The ownership and operation  of casino gaming facilities  in
          Nevada are subject to (i) the  Nevada Gaming Control Act and  the
          regulations promulgated  thereunder  (collectively,  the  "Nevada
          Act") and  (ii) various  local  ordinances and  regulations.  The
          Registrant's  Nevada  gaming  operations   are  subject  to   the
          licensing and regulatory control of the Nevada Gaming  Commission
          (the "Nevada Commission"), the Nevada State Gaming Control  Board
          (the "Nevada Board"), the City of Las Vegas and the Clark  County
          Liquor and Gaming Licensing Board (the "Clark County Board"). The
          Nevada Commission, the Nevada  Board, the City  of Las Vegas  and
          the Clark  County  Board  are collectively  referred  to  as  the
          "Nevada Gaming Authorities."

               The laws,  regulations  and supervisory  procedures  of  the
          Nevada Gaming Authorities are  based upon declarations of  public
          policy which  are concerned  with, among  other things:  (i)  the
          prevention of unsavory or unsuitable persons from having a direct
          or indirect  involvement  with  gaming at  any  time  or  in  any
          capacity; (ii) the establishment  and maintenance of  responsible
          accounting practices  and procedures;  (iii) the  maintenance  of
          effective controls  over the  financial practices  of  licensees,
          including the establishment  of minimum  procedures for  internal
          fiscal affairs  and  the  safeguarding of  assets  and  revenues,
          providing reliable  record keeping  and requiring  the filing  of
          periodic reports  with the  Nevada Gaming  Authorities; (iv)  the
          prevention  of  cheating  and   fraudulent  practices;  and   (v)
          providing a source of state  and local revenues through  taxation
          and  licensing  fees.  Change  in  such  laws,  regulations   and
          procedures could  have  an  adverse effect  on  the  Registrant's
          gaming operations.

               The  Registrant's  direct  and  indirect  subsidiaries  that
          conduct gaming  operations are  required to  be licensed  by  the
          Nevada  Gaming  Authorities.  The  gaming  licenses  require  the
          periodic payment of fees and taxes and are not transferable.  MCH
          is registered  as  an intermediary  company  and has  been  found
          suitable to own the stock of TI Corp. MCH has also been  licensed
          to conduct  nonrestricted gaming  operations  at The  Mirage.  TI
          Corp.  has  been   licensed  to   conduct  nonrestricted   gaming
          operations at Treasure  Island. GNLV  has been  registered as  an
          intermediary company and has been found suitable to own the stock
          of Golden  Nugget  Manufacturing  Corp.  ("GNMC"),  its  inactive
          subsidiary which is licensed as a manufacturer and distributor of
          gaming  devices.  GNLV   has  also  been   licensed  to   conduct
          nonrestricted gaming  operations at  the Golden  Nugget. GNL  has
          been licensed to conduct  nonrestricted gaming operations at  the
          Golden Nugget-Laughlin.    Bellagio  has been  registered  as  an
          intermediary company and has been found suitable to own the stock
          of MRGS Corp. ("MRGS"), which has been licensed as a 50%  general
          partner of Victoria  Partners.  The  Registrant is registered  by

                                 EXHIBIT 99

          the  Nevada  Commission  as  a  publicly  traded  corporation  (a
          "Registered Corporation") and has been found suitable to own  the
          stock of MCH,  GNLV, Bellagio and  GNL, each  of which,  together
          with  TI  Corp.,   MRGS  and  GNMC,   is  a  corporate   licensee
          (individually,  a  "Gaming  Subsidiary"  and  collectively,   the
          "Gaming Subsidiaries") under the  Nevada Act.  Victoria  Partners
          has been licensed to  conduct nonrestricted gaming operations  at
          Monte  Carlo  and  certain  subsidiaries  of  Circus  have   been
          registered or licensed for their ownership of Victoria Partners.

