TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS                            1

                    RECEIVE SUGAR                  4

ARTICLE III - DELIVERY OF SUGAR                    4

                DELIVERY COSTS                     4
   SECTION 3.02 DELIVERY SCHEDULES                 5
   SECTION 3.03 MANNER OF DELIVERY                 5
                RISK OF LOSS                       5


   SECTION 4.01 WEIGHT                             6
                PREMIUMS AND DISCOUNTS             6
   SECTION 4.03 TEST PERIODS                       6

ARTICLE V - PAYMENT FOR SUGAR                      7

   SECTION 5.01 SALE OF RAW SUGAR                  7
   SECTION 5.02 PAYMENT FOR SUGAR                  7
   SECTION 5.03 CAPITAL RESERVES                   9
   SECTION 5.04 OVERPAYMENTS                       10
   SECTION 5.05 METHOD OF PAYMENT                  10
   SECTION 5.06 AUDITOR                            10

ARTICLE VI - FORCE MAJEURE                         10

   SECTION 6.01 FORCE MAJEURE                      10
   SECTION 6.02 NOTICE                             10


   SECTION 7.01 INTENDED BENEFICIARY               11
   SECTION 7.02 AMENDMENT AND WAIVER               11

ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL                             11

   SECTION 8.01 TERM                               11
   SECTION 8.02 ARBITRATION                        11
   SECTION 8.03 MISCELLANEOUS                      13
dated  as  of  June  4, 1993, is made between  Hawaiian  Sugar
Transportation  Company,  Inc.,  an  agricultural  cooperative
association  organized under the laws of the State  of  Hawaii
(the  "Association"), and Oahu Sugar Company, Limited a Hawaii
corporation  organized under the laws of the State  of  Hawaii
(the "Producer").

    WHEREAS, the Association is organized to market raw  sugar
produced from sugarcane grown in the State of Hawaii  and  the
byproducts  thereof for the producers thereof on a cooperative

    WHEREAS,  the  Producer is a producer of  raw  sugar  from
sugarcane grown in the State of Hawaii;

    WHEREAS, concurrently herewith the Association is entering
into  an Agreement for the Delivery and Sale of Raw Sugar with
California and Hawaiian Sugar Company, a corporation organized
under the laws of the State of California ("C&H"), pursuant to
which the Association has agreed to sell raw sugar to C&H (the
"C&H Raw Sugar Agreement");

    WHEREAS,  C&H  and A&B-Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii  corporation
("ABHI"),  the  Producer  and  each  of  the  other  principal
producers  of raw sugar from sugarcane grown in the  State  of
Hawaii  (the "Principal Producers") are concurrently  herewith
entering  into  a  Purchase Agreement pursuant  to  which  the
Producer has agreed to enter into this Contract;

    WHEREAS,  each of the Principal Producers is  concurrently
herewith   also  entering  into  a  Standard  Sugar  Marketing
Contract  with the Association in substantially  the  form  of
this Contract (the "Standard Sugar Marketing Contract"); and

    WHEREAS, the Producer desires to sell and deliver, and the
Association desires to purchase and receive, raw sugar on  the
terms and conditions set forth below;

    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the
mutual   covenants   and  agreement  herein   contained,   the
Association and the Producer hereby agree as follows:

                          ARTICLE I

    As  used in this Contract, the following terms shall  have
the following meanings (such meanings to be equally applicable
to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined):

   "Business Day" shall mean any Day on which commercial banks
in San Francisco, California and Honolulu, Hawaii are required
by law to be open for business.

   "C&H" shall have the meaning set forth in the third recital

    "C&H Raw Sugar Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth
in the third recital hereof.

   "Contract Year" shall mean a calendar year.

    "Event of Force Majeure" shall mean an event that causes a
permanent  or temporary interruption in, on the one hand,  the
sale  and delivery of Sugar hereunder by the Producer  or,  on
the other hand, the purchase and receipt of Sugar hereunder by
the Association, which is beyond the reasonable control of the
Producer or the Association, respectively, and could  not,  by
the  exercise  of  due  diligence, have been  avoided  by  the
Producer  or the Association, respectively, and shall include,
without limitation:

            (a)  an  act  of  God,  including,
      without    limitation,   fire,    flood,
      earthquake, landslide, storm, hurricane,
      typhoon,   epidemic, an influx of  pests
      or similar occurrence;

            (b)   war,  whether  declared   or
      undeclared,   blockade,  port   closing,
      revolution,     insurrection,      civil
      disturbances,   sabotage,  or  acts   of
      public enemies;

           (c)  strike,  boycott,  lockout  or
      other labor disturbance;

           (d)  explosion, breakage, or  other
      damage  to  or  failure or breakdown  of
      facilities or equipment related  to,  in
      the case of the Producer, the growing or
      processing of sugarcane by the  Producer
      or,  in the case of the Association, the
      storage or transporting of raw sugar  by
      the   Association,   the   storage    or
      transporting  of raw  sugar      by  the
      Association  (including  the   loss   or
      substantial  impairment  of  the   sugar
      delivery  vessels owned,  controlled  or
      regularly employed by the Association);

           (e)  power  failure, unavailability
      of  ocean  transportation,  shortage  or
      lack   of   water,  fuel  or   materials
      resulting  from another Event  of  Force
      Majeure  or the acts or omissions  of  a
      person  or entity not under the  control
      or  direction  of  the Producer  or  the
      Association, as the case may be; and

           (f)  an  order,  judgment,  ruling,
      decision or other act or failure to  act
      of  any  governmental, civil or military
      or  judicial to act of any governmental,
      civil or military or judicial authority,
      including,   without   limitation,   any
      adoption  of,  or change  in,  any  law,
      regulation or other legal requirement.

    "Final  Net  Price Per Pound" shall refer to  the  payment
described in Section 5.02(d).

