Washington, D.C. 20549


         Filed pursuant to Section 12, 13, or 15(d) of THE SECURITIES 

                             EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                           DEKALB Genetics Corporation          
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                                AMENDMENT NO. 1

      The undersigned registrant hereby amends the following items, financial
statements, exhibits or other portions of its Annual Report for 1993 on Form
10-K as set forth in the pages attached hereto:

 Item 7. Management's Discussion And Analysis of Financial Condition and
       Results of Operations
 Exhibit 28 - Additional Exhibit
       Form 11-K

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this amendment to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 DEKALB Genetics Corporation  

                                          By:         Bruce P. Bickner        
                                                      Bruce P. Bickner
                                                Chairman and Chief Executive

Date: January 10, 1995




Fiscal 1994 net earnings of $10.6 million ($2.02 per share) were $8.9 million
more than the prior year when earnings were $1.7 million ($.33 per share). 
Operating results for each segment except poultry increased from the prior
year.  North American seed earnings improved largely due to higher corn and
soybean sales volumes and swine segment earnings also improved due to volume
increases.  While Argentine earnings were lower in fiscal 1994 due to
unfavorable planting conditions, the international seed segment experienced
improved results over fiscal 1993 when significant losses were incurred in
Spain and Australia.  Poultry's loss of $0.3 million represented a $1.3
million decline from prior year while corporate and interest expenses were
$2.6 million less than in fiscal 1993.

Earnings for fiscal 1994 included a $2.3 million ($.45 per share) after-tax
benefit related to the suspension of the defined benefit portion of the
Company's retirement program.  The after-tax earnings effects (in millions),
by segment were $1.7 for North American seed and $0.2 each for swine, poultry
and corporate.  In the first quarter of fiscal 1994, the Company adopted
financial accounting standard No.109 (SFAS), "Accounting for Income Taxes". 
The adoption of SFAS No. 109 resulted in the recognition of $0.4 million, or
$.09 per share, of deferred tax expense.   

Also, in order to achieve a better matching of inventory costs with revenues,
the Company changed from the last-in, first-out (LIFO) to the average cost
inventory method.  The appropriate restatements of all periods have been made.

Compared with 1992, North American seed profitability was higher due to lower
operating expenses partially offset by lower total margins.  International
earnings were lower, largely due to the decline in earnings from DEKALB
Argentina.  Swine earnings were higher than in fiscal 1992 resulting from
increases in breeding stock and market animal sales volumes.  Profit
contribution from the poultry segment was lower as the result of declines in
export sales and U.S. commercial chicks earnings.

Compared with fiscal 1993, operating revenues increased seven percent in
fiscal 1994 following a four percent decrease from 1992 to 1993.  Consolidated
revenues of $320.0 million in 1994 included a 13 percent increase in North
American seed, an eight percent decline in international seed, a 17 percent
increase in swine and a 10 percent reduction in poultry revenues. 


Fourth quarter net earnings of $1.2 million compared favorably with the 
fourth quarter loss of $2.8 million in 1993.  North American seed experienced
a loss in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1993 when product returns were higher
than expected because of continual rains in key corn and soybean producing
states.  In the fourth quarter of fiscal 1994 the North American seed segment
earned $0.6 million due to a higher average corn price, higher soybean volume
and lower operating expenses.  International seed earnings improved by $1.8
million over the prior year because of the absence of fourth quarter losses in
Spain and Australia.  Swine results were $0.5 million lower than the prior
year due to lower market hog prices and higher feed costs.  Poultry results
were $0.6 million less than last year because of lower export sales.

                                 (In Millions)

                                               Years Ended August 31
      Revenues                              1994        1993       1992

      Seed                                 $247.5      $232.3     $241.4
      Swine                                  52.7        45.1       44.5
      Poultry                                19.8        21.9       21.9
                                           $320.0      $299.3     $307.8

      Pre-Tax Earnings
      Seed                                 $ 19.5      $  7.0     $ 20.0
      Swine                                   5.7         3.0        4.6
      Poultry                                (0.3)        1.0        0.9
      General Corporate Expenses             (2.5)       (4.4)      (3.4)
      Interest Expense, Net                  (7.5)       (8.2)      (7.3)
                                           $ 14.9      $ (1.6)    $ 14.8


Combined North American and international seed segment earnings were $12.5
million above fiscal 1993.  In North America, sales volume increased for corn,
soybeans, sunflowers and sorghum and market share increased for all but
sorghum, whose share remained flat with the prior year.  Internationally, the
absence of losses in Spain and Australia were the principal contributors to
the improvement.  These were partially offset by a decline in Argentine

North American seed segment earnings were approximately $2.0 million higher
than those of fiscal 1992, largely because of lower operating expenses. 
International earnings were $2.5 million lower compared with fiscal 1992 due
largely to lower earnings from DEKALB Argentina.

