


IN RE:                             )
HOMELAND STORES, INC.,             )    Case No. ______________
                                   )    Chapter 11
               Debtor.             )
IN RE:                             )
HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION,      )    Case No. ______________
                                   )    Chapter 11
               Debtor.             )    Jointly Administered

                    DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR

           Homeland  Stores,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  (the
"Company"),   and  Homeland  Holding  Corporation,   a   Delaware
corporation   ("Holding"  and, together  with  the  Company,  the
"Debtors"),  hereby  submit this Disclosure Statement  for  Joint
Plan  of  Reorganization of Homeland Stores,  Inc.  and  Homeland
Holding  Corporation  (the "Disclosure  Statement")  pursuant  to
Section  1125  of the United States Bankruptcy Code,  as  amended
(the  "Bankruptcy Code"), in connection with (a) the solicitation
of  votes on the Joint Plan of Reorganization of Homeland Stores,
Inc. and Homeland Holding Corporation (the "Plan") filed with the
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware  (the
"Bankruptcy  Court")  on May 13, 1996, and  (b)  the  hearing  on
confirmation of the Plan (the "Confirmation Hearing") before  the
Bankruptcy Court scheduled for _______, 1996.  A copy of the Plan
is  set  forth  in  Appendix  A  to  this  Disclosure  Statement.
Capitalized  terms used herein and not otherwise  defined  herein
have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Plan.

           On                       ,  1996, after notice  and  a
hearing,  the Bankruptcy Court approved this Disclosure Statement
as  containing  "adequate  information"  within  the  meaning  of
Section  1125(d)  of  the Bankruptcy Code to  permit  holders  of
Claims against, and Interests in, the Debtors who are entitled to
vote  on  the Plan to make an informed judgment about  the  Plan.

           A  description of the various Classes  of  Claims  and
Interests  is  contained  in  this  Disclosure  Statement   under
"SUMMARY  OF THE PLAN" and a description of the persons  entitled
to  vote  on  the  Plan, voting procedures and  requirements  for
confirmation  is  contained  in this Disclosure  Statement  under
in Class 2, Class 3 or Class 5 or an Interest in Class 7, you are
entitled  to  vote on the Plan and a ballot is enclosed.   Before
voting, you are urged to read and carefully consider the Plan and
this entire Disclosure Statement.

           To  be  counted for voting purposes, ballots  must  be
received  no  later  than  5:00 p.m.,  New  York  City  time,  on
, 1996, at the following address:

                    HOMELAND STORES, INC. AND
                     C/O MORROW & CO., INC.
                        909 THIRD AVENUE
                    NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022

In  voting  for or against the Plan, please use only  the  ballot
sent  to  you with this Disclosure Statement.  General  unsecured
creditors  in  Class  5  who  hold Claims  that  are  contingent,
disputed or unliquidated will not be entitled to vote on the Plan
unless, upon timely motion of such creditor, the Bankruptcy Court
has  estimated  such  Claim  for  voting  purposes  pursuant   to
Bankruptcy Rule 3018.

          The Bankruptcy Court will hold the Confirmation Hearing
on                       ,  1996,  at      :    .m.,  Wilmington,
Delaware time, at the United States Courthouse, 844 King  Street,
Wilmington,  Delaware 19801-3577.  The hearing may  be  adjourned
from  time to time without further notice.  Any objection to  the
confirmation  of the Plan must be in writing and  must  be  filed
with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court and served on counsel  for
the Debtors and each of the other persons listed on Schedule A no
later    than      :      .m.,   New   York   City    time,    on
,  1996.  Any such objection must comply with all requirements of
the Order and Notice accompanying this Disclosure Statement.







                       TABLE OF CONTENTS


I.  INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY                                    1
     A.   General                                               1
     B.   Principal Elements of the Restructuring               1
          1.   New Bank Financing                               2
          2.   Senior Secured Note Exchange                     2
          3.   Trade Claims                                     3
          4.   General Unsecured Claims                         4
          5.   Equity Recapitalization                          5
          6.   Tradeability of New Securities                   6
          7.   Charter Amendments                               7
          8.   Modified Union Agreements                        8
          9.   Rejection of Certain Closed Store Leases         8
          10.  Management Stock Option Plan                     9
          11.  Releases                                         9
          12.  Boards of Directors                             10

II.  THE RESTRUCTURING                                         10
     A.   Background                                           10
          1.   1992 Refinancing                                10
          2.   Increased Competition and Lower Margins         11
          3.   AWG Transactions                                11
          4.   Restructuring of Old Notes and Refinancing of
               1992 Credit Agreement                           12
          5.   New Management Team                             12
          6.   Post-AWG Sale Operating Results                 13
     B.   Restructuring Discussions                            13
          1.   Retention of Restructuring Professionals;
               Formation of Committee                          13
          2.   Strategic Sale Efforts                          14
          3.   Waivers of Certain Events of Default            14
          4.   1996 Union Contract Modifications               15
          5.   Agreement in Principle with the Committee       15
          6.   Sale of Ponca City Store                        16
     C.   Summary of Classification and Treatment of Claims    16
     D.   Conditions to Consummation of the Restructuring      17
     E.   Certain Significant Effects of the Restructuring     18
     F.   Business Plan                                        19
     G.   1996 Budget                                          20
     H.   Capitalization                                       22

III.  THE CHAPTER 11 CASES                                     23
     A.   Retention of Professionals                           23
     B.   DIP Facility                                         23
     C.   Payment of Certain Pre-Petition Claims               24
     D.   Continuation of Certain Consumer Practices           25
     E.   Other First Day Orders                               25

IV.  RISK FACTORS                                              25
     A.   Business Risks                                       25
          1.   Continuing Leverage; Financial Covenant
               Restrictions                                    25
          2.   Competition                                     26
          3.   AWG Supply Relationship                         27
          4.   Projections                                     27
          5.   Unions                                          27
     B.   Bankruptcy Risks                                     28
          1.   Disruption of Operations                        28
          2.   Certain Risks of Non-Acceptance                 28
          3.   Certain Risks of Non-Confirmation               29
          4.   Certain Risks Regarding Classification of               
               Claims and Interests                            30
     C.   Risks Relating to the New Securities                 30
          1.   Potential Illiquidity of the New Securities     30
          2.   Restrictions on Transfer                        30
          3.   Dilution                                        31
          4.   No Dividends                                    33
          5.   Subordination of the New Notes                  33
          6.   New Note Guarantee; Holding Company Structure   34
     D.   Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences              34

V.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                      35
     A.   Selected Financial Information                       35
     B.   Projected and Pro Forma Financial Information        36
          1.   Pro Forma Projected Balance Sheets              38
          2.   Pro Forma Projected Capitalization              42
          3.   Pro Forma Projected Statements of Operations    43
          4.   Projected Balance Sheets                        50
          5.   Projected Statements of Cash Flow               51

VI.  THE COMPANY                                               52
     A.   General                                              52
     B.   AWG Supply Agreement                                 52
     C.   The Company's Supermarkets                           53
     D.   Merchandising Strategy and Pricing                   55
     E.   Customer Service                                     55
     F.   Advertising and Promotion                            55
     G.   Products                                             56
     H.   Employees and Labor Relations                        56
     I.   Computer and Management Information Systems          56
     J.   Competition                                          57
     K.   Trademarks and Service Marks                         58
     L.   Regulatory Matters                                   58
     M.   Properties                                           58
     N.   Legal Proceedings                                    59
          1.   Routine Litigation                              59
          2.   Withdrawal Liability Dispute                    59

VII.  BOARDS OF DIRECTORS                                      60
     A.   Current Members                                      60
     B.   Proposed Members                                     60
     C.   Biographical Information                             61

VIII.  MANAGEMENT                                              62
     A.   Management                                           62
     B.   Biographical Information                             63
     C.   Executive Compensation                               63
     D.   Employment Agreements                                65
     E.   Management Incentive Plan                            66
     F.   Retirement Plan                                      67

IX.  STOCK OWNERSHIP                                           67


XI.  SUMMARY OF THE PLAN                                       70
     A.   Classification and Treatment of Claims and Interests 71
          1.   General                                         71
          2.   Treatment of Unclassified Claims                71
               a.   Administrative Claims                      71
               b.   Priority Tax Claims                        72
          3.   Classification and Treatment of Classified
               Claims and Interests                            73
               a.   Class 1 Claims_Allowed Priority Claims     73
               b.   Class 2 Claims_Allowed Claims of the Old
                    Banks                                      73
               c.   Class 3_Allowed Secured Noteholder Claims  73
               d.   Class 4_Allowed Miscellaneous Secured      
                    Claims                                     74
               e.   Class 5_General Unsecured Claims           75
               f.   Class 6_Allowed Interests of Holding as
                    Sole Shareholder of the Company            76
               g.   Class 7_Allowed Interests of Holders of 
                    Old Common Stock                           76
               h.   Class 8_Allowed Interests of Holders of 
                    Old Warrants                               76
     B.   Means for Implementation of the Plan                 77
          1.   Issuance of New Securities                      77
          2.   Listing of New Common Stock; 1934 Act Filing    77
          3.   Effectiveness of Agreements                     77
          4.   Charter Amendments                              77
          5.   Management                                      77
          7.   Surrender and Cancellation of Instruments       78
          8.   Retiree Benefits                                78
          9.   Workers' Compensation Claims under Prior Self-
               Insurance Program                               79
     C.   Other Provisions of the Plan                         79
          1.   Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases        79
          2.   Disputed Claims                                 80
          3.   Distributions                                   81
          4.   Bar Dates                                       83
          5.   Conditions to Consummation                      84
          6.   Amendments to or Modification of the Plan       84
          7.   Revocation of the Plan                          85
          8.   Releases                                        85
     D.   Effects of Plan Confirmation                         85
          1.   Vesting of Assets; Reservation of Claims        85
          2.   Discharge                                       86
          3.   Injunction                                      86
          4.   Retention of Jurisdiction                       86

     A.   Solicitation of Votes                                87
          1.   Who May Vote                                    87
          2.   Ballots                                         88
     B.   Confirmation Hearing                                 89
     C.   Confirmation                                         89
          1.   Acceptance by Impaired Classes                  89
          2.   Confirmation Without Acceptance by All 
               Impaired Classes                                90
               a.   Fair and Equitable                         90
               b.   Unfair Discrimination                      91
          3.   Best Interests                                  91
          4.   Feasibility                                     92
     D.   Consummation                                         92

XIII.  ALTERNATIVES TO THE PLAN                                92
     A.   Alternative Plan of Reorganization                   92
     B.   Liquidation Under Chapter 7                          93

     A.   General                                              94
     B.   Wage Rate, Benefit Contribution Reductions and Work
          Rule Changes                                         94
     C.   Employee Buyout Offer                                95
     D.   Stock Issuances to, and Purchases by, the ESOT       95
     E.   Board Representation                                 96

XV.  SECURITIES LAW CONSIDERATIONS                             96
     A.   Original Issuance of Securities                      96
     B.   Subsequent Transfers of Securities                   97

XVI.  DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES                                 99
     A.   General                                              99
     B.   Maturity, Interest and Principal                     99
     C.   Optional Redemption                                  99
     D.   Subordination                                       101
     E.   Certain Covenants                                   102
     F.   Merger, Sale of Assets, Etc.                        108
     G.   Events of Default                                   109
     H.   Defeasance or Covenant Defeasance of New Indenture  112
     I.   Satisfaction and Discharge                          114
     J.   Amendments and Waivers                              115
     K.   Governing Law                                       115
     L.   The New Trustee                                     115
     M.   Certain Definitions                                 116

XVII.  DESCRIPTION OF NEW COMMON STOCK                        130
     A.   General                                             131
     B.   Registration Rights Agreements                      131
          1.   General                                        131
          2.   Equity Registration Rights Agreement           132
          3.   Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement       133

XVIII.  DESCRIPTION OF NEW WARRANTS                           134
     A.   General                                             134
     B.   Exercise of New Warrants                            134
     C.   Adjustments                                         135
     D.   Limitation on Right to Vote or Receive Dividends    137


XX.  ACCOUNTING TREATMENT                                     137

     A.   Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the  
          Plan to Holders of Old Notes, to Holders of General 
          Unsecured Claims and to Holders of Old Common Stock 140
          1.   Exchange of Old Notes                          140
          2.   Exchange of General Unsecured Claims           141
          3.   Exchange of Old Common Stock                   141
          4.   Accrued but Unpaid Interest                    142
          5.   Accrued Market Discount                        142
     B.        Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of
               Ownership and Disposition of New Notes, New
               Common Stock and New Warrants                  142
          1.   Ownership and Disposition of New Notes         142
          2.   Ownership and Disposition of New Common Stock  145
          3.   Disposition, Exercise, Expiration and
               Adjustment of New Warrants                     145
          4.   Backup Withholding                             146
     C.        Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of
               the Restructuring to the Debtors               146

XXII.  FINANCIAL ADVISORS                                     147

XXIII.  CONCLUSION                                            149


Appendix A     Form of Joint Plan of Reorganization of Homeland
               Stores, Inc. and Homeland Holding Corporation

Appendix B     Consolidated Financial Statements of Homeland
               Holding Corporation

Appendix C     Liquidation Analysis of the Debtors

                  I.     INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY

A.        General

                On  May 13, 1996 (the "Filing Date"), each of the
Debtors  filed  a  voluntary petition under  Chapter  11  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code.    Simultaneously  with  the  filing  of  their
petitions,  the  Debtors  filed  the  Plan  and  this  Disclosure
Statement,  which  set  forth the terms of a  proposed  financial
restructuring   of   the  Debtors  (the  "Restructuring").    The
Restructuring,  and the related modifications  to  the  Company's
existing collective bargaining agreements (which have been agreed
to by the Company's unions and are described herein) are designed
to  reduce  substantially the Company's debt service  obligations
and  labor costs and to create a capital and cost structure  that
will  allow  the Company to maintain and enhance the  competitive
position  of its business and operations.  The Restructuring  was
negotiated  with,  and  is supported by, the  lenders  (the  "Old
Banks")  under  the Company's existing revolving credit  facility
(the   "1995   Credit  Agreement")  and  the  ad  hoc   committee
representing  approximately  80%  of  the  Company's  outstanding
Senior Secured Notes (the "Committee").

                The  Company  is a leading supermarket  chain  in
Oklahoma,  southern  Kansas  and  the  Texas  Panhandle   region,
operating  a  total  of  67 stores as of the  Filing  Date.   The
Company  expects that, as of the effective date of the Plan  (the
"Effective Date"), it will operate 65 stores.  See " _  Rejection
of  Certain Closed Store Leases."  The Company operates  in  four
distinct  marketplaces: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Tulsa, Oklahoma;
Amarillo, Texas; and certain rural areas of Oklahoma, Kansas  and

               The Company and Holding (its holding company) were
organized  in  1987  by  a  group of investors  led  by  Clayton,
Dubilier  &  Rice,  Inc. ("CD&R") for the  purpose  of  acquiring
substantially  all  of  the assets of the  Oklahoma  Division  of
Safeway,  Inc. (the "Acquisition").  The acquired stores  changed
their  name  to  "Homeland" in order to highlight  the  Company's
regional identity.

                Prior  to  April 1995, the Company  supplied  its
stores with goods from a Company-owned distribution center.  As a
result   of  the  significant  overhead  costs  associated   with
operating the Company's distribution center, in 1995 the  Company
discontinued its distribution operation and became a member of  a
buying  cooperative.  See "THE RESTRUCTURING _ Background  _  AWG

B.        Principal Elements of the Restructuring

                The  principal elements of the Restructuring  and
the  principal effects of its consummation pursuant to  the  Plan
are summarized below.

     1.        New Bank Financing

               On the Effective Date, the Company will enter into
a  new  bank credit agreement or an amendment and restatement  of
the  1995  Credit  Agreement (the "New  Credit  Agreement"),  the
general terms of which must be approved by the Committee.  As  of
the  date  of  this  Disclosure  Statement,  the  Company  is  in
discussions  with  a  number of banks potentially  interested  in
providing  this credit facility, including the Old Banks.   There
can  be  no assurance, however, that any bank or group  of  banks
will  agree to provide a bank credit facility on terms acceptable
to  the  Company and the Committee.  In the event the Company  is
unable  to enter into the New Credit Agreement, the Company  will
not have sufficient financing to consummate the Restructuring and
may be forced to pursue an orderly liquidation of its assets.

                The  Company  anticipates  that  the  New  Credit
Agreement  will  provide for up to $37.5 million  in  borrowings,
including  approximately $27.5 million under a  revolving  credit
facility  (subject  to  borrowing base requirements)  and  a  $10
million  term  loan.  Proceeds from the term loan  will  be  used
primarily   to  fund  certain  obligations  under  the  Company's
modified collective bargaining agreements (see "INTRODUCTION  AND
SUMMARY   _  Modified  Union  Agreements")  and  to  pay  certain
transaction expenses relating to the Restructuring.  The  Company
expects  that its obligations under the New Bank Credit Agreement
will  be  secured  by  a  security interest  in,  and  liens  on,
substantially all of the Company's assets and will be  guaranteed
by Holding.

     2.        Senior Secured Note Exchange

                 Under   the  Plan,  holders  of  the   Company's
outstanding Series A Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes Due  1997
(the  "Series A Notes"), Series C Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes
Due  1999  (the  "Series C Notes") and Series  D  Senior  Secured
Floating  Rate Notes Due 1997 (the "Series D Notes" and, together
with the Series A Notes and Series C Notes, the "Old Notes") will
be  deemed to have two Claims: (a) an aggregate Secured Claim  of
$61.5 million (which represents a consensual reduction of the Old
Noteholders'  actual  aggregate Secured  Claim  of  approximately
$65.0   million);  and  (b)  an  aggregate  Unsecured  Claim   of
approximately  $40.1  million.  In  exchange  for  their  Secured
Claims in respect of the Old Notes, the holders of the Old  Notes
will  receive  (i)  $60.0 million aggregate principal  amount  of
newly-issued  10%  Senior Subordinated  Notes  Due  2003  of  the
Company (the "New Notes") and (ii) $1,500,000 of cash (the  "Cash
Amount").   In exchange for their Unsecured Claims in respect  of
the  Old  Notes, the holders of the Old Notes will receive  their
ratable portion of 4,450,000 shares of newly-issued common stock,
par  value  $.01 per share, of Holding (the "New Common  Stock"),
sharing  ratably  with  other allowed  general  unsecured  claims
against  the  Debtors  (the "General Unsecured  Claims  ").   The
Debtors  estimate  that total General Unsecured  Claims  will  be
approximately  $63.1  million, consisting of approximately  $40.1
million  in General Unsecured Claims in respect of the Old  Notes
and  approximately  $23.0  million  of  other  General  Unsecured
Claims.   Based on such estimate, holders of the Old  Notes  will
receive (in the aggregate) approximately 2,827,922 shares of  New
Common  Stock, representing approximately 60.2% of the New Common
Stock  to  be outstanding upon consummation of the Restructuring.
See  "SUMMARY  OF  THE  PLAN _ Classification  and  Treatment  of
Classified  Claims  and  Interests" and  "RISK  FACTORS  _  Risks
Relating to the New Securities _ Dilution."

                Upon  consummation  of  the  Restructuring,  each
holder  of  the  Old  Notes will receive the following  (assuming
total General Unsecured Claims of $63.1 million):

         For each:                      The holder will receive:

$1,000 claim amount                $590.56 principal
(including Secured and             amount of New Notes, 27.83
Unsecured Claims)                  shares of the New Common
                                   Stock and $14.76 in cash

                The  New Notes will bear interest at the rate  of
10%   per  annum  (beginning  on  the  Effective  Date),  payable
semiannually  on February 1 and August 1 of each year  commencing
on  February  1, 1997.  The New Notes will mature on  __________,
2003,  and  will not be subject to any sinking fund requirements.
The New Notes will be redeemable at the option of the Company, in
whole or in part, (a) at any time on or after August 1, 1999, and
(b)  upon  the  occurrence of a "Change of Control"  (as  defined
below under "DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES _ Certain Definitions"), in
each  case  at  the  redemption  prices  set  forth  below  under
"DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES _ Optional Redemption."  If the Company
fails to redeem all the New Notes upon the occurrence of a Change
of  Control,  the Company will be required to make  an  offer  to
purchase  all outstanding New Notes at the redemption  price  and
subject  to the conditions described below under "DESCRIPTION  OF
NEW  NOTES  _ Certain Covenants". Unlike the Old Notes,  the  New
Notes  will be unsecured obligations of the Company and  will  be
subordinated  to certain "Senior Indebtedness" (as defined  below
under   "DESCRIPTION   OF  NEW  NOTES  _  Certain   Definitions")
comprising  indebtedness  under  the  New  Credit  Agreement  and
refinancings thereof.

                The  New  Notes  will be issued  pursuant  to  an
indenture  (the  "New Indenture") among the Company,  as  issuer,
Holding,  as  guarantor, and Fleet Bank,  as  trustee  (the  "New
Trustee").    A copy of the New Indenture, substantially  in  the
form  to be executed by the Company and the New Trustee,  is  set
forth in the Plan Supplement filed with the Bankruptcy Court (the
"Plan Supplement").

                For  further information regarding the New  Notes
see  "DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES" and the form of New Indenture set
forth in the Plan Supplement.

     3.        Trade Claims




     4.        General Unsecured Claims

               Under the Plan, each holder of a General Unsecured
Claim will receive its ratable portion of 4,450,000 shares of New
Common Stock, based on the amount of such holder's claim relative
to  all General Unsecured Claims.  The Debtors estimate that  the
total  amount  of General Unsecured Claims will be  approximately
$63.1  million,  consisting  of approximately  $40.1  million  in
General  Unsecured  Claims  in  respect  of  the  Old  Notes  and
approximately  $23.0 million of other General  Unsecured  Claims.
Based  on  such  estimate,  holders of General  Unsecured  Claims
(other  than  the  holders of Old Notes)  will  receive  (in  the
aggregate)  approximately 1,622,078 shares of New  Common  Stock,
representing approximately 70.53 shares of New Common  Stock  for
each  $1,000  of  Claims held by such holders.   The  holders  of
General Unsecured Claims (including the holders of the Old Notes)
will  own  approximately  94.7% of the New  Common  Stock  to  be
outstanding upon consummation of the Restructuring.  For  further
information  regarding the treatment of General Unsecured  Claims
under  the  Plan,  see "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN _ Classification  and
Treatment of Classified Claims and Interests" and "RISK FACTORS _
Risks Relating to the New Securities _ Dilution."

     5.        Equity Recapitalization

          a.        Old Common Stock

                Under  the  Plan,  all  of Holding's  issued  and
outstanding Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per  share  (the
"Old  Common  Stock"), will be exchanged for (1) an aggregate  of
250,000  shares  of New Common Stock, representing  approximately
5.3%  of the New Common Stock to be outstanding upon consummation
of  the  Restructuring,  and (2) warrants  to  purchase  (in  the
aggregate)  up  to 263,158 shares of New Common Stock  (the  "New
Warrants")  at  an  exercise price of  $11.85  per  share.   Upon
consummation of the Restructuring, each holder of the Old  Common
Stock  will receive 7.67 shares of New Common Stock and 8.07  New
Warrants for each 1,000 shares of Old Common Stock held  by  such
holders.  See "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN _ Classification and Treatment
of  Classified Claims and Interests" and "RISK  FACTORS  _  Risks
Relating to the New Securities _ Dilution."

                The  New Warrants are exercisable for a five-year
period commencing on the Effective Date.  A copy of the agreement
governing   the  New  Warrants  (the  "New  Warrant  Agreement"),
substantially in the form to be executed by Holding, is set forth
in the Plan Supplement.

                For  further information regarding the New Common
Stock and the terms of the New Warrants, see "DESCRIPTION OF  NEW
Warrant Agreement set forth in the Plan Supplement.

          b.        Homeland Common Stock

               As of the Filing Date, Holding was the sole holder
of 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock, par
value  $.01  per  share,  of the Company  (the  "Homeland  Common
Stock").   Under the Plan, Holding will continue to be  the  sole
holder of the Homeland Common Stock and Holding's interest in the
Homeland Common Stock will not be impaired.

          c.        Old Warrants

               The Plan provides that Holding's existing warrants
to  purchase  (in the aggregate) up to 2,105,493  shares  of  Old
Common  Stock (the "Old Warrants"), held by certain  current  and
former members of the Company's management, will not be impaired.
The  Old  Warrants  are  scheduled to expire  in  2000,  and  are
exercisable  at  an  exercise price of $0.50  per  share,  or  an
aggregate  exercise price of $1,052,746.50 for all Old  Warrants.
Based  on  the  aggregate  exercise price  of  the  Old  Warrants
($1,052,746.50) and the aggregate number of shares of New  Common
Stock   to   be  received  upon  exercise  of  the  Old  Warrants
(approximately  15,167  shares, representing  the  warrantholders
ratable share of the Class 7 distribution under the Plan had they
exercised  their Old Warrants prior to the Effective  Date),  the
effective  exercise  price per share of New Common  Stock  to  be
received  upon  exercise  of  the Old Warrants  is  approximately
$69.41.  See "RISK FACTORS _ Risks Relating to the New Securities
_ Dilution."

     6.        Tradeability of New Securities

                Any  person  who receives New Notes,  New  Common
Stock  or  New  Warrants  (collectively,  the  "New  Securities")
pursuant  to the Plan will be able to resell such New  Securities
without  registration  under federal and state  securities  laws,
unless  such  holder  is an "underwriter" as defined  in  Section
1145(b)  of  the  Bankruptcy  Code,  which  may  include  certain
affiliates of the Debtors.  See "RISK FACTORS _ Risks Relating to
the  New  Securities _ Restrictions on Transfer" and  "SECURITIES

               Holding will file a Form 10 registration statement
with  respect  to  the  New  Common Stock  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "1934 Act"), within 60 days
following  the  Effective Date and will use its best  efforts  to
cause such registration statement to become effective as soon  as
practicable  thereafter.   Holding will  keep  such  registration
effective until the earlier of (a) the seventh anniversary of the
Effective Date and (b) the first date on which less than  10%  of
the  outstanding New Common Stock is publicly held.  For so  long
as  such registration remains effective, Holding will be required
to comply with the reporting requirements under the 1934 Act.  In
addition,  so  long  as  the New Notes are outstanding,  the  New
Indenture  will require the Company to comply with  the  periodic
reporting requirements under the 1934 Act, regardless of  whether
it  is  otherwise subject thereto, as contemplated by  the  Trust
Indenture Act of 1939.  See "SECURITIES LAW CONSIDERATIONS."

                Under the Plan, Holding has undertaken to use its
best efforts to secure the listing of the New Common Stock on the
NASDAQ National Market System (or, in the event Holding fails  to
meet  the  listing  requirements of the  NASDAQ  National  Market
System, on such other exchange or system on which the New  Common
Stock  may  be  listed)  as  soon as  practicable  following  the
Effective Date.  There can be no assurance, however, that the New
Common  Stock will be listed on the NASDAQ National Market System
or on such other exchange or system.

                Holding  will  enter  into a registration  rights
agreement  (the "Equity Registration Rights Agreement")  for  the
benefit  of the holders of the Old Common Stock who will  receive
New  Common  Stock and New Warrants under the Plan.   The  Equity
Registration  Rights Agreement will provide such  holders,  under
certain conditions, with registration rights under the Securities
Act  of  1933,  as amended (the "Securities Act"),  for  the  New
Securities  to  be  issued to such holders under  the  Plan.   In
addition,  Holding  and the Company will enter  into  a  separate
registration   rights  agreement  (the  "Noteholder  Registration
Rights  Agreement"  and,  together with the  Equity  Registration
Rights Agreement, the "Registration Rights Agreements"), for  the
benefit  of  the  holders of the Old Notes who will  receive  New
Notes  and  New  Common  Stock under the  Plan.   The  Noteholder
Registration  Rights Agreement will provide such  holders,  under
certain    conditions,  with  registration   rights   under   the
Securities  Act  for  the New Securities to  be  issued  to  such
holders under the Plan.

               Copies of the Equity Registration Rights Agreement
and  the  Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement, substantially
in the forms to be executed by Holding, are set forth in the Plan
Supplement.   For further information regarding the  Registration
Rights  Agreements,  see  "DESCRIPTION  OF  NEW  COMMON  STOCK  _
Registration  Rights  Agreements" and the forms  of  Registration
Rights Agreements set forth in the Plan Supplement.

     7.        Charter Amendments

                As  of the date hereof, Holding's certificate  of
incorporation  authorizes the issuance of  81,000,000  shares  of
capital  stock,  consisting of 40,500,000 shares  of  Old  Common
Stock  and  40,500,000 shares of Class B Common Stock, par  value
$.01  per  share  (the "Old Class B Common Stock").   As  of  the
Filing  Date, 32,599,707 shares of Old Common Stock and no shares
of Old Class B Common Stock were issued and outstanding.

                 The  Plan  provides  for  the  filing  with  the
Secretary  of  State  of  the State of  Delaware  (the  "Delaware
Secretary  of  State") of an Amended and Restated Certificate  of
Incorporation  of Holding (the "Amended Holding Charter")  which,
among  other  things, will amend and restate  Article  FOURTH  of
Holding's  current  certificate of incorporation  to  delete  all
provisions relating to the Old Common Stock and the Old  Class  B
Common  Stock  and to authorize 7,500,000 shares  of  New  Common
Stock,  par value $.01 per share.  If the Amended Holding Charter
becomes  effective,  all  powers, privileges,  voting  and  other
special  or relative rights and qualifications of the Old  Common
Stock  and the Old Class B Common Stock existing on the Effective
Date  will be terminated and all currently issued and outstanding
shares of Old Common Stock will be canceled.  See "DESCRIPTION OF
NEW COMMON STOCK."  In addition, the Amended Holding Charter will
prohibit  the issuance of nonvoting stock as required  under  the
Bankruptcy Code.

                  The    proposed   Amended   Holding    Charter,
substantially in the form to be filed with the Delaware Secretary
of  State,  is  set  forth in the Plan Supplement.   The  Amended
Holding  Charter  is subject to the approval  of  the  Bankruptcy
Court  in  the Confirmation Order and will not take effect  until
the Effective Date.

                In  accepting the Plan, the holders  of  the  Old
Common Stock will be consenting to the adoption of the amendments
to  Holding's  current certificate of incorporation contained  in
the  Amended  Holding Charter which, if the Plan is confirmed  by
the  Bankruptcy  Court, will become effective  on  the  Effective
Date.   The adoption of such amendments is necessary to,  and  an
integral part of, the Restructuring.

                The  Plan also provides for the filing  with  the
Delaware   Secretary  of  State  of  an  Amended   and   Restated
Certificate of Incorporation of the Company (the "Amended Company
Charter"),  which  will amend and restate the  Company's  current
certificate   of  incorporation  to  prohibit  the  issuance   of
nonvoting  stock  as  required under the  Bankruptcy  Code.   The
proposed Amended Company Charter, substantially in the form to be
filed  with the Delaware Secretary of State, is set forth in  the
Plan  Supplement.  The amendments to be implemented  thereby  are
subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Bankruptcy  Court   in   the
Confirmation  Order and will not take effect until the  Effective

     8.        Modified Union Agreements

                On March 8, 1996, the Company and representatives
of  the United Food and Commercial Workers Union of North America
(the "UFCW"), which represents approximately 90% of the Company's
employees  (including substantially all of its hourly employees),
reached an agreement in principle regarding certain modifications
to  the Company's existing collective bargaining agreements  with
the  UFCW  (the "Modified UFCW Agreements").  The  terms  of  the
Modified  UFCW Agreements were ratified during the week of  March
11,  1996, by overwhelming majorities of each of the local  union
chapters of the UFCW.

                In  April  1996, the local union chapter  of  the
Bakery,  Confectionery  and Tobacco Workers  International  Union
(the  "BCT"),  representing 30 of the Company's  in-store  bakery
employees,  ratified  modifications to its collective  bargaining
agreement  with the Company on the same terms and  conditions  as
the  Modified UFCW Agreement (the " Modified BCT Agreement"  and,
together  with the Modified UFCW Agreements, the "Modified  Union

                The Modified Union Agreements will have a term of
five  years  commencing  on  the  Effective  Date  and  will   be
conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the  Restructuring.   The
Modified  Union  Agreements will consist of five basic  elements:
(a)  wage rate and benefit contribution reductions and work  rule
changes;  (b)  an employee buyout offer, pursuant  to  which  the
Company will make up to $6.4 million available for the buyout  of
certain  unionized employees (the "Employee Buyout  Offer");  (c)
the  establishment  of  an employee stock  ownership  trust  (the
"ESOT")  acting  on behalf of the Company's unionized  employees,
which  will  receive, or be entitled to purchase, up  to  522,222
shares  of  New  Common  Stock pursuant  to  the  Modified  Union
Agreements; (d) the UFCW's right to designate one member  of  the
Boards  of  Directors  of the Company and Holding;  and  (e)  the
elimination   of  certain  "snap  back"  provisions   (provisions
relating   to  the  reinstatement  of  previously  reduced   wage
amounts),   incentive   plans  and  "maintenance   of   benefits"

                The  Company  estimates that the  Modified  Union
Agreements  will result in annual cost savings in the first  full
contract   year  of  approximately  $7.2  million  (assuming   no
employees  accept  the Employee Buyout Offer)  to  $13.2  million
(assuming the Employee Buyout Offer is fully subscribed).   There
can  be  no  assurance,  however, that  such  cost  savings  will
actually  be  realized.  In addition, the  amount  of  such  cost
savings may be offset in part in subsequent contract years  as  a
result  of certain wage and benefit increases under the  Modified
Union Agreements.

                For  a  more detailed description of the Modified

      9.        Rejection of Certain Closed Store Leases

                The  Company  closed  14 under-performing  stores
during  1995  and, as of the Filing Date, was the "lessee"  under
certain  real  property leases relating to seven of  such  closed
stores  (certain  of which leases may have been  terminated  pre-
petition  by  virtue  of the Company's surrender  of  the  leased
property).   The  Company  anticipates  that,  as  part  of   the
Restructuring,  it will reject (pursuant to Section  365  of  the
Bankruptcy Code) five of these store leases (resulting in  annual
cash savings of approximately $1.0 million in the aggregate)  and
may  reject two additional store leases in the event the  Company
is  unable to assign or sublease such leases on acceptable terms.
In  addition, after the Filing Date, the Company expects to close
two  additional  under-performing  stores  and  reject  the  real
property leases associated with such stores (resulting in  annual
cash  savings of $0.6 million in the aggregate).  As a result  of
these additional store closures, the Company expects that, on the
Effective Date, it will own and operate 65 stores, as compared to
67 stores as of the Filing Date.

     10.        Management Stock Option Plan

                The Plan contemplates that 263,158 shares of  New
Common Stock will be reserved for issuance under a new management
stock  option  plan (the "Management Stock Option  Plan")  to  be
established  by the Board of Directors of Holding  following  the
consummation  of the Restructuring.  See "BOARDS OF  DIRECTORS  _
Proposed  Members."   The  Board of  Directors  of  Holding  will
determine the terms and conditions of the Management Stock Option
Plan  (including the identity of the participants and the  number
of options to be granted).

     11.        Releases

               On the Effective Date, each Debtor and each holder
of  a  Claim  or an Interest (a) who has accepted the  Plan,  (b)
whose  Claim  is  in a class that has accepted  the  Plan  or  is
deemed,  pursuant to Section 1126(f) of the Bankruptcy  Code,  to
have  accepted the Plan, or (c) who may be entitled to receive  a
distribution  of property pursuant to the Plan, will  release  or
will be deemed to have released unconditionally (i) each officer,
director, shareholder, affiliate, employee, consultant, attorney,
accountant,  agent  and  other  representative  of  the   Debtors
(collectively, the "Affiliated Released Parties")  and  (ii)  (A)
any  Statutory Committee and, solely in their capacity as members
or  representatives  of  any Statutory  Committee,  each  member,
consultant, attorney, accountant or other representative of  such
Statutory  Committee,  (B) the Committee  and,  solely  in  their
capacity  as  members or representatives of the  Committee,  each
member,  consultant, attorney, accountant or other representative
of  the  Committee,  (C)  the  Old  Banks  and  each  consultant,
attorney, accountant or other representative of the Old Banks and
(D)  the  Old  Trustee  and each consultant,  attorney  or  other
representative  of  the  Old  Trustee (collectively,  the  "Other
Released  Parties"  and,  together with the  Affiliated  Released
Parties,  the  "Released  Parties")  from  any  and  all  Claims,
obligations,  rights,  causes of action and liabilities,  whether
known  or  unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, existing or hereafter
arising, in law, equity or otherwise, based in whole or  in  part
upon  any act or omission, transaction or other occurrence taking
place  on  or prior to the Effective Date in any way relating  to
the  Released Parties, the Debtors, the Debtors' bankruptcy cases
or  the  Plan.   The Debtors' release of the Affiliated  Released
Parties  does  not  include a release of any  "Excluded  Claims,"
which  include all Claims, obligations, rights, causes of  action
or  liabilities  (a)  relating to any indebtedness  for  borrowed
money owed by an Affiliated Released Party to either Debtor,  (b)
any setoff or counterclaim the Debtors may have or assert against
an  Affiliated Released Party, provided that the aggregate amount
thereof  shall not exceed the aggregate amount of Claims held  or
asserted  by such Affiliated Released Party against the  Debtors,
(c)  the  uncollected amount of any Claim asserted by the Debtors
prior  to  the  Effective Date (whether in a filed  pleading,  by
letter  or  otherwise in writing) against an Affiliated  Released
Party,  and  not  adjudicated to a Final Order of the  Bankruptcy
Court,  settled or compromised and (d) Claims arising from fraud,
willful  misconduct or gross negligence of an Affiliated Released

                Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if  and  to  the
extent  that the Bankruptcy Court concludes that the Plan  cannot
be confirmed with any portion of the foregoing releases, then the
Plan  may  be confirmed with that portion excised so as  to  give
effect  as  much  as possible to the foregoing  releases  without
precluding confirmation of the Plan.  See "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN  _
Other Provisions of the Plan."

     12.        Boards of Directors

                In  connection with the Restructuring, the Boards
of Directors of the Company and of  Holding will be reconstituted
to include seven members.  The initial Board of Directors of each
of  the Company and Holding will consist of James A. Demme,  John
A.  Shields,  four  directors selected by the Committee  and  one
director  selected  by  the See "BOARD OF  DIRECTORS  _  Proposed

                    II.     THE RESTRUCTURING

A.        Background

     1.        1992 Refinancing

                In  March 1992, the Company refinanced (the "1992
Refinancing")  its Acquisition-related indebtedness  and  certain
other  indebtedness  by  (a)  issuing  and  selling  $45  million
aggregate principal amount of its Series A Notes and $75  million
aggregate  principal amount of its Series B Senior Secured  Fixed
Rate Notes Due 1999 (the "Series B Notes") and (b) making certain
borrowings  under  a  revolving credit  agreement  ("1992  Credit
Agreement").   Later in 1992, the Company completed  an  exchange
offer  pursuant  to  which  (a) $33 million  aggregate  principal
amount  of  the  Series  A  Notes were  exchanged  for  an  equal
principal  amount of its registered Series D Notes,  leaving  $12
million aggregate principal amount of Series A Notes outstanding,
and  (b)  $75 million aggregate principal amount of the Series  B
Notes  were  exchanged  for  an equal  principal  amount  of  its
registered Series C Notes.  The Old Notes were issued pursuant to
an Indenture dated as of March 4, 1992, as supplemented (the "Old
Indenture"), among the Debtors and United States Trust Company of
New  York, as trustee (the "Old Trustee"). Following the exchange
offer, there were $120 million aggregate principal amount of  Old
Notes  outstanding, consisting of $12 million of Series A  Notes,
$33  million aggregate principal amount of Series C Notes and $75
million aggregate principal amount of Series D Notes.

     2.        Increased Competition and Lower Margins

               Beginning in 1993, the Company was confronted with
increased  competition in its market areas consisting  mainly  of
competitive  store  openings by retail  supermarket  and  general
merchandising  chains  such  as  Wal-Mart  and  Albertson's   and
aggressive pricing practices by competitors.  In 1994, there were
14  competitive openings in the Company's market areas (including
11  new  Wal-Mart supercenters, 2 new Albertson's and 1 new  Mega
Market),  directly  affecting 28 of the Company's  stores,  where
average  weekly sales in 1994 decreased by 10.9% as  compared  to

                 Largely   as   a  result  of  these  competitive
pressures, the Company's gross margins (as a percentage of sales)
declined  in  1993  to 25.6%, compared to  26.6%  in  1992.   The
Company's gross margins declined still further in 1994 to  25.1%.
The   Company  was  unable  to  respond  effectively   to   these
competitive pressures because (a) the high labor costs associated
with the Company's unionized workforce made it difficult for  the
Company  to  price its goods competitively, (b)  the  high  fixed
overhead costs associated with the Company's distribution  center
operations  made the closure of marginal and unprofitable  stores
financially  prohibitive  and (c) the Company's  highly-leveraged
financial  condition and the restrictive covenants  contained  in
the  1992  Credit  Agreement  and  the  Old   Indenture  made  it
difficult  for  the  Company  to fund  the  capital  improvements
necessary to maintain the Company's competitive position.

               In response to competitive pressures,  the Company
entered  into  negotiations with the UFCW regarding certain  wage
and   benefit  reductions.   In  late  1993,  the  UFCW  ratified
modifications  to  its  collective  bargaining  agreement   which
implemented  these wage and benefit reductions.   Notwithstanding
these  modifications, the average wages and benefits paid to  the
Company's unionized employees remained significantly higher  than
those paid by the Company's competitors.

     3.        AWG Transactions

               After exploring a number of strategic responses to
the  Company's competitive pressures and declining gross margins,
in  April  1995,  the Company sold 29 stores  and  the  Company's
distribution center to Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. ("AWG")
for  approximately  $73  million and the  assumption  of  certain
liabilities by AWG (the "AWG Sale").  In connection with the  AWG
Sale,  the  Company became a member of the AWG buying cooperative
under  a  seven-year  supply  agreement  with  AWG  (the  "Supply
Agreement"  and,  collectively  with  the  AWG  Sale,  the   "AWG

                 The   purposes  of  the  AWG  Transactions  were
threefold:    (a)   to  reduce  the  Company's   borrowed   money
indebtedness by applying the net proceeds from the  AWG  Sale  to
indebtedness in respect of the 1992 Credit Agreement and the  Old
Notes; (b) to sell the Company's distribution center and to  move
from a self-supply operation to an operation supplied through the
AWG retail buying cooperative, thereby eliminating the high fixed
costs  associated  with  the distribution  center  operation  and
permitting the Company to close marginal and unprofitable stores;
and  (c)  to  obtain  the  benefits  of  membership  in  the  AWG
cooperative,  including  increased  purchases  of  private  label
products,  special product purchases, dedicated support  programs
and access to AWG's store systems.

                The AWG Sale generated approximately $37.2 in net
proceeds,  approximately $24.8 million of  which  (together  with
approximately $0.2 million of certain borrowings)  were  used  to
partially  redeem  the Old Notes (leaving $95  million  aggregate
principal  amount  in  Old Notes outstanding)  and  approximately
$12.4 million of which was applied against indebtedness under the
1992 Credit Agreement.  Concurrently with the closing of the  AWG
Sale,  the  Company  and AWG entered into  the  Supply  Agreement
pursuant  to  which  the  Company became  a  member  of  the  AWG
cooperative  and AWG became the Company's primary supplier.   See
"THE COMPANY _ AWG Supply Agreement."

     4.        Restructuring of Old Notes and Refinancing of 1992
               Credit Agreement

                 Concurrently  with  the  closing  of   the   AWG
Transactions, the Company also completed a restructuring  of  the
1992  Credit  Agreement  and  the  Old  Notes  (the  "April  1995
Restructuring").   In  connection with the restructuring  of  Old
Notes, the Old Indenture was amended to add, modify and/or delete
certain covenants and related definitions to (a) take account  of
the  Company's size, operations and financial position  following
the  AWG  Transactions and (b) permit the Company to satisfy  its
other  obligations under the Supply Agreement (including, without
limitation,  the  granting of certain liens to  AWG).   See  "THE
COMPANY  _ AWG Supply Agreement."  In addition, the Old Indenture
was  also  amended to effect a 0.50% per annum  increase  in  the
interest  rate on each series of the Old Notes.  Holders  of  Old
Notes  who voted in favor of these amendments received a  consent
fee  of $5.00 for each $1,000 principal amount of Old Notes voted
by  such holders.  Each holder of the Old Notes also received its
pro rata portion of the $25 million redemption amount.

                The  restructuring of the 1992  Credit  Agreement
consisted  of  two  separate but related  transactions:  (a)  the
closing  of the 1995 Credit Agreement, which amended and restated
the  1992  Credit  Agreement  and  provided  for  a  $25  million
revolving  credit facility; and (b) the refinancing  in  full  of
borrowings  under the 1992 Credit Agreement from the proceeds  of
certain   borrowings   under  the  1995  Credit   Agreement   and
approximately $12.4 million in net proceeds from the AWG Sale.

     5.        New Management Team

                In  November  1994, the Company  hired  James  A.
Demme,  a  35-year  veteran  of the  wholesale  and  retail  food
distribution  business,  to be the Company's  new  President  and
Chief  Executive Officer.  Following the completion  of  the  AWG
Transactions,  Mr.  Demme  and  his  new  management  team  began
implementing the Company's new marketing plan consisting  of  the
following  elements: (a) increasing sales of specialty items  and
perishables; (b) distinguishing the Company from its  competitors
by  promoting  and  enhancing the Company's reputation  for  good
service  and  emphasizing  the  Company's  local  identity;   (c)
increasing  utilization  of  the  Company's  "high-low"   pricing
approach;  (d)  upgrading  the Company's  management  information
systems; (e) introducing the "Homeland Savings Card," a frequent-
shopper card; and (f) building customer loyalty and improving the
Company's  "pricing  image" through the Company's  private  label
program.  See "THE RESTRUCTURING _ Background _ Business Plan."

                As  part  of  its strategic plan,  the  Company's
management  team  also devised a program to  close  marginal  and
unprofitable stores.  The Company closed 14 stores in 1995 (seven
prior  to  the AWG Sale and seven after such sale) and  plans  to
close two additional stores during 1996.  See  "INTRODUCTION  AND
SUMMARY _ Principal Elements of the Restructuring _ Rejection  of
Certain Closed Store Leases."

     6.        Post-AWG Sale Operating Results

               Despite the completion of the AWG Transactions and
the  commencement  of  the  Company's  new  marketing  plan,  the
Company's  gross margins (as a percentage of sales) continued  to
decline  during 1995, declining to 23.7% in the third quarter  of
1995  and  23.6% in the fourth quarter of 1995.    The  continued
erosion of the Company's gross margins was the result of a number
of  factors  including (a) the difficulties in  transforming  the
Company  from  a  self-supplier  to  a  member  of  a  purchasing
cooperative  and (b) additional competitive openings (there  were
eight  additional  competitive openings in the  Company's  market
areas  in  1995) and the aggressive pricing practices of  certain

                 As   a   result   of  the  Company's   operating
difficulties,   the   Company  began   experiencing   significant
liquidity  problems in the third quarter of 1995.  The  Company's
liquidity  problems  reached  a critical  point  in  late  August
immediately  prior to the scheduled September  1,  1995  interest
payment on the Old Notes of approximately $4.5 million.  Although
the  Company made the September 1, 1995 interest payment  on  the
Old  Notes,  it  had  to  assign certain  receivables  and  other
benefits under the Supply Agreement to AWG in order to fund  this

                 The  Company  responded  to  its  operating  and
liquidity  problems by (a) seeking ways to improve the  Company's
gross   margins,  such  as  improving  sales  mix  and   reducing
markdowns,  and (b) addressing the AWG "transitional"  issues  by
monitoring store inventory levels and AWG billings.  Due  to  the
Company's efforts, the Company's gross margins improved to  24.3%
in  the  first  quarter of 1996.  This improvement was,  however,
lower  than projected in the 1996 Budget (as defined below  under
"_ 1996 Budget").

B.        Restructuring Discussions

     1.        Retention of Restructuring Professionals; Formation of

                 In  November  and  December  1995,  the  Company
retained  Alvarez & Marsal, Inc. ("A&M") to act as the  Company's
crisis  consultant  and Donaldson, Lufkin &  Jenrette  Securities
Corporation  ("DLJ") to act as the Company's  financial  advisor.
In  addition,  during  this  time,  the  Committee,  representing
approximately 80% of the outstanding Old Notes, was formed.   The
Committee  selected  Houlihan, Lokey, Howard &  Zukin  ("Houlihan
Lokey")  as  the Committee's financial advisor and  Paul,  Weiss,
Rifkind,  Wharton  &  Garrison as the Committee's  legal  advisor
(collectively, the "Noteholder Advisors").  The Company agreed to
pay  the reasonable fees and expenses of the Noteholder Advisors.

     2.        Strategic Sale Efforts

                In  late  1995 and early 1996, DLJ  assisted  the
Company    in    exploring   certain   strategic    restructuring
alternatives, including the sale of the Company to a third party.
In  connection  with  these efforts, DLJ contacted  a  number  of
potential   buyers  and  investors.   Excluding  indications   of
interest to purchase individual stores or small groups of stores,
DLJ  received only one offer to purchase the Company as a  whole.
The  Company  and  the Committee, together with their  respective
advisors, concluded that this offer was inadequate and should  be

                The  Company  believes that the lack  of  greater
interest  in a purchase of the Company's stores probably resulted
from  (a)  the perceived difficulty in structuring a  transaction
given  the Company's difficult financial position, (b)  the  high
labor  costs associated with the Company's unionized work  force,
combined  with  the Company being the only unionized  supermarket
chain  in  its  market  areas, and (c)  the  perception  that  an
extensive  capital  expenditure  program  would  be  required  to
modernize many of the Company's stores.

     3.        Waivers of Certain Events of Default

                In  December 1995, the Company informed  the  Old
Banks and the Old Trustee that it would be unable to comply  with
certain year-end financial covenants contained in the 1995 Credit
Agreement and the Old Indenture (including the Consolidated Fixed
Charge Coverage ratio and the Debt-to-EBITDA ratio) and requested
a  temporary  waiver of its obligations under such  covenants  in
order to facilitate a restructuring of the Company's indebtedness
or  the sale of the Company to a third party.  The Old Banks  and
the  Old  Trustee  (acting  at the direction  of  a  majority  in
principal  amount  of  the  Old Notes  then  outstanding)  waived
compliance by the Company with these financial covenants  through
the  earlier of April 15, 1996, and the date on which the Company
defaulted on any of its payment obligations with respect  to  the
Old Notes.

                On  March 1, 1996, the Company failed to make the
scheduled  interest payment on the Old Notes  in  the  amount  of
approximately $4.4 million.  This payment default resulted  in  a
termination of the December 1995 waiver under the Old  Indenture.
Notwithstanding  such  termination,  the  Committee  advised  the
Company  that, so long as restructuring negotiations between  the
Company  and  the Committee were proceeding, the Committee  would
not exercise any contractual or other remedies in response to the
interest  payment default.  Moreover, the Old Banks  agreed  that
their  waiver would continue to be effective, and that they would
continue  to  fund, through April 15, 1996, notwithstanding  such
payment default. The Old Banks subsequently agreed to extend  the
waiver and their commitment to fund through May 20, 1996.

     4.        1996 Union Contract Modifications

                  In    evaluating   the   Company's    strategic
alternatives,  the  Company  came  to  the  conclusion   that   a
successful  restructuring,  including  a  possible  sale  of  the
Company to a third party, depended in part on a reduction in  the
Company's  labor costs, which meant negotiating modifications  to
the  Company's existing collective bargaining agreements with the
UFCW  (the "Existing UFCW Agreements").   Accordingly,  in  early
1996,   the  Company  commenced  preliminary  negotiations   with
representatives   of   the   UFCW  regarding   certain   proposed
modifications to the Existing UFCW Agreements.  On March 8, 1996,
the  Company and representatives of the UFCW reached an agreement
in principle relating to the Modified UFCW Agreements.  The terms
of  the Modified UFCW Agreements were ratified during the week of
March  11, 1996, by overwhelming majorities of each of the  local
union chapters of the UFCW.

                In  April  1996,  the local chapter  of  the  BCT
ratified  modifications  to  its existing  collective  bargaining
agreement  with  the Company (the "Existing BCT  Agreement"  and,
together  with the Existing UFCW Agreements, the "Existing  Union
Agreements")  on  the same terms and conditions as  the  Modified
UFCW Agreements.

                The Modified Union Agreements will have a term of
five  years  commencing  on  the  Effective  Date  and  will   be
conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the  Restructuring.   The
Modified  Union  Agreements will consist of five basic  elements:
(a)  wage rate and benefit contribution reductions and work  rule
changes;  (b)  the Employee Buyout Offer, pursuant to  which  the
Company will make up to $6.4 million available for the buyout  of
certain  unionized employees; (c) the establishment  of  an  ESOT
acting on behalf of the Company's unionized employees, which will
receive, or be entitled to purchase, up to 522,222 shares of  New
Common  Stock  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  Modified  Union
Agreements; (d) the UFCW's right to designate one member  of  the
Boards  of  Directors  of the Company and Holding;  and  (e)  the
elimination   of  certain  "snap  back"  provisions   (provisions
relating   to  the  reinstatement  of  previously  reduced   wage
amounts),    incentive  plans  and  "maintenance   of   benefits"

                The  Company  estimates that the  Modified  Union
Agreements  will result in annual cost savings in the first  full
contract   year  of  approximately  $7.2  million  (assuming   no
employees  accept  the Employee Buyout Offer)  to  $13.2  million
(assuming the Employee Buyout Offer is fully subscribed).   There
can  be  no  assurance,  however, that  such  cost  savings  will
actually  be  realized.  In addition, the  amount  of  such  cost
savings may be offset in part in subsequent contract years  as  a
result  of certain wage and benefit increases under the  Modified
Union Agreements.

                For  a more complete description of the terms  of
Modified  Union  Agreements, see "DESCRIPTION OF  MODIFIED  UNION

     5.        Agreement in Principle with the Committee

                On  March 27, 1996, the Company and the Committee
reached  an  agreement in principle relating to the  terms  of  a
restructuring of the Old Notes, which terms are reflected in  the
Plan  and  this Disclosure Statement.  The agreement in principle
provides  that, among other things, the holders of the Old  Notes
will receive (in the aggregate) $60.0 million aggregate principal
amount of New Notes, approximately 2,827,922 shares of New Common
Stock,  representing approximately 60.2% of the New Common  Stock
to  be  issued  under the Plan (based on estimated total  General
Unsecured Claims of $63.1 million), and $1.5 million of cash.


     6.        Sale of Ponca City Store

                On  April  29, 1996, the Company sold  its  Ponca
City,  Oklahoma  store,  including certain property  constituting
collateral   under   the  Old  Indenture  (the   "Old   Indenture
Collateral"), to Albertson's.  The net proceeds from this sale of
Old Indenture Collateral, together with the net proceeds of other
Old  Indenture  Collateral sold following the  AWG  Transactions,
will be used to fund the Cash Amount to be paid to holders of the
Old Notes under the Plan.

C.        Summary of Classification and Treatment of Claims

                The following table summarizes the classification
and treatment of Claims and Interests under the Plan.  For a more
detailed description of the terms and provisions of the Plan, see

     Class Description                     Treatment  under  the Plan

Administrative Claims.   Costs           Paid  in  full,  in  cash,
and   expenses  of  bankruptcy           within  30 days after the  later
cases, including post-expenses           of  the  Effective Date and  the
petition expenses professional           and  date  when  such  Claim  becomes
fees.                                    allowed.

Priority   Tax  Claims. Tax              At   the  option  of  the
Claims  entitled  to  priority           Debtors,  (a) paid in  full,  in
under  Section  507(a)(8)   of           cash,   on  the  later  of   the
the Bankruptcy Code.                     Effective Date and the  date  on
                                         which    such   Claim    becomes
                                         allowed, or (b) paid in deferred
                                         cash payments over a period  not
                                         exceeding  six years  after  the
                                         date of assessment, including an
                                         interest  component as  required
                                         under  Section 1129(a)(9)(c)  of
                                         the Bankruptcy Code.

Class    1. Claims given                 Unimpaired.  Paid in full,
priority  under the Bankruptcy           in  cash,  on the later  of  the
Code,    including    employee           Effective Date and the  date  on
claims  for wages and  certain           which such Claim becomes
benefits.                                allowed.

Class  2.  Claims of  the  Old           Impaired.  Either (a) paid
Banks  under  the 1995  Credit           in cash in full or (b) satisfied
Agreement.                               by the execution and delivery of
                                         the  New  Credit  Agreement  by,
                                         among  other  persons,  the  Old
                                         Banks  and  the modification  of
                                         the  1995  Credit  Agreement  in
                                         accordance with the terms of the
                                         New Credit Agreement.

Class  3.   Secured Claims  of          Impaired.  Each Holder of a
Holders of Old Notes.                   Class  3 Claim will receive  its
                                        ratable  share of  (a)  the  New
                                        Notes and (b) the Cash Amount.

Class     4. Miscellaneous              Unimpaired.  At the option
Secured Claims.                         of  the  Debtors, (a) the legal,
                                        equitable and contractual rights
                                        of each holder of a Class  4
                                        Claim will not be altered by the
                                        Plan or (b) such Claims will  be
                                        treated in any other manner that
                                        will result in such Claims being
                                        unimpaired under Section 1124 of
                                        the Bankruptcy Code.

Class  5.   General  Unsecured          Impaired.  Each holder of a
Claims, including 40.1                  Class  5 Claim will receive  its
million  of General  Unsecured          ratable share of 4,450,000
Claims in respect of the Old            shares of New Common Stock.
Notes  and an estimated  $23.0
million   in   other   General
Unsecured Claims.

Class    6. Interests of               Unimpaired.  The   legal,
Holding as sole holder of              equitable and contractual rights
Homeland Common Stock.                 of  Holding will not be  altered
                                       by the Plan.

Class    7. Interests    of            Impaired.  Each holder will
holders of Old Common Stock.           receive  its  ratable  share  of
                                       250,000  shares  of  New  Common
                                       Stock   and   New  Warrants   to
                                       purchase 263,158 shares  of  New
                                       Common Stock.

Class    8. Interests of               Unimpaired.   The  legal,
holders of Old Warrants.               equitable and contractual rights
                                       of each holder will not be
                                       altered by the Plan.

D.        Conditions to Consummation of the Restructuring

                The  following  conditions must be  satisfied  in
order  for  the Restructuring to be consummated:   (1)  the  Plan
shall  have  been  confirmed  by the  Bankruptcy  Court  and  the
Confirmation  Order shall have become final; (2) the  New  Credit
Agreement shall have been entered into and all conditions to  the
effectiveness thereof shall have been satisfied or waived by  the
New  Banks  as required thereunder; and (3) all other  agreements
contemplated by, or entered into pursuant to, the Plan shall have
been  duly  and  validly executed and delivered  by  the  parties
thereto and all conditions to their effectiveness shall have been
duly satisfied or waived.

                 For  a  discussion  of  the  conditions  to  the
effectiveness  of  the Plan, see "SUMMARY OF  THE  PLAN  _  Other
Provisions of the Plan _ Conditions to Consummation."

E.        Certain Significant Effects of the Restructuring

                Implementation  of  the Restructuring  will  have
certain  significant effects on the Company,  its  creditors  and
equity security holders, including the following:

                (1)   The  exchange of (a) $95 million  aggregate
principal amount of Old Notes (plus an additional $6.6 million in
accrued interest as of the Filing Date) due in 1997 and 1999  and
bearing  interest at a blended rate of 10.8% per annum,  for  (b)
$60  million aggregate principal amount of New Notes due in  2003
and  bearing interest at 10% per annum will result in a reduction
of  the Company's total leverage,  a reduction of its annual debt
service  obligations by approximately $4 million per year (taking
into  account certain increased borrowings expected  to  be  made
under   the  New  Credit  Agreement)  and  the  postponement   of
maturities   on   the   Company's  outstanding   borrowed   money

                (2)   The release of the Old Indenture Collateral
will  permit the Company to pledge such collateral to the lenders
under  the  New  Credit  Agreement  as  security  for  additional

                (3)  The Company projects that the Modified Union
Agreements  will result in a reduction in annual labor  costs  in
the  first  full  contract  year of  approximately  $7.2  million
(assuming no employees accept the Employee Buyout Offer) to $13.2
million  (assuming the Employee Buyout Offer is fully subscribed)
although  such  costs  savings  will  be  subject  to  offset  in
subsequent contract years as a result of certain wage and benefit
increases under the Modified Union Agreements.

                (4)  The rejection of at least seven store leases
relating  to  stores  closed or to be closed,  with  a  resulting
annual  cash  savings  of  approximately  $1.6  million  in   the

                 (5)   The  Company's  ability  to  make  capital
expenditures,  and thereby maintain and enhance  its  competitive
position, will be improved by the reduction in the Company's debt
service obligations and labor and other costs.

                The implementation of the Restructuring will also
result  in  a  substantial dilution of the ownership interest  in
Holding  held by the holders of the Old Common Stock of  Holding.
Under the Plan, the holders of Old Common Stock will receive  (in
the   aggregate)  (a)  250,000  shares  of  New   Common   Stock,
representing  approximately 5.3% of the New Common  Stock  to  be
outstanding upon consummation of the Restructuring, and  (b)  New
Warrants  to  purchase 263,158 shares of New Common Stock.   Upon
exercise of the New Warrants, the holders of the Old Common Stock
will  own approximately 8.9% of the New Common Stock on  a  fully
diluted  basis (assuming the maximum amount of New  Common  Stock
issuable under the New Warrants, the Old Warrants, the Management
Stock  Option  Plan  and the Modified Union Agreements  has  been
issued), approximately 4.3% of which relates to New Common  Stock
to  be  issued  under the Plan and approximately  4.6%  of  which
relates to New Common Stock to be issued upon exercise of the New
Warrants.  See  "RISK  FACTORS  _  Risks  Relating  to  the   New
Securities _ Dilution."

F.        Business Plan

                In May 1995, the Company began implementing a new
business  strategy (the "Business Plan") to improve the Company's
financial performance and competitive position.  During and after
the  Restructuring, the Company will continue  to  implement  the
Business   Plan,   as  well  as  explore  other  strategies   for
maintaining  and  enhancing the Company's  competitive  position.
The  key  elements of the Business Plan include:  (1)  increasing
sales of specialty items and perishables; (2) differentiating the
Company  from  its  competitors by promoting  and  enhancing  the
Company's  reputation  for  good  service  and  emphasizing   the
Company's  local  identity; (3) increasing   utilization  of  the
Company's   "high-low"  pricing  approach;  (4)   upgrading   the
Company's  management information systems;  (5)  introducing  the
"Homeland  Savings  Card,"  a  frequent-shopper  card;  and   (6)
building  customer  loyalty and improving the Company's  "pricing
image" through the Company's private label program.

                Sales  of  Perishables and Specialty Departments.
The   Company   believes  that  its  broad  range  of   specialty
departments   (bakery,  deli,  floral  and  pharmacy)   and   its
consistent  supply  of  varied, quality perishable  goods  (meat,
produce,  baked goods and seafood) give it an advantage over  its
competitors.   The Company intends to exploit this  advantage  by
seeking  to increase sales of specialty items and perishables  in
the future.  The Company believes that this emphasis on specialty
items  and perishables will improve the Company's sales  mix  and
increase  gross  profits because specialty items and  perishables
have higher gross margins than dry groceries.

                Reputation for Good Service; Local Identity.  The
Company  intends to enhance and promote its reputation  for  good
service by, among other things, improving the appearance  of  its
stores   (including  better  lighting,  replacing  floor   tiles,
upgrading  shelving  and  installing  new  refrigerated   cases),
improving "front-end" service (bagging and carry-out service) and
expanding  specialty departments.  The Company believes  that  by
emphasizing  good service, it will be able to distinguish  itself
from its competitors and improve sales.

               The Company also intends to continue its tradition
of  community  involvement,  such as  its  participation  in  the
"Apples  for Students" and "Easter Seals" programs.  The  Company
believes  that  its tradition of community involvement,  together
with  its  excellent "neighborhood" store locations,  give  it  a
strong local identity, which contributes to customer loyalty  and
differentiates  the  Company  from  its  national  and   regional

                High-Low Pricing.  The Company plans to emphasize
its  "high-low"  pricing approach whereby  it  combines  "higher"
everyday  prices  to enhance gross profits and  advertised  "low"
promotional prices to increase sales.  The Company's use  of  so-
called  "double  coupons," which are very popular with  consumers
and  contribute to increased store traffic, is one aspect of this
"high-low" pricing approach.  The Company believes it  is  better
positioned than its competitors to employ such a pricing strategy
because  independent  operators lack the resources  and  customer
base  to advertise on the same scale as the Company and "everyday
low-price stores" like Wal-Mart typically do not advertise much.

                Upgrading of Management Information Systems.  The
Company  intends  to  continue  its  program  of  upgrading   the
Company's  management information systems.  In 1995, the  Company
installed  a  new  retail hosting system, which links  "point  of
sale"  scanners  with a central monitoring system.   The  Company
believes   that   this   system,  coupled  with   certain   other
technological  improvements  to  be  implemented  in  1996,  will
facilitate store-by-store pricing, improve shelf space allocation
and  permit  more accurate monitoring of direct store deliveries.
In  addition,  the Company believes that these improvements  will
reduce costly errors in billing, ensure that the Company receives
correct  promotional credit and provide automatic  invoicing  for

                Homeland  Savings  Card.  The  Company  plans  to
introduce  the  Homeland Savings Card in  all  of  the  Company's
stores  in  the  third quarter of 1996, after a successful  test-
marketing  program in the Company's Amarillo, Texas stores.   The
card  offers  customers  special promotional  prices  on  certain
advertised  items.   The Company believes the  card  will  be  an
important  tool in maintaining and building customer loyalty  and
distinguishing  the Company from its competitors (none  of  which
offers  such a program).  In future years, the Company  plans  to
use  the  card  to identify customer purchasing frequency,  which
will  allow the Company to focus its promotional dollars  on  its
most  loyal customers.  In addition, the Company intends  to  use
the  card  to  collect shopping pattern information,  which  will
allow  the  Company  to  target  promotional  offers  to  certain

                Private  Label Program.  The Company  intends  to
continue  the promotion of its private label products,  including
the  Company's "Pride of America" private label products as  well
as   AWG's   private  label  products.   Private  label  products
generally  represent quality and value to customers and typically
contribute to a higher gross profit margin than national  brands.
The  promotion of private label products is an integral  part  of
the  Company's  merchandising  philosophy  of  building  customer
loyalty while improving the Company's "pricing image."

G.        1996 Budget

                 In  January  1996,  the  Company  completed  its
financial projections for the 52 weeks ending December  28,  1996
(the  "1996 Budget").  The 1996 Budget represented the  Company's
estimate  of the most likely results of the Company's  operations
in fiscal 1996 and was based on certain assumptions regarding the
Company and its business, including the successful implementation
of  the Business Plan, an ongoing store base of 67 stores and the
Company's  operating  on  a "business  as  usual"  basis,  (i.e.,
without giving effect to the Restructuring).

               The 1996 Budget included a sales and store expense
plan which was developed on a store-by-store basis.  Budgets were
generated  by  each store manager, and reviewed by  the  district
managers  and  senior management of the Company.   In  developing
store sales budgets, recent sales trends, local economic factors,
competitive  activity, store improvements and other factors  were
taken  into  account.  The 1996 Budget also included a  corporate
overhead budget, balance sheet and cash flow projections, all  of
which  were developed by the Company's financial management  team
based on recent trends and anticipated future changes.

                The 1996 Budget was presented to and approved  by
the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  and  was  provided  to  the
Committee, the Old Banks and the UFCW.  The 1996 Budget confirmed
that a restructuring of the Company's outstanding indebtedness as
well  as  its  collective bargaining agreements was  required  in
order  for the Company to remain viable.  The 1996 Budget  formed
the  basis for discussions with the Committee, the Old Banks  and
the UFCW with respect to the Restructuring.

                The  1996 Budget also provided the basis for  the
development of the Plan and the Projections for the three  fiscal
years  ending December 28, 1996, through December 26, 1998.   See
"FINANCIAL  INFORMATION  _  Projected  and  Pro  Forma  Financial

H.   Capitalization

                The  following  table sets  forth  the  projected
consolidated capitalization of the Debtors as of July  13,  1996,
and  such capitalization on a pro forma basis after giving effect
to  the  Restructuring as if it occurred on July 13, 1996.   This
information  should be read in conjunction with the  accompanying
notes  and  with Holding's consolidated financial statements  and
the   notes   thereto  included  elsewhere  in  this   Disclosure
Statement,  as  well as with the financial and other  information
set forth below under "FINANCIAL INFORMATION."  The unaudited pro
forma information presented below has been prepared in accordance
with the principles of "fresh-start" accounting.  See "ACCOUNTING
TREATMENT."   Such  unaudited  pro  forma  information  has  been
derived  from,  and should be read in conjunction with,  the  pro
forma   unaudited  consolidated  financial  information  included
elsewhere   in   this  Disclosure  Statement.    See   "FINANCIAL
INFORMATION _ Projected and Pro Forma Financial Information."

               Pro Forma Projected Capitalization
                            (In thousands)

                                                        Pro Forma
                                        Projected       Projected
                                         Pre-            Post-
                                        Effective        Effective
                                        Date             Date
                                       July 13,1996      July 13,1996

Current maturities of long-term debt $        2,786      $      1,631
and capital lease obligations

Long-term debt and capital lease                   

 Priority tax claims                          2,659            2,659

 DIP Facility                                 3,779               -

 New Revolving Credit Facility                   -             2,000

 Term Loan                                       -            10,000

 Capital lease obligations                    7,963            5,149

 Old Notes - principal                       95,000               -

 Old Notes - interest                         6,520               -

 New Notes                                       -            60,000

  Total long-term debt and capital          115,921           79,808
lease obligations

Redeemable common stock                          17               -

Stockholders' equity (deficit):                    

 Common stock                                   337               47

 Additional paid-in capital                  55,886           56,014

 Accumulated deficit                        (87,955)              -

 Minimum pension liability adjustment        (1,327)              -

 Treasury stock                              (2,814)              -

  Total stockholders' equity                (35,873)          56,061

 Total Capitalization               $        82,851       $  137,500

                  III.     THE CHAPTER 11 CASES

                On  the Filing Date, each of the Debtors filed  a
voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.   The
Debtors' bankruptcy cases were procedurally consolidated by order
of the Bankruptcy Court.  Since the Filing Date, the Debtors have
continued  to  operate  their  businesses  and  to  manage  their
properties as debtors-in-possession pursuant to Section 1107  and
Section 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code.

A.        Retention of Professionals

                With  the  approval of the Bankruptcy Court,  the
Debtors  have  retained  various  professionals,  including   the
following:  (1)  Crowe  &  Dunlevy, A  Professional  Corporation,
Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma,  as general  bankruptcy  counsel;  (2)
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor, Wilmington, Delaware, as local
bankruptcy  counsel; (3) A&M, New York, New York, as  consultants
(crisis  management  and  other  services);  and  (4)  Coopers  &
Lybrand, L.L.P., New York, New York, as accountants.

B.        DIP Facility

               On the Filing Date, the Bankruptcy Court approved,
on  an interim basis, the Company's debtor-in-possession facility
(the "DIP Facility"), pursuant to which the Old Banks have agreed
to  lend  the  Company (on a revolving basis) up to  $27  million
(subject to borrowing base availability) for its working  capital
and  other  general  corporate purposes.   The  interim  approval
authorized the Company to borrow up to $__________ under the  DIP
Facility.   The Bankruptcy Court entered a Final Order  approving
the DIP Facility on May ___, 1996.

                Under the DIP Facility, the Debtors are permitted
to  borrow  up  to the lesser of $27 million and  the  "Borrowing
Base."   The Borrowing Base is an amount equal to the sum of  (1)
65% of the net amount of "eligible inventory," (2) 40% of the net
amount of "eligible pharmaceutical inventory," (3) 85% of the net
amount  of  "eligible  coupons;" and (4) 50%  of  net  amount  of
"eligible pharmaceutical receivables."  Borrowings under the  DIP
Facility bear interest at an interest rate equal to (1) the prime
rate  announced publicly by National Bank of Canada from time  to
time  in  New  York, New York plus (2) two percent.  Interest  is
payable  quarterly  in arrears on the last day  of  March,  June,
September  and  December, commencing on June 30, 1996.   The  DIP
Facility  will  mature on the earlier of (1) one  year  from  the
Filing Date, and (2) the Effective Date.

