SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                         (Amendment No. ______________)

Filed by the Registrant    /X/
Filed by a party other than the Registrant   / /

Check the appropriate box:
/ /  Preliminary proxy statement
/ /  Confidential, for use of the Commission only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/X/  Definitive proxy statement
/ /  Definitive additional materials
/ /  Soliciting material pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.     

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing
fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)  Filing party:

(4)  Date filed:




This  document  announces the date, time and location of the annual shareholders
meeting,  identifies  the  proposals to be voted on at the meeting, and contains
your  proxy  statement  and  proxy  card. A proxy card is, in essence, a ballot.
When  you  vote your proxy, it tells us how you wish to vote on important issues
relating  to  your  fund.  If  you  complete  and  sign the proxy, we'll vote it
exactly  as  you  tell  us.  If  you  simply  sign  the  proxy, we'll vote it in
accordance with the Trustees' recommendations on page 2.

We  urge  you  to  spend  a  few  minutes with the proxy statement reviewing the
proposals  at  hand.  Then,  fill  out your proxy card and return it to us. When
shareholders  don't return their proxies in sufficient numbers, we have to incur
the  expense of follow-up solicitations, which can cost your fund money. We want
to  know how you would like to vote and welcome your comments. Please take a few
minutes  with  these  materials  and  return  your  proxy to us. If you have any
questions, call the Fund Information Department at 1-800/DIAL BEN.




The Annual Meeting  ("Meeting") of shareholders of Templeton Global  Governments
Income Trust (the "Trust") will be held at 500 E. Broward Boulevard, 12th Floor,
Ft. Lauderdale,  Florida 33394-3091 on Tuesday,  February 17, 1998 at 10:00 A.M.

During the Meeting, shareholders of the Trust will vote on three proposals:

1. The  election  of  Trustees  of  the  Trust  to  hold  office  for  the terms

2. The  ratification or rejection of the selection of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP as
   independent  auditors  of  the  Trust  for the fiscal year ending August 31,
   1998; and

3. The  transaction  of  any  other  business  as  may  properly come before the

                                        By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                        Barbara J. Green,
January 5, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Many  shareholders  hold  shares  in  more  than  one  Templeton Fund and will
 receive  proxy  material  for each fund owned. Please sign and promptly return
 each  proxy  card  in  the self-addressed envelope regardless of the number of
 shares you own.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                PROXY STATEMENT


   Who is eligible to vote?

   Shareholders  of  record  at  the  close of business on December 19, 1997 are
   entitled  to  be present and to vote at the Meeting or any adjourned Meeting.
   Each  share  of  record  is  entitled to one vote on all matters presented at
   the  Meeting.  The Notice of Meeting, the proxy, and the proxy statement were
   mailed to shareholders of record on or about January 5, 1998.

   On what issues am I being asked to vote?

   You are being asked to vote on three proposals:

    1. The election of four nominees to the position of Trustee;

    2. The  ratification  or  rejection  of the selection of McGladrey & Pullen,
       LLP  as  independent  auditors  of  the Trust for the fiscal year ending
       August 31, 1998; and

    3. The  transaction  of  any  other business that may properly come before
       the Meeting.



   How do the Trust's Trustees recommend that I vote?

   The Trustees unanimously recommend that you vote:

    1. FOR the election of nominees;

    2. FOR  the  ratification  of  the  selection  of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP as
       independent auditors for the Trust; and

    3. FOR  the  proxyholders  to  vote,  in  their  discretion,  on  any  other
       business that may properly come before the Meeting.

   How do I ensure that my vote is accurately recorded?

   You  may  attend  the  Meeting  and  vote  in  person or you may complete and
   return  the  attached  proxy.  Proxies  that  are  properly signed, dated and
   received  prior  to  the meeting will be voted as specified. If you specify a
   vote  for  any  of the proposals 1 through 3, your proxy will be voted as you
   indicated.  If  you  simply sign and date the proxy, but don't specify a vote
   for  any  of the proposals 1 through 3, your shares will be voted in favor of
   the  nominees  for  Trustee (proposal 1), in favor of ratifying the selection
   of  McGladrey  &  Pullen, LLP as independent auditors (proposal 2), and/or in
   accordance  with  the  discretion of the persons named in the proxy as to any
   other matters (proposal 3).

   Can I revoke my proxy?

   You  may  revoke  your proxy at any time before it is voted by (1) delivering
   a  written  revocation  to  the Secretary of the Trust, (2) forwarding to the
   Trust  a  later-dated  proxy that is received by the Trust at or prior to the
   meeting, or (3) attending the Meeting and voting in person.





   How are nominees selected?

   The  Board  of  Trustees  of the Trust (the "Board") established a Nominating
   and  Compensation  Committee (the "Committee") consisting of Andrew H. Hines,
   Jr.,  Edith  E.  Holiday  and Gordon S. Macklin. The Committee is responsible
   for  the  selection, nomination for appointment and election of candidates to
   serve  as  Trustees  of  the  Trust.  The Committee will review shareholders'
   nominations  to  fill  vacancies  on  the  Board, if these nominations are in
   writing  and  addressed to the Committee at the Trust's offices. However, the
   Committee  expects  to  be  able  to identify from its own resources an ample
   number of qualified candidates.