    "Final  Payment" shall refer to the payment  described  in
Section 5.02(d).

    "Initial  Delivery Schedule" shall have  the  meaning  set
forth in Section 3.02(a).

    "Initial Per Unit Allocation" shall refer to the  payments
described in Section 5.02(a)

    "Molasses" shall refer to the final or blackstrap molasses
produced, by or for the account of a Patron in connection with
the  production  of raw sugar by or for the  account  of  such

   "Patrons" shall mean all of the producers of raw sugar from
sugarcane  grown  in  the  State  of  Hawaii,  including   the
Producer,   who  are  parties  to  Standard  Sugar   Marketing

    "Prime  Rate"  shall  mean  the  "prime"  or  "base"  rate
announced from time to time by Bank of America N.T. & S.A.  at
its  principal office in San Francisco, California in  respect
of 90-day loans to its corporate borrowers.

    "Producer's Customary Raw Sugar Terminal" shall  have  the
meaning set forth in Section 3.01(a).

    "Raw  Sugar Terminal" shall refer to each of the raw sugar
terminals located in Hawaii which heretofore has been used  by
C&H to store raw sugar.

    "Raw  Value"  of  any  quantity of Sugar  shall  mean  its
equivalent  in terms of ordinary commercial raw sugar  testing
96  degrees by the polariscope.  This conversion is to be done
for  Sugar testing more than 92 degrees by the polariscope  by
multiplying (i) the number of pounds, avoirdupois, thereof  by
(ii)  the  quantity obtained by adding (A)  0.93  to  (B)  the
quantity obtained by multiplying (X) 0.0175 by (Y) the  number
of  degrees and fractions of a degree of polarization above 92
degrees for such Sugar.

    "Revised  Delivery Schedule" shall refer to the  schedules
described in Section 3.02(a) and Section 3.02(b).

    "Standard Sugar Marketing Contract" shall have the meaning
set forth in the fifth recital hereof.

    "Sugar" shall mean any grade or type of saccharine product
other than molasses produced from sugarcane grown in Hawaii.

    "Sugar  of  a Contract Year" shall mean, for any  Contract
Year,  all  Sugar  produced  by  the  Patrons  to  which   the
Association  has taken title in accordance with  Section  3.04
during such Contract Year.

    "Supplemental  Per  Unit Allocation" shall  refer  to  the
payments described in Section 5.02(b).

    "Test  Period" shall mean any of the periods described  in
Section 4.03.

   "Total Payment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
                         ARTICLE II
    (a)  Basic  Obligation.  Unless otherwise set forth  in  a
rider  attached  hereto, for the term  of  this  Contract  the
Producer  agrees  to sell and deliver to the Association,  and
the  Association  agrees  to purchase  and  receive  from  the
Producer,  all  of  the Sugar produced by  the  Producer  from
sugarcane  grown in the State of Hawaii.  All Sugar  delivered
to  the  Association shall be delivered in  the  form  of  raw
centrifugal cane sugar polarizing at not less than 94  degrees
and shall be in good order and sound condition.

    (b)  Limitation.  Nothing in this Contract shall, however,
obligate the Producer to cultivate sugarcane or, except as set
forth  in  Section 3.02(c), to produce Sugar for sale  to  the
Association.   Nor  shall the Association have  any  liability
under this Agreement for failing to purchase and receive Sugar
if  such failure arises from a default by C&H under the  terms
of the C&H Raw Sugar Agreement.  Further, if the C&H Raw Sugar
Agreement  terminates  during the term hereof,  this  Contract
shall be amended as appropriate.

                         ARTICLE III
                      DELIVERY OF SUGAR

    (a)  Place of Delivery.  All Sugar to be delivered by  the
Producer pursuant to this Contract shall be delivered  to  the
Raw  Sugar  Terminal  customarily used by  the  Producer  (the
"Producer's Customary Raw Sugar Terminal"), or to  such  other
place or places within the State of Hawaii, as may be directed
by the Association.

    (b) Delivery Costs.  All costs incurred in delivering  the
Producer's  Sugar  to  the  Association  in  accordance   with
subsection  (a)  above shall be borne by the Producer,  except
that  if  the Association shall direct the Producer to deliver
any portion of its Sugar to a place or places within the State
of  Hawaii  other  than  the Producer's  Customary  Raw  Sugar
Terminal,  then the Association shall charge  or  pay  to  the
Producer,  as  the  case  may  be,  an  amount  equal  to  the
difference between (i) the delivery costs for such Sugar  from
the  Producer's mill to the place of actual delivery and  (ii)
the delivery costs which would have been incurred if the Sugar
had  been  delivered  to the Producer's  Customary  Raw  Sugar
Terminal.  Such  charge or payment with  respect  to  delivery
costs  incurred during any Test Period hereunder shall be  set
forth together with supporting detail in a statement presented
by  the Producer to the Association promptly following the end
of such Test Period, and shall be due and payable on the tenth
(10th) day of the month next following such Test Period.

     (c)  Emergency  Storage.   Whenever  conditions  make  it
necessary in the judgment of the Association for Sugar  to  be
put  into  emergency  storage in Hawaii, the  Association  may
direct  the  Producer  to  deliver its  Sugar  into  emergency
storage  facilities,  which  may  include  facilities  at  the
Producer's  mill.  All costs connected with the  use  of  such
emergency storage shall be separately accumulated and shall be
apportioned  among all  of the Patrons of the  Association  on
such  fair  and equitable basis as may be agreed upon  by  the
Association and such Patrons.



