EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA - ------- ---------------------- 2.(i)(A) Agreement and Plan Incorporated by of Merger dated March reference to 17, 1994 by and among Exhibit 2.(i)(A) on Form SE Montgomery Ward filed March 24, 1994. & Co., Incorporated, MW Merger Corp., LMR Acquisition Corporation, Lechmere, Inc. and The Stockholders of LMR Acquisition Corporation executing counterparts of this agreement. 2.(ii) Agreement of Purchase Incorporated by and Sale of Stock reference to dated February 24, 1994 Exhibit 2.(ii) on Form SE by and among Signature filed March 24, 1994. Financial/Marketing, Inc., Greater California Dental Services Plan, Inc. and National Dental Services, Inc. 3.1 Restated Certificate Incorporated by of Incorporation of reference to Registrant, dated Exhibit 3(a) of the June 24, 1988, Company's Registration as amended. Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). 3.2 Certificate of Incorporated by Amendment to reference to Certificate of Exhibit 3.2 of the Incorporation. Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-33252). EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA - ------------- ---------------------- 3.2(i) Certificate of Incorporated by Amendment to reference to Certificate of Exhibit 3.2(i) of the Incorporation. Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 28, 1991. 3.3 Restated by-laws Incorporated by of Registrant, as reference to amended through Exhibit 3.3 of the January 21, 1991. Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 29, 1990. 9. Voting Trust Incorporated by Agreement dated as reference to of June 21, 1988. Exhibit 3(a) of the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). 10.(i)(A)(1) BFB Acquisition Incorporated by Corp. Stockholders reference to Annex 1 Agreement dated of the Prospectus June 17, 1988, as contained in the amended and Company's Registration restated. Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-33252). 10.(i)(A)(3) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Annex 3 Stock Ownership of the Prospectus Plan Terms and contained in the Conditions, as Company's Registration amended and Statement on Form S-1 restated. (Registration No. 33-41161). EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA - ------------- ----------------------- 10.(i)(A)(4) Amendment No. 7 to Incorporated by the Montgomery Ward reference to Exhibit & Co., Incorporated 10.(i)(A)(10) of the Stock Ownership Company's Quarterly Plan Terms and Report on Form 10-Q Conditions adopted for the fiscal October 25, 1991. quarterly period ended September 28, 1991. 10.(i)(B) Stock Purchase Incorporated by Agreement dated reference to Exhibit March 6, 1988 10.(i)(B) of the between Mobil Company's Registration Corporation, Statement on Form S-1 Marcor Inc. and (Registration No. BFB Acquisition 33-23403). Corp. 10.(i)(C) Amended and Restated Incorporated by Credit Agreement reference to Exhibit dated as of 10.(i)(C) of the September 22, 1992 Company's Form 8-K among Montgomery on September 22, 1992. Ward & Co., Incor- porated, various banks, Continental Bank N.A. as Docu- mentary Agent, The Bank of Nova Scotia as Administrative Agent and Bank of New York as Negotiated Loan Agent. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA - ------------- ----------------------- 10.(i)(C)(1) First Amendment Incorporated by dated as of Septem- reference to ber 22, 1993 to the Exhibit 10.(C)(1) of Amended and Credit the Company's Agreement dated as quarterly report of September 22, on Form 10-Q for 1992 among the fiscal quarterly Montgomery Ward period ended & Co., Incorporated, October 2, 1993. various banks, Continental Bank N.A. as Documen- tary Agent, The Bank of Nova Scotia as Administra- tive Agent, and the Bank of New York as Negotiated Loan Agent. 10.(i)(E) Short Term Credit Incorporated by Agreement dated as reference to Exhibit of September 22, 10.(i)(E) of the 1992 among Montgomery Company's Form 8-K Ward & Co., Incor- on September 22, porated, various 1992. banks, Continental Bank N.A. as Docu- mentary Agent, The Bank of Nova Scotia as Adminis- trative Agent, and the Bank of New York as Negotiated Loan Agent. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA - ------------- ----------------------- 10.(i)(E)(1) First Amendment Incorporated by dated as of Septem- reference to ber 22, 1993 to the Exhibit 10.