   Who are the nominees and Trustees?

   The Board is divided into three classes,  and each year the term of office of
   one class expires. Harris J. Ashton, Gordon S. Macklin, Andrew H. Hines, Jr.,
   and S. Joseph  Fortunato  have been nominated for  three-year  terms,  set to
   expire at the 2001 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders.  These  terms  continue,
   however, until successors are duly qualified and elected. All of the nominees
   are currently  members of the Board and all of the current  Trustees are also
   directors or trustees of other investment  companies in the Franklin Group of
   Funds(R) and the Templeton  Group of Funds (the "Franklin  Templeton Group of

   Certain  nominees  and  Trustees  of  the  Trust hold director and/or officer
   positions  with  Franklin  Resources,  Inc. ("Resources") and its affiliates.
   Resources  is  a  publicly  owned holding company, the principal shareholders
   of  which  are  Charles  B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr. who own, as of
   December   19,   1997,   approximately  19%  and  15%  respectively,  of  its
   outstanding   shares.   Resources   is  primarily  engaged,  through  various
   subsidiaries,   in   providing  investment  management,  share  distribution,
   transfer  agent  and  administrative  services  to  a  family  of  investment
   companies.  Resources  is  a  New  York  Stock Exchange, Inc. ("NYSE") listed
   holding   company   (NYSE:   BEN).   The   Trust's   investment  manager  and
   administrator  are  indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  of Resources. There
   are  no  family  relationships  among  any  of  the  Trustees or nominees for
   Trustee  other  than  Charles  B. Johnson and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr., who are



   Each  nominee  is  currently available and has consented to serve if elected.
   If  any  of  the nominees should become unavailable, the persons named in the
   proxy  will  vote in their discretion for another person or other persons who
   may be nominated as Trustees.

   Listed  below,  for  each  nominee  and  Trustee,  is  a brief description of
   recent  professional  experience as well as each person's ownership of shares
   of  the  Trust  and  shares  of  all funds in the Franklin Templeton Group of


                                                                                     Owned in the
                                                                 Trust Shares          Templeton
                                                              Beneficially Owned    Group of Funds
                                Principal Occupation            and % of Total      (including the
   Name and Offices               During Past Five              Outstanding on       Trust) as of
    with the Trust                  Years and Age              December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ----------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   Nominees to serve until 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

   HARRIS J. ASHTON     Director of RBC Holdings Inc. (a      500 (**)                  304,319
   Trustee since 1992   bank holding company) and Bar-S
                        Foods (a meat packing company);
                        formerly, chairman of the board,
                        president and chief executive
                        officer of General Host
                        Corporation (nursery and craft
                        centers); and director or trustee of
                        52 of the investment companies in
                        the Franklin Templeton Group of
                        Funds. Age 65.




                                                                                     Owned in the
                                                                 Trust Shares          Templeton
                                                              Beneficially Owned    Group of Funds
                                 Principal Occupation           and % of Total      (including the
    Name and Offices               During Past Five             Outstanding on       Trust) as of
     with the Trust                  Years and Age             December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   GORDON S. MACKLIN      Chairman of White River             2,000 (**)                229,733
   Trustee since 1993     Corporation (financial services);
                          director of Fund American
                          Enterprises Holdings, Inc., MCI
                          Communications Corporation,
                          CCC Information Services Group,
                          Inc. (information services),
                          MedImmune, Inc. (biotechnology),
                          Shoppers Express (home
                          shopping) and Spacehab, Inc.
                          (aerospace services); formerly,
                          chairman of Hambrecht and Quist
                          Group, director of H&Q
                          Healthcare Investors and president
                          of the National Association of
                          Securities Dealers, Inc.; and
                          director or trustee of 51 of the
                          investment companies in the
                          Franklin Templeton Group of
                          Funds. Age 69.

   ANDREW H. HINES, JR.   Consultant for the Triangle          163 (**)                  33,992
   Trustee since 1990     Consulting Group; executive-in-
                          residence of Eckerd College
                          (1991-present); formerly, chairman
                          of the board and chief executive
                          officer of Florida Progress
                          Corporation (1982-1990) and
                          director of various of its
                          subsidiaries; and director or
                          trustee of 24 of the investment
                          companies in the Franklin
                          Templeton Group of Funds.
                          Age 74.




                                                                                       Owned in the
                                                                   Trust Shares          Templeton
                                                                Beneficially Owned    Group of Funds
                                  Principal Occupation            and % of Total      (including the
    Name and Offices                During Past Five              Outstanding on       Trust) as of
     with the Trust                  Years and Age               December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ------------------------ -------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   S. JOSEPH FORTUNATO   Member of the law firm of Pitney,      100 (**)                  389,377
   Trustee since 1992    Hardin, Kipp & Szuch; formerly,
                         director of General Host
                         Corporation (nursery and craft
                         centers); and director or trustee of
                         54 of the investment companies in
                         the Franklin Templeton Group of
                         Funds. Age 65.

