Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the Registrant                               [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant            [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[x]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section.240-14a-11(c) or Section.240-
[ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule

                            Franklin Universal Trust
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                            Franklin Universal Trust
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

     (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
           the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary material.

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
      was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
      statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)   Amount Previously Paid:

      2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      3)   Filing Party:

      4)   Date Filed:

777 Mariners Island Blvd.
P.O. Box 7777
San Mateo, CA 94403-7777

                              IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                               FOR SHAREHOLDERS OF
                            FRANKLIN UNIVERSAL TRUST

The enclosed  materials  include your proxy  statement and proxy card. The proxy
card serves as a ballot which allows you to express your views regarding certain
aspects of Franklin  Universal Trust's (the "Fund")  operations.  To assure that
your votes are cast in  accordance  with your  preferences,  please fill out and
sign the proxy card, and return it in the accompanying  postage-paid envelope to
the Fund.

The Fund  requests  your  vote on five  matters  -- the  election  of a Board of
Trustees,  the  confirmation  of  the  Board  of  Trustees'  appointment  of the
independent  auditors for the Fund - which are annually  presented to the Fund's
shareholders for their consideration and three changes to the Fund's fundamental
investment  restrictions.  Please complete,  sign and mail the proxy card to the
Fund to reduce the expenses  associated with conducting  additional or follow-up
solicitations of shareholders.

We look forward to receiving your votes on the proposed  matters.  Please take a
moment to review these materials and return your proxy to the Fund.


            A Letter from the Chairman

            Proxy Information ...............................  1

            Q&A .............................................  2

            Notice Of Annual Meeting ........................  5

            The Proxy Statement .............................  7

            Proposal 1 ......................................  7

            Proposal 2 ...................................... 12

            Proposal 3 ...................................... 13

            Proposal 4 ...................................... 13

            Proposal 5 ...................................... 14

            Other Information ............................... 15

A Letter from the Chairman

Dear Fellow Shareholders:

I am writing to request  that you  consider  five  matters  that  relate to your
Franklin  Universal  Trust (the "Fund").  The Board of Trustees (the "Board") of
the Fund asks that you cast your vote in favor of:

    1. Electing a Board of Trustees;

    2. Ratifying the appointment by the Trustees of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP
       as the independent auditors for the Fund for its current fiscal year; and

    3. Eliminating or revising three fundamental investment restrictions.

Each year, in accordance with legal  requirements,  the Fund, in connection with
or as part of its annual  meeting,  submits the  election  of  Trustees  and the
approval of the Fund's auditors to a shareholder vote. As in past years, we urge
you to confirm the Board's recommendations by electing the proposed Trustees and
ratifying the selection of the auditors.

We have also proposed eliminating certain fundamental  investment  restrictions.
These  restrictions  were once required by various  states' "Blue Sky Laws," but
because of Congressional action last year are no longer mandatory.  With respect
to the third  restriction  regarding  lending,  we believe that the  recommended
changes will provide  additional  investment  opportunities to the Fund. We urge
you to approve these proposals which are designed to benefit all shareholders by
providing  the  Fund  with  greater   flexibility  in  pursuing  its  investment

The  proxy   statement   includes   explanatory   notes  (in   italics)   and  a
question-and-answer  format  designed  to  provide  you with a simpler  and more
concise  explanation  of certain  issues.  While much of the  information in the
proxy statement is technical and required by the various regulations that govern
the Fund, we hope that this format will be helpful to you.

Each  shareholder's  vote is important to the Fund.  On behalf of the  Trustees,
thank you in advance for  considering  these issues and for  promptly  returning
your proxy card.


                                        CHARLES B. JOHNSON
                                        Chairman of the Board

                                PROXY INFORMATION

Franklin Universal Trust (the "Fund") will host its Annual Shareholders  Meeting
on August 26, 1998, at our Headquarters at 777 Mariners Island Blvd., San Mateo,
California 94404. The purpose is to vote on some important matters affecting the

The first few pages of this booklet  summarize the Fund's  proposals and explain
the proxy process -- including how to cast your vote(s). Before you vote, please
read the full text of the proxy  statement for a complete  understanding  of the


In accordance with certain legal  requirements,  the Fund is required to hold an
annual  shareholders  meeting  to  elect a board  of  trustees  and  ratify  the
appointment  by the Fund's  board of the  Fund's  independent  auditors  for the
current fiscal year.

