Washington, D.C.  20549

                          FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

[  X  ]   Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or  15(d)  of  the
       Exchange Act of 1934
       For the quarterly period ended:  March 25, 1995


[    ]   Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)  of
the Securities
       Exchange Act of 1934
       For the transition period from        to

Commission file No.:  33-48862

    (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       Delaware                                      73-1311075
  (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
  incorporation or organization)                 dentification No.)

                     400 N.E. 36th Street
                Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73l25
    (Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip Code)

                        (405) 557-5500
     (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1)  has  filed
all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
(or  for  such shorter period that the registrant was required
to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X     No

Indicate  the  number of shares outstanding  of  each  of  the
issuer's classes of common stock as of May 1, 1995.

Class A Common Stock, including redeemable common stock: 32,86
                 Class B Common Stock:  None


Item 1.     Financial Statements


      (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)


                                               March 25, December 31,
                                                 1995        1994
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents                      $  2,644   $    339
Receivables, net of allowance for uncollectible
 accounts of $2,216 and $2,690                    7,992     12,235
Receivables for taxes                             1,551      2,270
Inventories                                      79,968     89,850
Prepaid expenses and other current assets         4,699      6,384

  Total current assets                           96,854    111,078

Property, plant and equipment:
Land                                             10,997     10,997
Buildings                                        29,276     29,276
Fixtures and equipment                           61,373     61,360
Land and leasehold improvements                  32,410     32,410
Software                                         17,876     17,876
Leased assets under capital leases               46,015     46,015
Construction in progress                          2,133      2,048

                                                200,080    199,982

Less accumulated depreciation
 and amortization                                85,927     82,603

Net property, plant and equipment               114,153    117,379

Excess of purchase price over fair
value of net assets acquired, net
of amortization of $856 and $830                  2,449      2,475

Other assets and deferred charges                 7,761      8,202

  Total assets                                 $221,217   $239,134


          The accompanying notes are an integral part
                 of these financial statements.

       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                                      March 25, December 31,
                                                         1995       1994
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable - trade                              $ 25,694    $ 30,317
Salaries and wages                                       2,401       1,925
Taxes                                                    6,992       6,492
Accrued interest payable                                 1,401       3,313
Other current liabilities                               13,711      15,050
Current portion of long-term debt                        1,525       2,250
Current portion of obligations under capital
 leases                                                  7,834       7,828

  Total current liabilities                             59,558      67,175

Long-term obligations:
Long-term debt                                         140,027     145,000
Obligations under capital leases                        10,208      11,472
Other noncurrent liabilities                             4,595       5,176
Noncurrent restructuring reserve                         3,546       5,005

  Total long-term obligations                          158,376     166,653

Commitments and contingencies                      -          -

Redeemable common stock, Class A, $.01 par value,
3,409,211 shares at March 25, 1995 and 3,864,211
shares at December 31, 1994, at redemption value
                                                         1,068       1,235
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock
  Class A, $.01 par value, authorized - 40,500,000
   shares, issued - 32,059,989 shares at March 25,
   1995 and 31,604,989 shares at December 31, 1994
   outstanding - 30,878,989 shares                         321         316
Additional paid-in capital                              54,120      53,896
Accumulated deficit                                    (50,254)    (48,398)
Treasury stock, 1,181,000 shares at March 25, 1995
and 726,000 shares at December 31, 1994, at cost        (1,972)     (1,743)

  Total stockholders' equity                             2,215       4,071

  Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  $221,217   $239,134

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
                 of these financial statements.



       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                              12 weeks    12 weeks
                                               ended       ended
                                              March 25,   March 26,
                                                1995         1994

Sales, net                                    $178,009    $184,837

Cost of sales                                  135,485     137,699

Gross profit                                    42,524      47,138

Selling and administrative                      39,969      42,017

Operating profit                                 2,555       5,121

Interest expense                                 4,411       4,007

Income (loss) before income taxes               (1,856)      1,114

Income tax expense                                -            707

Net income (loss)                             $ (1,856)   $    407

Net income (loss) per common share            $   (.05)   $    .01

Weighted average shares outstanding          34,651,117 34,783,617

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
                 of these financial statements.



