Exhibit 3.2
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                                    BYLAWS OF
                               CII FINANCIAL, INC.
                           (A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION)

                               ARTICLE I. OFFICES

         Section 1.01 Principal Executive Office. The principal executive office
of the corporation is hereby fixed in Pleasanton, County of Alameda, California.
The Board of Directors is hereby granted full power and authority to change said
principal office from one location to another.

         Section 1.02 Other Offices.  The corporation may also have an office or
offices at such other  place or places,  either  within or without  the State of
California,  as the Board may from time to time  determine or as the business of
the corporation may require.

                            ARTICLE II. STOCKHOLDERS

         Section 2.01 Annual Meetings. The Annual Meeting of stockholders of the
corporation,  for the purpose of electing  directors and for the  transaction of
such other proper business as may come before such meeting,  may be held on such
day and at such time as the  Board  shall  determine  by  resolution;  provided,
however  that  should  said day fall upon a  Saturday,  Sunday or legal  holiday
observed by the  corporation at its principal  executive  office,  then any such
Annual Meeting of  stockholders  shall be held at the same time and place on the
next day thereafter  ensuing which is a full business day. If the Board fails to
designate the date and time of an Annual  Meeting,  said Annual Meeting shall be
held on the first Tuesday of June of each Year.

         Section 2.02 Special Meetings.  Special Meetings of stockholders may be
called at any time for any purpose or purposes permitted under California law by
the Board,  by the Chairman of the Board,  by the  President or by  stockholders
entitled to cast not less than ten percent (10%) of the votes at such meeting.

         Section 2.03 Place of Meetings.  All meetings of stockholders  shall be
held either at the principal executive office of the corporation or at any other
location within or without the State of California,  as shall be determined from
time to time by the Board of Directors or as specified in the respective notices
or waivers of notice thereof.

         Section 2.04 Notice of meetings.  (a) Written  notice of each Annual or
Special Meeting of  stockholders  shall be given not less than ten (10) nor more
than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting to each stockholder entitled
to a vote  thereat.  Such notice  shall state the place,  date,  and hour of the
meeting,  and (i) in the case of a Special  Meeting,  the general  nature of the
business  to be  transacted;  or (ii) in the case of the Annual  Meeting,  those
matters  which the Board,  at the time of the mailing of the notice,  intends to
present for action by the  stockholders,  but any proper matter may be presented
at the meeting for such action. The notice of any meeting at which directors are
to be elected  shall  include the names of the nominees  intended at the time of
the notice, to be presented by management for election.

         (b)  Notice  of  a  meeting  of  stockholders  shall  be  given  either
personally or by mail  addressed,  postage  prepaid,  to the  stockholder at the
address of such stockholder appearing on the books of the corporation,  or if no
such  address  appears  or is given  constructive  notice may be given to him as
provided by the California  General  Corporation  Law.  Notice of any meeting of
stockholders shall not be required to be given to any stockholder who shall have
waived such notice;  and such notice shall be deemed  waived by any  stockholder
who shall attend such meeting in person or by proxy,  except a  stockholder  who
shall attend such meeting for the express purpose of objecting, at the beginning
of the  meeting,  to the  transaction  of any  business on the grounds  that the
meeting has not been lawfully called or convened.  An affidavit by the Secretary
of the corporation of mailing of any notice shall be Prima facie evidence of the
giving of the notice.

         Section  2.05  Quorum  and  Vote  Required.   (a)  At  any  meeting  of
stockholders  the  holders  of record of a  majority  of the  shares  issued and
outstanding  and entitled to a vote thereat,  represented in person or by proxy,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The affirmative vote
of the  holders of the  majority of the shares of such stock so  constituting  a
quorum shall be considered to be the act of the stockholders, unless the vote of
a greater number or voting by classes is required by the General Corporation Law
or the Articles of Incorporation.

         (b) The stockholders  present at a duly called or held meeting at which
a  quorum  is  present  may   continue  to  do   business   until   adjournment,
notwithstanding  withdrawal of enough  stockholders  to leave less than a quorum
(as  hereinabove  defined),  if any action  taken  (other than  adjournment)  is
approved  by at least a  majority  of the  number of shares  required,  as noted
above, to constitute a quorum.

         Section 2.06 Adjourned  Meeting and Notice Thereof.  (a) Any meeting of
stockholders,  whether or not a quorum is present, may be adjourned from time to
time.  In the absence of a quorum no other  business may be  transacted  at such
adjourned meeting.

         (b) It shall not be  necessary to give any notice of the time and place
of an adjourned meeting or of the business to be transacted thereat,  other than
by  announcement  at the meeting at which such  adjournment is taken;  provided,
however,  that  when a  meeting  of  stockholders  is  adjourned  for more  than
forty-five (45) days or, if after adjournment a new record date is fixed for the
adjourned meeting, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case
of an original meeting.