                     PROPOSALS 3, 4 AND 5: THREE CHANGES TO

We  would  like to make a number  of minor  changes  to the  Fund's  fundamental
investment  restrictions.  These proposals would eliminate  prohibitions against
investment in oil, gas, mineral and real estate interests (although the Fund has
no present intention in doing so) and engaging in short sales of securities; and
permit  investment in a broader range of commercial  loans.  By  eliminating  or
revising these  fundamental  investment  restrictions,  the Fund will gain added
flexibility  to pursue  its  investment  objectives  without  affecting  current
operations.  The Fund will continue to be subject to the Investment  Company Act
of  1940,  as  amended,  and  Board  oversight  with  respect  to  the  proposed

- - Q & A -

Q. Who is asking for my vote?

A.  Trustees of Franklin  Universal  Trust (the "Fund") in  connection  with the
annual  shareholders  meeting to be held August 26, 1998 (the  "Meeting"),  have
asked that you vote on several matters. It is expected that this proxy statement
will be first mailed to shareholders on or about July 17, 1998.

Q. Why do I need to vote?

A. Your vote makes a difference.  Shareholders,  like any other business  owner,
should  express  their  opinions  about the Fund's Board and  auditors,  and its
operations.  Further, if numerous  shareholders fail to vote their proxies,  the
Fund may not  receive  enough  votes to go  forward  with its  meeting.  If this
happens,  we will need to mail proxies  again -- a costly  proposition  for your
Fund which you will  ultimately  bear in part. We encourage all  shareholders to
participate in the governance of the Fund.

Q. Who gets to vote?

A. Any person who owned shares of beneficial  interest ("Shares") of the Fund on
the "record date," which was June 25, 1998,  gets to vote at the Meeting and any
adjournments,  even if the  investor  later sold the  Shares.  Shareholders  are
entitled to cast one vote for each proposal,  for each Share owned on the record
date.  Your  completed  and signed proxy will be voted in  accordance  with your
instructions.  If you sign the proxy, but do not mark a preference,  your Shares
will be voted in accordance with the Trustees' recommendations.

Q. How can I vote?

A. You can vote in any one of four ways:

     o    By mail, with the enclosed ballot.

     o    In person at the Meeting.

     o    Through  Shareholder   Communications  Corporation  ("SCC"),  a  proxy
          solicitor,  by  calling  1-800/733-8481,   ext.  403  or  faxing  your
          completed ballot to SCC at 1-800/733-1885.

Whichever  method you choose,  please take the time to read the full text of the
proxy statement before you vote.

Q. I plan to vote by mail or fax. How should I sign my proxy card?

A. If you are an  individual  account  owner,  please sign  exactly as your name
appears on the proxy card. If you are an owner of a joint  account,  both owners
must sign the  proxy  card.  You  should  sign  proxy  cards for other  types of
accounts in a way that indicates your authority.

Q. How does the Board of Trustees suggest that I vote?

A. After careful  consideration,  the Board of Trustees  unanimously  recommends
that you vote your Fund Shares FOR:

   1. The election of all nominees as trustees;

   2. The  ratification  of the  selection  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  as
      independent auditors;

   3. The elimination to the Fund's fundamental investment restriction regarding
      the purchase and sale of oil, gas, mineral and/or real estate interests;

   4. The elimination to the Fund's fundamental investment restriction regarding
      short sales of securities; and

   5. The amendment to the Fund's fundamental  investment  restriction regarding

Q. How can I get more information about the Fund?

A.  A  copy  of  the  Fund's  annual  report  has  previously   been  mailed  to
shareholders.  If you would like to have copies of the Fund's most recent annual
and semi-annual reports sent to you free of charge,  please call us toll free at
1-800/DIAL  BEN(R) or write to the Fund at 777 Mariners  Island Blvd.,  P.O. Box
7777, San Mateo, CA 94403-7777

Q. Whom do I call if I have questions?

A. Please call us at 1-800/DIAL BEN(R) or SCC at 1-800/733-8481, ext. 403.

The  Notice,  set forth  below,  constitutes  the  formal  agenda for the Annual
Shareholders  Meeting.  The Notice  specifies  what issues will be considered by
shareholders, and the time and location of the Meeting.

    All shareholders are cordially  invited to attend the Meeting in person.  If
    you do not  expect  to attend  the  Meeting,  please  indicate  your  voting
    instructions on the proxy card, which is included with these materials, date
    and sign it, and return it in the envelope  provided.  This is addressed for
    your  convenience  and needs no postage  if mailed in the U.S.  You may also
    vote by telephone or fax, if preferred,  by following the directions on page
    2. In  order  to  avoid  the  additional  expense  to the  Fund  of  further
    solicitation, please mail in your executed proxy or vote promptly.

                            FRANKLIN UNIVERSAL TRUST


                           TO BE HELD AUGUST 26, 1998

To the Shareholders of Franklin Universal Trust:

Notice is hereby given that the Annual  Shareholders  Meeting (the "Meeting") of
Franklin  Universal  Trust (the "Fund") will be held at the offices of the Fund,
777 Mariners Island Blvd.,  San Mateo,  California,  94404 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific
time, on August 26, 1998, to consider the following matters:

     1.   To elect a Board of Trustees of the Fund.

     2.   To ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, as independent
          auditors for the Fund for the current fiscal year.

