RENET FINANCIAL CORP.
                          BALANCE SHEET
                          June 30, 1996


  Current Assets
     Cash                           $    56,168.95
     Due to/from Parent Company        (196,000.00)
     Franchise Receivables - Net        925,847.29
     Secured Fundings                 2,398,837.27
     Other Receivables                   44,450.00
     Notes Receivable                    11,199.00
     Prepaid Expenses                    19,696.97
     Prepaid Postage - Corporate            228.16
  Total Current Assets                              $3,260,427.64

  Plant and Equipment
     Computer Equipment                 127,145.05
     Furniture and Fixtures             341,559.94
     Computer Software                   46,895.82
     Accumulated Depreciation          (402,009.46)   

  Net Plant and Equipment                            $ 113,591.35

  Other Assets
     Goodwill                           101,807.00
     Deposits                             3,678.34

  Total Other Assets                                 $ 105,485.34
 TOTAL ASSETS                                       $3,479,504.33

                      RENET FINANCIAL CORP
                          BALANCE SHEET
                          June 30, 1996


    Current Liabilities
      Bank Credit Line              $  250,000.00 
      Contracts Payable                 17,535.14
      Settlements,Payable               16,145.39     
      Outstanding on Warehouse Line  2,398,837.27
      Accounts Payable - Trade         347,164.93
      Accrued Expenses                 251,318.75
      Accrued Vacation                   2,669.35
      Dividends Payable                 29,436.58
      Accrued Salaries & Wages          45,664.17
      Customer Deposits                  9,657.39
    Total Current Liabilities                       3,368,428.97

    Long Term Liabilities
      Note Payable                      34,229.74
      Contracts Payable                 13,5O6.17

    Total Long Term Liabilities                       47,735.91
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                 $3,416,164.88
      Preferred Stock                  741,849.00
      Common Stock                     534,972.50
      Dividends Paid                  (159,690.99)
      Retained earnings             (1,053,791.06)
   TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                      $   63,339.45  
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                       $3,479,504.33

                      RENET FINANCIAL CORP.
                       STATEMENT OF INCOME
                          June 30, 1996


Franchise Origination Fee
  Origination Fees Franchise            $  66,982.32
In House Origination Fees                      
 Origination Fees-Conv.                   176,384.06  
 Gain on Sale-Funding                     133,695.63
 Funding Fees                              45,345.00
 Appraisal Review Fees                         75.00
 Origination Fees-FHA/V                   105,394.35
 Escrow Fees                                  (60.00)
 Document Fees                             18,825.00 
  Total In House Fees                     479,659.04

Franchise Services
  Franchise Sales                          16,800.00
  Processing/Admin. Fees                   32,430.00
  Other Fees                               31,415.35
  Funding Division Inc.                    18,212.09

   Total Franchise Services                98,857.44 

Less Franchise Commission
  Franchise Commissions                   (54,959.52) 
    Net Revenue                           590,539.28

Operating Expenses 
  Advertising                               1,471.44   
  Loan Officer Commissions                261,084.04
  Marketing Overrides                       1,602.50
  Quality Control                              10.00
  Escrow Fees                                 476.41 
  Warehousing Fees -Funding                 7,500.00
  Sales Expense- entertainment                200.77
  Marketing                                 4,346.64
  Salaries                                189,902.72
  Auto Expenses                               731.21  
  Appraisal/Credit Expense                 13,620.93 
  Flood Certs.                              3,233.00
  Refunds to Borrowers                      4,395.17 
  Training Center Costs                       300.00  
  Travel                                    1,348.36
  Courier Services                         13,169.49
  Title Fees - Anaheim                        160.00
  Title Fees - Lancaster                      163.00
  Document Service                          6,894.00
  Officers Salaries                        41,218.65
  Office Rent / Storage                    26,037.23
  Legal                                     2,366.22
  Accounting                                6,375.00
  Insurance - General                       9,004.61 
  Auto Allowance                            1,500.00
  Office Expense                            9,541.41
  Bank Charges                              2,456.25
  Office Supplies                           6,089.47
  Postage                                   2,853.60
  Equipment Lease / Rental                    438.22 
  Dues & Subscription                       1,799.89 
  Computer/Copier Maint.                      937.18
  Outside Services                         10,908.16 
  Employee Benefits                        10,927.57
  Depreciation                             27,249.90
  Amortization of Goodwill                  2,994.00
  Late fees - Orange                          183.64
  Late fees - Bakersfield                       5.65
  Late fees - Riverside                       128.35
  Late fees - Funding                         476.46
  Late fees - Corporate                       804.67
  Bad debts                                23,000.00     
  Property Taxes                               22.64
  Taxes & Licenses                          3,082.15
  Payroll Taxes                            19,148.30  
  Printing                                  1,662.69 
  Telephone Exp.                           20,018.56
  Utilities                                 4,122.15  
   Total Operating Expense                738,962.30 

Other Income/Expense

   Interest Income                         36,714.42   
   Interest Expense                       (48,811.62)
    Total Other                           (12,097.20) 

                 STATEMENT OF INCOME (Continued)
                          June 30, 1996

Income Before Taxes                     (160,520.22)
Net Income or Loss                      (160,520.22)
Retained Earnings-End                   (160,520.22)