   Trustees serving until 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

   BETTY P. KRAHMER      Director or trustee of various civic   100 (**)                   97,228
   Trustee since 1990    associations; formerly, economic
                         analyst, U.S. government; and
                         director or trustee of 23 of the
                         investment companies in the
                         Franklin Templeton Group of
                         Funds. Age 68.




                                                                                  Owned in the
                                                               Trust Shares         Templeton
                                                            Beneficially Owned   Group of Funds
                               Principal Occupation           and % of Total     (including the
   Name and Offices              During Past Five             Outstanding on      Trust) as of
    with the Trust                Years and Age             December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ----------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   NICHOLAS F. BRADY*   Chairman of Templeton Emerging              0                23,314
   Trustee since 1993   Markets Investment Trust PLC;
                        chairman of Templeton Latin
                        America Investment Trust PLC;
                        chairman of Darby Overseas
                        Investments, Ltd. and Darby
                        Emerging Markets Investments
                        LDC (investment firms)
                        (1994-present); chairman and
                        director of Templeton Central and
                        Eastern European Investment
                        Company; director of the
                        Templeton Global Strategy Funds;
                        director of Amerada Hess
                        Corporation, Christiana
                        Companies, and the H.J. Heinz
                        Company; formerly, Secretary of
                        the United States Department of
                        the Treasury (1988-1993) and
                        chairman of the board of Dillon,
                        Read & Co., Inc. (investment
                        banking) prior to 1988; and
                        director or trustee of 23 of the
                        investment companies in the
                        Franklin Templeton Group of
                        Funds. Age 67.




                                                                                                Owned in the
                                                                            Trust Shares          Templeton
                                                                         Beneficially Owned    Group of Funds
                                           Principal Occupation            and % of Total      (including the
         Name and Offices                    During Past Five              Outstanding on       Trust) as of
          with the Trust                       Years and Age              December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   CHARLES B. JOHNSON*             President, chief executive officer           1,000(**)         2,391,567
   Chairman of the Board           and director of Franklin
   since 1995 and Vice President   Resources, Inc.; chairman of the
   since 1992                      board and director of Franklin
                                   Advisers, Inc., Franklin Investment
                                   Advisory Services, Inc., Franklin
                                   Advisory Services, Inc. and
                                   Franklin Templeton Distributors,
                                   Inc.; director of Franklin/
                                   Templeton Investor Services, Inc.
                                   and Franklin Templeton Services,
                                   Inc.; formerly, director of General
                                   Host Corporation (nursery and
                                   craft centers); and officer and/or
                                   director or trustee, as the case may
                                   be, of most of the other
                                   subsidiaries of Franklin Resources,
                                   Inc. and 53 of the investment
                                   companies in the Franklin
                                   Templeton Group of Funds. Age





                                                                                    Owned in the
                                                                 Trust Shares         Templeton
                                                              Beneficially Owned   Group of Funds
                                Principal Occupation            and % of Total     (including the
   Name and Offices               During Past Five              Outstanding on      Trust) as of
    with the Trust                 Years and Age              December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ----------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------
   EDITH E. HOLIDAY     Director (1993-present) of                    0                 1,542
   Trustee since 1996   Amerada Hess Corporation and
                        Hercules Incorporated; director of
                        Beverly Enterprises, Inc.
                        (1995-present) and H.J. Heinz
                        Company (1994-present); formerly,
                        chairman (1995-1997) and trustee
                        (1993-1997) of National Child
                        Research Center; assistant to the
                        President of the United States and
                        Secretary of the Cabinet
                        (1990-1993), general counsel to the
                        United States Treasury
                        Department (1989-1990) and
                        counselor to the Secretary and
                        Assistant Secretary for Public
                        Affairs and Public Liaison--
                        United States Treasury
                        Department (1988-1989); and
                        director or trustee of 16 of the
                        investment companies in the
                        Franklin Templeton Group of
                        Funds. Age 45.




                                                                                    Owned in the
                                                                Trust Shares          Templeton
                                                             Beneficially Owned    Group of Funds
                                Principal Occupation           and % of Total      (including the
   Name and Offices               During Past Five             Outstanding on       Trust) as of
    with the Trust                 Years and Age              December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ----------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------
   Trustees serving until 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

   FRED R. MILLSAPS     Manager of personal investments      0                          248,325
   Trustee since 1990   (1978-present); director of various
                        business and nonprofit
                        organizations; formerly, chairman
                        and chief executive officer of
                        Landmark Banking Corporation
                        (1969-1978), financial vice
                        president of Florida Power and
                        Light (1965-1969), and vice
                        president of the Federal Reserve
                        Bank of Atlanta (1958-1965); and
                        director or trustee of 24 of the
                        investment companies in the
                        Franklin Templeton Group of
                        Funds. Age 68.

