Washington DC  20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

  X    Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities
- ------

       Exchange Act of 1934

       For the nine month period ended May 31, 1996 or

       Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities
- -------
       Exchange Act 1934

       For the transition period from                 to
                                      ---------------    ---------------

                        Commission file number:  0-17005

                          DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
            Delaware                                 36-3586793
- -------------------------------         ----------------------------------

(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

                  3100 Sycamore Road, DeKalb, Illinois  60115

                    (Address of principal executive offices)


              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes   X    No
   --------  -------

            Title of class                   Outstanding as of May 31, 1996
- ---------------------------------------      ------------------------------

Class A Common, no par value                   2,405,289
Class B Common, no par value                  14,638,959

Exhibit index is located on page 2
Total number of pages 16

                          DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION


                                                                 Page No.

Part I - Financial Information (Unaudited except for the
 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of August 31, 1995):

 Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
 and Results of Operations                                            3-5

 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations for the nine
 months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995                                     6

 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three
 months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995                                     7

 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, May 31, 1996 and 1995
 and August 31, 1995                                                    8

 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the nine
 months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995                                     9

 Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements               10-12

Part II - Other Information                                         13-14

 EXHIBIT 11 - Computation of Net Earnings per Common and Common     15-16
 Equivalent Share for the nine months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995
 and for the three months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995.

                    Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                 Financial Condition and Results of Operations

Net earnings for the first nine months of fiscal 1996 were $18.2 million ($1.12
per share) compared with $11.9 million ($0.76 per share) in the same period of
the prior year. Earnings from continuing operations were $7.5 million higher (70
percent) in fiscal year 1996.  The company declared a three-for-one stock split 
to holders of record on May 10, 1996 with shares being distributed on May 24,
1996; thus, earnings per share and all other share amounts have been restated 
to reflect a tripling in the number of shares outstanding.

North American seed earnings improved by 52 percent, reflecting higher corn and
soybean sales volumes attributed to increased planted acreage and growing
product demand.  Corn unit margins were lower, however, due to increased unit
production costs.  Higher earnings from the international seed segment were due
to higher corn and sunflower sales volumes in Argentina and the absence of
devaluation losses in Mexico as occurred in fiscal year 1995. Swine segment
earnings for fiscal 1996 improved $1.5 million over fiscal 1995.  Market hog
prices rebounded significantly, but were partly offset by lower breeding stock
sales resulting from an unfavorable hog\corn price ratio for producers.

Consolidated revenues in fiscal 1996 were $367.4 million compared with $294.3
million the prior year, up 25%.  Third quarter revenues exceeded prior year by
$32.1 million, up 31%. The main reasons for increased revenues, for both the
year-to-date and third quarter, were higher North American and Argentine corn
sales volumes and selling prices.

Fiscal year 1996 third quarter earnings from continuing operations were $5.0
million or 139 percent higher than the same period a year ago.  Contributing to
the improvement were higher North American and Argentine corn volumes partly
offset by lower swine breeding stock volumes and higher corporate expenses.

           Quarterly Industry Segment Revenues and Earnings

                              In Millions


                                Third Quarter           Year-to-Date

                               May         May         May       May
                              1996        1995         1996     1995

- ---

- --------

  North American Seed       $105.5      $ 75.5      $254.6    $191.0

  International Seed          20.9        17.6        78.6      67.7

  Swine                       10.6        11.8        34.2      35.6

     Total revenues         $137.0      $104.9      $367.4    $294.3

- --------

  North American Seed       $ 15.6      $  6.3      $ 31.0    $ 20.4

  International Seed           2.4         2.9         9.6       8.3

  Swine                       (0.6)       (0.1)        0.1      (1.4)

     Total operations         17.4         9.1        40.7      27.3

  General corporate           (1.9)       (0.8)       (5.1)     (3.4)

  Net interest expense        (1.4)       (2.4)       (5.8)     (6.7)

     Earnings from
continuing operations

       before income taxes    14.1         5.9        29.8      17.2

  Income tax provision         5.5         2.3        11.6       6.5
  Earnings from continuing     8.6         3.6        18.2      10.7

  Discontinued operations:

     Gain/(Loss) from          -           0.1         -        (0.5)
operations, net of tax

     Gain on disposition,      -           1.7         -         1.7
net of tax

Net Earnings                $  8.6      $  5.4      $ 18.2    $ 11.9

- ------
- ----

 North American Seed

 North American seed segment earnings for the first nine months of fiscal 1996
 were $10.6 million higher than a year ago.  Revenues through May, 1996
 increased $63.6 million or 33 percent from the same period of the prior year.
 Higher corn volume, reflecting an increase in planted acreage and greater
 demand for DEKALB's corn product line, together with increased soybean volume
 and higher prices for both products, were the main reasons for the improvement
 in revenues.