    (a)  Initial and Revised Delivery Schedules.  On or before
the  first day of October and each Contract Year, the Producer
shall furnish the Association with a delivery schedule setting
forth  the  quantity of Sugar it expects  to  deliver  to  the
Association  during  each  calendar week  of  the  immediately
succeeding  Contract  Year (the "Initial Delivery  Schedule").
On the next to the last Business Day of each calendar week the
Producer shall furnish the Association with an update  of  the
delivery schedule last furnished to the Association, with such
adjustments,  if  any, as may be appropriate  to  reflect  new
information pertinent to the quantities of Sugar the  Producer
expects to deliver in each calendar week of the Contract Year;
provided,  however, that no adjustments shall be made  to  the
Sixteen  Week  Best  Efforts Supply  Commitment  described  in
Section 3.02(c) except as made necessary by an Event of  Force
Majeure.   Initial Delivery Schedules as updated are  referred
to herein as "Revised Delivery Schedules".

    (b)  Delivery  Schedules for 1993 Contract  Year.   On  or
before the next to the last Business Day of the first calendar
week  beginning after the date of this Contract, the  Producer
shall furnish the Association with a delivery schedule setting
forth  the  quantity of Sugar it expects to  delivery  to  the
Association  during each calendar week of  the  1993  Contract
Year.  On the next to the last Business Day of each succeeding
calendar  week  of the 1993 Contract Year, the Producer  shall
furnish   the  Association  with  updated  delivery  schedules
("Revised  Delivery Schedules") conforming in all respects  to
Revised Delivery Schedules as described in Section 3.02(a).

    (c)  Sixteen  Week  Best Efforts Supply  Commitment.   The
Producer  shall use its efforts to deliver the Sugar scheduled
under a Revised Delivery Schedule for delivery during each  of
the  sixteen  consecutive calendar weeks commencing  with  the
calendar  week  next following the week in which  the  Revised
Delivery Schedule is delivered to the Association.

     (d)  The  Producer  shall  exercise  due  diligence   and
reasonable  care  in  the preparation  of  delivery  schedules
hereunder  and shall furnish the Association with  such  other
information   as   the  Association  may  reasonably   request
regarding the Producer's expected deliveries of Sugar  to  the


    (a)  Suitable  Vehicles.  The Producer shall  deliver  all
Sugar to the Association in bulk and by vehicles equipped  for
the transportation of raw sugar.

    (b) Commingled Sugar.  When Sugar produced by the Producer
is commingled with Sugar from other Patrons for transportation
to  the designated point of delivery, the Producer's share  of
any  such  shipment  shall be determined by  a  method  to  be
mutually agreed upon by the Producer and the Association.


    Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, title and risk
of  loss to Sugar subject to this Contract shall pass from the
Producer to the Association: (i) when such Sugar is loaded  by
the   Producer  aboard  ground  transportation  equipment  for
movement to the Producer's Customary Raw Sugar Terminal or any
alternative  delivery point designated by the  Association  or
(ii)  if  emergency storage at the Producer's  mill  has  been
authorized by the Association pursuant to Section 3.01(c),  as
Sugar  is  put into such storage pursuant to the Association's
authorization.   Upon such passage of title,  all  such  Sugar
shall become the property of and shall be subject to the order
of the Association and any and all warehouse receipts or other
documents  of  title or accountability related to  such  Sugar
shall  be  delivered  to  and  issued  in  the  name  of   the

                         ARTICLE IV
   SECTION 4.01    WEIGHT.

    The  Association shall weigh, or cause to be weighed,  all
Sugar  delivered  to  the Association by  the  Producer.   The
methods   of  weighing  shall  be  in  accordance   with   the
established practice for each place of delivery, or as may  be
agreed upon between the Association and the Patrons.  Weighing
shall be subject to check by representatives of the Producer.

                 PREMIUMS AND DISCOUNTS.

    (a)  Sampling  and Testing.  All Sugar  delivered  by  the
Producer  to  the Association shall be sampled  in  accordance
with  the  procedures last employed by C&H as of the  date  of
this  Contract and shall be tested by the Association  or  its
designee  in accordance with the procedures set forth  in  the
C&H Raw Sugar Agreement, as amended from time to time.

     (b)   Premiums  and  Discounts.   Quality  premiums   and
discounts  for  all  Sugar delivered by the  Producer  to  the
Association  shall  be  calculated  in  accordance  with   the
provisions of the C&H Sugar Agreement, as amended from time to
time,  except  that  the "Basis Price" for  purposes  of  such
calculations  shall  mean the weighted average  of  the  Basis
Prices  determined  under  the C&H Raw  Sugar  Agreement  with
respect to all Sugar delivered by the Association to C&H under
such Agreement.  A premium for Aiea Quality Raw Sugar shall be
paid only on Aiea Quality Raw Sugar that is delivered to C&H's
Aiea  refinery pursuant to the authorization or  direction  of
the  Association.   The Association shall allocate  among  the
Patrons  the opportunity to deliver Aiea Quality Raw Sugar  to
the C&H Refinery on a fair and equitable basis that takes into
account  the ability to produce Aiea Quality Raw  Sugar  in  a
manner  that  will  enable  the  Association  to  fulfill  its
obligations under the C&H Raw Sugar Agreement and the costs to
the Association of fulfilling such obligation.

    (c)  Costs.   The  cost  of  all test  and  determinations
required  by  this  Section  4.02  shall  be  borne   by   the

    (d) Commingling.  The quality determination referred to in
this  Section  shall  be made before the Producer's  Sugar  is
commingled with the Sugar of other Patrons.  However, if  more
than  one  Patron shall have its sugarcane ground at the  same
mill,  the  sugarcane may at the option  of  such  Patrons  be
commingled  prior  to grinding or milled  separately  and  the
juices and other after-products therefrom commingled.  In such
case,  the  quality determinations referred to in the  Section
4.02  shall  be made with respect to the resulting  commingled
Sugar and the Sugar of each of the Patrons whose sugarcane  or
sugarcane juices or other after-products were commingled shall
be deemed equal in quality for purposes of this Section.