   JOHN WM. GALBRAITH   President of Galbraith Properties,   1,000 (**)               1,191,853
   Trustee since 1995   Inc. (personal investment
                        company); director of Gulf West
                        Banks, Inc. (bank holding
                        company) (1995-present); formerly,
                        director of Mercantile Bank
                        (1991-1995), vice chairman of
                        Templeton, Galbraith &
                        Hansberger Ltd. (1986-1992) and
                        chairman of Templeton Funds
                        Management, Inc. (1974-1991); and
                        director or trustee of 22 of the
                        investment companies in the
                        Franklin Templeton Group of
                        Funds. Age 76.




                                                                                             Owned in the
                                                                          Trust Shares         Templeton
                                                                       Beneficially Owned   Group of Funds
                                        Principal Occupation             and % of Total     (including the
       Name and Offices                   During Past Five               Outstanding on      Trust) as of
        with the Trust                      Years and Age              December 19, 1997   November 18, 1997
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------
   RUPERT H. JOHNSON, JR.*      Executive vice president and                   0              16,257,479
   Trustee and Vice President   director of Franklin Resources,
   since 1992                   Inc. and Franklin Templeton
                                Distributors, Inc.; president and
                                director of Franklin Advisers, Inc.;
                                senior vice president and director
                                of Franklin Advisory Services, Inc.
                                and Franklin Investment Advisory
                                Services, Inc.; director of
                                Franklin/Templeton Investor
                                Services, Inc.; and officer and/or
                                director or trustee, as the case may
                                be, of most other subsidiaries of
                                Franklin Resources, Inc. and 57 of
                                the investment companies in the
                                Franklin Templeton Group of
                                Funds. Age 57.
    * Nicholas  F.  Brady,  Charles  B.  Johnson, and Rupert H. Johnson, Jr. are
     "interested  persons" as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the
     "1940  Act"). The 1940 Act limits the percentage of interested persons that
     comprise  a  fund's  board  of  trustees.  Charles B. Johnson and Rupert H.
     Johnson,  Jr.  are  interested  persons  due to their ownership interest in
     Resources.  Mr.  Brady's  status  as  an interested person results from his
     business   affiliations   with  Resources  and  Templeton  Global  Advisors
     Limited.  Mr.  Brady  and  Resources  are  both  limited  partners of Darby
     Overseas  Partners,  L.P.  ("Darby  Overseas"). Mr. Brady established Darby
     Overseas  in  February  1994,  and  is  Chairman  and  shareholder of Darby
     Emerging  Markets  Investments  LDC, which is the corporate general partner
     of  Darby  Overseas.  In  addition,  Darby  Overseas  and  Templeton Global
     Advisors  Limited are limited partners of Darby Emerging Markets Fund, L.P.
     The  remaining  nominees  and  Trustees  of  the  Trust  are not interested
     persons (the "Independent Trustees").

  ** Less than 1%


   How often do the Trustees meet and what are they paid?

   The  Trustees  generally meet quarterly to review the operations of the Trust
   and  other  funds  within  the  Franklin  Templeton Group of Funds. Each fund
   pays  its  Independent Directors and Mr. Brady an annual retainer and/or fees
   for  attendance  at  Board and Committee meetings. This compensation is based
   on the level of assets in each fund. Accordingly, as of



   the  last  scheduled meeting, the Trust paid the Independent Trustees and Mr.
   Brady  an  annual  retainer  of  $1,000  and a fee of $100 per meeting of the
   Board  and  its  portion  of  a  flat  fee of $2,000 for each Audit Committee
   meeting  and/or  Nominating  and  Compensation  Committee  meeting  attended.
   Trustees  are  not  compensated for any Nominating and Compensation Committee
   meeting  that  is  held  in  conjunction  with  a  Board meeting. Independent
   Trustees  are  reimbursed by the Trust for any expenses incurred in attending
   Board and Committee meetings.

   During  the  fiscal  year  ended August 31, 1997, there were four meetings of
   the  Board,  one  meeting  of  the  Audit  Committee,  and one meeting of the
   Nominating  and  Compensation  Committee. Each of the Trustees then in office
   attended  at  least  75%  of  the  total  number  of  meetings  of  the Board
   throughout the year.

   Certain  Trustees  and  Officers  of  the Trust are shareholders of Resources
   and   may  receive  indirect  remuneration  due  to  their  participation  in
   management  fees  and  other  fees received from the Franklin Templeton Group
   of  Funds  by  Templeton  Investment  Counsel,  Inc.,  the Trust's investment
   manager,  and  its  affiliates.  Templeton  Investment  Counsel,  Inc. or its
   affiliates  pays  the  salaries  and  expenses of the Officers. No pension or
   retirement benefits are accrued as part of Trust expenses.

