Washington, D.C.   20549

                                      Form 10-K

          X      ANNUAL  REPORT  PURSUANT TO  SECTION  13  or  15(d) OF  THE
                 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (Fee Required)
                 For the fiscal year ended          December 31, 1994

                 TRANSITION REPORT  PURSUANT TO SECTION  13 or 15(d)  OF THE
                 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (No Fee Required)
           For the transition period from                  to

                           Commission file number 1-10944

                               KU ENERGY CORPORATION
               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
                     Kentucky                            61-1141273
             (State of Incorporation)                 (I.R.S. Employer
                                                     Identification No.)
                One Quality Street
                Lexington, Kentucky                         40507
     (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)
         Registrant's telephone number, including area code:   606-255-2100
             Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:
                                                  Name of Each Exchange on
                Title of Each Class                     Which Registered
          Common Stock, without par value          New York Stock Exchange
                                                   Pacific Stock Exchange

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None
     Indicate by check mark  whether the Registrant (1)  has filed all  reports
     required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
     of 1934  during the preceding 12  months (or for such  shorter period that
     the  Registrant  was required  to  file such  reports),  and (2)  has been
     subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X
     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item
     405 of  Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained,
     to  the best of Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
     statements incorporated by reference in Part  III of this Form 10-K or any
     amendment to this Form 10-K.  (   )

     Aggregate  market value  at March  9,  1995 of  the voting  stock held  by
     nonaffiliates of the Registrant:  $1,016,355,471
     Number of shares of Common Stock outstanding at March 9, 1995:  37,817,878

     Documents  Incorporated by  Reference:   A portion  of the  Company's 1994
     Annual Report to Shareholders is incorporated  by reference in Part II.  A
     portion  of  the Company's  Proxy Statement  relating  to the  1995 Annual
     Shareholders Meeting is incorporated by reference in Part III.

     Exhibit Index appears on page 12.


                               KU ENERGY CORPORATION

                                      Form 10-K

               Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission
                        For the Year Ended December 31, 1994

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

         Item                                                          Page
                                       PART I

          1.     Business  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3

          2.     Properties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4

          3.     Legal Proceedings   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4

          4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders      4

                 Executive Officers of the Registrant  . . . . . . . .    5

                                       PART II

          5.     Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related
                    Stockholder Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    6

          6.     Selected Financial Data   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    7

          7.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                    Condition and Results of Operations  . . . . . . .    9

          8.     Financial Statements and Supplementary Data   . . . .    9

          9.     Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants
                    on Accounting and Financial Disclosure . . . . . .    9

                                      PART III

         10.     Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant  .   10

         11.     Executive Compensation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10

         12.     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
                     and Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10

         13.     Certain Relationships and Related Transactions  . . .   10

                                       PART IV

         14.     Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules,
                    and Reports on Form 8-K  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11

                 Exhibit Index   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12

                 Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   20


                                       PART I

     Item 1.  Business

     KU Energy Corporation

     KU  Energy  Corporation (KU  Energy or  the  Company), an  exempt utility
     holding company, was  incorporated in the  state of Kentucky on  June 23,
     1988.   On  December 1,  1991, a  corporate reorganization  was completed
     under which KU  Energy became the holder of all  common stock of Kentucky
     Utilities Company (Kentucky Utilities).   KU Energy has two  wholly owned
     subsidiaries,  Kentucky Utilities,  an electric  utility, and  KU Capital
     Corporation (KU Capital), a nonutility subsidiary.  Kentucky Utilities is
     KU Energy's principal subsidiary.

     The Company is a public utility  holding company as defined in the Public
     Utility  Holding Company  Act  of 1935  (the Holding  Company  Act).   On
     November 13,  1991, the Company obtained an order from the Securities and
     Exchange Commission which granted an exemption from all provisions of the
     Holding  Company Act, except Section 9(a)(2) thereof which relates to the
     acquisition of securities of public utility companies.

     The  ability  of the  Company to  pay dividends  on  its common  stock is
     dependent  upon distributions  made to  it by  Kentucky Utilities  and KU
     Capital and on amounts that may be earned by the Company on investments.

