Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

  (Mark One)

            QUARTERLY  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO   SECTION  13  OR   15(d)  OF  THEx

  For the quarterly period ended    June 30, 1996



  For the transition period from                         to                   

                 Commission file number          0-17691       

                   Krupp Insured Plus-III Limited Partnership

              Massachusetts                           04 - 3007489
  (State or other jurisdiction of                       (IRS employer
  incorporation or organization)                        identification no.)

  470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts                       02210
  (Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

                                 (617) 423-2233
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

  Indicate by  check mark  whether the  registrant (1)  has filed  all reports
  required to  be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of  the Securities Exchange Act
  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that  the
  registrant was required to file such reports), and  (2) has been subject  to
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No      

                         PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION


  This  Form 10-Q  contains forward-looking  statements within the  meaning of
  Section 27A of the Securities Act  of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
  Exchange Act of  1934.  Actual  results could  differ materially from  those
  projected in  the forward-looking  statements as  a result  of  a number  of
  factors, including those identified herein.


                                            BALANCE SHEETS


                                                             June 30,      December 31,
                                                               1996            1995   

            Participating Insured Mortgages ("PIMs")
             (Note 2)                                       $151,043,449   $151,465,652
            Mortgage-Backed Securities and insured
             mortgages ("MBS")(Note 3)                        34,185,042     36,693,963

                 Total mortgage investments                  185,228,491    188,159,615

            Cash and cash equivalents                          4,511,531      3,433,885
            Interest receivable and other assets               1,284,605      1,924,402
            Prepaid acquisition expenses and fees, net of
             accumulated amortization of $6,681,531 and 
             $6,091,012, respectively                          5,649,532      6,240,051
            Prepaid participation servicing fees, net of
             accumulated amortization of $2,270,498 and 
             $2,084,200, respectively                          1,816,034      2,002,332

                 Total assets                               $198,490,193   $201,760,285

                                   LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

            Liabilities                                     $      9,019   $     14,756

            Partners' equity (deficit) (Note 4):

              Limited Partners                               198,448,621    200,575,459
               (12,770,261 Limited Partner interests
              General Partners                                  (131,618)      (102,556)

              Unrealized gain on MBS                             164,171      1,272,626

                 Total Partners' equity                      198,481,174    201,745,529

                 Total liabilities and Partners' equity     $198,490,193   $201,760,285

                                The accompanying notes are an integral
                                   part of the financial statements.


                                         STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                              For the Three Months        For the Six Months

                                                 Ended June 30,            Ended June 30,   

                                              1996            1995         1996       1995   

       Interest income - PIMs:
         Base interest                     $2,916,924     $3,095,380   $5,837,998  $6,139,329
         Participation interest                  -           435,077         -        435,077
       Interest income - MBS                  684,368        727,278    1,382,770   1,444,302

       Interest income - other                 55,176         53,329      102,346      100,333

           Total revenues                   3,656,468      4,311,064    7,323,114   8,119,041

       Asset management fee to 
        an affiliate                          345,779        352,879      693,281      703,117
       Expense reimbursements to
        affiliates                             38,912         50,142       85,897      100,916
       Amortization of prepaid expenses 
        and fees                              388,408        405,609      776,817      811,219
       General and administrative              22,534         49,588       60,666       79,823

           Total expenses                     795,633        858,218    1,616,661    1,695,075

      Net income                           $2,860,835     $3,452,846   $5,706,453   $6,423,966

      Allocation of net income (Note 4):

       Limited Partners                    $2,775,010     $3,349,261   $5,535,25    $6,231,247

       Average net income per Limited
        Partner interest (12,770,261
        Limited Partner interests
        outstanding)                       $      .21     $      .26   $      .43   $        

       General Partners                    $   85,825     $  103,585   $  171,194   $      192,719

                               The accompanying notes are an integral
                                 part of the financial statements.


                                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                   For the Six Months   
                                                                       Ended June 30,    

                                                                   1996          1995

     Operating activities:
       Net income                                               $ 5,706,453   $ 6,423,966
       Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
        provided by operating activities:
         Amortization of prepaid expenses and fees                  776,817       811,219
         Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Decrease in interest receivable and other assets         639,797       118,939

           Increase (decrease) in liabilities                        (5,737)        8,308 

           Net cash provided by operating activities              7,117,330     7,362,432

     Investing activities:
       Principal collections on PIMs                                422,203       447,829
       Principal collections on MBS                               1,400,466       855,780
       Investment in MBS                                               -         (312,391)

           Net cash provided by investing activities              1,822,669       991,218

     Financing activity:
       Distributions                                             (7,862,353)   (7,864,182)

     Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                    1,077,646       489,468

     Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period               3,433,885     3,257,180

     Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                   $ 4,511,531   $ 3,746,648

                                The accompanying notes are an integral
                                   part of the financial statements.


