In re
                                           Chapter 11
KASH N' KARRY FOOD STORES, INC.,           Case No. 94-1082
                                           Hon. Helen S. Balick


                  KASH N' KARRY FOOD STORES, INC.

                         December 12, 1994

Kramer, Levin, Naftalis,           Young, Conaway, Stargatt
  Nessen, Kamin & Frankel            & Taylor
Counsel to the Debtor              Counsel to the Debtor
and Debtor-in-Possession           and Debtor-in-Possession
919 Third Avenue                   11th Floor -- Rodney Square
New York, New York  10022          P.O. Box 391
                                   Wilmington, Delaware  19899

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article I      Definitions................................... A-3
Article II.    Administrative Expense Claims and Priority
               Tax Claims....................................A-11
Article III.   Classification................................A-12
Article IV.    Treatment of Unimpaired Classes...............A-13
Article V.     Treatment of Impaired Classes.................A-14
Article VI.    No Bar Date; Disputed Claims; Objections
               to Claims.....................................A-16
Article VII.   Implementation of the Plan....................A-17
Article VIII.  Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases......A-23
Article IX.    Conditions Precedent..........................A-24
Article X.     Modification, Revocation or Withdrawal of
               the Plan......................................A-25
Article XI.    Retention of Jurisdiction.....................A-26
Article XII.   Miscellaneous Provisions......................A-27


A    New Bank Credit Agreement Term Sheet
B    Form of New Management Services Agreement
C    Form of New Senior Fixed Rate Note Indenture
D    Form of New Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture
E    Form of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
F    Form of Securities Purchase Agreement


     Kash n' Karry Food Stores, Inc., as debtor and debtor-in-
possession, proposes this first amended plan of reorganization 
pursuant to section 1121 (a) of title 11 of the United States 

                            ARTICLE I.


     Rules of Interpretation.  As used herein, the following 
terms have the respective meanings specified below, and such 
meanings shall be equally applicable to both the singular and 
plural, and masculine and feminine, forms of the terms defined.  
The words "herein," "hereof," "hereto," "hereunder" and others of 
similar import, refer to the Plan as a whole and not to any 
particular section, subsection or clause contained in the Plan.  
Captions and headings to articles, sections and exhibits are 
inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended 
to be part of or to affect the interpretation of the Plan.  The 
rules of construction set forth in section 102 of the Bankruptcy 
Code shall apply.  In computing any period of time prescribed or 
allowed by the Plan, the provisions of Bankruptcy Rule 9006(a) 
shall apply.  Any capitalized term used herein that is not 
defined herein but is defined in the Bankruptcy Code shall have 
the meaning ascribed to such term in the Bankruptcy Code.  In 
addition to such other terms as are defined in other sections of 
the Plan, the following terms (which appear in the Plan as 
capitalized terms) have the following meanings as used in the 

     1.01.  Administrative Expense Claim means any Claim 
(including, without limitation, any Claim arising under the DIP 
Facility or the Cash Collateral Order) entitled to the priority 
afforded by sections 503(b) and 507(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code.

     1.02.  Allowed means, with respect to any Claim, a Claim as 
to which no objection to the allowance thereof, or motion to 
estimate for purposes of allowance, shall have been Filed on or 
before any applicable period of limitation that may be fixed by 
the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules and/or the Bankruptcy 
Court, or as to which any objection, or any motion to estimate 
for purposes of allowance, shall have been so Filed, to the 
extent allowed by a Final Order; provided that all Class 6 Claims 
(excluding any Claims arising pursuant to Article VIII of the 
Plan) shall be treated for all purposes as if the Chapter 11 Case 
was not filed, and the determination of whether any such Claim 
shall be allowed and/or the amount thereof (which shall not be 
listed on the Schedules, and as to which no proof of Claim need 
be Filed) shall be determined, resolved or adjudicated, as the 
case may be, in the manner in which such Claim would have been 
determined, resolved or adjudicated if the Chapter 11 Case had 
not been commenced.

     1.03.  Ballot Agent means Shawmut Bank Connecticut, N.A.

     1.04.  Ballot Record Date means August 29, 1994.

     1.05.  Ballot Return Date means 5:00 p.m., New York City 
time, on November 8, 1994, unless and to the extent such date is 
extended by the Debtor in accordance with the provisions of the 
Disclosure Statement.

     1.06.  Ballots means the ballots and/or master ballots 
distributed to the holders of Old Senior Floating Rate Notes, Old 
Senior Fixed Rate Notes, Old Subordinated Debentures and Banks' 
Secured Claims for the purposes of voting on the Plan and, with 
respect to the holders of Old Senior Floating Rate Notes and Old 
Senior Fixed Rate Notes, making the election contemplated by 
Section 5.02 hereof.

     1.07.  Bankruptcy Code means the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 
1978, as amended from time to time, set forth in sections 101 et 
seq. of title 11 of the United States Code.

     1.08.  Bankruptcy Court means the United States Bankruptcy 
Court for the District of Delaware, or such other court that 
exercises jurisdiction over the Chapter 11 Case or any proceeding 
therein, including the United States District Court for the 
District of Delaware to the extent that the reference of the 
Chapter 11 Case or any proceeding therein is withdrawn.

     1.09.  Bankruptcy Rules means, collectively, the Federal 
Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, as amended and promulgated under 
section 2075, title 28 of the United States Code, and the local 
rules and standing orders of the Bankruptcy Court.

     1.10.  Banks means Bank of America National Trust and 
Savings Association, as agent and lender, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 
Barnett Bank of Tampa and NationsBank of Florida, N.A., as 
lenders pursuant to the Credit Agreement, and their successors 
and assigns thereunder.

     1.11.  Banks' Secured Claims means the Secured Claims of the 
Banks which, for purposes of the Plan, shall be deemed to be 
Allowed in an amount equal to the excess of (a) the sum of 
(i) all of the Obligations (as such term is defined in the Credit 
Agreement) as of the Petition Date (including, without 
limitation, the amounts described in the Cash Collateral Order), 
(ii) an amount equal to 100% of the interest that accrued 
pursuant to the Credit Agreement at the contract rate from and 
including the Petition Date through and including the Effective 
Date, (iii) all amounts owed to the Banks pursuant to the Cash 
Collateral Order, (iv) all payments required under Eligible 
Interest Rate Contracts and all Letter of Credit Obligations (as 
such terms are defined in the Credit Agreement) from and 
including the Petition Date through and including the Effective 
Date and (v) to the extent provided by the Loan Documents (as 

such term is defined in the Credit Agreement), an amount equal to 
100% of any and all costs and expenses, including, without 
limitation, attorneys' fees which remain unpaid as of the 
Effective Date over (b) the sum of all payments made in cash by 
the Debtor to the Banks pursuant to sections 361, 363 and/or 364 
of the Bankruptcy Code prior to the Effective Date on account of 
the obligations described in subparagraph (a) herein.

     1.12. Bondholder Committee means an unofficial committee of 
holders of the Old Notes, collectively holding 33%, 42% and 59% 
in aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Old Senior 
Floating Rate Notes, the Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes and the Old 
Subordinated Debentures, respectively, which participated in the 
negotiation of the proposed terms of the Plan and certain of the 
transactions contemplated thereby, and whose members are Alliance 
Capital Management L.P., American Capital Asset Management Inc., 
IDS Financial Corporation, PaineWebber Incorporated, The 
Prudential Insurance Company of America and Sun America Asset 
Management Corp.

     1.13.  Business Day means a day other than a Saturday, 
Sunday or other day on which banks in New York, New York are 
authorized or required by law to be closed.

     1.14.  Cash Collateral Order means any and all consensual 
order(s) of the Bankruptcy Court authorizing the Debtor to use, 
subject to the terms and provisions thereof, the Banks' cash 
collateral (as such term is defined in section 363(a) of the 
Bankruptcy Code) and non-cash collateral.

     1.15.  Chapter 11 Case means the case under chapter 11 of 
the Bankruptcy Code with respect to the Debtor, pending or to be 
pending in the District of Delaware, administered as In re Kash 
n' Karry Food Stores, Inc., Chapter 11 Case No.      .

     1.16.  Claim means (a) any right to payment from the Debtor 
arising before the Confirmation Date, whether or not such right 
is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, 
contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, 
equitable, secured or unsecured or (b) any right to an equitable 
remedy against the Debtor arising before the Confirmation Date 
for breach of performance if such breach gives rise to a right of 
payment from the Debtor, whether or not such right to an 
equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, fixed, contingent, 
matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured or unsecured.