                    (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                          Class     A     Additional                       Pension
                     Common Stock   Paid-in     Accumulated    Liability  Treasury
Stock                Stockholders'
                     Shares  Amount Capital  Deficit    Adjustment          Shares
Amount                Equity

Balance,    January   1,   199431,498,989   $315$46,358$(7,753)$(572)      620,000
$(1,488)          $36,860

Purchase   of   treasury  stock106,000      1     254    -         -       106,000
(255)                -

Adjustment to reduce
  minimum liability  -       -     -      -       572      -      -       572

Net  income            -        -      -        407      -            -          -

Balance,   March   26,   199431,604,989   $316$46,612$(7,346)$    -        726,000
$(1,743)          $37,839

Balance,    December   31,   199431,604,989$316$53,896$(48,398)$    -      726,000
$(1,743)          $ 4,071

Purchase   of   treasury  stock455,000      5     224    -         -       455,000
(229)                -

Net  loss              -        -      -     (1,856)     -            -          -

Balance,   March   25,  199532,059,989   $321$54,120$(50,254)$    -      1,181,000
$(1,972)          $ 2,215

                       The accompanying notes are an integral part
                              of these financial statements.



       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                                 12 weeks  12 weeks
                                                  ended     ended
                                                March 25,  March 26,
                                                   1995      1994

Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income (loss)                              $(1,856)  $   407
 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
  cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                   3,681    3,791
   Amortization of financing costs                   334      331
   (Gain) on disposal of assets                     (27)     (27)
   Amortization of beneficial interest in operating
     leases                                           60       60
   Change in assets and liabilities:
     Decrease in receivables                       4,305       72
     Decrease in receivable for taxes                719      -
     Decrease in inventories                       9,649      865
      (Increase)  decrease in prepaid expenses  and  other  current
assets                                             1,685     (75)
      (Increase)  decrease  in other assets  and  deferred  charges
(51) 203
     Decrease in accounts payable - trade        (4,623)    (909)
      Increase (decrease) in salaries and wages                 476
     Increase in taxes                               500    1,004
     Decrease in accrued interest payable        (1,912)  (2,220)
      Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities      (1,339)
      Decrease in noncurrent restructuring reserve          (1,459)
- -
       Increase   (decrease)   in  other   noncurrent   liabilities
(554)                                       53

        Net  cash provided by operating activities            9,588

Cash flows used in investing activities:
 Capital expenditures                               (98)    (895)

       Net cash used in investing activities        (98)    (895)

Cash flows used by financing activities:
 Borrowings under revolving credit loans          20,440    9,000
 Payments under revolving credit loans          (25,413)  (7,000)
 Net borrowings (payments) under swing loans          25  (4,250)
 Principal payments under notes payable            (750)  (1,000)
  Principal payments under capital lease obligations        (1,258)
 Payments to acquire treasury stock                (229)    (255)

       Net cash used by financing activities     (7,185)  (4,373)

Net  increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents         2,305

Cash  and cash equivalents at beginning of period               339

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       $ 2,644  $   266

Supplemental information:
  Cash paid during the period for interest       $ 5,990  $ 5,856

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
                 of these financial statements.

1.   Basis   of   Preparation   of  Consolidated   Financial

     The   accompanying  unaudited  consolidated   financial
     statements   of   Homeland  Holding   Corporation   and
     Subsidiary  (the  "Company")  reflect  all  adjustments
     consisting  only  of  normal and recurring  adjustments
     which  are, in the opinion of management, necessary  to
     present fairly the consolidated financial position  and
     the  consolidated results of operations and cash  flows
     for    the    periods   presented.    These   unaudited
     consolidated  financial statements should  be  read  in
     conjunction with the consolidated financial  statements
     of  the Company for the period ended December 31,  1994
     and the notes thereto.

