This Modification Agreement (the  "Agreement") is made and entered into
  as of this ___ day of  May, 1996 by and between Sundance Associates  II, LTD
  ("Borrower") and Krupp Insured Plus - III Limited Partnership ("KIP").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

       WHEREAS, the Borrower has obtained from Krupp Mortgage Corporation, now
  known as Berkshire Mortgage  Finance Corporation (the  "First Mortgagee"), a
  loan in the original amount  of Seven Million Four  Hundred Thousand Dollars
  ($7,400,000) (the "First Mortgage Loan").

       WHEREAS,  the First  Mortgage Loan  was made  with respect  to Sundance
  Village Apartments, Phase II (the  "Project") located in Miami, Florida upon
  certain  real property  more particularly  described in  Exhibit  A attached
  hereto and the terms of the following First Mortgage Loan documents:

           A.  The First Mortgage Loan is evidenced by a certain Mortgage Note
               (the  "First  Mortgage  Note") dated  July  26,  1989  from the
               Borrower to the  First Mortgagee in the  original principal sum
               of $7,400,000; and

           B.  The repayment  of  the  indebtedness  evidenced  by  the  First
               Mortgage Note is secured by, among other things, (a) a Mortgage
               dated July 26, 1989  and recorded in the Official  Records Book
               of  Dade County, Florida in  Book 14194, Page  1906 (the "First
               Mortgage"); and (b) a Regulatory Agreement dated July 26,  1989
               and  recorded in  the  Official Records  Book  of Dade  County,
               Florida in Book 14194, Page 1918 (the "Regulatory  Agreement").
               (The  First Mortgage  Note, First  Mortgage and  the Regulatory
               Agreement are  collectively referred to as  the "First Mortgage
               Loan Documents".)

       WHEREAS,  the First Mortgage  Loan is coinsured by  the First Mortgagee
  and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development  ("HUD"), as of July  26,
  1989 ("HUD Endorsement"), under Section 221(d)  (4) pursuant to Section  244
  of  the National  Housing  Act.   Accordingly,  the First  Mortgage  Loan is
  subject to the regulations and requirements of HUD.

       WHEREAS,  the First  Mortgagee  obtained  the  funding  for  the  First
  Mortgage  Loan through  the sale  to KIP  of a Government  National Mortgage
  Association Mortgaged Backed Security (the "GNMA  MBS") as evidenced by  the
  GNMA Purchase  Agreement dated  July 26, 1989.   The interest  rates on  the
  First Mortgage  Loan  and  the GNMA  MBS  were  below prevailing  rates  for
  comparable loans and securities, and the lower interest  rates inured to the
  benefit of the  Borrower.  KIP was unwilling  to acquire the GNMA MBS unless
  the  Borrower   agreed  to  pay  additional   interest  to   KIP  through  a
  participation arrangement.

       WHEREAS, the Borrower agreed to pay additional interest to KIP pursuant
  to a  subordinated promissory  note (the  "Subordinated Note")  made by  the
  Borrower  in favor  of KIP  which is  secured by a  subordinated multifamily
  mortgage (the "Subordinated Mortgage") dated July  26, 1989 and recorded  in
  the Official Records Book  of Dade County, Florida  in Book 14196, Page 2627
  (collectively, the Subordinated Loan Documents").

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

       WHEREAS,  the  Project  has  experienced   financial  difficulties  and
  Borrower has  requested assistance  from KIP  in regards  to the  Borrower's
  obligations under  the First  Mortgage Loan Documents  and the  Subordinated
  Loan Documents.

       WHEREAS,  the Borrower and  KIP have agreed to  modify the Subordinated
  Note  in  certain  respects  based  on  KIP's  willingness  to  provide  the
  financial assistance  described herein.  The  Borrower and  KIP have reached
  an agreement to  the terms and conditions of  which agreement are  set forth

       WHEREAS,  the Borrower and  KIP have agreed to  modify the Subordinated
  Note in  certain respects  to clarify the  intent of the  parties as  to the
  manner in  which certain  participation payments  are to  be calculated  and
  made by  Borrower to  KIP under this  Modification Agreement.   The Borrower
  and KIP  have reached  an agreement  to the  terms and  conditions of  which
  agreement are set forth below.