         Section 2.07 Voting. The stockholders entitled to notice of any meeting
or to vote at any such meeting  shall be only persons in whose name shares stand
on the stock  records  of the  corporation  on the  record  date  determined  in
accordance  with  Section 2.08 of this  Article.  Persons  holding  stock of the
corporation  in a  fiduciary  capacity  shall be  entitled  to vote such  stock.
Persons  whose stock is pledged  shall be  entitled  to vote the pledged  stock,
unless in the  transfer by the pledge on the books of the  corporation  he shall
have  expressly  empowered  the pledge to vote  thereon,  in which case only the
pledge,  or his proxy,  may represent such stock and vote thereon.  Stock having
voting  power  standing of record in the names of two or more  persons,  whether
fiduciaries, members of a partnership, joint tenants, tenants in common, tenants
by the entirety or otherwise,  or with respect to which two or more persons have
the same  fiduciary  relationship,  shall be voted by any one of the  registered
holders, either in person or by proxy.

         Section  2.08  Record  Date.  (a) The Board may fix in advance a record
date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of any meeting or
to vote or entitled to receive payment of any rights,  or entitled to rights, or
entitled  to  exercise  any rights in respect to any other  lawful  action.  The
record  date so fixed  shall be not more than  sixty (60) nor less than ten (10)
days prior to the date of the meeting nor more than sixty (60) days prior to any
of the  other  aforementioned  actions.  When a record  date is so  fixed,  only
stockholders of record on that date are entitled to notice of and to vote at the
meeting or to receive the dividend,  distribution, or allotment of rights, or to
exercise of the rights,  as the case may be, not  withstanding  any  transfer of
shares on the books of the corporation after the record date. A determination of
stockholders  of  record  entitled  to  notice  of or to  vote at a  meeting  of
stockholders  shall apply to any  adjournment  of the  meeting  unless the Board
fixes a new record  date for the  adjourned  meeting.  The Board shall fix a new
record date if the meeting is adjourned for more than  forty-five (45) days from
the date set for the original meeting.

         (b) If no  record  date is  fixed by the  Board,  the  record  date for
determining  stockholders  entitled  to  notice  of or to vote at a  meeting  of
stockholders  shall be the close of business on the business day next  preceding
the day on which  notice  is given or,  if  notice  is  waived,  at the close of
business  on the  business  day next  preceding  the day on which the meeting is
held. If no record date is fixed by the Board,  the record date for  determining
stockholders  for any other purpose shall be at the close of business on the day
on which the Board  adopts the  resolution  relating  thereto,  or the  sixtieth
(60th) day prior to the date of such other action, whichever is later.

         Section 2.09 Consent of Absentees.  The  transactions of any meeting of
stockholders,  however  called and noticed,  and wherever  held, are as valid as
though had at a meeting duly held after regular call and notice,  if a quorum is
present  either  in  person  or by  proxy,  and if,  either  before or after the
meeting,  each of the  persons  entitled  to vote,  not  present in person or by
proxy,  signs a written  waiver of notice  or a consent  to the  holding  of the
meeting or an approval of the minutes thereof.  All such waivers,  consents,  or
approvals  shall be filed  with the  corporate  records or be made a part of the
minutes of such meeting.

         Section  2.10  Action  Without  Meeting.  Any action  which,  under any
provision of law, may be taken at any Annual or Special Meeting of stockholders,
may be taken without a meeting and without prior notice  thereof if a consent in
writing,  setting forth the actions so taken,  shall be signed by the holders of
record of the issued and  outstanding  shares  having not less than the  minimum
number of votes that would be  necessary  to  authorize or take such action at a
meeting at which all shares  entitled to vote  thereon  were  present and voted;
provided,  however,  that directors may not be elected by written consent except
by the  unanimous  written  consent  of all  shares  entitled  to  vote  for the
Selection  of  directors.  Unless a record date for voting  purposes be fixed as
provided  in  Section  2.08 of this  Article,  the record  date for  determining
stockholders  entitled to give consent  pursuant to this Section  2.10,  when no
prior  action by the Board has been  taken,  shall be the day on which the first
written consent is given.

         Section  2.11  Proxies.  Every  person  entitled to vote shares has the
right to do so  either  in  person  or by one or more  persons  authorized  by a
written proxy executed by such  stockholder  and filed with the Secretary of the
corporation not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting; provided,
however,  that no proxy may be voted or acted upon after eleven (11) months from
its date unless the proxy  shall  provide  for a longer  period.  A proxy may be
revoked by a writing delivered to the Secretary of the corporation  stating that
the proxy is revoked,  or by a subsequent  proxy executed or, as to any meeting,
by attendance  at such meeting and voting in person by the person  executing the

         Section 2.12  Conduct of Meetings.  The Chairman of the Board or in his
absence the President of the corporation,  or in his absence the  vice-president
designated by him,  shall  preside as Chairman at all meetings of  stockholders.
The Chairman shall conduct each such meeting in a businesslike  and fair manner,
but shall not be  obligated  to follow any  technical,  formal or  parliamentary
rules or principles of procedure.  The Chairman's  ruling on procedural  matters
shall be  conclusive  and binding on all  stockholders,  unless at the time of a
ruling a request for a vote is made by a stockholder entitled to vote and who is
represented in person or by proxy at the meeting,  in which case the decision of
a majority of such shares shall be conclusive  and binding on all  stockholders.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Chairman shall have all of
the powers usually vested in the Chairman of a meeting of stockholders.