               As a  Registered  Corporation, the  Registrant  is  required
          periodically to submit detailed  financial and operating  reports
          to the Nevada Commission and furnish any other information  which
          the Nevada  Commission  may  require.  No  person  may  become  a
          stockholder of, or  receive any percentage  of profits from,  the
          Gaming  Subsidiaries   without  first   obtaining  licenses   and
          approvals from the Nevada Gaming Authorities. The Registrant  and
          the Gaming  Subsidiaries have  obtained  from the  Nevada  Gaming
          Authorities the various  registrations, findings of  suitability,
          approvals, permits and  licenses required in  order to engage  in
          gaming activities in Nevada.

               All  gaming   devices  that   are  manufactured,   sold   or
          distributed for  use  or  play in  Nevada,  or  for  distribution
          outside of Nevada, must be manufactured by licensed manufacturers
          and distributed or  sold by  licensed distributors.   All  gaming
          devices manufactured for use or play  in Nevada must be  approved
          by the  Nevada Commission  before  distribution or  exposure  for
          play.  The approval process for gaming devices includes  rigorous
          testing by the Nevada Board, a field trial and a determination as
          to whether  the gaming  device meets  strict technical  standards
          that are set  forth  in the regulations of the Nevada Commission.  
          Associated equipment  must be  administratively approved  by  the
          Chairman of the Nevada Board before it is distributed for use  in

               The Nevada Gaming Authorities may investigate any individual
          who has a material relationship to, or material involvement with,
          the Registrant or the Gaming  Subsidiaries in order to  determine
          whether such individual is  suitable or should  be licensed as  a
          business associate of a gaming licensee. Officers, directors  and
          certain key  employees  of  the  Gaming  Subsidiaries  must  file
          applications with  the  Nevada  Gaming  Authorities  and  may  be
          required to be licensed  or found suitable  by the Nevada  Gaming
          Authorities.  Officers,  directors  and  key  employees  of   the
          Registrant who  are  actively  and directly  involved  in  gaming
          activities of  the  Gaming Subsidiaries  may  be required  to  be
          licensed or found suitable by the Nevada Gaming Authorities.  The
          Nevada Gaming Authorities may  deny an application for  licensing
          for  any  cause  which  they   deem  reasonable.  A  finding   of
          suitability  is  comparable  to   licensing,  and  both   require
          submission  of  detailed   personal  and  financial   information
          followed by a thorough investigation. The applicant for licensing
          or a  finding  of suitability  must  pay  all the  costs  of  the

          investigation. Changes in licensed positions must be reported  to
          the Nevada Gaming Authorities, and in addition to their authority
          to deny an application for a finding of suitability or licensure,
          the Nevada Gaming Authorities  have jurisdiction to disapprove  a
          change in a corporate position.

               If the Nevada  Gaming Authorities were  to find an  officer,
          director or key employee  unsuitable for licensing or  unsuitable
          to continue  having a  relationship with  the Registrant  or  the
          Gaming Subsidiaries, the companies  involved would have to  sever
          all relationships  with  such  person. In  addition,  the  Nevada
          Commission may require the Registrant or the Gaming  Subsidiaries
          to terminate the  employment of any  person who  refuses to  file
          appropriate applications.  Determinations  of suitability  or  of
          questions pertaining  to licensing  are not  subject to  judicial
          review in Nevada.

               The Registrant and the  Gaming Subsidiaries are required  to
          submit detailed  financial and  operating reports  to the  Nevada
          Commission. Substantially all  material loans,  leases, sales  of
          securities and similar financing transactions entered into by the
          Gaming Subsidiaries must be reported to or approved by the Nevada

               If it were determined that the Nevada Act was violated by  a
          Gaming Subsidiary,  the  licenses  it  holds  could  be  limited,
          conditioned, suspended  or revoked,  subject to  compliance  with
          certain statutory  and regulatory  procedures. In  addition,  the
          Registrant, the  Gaming  Subsidiaries and  the  persons  involved
          could be subject to substantial fines for each separate violation
          of the Nevada  Act at the  discretion of  the Nevada  Commission.
          Further, a supervisor could be appointed by the Nevada Commission
          to operate The  Mirage, Treasure Island,  the Golden Nugget,  the
          Golden  Nugget-Laughlin  and  Monte  Carlo  and,  under   certain
          circumstances,  earnings   generated  during   the   supervisor's
          appointment (except  for  the  reasonable  rental  value  of  the
          casino) could be  forfeited to the  State of Nevada.  Limitation,
          conditioning or  suspension of  the gaming  license of  a  Gaming
          Subsidiary  or  the  appointment  of  a  supervisor  could   (and
          revocation of  any  gaming license  would)  materially  adversely
          affect the Registrant's gaming operations.
               Any beneficial holder of the Registrant's voting securities,
          regardless of the number of shares owned, may be required to file
          an application, be  investigated and  have his  suitability as  a
          beneficial  holder   of   the  Registrant's   voting   securities
          determined if the  Nevada Commission has  reason to believe  that
          such ownership would be  inconsistent with the declared  policies
          of the  State of  Nevada. The  applicant must  pay all  costs  of
          investigation  incurred  by  the  Nevada  Gaming  Authorities  in
          conducting any such investigation.