     3.   To eliminate the Fund's fundamental  investment  restriction regarding
          the  purchase  and  sale of  oil,  gas,  mineral  and/or  real  estate

     4.   To eliminate the Fund's fundamental  investment  restriction regarding
          short sales of securities.

     5.   To amend  the  Fund's  fundamental  investment  restriction  regarding

     6.   To consider  any other  business  (none being known to the Board as of
          the date of this Notice) as may properly come before the Meeting.

                                        By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        DEBORAH R. GATZEK

San Mateo, California
Dated: July 17, 1998

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                        NO MATTER HOW MANY SHARES YOU OWN

    The proxy statement, which begins below, is designed to furnish shareholders
    with the  information  necessary  to vote on the matters  coming  before the
    meeting. If you have any questions,  please call us at our toll free number:
    1-800/DIAL BEN(R).

                            FRANKLIN UNIVERSAL TRUST

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                           ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING
                           To Be Held August 26, 1998


The role of trustees is to provide general  oversight of the Fund's business and
to  ensure  that the Fund is  operated  for the  benefit  of  shareholders.  The
trustees meet monthly and review the Fund's investment performance. The trustees
also oversee the services  furnished to the Fund by its  investment  adviser and
various other service providers.  The Board of Trustees (the "Board") recommends
that you vote for the election of each nominee as a Trustee.

The following  persons,  who make up the current Board have been nominated to be
Trustees of the Fund, to hold office until the next Annual Shareholders Meeting,
and until their successors are elected and qualified to serve:  Frank H. Abbott,
III,  Harris J. Ashton,  S. Joseph  Fortunato,  Edward B.  Jamieson,  Charles B.
Johnson, Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., Frank W.T. LaHaye, and Gordon S. Macklin.

All of the nominees have consented to serve as Trustees if elected.  However, if
any  nominee is not  available  for  election  at the time of the  Meeting,  the
person(s) named in the proxy may vote for any other person in their  discretion,
or they may  choose not to elect or vote to elect  anyone to fill the  position.
Provided  that a quorum is present,  the eight  nominees  receiving the greatest
number of votes will be elected.  Trustees who are  "interested  persons" of the
Fund, as defined in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,  (the "1940
Act") are designated by an asterisk(*).

                                                            Shares Beneficially
                                                            Owned in the
                                             Fund Shares    Franklin Templeton
                                             Beneficially   Group of Funds
 Name, Age, Address and           Length of  Owned as of    (including the Fund)
 Five-Year Business Experience    Service    June 16, 1998  as of June 16, 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Frank H. Abbott, III (77)        Trustee since   None        613,974
 1045 Sansome Street              June 1988
 San Francisco, CA 94111


 President and Director, Abbott Corporation (an investment company); director or
 trustee, as the case may be, of 27 of the investment  companies in the Franklin
 Templeton  Group of  Funds;  and  formerly,  Director,  MotherLode  Gold  Mines
 Consolidated (gold mining) and Vacu-Dry Co. (food processing).

 Harris J. Ashton (66)            Trustee since   None        861,572
 191 Clapboard Ridge Road         June 1988
 Greenwich, CT 06830


 Director,  RBC Holdings,  Inc. (a bank holding company) and Bar-S Foods (a meat
 packing  company);  director  or  trustee,  as the  case  may be,  of 49 of the
 investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton Group of Funds;  and formerly,
 President,  Chief  Executive  Officer and  Chairman of the Board,  General Host
 Corporation (nursery and craft centers).

 S. Joseph Fortunato (65)         Trustee since   2,365       359,946
 Park Avenue at Morris County     March 1989
 P.O. Box 1945
 Morristown, NJ 07962-1945


 Member of the law firm of Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch; director or trustee, as
 the case may be, of 51 of the  investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton
 Group of Funds; and formerly,  Director,  General Host Corporation (nursery and
 craft centers).

 *Edward B. Jamieson (49)         Trustee since   None        181,521
 777 Mariners Island Blvd.        September 1993
 San Mateo, CA 94404

 President and Trustee

 Executive Vice President and Portfolio Manager,  Franklin  Advisers,  Inc.; and
 officer  and  trustee  of  four of the  investment  companies  in the  Franklin
 Templeton Group of Funds.

