Exhibt 10.4
                                 FIRST AMENDMENT

     This  First  Amendment  ("Amendment") is made as of this 2nd day of August,
2001,  to a Transition Services and Employment Agreement ("Agreement"), dated as
of  January  5,  2001,  by  and  between PLM International, Inc. ("Company") and
Stephen  M.  Bess  ("Employee").

Prior  to  the  date  of  this  Amendment, Company and Employee entered into the
Agreement  to  provide for certain services by Employee to Company following the
purchase  of a controlling interest in Company by MILPI Acquisition Corp.  Terms
used  in  this Amendment, which are defined in the Agreement shall have the same
meaning  as  they  do  in  the  Agreement.

Company  desires to retain the services of Employee beyond the expiration of the
Effective  Period, on an "at-will" basis for a period undefined, and Employee is
willing  to  remain employed by Company on that basis.  Company and Employee are
desirous  of  amending  the  Agreement to reflect certain terms of the continued
service  of  Employee  to  Company.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  Company  and Employee agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

1.  Section  1,  Services  is  amended  to  read  in  its  entirety  as follows:

     Upon  the  expiration of the Effective Period, Employee will continue to be
employed  by  Company  in  an  executive  and  administrative  capacity, namely,
President  and  Chief  Executive Officer of PLM Financial Services, Inc., at the
San  Francisco, California office of Company, and shall provide such services as
Company's  Board of Directors may from time to time reasonably assign to him for
the  Company  or  any  subsidiary  or  affiliate.

     2.  Section  2,  Effective  Period  is  amended  to read in its entirety as
follows:     This  Agreement  shall  become  effective  on August 7, 2001, ("the
Effective  Period").

     3.  Section  3,  Compensation;  (a)  Base  Salary is amended to read in its
entirety  as  follows:

After  the  expiration  of  the  Effective  Period,  Company  shall pay Employee
$20,833  per  month,  of  which  $15,833  represents  base  salary and $5,000 is
consideration  to  Employee  in  exchange  for  Employee's agreement to sign the
General and Special Release in the form attached to this Amendment as Exhibit A.
Payment of compensation to Employee shall be made in a manner that is consistent
with  Company  payroll  practices  and  Company may deduct and withhold from all
payments to be made to Employee the amounts required or permitted to be deducted
or  withheld  pursuant to any provisions of any present or future applicable law
or  regulation, together with the right and authority to pay any such deductions
or  withholdings  over  to  any  party  entitled  to  the  same  pursuant to the
provisions  of  any  such  law,  regulation  or  court  order.

     4. Section 3, Compensation; (c) Benefits is amended to read in its entirety
as  follows:

      For  a period of 24 months from the Effective Period or until the Employee
is  no  longer  employed  with Company ("Employee's Termination"), which ever is
less,  but  not  less  than  6 months, Employee shall be entitled to continue to
participate  in  the  then  available  Company  sponsored  dental,  health, life
insurance,  disability  and  long-term  care  benefit  plans and arrangements of
Company  (specifically  excluding incentive compensation plans and arrangements,
and qualified benefit plans) in effect on the date of termination subject to the
eligibility requirements set forth by each of the respective coverage providers.
Upon Employee's Termination under the terms of this Amendment, Employee shall be
eligible  for  certain  benefits  under COBRA for a period of 18 months. Company
shall  pay the COBRA payments on Employee's behalf for the 18 month period ("the
COBRA  Period").  In  addition,  during  the COBRA Period, Company shall pay the
annual  premium  for  Long  Term  Health  Care  benefits  as  provided through a
Transamerica Long Term Care Policy for the Employee (policy # #89735984) and his
Spouse,  if  Employee  is  married  at  the  time,  (#89895733).  In lieu of the
continued  coverage provided herein, upon Employee's Termination, other than for
cause,  Employee  may  elect  to receive, and Company agrees to pay Employee (if
Employee  so elects), an amount equal to the then-present value of the Company's
cost  of  providing  such  benefits  for the remaining period, discounted to the
then-present  value  at  a  rate  of  eight  per  cent  (8%)  per  annum.