    (a) Separate Determinations.  Quality determinations shall
be made and premiums and discounts computed separately for the
Sugar delivered by the Producer to the Association in each  of
the Test Periods in each Contract Year hereunder.

    (b) Twelve Periods.  There shall be twelve Test Periods in
each  Contract  Year.  The first Test Period in each  Contract
Year  shall commence on January 1 and end at midnight  on  the
Saturday  preceding  the last Sunday of such  month  provided,
however, that in the case of the 1993 Contract Year, the first
Test  Period  shall  commence on the date hereof  and  end  at
midnight  on  the Saturday preceding the last  Sunday  of  the
month  in  which such Test Period commences.  Each  succeeding
Test  Period  shall commence at the end of the preceding  Test
Period  and continue until midnight on the Saturday  preceding
the  last  Sunday  of  the  next  succeeding  calendar  month;
provided, however, that the last Test Period in each  Contract
Year shall commence at midnight on the Saturday preceding  the
last  Sunday in November and continue through December  31  of
such year.

    (c)  Advice to Producer.  Quality determinations shall  be
made  and discounts and premiums computed for each Test Period
with  respect  to all Sugar of the Producer delivered  to  the
Association  during such Test Period.  Promptly following  the
close  of  each  Test Period there shall be furnished  by  the
Association  to  the  Producer  full  information  as  to  the
quantity  and quality of all of the Sugar of the Producer  for
which  quality  determinations  were  made  during  such  Test

                          ARTICLE V
                      PAYMENT FOR SUGAR

    The  Producer  acknowledges that  all  of  the  raw  Sugar
delivered  to  the Association by the Producer and  the  other
Patrons  shall be sold by the Association under or subject  to
the terms of the C&H Raw Sugar Agreement.


   The Association shall make payment to the Producer, as full
return  and  payment  for  all  Sugar  of  the  Contract  Year
delivered  by the Producer to the Association, in amounts  and
at times as follows:

   (a) Initial Per Unit Allocation.  The Association shall, at
the  end  of  each  Test Period, compute the total  number  of
pounds,  Raw Value, of all Sugar delivered by the Producer  to
the Association during such Test Period.  In addition, at such
time  the Association shall also estimate the Final Net  Price
Per  Pound  (as described in Section 5.02(d)) to  be  realized
from  all  sales  of Sugar during the Contract  Year.   Ninety
percent  (90%), of the amount so determined or such larger  or
smaller   percentage  as  the  Board  of  Directors   of   the
Association,  in its sole discretion, may from  time  to  time
determine, shall be the Initial Per Unit Allocation per pound,
Raw  Value,  payable by the Association with  respect  to  all
Sugar  of the Contract Year delivered during such Test Period.
The product of such Initial Per Unit Allocation multiplied  by
the  number  of pounds, Raw Value, of Sugar delivered  by  the
Producer  to the Association during such Test Period shall  be
paid  on the tenth (10th) day of the month following the close
of the Test Period.

    (b)  Supplemental Per Unit Allocations.  Supplemental  Per
Unit Allocations may be paid to the Producer from time to time
with  respect  to  Sugar  of  the  Contract  Year  which   has
theretofore  qualified for an Initial Per Unit  Allocation  in
such  amounts and at such times during each Contract  Year  as
determined in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of
the   Association  provided  that  in  the  judgment  of   the
Association,  such  payments  can  be  made  without  risk  of
overpayment  to  the  Patrons  and  without  prejudicing   the
financial position of the Association.

     (c)   Equal   Per   Unit  Allocations.    Notwithstanding
subsections (a) and (b)above, Initial Per Unit Allocations and
Supplemental Per Unit Allocations shall be paid to the Patrons
in  such manner that the aggregate amount of Initial Per  Unit
Allocations and Supplemental Per Unit Allocations paid to each
Patron, including the Producer, per pound of Sugar, Raw Value,
shall  at  all  times  be as nearly equal as  is  practicable;
provided,  however, that if the Board of Directors  determines
that  payment  to the Producer of aggregate Initial  Per  Unit
Allocations and Supplemental Per Unit Allocations per pound of
Sugar, Raw Value, equal to such allocations per pound paid  to
the  other  Patrons  may create a risk of overpayment  to  the
Producer,  it may direct that Initial Per Unit Allocations  or
Supplemental  Per Unit Allocations otherwise  payable  to  the
Producer  be reduced so as to avoid such overpayment, provided
that  to the extent any such reduction exceeds the overpayment
that could have occurred but for such reductions, the Producer
shall  be  paid  at  the  time of Final  Payment  such  excess
together with interest at a rate equal to the Prime Rate.

    (d)  Final Payment.  Within 60 days following the date  on
which  the Association shall complete the sale of all  of  the
Sugar  of the Contract Year for each Contract Year, the  Final
Payment  for the Sugar of the Contract Year shall be  made  to
the Producer in an amount computed as follows:

            (i)  The  net  sum  of  all quality  premiums  and
discounts  applicable  to  all Sugar  of  the  Contract  Year,
calculated   in  accordance  with  Section  4.02,   shall   be
determined.  If the total of such premiums and discounts is  a
negative  figure, the sum thereof shall be added to the  Total
Payment  for Sugar of the Contract Year as determined pursuant
to  subsection (e) below.  If the total of such  premiums  and
discounts  is  a  positive figure, the sum  thereof  shall  be
subtracted  from the Total Payment for Sugar of  the  Contract
Year.   In  either event, the resulting amount shall  then  be
divided by the number of pounds of Sugar of the Contract  Year
(the "Final Net Price per Pound").

            (ii) Such Final Net Price Per Pound shall then  be
multiplied  by the number of pounds of Sugar of  the  Contract
Year  delivered by the Producer to the Association.  From  the
result thereof there shall then be deducted:
                  (A) The aggregate amount of all Initial  Per
    Unit  Allocations paid by the Association to the  Producer
    with respect to Sugar of the Contract Year; and

                  (B) The aggregate amount of all Supplemental
    Per  Unit  Allocations  paid by  the  Association  to  the
    Producer with respect to Sugar of the Contract Year.

