Exhibit 10.8

                                HCO CONTRACT WITH

                              CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR

         This  Agreement  made by and  between  California  Indemnity  Insurance
         Company,   and  each  of  its  insurer   subsidiaries,   (the   "Claims
         Administrator")  Sierra Health and Life Insurance Company  (hereinafter
         referred to as the "HCO").

         WHEREAS,  the  Claims   Administrator   provides  a  plan  of  Workers'
         Compensation benefits to its insured employer clients or qualified self
         insured  employer  or  self  insured  group  clients  in the  State  of
         California; and

         WHEREAS,  the Claims  Administrator  desires to incorporate Health Care
         Organizations  into some or all of these plans,  subject to the laws of
         the State of California; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Claims  Administrator  is  willing  to make  appropriate
         arrangements  with  its  insured   employer,   qualified  self  insured
         employer, and/or self insured group clients;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises  contained in
         this Agreement,  the Claims  Administrator  and the HCO hereby agree as

         A.     Definitions

                For the purposes of this Agreement:

                |X|   "Health Care  Organization" or "HCO" means an organization
                      certified  under  Section  4600.5  of the  Labor  Code and
                      Article   4,   Sections   9770   through   9779.2  of  the
                      Administrative   Rules  of  the   Division   of   Workers'
                      Compensation, Department of Industrial Relations, State of
                      California,  and providing the services defined in Exhibit
                      A of this Agreement.

                |X|   "HCO  Enrollee"  means a person who is eligible to receive
                      services from an HCO, as defined in Section  4600.5 et seq
                      of the California Labor Code.

                |X|   "Claims  Administrator" means a self-administered  insurer
                      providing   security  for  the  payment  of   compensation
                      required by  Divisions 4 and 4.5 of the  California  Labor
                      Code, a  self-administered,  self-insured  employer,  or a
                      third  party  claims   administrator  for  a  self-insured
                      employer,  self insured group, insurer,  legally uninsured
                      employer, or joint powers authority.

                |X|  "Employer"  means an employer as defined in Section 3300 of
the California Labor Code.

                |X| "Emergency"   is  defined  as  those  health  care  services
                    provided to evaluate and treat medical  conditions of recent
                    onset and  severity  that would lead a prudent  layperson to
                    believe  that  urgent  and/or  unscheduled  medical  care is

|X|                 Injuries  covered by the HCO are those that occur during the
                    policy year. Medical management will be provided both during
                    the control period and after the control period ends, if the
                    customer wishes to have the HCO continue.  For injuries that
                    occur in one policy year,  but continue into another  policy
                    year,  the HCO will provide  medical  management  during the
                    control period, regardless of policy year.

|X|                 "Medical   Case   Management"   means   Medical   Disability
                    Management and Utilization  Management.  "Medical Disability
                    Management"  means the  determination of medical  necessity,
                    appropriateness  of  care,  length  of  stay,  intensity  of
                    service  related to  treatment  of HCO  Enrollees by Network
                    Providers.  "Utilization  Management"  means the management,
                    assessment,  improvement  or  review  of  patient  care  and
                    decision  making  through  case  by case  assessment  of the
                    medical   reasonableness   or  medical   necessity   of  the
                    frequency,  duration,  level and  appropriateness of medical
                    care and  services,  based  upon  professionally  recognized
                    standards of care, which may include prospective, concurrent
                    or  retrospective  review of a request for  authorization of
                    medical treatment.

         B.     Obligations of the HCO

                1.    The HCO shall provide medical and managed care services in
                      accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable
                      laws and regulations.

