Item 1.  Financial Statements
              (000's omitted, except per share data)

                                           June 30,    December 31,
                                             1995         1994
                                          (Unaudited)      (Note)
Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents              $  3,950        $   3,999
 Trade receivables, less allowance
  for doubtful accounts (1995-$663;
  1994-$639)                              52,016           39,818
 Operating supplies and inventories        1,983            1,519
 Prepaid expenses                          8,690            4,247
 Deferred income taxes                     5,276            4,664
 Income taxes receivable                   1,248              --
                                        -----------     -----------
  Total current assets                    73,163           54,247

Property and equipment                   468,729          396,594
 Allowances for depreciation and
  amortization (deduction)              (113,688)        (98,701)
                                        -----------     -----------
                                         355,041          297,893
Other assets                               3,411            3,208
                                        -----------     -----------
                                        $431,615        $ 355,348
                                        ===========    ============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities
 Trade accounts payable                 $ 10,932        $  13,358
 Accrued expenses                         29,021           24,449
 Federal and state income taxes             --                233
 Current portion of long-term debt         8,067            6,338
                                        -----------     -----------
  Total current liabilities               48,020           44,378

Long-term debt, less current portion
 (Note B)                                152,897          104,843

Deferred income taxes                     35,628           28,947

Shareholders' equity:
 Common stock, par value $.01 per share--
  authorized 250,000 shares; issued and
  outstanding 30,773 in 1995
    and 30,496 in 1994                       308              305
 Additional paid-in capital               96,808           93,347
 Retained earnings                        97,954           83,528
                                        -----------     -----------
                                         195,070          177,180
                                        -----------     -----------
                                        $431,615        $ 355,348
                                        ===========     ===========

Note:  The condensed consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 1994, has
   been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements at that

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

              (000's omitted, except per share data)

                             Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                        June 30              June 30
                                     1995      1994       1995      1994

Operating revenue                  $141,969  $123,656   $274,502  $222,928

Operating expenses and costs:
 Salaries, wages and benefits        77,859    63,127    151,266   117,067
 Operating supplies and
  expenses                            9,186     8,034     17,889    15,076
 Operating taxes and licenses         5,817     4,697     11,554     9,054
 Insurance                            4,525     3,897      9,325     6,438
 Communications and utilities         2,709     2,325      5,258     4,505
 Depreciation and amortization        9,106     7,044     17,542    13,217
 Rents and purchased
  transportation                     11,013    12,023     21,709    23,075
 Other                                6,230     5,429     12,179     9,822
                                    -------------------- ------------------
                                    126,445   106,576    246,722   198,254
                                    -------------------- ------------------
Operating income                     15,524    17,080     27,780    24,674

Other income (expense):
 Interest expense                    (2,491)   (1,908)    (4,689)   (3,243)
 Interest income                         32        91         75       124
 Gain (loss) on disposal of
  assets                                 39    (   20)        44    (   19)
 Other, net                              91        57        152       111
                                    -------------------- ------------------
                                     (2,329)   (1,780)    (4,418)   (3,027)

Income before income taxes           13,195    15,300     23,362    21,647
                                    -------------------- ------------------

Federal and state income taxes:
 Current                              1,080     5,350      2,868     6,800
 Deferred                             3,967       464      6,068     1,428
                                    -------------------- ------------------
                                      5,047     5,814      8,936     8,228
                                    -------------------- ------------------

Net income                         $  8,148  $  9,486   $ 14,426  $ 13,419
                                   ===================== ==================

Net income per share               $   0.26  $   0.32   $   0.46  $   0.46
                                  ====================== ==================

Average shares outstanding           31,426    29,906     31,401    29,393
                                  ====================== ==================

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                    Six Months Ended
                                                         June 30
                                                   1995           1994
                                                     (000's omitted)

Net cash provided by operating activities     $   22,684       $  17,432

Investing activities
 Proceeds from sales of equipment                    458              16
 Capital expenditures                            (75,118)        (45,435)
                                               -----------    -----------
 Net cash used by investing activities           (74,660)        (45,419)

Financing activities
 Principal payments on long-term debt            (20,652)        (46,859)
 Proceeds from notes payable and
  long-term borrowings                            70,435          39,000
 Proceeds from issuance of common stock            2,144          38,841
                                               -----------    -----------
 Net cash provided by financing activities        51,927          30,982
                                               -----------   ------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash
  equivalent                                   $ (    49)      $   2,995
                                              ============   ===========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                           June 30, 1995