2.   Accounting Policies.

     The  policies  of  the Company are  summarized  in  the
     consolidated  financial statements of the  Company  for
     the  52  weeks  ended December 31, 1994 and  the  notes

3.   Restructuring:

     In  accordance  with a strategic plan approved  by  the
     Board  of  Directors  in  December  1994,  the  Company
     entered  into  an  agreement with Associated  Wholesale
     Grocers, Inc. ("AWG") on February 6, 1995, pursuant  to
     which  the  Company  sold 29  of  its  stores  and  its
     warehouse   and  distribution  center   to   AWG.    In
     connection  with this strategic plan, the Company  also
     plans  to close fifteen under-performing stores  during
     1995,  seven  of  which were closed  during  the  first
     quarter of 1995.  During the first quarter of 1995, the
     Company  paid  $1,459  of  costs  associated  with  the
     operational restructuring as follows:

                        Operational    restructuring   Operational
                       restructuring   costs paid in  restructuring
                          reserve at    the 12 weeks endedreserve
                     December 31, 1994    March 25, 1995 March 25,

Expenses associated with the
 planned store closings,
 primarily occupancy costs
 from closing date to lease
  termination or sublease date  $8,319      $(393)              $

Expenses associated with the AWG
 Transaction, primarily service
 and equipment contract
  cancellation fees             5,649         -                 5

Estimated severance costs
 associated with the AWG
  Transaction                   5,624        (678)              4

Legal and consulting fees
 associated with the
  AWG Transaction               4,905        (388)              4

Net gain on sale of property,
  plant and equipment to AWG     (19,492)     -                 (

   Operational restructuring
      reserve                   $  5,005  $(1,459)              $

 The  separately identifiable revenue and store contribution
 to  operating  profit related to the stores being  sold  to
 AWG  or  closed  and  expenses  related  to  the  warehouse
 facility are as follows:

                                   12 weeks      12 weeks
                                    ended         ended
                                   March 25,    March 26,
                                     1995         1994

     Sales, net                    $54,722       $60,029

     Store contribution to
       operating profit before
       allocation of administrative
       and advertising expenses      2,002         2,574

     Warehouse expenses              2,945         2,767

Item 2.   Management's  Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial
          Condition and Results of Operations

Results of Operations

         Comparison of Twelve Weeks Ended March 25, 1995  with
Twelve Weeks Ended March 26, 1994.

         Sales.   Net sales for the 12 weeks ended  March  25,
1995  decreased  3.7% over the net sales of the  corresponding
period of 1994.  The decrease in net sales was due in part  to
the closing of five stores which occurred in the first week of
February  1995.   These  stores were closed  pursuant  to  the
Company's  plan to close certain underperforming stores.   The
decrease in net sales was also due to increased competition in
the  Company's  market  area resulting from  additional  store
openings  of  Wal-Mart  Stores, Inc. ("Wal-Mart")  supercenter
stores and Albertson's Inc. stores during 1994.  There were 11
new Wal-Mart supercenter stores opened in the Company's market
area during 1994.

         Net  sales for the 12 weeks ended March 25, 1995  for
the  Company's  comparable  stores  decreased  1.8%  over  the
corresponding prior period due primarily to competitors' store
openings in the Company's market area.

         Cost  and Expenses.  Gross profit as a percentage  of
sales for the 12 weeks ended March 25, 1995 decreased to 23.9%
compared  to 25.5% for the corresponding period of 1994.   The
decrease   in   gross  profit  margin  is  due  to   increased
promotional  pricing in response to the increased  competition
in  the  Company's market area in an effort  to  remain  price
competitive  and retain market share.  The decrease  was  also
due   to   lower  vendor  retail  allowances   than   in   the
corresponding  period of 1994.  During the  first  quarter  of
1994,  additional  emphasis  was placed  on  obtaining  vendor
retail  allowances, which resulted in the Company's  receiving
more  such  allowances during such period than  in  the  first
quarter  of  1995.   In addition, the availability  of  vendor
allowances in the first quarter of 1995 was adversely affected
by  the  pending sale of the Company's warehouse  and  certain
stores (see Part II-Item 5 "Other Information").

        Selling and administrative expenses as a percentage of
sales decreased to 22.5% for the 12 weeks ended March 25, 1995
from 22.7% for the comparable prior period.  This decrease was
due  in part to a decrease in advertising expenses during  the
first  quarter of 1995 as compared to the prior year.  In  the
first  quarter of 1994 a special game promotion was run  which
resulted in additional advertising cost which did not recur in
1995.   The  decrease is also due to a reduction in consulting
fees  during the first quarter of 1995 compared to  the  prior
year.  Consulting fees were higher during 1994 due to the work
being performed to pursue the Company's strategic plan to sell
certain   of   its   assets  (see  Part   II-Item   5   "Other

         Operating Income.  Operating income for the 12  weeks
ended  March  25, 1995 decreased to $2.6 million  compared  to
$5.1  million  in  the  corresponding period  of  1994.   This
decrease  was  the result of the decrease in sales  and  gross
profit  margin offset in part by the decrease in  selling  and
administrative expenses.