(i)(E)(1) Short Term Credit of the Company's Agreement dated quarterly report on as of September 22, Form 10-Q for the 1992 among fiscal quarterly Montgomery Ward period ended & Co., Incorporated, October 2, 1993. various banks, Continental Bank N.A. as Documentary Agent, The Bank of Nova Scotia as Administrative Agent, and the Bank of New York as Negotiated Loan Agent. 10.(i)(E)(2) Extension request Incorporated by letters dated reference to September 22, 1993 Exhibit 10.(i)(E)(2) from Montgomery on Form SE, filed Ward & Co., Incor- March 24, 1994. ported addressed to all banks who are parties to the Short Term Agree- ment, and the replies of all such banks to such requests. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(i)(F) Note Purchase Incorporated by Agreements dated reference to Exhibit March 1, 1993 10.(i)(F) of the between Montgomery Company's Annual Ward & Co., Incor- Report on Form 10-K porated and various for the fiscal year lenders. ended January 2, 1993. 10.(i)(G) Term Loan Agreement Incorporated by dated as of reference to Exhibit November 24, 1993 10.(i)(G) on Form SE, among Montgomery filed March 24, 1994. Ward & Co., Incor- porated, various banks, The First National Bank of Chicago, as Docu- mentary Agent, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Bank of New York as Negotiated Loan Agent. 10.(ii)(A) Stock Purchase Incorporated by Agreement dated reference to Exhibit June 22, 1988 10.(ii)(A) of the between General Company's Registration Electric Capital Statement on Form S-1 Corporation and (Registration No. Montgomery Ward 33-23403). & Co., Incorporated. 10.(ii)(B) Account Purchase Incorporated by Agreement dated reference to Exhibit June 24, 1988 10.(ii)(B) of the by and between Company's Registration Montgomery Ward Statement on Form S-1 Credit Corporation (Registration No. and Montgomery 33-23403). Ward & Co., Incorporated. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(ii)(B)(1) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated April 21, reference to Exhibit 1989 by and between 10.(ii)(B)(1) of the Montgomery Ward Company's Registration Credit Corporation Statement on Form S-1 and Montgomery (Registration No. Ward & Co., Incor- 33-33252). porated (amending the Account Purchase Agreement which is Exhibit 10.(ii)(B) hereto). 10.(ii)(B)(2) Amendment to Incorporated by Account Purchase reference to Exhibit Agreement dated 10.(ii)(B)(2) on December 26, 1989 by Form SE filed and between March 24, 1994. Montgomery Ward Credit Corporation and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated. 10.(ii)(B)(3) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated April 24, reference to Exhibit 1990, by and between 10.(ii)(B)(3) on Montgomery Ward Form SE filed Credit Corporation March 24, 1994. and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated. 10.(ii)(C) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated June 24, reference to Exhibit 1988 among Signa- 10.(ii)(C) of the ture Financial/ Company's Registration Marketing, Inc., Statement on Form S-1 Montgomery Ward (Registration No. Credit Corpora- 33-23403). tion and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incor- porated. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(ii)(D) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated December 26, reference to Exhibit 1990, by and between 10.(ii)(D) of the Montgomery Ward Company's Annual Credit Corporation Report on Form 10-K and Montgomery for the fiscal year Ward & Co., Incor- ended December 29, porated. 1990. 10.(ii)(E) Fifth Amendment to Incorporated by Account Purchase reference to Exhibit Agreement dated 10.(ii)(E) of the May 23, 1992 by and Company's Quarterly between Montgomery Report on Form 10-Q Ward & Co., Incor- for the fiscal porated and Mont- quarterly period ended gomery Ward Credit June 27, 1992. Corporation. 10.(ii)(F) Amendment dated Incorporated by May 23, 1992 to reference to Exhibit Letter Amendment 10.(ii)(F) of the dated June 24, Company's Quarterly 1988 (Signature Report on Form 10-Q Credit Agreement) for the fiscal by and among Finan- quarterly period ended cial/Marketing, Inc. June 27, 1992. Montgomery Ward & Co.,Incorporated and Montgomery Ward Credit Corporation. 10.(ii)(G) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated December 29, reference to Exhibit 1992 by and between 10.(ii)(G) of the Montgomery Ward Company's Annual & Co., Incorporated Report on Form 10-K and Montgomery for the fiscal year Ward Credit Corpora- ended January 2, tion. 1993. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(ii)(G)(1) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated April 29, reference to 1993, by and Exhibit 10.