     1.17.  Class means one of the classes of Claims or Interests 
defined in Article III hereof.

     1.18.  Confirmation Date means the date on which the 
Confirmation Order is entered on the docket by the Clerk of the 
Bankruptcy Court.

     1.19.  Confirmation Order means the order of the Bankruptcy 
Court confirming the Plan in accordance with the provisions of 
chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

     1.20.  Credit Agreement means the Credit Agreement, dated as 
of October 12, 1988, as amended, modified, restated or supple-
mented from time to time, between the Debtor and the Banks.

     1.21.  Creditors' Committee means the official committee of 
unsecured creditors appointed in the Chapter 11 Case by the 
United States Trustee pursuant to section 1102 of the Bankruptcy 
Code, as constituted by the addition or removal of members from 
time to time.

     1.22.  Debtor means Kash n' Karry Food Stores, Inc., as 
debtor and debtor-in-possession in the Chapter 11 Case.

     1.23.  Deferred Compensation Claim means any Claim which may 
be asserted by any former employee of the Debtor under any 
employment agreement, severance agreement or deferred 
compensation agreement pursuant to which the Debtor is a party 
and which arises, or is alleged to have arisen, upon the 
occurrence of (a) the termination of such employee's employment 
with the Debtor and (b) a "Change in Control" (as such phrase is 
defined under such agreement).

     1.24.  DIP Facility means the obligations of the Debtor 
under any debtor-in-possession financing incurred by the Debtor 
pursuant to section 364 of the Bankruptcy Code (other than 
pursuant to the Cash Collateral Order), together with the 
documents, agreements and order(s) of the Bankruptcy Court 
authorizing and governing such obligations.

     1.25.  Disclosure Statement means the Debtor's Disclosure 
Statement, dated September 2, 1994, as amended, modified, 
restated and supplemented by the Supplement and as further 
amended, modified, restated or supplemented from time to time, 
pertaining to the Plan.

     1.26.  Distribution Record Date means the date on which the 
Confirmation Order is signed.

     1.27.  Effective Date means the Business Day on which all of 
the conditions specified in Section 9.01 hereof are first 
satisfied and/or waived in accordance with Article IX of the 

     1.28.  Employee Claim means a Claim based on salaries, 
wages, sales commissions, expense reimbursements, accrued 
vacation pay, health-related benefits, incentive programs, 
employee compensation guarantees severance or similar employee 

     1.29.  Filed means filed with the Bankruptcy Court in the 
Chapter 11 Case.

     1.30.  Final Order means an order or judgment entered on the 
docket by the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court or any other court 
exercising jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties 
(a) that has not been reversed, stayed, modified or amended, 
(b) as to which no appeal, certiorari proceeding, reargument or 
other review or rehearing has been requested or is still pending 
and (c) as to which the time for filing a notice of or petition 
for certiorari, or request for reargument or further review or 
rehearing shall have expired.

     1.31.  Financing Lease means any lease pursuant to which the 
Debtor is the lessee that is intended to grant a security 
interest in the leased property to the lessor under such lease.

     1.32.  Fulcrum Partnerships means The Fulcrum III Limited 
Partnership and The Second Fulcrum III Limited Partnership.

     1.33.  GEI means Green Equity Investors, L.P., a Delaware 
limited partnership of which LGP is general partner.

     1.34.  GGvA means Gibbons, Goodwin, van Amerongen, f/k/a 
Gibbons, Green, van Amerongen.

     1.35.  Interest means the rights of the owners of the issued 
and outstanding shares of the Old Series B Preferred Stock, the 
Old Series C Preferred Stock, the Old Common Stock and the Old 
Options, respectively.

     1.36.  Lease Secured Claim means any Claim of a lessor under 
a Financing Lease.

     1.37.  LGP means Leonard Green & Partners, L.P., a Delaware 
limited partnership.

     1.38.  New Bank Credit Agreement means an agreement, to be 
dated as of the Effective Date, among the Reorganized Debtor, the 
Banks, The CIT Group/Business Credit, Inc. and any other lender 
that from time to time becomes a party to such agreement, 
pursuant to which the Reorganized Debtor shall have, among other 
things, credit availability from and after the Effective Date, on 
substantially the terms set forth in Exhibit A to the Plan, 
together with such other terms and conditions as are acceptable 
to the parties to such agreement.

     1.39.  New Common Stock means the common stock, $0.01 par 
value per share, of the Reorganized Debtor, authorized for 
issuance pursuant to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

     1.40.  New Indentures means the New Senior Fixed Rate Note 
Indenture and the New Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture.

     1.41.  New Management Services Agreement means an agreement 
pursuant to which LGP shall provide the Reorganized Debtor with 
management, consulting, financial planning and financial advisory 
services in return for an annual fee of $200,000, the term of 

which shall commence on the Effective Date and terminate on the 
second anniversary date thereof, substantially in the form of 
Exhibit B to the Plan.

     1.42.  New Notes means the New Senior Fixed Rate Notes and 
the New Senior Floating Rate Notes.

     1.43.  New Preferred Stock means the preferred stock $.01 
par value per share of the Reorganized Debtor, authorized for 
issuance pursuant to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

     1.44.  New Senior Fixed Rate Notes means the 11 1/2% Senior 
Fixed Rate Notes due February 1, 2003, issuable pursuant to the 
New Senior Fixed Rate Note Indenture and described in the 
Disclosure Statement.

     1.45.  New Senior Fixed Rate Note Indenture means the New 
Senior Fixed Rate Note Indenture, dated as of the Effective Date, 
to be entered into by the Reorganized Debtor with respect to the 
New Senior Fixed Rate Notes, substantially in the form of Exhibit 
C to the Plan.

     1.46.  New Senior Floating Rate Notes means the Senior 
Floating Rate Notes due February 1, 2003, bearing interest at 
LIBOR plus 2%, issuable pursuant to the New Senior Floating Rate 
Note Indenture and described in the Disclosure Statement.

     1.47.  New Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture means the New 
Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture, dated as of the Effective 
Date, to be entered into by the Reorganized Debtor with respect 
to the New Senior Floating Rate Notes, substantially in the form 
of Exhibit D to the Plan.

     1.48.  Old Common Stock means the common stock, $.01 par 
value per share, of the Debtor.

     1.49.  Old Equity Interests means the Old Series B Preferred 
Stock, the Old Series C Preferred Stock, the Old Common Stock and 
the Old Options.

     1.50.  Old Indentures means the Old Senior Fixed Rate Note 
Indenture, the Old Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture and the 
Old Subordinated Debenture Indenture.

     1.51.  Old Management Services Agreements means certain oral 
agreements between the Debtor and GGvA and the Debtor and LGP, 
pursuant to which the Debtor agreed to pay GGvA and LGP, 
respectively, certain annual fees and related expenses in return 
for the provision of management, consulting, financial planning 
and financial advisory services.

     1.52.  Old Notes means the Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes, the 
Old Senior Floating Rate Notes and the Old Subordinated 

     1.53.  Old Options means all outstanding rights, as of the 
Petition Date, to acquire Old Common Stock, including, without 
limitation, (a) all options issued pursuant to the Old Stock 
Option Plans, (b) all warrants issued pursuant to the Old Warrant 
Agreements and (c) all rights to receive or acquire such options 
or warrants.

     1.54.  Old Senior Fixed Rate Note Claim means a Claim of a 
holder of Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes which, for purposes of the 
Plan, shall be deemed to be an amount equal to the sum of (a) the 
face amount of Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes held by such holder 
and (b) an amount equal to 100% of the interest that accrued at 
the contract rate on such Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes from and 
including February 2, 1994, through but not including the 
Petition Date.

     1.55.  Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes means the Debtor's 12*% 
Senior Notes due February 1, 1999, as amended, modified, restated 
or supplemented from time to time.

     1.56.  Old Senior Fixed Rate Note Indenture means the 
Indenture, dated as of January 29, 1992, as amended, modified, 
restated or supplemented from time to time, between the Debtor 
and Ameritrust Texas, N.A., as indenture trustee, relating to the 
Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes.

     1.57.  Old Senior Floating Rate Note Claim means a Claim of 
a holder of Old Senior Floating Rate Notes which, for purposes of 
the Plan, shall be deemed to be an amount equal to the sum of 
(a) the face amount of Old Senior Floating Rate Notes held by 
such holder and (b) an amount equal to 100% of the interest that 
accrued at the contract rate on such Old Senior Floating Rate 
Notes from and including February 3, 1994, through but not 
including the Petition Date.

     1.58.  Old Senior Floating Rate Notes means the Debtor's 
Senior Floating Rate Notes due August 2, 1996, as amended, 
modified, restated or supplemented from time to time.