 *Charles B. Johnson (65)         Trustee since   1,000     1,474,371
  777 Mariners Island Blvd.       June 1988
  San Mateo, CA 94404

 Chairman of the Board and Trustee

 President,  Chief Executive  Officer and Director,  Franklin  Resources,  Inc.;
 Chairman of the Board and Director,  Franklin Advisers, Inc., Franklin Advisory
 Services,  Inc.,  Franklin  Investment  Advisory  Services,  Inc.  and Franklin
 Templeton Distributors,  Inc.; Director,  Franklin/Templeton Investor Services,
 Inc. and Franklin Templeton Services, Inc.; officer and/or director or trustee,
 as the case may be, of most of the other  subsidiaries  of Franklin  Resources,
 Inc. and of 50 of the investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton Group of
 Funds;  and formerly,  Director,  General Host  Corporation  (nursery and craft

 *Rupert H. Johnson, Jr. (57)     Trustee since   1,000    18,253,246
  777 Mariners Island Blvd.       June 1988
  San Mateo, CA 94404

 Senior Vice President and Trustee

 Executive Vice President and Director,  Franklin  Resources,  Inc. and Franklin
 Templeton Distributors,  Inc.; President and Director, Franklin Advisers, Inc.;
 Senior Vice  President  and  Director,  Franklin  Advisory  Services,  Inc. and
 Franklin  Investment  Advisory  Services,  Inc.;  Director,  Franklin/Templeton
 Investor  Services,  Inc.; and officer and/or director or trustee,  as the case
 may be, of most of the other subsidiaries of Franklin Resources, Inc. and of 53
 of the investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.

 Frank W.T. LaHaye (69)           Trustee since   2,250       745,011
 20833 Stevens Creek Blvd.        June 1988
 Suite 102
 Cupertino, CA 95014


 General  Partner,  Miller & LaHaye,  which is the General  Partner of Peregrine
 Ventures  II  (venture  capital  firm);  Chairman  of the Board  and  Director,
 Quarterdeck   Corporation  (software  firm);  Director,   Digital  Transmission
 Systems, Inc. (wireless  communications);  director or trustee, as the case may
 be, of 27 of the investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds;
 and formerly,  Director,  Fischer Imaging Corporation (medical imaging systems)
 and General  Partner,  Peregrine  Associates,  which was the General Partner of
 Peregrine Ventures (venture capital firm).

 Gordon S. Macklin (70)           Trustee since   3,000       458,864
 8212 Burning Tree Road           January 1993
 Bethesda, MD 20817


 Director,   Fund  American  Enterprises  Holdings,   Inc.,  MCI  Communications
 Corporation,   MedImmune,  Inc.  (biotechnology),   Spacehab,  Inc.  (aerospace
 services) and Real 3D (software);  director or trustee,  as the case may be, of
 49 of the investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton Group of Funds;  and
 formerly,  Chairman, White River Corporation (financial services) and Hambrecht
 and Quist Group,  and President,  National  Association of Securities  Dealers,

The trustees who are not affiliated with the Fund's investment  manager are paid
a fixed fee from the Fund for serving on the Board.  Each of the  trustees  also
serve as trustees or  directors  of other  investment  companies in the Franklin
Templeton  Group  of  Funds.  There  is one  committee  of the  Board-the  Audit
Committee-which furnishes the Board with recommendations regarding the selection
of auditors.

As of  June 1,  1998,  Trustees  not  affiliated  with  the  investment  manager
("nonaffiliated trustees") are paid fees of $225 per month plus $120 per meeting
attended and are reimbursed for expenses  incurred in connection  with attending
such meetings. Each fund in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds for which they
serve as director or trustee pays a share of these expenses.

As indicated  above,  each of the Fund's  nonaffiliated  trustees  also serve as
directors  or trustees of certain  other  investment  companies  in the Franklin
Templeton Group of Funds. The trustees and the Fund's investment manager believe
that having the same  individuals  serving on the boards of many of the funds in
the  Franklin  Templeton  Group of Funds  enhances  the  ability of each fund to
obtain,  at a relatively modest cost to each separate fund, the services of high
caliber,  experienced  and  knowledgeable  independent  trustees  who  can  more
effectively oversee the management of the funds. They may receive fees for their
services  from other funds,  as well.  Many  meetings of such other funds are on
different days and times. The fees payable to nonaffiliated members of the Board
by the Fund are  subject to  reductions  resulting  from fee caps  limiting  the
amount of fees payable to trustees who serve on other boards within the Franklin
Templeton  Group of Funds.  The following table indicates the total fees paid to
nonaffiliated  trustees by the Fund AND by other funds in the Franklin Templeton
Group of Funds.

                                                           Number of Boards
                                          Total Fees       in the Franklin
                        Total Fees     Received from the  Templeton Group of
                       Received from  Franklin Templeton    Funds on Which
Name                    the Fund**     Group of Funds***    Each Serves****
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Frank H. Abbott, III       $3,500          $165,937               27
Harris J. Ashton            3,500           344,642               49
S. Joseph Fortunato         3,500           361,562               51
David W. Garbellano*        3,300            91,317               N/A
Frank W.T. LaHaye           3,400           141,433               27
Gordon S. Macklin           3,500           337,292               49

*Deceased September 27, 1997
**For the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997.
***For the calendar year ended December 31, 1997.
****We  base the  number  of  boards  on the  number  of  registered  investment
companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. This number does not include
the total number of series or funds within each investment company for which the
Board members are responsible.  The Franklin  Templeton Group of Funds currently
includes 56 registered investment  companies,  with approximately 169 U.S. based
funds or series.