     Kentucky Utilities Company

     Kentucky Utilities is a  public utility engaged in producing  and selling
     electric energy.   Kentucky Utilities provides electric  service to about
     418,100 customers in over 600 communities and adjacent suburban and rural
     areas in 77 counties  in central, southeastern and western  Kentucky, and
     to about 28,300 customers in 5 counties in southwestern Virginia.  Of the
     Kentucky  communities, 160  are incorporated municipalities  served under
     unexpired   municipal   franchises  and   the  rest   are  unincorporated
     communities  where no franchises are required.  Service has been provided
     in  Virginia without  franchises for  a number  of years.   This  lack of
     Virginia franchises is not  expected to have a material adverse effect on
     Kentucky Utilities'  operations.  Kentucky Utilities  also sells electric
     energy at wholesale for resale in 12 municipalities.

     For a complete description of Kentucky  Utilities' business, reference is
     made to  its Annual Report on  Form 10-K for the  year ended December 31,
     1994, filed herewith as Exhibit 99B and incorporated herein by reference.

     KU Capital Corporation

     KU  Capital has  adopted  a  core  energy  investment  strategy  for  its
     nonutility investments.  Under this  strategy, energy-related investments
     that  utilize KU  Energy's  knowledge and  expertise  are targeted.    In
     particular, KU Capital  is focusing  its attention  on independent  power
     projects   (including   qualifying   facilities  and   exempt   wholesale
     generators) and equipment leased to other utilities.


     Item 2.  Properties

     Refer to Kentucky Utilities Company's Annual Report on Form  10-K for the
     year  ended  December 31,  1994  for  a  description  of  its properties.
     Presently,  KU  Energy  and  KU  Capital  have  no  significant  physical

     Item 3.  Legal Proceedings

     KU  Energy and  KU Capital  have no  significant legal proceedings.   See
     Item 3,  Legal Proceedings of  the Kentucky  Utilities' Annual  Report on
     Form 10-K  for the  year  ended December  31, 1994  (Exhibit  99B) for  a
     discussion of certain legal proceedings concerning Kentucky Utilities.

     Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders



     Executive Officers of the Registrant

                              Current      Positions Held During at Least the
      Name and Age         Positions Held  Last 5 Years

      John T. Newton       Chairman and    Chairman of the Board and Director
      Age 64               Director*       of KU Energy since 1988. President
                                           of KU Energy from 1988 to November
      Michael R. Whitley   President and   President of KU Energy since
      Age 51               Director*       November 1994 and Director since
                                           March 1992.  Senior Vice President
                                           from 1988 to November 1994.
                                           Secretary of KU Energy from 1988
                                           to November 1992.

      O. M. Goodlett       Senior Vice-    Senior Vice-President of KU Energy
      Age 47               President*      since November 1994.

      James W. Tipton      Senior Vice-    Senior Vice-President of KU Energy
      Age 51               President       since November 1994.  Senior Vice-
                                           President of Kentucky Utilities
                                           from November 1986 to November
      George S. Brooks II  General         Corporate Secretary of KU Energy
      Age 44               Counsel and     since November 1992, and General
                           Corporate       Counsel since 1988.

      William N. English   Treasurer*      Treasurer of KU Energy since 1988.
      Age 44
      Michael D. Robinson  Controller*     Controller of KU Energy since June
      Age 39                               1990.

     Note:    Officers are  elected annually by the Board of Directors.  There
              is  no family relationship between any executive officer and any
              other executive officer or any director.

     *        Identified  persons  hold  positions with  the  same  titles  at
              Kentucky Utilities.   Refer to Kentucky  Utilities Form 10-K for
              information concerning positions held during last five years.


                                      PART II

     Item 5.  Market  for Registrant's  Common  Equity and  Related Stockholder

     The Company's  common stock is listed  on the New York  and Pacific stock
     exchanges under  the ticker symbol "KU."   Quotes in daily newspapers can
     be found under the listing "KU Engy."

     The  table  below sets  forth  the  high and  low  sales  prices and  the
     dividends paid for the  Company's common stock for the periods shown.