     2. The HCO's  services  under this  Agreement  shall  include the  services
described  in Exhibit A (Services of the HCO) and Exhibit C  (Coordination  with
Claims Administration,  Return to Work, and Health and Safety Functions),  which
are attached hereto and incorporated by reference  herein.  The HCO will provide
the Claims  Administrator's  clients  with the option of the Spectrum HCO or the
Select  HCO.  Exhibits A and C outline  the  differences  between  Spectrum  and
Select.  Said  services  shall be  performed  in  accordance  with the terms and
conditions set forth in Exhibit B  (Confidentiality  Policy) and Exhibit D (List
of Charges),  which are attached hereto and  incorporated  by reference  herein.
Provided,  however, if an HCO enrollee obtains initial treatment from a provider
not part of the HCO  Network  prior  to  notifying  an  employer  or the  Claims
Administrator,  payment for such treatment will be approved by the HCO. However,
any  further  treatment  will not be approved  by the HCO for  payment.  The HCO
Enrollee  will be notified by the HCO and the HCO will  require the  Enrollee to
select treatment from a Provider in the HCO Network.

                3.   The HCO will  provide  the  Claims  Administrator  with all
                     claims  information,  reimbursement  reports,  evaluations,
                     return to work  reports,  and other data  necessary  to pay
                     claims in a timely and accurate manner and to perform other
                     tasks of coordination with the HCO normally associated with
                     managing and settling workers' compensation.

                4.   The HCO will provide  enrollment  and  membership  material
                     required under the Administrative  Rules of the Division of
                     Worker's Compensation section of Article 4. These materials
                     will be provided to employees of  employers  that  contract
                     with the Claims  Administrator  for an HCO plan of workers'

                5.   The HCO will provide to the Claims  Administrator  with the
                     length  of   medical   control   and   current   enrollment
                     information  for each enrollee 15 days after the conclusion
                     of the enrollment period.

                6.    The HCO  will  provide  to the  Claims  Administrator  all
                      reports  required under Article 4, including those reports
                      specifically  named for  purposes  of  detecting  targeted
                      workplace  hazards,  and other reports as may be agreed to
                      elsewhere in this Agreement.

                7.    The HCO will provide on the Claims Administrator's behalf,
                      enrollment,   treatment,   outcomes,   and  other  related
                      information  to the Division of Workers'  Compensation  as
                      required under Article 4.

                8.    The HCO will  adhere  insofar  as is  consistent  with the
                      reporting  requirements  for  HCOs,  with  the  policy  of
                      confidentiality of information as set forth in Exhibit B.

                9.    Audit:

     a. Subject to the following  provisions of this  subsection (a), the Claims
Administrator  or its agent may audit the HCO's  compliance with its obligations
under this  Agreement and the HCO shall supply the Claims  Administrator  or its
agent with access to information acquired or maintained by the HCO in performing
services  under this  Agreement.  The HCO shall be  required to supply only such
information which is in its possession and which is reasonably necessary for the
Claims Administrator to perform activities related to its workers'  compensation
plan,  provided  that such  disclosure  is not  prohibited  by any  third  party
contracts to which the HCO is a signatory or any requirements of law. The Claims
Administrator or its agent shall give the HCO prior written notice of its intent
to perform such an audit and its need for such  information  and shall represent
to the HCO that  the  information  which  is  disclosed  therein  is  reasonably
necessary for the workers' compensation program.

                           All audits and information disclosures shall occur at
                           a  reasonable  time  and  place  and  at  the  Claims
                           Administrator's expense. The Claims Administrator may
                           designate a representative  to conduct or participate
                           in  the  audit,   or  to   receive   access  to  such
                           information,  provided that the Claims  Administrator
                           and the representative enter into a written agreement
                           with the HCO under which the representative agrees to
                           use any disclosed information solely for the workers'
                           compensation   program,   to  keep  such  information
                           confidential, and to indemnify the HCO for any losses
                           related to the disclosure.

                      b.   Any reports,  information, or documentation provided,
                           made  available,  or learned by either of the parties
                           to   this   Agreement   which   contain    personally
                           identifiable   or  medical   information   about  any
                           Enrollee  or health care  provider  or which  contain
                           information  which has been designated as proprietary
                           or  confidential by either party shall be held in the
                           strictest  confidence  and  in  accordance  with  the
                           requirements of all applicable laws.