               The Nevada Act requires any person who acquires more than 5%
          of a  Registered Corporation's  voting securities  to report  the
          acquisition to  the Nevada  Commission. The  Nevada Act  requires
          that  beneficial  owners  of  more  than  10%  of  a   Registered
          Corporation's voting securities  apply to  the Nevada  Commission
          for a finding of suitability within 30 days after the Chairman of
          the Nevada Board  mails a written  notice requiring such  filing.
          Under certain  circumstances,  an  "institutional  investor,"  as
          defined in the Nevada Act, which acquires more than 10%, but  not
          more than 15%,  of a Registered  Corporation's voting  securities
          may apply to the Nevada Commission  for a waiver of such  finding
          of suitability requirement if  such institutional investor  holds
          the  voting   securities  for   investment  purposes   only.   An
          institutional  investor  shall  not  be  deemed  to  hold  voting
          securities for investment purposes  unless the voting  securities
          were acquired and are held in the ordinary course of business  as
          an institutional investor  and not  for the  purpose of  causing,
          directly or indirectly, the election of a majority of the members
          of the  board of  directors of  the Registered  Corporation,  any
          change in the corporate charter, bylaws, management, policies  or
          operations of the  Registered Corporation  or any  of its  gaming
          affiliates or any other action which the Nevada Commission  finds
          to be  inconsistent  with holding  the  Registered  Corporation's
          voting securities for investment purposes only. Activities  which
          are not deemed to be inconsistent with holding voting  securities
          for investment purposes only include:  (i) voting on all  matters
          voted  on  by  stockholders;  (ii)  making  financial  and  other
          inquiries of management of the  type normally made by  securities
          analysts for informational purposes and not to cause a change  in
          its management,  policies or  operations;  and (iii)  such  other
          activities  as  the  Nevada   Commission  may  determine  to   be
          consistent with such investment  intent.  The  City of Las  Vegas
          and the  Clark County  Board have  the authority  to approve  all
          persons owning  or  controlling  the  stock  of  any  corporation
          controlling a  gaming  licensee.   If  the beneficial  holder  of
          voting securities who  must be found  suitable is a  corporation,
          partnership or  trust,  it  must  submit  detailed  business  and
          financial information, including a list of beneficial owners. The
          applicant is required to pay all costs of investigation.
               Any person who fails  or refuses to apply  for a finding  of
          suitability or a license within 30 days after being ordered to do
          so by the Nevada Commission or  the Chairman of the Nevada  Board
          may be found unsuitable. The same restrictions apply to a  record


          owner if the record owner, after  request, fails to identify  the
          beneficial owner.  Any stockholder  found unsuitable  who  holds,
          directly or indirectly,  any beneficial ownership  of the  voting
          securities beyond such period of time as may be prescribed by the
          Nevada Commission  may  be  guilty of  a  criminal  offense.  The
          Registrant  is  subject  to  disciplinary  action  if,  after  it
          receives notice that a person is  unsuitable to be a  stockholder
          or to  have any  other relationship  with the  Registrant or  the
          Gaming Subsidiaries,  the Registrant:  (i) pays  such person  any
          dividend or interest  upon voting securities  of the  Registrant;
          (ii) allows such person to exercise, directly or indirectly,  any
          voting right conferred  through securities held  by that  person;
          (iii) pays remuneration in any form  to such person for  services
          rendered or otherwise; or (iv) fails to pursue all lawful efforts
          to require  such  person  to  relinquish  his  voting  securities
          including, if  necessary, the  immediate purchase  of the  voting
          securities for cash at fair market value.