                  (iii)The amount so determined shall, subject
    to  the  adjustments required by subsections (f)  and  (g)
    below,  be  the Final Payment due from the Association  to
    the  Producer  with respect to the Sugar of  the  Contract

    (e)  Total Payment.  The total payment to be made  by  the
Association for all of the Sugar of any Contract Year  to  all
Patrons who delivered Sugar to the Association pursuant  to  a
Standard  Sugar Marketing Contract during such year  shall  be
calculated as follows:

           (i) There shall first be added together:

                  (A)  The  gross  proceeds  received  by  the
   Association  from  the sale of all Sugar  of  the  Contract
   Year.   In determining the gross proceeds from the sale  of
   Sugar  of  the Contract Year the Association shall consider
   that  all  sales  of Sugar are sales of Sugar  of  a  given
   Contract Year until such time as the total amount of  Sugar
   sold  or  otherwise accounted for and not  allocated  to  a
   prior  Contract Year is equivalent to the total  amount  of
   Sugar   of   the  given  Contract  Year.   Sale  of   Sugar
   thereafter shall be considered to be sales of Sugar of  the
   subsequent Contract Year.

                  (B)  All  other receipts of the  Association
   in  the  nature  of income received or accrued  during  the
   Contract  Year,  which,  insofar  as  practicable  by   the
   application   of   proper   accounting   principles,    are
   attributable  to  Sugar  of  the  Contract  Year,  but  not
   including  any proceeds from the sale or other  disposition
   by the Association of molasses.

            (ii)  From  the  sum  of the  items  described  in
subsection  (i) above, there shall be deducted all  marketing,
operating  distribution, transportation and other expenses  of
the  Association of whatever kind or nature, whether  paid  or
accrued, including, without limitation, depreciation, bonuses,
contribution  to  pension,  insurance  and  disability  plans,
charitable  contributions, and all  other  types  of  expenses
which  by the application of proper accounting principles  are
allocable to Sugar of the Contract Year.

     The   remainder  determined  pursuant  to  the  foregoing
calculation shall constitute the Total Payment for  the  Sugar
of the Contract Year.

    (f)  Terminal  Costs.   The Association  shall  determine,
separately  for  each Raw Sugar Terminal, all  costs  incurred
during  each Contract Year for receiving, weighing,  sampling,
sorting,  loading, wharfage, loading laytime,  and  any  other
expenses  relating  to Sugar of the Contract  Year  after  its
delivery  at such terminal and prior to completion of  loading
and  the  commencement of ocean transportation.   The  sum  so
determined shall be dived by the number of pounds of Sugar  of
the  Contract Year delivered at each terminal by all  Patrons.
If the amount per pound so computed for any Raw Sugar Terminal
exceeds the Contract Year's average of such costs for all  Raw
Sugar  Terminals, then the Final Payment for all Sugar of  the
Contract  Year delivered at such terminal shall be reduced  by
the  amount  of such excess, and if the amount  per  pound  so
computed  for any Raw Sugar Terminal is less than the  average
of  such  costs  for all Raw Sugar Terminals, then  the  Final
Payment  for all Sugar of the Contract Year delivered at  such
terminal  shall be similarly increased.  For purposes  of  the
foregoing  computations, Sugar delivered pursuant  to  Section
3.01  to a place other than the Producer's Customary Raw Sugar
Terminal  shall  be  deemed to have  been  delivered  to  such
terminal  and the costs incurred with respect to such terminal
shall include the costs that would have been incurred had such
sugar actually been delivered to the terminal.

    (g)  Quality Premiums and Discounts.  The quality premiums
and discounts applicable to the Producer's Sugar of a Contract
Year,  calculated in accordance with Section  4.02,  shall  be
accumulated until the time for Final Payment for Sugar of  the
Contract Year, at which time the sum thereof, after adjustment
to  reflect the payment of Initial and Supplemental  Per  Unit
Allocations on a Raw Value basis, shall be added to the amount
of  the  Final  Payment to be made by the Association  to  the
Producer,  or  shall be deducted by the Association  from  the
Final  Payment otherwise payable to the Producer, as the  case
may be.


    If  during any Contract Year the Board of Directors of the
Association has determined to withhold a sum from the  members
of  the  Association for the purpose of a capital reserve,  as
permitted  by the Bylaws of the Association, then the  portion
of such sum allocable to the Producer shall be subtracted from
such  payment  or payments due hereunder to the  Producer  for
such   Contract  Year  as  the  Board  of  Directors  of   the
Association  may  determine.  The Association  shall  maintain
records  of  all  sums so withheld by it  from  the  patronage
allocation  of the Producer and shall advise the  Producer  in
writing of the dollar amount of any sum so withheld.


    If  for any reason the aggregate amount of the Initial Per
Unit  Allocations  and the Supplemental Per  Unit  Allocations
paid to the Producer for Sugar of a Contract Year exceeds  the
total  net amount due to such Producer for such Contract  Year
as  computed under Section 5.02, less any sum directed  to  be
withheld  from  such  Producer pursuant to  Section  5.03  for
capital reserves of the Association, then the Association may,
at its option, either (i) invoice such Producer for the amount
of  the  overpayment  so  determined and  the  Producer  shall
promptly,  and in any event with five (5) Business  Days,  pay
the  Association such amount following receipt of such invoice
or  (ii)  deduct such overpayment from any amount  or  amounts
payable  to  the Producer with respect to Sugar  of  the  next
succeeding Contract Year, or both.