The   accompanying   unaudited  condensed  consolidated   financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting  principles for interim financial information  and  with
the  instructions  to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of  Regulation  S-X.
Accordingly, they do not include all the information and  footnotes
required  by generally accepted accounting principles for  complete
financial   statements.   In  the  opinion   of   Management,   all
adjustments  (consisting of normal recurring  accruals)  considered
necessary  for  a fair presentation have been included.   Operating
results  of  the  six month period ended June  30,  1995,  are  not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for  the
year  ending December 31, 1995.  For further information, refer  to
the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  and  footnotes
thereto included in Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994.

As  of  June  30, 1995, the Company has outstanding  borrowings  of
$50,500,000  under  its existing $125,000,000  unsecured  revolving
line of credit.  The proceeds of these borrowings were used for the
purchase of revenue equipment and for the purchase and construction
of terminal facilities.  At June 30, 1995, the amount available for
borrowing under the line of credit was $74,500,000.  In addition to
this  credit facility, the Company has obtained letters  of  credit
totaling  $7,000,000  to provide collateral on  its  self-insurance
plan.   The  line  of credit bears interest at a variable  interest
rate  based  upon the London Interbank rate or the  lender's  prime
rate in effect at the time of the borrowing.

As  of  June  30, 1995, the Company has outstanding  borrowings  of
$65,000,000  under  an  uncommitted Master  Shelf  Agreement  which
provides for the issuance of up to $90,000,000 of senior promissory
notes with an average life not to exceed eight years.

On  May  11, 1994, the Company sold 1,750,000 shares of its  common
stock  in a public offering at $18.25 per share.  Proceeds  to  the
Company, net of underwriting discounts, commissions and other costs
were $30,145,000.  On June 10, 1994, the underwriters exercised  an
overallotment  provision  in  the  underwriting  agreement  for  an
additional 375,000 shares of common stock.  Net proceeds  from  the
exercise of the overallotment provision were $6,506,000.

Commitments for the purchase of revenue equipment and the  purchase
or  construction of terminals aggregated approximately  $40,982,000
at June 30, 1995.


                                                Quarter Ended June 30
                                                 1995           1994
                                              (Thousands omitted except
                                                 per share amounts)

Weighted average shares outstanding             30,721         29,049
Net effect of dilutive stock options
 based on treasury stock method                    705            857
                                            -----------    -----------
Total weighted average shares outstanding       31,426         29,906
                                            ===========    ===========

Net income                                   $   8,148      $   9,486
                                            ===========    ===========

Earnings per common share and                $    0.26      $    0.32
 common share equivalents                   ===========    ===========

Earnings per common share and common share equivalents are computed
by  dividing net income by the weighted average number of shares of
common  stock and common stock equivalents outstanding  during  the

    Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations

The following table sets forth, for the periods indicated, the
percentages of operating expenses and other items to operating

                                    Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                         June 30                 June 30
                                     1995       1994        1995        1994

Operating revenue                   100.0%     100.0%      100.0%     100.0%

Operating expenses and costs:

 Salaries, wages and benefits        54.8%      51.0%       55.1%      52.5%

 Operating supplies and expenses      6.5%       6.5%        6.5%       6.8%

 Operating taxes and licenses         4.1%       3.8%        4.2%       4.1%

 Insurance                            3.2%       3.2%        3.4%       2.9%

 Communications and utilities         1.9%       1.9%        1.9%       2.0%

 Depreciation and amortization        6.4%       5.7%        6.4%       5.9%

 Rents and purchased transportation   7.8%       9.7%        7.9%      10.3%

 Other                                4.4%       4.4%        4.5%       4.4%


  Total operating expenses and

    costs                            89.1%      86.2%       89.9%      88.9%


Operating income                     10.9%      13.8%       10.1%      11.1%

Interest expense                      1.7%       1.5%        1.7%       1.5%

Other income, net                     0.1%       0.1%        0.1%       0.1%


Income before income taxes            9.3%      12.4%        8.5%       9.7%

Income taxes                          3.6%       4.7%        3.2%       3.7%


Net income                            5.7%       7.7%        5.3%       6.0%


Results of Operations
Results  of operations for the three and six months ended June  30,
1994  were materially impacted by a 24-day strike during April 1994
called  by  the  International  Brotherhood  of  Teamsters  against
several  competing  companies in the less-than-truckload  industry.
As a result, comparisons of operations for the three and six months
ended  June  30,  1995  to  the strike-impacted  periods  from  the
previous year were materially impacted.