         Section  2.13  Inspectors  of  Election.  In advance of any  meeting of
stockholders, the Board may appoint inspectors of election to act at the meeting
and any adjournment thereof. If inspectors are not appointed,  or if any persons
so  appointed  fail to appear or refuse to act, the chairman of such meeting may
appoint inspectors at the meeting.  The number of inspectors shall be either one
(1) or three (3). Each inspector so appointed  shall first  subscribe an oath to
faithfully  execute  the duties of an  inspector  at such  meeting  with  strict
impartiality and according to the best of his ability. Such inspectors (I) shall
decide upon the  qualification  of those entitled to vote; (ii) shall report the
number of shares represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on the question
presented; (iii) shall conduct the balloting and accept the votes; and (iv) when
the voting is completed,  shall  ascertain and report the number of shares voted
respectively for and against each question presented.  Reports of the inspectors
shall be in writing and subscribed and delivered by them to the Secretary of the
corporation. The inspectors need not be stockholders of the corporation, and any
officer of the corporation may be an inspector on any question other than a vote
for or against a proposal  in which he shall  have a  material  interest  of any

                             ARTICLE III. DIRECTORS

         Section  3.01  Powers.  Subject to any  limitation  of the  Articles of
Incorporation, of these Bylaws, and of actions required by law to be approved by
the  stockholders,  the business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed
and all  corporate  powers  shall be vested  in, and  exercised  by or under the
direction  of the  Board of  Directors.  The Board  may,  as  permitted  by law,
delegate  the  management  of the  day-to-day  operation  of the business of the
corporation  to a  management  company  or  other  persons  or  officers  of the
corporation,  provided that the business and affairs of the corporation shall be
managed and all corporate powers shall be exercised under the ultimate direction
of the Board.

         Section 3.02 Number of Directors. The authorized number of directors of
the  corporation  shall be not less  than  three (3)  directors  nor more than a
maximum of five (5)  directors,  provided that at least two (2) directors  shall
constitute  a quorum  at any  meeting  of the  directors.  The  exact  number of
directors  shall be set within these limits from time to time (a) by approval of
the Board of  Directors,  or (b) by the  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the
shares  represented  and  voting  at a duly  held  meeting  at which a quorum is
present (which shares voting  affirmatively  also constitute at least a majority
of the required  quorum) or by the written consent of  shareholders  pursuant to
Section 2.10 hereinabove.

         Each of the directors  shall be at least  eighteen (18) years of age. A
majority of the directors shall be citizens and residents of the United States.

         Section 3.03 Election and Term of Office. (a) Directors will be elected
in the manner  provided  herein at each Annual Meeting of  stockholders,  but if
such Annual Meeting of stockholders is not held or the Directors are not elected
thereat,  the  Directors may be elected at any Special  Meeting of  stockholders
held for that purpose.  Each  Director,  including a Director  elected to fill a
vacancy,  shall hold office until the next Annual  Meeting of  stockholders  and
until a successor has been duly elected and qualified.

         (b) At each  election  the persons  receiving  the  greatest  number of
votes,  up to the number of Directors  then to be elected,  shall be the persons
then  elected.  The  election of  Directors  shall be subject to any  provisions
contained  in  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  relating  thereto,  and  to any
provisions  of law for  cumulative  voting.  Nominations  of persons to serve as
Directors  shall be submitted to the Secretary of the corporation at the meeting
of stockholders at which Directors will be elected.

         Section 3.04 Resignation. Any Director may resign at any time by giving
written  notice to the Board or to the Chairman of the Board,  the  President or
the Secretary of the corporation.  Any such resignation shall take effect at the
times specified therein, or, if the time be not specified,  it shall take effect
immediately  upon its receipt;  and, unless  otherwise  specified  therein,  the
acceptance of such resignation  shall not be necessary to make it effective.  If
resignation  is to be effective at a future time, a successor  may be elected to
take office when the resignation becomes effective.

         Section 3.05  Vacancies.  (a) A vacancy or vacancies in the Board shall
be deemed to exist in case of the death, resignation or removal of any Director,
or if the authorized  number of Directors is increased,  or if the  stockholders
fail at any Annual or Special Meeting of stockholders at which any Directors are
elected to elect the full authorized number of Directors to be voted for at said

         (b) The Board may declare  vacant the office of a Director who has been
declared  of unsound  mind by an order of court or who has been  convicted  of a
felony.  Except  to  the  extent  it  would  be  contrary  to  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  or law, any Director may be removed at any time,  with or without
cause, by the affirmative  vote of stockholders  having a majority of the voting
power of the corporation given at a Special Meeting of stock-holders  called for
that purpose;  provided,  however,  that no Director may be removed  (unless the
entire Board of Directors is removed)  when the votes cast against  removal,  or
not  consenting  in writing to such  removal,  would be sufficient to elect such
Director if voted cumulatively at an election at which the total number of votes
were cast (or if such action is taken by written consent, all shares entitled to
vote were voted) and the entire  number of Directors  authorized  at the time of
the Director's most recent election were then being elected.