     1.59.  Old Senior Floating Rate Note Indenture means the 
Indenture, dated as of September 14, 1989, as amended, modified, 
restated or supplemented from time to time, between the Debtor 
and NationsBank of Florida, N.A., as indenture trustee, relating 
to the Old Senior Floating Rate Notes.

     1.60.  Old Series B Preferred Stock means the Series B 
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Debtor.

     1.61.  Old Series C Preferred Stock means the Series C 
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Debtor.
     1.62.  Old Stock Option Plans means (a) the Debtor's 
Restated 1988 Management Stock Option Plan, as amended, modified, 
restated or supplemented from time to time and (b) the Debtor's 
1991 Management Stock Option Plan, as amended, modified, restated 
or supplemented from time to time.

     1.63.  Old Stockholders' Agreement means the Stockholders' 
Agreement, dated as of November 26, 1991, as amended, modified, 
restated or supplemented from time to time, among the Debtor, GEI 
and the Fulcrum Partnerships.

     1.64.  Old Subordinated Debentures means the Debtor's 14% 
Subordinated Debentures due February 1, 2001, as amended, 
modified, restated or supplemented from time to time.

     1.65.  Old Subordinated Debenture Indenture means the 
Indenture, dated as of February 8, 1989, as amended, modified, 
restated or supplemented from time to time, between the Debtor 
and The Bank of New York, as successor indenture trustee, 
relating to the Old Subordinated Debentures.

     1.66.  Old Warrant Agreements means the Note and Warrant 
Purchase Agreement, dated as of February 1, 1994, between the 
Debtor and GEI, as amended, modified, restated or supplemented 
from time to time and the Agreement, dated as of October 12, 
1988, between the Debtor and Lucky Stores, Inc., as amended, 
modified, restated or supplemented from time to time.

     1.67.  Other Priority Claim means any Claim for an amount 
entitled to priority in right of payment under section 507(a) 
(3), (4), (5) or (6) of the Bankruptcy Code.

     1.68.  Petition Date means November 9, 1994, the date on 
which the petition of relief commencing the Chapter 11 Case was 

     1.69.  Plan means this first amended plan of reorganization, 
as amended, modified, restated or supplemented from time to time.

     1.70.  Post-Restructuring Board means the Board of Directors 
of the Reorganized Debtor as of the Effective Date, as provided 
in Section 7.12 hereof.

     1.71.  Priority Tax Claim means a Claim, other than an 
Administrative Expense Claim, of a governmental unit of the kind 
entitled to priority under section 507(a)(7) of the Bankruptcy 

     1.72.  Reorganized Debtor means the Debtor from and after 
the Effective Date.

     1.73.  Restated Certificate of Incorporation means the 
restated certificate of incorporation of the Debtor, 
substantially in the form of Exhibit E to the Plan, which shall, 
among other things, (a) authorize the issuance of 5.5 million 
shares of New Common Stock and 1.0 million shares of New 
Preferred Stock, (b) provide for the cancellation of the Old 
Equity Interests and (c) prohibit the issuance of non-voting 
equity securities to the extent required by section 1123(a)(6) of 
the Bankruptcy Code.

     1.74.  Schedules means the schedules of assets and 
liabilities and the statement of financial affairs Filed by the 
Debtor pursuant to section 521 of the Bankruptcy Code, as 
amended, modified, restated or supplemented from time to time.

     1.75.  Secured Claim means any Claim against the Debtor held 
by any Entity, including, without limitation, an Affiliate or 
judgment creditor of the Debtor, to the extent such Claim 
constitutes a secured Claim under sections 506(a) or 1111(b) of 
the Bankruptcy Code.

     1.76.  Securities Purchase Agreement means an agreement 
between the Debtor and GEI, substantially in the form of 
Exhibit F to the Plan, pursuant to which the Reorganized Debtor 
will raise an aggregate of $10.0 million of new capital through 
the issuance to GEI of 465,000 shares of New Common Stock, which 
shall constitute 15% of the New Common Stock outstanding on the 
Effective Date.

     1.77.  Shelf Registration Statement means a "shelf" 
registration statement filed by the Reorganized Debtor on any 
appropriate form pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as 
amended, and/or any similar rule that may be adopted by the 
Securities and Exchange Commission, in accordance with Section 
12.02 hereof.

     1.78.  Supplement means the Debtor's supplement to the 
Disclosure Statement, dated October 28, 1994, as amended, 
modified, restated or supplemented from time to time, pertaining 
to the Plan.

     1.79.  Trade Claim means any Claim of any Entity against the 
Debtor for goods provided and/or services rendered in the 
ordinary course by such Entity to the Debtor.

                            ARTICLE II.


     2.01.  Administrative Expense Claims and Priority Tax 
Claims.  Each holder of an Allowed Administrative Expense Claim 
and each holder of an Allowed Priority Tax Claim shall be paid in 
full in cash on the later of (a) the Effective Date and (b) the 
date on which such Claim becomes Allowed, unless such holder 
shall agree to a different treatment of such Claim (including, 
without limitation, any different treatment that may be provided 
for in any documentation, statute or regulation governing such 
Claim); provided, however, that Trade Claims and Employee Claims 
shall be paid by the Debtor or assumed and paid by the 
Reorganized Debtor in the ordinary course of business and in 
accordance with any terms and conditions of the particular 
transaction, and any agreements relating thereto.

                           ARTICLE III.


     For purposes of the Plan, Claims and Interests are 
classified as provided below.  A Claim or Interest is classified 
in a particular Class only to the extent that such Claim or 
Interest qualifies within the description of such Class and is 
classified in a different Class to the extent that such Claim or 
Interest qualifies within the description of such different 

     3.01.  Class 1: Other Priority Claims.  Class 1 consists of 
all Other Priority Claims.

     3.02.  Class 2: Miscellaneous Secured Claims.  Class 2 
consists of all Lease Secured Claims and all Secured Claims, 
other than the Banks' Secured Claims.

     3.03.  Class 3: Banks' Secured Claims.  Class 3 consists of 
the Banks' Secured Claims.

     3.04.  Class 4: Old Senior Floating Rate Note Claims and Old 
Senior Fixed Rate Note Claims.  Class 4 consists of all Old 
Senior Floating Rate Note Claims and all Old Senior Fixed Rate 
Note Claims.

     3.05.  Class 5: Old Subordinated Debenture Claims.  Class 5 
consists of all Claims of the holders of Old Subordinated 

     3.06.  Class 6: General Unsecured Claims.  Class 6 consists 
of all Claims (including, without limitation, Employee Claims and 
Trade Claims), other than Claims that are otherwise classified 
hereby, Administrative Expense Claims or Priority Tax Claims.

     3.07.  Class 6A: Deferred Compensation Claims.  Class 6A 
consists of all Deferred Compensation Claims.

     3.08.  Class 7: Old Series B Preferred Stock.  Class 7 
consists of all Interests of the holders of Old Series B 
Preferred Stock, and all Claims arising from recision of a 
purchase or sale of such stock, or for damages arising from such 
a purchase or sale.

     3.09.  Class 8: Old Series C Preferred Stock.  Class 8 
consists of all Interests of the holders of the Old Series C 
Preferred Stock, and all Claims arising from recision of a 
purchase or sale of such stock, or for damages arising from such 
a purchase or sale.

     3.10.  Class 9: Old Common Stock.  Class 9 consists of all 
Interests of the holders of Common Stock, and all Claims arising 
from recision of a purchase or sale of such stock, or for damages 
arising from such a purchase or sale.

     3.11.  Class 10: Old Options.  Class 10 consists of all 
Interests of the holders of the Old Options, and all Claims 
arising from recision of a purchase or sale of the Old Options, 
or for damages arising from such a purchase or sale.

                            ARTICLE IV.


     4.01.  Class 1 (Other Priority Claims).  Each holder of an 
Allowed Class 1 Claim shall be paid in full in cash the amount of 
its Allowed Class 1 Claim on the later of (a) the Effective Date 
and (b) the date on which such Claim becomes Allowed, unless such 
holder shall agree to a different treatment of such Claim 
(including, without limitation, any different treatment that may 
be provided for in any documentation governing such Claim).

     4.02.  Class 2 (Miscellaneous Secured Claims).  With respect 
to each Allowed Class 2 Claim, unless the holder thereof shall 
agree to a different treatment of such Claim, such holder shall 
receive one of the following alternative treatments, at the 
election of the Debtor made on or prior to the Effective Date:

          (a)  The legal, equitable and contractual rights to 
     which such Claim entitles the holder thereof shall be 
     unaltered by the Plan.