       NOW,  THEREFORE, in consideration  of the foregoing and  one dollar and
  other  good  and  valuable  consideration  in  hand  paid,  the  receipt and
  sufficiency of which is hereby  acknowledged, intending to be legally bound,
  Borrower and KIP hereby agree as follows:

  I.   KIP Funding.  Borrower shall continue to make full monthly debt service
  payments in accordance with  the First Mortgage  Note.  Upon receipt  of the
  full monthly  payment then  due, commencing with  the payment due   June  1,
  1996 and continuing until  the principal balance of  the First Mortgage Loan
  is paid in full,  KIP agrees to rebate  to the Borrower an  amount equal  to
  1/12 of 1% per annum of the then-outstanding principal balance.

  II.  Waiver of Prepayment  Penalties.   The First  Mortgage Note  stipulates
  that the Borrower  must pay a  penalty to  exercise its right to  prepay the
  debt evidenced  by the First  Mortgage Note  under specified conditions:   a
  penalty equal to 9%  of the original principal  amount for a prepayment that
  occurs during  the  sixth,  seventh, eighth  or  ninth  year  from  the  HUD
  Endorsement (July 26, 1994 through July 25, 1998) and a penalty  equal to 1%
  of the  original principal  amount for a  prepayment that occurs  during the
  tenth year from the  HUD Endorsement (July 26, 1998 through July 25,  1999).
  Under the  GNMA Purchase Agreement, any  prepayment penalties imposed  under
  the First Mortgage Note  are for the benefit of  KIP.  KIP hereby waives its
  right to collect  a prepayment penalty if  the Borrower exercises its  right
  to prepay  the First  Mortgage Loan  in full  prior to  July 25,  1999 as  a
  result of a Sale of the Project or a Refinancing of the Project.

  III.     Substitution  of  Shared  Participation  for  Additional  Interest.
  Section 1,  Payment of Additional Interest,  appearing on  pages two, three,
  four and five of  the Subordinated Note, is hereby deleted in its  entirety.
  The following is substituted in lieu thereof:

  1.   Payment of Shared Participation.  The Borrower covenants and agrees  to
  pay  KIP "Shared  Participation" which shall  mean and  include "Shared Cash
  Participation" and "Shared Appreciation Participation".

       A.  "Shared Cash  Participation" shall mean   twenty-five percent (25%)
  of  all Surplus Cash  generated by  the Project, as that  term is defined in
  the Regulatory Agreement.  Shared  Cash Participation shall be deemed earned
  by KIP in  years in which the Project  generates Surplus Cash  as calculated

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

  under the  Regulatory Agreement  definition of  Surplus Cash.   Such  Shared
  Cash  Participation shall be  deemed earned  beginning with  the calculation
  for the  fiscal year  ending December  31,   1997 and  for each fiscal  year
  thereafter  until the  entire principal balance  of the  First Mortgage Loan
  has been paid.   All  Shared Cash Participation   is due and payable to  KIP
  within 120 days  of the end of  the fiscal year in  which  there  is Surplus
  Cash and Surplus Cash may only be distributed at the end of a fiscal year.