               The Nevada Commission  may, in its  discretion, require  the
          holder of any debt security of  a Registered Corporation to  file
          applications, be investigated  and be found  suitable to own  the
          debt security if  it has reason  to believe  that such  ownership
          would be inconsistent with the declared policies of the State  of
          Nevada.  If  the Nevada Commission  determines that  a person  is
          unsuitable to own such security, then pursuant to the Nevada Act,
          the Registered Corporation can be sanctioned, including the  loss
          of its approvals,  if without the  prior approval  of the  Nevada
          Commission, it: (i) pays to  the unsuitable person any  dividend,
          interest or  any  distribution whatsoever;  (ii)  recognizes  any
          voting right by  such unsuitable person  in connection with  such
          securities; (iii) pays the unsuitable person remuneration in  any
          form; or (iv) makes any payment  to the unsuitable person by  way
          of principal,  redemption, conversion,  exchange, liquidation  or
          similar transaction.

               The Registrant  is  required  to maintain  a  current  stock
          ledger in  Nevada which  may be  examined  by the  Nevada  Gaming
          Authorities at any time. If any  securities are held in trust  by
          an agent  or  nominee,  the record  holder  may  be  required  to
          disclose the  identity  of the  beneficial  owner to  the  Nevada
          Gaming Authorities.  A failure  to make  such disclosure  may  be
          grounds for finding the record holder unsuitable. The  Registrant
          is also required to render maximum assistance in determining  the
          identity of the beneficial owner.  The Nevada Commission has  the
          power to require  the Registrant's stock  certificates to bear  a
          legend indicating that the securities  are subject to the  Nevada
          Act. To  date,  the Nevada  Commission  has not  imposed  such  a
          requirement on the Registrant.


               The Registrant  may not  make  a  public  offering  of  its
          securities without the prior approval of the Nevada Commission if
          the securities or proceeds therefrom are  intended to be used  to
          construct, acquire or finance gaming  facilities in Nevada or  to
          retire or extend obligations incurred for such purposes.  In  May
          1996, the Nevada Commission granted the Registrant prior approval
          to make public  offerings for a  period of one  year, subject  to
          certain conditions  (the "Shelf  Approval"). However,  the  Shelf
          Approval may be  rescinded for  good cause  without prior  notice
          upon the issuance of an interlocutory stop order by the  Chairman
          of the  Nevada Board.  The Shelf  Approval  also applies  to  any
          affiliated  company   wholly   owned  by   the   Registrant   (an
          "Affiliate") which  is a  publicly  traded corporation  or  would
          thereby become a publicly traded corporation pursuant to a public
          offering. The  Shelf  Approval  also includes  approval  for  the
          Gaming Subsidiaries to  guarantee any security  issued by, or  to
          hypothecate their assets to secure the payment or performance  of
          any obligations issued by,  the Registrant or  an Affiliate in  a
          public offering under the Shelf Approval. The Shelf Approval does
          not constitute  a  finding,  recommendation or  approval  by  the
          Nevada Commission  or the  Nevada Board  as  to the  accuracy  or
          adequacy of  the  prospectus  or the  investment  merits  of  the
          securities  offered.  Any  representation  to  the  contrary   is
          unlawful.  The Registrant has filed an application for renewal of
          the Shelf Approval,  which it anticipates  will be considered  by
          the Nevada Board and the Nevada Commission in May 1997.
               Changes  in  control  of  the  Registrant  through   merger,
          consolidation,  stock  or   asset  acquisitions,  management   or
          consulting agreements or any act or  conduct by a person  whereby
          he obtains control may  not occur without  the prior approval  of
          the Nevada Commission. Entities seeking  to acquire control of  a
          Registered Corporation must satisfy  the Nevada Board and  Nevada
          Commission with respect to a variety of stringent standards prior
          to assuming control  of such Registered  Corporation. The  Nevada
          Commission may also  require controlling stockholders,  officers,
          directors and  other persons  having a  material relationship  or
          involvement with the  entity proposing to  acquire control to  be
          investigated  and  licensed  as  part  of  the  approval  process
          relating to the transaction.