   The  following  table shows the compensation paid to Independent Trustees and
   Mr. Brady by the Trust and by the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds:

                               Aggregate         Number of Boards within the      Total Compensation from
                             Compensation        Franklin Templeton Group of       the Franklin Templeton
     Name of Trustee        from the Trust*     Funds on which Trustee Serves        Group of Funds**
- -------------------------   -----------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------
   Harris J. Ashton              $1,400                      52                           $339,842
   Andrew H. Hines, Jr.           1,408                      24                            144,175
   Edith E. Holiday               1,400                      16                             72,875
   Betty P. Krahmer               1,400                      23                            119,675
   Fred R. Millsaps               1,408                      24                            144,175
   S. Joseph Fortunato            1,400                      54                            356,762
   Gordon S. Macklin              1,400                      51                            332,492
   John Wm. Galbraith             1,408                      22                            117,675
   Nicholas F. Brady              1,400                      23                            119,675

     * For the fiscal year ended August 31, 1997.
    ** For the calendar year ended December 31, 1997.



   Who are the Executive Officers of the Trust?

   Officers  of  the  Trust  are  appointed  by  the  Trustees  and serve at the
   pleasure  of  the Board. Listed below, for each Executive Officer, is a brief
   description of recent professional experience:

          Name and Offices                                  Principal Occupation
             with Trust                                During Past Five Years and Age
- ------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------
   CHARLES B. JOHNSON                  See Proposal 1, "Election of Trustees."
   Chairman of the Board since 1995
   and Vice President since 1992

   GREGORY E. McGOWAN                  Director and executive vice president of Templeton
   President since 1996                Investment Counsel, Inc.; executive vice president-
                                       international development and chief international general
                                       counsel of Templeton Worldwide, Inc., executive vice
                                       president, director and general counsel of Templeton
                                       International, Inc.; executive vice president and secretary of
                                       Templeton Global Advisors Limited; president of other
                                       Templeton Funds; formerly, senior attorney for the U.S.
                                       Securities and Exchange Commission; and an officer of 4 of
                                       the investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group
                                       of Funds. Age 48.

   SAMUEL J. FORESTER, JR.             Vice president of 10 of the investment companies in the
   Vice President since 1996           Franklin Templeton Group of Funds; formerly, president of
                                       the Templeton Global Bond Managers, a division of
                                       Templeton Investment Counsel, Inc.; founder and partner of
                                       Forester, Hairston Investment Management (1989-1990),
                                       managing director (Mid-East Region) of Merrill Lynch,
                                       Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. (1987-1988) and advisor for
                                       Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (1982-1987). Age 49.

   RUPERT H. JOHNSON, JR.              See Proposal 1, "Election of Trustees."
   Vice President since 1992

   HARMON E. BURNS                     Executive vice president, secretary and director of Franklin
   Vice President since 1996           Resources, Inc.; executive vice president and director of
                                       Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc. and Franklin
                                       Templeton Services, Inc.; executive vice president of Franklin
                                       Advisers, Inc.; director of Franklin/Templeton Investor
                                       Services, Inc.; and officer and/or director or trustee, as the
                                       case may be, of most of the other subsidiaries of Franklin
                                       Resources, Inc. and 57 of the investment companies in the
                                       Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. Age 52.




       Name and Offices                                Principal Occupation
          with Trust                              During Past Five Years and Age
- ------------------------------   -----------------------------------------------------------------
   CHARLES E. JOHNSON            Senior vice president and director of Franklin Resources, Inc.;
   Vice President since 1996     senior vice president of Franklin Templeton Distributors,
                                 Inc.; president and director of Templeton Worldwide, Inc.;
                                 president, chief executive officer, chief investment officer and
                                 director of Franklin Institutional Services Corporation;
                                 chairman and director of Templeton Investment Counsel,
                                 Inc.; vice president of Franklin Advisers, Inc.; officer and/or
                                 director of some of the other subsidiaries of Franklin
                                 Resources, Inc.; and officer and/or director or trustee, as the
                                 case may be, of 37 of the investment companies in the
                                 Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. Age 41.

   DEBORAH R. GATZEK             Senior vice president and general counsel of Franklin
   Vice President since 1996     Resources, Inc.; senior vice president of Franklin Templeton
                                 Services, Inc. and Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.; vice
                                 president of Franklin Advisers, Inc. and Franklin Advisory
                                 Services, Inc.; vice president, chief legal officer and chief
                                 operating officer of Franklin Investment Advisory Services,
                                 Inc.; and officer of 57 of the investment companies in the
                                 Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. Age 49.

   MARK G. HOLOWESKO             President and chief investment officer of Templeton Global
   Vice President since 1989     Advisors Limited; executive vice president and director of
                                 Templeton Worldwide, Inc.; formerly, investment
                                 administrator with RoyWest Trust Corporation (Bahamas)
                                 Limited (1984-1985); and officer of 23 of the investment
                                 companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.
                                 Age 37.

   MARTIN L. FLANAGAN            Senior vice president and chief financial officer of Franklin
   Vice President since 1989     Resources, Inc.; director and executive vice president
                                 of Templeton Worldwide, Inc.; director, executive vice
                                 president and chief operating officer of Templeton Investment
                                 Counsel, Inc.; senior vice president and treasurer of Franklin
                                 Advisers, Inc.; treasurer of Franklin Advisory Services, Inc.;
                                 treasurer and chief financial officer of Franklin Investment
                                 Advisory Services, Inc.; president of Franklin Templeton
                                 Services, Inc.; senior vice president of Franklin/Templeton
                                 Investor Services, Inc.; and officer and/or director or trustee,
                                 as the case may be, of 57 of the investment companies in the
                                 Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. Age 37.