 Partly offsetting the revenue increases were higher unit corn costs and
 greater operating expenses.  Corn unit costs climbed more than $5.00 per unit
 in fiscal 1996 as a result of adverse planting and growing conditions during
 the 1995 summer production season, together with increased winter production
 costs. The previous year's cost per unit benefited from an above-target crop
 resulting from excellent growing conditions in the summer production of 1994.
 DEKALB's expanded sales efforts and a continued emphasis on research and
 development resulted in higher operating expenses in fiscal 1996.

 Third quarter revenues were $30.0 million or 40% higher than the  previous
 year's third quarter revenues.  Higher corn volumes and corn and soybean
 prices were the main reasons for the increase.  The $9.3 million third quarter
 earnings increase included the receipt of $4.0 million revenues, the first
 payment from Monsanto as part of the ten-year research collaboration
 agreement, which was partly offset by $0.4 million of related expenses.
 International  Seed

 International seed segment earnings for the first nine months of fiscal year
 1996 were $1.3 million higher than a year ago due to improved results in
 Argentina and Mexico.  Higher Argentine corn volume combined with increased
 corn and sunflower margins per unit were the main reasons for the improvement.
 Fiscal 1995 results included losses in Mexico due to the effects of
 devaluation of the peso, which was not a factor in the first nine months of
 fiscal 1996.

 Revenues in the third quarter of fiscal year 1996 increased 19 percent from
 the same period of the prior year. Higher revenues were largely attributable
 to Argentine corn sales volume and price increases.

- -----

Swine segment earnings for the first nine months of fiscal year 1996 were
improved by $1.5 million compared with fiscal year 1995. Average market hog
prices in fiscal year 1996, which increased more than $8.00 per hundred-weight
from fiscal year 1995, contributed to the earnings improvement.  Unfavorable
industry conditions have resulted in lower breeding stock sales volume.

- -------

The increase in general corporate expenses over the prior year was largely the
result of enhanced employee benefits, and higher bonus accruals and consulting

The company declared a three-for-one stock split to holders of record May 10, 
1996 with shares being distributed May 24, 1996. Following the split, the 
quarterly cash dividend was adjusted to seven cents per share, an increase of  
five percent.

The stock split is reflected in the following discussion. All share numbers and
prices are stated on a post-split basis.

On January 31, 1996, DEKALB entered into a series of agreements with Monsanto
Company (Monsanto), including an agreement which provides for a long-term
research and development collaboration in the field of agricultural
biotechnology, particularly corn seed. DEKALB and Monsanto also entered into
cross-licensing agreements covering insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant corn
products targeted to begin reaching the market over the next three years.

During the third quarter, DEKALB completed a sale of equity to Monsanto as part
of an Investment Agreement.  Monsanto purchased from DEKALB 242,721 newly issued
shares of DEKALB Class A (voting) Common Stock at a price per share of $ 21.67
and 1,134,000 newly issued shares of Class B (non-voting) Common Stock at a
price per share of $21.67. As a result of the new stock issued to Monsanto, the
total number of outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company rose to
approximately 17.0 million from about 15.6 million.

The cash received from Monsanto for the sale of equity served to strengthen
DEKALB's balance sheet.  The cash infusion reduced the relationship of debt to
capital from 46 percent at the end of the second quarter to 37 percent for the
third quarter, which included a debt reduction of $14.3 million.  DEKALB intends
to invest the additional cash in growth opportunities including research
programs and production facility upgrades.

Monsanto also acquired 5,171,214 shares of DEKALB's publicly traded Class B
Stock in a separate cash tender offer at a price of $23.67 per share.  Upon
completion of the tender offer, Monsanto held ten percent of the Class A voting
shares and approximately 43 percent of the Class B non-voting shares.
Additionally, DEKALB received $4.0 million from Monsanto during March, 1996, the
first payment under the companies' collaboration agreement, which calls for
total payments of $19.5 million over the term of the agreement.