         (c) No reduction of the authorized  number of Directors  shall have the
effect of removing any Director prior to the  expiration of the Director's  term
of office.

         (d) Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation,  any
vacancy on the Board, whether because of death,  resignation,  disqualification,
an increase in the number of directors, or any other cause, may be filled by the
vote of the majority of the  remaining  Directors,  although less than a quorum;
provided,  however,  that a vacancy occurring by reason of removal of a Director
may be filled only by the stockholders. The stockholders may elect a Director at
any time to fill a vacancy not filled by the Directors, and any such election by
written  consent  shall  require the  consent of a majority of the  stockholders
entitled  to vote;  provided,  however,  that no  Director  shall be  elected by
written consent to fill a vacancy created by removal of any Director, except, by
the  unanimous  written  consent of all  stockholders  entitled  to vote for the
election of Directors.  Each Director chosen to fill a vacancy shall hold office
until his  successor  shall have been  elected and  qualified  or until he shall
resign or shall have been removed.

         Section 3.06 Place of Meetings. All meetings of the Board shall be held
either at the  principal  executive  office of the  corporation  or at any other
location within or without the State of California as shall be determined,  from
time to time,  by the Board of  Directors,  or as  specified  in the  respective
notices or waivers of notice thereof.

         Section 3.07 First Meeting.  Immediately  following each Annual Meeting
of stockholders the Board shall meet for the purpose of organization,  selection
of a Chairman of the Board,  election of Officers,  and the  transaction  of any
other proper  business.  Except as provided by law, notice of such first Meeting
is hereby dispensed with.

         Section 3.08 Regular Meetings. The Board shall hold Regular Meetings at
least once per calendar  quarter.  Except as provided by law,  notice of Regular
meetings is hereby dispensed with.

         Section 3.09   Special Meetings. (a) Special Meetings of the Board may
be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board, the President, or the
Secretary or by any two directors.

         (b) Special  Meetings of the Board shall be held upon at least four (4)
days' written  notice or  forty-eight  (48) hours notice given  personally or by
telephone,  telegraph,  telex or other similar means of communication.  Any such
notice  shall be addressed  or  delivered  to each  Director at such  Director's
address as it is shown upon the records of the  corporation  or as may have been
given to the corporation by the Director for purposes of notice.

         Section  3.10  Quorum.  The  presence  of a majority  of the  directors
present at any  meeting of the Board,  but which  majority  shall in no event be
less than two (2)  directors,  shall be required to  constitute  a quorum of the
Board for the  transaction  of business  at any meeting of the Board,  except to
adjourn  as  hereinafter  provided.  Every  act or  decision  done  or made by a
majority of the  Directors  present at a meeting  duly held at which a quorum is
present  shall be regarded as the act of the Board,  unless a greater  number be
required by law, by these Bylaws, or by the Articles of Incorporation. A meeting
at which a quorum  is  initially  present  may  continue  to  transact  business
notwithstanding the withdrawal of Directors,  if any action taken is approved by
at least a majority of the number of  Directors  required,  as noted  above,  to
constitute a quorum for such meeting.  The Directors  shall act only as a Board,
and the individual  Directors shall have no power as such,  unless such power be
expressly conferred upon a Director by a duly adopted resolution of the Board.

         Section 3.11 Participation in Meetings by Conference Telephone. Members
of the Board may participate in a meeting through use of conference telephone or
similar communications  equipment,  so long as all members participating in such
meeting can hear and freely communicate with one another.

         Section 3.12 Waiver of Notice.  The  transactions of any meeting of the
Board,  however called and noticed or wherever held, shall be as valid as though
had at a meeting duly held after  regular call and notice if a quorum be present
and if,  either  before or after the meeting,  each of the Directors not present
signs a written  waiver of  notice,  a consent  to  holding  such  meeting or an
approval of the minutes thereof.  All such waivers,  consents or approvals shall
be filed  with the  corporate  records  or be made a part of the  minutes of the

         Section 3.13 Adjournment.  A majority of the Directors present, whether
or not a quorum is present, may adjourn any meeting of Directors to another time
and place.  If the meeting is adjourned  for more than  twenty-four  (24) hours,
notice of any  adjournment  to another time or place shall be given prior to the
time of the adjourned  meeting to the Directors who were not present at the time
of adjournment.

         Section 3.14 Fees and  Compensation.  No stated salary shall be paid to
Directors,  as such, for their services,  but by resolution of the Board a fixed
sum and expenses of  attendance,  if any, may be allowed for  attendance at each
Regular or Special

         Meeting of the Board or an annual Director's fee, or both, may be paid;
provided  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall be  construed  to preclude any
Director  from  serving the  corporation  in any other  capacity  and  receiving
compensation  therefore.  Members  of  Board  committees  may  be  allowed  like
compensation for attending committee meetings.