(ii)(G)(1) between Montgomery on Form SE filed Ward Credit Corpora- March 24, 1994. tion and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incor- porated. 10.(ii)(G)(2) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated September 15, reference to 1993, by and Exhibit 10.(ii)(G)(2) between Montgomery on Form SE filed Ward Credit Corpora- March 24, 1994. tion and Montgomery Ward & Co., Incor- porated. 10.(ii)(H) Ninth Amendment to Incorporated by Account Purchase reference to Agreement dated Exhibit 10.(ii)(H) February 16, 1994 on Form SE filed by and between March 24, 1994. Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated and Montgomery Ward Credit Corporation. 10.(iv)(A) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Exhibit Stock Ownership 10.(iv)(A) of the Plan, amended and Company's quarterly restated as of report on Form 10-Q September 9, 1993, for the fiscal subject to share- quarterly period holder approval. ended October 2, 1993. 10.(iv)(B) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Exhibit Long Term Incentive 10.(iv)(B) of the Plan. Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(iv)(C) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Exhibit Performance 10.(iv)(C) of the Management Program. Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). 10.(iv)(D) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Exhibit Retirement Security 10.(iv)(D) of the Plan (as amended Post-Effective Amend- and restated ment No. 3 to the effective as of Company's Registration January 1, 1989). Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). 10.(iv)(E) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by & Co., Incorporated reference to Exhibit Supplemental 10.(iv)(E) of the Retirement Plan. Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-23403). 10.(iv)(F) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by Holding Corp. reference to Exhibit Directors Fee 10.(iv)(F) of the and Stock Owner- Company's Registration ship Plan. Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-41161). 10.(iv)(G) Montgomery Ward Incorporated by Holding Corp. reference to Exhibit Senior Officer 10.(iv)(G) of the Severance Plan. Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 2, 1993. 10.(v) Letter Agreement Incorporated by dated May 3, 1985 reference to Exhibit between Montgomery 10.(v) of the Ward & Co., Incor- Company's Registration porated and Bernard Statement S-1 F. Brennan. (Registration No. 33-23403). EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 10.(vi) Employment Agreement Incorporated by effective January reference to Exhibit 14, 1994 between 10.(vi) on Form SE Montgomery Ward filed March 24, 1994. & Co., Incorporated and Bernard W. Andrews. 10.(vii) Agreement effective Incorporated by October 21, 1991 reference to Exhibit between Montgomery 10.(vii) on the Ward & Co., Incor- Company's Annual porated and Finger- Report on Form 10-K hut Companies, Inc. for the fiscal year ended December 28, 1991. 10.(viii) Line of Credit Incorporated by Agreement effective reference to Exhibit November 19, 1991 10.(viii) on the by and among Mont- Company's Annual gomery Ward & Co., Report on Form 10-K Incorporated, for the fiscal year Northern Trust ended December 28, Company and The 1991. First National Bank of Chicago. 10.(ix) Employment Agreement Incorporated by effective December reference to Exhibit 31, 1993 between 10.(ix) on Form SE Montgomery Ward & filed March 24, 1994. Co., Incorporated and Robert F. Connolly. 10.(xi) Employment Agreement Incorporated by effective November reference to Exhibit 1, 1991 between 10.(xi) of the Montgomery Ward & Company's Annual Co., Incorporated Report on Form 10-K and Richard Bergel. for the fiscal year ended January 2, 1993. EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT SUBMISSION MEDIA 11. Statement regarding computation of per share earnings. 12. Not applicable. 13. Not applicable. 16. Not applicable. 18. Not applicable. 19. Not applicable. 21. Subsidiaries of Incorporated by the Registrant. reference to Exhibit 21 of the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration No. 33-33252). 22. Not applicable. 23. Consent of independent public accountants. 24. Powers of attorney Incorporated by executed by direc- reference to tors and officers Exhibit 24 on Form SE, of Registrant filed March 24, 1994. authorizing execu- tion of Annual Report on Form 10-K. 27. Financial Statement Schedules. 