FORM 10-QSB UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15 (d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 ATI NETWORKS, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) COLORADO									 84-1089801 (State of other jurisdiction of					(I.R.S. Employer incorporation or organization)					Identification Number) 460 Cedar Street Fond du Lac, Wisconsin								54935 (Address of principal executive offices)			 (Zip Code) Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 					(920) 922-7030 					(920) 922-7011 (fax) Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such report(s), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. 	Yes [X]		No [ ] Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common stock, as of the latest practical date: Common Stock, $0 Par Value - 3,233,030 shares as of SEPTEMBER 30, 1999. PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION ATI NETWORKS, INC. BALANCE SHEET AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 								 	(UNAUDITED) 						 	 SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 ASSETS Current Assets 	Cash and Cash Equivalents			 	$	 1,036 	Accounts Receivable 					 	72,267 	Inventory							 	 11,396 	Security Deposits						 	 647 	Prepaid Expenses						 	 1,738 	Total Current Assets	 				 	 87,084 Property and Equipment 	 	 					83,978 Less: Accum. Depreciation	 <45,815> Total Property and Equipment	 					 38,163 Other Assets Capitalized R&D Costs - Net 			 232,058 Media Gems - Net 			 					32,432 Total Other Assets	 				 		264,490 Total Assets 								 $	389,737 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities 	Accounts Payable		 					$	32,902 	Accrued Payroll and Taxes	 	 142,267 	Current Portion Deferred Revenue					52,416 	Line of Credit - Firstar Bank 250,000 	Total Current Liabilities						 477,585 	Long-Term Liabilities 	Notes Payable		 					 	 4,220 	Deferred Revenue					 		<39,312> 	Total Long-Term Revenues	 <35,092> 	Total Liabilities 					 $442,493 	Capital 	Common Stock	 					 	 1,170,716 	Treasury Stock						 <35,000> 	Accumulated Deficit					 	<1,108,696> 	Net Income						 	<79,776> 	Total Capital	 					 <52,756 	Total Liabilities and Capital $389,737 ATI NETWORKS, INC. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (Unaudited) Summary Income Statement For the nine months ending 	 SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 Total Revenues		 				 	$	63,286 Cost of Sales 								 8,565 Gross Profit 	 							54,721 Operating Expenses Sales and Marketing Expense					 	23,284 General and Administrative					 	71,357 Research and Development Expense					 25,682 Total Operating Expenses 					120,323 Net Operating Income (Loss)					 <65,602> Other Income (Expenses) Interest Expense 						<13,934> Net Other Income (Expenses) 					 <51> Net Income (Loss) before Taxes <79,587> Income Tax Provision	 						 10 Net Income (Loss)	 						<79,597> ATI NETWORKS, INC. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 (Unaudited) 									Current Quarter									SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 Cash Flow from operating activities Net Income 	 							$	<28,001> Adjustments to reconcile net income to net Cash provided by operating activities Accounts receivable changes 				 			 4,400 Inventory Changes								 1,813 Other Current asset changes							 <78> Accounts Payable Changes							 15,087 Other Current Liability Changes							 17,176 Total Adjustments						 		 34,928 Net Cash provided by Operations 					 	 6,927 Cash Flows from investing activities Used for Equipment 									 <1,022> Net Cash used in investing				 			 <1,022> Cash Flows from financing activities Proceeds From Line of Credit - Firstar Bank							 0 Paid In Capital									 5,000 Used For: Note Payable - Advanta 		 						 <680> Deferred Revenue							 <17,472> Net Cash used in financing						 	<13,150> Net increase <decrease> in cash					 		 <7,245> Summary Cash Balance at End of Period						 	 1,036 Cash Balance at Beginning of Period			 <2,767> Net Increase <Decrease> in Cash						 3,803 ATI NETWORKS, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 NOTE 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The accompanying unaudited financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10QSB and Rule 310 of Regulation S-B. Accordingly, they do not include all the information and footnotes required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals)considered necessary for presentation have been included. NOTE 2. Long Term Debt - Short Term Financing All loans and repayment of lines of credit payable to Firstar Bank and future borrowings under any such credit facilities have been collateralized by the accounts receivable and equipment of the Company. NOTE 3. Major Stockholders Larry Bestor presently owns approximately 38% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company. Oshkosh Truck Corp. owns approximately 20% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company. ITEM 1. 	