MASTER LOAN SALE AGREEMENT
                            dated as of
                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS                                         1
     1.1  Defined Terms                                        1
     1.2  Other Definitional Provisions                        5

SECTION 2. SALE AND PURCHASE OF LOANS                          7
     2.1  Agreement to Sell and Purchase                       7
     2.2  Conveyance of Qualified Loans                        7
     2.3  Conveyance of Mortgage Servicing Documents           9
     2.4  Delivery of Payment; Place of Closing               10

SECTION 3. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT                                10
     3.1  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Parties       10
     3.2  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Seller        10
     3.3  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Farmer Mac    11

     4.1  Representations and Warranties of Farmer Mac          11
     4.2  Representations and Warranties of the Seller          12
     4.3  Replacement of Defective Loans                        18
     4.4  Absolute and Unconditional Obligations                18

SECTION 5. COVENANTS                                            19
     5.1  Affirmative Covenants of the Seller                   19

SECTION 6. INDEMNIFICATION                                      20
     6.1  General                                               20
     6.2  Breaches of Representations and Warranties            20

SECTION 7. MISCELLANEOUS                                        21
     7.1  Loan Sale Supplements                                 21
     7.2  No Waiver; Cumulative Remedies                        21
     7.3  Counterparts                                          21
     7.4  Governing Laws                                        21
     7.5  Notices                                               21
     7.6  Survival and Termination of Agreement                 22
     7.7  Entire Agreement                                      22
     7.8  Waiver of Jury Trial                                  22
     7.9  Severability                                          22
     7.10 Assignability                                         22
     7.11 Third Party Beneficiaries                              22

LOAN SALE SUPPLEMENT                                     Exhibit A


SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE OF SELLER                        Exhibit C



                    MASTER LOAN SALE AGREEMENT

     MASTER LOAN SALE AGREEMENT, dated as of June 1, 1996 (this
"Agreement"), between [Seller] (the "Seller") and the Federal
Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, a federally chartered
institution of the Farm Credit System ("Farmer Mac").

                       W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, the Seller owns or will own certain agricultural
real estate mortgage loans (the "Qualified Loans") to be
identified on the Schedule of Qualified Loans (as hereinafter
defined) attached to each Loan Sale Supplement.

     WHEREAS, the Seller desires to sell and Farmer Mac desires to
purchase the Qualified Loans upon the terms and subject to the
conditions set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the
mutual covenants herein contained, the parties to this Agreement
hereby agree as follows:

                      SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS

     1.1  Defined Terms.   As used in this Agreement, the terms defined in 
the caption or in the recitals hereto shall have the meanings set forth 
therein, and the following terms shall have the following meanings:

     "Act":  Title VIII of the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended.

     "Additional Collateral Documents":  As to any Qualified Loan,
any security documents (including any UCC-1, UCC-2 or UCC-3
Financing Statement) other than those listed in clauses (i)
through (v) of Section 2.2(b), that are delivered to Farmer Mac or
its designee and evidence rights or interests in the related
Mortgaged Property.

     "Agricultural Real Estate":  As defined in the Act and the Securities

     "Appraisal Standards":  The appraisal standards established
by Farmer Mac and set forth in the Securities Guide.

     "Appraised Value":  The appraised value of a Mortgaged
Property, which is the appraised value based upon the appraisal
conducted in accordance with the Appraisal Standards less than six
months prior to the Seller's approval for purchase or the Seller's
origination of the Qualified Loan, which approval or origination
shall have occurred not more than six months prior to the Cut-Off

     "Assignment":  An assignment of a Mortgage, notice of
transfer or equivalent instrument, in recordable form, sufficient
under the laws of the jurisdiction wherein the related Mortgaged
Property is located to reflect of record the sale of the Mortgage
to Farmer Mac or its designee.

     "Borrower":  The obligor under a Qualified Loan.

     "Business Day":  Any other day than (i) a Saturday or a
Sunday, (ii) a day on which banking institutions in the States of
Minnesota, New York or [Seller's jurisdiction] are required or
authorized by law to be closed, (iii) a day on which the wire
transfer system of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is closed
or (iv) a day on which Farmer Mac is closed.

     "Closing Date": As defined in the Loan Sale Supplement.

     "Collection Period":  As defined in the Loan Sale Supplement.

     "Contractual Obligations":  As to any Person, any provision
of any security issued by such person or of any agreement,
instrument or undertaking to which such person is a party or by
which it or any of the property owned by it is bound.

     "Custodian": First Trust National Association or its
successor in interest, including any corporation, association or
bank that purchases substantially all of the corporate trust
business of the Custodian, or its permitted successor as custodian
for Farmer Mac or its designee.

     "Cut-Off Date":  As defined in the Loan Sale Supplement.

     "Cut-Off Date Principal Balance":  As to any Qualified Loan
other than an Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan, the unpaid
principal balance thereof at the Cut-Off Date after giving effect
to all installments of principal due on or prior thereto, whether
or not received. As to any Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan, the
unpaid principal balance thereof as of the beginning of the
Collection Period during which such Eligible Substitute Qualified
Loan was assigned to Farmer Mac or its designee.

     "Defective Qualified Loan":  A Qualified Loan as to which a
representation or warranty made by the Seller under Section 4.2
has been breached and that consequently is required to be replaced
with an Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan by such Seller or
repurchased by such Seller pursuant to Section 2.2 (g) or 4.3.

     "Due Date":  As to any Qualified Loan, any date upon which a
scheduled installment of principal and interest on such Qualified
Loan is due in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage

     "Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan":  A Qualified Loan that
is substituted for a Defective Qualified Loan pursuant to Section
2.2 (g) or 4.3 and that has characteristics that are acceptable to
Farmer Mac, in its sole discretion.

      "Environmental Statute":  Any Federal, state or  local  law,
ordinance, rule or regulation including, but not limited  to,  the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and  Liability
Act  of  1980,  as amended; the Hazardous Materials Transportation
Act,  as  amended; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,  as
amended;  and any regulations adopted and publications promulgated
pursuant to each of the foregoing.

     "Farmer Mac":  The Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation,
a federally chartered institution of the Farm Credit System and
instrumentality of the United States, or any successor corporation
or entity.  The term Farmer Mac, when used to refer to the entity
purchasing or holding the Qualified Loans, shall also include any
entity designated by Farmer Mac to be the holder of the Qualified

     "Governmental Authority":  Any nation or government, any
state or other political subdivision thereof and any entity
exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or
administrative functions of or pertaining to government.

     "Hazardous Materials":  Any flammable explosives, radioactive
materials or any other materials, wastes or substances defined as
hazardous materials, hazardous wastes or hazardous or toxic
substances by any Environmental Statute or by any Federal, state
or local governmental authority having or claiming jurisdiction
over the Mortgaged Property.

     "Installment Payment":  As to any Qualified Loan and any Due
Date, any payment of principal and/or interest thereon in
accordance with the amortization schedule of such Qualified Loan
(after adjustment for any curtailments occurring prior to the Due
Date but before any adjustment to such amortization schedule by
reason of any bankruptcy or similar proceeding or any moratorium
or similar waiver or grace period).

