. An example  is attached as Exhibit
   5. Late Payment.  If the Maker fails  to make any payment  of any amounts
   under this  Amended and  Restated Subordinated  Note or  the Subordinated
   Mortgage on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the  month during which
   such payment is due, the Holder may, at its option, impose a  late charge
   upon the  Maker  not to  exceed  four cents  ($0.04)  on each  dollar  so

   6. General Provisions.

             A. It  is the intention and  agreement of the parties  that the
   Additional Interest  payable hereunder  be an  additional charge  for the
   principal sum advanced by the  Holder with respect to the First  Mortgage
   Note.  Such  Additional  Interest  shall  not  constitute  an  additional
   principal  sum due under this  Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note or
   the First Mortgage Note.

             B.   Amounts   payable   under   this   Amended   and  Restated
   Subordinated  Note shall be payable at the  offices of Holder, or at such
   other place as the Holder may designate in writing.

            C.  This   Amended  and  Restated  Subordinated   Note  and  the
   indebtedness evidenced  hereby is secured  by a Subordinated  Mortgage or
   Deed  of Trust  of  even  date  herewith  (the  "Subordinated  Mortgage")
   executed by  the Maker in favor  of the Holder hereof,  which covers that
   certain real property  and improvements thereon  being more  particularly
   described in  the Subordinated  Mortgage.  The Subordinated  Mortgage  is
   subordinate and subject to the First Mortgage.

            D.  It is not  intended hereby to  charge interest at  a rate in
   excess of  the maximum lawful  rate of  interest permitted to  be charged
   the Maker under  the laws of the State in which the Project is located or
   the laws  of any other  jurisdiction which  may be deemed  to govern  the
   terms  of  this   Amended  and  Restated  Subordinated  Note.  The  First
   Mortgagee  has agreed  to  receive interest  with  respect to  the  First
   Mortgage Loan  at a rate which  is lower than the  prevailing market rate
   of interest at-the time of such loan. The Holder's agreement to charge
   and receive such  interest with respect to the First  Mortgage Loan is in
   consideration  of the  Maker's agreement  to pay  Additional  Interest as
   provided  hereinabove.  Accordingly,  the  Additional  Interest  received
   hereunder should  be deemed to be  spread and applied to  the outstanding
   balance   of  this  Amended  and  Restated  Subordinated  Note  plus  the
   outstanding balance of the First  Mortgage Note, from time to time,  over
   the entire term that both notes,  or either of them, are outstanding. If,
   nevertheless, interest in  excess of  such maximum lawful  rate shall  be
   paid hereunder, then the rate imposed hereunder shall  be reduced to such
   maximum  lawful rate,  and if  from the  circumstance, the  Holder hereof
   shall ever receive as  interest an amount which would exceed  the highest
   lawful  rate, such amount as would  be deemed excessive interest shall be
   refunded to the Borrower.

            E.  All financial  statements and  calculations with  respect to
   the Property as required  in this Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note
   and  Subordinated Mortgage  shall be  prepared according  to the  accrual
   method  of accounting  in accordance  with generally  accepted accounting
   procedures applied on a  consistent basis from year to  year. Holder must
   approve any  accruals which are  not normal and  customary in  the rental
   apartment  business. Examples  of normal  and customary  accruals include
   items  such  as taxes,  insurance, replacement  reserves or  normal trade
   payables  which relate to  a particular period  but are not  paid in that

            F. It  is expressly agreed that if the Maker is in default under
   this  Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note in the  payment of any sums
   when due,  or if  the  Maker is  in default  in  the performance  of  any
   covenant  or  condition  of  the  Subordinated  Mortgage,  or  any  other
   agreement  evidencing  or securing  the  repayment  of the  indebtedness,
   which  default is not cured  within the applicable grace  period, if any,
   permitted  in the Subordinated  Mortgage, or such  other agreement, then,
   and  in  any of  such events,  the Holder  may declare  all sums  due and
   payable under  this Amended  and Restated  Subordinated Note,  subject to
   the restrictions of Paragraph 3.J. above.

              The  failure   of  the  Holder  to  exercise  its  option  for
   acceleration of maturity,
   foreclosure,  or  either,  following  any  default  as  aforesaid  or  to
   exercise   any  other  option  granted  to  it  hereunder  or  under  the
   Subordinated  Mortgage  or  the  acceptance  by  the  Holder  of  partial
   payments or partial  performance, shall  not constitute a  waiver of  any
   such  default  or  option but  such  rights of  the  Holder  shall remain
   continuously in force. Acceleration of  maturity or other rights  granted
   to the Holder  hereunder, once  claimed hereunder by  the Holder, may  at
   its option  be rescinded or  extended by  written notice to  that effect.
   The  tender and  acceptance  of partial  payment  or partial  performance
   alone shall not in any way affect or rescind an  acceleration of maturity
   by the Holder.