          (b)  Such Claim shall receive the treatment described 
     in section 1124(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.

          (c)  All collateral securing such Claim shall be 
     transferred and surrendered to such holder, without 
     representation or warranty by or recourse against the 

     With respect to any Claim which receives the treatment 
described in clause "a" or "b" above, the Debtor's failure to 
object to such Claim in the Chapter 11 Case shall be without 
prejudice to the Debtor's right to contest or otherwise defend 
against such Claim in an applicable nonbankruptcy forum when and 
if such Claim is sought to be enforced by the holder thereof 
after the Effective Date.

     4.03.  Class 6 (General Unsecured Claims).  With respect to 
each Allowed Class 6 Claim, unless the holder thereof shall agree 
to a different treatment, such holder shall receive one of the 
following alternative treatments, at the election of the Debtor 
made on or prior to the Effective Date:

          (a)  The legal, equitable and contractual rights to 
     which such Claim entitles the holder thereof shall be 
     unaltered by the Plan.

          (b)  Such Claim shall receive the treatment described 
     in section 1124(2) of the Bankruptcy Code.

     With respect to any Claim which receives the treatment 
described in clause "a" or "b" above, the Debtor's failure to 
object to such Claim in the Chapter 11 Case shall be without 
prejudice to the Debtor's right to contest or otherwise defend 
against such Claim in an applicable nonbankruptcy forum when and 
if such Claim is sought to be enforced by the holder thereof 
after the Effective Date.

     4.04.  Class 6A (Deferred Compensation Claims).  With 
respect to each Allowed Deferred Compensation Claim, subject to 
the application of section 502(b)(7) of the Bankruptcy Code, the 
legal, equitable and contractual rights to which such Claim 
entitles the holder thereof shall be unaltered by the Plan.

     4.05.  Unimpaired Classes.  By virtue of the foregoing 
provisions of this Article IV, the Claims in Classes 1, 2, 6 and 
6A are not impaired by the Plan.  Pursuant to section 1126(f) of 
the Bankruptcy Code, such Classes and each holder of a Claim in 
such Classes are conclusively presumed to have accepted the Plan, 
and solicitation of acceptances of holders in such Classes is not 

                            ARTICLE V.


     5.01.  Class 3 (Banks' Secured Claims).  On the Effective 
Date, in exchange for their Claims, the holders of the Banks' 
Secured Claims shall receive each of the following (and each of 
the following events shall occur):

          (a)  All Eligible Interest Rate Contracts (as such term 
     is defined in the Credit Agreement) not previously assumed 

          by the Debtor shall be assumed by the Reorganized Debtor as 
     of the Effective Date, with payments to be made thereunder 
     in accordance with the terms thereof;

          (b)  All Letters of Credit (as such term is defined in 
     the Credit Agreement) shall be either (i) terminated by 
     surrender of the applicable letter of credit to the Bank 
     which is the issuer thereof (without any drawing having 
     occurred thereunder for which such issuer has not received 
     reimbursement in full in cash) or (ii) provided for in a 
     manner acceptable to the Banks;
          (c)  All conditions to the funding of loans under the 
     New Bank Credit Agreement shall have been satisfied; and

          (d)  The Agent (as such term is defined in the Credit 
     Agreement) shall receive for the benefit of the Banks (for 
     distribution in accordance with the Credit Agreement) both 
     of the following:

               (i)  Secured promissory notes issued by the 
          Reorganized Debtor under the New Bank Credit Agreement 
          in an aggregate principal amount of $35,000,000 secured 
          by all assets of the Reorganized Debtor and otherwise 
          in accordance with the New Bank Credit Agreement; and

          (ii)   An amount of cash equal to the excess of 
          (A) the aggregate amount of the Banks' Secured Claims 
          as of the Effective Date over (B) the sum of 
          (1) $35,000,000 less the Banks' share of the amount of 
          unfunded Revolving Loan commitments under the New Bank 
          Credit Agreement as of the Effective Date, (2) the 
          aggregate maximum amount then available for funding 
          under the Letters of Credit as of the Effective Date 
          (which amount shall be satisfied as provided above in 
          this Section 5.01) other than Letters of Credit which 
          are assumed or replaced with letters of credit under 
          the New Bank Credit Agreement, and (3) the amounts 
          payable under Eligible Interest Rate Contracts which 
          are assumed (as provided above in this Section 5.01).

     5.02.  Class 4 (Old Senior Floating Rate Note Claims and Old 
Senior Fixed Rate Note Claims).  On the Effective Date, each 
holder of an Allowed Old Senior Floating Rate Note Claim and each 
holder of an Allowed Old Senior Fixed Rate Note Claim shall 
receive, in exchange for its Claim, AT SUCH HOLDER'S ELECTION,

          (a)  an amount of New Senior Floating Rate Notes equal 
     to 100% of such Claim, or

          (b)  an amount of New Senior Fixed Rate Notes equal to 
     100% of such Claim, or

          (c)  an amount of New Senior Floating Rate Notes and an 
     amount of New Senior Fixed Rate Notes equal, in the 
     aggregate, to 100% of such Claim.

Each holder of Old Senior Floating Rate Notes and each holder of 
Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes as of the Ballot Record Date shall be 
entitled to make the election enumerated above in this Section 
5.02 by marking its Ballot completely in accordance with the 
instructions thereon and returning such Ballot to the Ballot 
Agent prior to the Ballot Return Date.  Each such holder that 
does not submit a Ballot in respect of its Old Senior Floating 
Rate Notes and/or Old Senior Fixed Rate Notes, or does not mark 
its Ballot in complete accordance with the instructions set forth 
on such Ballot, shall be deemed conclusively to have elected 
option (a) enumerated above in this Section 5.02.


     5.03.  Class 5 (Old Subordinated Debenture Claims).  On the 
Effective Date, each holder of an Allowed Class 5 Claim shall 
receive, in exchange for its Claim, subject to Section 7.18 
hereof, 25.095 shares of New Common Stock for each $1,000 of 
principal amount of Old Subordinated Debentures owned by such 
holder.  The holders of Allowed Class 5 Claims shall receive in 
the aggregate 85% of the New Common Stock outstanding on the 
Effective Date.

     5.04.  Class 7 (Old Series B Preferred Stock).  No 
distributions shall be made in respect of Class 7.  Each Old 
Equity Interest included in Class 7 shall be cancelled, and any 
Claims in Class 7 shall be discharged.

     5.05.  Class 8 (Old Series C Preferred Stock).  No 
distributions shall be made in respect of Class 8.  Each Old 
Equity Interest included in Class 8 shall be cancelled, and any 
Claims in Class 8 shall be discharged.

     5.06.  Class 9 (Old Common Stock).  No distributions shall 
be made in respect of Class 9.  Each Old Equity Interest included 
in Class 9 shall be cancelled, and any Claims in Class 9 shall be 

     5.07.  Class 10 (Old Options).  No distributions shall be 
made in respect of Class 10.  Each Old Option shall be cancelled, 
and any Claims in Class 10 shall be discharged.

     5.08.  Impaired Classes and Interests.  By virtue of the 
foregoing provisions of this Article V, Classes 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 
10 are impaired under the Plan.  Pursuant to section 1126(a) of 
the Bankruptcy Code, holders in Classes 3, 4 and 5 are entitled 
to vote to accept or reject the Plan.  Pursuant to section 
1126(g) of the Bankruptcy Code, holders in Classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 
are deemed to reject the Plan.

                            ARTICLE VI.


     6.01.  No Bar Date; Disputed Claims; Objections to Claims.  
No bar date pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3003(c)(3) shall be fixed 
as a deadline for the filing of proofs of Claim against the 
Debtor.  Only Claims that are Allowed shall be entitled to 
distributions under the Plan.  The Debtor reserves the right to 
contest and object to any Claims (excluding the Banks' Secured 
Claims), including, without limitation, those Claims that are 
specifically referenced herein, are not listed in the Schedules, 
are listed therein as disputed, contingent and/or unliquidated in 
amount, or are listed therein at a lesser amount than asserted by 
the holder of such Claim.  Unless otherwise ordered by the 
Bankruptcy Court, all objections to Claims (other than 
Administrative Expense Claims) shall be Filed and served upon 
counsel to the Debtor, counsel to the Creditors' Committee, 
counsel to the Bondholder Committee and the holder of the Claim 
objected to on or before the later of (a) the Effective Date and 
(b) 25 days after the date (if any) on which a proof of claim is 
Filed in respect of such Claim.  The last day for filing 
objections to Administrative Expense Claims shall be set pursuant 
to an order of the Bankruptcy Court.  All disputed Claims shall 
be resolved by the Bankruptcy Court, except to the extent that 
(y) the Debtor may otherwise elect consistent with the Plan and 
the Bankruptcy Code or (z) the Bankruptcy Court may otherwise 

                           ARTICLE VII.