     "Loan Sale Supplement": An instrument substantially in the
form of Exhibit A hereto executed by Farmer Mac and the Seller
pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof which supplements this Master Loan
Sale Agreement and identifies the Qualified Loans being sold to
Farmer Mac by the Seller on the Closing Date identified therein
and sets forth the terms of the sale.

     "Loan-to-Value Ratio":  As of any date, the fraction,
expressed as a percentage, the numerator of which is the principal
balance of the related Qualified Loan at the date of determination
and the denominator of which is the Appraised Value of the related
Mortgaged Property as of the date of the appraisal performed in
accordance with the Appraisal Standards.

     "Mortgage":  A mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument
that constitutes a first lien on an interest in real property
securing a Mortgage Note.

     "Mortgage File":  The mortgage documents listed in subsection
2.2(b) pertaining to the particular Qualified Loan.

     "Mortgage Note":  The originally executed note or other
evidence of indebtedness evidencing the indebtedness of a Borrower
under a Qualified Loan.

     "Mortgage Rate":  As to any Qualified Loan, the rate of
interest borne by the related Mortgage Note.

     "Mortgaged Property":  The property securing a Qualified

     "Mortgage Servicing Documents":  The custodial documents,
servicing documents, escrow documents, if any, the original
appraisal, including any updates thereto, which was the basis for
the Appraised Value, and all other documents, records, and tapes
necessary for prudent servicing in accordance with the Seller's
standards for mortgage loan servicing, and such other papers and
documents, tax receipts, insurance policies, insurance premium
receipts, water stock certificates, ledger sheets, payment
records, insurance claim files and correspondence, foreclosure
files and correspondence, current and historical computerized data
files and other papers and records of whatever kind or
description, whether developed or originated by the Seller.

     "Officers' Certificate":  As to any Person, a certificate
signed by the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman of the
Board, the President, any Executive Vice President, Senior Vice
President, Vice President or Second Vice President, and any of the
Treasurer, the Secretary, or one of the Assistant Treasurers or
Assistant Secretaries of such Person delivered pursuant to this

     "Opinion of Counsel":  A written opinion of counsel
acceptable to Farmer Mac.

     "Person":  An individual, partnership, corporation, business
trust, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated association,
joint venture, Governmental Authority or any other entity of
whatever nature.

     "Qualified Loans":  As defined in the recitals.

     "Purchase Price":  As specified in the Loan Sale Supplement.

     "Repurchase Price":  With respect to any Qualified Loan
required to be purchased on any date pursuant to Section 4.2, an
amount equal to the sum of (i) 100% of the unpaid principal
balance thereof as shown on the Schedule of Qualified Loans less
any principal payments made in respect of such Qualified Loan and
(ii) the unpaid accrued interest at the Net Mortgage Rate on the
unpaid principal balance thereof from the Due Date to which
interest was last paid by the Borrower to the next Due Date for
such Qualified Loan; and (iii) if the date of repurchase by the
Seller occurs after the Qualified Loan has been securitized, any
Yield Maintenance Amount that would be payable under the terms of
the related Mortgage Note as if a Principal Prepayment in Full
were made on the date of repurchase by the Seller and such Yield
Maintenance Amount were calculated based on interest accruing at
the Net Mortgage Rate less the sum of (x) the Guarantee Fee Rate
and (y) the Trustee Fee Rate (each of the Guarantee Fee Rate and
the Trustee Fee Rate having the meaning given such term in the
applicable securitization documents).

     "Schedule of Qualified Loans":  The list of Qualified Loans
transferred to Farmer Mac  or its designee on the Closing Date and
attached to and made part of the Loan Sale Supplement in the form
and containing the information set forth in Attachment I thereto,
which list may be amended pursuant to Section 4.3 upon conveyance
of an Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan.  Such schedule, which
shall be in hard copy and in machine readable format to Farmer Mac
and the Custodian, may consist of multiple reports that
collectively set forth all of the information requested.

     "Scheduled Principal Balance":  As to any Qualified Loan and
any Due Date, the principal balance of such Qualified Loan as of
such Due Date, as specified in the amortization schedule at the
time relating thereto (after adjustments for curtailments
occurring prior to such Due Date but before any adjustment to such
amortization schedule by reason of any bankruptcy or similar
proceeding or any moratorium or similar waiver or grace period)
after giving effect to the payment of principal due prior to such
Due Date, whether or not received from the related Borrower.

     "Securities Guide":  The publication entitled "Federal
Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Securities Guide," release dated
April 10, 1992, as modified by any guide update or bulletin or as
replaced by any other publication of Farmer Mac identified by
Farmer Mac as a "Selling Guide" or as a "Servicing Guide."

     "Servicing Officer":  Any officer of the Seller involved in,
or responsible for, the administration and servicing of the
Qualified Loans whose name and specimen signature appears on a
list of servicing officers furnished to Farmer Mac or its designee
by the Seller on the applicable Closing Date, as such list may
from time to time be amended by delivery of written notice by an
existing Servicing Officer.

     "Substitution Adjustment Principal Amount":  As of any date
of substitution, the amount, if any, by which the unpaid principal
balance of any Defective Qualified Loan for which one or more
Eligible Substitute Qualified Loans are substituted on such date
of substitution exceeds the aggregate Scheduled Principal Balances
of the related Eligible Substitute Qualified Loans.

     1.2  Other Definitional Provisions

          (a)  The words "hereof", "herein" and "hereunder" and
     words of similar import when used herein shall refer to this
     Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of
     this Agreement, and section, subsection, attachment, schedule
     and exhibit references are to this Agreement unless otherwise

          (b)  The meaning given to terms defined herein shall be
     equally applicable to the singular and plural forms of such

          (c)  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein
     shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the
     Securities Guide.


     2.1  Agreement to Sell and Purchase.  Upon the basis of the
representations, warranties and agreements herein contained and
upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein,
Seller agrees to sell to Farmer Mac and Farmer Mac agrees to
purchase from Seller on each Closing Date, the Qualified Loans
identified in the related Schedule of Qualified Loans for the
applicable Purchase Price.

     2.2  Conveyance of Qualified Loans.

          (a)  On each Closing Date, concurrently with the
     execution and delivery of each Loan Sale Supplement and the
     payment to the Seller of the Purchase Price, the Seller shall
     sell, transfer, assign, set-over and convey to Farmer Mac or
     its designee (as Farmer Mac shall designate in writing prior
     to such Closing Date) all the right, title and interest of
     the Seller in and to the Qualified Loans.  The parties hereto
     agree that the delivery to the Custodian of any Assignment as
     contemplated in paragraph (b)(iii) shall be deemed to have
     taken place immediately after the vesting of title in and to
     the Qualified Loans in the Custodian on behalf of Farmer Mac,
     which vesting will have occurred by virtue of the execution
     by Seller and Farmer Mac of the Loan Sale Supplement, dated
     the Closing Date, and the delivery of the Mortgage Notes
     endorsed as described in paragraph (b)(i).