Operating Revenue
- -----------------
Operating  revenue  for  the six months ended  June  30,  1995  was
$274,502,000, up 23.1%, compared to $222,928,000 for the six months
ended  June 30, 1994.  Operating revenue for the three months ended
June  30, 1995 was $141,969,000, up 14.8%, compared to $123,656,000
in  the  strike-impacted three months ended  June  30,  1994.   The
growth  in operating revenue in the six months ended June 30,  1995
compared  to  the  six  months ended June 30,  1994  was  primarily
attributable to a 21.2% increase in tonnage handled by the  Company
from  new  and  existing  customers.  The major  reasons  for  this
increase in tonnage were:
- -     On  January  1,  1995,  the Company expanded  its  all-points
  coverage to the states of North Carolina and South Carolina  with
  the opening of thirteen new terminals.
- -    The Company continued to increase its market penetration into
existing service territories.
- -    The deregulation of intra-state commerce as of January 1, 1995
  by the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994.
- -     On April 17, 1995, the Company expanded its service territory
  with  the  addition of terminal locations in:  Colorado  Springs,
  Denver,   Fort   Collins  and  Pueblo,  CO;   Des   Moines,   IA;
  Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN; Omaha, NE; Madison and Milwaukee, WI.

In  addition to the increase in tonnage, operating revenue for  the
six  months ended June 30, 1995 was affected by a 1.1% increase  in
revenue per hundred weight as compared to the six months ended June
30,  1994.   The  major factors contributing to  this  increase  in
revenue per hundred weight were:
- -     A  general  rate  increase  of approximately  3.5%  effective
  January  1,  1995.   General  rate  increases  initially   affect
  approximately  50%  of  the Company's customers.   The  remaining
  customers' rates are determined by contracts and guarantees and are
  negotiated throughout the year.
- -     The  Company's average length of haul increased 5.1%, to  581
  miles, in the six months ended June 30, 1995 as compared to the six
  months ended June 30, 1994.  The increase in average length of haul
  was primarily a result of the Company's expanded service territory.

Management  expects that growth in operating revenue is sustainable
in the near future.  Any growth in operating revenue will primarily
be  the result of increased tonnage handled by the Company, as  any
future  rate  increases can be expected to be closely tied  to  the
overall rate of inflation and general economic conditions.

Operating Expenses
- ------------------
Operating  expenses as a percentage of operating revenue  increased
to  89.9% in the six months ended June 30, 1995 from 88.9%  in  the
six months ended June 30, 1994.  Operating expenses as a percentage
of  operating revenue increased to 89.1% in the three months  ended
June  30, 1995 from 86.2% in the three months ended June 30,  1994.
This overall increase was primarily attributable to:
- -     Salaries,  wages  and benefits as a percentage  of  operating
  revenue increased to 55.1% in the six months ended June 30,  1995
  from 52.5% in the six months ended June 30, 1994.  The utilization
  of  Company-operated terminals in expansions of service territory
  and the conversion of four contractor-operated terminals to Company-
  operated terminals contributed to this increase.  In addition, the
  continuation of the Company's philosophy of sharing  its  success
  with  its associates through increased wages and enhanced benefit
  packages  contributed to this increase.  On March  6,  1995,  the
  Company  increased the wages of its drivers, dockmen and clerical
  workers by approximately 5.5%.
- -     Insurance  as a percentage of operating revenue increased  to
  3.4%  in the six months ended June 30, 1995 from 2.9% in the  six
  months ended June 30, 1994.  This increase was primarily a result
  of increased experience of accident and cargo claims.  During the
  twelve  months prior to June 30, 1995, accidents and cargo claims
  returned to historical levels after being somewhat lower  in  the
  prior two years.  Management does not expect a continuation of the

  upward  trend  in insurance expenses as they relate to  operating
  revenue  but  expects  a  stabilization of  these  expenses  near
  historical levels.
- -     Depreciation  and amortization as a percentage  of  operating
  revenue  increased to 6.4% in the six months ended June 30,  1995
  from 5.9% in the six months ended June 30, 1994.  This increase was
  primarily a result of decreased usage of rented equipment in favor
  of  Company-owned equipment.  Management expects  this  increased
  utilization  of  Company-owned  equipment,  rather  than   rented
  equipment, to continue in the near term.