         Interest Expense.  Interest expense for the 12  weeks
ended  March  25,  1995 increased to $4.4  million  from  $4.0
million  in  the corresponding period of 1994, due  to  higher
interest  rates in the first quarter of 1995 compared  to  the
first quarter of 1994.

         Income  Tax  Provision.  No income tax provision  was
recorded for the 12 weeks ended March 25, 1995 as the  Company
is  projecting a taxable loss for fiscal 1995.  The income tax
provision for the 12 weeks ended March 26, 1994 was $707,000.

         Income  or Loss.  The Company recorded a net loss  of
$1.9  million for the 12 weeks ended March 25, 1995,  compared
to net income of $407,000 for the comparable prior period, due
to  the  decrease  in sales and gross profit  margin  and  the
increase  in interest expense, offset in part by the  decrease
in selling and administrative expenses.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         The  major  sources of liquidity  for  the  Company's
operations and expansion have been internally generated  funds
and  borrowings under credit facilities.  In March  1992,  the
Company  refinanced  its  indebtedness  by  entering  into  an
Indenture  with United States Trust Company of  New  York,  as
trustee  (the "Senior Note Indenture"), pursuant to which  the
Company  issued $45 million in aggregate principal  amount  of
Series  A Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 1997, bearing
interest  at  a  floating  rate of 3%  over  LIBOR  (the  "Old
Floating  Rate Notes"), and $75 million in aggregate principal
amount  of Series B Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due  1999,
bearing  interest at 11-3/4% per annum (the  "Old  Fixed  Rate
Notes,"  and  together with the Old Floating Rate  Notes,  the
"Old Notes").  The Old Fixed Rate Notes were not redeemable by
the Company until on or after March 1, 1997.

        In October and November 1992, the Company conducted an
offer  to  exchange its Series D Senior Secured Floating  Rate
Notes  due 1997 (the "New Floating Rate Notes") for  an  equal
principal  amount of its outstanding Old Floating Rate  Notes,
and  Series  C Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due  1999  (the
"New  Fixed  Rate Notes," and together with the  New  Floating
Rate Notes, the "New Notes") for an equal principal amount  of
its Old Fixed Rate Notes.  The Old Notes and the New Notes are
collectively  referred to herein as the "Senior  Notes".   The
New Notes are substantially identical to the Old Notes, except
that  the  offering of the New Notes was registered  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  Holders of the New  Notes
are  not  entitled  to certain rights of holders  of  the  Old
Notes, as described in the prospectus relating to the exchange
offer.   At May 1, 1995, $75 million of New Fixed Rate  Notes,
$33  million of New Floating Rate Notes and $12 million of Old
Floating Rate Notes are outstanding.

         For  information regarding recent amendments  to  the
Senior  Note  Indenture,  see  Part  II-Item  2  "Changes   in

         In  March  1992, the Company entered into a Revolving
Credit Agreement (the "Revolving Credit Agreement") with Union
Bank of Switzerland, New York Branch ("UBS"), as agent and  as
lender, and any other lenders and other financial institutions
thereafter  parties thereto.  The Revolving  Credit  Agreement
provided  a  commitment  of  up  to  $50  million  in  secured
revolving  credit  loans, including a swing loan  and  certain
letters   of   credit   (the  "Revolving  Credit   Facility").
Borrowings under the Revolving Credit Agreement bore  interest
at  the  UBS  Base Rate plus 1.5% or at an adjusted Eurodollar
Rate  plus  2.5%,  which rates were subject to  increase  upon
certain conditions.  All borrowings under the Revolving Credit
Agreement  were  subject to a borrowing base  and  matured  no
later than February 25, 1997.