          (b)  In connection with such transfer and assignment
     described in clause (a) above, Seller will deliver to, or
     deposit with, the Custodian on behalf of Farmer Mac, the
     following documents or instruments with respect to each
     Qualified Loan so assigned:

               (i)  The Mortgage Note, endorsed in the following
          form:  "Pay to the order of First Trust National
          Association, as Custodian/Trustee without recourse" and
          showing an unbroken chain of endorsements from the
          original lender thereof to the Person endorsing it to
          the Custodian;
               (ii) The Mortgage with evidence of recording
          indicated thereon or, if (x) the public recording
          office retains the original of the Mortgage or (y) the
          Custodian receives a  certificate of a Servicing
          Officer certifying that the original of the Mortgage is
          lost, missing or destroyed, a copy of the Mortgage
          certified by the public recording office in which such
          Mortgage has been recorded to be a true and complete
          copy of the original Mortgage;
               (iii)     A copy of the original Assignment in the
          form "First Trust National Association, as
          Custodian/Trustee" which assignment or equivalent
          instrument may be in the form of one or more blanket
          assignments covering Mortgages secured by Mortgaged
          Properties located in the same county, if permitted by
          law and accompanied by an Opinion of Counsel to that
          effect (a copy of such blanket assignment to be
          delivered in each applicable Mortgage File) and any
          intervening assignments in original recorded form
          evidencing an unbroken chain of assignments from the
          initial assignor to the Custodian.  If the Assignment
          is not complete due to the lack of necessary recording
          information for insertion in the Assignment as of the
          applicable Closing Date, the original Assignment shall
          be retained by the Seller until such time as the
          necessary information becomes available, at which time
          the Seller shall promptly complete the Assignment and
          forward it to the appropriate office for recordation.
          Upon completion of recordation, the Seller will forward
          the original documents (or cause the original documents
          to be forwarded) to the Custodian;
               (iv) Evidence of title to the Mortgaged Property
          (either in the form of an original opinion from an
          attorney or firm of attorneys  or an original or
          certified copy of a lender's title insurance policy or
          binding title insurance commitment issued by a title
          insurance company);
                (v) Either (1) the original of each modification
          agreement and each assumption agreement, if any,
          relating to such Qualified Loan or, if (x) the public
          recording office retains the original of the
          modification or assumption agreement or (y) the
          Custodian receives a certificate of a Servicing Officer
          certifying that the original of the modification or
          assumption agreement is lost, missing or destroyed, a
          copy of the modification (with respect to the Mortgage)
          or assumption agreement certified by the public
          recording office in which such Mortgage was recorded to
          be a true and complete copy of the original
          modification or assumption agreement, or (2) a signed
          statement of the Seller that there is no modification
          agreement or assumption agreement relating to such
          Qualified Loan (such statement may be part of a list of
          Qualified Loans as to which no modification agreement
          or assumption agreement exists); and
                (vi)     Any Additional Collateral Documents
          relating to such Qualified Loan or a signed statement
          of the Seller that there is no Additional Collateral
          Document relating to such Qualified Loan (such
          statement may be part of a list of Qualified Loans as
          to which no Additional Collateral Document exists).
          (c)  (i)  The Seller acknowledges and understands that
          ownership of each document comprising a Mortgage File
          subsequent to the Closing Date is vested in the
          Custodian on behalf of Farmer Mac.  The Seller hereby
          agrees not to take any action inconsistent with such

               (ii) In the event that, in connection with any
          Qualified Loan, the Seller cannot deliver or cause the
          delivery of the Mortgage or any modification or
          assumption agreement with evidence of recording thereon
          solely because of a delay caused by the public
          recording office where such Mortgage or modification or
          assumption agreement has been delivered for
          recordation, the Seller shall deliver or cause to be
          delivered to the Custodian a photocopy, certified to be
          true and correct, of such Mortgage or modification or
          assumption agreement, as the case may be.  The Seller
          shall promptly deliver or cause to be delivered to the
          Seller such Mortgage or modification or assumption
          agreement, as the case may be, with evidence of
          recording indicated thereon upon receipt thereof from
          the public recording official.
          (d)  Documents taken as security instruments relating
     to any of the Qualified Loans and not delivered to the
     Custodian as part of the Mortgage File shall be held by the
     Seller in trust for the benefit of Farmer Mac.
          (e)  In the event that, in connection with any
     Qualified Loan, the Seller cannot deliver or cause to be
     delivered the Assignment (or blanket Assignment, if
     applicable) or intervening assignment with evidence of
     recording indicated thereon, the Seller shall deliver or
     cause to be delivered to the Custodian a photocopy,
     certified to be true and correct, of such Assignment.  The
     Seller shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the
     Custodian such Assignment or intervening assignment with
     evidence of recording indicated thereon promptly upon
     receipt thereof from the public recording official or, in
     the event the original recorded Assignment or intervening
     assignment is retained by the public recording office or, if
     the Seller certifies that the original recorded Assignment
     or intervening assignment, as applicable, is lost, a copy of
     such recorded Assignment or intervening assignment, as
     applicable, certified by the public recording office.

          (f)  The Seller shall execute, acknowledge and deliver
     all other documents furnished it by Farmer Mac as may be
     necessary to effectuate the transfer to Farmer Mac or its
     designee of all right, title and interest in and to the
     Qualified Loans and the Mortgages.

          (g)  If the Custodian finds any document or documents
     constituting a part of a Mortgage File to be missing,
     mutilated, torn, damaged or defective on its face, the
     Custodian shall notify the Seller in writing.  The Seller
     shall then correct or cure such omission or defect or cause
     such omission or defect to be corrected or cured within 90
     days from the date of such notification.  If (x) the Seller
     does not correct or cure such omission or defect or cause
     such omission or defect to be corrected or cured within such
     period and (y) such omission or defect relates to any
     document identified in Section 2.2(b), the Seller shall
     either (A) replace the related Qualified Loan or cause the
     related Qualified Loan to be replaced with one or more
     Eligible Substitute Qualified Loans in the manner and
     subject to the conditions set forth in Section 4.3 or (B)
     purchase such Qualified from Farmer Mac by remitting the
     Repurchase Price with respect to such Qualified Loan to
     Farmer Mac on date of such purchase.  Upon receipt of such
     Repurchase Price or Eligible Substitute Qualified Loan,
     Farmer Mac shall promptly release to the Seller or its
     designee or assignee the related Mortgage File, and shall
     also execute and deliver such instruments of transfer or
     assignment prepared or caused to be prepared by the Seller,
     in each case without recourse, as shall be necessary to vest
     in the Seller or its designee any Qualified Loan released
     pursuant thereto.  The foregoing remedy shall not be deemed
     to restrict or limit any right available to Farmer Mac
     against the Seller or the Originator of the related
     Qualified Loan.

          2.3  Conveyance of Mortgage Servicing Documents.  In
connection with the transfer and assignment described in Section
2.2 (a) above and the delivery described in Section 2.2 (b) above,
the Seller does hereby agree to deliver to, or deposit with,
Farmer Mac or its designee, all of the Mortgage Servicing
Documents on or before each applicable Closing Date.