                                       1994                                  1993
                     Dividend               Price            Dividend            Price
      Quarter           Paid           High       Low          Paid          High       Low
       First             $.41         29 1/4        26           $.40       30 5/8    27 5/8
       Second            $.41         27 3/8    24 1/2           $.40       31 1/2    28 1/4
       Third             $.41         27 1/8    25 1/8           $.40       32 3/4    30 1/2
       Fourth            $.41         28 3/4    25 3/4           $.40       31 3/4    27 3/4

     KU Energy's Board has declared a common stock  dividend of $.42 per share
     payable March 15, 1995, to shareholders of record on February 24, 1995.

     As  of December 31,  1994, the  Company  had approximately  32,664 common
     shareholders of record.

     Kentucky  Utilities has  paid cash  dividends quarterly  since 1949.   KU
     Energy  expects to  continue this policy,  although future  dividends are
     dependent  on   future  earnings,  capital  requirements   and  financial
     conditions.  See Note 5 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
     in the Annual Report  to Shareholders (Exhibit 13).  Such  information is
     incorporated herein by reference.


     Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

      Year ended December 31,                   1994      1993       1992      1991       1990
                                                                         (dollars in thousands)
      Operating Revenues:
        Residential                         $213,574  $ 210,759  $194,817  $ 202,885  $187,100
        Commercial                           142,207    138,271   133,519    137,653   131,990
        Industrial                           120,043    111,857   102,808     98,595    96,524
        Mine power                            36,498     34,977    36,696     37,093    37,877
        Public authorities                    49,869     48,142    45,570     46,332    43,125
          Total sales to ultimate
            consumers                        562,191    544,006   513,410    522,558   496,616
        Other electric utilities              89,665     62,463    58,979     61,542    53,295
        Miscellaneous revenues and other       4,157      3,448     3,871      3,560     3,870
        Provision for refund - litigation
          settlement                         (19,385)    (3,309)        -          -         -
          Total operating revenues           636,628    606,608   576,260    587,660   553,781
      Operating Expenses:
        Fuel used in generation (1)          170,654    178,910   168,470    183,167   175,439
        Electric power purchased              61,442     34,711    32,753     26,744    27,521
        Other operating expenses             114,551    106,124    95,109     93,648    85,111
        Maintenance                           66,141     59,458    61,270     58,590    52,606
        Depreciation                          65,441     60,811    58,931     57,337    56,173
        Federal and state income taxes        43,904     47,752    40,992     45,837    42,331
        Other taxes                           14,789     14,357    13,401     12,858    12,384
          Total operating expenses
            and taxes                        536,922    502,123   470,926    478,181   451,565
      Net Operating Income                    99,706    104,485   105,334    109,479   102,216
      Other Income and Deductions             11,530     10,362    12,162     12,062    15,102
      Income Before Interest and
        Other Charges and AFUDC              111,236    114,847   117,496    121,541   117,318
      Interest and Other Charges:
        Interest on long-term debt            32,147     31,650    39,571     36,559    36,132
        Preferred stock dividend
          requirements of Subsidiary           2,384      2,558     2,518      3,031     5,513
        Other interest                         2,414      1,249     1,394      1,626     1,219
          Total interest and other charges    36,945     35,457    43,483     41,216    42,864
      AFUDC                                    1,585        593       169        262       146
      Net Income                            $ 75,876  $  79,983  $ 74,182  $  80,587  $ 74,600

      Earnings per Average Common Share     $   2.01  $    2.11  $   1.96  $    2.13  $   1.97

      Common Stock Data:
        Shares Outstanding - average          37,818     37,818    37,818     37,818    37,818
                           - year-end         37,818     37,818    37,818     37,818    37,818
      Dividends per Share of
        Common Stock                        $   1.64  $    1.60  $   1.56  $    1.50  $   1.46

      (1) Amounts  for 1994  and 1993  reflect  reductions of  $23.1  million and  $4.1 million,
          respectively, associated with refunds  to customers related to a litigation settlement
          with a former coal supplier.


     Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

                                             1994        1993       1992        1991        1990

     Assets (in thousands)             $1,669,294 $1,573,194  $1,457,100  $1,411,092  $1,416,487
     Capitalization: (in thousands)
        Bonds                          $  495,830 $  441,830  $  443,330  $  407,330  $  408,070
        Notes                                  86        107         128         149         171
        Unamortized premium on
          long-term debt                       96        108         519         713         772
        Preferred stock                    40,000     40,000      40,000      40,000      40,000
        Common stock equity               616,092    602,503     583,319     568,152     546,477
             Total capitalization      $1,152,104 $1,084,548  $1,067,296  $1,016,344  $  995,490
     % Total Capitalization
        Represented by:
        Long-term debt                       43.0       40.8        41.6        40.2        41.1
        Preferred stock                       3.5        3.7         3.7         3.9         4.0
        Common stock equity                  53.5       55.5        54.7        55.9        54.9
     Kilowatt-hours Generated,
        Purchased and Sold:
        (in thousands)
        Power generated                15,524,844 14,934,839  13,700,313  14,183,713  13,024,722
        Power purchased                 3,066,917  1,926,299   2,032,110   1,464,812   1,425,899
        Power interchanged - net            2,638      1,556       3,393     (10,725)     14,934
             Total                     18,594,399 16,862,694  15,735,816  15,637,800  14,465,555
        Less - losses and company use     998,010  1,066,251     876,862     906,468     878,337
        Remainder - kilowatt-hours
          sold                         17,596,389 15,796,443  14,858,954  14,731,332  13,587,218
        Sales classified:
          Residential                   4,706,058  4,702,697   4,278,098   4,385,670   4,012,324
          Commercial                    3,272,370  3,217,504   3,080,045   3,122,156   2,968,049
          Industrial                    3,641,469  3,409,213   3,093,113   2,874,016   2,791,304
          Mine power                      974,233    933,317     977,032     955,410     983,778
          Public authorities            1,225,668  1,199,893   1,123,494   1,133,176   1,048,483
             Total sales to
               ultimate consumers      13,819,798 13,462,624  12,551,782  12,470,428  11,803,938
          Other electric utilities      3,776,591  2,333,819   2,307,172   2,260,904   1,783,280
             Total                     17,596,389 15,796,443  14,858,954  14,731,332  13,587,218

     Average Number of Customers          440,590    432,636     425,403     419,340     413,843
     Residential Sales (per customer):
        Average kilowatt-hours             12,781     12,995      12,007      12,471      11,546
        Average revenue                $   580.05  $  582.41  $   546.80  $   576.93  $   538.43
     System Capability - Megawatts:
        Kentucky Utilities' plants          3,265      3,164       3,163       3,162       3,150
        Purchased contracts                   540        365         293         254         251
          Total system capability           3,805      3,529       3,456       3,416       3,401
     Net System Maximum Demand -
        Megawatts                           3,127      3,176       2,845       2,894       2,835
     Load Factor (%)                         59.8       57.7        59.4        58.4        56.5
     Heat Rate (BTU per KWH) (1)           10,306     10,367      10,344      10,350      10,449
     Fuel - Average Cost per Ton (1)   $    28.84  $   28.31  $    27.88  $    29.67  $    30.74
     Average Cost per Million BTU (1)  $     1.19  $    1.17  $     1.18  $     1.24  $     1.28
     (1) Based on coal consumed


     Item 7.  Management's Discussion  and Analysis of  Financial Condition and
              Results of Operations

     Refer to the caption "Management's Discussion and Analysis" in the Annual
     Report to Shareholders (Exhibit 13) for the  information required by this
     item.  Such information is incorporated herein by reference.

     Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

     Refer  to  the  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  (Exhibit 13)  for   the
     information  required by  this  item  which  is  incorporated  herein  by
     reference, including:

          Consolidated Statements of Income and Retained Earnings,
          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows,
          Consolidated Balance Sheets,
          Consolidated Statements of Capitalization,
          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, and
          Report of Independent Public Accountants.

     Item 9.  Changes in and  Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting  and
              Financial Disclosure



                                      PART III

     Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

     The  information required by  Item 10 relating to  each director and each
     nominee  for  election  as  a  director  at  the  Company's  1995  Annual
     Shareholders  Meeting  is set  forth  in the  Company's  definitive proxy
     statement (the "Proxy Statement") filed  with the Securities and Exchange
     Commission pursuant to Regulation 14A  under the Securities Exchange  Act
     of  1934  in  connection  with  the  Company's  1995  Annual Shareholders
     Meeting.  Such  information is  incorporated herein by  reference to  the
     material  appearing in the Proxy Statement under the caption "Election of
     Directors--General."  Information  required  by  this  item  relating  to
     executive  officers of the Company is set  forth under a separate caption
     in Part I hereof.