IMPORTANT FACTORS RELATED TO FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS The statements contained in this report that are not purely historical are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and Section 21E of the Security Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), including statements regarding the Company's expectations, hopes, intentions or strategies regarding the future. All forward-looking statements included herein are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof, and the Company assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. It is important to note that the Company's actual results could differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are the risk factors which may be listed from time to time in the Company's reports on Form 10-QSB, 10-KSB and registration statements filed under the Securities Act. Forward-looking statements encompass the (i) expectation that the Company can secure additional capital, (ii) continued expansion of the Company's operations through joint ventures and acquisitions, (iii) success of existing and new marketing initiatives undertaken by the Company, and (iv) success in controlling the cost of services provided and general administrative expenses as a percentage of revenues. The forward-looking statements included herein are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements were based on assumptions that the Company would continue to expand, that capital will be available to fund the Company's growth at a reasonable cost, that competitive conditions within the industry would not change materially or adversely, that demand for the Company's services would remain strong, that there would be no material adverse change business, and that changes in laws and regulations or court decisions will not adversely or significantly alter the operations of the Company. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments with respect to, among other things, future economic, competitive, regulatory and market conditions, and future business decisions, all of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although the Company believes that the assumptions underly nts are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking information will prove to be accurate. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking information included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by the Company or any other person that the objectives or plans of the Company will be achieved. ITEM 2.	MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS OR PLAN OF OPERATION The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements thereto. In third quarter, the Company downsized its development staff to reduce expenses and management began active efforts to selloff ownership rights to its GPS software product line, in order to raise capital and refocus the company as an Internet content and service provider. Management expects to complete the sale of both LogiTrak and NavQuest, its GPS software technologies, early in 4th quarter. Concurrent with the sale of these products, Company management is attempting to raise venture capital to effectively market and brand it websites. Management believes the current share price of the Company to be undervalued relative to other technology companies trading in the public market. The Company partnered with, a startup venture, to create a new market and distribution channel for NavQuest, its mapping and routing software product. As well, the Company began marketing of its online voting site, The website enables members of the online community to vote for a variety of candidates, or topices, such as political candidates, public company proxy votes, club elections, surveys, etc. The company expects the site to become increasingly popular with voters and media people during the upcoming election year. The site is an informational site that is being used by the company to promote its exciting new JetDisc product. JetDisc uses the NavQuest product platform as a free promotion to provide a compelling medium for the placement of corporate sponsor's digital advertising. The Company and its products have received positive exposure in the national media, and is seeking venture capital to fully implement its new marketing plan. The growth of the Internet as a distribution medium for software and information has greatly expanded the global market for the Company's core products, while at the same time created new opportunities for the Company to create and sell variations of its products. It is expected that with the additional exposure of the Company and its products to the online community, that demand will continue to increase for the Company's products. The Company believes continuing to expand exposure to the online community is a must to creating brand name recognition, while partnering and distribution contracts are expanded. Company management expects to see significant growth in its future sales figures as awareness of the company's products expands. However, to create and maintain mindshare of the Company's products in the mind of the public requires an increase in marketing and sales related expenses. The ability of the company to meet its new customer contract requirements requires additional operating capital until these contracts are filled. As the company expands the awareness of its Internet websites, it is expected that the increased use of its online auction sites will impact positively on the company net profits during the balance of 1999. Like many early stage technology companies, the majority of the Company's assets are intangible assets such as copyrights, trademarks, and its technology. The existing gross margin (net sales less cost of such sales as presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) as a percentage of sales for the quarter was 87%, an increase of 12% over the same period in 1998. The anticipated gross margin for software during the next year of operations is approximately 85%. GPS equipment and related hardware sales margins are anticipated at approximately 50%. The trend of the Company's sales margins is expected to decrease for the balance of 1999, as the Company seeks to increase revenues. This is do in part to the contribution of a significant portion of sales revenues to be spent on sales and marketing expenses and the marketing of it new Internet media products. The Company feels that due to increased competition in the marketplace, the company must give away free copies of its software, in order to increase its market share. It is expected that the percentage of foreign sales will remain the same, or increase slightly, since this closely represents the approximate ratio of foreign users to total users of the Internet. The Company does not market directly to the government and does not expect any significant sales to come from this sector. YEAR 2000 ISSUE: Issues involving the Year 2000 are the result of computer programs being written using two digits rather than four to define the applicable year. The Company has tested its software and its internal systems and presently believes that the Year 2000 Issue will not pose significant operational problems for its computer systems. However, if vendors of the Company that supply GPS hardware and firmware technologies experience problems due to the Year 2000 Issue, it could have a material impact on the Company's future operations. The company is working with its vendors to insure Year 2000 compliance for all of its product lines. PART II - OTHER INFORMATION ITEM 1. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Company has evolved from its roots as a GPS Technology Development Company to become a developer of web technology and web content. The Company's first product, NavQuest for Windows, was selected by Automotive Engineering Magazine readers as one of the Top 50 Products of the Year. Its next product, LogiTrak, became the first product in the world to enable wireless communications and tracking of a wireless device over the INTERNET. The company has also developed a proprietary Internet auction website, and an informational website for the purchase of real estate, The company is currently seeking a venture capital partner to provide funds for advertising and marketing budgets. Upon raising additional capital, it is management's plan to substantially grow revenues and public awareness of these properties, spin-off or sell the Internet website properties as a new company, and then sell the new entity either publicly or privately. At the time the new company is formed, it is management's intention that existing shareholders will receive an equity interest in the Internet company acquiring these properties. BUSINESS The company has developed proprietary software technologies for real time data communications over the internet, vehicle tracking, vehicle navigation, and e-commerce. The Company designs and develops the technologies it sells, both with its own in-house engineers and privately contracted developers. When outside developers are used, as well as with its employee engineers and scientists, all ownership, trade secrets, and proprietary rights to the technology are usually retained by the Company. This may change in the future as the company begins doing contract work and developing websites for others. Future revenue sources include development fees, software licensing fees, advertising fees, wireless communications fees, and the sale of mobile data communications and tracking equipment. INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MAPPING PRODUCTS A recent FCC mandate requiring all cellular companies to accurately pinpoint the location of all incoming 911 calls has opened a tremendous window of opportunity for ATI Networks shareholders. Ever since late 1995, when ATI first demonstrated that it had successfully combined digital mapping with satellite and cellular wireless communications technology, it has emerged as a world recognized leader in this type of software. The US now has over 50 million cellular phones in use, and the average lifecycle of a estimated life cycle of 3 years. It has been anticipated by the many experts that to comply with the e-911 mandate by the end of the year 2001, it is likely that a majority of cell phones in the US will include built-in GPS receiver chipsets. Andrew Seybold, a well recognized expert in the field of wireless communications, has estimated the total number of cell phones worldwide by the year 2003 at over 600 million. Since ATI's existing software technology and world recognized name in the industry perfectly positions it to capitalize on this emergin market opportunity, company management is now seeking the capital it needs to fund its rapid future growth, and to enable it to aggressively increase its market share of GPS enhanced wireless communications products. The Company has emerged as a leading developer of GPS applications software and is now implementing an aggressive growth plan that will enable it to significantly influence and profit from the future growth of GPS enabled, wireless devices. PRODUCTS AND MARKET ATI