   North American Seed

   North American seed earnings increased $8.5 million in fiscal 1994 due to
   higher sales volumes and lower operating expenses.  Gross margin in the
   North American seed segment was $3.7 million higher in fiscal 1994. 
   Revenues were $21.0 million above those in fiscal 1993 driven by increased
   sales volumes in four product lines.  Partially offsetting those revenue
   increases were higher corn unit costs.  North American operating expenses
   were $1.7 million lower than in 1993, due to the suspension of the defined
   benefit portion of the Company's retirement program.

   Corn revenues were $13.1 million greater when compared with 1993.  Corn
   volume was 14 percent higher, but this was partially offset by a one
   percent decline in average selling prices which was the result of a higher
   portion of small-sized seed in the product mix sold at lower prices.  Corn
   unit costs were seven percent higher due to a smaller and below-target crop
   in 1993.  

   Compared with fiscal 1992, corn unit gross margin decreased.  Higher
   average selling prices were more than offset by higher unit costs. 
   Profitability in fiscal 1994 was only slightly lower than in fiscal 1992
   because of lower operating expenses in 1994.

   Soybean sales volume and gross margin were 13 percent higher than in fiscal
   1993.  Compared with fiscal 1992, soybean volume was 13 percent higher and
   unit margin was four percent lower resulting in a gross margin increase of
   eight percent.

   Sorghum unit volume was two percent above 1993, but average selling prices
   were three percent below the prior year due to a shift in the sales mix to
   lower-priced products.  Although unit costs were one percent below the
   prior year, sorghum margin was four percent lower.  Compared with 1992,
   sorghum volume and margin are lower because of a 23 percent reduction in
   planted acreage.

   Other products contributed $1.9 million to 1994 earnings, a $1.4 million
   increase over the prior year.

   International Seed

   International seed results in 1994 increased by $4.0 million over the prior
   year, mainly due to the absence of the large losses in Spain and Australia. 
   Revenues were eight percent below the prior year largely due to lower sales
   volumes in Argentina.

   Results from Europe were $7.9 million above 1993 when large losses from
   Spain were recognized.  In 1994, earnings from France were $1.0 million
   above 1993 due to increased royalty income partially offset by higher
   research expenditures.  Italian results also improved by $1.0 million when
   compared to the prior year.  Other European results were below the prior
   year due to lower export income.

   In Latin America, earnings were 43 percent below 1993.  Argentine earnings
   were 63 percent lower due to a reduction in planted acres resulting, in
   part, from adverse weather conditions.  Higher unit costs and lower average
   selling prices also contributed to the decline in earnings.  Nevertheless,
   DEKALB Argentina maintained its dominant corn market share position. 
   Mexican earnings were 18 percent below the prior year, while royalty and
   export income from other Latin American countries was improved.

   Results from other international activity were $2.3 million above the prior
   year due to increased export and royalty income and the absence of losses
   in Australia.

   Fiscal 1994 international seed segment results were 29 percent below fiscal
   1992.  Latin American earnings were below the record levels of 1992 while
   earnings in Europe were higher.

Seed segment earnings will continue to be affected by many different forces in
the domestic and international markets.  In the United States, future results
will be impacted by the Company's competitive positions, government export
policies, weather conditions, commodity prices and Department of Agriculture
programs.  International seed earnings will depend on a broad array of
governmental policies as well as weather and competition.


Swine segment earnings for 1994 were $5.7 million, 90 percent above the 1993
level of $3.0 million.  Revenues were 17 percent higher than in 1993 while
costs increased 16 percent.  Breeding stock volume was 18 percent higher than
the prior year due to increased availability resulting from the expansion of
swine production facilities.  The average price per head on breeding stock
increased by five percent.  Revenues increased 35 percent, 23 percent and 10
percent on boars, gilts and royalty animals, respectively.

Market animal volumes were four percent above the previous year, but lower
fourth quarter prices resulted in only a small increase in market animal

Swine segment cost of sales was 16 percent higher than during 1993 largely due
to a 10 percent increase in animal numbers.  The additional costs were
associated with new facilities and higher feed costs per head.  Operating
expenses were seven percent higher than in fiscal 1993.

Swine segment earnings for 1994 were 24 percent above those of 1992.  Breeding
stock volumes and prices and market animal volumes were higher, partially
offset by higher production.

Three new production farms which were under construction during 1993 have
largely been completed, will reach full production capacity late in fiscal

Swine earnings will continue to be influenced by demand for its breeding
stock, market prices, feed costs, production efficiency and production


The poultry segment loss of $0.3 million reflects a $1.3 million decline from
the prior year.  A depressed U.S. egg market, the lack of hard currency in
China and an embargo on U.S.-sourced chickens in Venezuela were all
contributors to the decline.  The result was lower domestic parent, export
parent and grandparent revenue combined with increased cost of sales due to
higher feed costs.  Compared with 1992, poultry earnings were $1.2 million
lower for the same reasons.