                Pursuant  to  the terms of the DIP Facility,  the
Debtors  are required to pay the Old Banks (1) a closing  fee  of
$270,000   (plus  an additional $135,000 payable in  six  monthly
payments  of $22,500 each if the Effective Date has not  occurred
within  180 days of the Filing Date), (2) a commitment fee  equal
to one-half of one percent per annum on the unused portion of the
loan  commitment  of  $27 million and (3) a quarterly  letter  of
credit  fee  equal  to  3.25%  of  the  average  face  amount  of
outstanding  letters of credit (in addition to  certain  standard
letter of credit fees charged by such issuing bank).  The Debtors
are  also required to pay National Bank of Canada, as Agent  (the
"DIP  Agent") for itself and the Old Banks, a monthly agency  fee
of $5,000.

                The DIP Facility provides that the DIP Agent  (on
behalf  of  itself  and the Old Banks) will have  liens  on,  and
security  interests in, all of the pre-petition and post-petition
property  (including certain avoidance claims,  if  any)  of  the
Debtors  (other than the Old Indenture Collateral),  which  liens
and  security interests will have priority over substantially all
other  liens on, and security interests in, the Debtors' property
(other than properly perfected liens and security interests which
existed prior to the Filing Date).

                 The  DIP  Facility  includes  certain  customary
restrictive  covenants, including restrictions  on  acquisitions,
asset  dispositions,  capital  expenditures,  consolidations  and
mergers,  distributions,  divestitures, indebtedness,  liens  and
security  interests  and transactions with affiliates.   The  DIP
Facility  also  requires  the  Debtors  to  comply  with  certain
financial maintenance and other covenants.

C.        Payment of Certain Pre-Petition Claims

                 On   the  Filing  Date,  the  Bankruptcy   Court
authorized  the  Company  to pay certain pre-petition  Claims  in
order  to  maintain  the  Company's normal  business  operations.
These  pre-petition  Claims include:  (1) the pre-petition  trade
Claims of AWG against the Company under the Supply Agreement; (2)
pre-petition  Claims  against  the  Company  arising  under   the
Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, as amended; (3)  certain
pre-petition Claims of the Company's employees, including  Claims
with  respect  to salaries and wages, benefit plans  and  expense
reimbursements; and (4) certain pre-petition tax Claims  against,
and withholding obligations of, the Company.

                In  addition, on the Filing Date, the  Bankruptcy
Court  approved the Trade Creditor Order, pursuant to  which  the
pre-petition Claims of the Company's trade creditors (other  than
AWG,  whose Claims will be paid pursuant to a separate Bankruptcy
Court  order)  will  be paid to the extent  such  trade  creditor
supplies goods or provides services which the Company deems to be
essential  to  its  business.   Pursuant to  the  Trade  Creditor
Order,  the Company expects to pay the pre-petition trade  Claims
of  many, but not all, of its trade creditors.  The Company  will
pay,  however,   the  pre-petition  trade  Claims  of  all  trade
creditors the Company deems to be essential.

                Payments pursuant to the Trade Creditor Order are
contingent on a trade creditor's agreement to continue to provide
goods or services in accordance with customary pre-petition trade
terms  (including prior allowances and practices).  If a creditor
receives a payment pursuant to the Trade Creditor Order and  then
later  refuses  to  continue  to provide  goods  or  services  in
accordance with such customary pre-petition trade terms, then any
payments by the Company to such trade creditor in respect of  any
pre-petition Claims will be deemed to have been made  in  payment
of  then outstanding post-petition obligations owed to such trade
creditor  and such trade creditor will immediately repay  to  the
Company  any payments made to such trade creditor on  account  of
pre-petition  Claims to the extent the aggregate amount  of  such
payment  exceeds  the post-petition obligations then  outstanding
(without   any   setoff,  claims,  provisions  for   payment   of
reclamation or trust fund claims or other reduction by such trade

D.        Continuation of Certain Consumer Practices

                 On   the  Filing  Date,  the  Bankruptcy   Court
authorized the Company to continue certain consumer practices  in
order  to  maintain  the  Company's normal  business  operations,
including  its  return,  refund and  exchange  policy,  its  gift
certificate program, its community support programs,  its  coupon
program,  its  video coupon program and  money orders  and  money

E.        Other First Day Orders

                On  the  Filing Date, the Bankruptcy  Court  also
entered   a  number  of  other  so-called  "first  day   orders,"
including:   (1)  an  order authorizing the Debtors  to  maintain
their  pre-petition  bank  accounts,  continue  use  of  existing
business  forms and cash management system and waiving compliance
with  investment guidelines on certain  accounts;  (2)  an  order
establishing  administrative procedures for interim  compensation
to  professionals; (3) an order regarding adequate  assurance  to
utilities;  and  (4)  an order authorizing the  Debtors  to  mail
initial notices.

                        IV.     RISK FACTORS

A.        Business Risks

     1.        Continuing Leverage; Financial Covenant Restrictions

                The  Company  is highly leveraged  and,  although
completion  of  the Restructuring will significantly  reduce  the
Company's  debt  obligations,  the  Company  will  remain  highly
leveraged  after the Restructuring.  The Company's high leverage,
and the restrictions that will be placed on the Company under the
New  Credit  Agreement  and the New Indenture,  pose  substantial
risks to the holders of the Company's debt and equity securities.

                First, although the Company believes that it will
be  able  to  generate  sufficient operating  cash  flow  to  pay
interest on all of its outstanding debt as those payments  become
due;  there  can be no assurance it will be able to do  so.   The
Company's  ability  to meet its ongoing debt service  obligations
will  depend  on  a number of factors, including its  ability  to
implement the Business Plan.

               Second, there can be no assurance that the Company
will  generate sufficient operating cash flow to repay, when due,
the  principal amounts outstanding under the New Credit Agreement
at  final  maturity (which is expected to be  in  1999)  and  the
principal  amount  of  the New Notes due in  2003.   The  Company
expects  that  it will be required to refinance such  amounts  as
they  become due and payable; however, there can be no  assurance
that any such refinancing will be consummated, or if consummated,
will  be  in an amount sufficient to repay such obligations.   If
the Company is unable to refinance all or any significant portion
of  such indebtedness, it may be required to sell assets  of,  or
equity  interests in, the Company and there can be  no  assurance
that  such sales will be consummated or, if consummated, will  be
in an amount sufficient to repay such obligations in full.

                Third,  the  New  Credit Agreement  and  the  New
Indenture   will  contain  restrictive  financial  and  operating
covenants,  including provisions which will limit  the  Company's
ability  to  make  capital expenditures.   Although  the  Company
believes  that it will have sufficient resources and  flexibility
under the New Credit Agreement and the New Indenture to make  the
capital   expenditures  necessary  to  maintain  its  competitive
position, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able
to  make such necessary capital expenditures.  If the Company  is
unable to make such necessary capital expenditures as a result of
these  covenants,  the Company's competitive  position  could  be
adversely affected.

                Fourth, the ability of the Company to comply with
the  financial  covenants  to  be contained  in  the  New  Credit
Agreement  and  the  New  Indenture  will  be  dependent  on  the
Company's future performance, which will be subject to prevailing
economic conditions and other factors beyond the control  of  the
Company.   The  Company's failure to comply with  such  covenants
could result in a default or an event of default, permitting  the
lenders  to  accelerate the maturity of indebtedness  under  such
agreements  and, in the case of the lenders under the New  Credit
Agreement,  to  foreclose  upon  any  collateral  securing   such
indebtedness.  Any such default, event of default or acceleration
could  also  result in the acceleration of other indebtedness  of
the  Company  to  the extent the documents governing  such  other
indebtedness    contain   cross-default   or   cross-acceleration

     2.        Competition

               The food retailing business is highly competitive.
The  Company competes with several national, regional  and  local
supermarket  chains, particularly Wal-Mart and Albertson's.   The
Company  also competes with convenience stores, stores owned  and
operated  or  otherwise affiliated with large  food  wholesalers,
unaffiliated   independent  food  stores,   warehouse/merchandise
clubs, discount drugstore chains and discount general merchandise
chains.  Most of the Company's principal competitors have greater
financial  resources  than  the  Company  and  have  used   those
resources to take steps which have already adversely affected and
could  in  the future adversely affect the Company's  competitive
position  and  financial performance, including  the  opening  of
competitive  stores  with better physical facilities.   See  "THE
RESTRUCTURING  _  Background _ Increased  Competition  and  Lower

               The future competitive position of the Company may
suffer  because  (a) the Company, unlike all of its  competitors,
has  a  unionized  workforce, which will  likely  result  in  the
Company  having higher labor costs than its competitors  and  (b)
the  Company's  ability to maintain and to remodel  its  existing
stores  and to open new stores may be limited as a result of  the
Company's  high  leverage  and  the  restrictive  financial   and
operating covenants contained in the New Credit Agreement and the
New  Indenture.  Although the Company believes that the  Modified
Union  Agreements  will result in lower, more  competitive  labor
costs, there can be no assurance that such lower labor costs will
be  realized  or, even if they are realized, that  they  will  be
sufficient to respond to competitive pressures.  See "DESCRIPTION
OF MODIFIED UNION AGREEMENTS."  In addition, although the Company
believes  that it will have sufficient resources and  flexibility
under the New Credit Agreement and the New Indenture to make  the
capital   expenditures  necessary  to  maintain  its  competitive
position, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able
to make such necessary capital expenditures.

     3.        AWG Supply Relationship

                AWG  is the Company's primary supplier, supplying
approximately  70%  of  the goods that the  Company  sells.   The
Supply  Agreement  between AWG and the Company  is  scheduled  to
expire in April 2002.  Under the Supply Agreement, the Company is
entitled to receive certain benefits from AWG, including  certain
periodic payments (up to a maximum of approximately $1.3  million
per  quarter) based on the volume of the Company's purchases  and
certain  membership rebates, credits and refunds.  In  the  event
that  the Supply Agreement were to be terminated for any  reason,
the  Company would be forced to find another supplier.   Although
the Company believes that it would be able to secure a substitute
supplier on satisfactory terms, there can be no assurance that  a
substitute  supplier could be secured in a timely enough  fashion
so  as to avoid a disruption in the Company's operations or  that
the supply relationship with such substitute supplier would be on
terms  as  favorable  to  the  Company  as  the  terms  currently
available with AWG.  See "THE COMPANY  _ AWG Supply Agreement."

     4.        Projections

                 The   financial  projections  included  in  this
Disclosure Statement represent the Debtor's best estimate of  the
most  likely  results of the Company's operations  following  the
Restructuring  and  are  dependent on, among  other  things,  the
successful  implementation of the Business Plan.  See  "FINANCIAL
INFORMATION  _  Projected  and Pro Forma Financial  Information."
These   projections   reflect  numerous  assumptions,   including
confirmation and consummation of the Plan in accordance with  its
terms,  the successful implementation of the Business  Plan,  the
anticipated   future   performance  of  the   Company,   industry
performance, general business and economic conditions  and  other
matters, most of which are beyond the control of the Company  and
some  of  which  may not materialize.  In addition, unanticipated
events  and circumstances occurring after the preparation of  the
projections  may  affect  the actual  financial  results  of  the
Company.   Therefore, the actual results achieved throughout  the
periods  covered  by the projections may vary significantly  from
the projected results.

     5.        Unions
                The Modified Union Agreements will have a term of
five  years,  commencing  on the Effective  Date.   Although  the
Company   believes  that  it  will  be  able  to  negotiate   new
agreements, or extensions of the Modified Union Agreements,  with
the  UFCW  and  the BCT prior to the termination of the  Modified
Union  Agreements, there can be no assurance that such agreements
will  be  reached or extended or that they will be  on  terms  as
favorable  to the Company as those currently provided  under  the
Modified  Union  Agreements.  In the event that  the  Company  is
unable  to negotiate new union agreements, or extensions  of  the
Modified  Union Agreements, on satisfactory terms, the  Company's
business could be adversely affected.

B.        Bankruptcy Risks

     1.        Disruption of Operations

                 Perceived   difficulties  from   the   Company's
bankruptcy case could adversely affect the Company's relationship
with   its  suppliers,  customers  and  employees.   The  Company
believes  that  such  risks  will be minimized  because  (a)  the
"prearranged"  nature of the Plan should result in  an  expedited
bankruptcy  case and (b) pursuant to certain "first  day"  orders
entered by the Bankruptcy Court, the Company will pay all of  its
employees  and  all  of  its essential  trade  creditors  in  the
ordinary course of business.  See "THE CHAPTER 11 CASE _  Payment
of  Certain Pre-Petition Claims."  If the Plan is not consummated
on  an  expedited  basis, however, the Company's bankruptcy  case
could  adversely  affect  the  Company's  relationship  with  its
suppliers,  customers  and employees,  resulting  in  a  material
adverse  effect on the Company's business.  Furthermore, even  an
expedited  bankruptcy  case could have a  detrimental  effect  on
future sales and patronage because it may create a negative image
of the Company in the eyes of its customers.

     2.        Certain Risks of Non-Acceptance

                If  the  Plan  is not accepted by each  class  of
impaired  Claims and Interests thereunder, the Debtors  would  be
forced to evaluate the options then available to them.  One  such
option  would  be  to negotiate a revised plan of  reorganization
with the Debtors' creditor and shareholder groups.  There can  be
no  assurance, however, that any such revised plan  would  be  as
favorable to the holders of the Old Notes, the holders of General
Unsecured Claims and the holders of Old Common Stock as the Plan.
In  addition, if the Debtors were unable to negotiate  a  revised
plan  of  reorganization on an expedited basis, (a) the Company's
relationship with its suppliers, customers and employees could be
adversely  affected,  which could result in  a  material  adverse
effect  on the Company's business, and (b) the Company  could  be
placed  at  a  distinct  competitive  disadvantage  because   the
effectiveness of the Modified Union Agreements _ and  the  lower,
more competitive, labor cost structure provided for thereunder  _
is  conditioned  on  the  Company's consummation  of  a  plan  of
reorganization.  As a result of these factors, the Debtors  might
be  forced  to  abandon  the reorganization  process  and  pursue
instead  an  orderly liquidation of the Company's assets.   If  a
liquidation  were to occur, the Debtors believe that the  holders
of the Old Notes, the holders of General Unsecured Claims and the
holders of Old Common Stock would receive substantially less than
they  would  under the Plan.  See "ALTERNATIVES  TO  THE  PLAN  _
Liquidation under Chapter 7."

                Another  option available to the Debtors  in  the
event of non-acceptance by any impaired class, would be to pursue
a  so-called "cram-down" plan of reorganization pursuant  to  Sec
tion  1129(b)  of the Bankruptcy Code.  Section  1129(b)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code provides that, if certain conditions are met, the
Plan  may be confirmed even if the Plan is not accepted  by  each
impaired  class of Claims and Interests. Section 1129(b) provides
that,  so  long  as  at least one impaired  class  of  Claims  or
Interests  has accepted the Plan (without counting the  votes  of
insiders in such class), the Plan may be confirmed if it does not
"discriminate unfairly" and is "fair and equitable" with  respect
to  each  of the nonaccepting classes.  It is generally  accepted
that a plan of reorganization does not "discriminate unfairly" if
it  does  not  violate  the relative priorities  among  unsecured
creditors and equity holders.  In general terms, a plan is  "fair
and  equitable"  with  respect to (a)  a  nonaccepting  class  of
Secured Claims if either (i) provision is made under the plan for
the  holders  of  such Claims to retain the liens  securing  such
Claims  to  the  extent of their allowed amount  and  to  receive
deferred  cash payments totalling at least the allowed amount  of
such  Claims, having a present value at least equal to the  value
of  such  holders'  interests in the  estate's  interest  in  the
collateral  or  (ii)  the plan provides such  holders'  with  the
"indubitable equivalent" of their Claims (which may be  satisfied
by   returning  the  collateral  securing  such  Claims  to  such
holders),  (b)  a nonaccepting class of Unsecured Claims  if  the
plan  provides  that either (i) such holders  receive  or  retain
property  having a value, as of the effective date of  the  plan,
equal  to the allowed amount of such holders' Claims or (ii)  the
holders  of  Claims  and Interests that are junior  to  any  such
nonaccepting  class do not receive or retain any  property  under
the  plan  and (iii) a nonaccepting class of equity interests  if
the  holders of any Interest that is junior to such class do  not
receive  or retain any property under the plan.  This means  that
it  is  possible for a plan to be confirmed by a bankruptcy court
notwithstanding  the  nonacceptance  of  a  class  of  Claims  or
Interests  under  such plan and the holders of  such  Claims  and
Interests must accept whatever distribution, if any, is  provided
for  them under such plan, so long as the requirements of Section
Confirmation  _ Confirmation Without Acceptance by  All  Impaired
Classes."   Although the Debtors reserve the right to modify  the
terms of the Plan as may be necessary for the confirmation of the
Plan  under Section 1129(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, in the  event
that  any  impaired class fails to accept the Plan, the  Debtors'
current intention is that they will not pursue a "cram-down" plan
of reorganization.

     3.        Certain Risks of Non-Confirmation

                Even if all classes of Claims and Interests  that
are  entitled  to  vote accept the Plan, the Plan  might  not  be
confirmed  by  the  Bankruptcy  Court.   Section  1129   of   the
Bankruptcy Code sets forth the requirements for confirmation  and
requires,  among other things, a finding by the Bankruptcy  Court
that  the confirmation of the Plan not be followed by a need  for
further  financial reorganization or liquidation,  and  that  the
value  of the distributions to classes of impaired creditors  and
equity   security  holders  not  be  less  than  the   value   of
distributions  such  creditors and such equity  security  holders
would receive if the Debtors were liquidated under Chapter  7  of
the   Bankruptcy   Code.   See  "CONFIRMATION  AND   CONSUMMATION
PROCEDURE  _  Confirmation."   The  Debtors  believe   that   the
requirements for confirmation will be satisfied.  However,  there
can  be no assurance that the Bankruptcy Court will conclude that
these requirements have been satisfied.

                The consummation  of the Plan is also subject  to
the satisfaction of certain conditions.  See "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN
_ Other Provisions of the Plan _ Conditions to Consummation."  No
assurance  can be given that these conditions will  be  satisfied
or,   if  not  satisfied,  that  the  Debtors  would  waive  such

     4.        Certain Risks Regarding Classification of Claims and 

                Section 1122 of the Bankruptcy Code provides that
a  plan of reorganization may place a Claim or an Interest  in  a
particular  class only if such Claim or Interest is substantially
similar to the other Claims or the other Interests in such class.
The  Debtors  believe  that  the classifications  of  Claims  and
Interests  under  the  Plan comply with the requirements  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code.  There can be no assurance, however,  that  the
Bankruptcy Court will conclude that such requirements  have  been

C.        Risks Relating to the New Securities

     1.        Potential Illiquidity of the New Securities

                The  New Notes and the New Warrants will  not  be
listed on any exchange.  There can be no assurance that an active
trading  market  for  the  New Notes or  the  New  Warrants  will
develop.  Accordingly, there can be no assurance that a holder of
New  Notes  or  New  Warrants will  be  able  to  sell  such  New
Securities  in  the future or as to the price at which  such  New
Securities might trade.  The liquidity of the market for such New
Securities and the prices at which such New Securities trade will
depend  upon  the  number  of holders thereof,  the  interest  of
securities dealers in maintaining a market in such New Securities
and other factors beyond the Debtors' control.

                Under the Plan, Holding has undertaken to use its
best efforts to secure the listing of the New Common Stock on the
NASDAQ National Market System (or, in the event Holding fails  to
meet  the  listing  requirements of the  NASDAQ  National  Market
System, on such other exchange or system on which the New  Common
Stock  may  be  listed)  as  soon as  practicable  following  the
Effective Date.  There can be no assurance, however, that the New
Common  Stock will be listed on the NASDAQ National Market System
or  on such other exchange or system.  Accordingly, there can  be
no  assurance that a holder of the New Common Stock will be  able
to  sell  New  Common Stock in the future or as to the  price  at
which the New Common Stock might trade.

     2.        Restrictions on Transfer

                Holders  of New Securities who are deemed  to  be
"underwriters"  as defined in Section 1145(b) of  the  Bankruptcy
Code,  including  holders who are deemed to  be  "affiliates"  or
"control  persons"  of  the Debtors within  the  meaning  of  the
Securities  Act,  will be unable freely to transfer  or  to  sell
their   securities  except  pursuant  to  (a)  "ordinary  trading
transactions"  by  an entity that is not an "issuer"  within  the
meaning of Section 1145(b), (b) an effective registration of such
securities  under  the Securities Act and under equivalent  state
securities or "blue sky" laws or (c) an available exemption  from
such    registration   requirements.    See    "SECURITIES    LAW

                In  connection  with  the Restructuring,  certain
registration rights will be granted to holders of the  Old  Notes
and  Old Common Stock, with respect to the New Securities  to  be
received  by  such holders under the Plan.  In addition,  Holding
will  file a Form 10 registration statement with respect  to  the
New  Common Stock under the 1934 Act within 60 days following the
Effective  Date  and  will use its best  efforts  to  cause  such
registration statement to become effective as soon as practicable
thereafter.  Holding  must keep such registration effective until
the  earlier of (a) the seventh anniversary of the Effective Date
and  (b) the first date on which less than 10% of the outstanding
New  Common  Stock  is  publicly  held.   For  so  long  as  such
registration  remains  effective, Holding  will  be  required  to
comply  with the reporting requirements under the 1934  Act.   In
addition,  so  long  as  the New Notes are outstanding,  the  New
Indenture  requires  the  Company to  comply  with  the  periodic
reporting requirements under the 1934 Act, regardless of  whether
it  is  otherwise subject thereto, as contemplated by  the  Trust
Indenture   Act.    See   "SECURITIES  LAW  CONSIDERATIONS"   and

                Under  the  Supply Agreement, there  are  certain
restrictions with respect to the transfer of more than 50% of New
Common  Stock  to an entity primarily engaged in  the  retail  or
wholesale  grocery  business.  See  "THE  COMPANY  _  AWG  Supply

     3.        Dilution

                If the Restructuring is consummated, the existing
equity  interests of the holders of the Old Common Stock will  be
canceled  and  such holders will receive (in the  aggregate)  (a)
250,000 shares of New Common Stock, or approximately 5.3% of  the
New  Common  Stock  to be issued under the Plan  (without  giving
effect  to  the  New  Warrants, any  options  granted  under  the
Management Stock Option Plan, the Old Warrants or the issuance or
purchase  of any New Common Stock pursuant to the Modified  Union
Agreements), and (b) New Warrants, which will be exercisable  for
263,158  shares  of New Common Stock.  The exercise  of  the  Old
Warrants  and the vesting and the exercise of any options granted
under  the  Management  Stock Option Plan  will  have  a  further
dilutive effect on the ownership interests of the holders of  the
Old  Common  Stock  to the extent the exercise  prices  for  such
securities are less than the fair market value of the New  Common
Stock at the time of exercise.  In addition, the issuance and the
purchase  of New Common Stock under the Modified Union Agreements
(to  the extent any such purchase is at less than fair market  of
the New Common Stock at the time of such purchase) also will have
a  dilutive  effect  on  such equity  ownership  interests.   See
Principal Elements of the Restructuring _ Management Stock Option

                Assuming that (a) all the New Warrants that  will
be  outstanding following the Restructuring have been  exercised,
(b)  all the Old Warrants that will be outstanding following  the
Restructuring  have been exercised, (c) management stock  options
covering  all the New Common Stock reserved under the  Management
Stock Option Plan have been granted and exercised and (d) all the
New  Common  Stock that may be issued pursuant  to  the  Modified
Union  Agreements  has been issued, holders of General  Unsecured
Claims  (including Unsecured Claims in respect of the Old  Notes)
would own approximately 77.2% of the New Common Stock and holders
of  the Old Common Stock would own approximately 8.9% of the  New
Common  Stock (approximately 4.3% of which relates to New  Common
Stock to be issued under the Plan and approximately 4.6% of which
relates to stock to be issued upon exercise of the New Warrants).
The   chart  set  forth  below  describes  the  dilutive  effects
(including  the  cumulative dilutive effect) of  stock  issuances
under,  or  in connection with, the New Warrants, the  Management
Stock  Option  Plan,  the  Old Warrants and  the  Modified  Union

                              Shares of New Common Stock

                                     After          After    
                      After         Giving         Giving       After      
           Upon      Giving         Effect         Effect      Giving      
Holders     Con       Effect      to Management  to Modified    Effect          Fully
          summation   to New        Stock Op      Union Agree-  to Old        Diluted
                      Warrants(1)    tions(2)       ments(3)    Warrants(4)

General Un    4,450,000(5)  4,450,000(5)  4,450,000(5)  4,450,000(5)  4,450,000(5)  4,450,000(5)
secured Claims 

Old Common       250,000      250,000       250,000       250,000       250,000     250,000       0
New Warrants           0      263,158             0             0               0     263,158    
Management             0            0       263,158             0               0

ESOT                   0            0             0       522,222               0     522,222
Warrants(6)            0            0             0             0        15,167      15,167       

               4,700,000    4,963,158     4,963,158     5,222,222     4,715,167   5,763,705      



                 Percentage of New Common Stock

                                      After Giving    After Giving            
                       After Giving   Effect to       Effect to Mod After Giving      
            Upon Con   Effect to New  Management      fied Union    Effect to    Fully    Old
Holders     summation  Warrants(1)   Stock Options(2) Agrrements(3) Warrants(4)  Dilluted

General     94.7%(5)        89.7%          89.7%          85.2%         94.4%    77.2%(5)  

Old Common   5.3             5.0            5.0            4.8           5.3      4.3

New          0.0             5.3            0.0            0.0           0.0      4.6

Management   0.0             0.0            5.3            0.0           0.0      4.6

ESOT         0.0             0.0            0.0           10.0           0.0      9.0

Warrants(6)  0.0             0.0            0.0            0.0           0.3      0.3

           100.0%          100.0%         100.0%         100.0%        100.0%   100.0%  

    (1)       Assumes  all  New  Warrants  are  exercised.    See

    (2)       Assumes (a) options to purchase 263,158 shares of  New
              Common Stock have been granted pursuant to the   Management Stock
              Option  Plan  and  (b)   such options are vested and have been
              exercised.  See "INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY _ Principal Elements of
              the Restructuring _ Management Stock Option Plan."

    (3)       Assumes 522,222 shares of New Common Stock have  been
              issued  to,  or  purchased by, the ESOT in  accordance  with  the
              Modified  Union  Agreements.  See "DESCRIPTION OF MODIFIED  UNION

    (4)       The  Old  Warrants  entitle the  holders  thereof  to
              purchase (in the aggregate) 2,105,493 shares of Old Common Stock,
              at  an exercise price of $.50 per share, or an aggregate exercise
              for all Old Warrants of $1,052,746.50.  Pursuant to the documents
              governing the Old Warrants, upon a reorganization of Holding, the
              holder  of each Old Warrant is entitled to receive the securities
              of  Holding that such holder would have been entitled to  receive
              had   such  holder  exercised  the  Old  Warrant  prior  to   the
              consummation  of the reorganization.  Assuming all  Old  Warrants
              had been exercised immediately prior to the Filing Date, the
              holders  of  the Old Warrants would own 2,105,493 shares  of  Old
              Common  Stock and, upon consummation of the Restructuring,  would
              be  entitled  to  receive  an aggregate of  approximately  15,167
              shares of New Common Stock under the Plan (their ratable share of
              the Class 7 distribution).  Based on the aggregate exercise price
              of  the Old Warrants ($1,052,746.50) and the aggregate number  of
              shares  of New Common Stock to be received upon exercise  of  the
              Old   Warrants  (approximately  15,167  shares),  the   effective
              exercise  price for each share of New Common Stock to be received
              upon exercise of the Old Warrants is approximately $69.41.

      (5)     Assuming aggregate General Unsecured Claims of  $40.1
              million  in respect of the Old Notes and  $23.0 million of  other 
              General  Unsecured  Claims, the holders of the  Old  Notes  would
              receive  approximately  2,827,922  shares  of  New  Common  Stock
              (representing approximately 60.2% of the New Common Stock  to  be
              outstanding   upon   consummation of the Restructuring,   or
              approximately 49.1% on a fully-diluted basis) and the holders  of 
              all  other  General Unsecured Claims would receive  approximately
              1,622,078  shares of New Common Stock (representing approximately
              34.5% of the New Common Stock to be outstanding upon consummation
              of the Restructuring, or approximately 28.1% on a fully-diluted
              basis).   See  "INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY _ Principal Elements  of
              the  Restructuring  _  Senior Secured Note  Exchange"  and   "  _
              General Unsecured Claims."

      (6)     The  Old Warrants are held by 18 current  and  former
              members  of  the  Company's management.   See  "INTRODUCTION  AND
              SUMMARY  _  Principal  Elements of  the  Restructuring  _  Equity

     4.        No Dividends

                Under  the  New  Credit  Agreement  and  the  New
Indenture,  Holding will be prohibited from paying  dividends  on
the  New  Common  Stock, subject to certain  exceptions.   For  a
description  of the restrictions on dividends to be contained  in
the  New  Indenture,  see "DESCRIPTION OF  NEW  NOTES  _  Certain

     5.        Subordination of the New Notes

               The payment of principal and interest with respect
to  the New Notes will be subordinated to Senior Indebtedness (as
defined in the New Indenture), comprising all existing and future
borrowings  under  the  New  Credit  Agreement  and  refinancings
thereof.  Because of the subordination of the New Notes,  in  the
event   of   the   Company's   future  insolvency,   liquidation,
reorganization,    dissolution   or   other   winding-up    after
consummation  of the Restructuring, or upon acceleration  of,  or
certain  defaults under any Senior Indebtedness, the  holders  of
any  such  Senior  Indebtedness must be paid in full  before  the
holders of New Notes may be paid.  See "DESCRIPTION OF NEW  NOTES
_ Subordination."

     6.        New Note Guarantee; Holding Company Structure

                Holding  will guarantee the Company's obligations
with  respect  to  the New Notes.   Holding is a holding  company
with no independent operations, and its only significant asset is
its  investment  in  the  capital  stock  of  Homeland.   Holding
therefore  is  dependent  upon  receipt  of  dividends  or  other
distributions  from the Company to fund any obligations  that  it
incurs,  including obligations under its guarantees  of  the  New
Notes.   However, the New Credit Agreement and the New  Indenture
will   not  permit  Homeland  to  pay  dividends  or  make  other
distributions  to  Holding,  other  than  for  certain  specified
purposes.  See " _ No Dividends."  Accordingly, if the Company at
any  time  were unable to make interest or principal payments  on
the  New  Notes, it is highly unlikely that, even if  funds  were
available,  it  would be permitted to distribute to  Holding  the
funds  necessary  to enable Holding to met its obligations  under
its  guarantees  of the New Notes.  Moreover, the obligations  of
Holding under its guarantee of the New Notes will be subordinated
to  the  obligations  of Holding as guarantor  of  the  Company's
obligations  under the New Credit Agreement and any  refinancings
thereof.  See "DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES _ Subordination."

D.        Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences

               The Debtors expect that they will have substantial
consolidated   net   operating  loss  carryforwards   (the   "NOL
carryforwards") from their taxable year ended December  30,  1995
and   prior  taxable  years,  but  that,  as  a  result  of   the
Restructuring,   such   NOL   carryforwards   will   be   reduced
substantially and the use of the remaining NOL carryforwards will
be  limited.   The extent to which the Debtors' NOL carryforwards
will  be reduced and their use limited will depend upon a  number
of  variables that are difficult to estimate at this time.    The
reduction  of  and limitations on the Debtors' NOL  carryforwards
may  substantially  increase the amount of  tax  payable  by  the
Debtors  following consummation of the Plan as compared with  the
amount  of  tax  that would be payable if no such  reduction  and
limitations  were  required.  For a  further  discussion  of  the
federal income tax consequences of the Plan, see "CERTAIN FEDERAL
                    V.   FINANCIAL INFORMATION

A.        Selected Financial Information

                 The   following   table  sets   forth   selected
consolidated financial data of the Debtors which has been derived
from  financial statements of the Debtors for the 52 weeks  ended
December 28, 1991,  the 53 weeks ended January 2, 1993 and the 52
weeks ended January 1, 1994, December 31, 1994, and December  30,
1995,  respectively, which have been audited by Coopers & Lybrand
L.L.P.  The  audited financial statements for the 52 weeks  ended
December 30, 1995, and the 52 weeks ended December 31, 1994,  are
set  forth  in  Appendix  B  hereto.  The  selected  consolidated
financial  data should be read in conjunction with the respective
consolidated  financial statements and notes  thereto  which  are
contained elsewhere herein.

              Selected Consolidated Financial Data
               (In  thousands,  except  per share amounts)

                             52          53          52          52          52
                           weeks       weeks       weeks       weeks       weeks
                           ended       ended       ended       ended       ended
                         12/28/91    01/02/93    01/01/94    12/31/94    12/30/95
Summary of Operations                                            

 Sales, net         $   786,785    $ 830,964   $ 810,967   $ 785,121   $ 630,275

 Cost of sales          573,470      609,906     603,220     588,405     479,119

 Gross profit           213,315      221,058     207,747     196,716     151,156

Selling and             187,312      199,547     190,483     193,643     151,985

restructuring costs         -            -           -        23,205      12,639

 Operating profit        26,003       21,511      17,264     (20,132)    (13,468)

Gain on sale of plants      -            -         2,618         -           -

Interest expense        (22,257)     (24,346)    (18,928)    (18,067)    (15,992)

Income (loss) before      3,746       (2,835)        954     (38,199)    (29,460)
income taxes and
extraordinary items

Income taxes benefit       (992)        (982)      3,252     (2,446)         -

Income (loss) before      2,754       (3,817)      4,206    (40,645)     (29,460)
extraordinary  items

Extraordinary items          -          (877)     (3,924)       -         (2,330)

Net income (loss)         2,754       (4,694)        282    (40,645)     (31,790)

Reduction (accretion)
in redemption value  
redeemable common stock    (132)         -           -        7,284         940

Net income (loss)     $    2,622    $ (4,694)   $    282  $ (33,361)  $ (30,850)
available to common

Net income (loss) per $      .07    $   (.13)   $    .01  $    (.96)  $    (.93)
common share

                          12/28/91    01/02/93    01/01/94    12/31/94    12/30/95

Consolidated Balance                                             
Sheet Data:

Total assets          $  285,735     $ 305,644   $ 274,290   $ 239,134   $ 137,582

Long-term obligations,
including current
portion of long-term
obligations           $  179,680     $ 198,380   $ 172,600   $ 176,731   $ 124,242

Redeemable common
stock                 $   10,616     $   9,470   $   8,853   $   1,235   $ 17

Stockholders' equity
(deficit)             $   41,844     $  37,150   $  36,860   $   4,071   $ (28,106)

Operating Data:                                                  

Stores at end of period      114           113         112        111        68


B.        Projected and Pro Forma Financial Information

                As  a  condition to confirmation  of  a  plan  of
reorganization,  Section  1129 of the Bankruptcy  Code  requires,
among  other  things,  that the bankruptcy court  determine  that
confirmation is not likely to be followed by a liquidation  or  a
need  for  further financial reorganization of  the  debtor.   In
connection with the development of the Plan, and for the purposes
of  determining  whether  the  Plan  satisfies  this  feasibility
standard, the Debtors have analyzed the ability of the Company to
meet its obligations under the Plan with sufficient liquidity and
capital  resources to conduct its business.  In this regard,  the
Debtors  have  prepared  certain  unaudited  projections  of  the
Company's  results of operations, cash flow and  related  balance
sheets  (the  "Projections") for the three  fiscal  years  ending
December  28,  1996, through December 26, 1998  (the  "Projection
Period").   The Projections were developed from the 1996  Budget.
See   "THE   RESTRUCTURING  _  1996  Budget."    This   financial
information  reflects the Debtors' judgment as to the information
that  is significant under the circumstances.  See "RISK FACTORS"
for  a  discussion of certain factors that may affect the  future
financial  performance  of  the  Company  and  of  various  risks
associated  with the New Securities.  The Projections  should  be
read  in  conjunction  with the assumptions,  qualifications  and
explanations set forth herein.

                 The  Company  does  not  generally  publish  its
strategies  or  make  external projections or  forecasts  of  its
anticipated  financial positions, results of operations  or  cash
flow.  Accordingly, the Debtors do not anticipate that they will,
and  disclaim  any obligation to, furnish updated Projections  to
holders of Claims or Interests prior to the Effective Date, or to
holders  of  the New Securities after the Effective Date,  or  to
include  such information in documents required to be filed  with
the   Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("Commission"),   or
otherwise make such information public in the future (other  than
as  required  under applicable securities laws).  The Projections
should  not  be  relied  upon  for  any  purpose  other  than  in
considering whether to accept or reject the Plan.

                The independent auditors of the Debtors have  not
examined  or  compiled  the Projections  presented  herein,  and,
accordingly, assume no responsibility for them.

                The  Projections  are based  on  and  assume  the
successful  implementation  of the  Business  Plan,  and  reflect
numerous assumptions, including assumptions with respect  to  the
future  performance  of  the  Company,  the  performance  of  the
industry,  general  business and economic  conditions  and  other
matters,  most  of which are beyond the control of  the  Debtors.
Therefore,  while the Projections are necessarily presented  with
numerical  specificity, the actual results  achieved  during  the
Projection Period will vary from the projected results,  and  may
vary  substantially.  No representations can be or are being made
with respect to the accuracy of the Projections or the ability of
the  Debtors to achieve the projected results.  While the Debtors
believe  that the assumptions which underlie the Projections  are
reasonable in light of current circumstances and in light of  the
information available to the Debtors, in deciding whether to vote
to  accept  the  Plan,  holders of claims  must  make  their  own
determinations  as to the reasonableness of the  assumptions  and
the  reliability of the Projections.  The Projections assume that
the Plan will be confirmed in accordance with its terms, and that
all transactions contemplated by the Plan will be consummated  by
the  Effective  Date, which for purposes of these Projections  is
assumed  to  be  July  13, 1996.  Any significant  delay  in  the
Effective  Date of the Plan could have a significant  unfavorable
impact  on  projected  EBITDA (defined as the  Debtors'  earnings
before  interest expense, income tax provision, depreciation  and
amortization, Restructuring expense and extraordinary items)  for
the  52  weeks  ended  December 28, 1996,  and  could  result  in
additional reorganization expenses.

                 The  Projections  were  prepared  assuming   the
economic conditions in the markets served by the Debtors  do  not
differ  markedly over the next three years from current  economic
conditions.  Inflation in revenues and costs is assumed to remain
relatively low.

     1.     Pro Forma Projected Balance Sheets

                The  following table summarizes (a)  the  balance
sheet of the Company as of December 30, 1995, and projected as of
July  13,  1996,  respectively,  before  giving  effect  to   the
transactions  contemplated  by  the  Plan,  (b)  the  pro   forma
adjustments to the Company's balance sheet that would result from
the  transactions contemplated by the Plan and (c) the pro  forma
projected  balance sheet of the Company as of July 13,  1996,  as
adjusted to give effect to the transactions contemplated by   the

                                 Balance Sheets
                         December 30, 1995 and July 13,1996
                                (In thousands)

                 Actual    Projected                                      Pro Forma
                                        Required     Plan    Fresh Start  Projected
              December 30,  July 13,  financing Consumation  Adjustment   Resh Start  
                  1995        1996     (Note a)    (Note b)   (Note c)    July 13,1996


Current assets:                                               

Excess cash      $   -   $     -    $   6,101   $    689     $   -    $   6,790

Store cash        3,828     3,047          -          -          -        3,047

Restricted Cash-
US Trust escrow   2,529     2,189          -      (2,189)        -           -

Receivables       7,903     8,379          -          -          -        8,379

Inventories      42,830    38,623          -          -          -       38,623

Prepaids and
other current            
assets            2,052     2,733          -          -          -        2,733

Total current
assets           59,142    54,971       6,101     (1,500)        -      59,572


Property, net   71,692     70,087          -           -         -      70,087

value in excess
of amounts
allocable in
assets              -          -           -           -     32,771     32,771   
AWG patronage
certificates     1,643      1,643          -           -         -       1,643

Other assets     5,105      4,812         120          -     (1,619      3,313

            $  137,582  $ 131,513    $  6,221    $ (1,500) $ 31,152  $ 167,386

LIABILITIES AND                                               


under revoling              
credit facility 5,467       3,779     (3,779)          -         -        -

Current portion
of obligations              
under capital             
leases         2,746           -          -        1,631        -      1,631

fees and other
expenses          -         2,000         -           -         -      2,000

Union contract
liabilities       -            -          -         4,990       -      4,990

Accounts payable
and accrued
liabilities   47,299       24,736         -            -        -     24,736

Total current
liabilities   55,512       30,515     (3,779)       6,621       -     33,357

Priority tax
claims            -             -         -         2,659       -      2,659

Term Loan         -             -     10,000           -        -     10,000

under capital             
leases         9,026            -         -         5,149       -      5,149

Old Notes     95,000            -         -            -        -         -

New Notes         -             -         -        60,000       -     60,000

Other noncurrent
liabilities    6,133           160        -            -        -        160

subject to           
compromise        -        136,694        -      (136,694)      -         -

Redeemable stock 17             17        -           (17)      -         -


Common stock    337            337        -          (290)      -        47

Additional paid- 
in capital   55,886         55,886        -           128       -    56,014

Accumulated gain
(deficit)   (80,188)       (87,955)       -        56,803   31,152       -

Minimum pension
adjustment   (1,327)        (1,327)       -         1,327       -        -

Treasury stock (2,814)      (2,814)       -         2,814       -        -

(deficit)     (28,106)     (35,873)       -        60,782     31,152    56,061

          $ 137,582     $  131,513   $ 6,221   $   (1,500)  $ 31,152 $ 167,386




                                     July 13,1996   Liabilities    Liabilities
                                                    compromised      Assumed

Liabilities subject to compromise                     
(Note d)

Accounts payable and accrued      $     14,350     $   (11,691)     $  2,659

Interest payable                         6,520          (6,520)           -

Long-term debt                          95,000         (35,000)       60,000

Obligations under capital leases        10,749          (3,969)        6,780

Other noncurrent liabilities            10,075         (10,075)           -

Total liabilities subject to
 compromise                       $    136,694     $   (67,255)     $ 69,439

          Notes to Pro Forma Projected Balance Sheets
                                   (In thousands)

        (a)  Required Financing.The  pro forma projected balance sheets
reflect the Term Loan (as defined  under   "DESCRIPTION  OF  THE
NEW  CREDIT  AGREEMENT-General")  of  $10,000  to  be  funded  on
the  Effective  Date. Proceeds  of the Term Loan will be applied as
follows: (i) $120 to pay loan commitment fees for the Credit Facilities
(as defined below under "DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW CREDIT AGREEMENT _ General");
(ii) $3,779 to reduce the Revolving Credit Facility under the New
Credit  Agreement  projected to be outstanding on  the  Effective
Date;  (iii) up to $6,400 to fund the Employee Buyout Offer  (the
Projections assume funding of $3,600); (iv) $750 to establish the
Health   and  Welfare  Benefit  Plan  (as  defined  below   under
Contribution Deductions and Work Rule Changes"); and  (v)  $1,350
to  pay  projected  accrued professional  fees  relating  to  the
Restructuring.  Any remaining proceeds would be available to fund
the  Company's working capital needs and thereby reduce the  need
for borrowings under the New Credit Agreement.

          (b)   Plan Consummation. Plan  consummation  reflects (i)
the elimination  of  Liabilities Subject to Compromise (as defined
below in Note d) in the  amount of  $136,694,  (ii) the reinstatement
of capital  leases  in  the aggregate amount of  $6,780 (including
current portion of  $1,631 and  long-term  portion of $5,149), (iii)
the  reinstatement  of priority  tax  claims to be paid over 6 years
in  the  aggregate amount   of  $2,659,  (iv)  the  assumption  of
union   contract liabilities in the aggregate amount of $4,990, including
funding the  Employee Buyout Offer at an estimated $3,600 and the  Health
and  Welfare  Benefit  Plan at an estimated  $750,  and  assuming
vacation  liability  of $640, (v) the release  of  escrowed  cash
proceeds from the sale of Old Indenture Collateral of  $2,189 and
the  distribution of escrowed cash in the amount of $1,500 to the
holders of the Old Notes, (vi) the distribution of the New  Notes
in  the  aggregate  principal amount of  $60,000  and  (vii)  the
distribution of the New Common Stock at $56,061.

                                           (c)     Fresh    Start
Adjustments.   Pursuant to SOP 90-7, the Company  has  determined
the  reorganization value of the Company as of July 13, 1996,  at
approximately $137,500.  The total reorganization value  includes
a  value  attributed to New Common Stock of $56,061 (par  -  $47,
additional  paid  in  capital  -  $56,014),  and  the   long-term
indebtedness contemplated by the Plan.  In accordance with  fresh
start  accounting principles, this reorganization value has  been
allocated,  based  on estimated fair market values,  to  specific
tangible  or  identifiable intangible assets.   The  Company  has
recorded  an  intangible asset in the amount  of  $32,771,  which
equals  the  Company's reorganization value in excess of  amounts
allocable  to identifiable assets.  The Debtor will  continue  to
assess the fair market values of its assets, and consequently the
value  of those assets and the reorganization value in excess  of
amounts  allocable to identifiable assets are subject to  change.
The Projections assume that the reorganization value in excess of
amounts  allocable to identifiable assets will be amortized  over
three years.

                                         (d)  Liabilities Subject
to  Compromise.  As of the Filing Date, the Projections  classify
all  liabilities which may be subject to compromise  pursuant  to
the  Plan  as  "Liabilities Subject to Compromise."   Liabilities
Subject  to  Compromise are in the aggregate amount of  $136,694,
including  liabilities to the holders of the  Old  Notes  in  the
amount of $101,520 (which includes accrued interest), liabilities
on   capital   lease  obligations  in  the  amount  of   $10,749,
Restructuring  reserve  of $5,095, accrued workers'  compensation
and  general  liability of $4,280, union maintenance  of  benefit
liability of $1,880, priority tax liabilities of $2,659, accounts
payable of $3,500 and accrued expenses of $7,011.

     2.     Pro Forma Projected Capitalization

                The  following table summarizes (a) the projected
consolidated capitalization of the Company as of July  13,  1996,
before  giving  effect to the transactions  contemplated  by  the
Plan, and (b) the pro forma projected consolidated capitalization
of the Company as of July 13, 1996, as adjusted to give effect to
the transactions contemplated by the Plan.

                       Pro Forma Projected Capitalization
                                   (In thousands)

                                        Projected     Pro Forma
                                        Effective      Post-
                                           Date      Effective
                                         July 13,      Date
                                           1996       July 13,

Current maturities of long-term debt    $  2,786   $   1,631
and capital lease obligations

Long-term debt and capital lease                   

  Priority tax claims                      2,659      2,659

  DIP Facility                             3,779         -

  New Revolving Credit Facility               -       2,000

  Term Loan                                   -      10,000

  Capital lease obligations                7,963      5,149

  Old Notes - principal                   95,000         -

  Old Notes - interest                     6,520         -

  New Notes                                   -      60,000

Total long-term debt and capital
lease obligations                        115,921     79,808

Redeemable common stock                       17        -

Stockholders' equity (deficit):                    

  Common stock                               337        47

  Additional paid-in capital              55,886    56,014

  Accumulated deficit                    (87,955)       -

  Minimum pension liability adjustment    (1,327)       -

  Treasury stock                          (2,814)       -

    Total stockholders' equity           (35,873)   56,061

  Total Capitalization             $      82,851 $ 137,500

3.     Pro Forma Projected Statements of Operations

                The  Company has prepared the following unaudited
pro  forma  projected  statements of operations  to  reflect  the
Company's  historical  and projected operating  results  for  the
periods  indicated, as well as the Company's  estimated operating
results  (for  the 65 stores expected to be operated  as  of  the
Effective Date) for the first quarter of 1996 compared to results
projected for such period in the Projections for fiscal 1996.

                The  1995  Actual  and 1996 Pro  Forma  Projected
Statements  of Operations present the Company's actual  operating
results  for  fiscal 1995 and projected for fiscal  1996  in  the
Projections.   The  Projections  for  fiscal  1996   assume   (a)
confirmation  and consummation of the Plan as of July  13,  1996,
(b)   reduction   in  interest  expense  as  a  result   of   the
Restructuring,   (c) the labor savings under the  Modified  Union
Agreements, (d) a 25% acceptance level under the Employee  Buyout
Offer and (e) implementation of the other provisions of the Plan.

                The  1996 First Quarter Results Compared  to  the
Projections  reflect the extent to which the Company is  tracking
its   Projections  for  fiscal  1996,  comparing  the   Company's
estimated  statement of operations for the 12 weeks  ended  March
23,  1996,  to  the   Projections for such  12-week  period,  and
providing  management's  discussion  and  analysis  as   to   the
significant  variances  from the  Projections  for  such  12-week

                The 1995 - 1998 Pro Forma and Pro Forma Projected
Statements  of Operations present a trend line for the  Company's
historical and projected operations for fiscal 1995 through  1998
reflecting  the  same  pro  forma  adjustments  for  the  periods
presented.  The pro forma adjustments assume (a) operation of  65
stores,  (b) confirmation and consummation of the Plan  effective
as  of  January 1, 1995, (c) reduction in interest expense  as  a
result  of  the  Restructuring, (d) the labor savings  under  the
Modified  Union Agreements, (e) a 25% acceptance level under  the
Employee  Buyout  Offer  and  (f)  implementation  of  the  other
provisions of the Plan.

     a.      1995 Actual and 1996 Pro Forma Projected Statements of Operations

                The  following  table sets  forth  statements  of
operations  (1) actual for the Company for the fiscal year  ended
December  30, 1995, (2) projected for the Company for the  period
from  December 31, 1995, through July 13, 1996, and (3) pro forma
projected  for  the Company for the period from  July  14,  1996,
through   December  28,  1996,  after  giving   effect   to   the
transactions contemplated by the Plan.

      1995  Actual  and  1996 Pro Forma Projected Statements of Operations
          Fiscal  Years Ended  December 30, 1995 and December 28, 1996
                                   (In thousands)

                             Actual                 Pro         Pro
                                     Projected     Forma       Forma
                                                 Projected    Projected

                           52          28          24            52
                          Weeks        Weeks      Weeks        Weeks
                          Ending      Ending      Ending       Ending
                       December 30,   July 13,  December 28,  Deecmber 28,
                          1995         1996        1996          1996

Sales (a)           $     630,275     $ 279,866   $ 243,516     $ 523,382

Cost of sales            (479,119)     (209,665    (181,211)     (390,876)

Gross profit (b)          151,156)       70,201      62,305       132,506

Percent of sales            23.98%        25.08%      25.59%        25.32%

Operating and  administrative
expense(c)               (140,612)      (64,989)    (50,470)      (115,459)

Percent of sales            22.31%       23.22%       20.73%         22.06%

EBITDA                     10,544        5,212       11,835         17,047

Percent of sales             1.67%        1.86%       4.86%           3.26%

Depreciation and
amoritzation(d)           (11,373)      (4,096)     (8,552)        (12,648)

Operational restructuring (12,639)           -           -               -

Interest expense (e)      (15,992)       (5,735)    (3,928)         (9,663)

Income (loss) before 
reorganization items,
income tax provision and
extraordinary items       (29,460)       (4,619)     (645)          (5,264)
Reorganization items                                     

Professional fees              -         (3,150)     (450)          (3,600)

Fresh start adjustment(f)      -         31,152        -            31,152

Income tax provision           -             -         -                -

Income (loss) before      (29,460)       23,383    (1,095)          22,288
extraordinary items

Extraordinary item         (2,330)           -          -               -

Extraordinary gain on          -         56,803         -           56,803
debt discharge (g)

Net income (loss)   $     (31,790)     $ 80,186   $ (1,095)    $    79,091


Notes  to 1995 Actual and 1996 Pro Forma Projected Statements  of Operations
                                   (In thousands)

                                         (a)   Sales.  Sales  for
fiscal  1996 reflect the operation of 65 stores, while sales  for
fiscal  1995 reflect the operation of 111 stores at the beginning
of  1995,  subsequently reduced to 68 stores at the end of  1995.
See  Note (a) under 1995 - 1998 Pro Forma and Pro Forma Projected
Statements of Operations for the Company's analysis of the  sales

                                        (b)  Gross Profit.  Gross
profit  for fiscal 1996 as a percentage of sales is projected  to
be  at  25.32%, which reflects an improvement of 1.34%  over  the
gross  profit  realized by the Company in  fiscal  1995.   During
1995,  the  Company sold its distribution center  operations  and
moved  from  a  self-supply operation to  an  operation  supplied
through the AWG retail buying cooperative.  Also during 1995, the
Company  sold 29 of its stores and closed 14 other  stores.   The
Company  liquidated  the  inventory from  the  14  closed  stores
through  its other operating stores, thereby negatively impacting
gross  profit.  See Note (b) under 1995 - 1998 Pro Forma and  Pro
Forma  Projected  Statements  of  Operations  for  the  Company's
analysis of the gross profit trend.

                                           (c)    Operating   and
Administrative Expense.  Operating and administrative expense for
fiscal  1996  as  a  percentage of sales is projected  to  be  at
22.06%, which reflects a 0.25% improvement over fiscal 1995.  The
improvement is primarily due to projected labor savings under the
Modified  Union Agreements, offset in part by projected increases
in  other operating and administrative expense.   The Projections
assume  that the Modified Union Agreements will become effective,
and  the  Employee Buyout Offer will be completed,  on  July  13,
1996,  and  will thereby be in effect for six fiscal  periods  in
1996,  yielding projected savings of $4,707.  See Note (c)  under
1995  -  1998  Pro  Forma and Pro Forma Projected  Statements  of
Operations  for  the  Company's analysis  of  the  operating  and
administrative expense trend.

                                          (d)   Depreciation  and
Amortization.    The   Projections  assume  that  the   Company's
reorganization   value   in  excess  of   amount   allocable   to
identifiable assets will be amortized over three years, beginning
on July 13, 1996.

                                         (e)   Interest  Expense.
The  Projections reflect a reduction in interest  expense   as  a
result  of  lower interest rates and lower levels of indebtedness
as contemplated under the Plan, beginning on July 13, 1996.

                                           (f)     Fresh    Start
Adjustment.   Pursuant to SOP 90-7, the Company  determined  that
its   reorganization  value  as  of  July  13,   1996   will   be
approximately $137,500.  A corresponding adjustment has been made
to  the  Company's  equity account to reflect the  reorganization
value of $56,061 attributed to the New Common Stock.

                                         (g)   Extraordinary Gain
on Discharge of Indebtedness.  An adjustment has been made to the
Company's  equity  account to reflect consummation  of  the  Plan
effective as of July 13, 1996.
b.     1996 First Quarter Results Compared to Projections

                 The   following  table  compares  the  Company's
estimated  operating results (for the 65 stores  expected  to  be
operated  as of the Effective Date) to its  Projections  for  the
twelve weeks ended March 23, 1996.

             Summary Results for First Quarter 1996

                             Estimated      Projection     Better/(Worse)

Sales                        $  119,454   $   120,199        $(745)

Gross Profit                     29,067        29,969         (902)

    Percent of sales              24.33%        24.93%      (0.60%)

Operating Expense                25,195        26,716       1,521

    Percent of sales              21.09%        22.23%       1.14%

EBITDA                       $    3,872   $     3,253      $  619

    Percent of sales               3.24%         2.71%       0.53%


                Sales for the first quarter of 1996 were $745, or
0.6%,  less  than  projected in the  Projections  for  the  first
quarter  of  1996, primarily due to a decrease in  sales  in  the
health  and  beauty care/general merchandise category ("HBC/GM").
HBC/GM sales were lower than projected in the Projections due  to
transitional difficulties experienced by the Company as a  result
of  its  November 1995 conversion from being supplied by  a  rack
jobber to supply by Value Merchandising Company, a subsidiary  of
AWG,  for  its  HBC/GM goods.  The Projections  assume  that  the
HBC/GM transitional difficulties will be resolved during 1996.

                Gross  margin in the first quarter  of  1996  was
0.60%  below  that projected in the  Projections,  yielding  $902
fewer  gross  profit dollars than expected.  This  shortfall  was
primarily  due  to  lower HBC/GM sales, lower HBC/GM  margin  and
higher  promotional spending than projected in  the  Projections,
offset  somewhat by higher vendor income and higher  contribution
from the grocery category than projected in the Projections.

                The shortfall in gross profit margin in the first
quarter  of  1996  was  offset by operating expenses  which  were
$1,521  better than projected in the  Projections, primarily  due
to  a  lower  union benefit contribution rate, lower  advertising
expense   and   lower  corporate  administrative  expenses   than
projected in the Projections.
c.     1995-1998 Statements of Operations

                The  following  table sets  forth  the  Company's
statements  of operations for the periods indicated assuming  (a)
operation of 65 stores, (b) confirmation and consummation of  the
Plan  effective as of January 1, 1995, (c) reduction in  interest
expense  as a result of the Restructuring, (d) the labor  savings
under  the Modified Union Agreements, (e) a 25% acceptance  level
under  the  Employee Buyout Offer and (f) implementation  of  the
other provisions of the Plan.

                      Statements of Operations
                Fiscal   Years  Ended 1995 through 1998
                           (In thousands)

                            Pro   Pro Forma             Projected
                          Forma              Projected      

                       52 Weeks      52 Weeks      52 Weeks      52 Weeks
                          Ending      Ending         Ending       Ending
                      December 30,  December 28,  December 27, December 26,
                          1995         1996           1997         1998

Sales (a)         $    517,191     $ 523,382     $ 525,999     $ 536,519

Cost of sales         (392,434)     (390,876)     (392,830)     (400,687)

Gross profit           124,757       132,506       133,169       135,832

 Percent of              24.12%        25.32%        25.32%        25.32%

Operating and administrative
expense(c)            (105,324)     (109,147)     (108,154)    (109,318)

Percent of sales         20.36%        20.85%       20.56%       20.38%

EBITDA                  19,433        23,359       25,015        26,514

Percent of sales          3.76%         4.46%        4.76%        4.94%

Depreciation and amortization(d)                  (19,209)     (20,182)

EBIT                                                5,806        6,322

Interest expense                                   (8,674)      (8,458)

Loss before taxes                                  (2,868)      (2,126)

Income tax provision(e)                            (1,818)      (1,754)

Loss                                           $   (4,686)     $(3,880)

          Notes to 1995-1998 Statements of Operations
                             (In thousands)

                                           (a)    Sales.    Sales
increases  are projected at 1.2% in fiscal 1996, 0.5%  in  fiscal
1997  and 2.0% in fiscal 1998.  Food price inflation is projected
at  2.0% per annum for 1996 through 1998.  The Projections assume
real  sales  decline of  0.8% for 1996, and 1.5% for 1997.   Real
sales  are  projected  to remain flat in 1998.   The  real  sales
declines  in 1996 and 1997 reflect the impact of the  recent  and
anticipated  future  entry of new competition  in  the  Company's
market areas.  In late 1996 or early 1997, the Company expects  3
Albertson's, 1 Crest, 1 Reasor's  to open in the Company's market
areas.  1998 real sales are expected to be flat as the impact  of
competitive entries should be offset by the opening  of  one  new
Homeland store in late 1997.

                                         (b)  Gross Profit.   The
Projections  assume that margins will stabilize and  continue  to
improve in fiscal 1996 over fiscal 1995.  Gross margins are  then
projected  to  remain flat in fiscal 1997 and  fiscal  1998.   As
discussed under "FINANCIAL INFORMATION _ Projected and Pro  Forma
Financial  Information  _  First  Quarter  Results  Compared   to
Projections," the Company has experienced continuing difficulties
in  achieving projected margins, particularly in the  health  and
beauty  care/general merchandise category.   To  the  extent  the
margins  are  lower than those contained in the Projections,  the
Company believes that it will still be able to meet its projected
EBITDA  by  continuing to perform favorably with respect  to  its
projected operating expenses.

                                           (c)    Operating   and
Administrative  Expense.  Pro forma operating and  administrative
expense  as  a percentage of sales is projected to be  20.85%  in
1996, 20.56% in 1997 and 20.38% in 1998, reflecting labor savings
and  other projected expense reductions.  The Projections  assume
that  the  Modified Union Agreements will be in  effect  and  the
Employee  Buyout  Offer will be completed for full  fiscal  years
1996,  1997 and 1998.  Combined pro forma projected savings,  net
of  union  wage  and  health and welfare benefit  cost  increases
pursuant  to  the  Modified Union Agreements,  are  reflected  at
$10,200  in  1996,  $9,437  in 1997  and  $8,343  in  1998.   The
Projections  also  give  effect to the anticipated  cost  savings
expected  to  result from the termination of the  MIS  Agreement.
See "THE COMPANY _ Computer and Management Information Systems."

                                           (d)     Fresh    Start
Accounting.  Pursuant to SOP 90-7, the Company has determined the
reorganization  value of the Company.  This reorganization  value
has  been  allocated, based on estimated fair market  values,  to
specific tangible or identifiable intangible assets.  The Company
has  recorded  an  intangible asset equal to  the  reorganization
value in excess of amounts allocable to identifiable assets.  The
Company  will  continue to assess the fair market values  of  its
assets,  and  consequently the value  of  those  assets  and  the
reorganization   value   in  excess  of  amounts   allocable   to
identifiable assets is subject to change.  The Projections assume
that  the reorganization value in excess of amounts allocable  to
identifiable  assets  will be amortized over  three  years.   See

                                         (e)   Income Taxes.  The
Projections  assume  that the Company's annual  limitation  under
Code  Section  382(1)(6)  will equal  $2,900,  computed  assuming
(among  other  things) that the value of the Company  as  of  the
Effective Date will equal the assumed reorganization value.   See
from NOL carryforwards represent the Company's estimate only  and
there  can  be  no  assurance that such NOL  carryforwards   will
result  in  a  reduction in the amount of  federal  income  taxes
payable by the Company.
     4.     Projected Balance Sheets

                The  following  table  summarizes  the  projected
balance  sheets of the Company as of December 28, 1996,  December
27, 1997 and December 26, 1998.

                       Projected Balance Sheets
              As of Fiscal Years Ending 1996 through 1998
                             (In thousands)

                               December 28,     December 27,     December 26,
                                  1996             1997              1998


Current assets:                                                  

Excess cash                       $  431         $    _           $     _

  Store cash                       3,500           3,500             3,500

  Receivables                     11,450          11,679            11,818

  Inventories                     40,770          42,386            43,234

Prepaids and other current assets  2,816           3,500             3,500

     Total current assets         58,967          61,065            62,051

Property, net                     73,707          79,502            84,302

Reorganization value in excess                           
of amounts allocable 
to identifiable assets            27,729          15,108             3,052

AWG patronage certificates         1,643           3,897             6,196

Other assets                       3,180           2,891             2,603

                                $165,227    $    162,464          $158,204

LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS'                            

Current liabilities:                                     

Obligations under revolving
credit faciltiy                 $    -      $     3,944          $   6,159

Current portion of                                     
obligations under capital leases   1,631          1,108                927

  Union contract liabilities         640            640                640

Accounts payable and accrued
liabilities                       31,154         32,060             32,777

     Total current liabilities    33,425         37,752             40,503

Priority tax claims                2,423          1,891              1,359

Term Loan                         10,000          9,168              7,504

Obligations under capital leases   4,303          3,368              2,441

New Notes                         60,000         60,000             60,000

Other noncurrent liabilities         112              8                 -

Stockholders' equity:                                    

  Common stock                        47             47                 47

  Additional paid-in capital      56,014         56,014             56,014

  Accumulated deficit             (1,098)        (5,784)            (9,664)

     Total stockholders' equity   54,963         50,277             46,397

                                $165,227    $    162,464         $  58,204

  5.  Projected Statements of Cash Flow

  The following table summarizes the projected statements of cash
flow  for  the  24 weeks ending December 28, 1996, the  52  weeks
ending  December 27, 1997, and the 52 weeks ending  December  26,

               Projected Statements of Cash Flow
                         (In thousands)

                             24 Weeks     52 Weeks    52 Weeks
                              Ending       Ending      Ending
                             December     December    December
                             28, 1996     27, 1997    26, 1998
Operating activities:
Net loss                      $(1,095)     $(4,686)    $(3,880)
Adjustments to reconcile                             
net loss to net cash        
provided by operating
Depreciation and amortization   8,479       21,415      21,844

 AWG Patronage                      0       (2,254)     (2,299)
 Receivables                   (3,071)        (229)       (139)
 Inventories                   (2,147)       (1,615)      (848)
 Store Cash                      (453)            0          0
 Other current assets             (86)         (684)         0
 Accounts payable and
accrued liabilities             4,133           269        178

Other accrued expenses         (4,350)            0          0
Net cash from operating
activities                      1,410        12,215     14,857
Investing activities:                                
 Capital expenditures          (6,924)      (15,000)   (15,000)
Proceeds from sale of  
 assets                             0           700        700

Net cash used in 
 investing activities          (6,924)      (14,300)   (14,300)
Financing activities:                                
 Revolver borrowings                0         3,944      2,215
 Principal payments on    
 capital leases                  (846)       (1,458)    (1,108)
 Term Loan payments                 0          (832)    (1,664)
Net cash from (used in)
 financing activities            (846)        1,654       (557)

Net decrease in cash           (6,360)         (431)         0
Excess cash at beginning 
of period                       6,791           431          0

Excess cash at end of 
period                          $ 431         $   0      $   0

         VI.  THE COMPANY

A.    General

             The  Company  is  a  leading  supermarket  chain  in
Oklahoma,  southern  Kansas  and  the  Texas  Panhandle   region,
operating  a  total  of  67 stores as of the  Filing  Date.   The
Company  operates in four distinct marketplaces:  Oklahoma  City,
Oklahoma;  Tulsa,  Oklahoma; Amarillo, Texas; and  certain  rural
areas  of Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas.  The Company expects  that,
as  of  the  Effective  Date, it will  operate  65  stores.   See
"INTRODUCTION   AND   SUMMARY  _  Principal   Elements   of   the
Restructuring _ Rejection of Certain Closed Store Leases."

            The  Company  and Holding (its holding company)  were
organized  in  1987 by a group of investors led by CD&R  for  the
purpose  of  acquiring substantially all of  the  assets  of  the
Oklahoma  division of Safeway, Inc.  The acquired stores  changed
their  name  to  "Homeland" in order to highlight  the  Company's
regional identity.

B.    AWG Supply Agreement

            The  Company is a party to the Supply Agreement  with
AWG,  pursuant  to  which the Company is  a  member  of  the  AWG
cooperative  and  AWG  is the Company's  primary  supplier.   AWG
currently  supplies approximately 70% of the goods  sold  in  the
Company's  stores.   AWG  is  a buying  cooperative  which  sells
groceries on a wholesale basis to its retail member stores.   AWG
has approximately 800 member stores located in a ten-state region
and  is  the  nation's  fourth largest grocery  wholesaler,  with
approximately $2.97 billion in revenues in 1995.

            Pursuant to the Supply Agreement, AWG is required  to
supply  products to the Company at the lowest prices and  on  the
best  terms available to AWG's retail members from time to  time.
In  addition,  the  Company  is (1) eligible  to  participate  in
certain  cost-savings programs available to  AWG's  other  retail
members and (2) is entitled to receive certain member rebates and
refunds  based  on  the dollar amount of the Company's  purchases
from  AWG's  distribution center and periodic cash payments  from
AWG,  up  to  a maximum of approximately $1.3 million per  fiscal
quarter,  based  on the dollar amount of the Company's  purchases
from AWG's distribution center during such fiscal quarter.

            The  Company  purchases goods from  AWG  on  an  open
account  basis.   AWG  requires that  each  member's  account  be
secured by a letter of credit or certain other collateral  in  an
amount  based on such member's estimated weekly purchases through
the AWG distribution center.  The Company's open account with AWG
is  currently  secured by an $8.4 million letter of  credit  (the
"AWG Letter of Credit") issued in favor of AWG by one of the  Old
Banks.  In addition, the Company's obligations to AWG are secured
by  a  first lien on all "AWG Equity" owned from time to time  by
the  Company, which includes, among other things, AWG  membership
stock,  the  Company's  right to receive periodic   payments  and
certain  other  rebates, refunds and other credits  owed  to  the
Company  by AWG (including patronage refund certificates,  direct
patronage   or  year-end  patronage  and  concentrated   purchase

            The  amount  of  the  AWG Letter  of  Credit  may  be
decreased  on  a biannual basis upon the request of  the  Company
based  on  the  Company's then-current average weekly  volume  of
purchases  and  by  an amount equal to the  face  amount  of  the
Company's   issued   and   outstanding   AWG   patronage   refund
certificates.  In the event that the Company's open account  with
AWG exceeds the amount of the AWG Letter of Credit plus any other
AWG Equity held as collateral for the Company's open account, AWG
is  not required to accept orders from, or deliver goods to,  the
Company  until  the amount of the AWG Letter of Credit  has  been
increased to make up for any such deficiency.

            Under  the Supply Agreement, AWG has certain  "Volume
Protection  Rights," including (1) the right of first offer  (the
"First  Offer  Rights")  with respect to any  proposed  sales  of
stores   supplied  under  the  Supply  Agreement  (the  "Supplied
Stores")  and  proposed  transfers  of  more  than  50%  of   the
outstanding  stock  of  the  Company  or  Holding  to  an  entity
primarily  engaged  in the retail or wholesale grocery  business,
(2)  the  Company's  agreement not  to  compete  with  AWG  as  a
wholesaler  of  grocery products during the term  of  the  Supply
Agreement,  and  (3)  the  Company's agreement  to  dedicate  the
Supplied Stores to the exclusive use of a retail grocery facility
owned  by  a retail member of AWG (the "Use Restrictions").   The
Company's  agreement  not  to compete and  the  Use  Restrictions
contained in the Supply Agreement are terminable with respect  to
a Supplied Store upon the occurrence of certain events, including
the  Company's  compliance with AWG's  First  Offer  Rights  with
respect to proposed sales of such store.  In addition, the Supply
Agreement provides AWG with certain purchase rights in the  event
the Company closes 90% or more of the Supplied Stores.

C.    The Company's Supermarkets

           The Company's current network of stores features three
basic  store  formats.   The Company's  conventional  stores  are
primarily  in  the  25,000  square  foot  range  and  carry   the
traditional  mix of grocery, meat, produce and variety  products.
These  stores  contain  more  than  20,000  stock  keeping  units
("sku's"), including food and general merchandise.  Sales volumes
of  conventional stores range from $60,000 to $125,000 per  week.
The Company's superstores are in the 35,000 square foot range and
offer,  in addition to the traditional departments, two  or  more
specialty  departments.  Sales volumes of superstores range  from
$95,000  to $265,000 per week.  The Company's combo store  format
includes  stores of 45,000 total square feet and larger  and  was
designed  to enable the Company to expand shelf space devoted  to
general  merchandise.  Sales volume of combo stores  ranges  from
$140,000  to  $300,000 per week.  The Company's  new  stores  and
certain remodeled locations have incorporated the Company's  new,
larger  superstore and combo formats.  Of the 67 stores  operated
by the Company as of the Filing Date, 11 are conventional stores,
44 are superstores and 12 are combo stores.

      The chart below summarizes the Company's store profile over
the last three years:

                                         Fiscal  Year Ended
                                     01/01/94   12/31/94   12/30/95(1)

Average sales per store(in millions)  $  7.2    $   7.1    $     7.9

Average total square feet per store   34,700     34,700       38,204(1)

Average sales per square foot         $  208    $   205    $     207

Number of stores:

Stores at start of period                113        112          111

 Stores remodeled                          3         10            5

 New stores opened                         1          0            0

 Stores sold or closed                     2          1           43

 Stores at end of period                 112        111           68

Size of stores:

 Less than 25,000 sq. ft.                 24         24            8

 25,000 to 35,000 sq. ft.                 39         38           24

 35,000 sq. ft. or greater                49         49           36

Store formats:

 Conventional                             29         29           11

 Superstore                               66         65           44

 Combo                                    17         17           13


 (1)  Reflects the operation of 68 stores in 1995.  The Company's
Ponca  City  store,  which was sold in April 1996,  was  a  combo
store.   See  "THE RESTRUCTURING _ Restructuring   Discussions  _
Sale of Ponca City Store."