                10.   The  HCO  maintains   Professional   Liability   insurance
                      coverage  which will cover the HCO for claims  arising out
                      of an alleged act,  error,  or omission in the performance
                      of the  HCO's  professional  services  and  operations.  A
                      certificate of insurance is available upon request.

                11. The HCO agrees to defend,  indemnify,  and hold harmless the
                    Claims  Administrator  against  any and all  suits,  claims,
                    damages,  losses,  and expenses,  including  attorney's fees
                    arising out of the HCO's decisions regarding  reimbursements
                    to  providers,   medical  necessity  of  procedures  or  its
                    disclosure of confidential,  personally  identifiable and/or
                    medical record  information.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                    the HCO  shall not be  responsible  for any  suits,  claims,
                    damages,  losses,  or expenses,  including  attorney's fees,
                    arising from a judgment based on a final decision by a court
                    of competent  jurisdiction  where  liability is based on the
                    Claims Administrator's negligence or willful misconduct.

         C.     Claims Administrator's Obligations

                1.  The Claims  Administrator  agrees that the decisions made by
                    the HCO within the scope of its normal duties and applicable
                    regulations  are binding  and that the Claims  Administrator
                    will observe the HCO's  instructions for payment for medical
                    services,  referral  of  injured  employees  to  appropriate
                    medical  providers,  and determinations of medical necessity
                    as final.  The Claims  Administrator  agrees to abide by the
                    requirements  (outlined  in Exhibit I,  Employer's  Workers'
                    Compensation Health Care Organization Enrollment Kit) of the
                    appropriate HCO, Select or Spectrum, in relation to provider
                    election and assignment.

                2.  The Claims Administrator agrees to coordinate Return to Work
                    (Described  in Exhibit  A) and  Health  and Safety  programs
                    (described  in Exhibit C), and to instruct  the  Employer(s)
                    accordingly. This must include a requirement that the Health
                    and  Safety  vendor  offered  by  the  employer  must  allow
                    monitoring by the HCO.

                3.    The Claims  Administrator agrees to provide the HCO with a
                      listing of all  employees  (described in Exhibit F) or one
                      copy of all employees' enrollment forms, who have selected
                      the HCO and to update  this list no less than  monthly  as
                      new  employees  make their HCO selection and employees are

                4.    The   Claims   Administrator   agrees  to  work  with  the
                      participating   employer(s)  to  distribute  and  display,
                      following   mutually  agreed   procedures,   informational
                      materials  provided by the HCO for Enrollees  (all current
                      employees  and any new  employees  hired after the initial
                      enrollment  period.) All  participating  employer(s)  will
                      make   reasonable   provisions  for  the  HCO  to  conduct
                      management and/or employee  enrollment  meetings as may be
                      needed  to  install   the  HCO   correctly.   If  employee
                      enrollment  meetings are not held,  then the employer will
                      disseminate  HCO  informational  materials via interoffice
                      mail or US Mail prior to the enrollment start date.

                5.    The  Claims   Administrator  agrees  to  pay  the  HCO  in
                      accordance with the terms of Exhibit D for the HCO service
                      provided  under  this  Agreement.  The HCO will  produce a
                      monthly  invoice,  as  described  in  Exhibit  D, and will
                      submit  the  invoice  to  the  Claims   Administrator  for
                      payment.  Payment is due within  thirty (30) calendar days
                      from the stated due date.

                6.    The Claims  Administrator agrees that the HCO will provide
                      its  services  only  for  those   employer(s)   and  their
                      employees  who have enrolled  (enrollees)  in the HCO. The
                      Claims  Administrator  further  agrees  that it  shall  be
                      responsible  for paying the HCO for all services  rendered
                      by the HCO  pursuant  to the  terms of this  Agreement  on
                      behalf of employer(s).