               The Nevada  Legislature  has declared  that  some  corporate
          acquisitions  opposed  by   management,  repurchases  of   voting
          securities  and  corporate  defensive  tactics  affecting  Nevada
          corporate gaming licensees, and Registered Corporations that  are
          affiliated with those operations, may be injurious to stable  and
          productive  corporate   gaming.   The   Nevada   Commission   has
          established a  regulatory scheme  to ameliorate  the  potentially
          adverse effects of these business practices upon Nevada's  gaming
          industry and  to  further  Nevada's policy  to:  (i)  assure  the
          financial stability  of  corporate  gaming  licensees  and  their
          affiliates; (ii) preserve  the beneficial  aspects of  conducting
          business in  the  corporate form;  and  (iii) promote  a  neutral
          environment for  the  orderly governance  of  corporate  affairs.
          Approvals are, in certain circumstances, required from the Nevada
          Commission before the Registered Corporation can make exceptional
          repurchases of voting securities  above the current market  price
          thereof and before a corporate acquisition opposed by  management
          can be consummated. The Nevada  Act also requires prior  approval
          of  a  plan  of  recapitalization  proposed  by  the   Registered
          Corporation's board of  directors in response  to a tender  offer
          made directly to  the Registered  Corporation's stockholders  for
          the purpose of acquiring control of the Registered Corporation.

               License fees and taxes,  computed in various ways  depending
          on the type of  gaming or activity involved,  are payable to  the
          State of Nevada and to Clark County and the City of Las Vegas, in
          which  the   Gaming  Subsidiaries'   respective  operations   are
          conducted. Depending  upon the  particular fee  or tax  involved,
          these fees and taxes are  payable monthly, quarterly or  annually
          and are  based  upon: (i)  a  percentage of  the  gross  revenues
          received; (ii) the  number of gaming  devices operated; or  (iii)
          the number of table games operated. A casino entertainment tax is
          also paid by casino  operations where entertainment is  furnished
          in  connection  with  the   selling  of  food,  refreshments   or
          merchandise.   Nevada licensees  that  hold a  manufacturer's  or
          distributor's license, such as GNMC, also pay certain fees to the
          State of Nevada.

               Any  person  who  is  licensed,  required  to  be  licensed,
          registered, required to be registered or is under common  control
          with such persons (collectively,  "Licensees"), and who  proposes
          to become  involved in  a gaming  venture outside  of Nevada,  is
          required  to  deposit  with  the  Nevada  Board,  and  thereafter
          maintain, a revolving fund  in the amount of  $10,000 to pay  the
          expenses  of   investigation  by   the   Nevada  Board   of   its
          participation in  such  foreign  gaming. The  revolving  fund  is
          subject to increase or decrease at  the discretion of the  Nevada
          Commission. Thereafter,  Licensees are  required to  comply  with
          certain  reporting  requirements  imposed  by  the  Nevada   Act.
          Licensees are also subject to  disciplinary action by the  Nevada
          Commission if  they knowingly  violate any  laws of  the  foreign
          jurisdiction pertaining to the foreign gaming operation, fail  to
          conduct the  foreign  gaming  operation in  accordance  with  the

          standards of  honesty and  integrity  required of  Nevada  gaming
          operations, engage in activities that are harmful to the State of
          Nevada or its ability to collect gaming taxes and fees or  employ
          a person in the foreign operation  who has been denied a  license
          or finding of  suitability in Nevada  on the  ground of  personal
               The sale  of alcoholic  beverages  at The  Mirage,  Treasure
          Island and the Golden Nugget-Laughlin, and the sale of  alcoholic
          beverages at the Golden Nugget, are subject to licensing, control
          and regulation by  the Clark  County Board  and the  City of  Las
          Vegas, respectively.  All  licenses  are revocable  and  are  not
          transferable. The  agencies involved  have full  power to  limit,
          condition, suspend  or  revoke any  such  license, and  any  such
          disciplinary action could (and revocation would) have a  material
          adverse effect on the operations of the Gaming Subsidiaries.