Poultry segment earnings will continue to fluctuate from year to year based on
egg prices and demand for its breeding stock.  Changing feed costs and
production efficiency will also have an impact.  Internationally, the Company
faces the risk of embargoes and the uncertainty of foreign currency


Corporate expenses in fiscal 1994 were $1.9 million below the prior year due
to restructuring savings and the suspension of the defined benefit portion of
the Company's benefit program.  Compared with fiscal 1992, corporate expenses
were $0.9 million lower because of restructuring savings.

Net interest expense was $0.7 million below 1993, but $0.2 million above 1992. 
The larger seed crop produced for fiscal 1993 required higher levels of

In April and July of 1993, the Company prepaid the $50.0 million outstanding
principal balance and $13.1 million of amortized interest on zero coupon notes
held by Pfizer, Inc.  The financing for the prepayment was provided by a
consortium of lending institutions.  By substituting other financing for the
convertible notes, DEKALB lowered the effective interest rate and eliminated
the shareholder dilution that would have resulted from conversion of the

Income taxes increased from a $3.3 million benefit in fiscal 1993 to a $4.3
million expense in fiscal 1994.  In 1993, there was a large benefit associated
with international seed losses realized in prior years, and utilized in 1993. 
In 1994, tax expense reflected additional benefits from these international
seed losses but they were partially offset by the effects of adopting SFAS No.

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 112 (SFAS No. 112) "Employers
Accounting for Post Employment Benefits" is not required to be adopted until
fiscal 1995.  The Company does not believe that adoption will have any impact
on its financial statements.


Management believes its operating cash flow and existing credit facilities are
sufficient to cover normal and expected working capital needs, dividends,
capital expenditures and debt maturities.


In fiscal 1994, the net cash flow from operations of $33.2 million compared
favorably with the $20.4 million of cash outflow in the prior year.  Fiscal
1993 included $13.1 million of cash interest related to the prepayment of the
zero coupon notes.  In addition, significant cash was required to build seed
inventory levels in the United States and Argentina.  Fiscal 1994 cash flow
benefited from increased earnings resulting from higher sales volumes.

Cash requirements for investing activities were slightly higher in fiscal 1994
due to increased capital expenditures related to upgrading seed plants.

Net cash outflow from financial activities included $10.1 million of debt
repayment; whereas, the prior year required additional borrowings to finance
increased inventory levels.


Genetics has various credit facilities and available lines of credit with
several commercial banks, both domestic and foreign.  Committed credit lines
include a $50 million revolving credit facility available through December 31,
1996 and a $15 million facility available through November 29, 1994.

The revolving credit agreement provides credit for general corporate purposes
and is committed through December 31, 1996, but may be extended annually for
successive one year periods with the consent of the lending banks.  The line
of credit requires a step-down to $20.0 million for any one day during each
year.  The agreement contains various restrictions on the activities of the
Company as to maintenance of working capital and tangible net worth, amount
and type of indebtedness, and the acquisition or disposition of capital shares
or assets of the Company and its subsidiaries.  At August 31, 1994, tangible
net worth was approximately $15 million in excess of the required minimum
under the most restrictive of these covenants.

Genetics also has numerous uncommitted short term credit facilities available
and draws upon them periodically, including during twelve months ended August
31, 1994.

Capital expenditures in 1994 were $2.3 million higher than the prior year and
were financed with cash generated from operations and short term financing. 
Capital spending in 1994 included seed plant expansions in Argentina and the
United States and additional swine production facilities.  Fiscal 1993
expenditures were related to new swine production farms and machinery and
equipment replacements in the seed business.


                          Washington, D.C. 20549


                                 FORM 11-K

(Mark One)
    X         Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the
              Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Fee Required)

                 For the fiscal year ended August 31, 1994


            Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the
             Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (No Fee Required)

                 For the transition period from         to

                      Commission file number 33-33305


          DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan
                         (Full title of the plan)

                        DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION
                            3100 Sycamore Road
                          DeKalb, Illinois 60115

        (Name of Issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan
              and address of its principal executive office.)

                        DEKALB Genetics Corporation
                        Savings and Investment Plan


                 Report of Audits of Financial Statements
                        and Supplemental Schedules

               For the years ended August 31, 1994 and 1993


                       INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Report of Independent Accountants                                     4

Financial Statements:

  Statement of Net Assets Available for
    Plan Benefits, with Fund Information as of August 31, 1994        5

  Statement of Net Assets Available for
    Plan Benefits, with Fund Information as of August 31, 1993        6

  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available
    for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information for the years ended
    August 31, 1994 and 1993                                          7

  Notes to Financial Statements                                  8 - 12

Supplemental Schedules:

  Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment
    Purposes at August 31, 1994                                 13 - 14

  Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions
    for the year ended August 31, 1994                               15


Notes:   Supplemental schedules required by the Employee Retirement Income
         Security Act that have not been included herein are not applicable
         to the DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan.