No officer or trustee  received any other  compensation  directly from the Fund.
Certain  officers or trustees who are shareholders of Franklin  Resources,  Inc.
("Resources") may be deemed to receive indirect  remuneration by virtue of their
participation in the fees received by subsidiaries of Resources.

During the last fiscal  year,  there were 11  meetings of the Board.  All of the
Trustees attended at least 75% of such meetings. In addition, there were a total
of 367 meetings of other fund boards of the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds at
different dates and times. Messrs. Abbott and LaHaye compose the Audit Committee
of the Board with the function of making  recommendations to the full Board with
respect to the  selection of auditors.  The Audit  Committee did not meet during
the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997.

The executive officers of the Fund other than those listed above are:

Name, Age, Address and Five-Year Business Experience
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Harmon E. Burns (53)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Vice President

Executive Vice President and Director,  Franklin  Resources,  Inc.; and Franklin
Templeton  Distributors,  Inc. and Franklin Templeton Services,  Inc.; Executive
Vice President,  Franklin Advisers, Inc.; Director,  Franklin/Templeton Investor
Services,  Inc.; officer and/or director or trustee, as the case may be, of most
of  the  other  subsidiaries  of  Franklin  Resources,  Inc.  and  of 53 of  the
investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.

Martin L. Flanagan (38)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer,  Franklin  Resources,  Inc.;
Executive Vice President and Director, Templeton Worldwide, Inc.; Executive Vice
President,  Chief Operating Officer and Director,  Templeton Investment Counsel,
Inc.;  Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,  Franklin Advisers,
Inc.; Chief Financial  Officer,  Franklin Advisory  Services,  Inc. and Franklin
Investment Advisory Services,  Inc.; President and Director,  Franklin Templeton
Services,   Inc.;   Senior  Vice   President   and  Chief   Financial   Officer,
Franklin/Templeton  Investor Services,  Inc.; officer and/or director of some of
the other subsidiaries of Franklin  Resources,  Inc. and officer and/or director
or  trustee,  as the  case  may be,  of 53 of the  investment  companies  in the
Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.

Deborah R. Gatzek (49)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Vice President and Secretary

Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Franklin Resources, Inc.; Senior Vice
President,   Franklin   Templeton   Services,   Inc.  and   Franklin   Templeton
Distributors,  Inc.;  Executive Vice President,  Franklin  Advisers,  Inc.; Vice
President, Franklin Advisory Services, Inc.; Vice President, Chief Legal Officer
and Chief Operating Officer,  Franklin Investment  Advisory Services,  Inc.; and
officer of 53 of the  investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton  Group of

Diomedes Loo-Tam (59)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Treasurer and Principal Accounting Officer

Senior Vice President,  Franklin Templeton Services,  Inc.; and officer of 32 of
the investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.

Edward V. McVey (61)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Vice President

Senior  Vice   President  and  National  Sales   Manager,   Franklin   Templeton
Distributors,  Inc.;  and  officer  of 28 of  the  investment  companies  in the
Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.

R. Martin Wiskemann (71)
777 Mariners Island Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94404
Vice President

Senior Vice President,  Portfolio Manager and Director, Franklin Advisers, Inc.;
Senior Vice President,  Franklin Management,  Inc.; Vice President and Director,
ILA Financial  Services,  Inc.; and officer and/or  director or trustee,  as the
case may be, of 15 of the investment  companies in the Franklin  Templeton Group
of Funds.

All officers serve at the pleasure of the Board.

On June 16, 1998, the trustees and officers as a group beneficially owned 10,967
Shares or less than 1% of the Fund's outstanding  Shares.  Certain trustees also
own shares in various  other  funds in the  Franklin  Templeton  Group of Funds.
Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., are brothers.

Shareholders  are  entitled  to one  vote  per  Share.  All  voting  rights  are
non-cumulative,  which  means  that the  holders  of more than 50% of the Shares
voting for the  election  of  Trustees  can elect 100% of such  Trustees if they
choose to do so,  and in such  event,  the  holders of the  remaining  Shares so
voting will not be able to elect any Trustees.

                         PROPOSAL 2: TO RATIFY OR REJECT

Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  has served as the  independent  auditors for the Fund
since its inception in 1988.  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is the successor entity
to a combination  of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  with Price  Waterhouse  LLP. The
Board    recommends   that   you   vote   in   favor   of   the   selection   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as auditors  for the Fund for the fiscal year ending
August 31, 1998.

The Board is requesting ratification of its selection of  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP,  Certified  Public  Accountants,  as successor  entity to Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P., as independent  auditors to audit the books and accounts of the Fund for
the fiscal year ending  August 31, 1998.  The selection of auditors was approved
at a meeting of the Board on September 16, 1997, and included the favorable vote
of a majority of the  trustees  who are not  interested  persons of the Fund.  A
representative  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP is not expected to be present at
the Meeting. During the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997, the auditing services
of Coopers & Lybrand  L.L.P.  consisted  of the  rendering  of an opinion on the
financial statements of the Fund.