28. Not applicable. EXHIBIT 11 COMPUTATION OF PER SHARE EARNINGS 52-WEEK PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 1, 1994 Class A Class B Earnings available for Common Shareholders $49,982,912 $51,059,110 Weighted average of shares outstanding: Shares outstanding 20,148,623 25,000,000 Shares issued upon assumed exercise of stock options 4,066,804 - Shares assumed to be repurchased under Treasury Stock method (at fair market value of $22.50) (2,410,224) - Total number of options considered as common stock equivalents 1,656,580 - Total weighted average number of shares 21,805,203 25,000,000 Earnings per share $2.29 $2.04 EXHIBIT 11 COMPUTATION OF PER SHARE EARNINGS 53-WEEK PERIOD ENDED JANUARY 2, 1993 Class A Class B Earnings available for Common Shareholders $25,526,342 $26,294,923 Weighted average of shares outstanding: Shares outstanding 20,892,268 25,000,000 Shares issued upon assumed exercise of stock options 3,240,240 - Shares assumed to be repurchased under Treasury Stock method (at fair market value of $18.75) (1,594,969) - Total number of options considered as common stock equivalents 1,645,271 - Total weighted average number of shares 22,537,539 25,000,000 Earnings per share $1.13 $1.05 EXHIBIT 11 COMPUTATION OF PER SHARE EARNINGS 52-WEEK PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 28, 1991 Class A Class B Earnings available for Common Shareholders $59,921,254 $62,068,120 Weighted average of shares outstanding: Shares outstanding 23,325,628 25,000,000 Shares issued upon assumed exercise of stock options 2,832,174 - Shares assumed to be repurchased under Treasury Stock method (at fair market value of $14.85 and $15.11 for primary and fully diluted, respectively) (1,203,307) - Total number of options considered as common stock equivalents 1,628,867 - Total weighted average number of shares 24,954,495 25,000,000 Earnings per share $2.40 $2.48 EXHIBIT 24 CONSENT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of our reports included (or incorporated by reference) in this Form 10-K, into the Company's previously filed Registration Statements on Form S-8 (File No. 33-41161). Arthur Andersen & Co. Chicago, Illinois March 25, 1994 EXHIBIT 27 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Montgomery Ward Holding Corp.: We have audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the consolidated financial statements included in this Form 10-K, and have issued our report thereon dated February 15, 1994. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on those statements taken as a whole. The schedules listed in the preceding index of the consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the company's management and are presented for purposes of complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and are not part of the basic consolidated financial statements. These schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic consolidated financial statements and, in our opinion, fairly state in all material respects the financial data required to be set forth therein in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Arthur Andersen & Co. Chicago, Illinois February 15, 1994 EXHIBIT 27 MONTGOMERY WARD HOLDING CORP. Schedule II - Amounts Receivable from Related Parties and Underwriters, Promoters, and Employees Other than Related Parties Balance Deductions Balance Name at Amounts End of Beginning Amounts Written Not of Debtor of Period Additions Collected Off Current Current Period For the 53-Week Period Ended January 2, 1993 Daniel H. Levy $500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ -$ - $500,000 (B) Vice-Chairman and Chief Operating Officer (A) Due Date 5/7/96 Interest Rate 8.5% Security Personal Residence (A) Mr. Levy resigned from all of his duties effective February 28, 1993. (B) Amount was paid in full subsequent to year-end. EXHIBIT 27 MONTGOMERY WARD HOLDING CORP. Schedule IX - Short-Term Borrowings (Dollar amounts in millions) Weighted Maximum Average Average Category of Weighted Amount Amount Interest Aggregate Balance Average Outstanding Outstanding Rate Short-Term at End Interest During the During the During the Borrowings of Period Rate the Period Period (A) Period (B) 52-Week Period Ended January 1, 1994 Revolving $ 0 3.41% $396 $248 3.4% Loan Facilities 53-Week Period Ended January 2, 1993 Revolving $0 3.55% $431 $309 1.0% Loan Facilities (A) The average amount outstanding during the period was calculated on a monthly basis. (B) The weighted average interest rate during the period was computed by dividing the actual interest expense by the average short-term borrowings outstanding.