       B.  "Shared Appreciation Participation" shall mean the following.

           (i) In the event  of a Sale of the Project,  Borrower shall pay KIP
  twenty-five percent  ( 25%) of the "Net Sale Proceeds."    Net Sale Proceeds
  shall mean all consideration  paid in connection with  a Sale of the Project
  or a beneficial  interest in the Project  or the Borrower whether direct  or
  indirect less

               (a) prorations  and  selling  expenses,  including   reasonable
                   independent   third   party  brokers'   commissions,  title
                   searches, survey  costs, recording costs, escrowed charges,
                   transfer taxes and  reasonable attorneys' fees incurred  by
                   the Borrower in connection with the Sale;
               (b) the unpaid  principal balance  of the  First Mortgage  Loan
                   and all accrued and unpaid interest thereon;
               (c) accrued and  unpaid management fees due the Borrower or any
                   Affiliate    of the  Borrower  as described  more  fully in
                   Sections IV and V of  this Modification Agreement; and
               (d) accrued and unpaid  operating advances due the  Borrower or
                   any Affiliate  of the  Borrower as described more  fully in
                   Sections IV and V of this Modification Agreement.

                All Shared Appreciation Participation  under this Section III,
  Paragraph B(i) shall be due and  payable to KIP  on the date of the Sale  of
  the Project.

           (ii)    In the event  of a Refinancing  of the  Project,   Borrower
  shall  pay KIP either   twenty-five percent (  25%) of  the "Net Refinancing
  Proceeds"  or a  payment equal to 1%  of the then-outstanding First Mortgage
  Loan  principal  balance  at  the  time  of  the  Refinancing,  whichever is
  greater.   A Refinancing  of the Project shall  mean the payment in  full of
  the First  Mortgage Loan prior to the Maturity Date under the First Mortgage
  Loan Documents from the proceeds of a loan or loans secured  by the Property
  or loans secured by  a pledge of  any beneficial interest in the  Project or
  the Borrower.   Net Refinancing Proceeds  shall mean  the difference between
  the new debt placed on the Project as a result of such a Refinancing less

               (a) the unpaid  principal balance  of the  First Mortgage  Loan
                   and all accrued and unpaid interest thereon;
               (b) usual and reasonable costs to obtain the new debt; and
               (c) accrued and unpaid management fees due the  Borrower or any
                   Affiliate   of  the  Borrower as  described  more fully  in
                   Sections IV and V of  this Modification Agreement; and
               (d) accrued and unpaid  operating advances due the  Borrower or
                   any Affiliate  of the  Borrower as described more  fully in
                   Sections IV and V of this Modification Agreement.

                All Shared Appreciation Participation  under this Section III,
  Paragraph  B(ii)  shall be  due  and  payable to  KIP  on  the date  of  the

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

  Refinancing of the Project.

           (iii)   On the Maturity Date of  the First Mortgage Loan  under the
  First  Mortgage Loan  Documents or the  Accelerated Maturity  Date under the
  Subordinated Loan Documents, Borrower shall pay  KIP  twenty-five percent  (
  25%) of the difference resulting from the "Value" of the Project less

               (a) the unpaid principal balance of the First Mortgage Loan;
               (b) accrued  and unpaid management fees due the Borrower or any
                   Affiliate   of  the  Borrower as  described  more fully  in
                   Sections IV and  V of this Modification Agreement; and
               (c) accrued and unpaid  operating advances due the  Borrower or
                   any Affiliate   of the Borrower  as  described  more  fully
                   in Sections IV and V of this Modification Agreement.

               "Value" shall  be determined  by an  appraisal of  the Project,
  prepared  at least  sixty  (60) days  prior  to  the  Maturity Date  or  the
  Accelerated Maturity Date.   The appraisal shall be prepared by a  qualified
  M.A.I.  appraiser  selected  by  the Maker  from  a  list  of  three  M.A.I.
  appraisers  selected by  the Holder.   The determination  of appraised value
  shall be based, in part, upon  the assumption that the rental income from or
  with respect  to the Project  is based on the  then prevailing market  rates
  for comparable rental  space in the same vicinity of the Project even if the
  actual  rent then  being paid by  lessees is  more or  less.   The appraisal
  shall specify:

               (a) The Value of  the Project assuming the  First Mortgage Loan
                   may  be  assumed  by a  purchaser  of  the  Project without
                   financing charge or  expenses imposed by the Holder  of the
                   First Mortgage in  connection with  such assumption  (other
                   than fees  permitted by the Secretary  of HUD for approving
                   a transfer of physical assets); and
               (b) the  Value of the Project assuming  the First Mortgage Loan
                   may not be assumed.