These  increases in operating expenses as a percentage of operating
revenue  were  partially offset by improvements  in  the  following
- -      Rents  and  purchased  transportation  as  a  percentage  of
  operating revenue decreased to 7.9% in the six months ended  June
  30,  1995 from 10.3% in the six months ended June 30, 1994.  This
  decrease  was  due  to two primary reasons.  The  first  was  the
  Company's philosophy of utilizing Company-operated terminals rather
  than  contractor-operated  terminals  in  expansions  of  service
  territory,  along with the conversion of four contractor-operated
  terminals  to Company-operated terminals during 1994.  Management
  does not expect significant additional conversions of contractor-
  operated  terminals  to  Company-operated terminals.  The  second
  primary   reason  for  the  decrease  in  rents   and   purchased
  transportation  as  a  percentage of operating  revenue  was  the
  decreased  usage  of rented equipment in favor  of  Company-owned
- -     Operating supplies and expenses as a percentage of  operating
  revenue  decreased to 6.5% in the six months ended June 30,  1995
  from 6.8% in the six months ended June 30, 1994.  This decrease was
  primarily due to a 3.1% improvement in the Company's linehaul load
  factor (the average tonnage transported in a typical movement  of
  freight between terminals).

- -----
Interest expense as a percentage of operating revenue increased  to
1.7%  in  the six months ended June 30, 1995 from 1.5% in  the  six
months   ended   June  30,  1994.   This  increase  was   primarily
attributable  to  increased  costs of  borrowing  funds  under  the
Company's  variable-rate, revolving line of credit  facility.   The
increased  costs of borrowing funds were a reflection of  increased
interest rates in the general economy.

The  effective tax rate of the Company was 38.3% for the first  six
months  of  1995, up from 38.0% for the first six months  of  1994.
Net income for the six months ended June 30, 1995, was $14,426,000,
up 7.5%, from $13,419,000 for the six months ended June 30, 1994.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
The  continued  growth in operating revenue and  the  expansion  of
service   territory  initiated  during  1995  required  significant
capital resources in the six months ended June 30, 1995.

Capital  requirements during the six months  ended  June  30,  1995
consisted  primarily of $74,660,000 in investing  activities.   The
Company invested $75,118,000 in capital expenditures during the six
months  ended June 30, 1995 comprised of $44,533,000 in  additional
revenue  equipment, $17,480,000 in new terminal facilities  or  the
expansion of existing terminal facilities and $13,105,000 in  other
equipment.   Management expects capital expenditures for  the  full
year  of  1995  will be approximately $130,000,000.   However,  the
amount  of  capital expenditures required in 1995 will be dependent
on  the  growth rate of the Company and the timing and size of  any
future  expansions  of service territory.  At June  30,  1995,  the
Company  had  commitments for land, terminals,  revenue  and  other
equipment of approximately $40,982,000.  These commitments were for
the completion of projects in process at June 30, 1995, and for the
purchase  of  additional  revenue  equipment  in  anticipation   of
increased revenue levels during the remainder of 1995.

The  Company provided for its capital resource requirements in  the
six  months  ended  June  30, 1995 with cash  from  operations  and
financing activities.  Cash from operations totaled $22,684,000  in
the  six months ended June 30, 1995 compared to $17,432,000 in  the
six  months  ended  June 30, 1994.  Financing activities  augmented
cash  flow by $51,927,000 in the six months ended June 30, 1995  by
utilizing two primary sources of financing:  the revolving line  of
credit and the Master Shelf facility.
- -    The Company experiences periodic cash flow fluctuations common
  to the industry.  Cash outflows are heaviest during the first part
  of any given year while cash inflows are normally weighted towards
  the  last two quarters of the year.  To smooth these fluctuations
  and  to  provide flexibility to fund future growth,  the  Company