     On March 30, 1994,  a report on Form 4 (due February  15, 1994) was filed
     on behalf  of Roger C.  Grimm, Vice  President of the  Company, with  the
     Securities and Exchange Commission reporting a purchase of Company Common

     Item 11.  Executive Compensation

     The information required by  Item 11 is incorporated herein  by reference
     to  the material  appearing  in the  Proxy  Statement under  the  caption
     "Election  of  Directors --  Directors'  Compensation,  and --  Executive
     Compensation"  (but  excluding  any   information  contained  under   the
     subheadings  --   "Report   of  Compensation   Committee   on   Executive
     Compensation", and -- "Performance Graph").

     Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

     The information required by  Item 12 is incorporated herein  by reference
     to  the material  appearing  in the  Proxy  Statement under  the  caption
     "Election   of  Directors--Voting   Securities   Beneficially  Owned   by
     Directors, Nominees and Executive Officers; Other Information."

     Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions



                                      PART IV

     Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K

     (A) The  following  (1)  financial statements,  (2)  schedules,  and  (3)
         exhibits, are filed as a part of this Annual Report.

         (1)  Financial Statements  (incorporated by reference  under Item  8,
              Financial Statements and Supplementary Data)

              Consolidated Statements of Income and Retained Earnings for the
                three years ended December 31, 1994,
              Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three years ended
                December 31, 1994,
              Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1994 and 1993,
              Consolidated  Statements of  Capitalization as  of  December 31,
              1994    and 1993,
              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, and
              Report of Independent Public Accountants.

         (2)  Schedules

              Schedule II    Valuation and qualifying accounts.

         The  following  Schedules  are  omitted  as  not  applicable  or  not
         required under Regulation S-X:

              I, III, IV, V.


    (3) Exhibits

     No.                           Description                          Page
     3.A   Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of KU
           Energy Corporation.  (Exhibit 3A to Form 10-K Annual
           Report of KU Energy Corporation for the year ended
           December 31, 1992).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     3.B   By-laws of KU Energy Corporation (Exhibit 3B to Form 10-K
           Annual Report of KU Energy Corporation for the year ended
           December 31, 1992).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     4.A   Rights Agreement, dated as of January 27, 1992, by and
           between KU Energy Corporation and Illinois Stock Transfer
           Company (Exhibit 4.1 to Form 8-K Current Report of KU
           Energy Corporation, dated January 27, 1992).
           Incorporated by reference.                                     -

     4.B   Indenture of Mortgage or Deed of Trust dated May 1, 1947,
           between Kentucky Utilities Company and Continental
           Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago and
           Edmond B. Stofft, as Trustees (Amended Exhibit 7(a) in
           File No. 2-7061), and Supplemental Indentures thereto
           dated, respectively, January 1, 1949 (Second Amended
           Exhibit 7.02 in File No. 2-7802), July 1, 1950 (Amended
           Exhibit 7.02 in File No. 2-8499), June 15, 1951 (Exhibit
           7.02(a) in File No. 2-8499), June 1, 1952 (Amended
           Exhibit 4.02 in File No. 2-9658), April 1, 1953 (Amended
           Exhibit 4.02 in File No. 2-10120), April 1, 1955 (Amended
           Exhibit 4.02 in File No. 2-11476), April 1, 1956 (Amended
           Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-12322), May 1, 1969 (Amended
           Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-32602), April 1, 1970 (Amended
           Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-36410), September 1, 1971
           (Amended Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-41467), December 1,
           1972 (Amended Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-46161) April 1,
           1974 (Amended Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-50344),
           September 1, 1974 (Exhibit 2.04 in File No. 2-59328),
           July 1, 1975 (Exhibit 2.05 in File No. 2-9328), May 15,
           1976 (Amended Exhibit 2.02 in File No. 2-56126),
           April 15, 1977 (Exhibit 2.06 in File No. 2-59328),
           August 1, 1979 (Exhibit 2.04 in File No. 2-64969), May 1,
           1980 (Exhibit 2 to Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of Kentucky
           Utilities for the quarter ended June 30, 1980),
           September 15, 1982 (Exhibit 4.04 in File No. 2-79891),
           August 1, 1984 (Exhibit 4B to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1984), June 1, 1985 (Exhibit 4 to Form 10-Q
           Quarterly Report of Kentucky Utilities Company for the
           quarter ended June 30, 1985), May 1, 1990 (Exhibit 4 to
           Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of Kentucky Utilities Company
           for the quarter ended June 30, 1990), May 1, 1991