Financial Position
- ------------------

During the first nine months of fiscal 1996, net cash flow from operations
increased $38.8 million compared to the same period a year ago.  Successful
early cash discount programs in the North American seed business generated
substantially greater amounts of cash during the current fiscal year.  Cash
outflow for investing activities was higher in the first  nine months of fiscal
year 1996 due to expenditures for capital improvements for Argentine and North
American seed production facilities and investments in seed related intellectual

Cash requirements for the first nine months were provided by earnings and
existing short-term credit facilities.  Committed credit lines include a $50
million revolving credit facility through December 31, 1998 and a $10 million
facility available through November 26, 1996.  These agreements contain various
restrictions on the activities of the Company as to maintenance of working
capital and tangible net worth, amount and type of indebtedness, and the
acquisition or disposition of capital shares or assets of the Company and its

Management believes its operating cash flow, other potential sources of funds,
and existing lines of credit are sufficient to cover normal and expected working
capital needs, capital expenditures, dividends and debt maturities.

                           DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION
                FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 1996 AND 1995

                                                            May         May
                                                            1996       1995

Revenues                                                  $367.4      $294.3
Cost of revenues                                           192.0       148.5

        GROSS MARGIN                                       175.4       145.8

Selling expenses                                            70.0        60.9
Research and development cost                               44.4        38.3
General and administrative expense                          25.7        20.9

                                                           140.1       120.1

        OPERATING EARNINGS                                  35.3        25.7

Interest expense, net of interest income of $0.6 in 1996
   and $0.3 in 1995                                         (5.8)       (6.7)
Other income (expense), net                                  0.3        (1.8)

Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes     29.8        17.2
Income tax provision                                        11.6         6.5

Earnings from continuing operations                         18.2        10.7

Discontinued operations:
     Loss from operations, net of tax                        -          (0.5)
     Gain on disposition, net of tax                         -           1.7

NET EARNINGS                                              $ 18.2      $ 11.9

   Earnings per share from continuing operations          $  1.12     $  0.68
   Discontinued operations                                   -           0.08

   NET EARNINGS PER SHARE                                 $  1.12     $  0.76

   DIVIDENDS PER SHARE                                    $  0.203    $  0.20

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                        DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION
              FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 1996 AND 1995

                                                            May        May
                                                           1996       1995

Revenues                                                 $137.0     $104.9
Cost of revenues                                           68.4       50.6

     GROSS MARGIN                                          68.6       54.3

Selling expenses                                           26.8       24.7
Research and development cost                              17.5       14.7
General and administrative expense                          9.7        7.1

                                                           54.0       46.5

     OPERATING EARNINGS                                    14.6        7.8

Interest expense, net of interest income of $0.3 in 1996
  and $0.1 in 1995                                         (1.4)      (2.4)
Other income, net                                           0.9        0.5

Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes    14.1        5.9
Income tax provision                                        5.5        2.3
Earnings from continuing operations                         8.6        3.6

Discontinued operations:
  Earnings from operations, net of tax                      -          0.1
  Gain on disposition, net or tax                           -          1.7

NET EARNINGS                                             $  8.6     $  5.4

     Earnings per share from continuing operations       $  0.51    $  0.23
     Discontinued operations                                -          0.11

     NET EARNINGS PER SHARE                              $  0.51    $  0.34

     DIVIDENDS PER SHARE                                 $  0.07    $  0.067

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                                 DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION
                          MAY 31, 1996 AND 1995 AND AUGUST 31, 1995
                                    (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)
                                                               May         May        August

                                                               1996        1995        1995


Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                 $  1.7     ($  2.5)     $  3.0
  Notes and accounts receivable, net of allowance for
   doubtful accounts of $4.2 at May 31, 1996, $2.4 at
   May 31, 1995, and $2.7 at August 31, 1995                 139.0       109.8        57.6
  Inventories (Note 2)                                        69.2        89.6       106.0
  Deferred income taxes                                        4.7         4.3         4.7
  Other current assets                                         6.0         4.0         3.7

     Total current assets                                    220.6       205.2       175.0

Investments in and advances to related companies               3.8         2.9         3.9
Intangible assets                                             42.2        40.3        40.0
Other assets                                                   6.2         3.6         4.3
Property, plant and equipment, at cost                       252.5       237.5       240.0
  Less accumulated depreciation and amortization            (144.9)     (139.7)     (140.2)
     Net property, plant and equipment                       107.6        97.8        99.8

Total assets                                                $380.4      $349.8      $323.0