       Name and Offices                               Principal Occupation
          with Trust                             During Past Five Years and Age
- ------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------
   NEIL S. DEVLIN                Executive vice president and chief investment officer of
   Vice President since 1993     Templeton Global Bond Managers, a division of Templeton
                                 Investment Counsel, Inc.; formerly, portfolio manager and
                                 bond analyst for Constitution Capital Management
                                 (1985-1987), and a bond trader and research analyst for the
                                 Bank of New England (1982-1985); and officer of 4 of the
                                 investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of
                                 Funds. Age 40.

   JOHN R. KAY                   Vice president and treasurer of Templeton Worldwide, Inc.;
   Vice President since 1994     assistant vice president of Franklin Templeton Distributors,
                                 Inc.; formerly, vice president and controller of the Keystone
                                 Group, Inc.; and officer of 27 of the investment companies in
                                 the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds. Age 57.

   ELIZABETH M. KNOBLOCK         General counsel, secretary and a senior vice president of
   Vice President-Compliance     Templeton Investment Counsel, Inc.; senior vice president of
   since 1996                    Templeton Global Investors, Inc.; formerly, vice president and
                                 associate general counsel of Kidder Peabody & Co. Inc.
                                 (1989-1990), assistant general counsel of Gruntal & Co., Inc.
                                 (1988), vice president and associate general counsel of
                                 Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. (1988), vice president and
                                 assistant general counsel of E.F. Hutton & Co. Inc.
                                 (1986-1988), and special counsel of the Division of Investment
                                 Management of the U.S. Securities and Exchange
                                 Commission (1984-1986); and officer of 23 of the investment
                                 companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.
                                 Age 42.

   BARBARA J. GREEN              Senior vice president of Templeton Worldwide, Inc.; senior
   Secretary since 1996          vice president of Templeton Global Investors, Inc.; formerly,
                                 deputy director of the Division of Investment Management,
                                 executive assistant and senior advisor to the chairman,
                                 counsellor to the chairman, special counsel and attorney
                                 fellow, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (1986-1995),
                                 attorney, Rogers & Wells, and judicial clerk, U.S. District
                                 Court (District of Massachusetts); and secretary of 23 of the
                                 investment companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of
                                 Funds. Age 50.




    Name and Offices                             Principal Occupation
       with Trust                           During Past Five Years and Age
- -------------------------   --------------------------------------------------------------
   JAMES R. BAIO            Certified public accountant; treasurer of Franklin Mutual
   Treasurer since 1994     Advisers, Inc.; senior vice president of Templeton Worldwide,
                            Inc., Templeton Global Investors, Inc. and Templeton Funds
                            Trust Company; formerly, senior tax manager with Ernst &
                            Young (certified public accountants) (1977-1989); and
                            treasurer of 24 of the investment companies in the Franklin
                            Templeton Group of Funds. Age 43.


  How is an independent auditor selected?

  The  Board  has  a  standing Audit Committee consisting of Messrs. Galbraith,
  Hines,  and  Millsaps,  all  of  whom  are  Independent  Trustees.  The Audit
  Committee  reviews  generally  the maintenance of the Trust's records and the
  safekeeping  arrangements  of  the  Trust's custodian, reviews both the audit
  and  non-audit  work  of  the  Trust's  independent  auditors,  and submits a
  recommendation to the Board as to the selection of an independent auditor.

  Which independent auditor did the Board of Trustees select?

  For  the  current  fiscal  year,  the  Board selected as auditors the firm of
  McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP,  555  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York,  New York 10017.
  McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP  has  been  the  auditors  of  the Trust since its
  inception  in  1988,  and  has  examined  and reported on the fiscal year-end
  financial  statements  dated  August 31, 1997, and certain related Securities
  and  Exchange  Commission  filings.  Neither  the firm of McGladrey & Pullen,
  LLP  nor  any  of  its members have any material direct or indirect financial
  interest in the Trust.

  Representatives  of  McGladrey  &  Pullen, LLP are not expected to be present
  at  the  Meeting,  but have been given the opportunity to make a statement if
  they  wish,  and  will  be  available should any matter arise requiring their



   The  Trustees  know  of  no  other  business  to be presented at the Meeting.
   However,  if  any  additional  matters  should be properly presented, proxies
   will  be  voted  as  specified.  Proxies  reflecting no specification will be
   voted in accordance with the judgment of the persons named in the proxy.


   The Trust's last audited financial statements and annual report, dated August
   31,  1997,  are  available  free of  charge.  To obtain a copy,  please  call
   1-800/DIAL BEN or forward a written  request to  Franklin/Templeton  Investor
   Services, Inc., P.O. Box 33030, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-8030.