              If   any  sum   payable  under   this  Amended   and  Restated
   Subordinated Note is not paid within ten (10) days of the date when  due,
   whether  by maturity or acceleration,  the Maker agrees to  pay all costs
   of collection, including but  not limited to, court costs  and reasonable
   attorney's fees, whether or not suit is filed thereon.

              G.  The  Maker,   and  any  endorsers   hereof,  jointly   and
   severally: (i) waive
   presentment,  protest and demand,  notice of protest,  notice of dishonor
   and  nonpayment of this Amended and Restated Subordinated Note, and every
   other  notice   of  any  kind   respecting  this  Amended   and  Restated
   Subordinated  Note except  as  set forth  in  this Amended  and  Restated
   Subordinated Note and the  Subordinated Mortgage; and (ii) to  the extent
   not  prohibited by  law, waive  the benefit  of any  law or  rule  of law
   intended for its advantage  or protection which would enable  its release
   or  discharge from liability hereon, in whole  or in part, for any reason
   other than full and complete payment of all amounts due hereunder.

              H. The  Maker hereby represents and warrants that: (i) it is a
   business or commercial  organization; (ii) the loan  evidenced hereby was
   made and transacted solely  for the purpose of carrying  on an investment
   in real estate; and (iii) the proceeds of  the loan are not to be used in
   whole or in part for personal, family or household purposes.

              I.  In  the  event that  any  one  or more  of  the provisions
   contained herein  are, for  any reason,  held to  be invalid,  illegal or
   unenforceable   in   any   respect,   such   invalidity,  illegality   or
   unenforceability shall  not affect  any other  provision of this  Amended
   and  Restated   Subordinated  Note   and   this  Amended   and   Restated
   Subordinated  Note  shall be  construed as  if  such invalid,  illegal or
   unenforceable provision had never been contained herein

              J.  This Amended  and Restated  Subordinated Note  may  not be
   changed  orally, but only by an agreement  in writing signed by the party
   against  whom   enforcement  of  any  waiver,   change,  modification  or
   discharge  is  sought and  subject to  the  provisions of  Paragraph 3.D.

             K.  All notices  given pursuant  to this  Amended and  Restated
   Subordinated  Note shall  be in  writing and shall  be hand  delivered or
   mailed,  registered U.S. Mail, return receipt requested to the parties at
   the  addresses specified  below  or to  such  other addresses  as may  be
   specified by a party upon notice in compliance with this paragraph.

   Maker:   Royal Palm Place, Ltd.
                    c/o Altman Development Corporation
                    2201 Corporate Blvd.
                    Suite 200
                    Boca Raton, FL 33431

   Holder:  Krupp Insured Plus - III-Limited-Partnership
                    c/o Krupp Mortgage Corporation
                    Harbor Plaza
                    470 Atlantic Avenue
                    Boston, Massachusetts 02210

   First            Federal National Mortgage Association
   Mortgagee:       950 East Paces Ferry Road
                    Suite 1900
                    Atlanta, GA 30326-1161
                    Attn: Vice President
                    Multifamily Activities

   Servicer:        GMAC Mortgage Corporation
                    101 S. Hanley Road, Suite 1300
                    St. Louis. MO 63105

             L. This Amended and  Restated Subordinated Note shall be  given
   effect  and construed by  application of the  laws of the  State in which
   the Project is located.

             M. It  is  expressly understood  and  agreed that  neither  the
   Maker nor any partner, officer, director or stockholder of Maker, as  the
   case may  be, shall have any  personal liability for payment  of any sums
   due hereunder, and the Holder  agrees to seek recourse solely against the
   real   estate  and  other  security  granted  to  the  Holder  under  the
   Subordinated Mortgage and  any instrument further  securing this  Amended
   and  Restated  Subordinated  Note,  including,  without  limitation,  the
   rents,  issues and profits  of the  Project received  by the  Maker after
   default herein  or the Subordinated  Mortgage or  any instrument  further
   securing this Amended  and Restated   Subordinated Note  (subject to  the
   provisions  of  Paragraph 3  of  this Amended  and  Restated Subordinated

              N.  Notwithstanding the  foregoing,  the Maker,  any  partner,
   officer,  director or stockholder of  Maker shall be  subject to personal
   liability to  the extent of receipt  by them of proceeds  of insurance on
   the  Project, proceeds on account  of condemnation thereof,  or rents and
   issues and  profits of the  Project (including,  without limitation,  the
   proceeds  of any  sale of  the Project)  which Maker  has not  applied to
   payment  of this  Amended  and Restated  Subordinated  Note as  and  when
   required by the terms of the Amended and Restated Subordinated Note.