                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  1.  Accounting Policies

      Certain  information  and  footnote  disclosures  normally  included  in
      financial  statements prepared  in  accordance  with generally  accepted
      accounting principles have been  condensed or omitted in this  report on
      Form 10-Q  pursuant to the Rules  and Regulations of  the Securities and
      Exchange Commission.  However,  in the opinion of the  general partners,
      Krupp  Plus   Corporation   and  Mortgage   Services  Partners   Limited
      Partnership,  (collectively the  "General  Partners")  of Krupp  Insured
      Plus-III  Limited  Partnership   (the  "Partnership"),  the  disclosures
      contained  in this report are adequate to make the information presented
      not  misleading.   See  Notes to  Financial  Statements included  in the
      Partnership's  Form  10-K  for the  year  ended  December  31, 1995  for
      additional  information  relevant  to  significant  accounting  policies
      followed by the Partnership.

      In  the  opinion  of  the  General  Partners  of  the  Partnership,  the
      accompanying  unaudited financial  statements  reflect  all  adjustments
      (consisting of  only normal  recurring  accruals) necessary  to  present
      fairly the Partnership's  financial position  as of June  30, 1996,  its
      results  of operations for the three and  six months ended June 30, 1996
      and 1995, and its cash flows for the six  months ended June 30, 1996 and

      The results  of operations for the  three and six months  ended June 30,
      1996 are not necessarily indicative of the results which may be expected
      for  the full  year.    See  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
      Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in this report.

  2.  PIMs

      During  May 1996,  the Partnership  entered into  an agreement  with the
      borrower of the Sundance  Apartments PIM that reduces the  interest paid
      monthly by the borrower by 1%  per annum and modifies the  participation
      features.    In addition,  under the  modified  terms, the  borrower may

      prepay the first mortgage loan without incurring any prepayment  penalty
      and will not have  to pay any additional  interest accumulated prior  to
      the  modification date.  Under the  agreement, the  Partnership will  be
      entitled  to 25% of the surplus cash  generated by the operations of the
      property  on an annual basis beginning with the surplus cash calculation
      for  the  year ended  December 31,  1997.   In  the event  of a  sale or
      refinancing, the  Partnership will  be entitled to  25% of the  net sale
      proceeds  or, in the case of  a refinancing, the greater  of: (i) 25% of
      the net  refinancing proceeds or (ii) a payment equal to 1% of the then-
      outstanding  first mortgage  loan balance.   Net  sale proceeds  and net
      refinancing  proceeds are  net of  certain amounts  due the  borrower or
      affiliates of the borrower.   Upon the maturity or  accelerated maturity
      of the PIM  the Partnership will  be entitled to  25% of the  difference
      between the  value of the property  less: (i) the unpaid  balance of the
      first  mortgage  loan  and (ii)  certain  amounts  due  the borrower  or
      affiliates of the borrower.

      At June  30, 1996, the Partnership s  PIM portfolio has a  fair value of
      approximately  $150,011,000 and gross unrealized  gains and losses  of  
      approximately  $910,000  and  $1,942,000,  respectively.        The  PIM
      portfolio has maturities ranging from 1999 to 2032.


                    NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

  3.    MBS

        At June  30, 1996,  the Partnership's  MBS portfolio  has an  amortized
        cost  of  approximately  $34,020,871  and  gross  unrealized gains  and
        losses of      approximately $514,404 and $350,233, respectively.   The
        Partnership's MBS have maturities ranging from 2010 to 2035.

  4.    Changes in Partners' Equity

        A summary of changes  in Partners' Equity for the six months ended June
        30, 1996 is as follows:

                                           Limited       General    Unrealized    Partners'
                                           Partners      Partners      Gain        Equity   
              Balance at December 31, 
              1995                       $200,575,459   $(102,556)  $1,272,626  $201,745,529

              Net income                    5,535,259     171,194         -        5,706,453

              Distributions                (7,662,097)   (200,256)        -       (7,862,353)

              Decrease in unrealized
              gain on MBS                     -             -       (1,108,455)   (1,108,455)

              Balance at June 30, 1996    $198,448,621   $(131,618)  $  164,171  $198,481,174


  Management s  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition  and Results of
  Operations contains  forward-looking statements  including those  concerning
  Management s  expectations regarding the  future financial  performance  and

  future  events.  These  forward-looking statements  involve significant risk
  and  uncertainties, including those  described herein.   Actual  results may
  differ  materially   from   those   anticipated  by   such   forward-looking

  Liquidity and Capital Resources

              The most significant  demand on the  Partnership's liquidity  is
  quarterly distributions  paid to  investors of  approximately $3.9  million.
  Funds  used for  investor distributions come  from interest  received on the
  PIMs, MBS, cash and  cash equivalents net of operating expenses, and certain
  principal collections received on the PIMs  and MBS. The Partnership funds a
  portion  of the distribution  from principal collections causing the capital
  resources of  the  Partnership to  continually  decrease.   As  the  capital
  resources decrease,  the total  cash inflows  to the  Partnership will  also
  decrease  which  will  result  in  periodic   downward  adjustments  to  the
  quarterly distributions paid to investors.  