     No.                           Description                          Page

     4.B   (Exhibit 4 to Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of Kentucky
     cont  Utilities Company for the quarter ended June 30, 1991),
           May 15, 1992 (Exhibit 4.02 to Form 8-K of Kentucky
           Utilities Company dated May 14, 1992), August 1, 1992
           (Exhibit 4 to Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of Kentucky
           Utilities Company for the quarter ended September 30,
           1992), June 15, 1993 (Exhibit 4.02 to Form 8-K of
           Kentucky Utilities Company dated June 15, 1993) and
           December 1, 1993 (Exhibit 4.01 to Form 8-K of Kentucky
           Utilities Company dated December 10, 1993).  Incorporated
           by reference.                                                  -

     4.C   Supplemental Indenture dated March 1, 1992 between
           Kentucky Utilities and Continental Bank, National
           Association and M. J. Kruger, as Trustees, providing for
           the conveyance of properties formerly held by Old
           Dominion Power Company (Exhibit 4B to Form 10-K Annual
           Report of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1992).  Incorporated by reference.                -
     4.D   Supplemental Indenture dated November 1, 1994 between
           Kentucky Utilities Company and Bank of America Illinois,
           as Trustee (Exhibit 4C to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1994).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     10.A  Kentucky Utilities' Amended and Restated Performance
           Share Plan (Exhibit 10A to Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the quarter ended June 30,
           1993).  Incorporated by reference.                             -
     10.B  Kentucky Utilities' Annual Performance Incentive Plan
           (Exhibit 10B to Form 10-K Annual Report of Kentucky
           Utilities Company for the year ended December 31, 1990).
           Incorporated by reference.                                     -

     10.C  Amendment No. 1 to Kentucky Utilities' Annual Performance
           Incentive Plan (Exhibit 10D to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1991).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     10.D  Amendment No. 2 to Kentucky Utilities' Annual Performance
           Incentive Plan (Exhibit 10.H to Form 10-K Annual Report
           of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1993).  Incorporated by reference.                -
     10.E  Amendment No. 3 to Kentucky Utilities' Annual Performance
           Incentive Plan (Exhibit 10.I to Form 10-K Annual Report
           of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1993).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     10.F  Kentucky Utilities' Executive Optional Deferred
           Compensation Plan (Exhibit 10C to Form 10-K Annual Report
           of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1990).  Incorporated by reference.                -
     10.G  Amendment No. 1 to Kentucky Utilities' Executive Optional
           Deferred Compensation Plan (Exhibit 10F to Form 10-K
           Annual Report of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year
           ended December 31, 1991).  Incorporated by reference.          -


     No.                           Description                          Page
     10.H  Amendment No. 2 to Kentucky Utilities' Executive Optional
           Deferred Compensation Plan (Exhibit 10.J to Form 10-K
           Annual Report of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year
           ended December 31, 1993).  Incorporated by reference.          -

     10.I  Kentucky Utilities' Director Retirement Retainer Program,
           and Amendment No. 1 (Exhibit 10G to Form 10-K Annual
           Report of Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended
           December 31, 1991).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     10.J  Kentucky Utilities' Supplemental Security Plan (Exhibit
           10I to Form 10-K Annual Report of Kentucky Utilities
           Company for the year ended December 31, 1991).
           Incorporated by reference.                                     -
     10.K  Amendment No. 1 to Kentucky Utilities' Supplemental
           Security Plan (Exhibit 10J to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended December
           31, 1994).  Incorporated by reference.                         -