         Section 3.15 Action Without  Meeting.  Any action required or permitted
to be taken by the Board may be taken  without a meeting  if all  members of the
Board shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such action. Such
consent or consents  shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote of the Board
and shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board.  Any action
without a meeting of the Board shall be limited to those  situations  where time
is of the essence and not in lieu of a regularly scheduled meeting.

         Section  3.16  Committees.  The Board may,  by  resolution  passed by a
majority  of  the  authorized  number  of  Directors,   designate  one  or  more
committees,  each committee to consist of at least three (3) of the directors of
the  corporation.  Among these  committees may be an Executive  Committee  which
shall have and may  exercise  all the powers and  authority  of the Board in the
management of the affairs of the corporation between Regular or Special meetings
of the Board.

         Section 3.17 Officers of the Board.  The Board shall have a Chairman of
the  Board  and may,  at the  discretion  of the  Board,  have one or more  Vice
Chairmen.  The  Chairman of the Board and the Vice  Chairmen  shall be appointed
from time to time by the Board,  and shall have such  powers and duties as shall
be designated by the Board or as provided herein in these Bylaws.

                               ARTICLE IV.OFFICERS

         Section 4.01 Officers.  The principal  corporate and executive officers
of the corporation  shall be a president,  a vice  president,  a secretary and a
chief financial officer. The corporation may also have, at the discretion of the
board of directors,  a chairman of the board and such other officers,  with such
titles and duties as may be determined by the board of directors. One person may
hold two or more  offices,  except that the offices of president  and  secretary
shall not be held by the same person.

         Section  4.02  Election  and  Term  of  Office.  The  officers  of  the
corporation,  except those appointed by delegated  authority pursuant to Section
4.03 of this Article, shall be elected annually the board of directors, and each
such  officer  shall  hold  office  after  the  expiration  of his term  until a
successor is chosen or until his resignation or removal before the expiration of
his term. A failure to elect  officers  shall not require the  corporation to be

         Section 4.03 Subordinate Officers,  Committees and Agents. The board of
directors  may from time to time elect  such other  officers  and  appoint  such
committees,  employees,  or other agents as the business of the  corporation may
require, including one or more assistant secretaries,  and one or more assistant
treasurers, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such authority,
and perform  such duties as are  provided  in these  bylaws,  or as the board of
directors may from time to time  determine.  The board of directors may delegate
to any officer or  committee  the power to appoint  subordinate  officers and to
retain or appoint  employees or other  agents,  or  committees  thereof,  and to
prescribe  the authority and duties of such  subordinate  officers,  committees,
employees or other agents.

         Section  4.04  Removal  and  Resignation.  Any  officer may be removed,
either  with or without  cause,  by a majority of the  directors  at the time in
office, at any regular or special meeting of the board of directors,  or, except
in case of an officer chosen by the board of directors, by any officer upon whom
such power of removal may be conferred by the board of  directors,  subject,  in
each case,  to the rights,  if any, of any such  officer  under any  contract of
employment with the corporation.

         Any  officer  may  resign at any time by giving  written  notice to the
corporation,  without  prejudice,  however,  to  the  rights,  if  any,  of  the
corporation  under any  contract  to which  such  officer  is a party.  Any such
resignation  shall take  effect at the date of the  receipt of such notice or at
any later time specified therein;  and unless otherwise  specified therein,  the
acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

         Section 4.05 Vacancies.  A vacancy in any office shall be filled in the
manner prescribed in these bylaws for regular appointments to such office.

         Section 4.06 Duties and Compensation. Officers of the corporation shall
have such powers and duties,  and shall receive such compensation  therefor,  as
may be specified from time to time by the board of directors.  In the absence of
any contrary determination by the board of directors, the president shall be the
general  manager  and chief  executive  officer  of the  corporation  and shall,
subject  to the power and  authority  of the board of  directors,  have  general
supervision,  direction, and control of the officers,  employees,  business, and
affairs of the corporation.  The president shall sign,  execute and acknowledge,
or authorize  another  officer or agent to sign,  execute and acknowledge in the
name  of  the  corporation,   deeds,   mortgages,   bonds,  contracts  or  other
instruments,  except in cases where the signing and  execution  thereof shall be
expressly delegated by the board of directors, or by these bylaws, to some other
officer or agent of the corporation.

                          ARTICLE V. CONTRACTS, CHECKS,

                           DRAFTS, BANK ACCOUNTS, ETC.

         Section  5.01  Execution  of  Contracts.  Except  as these  Bylaws  may
otherwise  provide,  the Board may, by duly adopted  resolution,  authorize  any
officer or agent of the  corporation  to enter into any  contract or execute any
instrument in the name and on behalf of the  corporation  and such authority may
be general or confined to specific  instances;  and unless so  authorized by the
Board or by these Bylaws, no officer,  agent or employee shall have any power or
authority to bind the corporation by any contract or engagement or to pledge its
credit or to render it liable for any purpose or in any amount.

         Section 5.02 Checks,  Drafts,  Etc. All checks,  drafts or other orders
for payment of money,  notes or other  evidence of  indebtedness,  issued in the
name of or  payable  to the  corporation,  shall be signed or  endorsed  by such
person or persons and in such manner as, from time to time,  shall be determined
by  resolution  of the Board.  Each such person shall give such bond, if any, as
the Board may require.