Current liabilities:
  Notes payable                                             $ 14.3      $ 59.7      $ 42.8
  Accounts payable, trade                                      5.7         3.4         6.7
  Other accounts payable                                      26.9         7.2        15.6
  Other current liabilities                                   61.1        52.6        29.5

     Total current liabilities                               108.0       122.9        94.6

Deferred compensation and other credits                        6.3         5.6         5.8
Deferred income taxes                                         11.2         9.0        11.3
Long-term debt, less current maturities                       85.0        85.0        85.0

Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 4)

Shareholders' equity:
  Capital stock:
     Common, Class A; authorized 15,000,000 shares             0.2         0.1         0.1
     Common, Class B; authorized 45,000,000 shares             1.5         0.4         0.4
  Capital in excess of stated value                          109.6        80.8        80.9
  Retained earnings                                           66.0        54.5        52.3
  Currency translation adjustments (Note 3)                   (5.0)       (6.0)       (5.0)

                                                             172.3       129.8       128.7

     Less treasury stock, at cost                             (2.4)       (2.5)       (2.4)
Total shareholders' equity                                   169.9       127.3       126.3

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                  $380.4      $349.8      $323.0

          The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                          DEKALB GENETICS CORPORATION
            FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 1996 AND MAY 31, 1995
                             (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)

                                                              May         May
                                                              1996        1995

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                        $18.2       $11.9
  Net earnings
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     flow from operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                            8.2         8.2
     Equity (earnings) loss, net of dividends                (0.6)        1.7
     Other                                                    7.4        11.0

  Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Receivables                                            (82.6)      (66.0)
     Inventories                                             30.0        (1.2)
     Other current assets                                    (2.3)        0.6
     Accounts payable                                        10.2        (9.0)
     Accrued expenses                                        25.4        18.7
     Other assets and liabilities                             3.1         2.3

  Net cash flow from operating activities                   $17.0      ($21.8)

  Purchases of property, plant and equipment                (13.4)       (9.7)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment         0.4         0.8
  Other                                                      (3.2)       10.0

  Net cash flow from investing activities                  ($16.2)      $ 1.1

  Proceeds from issuing debt                                  -          14.6
  Principal payments made on short term debt                (28.5)        -
  Dividends paid                                             (3.1)       (3.1)
  Sale of equity                                             27.7         -
  Other                                                       1.1         0.5

  Net cash flow from financing activities                  ($ 2.8)      $12.0

  Net effect of exchange rates on cash                        0.7         -

  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                  (1.3)       (8.7)
  Cash and cash equivalents August 31                         3.0         6.2

  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of May               $ 1.7      ($ 2.5)

Supplemental Cash Flow Information

  Cash paid during the period for:
                           Income taxes                     $ 4.2       $ 5.0
                           Interest                         $ 6.9       $ 6.7
    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



1. The consolidated financial statements included herein are presented in
   accordance with the requirements of Form 10-Q and consequently do not
   include all of the disclosures normally required by generally accepted
   accounting principles or those normally made in the Company's Annual Report
   on Form 10-K.  In order to facilitate a better comparison of the highly
   seasonal seed operations of the Company, a Condensed Consolidated Balance
   Sheet at August 31, 1995 is included herein as part of the condensed
   consolidated financial statements.

   The results presented are unaudited (other than the Condensed Consolidated
   Balance Sheet at August 31, 1995, which is derived from the Company's
   audited year-end balance sheet) but include, in the opinion of management,
   all adjustments of a normal recurring nature necessary for a fair statement
   of the results of operations and financial position for the respective
   interim periods.

   Certain costs and expenses incurred in the North American and international
   seed businesses are charged against income as sales are recognized for
   interim reporting purposes.  The Company believes this method more closely
   matches revenues with expenses and results in more comparability of
   reporting periods within the year.  Since there are only minor North
   American seed sales recorded in the first and fourth quarters, this method
   defers first quarter expenses related to sales which will occur later in the
   year, primarily in the second quarter; it also anticipates expenses incurred
   in the fourth quarter, primarily in the third quarter.  Southern hemisphere
   international seed sales occur largely in the first and second quarters and
   this same method anticipates future expenses from the third and fourth
   quarters and matches them against the first and second quarter revenues.