   As  of  December  19,  1997,  the Trust had 22,842,821 shares outstanding and
   net  assets  of  $180,485,166.  The  Trust's  shares  are  listed on the NYSE
   (symbol:  TGG).  From  time  to  time,  the  number of shares held in "street
   name"  accounts  of  various  securities  dealers  for  the  benefit of their
   clients  may  exceed  5% of the total shares outstanding. To the knowledge of
   the  Fund's  management,  as  of  December  19,  1997,  there  were  no other
   entities  holding  beneficially  or  of  record  more  than  5% of the Fund's
   outstanding shares.

   In  addition,  to the knowledge of the Trust's management, as of December 19,
   1997,  no  nominee  or  Trustee  of  the  Trust  owned  1%  or  more  of  the
   outstanding  shares  of the Trust, and the Officers and Trustees of the Trust
   owned, as a group, less than 1% of the outstanding shares of the Trust.

   Section  16(a)  Beneficial  Ownership  Reporting  Compliance. U.S. securities
   laws   require  that  the  Trust's  shareholders  owning  more  than  10%  of
   outstanding  shares,  Trustees and Officers, as well as affiliated persons of
   its  investment  manager,  report  their  ownership of the Trust's shares and
   any  changes  in  that  ownership.  During  the  fiscal year ended August 31,
   1997,   the  filing  dates  for  these  reports  were  met.  In  making  this
   disclosure,  the  Trust  relied  upon  the  written  representations  of  the
   persons affected and copies of their relevant filings.



   The  Investment  Manager. The  investment  manager  of the Trust is Templeton
   Global  Bond  Managers,  a  division  of  Templeton  Investment Counsel, Inc.
   ("Investment  Counsel"),  a  Florida  corporation  with  offices  at 500 East
   Broward  Boulevard,  Suite 2100, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091. Pursuant
   to  an  investment  management  agreement  dated  October  30, 1992, and last
   amended  and  restated as of December 6, 1994, Investment Counsel manages the
   investment  and  reinvestment  of  Trust  assets.  Investment  Counsel  is an
   indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Resources.

   The  Administrator. The  administrator  of  the  Trust  is Franklin Templeton
   Services,  Inc.  ("FT  Services"), with offices at 777 Mariners Island Blvd.,
   San  Mateo,  California  94403-7777,  an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of
   Resources.  Pursuant  to  an  administration agreement dated October 1, 1996,
   FT  Services  performs  certain  administrative  functions  for the Trust. In
   addition,  pursuant  to  a  sub-administration  agreement  with  Dean  Witter
   InterCapital  Inc.  ("Dean  Witter"),  Dean  Witter  performs,  subject to FT
   Services'  supervision,  various administrative functions for the Trust. Dean
   Witter's  principal  offices are located at Two World Trade Center, New York,
   New York 10048.

   The  Transfer  Agent. The transfer agent, registrar and dividend disbursement
   agent  for  the  Trust  is  Dean  Witter  Trust Company, Harborside Financial
   Center,  Plaza  II,  Jersey  City,  New  Jersey  07311, pursuant to a service
   agreement dated October 2, 1989.

   The  Custodian. The  custodian  for  the Trust is The Chase Manhattan Bank, 1
   Chase  Manhattan  Plaza,  New  York,  New  York  10081, pursuant to a custody
   agreement dated November 22, 1988 and amended July 5, 1996.




   Solicitation of Proxies.  The cost of soliciting proxies,  including the fees
   of a proxy  soliciting  agent,  are borne by the Trust.  The Trust reimburses
   brokerage firms and others for their expenses in forwarding proxy material to
   the beneficial owners and soliciting them to execute proxies.  The Trust does
   not reimburse  Trustees and Officers of the Trust,  and regular  employees of
   the investment manager involved in the solicitation of proxies.

   Voting  by  Broker-Dealers. The  Trust  expects  that,  before  the  Meeting,
   broker-dealer  firms  holding  shares of the Trust in "street name" for their
   customers  and  clients will request voting instructions from their customers
   and clients. If these instructions are not received
   by  the  date  specified  in  the  broker-dealer  firms'  proxy  solicitation
   materials,  the  Trust  understands  that the NYSE permits the broker-dealers
   to vote on behalf of their customers and clients.

   Quorum. A  majority  of  the  shares  entitled  to vote--present in person or
   represented  by  proxy--constitutes  a quorum at the Meeting. The shares over
   which  broker-dealers  have  discretionary  voting  power,  the  shares  that
   represent "broker non-votes" (i.e., shares
   held  by  brokers  or  nominees  as  to  which (i) instructions have not been
   received  from  the  beneficial  owners  or persons entitled to vote and (ii)
   the  broker  or  nominee  does  not  have  discretionary  voting  power  on a
   particular  matter),  and  the  shares whose proxies reflect an abstention on
   any  item  are  all  counted  as  shares  present  and  entitled  to vote for
   purposes of determining whether the required quorum of shares exists.