            The  Company's  network of 67 stores  is  managed  by
district managers on a geographical basis through four districts.
Each district manager oversees store operations for approximately
17  stores.   Store  managers  are  responsible  for  determining
staffing  levels, managing store inventories (within the confines
of   certain   parameters   set  by   the   Company's   corporate
headquarters)  and  purchasing  products.   Store  managers  have
significant flexibility with respect to the quantities  of  items
carried,  but  not necessarily types of products purchased.   The
Company's  corporate  headquarters is  directly  responsible  for
merchandising,  advertising,  pricing  and  capital   expenditure

D.    Merchandising Strategy and Pricing

             The   Company's  merchandising  strategy  emphasizes
competitive pricing through a high-low pricing structure, as well
as   the  Company's  leadership  in  quality  products,  service,
selection, convenient store locations,  specialty departments and
perishable  products (i.e., meat, produce, bakery  and  seafood).
The  Company's  strategy  is  to price  competitively  with  each
conventional supermarket operator in each market area.  In  areas
with  discount  store  competition, the Company  attempts  to  be
competitive on high-volume, price sensitive items.  The Company's
in-store  promotion strategy is to offer all display items  at  a
lower  price than the store's regular price and at or  below  the
price  offered  by  the store's competitors.   The  Company  also
currently  offers double coupons, with some limitations,  in  all
areas in which it operates.

E.    Customer Service

            The  Company's stores provide a variety  of  customer
services  including,  among  other  things,  carry-out  services,
postal  services,  automated teller machines,  pharmacies,  video
rentals, check cashing and money orders.  The Company believes it
is  able  to  attract  new  customers  and  retain  its  existing
customers because of its high level of customer service.

F.    Advertising and Promotion

            All  advertising and promotion decisions are made  by
the  Company's central merchandising and advertising staff.   The
Company's advertising strategy is designed to enhance its  value-
oriented  merchandising concept and emphasize its reputation  for
fast,  friendly  service, variety and quality.  Accordingly,  the
Company  is  focused  on presenting itself  as  a  competitively-
priced,  promotions-oriented operator that offers  value  to  its
customers  and an extensive selection of high quality merchandise
in clean, attractive stores.  This strategy allows the Company to
accomplish  its marketing goals of attracting new  customers  and
building  loyalty  with existing customers.   In  May  1995,  the
Company  introduced a new weekly advertising layout that improved
product presentation and enhanced price perception.  In addition,
new  signage  was implemented in the stores calling attention  to
various  in  store  specials and creating a friendlier  and  more
stimulating shopping experience.

       The Company currently utilizes a broad range of print  and
broadcast   advertising  in  the  markets  it  serves,  including
newspaper  advertisements,  advertising  inserts  and  circulars,
television  and radio commercials and promotional campaigns  that
cover  substantially all of the Company's markets.   The  Company
receives  co-op  and performance advertising reimbursements  from
vendors which reduce its advertising costs.

            In September 1995, the Company introduced a frequent-
shopper card called the "Homeland Savings Card," in its Amarillo,
Texas  stores.   The  Company  believes  that  it  is  the   only
supermarket  chain in its market areas that can capitalize  on  a
frequent-shopper card system because of the Company's advertising
and market share dominance.  The Company expects to introduce the
Homeland Savings Card in its other stores in the third quarter of

G.    Products

            The  Company provides a wide selection of  name-brand
and private label products to its customers.  All stores carry  a
full line of meat, dairy, produce, frozen food, health and beauty
aids  and  selected general merchandise.  As of close  of  fiscal
year  1995,  approximately  82%  of  the  Company's  stores   had
delicatessens and/or bakeries and approximately 65% had  in-store
pharmacies.   In addition, some stores have additional  specialty
departments  offering  ethnic food,  fresh  and  frozen  seafood,
floral services and salad bars.

             The  Company's  private  label  name  is  "Pride  of
America."   The Company's private label program allows  customers
to  purchase  high quality products at lower than national  brand
retail prices.  The Company's private label products include over
400 items covering virtually every major category of goods in the
Company's  stores, including dairy products, meat, frozen  foods,
canned  fruits  and  vegetables, eggs,  health  and  beauty  care
products  and plastic wrap.  As a result of the Company's  supply
relationship  with  AWG,  the Company's  stores  also  offer  AWG
private  label  goods, including Best Choicer and  Always  Saver.
Private  label products generally represent quality and value  to
customers  and  typically contribute to  a  higher  gross  profit
margin  than  national brands.  The promotion  of  private  label
products  is  an  integral  part of the  Company's  merchandising
philosophy of building customer loyalty as well as improving  the
Company's "pricing image."

H.    Employees and Labor Relations

            At  March 31, 1996, the Company had a total of  4,384
employees, of whom 2,762, or approximately 63%, were employed  on
a  part-time basis.  The Company employs 4,267 in its supermarket
operations.    The   remaining  employees   are   corporate   and
administrative personnel.

           The Company is the only unionized grocery chain in its
market  areas.  Approximately 90% of the Company's employees  are
union  members, represented primarily by the UFCW.  In 1993,  the
UFCW  ratified the Existing UFCW Agreements, implementing certain
wage  and benefit concessions.  In March 1996, the local chapters
of  the UFCW ratified certain modifications to the Existing  UFCW
Agreements, which will become effective upon consummation of  the
Restructuring.   In April 1996, the local union  chapter  of  the
BCT,  representing 30 of the Company's in-store bakery employees,
ratified  modifications  to its collective  bargaining  agreement
with the Company on the same terms and conditions as the Modified
UFCW  Agreements.   For  a  description  of  the  Modified  Union

I.    Computer and Management Information Systems

            During  1995, the Company installed new client/server
systems   in   order   to  enhance  its  information   management
capabilities,  improve its competitive position  and  enable  the
Company  to terminate the MIS Agreement (as defined below).   The
new systems include the following features:  time and attendance,
human  resource, accounting and budget tracking, and scan support
and merchandising systems.

            On  October  1,  1991, the Company  entered  into  an
agreement (the "MIS Agreement") with K-C Computer Services,  Inc.
("K-CCS"),  providing  for  the  outsourcing  of  the   Company's
management  information  system and  electronic  data  processing
functions.   As a result of the installation of the  new  systems
described   above,  the  Company  terminated  the  MIS  Agreement
effective as of March 31, 1996.  The Company estimates  that  the
termination  of the MIS Agreement will reduce the Company's  data
processing and support costs (net of replacement costs and  other
expenses)  by approximately $23.9 million over fiscal years  1996
through 2001.

            The MIS Agreement provides a schedule for the payment
of  liquidated  damages upon  termination of  the  MIS  Agreement
prior  to its expiration in 2001.  Pursuant to the terms  of  the
April  1995 purchase agreement between the Company and  AWG  (the
"AWG  Purchase Agreement"), AWG is responsible for 52.3%  of  the
payments  under  the  MIS  Agreement, including  any  termination
payment.  According to the liquidated damage schedule in the  MIS
Agreement,  if  the MIS Agreement is terminated for "convenience"
by  Homeland  during  1996, the liquidated damage  amount  is  $3
million.  The same schedule provides for $2 million in liquidated
damages  if the MIS Agreement is terminated by the Company  as  a
result  of  an "acquisition."  The Company is unable to determine
whether  the  liquidated damage amounts under the  MIS  Agreement
accurately  reflect the actual damages incurred  by  K-CCS  as  a
result  of  the  termination of the MIS Agreement  prior  to  its
expiration  date.   Pursuant to the AWG Purchase  Agreement,  the
Company  and  AWG  are  required to  take  all  steps  reasonably
practicable to achieve cost savings under the MIS Agreement.

            The  Company  has  installed laser-scanning  checkout
systems  in  substantially all of its  67  stores.   The  Company
utilizes the information collected through its scanner systems to
track sales and to coordinate purchasing.

J.    Competition

            The  supermarket business is highly  competitive  but
very  fragmented and includes small independent  operators.   The
Company estimates that these operators represent over 40% of  its
markets.  The Company also competes with larger store chains such
as  Albertson's  and Wal-Mart (which operate  42  stores  and  18
stores,  respectively,  in the Company's  market  areas),  "price
impact"  stores  such  as  Mega-Market, large  independent  store
chains  such as IGA, regional chains such as United and  discount
warehouse stores.

             The  Company  is  a  leading  supermarket  chain  in
Oklahoma,  southern  Kansas and the Texas Panhandle  region.  The
Company   attributes  its  leading  market  position  to  certain
advantages  it  has  over  certain of its competitors,  including
significant  economies of scale for purchasing  and  advertising,
excellent  store  locations and a strong  reputation  within  the
communities in which the Company operates.

            The Company's business has been adversely affected in
recent  years by the entry of new competition into the  Company's
key  markets,  which has resulted in a decline in  the  Company's
comparable  store  sales.   In 1994, there  were  14  competitive
openings  in the Company's market areas including 11 new Wal-Mart
supercenters, 2 new Albertson's and 1 new Mega Market.  In  1995,
there  were  8  additional competitive openings in the  Company's
market  areas,  including 3 new Albertson's and 1  new  Wal-Mart.
Based  on  information publicly available,  the  Company  expects
that,  in  late 1996 or early 1997, Albertson's will open  3  new
stores, Reasor's will open 1 new store and Crest will open 1  new
store in the Company's market areas.

K.    Trademarks and Service Marks

            During  the  transition from "Safeway" to "Homeland,"
the  Company  was  able  to  generate  a  substantial  amount  of
familiarity  with the "Homeland" name.  The Company continues  to
build  and  enhance  this  name recognition  through  promotional
advertising   campaigns.   The  "Homeland"  name  is   considered
material to the Company's business and is registered for use as a
service mark and trademark.  The Company has received federal and
state registrations of the "Homeland" mark as a service mark  and
a  trademark  for  use  on certain products.   The  Company  also
received a federal registration of the service mark "A Good  Deal
Better" in early 1994.

L.    Regulatory Matters

            The Company is subject to regulation by a variety  of
local,  state  and federal governmental agencies,  including  the
United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  state  and  federal
pharmacy  regulatory  agencies  and  state  and  local  alcoholic
beverage  and  health regulatory agencies.   By  virtue  of  this
regulation, the Company is obligated to observe certain rules and
regulations, the violation of which could result in suspension or
revocation  of various licenses or permits held by  the  Company.
In  addition, most of the Company's licenses and permits  require
periodic  renewals.   To  date, the Company  has  experienced  no
material  difficulties  in obtaining or renewing  its  regulatory
licenses and permits.

M.    Properties

       Of  the 67 supermarkets currently operated by the Company,
12  are  owned facilities and the remainder are leased facilities
(with  remaining lease terms ranging from several  months  to  17
years).   Most  of the leased facilities are subject  to  renewal
options.   Out  of  55 leased stores, only eight  have  remaining
terms  (including  option periods) of less  than  20  years.  The
average rent per square foot under the Company's existing  leases
is $3.67 (without regard to amortization of beneficial interest).
Most  of  the leases require the payment of taxes, insurance  and
maintenance  costs and many of the leases provide for  additional
contingent rentals based on sales.

            Although  the  Company  believes  that  most  of  its
existing  store leases are at or below the current  market  rate,
certain of the Company's stores (including certain stores  closed
prior  to  the Filing Date and certain stores to be closed  after
the  Filing  Date)  are subject to burdensome lease  terms.   The
Company intends to seek permission to reject (pursuant to Section
365 of the Bankruptcy Code) certain real property leases relating
to  stores closed prior to the Filing Date (certain of which  may
have  been  terminated pre-petition by virtue  of  the  Company's
surrender  of  the  leased property) or to be  closed  after  the
Filing  Date.  See "INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY _ Principal Elements
of the Restructuring _ Rejection of Certain Closed Store Leases."

            No  individual store operated by the  Company  is  by
itself material to the financial performance or condition of  the
Company as a whole. Substantially all of the Company's properties
are currently subject to certain mortgages securing the Old Notes
and,  upon consummation of the Restructuring, will be subject  to
certain mortgages securing the New Credit Agreement.

            On June 12, 1995, the Company relocated its executive
offices  to  a  newly-leased facility located at  2601  Northwest
Expressway, Suite 1100 E, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112.

N.    Legal Proceedings

     1.    Routine Litigation

            The  Company  is  a  party to  ordinary  and  routine
litigation incidental to its business.  On the Filing  Date,  all
pre-petition litigation was stayed pursuant to Section 362 of the
Bankruptcy  Code.  See "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN _ Classification  and
Treatment  of Claims and Interests _ Class 5 _ General  Unsecured

     2.    Withdrawal Liability Dispute

            The  Company received a notice and demand for payment
dated June 22, 1995, from Central States, Southeast and Southwest
Areas  Pension  Fund (the "Fund") in the amount of  approximately
$4.4 million.  The Fund has asserted that the Company incurred  a
withdrawal  liability   because  the  Fund  contends   that   the
cessation  of  contributions to the Fund by the Company  was  not
solely  because  of the AWG Sale.  The Company believes  that  no
liability  was  incurred because the AWG Sale was  in  compliance
with  an  exemption from withdrawal liability provided by Section
4204  of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,  as
amended  ("ERISA").   To  the  Company's  knowledge,  the  action
commenced  by  the Fund was neither requested  by,  nor  done  in
consultation with, the UFCW or the BCT.

            On  September 29, 1995, the Fund filed  a  collection
action  (the  "Illinois  Action") in the United  States  District
Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, to
compel  the  Company to make payments on the asserted  liability.
On  January  18, 1996, the Company initiated arbitration  of  the
withdrawal  liability dispute by filing a Demand for  Arbitration
with   the  American  Arbitration  Association.   No  arbitration
schedule had been set as of the Filing Date.

            Pursuant  to  the  AWG  Purchase  Agreement,  AWG  is
obligated   to  reimburse  the  Company  in  an  amount   up   to
approximately $3.4 million for any withdrawal liability  incurred
with respect to "covered operations"  resulting from a failure to
satisfy the requirements of ERISA Section 4204 in respect of  the
"covered  operations."  The Company has requested that  AWG  make
the  withdrawal liability payments.  AWG has denied liability and
has refused to reimburse the Company for any withdrawal liability
or  to  make the withdrawal liability payments to the  Fund.   On
March 11, 1996, AWG filed an action in the United States District
Court for the District of Kansas for a declaratory judgment as to
the  rights  and  legal relations between  the  Company  and  AWG
arising out of AWG's agreement to reimburse the Company.

            On  March  14, 1996, the Company filed  a  Motion  to
Implead  AWG  as a third party defendant in the Illinois  Action.
On  March  15, 1996, the Fund filed a Motion for Summary Judgment
for  the  entire withdrawal liability assessment of approximately
$4.4 million and for an unspecified amount of liquidated damages,
attorney's fees and costs.  The Company and the Fund have  agreed
to  mediate the dispute and the court has appointed a third party
mediator.  No mediation date had been set as of the Filing Date.

           On the Filing Date, this action was stayed pursuant to
Section  362 of the Bankruptcy Code.  For purposes of  the  Plan,
the  Fund's  claim  constitutes a Disputed Class  5  Claim.   The
Company  intends  to resolve this matter either pursuant  to  the
Bankruptcy Court's normal claims resolution process or by  filing
an  adversary  proceeding in the Bankruptcy Court or  the  United
States District Court for the District of Delaware.

                   VII.     BOARDS OF DIRECTORS

A.    Current Members

           The names and ages of the current members of the Board
of Directors of the Company are set forth in the following table.
Holding's Board of Directors is identical to that of the Company.
Biographical information for these individuals is set forth under
"Biographical Information."

          Name                           Age

        B. Charles Ames                   70
        James A. Demme                    55
        John A. Shields                   52
        Bernard S. Black                  42
        Bernard Paroly                    77
        Andrall S. Pearson                70
        Hubbard C. Howe                   67
        Michael G. Babiarz                30

B.    Proposed Members

            In  connection with the Restructuring, the Boards  of
Directors  of  the  Company and Holding will be reconstituted  to
include  seven  members.  Upon consummation of the Restructuring,
the initial Board of Directors of each of the Company and Holding
will  consist of James A. Demme, John A. Shields, four  directors
selected by the Committee and one director selected by the UFCW.

C.    Biographical Information

            B.  Charles Ames was elected as Chairman of the Board
of  the  Company  and Holding in January 1991.   Mr.  Ames  is  a
principal  of  CD&R and has been a director of the Company  since
1988.   He  is also a general partner of the general  partner  of
Clayton  &  Dubilier  Private Equity Fund IV Limited  Partnership
("C&D Fund IV").  He was a limited partner of the general partner
of Clayton & Dubilier Private Equity Fund III Limited Partnership
("C&D Fund III") until October 1990, when he assigned his limited
partnership interest to B. Charles Ames as Trustee of  the  trust
created pursuant to a Declaration of Trust, dated July 25,  1982.
From October 1987 to December 1990, Mr. Ames was a consultant  to
CD&R.  From January 1988 to May 1990, Mr. Ames served as Chairman
and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  The  Uniroyal  Goodrich  Tire
Company,  a  major tire manufacturer.  From July 1983 to  October
1987,  Mr.  Ames  served  as Chairman  of  the  Board  and  Chief
Executive  Officer of Acme-Cleveland Corporation, a  manufacturer
of  machine  tools,  telecommunication equipment  and  electrical
controls,  of which he was President and Chief Executive  Officer
from  1981  to 1983.  Mr. Ames is a director of Diamond  Shamrock
R&M  Inc.,  Warner  Lambert  Company,  M.A.  Hanna  Company,  The
Progressive  Corporation,  Lexmark International,  Inc.  and  its
parent Lexmark Holding, Inc. and WESCO Distribution, Inc. and its
parent CDW Holding, Inc.

            James  A.  Demme  became President,  Chief  Executive
Officer  and a director of the Company and Holding as of November
30,  1994.  From 1992 to 1994, Mr. Demme served as Executive Vice
President  of  Retail  Operations  of  Scrivner,  Inc.   He   was
responsible for the operations of 170 retail stores which  had  a
total sales volume exceeding $2 billion.  From 1991 to 1992,  Mr.
Demme  served as Senior Vice President of Marketing of  Scrivner,
Inc.,  where he was responsible for restructuring and  refocusing
the merchandising department to retail orientation.  From 1988 to
1991,  Mr.  Demme  was President and Chief Operating  Officer  of
Shaws  Supermarkets, which was then the fifteenth largest  retail
supermarket  chain  in  the  United States  with  sales  of  $1.7

            John A. Shields became a director of the Company  and
Holding  in  May  1993.  He served as president, Chief  Executive
Officer,  Chief Operating Officer and a member of  the  Board  of
Directors of First National Supermarkets from 1983 to 1993.   Mr.
Shields is also a director of D.I.Y. Home Warehouse, Inc.,  Shore
Bank & Trust and Shore Bank Corporation.

           Bernard S. Black is a Professor of Law at the Columbia
Law  School.   He joined the Columbia law faculty in  July  1988.
Professor  Black  served  as counsel to  Commissioner  Joseph  A.
Grundfest of the Securities and Exchange Commission from  January
1987, through July 1988.  From 1983 to 1987, he practiced law  in
New  York  City,  specializing in mergers  and  acquisitions  and
corporate and securities law.  In September 1989, Professor Black
became a director of the Company and Holding.

            Bernard Paroly served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Pathmark Supermarkets from mid-1981 to July 1986.   In
November  1987, Mr. Paroly became a director of the  Company  and

            Andrall E. Pearson is a director of the Company.   He
is  a  principal  of CD&R and a limited partner  of  the  general
partner   of  C&D  Fund  IV.  He  was  a  Professor  of  Business
Administration  at  the Graduate School of  Business  at  Harvard
University from 1985 until January 1993.  From 1971 through 1985,
Mr.  Pearson was President and Chief Operating Officer of PepsiCo
Inc.   Mr. Pearson is a director of PepsiCo. Inc., May Department
Stores   Company,   The   Travelers,  Inc.  (formerly   Primerica
Corporation)  and  Lexmark International,  Inc.  and  its  parent
Lexmark Holding, Inc.

            Hubbard C. Howe became a director of the Company  and
Holding  in  August 1995.  He has been a principal of CD&R  since
1990.  Mr.  Howe  is also a director of NuKote Holdings  and  APS

            Michael  G. Babiarz became a director of the  Company
and  Holding  in January 1995.  Mr. Babiarz has been employed  by
CD&R since 1990.

                       VII.    MANAGEMENT

A.    Management

            The  following  table sets forth the  name,  age  and
position(s)  which held by each of the persons who serves  as  an
executive officer of the Company:

Name                           Position(s)


James A. Demme             55        President, Chief Executive
                                     Officer and Director

Larry W. Kordisch          48        Executive Vice
                                     President_Finance, Chief Financial
                                     Officer, Treasurer Secretary

Steven M. Mason            41        Vice President_Marketing
Terry M. Marczewski        41        Chief Accounting Officer,
                                     Assistant Treasurer and Assistant

Alfred F. Fideline,Sr.     58        Vice President_Retail Operations

Prentess E. Alletag,Jr.    49        Vice President_Human Resources

            In  addition, Messrs. Demme, Kordisch and  Marczewski
hold  the  same  positions with Holding as  they  hold  with  the

            All  of the executive officers identified above  will
continue in their present positions with the Company and  Holding
after the Restructuring.

B.    Biographical Information

            Set  forth below is a description of recent  business
positions held by the Company's executive officers listed  above.
(For  biographical  information with respect to  Mr.  Demme,  see
"BOARDS OF DIRECTORS _ Biographical Information.")

            Larry W. Kordisch joined the Company in February 1995
and  became  Executive  Vice President_Finance,  Chief  Financial
Officer,  Treasurer and Secretary of the Company and  Holding  in
May  1995.   Prior  to  joining the  Company,  Mr.  Kordisch  was
employed   by   Scrivner,  Inc.,  serving   as   Executive   Vice
President_Finance and Administration and a director. As Executive
Vice  President_Finance  and  Administration,  Mr.  Kordisch  was
responsible  for the accounting, administrative,  finance,  legal
and risk management functions.

            Steven  W. Mason became Vice  President_Marketing  of
the  Company in October 1993.  Mr. Mason joined Safeway  in  1970
and the Oklahoma Division of Safeway in 1986.  At the time of the
Acquisition,  he was serving as Special Projects Coordinator  for
the  Oklahoma Division.  He joined the Company in November  1987,
and  served  as  Vice  President_Retail Operations  from  October
1988, to October 1993.

            Terry M. Marczewski joined the Company in April  1995
and  became  Chief  Accounting Officer, Assistant  Treasurer  and
Assistant  Secretary  of the Company and  Holding  in  May  1995.
Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Marczewski served as Controller
of  Fleming  Companies, Inc.-Scrivner Group from  July  1994,  to
April  1995.   From 1990 to July 1994, Mr. Marczewski  served  as
Vice  President and Controller of Scrivner, Inc., then the  third
largest  grocery wholesaler, prior to its acquisition by  Fleming
Companies, Inc.

            Alfred  F. Fideline, Sr. became Vice President_Retail
Operations in May 1994.  Mr. Fideline joined Safeway in 1957 and,
at the time of the Acquisition, was serving as a District Manager
of Oklahoma Division.  In November 1987, he joined the Company as
a District Manager.

            Prentess  E. Alletag, Jr. became Vice President_Human
Resources  of  the  Company  in November  1987.   He  joined  the
Oklahoma Division of Safeway in October 1969, and, at the time of
the  Acquisition,  was  serving as  Human  Resources  and  Public
Affairs Manager.  He joined the Company in November 1987.

C.    Executive Compensation

             The   following   table  provides  certain   summary
information  concerning  compensation  paid  or  accrued  by  the
Company  to,  or  on  behalf  of, the Company's  Chief  Executive
Officer,   each  of  the  three  other  most  highly  compensated
executive  officers  of  the Company  and  one  former  executive
officer  (collectively, the "Named Executive Officers")  for  the
fiscal  years  ended December 30, 1995, December  31,  1994,  and
January  1,  1994 (Holding did not pay compensation during  these


                              Annual Compensation

Name and                      Salary   Bonus    Other Annual       All Other
Principal            Year                     Compensation    Compensation(3)(4)

James A.Demme(1)    1995   $ 200,000    $100,000      (2)         $   4,396
President and       1994      11,538         -        (2)               - 
Chief Execuitve

Mark S. Sellers (6)1995    $  81,922    $140,656  $271,613(5)      $208,207
Former Executive   1994      153,000     130,050   114,474(5)        43,447
Vice-Pres. Finance 1993      160,192     153,000    80,852(5)        34,604
Financial Office
and Secretary

Larry W.           1995    $ 126,923    $100,000       (2)          $3,907
Vice Pres.
Officer and

Steven M. Mason    1995    $ 130,500   $  19,575       (2)          $6,414
Vice President-    1994      130,500     110,925       (2)           8,963
Marketing          1993      107,250     103,500       (2)           3,904

Terry M.           1995    $  69,326   $  20,000       (2)          $   43
Marczewski(8) Chief
Accounting Officer,
Assistant Treasurer,
Assistant Secretary

      (1)  Mr.  Demme  joined  the  Company   as
President, Chief Executive Officer and a director as of  November
30, 1994.

      (2)   Personal  benefits provided to  the  Named  Executive
Officer under various Company programs do not exceed 10% of total
annual salary and bonus reported for the Named Executive Officer.

      (3)   All other compensation includes contributions to  the
Company's  defined contribution plan on behalf  of  each  of  the
Named  Executive Officers to match 1993 pre-tax elective deferral
contributions (included under Salary) made by each to such  plan,
as  follows:   Steven M. Mason, $2,956.  There were  no  matching
contributions in 1994 and 1995.

      (4)  The Company provides reimbursement for medical benefit
insurance  premiums  for  the  Named  Executive  Officers.  These
persons  obtain individual fully-insured private medical  benefit
insurance policies with benefits substantially equivalent to  the
medical  benefits  currently provided under the  Company's  group
plan.  The Company also provides for life insurance premiums  for
executive  officers, including the Named Executive  Officers  and
one  other  executive  officer, who obtain fully-insured  private
term  life  insurance  policies with  benefits  of  $500,000  per
person.   Amounts  paid  during 1995 are as  follows:   James  A.
Demme,  $1,547;  Mark  S. Sellers, $11,069;  Larry  W.  Kordisch,
$2,073; Steven M. Mason, $1,616; and Terry M. Marczewski, $43.

      (5)   Includes reimbursement of relocation expenses in  the
amount of $271,613 in 1995, $95,378 in 1994 and $78,058 in 1993.

      (6)   Mr. Sellers was Executive Vice President-Finance  and
Chief  Financial Officer of the Company until his resignation  in
May 1995.

      (7)   Mr. Kordisch joined the Company in February 1995  and
was  appointed Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief  Financial
Officer,  Treasurer and Secretary of the Company  as  of  May  5,

     (8)  Mr. Marczewski joined the Company in April 1995 and was
appointed Chief Accounting Officer and Controller in May 1995.

                Directors who are not employees of the Company or
otherwise  affiliated with the Company (presently  consisting  of
Messrs.  Black,  Paroly  and Shields) are currently  paid  annual
retainers of $15,000 and meeting fees of $1,000 for each  meeting
of the Board of Directors or any committee attended.

D.        Employment Agreements

                In  November  1994, the Company entered  into  an
employment agreement with James A. Demme, the Company's President
and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  for  an  indefinite  term.   The
agreement  provides  a  base  annual  salary  of  not  less  than
$200,000, subject to increase from time to time at the discretion
of  the Board of Directors.  The agreement entitles Mr. Demme  to
participate  in the Company's Management Incentive  Plan  with  a
maximum annual bonus equal to 100% of base salary.  The agreement
also provides for awards under a long term incentive compensation
plan  which  is  to be established by the Company and  authorizes
reimbursement   for  certain  business-related   expenses.    The
agreement  was  amended in April 1996, to provide  that,  if  the
agreement  is terminated by the Company for other than  cause  or
disability  prior to December 31, 1997, or is terminated  by  Mr.
Demme  following  a  change of control or  a  trigger  event  (as
defined),  Mr.  Demme is entitled to receive (a)  payment,  which
would  not  be subject to any offset as a result of his receiving
compensation  from other employment, equal to two years'  salary,
plus  a  pro  rata amount of the incentive compensation  for  the
portion  of  the  incentive  year  that  precedes  the  date   of
termination, and (b) continuation of welfare benefit arrangements
for  a  period  of two years after the date of termination.   The
Restructuring is a trigger event under the agreement only if  Mr.
Demme  terminates his employment thereafter for good  reason  (as
defined)  or  if,  following  the Effective  Date,  a  subsequent
trigger  event  occurs, such as a change of control  or  sale  of

                On  September  26, 1995, the Company  entered  an
employment  agreement  with  Larry  W.  Kordisch,  the  Company's
Executive  Vice  President-Finance and Chief  Financial  Officer.
The  agreement provides for a base annual salary of not less than
$150,000, subject to increase from time to time at the discretion
of  the  Board  of Directors.  Mr. Kordisch is also  entitled  to
participate  in  the  Management Incentive Plan  based  upon  the
attainment  of performance objectives as the Board  of  Directors
shall determine from time to time.  The agreement was amended  in
April  1996,  to provide that, if the agreement is terminated  by
the  Company for other than cause or disability prior to December
31, 1997, or is terminated by Mr. Kordisch following a change  of
control or a trigger event (as defined), Mr. Kordisch is entitled
to  receive (a) payment, which would not be subject to any offset
as  a result of his receiving compensation from other employment,
equal  to  two  years'  salary, plus a pro  rata  amount  of  the
incentive compensation for the portion of the incentive year that
precedes the date of termination, and (b) continuation of welfare
benefit arrangements for a period of two years after the date  of
termination.     The Restructuring is a trigger event  under  the
agreement   only  if  Mr.  Kordisch  terminates  his   employment
thereafter  for  good reason (as defined) or  if,  following  the
Effective  Date,  a subsequent trigger event occurs,  such  as  a
change of control or sale of assets.

               On September 26, 1995, the Company entered into an
employment  agreement  with  Terry M. Marczewski,  the  Company's
Controller and Chief Accounting Officer.  The agreement, which is
for  an  indefinite term, provides for a base  annual  salary  of
$90,000,  subject to increase from time to time at the discretion
of  the  Board of Directors.  Mr. Marczewski is also entitled  to
participate  in  the  Management Incentive Plan  based  upon  the
attainment of performance objectives as the Board shall determine
from  time to time.  The agreement was amended in April 1996,  to
provide that, in the event his employment is terminated prior  to
December  31, 1997 for any reason other than cause or disability,
the  Company  will  pay Mr. Marczewski his annual  salary  for  a
period  of one year after the termination date or until  December
31,  1997,  whichever is longer, plus a pro rata  amount  of  the
incentive compensation for the portion of the incentive year that
precedes the date of termination.

               In April 1996, the Company entered into employment
agreements with Steven M. Mason, the Company's Vice President  of
Marketing,  and  Alfred  F. Fideline,  Sr.,  the  Company's  Vice
President of Retail Operations.  The agreements, which are for an
indefinite term, provide a base annual salary of $130,500 for Mr.
Mason and $80,000 for Mr. Fideline, subject to increase from time
to  time  at  the discretion of the Board of Directors.   In  the
event  their employment is terminated prior to December 31,  1997
for  any reason other than cause or disability, the Company  will
pay Mr. Mason and Mr. Fideline their annual salaries for a period
of  one  year  after the termination date or until  December  31,
1997,  whichever  is  longer, plus  a  pro  rata  amount  of  the
incentive compensation for the portion of the incentive year that
precedes the date of termination.

                In  April  1996,  the  Company  entered  into  an
agreement  with  Francis  T.  Wong,  the  Company's  Director  of
Finance,  which  provides  that in the event  his  employment  is
terminated prior to December 31, 1997, for any reason other  than
cause  or  disability, the Company will pay Mr. Wong  his  annual
salary  for  a period of one year after the termination  date  or
until  December 31, 1997, whichever is longer, plus  a  pro  rata
amount  of  the  incentive compensation for the  portion  of  the
incentive year that precedes the date of termination.

                The  Company  intends  to  assume  all  of  these
employment agreements pursuant to the Plan.

E.        Management Incentive Plan

               The Company  maintains a Management Incentive Plan
to  provide  incentive bonuses for members of its management  and
key  employees.  Bonuses are determined according  to  a  formula
based  on  both  corporate, store and individual performance  and
accomplishments  or  other achievements  and  are  paid  only  if
minimum  performance and/or accomplishment targets  are  reached.
Minimum  bonuses range from 0 to 100% of salary for officers  (as
set  forth in the Management Incentive Plan), including the Chief
Executive Officer.  Maximum bonus payouts range from 75% to  200%
of  salary  for officers and up to 200% of salary for  the  Chief
Executive Officer.  Performance levels must significantly  exceed
target  levels  before the maximum bonuses will be  paid.   Under
limited circumstances, individual bonus amounts can exceed  these
levels if approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board  of
Directors (the "Compensation Committee").  Incentive bonuses paid
to managers and supervisors vary according to their reporting and
responsibility levels.  Unless otherwise determined by the  Board
of  Directors, the Compensation Committee consists of members  of
the  Board  who  are ineligible to participate in the  Management
Incentive  Plan.   Incentive bonuses earned  for  certain  highly
compensated  executive  officers under the  Management  Incentive
Plan for performance during fiscal year 1995 are included in  the
Summary Compensation Table set forth above.

F.        Retirement Plan

                The  Company maintains a retirement plan in which
all   non-union  employees,  including  members  of   management,
participate.  Under the retirement plan, employees who retire  at
or  after  age 65 after completing five years of vesting  service
(defined  as calendar years in which employees complete at  least
1,000  hours of service) will be entitled to retirement  benefits
equal  to 1.50% of career average compensation (including  basic,
overtime and incentive compensation) plus .50% of career  average
compensation   in   excess   of  the  social   security   covered
compensation,  such  sum multiplied by years of  benefit  service
(not  to  exceed  35 years).  Retirement benefits  will  also  be
payable  upon  early retirement beginning at  age  55,  at  rates
actuarially  reduced  from those payable  at  normal  retirement.
Benefits  are paid in annuity form over the life of the  employee
or the joint lives of the employee and his or her spouse or other

                 Under  the  retirement  plan,  estimated  annual
benefits payable to the Named Executive Officers  upon retirement
at  age  65, assuming no changes in covered compensation  or  the
social  security wage base, would be as follows:  James A. Demme,
$27,280;  Larry  W. Kordisch, $44,375; Steven M. Mason,  $85,129;
and Terry M. Marczewski, $35,372.

                      IX.     STOCK OWNERSHIP

                                          Set   forth  below   is
certain  information  as  of March 31, 1996,  concerning  certain
holders  of the currently outstanding shares of Old Common  Stock
(including  officers and directors of the Company and holders  of
5% or more of the Old Common Stock).

Name of Beneficial Owner                  Shares       Percent of
                                   Beneficially Owned      Class

The Clayton & Dubilier Private           11,700,000       35.9%
Equity Fund III Limited
Partnership, 270 Greenwich
Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830

The Clayton & Dubilier Private           13,153,089        40.4
Equity Fund IV Limited
Partnership, 270 Greenwich
Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830

B. Charles Ames (1)(2)                   13,153,089        40.4

Joseph L. Rice, III (1)(3)               24,853,089        76.3

Alberto Cribiore (1)(3)                  24,853,089        76.3

William A. Barbe (1)                     13,153,089        40.4

Donald J. Gogel (1)                      13,153,089        40.4

Leon J. Hendrix, Jr. (1)                 13,153,089        40.4

Hubbard C. Howe (1)                      13,153,089        40.4

Andrall E. Pearson (1)                   13,153,089        40.4

James A. Demme                              _                _

Larry W. Kordisch                           _                _

Terry M. Marczewski                         _                _

Steven M. Mason (4)                          41,912          *

Alfred F. Fideline, Sr.                       1,000          *

Bernard S. Black (5)                         70,000          *

Bernard Paroly                               50,000          *

John A. Shields                             _                _

Michael G. Babiarz                          _                _


Officers and directors as                13,366,001        41.0
     a group (13 persons) (6)(7)

                                                *Indicates less than 1%

 (1) Messrs. Ames, Rice, Cribiore, Gogel, Hendrix, Barbe, Pearson
and  Howe  may  be  deemed to share beneficial ownership  of  the
shares  owned of record by C&D Fund IV by virtue of their  status
as  general partners of the general partner of C&D Fund  IV,  but
Messrs. Ames, Rice, Cribiore, Gogel, Hendrix, Barbe, Pearson  and
Howe  each  expressly disclaim such beneficial ownership  of  the
shares  owned  by  C&D  Fund IV.  Messrs. Ames,  Rice,  Cribiore,
Gogel,  Hendrix,  Barbe, Pearson and Howe  share  investment  and
voting  power  with respect to securities owned by C&D  Fund  IV.
The  business  address for Messrs. Ames, Rice,  Cribiore,  Gogel,
Hendrix, Barbe, Pearson and Howe is c/o Clayton, Dubilier & Rice,
Inc., 375 Park Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10152.

      (2)   Mr. Ames was a limited partner in the general partner
of  C&D Fund III until October 1990, when he assigned his limited
partnership interest to B. Charles Ames as Trustee of  the  trust
created pursuant to a Declaration of Trust, dated July 25,  1982.
Thus,  he  does not share investment discretion with  respect  to
securities held by C&D Fund III.

      (3)   Messrs.  Rice  and Cribiore may be  deemed  to  share
beneficial  ownership of the shares owned of record by  C&D  Fund
III  by virtue of their status as general partners of the general
partner  of  C&D  Fund III, but Messrs. Rice  and  Cribiore  each
expressly disclaim such beneficial ownership of the shares  owned
by  C&D Fund III.  Messrs. Rice and Cribiore share investment and
voting power with respect to securities owned by C&D Fund III.

      (4)   Includes 27,900 shares held in Mr. Mason's individual
retirement  account.  Shares held by officers in their respective
individual retirement accounts ("IRA") are subject to a power  of
attorney  to  instruct the trustee of the  IRA  to  take  certain
actions  with respect to the shares held in the IRA in accordance
with the stock subscription agreements executed by such officers.

      (5)   Includes 13,000 shares held in Mr. Black's IRA.   See
note 4.

      (6)   Includes shares owned by C&D Fund IV, over which  Mr.
Ames,  a  director of the Company, shares investment  and  voting
control.  See notes 1 and 2.

      (7)   Includes 90,900 shares held by officers and directors
in their respective individual retirement accounts.  See  note 4.

               As a result of the equity recapitalization and the
issuance  of  the shares of New Common Stock to  the  holders  of
General  Unsecured Claims pursuant to the Plan, the persons  who,
on  the  Effective Date, will own at least five  percent  of  the
shares  of  New Common Stock may be significantly different  than
the persons who currently own at least five percent of the shares
of Old Common Stock.  The Debtors are unable to determine at this
time  the  identity  of the persons who will own  at  least  five
percent   of  the  New  Common  Stock  to  be  outstanding   upon
consummation of the Restructuring because, among other reasons, a
significant amount of the Old Notes are currently held in nominee
name,  the Old Notes may be transferred or acquired prior to  the
Effective Date and the actual amount of General Unsecured  Claims
(other than General Unsecured Claims in respect of the Old Notes)
has not been finally determined.


                                        C&D  Fund III, a private
investment fund managed by CD&R, owns approximately 35.9% of  the
Old  Common Stock outstanding as of the Filing Date, and C&D Fund
IV,  another  private  investment  fund  managed  by  CD&R,  owns
approximately 40.4% of the Old Common Stock outstanding as of the
Filing Date.  Amounts contributed to C&D Fund III and C&D Fund IV
by the limited partners thereof are invested at the discretion of
the  general partner in the equity of corporations organized  for
the  purpose of carrying out leveraged acquisitions involving the
participation of management, or, in the case of C&D Fund  IV,  in
corporations  where  the  infusion of capital  coupled  with  the
provision  of  managerial assistance by CD&R can be  expected  to
generate   returns   on   investments   comparable   to   returns
historically  achieved  in leveraged buy-out  transactions.   The
general  partner of C&D Fund III is Clayton & Dubilier Associates
III   Limited  Partnership,  a  Connecticut  limited  partnership
("Associates  III").   The general partner  of  C&D  Fund  IV  is
Clayton   &   Dubilier  Associates  IV  Limited  partnership,   a
Connecticut  limited partnership ("Associates IV").   B.  Charles
Ames,  a  principal of CD&R, a holder of an economic interest  in
Associates  III  and  a general partner of  Associates  IV,  also
serves  as  Chairman  of the Board of the Company.    Andrall  E.
Pearson,  a principal of CD&R and director of the Company,  is  a
general partner of Associates IV.  Michael G. Babiarz, a director
of  the Company, is a professional employee of CD&R.  Hubbard  C.
Howe,  a  principal of CD&R and a director of the Company,  is  a
general partner of Associates IV.

                                         The  Company  paid  CD&R
annual fees of $200,000 in 1993, $150,000 in 1994 and $125,000 in
1995  for  management  and financial consulting  services.   CD&R
agreed to forgo any such fees after November 1995, in view of the
Company's  financial  position and in  order  to  facilitate  the

                                         CD&R,  C&D Fund III  and
the Company entered into an Indemnification Agreement dated as of
August  14, 1990 (the "1990 Indemnification Agreement"), pursuant
to  which  the  Company  agreed, subject  to  certain  applicable
restrictions, to indemnify CD&R, C&D Fund III, Associates III and
their respective directors, officers, partners, employees, agents
and controlling persons against certain liabilities arising under
the   federal  securities  laws  and  certain  other  claims  and

                                         CD&R, C&D Fund III,  C&D
Fund  IV  and the Company entered into a separate Indemnification
Agreement,  dated as of March 4, 1992 (the "1992  Indemnification
Agreement"), pursuant to which the Company agreed, subject to any
applicable  restrictions in the Old Indenture,  the  1992  Credit
Agreement  and certain other agreements, to indemnify  CD&R,  C&D
Fund  III,  and  C&D Fund IV, Associates III, Associates  IV  and
their respective directors, officers, partners, employees, agents
and controlling persons against certain liabilities arising under
the   federal  securities  laws  and  certain  other  claims  and

                                          The  Company  has  made
temporary loans to certain members of the Company's management to
enable  such persons to make principal payments under loans  from
third-party financial institutions.  Such loans bear interest  at
a  variable  rate equal to the rate applicable to  the  Company's
borrowings  under the 1995 Credit Agreement plus one percent  and
are  scheduled to mature on July 21, 1996.  As of March 31, 1996,
the  aggregate  principal amount of such  loans  outstanding  was

                   XI.     SUMMARY OF THE PLAN

                                         The  provisions  of  the
Plan  are summarized in this Article XI.  THE SUMMARY IS  ONLY  A

A.        Classification and Treatment of Claims and Interests

     1.        General

           Under Section 1122 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Debtors
are  required  to classify the Claims against, and Interests  in,
the  Debtors into Classes which contain Claims or Interests  that
are  substantially  similar  to the other  Claims  or  the  other
Interests  in  such class.  The Plan designates five  classes  of
Claims and three Classes of Interests and provides separately for
the   treatment  of  each  class.   The  classification  and  the
treatment  of  the  Claims and the Interests  take  into  account
their differing nature and priority under the Bankruptcy Code and
other applicable laws.  A Claim or an Interest is classified in a
class only to the extent that Claim or that Interest falls within
the  description of that class and is classified in another class
to  the  extent  that  Claim or that Interest  falls  within  the
description of the other class.

                 While   the  Debtors  believe  that  they   have
classified  all  Claims  and Interests  in  compliance  with  the
provisions of Section 1122 of the Bankruptcy Code, it is possible
that  a  party  in interest may challenge such classification  of
Claims  or  Interests and the Bankruptcy Court may  find  that  a
different classification is required in order for the Plan to  be
confirmed.   In  such event, it is the present intention  of  the
Debtors  to  modify  the Plan to provide for whatever  reasonable
classification  might  be required by the  Bankruptcy  Court  for
confirmation of the Plan.  See "RISK FACTORS _ Bankruptcy Risks _
Certain Risks Regarding Classification of Claims and Interests."

                Holders of Claims against, and Interests in,  the
Debtors  are  entitled to receive a distribution under  the  Plan
only  on  account  of Allowed Claims and Allowed  Interests.   An
"Allowed  Claim"  or "Allowed Interest" is a  Claim  or  Interest
which (a) either is (i) listed by the Debtors in their respective
schedules filed with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to Section 521
of  the Bankruptcy Code as liquidated in amount, not disputed and
not  contingent or (ii) the subject of a proof of Claim or  proof
of Interest filed with the Bankruptcy Court, and (b) has not been
objected to by the Debtors or any other party in interest.  If an
objection  is  made,  the validity and amount  of  the  Claim  or
Interest  will be determined by order of the Bankruptcy Court  or
the  District  Court.  See " _ Other Provisions  of  the  Plan  _
Disputed Claims."

     2.        Treatment of Unclassified Claims

               Administrative Claims and Priority Tax Claims have
not been classified under the Plan.

          a.        Administrative Claims

                  Administrative   Claims    are    Claims    for
administrative  expenses  allowed under  Section  503(b)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code, including (i) the actual and necessary costs and
expenses of preserving and operating the business of the Debtors'
estates,  (ii) taxes incurred by the Debtors' Estates other  than
taxes  of a kind specified in Section 507(a)(8) of the Bankruptcy
Code,  (iii)  any  compensation for legal and other  professional
services and reimbursement of expenses awarded under Section  330
of  the  Bankruptcy Code and (iv) fees due to the  United  States
Trustee under Section 1930, Chapter 123, Title 28, United  States

               Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed by a
holder of an Allowed Administrative Claim, each such holder  will
be  paid in full, in cash, on the later of the Effective Date and
the  date on which such Claim becomes an Allowed Claim; provided,
however, that fees due to the United States Trustee will be  paid
in  accordance with applicable law and that Administrative Claims
representing  liabilities  incurred in  the  ordinary  course  of
business by the Debtors (including amounts owed to suppliers that
have sold products of furnished goods and services to the Debtors
after  the Filing Date) will be paid by the Debtors in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the particular transactions  and
any agreements relating thereto.

                The  reasonable fees and expenses incurred on  or
after the Filing Date by the Noteholder Advisors with respect  to
the  Debtors' bankruptcy cases will be paid (without  application
by  or  on  behalf  of any such professionals to  the  Bankruptcy
Court,  and  without  notice and a hearing,  unless  specifically
ordered  by  the  Bankruptcy Court upon request  of  a  party  in
interest)  by the Debtors as an Administrative Expense under  the
Plan  (unless  such advisor is retained by a Statutory  Committee
pursuant to Sections 327 or 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code).  If the
Debtors and any Noteholder Advisor cannot agree on the amount  of
fees  and  expenses  to be paid to such Noteholder  Advisor,  the
amount  of  such  fees  and expenses will be  determined  by  the
Bankruptcy Court.

                Assuming  that (i) no significant  litigation  is
commenced and no significant objections are filed with respect to
the Plan, (ii) the Bankruptcy Court approves the Company's motion
for payment of interim compensation and reimbursement of expenses
of  professionals and (iii) the Plan is confirmed in  July  1996,
the   Debtors  estimate  that  the  aggregate  amount  of  unpaid
Administrative  Claims  as  of  the  Effective  Date   (excluding
expenses  incurred  by  the Company in  the  ordinary  course  of
business) will not exceed $0.5 million.

          b.        Priority Tax Claims

                 Priority  Tax  Claims  are  Claims  entitled  to
priority pursuant to Section 507(a)(8) of the Bankruptcy Code.

               Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed by a
holder  of  an Allowed Priority Tax Claim, each such holder  will
(at  the option of the Debtors) (i) be paid in full, in cash,  on
the  later of the Effective Date and the date on which such Claim
becomes  on Allowed Claim or (ii) be paid deferred cash  payments
in  an  amount  equal to (in the aggregate) the  amount  of  such
Claim,  over a period not exceeding six years after the  date  of
assessment  of  such  Claim, including an interest  component  as
required  by  the  provisions  of Section  1129(a)(9)(c)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code.  In fixing such interest component, the  Debtors
intend  to  use  the  federal judgement rate  in  effect  on  the
Confirmation   Date,  unless  the  Bankruptcy  Court   determines
otherwise.  To the extent that the Debtors elect to make deferred
cash payments on any Allowed Priority Tax Claim, the Debtors  may
prepay the remaining amount of such Allowed Priority Tax Claim at
any time, without penalty or premium.

                Assuming the Plan is confirmed in July 1996,  the
Debtors estimate that the aggregate amount of unpaid Priority Tax
Claims as of the Effective Date will not exceed $2.7 million.

     3.        Classification and Treatment of Classified Claims and Interests

          a.        Class 1 Claims_Allowed Priority Claims

               Class 1  consists of all Claims which are entitled
to  priority  under Section 507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code  (other
than Administrative Claims and Priority Tax Claims).

               Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed by a
holder  of  a Class 1 Claim, each Class 1 Claim will be  paid  in
full,  in cash, on the later of  the Effective Date and the  date
on which  such Claim becomes an Allowed Claim.

                Assuming  that the Bankruptcy Court approves  the
Company's  motion for payment of certain pre-petition  Claims  of
the  Company's employees, the Debtors estimate that an  aggregate
amount of Class 1 Claims as of the Effective Date will not exceed
$0.5 million.

               Class 1 is not impaired and the holders of Class 1
Claims  are conclusively presumed, under Section 1126(f)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code, to have accepted the Plan.

          b.        Class 2 Claims_Allowed Claims of the Old Banks

                Class 2 consists of the Allowed Claims of the Old
Banks  under  the  1995 Credit Agreement.  As of  May  10,  1996,
approximately  $6.5 million of loans were outstanding  under  the
1995   Credit   Agreement.   In  addition,  as  of   such   date,
approximately $10.4  million of letters of credit were issued and
outstanding, including $8.4 million in respect of the AWG  Letter
of Credit.

                Pursuant to the Plan, Class 2 Claims will be  (i)
paid  in  full,  in cash, or (ii) satisfied by the execution  and
delivery of the New Credit Agreement by, among other persons, the
Old  Banks, and the modification of the 1995 Credit Agreement  in
accordance with the terms of the New Credit Agreement  (in  which
case,  the Class 2 Claims, as so modified, will continue to  have
the  benefit  of the collateral securing such Claims  as  of  the
Filing  Date  pursuant  to the original  security  documents  and
certain  additional collateral).  See "DESCRIPTION OF NEW  CREDIT

                Class  2 is impaired and the holders of  Class  2
Claims are entitled to vote on the Plan.

          c.        Class 3-Allowed Secured Noteholder Claims

                Class 3 consists of the Allowed Secured Claims in
respect of the Old Notes.

                The aggregate amount of Allowed Claims in respect
of  the  Old  Notes  is  $101.6 million (the "Allowed  Noteholder
Claims"),  consisting  of $95.0 million  in  aggregate  principal
amount  of Old Notes outstanding as of the Filing Date  and  $6.6
million in accrued and unpaid interest on the Old Notes as of the
Filing Date.  The Allowed Noteholder Claims are Secured Claims to
the  extent  of  the value of the Old Indenture  Collateral.   In
March  1996, the Debtors and the Committee estimated that,  based
on  a  going concern valuation of the Company's assets, the value
of  the Old Indenture Collateral was approximately $65.0 million.
Based  on  this estimated value of the Old Indenture  Collateral,
the  aggregate amount of Allowed Secured Claims in Class 3  would
be  not less than $65.0 million.  Notwithstanding such collateral
value,  the  Committee and the Debtors agreed  that,  solely  for
purposes  of  facilitating  the confirmation  of  the  Plan,  the
aggregate  amount of Allowed Secured Claims in Class 3  would  be
reduced to, and would be deemed (for purposes of the Plan) to  be
$61.5 million (the "Allowed Secured Noteholder Claims").

                The  excess of the Allowed Noteholder Claims over
the  Allowed  Secured  Noteholder Claims is  $40.1  million  (the
"Allowed  Unsecured Noteholder Claims").  Pursuant to  the  Plan,
the  Allowed Unsecured Noteholder Claims will be treated as Class
5 Claims and will be deemed to be allowed in full.

               Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed by a
holder  of  a  Class 3 Claim, each such holder will  receive  its
Ratable  Share of (i) $60 million principal amount of  New  Notes
and  (ii) the Cash Amount.  For further information regarding the
New  Notes,  see "DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES" and the form  of  New
Indenture set forth in the Plan Supplement.

                Class  3 is  impaired and the holders of Class  3
Claims are entitled to vote on the Plan.

          d.        Class 4_Allowed Miscellaneous Secured Claims

                Class 4 consists of Allowed Secured Claims (other
than Class 2 Claims and Class 3 Claims).  Class 4 Claims include,
but are not limited to, Claims secured by equipment in connection
with  equipment  financings  and Claims  secured  by  mechanic's,
materialmen's  and  artisan's  liens  on  miscellaneous  personal
property.  Under the Plan, each Class 4 Claim will be treated for
all  purposes of the Plan and the Bankruptcy Code as  a  separate

                Pursuant  to  the  Plan, at  the  option  of  the
Company,  Class 4 Claims will (i) be unaltered as to  the  legal,
equitable  and  contractual rights to which such  Class  4  Claim
entitles  the  holder thereof or (ii) be treated in  any  another
manner that will not result in the impairment of such Claim under
Section 1124 of the Bankruptcy Code.  The Plan does not alter the
rights  of  any  holder  of  a Class 4 Claim  in  any  collateral
securing  the Class 4 Claim as of the Filing Date, and the  liens
thereunder shall be ratified and affirmed.

                The Debtors estimate that the aggregate amount of
Class  4  Claims  as of the Effective Date will be  approximately
$1.5 million.

               Class 4 is not impaired and the holders of Class 4
Claims  are conclusively presumed, under Section 1126(f)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code, to have accepted the Plan.

          e.        Class 5-General Unsecured Claims

                Class 5 consists of all Allowed Claims other than
Claims  in  any other class and other than Administrative  Claims
and  Priority  Tax Claims.  Class 5 Claims generally  consist  of
Claims  of trade creditors for products and services provided  to
the  Debtors  prior to the Filing Date (which Claims either  have
not  been paid pursuant to the Trade Creditor Order or have  been
paid  but  have been later reinstated as a result of  such  trade
creditor's  failure to comply with the terms of such order),  and
other  contract and damage Claims, including Claims, if any,  for
damages  arising  from the rejection of executory  contracts  and
unexpired leases subsequent to the Filing Date.  Class  5  Claims
also include Allowed Unsecured Noteholder Claims of approximately
$40.1 million.

               The Debtors dispute certain of the Claims included
in  Class  5,  and  certain of such Claims  are  the  subject  of
litigation.  Following the Filing Date, additional disputed Class
5  Claims may from time to time be designated by the Debtors, and
the Debtors may become defendants in additional legal proceedings
arising in the ordinary course of business.  Disputed Claims will
be  treated in the manner described below under "SUMMARY  OF  THE
PLAN-Other Provisions of the Plan _ Disputed Claims."

                Certain of the litigation Claims in Class  5  are
covered  by  insurance maintained by the Debtors.  To the  extent
any  Class 5 Claims are covered by insurance, the covered portion
of  such  Claims  would be paid by the insurance carrier  of  the
relevant Debtor.  The Debtors reserve the right to (i) consent to
the  modification  of  the automatic stay  provision  of  Section
362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code so as to permit the prosecution  of
Claims  covered  by  insurance  solely  to  the  extent  of  such
coverage,  or (ii) utilize any other Claims resolution  procedure
approved by the Bankruptcy Court.

               The Debtors estimate that, after all objections to
Claims  are  resolved, the ultimate amount of Claims included  in
Class  5  will  aggregate approximately $63.1 million,  including
Allowed  Unsecured  Noteholder  Claims  of  approximately   $40.1

                Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed  to
by  a  holder  of a Class 5 Claim, each such holder will  receive
such  holder's  Ratable Share of 4,450,000 shares of  New  Common
Stock.   For further information regarding the New Common  Stock,

                Class  5 is  impaired and the holders of Class  5
Claims are entitled to vote on the Plan.

          f.         Class 6_Allowed Interests of Holding as Sole
Shareholder of the Company

                Class  6  consists  of the Allowed  Interests  of
Holding  as the sole holder of the issued and outstanding  shares
of Homeland Common Stock.

                Pursuant  to the Plan, the  legal, equitable  and
contractual rights of the holder of Class 6 Interests will not be

                Class  6  is not impaired and the holder  of  the
Class  6 Interest is conclusively presumed, under Section 1126(f)
of the Bankruptcy Code, to have accepted the Plan.

          g.        Class 7_Allowed Interests of Holders of Old Common Stock

                Class  7  consists  of the Allowed  Interests  of
holders of Old Common Stock.

                Pursuant to the Plan, unless otherwise agreed  to
by  a holder of a Class 7 Interest, each such holder will receive
such  holder's Ratable Share of (i) 250,000 shares of New  Common
Stock  and  (ii) the New Warrants to purchase (in the  aggregate)
263,158  shares  of  New Common Stock.  For  further  information
regarding  the  New  Common  Stock  and  the  New  Warrants,  see
WARRANTS"  and  the form of New Warrant Agreement  set  forth  in
Appendix E hereto.

                Class  7 is impaired and the holders of  Class  7
Interests are entitled to vote on the Plan.

          h.        Class 8_Allowed Interests of Holders of Old Warrants

                Class 8 consists of the Allowed Interests of  the
holders of Old Warrants.

                Pursuant  to  the Plan, the legal, equitable  and
contractual rights of the holder of Class 8 Interests will not be

                Class  8 is not impaired and holders of  Class  8
Interests are conclusively presumed, under Section 1126(f) of the
Bankruptcy Code, to have accepted the Plan.

B.        Means for Implementation of the Plan

     1.        Issuance of New Securities

                Holding will be deemed to have authorized and, on
the  Effective Date, will be deemed to issue the requisite shares
of New Common Stock and the requisite New Warrants, regardless of
the  date on which distributions are effected.  The Company  will
be  deemed to have authorized and, on the Effective Date, will be
deemed  to issue the New Notes, regardless of the date  on  which
distributions  are  effected.  See  "DESCRIPTION  OF  NEW  COMMON

     2.        Listing of New Common Stock; 1934 Act Filing

               Holding will use its best efforts to (a) cause, as
promptly  as practicable after the Effective Date, the shares  of
New  Common  Stock  to  be listed on the NASDAQ  National  Market
System  (or,  in  the  event Holding fails to  meet  the  listing
requirements of the NASDAQ National Market System, on such  other
exchange  or system on which the New Common Stock may be  listed)
and  (b)  file, within 60 days of the Effective Date, a  Form  10
registration statement with respect to the New Common Stock under
the 1934 Act.

     3.        Effectiveness of Agreements

                On  the  Effective Date, the following agreements
shall become effective: (a) the New Credit Agreement; (b) the New
Indenture;  (c)  the New Warrant Agreement; (d) the  Registration
Rights Agreements; and (e) the Modified Union Agreements.

     4.        Charter Amendments

                On  the  Effective Date, Holding  will  file  the
Amended Holding Charter with the Delaware Secretary of State  and
the  Company  will  file  the Amended Company  Charter  with  the
Delaware Secretary of State.

     5.        Management/Board of Directors

                The Plan provides for the officers of the Company
and  Holding  immediately  before consummation  of  the  Plan  to
continue   to   serve  in  their  respective   capacities   after
confirmation of the Plan.  On the Effective Date, the  Boards  of
Directors of the Company and Holding will  consist of  (a)  James
A. Demme,  (b) John A. Shields, (c) one person designated by UFCW
and  (d)  four  persons designated by the  Committee.   Prior  to
confirmation of the Plan in accordance with Section 1129(a)(5) of
the  Bankruptcy Code, the Company and Holding will  disclose  (a)
the  identity of and affiliations of any individual  proposed  to
serve,  after  confirmation of the Plan, as  a  director  of  the
Company  or Holding, as the case may be, and (b) the identity  of
any  "insider" (as such term is defined in Section 101(31) of the
Bankruptcy  Code)  that  will be employed  and  retained  by  the
Company, and the nature of any compensation for such insider.  On
and after the Effective Date, each officer and director will hold
his  or her office on the terms and subject to the conditions set
forth in the Amended Holding Charter, the Amended Company Charter
and  the  amended  and restated bylaws of the applicable  Debtor.
For  certain information regarding the current executive officers
and directors of the Company and Holding, including a description
of    their   employment   agreements   and   compensation,   see

     6.        Management Stock Option Plan

                On  the  Effective Date, 263,158  shares  of  New
Common  Stock will be reserved for issuance under the  Management
Stock  Option  Plan.   The  terms  and  the  conditions  of   the
Management  Stock  Option Plan (including  the  identity  of  the
participants  and the number of  options to be granted)  will  be
determined by the Board of  Directors of Holding on or after  the
Effective  Date.   See  "INTRODUCTION  AND  SUMMARY  _  Principal
Elements of the Restructuring _ Management Stock Option Plan."

     7.        Surrender and Cancellation of Instruments

                As  a  condition  to receiving  any  distribution
pursuant  to  the  Plan,  each  holder  of  an  Old  Note,  share
certificate, or other instrument evidencing a Claim  or  Interest
(other than an Old Warrant) as of the record date established for
distribution under the Plan must surrender such Old  Note,  share
certificate  or  other instrument to the Company  or  the  entity
selected   by  the  Debtors  as  its  distribution   agent   (the
"Distribution   Agent")  or  deliver  to  the  Debtors   or   the
Distribution Agent, as the case may be, an affidavit of loss  and
indemnity (in form and substance satisfactory to the Debtors), in
all  cases, in proper form for transfer.  In accordance with  the
provisions of Section 1143 of the Bankruptcy Code, any holders of
such  Claim  or  Interest as of such record  date  that  fail  to
surrender such Old Notes, share certificates or other instruments
within  five years from the Confirmation Date will be  deemed  to
have  forfeited  all rights, Claims and Interests  and  will  not
participate in any distribution under the Plan.

                On  the  Effective Date (a) all such  Old  Notes,
share certificates or other instruments will be canceled and  (b)
the  Company's  obligations  under  the  such  Old  Notes,  share
certificates  and  such  other  instruments  will  be  discharged
(together  with, in the case of the Old Notes, the Old  Indenture
and any other agreements governing such Old Notes).

                On  the  Effective Date, the liens  and  security
interests of the Old Trustee in the Old Indenture Collateral will
be  released and the Old Trustee will be authorized and  directed
to  take  such  actions as may be requested  by  the  Company  to
evidence  the  release of such liens and the security  interests,
including,  without limitation, the execution, the  delivery  and
the  filing  and/or  the recording of such  releases  as  may  be
requested by the Debtors.

     8.        Retiree Benefits

                On  and  after the Effective Date, to the  extent
required  by  Section  1129(a)(13) of the  Bankruptcy  Code,  the
Debtors will continue to pay all "retiree benefits" (as such term
is  defined  in Section 1114(a) of the Bankruptcy Code)  if  any,
maintained   or  established  by  the  Debtors   prior   to   the
Confirmation Date.

     9.        Workers' Compensation Claims under Prior Self-Insurance

                The  Company's  obligations with respect  to  its
self-insurance  program  in existence  prior  to  July  1994  for
Oklahoma  workers'  compensation purposes are  secured  by  a  $2
million  letter  of  credit  payable  to  the  Oklahoma  Workers'
Compensation Court.  Such letter of credit, at the option of  the
Company, will remain in place after the Effective Date or will be
replaced  by another letter of credit.  In the event the  Company
fails  to  make  any  payment to a person who holds  an  Oklahoma
workers'  compensation claim with respect to the period that  the
Company  maintained  such self-insurance  program,  the  Oklahoma
Workers' Compensation Court may draw on such letter of credit  to
make  the payment.   To the extent the funds available under such
letter  of  credit are insufficient to pay all Oklahoma  workers'
compensation claims with respect to the period that  the  Company
maintained such self-insurance program, such excess claims  shall
be  classified and treated as Class 5 Claims.  In the event that,
upon  the liquidation and payment of all of the Oklahoma workers'
compensation claims with respect to the period that  the  Company
maintained  a  self-insurance program, there are any  funds  then
remaining available under such letter of credit, the Company will
either  direct the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation  Court  to  (a)
draw  down  the letter of credit and pay the proceeds  from  such
draw  to the Company in accordance with instructions provided  by
the Company or (b) take the actions necessary to cause the letter
of credit to be released.

C.        Other Provisions of the Plan

     1.        Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

                Subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy  Court,
the  Bankruptcy  Code gives the Debtors the power  to  assume  or
reject  executory contracts and unexpired leases.  Generally,  an
"executory   contract"  is  a  contract  under   which   material
performance  (other than payment of money) is still due  by  each
party.   The  Plan provides for the assumption by the Debtors  of
all  executory  contracts  and  unexpired  leases  that  are  not
expressly rejected or subject to a motion to reject filed by  the
Debtors   on  or  before  the  Confirmation  Date.   The  Company
anticipates  that, in connection with its restructuring  efforts,
it  may  reject certain executory contracts or unexpired  leases,
including  certain  leases relating to stores  closed  or  to  be
closed.   See  "INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY _ Principal Elements  of
the  Restructuring _ Rejection of Certain Closed  Store  Leases."
If  any  executory contract or unexpired lease is  rejected,  the
other  party  to  the agreement may file a proof  of  claim  with
respect  to a Claim for damages by reason of the rejection.   The
Plan  provides  that a proof of claim with respect  to  any  such
Claim  must  be  filed  within 30 days of  the  approval  of  the
Bankruptcy  Court  of  the rejection of  the  relevant  executory
contract or unexpired lease.  Each Claim shall constitute a Class
4  Claim,  if  secured, or a Class 5 Claim if unsecured,  to  the
extent  such  Claim  is finally treated as an  Allowed  Claim  as
described above under " _ Classification and Treatment of  Claims
and  Interests  _  General."  To the extent  that  either  Debtor
rejects an unexpired lease of non-residential real property,  the
Claim  for damages resulting from such rejection will be  limited
to  the  amount allowed under Section 502(b)(6) of the Bankruptcy

               The obligation of each Debtor to indemnify (a) its
present  and  former  directors and officers  pursuant  to  their
respective  certificates of incorporation and by-laws, applicable
state  law  or by contract (or any combination of the  foregoing)
and  (b) the indemnitees under the 1990 Indemnification Agreement
and   the  1992  Indemnification  Agreement,  shall  survive  the
confirmation of the Plan, remain unaffected thereby, and  not  be
discharged, irrespective of whether such indemnification is  owed
in  connection with an event occurring before, on  or  after  the
Filing Date.

     2.        Disputed Claims

          a.        Objection Deadline and Procedure

                After the Effective Date, the Debtors shall  have
the sole authority (1) to object to Claims against, and Interests
in,  such  Debtor and (2) to litigate any Claim  or  Interest  to
Final  Order,  to settle or compromise any Claim or  Interest  or
withdraw  any  objection to any Claim or Interest (other  than  a
Claim or Interest that is deemed allowed pursuant to the Plan  or
any Claim or Interest allowed pursuant to a Final Order).  Unless
another date is established by the Bankruptcy Court or the  Plan,
any  objection  to  a Claim or Interest must be  filed  with  the
Bankruptcy Court within 90 days after the later of the  Effective
Date  and  the  date that a proof of Claim with respect  to  such
Claim  is  filed or deemed to have been filed with the Bankruptcy
Court.  Any objection to a Fee Claim (as defined below) shall  be
filed with the Bankruptcy Court within the later of 60 days after
the  Effective  Date  and 30 days after  the  date  on  which  an
application  is  filed with respect to such  Fee  Claim.   If  no
objection has been filed to a Claim or Interest (other than a Fee
Claim,  which  shall be allowed only by order of  the  Bankruptcy
Court) within the applicable period, such Claim or Interest  will
be  treated  as an Allowed Claim or an Allowed Interest,  as  the
case  may  be, to the extent such Claim or Interest has not  been
previously allowed or disallowed by the Bankruptcy Court.

          b.        No Distributions Pending Allowance

                If any portion of a Claim is a Disputed Claim, no
payment  or distribution provided under the Plan will be made  on
account  of  the  portion of such Claim that is a Disputed  Claim
unless and until such Disputed Claim becomes an Allowed Claim but
the payment or distribution provided for under the Plan shall  be
made  on  account of the portion of such Claim that is an Allowed

          c.        Disputed Class 5 Claims Reserve

          On the Effective Date, the Debtors will reserve for the
account of each creditor holding a Disputed Class 5 Claim the New
Common  Stock  that  would  otherwise be  distributable  to  such
creditor  on  the Effective Date in accordance with the  Plan  if
such  Disputed Class 5 Claim was an Allowed Claim (the  "Disputed
Class  5  Claims  Reserve").  No interest or other  amounts  will
accrue  on  the  New Common Stock held in the  Disputed  Class  5
Claims  Reserve.  In calculating the amount to  be  held  in  the
Disputed  Class 5 Claims Reserve, the Debtors will (i) treat  all
liquidated Disputed Class 5 Claims as if allowed in full and (ii)
make  a good faith estimate of the amounts, if any, likely to  be
allowed  in respect of contingent or unliquidated Class 5 Claims.
If, and to the extent, any such Disputed Class 5 Claim became  an
Allowed  Claim, the property so reserved for the creditor holding
such  Claim  will be distributed to such creditor  within  thirty
days  of  the  date that such Disputed Class 5 Claim  becomes  an
Allowed Claim.  If, and to the extent, any such Disputed Class  5
Claim  is  disallowed by a Final Order of the  Bankruptcy  Court,
then  the  property reserved for the disallowed portion  of  such
Disputed  Class  5  Claim  will  be  distributed  in  the  manner
described below under "_ Disputed Claims _ Distributions."

          d.        Other Disputed Claims

                Under  the Plan, the Debtors will not be required
to  establish  a  reserve with respect to any class  of  Disputed
Claims or Disputed Interests other than a Disputed Class 5 Claim.

          e.        Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims Procedure

                 The   Plan  also  sets  forth  specific  dispute
resolution  procedures  with  respect  to  personal  injury   and
wrongful  death claims.  Holders of Class 5 Claims of  this  type
are  urged to review Article VII of the Plan for a discussion  of
such procedures.

     3.        Distributions

          a.        General

                All  property to be distributed pursuant  to  the
Plan  (other  than property held in the Disputed Class  5  Claims
Reserve)  will be distributed by the Distribution  Agent  on  the
Effective  Date,  or  as soon as practicable thereafter.   Except
with  respect to distributions from the Disputed Class  5  Claims
Reserve,  any  distribution required to be made on the  Effective
Date  or the date on which a Claim becomes an Allowed Claim shall
be  deemed to be made on such date if made as soon as practicable
after  such  date, and in any event, within 30  days  after  such

          b.        Distributions from Disputed Class 5 Claims Reserve

                In  the  event that, after the Effective Date,  a
Disputed  Claim  is disallowed in whole or in part,  the  Debtors
will  distribute (or cause the Distribution Agent to  distribute)
the  property held in reserve for the disallowed portion of  such
Disputed  Class  5  Claim as follows: (i) such property  will  be
distributed  to  holders of Allowed Class  5  Claims;  (ii)  such
distribution  will be based on the applicable  Ratable  Share  of
each  such Allowed Claim holder, as adjusted to take into account
the  disallowance or allowance of all Disputed Claims  since  the
Effective  Date;  and (iii) such distribution  will  be  made  on
December  31,  1996  and  on June 30  and  December  31  of  each
following  year (each such date, a "Distribution Date"),  to  the
extent  a Disputed Class 5 Claim has been disallowed in whole  or
in  part since the Effective Date or the last Distribution  Date,
as  the  case may be, until the earlier of (a) the date on  which
all  Disputed Class 5 Claims have been resolved and (b) less than
5000  shares  of New Common Stock are on deposit in the  Disputed
Class 5 Claims Reserve.  If at any time after the Effective Date,
the  number of shares of New Common Stock in the Disputed  Claims
Reserve  is  less than 5,000, the remaining shares of New  Common
Stock held in such reserve may, at the option of the Debtors,  be
cancelled or treated as treasury shares.

          c.        Fractional Amounts

                No fractional shares of New Common Stock will  be
issued  under  the Plan.  Each holder otherwise  entitled  to  an
amount  of the New Common Stock that includes fractional  amounts
will  receive either no share (if such fraction is less than one-
half) or one whole share (if such fraction is equal to or greater
than one-half) in lieu of fractional amounts.

                No New Warrants to purchase fractional shares  of
New  Common  Stock  will be issued under the Plan.   Each  holder
otherwise  entitled  to  a New Warrant that  includes  fractional
amounts  of New Common Stock will receive a New Warrant that  has
been  rounded  down to the next whole number of shares  (if  such
fraction  is less than one-half) or rounded up to the next  whole
number  of  shares (if such fraction is equal to or greater  than

          d.        Compliance with Tax Requirements

                The Debtors will comply with all withholding  and
reporting requirements imposed by federal, state or local  taxing
authorities  in connection with making distributions pursuant  to
the Plan.