    The  Association shall make all payments by check or  wire
transfer; provided, however, that at all times the Association
shall have the option of making any payment due hereunder,  in
whole  or  in part, by means of an unsecured note  due  within
thirty  days, bearing a rate of interest to be mutually agreed
upon between the Association and the Producer.


    The  Producer  may at his own expense employ  a  certified
public  accountant  satisfactory to the Association  to  audit
such  accounts of the Association as may be necessary in order
to  ascertain the correctness of an amounts allocated  by  the
Association   to  the  Producer  under  this  Contract.    The
Association  agrees  to extend necessary  facilities  to  such

                         ARTICLE VI
                        FORCE MAJEURE

    In  the event that an Event of Force Majeure shall prevent
the  Producer  or  the  Association  from  taking  any  action
required  hereunder, then the Producer's or the  Association's
obligations,  as the case may be, shall be suspended  for  the
duration of such event.

   SECTION 6.02    NOTICE.

    If the Producer or the Association shall be prevented from
performing its obligations hereunder in full or in part  as  a
result  of  the occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure,  such
party shall give prompt notice thereof to the other (but in no
event  more  than  ten (10) days after the disabled  party  is
aware  that  its performance will be prevented)  which  notice
shall  specify the nature of such occurrence, the steps  being
taken  and intended to be taken to remove the disability,  and
an  estimate of the date when full performance will be resumed
hereunder.   The  disabled party shall keep  the  other  party
informed of a material developments with respect to such Event
of Force Majeure.

                         ARTICLE VII
                   THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY

    The Producer and the Association acknowledge and agree the
C&H  is  an intended third party beneficiary of this  Contract
and  shall  be entitled to enforce any and all obligations  of
the Producer under this Contract.


   This Contract, including the riders and exhibits hereto, if
any,  may  be  amended,  any right,  obligation  or  condition
hereunder waived, and any departure from any provision  hereof
permitted,  only upon the prior written consent of C&H,  which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

                        ARTICLE VIII
   SECTION 8.01    TERM.

    The  term of the Contract shall commence June 4, 1993  and
shall end on June 3, 2003.


    (a)  General.  Except for any controversy or  disagreement
arising   out   of  or  relating  to  the  interpretation   or
enforcement   of   this  Section  8.02  any   controversy   or
disagreement  arising out of or relating to this  Contract  or
any  breach  hereof  shall  be submitted  by  the  parties  to
arbitration   in   Honolulu,  Hawaii,  under  the   Commercial
Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association  for
commercial  arbitration  and, to the extent  not  inconsistent
therewith or with the terms hereof, the laws of the  State  of
Hawaii.   Such  arbitration  shall  be  undertaken  by   three
disinterested  arbitrators  (the "Arbitrators")  one  of  whom
shall be selected by the Producer, one by the Association, and
one of whom shall be the chairman of the arbitral tribunal and
shall  be  chosen  by agreement between the first  and  second
Arbitrators.   The Producer and the Association  shall  select
such  Arbitrators  within fifteen (15) days  after  the  party
desiring  arbitration has notified the other party in writing.
Such notice demanding arbitration shall state specifically the
question  or  questions to be submitted for  decision  or  the
point  or points in controversy and shall include such party's
selection of an Arbitrator.  If, at the expiration of  fifteen
(15)  days  from  receipt of such notice, the party  receiving
such   notice  has  not  informed  the  party  demanding   the
arbitration of its selection of a second arbitrator, the party
making  the  demand may make such selection.   The  first  and
second  Arbitrators  shall select a  third  Arbitrator  within
fifteen  (15)  days  from the date of the appointment  of  the
second Arbitrator.  If the first and second Arbitrators cannot
agree  as to a third Arbitrator, such third Arbitrator may  be
appointed  upon  ten days' notice upon application  of  either
party  to  the  chief or presiding judge, or judge  acting  as
chief  of presiding judge, of the First Circuit Court  of  the
State  of  Hawaii.  The arbitral tribunal shall set the  date,
time  and  place for each hearing, shall give to each  of  the
parties at least 10 days' advance written notice of the  date,
time  and  place  of  the initial hearing  and  shall  proceed
without  delay to hear and determine the matters  in  dispute.
Each  of  the parties hereto may be represented by counsel  or
other  authorized  representative at any hearing.   The  party
intending  to  be so represented shall notify the  Arbitrators
and   the  other  party  of  the  name  and  address  of   the
representative at least three days prior to the date  set  for
the  hearing.   Such  arbitration shall be conducted  in  such
manner as the Arbitrators shall determine, consistent with the
above  referred  to Commercial Arbitration Rules.   A  written
transcript of the proceedings shall be prepared at the expense
of  the  party requesting such transcript, if any, or if  both
parties  hereto  shall so request, they shall share  the  cost

    (b) Expenses.  Each party shall bear any expenses incurred
by  it  prior  to arbitration, including legal and  accounting
fees, if any, with respect to any disagreement hereunder.   If
the  matter is submitted to arbitration, the Arbitrators shall
designate  the party or parties to bear the expenses  of  such
arbitration and/or the respective amounts to be borne by  each
party.  In making such an allocation of costs, the Arbitrators
shall  be  expressly  instructed by the parties  that,  absent
extraordinary circumstances, the prevailing party  in  such  a
proceeding  shall  be  entitled  to  reimbursement   for   its
reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  other  reasonable  expenses
incurred in connection therewith by the non-prevailing party.

    (c) Remedies.  The Arbitrators shall have the authority to
resolve  any dispute under this Contract that is submitted  to
them, including, without limitation the right to determine (a)
whether any party is in breach of any of its obligations under
this  Contract, (b) whether such breach has resulted in damage
to  another  party to this Contract (c) the  amount  of  money
necessary  to  compensate such damage, and (d)  any  equitable
relief  appropriate under the circumstances.  The  Arbitrators
shall  render  their  written  decision  in  respect  of   the
controversy at issue within 90 days after the date on which  a
notice   demanding   arbitration   is   first   given.     The
determination of the Arbitrators as to any matter submitted to
arbitration  shall be conclusive and binding upon the  parties
hereto.  Each party shall immediately make such changes in the
conduct  of such party's business or such payment of  damages,
as  the  case  may  be, as required by such determination  and
award, if any.