2. Inventories, valued at the lower of cost or market (in millions), were as

                                          May         May        August
                                          1996        1995        1995

Commercial seed                         $ 54.6      $ 78.6      $  95.3
Swine                                      8.9         7.8          7.6
Supplies and other                         5.7         3.2          3.1

                                        $ 69.2      $ 89.6      $ 106.0




3.Effective in fiscal 1995, the Company accounts for translation of foreign
  currency in countries formerly considered hyperinflationary in accordance
  with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 52 (SFAS No. 52),
  "Foreign Currency Translation."  Foreign-currency assets and liabilities are
  translated into their U.S. dollar equivalents based on rates of exchange
  prevailing at the end of the respective period.  Translation adjustments
  resulting from translating foreign currency financial statements of
  consolidated subsidiaries into their U.S. dollar equivalents are reported
  separately and accumulated in a separate component of stockholders' equity.
  The following summarizes the activity in the translation adjustment account:

                                                     (In millions)

                                                    May         May
                                                    1996        1995

Balance at September 1                             ($5.0)      ($2.7)
Translation (loss)                                   -          (3.3)

Balance at end of May                              ($5.0)      ($6.0)

  Aggregate exchange gains and losses arising from the translation of foreign
  currency transactions in other than the functional currency of the particular
  entity are included in income.

4.The Company and its subsidiaries are defendants in various legal actions
  arising in the course of business activities.  In the opinion of management,
  these actions will not result in a material adverse effect on the Company's
  consolidated operations or financial position.  Additional information in
  Part II, Other Information, Item 1 - Legal Proceedings.

  Most potential property losses are self-insured.

5.On April 28, 1995, the Company sold its poultry operation to Central Farm of
  America, Inc., an affiliate of Toshoku, Ltd., for $12.5 million in cash.
  Accordingly, the poultry business is reported as a discontinued operation and
  the consolidated financial statements have been reclassified to report
  separately the net assets and operating results of the business. The
  Company's operating results for the prior year have been restated to reflect
  continuing operations.



6.On January 31, 1996, the Company entered into a series of agreements with
  Monsanto Company (Monsanto), including an agreement which provides for a
  long-term research and development collaboration with Monsanto in the field
  of agricultural biotechnology, particularly corn seed. DEKALB and Monsanto
  also entered into cross-licensing agreements covering insect-resistant and
  herbicide-tolerant corn products targeted to reach the market over the next
  three years.

  During the third quarter of fiscal 1996, DEKALB completed a sale of equity to
  Monsanto as part of an Investment Agreement.  The three-for-one stock split
  to shareholders of record on May 10, 1996 is reflected in the following share
  and price information.  Monsanto purchased from DEKALB 242,721 newly issued
  shares of DEKALB Class A (voting) Common Stock at a price per share of $21.67 
  and 1,134,000 newly issued shares of Class B (non-voting) Common Stock at a 
  price per share of $21.67.  As a result of the new stock issued to Monsanto, 
  the total number of outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company has 
  risen to over 17.0 million from about 15.6 million.

  Monsanto also acquired 5,171,214 shares of DEKALB's publicly traded Class B
  Common Stock in a separate cash tender offer at a price of $23.67 per share.
  Upon completion of the tender offer, Monsanto held ten percent of the Class A
  voting shares and approximately 43 percent of the Class B non-voting shares.
  Additionally, DEKALB received $4.0 million from Monsanto in March, 1996, the
  first payment under the companies' collaboration agreement, which calls for
  total payments of $19.5 million over the term of the agreement.

  The Investment Agreement, among other things: (i) provides Monsanto with the
  right, for one year after the closing under the Investment Agreement (the
  ``Closing''), to purchase in the stock market additional Class B Stock so long
  as the total Common Stock owned by Monsanto does not exceed 40% of the Common
  Stock outstanding at such time, (ii) restricts the ability of Monsanto to
  transfer securities of DEKALB; (iii) provides DEKALB under specified
  circumstances with a right of first refusal in respect of certain proposed
  transfers by Monsanto of securities of DEKALB; (iv) limits for ten years,
  subject to certain exceptions, the ability of Monsanto to acquire additional
  securities of DEKALB; (v) requires DEKALB to provide notice to Monsanto of
  certain transactions in order to provide Monsanto with the opportunity to
  propose an alternative transaction to DEKALB; and (vi) prohibits Monsanto
  from engaging in specified activities.

  Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, Robert T. Fraley, president of the
  Ceregen unit at Monsanto Co., was named to the board of directors of DEKALB
  Genetics Corporation at the April, 1996 board of directors meeting.