       WITNESS the  signature and seal of  the Maker hereof this  1st day of
   December, 1995.
   WITNESS:                                   MAKER:

                                              ROYAL  PALM   PLACE,  LTD.,   a
                                              Florida Limited Partnership

                                              By:     Altman      Development
                                              a Florida corporation

              This  Amended and Restated  Subordinated Note is  secured by a
   Subordinated Mortgage dated  March 20,  1991 on the  property located  in
   the City of  Kendall, County of Dade described therein  from the Maker to
   the Holder.

                                  EXHIBIT "A"


            Value of Project                                      $27,000,000

            Base Value of Project                                 $23,200,000

                    difference                                    $3,800,000

            Maximum Additional Interest Payment = 50% of
            or, $1,900,000                                        $3,800,000

            Outstanding First Mortgage Loan balance               $21,400,000

            First Mortgage Penalty                                  $415,588
            (@ 1.942% in the 7th year
            of the First Mortgage Loan)

            KIP Penalty                                           $1,926,000
            ( @ 9% in the 7th year of the
            First Mortgage Loan)

            KIP Penalty                                           $1,926,000

            Less Maximum Additional Interest Payment              $1,900,000

                    Excess                                            $26,000

            Plus KIP's 50% of First Mortgage Penalty                $207,794

            Amount paid by KIP to First Mortgage Lender             $233,794

            Amount paid by Royal Palm Place, Ltd. to                $181,794
                    First Mortgage Lender

             1.  All  capitalized terms  used above  are  as defined  in the
   Amended and Restated Subordinated Promissory Note.

                 2.     Both the  Value and  the Outstanding  First Mortgage
   Loan balance are assumed. 

                 3.  A Sale or prepayment date of May 1, 1997 is assumed.


                             $ 21,329,259.000
                             ISSUE DATE DECEMBER 1, 1995
                             SECURITY DESCRIPTION FNAR 06.2500 MB109057
                             6.2500 PERCENT PASS-THROUGH RATE
                             FANNIE MAE POOL NUMBER MB-109057
                             CUSIP 313637B25
                             PRINCIPAL  AND INTEREST  PAYABLE ON  THE 25TH OF
                             EACH MONTH
                             BEGINNING JANUARY 25, l996

                             POOL STATISTICS (AS OF ISSUE DATE) 

                    NUMBER OF MORTGAGE LOANS                               1
                    AVERAGE OUTSTANDING BALANCE                21,329,259.07
                    MATURITY DATE                                 04/01/2006
                    WEIGHTED AVG REMAINING TERM                          124
                    HIGHEST ANNUAL INTEREST RATE                      6.5000
                    LOWEST ANNUAL INTEREST RATE                       6.5000
                    WEIGHTED AVG ANNUAL INT RATE                      6.5000
                    %UPB W/ INTRST ONLY FIRST DISTRIB                    0.00


                    FLORIDA          1                         21,329,259.07


                           STATISTICS ATTACHED HERETO
                        PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST
   OF 1934.

   Each   Certificate   offered  hereby,   and   by   the  Prospectus   {the
   "Prospectus"1  to  which  this  is  a  supplement  (which  Prospectus  is
   referred  to  in  the  Pool  Statistics  attached  hereto),  evidences  a
   fractional  undivided  interest  in  a  pool  (the "Pool"1  containing  a
   conventional,  adjustable-rate  balloon   mortgage  loan  (the  "Mortgage
   Loan"1  formed and  held  in  trust  by  the  Federal  National  Mortgage
   Association  (the "Corporation"1,  a corporation  organized  and existing
   under the laws  of the United States. The Mortgage  Loan was purchased by
   the  Corporation for  resale to  Certificate holders  by issuance  of the
   Certificates,  and  they  and  the  underlying  Mortgage  Loan  are  more
   particularly described herein.