               The Value established under  (a) above may be utilized  only if
  the Holder  has not  elected to direct  the First Mortgagee  to declare  the
  principal sum  owing with respect  to the First Mortgage Loan  to be due and

               In the event the  Maker does not agree with the  appraisal, the
  Maker must notify  the Holder within  three (3) business days  after receipt
  thereof,  and it  may arrange  for another  appraisal of  the  Project by  a
  qualified  M.A.I. appraiser, which appraisal must be completed within thirty
  (30) days of receipt of the first appraisal.

               In the event the Holder does not agree with the appraisal which
  is obtained by  the Maker, and the Holder and the Maker are  unable to agree
  upon the Value, the  Holder must notify the Maker within three (3)  business
  cays after  the receipt  thereof, and  the Holder  may  arrange for  another
  appraisal of  the Project  by a  qualified M.A.I. appraiser  to be  selected
  jointly  by  the  two  appraisers  who  made  the  prior  appraisals,  which
  appraisals  must  be  completed  within  thirty   (30)  days.    The   Value
  established  pursuant to  this third  appraisal  shall  be binding  upon the
  Maker and the Holder. 

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

               The cost of all appraisals shall be borne by the Maker.

               Any such  Shared Appreciation Participation  earned under  this
  Section II, Paragraph  B(iii) shall be payable to KIP on the  earlier of the
  Accelerated Maturity Date or the Maturity Date.

       C.  Notwithstanding the  foregoing, in the  event of a  default by  the
  Borrower under the Subordinated Loan  Documents, and upon KIP's election, in
  its sole discretion, to accelerate all amounts owing under this   Agreement,
  KIP shall  obtain the appraisal described  in Section  III, Paragraph B(iii)
  above  within  one  hundred  twenty  (120)  days  after  KIP's  election  to
  accelerate and the Shared Appreciation Participation,  if any, owing  to KIP
  as a result of such appraisal  shall be due and payable within ten (10) days
  after a copy of the completed appraisal is delivered to Borrower.

       D.  Notwithstanding  the provisions  contained in  this Section  III of
  this Modification  Agreement for  the payments of  Shared Participation,  on
  (i)  the date of the Sale of the Project; (ii) the  date of a Refinancing of
  the  Project; or  (iii) the  Maturity  Date under  the First  Mortgage  Loan
  Documents or  the  Accelerated Maturity  Date  under  the Subordinated  Loan
  Documents, the Borrower  expressly understands and agrees  to pay to KIP all
  Shared Participation which has  accrued, but has not  been paid, and, if the
  Secretary of HUD or his successors or assigns is no longer  the coinsurer of
  the First Mortgage Note, the principal and accrued interest thereunder.

  IV.  Affiliate Advances,  Loans and  Unpaid  Management Fees.   Due  to  the
  Project's financial difficulties, the Borrower, through various  affiliates,
  has advanced funds for  operations.  As  of the Project's December  31, 1995
  Audited Financial Statements, the Borrower is  carrying a total of  $624,095
  in  liabilities due  to  affiliates, including  Eurodevelopment  Corporation
  ("EDC"), the  Borrower's general partner; CASCH,  S.A., an  affiliate of the
  Borrower's general partner;  and Sundance  Associates I, LTD, the  ownership
  entity  of  the  companion  phase  of  the  Project  (together collectively,
  "Affiliates").  These liabilities are comprised of the following.