              The General Partners  periodically review the  distribution rate
  to  determine whether  an adjustment to  the distribution  rate is necessary
  based on projected future cash flows.   In general, the General Partners try
  to set a distribution rate that  provides for level quarterly  distributions
  of cash available for distribution.   To the extent quarterly  distributions
  differ  from the  cash available for  distribution the  General Partners may
  adjust  the  distribution  rate  or  distribute   funds  through  a  special

              During May 1996, the Partnership entered into an agreement  with
  the  borrower  of the  Sundance  Apartments  PIM  that  reduces the  monthly
  interest  paid  by   the  borrower  by  1%   per  annum  and  modifies   the
  participation features.  The modification  will reduce the monthly cash flow
  of the  Partnership,   but  will  not  materially affect  the  Partnership s

              During the  second quarter, the  borrower of the  Friendly Hills
  PIM notified the Partnership of its intention to  prepay that PIM in  August
  1996.    In addition  to the outstanding principal  balance of approximately
  $11.3  million,  the  Partnership  will  receive  a  prepayment  penalty  of
  approximately  $1,013,000  and  all  Shared  Income  and Minimum  Additional
  interest due.  The  Partnership will use the  proceeds from this  prepayment
  to fund a special  distribution of $.97 per Limited Partner interest  during
  August 1996.

              Based on  current projections, the General  Partners believe the
  Partnership can  maintain the current  distribution rate for the foreseeable
  future  following  the  prepayment  of   the  Friendly  Hills  PIM  and  the
  subsequent special distribution to investors.

              For  the  first  five  years  of  the  PIMs  the  borrowers  are
  prohibited  from prepaying.   For the  second five  years, the  borrower can
  prepay the  loan incurring a  prepayment penalty.   The Partnership  has the
  option of calling certain  PIMs by accelerating their maturity if the  loans
  are not prepaid by the tenth year after permanent funding.   The Partnership
  will determine the  merits of exercising  the call  option for  each PIM  as
  economic  conditions warrant.  Such  factors as the  condition of the asset,
  local market conditions,  interest rates and  available financing  will have
  an impact on this decision.

  Assessment of Credit Risk

              The Partnership's  investments in  mortgages  are guaranteed  or
  insured by the  Federal National Mortgage Association ( FNMA ), the  Federal
  Home Loan Mortgage Corporation  ( FHLMC ), the Government  National Mortgage

  Association ( GNMA )  and the  Department of  Housing and  Urban Development
  ( HUD ) and  therefore the  certainty  of their cash flows  and the risk  of
  material  loss of  the amounts invested  depends on  the creditworthiness of
  these entities.

              FNMA  is  a   federally  chartered   private  corporation   that
  guarantees obligations originated under its  programs.  FHLMC is a federally
  chartered  corporation  that  guarantees  obligations originated  under  its
  programs and is wholly-owned by the twelve Federal  Home Loan Banks.   These
  obligations are not guaranteed  by the U.S.   Government or the Federal Home
  Loan Bank Board.   GNMA guarantees the full and timely payment of  principal
  and basic  interest on the securities  it issues,  which represent interests
  in pooled mortgages insured  by HUD.  Obligations  insured by HUD, an agency
  of the U.S. Government, are backed by the full faith  and credit of the U.S.

  Distributable Cash Flow and Net Cash Proceeds from Capital Transactions

              Shown below  is the calculation  of Distributable Cash  Flow and
  Net Cash Proceeds from Capital Transactions  as defined in Section 17 of the
  Partnership  Agreement and  the source  of  cash  distributions for  the six
  months ended June  30, 1996 and the  period from inception through June  30,
  1996.   The General  Partners provide certain  of the  information below  to
  meet  requirements of  the Partnership  Agreement and  because  they believe
  that it  is an  appropriate supplemental measure  of operating  performance.
  However,  Distributable  Cash  Flow  and  Net  Cash  Proceeds  from  Capital
  Transactions should not be  considered by the reader  as a substitute to net
  income as  an indicator  of the  Partnership's operating  performance or  to
  cash flows as a measure of liquidity.