         2.4  Delivery and Payment; Place of Closing.  Subject to
satisfaction of the conditions precedent set forth in Section 3
hereof, on each Closing Date, the Seller shall deliver to Farmer
Mac or its designee, all of the documents referred to in Section
2.2 (b), together with all interest and principal received on or
with respect to the Qualified Loans from and after the Cut-Off
Date (other than payments due on such Qualified Loans on or before
the Cut-Off Date and other than that portion of any payment of
interest received after the Cut-Off Date that represents interest
accruing on or prior to the Cut-Off Date).  Such delivery shall be
made against payment by Farmer Mac of the cash portion, if any, of
the Purchase Price to the Seller on the Closing Date by wire
transfer in immediately available funds to an account designated
by the Seller or by delivery to the Seller of any securities to be
received by the Seller.

          3.1  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Parties.
The respective obligations of Farmer Mac and the Seller hereunder
are subject to the satisfaction, at or prior to each Closing Date,
of the following conditions:

          (a)  No Injunction, etc.  No preliminary or permanent
     injunction or other order issued by any Federal or state
     court of competent jurisdiction in the United States or by
     any United States Federal or state governmental or regulatory
     body nor any statute, rule, regulation or executive order
     promulgated or enacted by any Governmental Authority which
     restrains, enjoins or otherwise prohibits the transactions
     contemplated hereby shall be in effect.

          (b)  No Proceeding or Litigation.  No suit, action or
     governmental proceeding before any court or any Governmental
     Authority shall have been commenced and be pending by any
     Governmental Authority against Farmer Mac, the Seller or any
     of their respective affiliates, associates, officers,
     directors or agents seeking to restrain, prevent or change,
     in any material respect, the transactions contemplated hereby
     or seeking damages in any amount material to such

          3.2  Conditions Precedent to Obligation of Seller.  The
obligation of the Seller to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement is subject to the satisfaction at
or prior to each Closing Date of the following additional

          (a)  Accuracy of Representations and Warranties.  The
     representations and warranties of Farmer Mac contained herein
     shall be true and correct in all material respects at and as
     of the Closing Date, with the same force and effect as though
     made at and as of the Closing Date, except for changes
     permitted or contemplated by this Agreement and except to the
     extent that any representation or warranty is made as of a
     specified date, in which case such representation or warranty
     shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such

          (b)  Secretary's Certificate.  At or prior to the first
     Closing Date under this Agreement (the "initial Closing
     Date"), the Seller shall have received from Farmer Mac a
     certificate, dated the initial Closing Date, of Farmer Mac's
     Secretary, in the form of Exhibit B, certifying the
     incumbency of those officers of Farmer Mac executing this
     Agreement, the Loan Sale Supplement or any closing documents
     delivered hereunder or thereunder, together with certified
     copies of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of Farmer
     Mac authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of
     this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
     contemplated herein.

          3.3  Conditions Precedent to Obligation of Farmer Mac.
The obligation of Farmer Mac to consummate the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement is subject to the satisfaction at
or prior to each Closing Date of the following additional

          (a)  Accuracy of Representation and Warranties.  The
     representations and warranties of the Seller contained herein
     shall be true and correct in all material respects at and as
     of the Closing Date, with the same force and effect as though
     made at and as of the Closing Date, except for changes
     permitted or contemplated by this Agreement and except to the
     extent that any representation or warranty is made as of a
     specified date, in which case such representation or warranty
     shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such

          (b)  Performance of Agreements.  The Seller shall have
     performed and complied with, in all material respects, all
     obligations, agreements and covenants contained in this
     Agreement to be performed or complied with by it prior to or
     at the Closing Date.

          (c)  Secretary's Certificate.  At or prior to the
     initial Closing Date, Farmer Mac shall have received from the
     Seller a Certificate of Authority, dated the initial Closing
     Date, of the Seller's Secretary, in the form of Exhibit C,
     certifying the incumbency of those officers of the Seller
     executing this Agreement, the Loan Sale Supplement or any
     closing documents delivered hereunder or thereunder, and
     certifying that the Seller is authorized to execute, deliver
     and perform this Agreement this Agreement and the
     consummation of the transactions contemplated herein.

         (d)  Opinions of Counsel.  Prior to the initial Closing
    Date, Farmer Mac shall have received Opinions of Counsel from
    counsel to the Seller, covering the matters set forth in
    Exhibit D.

         (e)  Payment of Fees and Expenses.  If specified
    therein, the Seller shall have made all payments of fees and
    expenses to Farmer Mac as set forth in the Loan Sale


          4.1  Representations and Warranties of Farmer Mac.
Farmer Mac represents and warrants to the Seller as follows:

          (a)  Farmer Mac is a federally chartered
     instrumentality of the United States duly organized, validly
     existing and in good standing under the laws governing its
     creation and existence and with corporate power and
     authority to conduct its business as it is currently being
     conducted; Farmer Mac holds all licenses, certificates and
     permits necessary for the conduct of its business as it is
     currently being conducted.

         (b)  Farmer Mac has the requisite power and authority to
    execute and deliver this Agreement and the related Loan Sale
    Supplement, to accept the transfer, assignment and delivery
    of all of the Qualified Loans and to take all other actions
    and execute and deliver all other documents which are
    requisite or pertinent to the transactions described in this
    Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement; the persons signing
    such documents and taking such actions on behalf of Farmer
    Mac have been duly authorized to do so and such documents and
    actions are valid, legally binding and enforceable against
    Farmer Mac in accordance with their terms.

         (c)  No action, suit or proceeding is pending or, to the
    best of Farmer Mac's knowledge, threatened against Farmer Mac
    that would prohibit its entering into this Agreement or
    performing its obligations under this Agreement and the Loan
    Sale Supplement.

          4.2  Representations and Warranties of the Seller.  The
Seller hereby represents and warrants to Farmer Mac as follows:

          (a)  It is a federally chartered instrumentality of the
     United States duly organized, validly existing and in good
     standing under the laws governing its creation and existence
     and with corporate power and authority to conduct its
     business as it is currently being conducted; the Seller holds
     all licenses, certificates and permits necessary for the
     conduct of its business as it is currently being conducted.
          (b)  It has the requisite power and authority to execute
     and deliver this Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement, to
     transfer, assign and deliver all the Qualified Loans to
     Farmer Mac and to take all other actions and execute and
     deliver all other documents which are requisite or pertinent
     to the transactions described in this Agreement and the Loan
     Sale Supplement.  The persons signing such documents and
     taking such actions on behalf of the Seller have been duly
     authorized to do so and such documents and actions are valid,
     legally binding and enforceable against the Seller in
     accordance with their respective terms, subject to applicable
     bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other
     laws affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally
     or the rights of creditors of an institution of the Farm
     Credit System and by general principles of equity (regardless
     of whether such enforcement is considered in a proceeding in
     equity or at law).
         (c)  No action, suit or proceeding is pending or, to the
     best of its knowledge, threatened against it that would
     prohibit its entering into this Agreement or performing its
     obligations under this Agreement and the Loan Sale