   The Certificates are issued pursuant to the terms of the  Trust Indenture
   dated as of July 1, 1984,  as amended, executed by the Corporation acting
   in   its  corporate  capacity  and   in  its  capacity   as  Trustee,  as
   supplemented by an Issue Supplement dated as of the Issue  Date set forth
   in  the Pool  Statistics  attached hereto.  The  Corporation has  certain
   contractual  servicing  responsibilities with  respect  to  the Pool.  In
   addition, the Corporation  is obligated to  distribute scheduled  monthly
   installments  of principal and interest (adjusted to the Accrual Rate) as
   further  described herein,  to the  Certificate holders,  whether  or not
   received. The Corporation is also obligated  to distribute to Certificate
   holders  the   full  principal  balance   of  the   Mortgage  Loan   upon
   foreclosure,  whether  or   not  such  principal   balance  is   actually

   The  Pool  Statistics  attached  hereto  contain statistical  information
   respecting  the  Pool,  including  a  prefix  to  the  Pool  Number  that
   identifies  the specific type of Mortgage Loan  in the Pool. The Schedule
   of  Mortgage   Loan  Information  attached  hereto   contains  additional
   Mortgage  Loan  information, including  the  maturity date,  amortization
   term and prepayment  characteristics of  the Mortgage Loan  in the  Pool.
   The  Corporation currently  intends,  but has  not committed,  to publish
   certain  updated information  about the  Mortgage Loan  periodically with
   Bloomberg L.P., or another similar information service. Such  information
   is in addition to any information provided in the Bond Buyer.

   The Schedule of  Loan Information  sets forth the  Debt Service  Coverage
   Ratio  as of  the Issue  Date for  the Mortgage  Loan. The  "Debt Service
   Coverage  Ratio"  for the  Mortgage  Loan is  the  ratio of  (a)  the Net
   Operating  Income estimated  by the  Corporation to  be generated  by the
   related  Mortgaged Property for  the 12-month period  following the Issue
   Date to (b) the product  of the amount of  the Monthly Payment in  effect
   at  the  Issue Date,  multiplied  by 12.  "Net  Operating Income"  is the
   estimated  revenue  derived from  the use  and  operation of  a Mortgaged
   Property  (consisting  primarily of  estimated  market  rental rates  and
   laundry facilities, if any)  less the estimated operating expenses  (such
   as  utilities,   general   administrative  expenses,   management   fees,
   advertising, repairs  and  maintenance)  and  less  the  estimated  fixed
   expenses (such as  insurance and  real estate taxes),  all calculated  in
   accordance with the Corporation's  Multifamily Delegated Underwriting and
   Servicing  Guide (the "DUS Guide"). The Schedule of Loan Information also
   sets forth the Debt Service  Coverage Ratio at the maximum interest  rate
   of  9.40% of the Mortgage  Loan, which was equal to  the ratio of (a) the
   current  Net Operating Income to (b) the Monthly Payment at the projected
   unpaid principal balance of  the Mortgage Loan when the  maximum interest
   rate goes into effect, multiplied by 12.

   The  Mortgage  Loan  has  been  originated  by  a  mortgage  lender  (the
   "Lender").  The promissory  note that  evidences the  Mortgage  Loan (the
   "Mortgage  Note") is secured by a security instrument (the "Mortgage") on
   a multifamily residential  property consisting of  five or more  dwelling
   units (the "Mortgaged Property").

   Interest Rate and Payments

   The Mortgage Loan provides for a monthly  payment in an amount sufficient
   to pay all  interest accruing on  such Mortgage Loan.  The Mortgage  Loan
   also  provides that, on  December 1, 1996, December  1, 1997, December 1,
   1998 and December  1, 1999, the  borrower shall make a  principal payment
   of $250,000  in addition to  any accrued  interest due and  payable. Such
   principal payment  shall be  distributed  to Certificate  holders on  the
   next  Distribution Date. The interest  rate that accrues  on the Mortgage
   Loan  prior to  December  1,  1996  is  6.50%.  Since  the  Corporation's
   servicing and guaranty  fee prior to December 1, 1996  will be .250%, the
   Accrual Rate for the  Mortgage Loan will  be 6.25% for each  distribution
   through December  1996.  Thereafter,  the  rate at  which  interest  will
   accrue on  the Mortgage  Loan will  not vary in  response to  a specified
   index  (notwithstanding the terms of the Prospectus), but shall change in
   accordance  with   the  schedule  set  forth   below.  The  Corporation's
   servicing and  guaranty fee  and the Accrual  Rate for the  Mortgage Loan
   will also change as described below.

