FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE

                      Homeland Stores, Inc.
                    Employees' Retirement Plan

     Pursuant to the authority set forth in Article X thereof,

Homeland Stores, Inc.  Employees' Retirement Plan, is hereby

amended, effective as of the dates set forth below, in the

following respects only:


          ii             Table of Contents
                         (added new section)

           9             Section 2.35 (clarified       January 1,1989
                         definition of compensation
                         and added new compensation
                         limit effective January 1,

          20             Section 4.9 (added new        January  1,1993
                         Section on direct rollovers)

                      HOMELAND STORES, INC.

                    EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN

                 Effective as of January 1, 1989

                      Homeland Stores, Inc.

                     Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

     Section 2.32 - Participation Date                                      9
     Section 2.33 - Plan and Prior Plan                                     9
     Section 2.34 - Plan Administrator                                      9
     Section 2.35 - Plan Compensation                                       9
     Section 2.36 - Plan Year                                              10
     Section 2.37 - Qualified Election                                     10
     Section 2.38 - Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity                   10
     Section 2.39 - Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity               11
     Section 2.40 - Retired Participant                                    11
     Section 2.41 - Retirement Committee                                   11
     Section 2.42 - Social Security Covered Compensation                   11
     Section 2.43 - Spouse or Surviving Spouse                             11
     Section 2.44 - Termination of Employment or Terminates Employment     11
     Section 2.45 - Trust or Trust Agreement                               11
     Section 2.46 - Trust Fund                                             12
     Section 2.47 - Trustee                                                12
     Section 2.48 - Years of Eligibility Service                           12
     Section 2.49 - Years of Vesting Service                               12

ARTICLE III - PARTICIPATION IN THE PLAN                                    14
     Section 3.1 - Participation                                           14
     Section 3.2 - Plan and Trust Agreement Binding                        14
     Section 3.3 - Duration of Participation                               14

ARTICLE IV - MONTHLY RETIREMENT INCOME                                     15
     Section 4.1 - Payment of Benefits Only From the Trust Fund            15
     Section 4.2 - Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity Rules/Forms of
                   Payment                                                 15
     Section 4.3 - Normal Retirement                                       17
     Section 4.4 - Late Retirement                                         17
     Section 4.5 - Early Retirement                                        17
     Section 4.6 - Reemployment After the Commencement of Plan Benefits    18
     Section 4.7 - Qualified Domestic Relations Order                      19
     Section 4.8 - Benefits Not Decreased Due to Post-Termination Social
                   Security Increase                                       19
     Section 4.9 - Direct Rollover Rules                                   20

ARTICLE V - OTHER BENEFITS                                                 21
     Section 5.1 - Termination of Employment                               21
     Section 5.2 - Qualified  Preretirement  Survivor   Annuity
                   Rules/Qualified Preretirement Survivor Annuity
                   Death Benefits                                          21
     Section 5.3 - Post-Retirement Death Benefit                           24
     Section 5.4 - Beneficiary's Death; No Beneficiary Named               24
     Section 5.5 - Cash-Out of Small Amounts                               25
     Section 5.6 - Limitation on Timing of Benefit Payments                25
     Section 5.7 - Duration of Benefit Payments                            25
     Section 5.8 - Required Distributions                                  25

                                   ii                    Fifth Amendment

credited with five (5) Years of Vesting Service under the Plan or
if  earlier,  the fifth (5th) anniversary of his commencement  of
participation in the Plan.

Section   2.30  -  Normal  Retirement  Date   The  term   "Normal
Retirement Date" shall mean the first day of the month coincident
with  or  next following the Participant's attaining  his  Normal
Retirement Age.

Section 2.31 - Participant  The term "Participant" shall mean any
Employee  of an Employer who has become a Participant as provided
in Article III hereof.

Section 2.32 - Participation Date  The term "Participation  Date"
shall mean the January 1 or July 1 coincident with or immediately
following  an  Employee's  completion  of  the  requirements  for
participation as provided in Article III hereof.

Section  2.33 - Plan and Prior Plan  The term "Plan"  shall  mean
the Homeland Stores, Inc. Employees' Retirement Plan as set forth
herein.  See the Preamble for the definition of "Prior Plan."

Section  2.34 - Plan Administrator  The term "Plan Administrator"
shall  mean the Company or other such person or entity designated
by the Company from time to time.