        (d)  The Seller hereby represents and warrants to Farmer
     Mac that as of each Closing Date (or, if otherwise specified
     below, as of the date so specified) with respect to the
     Qualified Loans:
               (i)  The information set forth in the Schedule of Qualified 
     Loans is true  and correct.
               (ii) Each Mortgage File contains the documents required by 
     Section 2.2(b) of this Agreement.
               (iii) Each Qualified Loan conforms in all material respects 
     to the provisions of the Securities Guide, including, but not by way of
     limitation,  the following:
                     (A)  Each Qualified Loan was originated by an
          "Originator"  as that term is defined in the  Securities
                     (B)   The Borrowers under each Qualified Loan
          are  "Eligible Borrowers" as that term is defined in the
          Securities Guide.
                    (C)  Except as otherwise identified in writing
          by the Seller, none of the Borrowers under any Qualified
          Loan are "Related Borrowers" as that term is defined  in
          the Securities Guide with respect to any Borrowers under
          any other Qualified Loan sold by the Seller pursuant  to
          this Agreement.
                    (D)  Each Qualified Loan is a "Qualified Loan"
          as that term is defined in the Securities Guide.
               (iv) The  Qualified Loan:
                    (A)  is principally secured by real property
          (i.e.,  had a loan-to-value ratio at origination not  in
          excess of 125% and, as of the Cut-Off Date, the Loan-to-
          Value Ratio is not in excess of  70%); and
                    (B)  is not secured by any collateral having
          material   value  other  than  the  Mortgage   and   any
          Additional Collateral Documents that evidence rights  or
          interests in the Mortgaged Property.
               (v)  (A)  Any security agreement, chattel mortgage or 
          equivalent document that is related to the Mortgage has been 
          delivered to Farmer Mac or its designee and is a valid and 
          subsisting lien on the property described in such document.
                     (B)   The  related Mortgage is a valid  first
          lien on the fee title to the related Mortgaged Property.
          The   Mortgaged  Property  is  free  and  clear  of  all
          mechanics'  liens, materialmen's liens or similar  types
          of  liens.  There are no rights outstanding  that  could
          result  in  any  of  such liens  being  imposed  on  the
          Mortgaged Property.
                     (C)   Appropriate  UCC filing  statements  on
          fixtures and personal property have been filed and a UCC
          search has been conducted indicating a security interest
          in such fixtures and personal property.
               (vi) In  connection with the origination of the Qualified 
          Loan, a lender's title insurance policy was issued by a title 
          insurance company acceptable to Farmer Mac, or, if such policy 
          is unavailable, an opinion of counsel was delivered by an attorney
          or firm of attorneys rated at least "BV" by Martindale-Hubbell 
          (or approved by Farmer Mac if no such rating is available). The 
          title insurance insures (or the title opinion assures) that a lien 
          of the priority described in clause (v)(B) of this subsection 
          secures the Mortgage Note, and that the property is not subject to
          encumbrances except those taken into account in the appraisal which
          established the  Appraised Value or which are customarily 
          acceptable to lenders in the area and do not materially impair the
          value of the property.
               (vii) Each of the Mortgage Note and Mortgage (including any 
          amendments or modifications to either such document) and each 
          additional security document that evidences rights or interests in
          the Mortgaged Property has been properly signed, and is the legal,
          valid and binding obligation of the Borrower, enforceable by
          Farmer Mac and its successors and assigns in accordance with its
               (viii) The Mortgage contains customary and enforceable 
          provisions that permit the holder of the Mortgage to obtain 
          marketable title to the Mortgaged Property upon the Borrower's 
          default under the Mortgage Loan. There is no exemption available 
          to the Borrower that would interfere with the right to sell the 
          Mortgaged Property or to foreclose the Mortgage, except for state 
          statutes or regulations respecting rights of redemption or 
          mediation or rights to cure defaults or require restructuring of 
          loans, moratoria on foreclosures or payments, rights of first 
          refusal or homestead rights; provided that no homestead rights 
          exempt from foreclosure  any portion of the Mortgaged Property if 
          the value of the remainder of such property would result in a 
          loan-to-value ratio of more than 70% at the Cut-Off Date.
               (ix) The Mortgage contains a provision for the acceleration of 
          the payment  of the unpaid principal balance of the Qualified Loan
          in the event that the Mortgaged Property is sold or transferred 
          without the prior written consent of the mortgagee thereunder.
               (x) The Mortgage Note is payable in monthly, quarterly, 
          semi-annual or annual installments (as specified in the Schedule 
          of Qualified Loans), so as to result in complete amortization 
          (after a final  payment of principal that may be substantially 
          disproportionate to the other scheduled payments of principal) of
          the Mortgage Loan over the stated or calculated term. The Qualified
          Loans do not provide for negative amortization of interest.
               (xi) Neither the Mortgage nor the Mortgage Note is usurious 
          and each meets or is exempt from any applicable usury laws or 
               (xii)  All relevant material requirements of federal, state 
          and local laws, rules and regulations then applicable to the 
          making, servicing and assigning of the Qualified Loan were complied
          with, including, without limitation, equal credit opportunity, 
          disclosure and truth-in-lending laws.
               (xiii) There are no tax or insurance escrow deposits or escrow
          payments relating to the Qualified Loan.
               (xiv) The Mortgage provides that the holder may make advances 
          under the Mortgage to protect the holder's interest in the Mortgaged
          Property and to protect the Mortgaged Property from loss. Repayment
          of such advances (including reasonable costs and attorney's fees) 
          plus interest at a default rate of interest is an obligation of the
          Borrower, secured by the Mortgage.
               (xv) The Mortgage Note provides either that: (i) any Installment
          Payment  not received by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is
          due shall accrue interest at a default rate; or (ii) a late charge
          equal to a percentage of the delinquent Installment Payment must
          be paid as a penalty if such Installment Payment is not received
          by the fifteenth day of the month in which it is due.
               (xvi) The Qualified Loan is not subject to any right of 
          rescission, set-off, counterclaim or defense.
               (xvii) The Mortgage has not been satisfied, canceled or 
         subordinated. There have been no material modifications or 
         amendments to the Mortgage or other principal mortgage documents 
         except as contained in the Mortgage File delivered to Farmer Mac 
         or its designee.
               (xviii)  There are no defaults under the Mortgage or Mortgage
         Note and all taxes, governmental assessments, insurance premiums, 
         water, sewer, and municipal charges relating to the Mortgaged 
         Property that previously became due and owing have been paid.
               (xix) The Qualified Loan has been either not more than:  
         (x) 30 days delinquent in payment of principal or interest during 
         the twelve months preceding the Cut-Off Date or (y) 60 days 
         delinquent in payment of principal or interest during the three 
         years preceding the Cut-Off Date; and
               (xx) The Seller has not advanced funds to, or induced, 
         solicited or knowingly received any advance of funds (nor will the 
         Seller  advance funds, or induce, solicit or knowingly receive any 
         advance of funds) from a party other than the Borrower, directly or
         indirectly, for the payment of any amount required under the
         Qualified Loan other than short term loans made in the ordinary
         course of business.
               (xxi) An appraisal to establish the Appraised Value of the 
         related Mortgaged Property has been conducted in accordance with 
         the Appraisal Standards.
               (xxii) All of the improvements on the Mortgaged Property 
         that were included for the purpose of determining the Appraised 
         Value are within the boundaries and building restriction lines of 
         such property, and no improvements on adjoining properties encroach
         upon the Mortgaged Property.
               (xxiii) The structures included in the appraisal establishing
         the Appraised Value of the Mortgaged Property are free of material 
         damage and are in good repair.
               (xxiv) All improvements on the Mortgaged Property included in
         the Appraised Value are insured against loss by a Standard Hazard 
         Insurance Policy that conforms to the requirements of the Securities 
               (xxv) Any applicable zoning laws or regulations or any 
         inspections, licenses or certificates required with respect to the 
         use and occupancy of the related Mortgaged Property were complied 
         with, duly made or issued, as the case may be.
               (xxvi) The Seller or its agent has physically inspected the 
         related Mortgaged Property and observed its main activities within 
         180 days prior to the Cut-Off Date and has observed that activities
         on such Mortgaged Property appeared to have been conducted in a 
         manner conforming to sound environmental practices as currently
         understood and, to the best of Seller's knowledge:
                     (A)  the Borrower has handled on the property
          only   Hazardous  Materials  customarily  used  in   the
          operation  of  a  farm  or  ranch,  including   ordinary
          cleaning  fluids, fuel oil, fertilizers and  pesticides,
          and only in accordance with any applicable Environmental
                     (B)   the Borrower has not otherwise produced
          or  disposed  of  Hazardous Materials on  the  Mortgaged
                     (C)  there has been no discharge of Hazardous
          Materials  into waters on or adjacent to  the  Mortgaged
          Property, or onto lands from which such substances might
          seep,  flow or drain into such waters in a manner  which
          violates any Environmental Statute; and
                     (D)   there has been no event that could give
          rise to a claim under any Environmental Statute or under
          common  law,  pertaining to Hazardous  Materials  on  or
          originating  from the Mortgaged Property  or  any  other
          real  property  owned or occupied  by  the  Borrower  or
          arising  out  of the conduct of the Borrower,  including
          pursuant to any Environmental Statute.
               (xxvii)   There is no proceeding pending, currently 
          occurring or, to the best of Seller's knowledge threatened, 
          for the  total  or partial condemnation of the Mortgaged 
               (xxviii)  The Seller knows of nothing involving the 
          Mortgage, the Mortgaged Property, the Borrower, or the 
          Borrower's credit standing that can reasonably be expected 
          to: (a) cause private institutional investors to regard the 
          Mortgage as an unacceptable investment (b) cause the Mortgage 
          to become delinquent or (c) adversely affect the Mortgage's 
          value or marketability.