                In connection with each distribution with respect
to which the filing of an information return (such as an Internal
Revenue  Service  Form  1099  or  1042)  and/or  withholding   is
required, the Debtors will file such information return with  the
Internal  Revenue Service and provide any required statements  in
connection  therewith  to the recipients  of  such  distribution,
and/or  effect  any such withholding and deposit  all  moneys  so
withheld  to  the extent required by law.  With  respect  to  any
entity  from  whom  a  tax identification number,  certified  tax
identification number or other tax information required by law to
avoid  withholding has not been received by the Debtors  (or  the
Distribution  Agent),  the Debtors may,  at  their  sole  option,
withhold the amount required and distribute the balance  to  such
entity or decline to make such distribution until the information
is received; provided, however, the Debtors will not be obligated
to liquidate New Securities to perform such withholding.

          e.        Allocation Between Principal and Accrued Interest

                The  consideration paid to holders of  Old  Notes
pursuant  to  the  Plan will be allocated first  to  accrued  but
unpaid interest on the Old Notes and next to principal on the Old

          f.        Distribution of Unclaimed Property

                If  any  person entitled to receive cash  or  New
Securities  pursuant to the Plan does not present itself  on  the
Effective Date, such cash or securities will be set aside and (in
the  case of cash) held in a segregated, interest-bearing account
to  be  maintained  by the Distribution Agent.   If  such  person
presents  itself  within  five years following  the  Confirmation
Date, such cash or New Securities, together with any interest  or
dividends  earned  thereon, will be paid or distributed  to  such
person.  If such person does not present itself within five years
following  the Confirmation Date, any such cash or New Securities
and  accrued  interest  or  dividends  thereon  will  become  the
property  of  and  shall  be released to  the  Debtors.   Nothing
contained  in  the Plan shall require the Debtors to  attempt  to
locate such person.

          g.        Set-Offs

                The Debtors may, but will not be required to, set
off  against any Claim and the payment to be made pursuant to the
Plan  in  respect  of  such  Claim,  any  Claims  of  any  nature
whatsoever which the Debtors may have against the holder of  such
Claim.   Under  the  Plan, neither the failure  to  exercise  any
setoff  right  nor the allowance of any Claim will  constitute  a
waiver  or release of any Claim that the Debtors may have against
the holder of a Claim.

          h.        Manner of Payment

           At  the option of the Debtors, payments provided under
the  Plan may be made in cash, by wire transfer or by check drawn
on any money market center bank.  Distributions of New Securities
will  be made by the issuance, and (in the case of the New Notes)
the authentication, of such New Securities.

     4.        Bar Dates

          a.        Bar Dates for Claims and Interests Generally

                 Each   holder   of  a  Claim  (other   than   an
Administrative  Claim) or Interest must file proof  of  Claim  or
proof  of Interest, as the case may be, with the Bankruptcy Court
(i)  no  later  than the bar date applicable  to  such  Claim  or
Interest previously established by the Bankruptcy Court  or  (ii)
to  the  extent any such holder is not subject to such bar  date,
within 30 days after the Effective Date or by such later date  as
may  be established by the Bankruptcy Court.  Any such holder who
does  not file a proof of Claim or proof of Interest, as the case
may  be, within the applicable time period will be forever barred
from  asserting its Claim or Interest unless, and to the  extent,
such Claim is listed by the Debtors in their respective schedules
filed  with the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to Section 521  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code  as liquidated in amount, not disputed  and  not

          b.        Fee Claims

               Each person retained or requesting compensation in
the Debtors' bankruptcy cases pursuant to Sections 327, 328, 330,
331,  503(b)  or  1103 of the Bankruptcy Code (collectively,  the
"Fee  Claims")  will  be  entitled to  file  an  application  for
allowance of final compensation and reimbursement of expenses for
services   rendered  on  or  before  the  Effective  Date.    All
applications  in  respect of such Fee Claims must  be  filed  not
later than 45 days after the Effective Date.  Any holder of a Fee
Claim that does not file an application within such 45-day period
will be forever barred from asserting its Fee Claim.

          c.        Other Administrative Claims

                All requests for payment of Administrative Claims
other  than  Fee  Claims must be filed with the Bankruptcy  Court
within  30 days after the Effective Date.  Any holder of  such  a
Claim that does not file a request for payment within such 30-day
period shall be forever barred from asserting its Claim.

     5.        Conditions to Consummation

                The  following  are conditions precedent  to  the
consummation of the Plan: (a) the Plan shall have been  confirmed
by  the  Bankruptcy Court and the Confirmation Order  shall  have
become  a  Final Order; (b) the New Credit Agreement  shall  have
been entered into and all conditions to the effectiveness thereof
shall  have been satisfied or waived by the New Banks as required
thereunder;  and  (c)  all other agreements  contemplated  by  or
entered  into  pursuant  to the Plan shall  have  been  duly  and
validly  executed and delivered by the parties  thereto  and  all
conditions  to their effectiveness shall have been  satisfied  or

               The Debtors may waive at any time, without notice,
without  leave or order of the Bankruptcy Court, and without  any
formal  action other than proceeding to consummate the Plan,  any
condition  precedent  to  consummation  of  the  Plan;  provided,
however,  that the Debtors may not waive the condition  precedent
specified  in  clause 5(c) above insofar as  it  relates  to  the
execution,  delivery and effectiveness of the New  Indenture  and
the  Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement without the consent
of the Committee.

     6.        Amendments to or Modification of the Plan

                Section  1127 of the Bankruptcy Code  allows  the
Debtors  to amend the Plan at any time prior to its confirmation.
If  the  Debtors  file  a  modification  of  the  Plan  with  the
Bankruptcy Court, the Plan as modified shall become the Plan.  If
circumstances so warrant, the Debtors may modify the  Plan  after
the  confirmation  but prior to substantial consummation  of  the
Plan (subject to compliance with the applicable provisions of the
Bankruptcy   Code  and  the  Bankruptcy  Rules).   However,   the
Bankruptcy  Court, after notice and hearing, would then  have  to
confirm  the Plan as modified.  The Debtors reserve the right  to
amend  or  modify  the terms of the Plan in accordance  with  the
provisions of Section 1127 of the Bankruptcy Code and Article XII
of the Plan, if and to the extent the Debtors determine that such
amendments or modification are necessary or desirable in order to
complete  the  Restructuring.  Under the  Bankruptcy  Rules,  any
amendments  or modifications of the Plan may be approved  by  the
Bankruptcy  Court at confirmation without resolicitation  of  the
votes  of  the  members  of  any class  whose  treatment  is  not
adversely affected by such amendment or modification.

                After  the  Confirmation Date,  the  Debtors  may
institute  proceedings  in the Bankruptcy  Court  or  remedy  any
defects or omissions or reconcile any inconsistencies in the Plan
or  the Confirmation Order in such manner as may be necessary  to
carry  out  the purposes and intent of the Plan so  long  as  the
holders  of  Claims and Interests are not adversely affected  and
prior  notice  of  such proceeding is served in  accordance  with
Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 9014.

     7.        Revocation of the Plan

               The Debtors may revoke or withdraw the Plan at any
time  prior to the Confirmation Date.  If the Debtors  revoke  or
withdraw  the  Plan  prior  to  the  Confirmation  Date   or   if
confirmation  of the Plan does not occur, the Plan will  be  null
and void and nothing contained in the Plan will (a) constitute  a
waiver  or  release of any Claims by or against, or any Interests
in,  the Debtors or (b) prejudice in any manner the rights of the
Debtors in any further proceedings involving the Debtors.

     8.        Releases

                On  the  Effective Date, each Debtor will release
unconditionally (the "Estate Release") each Released  Party  from
any  and  all claims, obligations, rights, causes of  action  and
liabilities,  whether known or unknown, foreseen  or  unforeseen,
existing or hereafter arising, in law, equity or otherwise, based
in  whole  or  in  part upon any act or omission, transaction  or
other  occurrence taking place on or prior to the Effective  Date
in  any  way  relating to such Released Party, the  Debtors,  the
Debtors' bankruptcy cases or the Plan, other than (in the case of
Affiliated Released Parties) the Excluded Claims.

                On the Effective Date, each holder of a Claim  or
Interest  (a)  who  has accepted the Plan,  (b)  whose  Claim  or
Interest  is in a class that has accepted or is deemed,  pursuant
to  section 1126(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, to have accepted  the
Plan,  or  (c) who may be entitled to receive a  distribution  of
property  pursuant to the Plan, will be deemed to  have  released
unconditionally  the Released Parties from any  and  all  claims,
obligations,  rights,  causes of action and liabilities,  whether
known  or  unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, existing or hereafter
arising,  based  in whole or in part upon any  act  or  omission,
transaction or other occurrence taking place on or prior  to  the
Effective  Date in any way relating to such Released  Party,  the
Debtors, the Debtors' bankruptcy cases or the Plan.

                Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if  and  to  the
extent  that the Bankruptcy Court concludes that the Plan  cannot
be confirmed with any portion of the foregoing releases, then the
Plan  may  be confirmed with that portion excised so as  to  give
effect  as  much  as possible to the foregoing  releases  without
precluding confirmation of the Plan.

D.        Effects of Plan Confirmation

     1.        Vesting of Assets; Reservation of Claims

                Except as expressly provided in, and subject  to,
the  Plan,  on  the Effective Date, all assets of the  respective
bankruptcy  estates  of the Debtors will  vest  in  the  relevant
Debtor as reorganized pursuant to the Plan, free and clear of all
Claims,  liens, encumbrances, charges and Interests.   Except  as
provided  in  the  Estate Release, all causes of  action  arising
under  Chapter  5  of the Bankruptcy Code (other than  fraudulent
conveyance and preference Claims of the Debtors against  the  Old
Banks and the holders of the Old Notes), all Claims against third
parties, and all other causes of action belonging to or in  favor
of  the  Debtors are hereby preserved and retained for  assertion
and  enforcement solely and exclusively by and in the  discretion
of  the  Debtors  and  shall revest in  the  relevant  Debtor  as
reorganized on the Effective Date.

     2.        Discharge

                Except  as otherwise expressly provided  in,  and
subject to, the Plan and, provided that the Effective Date  shall
have  occurred, the confirmation of the Plan will  (a)  bind  all
holders of Claims and Interests and (b) discharge the Debtors and
their  respective estates from all Claims and Interests,  to  the
fullest extent authorized or provided for by the Bankruptcy Code,
including,  without  limitation,  to  the  extent  authorized  or
provided for by Sections 524 and 1141 thereof.

     3.        Injunction

                Except  as otherwise expressly provided  in,  and
subject  to, the Plan, the entry of the Confirmation Order  will,
provided that the Effective Date shall have occurred, permanently
enjoin  all persons that have held, currently hold or may hold  a
Claim  or other debt or liability that is discharged pursuant  to
the Plan or who have held, currently hold or may hold an Interest
that  is terminated pursuant to the Plan, from taking any of  the
following  actions in respect of such discharged Claim,  debt  or
liability or such terminated Interest: (a) commencing, conducting
or  continuing in any manner, directly or indirectly,  any  suit,
action or other proceeding of any kind against the Debtors or any
property  of  the  Debtors;  (b) enforcing,  levying,  attaching,
collecting  or recovering in any manner or by any means,  whether
directly  or  indirectly, any judgment, award,  decree  or  order
against  the  Debtors  or  the property  of  the  Debtors;  (iii)
creating,  perfecting  or enforcing in any  manner,  directly  or
indirectly, any lien or any security interest of any kind against
the  Debtors  or  the property of the Debtors; (iv)  asserting  a
setoff,  right of subrogation or recoupment of any kind, directly
or  indirectly, against any debt, liability or obligation due  to
the Debtors or the property of the Debtors; or (v) commencing  or
continuing any action in any manner or in any place that does not
comply with, or is inconsistent with, the Plan.

     4.        Retention of Jurisdiction

           Notwithstanding entry of the Confirmation Order or the
Effective  Date  having  occurred,  the  Plan  provides  for  the
retention  of jurisdiction by the Bankruptcy Court over  Debtors'
bankruptcy cases for the purposes of: (a) hearing and determining
any pending applications for the rejection of executory contracts
or  unexpired  leases,  and  the allowance  of  Claims  resulting
therefrom;    (b)   determining   any   adversary    proceedings,
applications,  contested  matters  and  other  litigated  matters
pending on the Effective Date or that may be commenced thereafter
as  provided  in  the  Plan; (c) ensuring that  distributions  to
holders  of Allowed Claims and all other provisions of  the  Plan
are  accomplished  as  provided in  the  Plan;  (d)  hearing  and
determining objections to or requests for estimation  of  Claims,
including any objections to the classification of any Claim,  and
to  allow,  disallow and/or estimate any Claim, in  whole  or  in
part;  (e)  entering  and implementing  such  orders  as  may  be
appropriate in the event the Confirmation Order is for any reason
stayed, revoked, modified or vacated; (f) issuing any appropriate
orders  in  aid  of  execution of the  Plan  or  to  enforce  the
Confirmation  Order and/or the discharge, or the effect  of  such
discharge,  provided to the Company; (g) hearing and  determining
any  applications  to  modify the Plan, to  cure  any  defect  or
omission or to reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or in  any
order of the Bankruptcy Court, including, without limitation, the
Confirmation  Order; (h) hearing and determining all applications
for  compensation, and reimbursement of expenses of professionals
or  members  of any Statutory Committee (and, if applicable,  the
Committee),   under  Sections  330,  331,  503(b),  1103   and/or
1129(a)(4)  of  the Bankruptcy Code; (i) hearing and  determining
disputes   arising   in   connection  with  the   interpretation,
implementation  or  enforcement of  the  Plan;  (j)  hearing  and
determining other issues presented by, arising under  or  related
to  the  Plan  and  not  inconsistent  with  Chapter  11  of  the
Bankruptcy Code; (k) entering a final decree closing the Debtor's
bankruptcy  cases;  (l)  recovering all assets  of  the  Company,
wherever  located;  (m) hearing and determining  any  motions  or
contested  matters involving taxes, tax refunds,  tax  attributes
and  tax benefits and similar or related matters with respect  to
the  Company  arising prior to the Effective Date or relating  to
the  period  of administration of the Debtors' bankruptcy  cases,
including,  without limitation, matters concerning  state,  local
and  federal taxes in accordance with Sections 346, 505 and  1146
of  the  Bankruptcy Code; and (n) hearing any  other  matter  not
inconsistent with the Bankruptcy Code.


                                          Under   the  Bankruptcy
Code,  the  following steps are required in connection  with  the
confirmation and the consummation of the Plan:

A.        Solicitation of Votes

               The Debtors must solicit votes from the holders of
Claims against, and Interests in, the Debtors who are entitled to
vote on the Plan.

     1.        Who May Vote

                Under  Section 1126 of the Bankruptcy Code,  each
Class  of  impaired Claims or impaired Interests is  entitled  to
vote  on the Plan.  Holders of Claims and Interests that are  not
impaired  under the Plan are conclusively presumed,  pursuant  to
Section  1126(f)  of the Bankruptcy Code, to  have  accepted  the

               Under Section 1124 of the Bankruptcy Code, a class
is "impaired" under a plan of reorganization unless, with respect
to  each  Claim  or  each Interest in such  class,  the  plan  of
reorganization  (a)  leaves unaltered the  legal,  equitable  and
contractual rights to which such Claim or such Interest  entitles
the  holder; or (b), notwithstanding any applicable  law  or  any
contractual  provision  that  entitles  the  holder  to   receive
accelerated  payment  of such Claim or such  Interest  after  the
occurrence of a default, (i) cures any such default that occurred
before or after the commencement of the case under the Bankruptcy
Code,  other  than  a  default of a  kind  specified  in  Section
365(b)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, (ii) reinstates the maturity of
such  Claim or such Interest as such maturity existed before  the
default, (iii) compensates the holder for any damages incurred as
a  result  of  any  reasonable reliance by such  holder  on  such
applicable law or such contractual provision,  and (iv) does  not
otherwise  alter  the legal, equitable or contractual  rights  to
which such claim or such interest entitles the holder.

                CLASS  1,  CLASS 4, CLASS 6 AND CLASS 8  ARE  NOT


     2.        Ballots

                Ballots are provided herewith to persons  holding
Claims in Classes 2, 3 and 5 and Interests in Class 7.  A vote to
accept  or  reject the Plan can only be made by proper submission
of a duly completed and executed ballot.  PLEASE FOLLOW CAREFULLY


               If you submit more than one ballot with respect to
the  same  Claim, only the first ballot received will be counted.
If  you  wish to change or withdraw your vote with respect  to  a
Claim  after  submission  of a ballot,  Bankruptcy  Rule  3018(a)
requires  that  you provide notice and show cause  at  a  hearing
before the Bankruptcy Court prior to                    , 1996.


                If  you  did not receive or have lost the  proper
ballot,  you  may obtain a ballot by contacting:   the  balloting
agent, Morrow & Co., Inc., (212) 754-8600.  Further, if you  have
any  questions  concerning these voting  procedures,  you  should
contact: the balloting agent, Morrow & Co., Inc. (212) 754-8600.

     3.        Voting Deadline; Delivery Instructions

                To  be  counted, your ballot must be received  by
5:00  p.m., New York City time, on                       ,  1996.

                Deliveries  of ballots by mail, hand delivery  or
overnight courier should be to:

                    HOMELAND STORES, INC. AND
                    C/O MORROW & CO., INC.
                    909 THIRD AVENUE
                    NEW YORK, NEW YORK  10022

B.        Confirmation Hearing

               The Bankruptcy Code requires the Bankruptcy Court,
after  notice,  to  hold the Confirmation  Hearing  to  determine
whether  the  Plan  meets the requirements for  confirmation  set
forth in the Bankruptcy Code.

                 The   Confirmation  Hearing  is  scheduled   for
,  1996,  at    :        .m., Wilmington, Delaware time,  at  the
United  States Courthouse, 844 King Street, Wilmington,  Delaware
19801-3577.  This hearing may be adjourned from time to  time  by
the  Bankruptcy  Court  without  further  notice  other  than  an
announcement made at the hearing.

                Section 1128 of the Bankruptcy Code provides that
any  party  in interest, whether or not entitled to vote  on  the
Plan,  may object to the confirmation of the Plan.  Any objection
to  confirmation of the Plan must be filed with the Clerk of  the
Bankruptcy  Court and must be served on counsel for  the  Debtors
and  on  each of the other persons listed on Schedule A no  later
than  5:00  p.m.,  Wilmington, Delaware time, on ________,  1996.
Any  such  objection must comply with all of the requirements  of
the order and the notice accompanying this Disclosure Statement.

C.        Confirmation

                The Bankruptcy Court will confirm the Plan at the
Confirmation  Hearing only if the requirements set forth  in  the
Bankruptcy Code are satisfied.  These requirements include, among
other  requirements, that: (i) the Plan (a) has been accepted  by
each  impaired class of Claims and Interests or (b) is determined
to  be  "fair  and equitable" and not to "discriminate  unfairly"
with  respect  to any impaired class which has not  accepted  the
Plan; (ii) the Plan is in the "best interests" of the holders  of
the  impaired  Claims and the impaired Interests; and  (iii)  the
Plan is feasible.

     1.        Acceptance by Impaired Classes

                As  a condition to confirmation of the Plan,  the
Plan  must  be  accepted  by each impaired  class  of  Claims  or
Interests,   except   as   otherwise   described   herein.    See
"Confirmation   and  Consummation  Procedure  _  Confirmation   _
Confirmation without Acceptance by all Impaired Classes."   Class
2,  Class 3 and Class 5 Claims and Class 7 Interests are impaired
under the Plan.

                The  Debtors  are  soliciting the  acceptance  of
holders  of  Class  2, Class 3 and Class 5  Claims  and  Class  7
Interests.  Section 1126 of the Bankruptcy Code generally defines
acceptance  of  a plan of reorganization (a) in the  case  of   a
class of Claims, as acceptance by holders of two-thirds in dollar
amount  and a majority in number of Allowed Claims of that  class
with respect to which ballots have been submitted and (b) in  the
case  of  a  class of Interests, as acceptance by  two-thirds  in
amount  of  the Allowed Interests of that class with  respect  to
which ballots have been submitted.

     2.        Confirmation Without Acceptance by All Impaired Classes

                The Bankruptcy Court may confirm the Plan without
acceptance by all of the impaired classes of Claims and Interests
if   (a)  the  Plan  otherwise  satisfies  the  requirements  for
confirmation,  (b)  at  least one impaired  class  of  Claims  or
Interests has accepted the Plan (without counting acceptances  by
insiders  in such class) and (c) the Plan is "fair and equitable"
and  does  not  "discriminate unfairly" as to any impaired  class
that has not accepted the Plan.

                Article  IX  of  the Plan expressly  permits  the
Debtors   to  modify  the  terms  of  the  Plan  to  permit   the
confirmation  of  the  Plan pursuant to Section  1129(b)  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code and to request the Bankruptcy Court  to  confirm
the  Plan  pursuant  to Section 1129(b) of the  Bankruptcy  Code.
Although the Debtors reserve the right to modify the terms of the
Plan  as  may  be  necessary for confirmation of the  Plan  under
Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code, the current intention of the
Debtors is  not to pursue a "cram-down" plan of reorganization in
the  event  any  impaired class of Claims or Interests  fails  to
accept the Plan.

          a.        Fair and Equitable

                The  Bankruptcy Code establishes different  "fair
and  equitable" tests for secured creditors, unsecured  creditors
and equity holders.  The respective tests in relevant part are:

                 Secured  Creditors.   The  Plan  is  "fair   and
equitable" to a class of Secured Claims if it provides  that  (i)
the  Secured Creditors retain the liens securing such  creditor's
Claims  and  receives  deferred cash payments  of  at  least  the
allowed  amount of such Claims (of a value, as of  the  Effective
Date,  of  at  least  such  secured creditor's  interest  in  the
estate's  interest  in  such  property);  or  (ii)  such  secured
creditors  receive  the  indubitable equivalent  of  their  Claim
(which may be satisfied by returning the collateral securing such
creditor's Claim to such creditor).

                Unsecured  Creditors.   The  Plan  is  "fair  and
equitable"  with respect to a class of Unsecured Claims  if  such
creditor's  (i)  each  impaired unsecured  creditor  receives  or
retains  property of a value equal to the amount of  its  Allowed
Claim  or (ii) the holder of any Claim or Interest that is junior
to  the  Claims of the dissenting class do not receive or  retain
any property under the Plan.

                Equity Holders.  The Plan is "fair and equitable"
with  respect  to a class of Interests if (i) each holder  of  an
Interest of such class receives or retains property of a equal to
the  value  of such holder's Interest or (ii) the holder  of  any
Interest which is junior to the interests of such class will  not
receive or retain any property under the Plan.

                 If   all  of  the  applicable  requirements  for
confirmation of the Plan are met as set forth in Section  1129(a)
of  the  Bankruptcy Code, except that any impaired class  rejects
the  Plan,  the Debtors may choose to amend the Plan as necessary
to  request the Bankruptcy Court to confirm the Plan pursuant  to
the  "cram-down" provisions of Section 1129(b) of the  Bankruptcy
Code,  on  the basis that the Plan, as so amended,  is  fair  and
equitable and does not discriminate unfairly with respect to such
rejecting class.

          b.        Unfair Discrimination

                A  plan  of reorganization does not "discriminate
unfairly" if a dissenting class is treated substantially  equally
with  respect  to other classes similarly situated and  no  class
receives  more  than it is legally entitled to received  for  its
Claims  or Interests.  The Debtors do not believe that  the  Plan
discriminates unfairly against any impaired class  of  Claims  or

     3.        Best Interests

                As  a condition to confirmation of the Plan,  the
Plan  must  be  in  the best interests of the holders  of  Claims
against,  and  Interests in, the Debtors.  To satisfy  the  "best
interests" test, each holder of an impaired Claim or an  impaired
Interest that has not accepted the Plan must receive or retain on
account of such Claim or such Interest, property that has a value
at  least equal to the value of the distribution which the holder
would receive if the Debtors were liquidated under Chapter 7.

                To  determine  what  the holders  of  Claims  and
Interests  in  each impaired class would receive if  the  Debtors
were  liquidated, the Bankruptcy Court must determine the  dollar
amount  that would be generated from a liquidation of the  assets
of the Debtors in the context of a hypothetical liquidation under
Chapter  7.  Such determination must take into account  the  fact
that  Secured  Claims, the costs and expenses of the  liquidation
case,  and  any  costs and expenses resulting from  the  original
reorganization  case  would  have been  paid  in  full  from  the
liquidation  proceeds before the balance of those  proceeds  were
made  available  to  pay the pre-petition  Unsecured  Claims  and
Interests.   See  the  Liquidation Analysis  attached  hereto  as
Appendix C.

                To determine if the Plan is in the best interests
of  each  impaired class, the present value of the  distributions
from  the proceeds of the hypothetical liquidation of the  assets
(after subtracting the amounts attributable to Secured Claims and
costs and expenses of the bankruptcy case) must be compared  with
the  present  value of the consideration offered to such  classes
under the Plan.

               After consideration of the effect that a Chapter 7
liquidation  would  have on the ultimate proceeds  available  for
distribution  to  creditors and equity holders  of  the  Debtors,
including  (a)  increased cost and expenses of liquidation  under
Chapter 7 arising from fees payable to the bankruptcy trustee and
attorneys  and other professional advisors to such  trustee,  (b)
additional  expenses and claims, some of which would be  entitled
to  priority, which would be generated during the liquidation and
from the rejection of unexpired leases and executory contracts in
connection  with the cessation of the operations of the  Debtors,
(c)  the  erosion  of the value of the Company's  assets  in  the
context of an expedited liquidation required under Chapter 7  and
the  "fire  sale" atmosphere that would prevail, (d) the  adverse
effects on the salability of portions of the business that  could
result from the possible departure of key employees and the  loss
of   customers  and  vendors,  (e)  the  cost  and  the   expense
attributable  to the time value of money resulting from  what  is
likely to be a more protracted proceeding and (f) the application
of the rule of absolute priority to distributions in a Chapter  7
liquidation, the Debtors have determined that confirmation of the
Plan  will  provide each holder of a Claim in an  impaired  class
with  a  greater recovery than such holder would receive pursuant
to a Chapter 7 liquidation of the Debtors.

                The  Liquidation Analysis for the Debtors is  set
forth  in  Appendix  C hereto.  The analysis  set  forth  in  the
consolidated Liquidation Analysis of the estimated recoveries  in
a  liquidation of the Company's operating businesses was prepared
by the Debtors.  A description of the procedures followed and the
assumptions and qualifications made by the Debtors in  connection
with  such analysis is set forth in the Notes to the consolidated
Liquidation Analysis.

     4.        Feasibility

                The Bankruptcy Code requires that confirmation of
a  plan  not be likely to be followed by liquidation or need  for
further financial reorganization of the debtor.  For purposes  of
determining whether the Plan meets this requirement, the  Debtors
have analyzed the Company's ability to meet its obligations under
the  Plan.   As  part of this analysis, management  has  prepared
projections of the Company's financial performance for the period
from  1996  through 1998.  See "FINANCIAL INFORMATION _ Projected
and Pro Forma Financial Information."  Although these projections
do  not  reflect  all possible effects of the Restructuring,  the
Debtors  believe  that  the Plan provides  a  feasible  means  of
reorganization and operation, through which it can be  reasonably
expected  that,  subject  to  the  risks  disclosed  herein,  the
Company,  as reorganized under the Plan, will be able to  satisfy
its  obligations  on  and  after  the  Effective  Date.   For   a
description  of  the assumptions underlying the  projections,  as
well as the related qualifications, see "FINANCIAL INFORMATION  _
Projected and Pro Forma Financial Information."

C.        Consummation

                The  Plan  will be consummated on  the  Effective
Date.  The Effective Date is the first business day on which  the
conditions to consummation have been satisfied or waived  by  the
Debtors.  See "SUMMARY OF PLAN _ Other Provisions of the  Plan  _
Conditions to Consummation."

A.        Alternative Plan of Reorganization

                If  the Plan is not confirmed, the Debtors or any
other  party  in interest could attempt to formulate a  different
plan  of reorganization.  Such a different plan of reorganization
might contemplate either a reorganization and continuation of all
or  part  of the Company's business or an orderly liquidation  of
all of the assets of the Debtors.

                With  respect to an alternative plan, the Debtors
have  explored  various  alternatives  in  connection  with   the
formulation and development of the Plan and believe that the Plan
enables  the  creditors  to  realize  greater  value  under   the
circumstances than under other available alternatives.  See  "THE
RESTRUCTURING _ Background and Restructuring Discussions."  In  a
liquidation under Chapter 11, the assets of the Company would  be
sold in a more orderly fashion and over a more extended period of
time than in a liquidation under Chapter 7, probably resulting in
somewhat  greater recoveries.  Further, a trustee is not required
in  a  Chapter  11  case,  and,  accordingly,  the  expenses  for
professional fees most likely would be lower than in a Chapter  7
case.  The Debtors believe that, although preferable to a Chapter
7  liquidation,  a liquidation under Chapter 11 would  still  not
realize the full going concern value of its business and,  as  it
would  be more protracted than the Restructuring contemplated  by
the  Plan, would involve greater administrative expenses than the
Plan.  Consequently, the Debtors believe that a liquidation under
Chapter  11  is a much less attractive alternative to holders  of
impaired  Claims  and Interests than the Plan  because  the  Plan
provides  for a greater return to such holders than would  likely
be realized in a Chapter 11 liquidation.

B.        Liquidation Under Chapter 7

           If  a  plan  of  reorganization is not confirmed,  the
Debtors' bankruptcy cases may be converted to cases under Chapter
7  of the Bankruptcy Code, in which a bankruptcy trustee would be
appointed to liquidate the assets of the Debtors for distribution
to  the  holders of Claims against, and Interests in, the Debtors
in accordance with priorities established by the Bankruptcy Code.
A  discussion  of  the effect that a Chapter 7 liquidation  would
have  on  the recovery of the holders of Claims and Interests  is
set  forth under "SUMMARY OF THE PLAN  _ Confirmation of the Plan
_  Best Interests."  The Debtors believe that a liquidation under
Chapter  7  would result in smaller distribution to such  holders
than  those  provided for in the Plan because  of  (1)  increased
costs  and  expenses arising from fees payable  to  a  bankruptcy
trustee  and  attorneys and other professional advisors  to  such
trustee, (2) additional expenses and claims, some of which  would
be  entitled  to  priority, which would be generated  during  the
liquidation  and  from  the rejection  of  unexpired  leases  and
executory  contracts  in connection with  the  cessation  of  the
operations  of the Company, (3) the erosion of the value  of  the
Company's  assets  in  the  context of an  expedited  liquidation
required  under  Chapter 7 and the "fire  sale"  atmosphere  that
would  prevail,  (4)  the adverse effects on  the  salability  of
portions  of  the  business that could result from  the  possible
departure of key employees and the loss of customers and vendors,
and  (5)  the  cost  attributable to  the  time  value  of  money
resulting from what is likely to be a more protracted proceeding.
For  more  details,  see the Liquidation Analysis  set  forth  in
Appendix C hereto.


A.        General

                On March 8, 1996, the Company and representatives
of  the  UFCW reached an agreement in principle relating  to  the
Modified  UFCW  Agreements.   The  terms  of  the  Modified  UFCW
Agreements  were ratified during the week of March 11,  1996,  by
overwhelming majorities of each of the UFCW local union chapters.
The Modified BCT Agreement was ratified in April 1996, by the BCT
local union chapter.

                The Modified Union Agreements will have a term of
five  years  commencing  on  the  Effective  Date  and  will   be
conditioned  on the consummation of Restructuring.  The  Modified
Union  Agreements will consist of five basic elements:  (a)  wage
rate  and  benefit contribution reductions and work rule changes;
(b) the Employee Buyout Offer, pursuant to which the Company will
make  up  to  $6.4  million available for the buyout  of  certain
unionized employees; (c) the establishment of an ESOT (acting  on
behalf of the Company's unionized employees), which will receive,
or  be  entitled to purchase, up to 522,222 shares of New  Common
Stock,  or 10% of the New Common Stock, pursuant to the terms  of
the  Modified Union Agreements; (d) the UFCW's right to designate
one  member of the Boards of Directors of the Company and Holding
following  the Restructuring; and (e) the elimination of  certain
"snap  back" provisions (provisions relating to the reinstatement
of   previously  reduced  wage  amounts),  incentive  plans   and
"maintenance of benefits" provisions.

                The  Company  estimates that the  Modified  Union
Agreements  will  result in annual cost savings of  approximately
$7.2  million  (assuming no employees accept the Employee  Buyout
Offer)  to $13.2 million (assuming the Employee Buyout  Offer  is
fully subscribed) of cost savings per year during the first  full
contract  year  following the Restructuring.   There  can  be  no
assurance,  however,  that  such cost savings  will  actually  be
realized.  In addition, cost savings in future contract years may
be offset in part by certain wage and benefit increases.

B.         Wage  Rate, Benefit Contribution Reductions  and  Work
           Rule Changes

                The wage rate and benefit contribution reductions
and  the  work rule changes include changes in wage schedules,  a
modification  of  the  full-time/part-time  work  ratio  and  the
elimination   of   Sunday  pay  premiums.   The  Modified   Union
Agreements also contemplate other benefit changes, including  (1)
the  establishment  by the Company of a new  health  and  welfare
benefit  plan (the "Health and Welfare Benefit Plan")  within  90
days  of  the  Effective Date and the Company's  contribution  of
$750,000 to the Health and Welfare Benefit Plan within 60 days of
the  Effective  Date  (additional  future  contributions  by  the
Company  will  be  based on a formula set forth in  the  Modified
Union   Agreements);  and  (b)  the  establishment   of   certain
performance-based wage and benefit payments based on the  Company
reaching  certain EBITDA levels set forth in the  Modified  Union

C.        Employee Buyout Offer

               Pursuant to the Employee Buyout Offer, the Company
will  offer to pay certain of the Company's employees  a  "buyout
price" ranging from $4,500 to $11,000 per employee (depending  on
job  classification, date of hire and full- or part-time  status)
in  exchange  for  such employee's agreement to resign  from  the
Company.   The  maximum aggregate amount  to  be  funded  by  the
Company  under  the Employee Buyout Offer is $6.4  million.   The
Company  will  fund the Employee Buyout Offer by  making  certain
borrowings  under the New Credit Agreement.  As a result  of  the
Employee Buyout Offer, the Company will be able to replace higher-
salaried  employees with lower-salaried employees,  which  should
result  in  substantial long-term cost savings for  the  Company.
Assuming  the  Employee  Buyout Offer is  fully  subscribed,  the
Company expects to recoup its $6.4 million payment under the plan
within  fifteen months following the completion of  the  Employee
Buyout Offer.

D.        Stock Issuances to, and Purchases by, the ESOT

                The stock issuances and purchases contemplated by
the Modified Union Agreements consist of three separate elements:
(1) the initial issuance of 174,074 shares of New Common Stock to
certain   of   the   Company's  unionized   employees   ("Initial
Issuance");  (2)  the  purchase of up to 174,074  shares  of  New
Common  Stock by the Company and Participants in the ESOT  ("ESOT
Purchase");  and  (3) the grant of up to 174,074  shares  of  New
Common   Stock  upon  the  Company's  satisfaction   of   certain
escalating  EBITDA-based  performance  goals  ("Performance-Based

                The  Initial  Issuance of New Common  Stock  will
occur  upon completion of the Employee Buyout Offer and  will  be
made  to  the ESOT on behalf of the Company's remaining unionized
employees.   The New Common Stock so issued will  vest  in  equal
portions  over  the  first  three years  of  the  Modified  Union
Agreements.   In the event a departing employee has fully  vested
New  Common Stock which is not readily tradable on an established
securities market, the employee will have the right to  "put"  to
the  Company the stock allocated to such employee's ESOT  account
to the Company at a put price equal to the appraised value of the
New Common Stock.

                 Under   the   terms   of  the   ESOT   Purchase,
approximately 58,025 shares of New Common Stock may be  purchased
on a pre-tax basis for ESOT participants' accounts on each of the
first,  second  and  third anniversaries of  the  Modified  Union
Agreements  (or up to 174,074 shares of New Common Stock  in  the
aggregate).  The purchase price for such shares purchased by  the
participants  will be equal to the appraised  value  of  the  New
Common  Stock. For each three shares of New Common Stock  that  a
participant  purchases, the Company will purchase  one  share  on
behalf  of such participant (resulting in an "effective" purchase
price  equal  to  75% of the appraised value of  the  New  Common
Stock).  The purchased stock will be held in the ESOT.

                The Performance-Based Issuances will be made over
the  course  of  the  first three years  of  the  Modified  Union
Agreements.  The ESOT will be entitled to receive (on  behalf  of
the Company's unionized employees) approximately 58,025 shares of
New Common Stock on the first, second and third anniversaries  of
the  Modified  Union Agreements (or up to 174,074 shares  of  New
Common  Stock  in the aggregate), if, during the year  ending  on
such  anniversary dates, the Company's EBITDA (as defined in  the
New  Credit Agreement) equals at least $25 million, $27.5 million
and  $30.25 million, respectively.  Only union employees who  are
employed  by the Company on the applicable anniversary date  will
be  entitled  to  have  any such stock allocated  to  their  ESOT

E.        Board Representation

                Upon consummation of the Restructuring, the Board
of  Directors of the Company and of Holding will consist of seven
members.  So long as the Modified Union Agreements are in effect,
the  UFCW will have the right to designate one director  of  each
Board of Directors.

F.        Other Modifications

                The Modified Union Agreements will also eliminate
the  Company's  obligations  with  respect  to  any  "snap  back"
provisions   (provisions  relating  to   the   reinstatement   of
previously   reduced   wage   amounts),   incentive   plans   and
"maintenance  of benefits" provisions contained in  the  Existing
Union Agreements.


A.        Original Issuance of Securities

                Section 1145(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code exempts
the  original  issuance of certain securities  under  a  plan  of
reorganization   from  the  registration  requirements   of   the
Securities Act and state law.  Under Section 1145, the offer  and
the  sale  of  securities  is exempt if  (1) the  securities  are
issued by the debtor, a successor to the debtor under the plan of
reorganization or an affiliate of the debtor participating  in  a
Plan of reorganization with the debtor, (2) the recipients hold a
Claim  (including a Claim for an administrative expense) against,
or  Interest  in,  the  debtor  or such  affiliate  and  (3)  the
securities are issued principally in exchange for the recipient's
Claim  against, or Interest in, the debtor or such  affiliate  or
principally  in  such exchange and partly for cash  or  property.
The  Debtors believe the offer and the sale of the New Securities
under the Plan are exempt under Section 1145(a)(1).

                Under Section 1145(a)(2), the offer of a security
through a warrant exempt under Section 1145(a)(1) and the sale of
a security upon the exercise of such warrant are also exempt from
the  registration requirements of the Securities  Act  and  state
law.   The  Debtors believe that the offer of the shares  of  New
Common  Stock  underlying the New Warrants and the sale  of  such
shares upon the exercise of the New Warrants will be exempt under
Section 1145(a)(2).  Holding intends to rely, to the extent  that
Section  1145(a) does not so exempt the sale of  any  New  Common
Stock upon exercise of the New Warrants, upon Section 4(2) of the
Securities  Act  and similar state law provisions,  and,  to  the
extent applicable, Regulation D and similar state law provisions,
to exempt such sales from such registration requirements.

B.        Subsequent Transfers of Securities

                Under Section 4(1) of the Securities Act, the New
Securities   may  generally  be resold  by  the  holders  without
registration  under the Securities Act, unless the holder  is  an
"underwriter" (as defined in the Securities Act) with respect  to
such  securities.  In addition, the New Securities may  generally
be  resold  without  qualification or  registration  under  state
securities laws under exemptions contained therein.

                  Section   1145(b)   defines   four   types   of

                (1)  persons who purchase a Claim against, or  an
Interest  in, the debtor with a view to distributing the security
received in exchange for such Claim or such Interest;

                (2)  persons who offer to sell securities offered
or  sold  under  a  plan of  reorganization for holders  of  such

                (3)   persons who offer to buy securities offered
or  sold  under the plan of  reorganization from the  holders  of
such  securities  if  the offer to buy is  (i)  with  a  view  to
distribution of such securities or (ii) made under a distribution
agreement; and

                (4)   a person who is an "issuer" (as defined  in
Section  2(11)  of  the  Securities  Act)  with  respect  to  the

                Under  Section 2(11) of the Securities  Act,  the
term   "issuer"  includes  any  person  directly  or   indirectly
controlling,  controlled by, or under common  control  with,  the
issuer.  Under Rule 405 promulgated under the Securities Act, the
term  "control"  means  the  power to  direct  or  to  cause  the
direction  of  the  policies  of a person,  whether  through  the
ownership   of  voting  securities,  by  contract  or  otherwise.
Accordingly, an officer or director of a reorganized  debtor  (or
its affiliate or successor) under a plan of reorganization may be
deemed  to "control" such debtor (and therefore be an underwriter
for  purposes  of Section 1145), particularly if such  management
position   is   coupled  with  the  ownership  of  a  significant
percentage  of a debtor's (or affiliate's or successor's)  voting

                To  the extent that a person is deemed to  be  an
"underwriter," such person may make  public offers and  sales  of
the  New  Securities  only in accordance  with  the  registration
requirements  of  the  Securities Act or an exemption  therefrom,
such  as  the  exemptions  afforded by Rule  144  and  Rule  144A
promulgated  under  the  Securities  Act  or  the  exemption  for
"ordinary  trading transactions" (within the meaning  of  Section
1145(b)(1) of the Securities Act).

                Rule 144A, promulgated under the Securities  Act,
provides   a  non-exclusive  safe  harbor  exemption   from   the
registration  requirements of the Securities Act for  resales  to
certain "qualified institutional buyers" of securities which  are
"restricted securities" within the meaning of the Securities Act,
irrespective  of whether the seller of such securities  purchased
the  securities  with  a view towards reselling  such  securities
under  Rule  144A.   Under Rule 144A, a "qualified  institutional
buyer"  is  defined to include, among other persons,  any  entity
which purchases securities for its own account or for the account
of  another  qualified  institutional buyer  and  which  (in  the
aggregate)  owns and invests on a discretionary  basis  at  least
$100  million  in the securities of unaffiliated  issuers  (e.g.,
"dealers"  registered  as such pursuant  to  Section  15  of  the
Exchange  Act  and "banks" as defined in Section 2(a)(2)  of  the
Securities  Act).  Subject to certain qualifications,  Rule  144A
does  not  exempt the offer or sale of securities which,  at  the
time  of  their  issuance, were securities of the same  class  of
securities   then  listed  on  a  national  securities   exchange
(registered  as  such under Section 6 of the  Exchange  Act),  or
quoted  in  a U.S. automated interdealer quotation system  (i.e.,
NASDAQ).  Given that none of the New Notes or the shares  of  the
New  Common  Stock  to be issued on the Effective  Date  will  be
securities  of a class then listed or quoted as described  above,
holders  of  such securities who are deemed to be  "underwriters"
within  the meaning of Section 1145(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy  Code
or  who  may  otherwise be deemed to be "affiliates"  of,  or  to
exercise  "control"  over,  the Company  or  Holding  within  the
meaning  of  Rule  405 of Regulation C under the  Securities  Act
should, assuming that all other conditions of Rule 144A are  met,
be  entitled  to  avail  themselves of  the  safe  harbor  resale
provisions thereof.

                To  the  extent  that Rule 144A  is  unavailable,
holders  may, under certain circumstances, be able to sell  their
securities pursuant to the safe harbor resale provisions of  Rule
144  under the Securities Act.  Generally, Rule 144 provides that
if certain conditions are met (e.g., two-year holding period with
respect to "restricted securities," volume limitations, manner of
sale,  availability  of current information  about  the  issuer),
specified persons who (1) resell "restricted securities"  or  (2)
resell   securities  which  are  not  restricted  but   who   are
"affiliates" of the issuer of the securities sought to be resold,
will  not  be deemed to be "underwriters" as defined  in  Section
2(11) of the Securities Act.  Under Rule 144(k), those conditions
to  resale will no longer apply to restricted securities sold for
the account of a holder who is not an affiliate of the Company or
Holding  at the time of such resale and has not been an affiliate
such during the three-month period next preceding such resale, so
long  as  a period of a least three years have elapsed since  the
later  of  (1) the Effective Date and (2) the date on which  such
holder  acquired his or its securities from an affiliate  of  the
Company or Holding.

                In  connection  with  the Restructuring,  certain
registration rights will be granted to holders of the Old  Common
Stock  and Old Notes, with respect to the New Securities received
by such holders under the Plan.  In addition, Holding will file a
Form  10  registration statement with respect to the  New  Common
Stock  under the 1934 Act  within 60 days following the Effective
Date  and  will  use its best efforts to cause such  registration
statement to become and remain effective until the earlier of (1)
the  seventh anniversary of the Effective Date and (2) the  first
date  on which less than 10% of the outstanding New Common  Stock
is  publicly  held.   For so long as such registration  statement
remains  effective, Holding will be required to comply  with  the
reporting requirements under the 1934 Act.  Such filing, together
with    Holding's   timely   compliance   with   such   reporting
requirements,  will  enable holders of the New  Common  Stock  to
utilize  the  safe  harbor provisions of Rule 144,  as  described

                Given  the  complex,  subjective  nature  of  the
determination whether a person is an "underwriter,"  the  Debtors
make  no  representation concerning the right of  any  holder  to
resell  the  New Securities.  Holders are urged to  consult  with
their  own  counsel  to determine whether they  may  resell  such
securities under the Securities Act and state securities laws.

                XVI.    DESCRIPTION OF NEW NOTES

                The  New  Notes  will  be issued  under  the  New
Indenture  to  be  dated as of the Effective  Date,  between  the
Company  and  the  New  Trustee.  The following  summary  of  the
material provisions of the New  Indenture does not purport to  be
complete  and  is  subject to, and qualified in its  entirety  by
reference  to,  the  provisions of the New  Indenture,  including
definitions  of certain terms contained therein and  those  terms
made  part  of  the  New  Indenture by  reference  to  the  Trust
Indenture  Act of 1939, as amended, as in effect on the  date  of
the  New  Note Indenture.  The definitions of certain capitalized
terms  used  in the following summary are set forth  below  under
" _ Certain Definitions."

     A.   General

                The  New  Notes  will  be  unsecured  senior  sub
ordinated  obligations  of  the Company  limited  to  $60,000,000
aggregate principal amount.  The New Notes will be issued only in
registered  form without coupons, in denominations of $1,000  and
integral   multiples  thereof.  (Section  3.2)    Principal   of,
premium,  if any, and interest on the New Notes will be  payable,
and  the  New Notes will be transferable, at the corporate  trust
office  or  agency  of the New Trustee in The City  of  New  York
maintained   for  such   purposes   at                          .
(Section  3.5)   In addition, interest may be paid at the  option
of  the Company by check mailed to the person entitled thereto as
shown on the security register. (Section 3.7)   No service charge
will  be  made  for any registration of transfer or  exchange  or
redemption of New Notes, except in certain circumstances for  any
documentary, tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed
in connection therewith.  (Section 3.5)

     B.   Maturity, Interest and Principal

                The New Notes will mature on                    ,
2003.   Interest on the New Notes will accrue at the rate of  10%
per  annum  and  will be payable on February 1,  1997  and  semi-
annually  thereafter on each February 1 and  August  1,  in  each
year,  to the holders of record of the New Notes at the close  of
business on the January 15 and July 15 (whether or not a Business
Day),  as  the case may be, next preceding such interest  payment
date.  Interest on the New Notes will accrue from the most recent
date  to which interest has been paid or, if no interest has been
paid,  from  the  original date of issuance (the  "Issue  Date").
Interest  will  be  computed  on the  basis  of  a  360-day  year
comprised of twelve 30-day months.  The New Notes are not subject
to the benefit of any mandatory sinking fund.

     C.   Optional Redemption

               Optional Redemption.  The New Notes are subject to
redemption  upon not less than 30 nor more than 60 days'  notice,
in  amounts of $1,000 or an integral multiple of $1,000,  at  any
time  on or after                      , 1999, as a whole  or  in
part,  at  the  election of the Company, at the redemption  price
equal to the percentage of the principal amount redeemed, as  set
forth  in  the  table below, together in the  case  of  any  such
redemption with accrued interest to the redemption date  (subject
to  the  right  of holders of record on relevant  regular  record
dates to receive interest due on an interest payment date).

         Year                            Redemption                          
        1999                                105.00%

        2000                                103.33%

        2001                                101.67%

        2002                                100.00%

                In  addition, upon the occurrence of a Change  of
Control  prior  to        , 1999, the New Notes  are  subject  to
redemption,  upon not less than 30 or more than 60 days'  notice,
in  amounts  of $1,000, or an integral multiple of $1,000,  as  a
whole  or  in  part,  at  the election of  the  Company,  at  the
redemption price equal to the percentage of the principal  amount
redeemed, as set forth in the table below, together in  the  case
of  any  such redemption with accrued interest to the  redemption
date  (subject  to  the right of holders of  record  on  relevant
record  dates  to  receive interest due on  an  interest  payment

             Year                            Redemption

        1996                                   108.00%

        1997                                   107.00%

        1998                                   106.00%

                Notwithstanding the foregoing, in either case, if
the aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding New Notes would
be  less than $20 million after such redemption, then the Company
shall be required to redeem all Outstanding New Notes.

               Selection and Notice.  In the event that less than
all of the New Notes are to be redeemed at any time, selection of
such New Notes for redemption will be made by the New Trustee, on
a  pro  rata  basis, by lot or by such method as the New  Trustee
shall  deem  fair and appropriate and which may provide  for  the
selection  for  redemption of portions of the  principal  of  New
Notes;  provided, however, that no such partial redemption  shall
reduce  the  portion of the principal amount of a  New  Note  not
redeemed  to  less  than $1,000.  Notice of redemption  shall  be
mailed by first-class mail at least 30 but not more than 60  days
before  the  redemption date to each holder of New  Notes  to  be
redeemed  at its registered address.  If any New Note  is  to  be
redeemed  in part only, the notice of redemption that relates  to
such  New  Note  shall state the portion of the principal  amount
thereof  to  be  redeemed.   A New Note  or  New  Notes,  of  any
authorized denomination as requested by such holder in  aggregate
principal  amount  equal to and in exchange  for  the  unredeemed
portion of the principal of the New Note so surrendered, will  be
issued  in  the  name  of the holder thereof upon  surrender  for
cancellation of the original New Note.  On and after  the  redemp
tion date, interest will cease to accrue on New Notes or portions
thereof  called  for  redemption.  If any  New  Note  called  for
redemption  is not so paid upon surrender thereof for redemption,
the principal thereof (and premium, if any, thereon) shall, until
paid, bear interest from the redemption date at the default  rate
thereon. (Sections 11.4, 11.5, 11.7 and 11.8)

     D.   Subordination

                The indebtedness represented by the New Notes and
the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on
the  New  Notes will be subordinated, to the extent set forth  in
the  New  Indenture, in right of payment to the prior payment  in
full  of  all  existing  and future Senior  Indebtedness  of  the
Company,  which  comprises all obligations under the  New  Credit
Agreement   and refinancing thereof.  (Section 12.1)   See  "RISK
FACTORS _ Risks Related to the New Securities _ Subordination  of
the New Notes."

                The  New Indenture provides that in the event  of
(a)  any  insolvency  or bankruptcy case or  proceeding,  or  any
receivership, liquidation, reorganization or other  similar  case
or proceeding in connection therewith, relative to the Company or
its assets,  (b) any liquidation, dissolution or other winding-up
of  the Company, whether voluntary or involuntary and whether  or
not involving insolvency or bankruptcy, or (c) any assignment for
the  benefit  of  creditors  or other  marshaling  of  assets  or
liabilities  of the Company (except a distribution in  connection
with  a  consolidation of the Company with, or the merger of  the
Company   into,   another  corporation  or  the  liquidation   or
dissolution  of  the  Company following conveyance,  transfer  or
lease  of its properties and assets substantially as an  entirety
to  another  corporation upon the terms and conditions  described
below under " _ Merger, Sale of Assets, Etc."), holders of Senior
Indebtedness of the Company shall be entitled to receive  payment
in  full of all amounts due or to become due on or in respect  of
all  Senior Indebtedness before the holders of the New Notes  are
entitled  to receive any payment on account of the principal  of,
premium,  if any, and interest on the New Notes; and any  payment
or  distribution  of  assets  of  the  Company  of  any  kind  or
character, whether in cash, property or securities, by set-off or
otherwise,  to  which the holders of the New  Notes  or  the  New
Trustee  would  be  entitled but for the provisions  of  the  New
Indenture  relating to subordination (excluding certain unsecured
subordinated securities) will be paid by the liquidating  trustee
or  agent  or  other Person making such payment  or  distribution
directly  to the holders of Senior Indebtedness ratably according
to  the  aggregate  amounts remaining unpaid on  account  of  the
Senior  Indebtedness to the extent necessary to make  payment  in
full  of all Senior Indebtedness remaining unpaid.  In the  event
that, notwithstanding the foregoing, after an event described  in
clause (a), (b) or (c), the New Trustee or any holder of the  New
Notes  shall have received payment or distribution of  assets  of
the Company of any kind or character (excluding certain permitted
equity  or  subordinated debt securities or as  authorized  by  a
bankruptcy court) before all Senior Indebtedness is paid in full,
then  such payment or distribution will be paid over or delivered
to  the  trustee  in  bankruptcy, receiver, liquidating  trustee,
custodian,  assignee,  agent or other person  making  payment  or
distribution  of  assets of the company for  application  to  the
payment of all Senior Indebtedness remaining unpaid to the extent
necessary to pay all Senior Indebtedness in full.  (Section 12.2)

                In the event of and during the continuance of any
default in the payment of principal, premium, if any, or interest
on  any  Senior Indebtedness beyond any applicable  grace  period
with  respect  thereto, or in the event that any other  event  of
default  with  respect  to  any Senior  Indebtedness  shall  have
occurred  and  be  continuing that permits the  holders  of  such
Senior  Indebtedness (or a trustee on behalf of such holders)  to
declare  such  Senior Indebtedness due and payable prior  to  the
date  on  which  it would otherwise have become due  and  payable
either without further notice or upon the expiration of any grace
period  applicable to such event of default, and  written  notice
thereof shall have been given to each of the Company and the  New
Trustee  by  the agent bank under the Credit Agreement,  then  no
payment  shall be made by the Company on account of the principal
of  (or  premium,  if any) or interest on the  New  Notes  or  on
account of the purchase or redemption or other acquisition of New
Notes  unless and until such payment of default shall  have  been
cured  or waived or shall have ceased to exist or the holders  of
such Senior Indebtedness or their agents have waived the benefits
of such subordination.

                If  the Company fails to make any payment on  the
New Notes when due or within any applicable grace period, whether
or  not on account of the payment blockage provisions referred to
above,  such  failure would constitute an Event of Default  under
the  New Indenture and would enable the holders of the New  Notes
to accelerate the maturity thereof.  See " _ Events of Default."

                By reason of such subordination, in the event  of
liquidation,   receivership,   reorganization   or    insolvency,
creditors  of  the Company who are holders of Senior Indebtedness
may recover more, ratably, than the holders of the New Notes, and
the  funds which would be otherwise payable to the holders of the
New  Notes will be paid to the holders of the Senior Indebtedness
to  the extent necessary to pay the Senior Indebtedness in  full,
and  the  Company may be unable to meet its obligations  in  full
with respect to the New Notes.

     E.   Certain Covenants

                The  New  Indenture  will contain  the  following
covenants, among others:

               Limitation on Indebtedness.  The Company will not,
and  will  not  permit  any  of its Subsidiaries  to,  Incur  any
Indebtedness (including any Acquired Indebtedness, but  excluding
Permitted  Indebtedness) unless, at the time  of  the  Incurrence
thereof and after giving effect thereto on a pro forma basis, the
Company's Consolidated Interest Coverage Ratio for the four  full
fiscal  quarters  for  which  financial  information  in  respect
thereof is available immediately preceding such Incurrence, taken
as  one  period  and  calculated  on  the  assumption  that  such
Indebtedness  had been Incurred on the first day  of  such  four-
quarter period and, in the case of Acquired Indebtedness, on  the
assumption  that  the related acquisition (whether  by  means  of
purchase,  merger or otherwise) also had occurred  on  such  date
with the appropriate adjustments with respect to such acquisition
being included in such pro forma calculation, would have exceeded
2.0 to 1.0. (Section 10.8)

                 Limitation  on  Restricted  Payments.   (a)  The
Company will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to,
directly  or indirectly, (i) declare or pay any dividend  on,  or
make  any  other distribution to holders (in their capacities  as
such)  of, any shares of the Company's Capital Stock (other  than
dividends or distributions payable in shares of its Capital Stock
or  in options, warrants or other rights to purchase such Capital
Stock,  but  excluding  dividends  or  distributions  payable  in
Redeemable Capital Stock or in options, warrants or other  rights
to  purchase Redeemable Capital Stock), (ii) purchase, redeem  or
acquire  or retire for value any Capital Stock of the Company  or
any  Subsidiary  or  any options, warrants  or  other  rights  to
acquire  such  Capital Stock (other than any such  Capital  Stock
owed  by a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company), (iii) declare
or  pay any dividend or distribution on any Capital Stock of  any
Subsidiary  to any Person (other than the Company or any  of  its
Wholly  Owned Subsidiaries), (iv) Incur any Indebtedness  of  any
Affiliate   (other  than  with  respect  to  (a)  guarantees   of
Indebtedness of any Wholly Owned Subsidiaries by the  Company  or
by   another  Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary  or  (b)  guarantees   of
Indebtedness  of the Company by any Wholly Owned  Subsidiary,  or
(v) make any Investment (other than any Permitted Investment)  in
any  Person  other than in the Company, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary
of the Company or a Person that becomes a Wholly Owned Subsidiary
of  the Company as a result of such Investment (such payments  or
other actions described in the foregoing clauses (i) through  (v)
are collectively referred to as "Restricted Payments") unless  at
the  time  of and after giving effect to the proposed  Restricted
Payment (the amount of any such Restricted Payment, if other than
cash,  shall  be as determined by the Board of Directors  of  the
Company,  whose determination shall be based on the  Fair  Market
Value  thereof and shall be conclusive), (1) no Default or  Event
of  Default shall have occurred and be continuing or shall  occur
as  a  result  of  such Restricted Payment, (2) the  Consolidated
Interest  Coverage  Ratio of the Company for the  Company's  four
most recently completed fiscal quarters shall be at least 2.0  to
1.0,  and  (3)  the  aggregate amount of all Restricted  Payments
declared  or made after the Issue Date shall not exceed  the  sum
of:   (A) 50% of the aggregate cumulative Consolidated Net Income
of  the Company (which shall be treated as one accounting period)
during  the  period beginning on the last day of the  first  full
fiscal quarter occurring after the Issue Date  and ending on  the
last day of the Company's last fiscal quarter ending prior to the
date  of  the  declaration or making of such proposed  Restricted
Payment (or, if such aggregate cumulative Consolidated Net Income
shall be a loss, minus 100% of such loss), plus (B) the aggregate
net  proceeds, including the Fair Market Value of property  other
than  cash  (as  determined by the Company's Board of  Directors,
whose  determination  shall be conclusive),  received  after  the
Issue  Date by the Company from the issuance or sale (other  than
to  any  of its Subsidiaries) of shares of Capital Stock  of  the
Company  (other  than  Redeemable  Capital  Stock)  or  warrants,
options or rights to purchase such shares of Capital Stock of the
Company  (other  than  Redeemable Capital Stock),  plus  (C)  the
aggregate  net  proceeds,  including the  Fair  Market  Value  of
property other than cash (as determined by the Board of Directors
of the Company, whose determination shall be conclusive) received
after  the Issue Date by the Company (other than from any of  its
Subsidiaries) upon the exercise of options, warrants or rights to
purchase  shares  of  Capital Stock of the  Company  (other  than
Redeemable  Capital Stock), plus (D) the aggregate net  proceeds,
including the Fair Market Value of property other than  cash  (as
determined  by  the  Board of Directors  of  the  Company,  whose
determination shall be conclusive) received after the Issue  Date
by  the  Company  from the issue or sale of  debt  securities  or
Redeemable  Capital  Stock  that  have  been  converted  into  or
exchanged for Capital Stock of the Company (other than Redeemable
Capital Stock), plus the aggregate amount of cash received by the
Company at the time of such conversion or exchange, plus (E)  the
aggregate  net  proceeds,  including the  Fair  Market  Value  of
property other than cash (as determined by the Board of Directors
of the Company, whose determination shall be conclusive) received
after  the  Issue  Date  by the Company  in  disposition  of  any
Investment  (or portion thereof) made after the Issue Date  which
was  a  Restricted Payment.  The foregoing provision will not  be
violated  by  reason  of (i) the payment of any  dividend  within
60  days  after  the  date of declaration  thereof,  if  at  such
declaration  date  such declaration complied with  the  foregoing
provision (in which event such dividend shall be deemed  to  have
been paid on such date of declaration thereof for purposes of the
foregoing  provision), (ii) a Restricted Payment by a  Subsidiary
solely  to  the  Company  or a Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary  of  the
Company, or (iii) the retirement redemption, repurchase or  other
acquisition  of any shares of Capital Stock or Indebtedness  that
is  expressly subordinated in right of payment to the New  Notes,
in  exchange  for  (including any such  exchange  pursuant  to  a
conversion  right or privilege in connection with which  cash  is
paid  in  lieu  of fractional shares or scrip),  or  out  of  the
proceeds  of  the substantially concurrent sale for  cash  (other
than  to a Subsidiary of the Company) of, shares of Capital Stock
(other than Redeemable Capital Stock) of the Company.

                (b)  In computing Consolidated Net Income of  the
Company under the preceding clause (a), (1)  the Company will use
audited  financial statements for the portions  of  the  relevant
period  for  which audited financial statements are available  on
the  date of determination and unaudited financial statements and
other  current financial data based on the books and  records  of
the  Company for the remaining portion of such period and (2) the
Company  will be permitted to rely in good faith on the financial
statements  and other financial data derived from the  books  and
records  of  the  Company  that are  available  on  the  date  of
determination.  If the Company makes a Restricted Payment  which,
at the time of the making of such Restricted Payment would in the
good  faith determination of the Company be permitted  under  the
applicable  provisions of this covenant, such Restricted  Payment
will  be  deemed  to  have  been made  in  compliance  with  such
provisions  notwithstanding any subsequent  adjustments  made  in
good  faith  to  the  Company's  financial  statements  affecting
Consolidated  Net Income of the Company for any period.  (Section

                Limitation on Liens.  The Company will  not,  and
will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, Incur any Lien of any
kind (other than Permitted Liens) upon any property or assets  of
the  Company  or  of any such Subsidiary or with respect  to  any
Indebtedness of any such Subsidiary.  (Section 10.11)

                Purchase  of  New Notes upon Change  of  Control.
Upon  the occurrence of a Change of Control, the Company will  be
obligated  to  make  an offer to purchase (a "Change  of  Control
Offer")  and  will,  subject to the provisions  described  below,
purchase,  on  a  Business Day (the "Change of  Control  Purchase
Date")  that is not earlier than 30 days nor later than  60  days
following  the  occurrence of a Change of Control or  such  later
date  as  may  be  necessary  for  the  Company  to  comply  with
requirements under the 1934 Act, all of the then Outstanding  New
Notes  at a purchase price payable in cash equal to 101%  of  the
principal  amount  of  such New Notes, plus  accrued  and  unpaid
interest  (including  any Defaulted Interest),  if  any,  to  the
Change  of Control Purchase Date (the "Change of Control Purchase
Price");  provided, however, that notwithstanding the  occurrence
of a Change of Control, the Company will not be obligated to make
a  Change of Control Offer in the event that it has exercised its
rights  to  redeem  all  of the New Notes  as  described  in  the
redemption  provisions of the New Indenture (as  described  above
under  "  _  Optional  Redemption")  within  30  days  after  the
occurrence of such Change of Control.

                In  order to effect such Change of Control Offer,
the Company will, not later than the 30th day after the Change of
Control, mail to each holder of New Notes notice of the Change of
Control  Offer, which notice will govern the terms of the  Change
of  Control  Offer  and  shall state,  among  other  things,  the
procedures  that holders of New Notes must follow to  accept  the
Change of Control Offer.

               If a Change of Control Offer is made, there can be
no   assurance  that  the  Company  will  have  available   funds
sufficient to pay the Change of Control Purchase Price for all of
the  New  Notes that might be delivered by holders of  New  Notes
seeking to accept the Change of Control Offer.  The Company shall
not  be  required to make a Change of Control Offer upon a Change
of  Control if a third party makes the Change of Control Offer in
the  manner,  at the times and otherwise in compliance  with  the
requirements applicable to a Change of Control Offer made by  the
Company  and  purchases all New Notes validly  tendered  and  not
withdrawn under such Change of Control Offer.

                The Company will comply with Rule 14e-1 under the
Exchange  Act  and  any  other securities  laws  and  regulations
thereunder   to   the  extent  such  laws  and  regulations   are
applicable, in the event that a Change of Control occurs and  the
Company  is  required to purchase New Notes as  described  above.
The  obligation of the Company to make a Change of Control  Offer
may  deter  a  third  party  from  acquiring  the  Company  in  a
transaction  which  constitutes a  Change  of  Control.  (Section

                The use of the term "all or substantially all" in
New Indenture provisions such as clause (v) of the definition  of
"Change  of Control" and under " _ Merger, Sale of Assets,  Etc."
has  no  clearly  established meaning under New York  law  (which
governs  the New Indenture) and has been the subject  of  limited
judicial interpretation in few jurisdictions.  Accordingly, there
may  be  a  degree  of  uncertainty  in  ascertaining  whether  a
particular  transaction would involve a disposition  of  "all  or
substantially  all" of the assets of a person, which  uncertainty
should be considered by prospective purchasers of the New Notes.

                Limitation on Asset Sales.  The Company will not,
and   will  not  permit  any  of  its  Subsidiaries  to,  in  one
transaction  or a series of related transactions, other  than  in
the  ordinary course of business, convey, sell, transfer,  assign
or  otherwise  dispose  of, directly or indirectly,  any  of  its
property,   businesses  or  assets,  including   by   merger   or
consolidation  and  including  any  sale  or  other  transfer  or
issuance  of any Capital Stock of any Subsidiary of the  Company,
whether  by  the  Company  or  by such  Subsidiary  (any  of  the
foregoing,  an  "Asset  Sale"), unless (a)  the  Company  or  the
applicable Subsidiary receives consideration at the time of  such
Asset  Sale at least equal to the Fair Market Value of the assets
sold or otherwise disposed of (as determined in good faith by the
Board  of  Directors  of the Company, as  evidenced  by  a  Board
Resolution),  (b)  at least (i) 50% of the first  $5  million  of
consideration received by the Company or the Subsidiary,  as  the
case  may  be,  from  such  Asset  Sale  and  (ii)  75%  of  such
consideration  in excess of $5 million, shall  be  cash  or  Cash
Equivalents and is received at the time of such disposition,  and
(c)  the  Company delivers an Officers' Certificate  to  the  New
Trustee  certifying  that  such  Asset  Sale  complies  with  the
foregoing clauses (a) and (b); provided that (A) subject  to  the
other provisions of the New Indenture, the Company, together with
its Subsidiaries, may make any Asset Sale that is governed by the
covenant  described under " _ Merger, Sale of Assets,  Etc."  and
(B) the first $3 million of Net Cash Proceeds from Asset Sales in
any fiscal year will not be subject to the restrictions set forth
in  the foregoing clauses (a) and (b).  The Net Cash Proceeds  of
any  Asset  Sale shall be applied by the Company or a  Subsidiary
(1) to pay and permanently reduce any Senior Indebtedness, (2) to
reinvest  in  Additional Assets; or  (3) to redeem New  Notes  in
accordance with this covenant.  To the extent that such Net  Cash
Proceeds  are  not  applied as provided  in  clause  (1)  of  the
preceding sentence, the Company or a Subsidiary, as the case  may
be,  may apply the Net Cash Proceeds from such Asset Sale, within
360  days  of  such  Asset Sale, to an investment  in  Additional
Assets so long as the Company or such Subsidiary has notified the
New Trustee in writing within 270 days of such Asset Sale that it
has  determined  to apply the Net Cash Proceeds from  such  Asset
Sale  to  an  Investment  in  such Additional  Assets;  provided,
however, that not more than $15 million of Net Cash Proceeds  may
be  reinvested  in Additional Assets during any rolling  18-month
period.  Any Net Cash Proceeds from any Asset Sale not applied as
provided  in clause (i) or (ii) of the first sentence  of  clause
(b)  above within 360 days of such Asset Sale constitute  "Excess
Proceeds" subject to disposition as provided below.

                When  the  aggregate amount  of  Excess  Proceeds
exceeds  $5 million (the "Asset Sale Trigger Date"), the  Company
shall make an offer (an "Asset Sale Offer") to purchase, from all
holders, an aggregate principal amount of New Notes equal to such
Excess Proceeds, on a Business Day that is not less than 30  days
nor  more  than 60 days thereafter or such later date as  may  be
necessary for the Company to comply with the requirements of  the
1934  Act,  at  a  price payable in cash equal  to  100%  of  the
outstanding principal amount of such New Notes, plus accrued  and
unpaid  interest (including any Defaulted Interest), if  any,  to
the  purchase  date.  To the extent that the aggregate  principal
amount of New Notes tendered pursuant to an offer to purchase  is
less   than  the  Excess  Proceeds,  the  Company  may  use  such
deficiency  for  general corporate purposes.   If  the  aggregate
principal amount of New Notes validly tendered by holders thereof
exceeds  the Excess Proceeds, New Notes to be purchased  will  be
purchased on a pro rata basis.  Upon completion of such offer  to
purchase, the amount of Excess Proceeds shall be reset to zero.

                In  order  to effect such Asset Sale  Offer,  the
Company will, not later than the Asset Sale Trigger Date, mail to
each  holder  of New Notes notice of the Asset Sale Offer,  which
notice  shall  state,  among other things,  the  procedures  that
holders  of  the New Notes must follow to accept the  Asset  Sale

                The Company will comply with Rule 14e-1 under the
Exchange  Act  and  any  other securities  laws  and  regulations
thereunder   to   the  extent  such  laws  and  regulations   are
applicable, in connection with any Asset Sale Offer.