         Section  5.03  Deposit.  All  funds of the  corporation  not  otherwise
employed shall be deposited  from time to time to the credit of the  corporation
in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board may select, or
as may be selected by any Board committee, Officer, assistant, agent or attorney
of the  corporation  to whom such power shall have been  delegated by the Board.
For the purpose of deposit and for the purpose of collection  for the account of
the corporation,  the President,  Secretary, any Vice-President or the Treasurer
(or any other Officer, assistant, agent or attorney of the corporation who shall
from time to time be  determined  by the Board) may endorse,  assign and deliver
checks,  drafts and other  orders for the  payment of money which are payable to
the order of the corporation.

         Section 5.04 General and Special Bank Accounts. The Board may from time
to time  authorize  the opening and keeping of general and special bank accounts
with such banks,  trust companies or other  depositories as the Board may select
or as may be  selected  by any Board  committee,  Officer,  assistant,  agent or
attorney of the  corporation to whom such power shall have been delegated by the
Board.  The Board may make such special  rules and  regulations  with respect to
such bank accounts,  not inconsistent with the provisions of these Bylaws, as it
may deem expedient.


         Section  6.01  Certificates  for  Stock.  Every  owner  of stock of the
corporation  shall be entitled to have a certificate or  certificates,  to be in
such form as the Board  shall  prescribe,  certifying  the  number  and class of
shares  of  the  stock  of  the  corporation  owned  by  him.  The  certificates
representing  shares of such stock  shall be numbered in the order in which they
shall be  issued,  and  shall be signed  in the name of the  corporation  by the
Chairman of the Board,  or the  President,  and by the  Secretary  or  Assistant
Secretary,  or the transfer  agent or registrar of the  corporation.  Any of the
signatures on the  certificates  may be a facsimile,  provided that at least the
signature  of the  corporation's  transfer  agent or  registrar  is an  original
signature.  In case any Officer,  transfer  agent or registrar who has signed or
whose  facsimile  signature  has been  placed  upon any such  certificate  shall
thereafter  have ceased to be such Officer,  transfer agent or registrar  before
such  certificate is issued,  such certificate may nevertheless be issued by the
corporation  with  the  same  effect  as  though  the  person  who  signed  such
certificate, or whose facsimile signature shall have been placed thereupon, were
such Officer,  transfer  agent or registrar at the date of issue. A record shall
be kept of the respective names of the persons, firms or corporations owning the
stock  represented  by  such  certificates,  respectively,  and  the  respective
issuance dates thereof,  and in case of  cancellation,  the respective  dates of
cancellation.  Every certificate  surrendered to the corporation for exchange or
transfer  shall be canceled,  and no new  certificate or  certificates  shall be
issued in exchange for any existing  certificate until such existing certificate
shall have been so canceled, except in cases provided for in Section 6.04.

         6.02 Transfer of Stock. Transfers of shares of stock of the corporation
shall be made  only on the books of the  corporation  by the  registered  holder
thereof,  or by his  attorney  thereunto  authorized  by power of attorney  duly
executed  and filed with the  Secretary  of the  corporation  or with a transfer
agent  appointed  as  provided  in  Section  6.03,  and  upon  surrender  of the
certificate or certificates for such shares properly endorsed and the payment of
all required  taxes  thereon.  The person in whose name shares of stock stand on
the books of the corporation  shall be deemed the owner thereof for all purposes
as regards the  corporation.  Whenever  any transfer of shares shall be made for
collateral security, and not absolutely,  such fact shall be stated expressly in
the  entry  of  transfer  if,  when the  certificate  or  certificates  shall be
presented  to  the  corporation  for  transfer,  both  the  transferor  and  the
transferee request the corporation to do so.

         Section 6.03 Regulations. The Board may make such rules and regulations
as it may deem expedient,  not  inconsistent  with these Bylaws,  concerning the
issue,  transfer and registration of certificates for shares of the stock of the
corporation. It may appoint, or authorize any Officer or Officers to appoint one
or more  transfer  agents  and  one or more  registrars,  and  may  require  all
certificates for stock to bear the signature or signatures or facsimiles thereof
of any of them.

         Section 6.04 Lost, Stolen,  Destroyed,  and Mutilated Certificates.  In
any case of loss, theft, destruction, or mutilation of any certificate of stock,
another  certificate may be issued in its place upon proof of such loss,  theft,
destruction,  or  mutilation,  and upon the giving of a bond of indemnity to the
corporation  in such  form and in such sum as the Board  may  direct;  provided,
however,  that a new certificate may be issued without  requiring any bond when,
in the judgment of the Board, it is proper to do so.