The favorable vote of a majority of the Shares  represented  at the Meeting,  in
person or by proxy, is required to ratify the selection of auditors.

                       PROPOSAL 4: TO ELIMINATE THE FUND'S
                            SHORT SALES OF SECURITIES

A  change  in  a  fundamental   investment  restriction  of  the  Fund  requires
shareholder  approval.   Eliminating  the  fundamental  investment  restrictions
against  investing in oil,  gas,  mineral  and/or real estate  interests and the
prohibition  against  engaging in short sales of  securities  will provide added
flexibility  for the Fund in seeking to achieve its investment  objectives.  The
Board  recommends  that  you  vote in  favor  of  eliminating  these  investment

Proposal 4 would allow the Fund to engage in short sales of  securities  as part
of its investment strategy rather than the current restriction limiting such use
solely in connection  with the clearance and settlement of securities or futures
and options transactions.  Depending on the circumstances, short sales may be an
attractive investment alternative to purchasing  securities.  The Board believes
that the ability to short  securities  may benefit the Fund as part of a hedging
strategy  and  where  other  available   transactions  may  not  be  financially
attractive due to transaction costs and market illiquidity.

The existing fundamental investment restrictions identified by Proposals 3 and 4
do not permit the Fund to  directly  invest in oil,  gas,  mineral  and/or  real
estate interests or to engage in short sales.  These restrictions on investments
and  transactions  that the Fund would  otherwise  be permitted to engage in are
based  on the  prior  law  whereby  the  states  regulated  open-end  investment
companies.  Although  not  subject  to state  regulation  because  the Fund is a
closed-end  investment company listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange,
Inc.,  the Fund  for  purposes  of  conformity  initially  adopted  these  state
investment   restrictions  in  1988.  In  particular,   fundamental   investment
restrictions in the Fund's prospectus state that the Fund may not:

    (1)  Purchase  or sell  interests  in oil,  gas or  mineral  exploration  or
development  programs,  or real estate or any interest therein,  except that the
Fund may invest in securities  issued by companies  (including  partnerships and
real estate  investment  funds) that invest in such  interests or are engaged in
such activities and in mortgage related securities.

    (2) Purchase securities on margin, or make short sales of securities, except
for the use of  short-term  credit  necessary for the clearance of purchases and
sales of portfolio  securities and except in connection with options and futures
transactions.  (the  underlined  language  would be  eliminated as an investment
restriction under this Proposal 4)

The Board in requesting that shareholders  approve  eliminating these investment
restrictions  seeks to conform the Fund's investment  restrictions with the 1940
Act and The National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 (the "1996 Act")
which was signed into law on October 11, 1996. One of the significant aspects of
the 1996 Act is that it provides for exclusive federal  regulation of registered
investment  companies  by  exempting  from state  review and  registration  such
securities offerings.

In light of the foregoing  legislative changes and for increased  flexibility to
adapt to changing market and economic conditions, the Board believes it would be
appropriate  to eliminate  the Fund's  fundamental  investment  restrictions  as
described in Proposals 3 and 4. By eliminating these  unnecessary  restrictions,
the Fund would be provided  with  additional  flexibility  in the pursuit of its
investment objectives.

The 1940 Act does not  prohibit  the  Fund  from  engaging  in the  transactions
currently  prohibited,  however,  the Fund would be required in connection  with
short sale  transactions to comply with the  requirement of section  18(a)(1) of
the 1940 Act. As currently required,  the Fund will limit its use of short sales
to 331/3% of the Fund's total  assets  after giving  effect to the amount of the
transaction.  Under the requirements of section 18, the Fund,  immediately after
entering into any short sale transaction,  is required to have asset coverage of
at least  300%.  Asset  coverage  is defined as the ratio which the value of the
total assets of the Fund, less all liabilities and  indebtedness not represented
by senior securities (as defined in the 1940 Act), bears to the aggregate amount
of debt.

The  elimination  of these  fundamental  investment  restrictions  would have no
effect on the current operation of the Fund.


A  change  in  a  fundamental   investment  restriction  of  the  Fund  requires
shareholder approval. Eliminating the fundamental investment restriction against
outright   lending  rather  than  continuing  to  operate  through  the  current
exceptions  available to the Fund for lending portfolio  securities,  purchasing
debt  securities  or engaging in  repurchase  transactions  will  provide  added
flexibility in seeking attractive alternative  investments to achieve the Fund's
investment  objectives.  The Board recommends that you vote in favor of amending
this investment restriction.