                In the event that, following an Asset Sale Offer,
the  aggregate principal amount of New Notes would be  less  than
$20  million (assuming 100% acceptance of the Asset Sale  Offer),
then the Company will be obligated to redeem all Outstanding  New
Notes.  (Section 10.16)

                Transactions with Affiliates.  The  Company  will
not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, directly  or
indirectly,  enter  into any transaction  or  series  of  related
transactions (including, without limitation, the sale,  purchase,
exchange  or  lease  of assets, property or  services)  with  any
Affiliate  of  the Company (other than a Wholly Owned  Subsidiary
thereof) unless (i) such transaction or series of transactions is
or are on terms that are no less favorable to the Company or such
Subsidiary, as the case may be, than could have been obtained  at
the  time  of  such transaction or transactions in  a  comparable
transaction  in arm's-length dealings with Persons  who  are  not
Affiliates and (ii) with respect to any transaction or series  of
transactions  involving  aggregate  consideration  in  excess  of
$5  million, the Company delivers an officers' certificate to the
New  Trustee  certifying  that  such  transaction  or  series  of
transactions  complies  with  clause  (i)  above  and  that  such
transaction  or series of transactions has received the  approval
of  a  majority of the disinterested directors of  the  Board  of
Directors  of the Company; provided, however, that the  foregoing
restriction   shall  not  apply  to  transactions   pursuant   to
agreements  in effect at or entered into on the Issue  Date  (and
not  otherwise in violation of this New Indenture); provided that
any  renewal  or modification of the terms of any such  agreement
after  the  date  of  this New Indenture shall  comply  with  the
provisions of this covenant.  For purposes of this covenant,  any
transaction or series of related transactions between the Company
or  any of its Subsidiaries and any Affiliate of the Company that
is approved as being on the terms required by clause (i) above by
a  majority  of  the  disinterested directors  of  the  Board  of
Directors  of  the  Company shall be deemed to  be  on  terms  as
favorable  as  those that might be obtained at the time  of  such
transaction or series of transactions in a comparable transaction
in  arm's-length dealings with an unaffiliated third  party,  and
thus  shall be permitted under this covenant.  This covenant will
not  restrict  the  Company  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries  from
(i)  paying  reasonable and customary directors  fees,  executive
compensation  and  severance  amounts,  (ii)  making  loans   and
advances  to officers and employees in respect of travel,  moving
and  entertainment expenses Incurred, or to be Incurred, by  such
officers,   directors  and  employees  or  (iii)  entering   into
guarantees  in  respect of Indebtedness incurred by  officers  or
employees  in  the ordinary course of business  and  payments  in
discharge  thereof in an amount and not to exceed the  excess  of
(x)  $500,000  at  any  time outstanding and  (y)  the  aggregate
amount,  if  any,  paid after the Issue Date in respect  of  such
guarantees.  (Section 10.10)

                Restriction on Issuance of Stock of Subsidiaries.
The  Company will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to issue any
Preferred  Stock  (other than to the Company or  a  Wholly  Owned
Subsidiary of the Company) or permit any Person (other  than  the
Company  or a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company) to  own  or
hold  an  interest in any Preferred Stock of any such Subsidiary,
except  (i) replacements of then outstanding Preferred  Stock  or
(ii) stock splits, stock dividends and similar issuances which do
not  decrease the percentage ownership of the Company or  any  of
its Subsidiaries in such Subsidiary.  (Section 10.13)

                 Limitation   on  Dividends  and  Other   Payment
Restrictions Affecting Subsidiaries.  The Company will  not,  and
will  not permit any Subsidiary to, create or otherwise cause  or
suffer  to  exist  or  become effective  any  consensual  Payment
Restriction  except (i) any Payment Restriction pursuant  to  the
Credit  Agreement or any other agreement in effect at or  entered
into on the Issue Date; (ii) any Payment Restriction with respect
to  a  Subsidiary that is not a Subsidiary of the Company on  the
Issue  Date,  in  existence at the time  such  Person  becomes  a
Subsidiary  of the Company or created on the date  it  becomes  a
Subsidiary;  and  (iii) any Payment Restriction pursuant  to  any
agreement  that  extends,  refinances,  renews  or  replaces  any
agreement  containing any of the restrictions  described  in  the
foregoing  clauses  (i) and (ii); provided  that  the  terms  and
conditions  of  any  such restrictions are  not  materially  less
favorable  to  the holders of the New Notes than those  under  or
pursuant  to  the agreement so extended, refinanced,  renewed  or
replaced.  (Section 10.14)

                Subsidiary  Guarantees.   The  Company  will  not
permit  any of its Subsidiaries to guarantee the payment  of  any
Indebtedness  of  the Company or any Subsidiary  of  the  Company
unless  such  Subsidiary  (i)  is,  or,  concurrently  with  such
guarantee  will  become, a Subsidiary Guarantor  under  this  New
Indenture  in  the  manner set forth in  the  New  Indenture  and
(ii)  the Company shall concurrently comply with the requirements
set forth in the New Indenture.  (Section 10.18)

                  Limitation   on   Other   Senior   Subordinated
Indebtedness.  The Company will not Incur any Indebtedness (other
than  the  New Notes) that is subordinate in right of payment  to
any  Senior  Indebtedness unless such Indebtedness is  also  pari
passu  with or  subordinate in right of payment to the New Notes,
pursuant  to  subordination provisions substantially  similar  to
those described under " _ Subordination" above. (Section 10.12)

               SEC Reports.  Notwithstanding that the Company may
not  be  required to remain subject to the reporting requirements
of  Section  13  or  15(d) of the Exchange  Act,  to  the  extent
permitted by the Exchange Act, the Company will file with the SEC
and, in any event, will provide, within 15 days after the Company
is  (or would be) required to file the same with the SEC, the New
Trustee  and holders and prospective holders (upon request)  with
the  annual  reports  and the information,  documents  and  other
reports  which  are specified in Sections 13  and  15(d)  of  the
Exchange Act.  In the event that the Company is not permitted  to
file  such reports, documents and information with the  SEC,  the
Company will provide substantially similar information to the New
Trustee, the holders and prospective holders (upon request) as if
the Company were subject to the reporting requirements of Section
13  or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.  The Company will be deemed  to
have  satisfied such requirements if Holding files  and  provides
reports,  documents  and information of the  types  otherwise  so
required,  in  each case within the applicable time periods,  and
the  Company is not required to file such reports, documents  and
information separately under applicable rules and regulations  of
the SEC (after giving effect to any exemptive relief) because  of
the  filings by Holding.  The Company also will comply  with  the
other  provisions  of Section 314(a) of the Trust  New  Indenture
Act.  (Section 10.4)

     F.   Merger, Sale of Assets, Etc.

                The  New Indenture provides that the Company will
not,  in  any  transaction or series of transactions, consolidate
with  or  merge  with or into any other person, or sell,  assign,
convey,   transfer,  lease  or  otherwise  dispose  of   all   or
substantially  all of its properties and assets substantially  as
an  entirety to any person or group of affiliated persons, unless
at  the  time and after giving effect thereto (i) either (A)  the
Company shall be the continuing or surviving corporation  or  (B)
the   person  (if  other  than  the  Company)  formed   by   such
consolidation  or  merger  or  to which  such  sale,  assignment,
transfer, lease, conveyance or other disposition shall have  been
made,  (any such surviving person or transferee person being  the
"Surviving Entity") shall be a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of the United States of America, any state thereof
or  the District of Columbia and shall, in either case, expressly
assume by a supplemental New Indenture executed and delivered  to
the New Trustee, in form satisfactory to the New Trustee, all the
obligation  of  the  Company under the  New  Notes  and  the  New
Indenture;  (ii) immediately before and immediately after  giving
effect to such transaction, no Default or Event of Default  shall
exist;  (iii) immediately after giving effect to such transaction
on  a  pro forma basis, the Consolidated Net Worth of the Company
(or  the  Surviving Entity if the Company is not  the  continuing
obligor  under  the New Indenture) shall be equal to  or  greater
than   the   Consolidated  Net  Worth  (immediately   after   the
transaction  but  prior  to any purchase  accounting  adjustments
resulting from the transaction) of the Company immediately  prior
to such transaction; (iv) immediately after giving effect to such
transaction  on  a  pro  forma basis, the  Consolidated  Interest
Coverage  Ratio of the Company (or the Surviving  Entity  if  the
Company  is  not the continuing obligor under this New Indenture)
for the Company's (or the Surviving Entity's, as the case may be)
four most recently completed full fiscal quarters is at least 2.0
to  1.0; and (v) the Company shall deliver to the New Trustee, in
form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the New Trustee, an
officer's  certificate  and an opinion of counsel,  each  stating
that  such  consolidation, merger or sale, assignment,  transfer,
lease,  conveyance  or  other disposition, and  the  supplemental
indenture,  if  required,  in respect  thereof  comply  with  the
requirements  under  the New Indenture; provided  that  a  Wholly
Owned Subsidiary may consolidate with, or merge with or into,  or
convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of its  assets
to the Company or another Wholly Owned Subsidiary.  (Section 8.1)

                Upon  any  consolidation or merger or  any  sale,
assignment, transfer, lease or conveyance or other disposition of
all  or  substantially  all  of the  assets  of  the  Company  in
accordance  with the foregoing, in which the Company is  not  the
continuing corporation, the successor corporation formed by  such
a  consolidation or into which the Company is merged or to  which
such  transfer is made, shall succeed to, and be substituted for,
and  may exercise every right and power of, the Company under the
New   Indenture  with  the  same  effect  as  if  such  successor
corporation had been named as the Company therein.  (Section 8.2)

     G.   Events of Default

                The  following will be "Events of Default"  under
the New Indenture:

                (a)   the  Company  defaults in  the  payment  of
interest  on  any New Note when the same becomes due and  payable
and  such  default continues for a period of 30 days, whether  or
not  such  payment  shall  be  prohibited  by  the  subordination
provisions of the New Indenture; or

                (b)   the Company defaults in the payment of  the
principal  of  (or  premium, if any, on)  any  New  Note  at  its
Maturity, whether or not such payment shall be prohibited by  the
subordination provisions of the New Indenture; or

                (c)  the Company defaults in the performance  of,
or  breaches, any covenant or warranty of the Company  under  the
New  Indenture (other than a default specified in clause  (a)  or
(b)  above or clause (g) below), and continuance of such  default
or  breach  for  a  period  of 30 days  after  a  written  notice
specifying such default or breach and stating that such notice is
a  "Notice of Default" under the New Indenture has been given, by
registered  or  certified mail, to (x) the  Company  by  the  New
Trustee  or (y) to the Company and the New Trustee by the holders
of at least 25% in principal amount of the Outstanding New Notes;

                (d)   an  event  of  default as  defined  in  any
mortgage,  bond, indenture, loan agreement or other  evidence  of
Indebtedness under which the Company or any Subsidiary  then  has
outstanding  Indebtedness  in  excess  of  $5  million   in   the
aggregate,  shall  occur and such default  (i)  is  caused  by  a
failure  to  pay principal of or premium, if any, or interest  on
such Indebtedness within the applicable grace period, if any,  of
such  Indebtedness or (ii) results in such Indebtedness  becoming
or  being declared due and payable prior to the date on which  it
would otherwise become due and payable (if not already matured at
its final maturity in accordance with its terms); or

                (e)   final  judgments  or  orders  are  rendered
against  the  Company,  the Guarantor  or  any  Subsidiary  which
require  the  payment  in money, either  individually  or  in  an
aggregate amount, that is more than $5 million and such  judgment
or  order  shall  not have been discharged or fully  bonded,  and
there shall have been a period of 60 days after the date on which
any  period  for appeal has expired and during which  a  stay  of
enforcement  of such judgment, order or decree shall  not  be  in
effect; or

                (f)  certain events of bankruptcy, insolvency  or
reorganization  with  respect to the Company  or  any  Subsidiary
shall have occurred; or

               (g)  a default in the performance or breach of any
of the provisions of the New Indenture relating to consolidation,
merger, conveyance, transfer or lease.

                If  an  Event of Default (other than an Event  of
Default  specified in clause (f) above) occurs and is continuing,
the  New  Trustee or the holders of at least 25% of the principal
amount  of  the New Notes then Outstanding, by written notice  to
the  Company (and to the New Trustee if such notice is  given  by
the  holders),  may, and the New Trustee at the request  of  such
holders shall, declare all unpaid principal of, premium, if  any,
and  accrued interest on all the New Notes to be due and  payable
immediately,  and  upon  any  such  declaration  such  principal,
premium  and  accrued interest shall become immediately  due  and
payable.   If an Event of Default specified in clause  (f)  above
occurs and is continuing, then the principal of, premium, if any,
on  and  accrued  and  unpaid interest, if any,  on  all  of  the
Outstanding New Notes and all other amounts owing under  the  New
Indenture  shall  ipso facto become and be  immediately  due  and
payable without any declaration or other act on the part  of  the
New Trustee or any holder. (Section 5.2)

                At  any  time after a declaration of acceleration
has been made, but before a judgment or decree for payment of the
money due has been obtained by the New Trustee, the holders of  a
majority  in  aggregate principal amount of the  Outstanding  New
Notes, by written notice to the Company and the New Trustee,  may
rescind  and  annul  such  declaration and  its  consequences  if
(a)  the Company has paid or deposited with the New Trustee a sum
sufficient  to  pay  (i) all sums paid or  advanced  by  the  New
Trustee under this New Indenture and the reasonable compensation,
expenses,  disbursements and advances of  the  New  Trustee,  its
agents  and counsel, (ii) all overdue interest on all New  Notes,
(iii)  all  unpaid  principal of and  premium,  if  any,  on  any
Outstanding  New  Notes which have become due otherwise  than  by
such  declaration  of acceleration and interest  thereon  at  the
Default  Rate,  and  (iv)  to the extent  that  payment  of  such
interest  is lawful, interest upon overdue interest at  the  rate
provided in the New Notes; (b) all Events of Default, other  than
the  non-payment of principal of the New Notes which have  become
due solely by the declaration of acceleration, have been cured or
waived;  and  (c)  the  rescission would not  conflict  with  any
judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction. (Section

                Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph,  in  the
event  a declaration of acceleration in respect of the New  Notes
because  of  an  Event of Default specified in clause  (d)  above
shall  have  occurred  and  be continuing,  such  declaration  of
acceleration  shall be automatically annulled if the Indebtedness
that  is the subject of such Event of Default has been discharged
or  the  holders  thereof  have rescinded  their  declaration  of
acceleration in respect of such Indebtedness, and written  notice
of  such discharge or rescission, as the case may be, shall  have
been given to the New Trustee by the Company and countersigned by
the holders of such Indebtedness or a trustee, fiduciary or agent
for  such  holders,  within  30 days after  such  declaration  of
acceleration in respect of the New Notes, and no other  Event  of
Default  shall have occurred during such 30-day period which  has
not been cured or waived during such period.

                The  holders  of  not less  than  a  majority  in
principal  amount of the Outstanding New Notes may on  behalf  of
the  holders of all the New Notes waive any past Default or Event
of Default under the New Indenture and its consequences, except a
Default  or  Event of Default in respect of the  payment  of  the
principal of, premium, if any, or interest on any New Note at its
maturity,  or in respect of a covenant or provision  which  under
the  New  Indenture  cannot be modified or  amended  without  the
consent  of  the  holder of each Outstanding  New  Note  affected
thereby. (Section 5.13)

               No holder of any of the New Notes has any right to
institute any proceeding with respect to the New Indenture or any
remedy under the New Indenture, unless such holder has previously
given written notice to the New Trustee of a continuing Event  of
Default, the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount  of
the  Outstanding New Notes have made written request, and offered
reasonable  indemnity,  to  the New  Trustee  to  institute  such
proceeding  and the New Trustee, within 60 days after receipt  of
such notice, has failed to institute any such proceeding and  has
not received directions inconsistent with such written request by
holders  of  a  majority  in aggregate principal  amount  of  the
Outstanding   New   Notes  during  such  60-day   period.    Such
limitations  do  not apply, however, to a suit  instituted  by  a
holder  of a New Note for the enforcement of the payment  of  the
principal of, premium, if any, or interest on, such New  Note  on
or  after  the respective due dates expressed in such  New  Note.
(Sections 5.7 and 5.8)

                Subject  to  the provisions of the New  Indenture
relating  to  the duties of the New Trustee, whether  or  not  an
Event  of Default shall occur and be continuing, the New  Trustee
under  the New Indenture is not under any obligation to  exercise
any  of  its  rights  or powers under the New  Indenture  at  the
request  or  direction of any of the holders of  the  New  Notes,
unless  such  holders  shall  have offered  to  the  New  Trustee
reasonable  security or indemnity.  Subject to certain provisions
concerning  the  rights  of the New Trustee,  the  holders  of  a
majority  in principal amount of the outstanding New  Notes  have
the  right to direct the time, method and place of conducting any
proceeding  for  any  remedy available to  the  New  Trustee,  or
exercising any trust or power conferred on the New Trustee  under
the New Indenture. (Sections 6.2 and 5.12)

               Within 30 days after the occurrence of any Default
that  is known to the New Trustee, the New Trustee shall transmit
by  mail  to all holders, as their names and addresses appear  in
the  security  register,  notice of  such  Default,  unless  such
Default shall have been cured or waived; provided, however, that,
except  in  the case of a default in the payment of the principal
of  (or  premium, if any) or interest on any New Notes,  the  New
Trustee shall be protected in withholding such notice if  and  so
long  as  the  board of directors, the executive committee  or  a
trust  committee of directors and/or responsible officers of  the
New Trustee in good faith determines that the withholding of such
notice is in the interest of the holders.
     (Section 6.1)

                The  Company is required to furnish  to  the  New
Trustee  an annual statement as to the performance by the Company
of  its obligations under the New Indenture and as to any default
in  such performance.  The Company is also required to deliver to
the  New Trustee as soon as possible following an officer of  the
Company  becoming  aware of a Default or  Event  of  Default,  an
officers' certificate specifying such Default or Event of Default
and  what  action the Company is taking or proposes to take  with
respect thereto. (Section 10.17)

      H.  Defeasance or Covenant Defeasance of New Indenture

                The  Company may, at its option by resolution  of
its Board of Directors, at any time, terminate the obligations of
the Company and any Guarantor with respect to all outstanding New
Notes (hereinafter "defeasance"), on the date the conditions  set
forth in the next paragraph are satisfied.  Such defeasance means
that the Company shall be deemed to have paid and discharged  the
entire indebtedness represented by the Outstanding New Notes, and
to  have  satisfied all its obligations under such New Notes  and
the  New  Indenture, except for the following which will  survive
until otherwise terminated or discharged under the New Indenture:
(i)  the  rights of holders of Outstanding New Notes  to  receive
payment  in  respect of the principal of, premium,  if  any,  and
interest  on such New Notes when such payments are due, (ii)  the
Company's obligations to issue temporary New Notes, register  the
transfer  or  exchange  of  any  New  Notes,  replace  mutilated,
destroyed, lost or stolen New Notes, maintain an office or agency
for  receipt  of  payments in respect of the New Notes,  and  the
Company's obligation to segregate and hold in trust money for the
payment  of  principal, premium, if any or  interest,  (iii)  the
rights, powers, trusts, duties and immunities of the New Trustee,
and (iv) the defeasance provisions of the New Indenture.  In addi
tion,  the Company may, at its option and at any time,  elect  to
terminate its obligations with respect to certain covenants  that
are  set  forth in the New Indenture, some of which are described
under  "  _ Certain Covenants" above, on and after the  date  the
conditions set forth in the next paragraph are satisfied and  any
subsequent  failure  to  comply with such obligations  shall  not
constitute a Default or an Event of Default with respect  to  the
New  Notes  (hereinafter, "covenant defeasance").  Such  covenant
defeasance means that, with respect to the Outstanding New Notes,
the  Company and any Guarantor may omit to comply with and  shall
have no liability in respect of any term, condition or limitation
set  forth  in any such covenant, whether directly or indirectly,
by  reason  of  any reference in the New Indenture  to  any  such
covenant  or  by reason of any reference in any such covenant  to
any other provision in the New Indenture or in any other document
and  such  omission  to comply shall not constitute  Defaults  or
Events  of Defaults under paragraphs (c) or (f) of " _ Events  of
Default" above, but, except as specified above, the remainder  of
the  New  Indenture  and  the  New  Notes  shall  be  unaffected.
(Sections 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3)

               In order to exercise either defeasance or covenant
defeasance, (i) the Company shall irrevocably deposit or cause to
be  deposited with the New Trustee, as trust funds in  trust  for
the  benefit  of  the holders of the New Notes,  cash  in  United
States  dollars, U.S. Government Obligations (as defined  in  the
New Indenture), or a combination thereof, in such amounts as will
be  sufficient, in the opinion of a nationally recognized firm of
independent   public  accountants,  to  pay  and  discharge   the
principal  of,  premium, if any, and interest on the  outstanding
New  Notes  to  redemption or maturity (except  lost,  stolen  or
destroyed New Notes which have been replaced or repaid) (provided
that  before such a deposit, the Company may give the New Trustee
a  notice  of  its election to redeem all of the Outstanding  New
Notes  at  a  future  date  in  accordance  with  the  redemption
provisions   of  the  New  Indenture,  which  notice   shall   be
irrevocable), (ii) the Company shall have delivered  to  the  New
Trustee  an opinion of counsel to the effect that (x) the Company
has  received from, or there has been published by, the  Internal
Revenue  Service  a  ruling or (y) since  the  date  of  the  New
Indenture  there  has  been a change in  the  applicable  federal
income  tax  law,  in either case to the effect that,  and  based
thereon  such  opinion  shall confirm that  the  holders  of  the
outstanding New Notes will not recognize income, gain or loss for
federal  income  tax purposes as a result of such  defeasance  or
covenant defeasance and will be subject to federal income tax  on
the  same  amounts, in the same manner and at the same  times  as
would   have  been  the  case  if  such  defeasance  or  covenant
defeasance had not occurred, (iii) no Default or Event of Default
shall  have  occurred  and be continuing  on  the  date  of  such
deposit,  (iv) such defeasance or covenant defeasance  shall  not
result  in  a  breach  or violation of, or constitute  a  default
under,  the New Indenture or any material agreement or instrument
to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound,
(v)  the  Company  shall have delivered to  the  New  Trustee  an
opinion of counsel to the effect that (x) the irrevocable deposit
of  the  trust funds with the New Trustee, as described in clause
(i)  above,  will  not constitute a transfer of property  of  the
Company or such other depositor voidable as a fraudulent transfer
or  conveyance  under Sections 544(b) and 548 of  the  Bankruptcy
Code,  or any successor to such Sections, or under Sections  273,
274,  275 and 276 of the New York Debtor and Creditor Law or  any
successor  to such Sections; (y) the irrevocable deposit  of  the
trust  funds  with the New Trustee, as described  in  clause  (i)
above,  will not constitute a transfer of property of the Company
or  such  other depositor voidable as a preference under  Section
547 of the Bankruptcy Code, or any successor to such Section,  in
the  event  that after the passage of a period 93 days  following
such deposit a voluntary or involuntary case under the Bankruptcy
Code  is  commenced  by  or against the  Company  or  such  other
depositor;  and (z) for so long as the trust funds  are  held  in
trust  by the New Trustee, as described in clause (i) above,  for
the  benefit  of  the  holders,  the  trust  funds  will  not  be
considered  assets of the Company or such other  depositor  which
may be used to satisfy claims of creditors of the Company or such
other depositor in the event that a voluntary or involuntary case
under  the Bankruptcy Code is commenced by or against the Company
or  such other depositor after the passage of a period of 93 days
following  the irrevocable deposit by the Company or  such  other
depositor  of  the  trust funds with the New  Trustee,  (vi)  the
Company  shall  have  delivered to the New Trustee  an  officers'
certificate  and  an opinion of counsel, each  stating  that  all
conditions precedent under the New Indenture to either defeasance
or  covenant  defeasance, as the case may be, have been  complied
with  and (vii) if the Credit Agreement is in effect, the Company
shall  have delivered to the New Trustee any required consent  of
the  lenders  under  the Credit Agreement to such  defeasance  or
covenant defeasance, as the case may be.  (Section 13.4)

     I.   Satisfaction and Discharge

                The  New  Indenture will be discharged  and  will
cease  to be of further effect (except as to surviving rights  of
registration  of  transfer  or exchange  of  the  New  Notes,  as
expressly  provided for in the New Indenture) as to all  outstand
ing  New  Notes when (i) either (a) all the New Notes theretofore
authenticated and delivered (except (x) lost, stolen or destroyed
New  Notes which have been replaced or paid and (y) New Notes for
which  payment money has theretofore been deposited in  trust  or
segregated and held in trust by the Company and thereafter repaid
to the Company or discharged from such trust) have been delivered
to  the  New  Trustee for cancellation or (b) all New  Notes  not
theretofore delivered (except lost, stolen or destroyed New Notes
which  have  been  replaced or repaid) to  the  New  Trustee  for
cancellation (x) have become due and payable or (y)  will  become
due  and payable at their Stated Maturity within one year or  (z)
are   to   be  called  for  redemption  within  one  year   under
arrangements  satisfactory to the New Trustee for the  giving  of
notice  of redemption by the New Trustee in the name, and at  the
expense of the Company, and the Company has, in the case of  (x),
(y)  or (z), irrevocably deposited or caused to be deposited with
the New Trustee as trust funds in trust for the purpose an amount
sufficient to pay and discharge the entire Indebtedness  on  such
New  Notes (except lost, stolen or destroyed New Notes which have
been  replaced or repaid) not theretofore delivered  to  the  New
Trustee for cancellation, for principal of, premium, if any,  and
interest  on  the New Notes to the date of deposit together  with
irrevocable  instructions  from the  Company  directing  the  New
Trustee to apply such funds to the payment thereof at maturity or
redemption,  as the case may be, (ii) the Company  has  paid  all
other  sums  payable under the New Indenture by the Company,  and
(iii)  the  Company has delivered to the New Trustee an officers'
certificate and an opinion of counsel stating that all conditions
precedent  under  the New Indenture relating to the  satisfaction
and  discharge  of  the New Indenture have  been  complied  with.
(Section 4.1)

     J.   Amendments and Waivers

                The  Company, when authorized by a resolution  of
its Board of Directors, and the New Trustee, at any time and from
time  to  time,  may, without the consent of the holders  of  any
Outstanding  New  Notes,  enter  into  one  or  more   indentures
supplemental to the New Indenture for certain specified purposes,
including, among other things, (i) curing ambiguities, defects or
inconsistencies,    (ii)   qualifying,   or    maintaining    the
qualification of, the New Indenture under the Trust Indenture Act
of  1939,  (iii)  adding  any Subsidiary  of  the  Company  as  a
Guarantor or (iv) making any other change that does not adversely
affect   the   rights  of  any  holder.   Other  amendments   and
modifications of the New Indenture for the purpose of adding  any
provisions to or changing in any manner or eliminating any of the
provisions of the New Indenture or of waiving or modifying in any
manner  the rights of the holders under the New Indenture may  be
made by the Company, when authorized by a resolution of its Board
of Directors, and the New Trustee with the consent of the holders
of  not less than a majority of the aggregate principal amount of
the  Outstanding  New  Notes; provided,  however,  that  no  such
supplemental  indenture,  amendment or waiver  may,  without  the
consent  of  the  holder of each Outstanding  New  Note  affected
thereby, (i) change the stated maturity of the principal  of,  or
any  installment  of  interest on, any New  Note  or  reduce  the
principal amount thereof or the rate of interest thereon  or  any
premium  payable upon the redemption thereof, or change the  coin
or currency in which the principal of any New Note or any premium
or  the  interest  thereon is payable, or  impair  the  right  to
institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment after  the
stated  maturity  thereof (or, in the case of redemption,  on  or
after  the  redemption  date) or modify  the  obligation  of  the
Company  to  purchase New Notes upon a Change  of  Control;  (ii)
reduce the percentage in principal amount of the Outstanding  New
Notes,  the  consent of whose holders is required  for  any  such
supplemental  indenture  or  the  consent  of  whose  holders  is
required for any waiver of compliance with certain provisions  of
the New Indenture or certain defaults under the New Indenture and
their  consequences  provided for in  the  New  Indenture;  (iii)
modify  any  of  the  provisions of the  New  Indenture  sections
relating  to  (x)  supplemental indentures with  the  consent  of
holders,  (y) the waiver of past defaults, or (z) the  waiver  of
certain covenants, except to increase any such percentage  or  to
provide that certain other provisions of the New Indenture cannot
be  modified or waived without the consent of the holder of  each
New  Note  affected thereby; or (iv) modify any of the provisions
of  the  New Indenture with respect to subordination in a  manner
adverse to the holders of the New Notes.  (Sections 9.1 and 9.2)

     K.   Governing Law

               The New Indenture, the New Notes and any Guarantee
will  be  governed by the laws of the State of New York,  without
regard to the principles of conflicts of law.  (Section 1.13)

     L.   The New Trustee

                Fleet Bank will be the New Trustee under the  New

     M.   Certain Definitions

                "Acquired Indebtedness" means Indebtedness  of  a
Person  (i) existing at the time such Person becomes a Subsidiary
of  any  other  Person (or is merged with any  other  Person)  or
(ii) assumed in connection with the acquisition of assets from  a
Person,  other than Indebtedness Incurred in connection with,  or
in  contemplation of, such Person becoming a Subsidiary  of  such
other Person or such merger or acquisition, as the case may be.

                "Affiliate" means, with respect to any  specified
Person,  (i)  any other Person directly or indirectly controlling
or  controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with
such  specified Person, (ii) any spouse, immediate family  member
or  other  relative who has the same principal residence  of  any
Person described in (i) above, (iii) any trust in which any  such
Person  described in clause or (i) or (ii) above has a beneficial
interest  and  (iv)  any  corporation of which  any  such  Person
described  in  clause (i), (ii) or (iii) above collectively  owns
more than 50% of the equity of such entity.  For purposes of this
definition,  "beneficial ownership" (as  defined  in  Rule  13d-3
under the Exchange Act) of 10% or more of the Voting Stock  of  a
Person shall be deemed to be control of such Person.

               "Average Life to Stated Maturity" means, as of the
date  of  determination, with respect to  any  Indebtedness,  the
quotient  obtained  by dividing (i) the sum of  the  products  of
(a)  the  number of years from the date of determination  to  the
date  or dates of each successive scheduled principal payment  of
such  Indebtedness  multiplied by (b) the  amount  of  each  such
principal payment by (ii) the sum of all such principal payments.

                "AWG" means Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc., a
Missouri corporation.

                "AWG Equity" means all equity, deposits, credits,
sums  and indebtedness of any kind or description whatsoever,  at
any  time  owed by AWG to the Company or at any time standing  in
the  name of or to the credit of the Company on the books  and/or
records  of  AWG, including, without limitation,  AWG  Membership
Stock,    members'   deposit   certificates,   patronage   refund
certificates,  members'  savings, direct  patronage  or  year-end
patronage,  concentrated purchase allowance,  quarterly  payments
and  any other amounts due from AWG to the Company under the  AWG
Supply Agreement.

                "AWG First Offer Rights" means (i) AWG's right of
first  offer with respect to the stores owned or operated by  the
Company  listed  on  Exhibit B to the AWG  Supply  Agreement  and
(ii)  any public recordation of such first offer rights, provided
that any such public recordation shall be terminable from time to
time as set forth in Section 7(f) of the AWG Supply Agreement.

               "AWG Liens" means (i) Liens on AWG Equity owned or
hereafter  acquired  by  the  Company  to  secure  the  Company's
obligations  to AWG under the AWG Supply Agreement  and  the  AWG
Membership  Documents,  (ii) Liens  consisting  of  the  AWG  Use
Restrictions  and (iii) Liens consisting of the AWG  First  Offer

                 "AWG   Membership  Documents"  means   (i)   the
Application for Membership by Homeland Stores, Inc., between  the
Company  and AWG and (ii) the Stock Power of Attorney granted  to
AWG by the Company with respect to the AWG Membership Stock owned
by the Company.

                "AWG  Membership Stock" means the Class A  Common
Stock, par value $100 per share, of AWG.

               "AWG Supply Agreement" means the Supply Agreement,
dated as of April 21, 1995, between the Company and AWG, as  such
agreement  may be amended, amended and restated, supplemented  or
otherwise modified from time to time.

                "AWG  Use  Restrictions" means (i) the  Company's
agreement  under  Sections  7(g)  and  8(b)  of  the  AWG  Supply
Agreement  to  dedicate (to the extent of  its  interest  therein
(including  leasehold interests)) certain real property  and  the
improvements  thereon to the exclusive use of  a  retail  grocery
facility  (including all activities which from time to  time  are
commonly  associated  with the operation of a  grocery  facility)
which  is  owned  by a retail member of AWG and (ii)  any  public
recordation  of  such agreement, provided that  any  such  public
recordation shall be terminable from time to time as set forth in
Section 8(b) of the Supply Agreement.

               "Capital Lease Obligation" of any Person means any
obligations of such Person and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated
basis  under any capital lease that, in accordance with GAAP,  is
required  to  be recorded as a capitalized lease obligation;  and
for purposes of the New Indenture, the amount of such obligations
at any date shall be the capitalized amount thereof at such date,
determined in accordance with GAAP.

                "Capital Stock" of any Person means any  and  all
shares,  interests, participations, or other equivalents (however
designated)  of  such  Person's  capital  stock  (including   any
Preferred  Stock)  whether now outstanding or  issued  after  the
Issue Date.

                "Cash  Equivalents" means (i)  securities  issued
directly  or  fully  guaranteed or insured by the  United  States
government  or  any  agency  or  instrumentality  thereof  having
maturities  of  not  more  than  six  months  from  the  date  of
acquisition,  (ii)  certificates of deposit and  Eurodollar  time
deposits with maturities of six months or less from the  date  of
acquisition,  bankers' acceptances with maturities not  exceeding
six  months  and overnight bank deposits, in each case  with  any
domestic commercial bank having capital and surplus in excess  of
$500  million and a Thomson Watch Rating of "B" or better,  (iii)
repurchase obligations and reverse repurchase obligations of  the
types  described in clauses (i) and (ii) entered  into  with  any
financial  institution  meeting the qualifications  specified  in
clause  (ii) above, in each case maturing within six months  from
the  date  of  acquisition and (iv) commercial paper  having  the
highest rating obtainable from Moody's Investors Service, Inc. or
Standard  &  Poor's Corporation and in each case maturing  within
six months after the date of acquisition.

_                a  "person"  or "group" (within the  meaning  of
Sections  13(d)  and 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act)  (other  than  any
Permitted  Holders)  is  or becomes the  "beneficial  owner"  (as
defined  in  Rule  13d-3  under the 1934  Act;  provided  that  a
"person"  or  "group" shall be deemed to be a "beneficial  owner"
for  purposes  of  this definition even if its right  to  acquire
beneficial  ownership  of  Voting Stock  arises  after  a  60-day
period)  of  more  than fifty percent (50%) of the  total  voting
power  of  the  then outstanding Voting Stock of the  Company  or
Holding;  (ii)  any "person" or "group" (within  the  meaning  of
Sections  13(d)  and 14(d)(2) of the 1934 Act)  (other  than  any
Permitted Holders) has the ability to designate a majority of the
Board  of Directors of the Company or Holding; (iii) the  Company
or   Holding  liquidates  or  dissolves  or  adopts  a  plan   of
liquidation;  (iv)  Holding  shall  cease  to  own  and  control,
beneficially  and  of record, 100% of the Capital  Stock  of  the
Company; (v) the Company or Holding sells, assigns, transfers  or
otherwise disposes of all or substantially all of its assets,  in
one  transaction  or  a  series of related transactions,  to  any
Person other than a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company;  (vi)
during  any 24 month period, individuals who at the beginning  of
such period constituted the Board of Directors of the Company  or
Holding  (together with any new directors whose election by  such
Board or whose nomination for election by the stockholders of the
Company  or Holding was approved by a vote of a majority  of  the
directors then still in office who were either directors  at  the
beginning  of  such  period or whose election or  nomination  for
election  was  previously so approved) ceases for any  reason  to
constitute a majority of the Board of Directors of the Company or
Holding then in office; provided, however, that this clause  (vi)
shall  not  be  applicable  if the continuing  directors  do  not
constitute at least a majority of the Board of Directors  of  the
Company  or Holding, as the case may be, as a result of directors
nominated by any Permitted Holder constituting a majority of  the
Board  of  Directors  of the Company or Holding);  or  (vii)  the
Company  or  Holding  consolidates with or merges  with  or  into
another Person pursuant to a transaction in which the outstanding
Voting  Stock  of  the  Company or Holding  is  changed  into  or
exchanged  for  cash,  Cash  Equivalents,  securities  or   other
property,  other than any transaction in which (a) no  Redeemable
Capital  Stock is issued and (b) holders of Voting Stock  of  the
Company or Holding, as the case may be, immediately prior to such
transaction  "beneficially own" (as defined in Rule  13d-3  under
the  1934  Act)  not  less than 70% of the Voting  Stock  of  the
surviving corporation of such merger or consolidation outstanding
immediately after such transaction.

                 "Consolidated   Depreciation  and   Amortization
Expense"  means, with respect to any Person for  any  period  for
which  the  determination thereof is to be  made,  the  aggregate
depreciation   and   amortization  expense  (including,   without
limitation,  amortization of goodwill,  other  intangibles,  debt
discount  and debt issue costs) reducing Consolidated Net  Income
of  such  Person and its Subsidiaries for such period, determined
on a consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP.

                "Consolidated EBITDA" means, with respect to  any
Person for any period for which the determination thereof  is  to
be  made,  the sum (without duplication) for such period  of  (i)
Consolidated  Net  Income  plus,  to  the  extent   deducted   in
determining  Consolidated Net Income, each of  (ii)  Consolidated
Income   Tax   Expense,  (iii)  Consolidated   Depreciation   and
Amortization  Expense,  (iv)  Consolidated  Fixed  Charges,   (v)
Consolidated  Post  Retirement Benefits Other Than  Pensions  and
(vi) non-cash extraordinary charges under GAAP.

                "Consolidated Fixed Charges" means, with  respect
to  any Person for any period for which the determination thereof
is to be made, the sum (without duplication) of (i) the aggregate
amount  of  interest,  whether  expensed  or  capitalized,  paid,
accrued  or  scheduled to be paid or accrued during  such  period
(including, without limitation, any non-cash interest payments or
accruals, the interest portion of Capital Lease Obligations,  all
amortization of original issue discount, net cash costs  pursuant
to  Interest Swap Obligations and Currency Agreements  (including
amortization of fees) and the interest component of any  deferred
payment   obligation)  of  such  Person  and  its   Subsidiaries,
determined on a consolidated basis in accordance with  GAAP,  and
(ii)  dividends required to be made in respect of Preferred Stock
and Redeemable Capital Stock.

                "Consolidated  Income Tax  Expense"  means,  with
respect  to any Person for any period for which the determination
thereof is to be made, the aggregate of the income tax expense of
such Person and its Subsidiaries, for such period, determined  on
a consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP.

                 "Consolidated  Interest  Coverage  Ratio"   with
respect to any period for which the determination thereof  is  to
be  made  means  the ratio of (i) the aggregate  of  Consolidated
EBITDA  for  such  period  (taken as one  accounting  period)  to
(ii)  the aggregate of Consolidated Fixed Charges; provided  that
(x)  in  making such computation, the Consolidated Fixed  Charges
attributable to interest on any Indebtedness computed  on  a  pro
forma  basis  and (A) bearing a floating interest rate  shall  be
computed as if the rate in effect on the date of computation  had
been  the  applicable rate for the entire period and (B) bearing,
at the option of the obligor thereon, a fixed or floating rate of
interest,  shall be computed by applying, at the  option  of  the
Company, either the fixed or floating rate and (y) there shall be
excluded from the determination of Consolidated Fixed Charges any
dividends  required to be made in respect of Preferred  Stock  or
Redeemable  Capital Stock of the Company or  of  a  Wholly  Owned
Subsidiary of the Company for the applicable period.

                "Consolidated Net Income" means, with respect  to
any Person for any period for which the determination thereof  is
to  be made, the consolidated net income (or loss) of such Person
and  its Subsidiaries for such period as determined in accordance
with  GAAP, adjusted, to the extent included in calculating  such
net   income  (or  loss),  by  excluding  (i)  the  non-recurring
cumulative effect of accounting changes, (ii) the portion of  net
income (or loss) of such Person and its Subsidiaries allocable to
minority  interests in unconsolidated Persons to the extent  that
cash  dividends or distributions have not actually been  received
by  such Person or one of its Subsidiaries, (iii) net income  (or
loss)  of  any  Person combined with such Person or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries  in  a "pooling of interests" basis attributable  to
any  period  prior to the date of combination, and (iv)  the  net
income  of  any Subsidiary to the extent that the declaration  of
dividends  or  similar distributions by that Subsidiary  of  that
income is subject to a Payment Restriction.

                "Consolidated Net Worth" means, with  respect  to
any Person as of any date, the sum of (i) the consolidated equity
of  the  common stockholders of such Person and its  consolidated
Subsidiaries  as  of  such date plus (ii) the respective  amounts
reported  on  such Person's balance sheet as of  such  date  with
respect  to  any series of Preferred Stock (other than Redeemable
Capital  Stock) that by its terms is not entitled to the  payment
of  dividends unless such dividends may be declared and paid only
out  of  net  earnings in respect of the year of such declaration
and  payment, but only to the extent of any cash received by such
Person upon issuance of such Preferred Stock, less (x) all write-
ups  (other than write-ups of tangible assets of a going  concern
business  made  within 12 months after the  acquisition  of  such
business) subsequent to the Issue Date in the book value  of  any
asset  owned by such Person or a consolidated Subsidiary of  such
Person,  (y)  all  Investments as of such date in  unconsolidated
Subsidiaries and in Persons that are not Subsidiaries (except, in
each  case, Permitted Investments), and (z) all unamortized  debt
discount and expense and unamortized deferred charges as of  such
date, all of the foregoing determined in accordance with GAAP.

                "Consolidated Post Retirement Benefits Other Than
Pensions" means the noncash portion of retirement benefits  other
than  pensions  as defined in FASB Statements 88,  106  and  112,
determined in accordance with GAAP.

                "Credit  Agreement"  means  (i)  the  New  Credit
Agreement,   together   with   all  amendments,   documents   and
instruments  from time to time delivered in connection  with  the
New Credit Agreement (including, without limitation, any guaranty
agreements and security documents), as in effect on the  date  of
the  New  Indenture  and,  subject to the  proviso  to  the  next
succeeding  sentence, as the New Credit Agreement and such  other
agreements,  documents and instruments may  be  further  amended,
amended    and   restated,   renewed,   extended,   restructured,
supplemented  or  otherwise  modified  from  time  to  time,  and
(ii)   any   credit  agreement,  loan  agreement,  note  purchase
agreement,  indenture or other agreement, document or  instrument
refinancing,  refunding  or otherwise replacing  the  New  Credit
Agreement or any other agreement deemed a Credit Agreement  under
clause  (i)  or (ii) hereof, whether or not with the same  agent,
trustee, representative, lenders or holders, and, subject to  the
proviso  to  the  next succeeding sentence, irrespective  of  any
changes  in  the terms and conditions thereof.  Without  limiting
the  generality  of  the foregoing, the term  "Credit  Agreement"
shall  include any amendment, amendment and restatement, renewal,
extension,  restructuring,  supplement  or  modification  to  any
Credit  Agreement,  including  any agreement  (x)  extending  the
maturity  of any Indebtedness incurred thereunder or contemplated
thereby,   (y)   adding  or  deleting  borrowers  or   guarantors
thereunder,  so  long as borrowers and issuers include  only  the
Company and its Subsidiaries and their respective successors  and
assigns  or  (z)  increasing the amount of Indebtedness  incurred
thereunder or available to be borrowed thereunder, provided  that
on   the  date  thereof  such  Indebtedness  would  be  Permitted
Indebtedness  under  clause (i) or (viii) of  the  definition  of
Permitted Indebtedness.

                "Currency  Agreement" means any foreign  exchange
contract,  currency swap agreement or other similar agreement  or
arrangement  designed to protect the Company  or  any  Subsidiary
against fluctuations in currency values.

               "Default" means any event that is, or after notice
or passage of time or both would be, an Event of Default.

                "Default Rate" means a rate of interest per annum
equal to the rate per annum of interest provided in the New Notes
plus 200 basis points.

                "Event  of  Default" means the  events  described
above under " _ Events of Default."

                "Fair  Market Value" means, with respect  to  any
asset  or property, the sale value that would be obtained  in  an
arm's  length transaction between an informed and willing  seller
under  no  compulsion to sell and an informed and  willing  buyer
under  no  compulsion  to  buy.  "Fair  Market  Value"  shall  be
determined  by  the Board of Directors of the Company  acting  in
good  faith and shall be evidenced by a duly and properly adopted
resolution  of the Board of Directors set forth in  an  officers'
certificate delivered to the New Trustee.

                 "GAAP"   means  generally  accepted   accounting
principles  set forth in the opinions and pronouncements  of  the
Accounting   Principles  Board  of  the  American  Institute   of
Certified Public Accountants and statements and pronouncements of
the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  or  in  such  other
statements  by  such  other entity as have  been  approved  by  a
significant  segment of the accounting profession, which  are  in
effect as of the Issue Date.

                 "Guarantee"  means,  collectively,  the   Parent
Guarantee and any Subsidiary Guarantee.

                "Guarantor"  means,  collectively,  (i)  Holding,
(ii)  any Subsidiary Guarantor and (iii) any successor or  assign
of a Guarantor.

                "Guaranty" means, as applied to any obligation or
liability,   (i)  a  guaranty  (other  than  by  endorsement   of
negotiable instruments for collection in the ordinary  course  of
business), direct or indirect, in any manner, of any part or  all
of  such obligation, liability or Indebtedness of another  Person
and  (ii)  an  agreement,  direct  or  indirect,  contingent   or
otherwise, the practical effect of which is to assure in any  way
the payment or performance (or payment of damages in the event of
nonperformance) of any part or all of such obligation,  liability
or  Indebtedness  of another Person, including, without  limiting
the  foregoing, the payment of amounts drawn down by  letters  of
credit,  and the terms "guarantees" and "guaranteed"  shall  have
correlative  meanings.  Notwithstanding anything  herein  to  the
contrary,  a  guaranty  shall not include  any  agreement  solely
because  such  agreement creates a Lien  on  the  assets  of  any

               "Incur" means, with respect to any Indebtedness or
other  obligation  of  any Person, to create,  issue,  incur  (by
conversion,  exchange or otherwise), assume, guaranty  (including
the  guaranty of Indebtedness of a Subsidiary or other  Affiliate
of  such  Person) or otherwise become liable in respect  of  such
Indebtedness  or other obligation or the recording,  as  required
pursuant to GAAP or otherwise, of any such Indebtedness or  other
obligation on the balance sheet of such Person (and "Incurrence,"
"Incurred,"  "Incurrable"  and "Incurring"  shall  have  meanings
correlative  to  the  foregoing); provided that  the  accrual  of
interest  (whether such interest is payable in cash or  in  kind)
and  the accretion of original issue discount shall not be deemed
an  Incurrence of Indebtedness; provided, further  that  (a)  any
Indebtedness or Redeemable Capital Stock of a Person existing  at
the  time  such  Person  becomes  (after  the  date  of  the  New
Indenture)   a  Subsidiary  (whether  by  merger,  consolidation,
acquisition  or otherwise) of the Company shall be deemed  to  be
Incurred for purposes of the New Indenture covenant with  respect
to limitations on indebtedness (see " _ Certain Covenants" above)
by  such  Subsidiary at the time it becomes a Subsidiary  of  the
Company  and  (b) any amendment, modification or  waiver  of  any
document  pursuant to which Indebtedness was previously  incurred
shall  be deemed to be an Incurrence of Indebtedness unless  such
amendment,  modification  or waiver does  not  (i)  increase  the
principal  or premium thereof or interest rate thereon (including
by  way  of  original issue discount), (ii) change to an  earlier
date the stated maturity thereof or the date of any scheduled  or
required  principal payment thereon or the time or  circumstances
under  which  such Indebtedness may or shall be redeemed  or  the
Average   Life  to  Stated  Maturity  thereof,  (iii)   if   such
Indebtedness is subordinated to the Securities, modify or affect,
in any manner adverse to the holders, such subordination, (iv) if
the Company is the obligor thereon, provide that a Subsidiary  of
the  Company not already an obligor thereon shall be  an  obligor
thereon or (v) violate, or cause the Indebtedness to violate, the
provisions  of  the  New  Indenture  covenant  with  respect   to
limitation on dividends and other payment restrictions  affecting
Subsidiaries, as described above under " _ Certain Covenants."

                "Indebtedness" means, with respect to any Person,
without   duplication,   (i)  all  liabilities,   contingent   or
otherwise, of such Person (a) for borrowed money (whether or  not
the  recourse of the lender is to the whole of the assets of such
Person  or  only to a portion thereof), (b) evidenced  by  bonds,
notes,  debentures  or similar instruments  or  representing  the
balance deferred and unpaid of the purchase price of any property
or  (c)  for  the  payment of money relating to a  Capital  Lease
Obligation; (ii) obligations of such Person in respect of letters
of  credit  (including  reimbursement  obligations  with  respect
thereto);  (iii)  Interest Swap Obligations  of  such  Person  or
obligations   of  such  Person  with  respect  to  the   Currency
Agreements; (iv) all liabilities of others of the kind  described
in the preceding clause (i), (ii), (iii) that (a) such Person has
guaranteed, (b) have been Incurred by a partnership in  which  it
is  a  general  partner  (to the extent such  Person  is  liable,
contingently  or  otherwise therefor) or (c)  are  otherwise  its
legal  liability (other than endorsements for collection  in  the
ordinary  course of business); and (v) all obligations of  others
secured  by  a  Lien  to  which any of the properties  or  assets
(including, without limitation, leasehold interests and any other
tangible  or  intangible  property rights)  of  such  Person  are
subject,  whether  or not the obligations secured  thereby  shall
have  been  assumed  by such Person or shall  otherwise  be  such
Persons's    legal    liability;    provided,    however,    that
notwithstanding anything in the forgoing that may be deemed to be
to  the  contrary, Indebtedness shall not include (i)  any  Trade
Payables  and any other accrued current liabilities  Incurred  in
the ordinary course of business as the deferred purchase price of
property  acquired  in  the  ordinary course  of  business;  (ii)
liabilities  arising  from  guarantees  to  suppliers,   lessors,
contractors,  franchisees or customers Incurred in  the  ordinary
course  of business (exclusive of obligations for the payment  of
money  borrowed); and (iii) liabilities from the draft or similar
instrument  drawn  against insufficient  funds  in  the  ordinary
course   of   business;  provided  that  such   liabilities   are
extinguished  within five Business Days of their  Incurrence  and
(iv)  prepayments of, or loans and advances with respect to,  any
receivables owing to the Company or any Subsidiary under the  AWG
Supply  Agreement.  The amount of Indebtedness of any  Person  at
any  date  shall  be,  without duplication, (i)  the  outstanding
balance  at  such  date  of  all  unconditional  obligations   as
described  above and the maximum liability of any such contingent
obligations at such date and (ii) in the case of Indebtedness  of
others secured by a Lien to which the property or assets owned or
held by such Person is subject but which is otherwise nonrecourse
to  such Person, the lesser of the Fair Market Value at such date
of  any  assets  subject to a Lien securing the  Indebtedness  of
others and the amount of the Indebtedness secured.

                "Interest Swap Obligations" means the obligations
of  any  Person pursuant to any arrangement with any other Person
whereby,  directly  or  indirectly, such person  is  entitled  to
receive  from  time  to  time  periodic  payments  calculated  by
applying either a fixed or floating rate of interest on a  stated
notional  amount in exchange for periodic payments made  by  such
Person  calculated  by  applying a  fixed  or  floating  rate  of
interest  on  the  same  notional amount and  shall  include  any
interest   rate  protection  agreement,  interest  rate   future,
interest rate option or other interest rate hedge arrangement.

                "Investment"  means, directly or indirectly,  (i)
any  advance,  loan  or  other extension  of  credit  or  capital
contribution  to  (by  means of any transfer  of  cash  or  other
property  to  others or any payment for property or services  for
the  account  or use of others), (ii) any purchase or acquisition
by  such  Person of any stock, bonds, notes, debentures or  other
debt  or equity interests or other securities issued or owned  by
any  other  Person or (iii) any purchase or acquisition  by  such
Person   of   any  group  of  assets  constituting  a   business.
Investments  shall  not include extensions  of  trade  credit  on
commercially  reasonable terms in accordance  with  normal  trade
practices of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

                "Lien" means any mortgage, charge, pledge,  lien,
privilege,   security  interest  or  encumbrance  of   any   kind
(including   any  conditional  sale  or  other  title   retention

                "Material Adverse Effect" means, with respect  to
the  Company, any circumstance, change, event, transaction, loss,
failure or other occurrence of a business, economic, financial or
other  operational nature, any development involving compensation
of  or  relations  with  employees and any determination  in  any
litigation,   arbitration   or  governmental   investigation   or
proceeding,  having, in any such case, a material adverse  effect
on  (a)  the  business, assets, properties,  revenues,  financial
condition  or  operations of the Company  and  its  Subsidiaries,
taken  as  a whole, or (b) the ability of the Company to  perform
any of its obligations under the New Indenture.

                "Net  Cash Proceeds" means, with respect  to  any
Asset  Sale, the proceeds in the form of cash or Cash Equivalents
(including  payments  in respect of deferred payment  obligations
when  received in the form of cash or Cash Equivalents)  received
by  the Company or any of its Subsidiaries from such Asset  Sale,
net of (i) reasonable out-of-pocket expenses and fees (including,
without  limitation, brokerage commissions and fees and  expenses
of  legal counsel and investment bankers) relating to such  Asset
Sale,  (ii) taxes paid or payable as a result of such Asset  Sale
(including, without limitation, income taxes reasonably estimated
to be actually payable as a result of any disposition of property
within two years of the date of such disposition and after taking
into account any reduction in tax liability due to available  tax
credits   or   deductions  and  any  tax  sharing  arrangements),
(iii) repayment of Indebtedness that is required to be repaid  in
connection  with such Asset Sale and (iv) appropriate amounts  to
be  provided by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company,  as
the  case  may be, as a reserve required in accordance with  GAAP
against  any  liabilities associated with  such  Asset  Sale  and
retained by the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company, as  the
case   may   be,  after  such  Asset  Sale,  including,   without
limitation,    pension   and   other   post-employment    benefit
liabilities,  liabilities  related to environmental  matters  and
liabilities under any indemnification obligations associated with
such  Asset  Sale,  all as reflected in an Officers'  Certificate
delivered to the New Trustee; provided, however, that the  amount
of  any  such reserve shall constitute Net Cash Proceeds  if  and
when it no longer is required to be maintained in accordance with
GAAP  but  only to the extent that the amount originally reserved
was not utilized for its specified purpose.

               "New Credit Agreement" means the Credit Agreement,
dated as of                , 1996, among the Company, Holding, as
guarantor,  the lenders named therein and       ,  as  agent  for
such lenders.

           "Other  Permitted Liens" means (i)  Liens  for  taxes,
assessments,  governmental charges or claims which  are  not  yet
delinquent  or  which  are  being  contested  in  good  faith  by
appropriate  proceedings, which proceedings have  the  effect  of
preventing  the  forfeiture or sale of  the  property  or  assets
subject  to  such  Lien,  and  for  which  a  reserve  or   other
appropriate provision, if any, as shall be required in conformity
with  GAAP  shall  have  been  made;  (ii)  statutory  Liens   of
landlords,  vendors  and laborers and carriers',  warehousemen's,
mechanics', suppliers', materialmen's, repairmen's, or other like
Liens arising in the ordinary course of business and with respect
to  amounts  which  are not yet delinquent  or  which  are  being
contested  in  good  faith  by  appropriate  proceedings,   which
proceedings have the effect of preventing the forfeiture or  sale
of  the property or assets subject to such Lien, and for which  a
reserve  or  other  appropriate provision, if any,  as  shall  be
required  by  GAAP shall have been made; (iii) Liens Incurred  or
deposits  made  in the ordinary course of business in  connection
with  workers'  compensation, unemployment  insurance  and  other
types  of  social security or other insurance-related obligations
(including, without limitation, in respect of deductibles,  self-
insured  retention amounts and premiums and adjustments thereto);
(iv) Liens Incurred or deposits made to secure the performance of
tenders,  bids,  leases, public or statutory obligations,  surety
and   appeal  bonds,  government  contracts,  progress  payments,
performance and return-of-money bonds and other obligations of  a
like   nature  Incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of   business
(exclusive  of  obligations for the payment of  borrowed  money);
(v)   zoning  restrictions,  licenses,  covenants,  reservations,
easements,   rights-of-way,  restrictions,   minor   defects   or
irregularities in title (and with respect to leasehold interests,
mortgages, obligations, liens and other encumbrances Incurred  or
permitted to exist and arising by, through or under a landlord or
owner  of  the  leased property, with or without consent  of  the
lessee) and other similar charges or encumbrances not interfering
in  any material respect with the business of the Company or  any
Subsidiary  Incurred  in  the ordinary course  of  business;  and
(vi)  Liens Incurred in the ordinary course of business  securing
reimbursement obligations with respect to commercial  letters  of
credit permitted under the New Indenture which encumber documents
and other property relating to such letters of credit or products
and proceeds thereof.

_                  New  Notes  theretofore canceled  by  the  New
Trustee  or  delivered to the New Trustee for cancellation;   New
Notes,  or  portions  thereof, for whose payment,  redemption  or
purchase  money  in  the necessary amount  has  been  theretofore
deposited  with the New Trustee or any Paying Agent  (other  than
the Company) in trust or set aside and segregated in trust by the
Company  (if the Company shall act as its own Paying  Agent)  for
the holders of such New Notes, and the New Trustee or such Paying
Agent is not prohibited from paying such money to the holders  on
that  date  pursuant to the terms of the subordination provisions
of  the  New  Indenture (see " _ Subordination"  above;  provided
that,  if  such  New  Notes are to be redeemed,  notice  of  such
redemption  has been duly given pursuant to the New Indenture  or
provision therefor satisfactory to the New Trustee has been made;
New  Notes,  except  to  the extent provided  in  the  defeasance
provisions  of  the  New Indenture, with  respect  to  which  the
Company  has  effected defeasance as provided in  the  defeasance
provisions  of the New Indenture; and  New Notes in exchange  for
or  in lieu of which other New Notes have been authenticated  and
delivered pursuant to the New Indenture, other than any such  New
Notes in respect of which there shall have been presented to  the
New Trustee proof satisfactory to it that such New Notes are held
by  a  bona fide purchaser in whose hands the New Notes are valid
obligations   of  the  Company;  provided,  however,   that,   in
determining whether the holders of the requisite principal amount
of   Outstanding  New  Notes  have  given  any  request,  demand,
direction, consent or waiver under the New Indenture,  New  Notes
owned  by  the Company, any Guarantor, or any other obligor  upon
the  New  Notes, or any Affiliate of the Company  or  such  other
obligor,  shall be disregarded and deemed not to be  outstanding,
except  that,  in  determining whether the New Trustee  shall  be
protected  in  relying upon any such request, demand,  direction,
consent or waiver, only New Notes which the New Trustee knows  to
be  so  owned shall be so disregarded.  New Notes so owned  which
have been pledged in good faith may be regarded as Outstanding if
the  pledgee  establishes to the satisfaction of the New  Trustee
the  pledgee's right so to act with respect to such New Notes and
that  the pledgee is not the Company, any Guarantor, or any other
obligor  upon  the New Notes or any Affiliate of the  Company  or
such other obligor.
                "Parent Guarantee" means the Guarantee of Holding
incorporated in the guarantee provisions of the New Indenture and
made a part of the New Notes.

                "Payment  Restriction" means with  respect  to  a
Subsidiary  of  any  Person,  any  encumbrance,  restriction   or
limitation, whether by operation of the terms of its  charter  or
by  reason  of  any  agreement, instrument, judgment,  decree  or
order, on the ability of (i) such Subsidiary to (a) pay dividends
or make other distributions on its Capital Stock or make payments
on  any obligation, liability or Indebtedness owed to such Person
or  any  other  Subsidiary  of such Person,  (b)  make  loans  or
advances  to such Person or any other Subsidiary of such  Person,
or (c) transfer any of its properties or assets to such Person or
any  other Subsidiary of such Person, or (ii) such Person or  any
other Subsidiary of such Person to receive or retain any such (a)
dividends,  distributions or payments, (b) loans or advances,  or
(c) transfer of properties or assets.

                "Permitted Holder" means any "person" or  "group"
(within  the meaning of Sections 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of  the  1934
Act) that "beneficially owns" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
1934 Act, provided that a "person" or "group" shall be deemed  to
be  a "beneficial owner" for purposes of this definition even  if
its  right to acquire beneficial ownership of Voting Stock arises
after  a 60-day period) more than five percent (5%) of the Voting
Stock  of  Holding  as  of the Issue Date.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  "Permitted Holder" shall not include any Person  who,
together  with its Affiliates, "beneficially owns" more than  50%
of  the  Voting Stock of the Company or Holding as  of  any  date
after  the  Issue  Date, excluding from the calculation  of  such
Person's "beneficial ownership" any Voting Stock that such Person
and  its Affiliates would be deemed to "beneficially own"  solely
by reason of its (or their) membership in a "group."

                 "Permitted  Indebtedness"  means  any   of   the
following Indebtedness of the Company or any Subsidiary,  as  the
case  may  be:  (i) Indebtedness of the Company under the  Credit
Agreement   in  an  aggregate  principal  amount  at   any   time
outstanding  not  to exceed the greater of (x) $37,500,000,  less
(1)  the amount of any scheduled principal payments actually made
(excluding,  without limitation, any prepayments required  to  be
made based upon the Company's excess cash flow) or the amount  of
any  other  prepayments  which are applied  or  credited  against
scheduled principal payments on the date such scheduled principal
payments  would otherwise have been made (except  to  the  extent
refinanced  under a replacement Credit Agreement at the  time  of
the  respective  repayment) by the Company or  any  Guarantor  in
respect of any term loans under the Credit Agreement and (2)  the
amount  by  which  the aggregate commitment under  any  revolving
credit  facility under the Credit Agreement at any time has  been
permanently  reduced to the extent, if any, that  any  repayments
required  to be made in connection with effecting such  permanent
reduction have been made (it being understood that to the  extent
a  reduction  in commitments under any revolving credit  facility
under  the  Credit Agreement arises solely in connection  with  a
refinancing  of  outstanding amounts under such revolving  credit
facility  with  borrows under a replacement Credit Agreement  and
the  commitments under the Credit Agreement are thereby  replaced
with  commitments under such replacement Credit Agreement such  a
permanent reduction shall not have occurred); and (y) the  amount
equal  to  the sum of (1) 75% of the net book value  of  accounts
receivable not more than 90 days old, as determined in accordance
with  GAAP (2) 50% of the net book value of inventory (determined
on   a   first-in-first-out  basis)  of  the  Company   and   its
Subsidiaries   on  a  consolidated  basis  at   the   time   such
Indebtedness is Incurred, as determined in accordance with  GAAP,
and  (3) $10 million; (ii) Indebtedness of the Company under  the
New  Notes;  (iii)  Indebtedness of the Company  or  any  of  its
Subsidiaries consisting of Capital Lease Obligations and Purchase
Money  Obligations  so  long  as the  aggregate  amount  of  such
Indebtedness  Incurred during any fiscal  year  does  not  exceed
$10 million; (iv) Indebtedness of a Subsidiary to the Company  or
to  a Wholly Owned Subsidiary; (v) Indebtedness of the Company to
a  Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Company which is unsecured and,
unless owing to a Guarantor, subordinated in right of payment  to
the  payment  and performance of the Company's obligations  under
the  New Indenture and the New Notes; provided, however, that any
subsequent issuance or transfer of Capital Stock that results  in
such  Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary  ceasing  to  be  such,  or   any
subsequent  transfer  of such Indebtedness  (other  than  to  the
Company  or  a Wholly Owned Subsidiary) will be deemed,  in  each
case,  to constitute the Incurrence of such Indebtedness  by  the
Company  or of such Indebtedness by such Wholly Owned Subsidiary;
(vi)  Indebtedness which represents the assumption by the Company
of   Indebtedness   of   any  Wholly  Owned   Subsidiary;   (vii)
Indebtedness under Currency Agreements, Interest Swap Obligations
and  other agreements between the Company or a Subsidiary and one
or  more  financial  institutions providing  for  "swap,"  "cap,"
"collar"  or  other interest rate protection on  other  Permitted
Indebtedness;  (viii)  Indebtedness not to  exceed  an  aggregate
principal  amount  of $5 million at any one time  outstanding  in
addition  to  the  Indebtedness otherwise permitted  by  the  New
Indenture,  which  Indebtedness may be  incurred  under  the  New
Credit  Agreement;  (ix)  Indebtedness  Incurred  in  respect  of
performance  bonds and surety bonds; (x) Indebtedness represented
by  letters  of credit issued in the ordinary course of  business
for the account of the Company or any Subsidiary not exceeding an
aggregate amount of $2.5 million at any one time outstanding  (in
addition  to  any  letters  of credit  issued  under  the  Credit
Agreement);  (xi) Indebtedness represented by the obligations  of
the  Company, as they may exist from time to time, to  repurchase
from any employee or director, or former employee or director, of
the  Company  or a Subsidiary, Capital Stock of the  Company,  or
options,  warrants  or rights therefor, issued  pursuant  to  any
compensatory  plan of the Company; (xii) Indebtedness  consisting
of  guarantees, indemnities or obligations in respect of purchase
price   adjustments  in  connection  with  the   acquisition   or
disposition   of  assets  permitted  under  the  New   Indenture;
(xiii) Guarantees in respect of Indebtedness Incurred by officers
or  employees  of the Company or any Subsidiary in  the  ordinary
course of business and payments in discharge thereof in an amount
not  to exceed the excess of (x) $500,000 at any time outstanding
over  (y) the aggregate amount, if any, paid after the Issue Date
in  respect  of such guarantees; and (xiv) Permitted  Refinancing
Indebtedness  the  proceeds  of  which  are  used  to   refinance
outstanding  Permitted  Indebtedness  of  the  Company   or   any

                Any  calculation  of  the amount  of  outstanding
Indebtedness under any of the foregoing clauses, shall take  into
account:   (A)  the  principal amount then outstanding  that  was
originally  Incurred pursuant to such clause; (B) any outstanding
Indebtedness  Incurred pursuant to clause (xiv) to  refinance  or
refund  Indebtedness originally Incurred pursuant to such clause;
and (C) any subsequent refinancings or refundings thereof.

               "Permitted Investment" means any of the following:
(i)  Investments in Subsidiaries outstanding as of the Issue Date
and  additional Investments in such Subsidiaries or other Persons
so long as, immediately after such Investment, such Subsidiary or
other  Person  will  be  a  Wholly Owned  Subsidiary  (including,
without  limitation,  Investments in the Capital  Stock  of  such
Subsidiary or other Person but excluding Investments in any other
Person that would constitute the acquisition of a business, which
is  subject  to clause (xiv) below); (ii) Investments  by  Wholly
Owned  Subsidiaries  in the Company;  (iii)  (a)  Investments  in
commercial paper rated P-1 by Moody's Investors Service, Inc.  or
A-1  by Standard & Poor's Corporation on the date of acquisition,
(b)  certificates  of deposit of United States  commercial  banks
(having   a   combined   capital  and  surplus   in   excess   of
$100,000,000), (c) obligations of, or guaranteed by,  the  United
States  government or any agency thereof, (d) money market  funds
organized  under  the  laws of the United  States  or  any  state
thereof that invest substantially all their assets in any of  the
types  of investments described in subclause (a), (b) or  (c)  of
this  clause  (iii),  or (e) to the extent  not  comprehended  by
subclauses   (a)   through  (d)  of  this  clause   (iii),   Cash
Equivalents;  (iv) Investments in, or consisting  of,  negotiable
instruments    held    for   collection;   outstanding    travel,
entertainment,  moving  and  other like  loans  and  advances  to
officers,  employees and consultants; lease,  utility  and  other
similar deposits; or stock, obligations or securities received in
settlement  of claims owing to the Company or a Subsidiary  as  a
result   of   a  composition  or  readjustment  of  debt   or   a
reorganization of any debtor, in each of the foregoing  cases  in
the  ordinary course of business of the Company or a  Subsidiary,
as  the  case  may  be;  (v) Investments consisting  of  accounts
receivable owing to the Company or any Subsidiary created in  the
ordinary  course  of  business;  (vi)  Investments  in  (a)   AWG
Membership  Stock  and  (b)  AWG  members  deposit  certificates,
patronage  refund  certificates or similar types  of  AWG  Equity
received or earned by the Company from time to time based on  the
Company's  gross purchases from AWG pursuant to  the  AWG  Supply
Agreement  or  in lieu of receiving cash rebates or refunds  from
AWG;  (vii) Investments in (a) the capital stock of other  retail
purchasing cooperatives in connection with becoming a  member  of
such  cooperatives  and  (b) additional  capital  stock  of  such
cooperatives which is received or earned by the Company based  on
the  Company's gross purchases from such cooperatives or in  lieu
of  receiving  cash  rebates or refunds from  such  cooperatives,
provided that in each case, such stock is purchased, received  or
earned  in  connection  with a supply  agreement  or  arrangement
between  the  Company and such cooperative which is on  terms  at
least  as  favorable to the Company as the terms  that  could  be
obtained  by the Company in a comparable transaction made  on  an
arm's  length  basis  with  another  cooperative,  wholesaler  or
supplier; (viii) Investments consisting of non-cash consideration
from  any Asset Sale made pursuant to and in compliance with  the
asset  sale  provisions of the New Indenture  (see  "  _  Certain
Covenants   _  Limitations  on  Asset  Sales;"  (ix)  Investments
consisting of loans, advances, dividends or distributions by  the
Company  to Holding not to exceed an amount necessary  to  permit
Holding to pay (a) its costs (including all professional fees and
expenses)  Incurred  to  comply with  its  reporting  requirement
provisions of the New Indenture  (see " _ Certain Covenants _ SEC
Reports")  and  (b)  its other operational expenses  (other  than
taxes)  incurred  in  the ordinary course  of  business  and  not
exceeding  $250,000  in  the  aggregate  any  fiscal  year;   (x)
Investments consisting of Indebtedness permitted under item (vii)
of  the definition of Permitted Indebtedness; (xi) Investments in
any  of the New Notes; (xii) Investments consisting of guarantees
in  respect of Indebtedness Incurred by officers or employees  in
the ordinary course of business and payments in discharge thereof
in an amount not to exceed the excess of (x) $500,000 at any time
outstanding over (y) the aggregate amount, if any, paid after the
Issue  Date  in  respect of such guarantees;  (xiii)  Investments
consisting  of  loans  or  advances  to  officers,  directors  or
employees  incurred prior to the Issue Date and  any  extensions,
renewals, refundings or refinancings thereof, provided  that  the
aggregate  amount  of such loans and advances  shall  not  exceed
$150,000 at any time outstanding; (xiv) Investments in any  group
of  assets constituting a business in an amount not to exceed  $5
million in the aggregate in any fiscal year; (xv) Investments  in
joint ventures formed for the purpose of purchasing and operating
of  grocery stores in the aggregate amount of $3 million  at  any
time  outstanding; and (xvi) Investments in the aggregate  amount
of $5,000,000 at any time outstanding.

                "Permitted Liens" means (i) Liens existing as  of
the  Issue  Date;  (ii)  Liens securing Indebtedness  outstanding
under  the Credit Agreement (whether or not existing on the Issue
Date);  (iii)  Liens  as  of the date of  the  New  Indenture  or
thereafter securing any obligations with respect to Interest Swap
Obligations, Currency Agreements and other agreements between the
Company  or  a  Subsidiary and one or more financial institutions
providing  for  "swap," "cap," "collar" or  other  interest  rate
protection  on other Permitted Indebtedness; (iv) Liens  securing
Acquired  Indebtedness created prior to (and  not  in  connection
with  or in contemplation of) the Incurrence of such Indebtedness
by  the  Company or any Subsidiary; (v) Purchase Money Liens  and
Liens to secure Capital Lease Obligations permitted under the New
Indenture   covering  only  the  property  acquired   with   such
Indebtedness;   (vi)   Liens   securing   Permitted   Refinancing
Indebtedness;  provided that such Liens extend to or  cover  only
the  property  or  assets  then securing the  Indebtedness  being
refinanced;  (vii) any Liens which may be granted to  secure  the
Securities  or  any  Guarantees; (viii) Liens  in  favor  of  the
Company  or  any Subsidiary of the Company (other than  Liens  in
favor  of  the  Company or any Subsidiary); (ix)  Liens  securing
Indebtedness  permitted to be incurred under clause  (x)  of  the
definition  of  Permitted Indebtedness; (xi) the AWG  Liens;  and
(xii) Other Permitted Liens.

                "Permitted  Refinancing Indebtedness"  means  any
Indebtedness of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries issued  in
exchange  for, or the net proceeds of which are used  to  extend,
refinance,  renew, replace, defease or refund other  Indebtedness
of  the Company or any of its Subsidiaries; provided that (i) the
principal  amount  of  such  Indebtedness  does  not  exceed  the
principal  amount  of  the Indebtedness so extended,  refinanced,
renewed,  replaced,  defeased or refunded  (plus  the  amount  of
reasonable expenses incurred in connection therewith), (ii)  with
respect to Indebtedness that is not Senior Indebtedness (a)  such
Indebtedness has an Average Life to Stated Maturity equal  to  or
greater  than  and a final maturity no earlier than  the  Average
Life  to  Stated Maturity and final maturity of the  Indebtedness
being  extended,  refinanced,  renewed,  replaced,  defeased   or
refunded, and (b) such Indebtedness is subordinated in  right  of
payment pursuant to terms at least as favorable to the holders of
Securities  as  those,  if any, contained  in  the  documentation
governing  the Indebtedness being extended, refinanced,  renewed,
replaced,  defeased  or refunded and (iii) no  such  Indebtedness
Incurred   by  the  Company  is  extended,  refinanced,  renewed,
replaced,  defeased or refunded with Indebtedness Incurred  by  a

                "Preferred  Stock"  means, with  respect  to  any
Person,  any and all shares, interests, participations  or  other
equivalents  (however designated) of such Person's  preferred  or
preference stock whether now outstanding or issued after the date
of  the  New  Indenture,  and includes, without  limitation,  all
classes and series of preferred or preference stock.