               (xxix)  The Qualified Loan is not cross-collateralized 
          with any other mortgaged properties not subject to this 
          Agreement and there are no lenders who own a participation 
          interest in the Qualified Loan.

               (xxx) To the extent necessary to preserve the value of the 
          Mortgaged Property, a security interest has been properly perfected
          in any water rights and entitlements associated with the Mortgaged
          Property and such documentation has been obtained as may be
          necessary to insure the delivery of water to the Mortgaged
               (xxxi) The Mortgaged Property is contiguous to a public 
          thoroughfare, or includes such rights-of-way or easements so that 
          a public thoroughfare provides for reasonable ingress and egress 
          to such property.
               (xxxii) The proceeds of the Qualified Loan have been fully 
          disbursed, there is no requirement for future advances thereunder 
          and any and all requirements as to completion of any on-site or 
          off-site improvements and as to disbursement of any escrow funds 
          therefor have been complied with.  All costs, fees, transfer taxes,
          and expenses incurred in making, closing or recording the Qualified
          Loan have been paid.

     Upon discovery by either the Seller or Farmer Mac (including
a designee of Farmer Mac) of a breach of any of the representations and 
warranties set forth in this section 4.2 (b), the Person discovering such 
breach shall give prompt written notice to the other party. Within 90 days 
of its discovery or its receipt of notice of any such breach, the Seller 
shall either (i) cure such breach in all material respects, (ii) purchase 
the related loan from Farmer Mac by the deposit of the Repurchase Price into
an account designated by Farmer Mac, or (iii) replace such Qualified Loan 
with one or more Eligible Substitute Qualified Loans (but only if such 
replacement will not have adverse tax or other economic consequences to 
Farmer Mac or its assignee) in the manner and subject to the conditions set
forth in Section 4.3.

     It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the
representations and warranties set forth in this subsection 4.2
shall survive delivery of the respective Mortgage Files to Farmer
Mac, and delivery thereof by Farmer Mac to its designee, and that
all representations and warranties are made by Seller for the
express benefit of Farmer Mac and its designee, and that such
parties are expressly authorized by Seller to rely on such
representations and warranties.

     4.3  Replacement of Defective Loans.  If the Seller elects to
replace a Defective Qualified Loan pursuant to Section 2.2(g) or
the penultimate paragraph of Section 4.2, the Seller shall on the
date of substitution:

          (a)  convey one or more Eligible Substitute Qualified
     Loans and deliver the related Mortgage Files to Farmer Mac or 
     its designee as provided in subsection 2.2; and

          (b)  deposit or cause to be deposited in an account
     designated by Farmer Mac no later than the date of
     substitution the related Substitution Adjustment Principal
     Amount, if any, plus (i) interest on such Substitution
     Adjustment Principal Amount at the Mortgage Rate of the
     related Defective Qualified Loan from the previous Due Date
     for such Defective Qualified Loan (or, if there has been no
     Due Date for such Defective Qualified Loan subsequent to the
     Cut-Off Date, from the Cut-Off Date) to the date of
     substitution and (ii) interest on the unpaid principal
     balance of the related Defective Qualified Loan at the
     Mortgage Rate thereof from the Cut-Off Date or any Due Date
     as to which the related Installment Payment had been made to
     any Due Date prior to the date of substitution as to which
     the related Installment Payment remains delinquent as of the
     date of substitution; and
          (c)  deliver to Farmer Mac an Officer's Certificate
     certifying that the requirements of this Agreement with
     respect to the replacement of Defective Qualified Loans have
     been met.
     4.4  Absolute and Unconditional Obligation.  The Seller
agrees that its obligation to cure, repurchase or substitute a
Qualified Loan pursuant to Section 4.2 is absolute and
unconditional and that it will make any such cure, repurchase or
substitution irrespective of any defense, claim, set-off,
recoupment, abatement or other right that it may have against
Farmer Mac or any other Person, or of any amendment, supplement,
waiver or other circumstance, whether similar or dissimilar, which
in any manner would constitute a legal or equitable excuse for non-
performance by it of such obligation to cure, purchase or

                     SECTION 5.     COVENANTS

     5.1  Affirmative Covenants of the Seller.

          (a)  Further Assurances.  The Seller agrees, from time
     to time, at its expense, to execute and deliver promptly to
     Farmer Mac all further instruments and documents, and take
     all further action, that may be reasonably necessary, or that
     Farmer Mac may reasonably request, in order to effectuate the
     purposes of this Agreement or the Loan Sale Supplement.