To the Administrative Committee
DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings
   and Investment Plan

We have audited the statements of net assets available for plan benefits of
the DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan (the "Plan") as of
August 31, 1994 and 1993, and the related statements of changes in net assets
available for plan benefits for the years then ended.  These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets of the Plan as of August 31, 1994 and
1993, and changes in net assets available for plan benefits for the years then
ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.  The supplemental schedules, as listed
in the accompanying index on page 3, are presented for the purpose of
additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial
statements but are supplementary information required by the Department of
Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  The fund information in the
statements of net assets available for plan benefits and changes in net assets
available for plan benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis
rather than to present net assets available for plan benefits and changes in
net assets available for plan benefits of each fund.  The supplemental
schedules and fund information have been subjected to the auditing procedures
applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion,
are fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.


Chicago, Illinois
December 9, 1994


DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan
Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information
as of August 31, 1994

                                                                     Fund Information
                                               MONEY        FIXED       CAPITAL      COMPANY    PFIZER
                                  EQUITY       MARKET       INCOME    PRESERVATION    STOCK      STOCK   PARTICIPANT
                                   FUND         FUND         FUND         FUND        FUND       FUND     LOAN FUND      TOTAL


Investments, at fair market
value or contract value:
  DeKalb Genetics Corporation
    common stock                                                                   $1,459,058                          $1,459,058
  Common stocks                $45,262,351                                                      $58,149                45,320,500
  Investment in common trust
    funds                        3,787,304  $11,405,250   $8,567,325   $4,043,802                 5,866        $685    27,810,232
  U.S. Treasury bonds and notes                            8,115,033                                                    8,115,033
  Guaranteed investment account                                        16,367,136                                      16,367,136
  Participant loans                                                                                       1,183,688     1,183,688

        Total Investments       49,049,655   11,405,250   16,682,358   20,410,938   1,459,058    64,015   1,184,373   100,255,647

  Company contribution              66,846       18,221       18,046        6,797       8,257                             118,167
  Accrued interest and dividend    108,793       44,005       87,870        1,789       8,677       423          14       251,571
  Fund transfers pending          (403,632)     141,562     (513,455)     802,536     (27,011)                                  -

                                  (227,993)     203,788     (407,539)     811,122     (10,077)      423          14       369,738

        Total Assets            48,821,662   11,609,038   16,274,819   21,222,060   1,448,981    64,438   1,184,387   100,625,385


  Other liabilities                 10,185        3,226        3,416        3,096       4,663                 7,577        32,163

        Total Liabilities           10,185        3,226        3,416        3,096       4,663                 7,577        32,163

FOR PLAN BENEFITS              $48,811,477  $11,605,812  $16,271,403  $21,218,964  $1,444,318   $64,438  $1,176,810  $100,593,222

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan
Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information
    as of August 31, 1993

                                                                     Fund Information
                                               MONEY        FIXED       CAPITAL      COMPANY    PFIZER
                                  EQUITY       MARKET       INCOME    PRESERVATION    STOCK      STOCK   PARTICIPANT
                                   FUND         FUND         FUND         FUND        FUND       FUND     LOAN FUND      TOTAL

Investments, at fair market
value or contract value:
  DeKalb Genetics Corporation
    common stock                                                                     $923,111                            $923,111
  Common stocks                $42,786,789                                                      $53,676                42,840,465
  Investment in common trust
    funds                        1,352,211   10,532,700   $7,351,090   $1,824,021                 4,178         105    21,064,305
  U.S. Treasury bonds and notes                           12,520,128                                                   12,520,128
  Guaranteed investment account                                        17,727,605                                      17,727,605
  Participant loans                                                                                       1,255,046     1,255,046

        Total Investments       44,139,000   10,532,700   19,871,218   19,551,626     923,111    57,854   1,255,151    96,330,660

  Company contribution               1,531        6,506            1            1        (620)               18,600        26,019
  Accrued interest and dividend    103,084       28,632      136,278        1,239       7,536       370       5,410       282,549

                                   104,615       35,138      136,279        1,240       6,916       370      24,010       308,568

        Total Assets            44,243,615   10,567,838   20,007,497   19,552,866     930,027    58,224   1,279,161    96,639,228


  Other liabilities                 15,767        7,202        6,604        6,408       5,054                 8,032        49,067