                                                           (Amounts in thousands except 
                                                                per Unit amounts)
                                                       Six Months Ended     Inception to
                                                         June 30, 1996     June 30, 1996
            Distributable Cash Flow:

            Income for tax purposes                          $ 6,626          $103,721
            Items not requiring or (not providing)
             the use of operating funds:
              Amortization of prepaid expenses, fees
               and organization costs                            409             6,478
              Acquisition expenses paid from offering
               proceeds charged to operations                    -                 184
              Shared appreciation income                         -                (800)
              Gain on sale of MBS                                -                (253)

              Total Distributable Cash Flow ("DCF")          $ 7,035          $109,330

            Limited Partners Share of DCF                    $ 6,824          $106,050

            Limited Partners Share of DCF per Limited
            Partner interests ( Unit )                       $   .53              8.30 (b)

            General Partners Share of DCF                    $   211          $  3,280

            Net Proceeds from Capital Transactions:

            Principal collections and prepayments 
             (including Shared Appreciation Income)
             on PIMs                                         $   422          $ 18,260
            Principal collections and sales proceeds 

              on MBS (including gain on sale)                  1,400            61,944
            Reinvestment of MBS and PIM principal
             collections                                         -             (41,960)

            Total Net Proceeds from Capital
             Transactions                                    $ 1,822          $ 38,244

            Cash available for distribution
             (DCF plus proceeds from Capital 
              transactions)                                  $ 8,857          $147,574

              Limited Partners                               $ 7,662 (a)      $142,422 (a)

              Limited Partners Average per Unit              $   .60 (a)      $        11.15

              General Partners                               $   211 (a)      $  3,280 (a)

                    Total Distributions                      $ 7,873          $145,702

       (a)    Includes  an estimate of the  distribution to be  paid in August
       (b)    Limited Partners average per Unit return of capital as of August
              1996  is $2.85 [$11.15 -  $8.30].  Return  of capital represents
              that portion of distribution  which is not funded from  DCF such
              as proceeds from the sale of assets and substantially all of the
              principal collections received from MBS and PIMs.


       The  following discussion relates to the  operations of the Partnership
  during the three and  six months ended June  30, 1996 and  1995 (Amounts  in

                                         For the Three Months     For the Six Months
                                            Ended June 30,           Ended June 30, 
                                           1996      1995           1996      1995

            Interest income on PIMs:
              Base interest              $2,917    $3,095         $5,838     $6,139
              Participation interest        393       435            552        435
            Interest income on MBS          685       727          1,383      1,444
            Other interest income            55        53            102        100
            Partnership expenses           (408)     (452)          (840)      (883)

              Distributable Cash Flow     3,642     3,858          7,035      7,235

            Decrease in accrued 
              participation income         (393)      -             (552)       -
            Amortization of prepaid fees
             and expenses                  (389)     (405)          (777)      (811)

              Net income                 $2,860    $3,453         $5,706     $6,424

  Operations, Continued

      Net  income decreased  by  approximately $593,000  and $718,000  for the
  three and six months ended June 30, 1996,  respectively, as compared to  the
  corresponding periods  in 1995  due primarily  to lower  interest income  on
  PIMs.  Base  interest income on PIMs decreased  in 1996 as compared to  1995
  due primarily to  the interest rate reduction  on the Royal Palm  Apartments

  PIM  in  December  1995.    Although  participation  interest income  earned
  decreased $435,000  for the  three and  six months  ended June  30, 1996  as
  compared to  the three  and six  months ended June  30, 1995,  participation
  interest income accrued for  1996 will improve  as a result of  the Friendly
  Hills Apartments PIM prepayment expected in August.    


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

  Item 1.   Legal Proceedings
            Response:  None

  Item 2.   Changes in Securities
            Response:  None

  Item 3.   Defaults upon Senior Securities
            Response:  None

  Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote Security Holders
            Response:  None

  Item 5.   Other information
            Response:  None

  Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K


      (10.1)  Modification agreement dated May 23, 1996 by and between 
              Sundance Associates  II, Ltd. and Krupp Insured Plus-III Limited

      Reports on Form 8-K
      Response:  None


  Pursuant to  the requirements of  the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934, the
  registrant has duly  caused this report  to be  signed on its behalf  by the
  undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                    Krupp Insured Plus-III Limited Partnership

                    BY:    /s/Robert A. Barrows              
                           Robert A. Barrows 
                           Treasurer  and  Chief Accounting  Officer  of Krupp
                           Plus Corporation, a General Partner.

  DATE:       July 25, 1996