          (b)  Access to Documentation.  Upon the prior written
     request of Farmer Mac received reasonably in advance, the
     Seller shall provide representatives of Farmer Mac reasonable
     access to documentation regarding the Qualified Loans during
     normal business hours at the offices of the Seller designated
     by it.  The Seller shall permit such representatives to
     photocopy any such documentation and shall provide equipment
     for that purpose.

                  SECTION 6.     INDEMNIFICATION

     6.1  General.  Each party agrees to pay the reasonable costs
of the other party if such other party prevails in an action to
enforce or remedy the breach or violation of this Agreement by
such party.
     6.2  Breaches of representations and warranties. The remedy
set forth in Section 4.2 with respect to breaches of
representations and warranties by the Seller shall not be deemed
to restrict or limit any right available to Farmer Mac against the
Seller with respect to the Qualified Loans.  The Seller agrees to
hold Farmer Mac and any assignee of Farmer Mac harmless against
any loss or expense (including any incidental or indirect cost)
incurred (or to be incurred, as such costs are incurred) to the
extent that such loss or expense can reasonably be determined by
Farmer Mac to have been (or to be) the result of such breach.

                   SECTION 7.     MISCELLANEOUS

     7.1    Loan   Sale   Supplements.  A  Loan  Sale   Supplement
identifying the Qualified Loans to be sold to Farmer  Mac  by  the
Seller  on  each Closing Date and establishing the terms  of  such
sale  shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit
A  (with  such changes thereto as Farmer Mac and the Seller  shall
agree  to),  shall have attached thereto a Schedule  of  Qualified
Loans  dated  as  of the date thereof  and shall  be  executed  by
Farmer  Mac and the Seller as of the related Closing Date.    Each
Loan  Sale  Supplement shall identify and relate to the particular
Qualified Loans.  Such Schedule of Qualified Loans shall list  all
Qualified Loans sold to Famer mac by Seller on the related Closing
Date  and  shall  show as to each Qualified Loan  the  information
provided  for in Exhibit 2 to the Loan Sale Supplement.  The  Loan
Sale  Supplement  together with this Master  Loan  Sale  Agreement
shall  constitute  the Loan Sale Agreement  with  respect  to  the
related Qualified Loans.

     7.2  No Waiver; Cumulative Remedies.  No failure to exercise
and no delay in exercising, on the part of Farmer Mac, any right,
remedy, power or privilege hereunder, shall operate as a waiver
thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right,
remedy, power or privilege hereunder preclude any other or further
exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power
or privilege.  The rights, remedies, powers and privileges herein
provided are cumulative and not exclusive or any rights, remedies,
powers or privileges provided by law.

     7.3  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any
number of separate counterparts and all of such counterparts taken
together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same


     7.5  Notices.  All notices, requests, demands, waivers and
other communications required or permitted to be given under this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
duly given (a) when delivered by hand, (b) two business days after
it is mailed, certified or registered, return receipt requested,
with postage prepaid, (c) when sent by telex, telegram or telecopy
(with receipt confirmed) or (d) one business day after it is sent
by Express Mail, FedEx or other express delivery service, as

          (a)  if to the Seller, to it at:

               Telecopy Number:

          (b)  if to Farmer Mac, to it at:

               Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
               919 Eighteenth St., N.W.
               Suite 200
               Washington, DC  20006
               Attention:  Vice President - Mortgage-Backed
                Telecopy Number: 202-872-7713

or to such other persons, addresses and telecopier numbers as a
party shall specify as to itself by notice in writing to the other

     7.6  Survival and Termination of Agreement.  All covenants,
agreements, representations and warranties made herein and in any
certificate, document or statement delivered pursuant hereto or in
connection herewith shall survive the execution and delivery of
this Agreement until the later of the receipt by Farmer Mac or its
assignee of payment in full in respect of all Qualified Loans and
the satisfaction of all of the Mortgages.
     7.7  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement (which, for this
purpose, includes the Loan Sale Supplement)  sets forth the entire
agreement of the parties hereto with respect to its subject
matter, and supersedes all previous understandings, written or
oral, with respect thereto.
     7.8  Waiver of Jury Trial.  The Seller and Farmer Mac hereby
irrevocably and unconditionally waive trial by jury in any legal
action or preceding relating to this Agreement or the Loan Sale
     7.9  Severability.  Any provision of this Agreement or the
Loan Sale Supplement which is prohibited, unenforceable or not
authorized in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be
ineffective to the extent of such prohibition, unenforceability or
non-authorization without invalidating the remaining provisions
hereof or thereof or affecting the validity, enforceability or
legality of any such provision in any other jurisdiction.
     7.10 Assignability.  Except as herein contemplated, neither
this Agreement nor the Loan Sale Supplement shall be assigned by
either of the parties hereto without the prior written consent of
the other party; provided, however, that Farmer Mac may assign
this Agreement to any affiliate of Farmer Mac without prior notice
or consent of the Seller.
     7.11 Third Party Beneficiaries.  Any assignee or designee of
Farmer Mac, including an assignee holding the Qualified Loans for
the benefit of holders of securities guaranteed by Farmer Mac, is
a third party beneficiary to this Agreement or the Loan Sale
Supplement entitled to enforce the representations and warranties,
indemnities and obligations of the parties hereto. Except as
otherwise provided, the parties to this Agreement hereby manifest
their intent that no third party other than such assignee or
designee, including an assignee for the benefit of such holders of
securities, shall be deemed a third party beneficiary of this
Agreement or the Loan Sale Supplement, and specifically that the
Borrowers are not third party beneficiaries of this Agreement or
the Loan Sale Supplement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Agreement as of the date first above written.


                      By: _____________________________________________

                        Name:  Henry D. Edelman
                        Title: President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                        EXHIBIT A
                       LOAN SALE SUPPLEMENT
                            dated as of
                           June 1, 1996
                                                   EXHIBIT B

            Secretary's Certificate of Farmer Mac

I, Michael T. Bennett, hereby certify that I am the duly
elected or appointed Secretary of the Federal Agricultural
Mortgage Corporation ("Farmer Mac"), and further certify as

1.   Attached hereto as Exhibits A, B and C, respectively,
are true and correct copies of the Charter and Bylaws of
Farmer Mac and the resolutions of the Board of Directors of
Farmer Mac authorizing the execution, performance and
delivery of the Master Loan Sale Agreement dated as of June
1, 1996 (the "Master Loan Sale Agreement") and the Loan Sale
Supplement dated as of June 1, 1996 (the "Loan Sale
Supplement"), each between [Seller] ("[Seller]"), as seller
and Farmer Mac, each of which is in full force and effect on
the date hereof.

2.   Each person purporting to execute, either manually or
by facsimile signature, on behalf of Farmer Mac (a) the
Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement and
(b) any other document delivered in connection with the sale
and purchase of the Qualified Loans and the closing related
thereto was, at the respective times of such signing and
delivery, and is, as of the date hereof, duly appointed,
qualified and acting as such officer, and was and is duly
authorized to accept the duties and make the statements
provided for in such documents.  The signature of each such
person as it appears on any such document is the genuine
signature of such person.