Networks has developed the following products: * NavQuest - Comprehensive mapping and routing software product on CD-Rom. NavQuest includes most U.S. and Canadian streets and highways, advance routing features, optional GPS tracking capabilities, city and address search features, and a database of thousands of attractions and points of interest. The market for this product includes the owners of over 17 million new vehicles each year. Market research by Automotive Engineering Magazine suggests the vehicle navigation market will grow to over 3,000,000 units annually by the year 2000. * LogiTrak - Map Based Tracking and Messaging via the Internet - A Windows 95 software application for communicating with, and viewing the locations of, multiple wireless devices from a remote PC via the Internet. Two-way messages can be quickly transmitted and received through a graphic interface utilizing GPS satellites, communications satellites, and the Internet. The market for this product includes most transportation companies and over 100 million existing cellular telephone users. The ever-increasing use of wireless communications generates tremendous future potential for LogiTrak. * - Internet website property known on the web as, the site enables Timeshare property buyers and sellers around the world to connect with each other. Visitors to the site may view and search for available properties for sale in 70 countries. Visitors may list their property for sale, submit photos or video files using easy online instructions. The website is available for viewing and use by 70 million users of the internet. The Company charges a basic fee of $20 per month per listing. * - Internet website property known on the web as, this site provides viewers with access to a large inventory of art and a live auction environment. Digital pictures of the inventory may be viewed and multiple bids can be made on multiple items by anyone logged onto the site. The Company currently has internet marketing rights to art inventory with a number of nationally recognized artists. * - MARKET DEFINITION Mapping, Routing and Navigation Software With NavQuest, the Company is competing in the computer mapping and routing market. This market was composed of approximately 1,000,000 units last year, according to IDC. ATI believes the major future trend in the industry will be toward high quality, value oriented mapping product offerings. This market will continue to grow substantially over the next decade as automobile manufacturers and aftermarket automobile equipment manufacturers begin to offer these products in the US, as they already do in Japan and Germany. The Company has begun marketing initiatives that management believes will increase NavQuest's share of this market over the next 24 months. The US auto market is comprised of over 17 million new vehicles annually, and is a virtually untapped market for vehicle navigation systems. Market research by Automotive Engineering Magazine and the Big 3 automakers suggests the vehicle navigation market will grow to over 3,000,000 units annually by the year 2000. Company management expects the niche in which it competes to grow over the next decade, as more automotive equipment and electronics manufacturers seek to enter the US market with their product offerings. The major forces affecting this change will be the falling cost of electronic components, more travel by technically capable baby boomers, and the growing use of personal computers. Map Based Tracking and Messaging LogiTrak - This market includes over 10,000 long haul truck companies, and thousands of local delivery companies that represent over 11 million pickup and delivery vehicles in the US alone. Internationally, anyone that wishes to track or communicate with mobile fleets, service technicians, or salespeople can use ATI's tracking and data communications services. Sales are comprised of LogiTrak software that is used by dispatchers in addition to the mobile communication units for vehicles. E-commerce The market for online commerce is growing exponentially. At the end of 1996, were 40 million online Internet Users worldwide. At the end of 1997 that number had grown to 100 million, and it is now estimated that by the year 2002 the Internet population will grow to a staggering one billion online users, or one out of every five people on the planet. According to IDC, worldwide commerce revenue on the Internet is expected to increase from approximately $30 billion at the end of 1998 to more than $425 billion in 2002. Accordingly, Jupiter Communications estimates that the amount of advertising dollars spent on the Internet is expected to increase from approximately $1.9 billion in 1998 to $7.7 billion by 2002. The Internet enables features and functions that are unavailable in traditional media, permitting on-line retailers to interact effectively with customers and advertisers to target specific demographic groups by capturing valuable data on customer tastes, preferences, shopping, and buying patterns. The company has focused the development of its e-commerce sites on certain demographic groups in an effort to provide these groups with interesting and compelling content and products it believes of interest to these groups. POSITION The NavQuest software CD-ROM is a consumer mapping product that is useful, inexpensive, and fun. Various demographic