Section  2.35  - Plan Compensation  The term "Plan  Compensation"
shall  mean  base salary or wages plus overtime and bonuses,  but
excluding non-cash taxable benefits, which an Employee is paid by
the  Employers for the performance of duties during such  portion
of  the  Plan  Year as he is accruing Benefit Service  hereunder.
Plan   Compensation  shall  also  include  any  salary  reduction
contributions to Code sections 401(k) and 125 plans for such Plan
Year.  Such determination period for Plan Compensation shall  end
with  the  Employee's Early, Normal or Late  Retirement  Date  or
termination  date  under  Section 5.1 or  the  date  his  benefit
payments  are  resumed under Section 4.6 hereof.  Notwithstanding
the  above  to  the contrary, the Participant's Plan Compensation
for  any  Plan  Year  on or after January 1,  1989,  (or  portion
thereof  in  which Benefit Service is accrued)  determined  under
this  section  shall be limited to Two Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($200,000)  as to benefit accruals occurring prior to January  1,
1994  and  One  Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)  as  to
benefit accruals occurring on and after January 1, 1994 (or  such
adjusted amount for the year for cost-of-living pursuant to  Code
sections 401(a)(17) and 415(d)).

For   purposes  of  determining  the  Plan  Compensation   of   a
Participant who is a "Highly Compensated Employee" (as defined in
Code  section  414(q)  by reason of being a  "Five  Percent  (5%)
Owner"  (as defined in Code section 414(q)(3) or a member of  the
group  consisting  of  the ten (10) Highly Compensated  Employees
paid  the  greatest  total "Compensation"  (as  defined  in  Code
section 414(q)(7) during the Plan Year, Plan Compensation of such
Employee  shall include the Plan Compensation of "family members"
who are Participants.  "Family members" as used herein shall mean
the  spouse of the Participant and any lineal descendants of  the
Participant  who have not Attained Age nineteen (19)  before  the
close of the year.  If such aggregated Plan Compensation for  the
year  exceeds the dollar limit, then the dollar limit  applicable
to  each such Participant's Plan Compensation for such year  will
be the dollar limit otherwise applicable for such year multiplied
by  a  fraction,  the  numerator of which is  such  Participant's
unlimited Plan

                               9                  Fifth Amendment

Section  4.8  -  Benefits Not Decreased Due  to  Post-Termination
Social  Security  Increase  Any benefit which  a  Participant  is
eligible  to  receive shall not be decreased  by  reason  of  any
increase  in a benefit level or wage base under Title II  of  the
Social Security Act if such increase takes place after the  later
of  (i)  September  2, 1974, or (ii) the date of  the  Employee's
Termination of Employment hereunder.

Section  4.9  - Direct Rollover Rules  The following rules  shall
apply as provided herein.

     Section 4.9(a) - This section applies to distributions  made
     on  or after January 1, 1993.  Notwithstanding any provision
     of  the  Plan to the contrary that would otherwise  limit  a
     distributee's election under this section, a distributee may
     elect,  at  the  time and in the manner  prescribed  by  the
     Retirement  Committee, to have any portion  of  an  eligible
     rollover   distribution  paid  directly   to   an   eligible
     retirement  plan specified by the distributee  in  a  direct

  Section 4.9(b) - Definitions (applicable to this section):

            (i)     Eligible rollover distribution:  An  eligible
            rollover distribution is any distribution of  all  or
            any  portion  of  the balance to the  credit  of  the
            distributee,   except  that  an   eligible   rollover
            distribution does not include: any distribution  that
            is  one  of a series of substantially equal  periodic
            payments  (not  less frequently than  annually)  made
            for  the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee
            or  the  joint lives (or joint life expectancies)  of
            the  distributee  and  the  distributee's  designated
            beneficiary, or for a specified period of  ten  years
            or   more;  any  distribution  to  the  extent   such
            distribution  is required under section 401(a)(9)  of
            the  Code;  and the portion of any distribution  that
            is   not   includable  in  gross  income  (determined
            without  regard  to the exclusion for net  unrealized
            appreciation with respect to employer securities).

            (ii)     Eligible  retirement  plan:    An   eligible
            retirement  plan is an individual retirement  account
            described   in  section  408(a)  of  the   Code,   an
            individual  retirement annuity described  in  section
            408(b)  of  the  Code, an annuity plan  described  in
            section  403(a)  of  the Code, or a  qualified  trust
            described  in  section  401(a)  of  the  Code,   that
            accepts    the   distributee's   eligible    rollover
            distribution.   However, in the case of  an  eligible
            rollover  distribution to the  surviving  spouse,  an
            eligible  retirement plan is an individual retirement
            account or individual retirement annuity.

            (iii)    Distributee:   A  distributee  includes   an
            employee  or  former  employee.   In  addition,   the
            employee's or former employee's surviving spouse  and
            the  employee's or former employee's spouse or former
            spouse  who is the alternate payee under a  qualified
            domestic  relations  order,  as  defined  in  section
            414(p)  of the Code, are distributees with regard  to
            the interest of the spouse or former spouse.

            (iv)    Direct  rollover:  A  direct  rollover  is  a
            payment  by the Plan to the eligible retirement  plan
            specified by the distributee.
                               20                 Fifth Amendment