        Total Liabilities           15,767        7,202        6,604        6,408       5,054                 8,032        49,067

FOR PLAN BENEFITS              $44,227,848  $10,560,636  $20,000,893  $19,546,458    $924,973   $58,224  $1,271,129   $96,590,161

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits, with Fund Information
for the years ended August 31, 1994 and 1993

                                                                    Fund Information
                                            MONEY        FIXED       CAPITAL      COMPANY     PFIZER
                               EQUITY       MARKET       INCOME    PRESERVATION    STOCK      STOCK    PARTICIPANT
                                FUND         FUND         FUND         FUND        FUND        FUND     LOAN FUND      TOTAL

Balance at August 31, 1992  $37,492,725  $11,408,406  $16,523,866  $18,359,672    $748,524    $68,858  $1,184,790   $85,786,841

 Company                        656,397      162,277      227,422      171,514     105,152                            1,322,762
 Participant                  2,052,103      533,306      797,360      450,790     281,907                            4,115,466
Interest income                 102,398                   945,826    1,236,315                             96,997     2,381,536
Dividend income                 838,492                                             26,946      1,389                   866,827
Net appreciation
 (depreciation) in fair
 value of investments         1,059,513                   470,166        1,338    (128,169)   (12,141)                1,390,707
Net investment gain on
 common trust funds           2,354,173      371,945      608,290       41,957                    118                 3,376,483
Distributions                (1,176,551)    (251,680)    (381,763)    (432,560)    (48,647)               (20,641)   (2,311,842)
Transfers                     1,101,117   (1,659,447)     897,262     (251,128)    (87,804)                                   -
Participant loan
 distributions                 (217,524)     (37,941)     (60,166)     (93,436)                           409,067             -
Participant loan repayments     197,346       40,867       68,650       65,262      27,064               (399,189)            -
Fees and expenses              (232,341)      (7,097)     (96,020)      (3,266)                               105      (338,619)
 Net additions (deductions)   6,735,123     (847,770)   3,477,027    1,186,786     176,449    (10,634)     86,339    10,803,320

Balance at August 31, 1993  $44,227,848  $10,560,636  $20,000,893  $19,546,458    $924,973    $58,224  $1,271,129   $96,590,161

   Company                      725,328      135,268      244,195      164,453     109,774                            1,379,018
   Participant                2,784,481    1,799,659      880,292      904,992     263,034                            6,632,458
Interest income                 114,706                   779,164    1,102,244                            127,810     2,123,924
Dividend income                 979,481                                             32,882      1,136                 1,013,499
Net appreciation
 (depreciation) in fair
 value of investments         1,607,512                  (915,080)    (112,639)    318,788      4,472                   903,053
Net investment gain on
 common trust funds             605,329      367,246     (157,362)     153,640                    606                   969,459
Distributions                (3,671,661)    (854,065)  (1,486,289)  (2,572,403)    (65,126)                          (8,649,544)
Transfers                     1,530,139     (398,778)  (2,970,903)   2,011,034    (171,492)                                   -
Participant loan
 distributions                 (137,020)     (53,173)     (84,137)     (48,870)                           323,200             -
Participant loan
 repayments                     306,412       55,645       78,633       73,641      31,485               (545,816)            -
Fees and expenses              (261,078)      (6,626)     (98,003)      (3,586)                               487      (368,806)
 Net additions
 (deductions)                 4,583,629    1,045,176   (3,729,490)   1,672,506     519,345      6,214     (94,319)    4,003,061

Balance at August 31, 1994  $48,811,477  $11,605,812  $16,271,403  $21,218,964  $1,444,318    $64,438  $1,176,810  $100,593,222

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:


     Contributions to DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings and Investment Plan
     (the Plan) from participants are recorded on an accrual basis and are
     deposited directly in the appropriate fund on a bi-weekly basis. 
     Contributions made by DEKALB Genetics Corporation (the Company) are
     accrued on the basis of participants' contributions and are made

     Investments Valuation:

     Investments in securities (U.S. treasury bonds and notes, corporate bond
     and bond investment funds, and common stocks) traded on a national
     securities exchange are valued at the last reported sales price on the
     last business day of the Plan's year; securities in collective short-term
     investment funds and money market funds are stated at fair value as
     determined by the Trustee of such funds.  The capital preservation fund is
     valued at contract value.

     Withdrawals, Transfers and Forfeitures:

     Withdrawals of participant and employer contributions can be made subject
     to certain specified restrictions and tax consequences.  Participants may
     elect to transfer all or part of their balance of funds to other funds as
     the Plan allows on a quarterly basis.  Transfers between the capital
     preservation fund and the money market funds are prohibited as are
     transfers of participant balances to the company stock fund.  Amounts
     forfeited by participants, as described in Note 2, are applied to reduce
     amounts that the Company is required to contribute to the Plan.