                     The Claims Administrator also agrees that it will have sole
                      discretion   in   determining   which  claims  are  to  be
                      controverted,  investigated,  and  accepted  or  denied as
                      compensable    under   workers'    compensation.    Claims
                      Administrator  agrees to use the  modified  DWC 500-D form
                      for notice of delay in determining  liability for worker's
                      compensation benefits.

                     The payor agrees that if an employer directs a worker to an
                      HCO provider,  the  employer/insurer is liable for medical
                      care rendered until a denial of  compensability  or denial
                      of authorization for any medical care is stated.  Thus, in
                      cases of delay, the HCO will not condition treatment of an
                      HCO  patient  on the  employer  agreement  to pay for it,
                      unless the  employer/insurer has provided
                      a written statement
                      that  no   medical   care  will  be   authorized   pending
                      determination  of  compensability.  In the latter case the
                      employee   must  be  notified  of  his  or  her  right  to
                      self-procure treatment.

                      The   Claims   Administrator   is  the   final   judge  of
                      compensability  and the  role  of the HCO and the  Primary
                      Treating  Physician has been discussed in other  sections.
                      It is usual and  customary  for the first  evaluation  and
                      treatment session to be paid by the workers'  compensation
                      insurance   in    non-compensable    cases.    All   other
                      non-compensable  encounters  are  usually  charged  to the
                      patient/Employee  Benefits  Insurer  by  the  provider  of
                      service.  This may be customized  per  agreement  with the
                      employer or other parties.

                      The claim  payor  agrees to notify the HCO,  as soon as is
                      practical,  as to any delay in  decision  or  denial  (for
                      non-medical   reasons)   and  to  provide   the  HCO  with
                      verification  that the  employee  has been  made  aware of
                      their right to self procure  treatment.  This  information
                      shall  be  forwarded  to the HCO in a  mutually  agreeable
                      electronic format.

                7.    The Claims Administrator represents and warrants that none
                      of  the   activities  of  the  HCO  under  this  Agreement
                      constitute  violation of any agreement of  confidentiality
                      between the Claims  Administrator  and any  individuals or
                      other parties.

     8. The Claims Administrator agrees to defend,  indemnify, and hold harmless
the HCO  against  any and all suits,  claims,  damages,  losses,  and  expenses,
including  attorney's fees arising out of the Claims  Administrator's  decisions
regarding  reimbursements,  the  management  of  Return to Work  issues  and ADA
(Americans with  Disabilities  Act) exposures or its disclosure of confidential,
personally  identifiable and/or medical record information.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  the Claims  Administrator  shall not be  responsible  for any suits,
claims, damages, losses, or expenses,  including attorney's fees, arising from a
judgment  based on a final decision by a court of competent  jurisdiction  where
liability is based on the HCO's negligence or willful misconduct.

     9. The Claims  Administrator  shall make  available to HCO  specific  claim
information  (including  but not limited to that specified in Exhibit A, Section
C, Exhibit F and Exhibit H), which is a required  reporting task by the Division
of Workers'  Compensation.  This data will be reported to the HCO for each month
no later than the 15th calendar day of the succeeding  month. The HCOs will do a
quality  control review of the data and notify the Claims  Administrator  of any
missing, incomplete or incorrect data. The Claims Administrator will correct and
return  the  file(s)  pertaining  to any month no later than the last day of the
succeeding  month. If the original data or the corrected data is not provided by
the above specified dates, then the Claims Administrator will be responsible for
any fines or late fees imposed by the State due to the late or improper delivery
of the  required  data.  The HCO and the Claims  Administrator  will  coordinate
access  to  the  Claims  Admnistrator's  data  processing  system  to  make  the
information  required under this section available to the HCO, all in accordance
with applicable law.

         D.     Terms of Agreement

                1.    This Agreement will commence on December 18, 2000 and will
                      be  extended  annually  unless  terminated  earlier by the
                      Claims Administrator or the HCO as outlined in Paragraph 2
                      of this Section, or written notice of termination is given
                      by either  party by giving the other party at least thirty
                      (30) days written  notice prior to the  effective  date of

                2.    This Agreement may be terminated as follows:

                      a.   The HCO may terminate the Agreement for any Event of
                           Default immediately upon written notice
                           to the Claims Administrator.

                      b.   The Claims Administrator may terminate this Agreement
                           as set forth on Section E, paragraph 6,
                           Events of Default.