3.   Farmer Mac has the full power and authority to enter
into and consummate all transactions contemplated by the
Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement, has
duly authorized the execution, delivery and performance of
the Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement
and has duly executed and delivered the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement.

4.   At the date hereof, each of the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement is in full force and
effect as regards Farmer Mac, and the representations and
warranties of Farmer Mac set forth in Section 4.1 of the
Master Loan Sale Agreement are accurate and complete.

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings specified in the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name on behalf
Farmer Mac on and as of this 6th day of June, 1996.


                  Name:  Michael T. Bennett
                  Title: Secretary

I,  Christopher A. Dunn, a Vice President of the Federal
Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, hereby certify that
Michael T. Bennett is the duly appointed, qualified and
acting Secretary of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation and that the signature appearing above is his
genuine signature.

                  By: ___________________________________________
                  Name:  Christopher A. Dunn
                  Title: Vice President-Mortgage-Backed Securities

                                                   EXHIBIT C


              Secretary's Certificate of Seller

I, [               ], hereby certify that I am the duly
elected or appointed Secretary of [Seller], and further
certify as follows:

1.   Attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, respectively, are
true and correct copies of the Charter and Bylaws of
[Seller] each of which is in full force and effect on the
date hereof.

2.   Each person purporting to execute, either manually or
by facsimile signature, on behalf of [Seller] (a) the Master
Loan Sale Agreement dated as of June 1, 1996 (the "Master
Loan Sale Agreement") and the Loan Sale Supplement dated as
of June 1, 1996 (the "Loan Sale Supplement"), each between
[Seller], as seller, and the Federal Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation, as purchaser, and (b) any other document
delivered in connection with the sale and purchase of the
Qualified Loans and the closing related thereto was, at the
respective times of such signing and delivery, and is, as of
the date hereof, duly appointed, qualified and acting as
such officer, and was and is duly authorized to accept the
duties and make the statements provided for in such
documents.  The signature of each such person as it appears
on any such document is the genuine signature of such

3.   [Seller] has the full power and authority to enter into
and consummate all transactions contemplated by the Master
Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement, has duly
authorized the execution, delivery and performance of the
Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement and
has duly executed and delivered the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement.

4.   At the date hereof, each of the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement is in full force and
effect as regards [Seller], and the representations and
warranties of [Seller] set forth in Section 4.2 of the
Master Loan Sale Agreement are accurate and complete.

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings specified in the Master Loan Sale
Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name on behalf
[Seller] on and as of this _th day of ____, 199_.


                              Title: Secretary

I,                                                  , a
of [Seller, hereby certify that_________________________________
is the duly appointed, qualified and acting Secretary of
[Seller] and that the signature appearing above is [his/her]
genuine signature.


                                                   EXHIBIT D


          [Letterhead of  [                 ]Esq.]

                                           , 1996

Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
919 18th Street, N.W.
Suite 200
Washington, DC   20006

Re:   Sale of Qualified Loans

Dear Sir or Madam:

     I have acted as counsel to [Seller], a [
] (the "Seller") in connection with the sale of Qualified
Loans  (the "Qualified Loans") to Farmer Mac pursuant to the
Master Loan Sale Agreement dated as of June 1, 1996 (the
"Master Loan Sale Agreement") and the Loan Sale Supplement
dated as of June 1, 1996, each between [the Seller], as
Seller and Farmer Mac. Unless indicated otherwise, all
capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings
assigned to them in the Loan Sale Supplement.

     In that connection, I have examined originals, or
copies certified or otherwise identified to my satisfaction,
of such documents, corporate records and other instruments
as I have deemed necessary or appropriate for the purposes
of this opinion.

     As to matters of fact, I have examined and relied upon
representations of the parties contained in each of the
Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement and,
where I have deemed appropriate, representations or
certifications of officers of [Seller] or public officials.
I have assumed the authenticity of all documents submitted
to me as originals, the genuineness of all signatures, the
legal capacity of natural persons and the conformity to the
originals of all documents submitted to me as copies.  I
have assumed that all parties, except for [Seller], had the
corporate power and authority to enter into and perform all
obligations under such documents, and, as to such parties, I
also have assumed the due authorization by all requisite
corporate action, the due execution and delivery and the
validity, binding effect and enforceability of such
documents.  I have further assumed the conformity of the
Qualified Loans and related documents to the requirements of
each of the Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale

     In rendering this opinion letter, I do not express any
opinion concerning the securities laws of any jurisdiction.
I do not express any opinion on any issue not expressly
addressed below.

     Based upon the foregoing, I am of the opinion that:

     (a)    [Seller] is an instrumentality duly
     organized, validly existing and in good standing
     under the laws of the United States, with
     corporate power and authority to conduct its
     business as it is currently being conducted.

     (b)     [Seller] has the requisite power and
     authority to execute and deliver each of the
     Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale
     Supplement and to perform its obligations under
     such Agreements.

     (c)     Each of the Master Loan Sale Agreement and
     the Loan Sale Supplement has been duly authorized,
     executed and delivered by [Seller] and constitutes
     a valid and binding agreement of [Seller],
     enforceable against [Seller] in accordance with
     its terms, subject to (i) applicable bankruptcy,
     insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other
     similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally
     and (ii) general principles of equity (regardless
     of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding
     in equity or at law).

       (d) There are no actions, proceedings or
     investigations pending, or to the best of my
     knowledge, threatened against [Seller] before any
     court, administrative agency or other tribunal (a)
     asserting the invalidity of either of the Master
     Loan Sale Agreement or the Loan Sale Supplement,
     (b) seeking to prevent the consummation of any of
     the transactions contemplated by the Master Loan
     Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement, or
     (c) that might reasonably be expected to
     materially and adversely affect the performance by
     [Seller] of its obligations under, or the validity
     or enforceability of, either of the Master Loan
     Sale Agreement or the Loan Sale Supplement.

            (e)   Neither the consummation of any
     other of the transactions contemplated by the
     Master Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale
     Supplement nor the compliance by [Seller] with any
     of the provisions thereof will conflict with,
     constitute a default under or violate any
     applicable [Seller's state] or federal laws or

       (f) No consent, approval, authorization or order
     of any court, regulatory or supervisory authority
     or governmental agency or body is required for the
     consummation by [the Seller] of the transactions
     contemplated in each of the Master Loan Sale
     Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement or for the
     performance by [the Seller] of the transactions or
     obligations contemplated in therein.

       (h) [the Seller] is not in default with respect
     to any order or decree of any court or any order,
     regulation or demand of any federal, state, county
     or municipal agency, which default might have
     consequences that would materially and adversely
     affect its condition (financial or other),
     operations or properties or might have
     consequences that would materially and adversely
     affect its performance under each of the Master
     Loan Sale Agreement and the Loan Sale Supplement.
I am a member of the bar of the State of [                ]
and express no opinion as to the laws of any jurisdiction
other than those of the State of [                      ]
and the laws of the United States of America.

I am furnishing this opinion letter to you solely for your
benefit.  This opinion is not to be used, circulated, quoted
or otherwise referred to for any other purpose.

Very truly yours,