  utilizes  a  variable-rate, unsecured revolving  line  of  credit
  provided by NationsBank of Texas, N.A., Texas Commerce Bank, N.A.
  and  Wachovia Bank of Georgia, N.A. Effective May 31,  1995,  the
  limit of this line of credit facility was increased to $125,000,000
  from $75,000,000.  During the six months ended June 30, 1995, the
  Company  utilized  this facility to provide  $16,500,000  of  net
  financing, bringing outstanding borrowings under the facility  to
  $50,500,000 and leaving $74,500,000 available for borrowing.  The
  Company also maintains a short-term, unsecured revolving line  of
  credit with NationsBank of Texas, N.A.  Effective May 9, 1995, the
  limit of this short-term facility was increased to $7,500,000 from
  $5,000,000.   At  June  30, 1995, $5,500,000  was  available  for
  borrowing.  In addition, the Company maintains a $10,000,000 line
  of  credit with NationsBank, N.A. to obtain letters of credit  to
  provide  collateral for its self-insurance program.  At June  30,
  1995,  the  Company  had  obtained  letters  of  credit  totaling
  $7,000,000 for this purpose.
- -    To assist in financing longer-lived assets, the Company has an
  uncommitted Master Shelf Agreement with the Prudential  Insurance
  Company  of  America which provides for the  issuance  of  up  to
  $90,000,000 in medium to long-term unsecured notes at an interest
  rate calculated at issuance.  During the six months ended June 30,
  1995,  the Company utilized this agreement to issue a $15,000,000
  note at 8.55% with a ten year maturity and a $20,000,000 note  at
  6.92% with a ten year maturity.  The proceeds of these notes were
  used  primarily  to repay borrowings from the revolving  line  of
  credit  or  to  fund  capital expenditures.  At  June  30,  1995,
  $25,000,000 was available under this facility for borrowing.

Management expects that the Company's existing working capital  and
its  available lines of credit are sufficient to meet the Company's
commitments as of June 30, 1995, and to fund current operating  and
capital  needs.   However,  if additional  financing  is  required,
management believes it will be available.

The  Company  uses  off-balance sheet  financing  in  the  form  of
operating  leases primarily in two areas; terminal  facilities  and
computer equipment.  At June 30, 1995, future rental commitments on
operating leases were $42,347,000.  The Company prefers to  utilize
operating leases for these two areas and plans to use them  in  the
future when such financing is available and suitable.

At June 30, 1995, the Company had no outstanding inquiries with any
state or federal environmental agency.

Recent Events
Effective  July  10,  1995,  the Company  expanded  its  all-points
coverage  to  the states of Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and  Wisconsin
with the opening of twelve new terminal locations.

Effective August 14, 1995, the Company will open seven terminal
locations in the state of Florida and provide all-points coverage
to that state.  With the addition of Florida, the Company will
provide all-points coverage to 21 states.


- ------------------------------

Item 1.   Financial Statements (unaudited)
- -------

     Condensed consolidated balance sheets--June 30, 1995 and
December 31, 1994

     Condensed consolidated statements of income--Three months
     ended June 30, 1995 and 1994; Six months ended June 30, 1995
     and 1994

     Condensed consolidated statements of cash flows--Six months
ended June 30,      1995 and 1994

     Notes to condensed consolidated financial statements--June 30,

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations

- ---------------------------

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.
- -------

As  was disclosed on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March
31,  1995,  a complaint was filed against the Company on March  15,
1995  by  American  Freight System, Inc.  of  Kansas  City,  Kansas
alleging  among  other  things, federal trade  name  and  trademark
infringement by the Company.  On July 19, 1995, both parties agreed
upon  a  release  and  settlement of all claims  arising  from  the
complaint.   Under  the settlement agreement, American  Freightways
acquired all rights to the disputed trademark.  The settlement will
not have a material impact upon American Freightways.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
- ------

     (a)  Exhibits:
           (10)         First Amendment to Amended and Restated
               Credit Agreement among NationsBank of Texas, N.A.,
               as agent, the Registrant and its subsidiary dated
               May 31, 1995

                         $20,000,000 note dated June 15, 1995,
               issued under the $90,000,000 Master Shelf Agreement
               with the Prudential Insurance Company of America
               dated September 3, 1993

           (27)          Financial Data Schedule

     (b)  Reports on Form 8-K
          The Company did not file any reports on Form 8-K during
the three month period ended June 30, 1995.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              AMERICAN FREIGHTWAYS CORPORATION

Date:  July 28, 1995          /s/James R. Dodd
                              James R. Dodd
                              Executive Vice President
                              Accounting & Finance
                              and Chief Financial Officer