   Mortgage Interest                                    Servicing and
   Rate Change Date    Mortgage Interest Rate    Guaranty Fee   Accrual Rate
   12-1-96                               7.00%             .500%       6.500%
   12-1-97                               7.50              .500        7.000
   12-1-98                               8.00              .625        7.375
   12-1-99                               8.50              .625        7.875
   12-1-00                               9.00              .625        8.375
   12-1-01                               9.40              .625        8.775
   12-1-04                               9.40              .875        8.525
   The Mortgage  Loan will mature on the maturity date indicated on the Pool
   Statistics information attached to this Supplement. All unpaid  principal
   will be payable as a  balloon payment due on the stated  maturity date of
   the Mortgage Note together with accrued interest.


   The borrower may prepay  the Mortgage Loan in whole, but  not in part, at
   any time  without penalty. Furthermore,  early recovery of  Mortgage Loan
   principal,  in whole  or  in part,  could occur-  on  account of  receipt
   of-casualty insurance  proceeds or  a  condemnation award  affecting  the
   Mortgaged Property. Any casualty proceeds  will be applied to restoration
   or  repair  of the  Mortgaged Property  and not  to reduce  Mortgage Loan
   principal, if there is then no Mortgage Loan default and  the Corporation
   determines that:  (i) there are  sufficient funds to  achieve restoration
   of  the  Mortgaged Property  to  a  satisfactory  condition, (ii}  rental
   income after
   restoration  will be  sufficient  to meet  all  project obligations,  and
   (iii} restoration will be completed prior to the earlier  of the maturity
   date  of such Mortgage Loan, or within one year of the event of casualty.
   Prepayment  or early  recovery  of principal  of  the Mortgage  Loan  may
   affect a Certificate holder's   yield on its investment  in Certificates.
   In  addition,  a  partial early  recovery  of  principal  may affect  the
   monthly payment  amount distributable to Certificate  holders. Fannie Mae
   guarantees the payment  of principal and interest when  due, but makes no
   representation or guaranty as  to the occurrence or non-occurrence  or an
   early   prepayment  of  principal  of  a   Mortgage  Loan  Mortgage  Loan
   Documents; Subordinate Financing

   The  Mortgage  Note  and  Mortgage  are executed  on  FNMA/FHLMC  Uniform
   Instruments  for multifamily  loans  made  in  the  state  in  which  the
   Mortgaged  Property is located (as  amended by an Addendum  and a Rider}.
   Because  the  borrower's covenants  (breach  of  which  could  result  in
   Mortgage Loan default and early  distribution of principal to Certificate
   holders} are the  covenants provided for by such standard forms, they are
   typical  of  those  contained  in  loans  secured  by  multifamily rental

   The  loan documents  also provide  that any  breach of  the terms  of any
   subordinate financing, which  remains uncured after  any applicable  cure
   period,  is  a  default  on  the  Mortgage Loan  pursuant  to  which  the
   Corporation would have the right, but  not the obligation, to declare the
   entire  principal  balance  of  the  Mortgage Loan  immediately  due  and
   payable.   The borrower has entered into subordinate financing with Krupp
   Insured Plus III Limited  Partnership, which is secured by a  junior lien
   on  the Mortgaged Property. The  subordinate note provides  that, so long
   as  the Mortgage Loan is in the  Pool, the borrower may not make payments
   on  the subordinate note (or  prepay the subordinate  note) unless income
   from the Mortgaged  Property is then  sufficient to pay  all amounts  due
   under  the Mortgage Loan, to  pay the Mortgaged  Property's necessary and
   reasonable  expenses, and to fund reserves required by the Mortgage Loan.
   Certificate holders have no right  to any payments due on the subordinate
   note.  The  subordinate  note has  no  stated  principal  amount and  its
   payments  are  characterized as  (i} "Additional  Interest" equal  to the
   greater of "Minimum  Additional Interest" and  "Shared Income  Interest,"
   and (iii)} "Shared Appreciation Interest."  "Minimum Additional Interest"
   is  interest  at  the  annual  rate  of .5%  (50  basis  points)  of  the
   outstanding  balance of the  Mortgage Loan accruing  during each calendar
   year.  "Shared Income  Interest"  per  month  is  30%  of  the  Mortgaged
   Property's  "Gross  Rental Income"  for  such  month(as  defined  in  the
   subordinate note). Additional Interest is due on January 1 of each  year,
   but the amount payable on each payment date may not exceed the lesser  of
   30% of  the Gross Rental Income  actually received in the  prior year and
   50%  of  the  Mortgaged  Properties  "Net  Income"  (as  defined  in  the
   subordinate note) for such annual period. Any amount  due but not payable
   currently is deferred for payment on  a later annual date. If not earlier
   paid,  all deferred Additional Interest is due and payable, together with
   "Shared Appreciation  Interest," when  the  Mortgaged Property  is  sold,
   when the  subordinate loan  is prepaid,  or on the  maturity date  of the
   subordinate loan  (which is the same as the maturity date of the Mortgage
   Loan};  provided that  the amount then  due shall  not exceed  50% of the
   amount by  which the value of the Mortgaged Property  at the time of such
   event,  determined  by sale  or appraisal,  exceeds  such value  when the
   Mortgage  Loan was  made (as  set forth  in the  subordinate  note), with
   adjustment  to  such  original value  for  the  amount  of any  insurance
   proceeds or condemnation award  insofar as not applied to  restoration of
   the  Mortgaged Property.  "Shared Appreciation Interest"  is 30%  of such
   excess.  The subordinate note may not be prepaid unless the Mortgage Loan
   is prepaid  at the-same time, and  the subordinate-note-must-be-prepaid U
   the Mortgage Loan is prepaid.