         On April 21, 1995, the Company replaced its Revolving
Credit  Agreement  with  a  revised  revolving  facility  (the
"Amended  and  Restated  Revolving  Credit  Agreement").   The
Amended  and  Restated  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  is  with
National  Bank  of  Canada ("NBC"), as agent  and  as  lender,
Heller  Financial,  Inc.  and  any  other  lenders  thereafter
parties  thereto.   The Amended and Restated Revolving  Credit
Agreement  provides  a  commitment of up  to  $25  million  in
secured  revolving credit loans and letters  of  credit.   The
Amended  and  Restated Revolving Credit Agreement permits  (a)
borrowings   to   refinance  the  existing  Revolving   Credit
Agreement  and for working capital needs and (b) the  issuance
of  standby  letters  of  credit and  documentary  letters  of
credit.   Borrowings under the Amended and Restated  Revolving
Credit Agreement bear interest at the NBC Base Rate plus  1.5%
for the first year.  Subsequent year's interest rates will  be
dependent upon the Company's earnings but will not exceed  the
NBC Base Rate plus 2.0%.  All borrowings under the Amended and
Restated  Revolving  Credit Agreement are subject  to  certain
borrowing base requirements and mature no later than  February
27,  1997, with the possibility of extending the maturity date
to March 31, 1998 at the lenders' sole discretion.
                 PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 2. Changes in Securities

         On  April 13, 1995, the Company received consents for
certain  amendments to the Senior Note Indenture  and  certain
related   agreements  from  holders  of  Senior  Notes.    The
amendments (a) increased the interest rate on each  series  of
Notes  by  one-half  of  one percent  (0.5%)  per  annum;  (b)
amended,  added  and deleted certain financial  covenants  and
related definitions under the Senior Note Indenture (including
modifying   the  Consolidated  Fixed  Charge  Coverage   Ratio
covenant, adding a new Debt-to-EBITDA ratio and a new  Capital
Expenditures covenant, deleting the Adjusted Consolidated  Net
Worth covenant) to reflect the Company's size, operations  and
financial position following the AWG Transaction (as hereafter
defined   under  "Other  Information");  (c)  amended  certain
provisions of the Senior Note Indenture to permit the  Company
to  incur  certain  liens  and indebtedness  and  to  make  an
investment  in  certain membership stock and receive  or  earn
patronage certificates or other equity in connection with  the
supply  agreement to be entered into with Associated Wholesale
Grocers,  Inc.  ("AWG"); (d) amended certain provisions  of  a
security  agreement securing the Senior Note to  provide  that
AWG  will  have  a  first  lien on certain  collateral  to  be
acquired  by  the Company in connection with  the  AWG  supply
agreement; (e) amended certain other provisions of the  Senior
Note  Indenture  to, among other things, limit  the  Company's
ability  to  incur certain future indebtedness and guarantees,
and  to  provide  that a certain amount of net  proceeds  from
future  asset sales must be applied to an offer to redeem  the
Senior  Notes; and (f) amended a mortgage securing the  Senior
Notes  to  provide  that defaults under, or  modifications  or
terminations  of, a certain lease related to  a  store  to  be
closed,  will  not  constitute a default or event  of  default
under the mortgage.  On April 21, 1995, the Company and United
States  Trust Company of New York, as trustee for the  holders
of  the  Senior  Notes, entered into a supplemental  indenture
effecting these amendments.

Item 5. Other Information

         On  April 21, 1995, the Company sold 29 of its stores
and  its warehouse and distribution center to AWG pursuant  to
an  Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of February 6, 1995 (the
"Purchase Agreement") for a cash purchase price of $45 million
plus  $27.6  million for the value of inventory in the  stores
and  the  warehouse.  The Purchase Agreement required  AWG  to
assume,  or  provide  certain undertakings  with  respect  to,
certain   contracts   and   lease  obligations   and   pension
liabilities  of the Company.  At the closing, the Company  and
AWG  also entered into a seven-year supply agreement,  whereby
the  Company became a retail member of the AWG cooperative and
AWG  became  the Company's primary supplier.  The transactions
between the Company and AWG are referred to herein as the "AWG

        AWG is a buying cooperative which sells groceries on a
wholesale  basis  to its retail member stores.   AWG  has  716
member  stores  located  in a nine-state  region  and  is  the
nation's    fifth   largest   wholesale   distributor,    with
approximately $2.6 billion in revenues in 1994.