                    IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN

     7.01.  Securities Purchase.  As of the Effective Date, the 
Reorganized Debtor shall, in accordance with the Plan, enter into 
the Securities Purchase Agreement.

     7.02.  Restated Certificate of Incorporation.  The 
Reorganized Debtor shall be deemed to have adopted the Restated 
Certificate of Incorporation on the Effective Date and shall 
promptly thereafter cause the same to be filed with the Secretary 
of State of the State of Delaware.  Except to the extent 
prohibited by the terms and provisions of the New Bank Credit 
Agreement, the New Indentures and/or the Plan, after the 

Effective Date, the Reorganized Debtor may amend the Restated 
Certificate of Incorporation and may amend its by-laws, in 
accordance with the Restated Certificate of Incorporation, such 
by-laws and applicable state law.

     7.03.  Issuance of New Notes and New Common Stock.  On the 
Effective Date, the Reorganized Debtor shall, in accordance with 
the Plan, (a) enter into the New Indentures and issue the New 
Notes thereunder to the holders of the Allowed Old Senior 
Floating Rate Note Claims and the Allowed Old Senior Fixed Rate 
Note Claims and (b) issue for distribution or sale the New Common 
Stock to the holders of the Allowed Class 5 Claims and GEI, 

     7.04.  New Management Services Agreement.  As of the 
Effective Date, the Reorganized Debtor shall, in accordance with 
the Plan, enter into the New Management Services Agreement.

     7.05.  New Bank Credit Agreement.  On the Effective Date, 
the Reorganized Debtor shall, in accordance with the Plan, enter 
into the New Bank Credit Agreement.

     7.06.  Effectiveness of Securities, Instruments and 
Agreements.  On the Effective Date, all securities, instruments 
and agreements entered into pursuant to the Plan, including, 
without limitation, (a) the New Indentures, (b) the New Notes, 
(c) the New Common Stock, (d) the New Management Services 
Agreement, (e) the Securities Purchase Agreement, (f) the New 
Bank Credit Agreement and (g) any security, instrument or 
agreement entered into in connection with any of the foregoing 
shall become effective and binding in accordance with their 
respective terms and conditions upon the parties thereto and 
shall be deemed to become effective simultaneously.

     7.07.  Cancellation of Credit Agreement.  On the Effective 
Date, except as otherwise provided herein or as contemplated by 
the New Bank Credit Agreement, the Credit Agreement shall be 
deemed cancelled and terminated, and the obligations of the 
Debtor relating to, arising under, in respect of or in connection 
with the Credit Agreement shall be discharged; provided, however, 
that except as otherwise provided herein, notes and other 
evidences of the Banks' Secured Claims shall, effective upon the 
Effective Date, represent the right to participate in the 
distributions contemplated by the Plan in respect of the Banks' 
Secured Claims.

     7.08.  Cancellation of Securities, Instruments and 
Agreements Relating to Impaired Claims and Interests.  On the 
Effective Date, except as otherwise provided herein, all 
securities, instruments and agreements governing any Claims and 
Interests impaired hereby, including, without limitation, (a) the 
Old Equity Interests, (b) the Old Warrant Agreements, (c) the Old 
Notes, (d) the Old Indentures, (e) the Old Stock Option Plan, 
(f) the Old Stockholders' Agreement, (g) the Old Management 
Services Agreements and (h) any security, instrument or agreement 

entered into in connection with any of the foregoing, in each 
case, shall be deemed cancelled and terminated, and the 
obligations of the Debtor relating to, arising under, in respect 
of or in connection with such securities, instruments and 
agreements shall be discharged; provided, however, that except as 
otherwise provided herein, notes and other evidences of Claims 
shall, effective upon the Effective Date, represent the right to 
participate, to the extent such Claims are Allowed, in the 
distributions contemplated by the Plan.

     7.09.  Waiver of Subordination.  The distributions under the 
Plan take into account the relative priority of each class in 
connection with any contractual subordination provisions relating 
thereto.  Accordingly, the distributions under this Plan shall 
not be subject to levy, garnishment, attachment or other legal 
process by any holder (a "Senior Creditor") of a Claim or 
Interest purporting to be entitled to the benefits of such 
contractual subordination.  On the Effective Date, all Senior 
Creditors shall be deemed to have waived any and all contractual 
subordination rights which they may have with respect to such 
distribution, and shall be permanently enjoined from enforcing or 
attempting to enforce any such rights with respect to the 
distributions under the Plan.

     7.10.  Surrender of Securities.  Each holder of a promissory 
note or other instrument evidencing a Claim impaired hereby shall 
surrender the same to the Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor, and 
the Reorganized Debtor shall distribute or shall cause to be 
distributed to the holders thereof the appropriate distribution 
of property hereunder.  No distribution of property hereunder 
shall be made to or on behalf of any such holder unless and until 
such promissory note or other instrument is received by the 
Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor, or the unavailability of such 
note or other instrument is established to the satisfaction of 
the Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor.  Any such holder that fails 
to surrender or cause to be surrendered such promissory note or 
other instrument, or to execute and deliver an affidavit of loss 
and indemnity satisfactory to the Debtor or the Reorganized 
Debtor, and, in the event that the Debtor or the Reorganized 
Debtor so requests with respect to the Old Notes, fails to 
furnish a bond in form and substance (including, without 
limitation, with respect to amount) reasonably satisfactory to 
the Debtor or the Reorganized Debtor, within two years after the 
Confirmation Date, shall be deemed to have forfeited all Claims 
against the Debtor represented by such note or other instrument 
and shall not participate in any distribution hereunder in 
respect of such note or other instrument and all property in 
respect of such forfeited distribution, including (if applicable) 
interest accrued thereon, shall revert to the Reorganized Debtor.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, all Claims shall be discharged and 
all Interests shall be terminated by this Plan to the extent 
provided herein regardless of whether and when any surrender, 
indemnity or bond required by this Section is provided, and 

regardless of whether the Reorganized Debtor makes a distribution 
hereunder in the absence of compliance by any holder of a Claim 
with the requirements of this Section.  The Debtor or the 
Reorganized Debtor may waive the requirements of this Section.

     7.11.  Releases.  (a) On the Effective Date, the Reorganized 
Debtor, on its own behalf and as representative of the Debtor's 
estate, releases unconditionally, and hereby is deemed to release 
unconditionally (i) each of the Debtor's officers, directors, 
shareholders, employees, consultants, attorneys, accountants and 
other representatives, (ii) the Creditors' Committee and, solely 
in their capacity as members or representatives of the Creditors' 
Committee, each member, consultant, attorney, accountant or other 
representative of the Creditors' Committee, (iii) the Bondholder 
Committee and, solely in their capacity as members or 
representatives of the Bondholder Committee, each member, 
consultant, attorney, accountant or other representative of the 
Bondholder Committee, (iv) the Banks and, solely in their 
capacity as representatives of the respective Banks, each of the 
Banks' respective officers, directors, employees, consultants, 
attorneys, accountants and other representatives, and 
(v) NationsBank of Florida, N.A., as trustee under the Old Senior 
Floating Rate Note Indenture (the Entities specified in clauses 
(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) are referred to collectively as, 
the "Releasees"), from any and all claims, obligations, suits, 
judgments, damages, rights, causes of action and liabilities 
whatsoever, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, 
existing or hereafter arising, in law, equity or otherwise, based 
in whole or in part upon any act or omission, transaction, event 
or other occurrence taking place on or prior to the Effective 
Date in any way relating to the Releasees, the Debtor, the 
Chapter 11 Case or the Plan.

     (b)  On the Effective Date, each holder of a Claim (i) who 
has accepted the Plan, (ii) whose Claim is in a Class that has 
accepted or is deemed to have accepted the Plan pursuant to 
section 1126 of the Bankruptcy Code or (iii) who may be entitled 
to receive a distribution of property pursuant to the Plan, shall 
be deemed to have unconditionally released the Releasees, from 
any and all rights, claims, causes of action, obligations, suits, 
judgments, damages and liabilities whatsoever which any such 
holder may be entitled to assert, whether known or unknown, 
foreseen or unforeseen, existing or hereafter arising, in law, 
equity or otherwise, based in whole or in part upon any act or 
omission, transaction, event or other occurrence taking place on 
or before the Effective Date in any way relating to the Debtor, 
the Chapter 11 Case or the Plan, provided however, that the 
foregoing shall not apply to all rights, claims and obligations 
created by or arising under the Plan.