The Board also is  requesting  that  shareholders  approve an  amendment  to the
Fund's fundamental  investment  restriction regarding lending in order to permit
the Fund to directly invest in corporate loans  ("Corporate  Loans").  The Board
believes it would be appropriate and beneficial for the Fund to have the ability
to engage in Corporate  Loans so as to take advantage of significant  investment
opportunities that may exist from time to time in commercial lending markets.

An investment in a Corporate  Loan would be structured so that the Fund would be
one of a syndicate of lenders  typically  led by a large  banking  organization,
which extends  substantial  credit directly to certain operating  companies (the
"corporate  borrower").  In a  Corporate  Loan,  the Fund would  become a direct
creditor of the corporate borrower. In many cases, such direct loan transactions
are  attractive  because  they  typically  are  made at  par,  and  unlike  loan
participations and assignments,  do not impose a fee. In addition, to the extent
that  attractive  investment  opportunities  were  presented to the Fund through
investment in participations  in Corporate Loans, the proposed  amendment to the
investment  restriction  would  permit  the  Fund  to  take  advantage  of  such

The Fund's  current  fundamental  investment  restriction  as  described  in the
prospectus  prohibits  making  loans to other  persons  except  through  (1) the
lending of its portfolio securities, (2) through the purchase of debt securities
in accordance with its investment objective and policies,  and (3) to the extent
the entry into a repurchase agreement is deemed to be a loan. The Board believes
that the ability to directly  invest in Corporate  Loans will enhance the Fund's
investment  flexibility in pursuing its investment objectives without increasing
the Fund's overall risk. Accordingly,  the Board is proposing that the following
revision  to the  current  fundamental  investment  restriction  be  adopted  by

    The Fund may not make loans to other persons  except through (1) the lending
    of its portfolio  securities,  (2) through the purchase of debt  securities,
    loan participations  and/or engaging in direct corporate loans in accordance
    with its investment objective and policies,  and (3) to the extent the entry
    into a repurchase  agreement is deemed to be a loan. (The underlined portion
    shows the proposed revision)

                                OTHER INFORMATION

The SEC  requires  that the  following  information  be  provided  to the Fund's
shareholders  even though not directly  related to the  proposals  you are being
asked to consider.

Fund Information

As of June 25, 1998, the Fund had 26,779,333.483 Shares outstanding,  each Share
being entitled to one vote.

Beneficial Owners

Occasionally,  the  number  of  Shares  of the Fund  held in the  "street  name"
accounts of various  securities  dealers  for the  benefit of their  clients may
exceed 5% of the total Shares  outstanding.  To the Fund's knowledge,  no person
beneficially owns more than 5% of the Fund's outstanding Shares.

The Manager

Franklin  Advisers,  Inc.  ("Advisers"),  777 Mariners Island Blvd.,  San Mateo,
California  94404  serves  as  the  Fund's  investment  manager.  Advisers  is a
wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  Resources,  a  publicly  owned  holding  company.
Resources' principal  shareholders are Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson,
Jr., who own approximately 19% and 15%, respectively,  of Resources' outstanding
shares.  Resources  is  engaged in various  aspects  of the  financial  services
industry  through its various  subsidiaries.  Advisers and its affiliates act as
investment manager or administrator to 55 U.S. registered  investment  companies
(170 separate series) with aggregate assets of over $239.7 billion.

The Administrator

Under an  agreement  with  Advisers,  Franklin  Templeton  Services,  Inc.  ("FT
Services"),  whose  principal  address is also 777 Mariners  Island  Blvd.,  San
Mateo, CA 94404, provides certain administrative services and facilities for the
Fund. FT Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Resources.

Required Vote

Under Proposal 1, provided that a quorum is present at the Annual  Meeting,  the
eight  nominees  receiving  the  greatest  number of votes will be elected.  All
voting rights are non-cumulative,  which means that the holders of more than 50%
of the  Shares  voting  for the  election  of  trustees  can elect  100% of such
trustees  if  they  choose  to do so,  and in such  event,  the  holders  of the
remaining  Shares  voting  will not be able to elect any  Trustees.  Approval of
Proposal 2 requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of all votes cast at the
Annual Meeting.

Approval of Proposals 3,4 and 5 requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of
the  outstanding  shares of the Fund.  As defined in the 1940 Act, the vote of a
majority  of the  outstanding  shares  means  the vote of (1) 67% or more of the
Fund's outstanding shares present at a meeting,  if the holders of more than 50%
of the  outstanding  shares of the Fund are present or represented by proxy;  or
(2) more than 50% of the Fund's outstanding shares, whichever is less.