                3.    Notwithstanding  the  Termination  or  Expiration  of this
                      Agreement  the  Claims  Administrator  will  remain  fully
                      liable  to  the  HCO  for  all  charges  and  fees  due in
                      accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement
                      with   respect   to   services   performed   before   such

                4.    Statutory  Span  of  Control:  The  services  of  the  HCO
                      described  in  Exhibit  A  will  apply  to  each  workers'
                      compensation  claim  accepted by the Claims  Administrator
                      for  the  duration  of  the  statutory   span  of  control
                      permitted under the Labor Code 4600.3 and under subsequent
                      regulations   adopted  by  the   Department   of  Workers'
                      Compensation  pursuant  to this  section.  This  provision
                      applies to all claims under  management  by the HCO at the
                      cancellation of this Agreement or unless such cancellation
                      is  enforced  under  the  Default  or   impossibility   of
                      Performance provisions of this Agreement.

         E.     General Provisions

     1. Notices.  Any notice required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
deemed delivered when mailed,  postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail,
return receipt requested, to the following addresses:

      Addresses for the HCO:               Address for the Claims Administrator

- ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Sierra Health and Life Insurance Company  California Indemnity Insurance Company

Attn:  President                          Attn:  President

2720 North Tenaya Way                     2716 North Tenaya Way

Las Vegas, Nevada 89128                   Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
- ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

                2.  Impossibility of Performance.  Neither party shall be deemed
                    to be in violation of this  Agreement if they are  prevented
                    from performing any of their  obligations  hereunder for any
                    reason beyond their control, including,  without limitation,
                    acts of God or  statutes,  regulations,  rules or actions of
                    any  federal,  state,  or local  government,  or any  agency
                    thereof.  Further, the HCO shall not be in violation of this
                    Agreement if it is precluded from fulfilling its obligations
                    hereunder as a result of the failure of any employer(s), the
                    Claims  Administrator,  or any  Enrollee(s) or other service
                    vendor to the plan of  workers'  compensation  to  cooperate
                    fully with the HCO's reasonable  requests for information or
                    if incorrect or  incomplete  information  is provided to the
                    HCO  by   any   employer(s),   an   Enrollee,   the   Claims
                    Administrator or any other person or entity.

     3. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
of California  and all of the terms and  provisions  hereof,  and the rights and
obligations  of the parties hereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws thereof.

     4. Invalid Provisions.  In the event that one or more provisions  contained
herein shall be invalid or held unlawful under any  applicable  state or federal
law, this  instrument  shall be construed as if such invalid  provisions had not
been inserted,  and the balance of this Agreement shall remain in full force and
effect. In the event that any portion of the underlying  statutes or regulations
which govern the  formation of and  operation  of Health Care  Organizations  in
California  shall be found  invalid  by final  order by a court  with  competent
jurisdiction, if such determination does not fatally impair the provision of the
services  described in Exhibit A or elsewhere in this Agreement,  this Agreement
shall be construed as if the invalid statute or regulation had not been included
and the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

                5.    Limitation of Liability.  The HCO makes no  representation
                      that  any  employer's  plan of  workers'  compensation  is
                      authorized   to  insure  or   self-insure   its   workers'
                      compensation obligations.  It is the responsibility of the
                      employer(s),  the Claims Administrator,  and the insurance
                      carrier,  if one  is  present,  to  obtain  all  necessary
                      authorizations  from  government  authorities.  The Claims
                      Administrator  agrees that it is responsible to fund claim
                      payments or to determine that such funding ability exists.
                      The HCO is not an insurance  company and this Agreement is
                      not a contract of insurance.