                           ARTICLE VII INDEMNIFCATION

         Section  7.01  Right to  Indemnification.  Each  person who was or is a
party  or is  threatened  to be  made a party  to or is  involved  (as a  party,
witness, or otherwise), in any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (hereafter
a  "Proceeding"),  by  reason of the fact that he, or a person of whom he is the
legal representative,  is or was a director,  officer, employee, or agent of the
corporation  or is or  was  serving  at the  request  of  the  corporation  as a
director,   officer,   employee,   or  agent  of  another  foreign  or  domestic
corporation,  partnership joint venture,  trust, or other  enterprise,  or was a
director,  officer, employee, or agent of a foreign or domestic corporation that
was a predecessor corporation of the corporation or of another enterprise at the
request  of such  predecessor  corporation  including  service  with  respect to
employee benefit plans, whether the basis of the Proceeding is alleged action in
an official capacity as a director,  officer, employee, or agent or in any other
capacity while serving as a director,  officer, employee, or agent (hereafter an
"Agent"),  shall be  indemnified  and held  harmless by the  corporation  to the
fullest extent authorized by statutory and decisional law, as the same exists or
may hereafter be  interpreted or amended (but, in the case of any such amendment
or  interpretation,  only to the extent that such  amendment  or  interpretation
permits  the  corporation  to provide  broad  indemnification  rights  than were
permitted prior thereto)  against all expenses,  liability,  and loss (including
attorneys' fees,  judgments,  fines, ERISA excise taxes and penalties paid or to
be paid in  settlement,  any interest,  assessments,  or other  charges  imposed
thereon, and any federal, state, local, or foreign taxes imposed on any Agent as
a result of the actual or deemed  receipt of any  payments  under this  Article)
incurred or suffered by such person in connection with investigating, defending,
being a witness in, or participating in (including on appeal),  or preparing for
any of the foregoing in, any  Proceeding  (hereafter  "Expenses").  The right to
indemnification  conferred in this Article shall be a contract  right. It is the
corporation's  intention that these bylaws provide  indemnification in excess of
that expressly  permitted by Section 317 of the California  General  Corporation
Law, as authorized by the corporation's Articles of Incorporation.

         Section   7.02   Authority   to   Advance   Expenses.   The   right  to
indemnification provided in Section 7.01 of these Bylaws shall include the right
to be paid, in advance of a Proceeding's final disposition, Expenses incurred in
defending that Proceeding; Provided, however, that if required by the California
General  Corporation Law, as amended,  the payment of Expenses in advance of the
final  disposition  of the  Proceeding  shall be made only upon  delivery to the
corporation  of an undertaking by or on behalf of the Agent to repay such amount
if it shall  ultimately be determined  that he is not entitled to be indemnified
by the  corporation as authorized  under this Article or otherwise.  The Agent's
obligation  to  reimburse  the  corporation  for the Expense  advances  shall be
unsecured and no interest shall be charged thereon.

         Section  7.03 Right of Agent to Bring Suit.  If a claim  under  Section
7.01 or 7.02 of  these  Bylaws  is not  paid in full by the  corporation  within
thirty (30) days after a written claim has been received by the corporation, the
Agent may at any time  thereafter  bring suit against the corporation to recover
the unpaid amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the Agent
shall also be  entitled to be paid the expense  (including  attorneys'  fees) of
prosecuting  such claim. It shall be a defense to any such action (other than an
action  brought  to  enforce  a claim  for  expenses  incurred  in  defending  a
Proceeding in advance of its final  disposition  where the required  undertaking
has been tendered to the  corporation)  that the Agent has not met the standards
of conduct that make it permissible under the California General Corporation Law
for the corporation to indemnify the Agent for the amount claimed. The burden of
proving such a defense shall be on the  corporation.  Neither the failure of the
corporation (including its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or its
stockholders)  to have made a  determination  prior to the  commencement of such
action  that  indemnification  of the  Agent is proper  under the  circumstances
because  he has  met  the  applicable  standard  of  conduct  set  forth  in the
California  General  Corporation  Law,  nor  an  actual   determination  by  the
corporation (including its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or its
stockholders)  that the Agent had not met such  applicable  standard of conduct,
shall be a defense to the action or create a  presumption  that claimant has not
met the applicable standard of conduct.

         Section  7.04  Provisions  Nonexclusive.  The rights  conferred  on any
person by this  Article  shall not be  exclusive  of any other  rights that such
person  may have or  hereafter  acquire  under  any  statute,  provision  of the
Articles of  Incorporation,  agreement,  vote of stockholders  or  disinterested
directors,  or  otherwise,  both as to action in an official  capacity and as to
action in another  capacity  while  holding such office.  To the extent that any
provision  of  the  Articles,   agreement,   or  vote  of  the  stockholders  or
disinterested  directors  is  inconsistent  with these  bylaws,  the  provision,
agreement, or vote shall take precedence.

         Section 7.05  Authority  to Insure.  The  corporation  may purchase and
maintain  insurance to protect itself and any Agent against any Expense asserted
against or incurred by such person,  whether or not the  corporation  would have
the power to indemnify the Agent against such Expense  under  applicable  law or
the provisions of this Article,  provided  that, in cases where the  corporation
owns all or a portion of the shares of the company issuing the insurance policy,
the company  and/or the policy must meet one of the two sets of  conditions  set
forth in Section 317 of the California General Corporation Law, as amended.