       A.  Advances made by Borrower after First Mortgage Loan closing:
           Loan Payable to EDC                                         $20,000
           Payable for Payroll Share to EDC                                $23
           Loan Payable to Sundance Associates I                        35,000
           Payable for Payroll Share to Sundance Associates I           21,971

       B.  Accrued and Unpaid Management Fees: 
           Payable for Management Fees to EDC                          146,084

       C.  Advances  made  by Borrower  affiliate  after  First Mortgage  Loan
  closing (see Exhibit B):
           1991 through 1995 Payable for Advances from CASCH, S.A.     120,766

       D.  Advances made by  Borrower affiliate prior  to First Mortgage  Loan
  closing (see Exhibit B):
           1989 Loan and accrued Interest thereon to CASCH, S.A.       182,400
           1989 Payable for Advances from CASCH, S.A.                   98,278

       Should  the Project fail to  generate sufficient funds  to meet all the
  Project's operating expenses and its First  Mortgage Loan debt service,  and
  it  is necessary for  the Borrower  or its Affiliates   to  advance funds in
  addition  to  the amounts  listed  immediately  above  in  this Section  IV,

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

  Paragraphs  A, B  and  C, Borrower  is  required  to notify  KIP  as to  the
  purpose,  the amount,  and the  source of  each such  advance  of additional

  V.   Repayment of  Affiliate  Advances, Loans  and Unpaid  Management  Fees.
  Borrower agrees to abide by the following.

       A.  Prior to  the payment  in  full of  the  First Mortgage  Loan,  any
  reduction   in  liabilities   due   an   Affiliate  shall   be  limited   to
  reimbursements  for liabilities listed above  in Section IV  as they made be
  adjusted in amount from time to time  for previous reductions or  subsequent
  increases.   Such liabilities  may be  repaid out of  funds generated by the
  Project in excess of  First Mortgage Loan debt service payments and  Project
  expenses  in any  fiscal  year in  which  such  funds  are available.    KIP
  acknowledges that   the repayment of these specified liabilities may be made
  prior to any calculation of Surplus Cash.

       B.  In the event of a Sale of the Project,  Refinancing of the Project,
  or on  the Maturity  Date under  the First  Mortgage Loan  Documents or  the
  Accelerated  Maturity  Date  under  the  Subordinated  Loan  Documents,  any
  reimbursement  of outstanding liabilities  due the Borrower or any Affiliate
  used in  the determination of  (a) Net  Sale Proceeds  under Paragraph  III,
  Section 1  B (i), (b) Net Refinancing Proceeds under  Section III, Paragraph
  1 B (ii),  or (c) the calculation  specified in Section  III, Paragraph  1 B
  (iii) of this Modification Agreement shall  be limited to those  liabilities
  listed in Section IV of this Modification Agreement.

  VI.  Other Deletions and Substitutions.  

       A.  References to "Additional Interest" in Sections  3, 4 and 5 of  the
  Subordinated  Note  shall be  deleted.    "Shared  Participation"  as it  is
  defined in  Section III of this Modification Agreement shall be inserted.

       B.  Reference to net  proceeds of a Sale of the  Project in Section 4 B
  (iii)  of the Subordinated  Note   shall take the  meaning expressed in this
  Modification Agreement in Section III, Paragraph B (i).

       C.  Reference  to net proceeds of a refinancing  in Section 4 B (iv) of
  the Subordinated Note shall take  the meaning expressed in this Modification
  Agreement in Section III, Paragraph B (ii).

       D.  The last two full sentences in Section 4 B of the Subordinated Note
  shall be deleted in their entirety.

       E.  Sections 4 D and 4 E  of the Subordinated Note shall be  deleted in
  their entirety.

  VII.     Notice Requirements.  

       A.  All notices and  other communications required  or permitted  under
  this  Modification Agreement shall  be in writing and,  if mailed by prepaid
  United  States first-class, certified mail, return receipt requested, at any
  time  other than a general  discontinuance of postal  service due to strike,
  lockout  or otherwise, shall be deemed to be received  on the earlier of the
  date shown on the return receipt or three (3) business days after  the post-

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

  marked day  thereof.  In  addition, notices  hereunder may  be delivered  by
  hand or  by overnight  courier, in which  event the notice  shall be  deemed
  effective when delivered.  All notices  and other communications under  this
  Modification  Agreement  shall  be  given  to  the  parties  hereto  at  the
  following addresses:

               If to the Borrower:

               Sundance Associates II, LTD
               3162 Commodore Plaza, No. 2
               Coconut Grove, Florida  33133
               Attention:  Mr. Jose Camprubi

               If to KIP:

               Berkshire Mortgage Finance Corporation
               Harbor Plaza
               470 Atlantic Avenue
               Boston, Massachusetts  02210
               Attention:  Ms. Peggy DeMuth

               with a copy to:

               Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy
               Suite 600
               1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
               Washington, D.C.  20004
               Attention:  George L. Daves, Esquire

       B.  Any party hereto may  change the address to which  notices shall be
  directed under  this Section  V by giving  ten (10) days  written notice  of
  such change to the other parties.

  VIII.    Loan  Documents Not Impaired.  Except as expressly set forth herein
  with respect to the  Subordinated Note, the agreements set forth herein  are
  not intended  to affect or alter the obligations of Borrower under the First
  Mortgage  Loan  Documents  or  the  Subordinated  Loan  Documents  and  this
  Modification Agreement shall  not be construed as a novation,  renegotiation
  or release under any of these documents.

  IX.  Representations of Borrower.  Borrower hereby acknowledges and confirms
  with KIP that:

       A.  Borrower has no offsets, counterclaims or  defenses with respect to
  the obligations under the First  Mortgage Loan Documents or the Subordinated
  Loan  Documents   and  to  the  extent   that  Borrower   has  any  offsets,
  counterclaims  or  defenses  with  respect  to  the obligations  thereunder,
  Borrower  hereby  waives   and  releases  such  offsets,  counterclaims  and

       B.  Borrower  ratifies  and affirms  all  obligations  under the  First
  Mortgage Loan Documents and Subordinated Loan Documents.

       C.  Except for the matters expressly set forth herein,  Borrower hereby
  releases and  forever  discharges  KIP  and  all  its  directors,  officers,
  employees,  administrators,  agents, subsidiaries,  affiliates,  appraisers,

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996

  inspectors, accountants, attorneys,  successors and assigns from any and all
  present  existing  causes  of  action,  demands,  claims,  debts,  accounts,
  liabilities,  costs, expenses,  contract, promises,  agreements, and damages
  whatsoever (hereinafter  referred to  individually and  collectively as  the
  "Claims")  which  relate  to  the  First  Mortgage  Loan  Documents  and the
  Subordinated Loan  Documents and also  including without  limitation any and
  all Claims arising  out of or relating to the exercise by KIP  of any rights
  pursuant thereto.

  X.   Representation  of  KIP.   KIP  hereby  acknowledges that  all  payment
  obligations identified in this  Modification Agreement, First  Mortgage Loan
  Documents and the Subordinated Loan Documents are nonrecourse.

  XI.  Binding  Effect.    The  terms  and  provisions  of  this  Modification
  Agreement  shall  be  binding  upon  the  parties  hereto  and  their heirs,
  successors and assigns.

  XII.     Governing Law.    This Modification  Agreement shall  be  construed
  under the  laws of  the state  in which  the Project is  located and  if any
  provisions  of this Modification Agreement  are held by a court of competent
  jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, then  such illegality,
  invalidity  or unenforceability  shall not affect the  legality, validity or
  enforceablility of the other provisions of this Modification Agreement.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this instrument
  to be executed as the of day, month and year first written above.


  Krupp  Insured  Plus  - III  Limited
  Partnership, a Massachusetts limited

  By:  Krupp   Plus    Corporation,   a
  general partner

           Ronald Halpern
       Its:    Senior Vice President        Borrower:

                                            Sundance   Associates  II,   LTD,  a
                                            Florida limited partnership

                                            By:  Eurodevelopment  Corporation,  
                                                 a Florida  corporation, a
                                                 general partner

                                                     Jose Camprubi
                                                 Its:    President

   Modification Agreement
   May 19, 1996