                      In the  event  that  the HCO  should  fail  to  materially
                      perform its duties  hereunder  and if such  failure is not
                      corrected  within thirty (30) days after written notice by
                      the Claims Administrator to the HCO of such failure,  then
                      the Claims  Administrator  may  terminate  this  Agreement
                      immediately  upon written notice to the HCO. The foregoing
                      is in lieu of all other  warranties,  expressed or implied
                      (including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
                      particular   purpose)  and  all   liability  for  special,
                      indirect,   or  consequential   damages,   including  lost
                      profits,   even  if  the  HCO  has  been  advised  of  the
                      possibility of such damages.

                6.    Events of Default. Each of the following events will
                      constitute an Event of Default.

     a. The failure of the Claims  Administrator  to make any payment of charges
or fees  within  five (5) days  after the due date or the date of receipt of the
invoice, whichever is later; or

                      b.  The failure of the Claims  Administrator to perform or
                          satisfy the requirements of any condition,  obligation
                          or provision  under this Agreement and such failure is
                          not corrected by the Claims  Administrator with thirty
                          (30)  days  after  written  notice  by the  HCO to the
                          Claims Administrator of such failure; or

     c.  The  failure  of  the  Claims   Administrator  to  correct   repetitive
performance deficiencies; or

     d. The Claims Administrator becomes insolvent or is unable to pay its debts
as  they  become  due  or the  Claims  Administrator  is  declared  bankrupt  or
insolvent,  or if a debtor relief  proceeding has been brought by or against it;

                      e.  The Claims Administrator loses its authority to act as
                          a TPA for qualified  self-insurers  or is placed under
                          receivership  or other  legal  action  by the State of

     7. Sole Benefit.  This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties and
in no event shall this Agreement be construed to be for the benefit of any third
party,  and the HCO will not be liable  for any  loss,  liability,  damages,  or
expense to any person not a party to this Agreement.

                8.    Assignment.   No   assignment  by  either  party  of  this
                      Agreement will be valid without the written consent of the
                      other  party,  which  consent  will be  reasonably  given.
                      Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the HCO may at any  time
                      assign its rights and delegate its duties hereunder to any
                      of its  affiliated  companies,  to the  extent  that  such
                      assignment  is  permitted  under the laws and  regulations
                      governing the operation of Health Care Organizations.

                9.    Failure of  Enforcement.  The HCO's  failure to enforce at
                      any time any of the  provisions of this  Agreement,  or to
                      exercise  any  option  which  is  herein  provided,  or to
                      require at any time  performance by the employer(s) or the
                      Claims Administrator of any of the provisions hereof, will
                      in no way be construed to be a waiver of such  provisions,
                      or in any way affect the validity of this Agreement or any
                      part thereof,  the HCO's right to thereafter  enforce each
                      and every provision of this Agreement,  or to exercise any
                      right or remedy available to the HCO under applicable law.

                10.   Legal  Agreement.  If any  provision of this  Agreement is
                      found to be  unenforceable  by a final order of a court of
                      competent jurisdiction,  the provision so affected will be
                      limited only to the extent necessary to permit  compliance
                      with the  minimum  legal  requirement,  and all such other
                      provisions of this  Agreement  will continue in full force
                      and effect.

     11. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by the parties at any time so
long as each  amendment  is in writing and signed by an  authorized  officer of
both parties.

     12. Entire Contract.  This Agreement and the Exhibits  attached  constitute
the entire  contract  between the  parties and shall not be amended  except by a
written instrument signed by both parties.  This agreement  supersedes all other
agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have  executed  this  Agreement  in
         duplicate by their  respective  officers only authorized to do so as of
         the day and year noted below.

             Sierra Health and Life Insurance Company

             By_______________________________       Dated: January 19, 2001
                     Jonathon W. Bunker
             Title:    President

             California Indemnity Insurance Company
             (and its wholly-owned subsidiaries)

             By      s/Kathleen M. Marlon            Dated: January  19, 2001
             Title:  President and
                     Chief Executive Officer