     In accordance with guidance issued by the American Institute of Certified
     Public Accountants, the method of accounting for distributions is such
     that all amounts elected by participants to be withdrawn from the Plan are
     recorded when paid.  This treatment results in a difference between the
     Plan's Form 5500 and the financial statements.  Benefit obligations
     existing at August 31, 1994 and 1993 were $1,467,121 and $2,844,657,


     Purchases and sales of securities are reflected on a trade-date basis. 
     Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date.  Income from other
     investments are recorded as earned on an accrual basis.


                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

1.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, Continued:

     The Plan presents, in the statements of changes in net assets available
     for plan benefits, the net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of
     its investments which consists of realized gains or losses and the
     unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on those investments.  

     Trustee fees and investment management fees were paid by the Plan in 1994
     and 1993.

2.   Plan Description:

     The following brief description of the Plan is provided for general
     information purposes only.  Participants should refer to the Plan document
     for more complete information.

     The Plan, which was established effective September 1, 1982, is a
     contributory defined contribution plan covering substantially all
     employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.  The Plan is subject to the
     provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

     All monies received by the Trustee of the Plan are invested at the
     direction of the participants in accordance with the terms of the Trust
     Agreement.  Participant contributions (from 1% to 15% of base pay) are
     invested in the equity fund, money market fund, fixed income fund, capital
     preservation fund or Company common stock fund maintained by the Trustee. 
     Company contributions (50% matching of participant contributions from 1%
     to 6% of base pay) are invested in the various funds in proportion to the
     participants' investment in such funds.   The Company may elect to
     contribute an additional amount at the discretion of the Board of

     Contributions from participants are credited directly to their account in
     each fund.  Employee contributions are invested in multiples of 10%. 
     Transfers of account balances must be in whole percentages.  Rollovers
     from prior qualified plans are invested at the employee's discretion. 
     Company matching contributions and any discretionary Company matching
     contributions are invested in the investment funds in the same proportions
     as the participant's employee pre-tax contributions.  A participant may
     change his investment direction with respect to his current account and
     future contributions no more than four times per year (March 1, June 1,
     September 1 and December 1 of each year) by giving the Plan's
     administrative committee written notice in the prescribed form.  Changes
     in investment direction of the current account balance will become
     effective as of the first day in the next Plan quarter.  Changes in
     investment direction of future contributions become effective as of the
     first payroll pay date in the next Plan quarter.


                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

2.   Plan Description, Continued:

     There are currently five investment funds available to participants. 
     These five funds are described briefly below:

     (a)   Equity fund.  The equity fund is a pooled fund invested primarily in
           common stocks.  There are no guarantees with respect to principal or
           investment return.

     (b)   Money market fund.  The money market fund is a pooled fund maintained
           and managed by the Trustee that is invested in short term debt
           securities such as commercial paper and certificates of deposit. 
           There are no guarantees with respect to principal or investment
     (c)   Fixed income fund.  The fixed income fund is a pooled fund invested
           primarily in corporate and government bonds of intermediate, (e.g.,
           five to seven year) term.  There are no guarantees with respect to
           principal or investment return. 

     (d)   Capital preservation fund.  The capital preservation fund is
           underwritten by the Aetna Insurance Company.  There are no guarantees
           with respect to payment of income or principal.  The investments in
           the fund are valued at contract value.

     (e)   Company common stock fund.  The Company common stock fund enables
           participants to purchase DEKALB Genetics Corporation Class A Common
           Stock.  The per share purchase price equals the average of the per
           share closing price of Class B Common Stock as quoted on the National
           Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System/National
           Market System (NASDAQ/NMS) on the last ten (10) trading days prior to
           the date of purchase.  The Board of Directors has authorized up to
           100,000 shares of Class A Common Stock as available for purchase by
           the Plan.  There are no guarantees with respect to principal or
           investment return. 

     A sixth fund, the Pfizer stock fund, was created solely for the purpose of
     holding common stock of Pfizer, Inc. received by the Plan through employee
     rollover contributions.  No additional contributions may be made to this

     A seventh fund, the participant loan fund, was created for the purpose of
     recording participant loans and related activity.  Interest on these loans
     is accumulated at prime plus one percent, determined at the date the loan
     is granted.


                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

2.   Plan Description, Continued

     At August 31, 1994 and 1993, there were 1,475 and 1,516 participants,
     respectively some of whom elected to invest in more than one fund.  Set
     forth below is the number of participants investing in each fund.