groups have a need for this product, and the Company plans to tailor national advertising and marketing accordingly. The product will continue to be revised and updated continuously to provide increasingly better value as well as expanded demographic market penetration.Although the Company originally positioned its LogiTrak mobile data communications and tracking software to meet the need of the transportation industry to keep touch with their drivers, it plans to expand the market to others. With this goal in mind, ATI designed and developed LogiTrak as an easy to use tool for anyone with a PC running Windows 95. Using a modular approach to product development, the ATI development team has made it possible to add communications drivers for cellular, CDPD, and PCS systems to the software's existing satellite and RF communications capabilities. The Company expects that by the addition of these drivers to the software, this it can expand the potential market for users of its tracking software to include everyone with a computer that uses the Windows 95 operating system. All website products are positioned to provide the INTERNET web user with the ability to use the Company's products anywhere in the world, with any of the three major web browsers. The Company's server architecture is scaleable to allow growth as usage of the Company's websites continues to grow. PRICING Pricing strategy for all products is to be competitive with the market. The company arrives at pricing based on a combination of gross margin objectives and market prices of similar product offerings. This pricing is reviewed monthly to ensure that potential profits are not squandered, while enabling the Company to continue selling its products at competitive pricing that enable rapid increase in market share. Duplication and distribution costs are less than 20% of current wholesale prices, so profit margins are adequate to maintain this pricing strategy, while enabling ATI to reach its market share objectives. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS The distribution channels used for NavQuest mapping and routing navigation software product are cataloguers, retailers, and tourist information services. With the additional funding, ATI would like to extend distribution to include national direct response TV ads. The Company began an ad campaign just prior to the summer travel season, since the desire to plan for vacations on one's home computer increases consumer response to advertising. These channels make sense for delivering the product to the end user profile and geography. Some of the competition uses the wholesaler channel, while no competitor uses all of the same channels as ATI. ATI's distribution strategy is advantageous because the partnership with CPNM into established distribution channels enables ATI to increase market share of its consumer products, without substantially sacrificing profit margins. To sell mobile data communications services effectively, ATI believes it is necessary to recruit and train a technically competent, direct sales organization, while also continuing to license reseller/partners to sell its wireless communications technology. Upon completing funding, the Company plans to hire additional sales people to market and license its products globally. CUSTOMERS ATI Network's customers number in the tens of thousands and include the following companies: WP6-34; AT&T WP6-34; Harley Davidson WP6-34; Bell South Mobility WP6-34; Trimble Navigation Limited. WP6-34; Flash, Inc. WP6-34: Goodwill Industries COPYRIGHTS/PATENTS The Company owns the Copyrights and Trademarks for AutoNav, LogiTrak, and NavQuest, as well as its website properties. Intellectual property and trademark protection is an integral part of the corporate strategy to maximize exclusivity and legally protect ownership of the Company's proprietary technology properties in the marketplace. None of the Company's business, products, or properties are subject to material regulation (including environmental regulation) by federal, state, or local governmental agencies. INSURANCE The Company maintains director and officer ("D&O") liability insurance on a claims made basis for all of its current officers and directors. Insurance coverage under such policies is contingent upon a policy being in effect when a claim is made, regardless of when the events which caused the claim occurred. The cost and availability of such coverage has varied widely in recent years. While the Company believes its insurance policies are adequate in amount and coverage for its current operations, there can be no assurance that the coverage maintained by the Company is sufficient to cover all future claims or will continue to be available in adequate amounts or at a reasonable cost. ITEM 2. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS No material legal proceedings to which the Company (or any of its directors and officers in their capacities as such) is party or to which property of the Company is subject is pending and no such material proceeding is known by management of the Company to be contemplated. ITEM 3. SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS Not Applicable SIGNATURES In accordance with Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. ATI NETWORKS, INC. Registrant OCTOBER 28, 1999			/s/ LAWRENCE BESTOR Lawrence Bestor President/Director