                "Purchase Money Liens" means Liens to  secure  or
securing  Purchase  Money Obligations permitted  to  be  Incurred
under the New Indenture.

                "Purchase  Money Obligations" means  Indebtedness
representing, or Incurred to finance, the cost (a)  of  acquiring
any assets and (b) of construction or improvement of property, in
each  case  for  use  in  the business of  the  Company  and  its
Subsidiaries (including Purchase Money Obligations of  any  other
Person  at  the  time  such other Person is  merged  with  or  is
otherwise acquired by the Company or a Subsidiary); provided that
(i)  the  principal amount of such Indebtedness does  not  exceed
100%  of such cost, including construction or improvement  costs,
(ii)  any Lien securing such Indebtedness does not extend  to  or
cover  any  other  asset  or property other  than  the  asset  or
property   being  so  acquired,  constructed  or   improved   and
(iii)  such Indebtedness is Incurred, and any Liens with  respect
thereto  are granted, within 180 days of the acquisition of  such
property or asset.

                "Redeemable  Capital Stock" means  Capital  Stock
that either by its terms, by the terms of any security into which
it  is  convertible or exchangeable or otherwise, is or upon  the
happening of an event or passage of time would be required to  be
redeemed prior to the Stated Maturity of the principal of the New
Notes or is redeemable at the option of the holder thereof at any
time  prior  to the Stated Maturity of the principal of  the  New
Notes, or is convertible into or exchangeable for debt securities
at any time prior to such Stated Maturity.

                "Senior  Indebtedness" means  the  principal  of,
premium,  if  any, and accrued and unpaid interest on (including,
without  limitation, interest at the contract rate subsequent  to
the   commencement  of  any  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or  similar
proceeding  with respect to the Company and with respect  to  the
Credit  Agreement  only, such interest whether  or  not  a  claim
therefor  is allowed in such proceeding) and any reasonable  fees
and   reasonable  expenses  payable  under  or  in   respect   of
Indebtedness of the Company under the Credit Agreement.

                "Subsidiary" means, with respect to  any  Person,
(i)  a  corporation a majority of whose Voting Stock  is  at  the
time,  directly or indirectly, owned by such Person,  by  one  or
more  Subsidiaries of such Person or by such Person  and  one  or
more Subsidiaries thereof or (ii) any other Person (other than  a
corporation)  in  which  such Person, one  or  more  Subsidiaries
thereof  or  such  Person and one or more  Subsidiaries  thereof,
directly or indirectly, at the date of determination thereof  has
at  least  a  majority ownership interest.   Unless  the  context
indicates   otherwise,  the  term  "Subsidiary"  shall   mean   a
Subsidiary  of  the  Company or one or more Subsidiaries  of  the

                "Subsidiary  Guarantees" means the Guarantees  of
the Subsidiary Guarantors, substantially in the form attached  as
an  exhibit  to  the  New  Indenture, as such  Guarantee  may  be
amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

                "Subsidiary Guarantor" means any Subsidiary  that
executes  a Subsidiary Guarantee and any successor or  assign  of
such Subsidiary Guarantor.

               "Trade Payables" means any accounts payable or any
other  indebtedness  or monetary obligation  to  trade  creditors
created,  assumed  or  guaranteed by  a  Person  arising  in  the
ordinary course of business of such Person in connection with the
acquisition of goods and services.

                "Voting Stock" means, with respect to any Person,
(i)  one  or  more classes of the Capital Stock  of  such  Person
having  general voting power to elect at least a majority of  the
board   of  directors,  managers  or  trustees  of  such   Person
(irrespective of whether or not at the time Capital Stock of  any
other  class or classes have or might have voting power by reason
of  the happening of any contingency) and (ii) any Capital  Stock
of such Person convertible or exchangeable without restriction at
the  option  of  the holder thereof into Capital  Stock  of  such
Person described in clause (i) above.

                "Wholly Owned Subsidiary" means, with respect  to
any  Person,  a Subsidiary of such Person all of the  outstanding
Capital Stock of which shall at the time be owned by such  Person
or  by one or more Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of such Person or by
such  Person  and one or more Wholly Owned Subsidiaries  of  such

A.        General

                On the Effective Date, Holding will be authorized
to issue 7,500,000 shares of New Common Stock, of which 4,700,000
million shares will be issued under the Plan, 263,158 shares will
be  reserved for issuance under the New Warrants, 263,158  shares
will  be reserved for issuance under the Management Stock  Option
Plan  and 522,222 shares will be reserved for issuance under  the
Modified Union Agreements.  All of the shares to be issued  under
the Plan will be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

                Each  holder of New Common Stock will be entitled
to  one  vote  for  each  share held of  record  on  each  matter
submitted  to  the  shareholders.   Cumulative  voting  for   the
election of directors will not be permitted.

                Holders  of New Common Stock will be entitled  to
receive dividends to the extent that Holding's Board of Directors
declares  such  dividends out of the funds legally available  for
the payment of dividends.  The Debtors expect that the New Credit
Agreement  and  the New Indenture will restrict  the  ability  of
Holding  to  pay  dividends on the New Common Stock.   See  "RISK
FACTORS _ Risks Relating to the New Securities _ No Dividends."

                Upon  the dissolution of Holding, each holder  of
New  Common Stock will participate, pro rata, in any distribution
of  the assets of Holding after payment of, or provision for, all
of the other obligations of Holding.

                 Holders  of  New  Common  Stock  will  have   no
conversion, preemptive or redemption rights.

                Under the Plan, Holding has undertaken to use its
best efforts to secure the listing of the New Common Stock on the
NASDAQ National Market System (or, in the event Holding fails  to
meet  the  listing  requirements of the  NASDAQ  National  Market
System, on such other exchange or system on which the New  Common
Stock  may  be  listed)  as  soon as  practicable  following  the
Effective Date. There can be no assurance, however, that the  New
Common  Stock will be listed on the NASDAQ National Market System
or such other exchange or system.

B.        Registration Rights Agreements

     1.        General

               In connection with the Restructuring, Holding will
grant  certain registration rights under the Equity  Registration
Rights Agreement to the holders of the Old Common Stock (Class  7
Interests) who receive New Common Stock and New Warrants pursuant
to the Plan.

                Pursuant  to  the Noteholder Registration  Rights
Agreement, Holding and/or the Company (as applicable)  also  will
grant  certain registration rights to those holders  of  the  Old
Notes (Class 5 Claims) who receive New Common Stock and New Notes
pursuant to the Plan.

     2.        Equity Registration Rights Agreement

                 Pursuant  to  the  Equity  Registration   Rights
Agreement,  Holding  will grant certain  registration  rights  to
those  holders  of  Old Common Stock who receive  New  Securities
pursuant to the Plan and continue to hold such New Securities  as
of  the  date of a registration request (the "Remaining  Class  7

                The  Equity  Registration Rights  Agreement  will
provide  that  following the second anniversary of the  Effective
Date,  Remaining Class 7 Holders holding at least 50% of the  New
Equity Securities issued to holders of Class 7 Interests pursuant
to  the  Plan (the "Requisite Class 7 Percentage") will have  the
right  to  initiate  one demand that Holding register  under  the
Securities Act all or any portion of the New Securities  acquired
by  them  pursuant to the Plan or the shares of New Common  Stock
issuable  upon  exercise  of the New Warrants  (the  "Registrable
Class  7  Securities").  After receipt of a registration  demand,
Holding will notify all other Remaining Class 7 Holders (who have
previously identified themselves to Holding as Remaining Class  7
Holders) of the registration demand.  Such other Remaining  Class
7  Holders will be entitled to request that some or all of  their
Registrable  Class 7 Securities be included in such registration.
Such  Registrable  Class 7 Securities will be  included  in  such
registration subject to certain priority cutbacks.

                Following  receipt  of a proper  demand,  Holding
and/or  the  Company  will be required  to  file  a  registration
statement  under the Securities Act for all Registrable  Class  7
Securities   requested  to  be  included  in  such  registration.
Holding   will   pay  all  expenses  in  connection   with   such
registration, including expenses of one counsel representing  the
selling  security holders.  No registration request may  be  made
sooner than six months after the termination of effectiveness  of
Holding's most recent registration statement under the Securities
Act for New Common Stock or New Warrants.  Holding is entitled to
postpone, once in any 360-day period, any demand registration for
a  period  not to exceed 180 days if Holding's Board of Directors
determine  that  such  registration  would  interfere  with   any
proposed  financing, acquisition or other extraordinary corporate
action  or  would  otherwise have a material  adverse  effect  on

                Holding will not grant any piggyback registration
rights  to  any  other  person with respect to  the  registration
covered   by  the  Equity  Registration  Rights  Agreement.    In
addition,  except  as  described above,  the  Remaining  Class  7
Holders  will  not  have any piggyback registration  rights  with
respect to any registration of Holding's equity securities  under
the  Securities  Act.  The registration rights contained  in  the
Equity Registration Rights Agreement are not transferable and may
be  exercised only by the Remaining Class 7 Holders with  respect
to  the  New  Securities issued to them pursuant to the  Plan  in
exchange  for  their  Old Common Stock.  The  Remaining  Class  7
Holders  will  agree not to sell their New Securities  for  seven
days  prior  to,  and  180 days after, the effectiveness  of  any
registration of shares of New Securities, other than pursuant  to
such registration.

                The  Equity  Registration Rights  Agreement  will
terminate  with  respect to the registration of  the  Registrable
Class  7 Securities on the earlier of (a) the seventh anniversary
of  the Effective Date and (b) such time as the Registrable Class
7   Securities  no  longer  represent  the  Requisite   Class   7

     3.        Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement

                Pursuant  to  the Noteholder Registration  Rights
Agreement, Holding and/or the Company (as applicable) will  grant
certain  registration rights to those holders of  Old  Notes  who
will receive New Securities pursuant to the Plan and continue  to
hold such New Securities (the "Remaining Class 5 Holders").

                The Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement will
provide  that  following the second anniversary of the  Effective
Date, Remaining Class 5 Holders holding at least 10% of the  then
shares  of  New  Common Stock issued pursuant to  the  Plan  (the
"Requisite  Class 5 Percentage") will have the right to  initiate
one  demand  that  Holding   and/or the Company  (as  applicable)
register  under  the  Securities Act all or any  portion  of  the
shares  of New Securities acquired by them pursuant to  the  Plan
(the  "Registrable  Class 5 Securities").   After  receipt  of  a
registration demand, Holding  and/or the Company (as  applicable)
will  notify  all  other  Remaining Class  5  Holders  (who  have
previously  identified themselves to Holding and/or  the  Company
(as applicable) as Remaining Class 5 Holders) of the registration
demand.  Such other Remaining Class 5 Holders will be entitled to
request  that some or all of their Registrable Class 5 Securities
be  included  in  such  registration.  Such Registrable  Class  5
Securities  will  be  included in such  registration  subject  to
certain priority cutbacks.

                Following  receipt  of a proper  demand,  Holding
and/or  the Company (as applicable) will be required  to  file  a
registration  statement  under  the  Securities   Act   for   all
Registrable Class 5 Securities requested to be included  in  such
registration.   Holding and/or the Company (as  applicable)  also
will  pay  all  expenses  in connection with  such  registration,
including  expenses  of  one  counsel  representing  the  selling
securityholders.  No registration request may be made sooner than
six  months  after the termination of effectiveness of  Holding's
most  recent registration statement under the Securities Act  for
New  Common  Stock  or  New Warrants.   Holding  is  entitled  to
postpone, once in any 360-day period, any demand registration for
a  period  not  to exceed 180 days if the Board of  Directors  of
Holding  and/or the Company (as applicable) determines that  such
registration   would  interfere  with  any  proposed   financing,
acquisition  or  other extraordinary corporate  action  or  would
otherwise  have a material adverse effect on Holding  and/or  the
Company (as applicable).

                Holding  and  the  Company  will  not  grant  any
piggyback registration rights to any other person with respect to
the  registration  covered by the Noteholder Registration  Rights
Agreement.  In addition, except as described above, the Remaining
Class  5 Holders will not have any piggyback registration  rights
with  respect to any registration of Holding's equity  securities
under  the Securities Act.  The registration rights contained  in
the Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement are not transferable
and  may be exercised only by the Remaining Class 5 Holders  with
respect  to the shares of New Securities issued to them  pursuant
to the Plan in exchange for their Old Notes.  The Remaining Class
5 Holders will agree not sell their New Securities for seven days
prior  to,  and 180 days after, the effectiveness  of  any  other
registration of shares of New Securities, other than pursuant  to
such registration.

                The Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement will
terminate   with  respect  to  the  registration  of  shares   of
Registrable Class 5 Securities, on the earlier of (a) the seventh
anniversary  of  the  Effective Date and (b)  such  time  as  the
Registrable Class 5 Securities no longer represent the  Requisite
Class 5 Percentage.

A.        General

                 In   connection  with  the  Restructuring,   New
Warrants  will be issued to the holders of the Old  Common  Stock
pursuant   to  a  new  warrant  agreement  (the   "New    Warrant
Agreement") between Holding and a financial institution  selected
by  Holding,  as  warrant agent (the "Warrant Agent").   The  New
Warrants   will   be  transferable  and  evidenced   by   warrant
certificates issued in registered form.  Holding will  not  issue
any  New  Warrants that are exercisable for fractional shares  of
New  Common  Stock.  Instead, the number of shares of New  Common
Stock  originally issuable upon exercise of any such New  Warrant
will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

                Holders  of  New  Warrants will  be  entitled  to
benefits  under  the  Equity Registration Rights  Agreement  with
respect  to  their New Warrants.  See "DESCRIPTION OF NEW  COMMON
STOCK _ Registration Rights Agreements."

B.        Exercise of New Warrants

                Upon issuance, each New Warrant will entitle  the
holder  thereof  to  purchase, at any time  prior  to  the  fifth
anniversary  of  the Effective Date (the "New Warrant  Expiration
Date"),  a specified number of shares of New Common Stock  at  an
exercise  price per share ("Exercise Price") initially  equal  to
$11.85,  subject  to  adjustment upon the occurrence  of  certain
events.  See "DESCRIPTION OF NEW WARRANTS _Adjustments."

                The  New Warrants may be exercised upon surrender
of  a  warrant  certificate  on  or  prior  to  the  New  Warrant
Expiration   Date,  accompanied  by  payment  of  the  applicable
Exercise Price for the number of shares of New Common Stock  with
respect  to which the New Warrants are being exercised.   To  the
extent the holder of a warrant certificate does not exercise  all
of the New Warrants represented by such warrant certificate, such
holder  shall receive a new warrant certificate representing  the
New Warrants not yet exercised.

C.        Adjustments

                The respective Exercise Prices and the number  of
shares of New Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of the  New
Warrants are subject to adjustment upon the issuance or  sale  by
Holding, without consideration or at a price per share less  than
the  Current  Market Price (as defined below) per  share  of  New
Common Stock, of (a) any additional shares of New Common Stock or
(b)   any   indebtedness   or  security  convertible   into,   or
exchangeable  for, shares of New Common Stock or  of  any  right,
option  or warrant to acquire shares of New Common Stock  or  any
security  convertible  into or exchangeable  for  shares  of  New
Common Stock.

                If  Holding declares or pays any dividend on  the
New Common Stock payable in additional shares of New Common Stock
or  subdivides the outstanding shares of New Common Stock into  a
greater  number  of shares of New Common Stock  or  combines  the
outstanding  shares of New Common Stock into a lesser  number  of
shares  of New Common Stock, the current Exercise Price  and  the
number  of  shares of New Common Stock issuable upon exercise  of
the New Warrants will be proportionally adjusted.

                If  Holding  declares or makes  an  extraordinary
dividend   or   other  distribution  on  the  New  Common   Stock
(including,  without  limitation, any distribution  of  other  or
additional  stock or other securities or property or  options  by
way  of  dividend or spin-off, reclassification, recapitalization
or similar corporate rearrangement) other than a regular periodic
dividend  payable out of Holding's earned surplus, or a  dividend
payable  in  shares of New Common Stock for which  adjustment  is
provided pursuant to the preceding paragraph, then, and  in  each
case,  the  current Exercise Price of the New  Warrants  will  be
reduced  by multiplying such current Exercise Price by a fraction
(1)  the numerator of which will be the Current Market Price  (as
defined  below) of the New Common Stock in effect on the date  of
determination less the value of such dividend or distribution (as
determined  in good faith by the Board of Directors  of  Holding)
applicable  to  one  share  of New  Common  Stock,  and  (2)  the
denominator  of  which will be such Current  Market  Price.   For
purposes  of  the Warrant Agreement, (1) "Current  Market  Price"
means,  with  respect to the New Common Stock  or  voting  common
stock  of  an  acquiring person or its parent, the average  daily
Market  Price during the period of the most recent 20 consecutive
business  days ending on the date of determination or, if  shares
of New Common Stock are not then listed or admitted to trading on
any national securities exchange and if the closing bid and asked
prices  thereof are not then quoted or published in the over-the-
counter  market,  the Market Price on such date and  (2)  "Market
Price"  means,  with respect to the New Common  Stock  or  voting
common  stock of an acquiring person or its parent, (a) the  last
sale  price of shares of New Common Stock, regular way,  on  such
date or, if no such sale takes place on such date, the average of
the  closing bid and asked prices thereof on such date,  in  each
case  as officially reported on the principal national securities
exchange on which the New Common Stock is then listed or admitted
to  trading, or (b) if the New Common Stock is not then listed or
admitted to trading on any national securities exchange  but  the
New  Common  Stock  is  designated as a  national  market  system
security  by the NASD, the last trading price of the  New  Common
Stock  on  such  date,  or  if the New Common  Stock  is  not  so
designated,  the average of the reported closing  bid  and  asked
prices  thereof  on  such date as shown  by  the  NASD  automated
quotation system or, if no shares thereof are then quoted in such
system,   as   published  by  the  National   Quotation   Bureau,
Incorporated or any successor organization, and in either case as
reported  by  any  member  firm of the New  York  Stock  Exchange
selected  by Holding, or (c) if the New Common Stock is not  then
listed  or  admitted  to  trading on  any  national  exchange  or
designated as a national market system security and if no closing
bid  and asked prices thereof are then so quoted or published  in
the  over-the-counter market, the higher of (i)  the  book  value
thereof  as  determined  by  agreement   between  Holding  and  a
majority  of  the holders of the New Warrants, or if Holding  and
such  holders  fail  to agree, by any firm of independent  public
accountants of recognized national standing selected by the Board
of  Directors of Holding, as of the last day of any month  ending
within  60  days preceding the date as of which the determination
is  to be made and (ii) the fair value thereof (as determined  by
Holding and a majority of the holders of the New Warrants or,  if
Holding  and  such  holders  fail  to  agree,  by  two  or   more
independent  investment banking firms in the manner  provided  in
the  New  Warrant  Agreement).  See "CERTAIN FEDERAL  INCOME  TAX
CONSEQUENCES  _ Federal Income Tax Consequences of Ownership  and
Disposition  of New Notes, New Common Stock, and New  Warrants  _
Disposition,   Exercise,  Expiration  and   Adjustment   of   New

                In  the  event  of any capital reorganization  or
reclassification or any merger or consolidation of Holding or any
sale  by Holding of substantially all of its assets, each  holder
of a New Warrant will be entitled to receive, upon payment of the
aggregate  Exercise Price then in effect, either of the following
(as  such  holder may elect by written notice to  Holding  on  or
before   the   date  immediately  preceding  the  date   of   the
consummation  of  such transaction): either (a)  the  securities,
cash   or   other  property,  if  any,  that  would   have   been
distributable  in  respect  of the shares  of  New  Common  Stock
issuable  under such New Warrants if exercised immediately  prior
to  such  transaction  (provided that if a  purchase,  tender  or
exchange  offer  shall  have been made to  and  accepted  by  the
holders  of  New Common Stock under circumstances in which,  upon
completion of such purchase, tender or exchange offer, the  maker
thereof and certain of its affiliates own beneficially more  than
50%  of  the outstanding shares of New Common Stock, such  holder
will  be  entitled  to  receive the  securities,  cash  or  other
property  that  would have been distributable in respect  of  the
shares  of  New  Common  Stock issuable under  such  holders  New
Warrant if (i) such holder had exercised its New Warrant prior to
the  expiration of such purchase, tender or exchange offer,  (ii)
such  holder  had accepted such offer and (iii) all  of  the  New
Common  Stock held by such holder had been purchased pursuant  to
such  purchase,  tender  or  exchange  offer);  or  (b)  if   the
consideration that would have been distributable to  such  holder
is  stock of the acquiring person, the number of shares  of  such
stock  (or equivalent equity interests) of such acquiring  person
equal  to  (i)  the product of (1) the number of  shares  of  New
Common  Stock  to which such holder would have been entitled  had
such  holder exercised its New Warrant immediately prior  to  the
consummation of such time transaction, times (2) the  greater  of
the  acquisition price and the Exercise Price in  effect  on  the
date immediately preceding the date of such consummation, divided
by  (ii)  the  Current Market Price per share of such  stock  (or
equivalent equity interests) of such acquiring person.

                No  adjustment of the Exercise Price of  the  New
Warrants will be required to be made until cumulative adjustments
amount  to  0.1% or more of such Exercise Price as last adjusted;
provided  that,  upon exercise of New Warrants,  all  adjustments
carried  forward  and not therefor made up to and  including  the
date  of  such exercise will be made to the nearest one-hundredth
of  a cent.  Upon the expiration of any rights, options, warrants
or  conversion or exchange privileges that previously  caused  an
adjustment  to  the  Exercise Price for the  New  Warrants,  such
Exercise   Price   will  be  subject  to  certain  readjustments.
Whenever  the  number of shares of New Common  Stock  purchasable
upon  exercise  of  the New Warrants or the  Exercise  Price  are
adjusted,  the Warrant Agent will promptly notify each holder  of
New  Warrants of such adjustment or adjustments to such  holder's
New Warrants.

D.        Limitation on Right to Vote or Receive Dividends

                No  holder  of  New Warrants, as  such,  will  be
entitled to any rights as a stockholder of Holding, including the
right to vote or to receive dividends or other distributions with
respect to the shares of New Common Stock, until such holder  has
properly exercised the New Warrants in accordance with the  terms
of the New Warrant Agreement.


               On the Effective Date, the Company will enter into
the  New  Credit Agreement, the general terms of  which  must  be
approved  by  the  Committee.  As of the date of this  Disclosure
Statement, the Company is in discussions with a number  of  banks
potentially   interested  in  providing  this  credit   facility,
including  the  Old  Banks.  There can be no assurance,  however,
that  any  bank  or group of banks will agree to provide  a  bank
credit  facility  on  terms acceptable to  the  Company  and  the
Committee.  In the event the Company is unable to enter into  the
New  Credit  Agreement,  the Company  will  not  have  sufficient
financing  to consummate the Restructuring and may be  forced  to
pursue an orderly liquidation of its assets.

                The  Company  anticipates  that  the  New  Credit
Agreement  will  provide for up to $37.5 million  in  borrowings,
including  approximately $27.5 million under a  revolving  credit
facility  (subject  to  borrowing base requirements)  and  a  $10
million  term  loan.  Proceeds from the term loan  will  be  used
primarily  to  fund certain obligations under Company's  modified
collective  bargaining  agreements  (see  "DESCRIPTION   OF   THE
MODIFIED  UNION  AGREEMENTS")  and  to  pay  certain  transaction
expenses relating to the Restructuring.  The Company expects that
its  obligations  under  the New Bank Credit  Agreement  will  be
secured  by  a  security interest in, and liens on, substantially
all  of  the Company's assets and will be guaranteed by  Holding.
While  the  covenants and events of default under  the  New  Bank
Credit Agreement are expected to be similar to those contained in
the 1995 Credit Agreement, the specific nature of these covenants
is  subject  to discussion and will reflect, among other  things,
the anticipated results of Company's operations and the Company's
revised  capital  structure  following  the  completion  of   the

                   XX.   ACCOUNTING TREATMENT

                                         The  Debtors propose  to
account  for  the Restructuring using the principles  of  "fresh-
start" accounting as required by SOP No. 90-7.  Pursuant to  such
principles, the Company's assets and liabilities will be revalued
as  of  the Effective Date.  The assets will be stated  at  their
reorganized value ("Reorganization Value"), which is  defined  as
the  value of the Company on a going-concern basis following  the

                                         The  restatement of  the
Company's  assets  and liabilities, referred to as  "fresh-start"
reporting, applies the following principles:

                                           (A)    The   Company's
Reorganization  Value is allocated to its assets  as  though  the
Company  had  been acquired in a transaction reported  using  the
purchase  method,  under  which  specific  tangible  assets   and
identified intangible assets of the Company are adjusted to their
fair  market values.  If any portion of the Reorganization  Value
cannot   be   attributed  to  specific  tangible  or   identified
intangible  assets,  such portion is reported  as  an  intangible
asset   identified  as  "reorganization  value   in   excess   of
identifiable assets," and such excess would then be amortized  in
accordance with applicable financial reporting procedures.

                                          (B)    Each   liability
existing on the Confirmation Date, other than deferred taxes,  is
stated  at  the present value of the future amounts  to  be  paid
thereon  as  determined  by  discounting  such  payments  at   an
appropriate current interest rate, if material.

                                         (C)  Deferred taxes  are
reported   in  conformity  with  generally  accepted   accounting
principles.   When  realized, benefits from pre-confirmation  net
operating loss carryforwards reduce the reorganization  value  in
excess  of  identifiable assets and other intangibles until  such
excess  is  exhausted  and thereafter are reported  as  a  direct
addition to paid-in capital.

                                            (D)     Changes    in
accounting  principles  that will be required  in  the  Company's
financial  statements  within  the twelve  months  following  the
adoption  of fresh-start reporting should be adopted at the  time
the fresh-start reporting is adopted.

                                           Adopting   fresh-start
reporting  in essence results in a new reporting entity  with  no
beginning retained earnings or deficit.  The unaudited pro  forma
financial  statements  set forth under "FINANCIAL  INFORMATION  _
Projected  and Pro Forma Financial Information" and the projected
pro   forma   financial  information  set  forth  in   "FINANCIAL
INFORMATION  _  Projected  and Pro Forma  Financial  Information"
reflect  the  adoption  of fresh-start  reporting  on  the  bases
described herein.


                The  following  is  a general discussion  of  (A)
certain  federal income tax consequences of the Restructuring  to
holders of Old Notes, to holders of General Unsecured Claims, and
to  holders  of Old Common Stock, (B) certain federal income  tax
consequences of the ownership and disposition of New  Notes,  New
Common Stock and New Warrants and (C) certain federal income  tax
consequences of the Restructuring to the Debtors.

                This discussion is based on the provisions of the
Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the  "Code"),  final,
temporary  and  proposed  Treasury  regulations  thereunder  (the
"Treasury   Regulations"),   and  administrative   and   judicial
interpretations thereof, all as in effect as of the  date  hereof
and all of which are subject to change (possibly on a retroactive
basis).   The statements of law and legal conclusions  set  forth
below reflect the Debtors' view, based on the advice of their tax
counsel,  of  the appropriate interpretation of those provisions.
There can be no assurance that the Internal Revenue Service  (the
"IRS") will not take a contrary view as to the federal income tax
consequences discussed below.  No ruling from the IRS has been or
will be sought on any of the issues discussed below.

                This discussion provides general information only
and  does  not purport to address all of the federal  income  tax
consequences  that  may  be applicable to any  particular  holder
subject to special treatment under federal income tax law  or  to
any  particular holder in light of such holder's particular facts
and  circumstances.   Certain holders, including  broker-dealers,
tax-exempt  entities, insurance companies, foreign  persons,  and
persons  who acquired Old Notes or Old Common Stock in connection
with the performance of services, may be subject to special rules
not discussed below.
                This  discussion assumes that Old Notes  and  New
Notes  each constitute debt rather than equity for federal income
tax  purposes,  and that holders hold Old Notes  and  Old  Common
Stock,  and  will  hold  New Notes, New  Common  Stock,  and  New
Warrants,  as  capital assets within the meaning of Code  section
1221.   This  discussion  also assumes  that  holders  (including
holders of General Unsecured Claims) compute their federal income
tax liability under the accrual method of accounting.

               This discussion further assumes that the Old Notes
and  the  General Unsecured Claims do not constitute "securities"
within  the  meaning  of  the provisions of  the  Code  governing
reorganizations.   In  general, a debt instrument  constitutes  a
"security" if it represents a participating, continuing  interest
in  the  issuer, rather than merely the right to a cash  payment.
Under present law, debt instruments with a five-year term or less
are  generally not treated as securities.  The change in interest
rate of the Old Notes on April 21, 1995, caused the Old Notes  to
be  treated  as  newly  issued for federal income  tax  purposes.
Because  the  maturity date of the Old Notes is  less  than  five
years from April 21, 1995, the Debtors believe that the Old Notes
do  not  constitute "securities" for federal income tax purposes.
However, this conclusion is not entirely free from doubt  and  it
is  possible that the IRS could take a different view.   In  that
event,  the  federal income tax consequences to  holders  of  Old
Notes  would  be  different  from  those  described  below.    In
particular, in that event holders of Old Notes might not be  able
to recognize for federal income tax purposes any loss realized as
a  result  of  the exchange, and the application of the  original
issue  discount and market discount rules could differ from  what
is described below.


A.    Certain  Federal Income Tax Consequences of  the  Plan  to
Holders of Old Notes, to Holders of General Unsecured Claims  and
to Holders of Old Common Stock

     1.        Exchange of Old Notes

                The  following is a summary of what  the  Debtors
believe, based on the advice of their tax counsel, are the likely
federal  income  tax consequences to holders of Old  Notes  as  a
result of the exchange of Old Notes for cash, New Notes, and  New
Common Stock:

               (a)  Subject to the discussion below as to accrued
but  unpaid interest, a holder will recognize gain or loss on the
exchange in an amount equal to the difference between (i) the sum
of  the  cash  received, the aggregate issue  price  (as  defined
below)  of the New Notes received, and the fair market  value  of
the  New Common Stock received as of the Effective Date and  (ii)
such holder's adjusted tax basis in its Old Notes.

               (b)  Subject to the discussion below as to accrued
market  discount, any such gain or loss will be capital  gain  or
loss,  and  such gain or loss will be long-term capital  gain  or
loss if such holder held the Old Notes for more than one year  as
of the Effective Date.

               (c)  A holder's tax basis in the New Notes will be
equal  to  the  issue  price of such New Notes,  and  a  holder's
holding period of the New Notes will begin on the day immediately
following the Effective Date.

                (d)  A holder's tax basis in the New Common Stock
will be equal to the fair market value of the New Common Stock as
of  the Effective Date, and a holder's holding period of the  New
Common  Stock  will  begin on the day immediately  following  the
Effective Date.

                Holders who may realize a gain as a result of the
exchange  should  discuss with their tax  advisors  the  possible
application of the installment sale rules of the Code to any such

                As  described above, it is possible that the  IRS
could take a different view regarding the tax consequences of the
exchange,  and, in particular, could attempt to deny  to  holders
the  recognition  of any loss realized on the exchange.  In  that
event,  the  federal income tax basis and holding period  of  any
property  received  in  the  exchange  would  be  determined   by
reference  to the holder's tax basis and holding period  for  the
Old Notes.

     2.        Exchange of General Unsecured Claims

                The  following is a summary of what  the  Debtors
believe, based on the advice of their tax counsel, are the likely
federal  income tax consequences to holders of General  Unsecured
Claims  (other  than  claims in respect of Old  Notes  which  are
treated  under the Plan as General Unsecured Claims) as a  result
of  the  exchange of such General Unsecured Claims for New Common

                (a)  A holder will recognize gain or loss on  the
exchange  in  an amount equal to the difference between  (i)  the
fair  market  value of the New Common Stock received  as  of  the
Effective Date and (ii) such holder's adjusted tax basis  in  its
General Unsecured Claim.

                (b)   Such gain or loss will generally constitute
ordinary income or loss.

                (c)  A holder's tax basis in the New Common Stock
will be equal to the fair market value of the New Common Stock as
of  the Effective Date, and a holder's holding period of the  New
Common  Stock  will  begin on the day immediately  following  the
Effective Date.

               It is possible that the IRS could take a different
view  regarding  the tax consequences of the  exchange,  and,  in
particular,  could attempt to deny to holders the recognition  of
any  loss  realized on the exchange.  In that event, the  federal
income  tax basis and holding period of any property received  in
the exchange would be determined by reference to the holders' tax
basis and holding period for the General Unsecured Claim.

     3.        Exchange of Old Common Stock

                The  exchange of shares of Old Common  Stock  for
shares of New Common Stock and New Warrants should be treated  as
an exchange constituting a recapitalization within the meaning of
Code  section 368(a)(1)(E).  If the exchange is treated  in  that
manner,  the federal income tax consequences to a holder  of  Old
Common Stock should be as follows:

                (a)   A  holder  of  Old Common  Stock  will  not
recognize  any loss realized on the exchange, but will  recognize
any gain realized on the exchange to the extent of the lesser  of
(i) the amount of gain realized and (ii) the fair market value of
the  New Warrants received as of the Effective Date.  The  amount
of  gain realized will be equal to the excess (if any) of (A) the
fair  market  value of the New Common Stock and the New  Warrants
received as of the Effective Date over (B) the holder's tax basis
in the Old Common Stock.

                (b)   The  tax  basis  of the  New  Common  Stock
received by a holder of Old Common Stock will equal the tax basis
of the Old Common Stock exchanged therefor, decreased by the fair
market  value  of the New Warrants received as of  the  Effective
Date  and increased by the amount of gain (if any) recognized  by
such  holder on the exchange.  A holder's holding period  of  the
New  Common  Stock  will include the holding period  of  the  Old
Common Stock exchanged therefor.

               (c)  A holder's tax basis in the New Warrants will
equal  their fair market value as of the Effective Date, and  the
holder's holding period for the New Warrants will commence on the
day following the Effective Date.

     4.        Accrued but Unpaid Interest

                The Plan provides that the consideration paid  to
holders of Old Notes pursuant to the Plan will be allocated first
to  accrued but unpaid interest on the Old Notes and next to  the
principal on the Old Notes.  The consideration for the Old  Notes
will  be equal to the sum of the cash, the aggregate issue  price
of  the  New  Notes, and the fair market value of the New  Common
Stock  as of the Effective Date received in exchange for the  Old
Notes.  The Debtors intend to prepare their own tax returns,  and
report  interest paid to holders in the information  returns  and
reports  sent  to  holders and to the IRS in a manner  consistent
with  the  above  allocation.  The IRS, however, could  challenge
such  allocation  and  contend  that  some  other  allocation  is
required (for example, a pro rata allocation between accrued  but
unpaid  interest and principal).  Each holder of Old Notes should
consult  its  own  tax advisor regarding the  allocation  of  the
consideration received.

                A  holder of Old Notes should recognize  interest
income  as  a  result of the exchange if and to  the  extent  the
consideration it is deemed to have received in payment of accrued
but unpaid interest exceeds the amount the holder has included in
income as accrued but unpaid interest during the period that  the
holder  held  such  Old  Notes.  A holder  of  Old  Notes  should
recognize an ordinary loss as a result of the exchange if and  to
the  extent  the  amount  of  the  accrued  but  unpaid  interest
previously  included  in income with respect  to  the  Old  Notes
exceeds  the  consideration it is deemed  to  have   received  in
payment of accrued but unpaid interest (which would only occur if
an  allocation different from the one described in the  preceding
paragraph were determined to be correct).

     5.        Accrued Market Discount

                A  holder  that acquired Old Notes subsequent  to
their  original issuance with more than a "de minimis" amount  of
"market discount" will be subject to the market discount rules of
the  Code.   Under  those rules, assuming  that  no  election  to
include  market  discount in income on a current basis  has  been
made   by   the  holder  with  respect  to  any  market  discount
instrument, any gain recognized on the exchange of the Old  Notes
would  be characterized as ordinary income to the extent  of  the
accrued  market  discount  as  of the  Effective  Date.   Because
Treasury  Regulations with respect to the market  discount  rules
have  not yet been issued, all holders of Old Notes that may have
been  acquired  with  market discount are particularly  urged  to
consult their own tax advisors.

B.   Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of Ownership and Dis
position of New Notes, New Common Stock and New Warrants

     1.        Ownership and Disposition of New Notes

                Original  Issue Discount.  A New  Note  generally
will have original issue discount ("OID") for federal income  tax
purposes if its "stated redemption price at maturity" exceeds its
"issue  price."  Under a "de minimis" rule provided in the  Code,
however, the amount of OID will be considered to be zero  if  the
amount  of such excess is less than the product of (a) an  amount
equal  to 0.25 percent of the stated redemption price at maturity
and  (b)  the  number of complete years to maturity of  the  debt

                The  determination of the "issue price" of a  New
Note  depends, in part, on whether the Old Notes or the New Notes
are  publicly traded.  In general, the Old Notes or the New Notes
will be treated as publicly traded if, at any time during the 60-
day  period ending 30 days after the issue date of the New Notes,
the  Old  Notes  or  the New Notes are traded on  an  established
market.   Subject  to  certain exceptions, a debt  instrument  is
treated as traded on an established market if (a) it is listed on
certain  securities exchanges, interdealer quotation systems,  or
certain  foreign exchanges or boards of trade, (b) it  is  traded
either  on  certain  boards of trade that  are  designated  as  a
contract market or on an interbank market or (c) it appears on  a
system of general circulation that provides a reasonable basis to
determine fair market value by disseminating either recent  price
quotations  of identified brokers, dealers or traders  or  actual
prices  of  recent  sales  transactions.   In  addition,  a  debt
instrument  is  treated  as traded on an  established  securities
market  if  price quotations are readily available from  brokers,
dealers or traders but only if, among other things, another  debt
instrument  of  the issuer satisfies requirements  set  forth  in
clause (a), (b) or (c) of the preceding sentence.

                The  issue  price  of a debt instrument  that  is
traded  on  an established market, or that is issued for  another
debt  instrument that is so traded, is equal to the  fair  market
value  of such debt instrument or such other debt instrument,  as
the case may be, on the issue date.

                The issue price of a debt instrument that (a)  is
not traded on an established market and is not issued in exchange
for  another  debt  instrument that is so traded  and  (b)  bears
"adequate  stated  interest", is equal to  its  stated  principal
amount.   It is expected that the interest payable under the  New
Notes  will  constitute  "adequate stated  interest"  within  the
meaning of the Code.

                The  Debtors cannot predict whether the Old Notes
or  the  New Notes will be traded on an established market during
the  60-day period ending 30 days after the issue date of the New
Notes.   If,  based on the facts at the relevant  time,  the  Old
Notes or the New Notes are ultimately determined to be traded  on
an  established market, (a) the New Notes may have an issue price
less than their stated redemption price at maturity and therefore
may  have  OID,  (b) the New Notes could become  subject  to  the
applicable  high  yield discount obligation  provisions  of  Code
section 163(e)(5), resulting in adverse tax consequences  to  the
Company  with  respect  to, among other things,  the  timing  and
amount of interest deductions, and (c) the amount of cancellation
of   indebtedness  income  realized  by  the  Company  could   be
significantly increased.

                In  general, the "stated redemption price at matu
rity"  of  a New Note will be equal to all amounts payable  under
the  New  Note,  other than amounts payable as  qualified  stated
interest.   "Qualified  stated  interest"  is  generally   stated
interest  that is unconditionally payable in cash or in  property
at  least annually at a single fixed rate.  The New Notes provide
for semiannual payments of interest in cash at a fixed rate.  All
of  the  Company's  payments of interest on the  New  Notes  will
therefore constitute qualified stated interest payments, and thus
the stated redemption price at maturity of the New Notes will  be
their stated principal amount.

                If the stated redemption price at maturity of the
New  Notes  exceeds their issue price by more than the applicable
"de minimis" amount, the New Notes will have OID.  Accordingly, a
holder  of  a New Note would be required to include  any  OID  in
income  in  accordance with the rules described below, and  would
include  cash interest payments in income in accordance with  the
holder's  method of tax accounting.  The amount of OID includible
in  income by the initial holder of the New Note would be the sum
of  the "daily portions" of OID with respect to the New Note  for
each  day during the taxable year or portion of the taxable  year
in  which  such holder held such New Note ("accrued  OID").   The
daily  portion would be determined by allocating to each  day  in
any  "accrual period" a pro rata portion of the OID allocable  to
that  accrual period.  The amount of OID allocable to any accrual
period with respect to a New Note would be an amount equal to the
excess, if any, of (a) the product of the "adjusted issue  price"
of  the New Note at the beginning of such accrual period and  its
yield to maturity (determined on the basis of compounding at  the
close of each accrual period and properly adjusted for the length
of  the  accrual  period) and (b) the amount of qualified  stated
interest  allocable to the accrual period.  The  "adjusted  issue
price"  of the New Note at the start of any accrual period  would
be equal to its issue price increased by the accrued OID for each
prior  accrual  period  and reduced by any  prior  payments  with
respect  to such New Note that were not qualified stated interest
payments.   A holder's tax basis in a New Note would be increased
by  the  amounts of any OID included in income by the holder  and
would  be  decreased  by the any payments (other  than  qualified
stated interest payments) received in respect to such New Note.

                Amortizable Bond Premium.  If the tax basis of an
exchanging  holder's  New Note exceeds  the  "amount  payable  at
maturity" of such New Note, then such excess may be deductible by
the  holder as "amortizable bond premium" under Code section  171
on a constant interest rate basis over the term of such security.
Such  deductions are available only if the holder makes  (or  has
made) a timely election under Code section 171.

                If  a  holder of New Notes makes an  election  to
amortize bond premium, the amortization deductions may be subject
to   certain   limitations,  including  possibly  the  investment
interest  limitations  of  Code section  163(d)  or  the  overall
limitation  on  itemized deductions under Code  section  68.   In
addition,  the  tax  basis of such holder's  New  Notes  must  be
reduced  by  the amount of the aggregate amortization  deductions
allowable for the bond premium.  Finally, any such election would
apply  to  all debt instruments held or subsequently acquired  by
the electing holder and cannot be revoked without permission from
the IRS.

                Disposition of New Notes.  Generally, any sale or
redemption  of  a New Note will result in taxable  gain  or  loss
equal  to the difference between the amount of any cash and  fair
market  value  of any property received in exchange therefor  and
such  holder's tax basis in the obligation.  Such  gain  or  loss
will  be capital gain or loss (except as noted above with respect
to the OID provisions).

     2.        Ownership and Disposition of New Common Stock

                Dividends,  if any, paid on the New Common  Stock
will be taxed as ordinary income.  A dividends received deduction
(generally at a 70% rate) may be available with respect  to  such
dividends  to  the  holders  of the New  Common  Stock  that  are
corporations,  subject to limitations such as those  relating  to
holding  periods or indebtedness used to acquire  or  carry  such
stock.   The  term "dividend" means a distribution  made  out  of
current  or  accumulated earnings and profits as  determined  for
federal  income tax purposes.  To the extent that a  distribution
exceeds  current  and accumulated earnings  and  profits,  it  is
treated  as  a nontaxable recovery of  the holder's adjusted  tax
basis  to the extent thereof, and any remaining amount is taxable
as  if  received  in a disposition of the New  Common  Stock.   A
holder of New Common Stock will generally recognize capital  gain
or  loss  upon  a sale or other taxable disposition  of  the  New
Common  Stock.  However, under Code section 108 (e) (7), gain  on
the  disposition of New Common Stock received in exchange  for  a
General Unsecured Claim (other than a claim in respect of an  Old
Note  which  is  treated under the Plan as  a  General  Unsecured
Claim) will generally be treated as ordinary income to the extent
that the holder was allowed an ordinary loss (i) on such exchange
or  (ii)  under  Code section 166 (a) or (b) (by  reason  of  the
worthlessness or partial worthlessness of such General  Unsecured

     3.        Disposition, Exercise, Expiration and Adjustment of New

               The sale of a New Warrant will generally result in
the  recognition of gain or loss to the holder in an amount equal
to  the difference between the amount realized from the sale  and
the  holder's tax basis in the New Warrant, and such gain or loss
generally will be a capital gain or loss.

                As  a general rule, no gain or loss will be recog
nized  by  a  holder of a New Warrant on the exercise  of  a  New
Warrant for New Common Stock.  The tax basis of New Common  Stock
so  received  will generally be equal to the sum of the  holder's
tax  basis in the exercised New Warrant plus the amount  of  cash
tendered.  The holding period of such stock will not include  the
holding period of such New Warrant.

                If  a  New Warrant is permitted to expire without
being  exercised, a holder will recognize a loss  equal  to  such
holder's  tax  basis  in  the New Warrant,  and  such  loss  will
generally be a capital loss.

                An  adjustment  to the exercise price  of  a  New
Warrant,  an  adjustment to the number of shares  of  New  Common
Stock  that may be purchased upon the exercise of a New  Warrant,
or  a  failure  to  make such an adjustment  may,  under  certain
circumstances,  result in a constructive distribution  to  either
the  holders  of New Warrants or the holders of New Common  Stock
that could be taxable as a dividend under Section 301 and Section
305 of the Code.

     4.        Backup Withholding

                A  holder of New Notes and New Common Stock  may,
under  certain circumstances, be subject to "backup  withholding"
at  the  rate of 31% with respect to cash payments in respect  of
interest or original issue discount (if any) accrued with respect
to  the  New  Notes; dividends paid on New Common Stock;  or  the
proceeds  of a sale, exchange or redemption of such New Notes  or
New Common Stock unless such holder (a) is a corporation or comes
within certain other exempt categories and, when required,  demon
strates  this  fact  or  (b) provides  a  correct  taxpayer  iden
tification  number, certifies that such holder is not subject  to
backup   withholding  and  otherwise  complies  with   applicable
requirements of the backup withholding provisions.

C.   Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Restructuring
to the Debtors

               A taxpayer generally realizes cancellation of debt
("COD")  income  for  federal income tax purposes  equal  to  the
amount  of any indebtedness that is discharged or canceled during
the  taxable year.  If the discharge is granted by a court  in  a
Title  11 proceeding or is pursuant to a plan approved by such  a
court,  however,  such  income is excluded  from  the  taxpayer's
taxable  income  under Code Section 108(a).  Under  Code  Section
108(b),  the debtor is required to reduce certain of its  federal
income  tax attributes, including any net operating loss for  the
taxable  year  of the debt discharge and any net  operating  loss
carryforwards, by the amount of the COD income excluded by reason
of the Code Section 108(a).

                The  Company  will recognize COD  income  to  the
extent  that the consideration received by its creditors pursuant
to  the  Plan is less than the amount of their Claims.  For  this
purpose,  the  amount of the consideration paid to  creditors  is
equal  to the sum of the cash, the aggregate issue price  of  the
New  Notes  (determined as described above) and the  fair  market
value  of the New Common Stock issued to creditors in respect  of
their Claims.

                The amount of COD income that will be realized by
the Company will depend upon a number of variables that cannot be
predicted  at this time, including the fair market value  of  the
New Common Stock and the issue price of the New Notes (which,  as
described  above, will depend in part upon whether the Old  Notes
or  New  Notes  are  traded on an established  securities  market
during  the 60-day period ending 30 days after the issue date  of
the New Notes).

                 The   Debtors   expect   to   have   substantial
consolidated  NOL  carryforwards from their  taxable  year  ended
December 30, 1995, and prior taxable years.  The Debtors  further
expect  that the amount of such NOL carryforwards will be reduced
substantially, and any net operating loss arising in the  taxable
year  of the Restructuring will be eliminated, by  the COD income
realized by the Company as a result of the Restructuring  (which,
for  the reason discussed above, is difficult to estimate at this
time).   In  addition,  as  a result of  the  Restructuring,  the
Company will undergo an "ownership change" within the meaning  of
Code  Section 382.  Consequently, the ability of the  Debtors  to
use any remaining NOL carryforwards, as well as any remaining net
operating  loss  arising  in the taxable  period  ending  on  the
Effective Date of the Restructuring, in taxable periods after the
Restructuring  will become subject to an annual limitation  under
Code Section 382.  See "FINANCIAL INFORMATION _ Projected and Pro
Forma  Financial Information _ Projected and Pro Forma Statements
of  Operations  _ Notes to 1995_1998 Statements of  Operations  _
Note (e)."  The reduction of and limitations on the Debtors' NOLs
may  substantially  increase the amount of  tax  payable  by  the
Debtors following consummation of the Joint Plan as compared with
the  amount of tax that would be payable if no such reduction and
limitations were required.

               The Company presently intends to elect not to have
the  provisions  of  Code  Section  382(l)(5)  apply  to  the  Re
structuring.   Rather, the Company intends to take  the  position
that it is entitled to determine the Section 382 limitation under
the special exception provided in Code Section 382(l)(6) for loss
corporations  that  exchange  stock  for  debt  and  undergo   an
ownership  change in a Title 11 proceeding.  Under this position,
the  amount  of  income that may be offset by  the  NOLs  in  any
taxable  year  ending  after  the  Restructuring  (subject  to  a
proration  rule  for the taxable year in which the  Restructuring
occurs)  generally  will be limited to an  amount  equal  to  the
product  of  (a)  the fair market value of the  Company's  stock,
determined immediately prior to the Restructuring but taking into
account the increase in value resulting from the cancellation  of
creditors' claims in the Restructuring and (b) the "long-term tax-
exempt rate" prescribed the IRS.

                If  the  Company  has a "net unrealized  built-in
loss"  as of the date of the ownership change, subject to certain
limitations, any "built-in loss" recognized during the  five-year
period  beginning with the date of the ownership change  will  be
treated  as a pre-change loss and will be subject to the  general
Section 382 limitation described above.

                  XXII.     FINANCIAL ADVISORS

                In December 1995, the Company retained DLJ to act
as the Company's financial advisor.  DLJ has assisted the Company
in  exploring certain strategic alternatives, including the  sale
of  the  Company  to  a  third party, and in formulating  various
aspects  of  the  Restructuring.   Also  in  December  1995,  the
Committee selected Houlihan Lokey to act as its financial advisor
in  connection with the Restructuring.  The Company has agreed to
pay  the fees and expenses of Houlihan Lokey as described  below.
See "THE RESTRUCTURING _ Restructuring Discussions _ Retention of
Restructuring Professionals; Formation of Committee."

                Pursuant  to  the  letter agreement  between  the
Company  and  DLJ, DLJ received a $250,000 fee upon execution  of
the agreement (which amount was funded by CD&R).  In addition, in
order  to  facilitate the Restructuring, CD&R intends to  satisfy
the  Company's  other payment obligations under  the  DLJ  letter
agreement,  including  the  payment  to  DLJ  of   an  additional
$500,000  upon acceptance and consummation of the  Plan  and  the
reimbursement  of  DLJ's   out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred   in
connection with the Restructuring.   In addition, pursuant to the
letter  agreement  between the Company and  Houlihan  Lokey,  the
Company  has agreed to pay Houlihan Lokey a monthly advisory  fee
of  $80,000 through the Effective Date, and to reimburse  it  for
reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  arising  from  its  work  in
connection  with the Restructuring.  Pursuant to  the  Plan,  the
Company will assume its agreement with Houlihan Lokey.

                The  reasonable fees and expenses incurred on  or
after  the Filing Date by Houlihan Lokey and the other Noteholder
Advisor  with  respect to the Debtors' bankruptcy cases  will  be
paid  (without  application by or on behalf of such professionals
to the Bankruptcy Court, and without notice and a hearing, unless
specifically  ordered by the Bankruptcy Court upon request  of  a
party  in  interest) by the Debtors as an Administrative  Expense
under  the  Plan  (unless  any such  advisor  is  retained  by  a
Statutory  Committee pursuant to Sections  327  or  1103  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code).   If  the Debtors and any  Noteholder  Advisor
cannot  agree on the amount of such fees and expenses to be  paid
to  such Noteholder Advisor, the amount of such fees and expenses
will be determined by the Bankruptcy Court.  See "SUMMARY OF  THE
PLAN _ Treatment of Unclassified Claims."

                    XXIII.  CONCLUSION

                                          In   the  view  of  the
Debtors,  the  Plan presents the holders of Claims  against,  and
Interests  in  the Debtors, their best opportunity for  an  early
recovery.   The Debtors urge all holders of Claims  against,  and
Interests in, the Debtors who are entitled to vote on the Plan to
vote to accept the Plan.

                                  Dated: May 13, 1996.

                                       HOMELAND STORES, INC.

                                         James A. Demme
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                       HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

                                         James A. Demme
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer

                                       CROWE  & DUNLEVY, A PROFESSIONAL
                                         Judy Hamilton Morse, OBA #6450
                                         Kenni B. Merritt, OBA #6147
                                         Roger A. Stong, OBA #11710
                                         William H. Hoch, OBA # 15788

                                        1800 Mid-America Tower
                                        20  North Broadway
                                        Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73102
                                        (405) 235-7700

                                        COUNSEL TO HOMELAND STORES, INC. AND
                                        HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

                                        YOUNG,CONAWAY, STARGATT & TAYLOR
                                        James L. Patton, Jr.

                                        Rodney Square North, 11th Floor
                                        Wilmington, Delaware 19899
                                        (302) 571-6600

                                       LOCAL COUNSEL TO HOMELAND STORES, INC.
                                       AND HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

               Note:  Format Change incl. Header A  UNITED STATES

                                   FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

                      IN RE:
                      HOMELAND STORES, INC.,            )    Case No.
                                                        )    Chapter 11
                                  Debtor.               )

                      IN RE:                           )
                 HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION,         ) Case No.
                                                       ) Chapter 11
                                 Debtor.                 Jointly Administered

                                   DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR
                                JOINT  PLAN OF REORGANIZATION OF

                                CROWE  & DUNLEVY, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION
                                1800 Mid-America Tower
                                20 North Broadway
                                Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73102
                                (405) 235-7700


                                YOUNG, CONAWAY, STARGATT & TAYLOR
                                Rodney Square North, 11th Floor
                                Wilmington, Delaware 19899
                                (302) 571-6600


Appendix A



IN RE:                          )
HOMELAND STORES, INC.,          )  Case No.
                                )  Chapter 11
               Debtor.          )

IN RE:                          )
                                )  Chapter 11
               Debtor.          )  Jointly Administered


            Homeland   Stores,   Inc.,  a  Delaware   corporation
("Company"),  and  Homeland  Holding  Corporation,   a   Delaware
corporation  ("Holding"  and,  together  with  the  Company,  the
"Debtors"),  hereby propose this Joint Plan of Reorganization  of
Homeland  Stores, Inc. and Homeland Holding Corporation  ("Plan")
to  resolve  claims against, and interests in,  the  Company  and
Holding.   The Debtors are the proponents of the Plan within  the
meaning of Section 1129 of the United States Bankruptcy Code,  as
amended ("Bankruptcy Code").

           The Disclosure Statement for Plan of Reorganization of
Homeland   Stores,   Inc.   and  Homeland   Holding   Corporation
("Disclosure   Statement")  provides  certain  information   with
respect to the Debtors and the Plan.

          Nothing in the Plan should be construed as constituting
a  solicitation of acceptances of the Plan unless and  until  the
Disclosure  Statement has been approved and  distributed  to  all
holders of claims and interests to the extent required by Section
1125 of the Bankruptcy Code.

           All  holders  are  encouraged to read  the  Disclosure
Statement and the Plan in their entirety before voting to  accept
or to reject the Plan.

                           ARTICLE I


      A.    Defined Terms.  The following terms used in the  Plan
shall have the respective meanings specified.

           1.    Administrative  Claim. The term  "Administrative
Claim"  means  a Claim for administrative expenses allowed  under
Section 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code and entitled to priority in
payment   under   Section  507(a)(1)  of  the  Bankruptcy   Code,
including, without limitation, any actual and necessary costs and
expenses  of preserving the respective Estates and operating  the
businesses  of the Debtors during the Cases, any indebtedness  or
obligations incurred by either Debtor during the pendency of  the
Cases  in  connection with the conduct of the  business  of,  the
acquisition  or  the lease of property by, or  the  rendition  of
services  to,  such  Debtor, all allowances of  compensation  for
legal  and  other  professional  services  and  reimbursement  of
expenses  to the extent allowed under Section 330 or 503  of  the
Bankruptcy Code and all Statutory Fees.

           2.    Affiliated Released Party.  The term "Affiliated
Released   Party"  means  each  officer,  director,  shareholder,
affiliate, employee, consultant, attorney, accountant, agent  and
other representative of the Debtors.

          3.   Allowed Claim.  The term "Allowed Claim" means any
Claim  against either Debtor, proof of which has been filed  with
the  Bankruptcy Court, or, if no proof of Claim is  filed,  which
Claim  has  been  or hereafter is listed by such  Debtor  in  its
Schedules  as  liquidated  in  amount,  not  disputed   and   not
contingent,  and  in all cases, as to which no objection  to  the
allowance  thereof, or motion for estimation  thereof,  has  been
interposed  within the applicable period of limitation  fixed  by
the  Plan,  the  Bankruptcy Code, the  Bankruptcy  Rules  or  the
Bankruptcy  Court,  or  as to which an objection  or  motion  for
estimation  has been interposed, following which such  Claim  has
been  allowed  in whole or in part by a Final Order or  otherwise
settled as provided in Article VII.

           4.    Allowed  . . . Claim. The term "Allowed  .  .  .
Claim"  means an Allowed Claim of the type described  or  in  the
Class described, as the case may be.

           5.    Allowed  Interest.  The term "Allowed  Interest"
means  any  Interest in either Debtor, proof of  which  has  been
filed  with the Bankruptcy Court, or, if no proof of Interest  is
filed,  which  Interest has been or hereafter is listed  by  such
Debtor  in its Schedules as liquidated in amount and not disputed
and not contingent and in all cases, as to which no objection  to
the allowance thereof, or motion for estimation thereof, has been
interposed  within the applicable period of limitation  fixed  by
the  Plan,  the  Bankruptcy Code, the  Bankruptcy  Rules  or  the
Bankruptcy  Court,  or  as  to  which  an  objection   has   been
interposed,  following which such Interest has  been  allowed  in
whole  or  in  part  by  a Final Order or  otherwise  settled  as
provided in Article VII.

           6.   Allowed . . . Interest.  The term "Allowed . .  .
Interest" means an Allowed Interest of the type described  or  in
the Class described, as the case may be.

           7.    Amended  Holding  Charter.   The  term  "Amended
Holding  Charter" means the amended and restated  certificate  of
incorporation of the Company containing substantially  the  terms
summarized in the Disclosure Statement and substantially  in  the
form  set  forth  in Appendix G to the Disclosure  Statement  and
contained in the Plan Supplement.

           8.    Amended  Homeland Charter.   The  term  "Amended
Homeland Charter"  means the amended and restated certificate  of
incorporation of the Company containing substantially  the  terms
summarized in the Disclosure Statement and substantially  in  the
form  set  forth  in Appendix H to the Disclosure  Statement  and
contained in the Plan Supplement.

          9.   Bankruptcy Code.  The term "Bankruptcy Code" means
the  Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, as amended, as set  forth  in
Title 11 of the United States Code.

           10.   Bankruptcy  Court.  The term "Bankruptcy  Court"
means  the  United States Bankruptcy Court for  the  District  of
Delaware  or,  if  the  United States Bankruptcy  Court  for  the
District  of  Delaware ceases to exercise jurisdiction  over  the
Cases,  the court that exercises jurisdiction over the  Cases  in
lieu  of  the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District  of

           11.   Bankruptcy  Rules.  The term "Bankruptcy  Rules"
means,  collectively, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy  Procedure,
as  amended, and the Local Bankruptcy Rules for the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, as amended.

           12.  Business Day.  The term "Business Day" means  any
day,  other  than a Saturday, a Sunday or a "legal  holiday,"  as
defined in Rule 9006(a) of the Bankruptcy Rules.

           13.  Case.  The term "Case" means the Homeland Case or
the Holding Case.

           14.   Cash  Amount.  The term "Cash Amount" means  the
cash sum of $1,500,000.
           15.   Claim.   The  term "Claim" means  any  right  to
payment  from  either Debtor arising before the  Effective  Date,
whether  or  not  such right is reduced to judgment,  liquidated,
unliquidated,  fixed,  contingent, matured, unmatured,  disputed,
undisputed, legal, equitable, secured or unsecured; or any  right
arising or incurred before the Effective Date of the Plan  to  an
equitable  remedy for breach of performance if such breach  gives
rise  to  a right to payment from either Debtor, whether  or  not
such  right to an equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, fixed,
contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured  or

           16.   Class.  The term "Class" means a class of Claims
against,  or Interests in, a Debtor as defined in Article  II  of
the Plan.

           17.  Committee.  The term "Committee" means the ad hoc
committee representing certain holders of Old Notes.

           18.   Company.   The  term  "Company"  means  Homeland
Stores, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

           19.  Confirmation.  The term "Confirmation" means  the
entry  of the Confirmation Order entered by the Bankruptcy  Court
with  respect  to  the  Plan pursuant  to  Section  1129  of  the
Bankruptcy Code.

           20.   Confirmation Date.  The term "Confirmation Date"
means  the  date  on  which  the  Bankruptcy  Court  enters   the
Confirmation Order on its docket.

           21.   Confirmation  Hearing.  The  term  "Confirmation
Hearing"  means the hearing before the Bankruptcy  Court  on  the
confirmation  of  the  Plan  pursuant  to  Section  1129  of  the
Bankruptcy Code.

          22.  Confirmation Order.  The term "Confirmation Order"
means  the  order  of  the Bankruptcy Court confirming  the  Plan
pursuant to Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code.

           23.   Debtor.  The term "Debtor" means either Homeland
Stores,   Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation,  or  Homeland  Holding
Corporation,   a   Delaware  corporation,  in  their   respective
individual  corporate or other capacity and in  their  respective
capacity as debtor and debtor-in-possession under Chapter  11  of
the Bankruptcy Code.

            24.   Disclosure  Statement.   The  term  "Disclosure
Statement"  means  the Disclosure Statement  for  Joint  Plan  of
Reorganization  of  Homeland Stores, Inc.  and  Homeland  Holding
Corporation  relating to the Plan, as such statement is  amended,
supplemented or modified from time to time, that is prepared  and
distributed  pursuant to Sections 1125, 1126(b) and 1145  of  the
Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 3018.

           25.   Disputed Claim.  The term "Disputed Claim" means
any  Claim  against either Debtor (a) listed on the schedules  of
either Debtor as unliquidated, disputed or contingent, or (b)  as
to  which  either  Debtor  or any other  party  in  interest  has
interposed  a  timely  objection or  request  for  estimation  in
accordance  with  the Bankruptcy Code and the  Bankruptcy  Rules,
which  objection or request has not been withdrawn or  determined
by a Final Order or otherwise settled as provided in Article VII.

           26.   Disputed  Class  5  Claims  Reserve.   The  term
"Disputed  Class 5 Claims Reserve" means the reserve  established
by  the  Debtors on the Effective Date for the account of each  a
holder of a Disputed Claim which, if allowed, would be a Class  5

           27.   Disputed Interest.  The term "Disputed Interest"
means  any  Interest in either Debtor (a) listed on the schedules
of  either Debtor as unliquidated, disputed or contingent, or (b)
as  to  which  either Debtor or any other party in  interest  has
interposed  a timely objection in accordance with the  Bankruptcy
Code and the Bankruptcy Rules, which objection or request has not
been  withdrawn  or  determined by a  Final  Order  or  otherwise
settled as provided in Article VII.

          28.  Distribution Agent.  The term "Distribution Agent"
means  the  Person selected by the Reorganized  Debtors  to  make
distributions  pursuant  to  the Plan,  which  Person  may  be  a
Reorganized Debtor and shall be employed on such terms as may  be
determined by the Reorganized Debtors, in their sole discretion.

           29.   District Court.  The term "District Court" means
the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.

           30.   Effective Date.  The term "Effective Date" means
the  first  Business Day on which all of the  conditions  to  the
Effective  Date set forth in Article VIII have been satisfied  or
waived as provided in Article VIII.

           31.   Equity Registration Rights Agreement.  The  term
"Equity   Registration  Rights  Agreement"   means   the   Equity
Registration  Rights Agreement, dated as of the  Effective  Date,
executed  by Reorganized Holding in favor of the holders  of  the
Old Common Stock containing substantially the terms summarized in
the Disclosure Statement and in the form set forth in Appendix F-
1   to  the  Disclosure  Statement  and  contained  in  the  Plan

           32.   Estate.   The term "Estate" means  the  Homeland
Estate or the Holding Estate.

           33.   Estate Release.  The term "Estate Release" means
the release of the Debtors referred to in Article IV(J).

          34.  Excluded Claims.  The term "Excluded Claims" means
any  Claim,  obligation,  right, cause  of  action  or  liability
relating  to:  (a)  any indebtedness of any  Affiliated  Released
Party  or any such entity for money borrowed; (b) any set-off  or
any  counterclaim which the Debtors, or either of them, may  have
or assert against an Affiliated Released Party, provided that the
aggregate amount thereof shall not exceed the aggregate amount of
any  Claims  held or asserted by such Affiliated  Released  Party
against the Debtors; (c) the uncollected amount of any Claim made
by the Debtors, or either of them,  (whether in a filed pleading,
by  letter  or otherwise) prior to the Effective Date against  an
Affiliated  Released Party, which Claim has not been  adjudicated
to  Final Order, settled or compromised; or (d) any Claim arising
from  the  fraud,  willful misconduct or gross negligence  of  an
Affiliated Released Party.

           35.   Fee Claim.  The term "Fee Claim" means any Claim
asserted by a Person retained or requesting compensation  in  the
Cases  pursuant to Section 327, Section 328, Section 330, Section
331,  Section 503(b), Section 1103 or Section 1129(a)(4)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code.

           36.   Filing Date.  The term "Filing  Date" means  May
13,  1996,  the  date  on which the petitions  for  relief  under
Chapter  11  of the Bankruptcy Code with respect to  the  Debtors
were filed.

           37.   Final  Order.  The term "Final Order"  means  an
order  of  the Bankruptcy Court, as entered by the clerk  of  the
Bankruptcy Court on a docket in, or related to, the Cases, or  an
order  of  another  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  that  the
Bankruptcy Court has specifically permitted to proceed  to  enter
such  order,  as  entered  by the clerk  of  such  court  on  the
appropriate  docket, as to which the time to appeal  or  to  seek
certiorari  has expired and no appeal or petition for  certiorari
has been timely taken or as to which any appeal that has been  or
may  be taken or any petition for certiorari that has been or may
be  filed  has  been resolved by the highest court to  which  the
order  was appealed or from which certiorari was sought  and  the
time to appeal or any extension thereof or to seek certiorari  of
such appellate order has expired.

           38.   Financing  Order.  The term  "Financing  Orders"
means  (a)  the  Joint Stipulation and Agreed  Order  Authorizing
Interim   Financing,   Granting  Senior   Liens   and   Providing
Administrative Expense Status, Providing for Adequate Protection,
Modifying  the Automatic Stay, and Authorizing Debtors  to  Enter
into   Agreements  with  Lender  and  Agent  or  (b)  the   Joint
Stipulation   and  Agreed  Order  Authorizing  Final   Financing,
Granting  Senior  Liens  and  Providing  Administrative   Expense
Status,   Providing  for  Adequate  Protection,   Modifying   the
Automatic  Stay, and Authorizing Debtors to Enter into Agreements
with Lender and Agent.

           39.   Holding.   The  term  "Holding"  means  Homeland
Holding Corporation, a Delaware corporation.

           40.  Holding Case.  The term "Holding Case" means  the
case styled In re Homeland Holding Corporation, Debtor, Case  No.
, pending before the Bankruptcy Court.

          41.  Holding Charter.  The term "Holding Charter" means
the  certificate of incorporation of Holding as in effect on  the
Filing Date.

           42.  Holding Estate.   The term "Holding Estate" means
the  estate created for Holding  pursuant to Section 541  of  the
Bankruptcy Code upon commencement of the Holding Case.

          43.  Homeland Case.  The term "Homeland Case" means the
case  styled  In  re  Homeland Stores,  Inc.,  Debtor,  Case  No.
, pending before the Bankruptcy Court.

           44.   Homeland  Charter.  The term "Homeland  Charter"
means  the  certificate of incorporation of  the  Company  as  in
effect on the Filing Date.

           45.  Homeland Common Stock.  The term "Homeland Common
Stock"  means  the  shares of Common Stock, par  value  $.01  per
share, of the Company issued and outstanding on the Filing Date.

          46.  Homeland Estate.  The term "Homeland Estate" means
the estate created for the Company pursuant to Section 541 of the
Bankruptcy Code upon commencement of the Homeland Case.

             47.     Indemnification   Agreements.    The    term
"Indemnification   Agreements"  means,  collectively,   (a)   the
Indemnification Agreement, dated as of August 14,  1990,  by  and
among  Holding,  the Company, Clayton & Dubilier,  Inc.  and  The
Clayton  &  Dubilier Private Equity Fund III Limited  Partnership
and (b) the Indemnification Agreement, dated as of March 4, 1992,
by  and among Holding, the Company, Clayton & Dubilier, Inc., The
Clayton  &  Dubilier Private Equity Fund III Limited  Partnership
and  The  Clayton  &  Dubilier Private  Equity  Fund  IV  Limited

           48.   Indemnitees.  The term "Indemnitees" means those
Persons named as "Indemnitees" in the Indemnification Agreements.

          49.  Insured Claim.  The term "Insured Claim" means any
Claim  arising from an incident or an occurrence that is covered,
in  whole  or in part, under a contract of insurance between  the
Debtor and an Insurer.

          50.  Insurer.  The term "Insurer" means any Person that
provides  insurance  to  a  Debtor  pursuant  to  a  contract  of

            51. Interest.  The term "Interest" means any right or
equity  interest  in either Debtor represented  by  the  Homeland
Common Stock, the Old Common Stock or the Old Warrants.

            52.    Management  Stock  Option  Plan.    The   term
"Management Stock Option Plan" means the management stock  option
plan of Reorganized Holding.

           53.   Modified  Union Agreements.  The term  "Modified
Union   Agreements"  means  the  separate  collective  bargaining
agreements, dated no later than the Effective Date, described  in
the  Disclosure  Statement under "DESCRIPTION OF  MODIFIED  UNION
AGREEMENTS"  and containing terms substantially  similar  to  the
terms summarized therein.

           54.   New  Common Stock.  The term "New Common  Stock"
means  the  shares of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share,  of
Reorganized Holding to be issued by Reorganized Holding  pursuant
to the Plan and the Amended Holding Charter.

           55.   New  Credit  Agreement.  The  term  "New  Credit
Agreement"  means an agreement, dated as of the  Effective  Date,
among the Reorganized Debtors and certain financial institutions,
pursuant to which the Reorganized Debtors shall have, among other
things,  credit  availability from and after the Effective  Date.
Such  agreement may be an amendment and restatement  of  the  Old
Credit Agreement.

           56.  New Indenture. The term "New Indenture" means the
Indenture,  dated as of the Effective Date, among the Reorganized
Company,  as issuer, Reorganized Holding, as guarantor,  and  the
New  Trustee containing substantially the terms summarized in the
Disclosure Statement and substantially in the form set  forth  in
Appendix D to the Disclosure Statement and contained in the  Plan

           57.   New Notes.  The term "New Notes" means  the  10%
Senior  Subordinated Notes due 2003 to be issued in an  aggregate
principal  amount  of  $60,000,000  by  the  Reorganized  Company
pursuant to the Plan and the New Indenture.

           58.  New Securities.  The term "New Securities" means,
collectively,  the New Notes, the New Common Stock  and  the  New

           59.   New  Trustee.  The term "New Trustee" means  the
indenture trustee with respect to the New Notes.

           60.   New Warrant Agent.  The term "New Warrant Agent"
means the warrant agent with respect to the New Warrants.

           61.   New  Warrant Agreement.  The term  "New  Warrant
Agreement"  means  the   Warrant  Agreement,  dated  as  of   the
Effective  Date, by and between Reorganized Holding and  the  New
Warrant  Agent  containing substantially the terms summarized  in
the  Disclosure Statement and substantially in the form set forth
in  Appendix E to the Disclosure Statement and contained  in  the
Plan Supplement.

           62.  New Warrants.  The term "New Warrants" means  the
Warrants to purchase up to 263,150 shares of New Common Stock  to
be issued by Reorganized Holding pursuant to the Plan and the New
Warrant Agreement.

          63.  Noteholder Advisor.  The term "Noteholder Advisor"
means  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, Houlihan, Lokey,
Howard & Zukin and Potter, Anderson.& Corroon.