    (d) Enforcement.  Judgment upon any award rendered by  the
Arbitrators  may  be entered in any court having  jurisdiction
over  the  parties and the subject matter.  In the event  that
either  party hereto shall be required to take any  action  to
enforce  any  such judgment, such party shall be  entitled  to
reimbursement  for its reasonable attorneys'  fees  and  other
reasonable  expenses incurred in connection therewith  by  the
non-prevailing party.

    (e)  Discovery.   Discovery in such proceedings  shall  be
limited  to the taking of depositions and document production.
Unless   ordered  by  the  Arbitrators,  the   submission   of
interrogatories  will not be permitted.  The Arbitrator  shall
have the power to enforce the discovery rights and obligations
set  forth  in  this  Section.  The books and  papers  of  the
parties hereto, so far as they relate to matters submitted  to
arbitration,  shall  be  open  to  the  investigation  of  the

    (f)  Chairman.   In  an  arbitration proceeding  conducted
pursuant  to  this  Section,  the  chairman  of  the  arbitral
tribunal shall be a citizen of the United States who shall (i)
be admitted to practice law in one of the states of the United
States,  (ii) shall have had at least 20 years' experience  as
an attorney or a judge and (iii) have expertise in the area of
commercial law.

    (g)  Notice  to C&H.  The party initiating an  arbitration
shall  give C&H a copy of the notice demanding arbitration  at
the same time it serves the other party with such notice.  C&H
shall be entitled to intervene in such arbitration and, to the
extent  its  interest  are affected, to  participate  in  such

    (h)  Cooperation.  The parties hereto agree that they will
cooperate in good faith in such proceedings in order  to  work
toward the prompt resolution of the subject dispute.


    (a)  Interpretation of Agreement.  Any reference  in  this
Contract  to an Article, a Section, an Appendix or an  Exhibit
is  a  reference  to an article hereof, a section  hereof,  an
appendix hereto or an exhibit hereto, respectively, and  to  a
subsection  or  a  clause  is,  unless  otherwise  stated,   a
reference  to  a  subsection or a clause  of  the  Section  or
subsection  in  which  the  reference  appears.    The   words
"hereof",  "herein", "hereto", "hereunder" and the  like  mean
and  refer to this Contract as a whole and not merely  to  the
specific  Article, Section, subsection or clause in which  the
respective word appears.  References to agreements  and  other
contractual  instruments  shall  be  deemed  to  include   all
subsequent  amendments  and other modifications  thereto,  but
only to the extent such amendments and other modifications are
not  prohibited by the terms of this Contract.  References  to
statutes  or regulations are to be construed as including  all
statutory and regulatory provisions consolidating, amending or
replacing the statute or regulation referred to.  The captions
and  headings used in the Contract are for the convenience  of
reference only and shall not affect the construction  of  this

   (b) Execution and Effect of Amendments.  If approved by not
less  than  sixty-seven percent (67%)  of  the  votes  of  the
Patrons who are parties to Standard Sugar Marketing Contracts,
with  such  Patrons  voting as hereinafter described,  and  if
approved  by  the  written consent of C&H, as  provided  under
Section  7.02,  the Board of Directors of the Association  may
adopt amendments so approved to all, and not less than all, of
the   Standard  Sugar  Marketing  Contracts,  including   this
Contract;  provided, however, that if the  Association  enters
into  any  contract or agreement contingent on the continuance
of  any of the terms of the Standard Sugar Marketing Contract,
then, so long as such contract or agreement remains in effect,
the Standard Sugar Marketing Contract shall not be amended  in
any  way that might be in violation of any commitment  of  the
Association in connection with such contract or agreement; and
provided  further that no amendment extending the  period  of,
changing  materially the payment provisions  of,  or  imposing
supply commitments under the Standard Sugar Marketing Contract
shall  be  adopted without the approval of all of the  Patrons
who are parties to the Standard Sugar Marketing Contracts.  In
voting  on  any  proposed  amendment  to  the  Standard  Sugar
Marketing Contract, each Patron shall be entitled to one  vote
for  each  Raw  Value ton of Sugar of the  preceding  two  (2)
Contract  Years  credited to such Patron in the  Association's
final accounting for such Contract Years.  If a Patron was not
a party to the Standard Sugar Marketing Contract for the whole
of  such  period, it shall be entitled to votes equal  to  the
product  of  the  tons of Sugar which were  supplied  by  such
Patron,   during  the  immediately  preceding  twelve   months
multiplied by two (2).  Upon the adoption of any amendment  to
the  Standard Sugar Marketing Contract, in the manner provided
herein, the provisions of such amendment shall, from and after
the specified effective date of such amendment, be treated for
all  purposes  as  provisions of the Standard Sugar  Marketing
Contract, and shall be binding on all parties to the  Standard
Sugar Marketing Contract.

    (c)  Entire Agreement. This Contract, including the riders
and  exhibits hereto, if any, together with the provisions  of
the  C&H  Raw  Sugar  Agreement and the other  agreements  and
documents  expressly referred to herein, embodies  the  entire
agreement  and understanding of the parties hereto in  respect
of  the  transactions contemplated by such agreements.   There
are  no  restrictions, promises, inducements, representations,
warranties,  covenants  or  undertakings,  other  than   those
expressly  set  forth or referred to herein or therein.   This
Contract  supersedes all prior agreements  and  understandings
between the parties with respect to such transactions.