     (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if and to the extent 
that the Bankruptcy Court concludes that the Plan cannot be 
confirmed with any portion of the foregoing releases, then the 
Plan may be confirmed with that portion excised so as to give 
effect as much as possible to the foregoing releases without 
precluding confirmation of the Plan.

     (d)  All amounts required to be held in a special account 
pursuant to Section 613 of the Old Senior Floating Rate Note 
Indenture are hereby apportioned to NationsBank of Florida, N.A., 
in its capacity as a Bank.

     7.12.  Management of the Reorganized Debtor.  On the 
Effective Date, the operation of the Reorganized Debtor shall 
become the general responsibility of the Post-Restructuring 
Board, in accordance with applicable law.  However, in the event 
that any such officer or director is unwilling or unable to take 
office at that time, the resulting vacancy shall be filled by 
action of the Post-Restructuring Board.

     7.13.  Setoffs.  The Debtor may, but shall not be required 
to, set off against any Claim and the distributions to be made 
pursuant to the Plan in respect of such Claim, any claims of any 
nature whatsoever which the Debtor may have against the holder of 
such Claim, but neither the failure to do so nor the allowance of 
any Claim hereunder shall constitute a waiver or release of any 
such claim the Debtor may have against such holder.

     7.14.  Distribution of Unclaimed Property.  Any distribution 
of property under the Plan which is unclaimed after two years 
following the Effective Date shall irrevocably revert to the 
Reorganized Debtor.

     7.15.  Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday.  If any payment or 
act under the Plan is required to be made or performed on a date 
that is not a Business Day, then the making of such payment or 
the performance of such act may be completed on the next 
succeeding Business Day, but shall be deemed to have been 
completed as of the required date.

     7.16.  Corporate Action.  Upon entry of the Confirmation 
Order by the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, all actions 
contemplated by the Plan shall be authorized and approved in all 
respects (subject to the provisions of the Plan), including, 
without limitation, the following: (a) the adoption and filing 
with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware of the 
Restated Certificate of Incorporation, (b) the issuance by the 
Reorganized Debtor of the New Notes and the New Common Stock, and 
(c) the execution, delivery and performance of the New 
Indentures, the New Management Services Agreement, the Securities 
Purchase Agreement, the New Bank Credit Agreement and all 
documents and agreements relating to any of the foregoing.  All 
matters provided for under the Plan involving the corporate 
structure of the Debtor and/or the Reorganized Debtor in 
connection with the Plan, and any corporate action required by 
the Debtor and/or the Reorganized Debtor in connection with the 
Plan, shall be deemed to have occurred and shall be in effect 
pursuant to section 303 of the Delaware General Corporation Law 
and the Bankruptcy Code, without any requirement of further 
action by the stockholders or directors of the Debtor and/or the 
Reorganized Debtor.  On the Effective Date, the appropriate 

officers of the Reorganized Debtor and members of the Post-
Restructuring Board are authorized and directed to execute and 
deliver the agreements, documents and instruments contemplated by 
the Plan and the Disclosure Statement in the name of and on 
behalf of the Reorganized Debtor.

     7.17.  Retiree Benefits.  On and after the Effective Date, 
to the extent required by section 1129(a)(13) of the Bankruptcy 
Code, the Reorganized Debtor shall continue to pay all retiree 
benefits (if any), as that term is defined in section 1114 of the 
Bankruptcy Code, maintained or established by the Debtor prior to 
the Effective Date, without prejudice to the Reorganized Debtor's 
rights under applicable non-bankruptcy law to modify, amend or 
terminate the foregoing arrangements.

     7.18.  Fractional Shares.  The New Common Stock shall not be 
issued in fractional shares.  If, but for this Section, an Entity 
would be entitled to receive a fractional share, then such Entity 
shall be issued in lieu thereof either no share (if such fraction 
is less than one-half) or one whole share (if such fraction is 
equal to or greater than one-half).

     7.19.  Timing of Distributions.  Notwithstanding anything to 
the contrary herein, (a) any distribution required by the Plan to 
be made on the Effective Date in respect of a Claim shall be made 
as soon as practicable after (but in any event within 30 days of) 
the later of (i) the Effective Date and (ii) the date on which 
such Claim becomes Allowed and any other conditions to 
distribution with respect to such Claim shall have been 
satisfied, and (b) any distribution required by the Plan to be 
made on a date subsequent to the Effective Date shall be made on 
the later of (i) such date and (ii) as soon as practicable after 
(but in any event within 30 days of) the date on which the 
pertinent Claim becomes Allowed and any other conditions to 
distribution with respect to such Claim shall have been 
satisfied; provided, however, that this Section 7.19 shall not 
apply to the Banks' Secured Claims and any Claims arising under 
the DIP Facility.

     7.20.  Final Order.  Any requirement in the Plan for a Final 
Order may be waived by the Debtor, with the consent of the 
Bondholder Committee, or, in the event that the Bondholder 
Committee is reconstituted as the Creditors' Committee, the 
Creditors' Committee, upon written notice to the Bankruptcy 
Court; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall 
prejudice the right of any party in interest to seek a stay 
pending appeal with respect to such Final Order.

     7.21.  Ballot Record Date; Distribution Record Date.  The 
Reorganized Debtor shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, 
all distributions of property to be made pursuant to the Plan to 
the record holders of Allowed Old Senior Floating Rate Note 
Claims, Allowed Old Senior Fixed Rate Note Claims and Allowed 
Class 5 Claims as of the Ballot Record Date, unless, prior to the 
Distribution Record Date, the holder of any such Claim furnishes 

(or causes its transferee to furnish) the Debtor, or its agent, 
with sufficient evidence (in the Debtor's or its agent's sole and 
absolute discretion) of the transfer of such Claim, in which 
event the Reorganized Debtor shall distribute, or cause to be 
distributed, all distributions of property to the holder of such 
Claim as of the Distribution Record Date.  As of the close of 
business on the Distribution Record Date, the transfer ledgers 
with respect to the Old Notes shall be closed and the Debtor, the 
Reorganized Debtor and the indenture trustees with respect to the 
Old Indentures shall have no obligation to recognize any transfer 
of the Old Notes occurring thereafter.

                           ARTICLE VIII.


     8.01.  Generally.  Effective on and as of the Effective 
Date, all executory contracts and unexpired leases that exist 
between the Debtor and any Entity are hereby specifically 
assumed, except for any executory contracts and unexpired leases 
that have been specifically rejected by the Debtor with the 
approval of the Bankruptcy Court on or before the Effective Date 
or in respect of which a motion for rejection has been Filed on 
or before the Effective Date.

     8.02.  Assumption.  Entry of the Confirmation Order by the 
Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court shall constitute approval of all 
executory contracts and unexpired leases to be assumed by the 
Debtor in accordance with Section 8.01 hereof pursuant to section 
365(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

     8.03.  Rejection.  Claims created by or arising in 
connection with the rejection of executory contracts and 
unexpired leases of the Debtor must be Filed no later than 20 
days after the entry of a Final Order authorizing such rejection.  
Any such Claims not Filed within such time shall be forever 
barred from assertion against the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor 
and their property and estate.  Each Claim resulting from such 
rejection shall constitute a Class 2 Claim if secured or a Class 
6 Claim if unsecured.

     8.04.  Officers' and Directors' Indemnification Rights.  
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, the obligations 
of the Debtor to indemnify its or its Affiliates' (if any) 
directors, officers and employees as of the Petition Date against 
any obligations, liabilities, costs or expenses pursuant to the 
certificate of incorporation or by-laws of the Debtor, applicable 
state law or specific agreement, or any combination of the 
foregoing, shall survive confirmation of the Plan, remain 
unaffected thereby, and not be discharged, regardless of whether 
indemnification is owed in connection with an event occurring 
prior to, upon or subsequent to the commencement of the Chapter 
11 Case.

     8.05.  Compensation and Benefit Programs.  All employee 
compensation and benefit plans, policies and programs of the 
Debtor applicable generally to its employees as in effect on the 
Effective Date, including, without limitation, all savings plans, 
retirement plans, health care plans, disability plans, severance 
benefit plans, incentive plans and life, accidental death and 
dismemberment insurance plans, shall continue in full force and 
effect, without prejudice to the Reorganized Debtor's rights 
under applicable non-bankruptcy law to modify, amend or terminate 
any of the foregoing arrangements.

                            ARTICLE IX.