           64.   Noteholder Registration Rights  Agreement.   The
term   "Noteholder  Registration  Rights  Agreement"  means   the
Noteholder  Registration  Rights  Agreement,  dated  as  of   the
Effective Date, executed by the Reorganized Debtors in  favor  of
the  holders of Class 5 Claims who were the holders  of  the  Old
Notes,  containing  substantially the  terms  summarized  in  the
Disclosure Statement and substantially in the form set  forth  in
Appendix  F-2  to the Disclosure Statement and contained  in  the
Plan Supplement.

           65.   Old  Agent.  The term "Old Agent means  National
Bank  of  Canada, in its capacity as agent under the  Old  Credit

           66.   Old  Banks.  The term "Old Banks"  means  Heller
Financial, Inc. and National Bank of Canada, in their capacity as
lenders, under the Old Credit Agreement.

           67.  Old Class B Common Stock.  The term "Old Class  B
Common  Stock"  means Holding's Class B Common Stock,  par  value
$.01 per share.

           68.   Old  Common Stock.  The term "Old Common  Stock"
means  the  shares of Class A Common Stock, par  value  $.01  per
share, of Holding issued and outstanding as of the Filing Date.

           69.   Old  Credit  Agreement.  The  term  "Old  Credit
Agreement"  means  the  Amended  and  Restated  Revolving  Credit
Agreement, dated as of April 21, 1995, as amended, by  and  among
the Reorganized Debtors, the Old Banks and the Old Agent.

          70.  Old Indenture.  The term "Old Indenture" means the
Indenture, dated as of March 4, 1992, as supplemented, among  the
Company, as issuer, Holding, as guarantor, and the Old Trustee.

          71.  Old Notes.   The term "Old Notes" means the Series
A  Senior  Secured  Floating Rate Notes due 1997,  the  Series  C
Senior  Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 1999 and the Series D Senior
Secured Floating Rate Notes due 1997, in each case issued by  the
Company pursuant to the Old Indenture.

           72.  Old Trustee.  The term "Old Trustee" means United
States Trust Company of New York, in its capacity as trustee  and
collateral trustee under the Old Indenture.

           73.  Old Warrants.  The term "Old Warrants" means  the
warrants  to purchase Old Common Stock issued and outstanding  as
of the Filing Date.

           74.   Other Released Party.  The term "Other  Released
Party"  means,  collectively, (a) any  Statutory  Committee  and,
solely  in their capacity as members or representatives  of  such
Statutory   Committee,   each   member,   consultant,   attorney,
accountant  or other representative of such Statutory  Committee,
(b)  the  Committee and, solely in their capacity as  members  or
representatives  of  the  Committee,  each  member,   consultant,
attorney,  accountant or other representative of  the  Committee,
(c)  the  Old Banks and each consultant, attorney, accountant  or
other representative of the Old Banks and (d) the Old Trustee and
each consultant, attorney, accountant or other representative  of
the Old Trustee.

           75.  Person.  The term "Person" means an individual, a
corporation,  a  partnership,  an  association,  a  joint   stock
company, a joint venture, a limited liability company, an estate,
a  trust,  an  unincorporated organization, a government  or  any
public subdivision thereof or other entity.

           76.   Plan.  The term "Plan" means the Joint  Plan  of
Reorganization  of  Homeland Stores, Inc.  and  Homeland  Holding
Corporation  as set forth herein, as the same may be  amended  or
modified  by the Debtors from time to time pursuant to the  Plan,
the Bankruptcy Code or the Bankruptcy Rules.

           77.   Plan Documents.  The term "Plan Documents" means
the New Indenture, the New Warrant Agreement and the Registration
Rights  Agreements, substantially in the form  contained  in  the
Plan Supplement.

          78.  Plan Supplement.  The term "Plan Supplement" means
the supplement which shall be  filed as soon as practicable after
the   Filing  Date  with  the  clerk  of  the  Bankruptcy  Court,
containing the Plan Documents.

          79.  Priority Tax Claim.  The term "Priority Tax Claim"
means  a Claim entitled to priority pursuant to Section 507(a)(8)
of  the  Bankruptcy Code, but only to the extent  such  Claim  is
entitled to such priority.

           80.  Ratable Share.  The term "Ratable Share" means  a
number  (expressed as a percentage) equal to the proportion  that
an Allowed Claim or an Allowed Interest, as the case may be, in a
particular  Class bears to the aggregate amount  of  all  Allowed
Claims  or  all Allowed Interests, as the case may  be,  in  such
Class as of the date of determination.

           81.   Record Date.  The term "Record Date"  means  the
date  established  by  the Bankruptcy Court for  determining  the
Claims  and  the  Interests  entitled  to  receive  distributions
pursuant to Article VI of the Plan.

            82.    Registration  Rights  Agreements.   The   term
"Registration Rights Agreements" means, collectively, the  Equity
Registration  Rights  Agreement and the  Noteholder  Registration
Rights Agreement.

           83.   Released  Parties.  The term "Released  Parties"
means , collectively, (a) the Affiliated Released Parties and (b)
the Other Released Parties.

            84.   Reorganized  Company.   The  term  "Reorganized
Company" means the Company on and after the Effective Date.

          85.  Reorganized Debtor.  The term "Reorganized Debtor"
means the Reorganized Company or Reorganized Holding.

            86.   Reorganized  Holding.   The  term  "Reorganized
Holding" means Holding on and after the Effective Date.

            87.   Schedules.   The  term  "Schedules"  means  the
respective statements of assets and liabilities and statements of
financial affairs filed by the Debtors with the Bankruptcy  Court
pursuant  to  Section 521 of the Bankruptcy Code  and  Bankruptcy
Rule 1007.

           88.  Secured Claim.  The term "Secured Claim" means  a
Claim  that  is secured by a lien on, or a security interest  in,
property in which an Estate has an interest or that is subject to
setoff under Section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code to the extent  of
the value of the holder's interest in the interest of such Estate
in  such  property  or  to the extent of the  amount  subject  to
setoff,  as  the case may be, as determined pursuant  to  Section
506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

           89.   Secured  Noteholder Claims.  The  term  "Secured
Noteholder Claims" means the Secured Claims of the holders of the
Old  Notes  against  either Debtor, arising from,  under,  or  in
connection with, the issuance or the ownership of the  Old  Notes
or any guarantee thereof.

            90.    Statutory  Committee.   The  term   "Statutory
Committee"  means any official committee appointed in  the  Cases
pursuant to Section 1102 of the Bankruptcy Code.

           92.   Statutory Fees.  The term "Statutory Fees" means
all of the fees payable to the United States Trustee pursuant  to
28 U.S.C.  1930.

          93.  Unsecured Claim.  The term "Unsecured Claim" means
any  Claim  that is not an Administrative Claim, a  Priority  Tax
Claim or a Secured Claim.

           94.  Unsecured Noteholder Claims.  The term "Unsecured
Noteholder Claims"  means the Unsecured Claims of the holders  of
the  Old Notes against either Debtor, arising from, under, or  in
connection with, the issuance or the ownership of, the Old  Notes
or any guarantee thereof.

      B.   Rules of Interpretation.  The following rules shall be
used in construing and interpreting the Plan:

          1.   Application of Section 102 of the Bankruptcy Code.
The  rules  of  construction contained  in  Section  102  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code apply to the construction and the interpretation
of the Plan.

           2.   Article and Section References.  Unless otherwise
expressly  stated  in the Plan, all references  to  Articles  and
Sections  shall  refer to the Articles and the  Sections  of  the

          3.   Calculation of Time.  Any period of time under the
Plan  shall  be computed in accordance with Rule 9006(a)  of  the
Bankruptcy Rules.

           4.    Singular and Plural Terms.  Whenever the context
is  appropriate, each term, whether stated in the singular or the
plural, shall include both the singular and the plural.

          5.   Use of Article and Section Headings.  Headings for
Articles  and Sections have been inserted in the Plan solely  for
convenience of reference and are not intended to be a part of, or
to affect the construction or the interpretation of, the Plan.

      C.    Plan Supplement.  Forms of the New Indenture, the New
Warrant  Agreement,  the  Registration  Rights  Agreements,   the
Amended Holding Charter and the Amended Homeland Charter shall be
contained in a separate Plan Supplement which shall be filed with
the  Bankruptcy  Court as soon as practicable  after  the  Filing
Date.  The Plan Supplement may be inspected after such filing  in
the  office  of  the clerk of the Bankruptcy Court during  normal
office  hours  of the clerk of the Bankruptcy Court.  Holders  of
Claims  and  Interests may obtain a copy of the  Plan  Supplement
upon  written  request to the Debtors.  The  Plan  Supplement  is
incorporated into, and is a part of the Plan, as if set forth  in
full herein, and all references herein to the Plan shall refer to
the Plan together with the Plan Supplement.

                           ARTICLE II


      A.   Classification of Claims and Interests in the Debtors.
All  Claims  against,  and Interests in, the Debtors (other  than
Administrative Claims and Priority Tax Claims) are classified  in
the following Classes:

            1.   Class  1  -  Allowed Priority  Claims.  Class  1
consists  of Allowed Claims which are entitled to priority  under
Section  507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code (other than Administrative
Claims and Priority Tax Claims).

           2.  Class 2 - Allowed Secured Claims of the Old Banks.
Class  2 consists of the Allowed Secured Claims of the Old  Banks
under the Old Credit Agreement.

            3.   Class  3  -  Allowed Secured Noteholder  Claims.
Class  3 consists of the Allowed Secured Noteholder Claims.   The
aggregate  amount of the Allowed Secured Noteholder Claims  shall
be equal to $61,500,000.

            4.   Class 4 - Allowed Miscellaneous Secured  Claims.
Class  4  consists of Allowed Secured Claims (other than Class  2
Claims  and  Class  3 Claims).  Class 4 Claims  include,  without
limitation,  Claims  secured  by  equipment  in  connection  with
equipment   financings   and  Claims   secured   by   mechanic's,
materialmen's  and  artisan's  liens  on  miscellaneous  personal
and/or  real  property.  Each Class 4 Claim is  treated  for  all
purposes under the Bankruptcy Code and the Plan as a separate sub-

            5.   Class  5  - General Unsecured Claims.   Class  5
consists   of   all   Allowed  Unsecured   Claims   (other   than
Administrative  Claims, Priority Tax Claims and Claims  otherwise
classified).   Class 5 Claims shall include, without  limitation,
Allowed  Unsecured  Noteholder Claims.  The aggregate  amount  of
Allowed   Unsecured   Noteholder  Claims  shall   be   equal   to

            6.   Class 6 - Allowed Interests of Holding  as  Sole
Shareholder  of Homeland Common Stock.  Class 6 consists  of  the
Allowed  Interests of Holding as the sole holder of the  Homeland
Common Stock.

            7.   Class  7 - Allowed Interests of Holders  of  Old
Common  Stock.  Class  7  consists of the  Allowed  Interests  of
holders of the Old Common Stock.

            8.   Class  8 - Allowed Interests of Holders  of  Old
Warrants. Class 8 consists of the Allowed Interests of holders of
the Old Warrants.

          A Claim or an Interest is classified in a Class only to
the   extent  that  Claim  or  that  Interest  falls  within  the
description of that Class and is classified in another  Class  to
the   extent  that  Claim  or  that  Interest  falls  within  the
description  of  the other Class.  For purposes  of  receiving  a
distribution under the Plan, a Claim or an Interest is classified
in  a Class only to the extent that the Claim or the Interest  is
an Allowed Claim or an Allowed Interest in that Class and only to
the  extent  the  Claim or the Interest has  not  been  otherwise
satisfied prior to the date on which any distribution  is  to  be
made under the Plan.

       B.     Unclassified  Claims.   Administrative  Claims  and
Priority  Tax  Claims  against the Company and  Holding  are  not
classified under the Plan.

                          ARTICLE III


      A.    Treatment of Administrative Claims.  Unless otherwise
agreed  to  by a holder of an Allowed Administrative Claim,  each
such holder shall be paid in full, in cash, in an amount equal to
such  holder's Allowed Administrative Claim on the later  of  (1)
the  Effective Date and (2) the date on which such Claim  becomes
an  Allowed Claim; provided, however, that (a) all Statutory Fees
shall  be  paid  in  accordance  with  applicable  law  and   (b)
Administrative Claims which represent liabilities incurred  by  a
Debtor  in  the  ordinary course of business (including,  without
limitation,  Administrative Claims owed to  suppliers  that  have
sold  products  or furnished goods or services to  either  Debtor
after the Filing Date) shall be paid by the relevant Debtor  when
due  in  accordance with the terms of the particular  transaction
and agreements relating thereto.

           The  Reorganized Debtors shall pay the reasonable fees
and  expenses  incurred  on or after the Effective  Date  by  the
Noteholder Advisors (without application by, or on behalf of, any
such  Noteholder  Advisor  to the Bankruptcy  Court  and  without
notice  and  a  hearing,  unless  specifically  ordered  by   the
Bankruptcy  Court  upon request of a party  in  interest)  as  an
Administrative Claim (unless any such Noteholder Advisor has been
retained  by  a Statutory Committee pursuant to Sections  327  or
1103 of the Bankruptcy Code). If the Reorganized Debtors and  any
Noteholder  Advisor  cannot  agree on  the  amount  of  fees  and
expenses  to  be paid to such Noteholder Advisor, the  amount  of
such  fees  and  expenses shall be determined by  the  Bankruptcy

          Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Plan and
notwithstanding  the  confirmation  of  the  Plan,  the   secured
Administrative  Claims held by the Old Banks in  connection  with
post-petition  advances and other financial accommodations  given
by  the Old Banks under the Financing Orders shall be entitled to
all  of  the liens, protections, benefits and priorities  granted
them  in  the  Financing  Orders   All such  liens,  protections,
benefits  and priorities granted to the Old Banks in such  orders
shall continue until their Administrative Claims are indefeasibly
paid  in  full,  which Administrative Claims, by  reason  of  the
Financing  Orders, (1) are allowed and payable in their entirety,
(2)  include  unpaid  principal and accrued but  unpaid  interest
through the date of full payment of the Administrative Claims  of
the  Old  Banks and (3) are secured by the reason of  the  first,
valid,  prior and perfected liens and security interests  granted
under,  or  in  connection  with the  Old  Credit  Agreement  and
confirmed  by  the  Financing Orders.   The  Old  Banks'  secured
Administrative Claims shall be paid in full on the Effective Date
through advances made under the New Credit Agreement.

      B.   Priority Tax Claims.  Unless otherwise agreed to by  a
holder  of an Allowed Priority Tax Claim, each such holder  shall
(at  the option of the Reorganized Debtors), (1) be paid in full,
in  cash, on the later of (a) the Effective Date and (b) the date
on which such Allowed Priority Tax Claim becomes an Allowed Claim
or (2) be paid deferred cash payments over a period not exceeding
six  years  after  the  date  of  assessment  equal  to  (in  the
aggregate)  the  amount  of  the  Allowed  Priority  Tax   Claim,
including   an   interest  component  as  required   by   Section
1129(a)(9)(c).   In fixing such interest component,  the  Debtors
shall use the federal judgment rate in effect on the Confirmation
Date,  unless  the Bankruptcy Court determines otherwise.   If  a
Reorganized  Debtor  elects to make deferred cash  payments,  the
Reorganized  Debtor  shall  make  six  equal  annual    principal
payments, with accrued interest,  commencing on the later of  (1)
the  Effective  Date  and  (2) the date  on  which  such  Allowed
Priority Tax Claim becomes an Allowed Claim.

           To the extent that a Reorganized Debtor elects to make
deferred  cash  payments on any Allowed Priority Tax  Claim,  the
Reorganized  Debtor  may  prepay the  remaining  amount  of  such
Allowed  Priority  Tax  Claim at any  time,  without  penalty  or

      C.    Treatment of Unimpaired Classes.  Claims in Class  1,
Class  4,  Class 6 and Class 8 are not impaired under  the  Plan.
Therefore,  pursuant to Section 1126(f) of the  Bankruptcy  Code,
the   holders  of  Claims  and  Interests  in  such  Classes  are
conclusively presumed to have accepted the Plan.  The  unimpaired
Claims against, and Interests in, the Debtors will be treated  in
the following manner under the Plan:

           1.    Class  1  -  Allowed  Priority  Claims.   Unless
otherwise  agreed  to by a holder of a Class 1 Claim,  each  such
holder shall be paid in full, in cash, in an amount equal to such
holder's Class 1 Claim on the later of (a) the Effective Date and
(b)  the  date  on  which such Class 1 Claim becomes  an  Allowed

           2.    Class 4 - Allowed Miscellaneous Secured  Claims.
At  the option of the relevant Debtor, each Allowed Claim in  any
subclass of Class 4 shall (unless the holder of any such Class  4
Claim  agrees to a different treatment)  (a)  be unaltered as  to
the legal, equitable and contractual rights to which such Class 4
Claim  entitles the holder thereof or (b) be treated  in  another
manner  that  will not result in the impairment of such  Class  4
Claim  under Section 1124 of the Bankruptcy Code.  Each  Class  4
Claim  shall  be  treated for all purposes of the  Plan  and  the
Bankruptcy Code as a separate subclass.  The Plan does not  alter
the  rights  of  any holder of a Class 4 Claim in any  collateral
securing  the Class 4 Claim as of the Filing Date and  the  liens
and  the  security  interests securing each  Class  4  Claim  are
ratified and affirmed.

           3.    Class 6 - Allowed Interests of Holding  as  Sole
Holder  of  Homeland  Common Stock.   The  legal,  equitable  and
contractual rights of the holder of Class 6 Interests  shall  not
be altered by the Plan.

           4.   Class 8 - Allowed Interests of the Holders of the
Old  Warrants.   The legal, equitable and contractual  rights  of
each  holder  of a Class 8 Interest shall not be altered  by  the

     D.   Treatment of Impaired Classes.  Claims and Interests in
Class  2,  Class 3, Class 5 and Class 7 are impaired.  Therefore,
the  holders of Claims and Interests in such Classes are entitled
to vote to accept or to reject the Plan.  The impaired Classes of
Claims against, and Interests in, the Debtors will be treated  in
the following manner under the Plan:

           1.    Class 2 - Allowed Claims of the Old Banks.  Each
Class  2  Claim  shall  be (a) paid in  full,  in  cash,  or  (b)
satisfied  by  the execution and the delivery of the  New  Credit
Agreement  by,  among  other  Persons,  the  Old  Banks  and  the
modification of the Old Credit Agreement in accordance  with  the
terms  of  the New Credit Agreement (in which case, the  Class  2
Claims,  as  so  modified, shall continue to be  secured  by  the
collateral  which secured the Class 2 Claims on the  Filing  Date
and  shall  also  be  secured  by certain  additional  collateral
described in the Disclosure Statement).

          Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Plan and
notwithstanding  the  confirmation of the  Plan,  the  Old  Banks
holding Class 2 Claims shall be entitled to all of the liens, the
protections, the benefits and the priorities granted them in,  or
confirmed by, the Financing Orders.  All such liens, protections,
benefits  and priorities granted to the Old Banks in such  orders
shall  continue until their Class 2 Claims are indefeasibly  paid
in full, which Class 2 Claims, by reason of the Financing Orders,
(a) are allowed and payable in their entirety, (b) include unpaid
principal  and accrued but unpaid interest through  the  date  of
full payment of the Class 2 Claims of the Old Banks and (iii) are
secured  by  the reason of the first, valid, prior and  perfected
liens  and  security interests granted under,  or  in  connection
with,   the  Old Credit Agreement and confirmed by the  Financing
Orders.   Moreover,  the contingent Class 2  Claims  of  the  Old
Banks,  to the extent that they become non-contingent,  shall  be
paid  in  full  on the earlier of May 12, 1997, or the  Effective

           2.    Class  3  -  Allowed Secured Noteholder  Claims.
Unless  otherwise agreed to by a holder of a Class 3 Claim,  each
such  holder shall receive its Ratable Share of (a) the New Notes
and (b) the Cash Amount.

           3.    Class  5  -  General Unsecured  Claims.   Unless
otherwise  agreed  to by a holder of a Class 5 Claim,  each  such
holder shall receive its Ratable Share of 4,450,000 shares of New
Common  Stock on the later of (a) the Effective Date and (b)  the
date on which such Claim becomes an Allowed Claim.

           Any  covered portion of any Class 5 Claim which is  an
Insured  Claim  shall be paid by the applicable  Insurer  to  the
extent of such coverage. The Debtors reserve the right to consent
to  the modification of the automatic stay imposed by Section 362
of  the  Bankruptcy  Court  so as to permit  the  prosecution  of
Insured Claims solely to the extent of such coverage.

           4.    Class  7 - Allowed Interests of Holders  of  Old
Common Stock.  Unless otherwise agreed to by a holder of a  Class
7  Interest, each such holder shall receive its Ratable Share  of
(a) 250,000 shares of New Common Stock and (b) the New Warrants.

                           ARTICLE IV


      .        Operation as Debtor-in-Possession Until the Effective
Date.   Until  the Effective Date, the Debtors shall  to  operate
their respective businesses as debtors-in-possession pursuant  to
Section 1107 and Section 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code.  After  the
Effective  Date,  the  Reorganized Debtors  shall  operate  their
businesses and may buy, use, acquire and dispose of their  assets
free  of  any  restrictions contained in the Bankruptcy  Code  or
imposed  by the Bankruptcy Court, except as provided in  the  the
Plan, the Plan Supplement and the Confirmation Order.

           B.    Issuance of New Securities.  Reorganized Holding
shall  be  deemed to have authorized and, on the Effective  Date,
shall  issue  the requisite shares of New Common  Stock  and  the
requisite New Warrants.  The Reorganized Company shall be  deemed
to  have  authorized and, on the Effective Date, shall issue  the
New Notes.

           C.   Listing of New Common Stock; Exchange Act Filing.
Reorganized Holding shall use its best efforts to (1)  cause,  as
promptly  as practicable after the Effective Date, the shares  of
New  Common  Stock  to  be listed on the NASDAQ  National  Market
System  (or, in the event Reorganized Holding fails to  meet  the
listing  requirements of the NASDAQ National  Market  System,  on
such  other exchange or system on which the New Common Stock  may
be listed) and (2) file, within 60 days of the Effective Date,  a
Form  10  registration statement with respect to the  New  Common
Stock under the Securities Act of 1934, as amended.

           D.    Effectiveness of Agreements.  On  the  Effective
Date,  the following agreements shall become effective:  (1)  the
New  Credit Agreement; (2) the New Indenture; (3) the New Warrant
Agreement;  (4) the Registration Rights Agreements; and  (5)  the
Modified Union Agreements.

           E.    Charter Amendments.  On the Effective Date,  (1)
the  Holding  Charter shall be amended and restated to  eliminate
the  Old  Common  Stock  and the Old Class  B  Common  Stock,  to
authorize  the issuance of the New Common Stock and to include  a
provision that prohibits the issuance of nonvoting securities  to
the  extent required by Section 1123(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code
and  (2)  the  Homeland Charter shall be amended and restated  to
include  a  provision  that prohibits the issuance  of  nonvoting
securities  to the extent required by Section 1123(a)(6)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code.

           F.    Management/Boards of Directors.   The  executive
officers   of   the   Company  and  Holding  immediately   before
confirmation  of  the  Plan  shall continue  to  serve  in  their
respective  capacities after confirmation of the  Plan.   On  the
Effective Date, the Board of Directors of each Reorganized Debtor
shall consist of (1) James A. Demme, (2) John A. Shields, (3) one
Person designated by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union
of   North  America  and  (4)  four  Persons  designated  by  the
Committee.  Prior to confirmation of the Plan, in accordance with
Section  1129(a)(5)  of  the Bankruptcy  Code,  the  Company  and
Holding shall disclose (a) the identity and affiliations  of  any
individual proposed to serve, after confirmation of the Plan,  as
a director of the Company or Holding, as the case may be, and (b)
the identity of any "insider" (as such term is defined in Section
101(31)  of  the  Bankruptcy  Code) who  shall  be  employed  and
retained  by  the  Company or Holding,  and  the  nature  of  any
compensation for such insider.  On and after the Effective  Date,
each  officer  and director shall hold his or her office  on  the
terms,  and  subject to the conditions, set forth in the  Amended
Homeland Charter, the Amended Holding Charter and the amended and
restated bylaws of the relevant Reorganized Debtor.

           G.    Management Stock Option Plan.  On the  Effective
Date,  263,158 shares of New Common Stock shall be  reserved  for
issuance  under the Management Stock Option Plan.  The terms  and
the conditions of the Management Stock Option Plan (including the
identity  of  the participants and the number of  options  to  be
granted)  shall  be  determined by  the  Board  of  Directors  of
Reorganized Holding.

           H.    Retiree Benefits.  From and after the  Effective
Date,  to  the  extent  required by Section  1129(a)(13)  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code, the Reorganized Debtors shall continue  to  pay
all   retiree  benefits  (as  defined  in  Section  1114  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code),  if  any, established  or  maintained  by  the
Debtors prior to the Effective Date.

            I.     Prior  Workers'  Compensation  Benefits.   The
Company's obligations with respect to its self-insurance  program
in   existence   prior  to  July  1994,  for  Oklahoma   workers'
compensation  purposes  are secured by a  $2  million  letter  of
credit  payable  to  the  Oklahoma Workers'  Compensation  Court,
which, at the option of the Reorganized Debtors,  shall remain in
place  after the Effective Date or shall be replaced  by  another
letter  of  credit.  In the event the Company fails to  make  any
payment  to  a Person who holds an Oklahoma workers' compensation
claim with respect to the period that the Company maintained such
self-insurance program, the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation  Court
may  draw on such letter of credit to make the payment.   To  the
extent  the  funds  available under such  letter  of  credit  are
insufficient  to  pay  all Oklahoma workers' compensation  claims
with respect to the period that the Company maintained such self-
insurance  program, such excess claims shall  be  classified  and
treated as Class 5 Claims.  In addition, to the extent that, upon
the  liquidation and the payment of all of the Oklahoma  workers'
compensation claims with respect to the period that  the  Company
maintained  a  self-insurance program, there are any  funds  then
remaining  available  under such letter of  credit,  the  Company
shall  either (a) direct the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court
to  draw immediately any such remaining funds and pay such  funds
to  the  Reorganized Company  in accordance with any instructions
provided  by  the Reorganized Company or (b) direct the  Oklahoma
Workers'  Compensation  Court to take the  actions  necessary  to
cause the letter of credit to be released.

          J.   Releases.  On the Effective Date, each Reorganized
Debtor shall release unconditionally each Released Party from any
and  all  Claims,  obligations,  rights,  causes  of  action  and
liabilities,  whether known or unknown, foreseen  or  unforeseen,
existing or hereafter arising, in law, equity or otherwise, based
in  whole  or  in  part upon any act or omission, transaction  or
other  occurrence taking place on or prior to the Effective  Date
in  any  way  relating to such Released Party, the  Debtors,  the
Cases  and  the  Plan other than, in the case  of  an  Affiliated
Released Party, any Excluded Claims.

                On the Effective Date, each holder of a Claim  or
an  Interest  who (1) has accepted the Plan, (2) whose  Claim  or
Interest is in a Class that has accepted or been deemed  to  have
accepted  the  Plan,  or  (3) who may be entitled  to  receive  a
distribution of property pursuant to the Plan, shall be deemed to
have  released unconditionally each Released Party from  any  and
all   Claims,   obligations,  rights,  causes   of   action   and
liabilities,  whether known or unknown, foreseen  or  unforeseen,
existing or hereafter arising, in law, equity or otherwise, based
in  whole  or  in  part upon any act or omission, transaction  or
other  occurrence taking place on or prior to the Effective  Date
in  any  way  relating to such Released Party, the  Debtors,  the
Cases or the Plan.

                Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if  and  to  the
extent  that the Bankruptcy Court concludes that the  Plan cannot
be confirmed with any portion of the foregoing releases, then the
Plan  may  be confirmed with that portion excised so as  to  give
effect  as  much  as possible to the foregoing  releases  without
precluding confirmation of the Plan.

           K.    Final Order.  Any requirement of the Plan for  a
Final Order may be waived in the sole and absolute discretion  of
the   Debtors  upon  written  notice  to  the  Bankruptcy  Court;
provided,  however that nothing contained herein or elsewhere  in
the  Plan  shall prejudice the right of any party in interest  to
seek a stay pending appeal with respect to such Final Order.

           L.    Term  of Injunction or Stays.  Unless  otherwise
provided,  all  injunctions or stays provided for  in  the  Cases
pursuant to Section 105 and Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code or
otherwise and in effect on the Confirmation Date shall remain  in
full force and effect until the Effective Date.  The Confirmation
Order  shall  provide  that the distributions  and  transfers  of
property  to be made pursuant to the terms of the Plan  are  made
free  and  clear of all Claims (except as otherwise provided  in,
and governed by,  the Plan) and that upon the confirmation of the
Plan (except as otherwise provided in, and governed by, the Plan)
all holders of Claims and Interests shall be permanently enjoined
from,  and restrained against, commencing or continuing any suit,
action  or  proceeding  or asserting against  either  Reorganized
Debtor or its assets any Claim, interest or cause of action based
upon  any  Claim  or  Interest that arose or existed  before  the
Confirmation Date.

           M.    Waiver  and  Rescissions.  Except  as  otherwise
provided  in,  , and governed by, the Plan or in the Confirmation
Order,  the  entry  of the Confirmation Order by  the  Bankruptcy
Court  shall  operate as a waiver of all defaults and  events  of
default and any accelerations that have been declared or occurred
with  respect to any such events of default through the Effective

           N.    Corporate  Action.  On the Effective  Date,  all
actions contemplated by the Plan shall be authorized and approved
in  all  respects  (subject  to  the  provisions  of  the  Plan),
including,  without limitation, the following: (1)  the  adoption
and  the  filing  with the Secretary of State  of  the  State  of
Delaware  of the Amended Holding Charter and the Amended Homeland
Charter;  (2)  the  issuance by Reorganized Holding  of  the  New
Common   Stock  and  New  Warrants;  (3)  the  issuance  by   the
Reorganized Company of the New Notes; and (4) the execution,  the
delivery and the performance of the New Credit Agreement, the New
Indenture,  the  New  Warrant Agreement, the Registration  Rights
Agreements,  the Modified Union Agreements and all documents  and
agreements  relating  to   any  of  the  foregoing.  All  matters
provided for under the  Plan involving the corporate structure of
the Debtors and/or the Reorganized Debtors in connection with the
Plan and any corporate action required by the Debtors and/or  the
Reorganized Debtors in connection with the Plan shall  be  deemed
to  have occurred and shall be in effect pursuant to Section  303
of  the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Bankruptcy Code,
without any requirement of further action by the shareholders  or
the  directors of the Debtors and/or the Reorganized Debtor.   On
the  Effective  Date, the appropriate officers  of  the  relevant
Reorganized Debtors are authorized and directed to execute and to
deliver the agreements, documents and instruments contemplated by
the Plan, the Plan Supplement and the Disclosure Statement in the
name and on behalf of such Reorganized Debtor.

          O.   Further Actions.   The Debtors and the Reorganized
Debtors may make and may cause their respective officers to  make
such  other  filings,  to  execute  and  to  deliver  such  other
documents and instruments and take such other actions as  may  be
appropriate  or  advisable in connection with the  Plan  and  the
transactions contemplated by the Plan and as are not inconsistent
with the Plan.

                           ARTICLE V


     A.        Assumption.  All executory contracts and unexpired
leases shall be deemed assumed by the relevant Debtor pursuant to
Section  1123(b)(2)  of  the  Bankruptcy  Code  unless  expressly
rejected  or  subject to a motion by such Debtor to  reject  them
filed  on  or  prior to the Confirmation Date. All cure  payments
that  may  be required under Section 365(b)(1) of the  Bankruptcy
Code  in  connection with such assumption shall be  made  on  the
Effective Date.

                In  the  event  of a dispute concerning  (1)  the
amount  of  any  cure payment, (2) the ability  of  the  relevant
Debtor  to  provide  "adequate assurance of  future  performance"
(within the meaning of Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code)  under
the  executory contract or the unexpired lease to be  assumed  or
(3) any other matter pertaining to the assumption of an executory
contract or an unexpired lease, such Debtor shall make such  cure
payment  or  provide such assurance, as required,  in  accordance
with Final Orders of the Bankruptcy Court.

     B.         Rejection.  An Allowed Claim under  an  executory
contract  or an unexpired lease that has been rejected,  if  any,
shall constitute a Class 4 Claim, if secured, or a Class 5 Claim,
if  unsecured.  Any proof of Claim with respect to Claims arising
from the rejection of an executory contract or an unexpired lease
must be filed with the Bankruptcy Court within 30 days after  the
rejection by the relevant Debtor of such contract or such lease.

     C.        Indemnification Obligations.  The obligations of the
Debtors  to  indemnify (1) their respective  present  and  former
directors and officers against any obligations pursuant to  their
certificate  of  incorporation, by-laws,  applicable  state  law,
specific agreements or any combination of the foregoing  and  (2)
the  Indemnitees  under  the  Indemnification  Agreements,  shall
survive  Confirmation,  remain unaffected  thereby,  and  not  be
discharged, irrespective of whether indemnification  is  owed  in
connection with an event occurring before, on or after the Filing

                           ARTICLE VI


       A.    Distributions.  The  Distribution  Agent  shall   be
responsible  for making all of the distributions required  to  be
made by the Reorganized Debtors under  the Plan.   All costs  and
expenses   in  connection  with  such  distributions,  including,
without  limitation, the fees and the expenses, if  any,  of  the
Distribution  Agent,  shall be borne by  the  Reorganized  Debtor
required to make such distributions.

          Neither a Reorganized Debtor nor the Distribution Agent
shall  be  required  to provide any bond in connection  with  the
making of any distributions pursuant to the Plan.

      B.    Date  of Distribution.  The Distribution Agent  shall
make  each required distribution by the date stated in  the  Plan
with respect to such distribution.  Any distribution required  to
be  made  on  the  Effective Date or the date on  which  a  Claim
becomes an Allowed Claim shall be deemed to be made on such  date
if made as soon as practicable after such date and, in any event,
within 30 days after such date.

      C.    Undeliverable  Distributions.  If a  distribution  is
returned   to  the  Distribution  Agent  as  undeliverable,   the
Distribution Agent shall hold such distribution and shall not  be
required  to take any further action with respect to the delivery
of  the distribution unless and until the earlier of (1) the date
on  which the Distribution Agent  is notified in writing  of  the
then  current  address  of  the holder entitled  to  receive  the
distribution  and (2) the date on which the distribution  reverts
to  a  Reorganized Debtor in accordance with the  Plan.   If  the
Distribution  Agent is notified in writing of  the  then  current
address  of  the  holder prior to date on which the  distribution
reverts  to  a Reorganized Debtor, the Distribution  Agent  shall
promptly make the distribution required by the Plan to the holder
at the then current address.

           The  Distribution Agent shall not be entitled to  vote
any   securities   which   the  Distribution   Agent   holds   as

      D.    Surrender  and  Cancellation of  Instruments.   As  a
condition  to  receiving any distribution pursuant to  the  Plan,
each   holder  of  an  Old  Note,  share  certificate,  or  other
instrument  evidencing  a  Claim  or  Interest  (other  than  the
Homeland  Common Stock or an Old Warrant) as of the  Record  Date
must   surrender  such  Old  Note,  share  certificate  or  other
instrument   to  the  Distribution  Agent  or  deliver   to   the
Reorganized  Debtors or the Distribution Agent, as the  case  may
be,  an  affidavit of loss and indemnity (in form  and  substance
satisfactory to the Reorganized Debtors), in all cases, in proper
form  for transfer.  In accordance with the provisions of Section
1143  of  the  Bankruptcy Code, any holders  of  such  Claims  or
Interests as of such Record Date that fail to surrender such  Old
Notes, share certificates or other instruments within five  years
from  the  Confirmation  shall be deemed to  have  forfeited  all
rights,  Claims  and Interests and shall not participate  in  any
distribution under the Plan.

           On  the Effective Date, (1) all such Old Notes,  share
certificates or other instruments shall be canceled and  (2)  the
Company's  obligations under such Old Notes,  share  certificates
and  other  instruments (together with, in the case  of  the  Old
Notes, the Old Indenture and the other agreements governing  such
Old Notes) shall be discharged.

           On  the  Effective  Date, the lien  and  the  security
interest  of  the  Old Trustee under the Old Indenture  shall  be
released and the Old Trustee shall be authorized and directed  to
take  such actions as may be requested by the Company to evidence
the  release of such liens and the security interests, including,
without  limitation, the execution, the delivery and  the  filing
and/or the recording of such releases as may be requested by  the
Reorganized Debtors.

      E.    Manner  of Payment. At the option of the  Reorganized
Debtors,  distributions may be made in cash, by wire transfer  or
by  a  check drawn on a money center bank.  Distributions of  New
Securities shall be made by the issuance and, in the case of  the
New Notes, the authentication of such New Notes.

      F.   Fractional Shares.  No fractional shares of New Common
Stock  shall  be  issued under the Plan.  Each  holder  otherwise
entitled  to  an  amount of the New Common  Stock  that  includes
fractional amounts shall receive either one whole share (if  such
fraction is equal to, or greater than, one-half) or no share  (if
such  fraction  is  less  than one-half) in  lieu  of  fractional

           No  New Warrants to purchase fractional shares of  New
Common  Stock  shall  be  issued under  the  Plan.   Each  holder
otherwise  entitled  to  a New Warrant that  includes  fractional
amounts of New Common Stock shall receive a New Warrant that  has
been  rounded  down to the next whole number of shares  (if  such
fraction  is less than one-half) or rounded up to the next  whole
number of shares (if such fraction is equal to, or greater  than,

      G.    Compliance  with Tax Requirements.   The  Reorganized
Debtors   shall   comply  with  all  withholding  and   reporting
requirements   imposed  by  federal,  state   or   local   taxing
authorities  in connection with making distributions pursuant  to
the Plan.

           In  connection with each distribution with respect  to
which  the  filing of an information return (such as an  Internal
Revenue  Service  Form  1099  or  1042)  and/or  withholding   is
required,  the  Reorganized Debtors shall file  such  information
return with the Internal Revenue Service and provide any required
statements  in  connection therewith to the  recipients  of  such
distribution, and/or effect any such withholding and deposit  all
moneys  so withheld to the extent required by law.  With  respect
to  any  Person from whom a tax identification number,  certified
tax  identification number or other tax information  required  by
law to avoid withholding has not been received by the Reorganized
Debtors (or the Distribution Agent), the Reorganized Debtors may,
at their sole option, withhold the amount required and distribute
the  balance  to such Person or decline to make such distribution
until  the  information  is  received;  provided,  however,   the
Reorganized  Debtors  shall  not be obligated  to  liquidate  New
Securities to perform such withholding.

       H.    Allocation  Between  Principal  and  Interest.   The
consideration  paid  to holders of Old Notes shall  be  allocated
first to accrued but unpaid interest and next to principal on the
Old Notes.

      I.    Distribution  of Unclaimed Property.  If  any  Person
entitled  to receive cash or New Securities pursuant to the  Plan
does  not  present itself on the Effective Date or on such  other
date  on  which such Person becomes eligible for distribution  of
such cash or securities, such cash or New Securities shall be set
aside  and  (in the case of cash) held in a segregated  interest-
bearing fund to be maintained by the Distribution Agent.  If such
Person   presents   itself  within  five  years   following   the
Confirmation Date, such cash or New Securities, together with any
interest  or  dividends  earned  thereupon,  shall  be  paid   or
distributed  to  such Person.  If such Person  does  not  present
itself  within  five years following the Confirmation  Date,  any
such cash or securities and accrued interest or dividends thereon
shall  become  the  property of, and shall be  released  to,  the
relevant Reorganized Debtor.  Nothing contained in the Plan shall
require  the  Reorganized  Debtors  to  attempt  to  locate  such

      J.    Setoff. Each Reorganized Debtor may, but  is  not  be
required to, setoff against any Claim and the payment to be  made
pursuant to the Plan in respect of such Claim, any Claims of  any
nature  which  the  Reorganized Debtor may not have  against  the
holder  of  such  Claim.  Neither the failure  by  a  Reorganized
Debtor  to  effect such a setoff nor the allowance of  any  Claim
shall  constitute a waiver or a release of any  Claim  which  the
Reorganized Debtors may have against the holder of a Claim.

     K.   Record Date.  As of the close of business on the Record
Date,  the  transfer ledger shall be closed and  the  Reorganized
Debtors and the Old Trustee shall have no obligation to recognize
any  transfer of the Old Common Stock or the Old Notes  occurring

                          ARTICLE VII


      A.    Bar  Dates for Claims and Interests Generally.   Each
holder  of  a  Claim  (other  than an  Administrative  Claim)  or
Interest shall file a proof of Claim or proof of Interest, as the
case may be, with the Bankruptcy Court (1) no later than the  bar
dates  previously established by the Bankruptcy Court or (2),  to
the  extent such holders were not subject to such bar  date,  (a)
within 30 days after the Effective Date or (b) by such other date
as  may  be established by the Bankruptcy Court.  Any holder  who
does  not  file a proof of Claim or a proof of Interest,  as  the
case  may be,  within the applicable time period shall be forever
barred from asserting its  Claim or Interest, as the case may be,
unless, and to the extent such Claim or Interest is listed by the
Debtors  in  their respective Schedules filed with the Bankruptcy
Court as liquidated in amount, not disputed and not contingent.

      B.   Bar Dates for Administrative Claims.  All requests for
payment  of  Administrative  Claims  shall  be  filed  with   the
Bankruptcy Court in the following manner:

           1.   Fee Claims.  Each holder of a Fee Claim shall  be
entitled   to  file  an  application  for  allowance   of   final
compensation and reimbursement of expenses for services  rendered
on  or before the Effective Date.  All applications in respect of
such  Fee Claims shall be filed not later than 45 days after  the
Effective  Date.   If a holder of a Fee Claim fails  to  file  an
application  with  respect to its Fee Claim  within  such  45-day
period,  such  holder shall be forever barred from asserting  its
Fee Claim.

           2.   Other Administrative Claims.  Except as otherwise
provided   by  Article  III(A),  all  requests  for  payment   of
Administrative  Claims, other than Fee Claims and  Administrative
Claims  incurred and paid in ordinary course, must be filed  with
the  Bankruptcy  Court within 30 days after the  Effective  Date.
Any  holder of such an Administrative Claim that does not file  a
request  for payment within such a 30-day period shall be forever
barred from asserting its Administrative Claim.

      C.    Prosecution of Objections.  After the Effective Date,
each  Reorganized  Debtor shall have the sole  authority  (1)  to
object  to  Claims  against, and Interests in,  such  Reorganized
Debtor,  and (2) to litigate any Claim or any Interest  to  Final
Order, to settle or to compromise any Claim or any Interest or to
withdraw any objection to any Claim or any Interest (other than a
Claim or an Interest that is deemed to be allowed pursuant to the
Plan or a Final Order).

           Unless  another date is established by the  Bankruptcy
Court  or the Plan, any objection to a Claim or an Interest shall
be  filed  with the Bankruptcy Court and served on the holder  of
such Claim or Interest within 90 days after the later of (1)  the
Effective Date and (2) the date that a proof of Claim or a  proof
of  Interest, as the case may be, with respect to such  Claim  or
Interest  is  filed  or is deemed to have  been  filed  with  the
Bankruptcy Court.  The relevant Reorganized Debtor shall have the
right  to petition the Bankruptcy Court for an extension of  such
date  if  a  complete review of such Claim or Interest cannot  be
completed by such date.

           Except  as  otherwise provided by Section III(A),  any
objection to a Fee Claim shall be filed within the later  of  (1)
60  days after the Effective Date and (2)  30 days after the date
on which the application is filed with respect to such Fee Claim.
If  no  objection has been filed to a Claim or an Interest (other
than  a  Fee  Claim which shall be allowed only by order  of  the
Bankruptcy Court) within the applicable period, the Claim or  the
Interest  shall  be  treated as an Allowed Claim  or  an  Allowed
Interest, as the case may be, to the extent that the Claim or the
Interest  has  not been previously allowed or disallowed  by  the
Bankruptcy Court.

      D.    Treatment of Disputed Claims and Disputed  Interests.
Disputed  Claims and Disputed Interests shall be treated  in  the
following manner:

          1.   No Distribution Pending Allowance.  If any portion
of  a  Claim  is  a  Disputed Claim, no payment  or  distribution
provided  under the Plan shall be made on account of the  portion
of  such  Claim  that is a Disputed Claim unless and  until  such
Disputed  Claim  becomes  an Allowed Claim  but  the  payment  or
distribution provided for under the Plan shall be made on account
of the portion of such Claim that is an Allowed Claim.

           2.   Disputed Class 5 Claims Reserve.  Notwithstanding
anything  else  to the contrary in this Article  VII(D),  on  the
Effective  Date, the Reorganized Debtors shall deposit  into  the
Disputed Class 5 Claims Reserve, the New Common Stock that  would
otherwise  have  been distributed to holders of  Disputed  Claims
which, if allowed on the Effective Date, would have been Class  5
Claims (each, a "Disputed Class 5 Claim") in accordance with  the
Plan as if such Disputed Class 5 Claims were Allowed Claims.   No
interest  or other amounts shall accrue on New Common Stock  held
in  the  Disputed  Class 5 Claims Reserve.   In  calculating  the
amount  to  be  held in the Disputed Class 5 Claims Reserve,  the
Reorganized Debtors shall (a) treat all liquidated Disputed Class
5 Claims as if allowed in full and (b) make a good faith estimate
of  the  amounts,  if  any, likely to be allowed  in  respect  of
contingent  or  unliquidated Class 5  Claims.   If,  and  to  the
extent, any such Disputed Class 5 Claim became an Allowed  Claim,
the  property  so  reserved for the creditor holding  such  Claim
shall  be distributed to such creditor within thirty days of  the
date that such Disputed Class 5 claim becomes an Allowed Claim.

          In the event that, after the Effective Date, a Disputed
Claim is disallowed in whole or in part, the relevant Reorganized
Debtor  shall  distribute  (or cause the  Distribution  Agent  to
distribute)  the  property  held in reserve  for  the  disallowed
portion  of  such  Disputed Class 5 Claim as  follows:  (a)  such
property  shall  be  distributed to holders of  Allowed  Class  5
Claims;  (b)  such distribution shall be based on the  applicable
Ratable  Share  of  each such holder, as adjusted  to  take  into
account the disallowance or the allowance of all Disputed  Claims
since the Effective Date; and (c) such distribution shall be made
on  December  31, 1996, and on June 30 and December  31  of  each
following  year (each such date, a "Distribution Date"),  to  the
extent  a Disputed Class 5 claim has been disallowed in whole  or
in  part since the Effective Date or the last Distribution  Date,
as  the  case may be, until the earlier of (i) the date on  which
all Disputed Class 5 Claims have been resolved and (ii) less than
5,000  shares of New Common Stock are on deposit in the  Disputed
Class 5 Claims Reserve. If, at any time after the Effective Date,
the  number  of shares of New Common Stock held in  the  Disputed
Class  5 Claims Reserve is less than 5,000, the remaining  shares
of  Common Stock held in such reserve may, at the option  of  the
Reorganized Debtors, be canceled or treated as treasury stock.

           3.   No Other Reserves.  The Reorganized Debtors shall
not  be required to establish a reserve with respect to any class
of   Disputed  Claims or Disputed Interests other than   Class  5
Disputed Claims.

           4.    Method  of Resolution - General.  Each  Disputed
Claim  (other  than  a Disputed Claim which involves  a  personal
injury,  property  damage  or  wrongful  death  claim)  and  each
Disputed Interest shall be resolved by the Bankruptcy Court.

           5.    Method  of  Resolution  -  Personal  Injury  and
Wrongful  Death Claims.  Each Disputed Claim involving a personal
injury, property damage or wrongful death claim shall be resolved
in the following manner:

                a.    Information Assembly.  Within 30 days after
the Effective Date, the relevant Reorganized Debtor shall mail to
each  holder  of  such a Disputed Claim a form prepared  by  such
Reorganized   Debtor,   requesting  such  information   as   such
Reorganized  Debtor  believes  is  necessary  to  evaluate   such
Disputed Claim.

                No later than 30 days after each holder of such a
Disputed  Claim receives such form, the holder shall  return  the
completed  form  to such Reorganized Debtor  and any  Insurer  on
such Claim.  The completed form must be signed, under penalty  of
perjury, by the holder and the holder's counsel, if any, and  the
signature  of the holder must be notarized.  Each form must  have
the following documentation attached to such form:

                    (i)  For personal injuries and wrongful death
claims:  (A)  copies  of all medical bills,  (B)  copies  of  all
medical reports, (C) copies of all expert reports, (D) copies  of
all  tax  returns  for the last five years,  (E)  copies  of  all
x-rays,  (F)  copies  of  all  MRI's,  (G)  copies  of  all  wage
statements,  W-2 forms, W-4 forms, and 1099 forms  for  the  past
five years, (H) copies of all pictures of any accident scene, (I)
an  executed SSA-7004-SM, Social Security Administration  Request
for   Earnings  and  Benefit  Statement,  designating  a   Person
specified  by  such  Reorganized  Debtor  as  addressee,  (J)  an
executed  IRS  4506 Form, Request for Copy of Transcript  of  Tax
Form,  designating a Person specified by such Reorganized  Debtor
as  the  recipient  of the documents, and (K),  in  the  case  of
wrongful death claims, copies of all autopsy reports.

                     (ii)  For property damage claims, (A) copies
of  all  repair invoices and records and (B) copies of all expert

If  the  form is not returned in accordance herewith  within  the
required  30-day  period,  the Disputed  Claim  shall  be  deemed

           Within 90 days from the date on which such Reorganized
Debtor  and  the  Insurer, if any, receive  a  form  returned  in
accordance herewith, such Reorganized Debtor or, if there  is  an
Insurer, the Insurer shall:

                    (i)  offer to settle the Disputed Claim;

                    (ii) deny the Disputed  Claim; or

                    (iii)     request additional information from
the  holder of the Disputed Claim, including, without limitation,
for  personal injury claims, submission to an independent medical

           If  an  offer of settlement is made, the  holder  must
accept or reject the offer of settlement within 30 days after the
offer  of settlement is made.  If the offer of settlement is  not
accepted  or  rejected  within such 30-day period,  the  Disputed
Claim  shall  be  deemed disallowed.  If the holder  accepts  the
offer  of settlement, the Disputed Claim shall be deemed  allowed
on  the date on which such Reorganized Debtor or the Insurer,  as
the case may be, receives notice of such acceptance.

          If additional information is requested, the holder must
provide  such  additional  information  within  30  days  of  the
request.    If  the  holder  fails  to  provide  such  additional
information  within such 30-day period, the Disputed Claim  shall
be deemed disallowed.  If the requested additional information is
provided within such 30-day time period, such Reorganized  Debtor
or,  if  there is an Insurer, the Insurer must make an  offer  of
settlement  or  deny a Disputed Claim within  90  days  after  it
receives such additional information.

           If  a  holder of a Disputed Claim rejects an offer  of
settlement within 30 days after the offer of settlement  is  made
or  the  Disputed Claim is denied, the holder shall  notify  such
Reorganized  Debtor and the Insurer, if any,  that  mediation  is
requested.  If a holder fails to request mediation, the  Disputed
Claim shall be deemed disallowed.

                b.    Mediation.   Each such Disputed  Claim  for
which mediation is requested shall be submitted to mediation by a
mediator  assigned by the Bankruptcy Court.  Such mediator  shall
work  with  all Persons involved, including, without  limitation,
any Insurer, to negotiate a mutually satisfactory resolution with
respect  to  the Disputed Claim.  Within 30 days of the  date  on
which  a  mediator  is appointed, the mediator shall  schedule  a
mediation  conference  in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  at  which  all
Persons  involved shall either (i) appear personally or  (ii)  be
represented  by  a  Person authorized to  enter  into  a  binding
settlement  agreement  on behalf of such  involved  Person.   The
mediator  shall give each such involved Person at least  10  days
prior  written notice of the date, the time and the place of  the
conference.   If  any Person which has received  notice  of  such
mediation (or his, her or its designated representative) fails to
appear  at  such  mediation  conference,  any  other  Person  may
petition  the Bankruptcy Court for an award of costs,  including,
without  limitation,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  against   the
non-attending Person. In addition, if the holder or the  holder's
counsel,  if  any, fails to attend, the Disputed Claim  shall  be
deemed disallowed.

           At  the  conclusion of the mediation conference,  each
Person  (or its designated representative) shall sign before  the
mediator  a  statement to the effect that (i) the Disputed  Claim
has been resolved by mutual agreement (subject to approval of the
Bankruptcy Court) and the basis of such resolution, (ii) that the
Disputed Claim shall be submitted to binding arbitration or (iii)
that the Disputed Claim shall proceed before the District Court.

                 c.    Arbitration.   If  a  Disputed  Claim   is
submitted  to  binding arbitration, the Disputed Claim  shall  be
resolved by binding arbitration conducted in accordance with  the
Commercial   Arbitration  Rules  of  the   American   Arbitration
Association.   No  Person involved in such arbitration  shall  be
permitted  to  appeal any award except as expressly permitted  by
Section 10 of the Federal Arbitration Act, as amended, and  there
shall  be  no  right  to  a  de  novo  trial  subsequent  to  the

                 d.   Trial.  Upon compliance with the procedures
set  forth  in this Article VII(D)(5), the holder of  a  Disputed
Claim  subject to this Article VII(D)(5) shall have the right  to
pursue  such  Disputed  Claim  in a  federal  district  court  in
accordance  with  28 U.S.C. 157(b)(5) and the  Federal  Rules  of
Civil  Procedure.  Any case filed prior to the Filing Date  shall
be  transferred  from the forum in which it  is  pending  to  the
District  Court and, regardless of whether a case has been  filed
prior  to the Filing Date, the District Court shall transfer  the
case to the federal district court for the district in which  the
Disputed Claim arose.  The Disputed Claim shall be prosecuted  in
the  federal  district court to which it is  transferred  by  the
District Court.

                          ARTICLE VIII


           Conditions to Consummation.  The Plan shall not become
effective unless and until each of the following conditions  have
been  satisfied  or  have  been waived in  accordance  with  this
Article VIII:

           A.    Entry of the Confirmation Order.  The Plan shall
have  been confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court and the Confirmation
Order shall have become a Final Order.

           B.    New  Credit Agreement.  The New Credit Agreement
shall   have  been  entered  into  and  all  conditions  to   the
effectiveness thereof shall have been satisfied or waived by  the
lenders as required thereunder.

            C.     Other   Agreements.   All   other   agreements
contemplated  by,  or  entered  into  pursuant  to,   the   Plan,
including,  without  limitation, the Plan Documents,  shall  have
been  duly  and  validly executed and delivered  by  the  parties
thereto and all conditions to their effectiveness shall have been
satisfied or waived.

           The Reorganized Debtors may waive at any time, without
notice,  leave or order of the Bankruptcy Court, and without  any
formal  action other than proceeding to consummate the Plan,  any
condition  precedent  to  consummation  of  the  Plan;  provided,
however,  that the Debtors may not waive the condition  precedent
specified  in  Article  VIII(A) insofar  as  it  relates  to  the
execution,  delivery and effectiveness of the New  Indenture  and
the  Noteholder Registration Rights Agreement without the consent
of the Committee.

                           ARTICLE IX


           If all of the applicable requirements for confirmation
of  the  Plan  are  met as set forth in Section  1129(a)  of  the
Bankruptcy Code except paragraph (8) thereof, the Debtors may, at
their  option,  amend  the  Plan  as  necessary  to  request  the
Bankruptcy Court to confirm the Plan pursuant to Section  1129(b)
of  the  Bankruptcy  Code, notwithstanding  the  requirements  of
paragraph (8) of Section 1129(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, provided
that the Plan, as so amended, is fair and equitable and does  not
discriminate  unfairly  with respect to  any  impaired  Class  or
Classes  that  have not accepted the Plan.     The right  of  the
Debtors  to modify the Plan under this Article IX does not  limit
the  ability  of  the  Debtors to modify the Plan  under  Article

                           ARTICLE X


      A.   Binding Effect.  The provisions of the Plan shall bind
all  holders  of Claims and Interests, whether or  not  any  such
holder has accepted the Plan.

      B.    Discharge.   Except as otherwise  expressly  provided
herein,  the  confirmation  of  the  Plan  shall,  provided   the
Effective  Date  shall have occurred, discharge  all  Claims  and
Interests  to  the fullest extent authorized or provided  by  the
Bankruptcy  Code, including, without limitation, to  the  fullest
extent  authorized  or  provided  for  by  Section  524  of   the
Bankruptcy Code.

      C.    Vesting of Assets; Reservation of Claims.  Except  as
expressly  provided  in,  and  governed  by,  the  Plan,  on  the
Effective  Date, the assets and property of each Debtor's  Estate
shall  vest in the relevant Reorganized Debtor free and clear  of
all  Claims, liens, encumbrances, charges and interests.   Except
as  provided in the Estate Release, all causes of action  arising
under  Chapter  5  of the Bankruptcy Code (other than  fraudulent
conveyance and preference claims, if any, of the Debtors  against
the  Old  Banks  and  the holders of the Old Notes),  all  Claims
against  third  parties, and all other causes of  action  against
third  parties,  and  all  other  causes  of  action  and  rights
belonging  to  or  in  favor of the Debtors,  including,  without
limitation, under Section 502, Section 544, Section 545,  Section
547,  Section  548  and Section 549 of the Bankruptcy  Code,  are
hereby  preserved  and  retained for  assertion  and  enforcement
solely  and  exclusively  by,  and  in  the  discretion  of,  the
Reorganized  Debtors and shall revest in the relevant Reorganized
Debtor on the Effective Date.

     D.   Injunction.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in,
and  governed  by, the Plan, the entry of the Confirmation  Order
shall,  provided  that  the Effective Date shall  have  occurred,
permanently enjoin all Persons that have held, currently hold  or
may  hold  a Claim, or other debt or liability that is discharged
pursuant to the Plan or who have held, currently hold or may hold
an  Interest that is terminated pursuant to the Plan from  taking
any of the following actions in respect of such discharged Claim,
debt or liability or such terminated Interest:

           (1)    commencing,  conducting or  continuing  in  any
manner,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  suit,  action  or  other
proceeding  of  any kind against the Reorganized Debtors  or  the
property of the Reorganized Debtors;

           (2)   enforcing,  levying,  attaching,  collecting  or
recovering  in  any manner or by any means, whether  directly  or
indirectly,  any  judgment, award, decree or  order  against  the
Reorganized Debtors or the property of the Reorganized Debtors;

           (3)   creating, perfecting or enforcing in any manner,
directly or indirectly, any lien or any security interest of  any
kind  against  the  Reorganized Debtors or the  property  of  the
Reorganized Debtors;

           (4)   asserting  a  setoff, right  of  subrogation  or
recoupment  of  any  kind, directly or indirectly,   against  any
debt,  liability or obligation due to the Reorganized Debtors  or
the property of the Debtors; or

           (5)  commencing or continuing any action in any manner
or   in  any  place that does not comply with, or is inconsistent
with, the Plan.

      E.    Insured Claims.  Confirmation of the Plan  shall  not
discharge the duty of any Insurer under any contract of insurance
to  continue to provide coverage to all parties covered under the
contract of insurance in accordance with the terms and subject to
the conditions of the contract of insurance.

                           ARTICLE XI


           Notwithstanding entry of the Confirmation Order or the
Effective Date having occurred, the Bankruptcy Court shall retain
jurisdiction over the Cases and any proceedings arising from,  or
relating to, the Cases pursuant to Section 1142 of the Bankruptcy
Code  and Section 1334 of Title 28 of the United States  Code  to
the fullest extent permitted by the Bankruptcy Code and any other
applicable  law, including, without limitation, such jurisdiction
as  is necessary to ensure that the purpose and the intent of the
Plan  are  carried out.  Without limiting the generality  of  the
foregoing,  the  Bankruptcy  Court  shall  retain  the  following

      A.    Executory  Contract  and Lease  Determinations.   The
Bankruptcy  Court shall retain the jurisdiction to  hear  and  to
determine any motions pending before the Bankruptcy Court on  the
Effective  Date  to  reject any executory contract  or  unexpired
lease  to  which a Debtor is a party or with respect to  which  a
Debtor  may be liable and to hear and  to determine the allowance
of  any Claim resulting therefrom.

       B.    Pending  Motions  and  Adversary  Proceedings.   The
Bankruptcy  Court shall retain the jurisdiction to determine  any
adversary proceedings, applications, contested matters and  other
litigated matters that are pending on the Effective Date or  that
may be commenced thereafter as provided in the Plan.

      C.    Distributions.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain the
jurisdiction  to  ensure that distributions  to  the  holders  of
Allowed Claims and Allowed Interests are accomplished as provided
in the Plan.

      D.    Claim  Determinations.  The  Bankruptcy  Court  shall
retain  the jurisdiction to hear and determine objections to,  or
requests   for   estimation   of,  Claims,   including,   without
limitation, any objections to the classification of any Claim, in
whole or in part.

      E.    Stay Matters.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain  the
jurisdiction  to  enter and to implement such orders  as  may  be
appropriate in the event that the Confirmation Order is  for  any
reason stayed, revoked, modified or vacated.

     F.   Support of Plan.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain the
jurisdiction to issue appropriate orders in aid of the  execution
of  the  Plan  and to enforce the Confirmation Order  and/or  the
discharge,  or  the  effect  of the discharge,  provided  to  the
Reorganized Debtors.

      G.    Modifications. The Bankruptcy Court shall retain  the
jurisdiction to hear and to determine any applications to  modify
the  Plan, to cure any defect or any omission in any order of the
Bankruptcy  Court or in the Plan, including, without  limitation,
the  Confirmation  Order,  and to reconcile any inconsistency  in
any   order  entered  by  the  Bankruptcy  Court  and  the  Plan,
including, without limitation, the Confirmation Order.

        H.    Compensation   and  Expense  Determinations.    The
Bankruptcy  Court shall retain the jurisdiction to  hear  and  to
determine any applications for compensation and reimbursement  of
expenses  of professionals and members of any Statutory Committee
(and,  if  applicable, the Committee) under Section 330,  Section
331,  Section  503(b), Section 1103 and/or Section 1129(a)(4)  of
the Bankruptcy Code.

      I.    Resolution  of Controversies.  The  Bankruptcy  Court
shall  retain  the jurisdiction to hear and to determine  resolve
any  disputes arising in connection with the interpretation,  the
implementation or the enforcement of the Plan.

     J.   Other Plan-Related Matters.  The Bankruptcy Court shall
retain  the  jurisdiction to hear and to determine  other  issues
presented  by, arising under, or related to, the Plan  and  other
matters  related  to  the  Plan and  not  inconsistent  with  the
Bankruptcy Code.

      K.    Final Decree.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain  the
jurisdiction to enter a final decree closing the Cases.

      L.   Recovery of Assets.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain
the  jurisdiction to enter such orders as may be  appropriate  in
connection with the recovery of the assets of the Debtors and the
Estates wherever located.

     M.   Tax Related Matters.  The Bankruptcy Court shall retain
the  jurisdiction  to  hear  and  to  determine  any  motions  or
contested  matters involving taxes, tax refunds,  tax  attributes
and  tax benefits and similar or related matters with respect  to
the  Debtors  arising prior to the Effective Date or relating  to
the  administration of the Cases, including, without  limitation,
matters  involving federal, state and local taxes  in  accordance
with  Section 346, Section 505 and Section 1146 of the Bankruptcy

     N.   Other Determinations. The Bankruptcy Court shall retain
the  jurisdiction to determine any other matter not  inconsistent
with the Bankruptcy Code.

                          ARTICLE XII


      A.   Modification of the Plan.  The Plan may be modified at
any  time or from time to time by the Debtors before or after the
Effective  Date,  whether or not the Plan has been  substantially
consummated,  upon such notice and hearing and other requirements
as shall be required by the Bankruptcy Code and applicable law.

     B.   Revocation and Withdrawal of Plan.  The Debtors reserve
the  right  to revoke or to withdraw the Plan at any time  before
the  Confirmation Date.  If the Debtors revoke  or  withdraw  the
Plan  prior to the Confirmation Date, or if the Confirmation Date
or  the  Effective Date does not occur, then the  Plan  shall  be
deemed null and void.  In such event, nothing contained herein or
in  the  Disclosure Statement shall be deemed  to  constitute  an
admission of the validity, waiver or release of any Claims by  or
against  the Debtors or any other Person or to prejudice  in  any
manner  the rights of the Debtors or any Person in any proceeding
involving the Debtors.

      C.   Exculpation.  Neither the Reorganized Debtors, the Old
Banks,  any Statutory Committee, the Committee, nor any of  their
respective members, officers, directors, shareholders, employees,
agents,  attorneys, accountants or other advisors, shall have  or
incur any liability to any holder of a Claim or Interest for  any
act  or failure to act in connection with, or arising out of, the
pursuit of confirmation of the Plan, the consummation of the Plan
or  the  administration  of  the  Plan  or  the  property  to  be
distributed under the Plan, except for any act or failure to  act
that constitutes willful misconduct or recklessness as determined
pursuant to a Final Order, and in all respects, such Persons  (1)
shall be entitled to rely upon the advice of counsel with respect
to their duties and responsibilities under the Plan, and shall be
fully  protected  from liability in acting or in refraining  from
action  in  accordance with such advice and (2)  shall  be  fully
protected  from liability with respect to any act or  failure  to
act that is approved or ratified by the Bankruptcy Court.

      D.    Payment Dates.  Whenever any payment to be made under
the  Plan is due on a day other than a Business Day, such payment
shall  instead  be made, without interest, on the next  following
Business Day.

      E.    Payment of Statutory Fees.  All fees payable pursuant
to  Section 1930 of Title 28 of the United States Code, shall  be
paid as required by the Bankruptcy Code.

      F.    Payment  of Post-Petition Interest or Attorney  Fees.
Unless  otherwise expressly provided in the Plan, or  allowed  by
order  of the Bankruptcy Court, the Debtors shall not be required
to  pay any holder of a Claim any interest occurring on or  after
the  Filing  Date, or any attorneys' fees, with respect  to  such

     G.   Section 1146 Exemption.  Pursuant to Section 1146(c) of
the  Bankruptcy Code, the issuance, transfer or exchange  of  any
security  under  the  Plan  or the  making  or  delivery  of  any
instrument of transfer pursuant to, in implementation of,  or  as
contemplated by, the Plan or the revesting, transfer or  sale  of
any  real  or  personal property of the Debtors pursuant  to,  in
implementation of, or as contemplated by, the Plan shall  not  be
taxed under any state or local law imposing a stamp tax, transfer
tax or similar tax or fee.

     H.   Dissolution of Committees.  On the Effective Date, each
Statutory Committee shall automatically dissolve and all  members
of  such  committees shall be discharged from all rights and  all
duties arising from, or related to, the Cases.

       I.    Governing  Law.   Except  to  the  extent  that  the
Bankruptcy Code or the Bankruptcy Rules are applicable, the  Plan
shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance
with, the internal laws of the State of Delaware.

     J.   Notices.  After the Effective Date, any notice or other
communication  to the Reorganized Debtors required  or  permitted
under the Plan shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered or
sent  by  certified or registered mail, postage pre-paid,  return
receipt requested, as follows:

     Homeland Stores, Inc. or Homeland Holding Corporation
                    2601 Northwest Expressway
                  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112
                         Attn: President
                                   Telephone:  (405) 879-6600
                 Telecopy:  (405) 879-4605

                        with a copy to:

          Crowe & Dunlevy, A Professional Corporation
                     1800 Mid-America Tower
                       20 North Broadway
                  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
                    Attn: Judy Hamilton Morse
                   Telephone: (405) 235-7700
                    Telecopy: (405) 239-6651


               Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor
              Eleventh Floor, Rodney Square North
                    1100 North Market Street
                 Wilmington Trust Center 19801
                   Attn: James L. Patton, Jr.
                   Telephone: (302) 571-6600
                    Telecopy: (302) 571-1253


            Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                   1285 Avenue of the Americas
                    New York, New York 10019
                      Attn: Robert D. Drain
                    Telephone: (212) 373-3000
                   Telecopier: (212) 757-3990

            After  the  Effective  Date,  any  notice  or   other
communication to a holder of a Claim or an Interest  required  or
permitted under the Plan shall be hand delivered or shall be sent
by  certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  pre-paid,   return
receipt requested, to the holder at the address set forth on  any
proof  of  claim  filed by the holder or, if the holder  has  not
filed or been deemed to have filed a proof of claim, at the  last
known  address of the holder as reflected by the records  of  the
relevant Reorganized Debtor.

           A  notice or other communication sent pursuant to this
Article  XII(J) shall be deemed given and received upon  delivery
if  hand delivered and three business days after deposited in the
United States mail if sent by registered or certified mail.

     K.   Successors and Assigns.  The rights of any Person named
or referred to in the Plan shall inure to the benefit of, and the
obligations of any Person named or referred to in the Plan  shall
be  binding  on, any heir, executor, administrator, successor  or
assign of such Person.

      L.   Severability.  To the extent that any provision of the
Plan would, by its inclusion of the Plan, prevent or preclude the
Bankruptcy  Court  from  entering  the  Confirmation  Order,  the
Bankruptcy  Court, on the request of the Debtors, may  modify  or
amend,  or  permit the Debtors to modify or amend such provision,
in whole or in part as necessary to cure any defect or remove any
impediment to the confirmation of the Plan existing by reason  of
such provision.

      M.   Objections to Claims or Interests.  The failure by the
Debtors  to  object  to  or examine any  Claim  or  Interest  for
purposes  of voting shall not be deemed a waiver of the  Debtors'
right to object to or re-examine such Claim or Interest, in whole
or in part.


 .   Dated this 13th day of May, 1996

                              HOMELAND STORES, INC.

                                   James A. Demme
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                              HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION.

                                   James A. Demme
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                              CROWE & DUNLEVY, A PROFESSIONAL

                                   Judy Hamilton Morse, OBA #6450
                                   Kenni B. Merritt, OBA #6147
                                   Roger A. Stong, OBA #11710
                                   William H. Hoch, OBA #15788

                              1800 Mid-America Tower
                              20 North Broadway
                              Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73102
                              (405) 235-7700

                              COUNSEL TO HOMELAND STORES, INC. AND
                                 HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

                              YOUNG, CONAWAY, STARGATT & TAYLOR

                                   James L. Patton, Jr.

                              Rodney Square North, 11th Floor
                              Wilmington, Delaware 19899
                              (302) 571-6600

                               LOCAL  COUNSEL TO HOMELAND STORES, INC.
                                AND HOMELAND HOLDING CORPORATION

     Appendix B

Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Homeland Holding Corporation

We   have   audited   the  accompanying  consolidated   financial
statements of Homeland Holding Corporation and Subsidiary  listed
in  the  index  on  page F-1 of this Form 10-K.  These  financial
statements  are  the responsibility of the Company's  management.
Our  responsibility is to express an opinion on  these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits in accordance with generally  accepted
auditing  standards.  Those standards require that  we  plan  and
perform  the  audit to obtain reasonable assurance about  whether
the  financial statements are free of material misstatement.   An
audit  includes  examining, on a test basis, evidence  supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures in the financial  statements.   An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used  and
significant  estimates made by management, as well as  evaluating
the  overall  financial statement presentation.  We believe  that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the  financial statements  referred  to  above
present  fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the  consolidated
financial position of Homeland Holding Corporation and Subsidiary
as   of  December  30,  1995  and  December  31,  1994,  and  the
consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for
the  52  weeks  ended December 30, 1995, December  31,  1994  and
January 1, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted accounting

The  accompanying  consolidated financial  statements  have  been
prepared  assuming  that the Company will  continue  as  a  going
concern.  As discussed in Note 2 to the financial statements, the
Company  has incurred recurring losses from operations,  negative
cash  flows from operations for the year ended December 30, 1995,
a  stockholders'  deficit as of December 30, 1995  and  has  been
unable to comply with its debt covenants.  In addition, on  March
27,  1996,  the  Company reached an agreement in  principle  with
members  of  an ad-hoc noteholders committee with  respect  to  a
financial restructuring of the Company.  The Company and the  ad-
hoc  noteholders committee have agreed to implement the financial
restructuring under a pre-arranged plan of reorganization  to  be
filed  under  Chapter 11 of the United States Federal  Bankruptcy
Code.   These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company's
ability to continue as a going concern.  The continuation of  its
business  as  a  going concern is contingent  upon,  among  other
things,  the  ability  to (1) complete the pre-arranged  plan  of
reorganization  and  (2) sustain satisfactory  levels  of  future
earnings and cash flows.  Management's plans with regard to  such
financial restructuring are set forth in Note 15 to the financial
statements.    The  financial  statements  do  not  include   any
adjustments  that  might  result  from  the  outcome   of   these
uncertainties  or  adjustments  relating  to  the  establishment,
settlement and classification of liabilities that may be required
in  connection  with the pre-arranged plan of  reorganization  of
Homeland Holding Corporation and Subsidiary under Chapter  11  of
the United States Federal Bankruptcy Code.