     10.L  Amendment No. 2 to Kentucky Utilties' Supplemental
           Security Plan (Exhibit 10K to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           Kentucky Utilities Company for the year ended December
           31, 1994).  Incorporated by reference.                         -
     10.M  Kentucky Utilities' Amended and Restated Director
           Deferred Compensation Plan (Exhibit 10M to Form 10-K
           Annual Report of Kentucky Utilties Company for the year
           ended December 31, 1994).  Incorporated by reference.          -

     10.N  KU Energy's Performance Share Plan (Exhibit 10A to
           Form 10-Q Quarterly Report of KU Energy Corporation for
           the quarter ended June 30, 1993).  Incorporated by
           reference.                                                     -

     10.O  KU Energy's Annual Performance Incentive Plan (Exhibit
           10J to Form 10-K Annual Report of KU Energy Corporation
           for the year ended December 31, 1993).  Incorporated by
           reference.                                                     -
     10.P  Amendment No. 1 to KU Energy's Annual Performance
           Incentive Plan (Exhibit 10K to Form 10-K Annual Report of
           KU Energy Corporation for the year ended
           December 31, 1993).  Incorporated by reference.                -

     10.Q  KU Energy's Executive Optional Deferred Compensation Plan
           (Exhibit 10P to Form 10-K Annual Report of KU Energy
           Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1993).
           Incorporated by reference.                                     -
     10.R  KU Energy's Director Retirement Retainer Program (Exhibit
           10J to Form 10-K Annual Report of KU Energy Corporation
           for the year ended December 31, 1992).  Incorporated by
           reference.                                                     -

     10.S  KU Energy's Amended and Restated Director Deferred
           Compensation Plan.                                           21-37

     13    Portions of 1994 Annual Report to Shareholders               38-63

     21    List of Subsidiaries                                          64

     23    Consent of Independent Public Accountants                     65


     No.                           Description                          Page
     27    Financial Data Schedule (required for electronic filing
           only in accordance with Item 601(c)(1) of Regulation
           S-K).                                                          -

     99.A  Description of Common Stock                                  66-68

     99.B  Kentucky Utilities Company Form 10-K for the year ended      69-169
           December 31, 1994

         Note - Exhibit numbers 10.A through 10.S are management contracts
         or compensatory  plans or  arrangements required  to be filed  as
         exhibits to this Form 10-K.


         The following  instruments defining the rights of  holders of certain
         long-term debt of Kentucky Utilities Company have not been filed with
         the Securities and Exchange  Commission but will be furnished  to the
         Commission upon request.

            1.   Loan  Agreement dated  as  of May  1, 1990  between  Kentucky
                 Utilities and  the County of Mercer,  Kentucky, in connection
                 with $12,900,000  County of  Mercer, Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Solid  Waste  Disposal  Facility   Revenue  Bonds   (Kentucky
                 Utilities Company Project) 1990 Series A, due May 1, 2010 and
                 May 1, 2020.

            2.   Loan Agreement  dated as  of  May  1, 1991  between  Kentucky
                 Utilities and the County of Carroll, Kentucky,  in connection
                 with $96,000,000 County of Carroll,  Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Pollution Control  Revenue Bonds (Kentucky Utilities  Company
                 Project) 1992 Series A, due September 15, 2016.

            3.   Loan Agreement  dated as of August  1, 1992 between  Kentucky
                 Utilities and the County of Carroll, Kentucky,  in connection
                 with $2,400,000 County of  Carroll, Kentucky,  Collateralized
                 Pollution Control  Revenue Bonds (Kentucky Utilities  Company
                 Project) 1992 Series C, due February 1, 2018.

            4.   Loan Agreement dated  as of  August 1, 1992 between  Kentucky
                 Utilities  and   the  County  of  Muhlenberg,   Kentucky,  in
                 connection  with $7,200,000  County of  Muhlenberg, Kentucky,
                 Collateralized  Pollution  Control  Revenue  Bonds  (Kentucky
                 Utilities  Company Project)  1992 Series  A, due  February 1,

            5.   Loan  Agreement dated as of  August 1, 1992  between Kentucky
                 Utilities and  the County of Mercer,  Kentucky, in connection
                 with  $7,400,000 County  of Mercer,  Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Pollution Control  Revenue Bonds  (Kentucky Utilities Company
                 Project) 1992 Series A, due February 1, 2018.