   Methods  of  Tabulation. Proposal  1,  the election of Trustees, requires the
   affirmative  vote  of  the  holders  of  a  plurality  of  the Trust's shares
   present   and  voting  at  the  Meeting.  Proposal  2,  ratification  of  the
   selection  of  the  independent  auditors, requires the affirmative vote of a
   majority  of  the  Trust's shares present and voting at the Meeting. Proposal
   3,  the  transaction  of  any  other  business,  is  expected  to require the
   affirmative  vote  of  a majority of the Trust's shares present and voting at
   the  Meeting.  Abstentions  and broker non-votes will be treated as votes not
   cast  and,  therefore, will not be counted for purposes of obtaining approval
   of Proposals 1, 2 and 3.



   Simultaneous  Meetings. The  Meeting  is  to  be held at the same time as the
   meetings   of   Shareholders   of  Templeton  Emerging  Markets  Fund,  Inc.,
   Templeton  Global  Income  Fund,  Inc., Templeton China World Fund, Inc., and
   Templeton  Emerging  Markets  Income  Fund,  Inc.  It is anticipated that all
   meetings  will  be  held  simultaneously.  If  any shareholder at the Meeting
   objects   to  the  holding  of  a  simultaneous  meeting  and  moves  for  an
   adjournment  of  the  Meeting  to  a  time  promptly  after  the simultaneous
   meeting,   the   persons  named  as  proxies  will  vote  in  favor  of  such

   Adjournment. If  a  sufficient  number  of  votes  in  favor of the proposals
   contained  in  the  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  and  Proxy  Statement is not
   received  by  the  time  scheduled  for the Meeting, the persons named in the
   proxy  may  propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting to permit further
   solicitation  of  proxies  with  respect  to any such proposals. Any proposed
   adjournment  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of shares present
   at  the  Meeting.  Abstentions  and broker non-votes will not be voted for or
   against  any  adjournment  to permit further solicitation of proxies. Proxies
   will  be  voted  as specified. Those proxies reflecting no specification will
   be  voted  in accordance with the judgment of the persons named in the proxy.

   Shareholder  Proposals. The  Trust  anticipates  that its next annual meeting
   will  be  held  in  February,  1999. Shareholder proposals to be presented at
   the  next  annual  meeting  must  be  received at the Trust's offices, 500 E.
   Broward  Blvd.,  Ft.  Lauderdale, Florida 33394-3091, no later than September
   8, 1998.

                                      By order of the Board of Trustees,

                                      Barbara J. Green,

     January 5, 1998


                                                                      APPENDIX A


                              PLEASE VOTE PROMPTLY

           This Proxy is Solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees

The  undersigned  hereby appoints  BARBARA J. GREEN,  JAMES R. BAIO, and JOHN R.
KAY, and each of them, with full power of  substitution,  as proxies to vote for
and in the name,  place and stead of the  undersigned  at the Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders of Templeton  Global  Governments  Income Trust (the "Trust") to be
held at the Trust's  offices,  500 East Broward Blvd., Ft.  Lauderdale,  Florida
33394-3091,  on  Tuesday,  February  17,  1998 at 10:00  A.M.,  EST,  and at any
adjournment  thereof,  according  to the  number  of  votes  and as  fully as if
personally present.

This Proxy when properly  executed will be voted in the manner (or not voted) as
specified. If no specification is made, the Proxy will be voted FOR all nominees
for Trustee in Proposal 1, and in favor of Proposal 2, and within the discretion
of the Proxyholders as to Proposal 3.

Please date this Proxy and sign  exactly as your name  appears  hereon.  If more
than one owner is  registered  as such,  all must sign.  If signing as attorney,
executor,  trustee  or any  other  representative  capacity,  or as a  corporate
officer, please give full title.

                 (Continued, and to be signed on the other side)

                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Board of Trustees Recommends a vote FOR Proposals 1 through 3.         Proposal 2--Ratification of the      FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN
                                                                           selection of McGladrey & Pullen,     [ ]    [ ]    [ ]
Proposal 1 -- Election of Trustees                                         LLP as independent auditors for the
                                     FOR all nominees       WITHHOLD       Trust for the fiscal year ending
                                     listed (except as      AUTHORITY      August 31, 1998.
Nominees:                            marked to the right) to vote for all
Harris J. Ashton, Gordon S. Macklin,                      nominees listed
Andrew H. Hines, Jr., and                 [  ]                [  ]

S. Joseph Fortunato.

To withhold authority to vote for any                                      Proposal 3--In their discretion, the FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN
individual nominee, write that nominee's                                   Proxyholders are authorized to vote  [ ]    [ ]    [ ]  
name on the line below.                                                    upon such other matters which may
                                                                           legally come before the Meeting or
________________________________________                                   any adjournments thereof.
                                                                                                                I PLAN TO ATTEND
                                                                                                                THE MEETING   [ ]
                                                                                                                Date: _____________

                                                               Please make sure to sign and date this Proxy using black or blue ink.


                                                                                Shareholder sign in the box above.


                                                                             Co-Owner (if any) sign in the box avove
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    PLEASE DETACH AT PERFORATION


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                      PLEASE SEND IN YOUR PROXY ... TODAY!


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------