Coopers & Lybrand, L.L.P.
New York, New York
March 27, 1996



       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                        ASSETS (Note 4)
                                                  December 30,   December 31,
                                                      1995           1994

Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents (Notes 3 and 5)         $  6,357      $    339
 Receivables, net of allowance for uncollectible
  accounts of $2,661 and $2,690                       8,051        12,235
 Receivable for taxes (Note 6)                          -           2,270
 Inventories                                         42,830        89,850
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets            2,052         6,384

    Total current assets                             59,290       111,078

Property, plant and equipment:
 Land                                                 9,919        10,997
 Buildings                                           22,101        29,276
 Fixtures and equipment                              44,616        61,360
 Land and leasehold improvements                     23,629        32,410
 Software (Note 3)                                    1,991        17,876
 Leased assets under capital leases (Note 9)         29,062        46,015
 Construction in progress                             4,201         2,048

                                                    135,519       199,982

 Less, accumulated depreciation
  and amortization                                   63,827        82,603

 Net property, plant and equipment                   71,692       117,379

Excess of purchase price over fair
 value of net assets acquired, net
 of amortization of $830 in fiscal 1994 (Note 3)        -          2,475

Other assets and deferred charges                     6,600        8,202

    Total assets                                   $137,582     $239,134


          The accompanying notes are an integral part
          of these consolidated financial statements.


       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)


                                                December 30,    December 31,
                                                   1995             1994
Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable - trade                        $ 17,732        $ 30,317
 Salaries and wages                                 1,609           1,925
 Taxes                                              4,876           6,492
 Accrued interest payable                           2,891           3,313
 Other current liabilities                         14,321          15,050
 Current portion of long-term debt (Notes 4, 5 and 15)-             2,250
 Long-term obligations in default classified as current
  (Notes 4, 5 and 15)                             100,467             -
 Current portion of obligations under capital
  leases (Note 9)                                   2,746           7,828
 Current portion of restructuring reserve (Note 14  3,062             -

    Total current liabilities                     147,704          67,175

Long-term obligations:
 Long-term debt (Notes 4, 5 and 15)                   -           145,000
 Obligations under capital leases (Note 9)          9,026          11,472
 Other noncurrent liabilities                       6,133           5,176
 Noncurrent restructuring reserve (Note 14)         2,808           5,005

    Total long-term obligations                    17,967         166,653

Commitments and contingencies (Notes 8, 9 and 12)     -               -

Redeemable common stock, Class A, $.01 par value,
 1,720,718 shares at December 30, 1995 and 3,864,211
 shares at December 31, 1994, at redemption value
 (Notes 10 and 11)                                     17           1,235

Stockholders' equity (deficit):
 Common stock (Note 10):
   Class A, $.01 par value, authorized - 40,500,000
    shares, issued - 33,748,482 shares at December 30,
    1995 and 31,604,989 at December 31, 1994,
    outstanding - 30,878,989 shares                   337            316
 Additional paid-in capital                        55,886         53,896
 Accumulated deficit                              (80,188)       (48,398)
 Minimum pension liability adjustment (Note 8)     (1,327)           -
 Treasury stock, 2,869,493 shares at December 30, 1995
  and 726,000 shares at December 31, 1994, at cost (2,814)        (1,743)

    Total stockholders' equity (deficit)          (28,106)         4,071

Total  liabilities and stockholders'
equity (deficit)                                 $137,582       $239,134

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
          of these consolidated financial statements.


       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                            52 weeks    52 weeks    52 weeks
                                             ended       ended       ended
                                          December 30,December 31, January 1,
                                             1995        1994        1994

Sales, net                                 $630,275    $785,121    $810,967

Cost of sales                               479,119     588,405     603,220
 Gross profit                               151,156     196,716     207,747

Selling and administrative expenses         151,985     193,643     190,483
Operational restructuring costs (Note 14)    12,639      23,205         -

 Operating profit (loss)                    (13,468)    (20,132)     17,264

Gain on sale of plants                          -           -         2,618
Interest expense                            (15,992)    (18,067)    (18,928)

Income (loss) before income tax benefit
 (provision) and extraordinary items        (29,460)    (38,199)        954

Income tax benefit (provision) (Note 6)         -        (2,446)      3,252

Income (loss) before extraordinary items    (29,460)    (40,645)      4,206

Extraordinary items (Note 4)                 (2,330)        -        (3,924)

Net income (loss)                           (31,790)    (40,645)        282

Reduction in redemption value -
 redeemable common stock                        940       7,284         -

Net income (loss) available to
 common stockholders                       $(30,850)   $(33,361)    $   282

Income (loss) before extraordinary
 items per common share                    $   (.86)   $   (.96)   $    .12
Extraordinary items per common share           (.07)         -         (.11)

Net income (loss) per common share         $   (.93)   $   (.96)   $    .01

Weighted average shares outstanding      33,223,675  34,752,527  34,946,460

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
          of these consolidated financial statements.


                    (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                     Class A     Additional            Pension                    Total
                    Common Stock   Paid-in Accumulated Liability Treasury Stock  Stockholders'
                    Shares  Amount Capital  Deficit    Adjustment Shares  Amount Equity (Deficit)

Balance, January
 2, 1993         31,364,989 $314  $46,036   $(8,035)   $  -       486,000 $(1,165)  $37,150

Purchase of treasury
 stock              134,000    1      322        -        -       134,000    (323)      -

Adjustment to recognize
  minimum liability      -     -       -         -      (572)         -       -        (572)

Net income               -     -       -        282       -           -       -         282

Balance, January
 1,  1994        31,498,989  315   46,358     7,753)    (572)    620,000   (1,488)   36,860

Purchase of treasury
  stock             106,000    1      254        -        -      106,000     (255)      -

Adjustment to eliminate
  minimum liability      -     -       -         -       572          -        -        572

Redeemable common stock
  reduction in redemption
  value                  -     -    7,284        -        -           -        -      7,284

Net loss                 -     -       -    (40,645)      -           -        -    (40,645)

Balance, December
  31, 1994       31,604,989   316  53,896   (48,398)      -      726,000   (1,743)    4,071

Purchase of treasury
 stock            2,143,493    21   1,050        -        -    2,143,493   (1,071)       -

Adjustment to recognize
  minimum liability      -     -       -         -    (1,327)         -        -     (1,327)

Redeemable common stock
  reduction in redemption
  value                  -     -      940        -        -           -        -        940

Net loss                 -     -       -    (31,790)      -           -        -    (31,790)

Balance,  December
 30, 1995        33,748,482  $337 $55,886  $(80,188) $(1,327)  2,869,493$  (2,814) $(28,106)

                       The accompanying notes are an integral part
                       of these consolidated financial statements.


       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                             52 weeks    52 weeks   52 weeks
                                               ended       ended      ended
                                            December 30, December 31, January 1,
                                                1995        1994       1994

Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income (loss)                          $(31,790)   $(40,645)    $   282
 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
  cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization              11,192      17,458      16,797
   Amortization of financing costs             1,019       1,443       1,484
   Write-off of financing costs on long-term
     debt retired                              1,424          -        1,148
   (Gain) loss on disposal of assets           8,349         384      (2,284)
   (Gain) on sale of sold stores             (15,795)         -           -
   Amortization of beneficial interest in operating
     leases                                      181         258         261
   Impairment of assets                        2,360      14,325         744
   (Increase) decrease in deferred tax assets     -        3,997      (3,997)
    Provision  for  losses on accounts
      receivable                               1,750       1,213          75

   Provision for write down of inventories       847          -           -
   Change in assets and liabilities:
      (Increase) decrease in receivables       3,227       2,301      (1,131)
      (Increase)  decrease in receivable
       for taxes                               2,270      (2,270)         -
     Decrease in inventories                  18,297       2,097       1,236
     (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses 
      and other current assets                 5,542      (2,687)       (862)
      (Increase)  decrease in other assets
        and deferred charges                  (1,215)        103        (238)
     Increase (decrease) in accounts payable
       -trade                                 12,587)        832      (5,464)
     Decrease in salaries and wages             (316)       (821)     (1,994)
     Increase (decrease) in taxes             (1,616)      1,768      (3,629)
     Decrease in accrued interest payable       (422)        (53)     (1,102)
      Increase  (decrease)  in  other current
      liabilities                             (3,264)        (34)       7,371
     Increase in restructuring reserve         1,356       5,005           -
      Increase  (decrease)  in other
      noncurrent  liabilities                  1,157      (4,417)       4,301

        Net  cash  provided  by (used in)
           operating  activities              (8,034)        257       12,998

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Capital expenditures                         (4,681)     (5,386)     (7,129)
 Purchase of assets under capital leases      (3,966)         -           -
 Cash received from sale of assets            73,721       1,363       3,991

        Net  cash  provided by (used in)
          investing  activities               65,074      (4,023)     (3,138)

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Payments under senior secured floating
  rate notes                                  (9,375)         -           -
 Payments under senior secured fixed
  rate notes                                 (15,625)         -           -
 Payments on subordinated debt                    -           -      (47,750)
 Borrowings under revolving credit loans     104,087      66,000     100,000
 Payments under revolving credit loans      (123,620)    (56,000)    (85,000)
 Net borrowings (payments) under swing loans  (1,500)     (3,500)      5,000
 Principal payments under notes payable         (750)     (1,000)     (1,250)
  Principal  payments  under  capital
    lease  obligations                        (3,166)     (3,334)    (4,198)
 Payments to acquire treasury stock           (1,073)       (255)      (323)

  Net  cash  provided  by (used in)
       financing activities                  (51,022)      1,911    (33,521)



       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

                                             52 weeks   52 weeks     52 weeks
                                               ended      ended        ended
                                            December 30, December 31, January 1,
                                                1995        1994       1994

Net  increase (decrease) in cash and cash
    equivalents                             $  6,018   $ (1,855)   $ (23,661)

Cash  and  cash  equivalents at beginning
    of period                                    339      2,194       25,855

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $   6,357   $    339    $   2,194

Supplemental information:
  Cash paid during the period for interest $  13,439   $ 16,642    $  18,738

  Cash paid during the period for
     income taxes                          $      -    $    236    $     890

Supplemental schedule of noncash investing activities:
  Capital lease obligations assumed        $      -    $  1,493    $   3,218

  Capital lease obligations retired        $      -    $    -      $      31

          The accompanying notes are an integral part
          of these consolidated financial statements.


       (In thousands, except share and per share amounts)

1.   Organization:

     Homeland   Holding  Corporation  ("Holding"),   a   Delaware
     corporation, was incorporated on November 6, 1987,  but  had
     no   operations  prior  to  November  25,  1987.   Effective
     November  25,  1987, Homeland Stores, Inc.  ("Homeland"),  a
     wholly-owned  subsidiary of Holding, acquired  substantially
     all  of  the net assets of the Oklahoma Division of  Safeway
     Inc.  Holding and its consolidated subsidiary, Homeland, are
     collectively referred to herein as the "Company".

     Holding has guaranteed substantially all of the debt  issued
     by   Homeland.   Holding  is  a  holding  company  with   no
     significant   operations  other  than  its   investment   in
     Homeland.  Separate financial statements of Homeland are not
     presented   herein   since  they  are   identical   to   the
     consolidated financial statements of Holding in all respects
     except for stockholder's equity (which is equivalent to  the
     aggregate  of  total  stockholders'  equity  and  redeemable
     common stock of Holding) which is as follows:

                                        December 30,  December 31,
                                            1995         1994
   Homeland stockholder's equity:
     Common stock, $.01 par value,
      authorized, issued and
      outstanding 100 shares                     1            1
     Additional paid-in capital             53,435       53,713
     Accumulated deficit                   (80,198)     (48,408)
     Minimum pension liability adjustment   (1,327)         -

      Total Homeland stockholder's
        equity (deficit)                  $(28,089)     $ 5,306

2.    Basis of Presentation:

       The  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  of
     Holding  have been prepared on a going concern basis,  which
     contemplates  the realization of assets and the satisfaction
     of   liabilities  in  the  ordinary  course   of   business.
     Accordingly,  the consolidated financial statements  do  not
     include  any  adjustments relating to the recoverability  or
     classification of recorded asset amounts or the  amount  and
     classification of liabilities that might be necessary should
     Holding  be  unable to successfully complete  the  financial
     restructuring described in Note 15 and continue as  a  going
2.    Basis of Presentation, continued:

       As  shown  in  the accompanying financial statements,  the
     Company incurred significant losses in 1995 and 1994 and, at
     December  30, 1995, had a stockholders' deficit of  $28,106.
     As  discussed  in  Note  4,  at  December  30,  1995,  as  a
     consequence of Homeland's financial position and the results
     of  its operations for the year ended December 30, 1995, the
     Company  was  not in compliance with the Consolidated  Fixed
     Charge  Coverage  Ratio and Debt-to-Equity  Ratio  covenants
     under   its  Senior  Note  Indenture  and  Revolving  Credit
     Agreement;  however,  waivers of such noncompliance  through
     April  15,  1996 and May 20, 1996, respectively,  have  been
     received.   In  addition,  the  Company  failed  to  make  a
     scheduled  interest payment under its Senior Note Indenture,
     due  March  1, 1996, and the waiver under such  Senior  Note
     Indenture  thereby expired.  Furthermore,  as  discussed  in
     Note 15, negotiations for the restructuring of the Company's
     long-term  debt  and  union agreements are  being  conducted
     which, if unsuccessful, could have a material adverse effect
     on the Company's financial condition.

3.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

      Fiscal year - The Company  has  adopted a fiscal year which
     ends on the Saturday nearest December 31.

        Basis  of  consolidation  -  The  consolidated  financial
     statements   include  the  accounts  of   Homeland   Holding
     Corporation   and   its   wholly  owned   subsidiary.    All
     significant intercompany balances and transactions have been
     eliminated in consolidation.

      Revenue recognition - The Company recognizes revenue at the
     "point  of  sale", which occurs when groceries  and  related
     merchandise are sold to its customers.

3.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Concentrations  of credit and business  risk  -  Financial
     instruments  which  potentially  subject  the   Company   to
     concentrations   of  credit  risk  consist  principally   of
     temporary  cash  investments and receivables.   The  Company
     places  its  temporary cash investments  with  high  quality
     financial institutions.  Concentrations of credit risk  with
     respect to receivables are limited due to the diverse nature
     of  those  receivables, including a large number  of  retail
     customers  within  the region and receivables  from  vendors
     throughout the country.  The Company purchases approximately
     70%  of its products from Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
     ("AWG").  Although there are similar wholesalers that  could
     supply  the  Company  with  merchandise,  if  AWG  were   to
     discontinue  shipments, this could have a  material  adverse
     effect on the Company's financial condition.

       Restricted  Cash - The Company has two escrow accounts  at
     United   States   Trust  Company  of  New  York,   one   for
     reinvestment in capital expenditures to which the Company is
     committed  ("Capital Escrow") and one for the redemption  of
     Senior   Notes   (as  subsequently  defined   in   Note   4)
     ("Redemption Escrow").  As of December 30, 1995, the Company
     has   $1,729  deposited  in  the  Capital  Escrow  and  $800
     deposited in the Redemption Escrow.  The deposited funds  in
     the Capital Escrow is restricted for reinvestment in capital
     expenditures to which the Company is committed  or  must  be
     used  to  permanently  pay  down  the  Senior  Notes.    The
     Redemption  Escrow  consisting of net  proceeds  from  asset
     sales  occurring after the AWG Transaction (as  subsequently
     defined  in Note 14) is restricted to permanently  pay  down
     the Senior Notes when the aggregate amount reaches $2,000.

       Inventories -  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost
     or  market, with cost being determined primarily  using  the
     retail method.
3.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Property,  plant  and  equipment  -  Property,  plant  and
     equipment  obtained at acquisition are stated  at  appraised
     fair  market  value  as  of  that  date;   all  subsequently
     acquired  property, plant and equipment are stated  at  cost
     or, in the case of assets under capital leases, at the lower
     of  cost  or  the  present value of future  lease  payments.
     Depreciation  and  amortization, including  amortization  of
     leased  assets  under  capital leases,  are  computed  on  a
     straight-line basis over the lesser of the estimated  useful
     life  of  the  asset  or the remaining term  of  the  lease.
     Depreciation   and   amortization  for  financial  reporting
     purposes are based on the following estimated lives:
                                                Estimated lives
         Buildings                                 10 - 40
         Fixtures and equipment                     5 - 12.5
         Leasehold improvements                       15
         Transportation equipment                   5 - 10
         Software                                   5 - 10

       The  costs  of  repairs and maintenance  are  expensed  as
     incurred,  and  the  costs of renewals and  betterments  are
     capitalized and depreciated at the appropriate rates.   Upon
     sale   or  retirement,  the  cost  and  related  accumulated
     depreciation are eliminated from the respective accounts and
     any  resulting  gain or loss is included in the  results  of
     operations for that period.  In the fourth quarter of  1995,
     approximately  $7.9 million of capitalized  software  costs,
     net  of  accumulated  depreciation,  have  been  charged  to
     operational   restructuring  costs  in  the   Statement   of
     Operations  as a result of management's decision to  replace
     such  software  as  part  of  its operational  restructuring

       Excess  of  purchase price over fair value of  net  assets
     acquired  -  As discussed in Notes 2 and 14,  the  Board  of
     Directors  approved  a strategic plan in  December  1995  to
     refocus the Company's restructuring efforts, which commenced
     in  1994,  to  address  continuing significant  losses  from
     operations   as   well  as  evaluating   various   financial
     restructuring  alternatives in an  effort  to  improve  cash
     flows  from  operations  and reduce interest  costs  on  the
     Company's  long-term debt.  There is no assurance that  such
     restructuring  efforts will be successful and,  accordingly,
     the  Company  determined during the fourth quarter  of  1995
     that  the  recovery of any remaining unamortized  excess  of
     purchase price over fair value of net assets acquired  could
     not   be   assured   from  future  operating   cash   flows.
     Consequently, the  unamortized

3.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       balance of the excess of purchase price over fair value of
     net assets acquired was charged to operational restructuring
     costs in the statement of operations.

       Other  assets  and  deferred charges -  Other  assets  and
     deferred  charges  consist  primarily  of  financing   costs
     amortized using the effective interest rate method over  the
     term  of  the  related  debt  and  beneficial  interests  in
     operating leases amortized on a straight-line basis over the
     remaining  terms  of  the  leases, including  all  available
     renewal option periods.

       Net income (loss) per common share - Net income (loss) per
     common  share  is  computed based on the  weighted   average
     number  of  shares,  including shares of  redeemable  common
     stock  outstanding during the period.  Net income (loss)  is
     reduced  (increased)  by  the accretion  to  (reduction  in)
     redemption   value  to  determine  the  net  income   (loss)
     available to common stockholders.

       Cash and cash equivalents - For purposes of the statements
     of   cash   flows,  the  Company  considers  all  short-term
     investments  with an original maturity of  three  months  or
     less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

      Capitalized interest - The  Company capitalizes interest as
     a  part  of  the cost of acquiring and constructing  certain
     assets.  No interest cost was capitalized in 1995.  Interest
     costs  of  $35  and $44 were capitalized in 1994  and  1993,

       Advertising costs - Costs of advertising are  expensed  as
     incurred.  Gross advertising costs for 1995, 1994 and  1993,
     respectively, were $10,700, $13,615 and $14,100.

       Use of estimates - The preparation of financial statements
     in  conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
     requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that
     affect  the  reported amounts of assets and liabilities  and
     disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the dates
     of  the  financial  statements and the reported  amounts  of
     revenues  and  expenses during the reporting  periods.   The
     most  significant assumptions and estimates  relate  to  the
     reserve  for  restructuring, the reserve for  self-insurance
     programs,  the deferred income tax valuation allowance,  the
     accumulated  benefit  obligation relating  to  the  employee
     retirement   plan,   the  allowance  for   bad   debts   and
     depreciation  rates  of  property  and  equipment.    Actual
     results could differ from those estimates.
3.   Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Income taxes - The Company provides for income taxes based
     on  enacted tax laws and statutory tax rates at which  items
     of  income  and  expense are expected to be settled  in  the
     Company's  income tax return.  Certain items of revenue  and
     expense  are  reported for Federal income  tax  purposes  in
     different  periods  than for financial  reporting  purposes,
     thereby resulting in deferred income taxes.  Deferred  taxes
     also  are recognized for operating losses that are available
     to  offset  future taxable income and tax credits  that  are
     available  to offset future Federal income taxes.  Valuation
     allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred
     tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.

       Self-insurance reserves - The Company is self-insured  for
     property  loss,  general liability and automotive  liability
     coverage  and  was  self-insured for  workers'  compensation
     coverage  until June 30, 1994, subject to specific retention
     levels.   Estimated  costs of these self-insurance  programs
     are  accrued  at  their  present value  based  on  projected
     settlements  for  claims using actuarially  determined  loss
     development  factors  based on the Company's  prior  history
     with   similar   claims.   Any  resulting   adjustments   to
     previously  recorded  reserves  are  reflected  in   current
     operating results.

       Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncement  -  The
     Financial  Accounting Standards Board  issued  Statement  of
     Financial Accounting Standards No. 121, " Accounting for the
     Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
     be  Disposed Of" ("SFAS No.121"), in March 1995 to establish
     standards  for the impairment of long-lived assets,  certain
     identifiable  intangibles  and  goodwill  related  to  those
     assets to be held and used.  The Company has not yet adopted
     this  accounting standard, which becomes effective  in  1996
     for  Homeland, nor has it evaluated the potential impact  of
     adoption  in  1996.   The impact of  SFAS  No.  121  is  not
     reasonably  estimable at this time due  to  certain  factors
     discussed   in   Note   2  to  the  consolidated   financial
     statements;  although  this  standard  may  affect  reported
     earnings and the carrying values of long-lived assets, there
     will be no impact on cash flows.
4.   Current and long-term Debt:

       In  March 1992, the Company entered into an Indenture with
     United  States  Trust  Company  of  New  York,  as  trustee,
     pursuant  to  which the Company issued $45,000 in  aggregate
     principal  amount of Series A Senior Secured  Floating  Rate
     Notes  due 1997 (the "Old Floating Rate Notes") and  $75,000
     in  aggregate  principal amount of Series B  Senior  Secured
     Fixed  Rate Notes due 1999 (the "Old Fixed Rate Notes",  and
     collectively, the "Old Notes").  Certain proceeds from  this
     issuance  were  used to repay all outstanding amounts  under
     the  previous  credit  agreement.  In October  and  November
     1992, the Company exchanged a portion of its Series D Senior
     Secured Floating Rate Notes due 1997 (the "New Floating Rate
     Notes") and its Series C Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due
     1999 (the "New Fixed Rate Notes", and collectively, the "New
     Notes")  for equal principal amounts of the Old Notes.   The
     New  Notes  are  substantially identical to the  Old  Notes,
     except  that  the offering of the New Notes  was  registered
     with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.   At   the
     expiration  of the exchange offer in November 1992,  $33,000
     in  principal  amount  of the Old Floating  Rate  Notes  and
     $75,000 in principal amount of the Old Fixed Rate Notes  had
     been tendered and accepted for exchange.

       On  March  1,  1993,  the Company redeemed  all  remaining
     outstanding subordinated notes ($47,750 principal amount) at
     the optional redemption price, including a premium of $2,776
     or  5% of the outstanding principal amount specified in  the
     subordinated note agreement, together with accrued interest.

       On  April 21, 1995, the Company and the Indenture  trustee
     entered  into  a  supplemental indenture  effecting  certain
     amendments  to the Indenture.  On June 1, 1995, the  Company
     redeemed $15,625 of its New Fixed Rate Notes, $6,874 of  New
     Floating Rate Notes and $2,501 of Old Floating Rate Notes.

       Also  on  April  21,  1995, the  Company  entered  into  a
     revolving   credit   agreement   (the   "Revolving    Credit
     Agreement")  with National Bank of Canada ("NBC")  as  agent
     and  lender,  Heller Financial, Inc. and any  other  lenders
     thereafter parties thereto.  The Revolving Credit  Agreement
     provides a commitment of up to $25 million in collateralized
     revolving  credit loans, including certain  documentary  and
     standby letters of credit.

 4.  Current and long-term Debt, continued:

       As  a result of the 1995 and 1993 redemptions, the Company
     incurred the following extraordinary losses:

                                               1995       1993
      Premium on redemption/repurchase
        of the Company's 15.5%
        subordinated notes due
        November 1, 1997                     $   -     $(2,776)

      Unamortized financing costs
        relating to the redemption/
        repurchase of the Company's
        15.5% subordinated notes
        due November 1, 1997                     -      (1,148)

      Consent fee equal to $5,000
        for each principal amount
        of the $120.0 million Senior
        Notes                                 (600)         -

      Premium on redemption of $15.6
        million of the Senior Secured
        Fixed Rate Notes, due
         March 1, 1999                        (306)         -

      Unamortized financing costs
        relating to the redemption of
        $25.0 million of the Senior Notes
        and the replacement of the prior
        revolving credit agreement         (1,424)          -

          Net extraordinary loss          $(2,330)     $(3,924)
4.    Current and long-term Debt, continued:

      Long-term debt at year end consists of:

                                       December 30,  December 31,
                                           1995          1994
      Note payable*                      $    -       $    750
      Senior Notes Series A**               9,499       12,000
      Senior Notes Series D**              26,126       33,000
      Senior Notes Series C**              59,375       75,000
      Revolving credit loans***             5,467       26,500

                                          100,467      147,250
      Less current portion                   -           2,250
      Less long-term debt obligation
       in default classified as current   100,467         -
      Long-term debt due after
       one year                          $   -        $145,000

          *  The  Company issued a $3,000 note payable in 1992  for
          the purchase of fixed assets related to the acquisition
          of  five stores.  The note matured on March 1, 1995 and
          was repaid.

          **  The  Series  A  and Series D Senior Secured  Floating
          Rate  Notes  mature  on February  27,  1997.   Interest
          payments  are  due quarterly and bear interest  at  the
          applicable  LIBOR  rate, as defined  in  the  Indenture
          (8.43%  at  December 30, 1995).  The  Series  C  Senior
          Secured  Fixed  Rate Notes mature  on  March  1,  1999.
          Interest  payments are due semiannually  at  an  annual
          rate  of  12.25%.   The  notes  are  collateralized  by
          substantially  all of the consolidated  assets  of  the
          Company except for accounts receivable and inventories.

          The  notes, among other things, require the maintenance
          of  a  Debt-to-EBITDA and a consolidated  fixed  charge
          coverage  ratio, as defined, and a capital  expenditure
          covenant,  as  well  as  limiting  the  incurrence   of
          additional   indebtedness,  providing   for   mandatory
          prepayment  of  the Senior Floating Rate  Notes  in  an
          amount  equal to 80% of excess cash flow,  as  defined,
          upon  certain  conditions and limiting the  payment  of
          dividends.  At December 30, 1995, the Company  was  not
          in  compliance  with the Debt-to-EBITDA and  the  fixed
          charge coverage ratio covenants.
4.   Current and long-term Debt, continued:

          Although a waiver was received by the Company for  such
          noncompliance  through  April  15,  1996,  the  Company
          failed to make a scheduled interest payment on March 1,
          1996  and,  accordingly, such waiver expired.   As  the
          Company  may  not  be able to comply  with  these  debt
          covenants  in 1996, the aggregate principal  amount  of
          the   outstanding  debt  was  classified   as   current

          ***Borrowings under the Revolving Credit Agreement bear
          interest  at the NBC Base Rate plus 1.5% for the  first
          year,  payable  on a quarterly basis  in  arrears.   At
          December  30,  1995,  the interest rate  on  borrowings
          under   the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  was   10.0%.
          Subsequent year's interest rates will be dependent upon
          the Company's earnings but will not exceed the NBC base
          rate  plus  2.0%.  All borrowings under  the  Revolving
          Credit Agreement are subject to a borrowing base, which
          was  $23.7 million as of December 30, 1995, and  mature
          no  later  than February 27, 1997, with the possibility
          of extending the maturity date to March 31, 1998 if the
          Company's  Series A Senior Secured Floating Rate  Notes
          due  February  27, 1997, are extended or refinanced  on
          terms acceptable to NBC.

          The  Revolving  Credit Agreement, among  other  things,
          requires the maintenance of a Debt-to-EBITDA ratio  and
          consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio,  as  defined,
          and  limits  the  Company's net  capital  expenditures,
          incurrence  of additional indebtedness and the  payment
          of dividends.  The notes are collateralized by accounts
          receivable and inventories of the Company.  At December
          30,  1995, the Company was not in compliance  with  the
          Debt-to-EBITDA  coverage  ratio  and  the  consolidated
          fixed   charge  coverage  ratio.   The  lenders  waived
          compliance  of such default through May 20,  1996.   As
          the  Company  may not be able to comply  with  existing
          covenants in 1996, the outstanding borrowings have been
          classified as current obligations (See Note 2 -Basis of
          Presentation and Note 15 - Subsequent Events).
5.   Fair Value of Financial Instruments:

     The  estimated fair value of financial instruments has  been
     determined by the Company using available market information
     and    appropriate   valuation   methodologies.     However,
     considerable   judgment   is   necessarily    required    in
     interpreting  market data to develop the estimates  of  fair
     value.  Accordingly, the estimates presented herein are  not
     necessarily indicative of the amounts that the Company could
     realize  in a current market exchange.  The use of different
     market assumptions and/or estimation methodologies may  have
     a  material effect on the estimated fair value amounts.  The
     carrying  amount and fair value of financial instruments  as
     of December 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994 are as follows:

                                   December 30, 1995         December 31, 1994
                                     Carrying   Fair            Carrying  Fair
                                      Amount    Value           Amount   Value
       Cash and Cash
          Equivalents                 $6,357   $6,357           $339      $339
       Current and Long-Term
          Obligations in
          default classified
          as current                $100,467  $56,411             -         -
       Long-Term Debt                    -        -         $147,250  $141,250

     Cash and cash equivalents - The carrying amount of this item
     is a reasonable estimate of its fair value due to its short-
     term nature.

     Current  and long-term obligations in default classified  as
     current; long-term debt - The fair value of publicly  traded
     debt  (the  Senior Secured Notes) is valued based on  quoted
     market values.  The amount reported in the balance sheet for
     the remaining long-term obligations in default classified as
     current  approximates  fair value  based  on  quoted  market
     prices  of comparable instruments or by discounting expected
     cash flows at rates currently available for debt of the same
     remaining maturities.
6.   Income Taxes:

     The  components  of the income tax benefit  (provision)  for
     fiscal 1995, 1994 and 1993 were as follows:

                                         1995      1994      1993
      Current - AMT                   $  -      $ 1,551   $  (36)
      Deferred                           -      (3,997)     3,288
     Total income tax benefit
        (provision)                   $  -     $(2,446)    $3,252

     A  reconciliation of the income tax benefit  (provision)  at
     the  statutory  Federal  income tax rate  to  the  Company's
     effective tax rate is as follows:

                                        1995       1994     1993
     Federal income tax at statutory
      rate                            $11,127   $13,370    $1,010
     AMT in excess of regular tax        -         -         (36)
     AMT loss carryback                  -        1,551      -
     Change in valuation allowance   (10,074)  (16,075)     3,288
     Other - net                      (1,053)   (1,292)   (1,010)
        Total income tax benefit
          (provision)                 $  -     $(2,446)    $3,252

     During  the  year  ended  December  30,  1995,  the  Company
     received  an income tax refund amounting to $1,339,  due  to
     the  recognition  of  a  tax benefit  from  its  year  ended
     December  31, 1994 for net alternative minimum tax operating
     losses that were carried back to prior tax years.
6.   Income Taxes, continued:

     The  components  of  deferred tax assets  and  deferred  tax
     liabilities are as follows:

                                        December 30,  December 31,
                                            1995         1994
     Current assets (liabilities):
       Allowance for uncollectible
         receivables                       $  1,090      $   942
       Termination of Borden supply
         agreement                             -             789
       Operational restructuring reserve      1,282        5,918
       Other, net                               406        (800)

         Net current deferred tax assets      2,778        6,849

     Noncurrent assets (liabilities):
       Property, plant and equipment            251      (4,577)
       Targeted job credit carryforward         815          815
       Self-insurance reserves                2,150        3,183
       Operational restructuring reserve        969        1,745
       Net operating loss carryforwards      17,001        7,048
       AMT credit carryforwards                 630          507
       Capital leases                         1,111          600
       Other, net                               444         (95)
         Net noncurrent deferred tax
           assets                            23,371        9,226

       Total net deferred assets             26,149       16,075
       Valuation allowance                 (26,149)     (16,075)

       Net deferred tax assets             $   -         $  -

     Due to the uncertainty of realizing the future tax benefits,
     the  full valuation allowance established in fiscal 1994 was
     increased to entirely offset the net deferred tax assets  as
     of December 30, 1995.  At December 30, 1995, the Company had
     the  following  operating loss and tax credit  carryforwards
     available for tax purposes:
6.   Income Taxes, continued:

                                           Amount     Dates

     Federal regular tax net
      operating loss carryforwards         $48,575   2002-2010
     Federal AMT credit carryforwards
      against regular tax                  $   630  indefinite
     Federal tax credit carryforwards
      (Targeted Jobs Credit)               $   815   2003-2009

     The Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") concluded a field audit
     of  the  Company's income tax returns for the  fiscal  years
     1990, 1991 and 1992.  On January 31, 1994, the IRS issued  a
     Revenue  Agent's  Report  for those fiscal  years  proposing
     adjustments that would result in additional taxes of  $1,589
     (this  amount  is  net  of  any  available  operating   loss
     carryforwards which would be eliminated under  the  proposed
     adjustment).   The Company filed its protest  with  the  IRS
     Appeals  Office  on June 14, 1994.  On June  28,  1995,  the
     Company  reached a tentative agreement with the IRS  appeals
     office  to settle the above claim.  Management has  analyzed
     the  proposed settlement and has provided for amounts  which
     it believes are adequate.

7.   Incentive Compensation Plan:

     The  Company has bonus arrangements for store management and
     other  key  management personnel.  During  1995,  1994,  and
     1993,  approximately $934, $1,939, and $2,900, respectively,
     was  charged to costs and expenses for such bonuses.
8.   Retirement Plans:

     Effective  January  1,  1988, the  Company  adopted  a  non-
     contributory,  defined  benefit  retirement  plan  for   all
     executive and administrative personnel.  Benefits are  based
     on  length  of  service  and career  average  pay  with  the
     Company.  The  Company's funding policy is to contribute  an
     amount   equal  to  or  greater  than  the  minimum  funding
     requirement  of the Employee Retirement Income Security  Act
     of 1974, but not in  excess of the maximum deductible limit.
     (Assets  were held in  investment mutual funds  during  1995
     and 1994.)

     In  accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial
     Accounting  Standards  No.  87, "Employers'  Accounting  for
     Pensions",  the  Company  recorded  an  additional   minimum
     liability  at  December  30,  1995  and  January   1,   1994
     representing   the   excess  of  the   accumulated   benefit
     obligation  over the fair value of plan assets  and  accrued
     pension  liability.   The liabilities have  been  offset  by
     intangible  assets to the extent of previously  unrecognized
     prior service cost.  The accumulated benefit obligation  for
     December  30,  1995 was determined using  a  7.25%  discount
     rate; if the discount rate used had been at least 7.35%, the
     additional minimum liability would not have been recorded.

     Net pension cost consists of the following:

                                      1995   1994   1993

     Service cost                  $   517   $709   $663
     Interest cost                     465    366    292
     Loss (return) on assets       (1,140)     63  (319)
     Net amortization and deferral     690  (419)     43
     Curtailment charge               (37)     -      -

        Net periodic pension cost  $   495   $719   $680

     The funded status of the  plan and the amounts recognized in
     the  Company's  balance  sheet  at  December  30,  1995  and
     December 31, 1994 consist of the following:

                                            1995           1994
     Actuarial present value of benefit
        Vested benefits                   $(6,928)       $(4,499)
        Non-vested benefits                   (88)          (151)
          Accumulated benefit
            obligations                   $(7,016)       $(4,650)

 8.  Retirement Plans, continued:

                                           1995           1994

     Projected benefit obligations        $(7,693)       $(5,441)
     Plan assets at fair value              6,902          4,960
     Projected benefit obligations in
      excess of plan assets                 (791)           (481)
      Unrecognized prior service cost        (95)           (144)
     Unrecognized net loss from past
      experience different from that
      assumed and changes in actuarial
      assumptions                           2,096          1,340
     Adjustment to recognize minimum
      liability                            (1,327)           -
     Net pension asset (liability)
      recognized in statement of
      financial position                  $  (117)      $    715

     Actuarial assumptions used to determine year-end plan status
     were as follows:

                                             1995          1994

     Assumed rate for determination of net
          periodic pension cost              9.0%          7.5%

     Assumed discount rate to determine
          the year-end plan disclosures     7.25%          9.0%

     Assumed long-term rate of return
          on plan assets                     9.0%          9.0%

     Assumed range of rates of future
      compensation increases
      (graded by age) for net
       periodic  pension cost          5.0%  to  7.0%  3.5% to 5.5%

     Assumed range of rates of future
      compensation increases
      (graded by age) for year-end
       plan  disclosures               3.5%  to  5.5%  5.0% to 7.0%

     The prior service cost is being amortized on a straight line
     basis over approximately 13 years.
 8.  Retirement Plans, continued:

     As  a  result  of  the sale of the Company's  warehouse  and
     distribution  center and 29 stores to AWG, as  well  as  the
     closure of 14 under-performing stores during 1995 (See  Note
     14),  a significant number of employees were terminated that
     participated  in  the  Company's  non-contributory   defined
     benefit  retirement  plan.  The effect  of  the  curtailment
     resulting  from the terminations of such employees  was  not
     material  to the Statement of Operations for the year  ended
     December 30, 1995.

     The  Company  also  contributes to various  union-sponsored,
     multi-employer defined benefit plans in accordance with  the
     collective  bargaining agreements. The Company could,  under
     certain  circumstances, be liable for the Company's unfunded
     vested  benefits  or  other costs  of  these  multi-employer
     plans.   The  allocation to participating employers  of  the
     actuarial  present value of vested and nonvested accumulated
     benefits  in  multi-employer plans as  well  as  net  assets
     available for benefits is not available and, accordingly, is
     not presented.  The costs of these plans for 1995, 1994, and
     1993 were $2,110, $3,309, and $3,565, respectively.

     Effective  January  1, 1988, the Company adopted  a  defined
     contribution    plan   covering   substantially    all  non-
     union  employees of the Company.  Prior to 1994, the Company
     contributed  a  matching  50%  for  each  one   dollar   the
     participants  contribute in pre-tax  matched  contributions.
     Participants  may contribute from 1% to 6% of their  pre-tax
     compensation  which was matched by the Company. Participants
     may  make  additional contributions of 1%  to  6%  of  their
     pre-tax  compensation,  but  such  contributions  were   not
     matched by the Company.  Effective January 2, 1994, the plan
     was  amended  to allow a discretionary matching contribution
     formula based on the Company's operating results.  The  cost
     of this plan for 1995, 1994, and 1993, was $0, $0, and $425,
9.   Leases:

     The  Company  leases substantially all of its  retail  store
     properties under noncancellable agreements, the majority  of
     which  range  from  15  to 25 years.   These  leases,  which
     include  both capital leases and operating leases, generally
     are  subject to six five-year renewal options.  Most  leases
     also require the payment of taxes, insurance and maintenance
     costs   and  many  of  the  leases  covering  retail   store
     properties  provide for additional contingent rentals  based
     on  sales.   Leased assets under capital leases consists  of
     the following:

                                   December 30,     December 31,
                                      1995             1994

         Buildings                 $16,670            $21,616
         Equipment                   7,014              8,340
         Beneficial interest
           in capital leases         5,378             16,059
                                    29,062             46,015
         Accumulated amortization   17,851             21,010

         Net leased assets         $11,211            $25,005

     Future  minimum  lease  payments under  capital  leases  and
     noncancellable operating leases as of December 30, 1995  are
     as follows:
9.   Leases, continued:

                                      Capital      Operating
       Fiscal Year                     Leases        Leases

        1996                           $ 4,035      $ 8,849
        1997                             2,754        8,239
        1998                             2,134        5,779
        1999                             1,707        5,448
        2000                               982        4,899
        Thereafter                       9,350       38,891

        Total minimum obligations       20,962      $72,105
        Less estimated interest          9,190
        Present value of net minimum
          obligations                   11,772
        Less current portion             2,746
        Long-term obligations under
          capital leases               $ 9,026

     Rent expense is as follows:
                                    1995        1994        1993

         Minimum rents            $10,264     $12,560     $12,642
         Contingent rents             107         178         214

                                  $10,371     $12,738     $12,856

10.  Common Stock and Warrants:

     Holding  has  agreed to repurchase shares of stock  held  by
     management investors under certain conditions (as  defined),
     such as death, retirement, or permanent disability.

     Pursuant  to  requirements of the  Securities  and  Exchange
     Commission,  the  shares of Class A  common  stock  held  by
     management  investors  have  been  presented  as  redeemable
     common stock and excluded from stockholders' equity.

     The  changes  in  the number of shares outstanding  and  the
     value of the redeemable common stock is as follows:
10.  Common Stock and Warrants, continued:
                                                Shares    Amount

      Balance, January 2, 1993                4,104,211   $ 9,470
        Repurchase of common stock            (134,000)     (323)
        Increase in management
          stock loans                              -        (294)

      Balance, January 1, 1994                3,970,211     8,853
        Repurchase of common stock            (106,000)     (255)
        Reduction in redemption value              -      (7,284)
        Increase in management stock
          loans                                    -         (79)

      Balance, December 31, 1994              3,864,211     1,235
        Repurchase of common stock          (2,143,493)   (1,071)
        Reduction in redemption value              -        (940)
        Decrease in management stock loans         -          793

     Balance, December 30, 1995               1,720,718   $    17

     The  shares of redeemable common stock are reported  on  the
     balance  sheets at redemption value (estimated fair  value).
     The  reduction in redemption value has been reflected as  an
     increase in additional paid-in capital.

     The  shares  of treasury stock are reported on  the  balance
     sheets at cost.

     Holding  also  has  40,500,000 shares of Class  B  nonvoting
     common  stock  authorized at December 30, 1995 and  December
     31,  1994  with a $.01 par value.  No shares were issued  or
     outstanding  at  either December 30, 1995  or  December  31,

     In  1995, Holding repurchased 2,143,493 shares of its Common
     Stock from certain officers and employees of the Company  at
     a  cash  price of $0.50 per share plus, at the  election  of
     seller, warrants up to the number of shares purchased.  As a
     result of the purchase, Holding issued 2,105,493 warrants to
     such officers and employees of the Company.  The warrant and
     the  shares  issuable upon exercise, are subject to  certain
     restrictions  on  transferability, including  certain  first
     refusal rights, as set forth in the warrant.
10.  Common Stock and Warrants, continued:

     The  holders of the warrants may, at any time prior  to  the
     expiration date (defined as five years after issuance date),
     purchase  from Holding the amount of Common Stock  indicated
     on such warrant, in whole or in part, at a purchase price of
     $0.50 per share.

11.  Related Party Transactions:

     Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc., a private investment firm of
     which  four directors of the Company are employees, received
     $125  in 1995, $150 in 1994, and $200 in 1993, for financial
     advisory and consulting services.

     The  Company  made  loans during 1995 and  1994  to  certain
     members  of  management  and  key  employees  for  principal
     payments  on  their  loans  made  by  the  credit  union  in
     connection with their purchase of common stock.   The  loans
     bear  interest  at  a variable rate equal to  the  Company's
     prime lending rate plus 1.0%.  Loans outstanding at December
     30,   1995  and  December  31,  1994  were  $82  and   $794,
     respectively. The outstanding loans mature in July 1996.

12.  Commitments and Contingencies:

     Effective  January  1, 1989, the Company  implemented  stock
     appreciation  rights  ("SAR's") plans  for  certain  of  its
     hourly  union  and non-union employees as well  as  salaried
     employees.   Participants  in  the  plans  are  granted   at
     specified  times  "appreciation  units"  which,   upon   the
     occurrence  of  certain triggering events, entitle  them  to
     receive  cash payments equal to the increase in value  of  a
     share  of the common stock over $1.00 from the date  of  the
     plan's establishment.  The Company expects the SAR's  to  be
     triggered  as  a result of the restructuring,  discussed  in
     Note 14, at no liability to the Company due to the continued
     decline in per share value below $1.00.

     Effective  October  1,  1991, the Company  entered  into  an
     outsourcing  agreement  whereby an  outside  party  provides
     virtually all of the Company's EDP requirements and  assumed
     substantially   all   of the  Company's  existing   hardware
     and software leases and related maintenance agreements.  The
     ten year agreement calls for minimum annual service charges,
     increasing over its term, as well as other variable charges.
     The Company terminated the outsourcing agreement as of March
     31, 1996.  Pursuant to the outsourcing  agreement, there  is

12.  Commitments and Contingencies, continued:

     $3.0  million  charge for the termination, of which  AWG  is
     responsible for 52%.  The Company has provided  for  amounts
     in  the financial statements that management believes to  be
     reasonable and adequate.

     The  Company  has  entered  into employment  contracts  with
     certain  key executives providing for the payment of minimum
     salary  and  bonus  amounts  in addition  to  certain  other
     benefits  in  the event of termination of the executives  or
     change of control of the Company.

     The  Company is also a party to various lawsuits arising  in
     the normal course of business.  Management believes that the
     ultimate  outcome of these matters will not have a  material
     effect  on  the  Company's consolidated financial  position,
     results of operations and cash flows.

     The Company has outstanding at December 30, 1995, $12,000 in
     letters   of   credit  which  are  not  reflected   in   the
     accompanying  financial statements.  The letters  of  credit
     are  issued  under  the Revolving Credit Agreement  and  the
     Company  paid associated fees of $335 and $195 in  1995  and
     1994, respectively.

13.  Sale of Plants:

     In  November 1993 the Company entered into an asset purchase
     agreement  with  Borden, Inc. ("Borden") whereby certain  of
     the  Company's  milk and ice cream processing equipment  and
     certain other assets and inventory relating to its milk  and
     ice cream plants was sold.  In connection with the sale, the
     Company  entered  into  a seven-year agreement  with  Borden
     under  which  Borden  would  supply  all  of  the  Company's
     requirements  for  most of its dairy, juice  and  ice  cream
     products and the Company agreed to purchase minimum  volumes
     of  products.  The Company recognized a gain on the sale  of
     personal property in the amount of $2,618.  A $4,000 payment
     received  in  connection  with  the  supply  agreement   was
     deferred and was to be recognized as earned over the term of
     the supply agreement.

     In  December  1994,  the Company entered into  a  settlement
     agreement   with   Borden  whereby  the  seven-year   supply
     agreement entered into in November 1993 was terminated and a
     temporary supply agreement for a maximum period of 120  days
     was  entered into.  As part of the settlement agreement, the
     Company  repaid  $1,650 plus interest in December  1994  and
     $1,650   plus  interest  in   April   1995.    Upon    final
     settlement payment, the Company
13.  Sale of Plants, continued:

     recognized an additional gain of approximately $700 in 1995.
     The   Company  has  made  arrangements  with  another  dairy
     supplier  to  begin  supplying  its  dairy  and  ice   cream
     requirements in April 1995.

14.  Restructuring:

     In  the  fourth  quarter of 1995, the Company refocused  its
     restructuring plan, which commenced in 1994.  The intent  of
     the  revised restructuring program and new business plan  is
     to  further reduce the Company's indebtedness in respect  of
     its   Senior  Notes  and  its  Revolving  Credit  Agreement,
     restructure  certain of its lease obligations and  negotiate
     modifications  to  certain of its  union  agreements  in  an
     effort  to reduce costs and improve profitability  and  cash

     In  connection with the closing of stores following the sale
     of  29 stores and the warehouse facility to AWG, the Company
     recognized  charges aggregating $12,639 in 1995 and  $23,205
     in  1994.  The major components of the restructuring charges
     in 1995 are summarized as follows:

      Write-off of capitalized software costs
        replaced as part of operational
        restructuring initiatives               $ 7,971

      Write-off of unamortized balance of the
        excess of purchase price over fair
        value of net assets acquired due to
        uncertainty of recovery from future
        operating cash flows                      2,360

      Expense associated with the termination
        of an EDP outsourcing agreement           1,410

      Expenses associated with remaining store
        closings, primarily occupancy costs from
        closing date to lease termination or
        revised sublease date                       898

           Total restructuring charges          $12,639

     The  asset write-offs described above, aggregating  $10,331,
     have  been  reflected  in  their  respective  balance  sheet
     account  classifications, the EDP  expense  is  included  in
     Other  current  liabilities  and the   expenses   associated
     with the remaining

14.  Restructuring, continued:

     store  closings are included in the Noncurrent restructuring
     reserve  as  of  December 30, 1995.  In  accordance  with  a
     strategic  plan  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  in
     December  1994,  the Company entered into an agreement  with
     Associated  Wholesale Grocers, Inc. ("AWG") on  February  6,
     1995,  pursuant to which the Company sold 29 of  its  stores
     and  its  warehouse and distribution center to AWG on  April
     21,  1995.   In  connection with this  strategic  plan,  the
     Company closed fourteen under-performing stores during  1995
     and  expects to close an additional store and sell one store
     by  the  second  quarter of 1996.  During fiscal  1995,  the
     Company  incurred expenses associated with  the  operational
     restructuring as follows:

                      Operational     (Payments) proceeds      Operational
                     restructuring      applied against        restructuring
                       reserve at       restructuring           reserve at
                   December 31, 1994    reserve in 1995    December 30, 1995

Expenses associated with the
 planned store closings,
 primarily occupancy costs
 from closing date to
 lease termination or
 sublease date          $ 8,319          $ (3,459) (a)           $ 4,860

Expenses associated with the AWG
 transaction, primarily service
 and equipment contract
 cancellation fees        5,649            (5,591)                    58

Estimated severance costs
 associated with the AWG
 transaction              5,624            (4,697)                   927

Legal and consulting fees
 associated with the AWG
 transaction              4,905            (4,880)                    25

Net gain on sale of
 property, plant and
 equipment to AWG       (19,492)           19,492                     -

Operational restructuring
 reserve               $  5,005          $    865                $ 5,870

   (a) Such amount is net of additional charges of $898 in 1995

14. Restructuring, continued:

     The   separately   identifiable   revenue   and   store
     contribution to operating profit related to the  stores
     sold  to AWG or closed during 1995 and expenses related
     to the warehouse facility are as follows:

                                  1995       1994       1993

     Sales, net                  $91,462   $253,221   $262,460

     Store contribution to
        operating profit (loss)
        before allocation of
        administrative and
      advertising expenses       $ 2,494   $  7,795   $  9,854

     Warehouse expenses          $ 3,853   $ 12,455   $ 11,080

     Under  the AWG supply agreement, the ongoing  costs  of
     warehousing are built into the cost of goods  purchased
     from AWG.

15.  Subsequent Events:

     On   March  27,  1996,  the  Company  entered  into  an
     agreement  in  principle  (the "Noteholder  Agreement")
     with  members of an ad- hoc noteholders committee  (the
     "Committee")  with respect to a financial restructuring
     of  the Company.  The Committee has advised the Company
     that  it  represents approximately 80% of the Company's
     outstanding  Senior  Notes.  The  Noteholder  Agreement
     provides  for the filing by the Company of a bankruptcy
     petition and simultaneously the submission of  a  "pre-
     arranged"   plan   of  reorganization  and   disclosure
     statement under Chapter 11 of the United States Federal
     Bankruptcy Code.  (the "Restructuring"), all  of  which
     is  expected  to occur on or about May  13,  1996.   If
     approved  by  the United States Bankruptcy  Court  (the
     "Bankruptcy Court"), the Company's creditors and  labor
     unions, the Restructuring will result in a reduction of
     the  Company's debt service obligations and labor costs
     and  a  capital and cost structure that will allow  the
     Company   to   maintain  and  enhance  the  competitive
     position of its business and operations.

15.  Subsequent Events, continued:

     Pursuant  to the Noteholder Agreement, upon  completion
     of  the Restructuring, the $95 million of Senior  Notes
     currently  outstanding (together with accrued interest)
     will  be canceled and the noteholders will receive  $60
     million  in  aggregate principal amount of  new  senior
     subordinated notes, a majority of the new equity of the
     reorganized Company and approximately $1.5  million  in
     cash.  The new senior subordinated notes will mature in
     2003, bear interest semi-annually at a rate of 10%  per
     annum and will not be secured.

     In March 1996, the Company also reached agreements with
     representatives  of  its unionized workforce  regarding
     certain   modifications  to  the   Company's   existing
     collective  bargaining agreements.  These modifications
     will  provide for, among other things, wage and benefit
     concessions, the severance of certain employees and the
     issuance  and purchase of new equity of the reorganized
     Company  to  a trust acting on behalf of the  unionized
     employees.    The   modifications  to  the   collective
     bargaining agreements have been ratified by  the  union
     membership  and  are  conditioned  on,  and   will   be
     effective upon, completion of the Restructuring.

     In  order  to facilitate the Restructuring, as provided
     under  the Noteholder Agreement the Company intends  to
     file  papers with the Bankruptcy Court seeking approval
     of  a  debtor-in-possession  financing  facility.   The
     Company anticipates that such facility will provide  it
     with  the  financing necessary to maintain  its  normal
     business  operations  during its period  of  operations
     under  supervision of the Bankruptcy  Court,  including
     the  payment of postpetition claims of trade  creditors
     and  salaries,  wages and benefits of  employees.   The
     Company  anticipates  that the  Restructuring  will  be
     completed by the third quarter of 1996.

Appendix C



           The Debtors believe that the value of the property  to
be  received  under the Plan by each holder of an impaired  Claim
and/or  impaired  Interest exceeds any value  such  holder  would
receive  in a liquidation of each of the Debtors under Chapter  7
of the Bankruptcy Code.  In order to arrive at that judgment, the
Debtors estimated and compared the likely returns to each  holder
of an impaired Claim and an impaired Interest under a liquidation
pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and under the  Plan.
The results of such analysis are set forth below.

Chapter 7 Liquidation Analysis

           To  calculate what members of each impaired  Class  of
Claims  and  Interests would receive if each of the Debtors  were
liquidated under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy
Court  must  determine the "liquidation value"  of  each  Debtor,
which would consist primarily of the proceeds from a forced  sale
of  each  Debtor's assets by a Chapter 7 trustee.   The  Debtors'
assets  consist  primarily  of (i) the  Company's  inventory  and
accounts  receivable (the "Quick Assets") and (ii) the  Company's
property, plant and equipment (the "Fixed Assets").

           In  preparing this Chapter 7 liquidation analysis, the
Debtors  evaluated  several alternative methods  of  valuing  the
Debtor's  assets  including a "piecemeal" sale of  the  Company's
assets and a sale of the Company as a going concern.  The Company
believes  that,  for  purposes of this  liquidation  analysis,  a
piecemeal  valuation of the Debtors' assets is  more  appropriate
than  a  going concern valuation because, absent a reorganization
of  the Company along the lines provided for in the Plan,  it  is
unlikely  that the Company would have going concern  value  to  a
third  party  purchaser.  See "THE RESTRUCTURING -- Restructuring
Discussions -- Strategic Sale Efforts." Accordingly, for purposes
of  this  liquidation  analysis,  the  Debtors  have  valued  the
Company's  assets  based on a "piecemeal" sale of  the  Company's
assets over a three-to-six month period.

           Under  a  Chapter 7 liquidation, each Allowed  Secured
Claim  would  be  satisfied from the proceeds of  the  collateral
securing such Claim before any such proceeds would be distributed
to  the  holders  of  Unsecured Claims.  The Debtors  have  three
groups  of creditors who each hold Secured Claims:  (i)  the  Old
Banks, whose Claims are secured primarily by the Company's  Quick
Assets  and  certain  cash  collateral  held  by  the  Old  Banks
(collectively,  the "Bank Collateral"); (ii) the holders  of  the
Old Notes, whose claims are secured primarily by the Fixed Assets
and  certain  cash collateral held by the Old Trustee  (the  "Old
Indenture Collateral"); and (iii) certain equipment lessors  (the
"Equipment  Lessors"), whose claims are secured by the  equipment
leased   by   such   Equipment  Lessor  (the   "Equipment   Lease
Collateral").  The Debtors believe that (a) the proceeds  from  a
forced sale of the Bank Collateral would be sufficient to satisfy
the  Claims  of  the Old Banks in full, (b) the proceeds  from  a
forced  sale of the Indenture Collateral would not be  sufficient
to satisfy the Claims of the holders of the Old Notes and (c) the
proceeds  from  a forced sale of the  Equipment Lease  Collateral
would  not  be sufficient to satisfy the Claims of the  Equipment
Lessors.  See Notes 10 through 13 to the Liquidation Analysis.

           The  remaining proceeds from a Chapter  7  liquidation
that would be available to be distributed to creditors on account
of  their Claims would be reduced by the amount of administrative
expenses  of  the Chapter 7 case, which amount has priority  over
payments to unsecured creditors pursuant to the Bankruptcy  Code.
Administrative  expenses of liquidation under Chapter  7  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code  would include the fees of  a  trustee,  and  of
counsel and other professionals (including financial advisors and
accountants) retained by the trustee, asset disposition expenses,
litigation  costs, and Claims arising from the operation  of  the
Company's  business during the Chapter 7 case.   The  liquidation
itself could trigger certain priority Claims, such as Claims  for
severance pay, and could accelerate other priority payments  that
otherwise would be due in the ordinary course of business.  Those
priority  Claims  would be paid in full out  of  the  liquidation
proceeds  (after  payment of Secured Claims) before  the  balance
would  be  made available to pay Unsecured Claims or to make  any
distributions in respect of equity interests.

          In the event that proceeds remain after satisfaction of
all  Allowed  Secured Claims, administrative Claims and  priority
Claims, the remaining assets would be distributed pursuant to the
absolute  priority rule, which requires that no  junior  creditor
receive  any distribution until all senior creditors are paid  in
full,  and  no equity holder receive any distribution  until  all
creditors  are  paid  in full.  The Debtors  believe  that  in  a
liquidation  under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code,  holders  of
the  Old  Notes  and  holders of General Unsecured  Claims  would
receive  a smaller distribution of property than under the  Plan,
and  that  holders of the Old Common Stock and the  Old  Warrants
would receive no distribution of property.

           In applying Section 1129(a)(7) of the Bankruptcy Code,
the  Bankruptcy Court would ascertain the hypothetical recoveries
in  a  Chapter  7  liquidation  to  secured  creditors,  priority
claimants,  general  unsecured  creditors,  and  equity  interest
holders.    The   Bankruptcy  Court  would  then  compare   these
hypothetical   Chapter   7  liquidation   recoveries   with   the
distributions offered to each class of Claims or Interests  under
the  Plan  to  determine if the Plan satisfies the best  interest
test set forth in Section 1129(a)(7) of the Bankruptcy Code.

            The  following  Chapter  7  liquidation  analysis  is
provided solely to disclose the effects of a hypothetical Chapter
7  liquidation  of  the  Debtors, based on  and  subject  to  the
assumptions set forth below.  There can be no assurance that such
assumptions would be made or accepted by the Bankruptcy Court  or
that  the  assumptions  used  in this liquidation  analysis  will
reflect actual conditions at the time of a liquidation.  However,
as set forth in the following Chapter 7 liquidation analysis, the
Debtors believe, based on the assumptions set forth herein,  that
the  members  of  each  class  of  impaired  Claims  or  impaired
Interests will receive more under the Plan than they would  in  a
Chapter 7 liquidation.

             Liquidation Proceeds Computation(1)
                  Estimated at July 13, 1996
                    (Dollars in Thousands)
                                      Estimated     Discounted
                                     Liquidation   Liquidation      
  Assets                 Book Value    Value          Value
   Cash and cash             $         $   5,236   $  4,982
   equivalents (3)           5,236
   Accounts receivable                 3,486 (4)      3,317
   Inventory                              29,195     27,777
                             38,623          (5)
   Prepaid expenses and                                    
   other                                       0          0
    current assets           2,733
                   Total                  37,917     36,075
   current assets            54,971
   Property, plant and                                     
    equipment (6)            70,087       19,646     18,691

   Other assets and                                        
   deferred charges (7)      6,455             0          0

           Total assets  $ 131,513      $ 57,562   $ 54,766

Liquidation Proceeds Available for Distribution    $ 54,766

                                         Value of             
                             Estimate    Collateral            
Description of Claim        Amount of    Securing     Chapter 7    Liquidation
                              Claim       Claim      Distribution    Recovery%
Revolving Loans (Class 2) $  12,136    $  33,992 (8)   $   12,136         100.0%
Equipment Leases (Class 4)    1,531          476 (9)          476          31.1
Old Notes (Class 3)                       20,298 (10)      20,298 (11)     20.0
     Total Secured Claim                                   
       Distributions                                   $   32,910        
     Liquidation Proceeds available for Distribution 
          after Secured Claims                         $   21,856       


Estimated Liquidation
Chapter 7 Trustee's Fees               $ 1,000
Chapter 7 Professional Fees  
  and Other Administrative             $ 2,886
Expenses (12)
  Total Administrative                 $ 3,886
      Liquidation Proceeds   
        Available for        
Distribution                           $17,970
        after Administrative


                                Estimated       Available 
Description of                   Amount of      to Satisfy     Chapter 7
Claim/Interest                     Claim         Claim      Distribution
Priority Claims (Class 1)(13)    $ 7,419         $17,970       $ 7,419  
General Unsecured Claims (Class 5)                10,551            
  a.  Unsecured Deficiency        81,300                         5,878  
      Claim -- Old Notes (14)     

  b.  Unsecured Deficiency Claim   1,055                            76
      -- Equipment Leases (14) 

  c.  Other General Unsecured    63,589                          4,597
      Claims (14) (15)

Old Common Stock (Class 7)         N/A              N/A              0


                             Estimated                    Total
Description of               Amount of   Chapter 7     Liquidation
Claim/Interest                 Claim    Distribution     Recovery %
Priority Claims (Class 1)    $    7,419  $    7,419       100.0%

Revolving Loans (Class 2)        12,136      12,136       100.0

Equipment Leases                  1,531              
     a.   Secured Portion                             
          of Claim (Class 4)                    476
     b.   Unsecured Portion                           
          of Claim (Class 5)                     76

             Total                               552      36.1
Old Notes                       101,598
     a.   Secured Portion                        
          of Claim (Class 3)                  20,298
     b.   Unsecured Portion                           
          of Claim (Class 5)                   5,878

             Total                            26,176      25.8
General Unsecured Claims
       (Class 5)(16)             63,589        4,597       7.2

Old Common Stock (Class 7)        N/A              0         0

     Total                                  $ 50,880

                 Notes to Liquidation Analysis
                     (Dollars in thousands)

(1)    This  Chapter 7 liquidation analysis was prepared  by  the
Company's management based in part on certain reports and  apprai
sals   prepared   by   professionals,   including   Schottenstein
Professional Asset Management Corporation, Coopers & Lybrand  and
Manufacturers' Appraisal Company.  In particular, (a) in  valuing
the Company's inventory, the Debtors utilized certain information
contained  in  a liquidation report prepared by Schottenstein  in
November  1995, (b) in valuing the Company's real  property,  the
Debtors  utilized  certain information  contained  in  appraisals
prepared by Manufacturers' Appraisal Company in May 1994, and (c)
in  valuing the Company's equipment, the Debtors utilized certain
information provided by Coopers & Lybrand in February 1996.

(2)    The  Debtors  estimate that it would  take  six  months  to
complete  a Chapter 7 liquidation.  As a result of this  expected
delay  in  the distribution of liquidation proceeds, the  Debtors
have  applied  a 10% discount rate to the value of the  estimated
liquidation proceeds.

(3)    Includes   approximately   $2,189   in   cash   collateral
constituting Old Indenture Collateral which is being held by  the
Old   Trustee  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  Old  Indenture.
Approximately  $684  of  such  cash collateral  relates  to  sale
proceeds  from the AWG Sale and is being held by the Old  Trustee
pending  the  Company's reinvestment of such  proceeds  in  Fixed
Assets.   The  remainder of such cash collateral relates  to  net
sale  proceeds from asset sales occurring after the AWG Sale  and
is  required to be applied by the Company against a redemption of
the Old Notes once such sale proceeds equal or exceed $2,000.

(4)  The  Debtors  estimate that the Company would  be  able  to
recover  61%  of  the book value of its retail  trade,  pharmacy,
third-party  and  store charge receivables and 45%  of  the  book
value of its coupon receivables.  The Debtors believe there would
be  a  0%  recovery  with  respect to the  Company's  AWG-related
receivables (i.e. annual patronage rebates, concentrated purchase
allowances and earned consideration).  The Debtors estimate  that
the  blended liquidation recovery percentage for all items of the
Company's receivables would be 42% of the receivables book value.

(5)   The  Debtors estimate that total gross liquidation proceeds
resulting from a forced sale of the Company's inventory would  be
a   blended  recovery  of  100%  of  inventory  book  value,   or
approximately $38,623, which amount would be reduced by estimated
liquidation costs of $9,428 (including expenses relating  to  the
retention  of a professional liquidator), resulting in  estimated
net  liquidation  proceeds of $29,195, or 76% of  inventory  book

(6)   Property:   The  Company  owns  13  stores   and   certain
miscellaneous  parcels of land.  The Debtors  estimate  that  the
Company  would  receive  gross proceeds of approximately  $16,433
from  a forced sale of the Company's property, which amount would
be  reduced  by estimated liquidation costs of $1,671  (including
projected  "holding"  costs  such as property  taxes,  utilities,
insurance,  security repairs, cleaning and equipment removal  and
an  estimated 5% sales commission on the sale of each  store  and
parcel),  resulting  in  estimated net  liquidation  proceeds  of
approximately  $14,762.  The Debtors estimate  of  the  Company's
property  values is based in part on certain appraisals  prepared
by  Manufacturers' Appraisal Company in May 1994.  In the case of
such  appraised properties, the Company applied certain  discount
factors  to the appraised values, to reflect, among other things,
the Company's assessment of the current value of such properties.

                 Equipment:   The  Debtors  estimate   that   the
liquidation value of the Company's equipment is $4,884, including
approximately   $4,384   relating   to   owned   equipment    and
approximately  $500  relating to leased equipment.   The  Debtors
valued  the  Company's equipment based on 5% of  the  replacement
cost  of  such  equipment,  which  the  Debtors  believe  is   an
appropriate  method  of valuing the Company's current  equipment.
The  proceeds  resulting from the sale of  the  leased  equipment
would  be  applied  against the secured claims of  the  Equipment
Lessors.  See Note 9 below.

(7)   Other  assets  and  deferred  charges  consist  of  prepaid
insurance,   prepaid  building  and  equipment  rental,   prepaid
supplies  and  other miscellaneous assets.  The Debtors  estimate
that  there  would be no liquidation recovery on such assets.  To
the  extent that value exists, such value was contemplated in the
Debtors' projections of Chapter 7 corporate operating costs.  See
Note 13 below.

(8)   The  Claims  of  the  Old Banks are  secured  by  the  Bank
Collateral.   The Debtors estimate that the aggregate liquidation
proceeds  from  a  forced sale of the Bank  Collateral  would  be
approximately  $33,992  (consisting of  approximately  $3,317  of
proceeds  from  the  sale  of accounts receivable,  approximately
$27,777  of proceeds from the sale of inventory and approximately
$2,899  of cash collateral held by the Old Banks).  Based on  the
estimated liquidation value of the Bank Collateral, the claims of
the  Old  Banks would be paid in full.  See Notes 2, 3, 4  and  5

(9)   Represents  the average recovery  for  each  Equipment
Lessor  based  on  aggregate Class 4  Claims  and  the  aggregate
proceeds of the Equipment Lease Collateral of $476.  An Equipment
Lessor's  actual  recovery might be greater  or  less  than  such
aggregate recovery, depending on the value of the Equipment Lease
Collateral held by such Equipment Lessor.

(10)  The  Claims of the holders of the Old Notes are secured  by
the  Old  Indenture  Collateral.  The Debtors estimate  that  the
aggregate  liquidation proceeds from a forced  sale  of  the  Old
Indenture  Collateral would be approximately $20,298  (consisting
of  approximately  $14,045 of proceeds  from  the  sale  of  real
property, approximately $4,171 of proceeds from the sale of owned
equipment and approximately $2,083 of cash collateral held by the
Old  Trustee).  Based on the estimated liquidation value  of  the
Old  Indenture Collateral, the holders of the Old Notes would  be
entitled to receive only $20,298 in respect of their Claims under
the Old Notes.  See Notes 2 and 6 above.

                In  connection  with  calculating  the  aggregate
Allowed  Class  3  Claim under the Plan, the  Committee  and  the
Debtors  estimated  that  the going  concern  value  of  the  Old
Indenture Collateral was approximately $65,000.  For the  reasons
discussed  above,  the  Debtors  believe  that  a  going  concern
valuation  of  the Company's assets (including the Old  Indenture
Collateral) is not an appropriate valuation method in the context
of a Chapter 7 liquidation of the Debtors.

(11)   The holders of the Old Notes would also be entitled to
distributions  in  respect of their Unsecured Claims.   Based  on
Unsecured Claims of $81,300 in respect of the Old Notes and other
General Unsecured Claims of approximately $63,589, the holders of
the  Old  Notes  (as  a class) would be entitled  to  receive  an
additional $5,878 in respect of such Unsecured Claims.

(12)   Includes $1,500 in estimated professional fees, $1,136
in corporate operating costs and $250 in collection fees.

(13)   Priority  Claims  include  accrued  sales  taxes  and
property taxes.

(14)   The holders of the Old Notes, the Equipment Lessors and
the  holders of other Class 5 Claims would be entitled to receive
their ratable shares of $10,551.

(15)  Includes estimated lease rejection Claims of $20,816,
estimated  contingent  Claims  of $20,788   and  estimated  other
General Unsecured Claims of $21,985.

(16)  Excludes General Unsecured Claims of the holders of the
Old Notes and Equipment Lessors.

     Comparison of Estimated Distribution

                     The  table below sets forth a comparison  of
the  estimated  distributions under the Plan with  the  estimated
recoveries in a Chapter 7 liquidation of the Debtors with respect
to  holders  of impaired Claims and Interests.  The  fair  market
value of the distributions under the Plan have been estimated  by
the  Debtors.   See "FINANCIAL INFORMATION -- Projected  and  Pro
Forma  Financial  Information."  The prices at  which  securities
issued  under  the  Plan will trade may vary from  the  estimate.
Accordingly,  there can be no assurance as to the  value  of  the
distributions under the Plan.

                                   (Dollars in thousands)

              Approximate                            Appoxiamate
Description    Amount of                               Amount of  Distribution  % Recovery
of Impaired    Chapter 11  Distribution  % Recovery   Chapter 7   in Chapter 7 in Chapeter
Claim/Interest   Claim      Under Plan    Under Plan    Claim     Liquidation  Liquidation               

Old Notes (Classes                 
3 and 5)        $101,598    $  92,400       90.9%      $101,598      26,176(1)    25.8%

Unsecured Claims 23,000        17,687       76.9%        63,589       4,597        7.2
(Class 5((2)

Old Common
 Stock             N/A       Greater       Greater         N/A            0          0  
(Class 7)                     than          than 
                             zero(3)       zero(3)

               (1)  Reflects an estimated $20,298 distribution to
be received in respect of the secured portion of the Claims of the
holders  of  Old  Notes and an estimated $5,878  distribution  in
respect of the unsecured portion of the Claims of the holders  of
Old Notes.  See Notes 10 and 11 to the Liquidation Analysis.

                (2)  Excludes Unsecured Claims in respect of  the
Old  Notes.   General  Unsecured Claims would  be  greater  in  a
Chapter  7  liquidation  than under the Plan   as  certain  lease
rejection  Claims and contingent Claims would be  asserted  which
would not be asserted in connection with the Restructuring.

                (3)  The holders of Old Common Stock will receive
(in  the  aggregate) 250,000 shares of New Common Stock  and  New
Warrants  to  purchase (in the aggregate) 263,158 shares  of  New
Common Stock.