            6.   Loan Agreement  dated as  of August 1, 1992  between Kentucky
                 Utilities and the County of Carroll, Kentucky,  in connection
                 with  $20,930,000 County of Carroll, Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Pollution Control  Revenue Bonds  (Kentucky Utilities Company
                 Project) 1992 Series B, due February 1, 2018.

            7.   Loan Agreement dated as of December 1, 1993, between Kentucky
                 Utilities and the County of Carroll, Kentucky,  in connection
                 with  $50,000,000 County of Carroll, Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Solid  Waste  Disposal  Facilities  Revenue  Bonds  (Kentucky
                 Utilities Company  Project)  1993  Series A  due  December 1,


            8.   Loan Agreement dated as of November 1, 1994, between Kentucky
                 Utilities and the County of Carroll, Kentucky,  in connection
                 with $54,000,000 County  of Carroll, Kentucky, Collateralized
                 Solid  Waste  Disposal  Facilities  Revenue  Bonds  (Kentucky
                 Utilities Company  Project)  1994 Series  A due  November  1,

     (B) No  reports on Form  8-K were  filed by  the Company during  the last
         quarter of 1994.


                                                                                   SCHEDULE II

                                KU ENERGY CORPORATION & SUBSIDIARIES

                                  VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS

     Year Ended December 31,                                            1994     1993     1992
                                                                                 (in thousands)

     Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts Receivable

     Balance at beginning of year                                    $  923   $ 1,033  $ 1,132

     Balance at end of year                                          $  457   $   923  $ 1,033


     Note-Other valuation and qualifying accounts are not significant.



     To KU Energy Corporation & Subsidiaries:

     We  have   audited,  in  accordance  with   generally  accepted  auditing
     standards, the consolidated  financial statements included  in KU  Energy
     Corporation's Annual Report to Shareholders incorporated by reference  in
     this Form 10-K and have issued our report thereon dated January 30, 1995.
     Our  audits were  made for  the purpose  of forming  an opinion  on those
     statements taken as a whole.  The schedule listed in Item 14(a)(2) is the
     responsibility of KU Energy Corporation's management and is presented for
     purposes of complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules
     and is not  part of the  basic financial statements.   This schedule  has
     been subjected to  the auditing procedures applied  in the audits of  the
     basic financial statements  and, in  our opinion, fairly  states, in  all
     material respects, the financial data required to be set forth therein in
     relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                               /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP
                                               Arthur Andersen LLP

     Chicago, Illinois
     January 30, 1995



        Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or  15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act  of 1934, the registrant  has duly caused this  report to be
     signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, on
     March 9, 1995.

                                          KU ENERGY CORPORATION

                                          /s/ John T. Newton
                                          John T. Newton

        Pursuant to the requirements of  the Securities Exchange Act  of 1934,
     this report has been signed  below by the following persons on  behalf of
     the registrant in the capacities and on the date indicated.

        Signature                Title

        /s/ John T. Newton
        John T. Newton           Chairman and Director (Principal Executive
        /s/ Michael R. Whitley
        Michael R. Whitley       President and Director

        /s/ O. M. Goodlett
        O. M. Goodlett           Senior Vice-President (Principal Financial
        /s/ Michael D. Robinson
        Michael D. Robinson      Controller (Principal Accounting Officer)

        /s/ Mira S. Ball
        Mira S. Ball             Director

        /s/ W. B. Bechanan
        W. B. Bechanan           Director

        /s/ Harry M. Hoe
        Harry M. Hoe             Director

        /s/ Milton W. Hudson
        Milton W. Hudson         Director

        /s/ Frank V. Ramsey, Jr.
        Frank V. Ramsey, Jr.     Director

        /s/ Warren W. Rosenthal
        Warren W. Rosenthal      Director

        /s/ William L. Rouse, Jr.
        William L. Rouse, Jr.    Director

        /s/ Charles L. Shearer
        Charles L. Shearer       Director

     March 9, 1995