    (d)  Notices.  Any notice, request, instruction  or  other
document to be given hereunder by any party hereto (or C&H) to
the  other party hereto (or to C&H) shall be in writing, shall
be  deemed  to  have  been duly given or  delivered  when  (i)
delivered personally, (ii) telecopied (receipt confirmed, with
a  copy  sent by certified or registered mail), (iii)  telexed
(and the appropriate answer back received, with a copy sent by
certified  or  registered mail), or (iv) sent by certified  or
registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or
by Federal Express or other overnight delivery service, to the
address  of  the  party (or C&H) set forth below  or  to  such
address  as  the  person to whom notice is to be  given  shall
provide in a written notice to the other party (or C&H).

   (i)     To the Association:

           Hawaiian Sugar Transportation Company
           c/o C. Brewer and Company, Limited
           827 Fort Street
           Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

           Telecopier: (808) 544-6182
           Telephone: (808) 536-4461
           Attention: President

           with copies to:

           Hawaiian Sugar Transportation Company
           830 Loring Avenue
           Crockett, CA  94525-1199

           Telecopier: (510) 787-3196
           Telephone: (510) 787-4242
           Attention: Vice President - Operations

   (ii)    To the Producer:  c/o Amfac/JMB Hawaii, Inc.
                             900 N. Michigan Avenue
                             Chicago, IL  60611

           Attention: President

           with copies to:

           Attention: General Counsel

   (iii)   To C&H:

           C&H Sugar Company
           830 Loring Avenue
           Crockett, CA  94525-1199

           Telecopier: (510) 787-2058
           Telephone: (510) 787-4205
           Attention: President


           With copies to:

           C&H Sugar Company
           830 Loring Avenue
           Crockett, CA  94525-1199

           Telecopier: (510) 787-2058
           Telephone: (510) 787-4209
           Attention: General Counsel

    (e)  No  Strict  Constructions.  This  Contract  has  been
prepared jointly by representatives of the parties hereto  and
shall not be strictly construed against either party.

     (f)  Successors  and  Assigns.   All  the  covenants  and
provisions  of  this  Contract by or for the  benefit  of  the
Producer  or  the  Association shall bind  and  inure  to  the
benefit  of their respective successors and assigns; provided,
however,  that no assignment of this Contract or  any  portion
hereof  shall relieve the assigning party of any of its duties
or  obligations  hereunder.  Neither party shall  assign  this
Contract  without the written consent of the other  party  and

    (g)  Severability.   If any term, provision,  covenant  or
restriction  of this covenant is held by a court of  competent
jurisdiction  or other authority of arbitral  tribunal  to  be
invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable under applicable  law,
such  term,  provision,  covenant  or  restriction  shall   be
excluded  from this Contract and the balance of  the  Contract
shall  be interpreted as if such term, provision, covenant  or
restriction  were  so  excluded and shall  be  enforceable  in
accordance  with its terms to the fullest extent permitted  by

   (h) Further Assurances.  Each of the parties shall, without
further  consideration, use reasonable efforts to execute  and
deliver  to the other such additional documents and take  such
other action, as the other may reasonably request to carry out
the  intent  of this Contract and the transaction contemplated

   (i) Governing Law.  This Contract shall be governed by, and
construed  in accordance with, the internal laws of the  State
of  Hawaii (without reference to its conflict of law rules) as
applied to agreements among Hawaii residents entered into  and
to be performed entirely within Hawaii.

    (j)  Counterparts.  This Contract may be executed  in  any
number  of counterparts, each of which when so executed  shall
be  deemed an original, and all of which taken together  shall
constitute but one and the same agreement.

    (k) Approval of Bylaws.  The Producer agrees to be and  is
bound  by  the  Bylaws  of  the  Association,  including   all
amendments  thereto.  In the event of a conflict between  this
Agreement  and  the Bylaws, the terms of this Agreement  shall
prevail with respect to the subject matter hereof.

DATE:  June 4, 1993




           Title:  President


           [HAWAII GROWER]



    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  by  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above









    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above









    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above









    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above








    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above








  IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto  have  caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above









    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above









    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above








    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused  this
Contract  to  be  duly  executed as of the  date  first  above






           GAY & ROBINSON, INC.


                         RIDER 5.02
   WHEREAS, the transfer before the close of the 1993 Contract
Year  from  the  Association's Standard  Sugar  Transportation
Contract   to  the  Association's  Standard  Sugar   Marketing
Contract  of  the  costs  of  ocean  transportation  of  Sugar
delivered  by the Patrons to the Association would  result  in
the  Patrons  bearing different per ton costs  for  the  ocean
transportation of Sugar delivered to the Association depending
upon when during such year the Patrons delivered Sugar to  the

    WHEREAS, the Association and the Patrons desire  that  all
Sugar  delivered  to the Association during the  course  of  a
Contract   Year   bear  the  same  per  on   cost   of   ocean
transportation  without regard to when within such  year  such
Sugar is delivered to the Association; and

    WHEREAS,  the  desired allocation of ocean  transportation
costs  is in accordance with the past practice of the Hawaiian
sugar industry and is fair and equitable to all Patrons of the


   The cost of ocean transportation of the Sugar of the
1993  Contract  Year  shall be borne  by  the  Patrons,
including  the Producer, on a pooled basis pursuant  to
the  existing  Standard Sugar Transportation  Contracts
between  the Association and its Patrons.  All  amounts
payable   under   the  Standard  Sugar   Transportation
Contract between the Producer and the Association  with
respect  to  Sugar of the 1993 Contract Year  shall  be
deducted from amounts payable under this Contract.   If
the  Association  does not require 1993  Contract  Year
Sugar  delivered  by  the Producer  to  be  transported
pursuant   to   such   Standard  Sugar   Transportation
Contract, the Association shall charge to the  Producer
an  amount  equal  to the cost of ocean  transportation
which would otherwise have been borne by the Producer.







           [HAWAII GROWER]