         Section 7.06  Survival of Rights.  The rights  provided by this Article
shall  continue  as to a person who has ceased to be an Agent and shall inure to
the benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such person.

         Section 7.07 Settlement of Claims.  The corporation shall not be liable
to indemnify any Agent under this Article (a) for any amounts paid in settlement
of any action or claim effected without the corporation's written consent, which
consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld;  or (b) for any judicial award, if
the  corporation  was not given a  reasonable  and  timely  opportunity,  at its
expense, to participate in the defense of such action.

         Section  7.08  Effect  of  Amendment.   Any   amendment,   repeal,   or
modification of this Article shall not adversely  affect any right or protection
of any Agent existing at the time of such amendment, repeal, or modification.

         Section 7.09  Subrogation.  In the event of payment under this Article,
the corporation  shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to all of the
rights of recovery of the Agent, who shall execute all papers required and shall
do  everything  that may be  necessary  to secure  such  rights,  including  the
execution of such documents  necessary to enable the corporation  effectively to
bring suit to enforce such rights.

         Section 7.10 No Duplication of Payments.  The corporation  shall not be
liable under this Article to make any payment in connection  with any claim made
against  the  Agent to the  extent  the Agent has  otherwise  actually  received
payment  (under any  insurance  policy,  agreement,  vote,  or otherwise) of the
amounts otherwise indemnifiable hereunder.

                           ARTICLE VIII. MISCELLANEOUS

         Section  8.01 Seal.  The Board shall  provide a corporate  seal,  which
shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the  corporation and
words and figures showing that the corporation was  incorporated in the State of
California and the year of incorporation.

         Section 8.02 Waiver of Notices. Whenever notice is required to be given
by these Bylaws or the Articles of  Incorporation or by law, the person entitled
to said notice may waive such notice in writing, either before or after the time
stated therein, and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to notice.

         Section 8.03 Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the corporation shall
begin on the first day of January in each year.

         Section 8.04  Dividends.  The Board may from time to time declare,  and
the corporation may pay, dividends on its outstanding stock in the manner and on
the  terms  and  conditions   provided  by  law,   subject  to  any  contractual
restrictions to which the corporation is then subject.

         Section  8.05  Representation  of  Shares  of Other  Corporations.  The
President or any Officer or Officers authorized by the Board or by the President
are  each  authorized  to  vote,  represent,  and  exercise  on  behalf  of  the
corporation all rights  incident to any and all shares of any other  corporation
or corporations standing in the name of this corporation.  The authority granted
herein  may be  exercised  either by any such  Officer in person or by any other
person  authorized  to do so by proxy or power of attorney duly executed by said

         Section 8.06 Inspection of Bylaws.  The  corporation  shall keep at its
principal  executive  office the  original or a copy of its Bylaws as amended to
date which shall be open to inspection by stockholders  at all reasonable  times
during office hours.  If the principal  executive  office of the  corporation is
outside the State of California and the  corporation  has no principal  business
office in such  state,  it shall  upon the  written  notice  of any  stockholder
furnish to such  stockholder  a copy of these  Bylaws as  amended  to date.  The
original or a copy of the Bylaws certified to be a true copy by the Secretary or
an Assistant  Secretary of the Corporation  shall be prima facie evidence of the
adoption of such Bylaws and of the matters stated therein.

         Section 8.07 Amendment of Bylaws.  (a) Except as otherwise  provided by
law or Section 3.02 of these bylaws,  these bylaws may be amended or repealed by
the  Board  of  Directors  or by  the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote, including,  if applicable,  the affirmative
vote,  including,  if  applicable,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the
outstanding  shares of each class or series  entitled by law or the  Articles of
Incorporation  to vote as a class  or  series  on the  amendment  or  repeal  or
adoption of any bylaw or bylaws; provided,  however, after issuance of shares, a
bylaw  specifying  or  changing a fixed  number of  directors  or the maximum or
minimum  number or changing  from a fixed to a variable  board or vice versa may
only be adopted by approval of the outstanding shares as provided herein.

         (b) Subject to the right of the outstanding shares to adopt,  amend, or
repeal Bylaws and to any  restrictions  imposed by the Articles of Incorporation
on the power of the Board to adopt,  amend, or repeal Bylaws,  these Bylaws may,
from time to time and at any time, be amended or repealed, and new or additional
Bylaws adopted, by approval of the Board,  provided,  however,  that such Bylaws
may not  contain any  provision  in  conflict  with law or with the  Articles of
Incorporation.  After  shares  are  issued,  any Bylaw  changing  the  number of
Directors  or changing  from a variable to a fixed Board may be adopted  only by
approval of the outstanding shares.

         Section 8.08  Construction of Bylaws.  Unless otherwise stated in these
Bylaws or unless the context requires,  the definitions contained in the General
Corporation Law shall govern the construction of these Bylaws.  Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing,  the masculine gender includes the feminine and
neuter,  the singular  number includes the plural and the plural number includes
the singular,  and the word "person"  includes a corporation  or other entity as
well as a natural person.