                                                    August 31
                                                1994        1993

           Equity Fund                         1,339       1,332
           Money Market Fund                     677         748
           Fixed Income Fund                     919         990
           Capital Preservation Fund             608         634
           Company Stock Fund                    531         496
           Pfizer Stock Fund                       2           2

     A participant is at all times fully vested in his employee contribution
     account.  His employer contribution account vests at the rate of 20% per
     year.  Termination of employment before the completion of five (5) years
     of service will result in forfeitures from the employer contribution
     account unless such termination is due to the participant's attainment of
     age 65 or death or disability.  Distributions from the Plan are paid in
     cash as a lump sum; provided, however, that distributions from the Company
     common stock fund may, at the participant's election, be received in
     either whole shares of DEKALB Genetics Corporation Class A Common Stock or

     If the Plan is terminated, the interests of all participants or their
     beneficiaries shall be fully vested and nonforfeitable and participants
     shall be entitled to a distribution of their accrual balances.

     Participants may apply for a loan from the Plan.  The loan is limited to
     the lesser of $50,000 reduced by the largest outstanding loan balance over
     the preceding year or one half of the participant's vested account
     balance.   Loan repayments are made by the participant through payroll


                            NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

3.  Investments:

     Individual investments (at fair value or contract value) representing five
     percent or more of net assets available for plan benefits in 1994 and 1993
     are summarized as follows:

             Description                       1994                     1993 
    Harris Bank Common
      Stock Fund                            $9,792,613              $ 9,306,215

    Harris Bank Collective 
      Short Term Investment Fund            $15,641,625             $12,755,980

    Harris Bank Collective
      Marketable Bond Fund                  $ 8,170,191             $ 7,015,421

    Aetna Guaranteed
      Investment Account                    $16,367,136             $17,727,605

4.  Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Value of Investments:

    The Plan's investments (including investments bought and sold, as well as
    held, during the year) appreciated in value $903,053 and $1,390,707 for
    the years ended August 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively, summarized as

                                                   1994               1993   
    DEKALB Genetics Corporation Common Stock    $  318,788        ($  128,169)
    Common Stocks                                1,611,984          1,047,372 
    U.S. Treasury bonds and notes                 (915,080)           470,166 
    Guaranteed Investment contract                (112,639)             1,338 

                                                $  903,053         $1,390,707 

5.  Tax Status:

    The Plan obtained its latest determination letter dated February 24, 1987,
    in which the Internal Revenue Service stated that the Plan, as then
    designed, was in compliance with the applicable requirements of the
    Internal Revenue Code.  The Plan has been amended since receiving the
    determination letter.  However, the Plan administrator and the Plan's tax
    counsel believe that the Plan is currently designed and being operated in
    compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. 
    Therefore, no provision for income taxes has been included in the Plan's
    financial statements.

DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings And Investment Plan
ITEM 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
       August 31, 1994

                                       DESCRIPTION OF INVESTMENT
        SIMILAR PARTY                    PAR OR MATURITY VALUE                COST         MARKET

DEKALB Genetics Corporation     Common Stock, 44,382 shares                $1,413,102     $1,459,058

AMP Inc.                        Common Stock, 20,000 shares                   990,784      1,452,500
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.             Common Stock, 21,000 shares                   800,022        821,625
Becton Dickinson & Company      Common Stock, 12,000 shares                   441,363        514,500
Bemis Company, Inc.             Common Stock, 23,400 shares                   523,516        573,300
Boeing Company                  Common Stock, 28,000 shares                 1,011,739      1,274,000
Bristol Meyers & Co. Squibb Co. Common Stock, 10,000 shares                   586,303        576,250
Cooper Industries, Inc.         Common Stock, 27,000 shares                 1,086,058      1,069,875
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company    Common Stock, 23,000 shares                   547,859        595,125
Corning, Incorporated           Common Stock, 43,000 shares                 1,226,454      1,327,625
Dover Corp.                     Common Stock, 24,000 shares                   960,857      1,389,000
Dun & Bradstreet                Common Stock, 11,500 shares                   653,594        662,687
Exxon Corp.                     Common Stock, 26,000 shares                 1,319,968      1,547,000
Genuine Parts Co.               Common Stock, 26,000 shares                   673,931        955,500
H & R Block, Inc.               Common Stock, 17,000 shares                   640,099        743,750
Hartford Steam Boiler
 Inspection                     Common Stock, 14,000 shares                   769,413        633,500
International Flavors
 & Fragrances, Inc.             Common Stock, 18,000 shares                   645,199        789,750
Lubrizol Corporation            Common Stock, 33,000 shares                 1,087,562      1,031,250
Marsh & McLennan Co's Inc.      Common Stock, 18,000 shares                 1,287,954      1,532,250
McCormick & Co., Inc.           Common Stock, 44,000 shares                   914,461        869,000
Melville Corporation            Common Stock, 23,000 shares                 1,090,133        871,125
Pacific Telesis Group           Common Stock, 32,000 shares                   937,031      1,056,000
Pfizer, Inc.                    Common Stock, 16,852 shares                 1,084,871      1,150,149
Philip Morris Companies Inc.    Common Stock, 13,500 shares                   650,814        823,500
Raytheon Company                Common Stock, 26,200 shares                 1,234,941      1,771,775
Readers Digest Assn., Inc.      Common Stock, 25,000 shares                   992,745      1,062,500
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. N.Y.  Common Stock, 13,000 shares                 1,012,081      1,464,125
St. Paul Companies              Common Stock, 22,000 shares                   887,907        951,500
Schering-Plough Corp.           Common Stock, 19,000 shares                   939,574      1,327,625
Service Corp International      Common Stock, 22,000 shares                   572,638        583,000
Sherwin Williams Company        Common Stock, 22,100 shares                   677,075        732,063
Sigma Aldrich Corporation       Common Stock, 7,000 shares                    244,085        243,250
State Street Boston Corp.       Common Stock, 23,500 shares                   759,116        940,000
Tambrands, Inc.                 Common Stock, 9,300 shares                    431,652        346,425
Union Camp Corp.                Common Stock, 29,000 shares                 1,185,471      1,460,876
Wachovia Corporation            Common Stock, 20,100 shares                   638,090        703,500
Harris Bank Common Stock Fund   Common Stock, 38,562 shares                 6,201,367      9,792,613
Harris Bank Special
 Capital Fund                   Common Stock, 6,725 shares                    363,549        632,128
Harris Special Capital
 Liquidating Account            Common Stock, 20,531 shares                     3,109          4,211
Harris Bank Convertible Funds   Common Stock, 2,641 shares                    944,053      1,044,440
Harris Bank Convertible
 Liquidating Funds              Common Stock, 3,573 shares                       -             1,208