                       CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

     9.01.  Conditions to Effective Date.  The Plan shall not 
become effective unless and until the following conditions shall 
have been satisfied or waived pursuant to Section 9.02 hereof:

          (a)  The Confirmation Order shall have become a Final 

          (b)  The New Indentures and all documents contemplated 
     by such documents to be executed simultaneously therewith 
     shall have been executed by the respective parties thereto 
     and all of the conditions precedent to the effectiveness of 
     such documents and agreements (other than that the Plan be 
     effective) shall have been satisfied in full or duly waived.

          (c)  The New Bank Credit Agreement shall have been 
     executed by the respective parties thereto, all of the 
     conditions precedent to the effectiveness of the New Bank 
     Credit Agreement (other than that the Plan be effective) 
     shall have been satisfied in full or duly waived, and the 
     Bondholder Committee, or, in the event that the Bondholder 
     Committee is reconstituted as the Creditors' Committee, the 
     Creditors' Committee, shall have delivered to the Debtor a 
     writing indicating its approval of the terms and provisions 
     of the New Bank Credit Agreement.

          (d)  The Debtor shall have received $10 million from 
     GEI in accordance with the Securities Purchase Agreement.

          (e)  The Debtor shall have concurrently satisfied all 
     of its obligations under the DIP Facility and the DIP 
     Facility shall have been concurrently cancelled.

          (f)  The fees to be paid by the Debtor or the 
     Reorganized Debtor to Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette 
     Securities Corporation, as financial advisor to the Debtor 
     with respect to the Debtor's restructuring, shall have been 
     approved by the Bondholder Committee (or, in the event the 
     Bondholder Committee is reconstituted as the Creditors' 
     Committee, the Creditors' Committee).

          (g)  All other actions required by Article VII and 
     Section 12.01 hereof to occur on or before the Effective 
     Date shall have occurred.

     9.02.  Waiver of Conditions. The Debtor, with the consent of 
the Bondholder Committee, or, in the event that the Bondholder 
Committee is reconstituted as the Creditors' Committee, the 
Creditors' Committee, may waive any of the conditions set forth 
in Section 9.01 hereof, with the exception of Sections 9.01(c) 
and 9.01(e), the waiver of which, in addition, will require the 
consent of the Banks.

     9.03.  Notice to Bankruptcy Court. The Debtor shall notify 
the Bankruptcy Court in writing promptly after the Effective Date 
that the Plan shall have become effective.

                            ARTICLE X.


     10.01.  Modification of Plan.  The Debtor, with the consent 
of the Banks and the Bondholder Committee, or, in the event that 
the Bondholder Committee is reconstituted as the Creditors' 
Committee, the Creditors' Committee, may alter, amend or modify 
the Plan pursuant to section 1127 of the Bankruptcy Code at any 
time prior to the time that the Bankruptcy Court has signed the 
Confirmation Order.  After such time and prior to the substantial 
consummation of the Plan, the Debtor may, so long as the 
treatment of holders of Claims and Interests under the Plan is 
not adversely affected, institute proceedings in Bankruptcy Court 
to remedy any defect or omission or to reconcile any 
inconsistencies in the Plan, the Disclosure Statement or the 
Confirmation Order and any other matters as may be necessary to 
carry out the purposes and effects of the Plan; provided, 
however, prior notice of such proceedings shall be served in 
accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 2002.

     10.02.  Revocation or Withdrawal of Plan.

     (a)  Right to Revoke.  The Debtor reserves the right to 
revoke or withdraw the Plan at any time prior to the Confirmation 

     (b)  Effect of Withdrawal or Revocation.  If the Debtor 
revokes or withdraws the Plan prior to the Confirmation Date, 
then the Plan shall be deemed null and void.  In such event, 
nothing contained herein shall be deemed to constitute a waiver 
or release of any claims by or against the Debtor or any other 
Entity or to prejudice in any manner the rights of the Debtor or 
any Entity in any further proceedings involving the Debtor.

     10.03.  Nonconsensual Confirmation.  The Debtor shall 
request that the Bankruptcy Court confirm the Plan pursuant to 
section 1129(b) of the Bankruptcy Code with respect to Classes 7, 
8, 9 and 10, on the basis that the Plan is fair and equitable and 
does not discriminate unfairly with respect to such Classes.

                            ARTICLE XI.

                     RETENTION OF JURISDICTION

     11.01.  Jurisdiction of Bankruptcy Court.

     (a)  Following the Effective Date, the Bankruptcy Court will 
retain exclusive jurisdiction of the Chapter 11 Case for the 
following purposes:

          (i)  To hear and determine any pending applications for 
     the rejection of executory contracts or unexpired leases, 
     and the allowance of Claims resulting therefrom.

          (ii)   To determine any adversary proceedings, 
     applications, contested matters and other litigated matters 
     pending on the Effective Date.

          (iii)   To ensure that distributions to holders of 
     Allowed Claims are accomplished as provided herein.

          (iv)   To hear and determine object-ions to or requests 
     for estimation of Claims, including any objections to the 
     classification of any Claim, and to allow, disallow and/or 
     estimate any Claim, in whole or in part.

          (v)  To enter and implement such orders as may be 
     appropriate in the event the Confirmation Order is for any 
     reason stayed, revoked, modified or vacated.

          (vi)   To issue any appropriate orders in aid of 
     execution of the Plan or to enforce the Confirmation Order 
     and/or the discharge, or the effect of such discharge, 
     provided to the Debtor.

          (vii)   To hear and determine any ap-plications to 
     modify the Plan, to cure any defect or omission or to 
     reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or in any order of 
     the Bankruptcy Court, including, without limitation, the 
     Confirmation Order.

          (viii)   To hear and determine all ap-plications for 
     compensation and reimbursement of expenses of professionals 
     of the Debtor and the Creditors' Committee (and, if 
     applicable, the Bondholder Committee), and for reimbursement 
     of expenses of members of the Creditors' Committee (and if 
     applicable, the Bondholder Committee) under sections 330, 
     331, 503(b) and/or 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code.

          (ix)   To hear and determine disputes arising in 
     connection with the interpretation, implementation or 
     enforcement of the Plan; provided, however, that nothing 
     herein shall be construed to vest in the Bankruptcy Court 

     jurisdiction to hear and determine disputes arising in 
     connection with the interpretation, implementation or 
     enforcement of the instruments and securities being issued 
     under the Plan.

          (x)  To hear and determine other issues presented or 
     arising under the Plan.

          (xi)   To hear and determine any ot-her matters related 
     hereto and not inconsistent with chapter 11 of the 
     Bankruptcy Code.

          (xii)   To enter a final decree clos-ing the Chapter 11 

          (xiii)  To hear and determine the allowance of any 
     Deferred Compensation Claim which is asserted against the 
     Debtor prior to the Effective Date or the Reorganized Debtor 

     (b)  Following the Effective Date, the Bankruptcy Court will 
retain non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Chapter 11 Case for the 
following purposes:

          (i)  To recover all assets of the Debtor and property 
     of the estate, wherever located.

          (ii)   To hear and determine any mo-tions or contested 
     matters involving taxes, tax refunds, tax attributes and tax 
     benefits and similar or related matters with respect to the 
     Debtor or its estate arising prior to the Effective Date or 
     relating to the period of administration of the Chapter 11 
     Case, including, without limitation, matters concerning 
     state, local and federal taxes in accordance with sections 
     346, 505 and 1146 of the Bankruptcy Code.

          (iii)   To hear any other matter not inconsistent with 
     the Bankruptcy Code.

     11.02.  Failure of Bankruptcy Court to Exercise 
Jurisdiction.  If the Bankruptcy Court abstains from exercising 
or declines to exercise jurisdiction over any matter arising 
under, arising in or related to the Chapter 11 Case, including 
with respect to the matters set forth above in Sections 11.01(a) 
and (b) hereof, this Article shall not prohibit or limit the 
exercise of jurisdiction by any other court having competent 
jurisdiction with respect to such subject matter.

                           ARTICLE XII.


     12.01.  Payment of Statutory Fees.  All fees payable 
pursuant to section 1930 of title 28 of the United States Code, 
as determined by the Bankruptcy Court at the hearing pursuant to 
section 1128 of the Bankruptcy Code, shall be paid on or before 
the Effective Date.

     12.02.  Shelf Registration.  Within four months after the 
Effective Date, or such longer time as may be required to prepare 
the necessary financial statements, the Reorganized Debtor shall 
file, at its expense, the Shelf Registration Statement.  The 
Reorganized Debtor shall use its best efforts to have the Shelf 
Registration Statement declared effective as soon as practicable 
after such filing and to keep the Shelf Registration Statement 
continuously effective until the third anniversary date of the 
effective date thereof.  No securities other than the New Common 
Stock shall be included in the Shelf Registration Statement 
unless the holders of a majority of the outstanding New Common 
Stock consent to such inclusion.  The Reorganized Debtor shall 
also, if necessary, supplement or make amendments to the Shelf 
Registration Statement, if required.