   The subordinate  note  provides that  in the  event of  any conflicts  or
   inconsistency  between the  terms of  the  subordinate financing  and the
   terms  of the  Mortgage  Loan, the  terms of  the  latter shall  control.
   Without consent  of the Corporation as  holder of the  Mortgage Note, li)
   the  subordinate note  may not  be modified  or amended,  and may  not be
   negotiated, assigned,  or otherwise  transferred;  (ii} if  the  Mortgage
   Loan is in default, no payments may be made on  the subordinate note; and
   (iii) the  holder of the subordinate note may not enforce its lien on the
   Mortgaged  Property,  commence  proceedings  to  collect  sums  owed,  or
   commence (or  join  in  commencing}  any  bankruptcy,  reorganization  or
   insolvency proceedings with respect to the borrower.

   Assumption and Further Encumbrance

   The Mortgage Loan is assumable by a new mortgagor in the  case of certain
   transfers  of the related Mortgaged  Property. As to  such transfers, and
   certain  sales  or   transfers  of  interests   in  the  mortgagor,   the
   Corporation's  general  policy  described  in  the  Prospectus  requiring
   acceleration  in the event of certain transfers of the Mortgaged Property
   is inapplicable.  Among the permitted transfers  are any for which  a 156
   transfer fee is paid and for which the transferee executes an  assumption
   agreement,   if   the   transferee   meets   those   standards   as    to
   creditworthiness  and  management  ability  customarily  applied  by  the
   Corporation  for  approval  of  borrowers for  loans  secured  by similar
   properties.  No portion of any  such transfer fee will  be distributed to
   Certificate holders.

                            FEDERAL TAX ASPECTS
   Certain federal income tax consequences  of the ownership of Certificates
   are  described in the Prospectus. The rulings described in the Prospectus
   under  "Certain  Federal  Income  Tax  Consequences"  and  identified  as
   Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 do not apply to a mortgage loan to  the extent that
   its principal amount exceeds the  value of the real property securing it.
   The  definition of "real property" is based  on state law for purposes of
   the rulings  described in Paragraphs 1  and 2, and on  federal income tax
   law for purposes of the  ruling described in Paragraph 3. Relying  on the
   Lender's  representations of its compliance  with requirements of the OUS
   Guide  concerning  property  appraisals  and  loan-to-value  ratios,  the
   Corporation  believes that  the fair  market value  of the  real property
   securing  the Mortgage Loan exceeds  the Issue Date  principal balance of
   such Mortgage Loan.  The principal security  for the Mortgage  Loan is  a
   first  lien on real property consisting of a multifamily rental property.
   However,  the Mortgage  Loan is  also secured  by a security  interest in
   related tangible  personal  property  (e  9.,  equipment  and  furniture}
   and-in related intangible  personal property such as rents  and revenues,
   insurance proceeds, condemnation awards or settlements,  contract rights,
   deposits, permits, accounts, licenses, and so forth.

   This  Prospectus   Supplement  does  not  contain   complete  information
   regarding this offering  and should be read only  in conjunction with the
   Prospectus that it supplements.

                   The  date  of this  Prospectus  Supplement  is the  Issue