  The Investment Agreement also provides that Monsanto may nominate for
  election in January, 1997 an additional member to DEKALB's Board.  DEKALB is
  obligated to support any such nominations made in accordance with the terms
  of the Investment Agreement.  The Investment Agreement further provides that,
  during any period in which Monsanto is entitled to nominate one or more
  members to DEKALB's Board, DEKALB will use all reasonable efforts to assure
  that there be at least three members of its Board who are independent of
  DEKALB, Monsanto and certain large holders of Class A Stock.

7.Certain other expenses have been reclassified to operating expenses.  These
  reclassifications had no effect on net earnings.

                             Part II

                        OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings
- ---------------------------

    The Company and its subsidiaries are defendants in various legal actions
    arising in the course of business activities.  In the opinion of
    management, these actions will not result in a material adverse effect on
    the Company's consolidated operations or financial position.

    The company is also the plaintiff in various legal actions.  The most
    significant of these actions have been filed by the Company in federal
    district court in the Northern District of Illinois and allege infringement
    of one or two of the Company's biotechnology related patents.  The patents
    involved are U.S. Patent #5,484,956 covering fertile, transgenic corn
    plants expressing genes encoding Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal
    proteins and U.S. patent #5,489,520 covering the microprojectile method for
    producing fertile, transgenic corn plants covering a bar or pat gene, as
    well as the production and breeding of progeny of such plants.  In each
    such case the Company has asked the Court to determine that infringement
    has occurred, to enjoin further infringement and to award unspecified
    compensatory and exemplary damages.  Lawsuits were initially filed on April
    30, 1996 against Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Mycogen Corporation
    (and two of its subsidiaries) and Ciba-Geigy Corporation.  A similar
    lawsuit was filed against Northrup King Co. on June 10, 1996.  In addition,
    the Company and two subsidiaries of Mycogen are parties to a declaratory
    judgment action filed by the Mycogen subsidiaries in San Diego, California
    on April 30, 1996 regarding the same issues involved in the Company's
    action against Mycogen.  The declaratory judgment action is being
    transferred to federal district court in the Northern District of Illinois.
    There can be no assurance that the Company will prevail in any of the
    actions described in this paragraph.

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- -------------------------------------------------------------

A special meeting of stockholders of the Company was held on Tuesday, May 21, 
1996 to consider a proposed amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation to, among other things, effect a three-for-one split of the
Company's Class A Common Stock and the Company's Class B Common Stock.

674,165 shares of Class A Common Stock were cast in favor of the amendment,
- -0- votes were cast against and there were 35 abstentions. 3,920,661 shares of 
Class B Common Stock were cast in favor of the amendment, 940 votes were cast 
against and there were 6,782 abstentions.

- ------

Item 6.        Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                            Page
- -----------------------------------------------                            ----

(a) Exhibit 11 -

    Computation of Net Earnings per Common and Common Equivalent Shares
    for the nine months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995 and for the three
    months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995.                                    15-16

(b) Reports on Form 8-K - In a report filed on Form 8-K dated March 12, 1996,
    the Company reported that DEKALB Genetics and Monsanto completed equity sale
    as part of a long-term research collaboration.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                     DEKALB Genetics Corporation

Date:  July 11, 1996      Thomas R. Rauman
      --------------  -----------------------

                     Thomas R. Rauman
                     Vice President-Finance,
                     Chief Financial Officer

                                     EXHIBIT 11

                             AND COMMON EQUIVALENT SHARE
                   For the nine months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995

                                                            May              May
                                                           1996             1995


     Average shares outstanding                           16,020,515       15,473,192

     Net average additional shares outstanding
     assuming dilutive stock options exercised
     and proceeds used to purchase treasury stock
     at average market price                                 161,661           82,784

     Average number of common and common
     equivalent shares outstanding                        16,182,176       15,555,976

  Net Earnings
     Net earnings for primary earnings per share         $18,172,000      $11,886,000

  Primary Earnings Per Share                                   $1.12            $0.76

                                     EXHIBIT 11

                             AND COMMON EQUIVALENT SHARE
                  For the three months ended May 31, 1996 and 1995

                                                            May              May
                                                           1996             1995


     Average shares outstanding                           16,690,225       15,509,051

     Net average additional shares outstanding
     assuming dilutive stock options exercised
     and proceeds used to purchase treasury stock
     at average market price                                 189,626           96,521

     Average number of common and common
     equivalent shares outstanding                        16,879,851       15,605,573

  Net Earnings
     Net earnings for primary earnings per share          $8,581,000       $5,351,000

  Primary Earnings Per Share                                   $0.51            $0.34