5.     Reimbusement  of  Expenses:

      Company  will  continue to reimburse Employee for reasonable and necessary
business  expenses  incurred  on  behalf  of  Company.

6.     At-Will  Employment:

     This  Amendment  establishes  an  "at-will" employee/employer relationship.
Nothing  in this Amendment shall be deemed to affect the nature of the "at-will"
employment of Employee by the Company after the Effective Period, and nothing in
this  Amendment  shall  be  construed to create a contract of employment for any
fixed  term,  and  it is expressly understood that the employment of Employee by
the  Company  may  be  terminated  by  Employee  or the Company, with or without
notice,  at  any  time  for  any  reason,  or  no  reason.

7.     Section 6. Protective Covenants (a) Confidentiality is amended to read in
its  entirety  as  follows:

     The  Employee  agrees  to keep in strict secrecy and confidence any and all
information  the Employee assimilates or to which the Employee has access during
the  Employee's  employment  by  the Company and its affiliates, ("Company") and
which has not been publicly disclosed and is not a matter of common knowledge in
the  fields  of work of the Company ("Material").  The Employee agrees that both
during  and  after  the  term  of  the Employee's employment by the Company, the
Employee  will  not,  without the prior written consent of the company, disclose
any  such  confidential  information  to  any  third  person, partnership, joint
venture, company, corporation or other organization.  The foregoing shall not be
breached  to  the  extent that such confidential information becomes a matter of
general  knowledge other than through a breach by the Employee of the Employee's
obligations  herein.  If  Employee  is  required  (by deposition, interrogatory,
request  for documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process)
to  disclose  any  of the Material, Employee will notify the Company promptly so
that the Company may seek any appropriate protective order and/or take any other
action.  In  the  event  that such protective order is not obtained, or that the
Company  waives compliance with the provisions hereof, (a) Employee may disclose
to any tribunal or other person only that portion of the Material which Employee
has  been advised by legal counsel is legally required to be disclosed and shall
use reasonable best efforts to obtain assurance that confidential treatment will
be  accorded  such  Material  and  (b)  Employee  shall  not  be liable for such
disclosure  unless  such  disclosure to such tribunal or other person was caused
by,  or  resulted  from, a previous disclosure by Employee not permitted by this

8.     Section  5.  Release  is  Amended  to  read  as  follows:

     Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this  Amendment  or  any  other
agreement  between  the Company and the Employee, Employee (or his beneficiaries
or  heirs)  agrees  to  execute  and  deliver to Company, and does not revoke, a
release  of  claims  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A; provided that, if
any  obligation under this Amendment remains outstanding as of the execution and
delivery  of  such  release, such obligations shall be excluded from the release
and  further  release  (relating only to such obligations) shall be executed and
delivered  (and  not  revoked)  by  Employee upon company's satisfaction of such
remaining  obligations.

9.     Legal  Review:

     Employee  represents  and warrants that he has been given ample opportunity
to  review  this  Amendment and attached Release with his Attorney of choice and
has  in  fact  had  such  review.

10.     Section  3  Compensation  (d)  Deferred  Compensation,  Stock Options is
amended  to  read  in  its  entirety  as  follows:

     Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the contrary, the Indemnity Agreement,
dated  as of February 2, 1988, between Company and Employee, the Indemnification
Agreement  dated  as  of  March  28,  1989,  between  Company and Employee shall
continue  in  full  force  and  effect.

11.  The  following  Section(s)  shall  be  deleted:  Section 3 Compensation (b)
Termination  Payment, (e) Retention Bonus and Severance Bonus; (g) Section 280G.

      Other  than as provided in this Amendment, all the terms and conditions of
the  Agreement  shall  remain  the  same.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, Company and Employee have caused this Amendment to be duly
executed  and  delivered  as  of  the  date  first  written  above.

By  _/  s  /  James  Coyne_______
Name  in  Print  _James  Coyne__


__/  s  /  Stephen  M.  Bess_____
- ----------------------------
Stephen  M.  Bess

By  /s/ James A. Coyne
Name  in  Print:  James A. Coyne
Title:     Vice  President