         The Company estimates that net proceeds from the  AWG
Transaction will be approximately $37.2 million, approximately
$25.0  million  of which will be allocated to the Senior Notes
and approximately $12.2 million of which will be allocated  to
indebtedness  under the Amended and Restated Revolving  Credit
Agreement.   The  remaining proceeds from the AWG  Transaction
will   be  (i)  used  to  pay  certain  costs,  expenses   and
liabilities  required to be paid in connection  with  the  AWG
Transaction or (ii) deposited into escrow pending reinvestment
by  the  Company or application against a subsequent offer  to
redeem additional Senior Notes in either case within 180  days
of  the closing of the AWG Transaction.  Under the Senior Note
Indenture,  the Company is required to apply the net  proceeds
allocable to the Senior Notes to an offer to redeem the Senior
Notes on a pro rata basis.

        The purposes of the AWG Transaction are: (i) to reduce
the  Company's borrowed money indebtedness in respect  of  the
Senior  Notes  and  under the Amended and  Restated  Revolving
Credit  Agreement  by  approximately  $37.2  million  in   the
aggregate;  (ii)  to  have  AWG  assume,  or  provide  certain
undertakings with respect to, certain contracts and leases and
certain pension liabilities of the Company; (iii) to sell  the
Company's  warehouse  and  distribution  center,  which   will
eliminate  the high fixed overhead costs associated  with  the
operation of the warehouse and distribution center and thereby
permit  the Company to close marginal and unprofitable stores;
and  (iv) to obtain the benefits of becoming a member  of  the
AWG  cooperative,  including increased  purchases  of  private
label  products, special product purchases, dedicated  support
programs and access to AWG's store systems.

         The  Company  plans  to close  certain  marginal  and
unprofitable stores.  Such a plan is now financially  feasible
because  of  the sale of the warehouse and the elimination  of
the  high fixed costs associated with the warehouse operation.
The  Company closed seven stores during the first  quarter  of
1995  and expects to close an additional eight stores  by  the
end of 1995.
Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                   (a)  Exhibits:  The following exhibits  are
               filed as part of this report:

               Exhibit No.    Description

                              Second  Supplement to Indenture,
                              dated  as  of  April  21,  1995,
                              among   Homeland,  Holding   and
                              United  States Trust Company  of
                              New York, as Trustee.

                              Amendment  No. 2 to the  Company
                              Security Agreement, dated as  of
                              April 21, 1995, between Homeland
                              and  United States Trust Company
                              of   New   York  as   Collateral

                              Amendment   No.   1    to    the
                              Intercreditor  Agreement,  dated
                              as  of  April  21,  1995,  among
                              National Bank of Canada,  United
                              States Trust Company of New York
                              and  such other persons  as  may
                              become     parties    to     the
                              Intercreditor    Agreement    as
                              provided therein.

                              Amendment No. 1 to the  Mortgage
                              Security Agreement and Financing
                              Statement, dated as of April 21,
                              1995,  from Homeland  to  United
                              States Trust Company of New York
                              as Collateral Trustee.

                              Amended  and Restated  Revolving
                              Credit  Agreement, dated  as  of
                              April  21, 1995, among Homeland,
                              Holding,   National   Bank    of
                              Canada,  as  Agent  and  lender,
                              Heller  Financial, Inc. and  any
                              other lenders thereafter parties

                              Financial Data Schedule.

                (b) Reports on Form 8-K:  No reports on Form 8-
               K were filed during the quarter ended March 25,

           Pursuant  to  the  requirements of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act  of  1934, the registrant has duly  caused  this
report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto
duly authorized.

                         HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

Date:  May 9, 1995                            By:    /s/ James
                                   A. Demme           James A.
                                   Demme,   President,   Chief
                                   Executive    Officer    and
                                   Director         (Principal
                                   Executive Officer)

Date:  May 9, 1995                            By:    /s/ Larry
                                   W. Kordisch        Larry W.
                                   Kordisch,  Executive   Vice
                                   Treasurer, Chief  Financial
                                   Officer    and    Secretary
                                   (Principal        Financial

Date:  May 9, 1995                            By:    /s/ Terry
                                   M. Marczewski      Terry M.
                                   Marczewski,           Chief
                                   Accounting         Officer,
                                   Assistant   Treasurer   and
                                   Assistant         Secretary
                                   (Principal       Accounting