                                      Total Common Stocks                 $37,017,438    $45,320,500

DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings And Investment Plan
ITEM 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes, Continued
       August 31, 1994

                                       DESCRIPTION OF INVESTMENT
        SIMILAR PARTY                    PAR OR MATURITY VALUE                COST         MARKET

Harris Trust & Savings Bank Collective Investment Funds:
   Enhanced Liquidity Fund      Common Trust Fund, 11,782 shares           $4,109,718     $3,998,416
   Marketable Bond Fund         Common Trust Fund, 9,443 shares             7,981,377      8,170,191

                                 Total Collective Investment Funds         12,091,095     12,168,607

U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes:
   U.S. Treasury note           $300,000 par, 8.625%, due 1-15-95             300,844        303,843
   U.S. Treasury note           $600,000 par, 7.25%, due 11-15-96             546,720        612,372
   U.S. Treasury note           $650,000 par, 8.625%, due 8-15-97             666,655        687,778
   U.S. Treasury note           $300,000 par, 8.875%, due 11-15-97            303,000        320,250
   U.S. Treasury note           $400,000 par, 9.00%, due 5-15-98              405,656        430,876
   U.S. Treasury note           $200,000 par, 9.25%, due 8-15-98              199,312        217,668
   U.S. Treasury note           $200,000 par, 8.875%, due 2-15-99             195,000        216,250
   U.S. Treasury note           $500,000 par, 7.875%, due 11-15-99            509,375        522,890
   U.S. Treasury note           $500,000 par, 7.75%, due 2-15-2001            513,172        520,470
   U.S. Treasury note           $500,000 par, 7.5%, dur 5-15-2002             501,406        513,125
   U.S. Treasury bond           $750,000 par, 8.50%, due 2-15-2000            852,187        805,545
   U.S. Treasury bond           $600,000 par, 7.875%, due 2-15-2000           561,156        605,250
   U.S. Treasury bond           $600,000 par, 10.75%, due 2-15-2003           669,750        735,654
   U.S. Treasury bond           $400,000 par, 8.25%, due 5-15-2005            370,750        420,248
   U.S. Treasury bond           $600,000 par, 9.375%, due 2-15-2006           609,104        697,424
   U.S. Treasury bond           $500,000 par, 7.625%, due 12-15-2007          504,766        505,390

                                 Total U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes        7,708,853      8,115,033

Harris Bank Collective
   Short-Term Investment Fund   Money Market                               15,641,625     15,641,625

Aetna                           Guaranteed Investment Contract #01359      16,367,136     16,367,136

Plan participants               Participant loans, 7% to 12.5%                      -      1,183,688

DEKALB Genetics Corporation Savings And Investment Plan
ITEM 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions
August 31, 1994

                                                  NUMBER OF     PURCHASE     SELLING      COST OF    CURRENT VALUE NET GAIN

Harris Trust & Savings Bank     Mutual Fund              392  $39,282,921               $39,282,921   $39,282,921        -
                                                         244               $37,296,173  $37,296,173   $37,296,173        -