You may revoke your previously  granted proxy at any time before it is exercised
(1) by delivering a written  notice to the Fund  expressly  revoking your proxy,
(2) by  signing  and  forwarding  to the  Fund a  later-dated  proxy,  or (3) by
attending  the Meeting and casting your votes in person.  The cost of soliciting
these proxies will be borne by the Fund. In addition to  solicitations  by mail,
some of the officers and  employees  of the Fund,  Advisers and its  affiliates,
without extra compensation,  may conduct additional  solicitations by telephone,
telegraph   and   personal   interviews.   The  Fund  has  engaged   Shareholder
Communications  Corporation  to  solicit  proxies  from  brokers,  banks,  other
institutional  holders  and  individual  shareholders  for an  approximate  fee,
including out-of pocket expenses, ranging between $17,500 and $25,025.

Abstentions  and  broker  "non-votes"  will not be counted  for or  against  the
Proposals  but will be counted for purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is
present.  Abstentions and broker  non-votes will be counted as votes present for
purposes  of  determining  a "majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities"
present at the Meeting and will  therefore  have the effect of counting  against
Proposals  3,4 and 5.  Brokers who hold shares as record  owners for  beneficial
owners may have the authority under the rules of various stock exchanges to vote
those  shares  with  respect  to the  Proposals  when  they  have  not  received
instructions from beneficial owners.

Shareholder Proposals

The Fund anticipates  that its next annual meeting will be held in April,  1999.
Any  shareholder  intending  to present any proposal  for  consideration  at the
Fund's next  annual  meeting  must,  in  addition  to meeting  other  applicable
requirements,  mail  such  proposal  to the Fund so that it is  received  at the
Fund's executive offices not less than 120 days in advance of February 8, 1999.

Reports to Shareholders and Financial Statements

The Annual Report to Shareholders of the Fund, including financial statements of
the Fund for the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997, and  Semi-Annual  Report for
period ended February 28, 1998, have  previously been sent to all  shareholders.
Upon request, shareholders may obtain without charge a copy of the Annual Report
and  Semi-Annual  Report by writing the Fund at the address above or calling the
Fund at 1-800/DIAL BEN.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

The Board does not intend to bring any  matters  before the  Meeting  other than
Proposals  1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and is not aware of any other  matters to be brought
before the Meeting by others.  If any other  matters do properly come before the
Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy will use their best judgment in
voting on such matters.

In the event that  sufficient  votes in favor of the  Proposals set forth in the
Notice  of  Annual  Shareholders  Meeting  are not  received  by the date of the
Meeting,  the  persons  named in the  enclosed  proxy  may  propose  one or more
adjournments  of the Meeting for a period or periods of not more than 60 days in
the aggregate.  This will permit further solicitation of proxies,  even though a
quorum is  present.  Any  adjournment  will  require the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the votes  cast on the  questions,  in  person or by proxy,  at the
session  of the  Meeting  to be  adjourned.  The  costs of any  such  additional
solicitation and of any adjourned session are paid by the Fund.

                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                        DEBORAH R. GATZEK

Dated: July 17, 1998
San Mateo, California



777 Mariners Island Blvd.
P.O. Box 7777
San Mateo, CA 94403-7777

                         FRANKLIN UNIVERSAL TRUST PROXY


The undersigned  hereby revokes all previous proxies for his shares and appoints
Harmon E. Burns, Rupert H. Johnson,  Jr., Deborah R. Gatzek and Larry L. Greene,
and each of them,  proxies of the undersigned with full power of substitution to
vote all shares of Franklin  Universal  Trust (the "Fund") which the undersigned
is  entitled  to vote at the Fund's  Annual  Meeting to be held at 777  Mariners
Island Blvd.,  San Mateo,  California at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time on the 26th day
of August, 1998, including any adjournments  thereof,  upon such business as may
properly be brought before the Meeting.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Election of Trustees: Frank H. Abbott,   o FOR all nominees listed to the
III, Harris J. Ashton, S. Joseph              left (except as marked to the
Fortunato, Edward B. Jamieson, Charles B.     contrary)
Johnson, Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., Frank
W.T. LaHaye, Gordon S. Macklin              o WITHHOLD AUTHORITY (to vote for
                                              all nominees listed to the left)
                                              NOTE: To withhold authority to 
                                              vote for any individual nominee, 
                                              strike a line through the 
                                              nominee's name in the list to the
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Ratification of the selection of         THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Certified       THAT YOU VOTE IN FAVOR OF PROPOSALS
Public Accountants, as the independent      2-5.
auditors for the Fund for the fiscal year
ending August 31, 1998.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. To eliminate the fundamental investment
restriction regarding the purchase and
sale of oil, gas, mineral and/or real
estate interests.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. To eliminate the fundamental investment
restriction regarding short sales of
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. To amend the fundamental investment restriction regarding lending.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Continued and to be signed on reverse side.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. To grant the proxy holders  the
authority to vote  upon  any  other
business  that  may legally come before
the meeting.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------





                                                      Note:  Please sign exactly
                                                      as your  name  appears  on
                                                      this proxy. If signing for
                                                      estates,     trusts,    or
                                                      corporations,   title   or
                                                      capacity should be stated.
                                                      If    shares    are   held
                                                      jointly,  each holder must