     12.03.  Discharge of Debtor.  Except as otherwise expressly 
provided herein, the confirmation of the Plan shall, provided 
that the Effective Date shall have occurred, discharge all Claims 
and terminate all Interests, to the fullest extent authorized or 
provided for by the Bankruptcy Code, including, without 
limitation, to the extent authorized or provided for by sections 
524 and 1141 thereof.

     12.04.  Injunction.  Except as otherwise expressly provided 
herein, the entry of the Confirmation Order shall, provided that 
the Effective Date shall have occurred, permanently enjoin all 
Entities that have held, currently hold or may hold a Claim, or 
other debt or liability that is discharged pursuant to the Plan 
or who have held, currently hold or may hold an Interest that is 
terminated pursuant to the Plan from taking any of the following 
actions in respect of such discharged Claim, debt or liability or 
such terminated Interest: (a) commencing, conducting or 
continuing in any manner, directly or indirectly, any suit, 
action or other proceeding of any kind against the Debtor, the 
Reorganized Debtor or their property; (b) enforcing, levying, 
attaching, collecting or otherwise recovering in any manner or by 
any means, whether directly or indirectly, any judgment, award, 
decree or order against the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor or 
their property; (c) creating, perfecting or enforcing in any 
manner, directly or indirectly, any lien or encumbrance of any 
kind against the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor or their 
property; (d) asserting any setoff, right of subrogation or 
recoupment of any kind, directly or indirectly, against any debt, 

liability or obligation due to the Debtor, the Reorganized Debtor 
or their property; and (e) proceeding in any manner in any place 
whatsoever that does not conform to or comply with or is 
inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan.

     12.05.  Revesting.  Except as otherwise expressly provided 
herein, on the Effective Date, all property and assets of the 
estate of the Debtor shall revest in the Reorganized Debtor, free 
and clear of all Claims, liens, encumbrances, charges, Interests 
and other interests of creditors and equity security holders 
arising on or before the Effective Date except as otherwise 
provided in the New Bank Credit Agreement, and the Reorganized 
Debtor may operate its business, from and after the Effective 
Date, free of any restrictions imposed by the Bankruptcy Code or 
the Bankruptcy Court.

     12.06.  Exculpation.  Neither the Reorganized Debtor, the 
Banks, the Creditors' Committee, nor the Bondholder Committee, 
nor any of their respective members, officers, directors, 
shareholders, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants or other 
advisors, shall have or incur any liability to any holder of a 
Claim or Interest for any act or failure to act in connection 
with, or arising out of, the pursuit of confirmation of the Plan, 
the consummation of the Plan or the administration of the Plan or 
the property to be distributed under the Plan, except for any act 
or failure to act that constitutes willful misconduct or reck-
less-ness as determined pursuant to a Final Order; and in all 
respects, such Entities (a) shall be entitled to rely upon the 
advice of counsel with respect to their duties and responsibili-
ties under the Plan, and shall be fully protected from liability 
in acting or in refraining from action in accordance with such 
advice and (b) shall be fully protected from liability with 
respect to any act or failure to act that is approved or ratified 
by the Bankruptcy Court.

     12.07.  Rights of Action.  Any rights or causes of action 
(including, without limitation, any and all avoidance actions) 
accruing to the Debtor shall remain assets of the Reorganized 
Debtor.  The Reorganized Debtor may pursue such rights of action, 
as appropriate, in accordance with what is in its best interests 
and for its benefit.

     12.08.  Creditors' Committee.  The appointment of each 
official statutory committee appointed in the Chapter 11 Case 
shall terminate on the Effective Date.

     12.09.  Governing Law.  Except to the extent the Bankruptcy 
Code, the Bankruptcy Rules or other federal laws are applicable, 
the laws of the State of Delaware shall govern the construction 
and implementation of the Plan and all rights and obligations 
arising under the Plan.

     12.10.  Withholding and Reporting Requirements.  In 
connection with the Plan and all instruments issued in connection 
therewith and distributions thereon, the Debtor and the 
Reorganized Debtor shall comply with all withholding, reporting, 
certification and information requirements imposed by any 
federal, state, local or foreign taxing authority and all 
distributions hereunder shall, to the extent applicable, be 
subject to any such withholding, reporting, certification and 
information requirements.  Entities entitled to receive 
distributions hereunder shall, as a condition to receiving such 
distributions, provide such information and take such steps as 
the Reorganized Debtor may reasonably require to ensure 
compliance with such withholding and reporting requirements, and 
to enable the Reorganized Debtor to obtain the certifications and 
information as may be necessary or appropriate to satisfy the 
provisions of any tax law.

     12.11.  Time.  Unless otherwise specified herein, in 
computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by the Plan, 
the day of the act or event from which the designated period 
begins to run shall not be included.  The last day of the period 
so computed shall be included, unless it is not a Business Day, 
in which event the period runs until the end of the next 
succeeding day which is a Business Day.

     12.12.  Section 1146 Exemption.  Pursuant to section 1146(c) 
of the Bankruptcy Code, (a) the issuance, transfer or exchange of 
any security under the Plan or the making or delivery of any 
instrument of transfer pursuant to, in implementation of, or as 
contemplated by the Plan, or the revesting, transfer or sale of 
any real or personal property of the Debtor pursuant to, in 
implementation of, or as contemplated by the Plan, (b) the 
making, delivery, creation, assignment, amendment or recording of 
any note, line of credit or other obligation for the payment of 
money or any mortgage, deed of trust or other security interest 
under, in furtherance of, or in connection with the Plan, the 
issuance, renewal, modification or securing of indebtedness by 
such means or by other means, the borrowing, repayment and re-
borrowing of sums thereunder and the making of any future 
advances thereunder, and (c) the making, delivery or recording of 
any deed or other instrument of transfer under, in furtherance 
of, or in connection with, the Plan, including, without 
limitation, the Confirmation Order shall not be subject to any 
document recording tax, stamp tax, conveyance fee, recurring or 
non-recurring intangibles or other similar tax, mortgage tax, 
real estate transfer tax, mortgage recording tax or other similar 
tax or governmental assessment.  Consistent with the foregoing, 
each recorder of deeds or similar official for any county, city 
or governmental unit in which any instrument hereunder is to be 
recorded shall, pursuant to the Confirmation Order, be ordered 
and directed to accept such instrument, without requiring the 
payment of any documentary stamp tax, deed stamps, stamp tax, 
transfer tax, intangible tax or similar tax.

     12.13.  Severability.  In the event that any provision of 
the Plan is determined to be unenforceable, such determination 
shall not limit or affect the enforceability and operative effect 
of any other provisions of the Plan.  To the extent that any 
provision of the Plan would, by its inclusion in the Plan, 
prevent or preclude the Bankruptcy Court from entering the 
Confirmation Order, the Bankruptcy Court, on the request of the 
Debtor, may modify or amend such provision, in whole or in part 
as necessary to cure any defect or remove any impediment to the 
confirmation of the Plan existing by reason of such provision; 
provided, however, that such modification shall not be effected 
except in compliance with Section 10.01 of the Plan.

     12.14.  Binding Effect.  The provisions of the Plan shall 
bind all holders of Claims and Interests, whether or not they 
have accepted the Plan.

     12.15.  Plan Controls.  In the event and to the extent that 
any provision of the Plan is inconsistent with the provisions of 
the Disclosure Statement, or any other instrument or agreement 
contemplated to be executed pursuant to the Plan, the provisions 
of the Plan shall control and take precedence.

     12.16.  Bondholder Committee.  In the event that the 
Bondholder Committee is not reconstituted as the Creditors' 
Committee, the Debtor shall, subject to the approval of the 
Bankruptcy Court, compensate and reimburse the expenses of the 
professionals and members of the Bondholder Committee.

Dated:    Wilmington, Delaware
          December 12, 1994

                         Respectfully submitted,

                         KASH N' KARRY FOOD STORES, INC.
                         Debtor and Debtor-in-Possession


Kramer, Levin, Naftalis,       Young, Conaway, Stargatt
  Nessen, Kamin & Frankel        & Taylor
Counsel to the Debtor          Counsel to the Debtor
and Debtor-in-Possession       and Debtor-in-Possession
919 Third Avenue               11th Floor -- Rodney Square
New York, New York  10022      P.O. Box 391
                               Wilmington, Delaware  19899