BOS516135.1     5


                          UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
                          SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA

                           CASE NO. 98-8030-CIV-HURLEY




                         UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE
     THIS CAUSE was before the court at a status conference conducted on May 31,
2001.  For  the  reasons  stated  in  open-court,  it  is
                              TRIAL DATE & LOCATION
1.     This  case  is  set  for  trial  on the MARCH 2002 calendar commencing on
MONDAY,  MARCH 4, 2002.  Counsel for all parties shall appear at a calendar call
commencing  at  1:30  p.m.  on  FRIDAY,  FEBRUARY  22,  2002.  Unless instructed
otherwise  by subsequent order, the trial and all other proceedings in this case
shall  be  conducted in courtroom 5 at the U.S. Courthouse, 701 Clematis Street,
West  Palm  Beach,  Florida.
                                 MOTION PRACTICE
2.     Every  motion  filed  in  this  case shall be accompanied by ONE PROPOSED
ORIGINAL  ORDER  granting  the  motion.  The  order  shall contain an UP-TO-DATE
SERVICE  LIST  (names  and addresses) of all attorneys in the case.  In light of
the  court's  "fax-back"  program,  additional  copies of the proposed order and
self-addressed  stamped  envelopes  should  not  be  provided.
                           PRETRIAL DISCOVERY SCHEDULE
3.     Pretrial discovery shall be conducted in accord with Local Rules 16.1 and
     26.1  and  the  Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  The court has considered
but,  at  present,  declines to adopt the parties' suggested discovery schedule.
If,  after reviewing the following schedule, the parties conclude their proposal
is  preferable, they may resubmit a proposed discovery schedule in the form of a
PROPOSED  AGREED  ORDER.  Once  entered  it shall supersede the generic schedule
outlined  below.  Note:  any substitute schedule MUST include the time frame set
forth  below  for  the  submission  of  summary judgment motions (not later than
ninety  (90)  days  prior  to  commencement  of  trial  calendar).

Rule 14, 19 Motions               - 180 days before trial calendar
Discovery Cutoff                  -- 90 days before trial calendar
Substantive Pretrial Motions      - 90 days before trial calendar
 .                                 This deadline will be strictly enforced.
 .                                 Motions for extension of time to file motion
 .                                 or response will not be granted absent
 .                                 exceptional cause.
Mediation Cutoff                  - 60 days before trial calendar
Rule 15(a). (d) Motions           - 60 days before trial calendar
Mandatory Pretrial Stipulation    - 5 days before calendar call
 .                                 (note Local Rule 16.1E)
Pretrial Conference               - as directed by the court
Voir Dire Questions               - First day of jury trial
Jury Instructions                 - 5 days before calendar call
Proposed Findings & Conclusions   - 5 days before calendar call
Motions in Limine                 - First day of trial
Exhibit List for Court            - First day of trial
(Two Copies)                      (impeachment excepted)
Witness List for Court            - First day of trial
(Two Copies)                      (impeachment excepted)

                              CONSENT JURISDICTION
4.     In  light  of  the benefits offered by a trial before a magistrate judge,
e.g.  trial  on a date certain as opposed to placement on a month-long calendar,
the  parties  are  urged to consider this option.  Therefore, within twenty (20)
days  of  the  entry of this order each attorney is ORDERED to meet with his/her
client and discuss this option.  At the end of the twenty-day period, each party
     shall  file  a  separate  pleading  indicating:  (1) that they have met and
discussed  magistrate  jurisdiction  and  (2)  unequivocally setting forth their
position  (yes  or  no) on magistrate consent jurisdiction.  Plaintiff's counsel
shall  monitor  this  process.  If there is not unanimity in favor of magistrate
jurisdiction,  plaintiff's  counsel need do nothing further.  If, however, there
is unanimity in favor of magistrate jurisdiction, plaintiff's counsel shall send
a  note to the court, with a copy to defense counsel, alerting the court to this
issue.  It  is  the  receipt of this note that will cause the court to meet with
the  magistrate  judge  and  obtain  a  new  trial  date  for  the  parties.
5.     Pursuant  to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 16 and Local Rule 16.2, this
case  is  referred  to  mediation  as  follows:
a.     The  mediation  shall be completed sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled
trial  calendar.
b.     The  parties shall, within ninety (90) days hereof, agree upon a mediator
and  advise  the  Clerk's  office  of their choice, failing which the Clerk will
designate  a  mediator  from  the  list of certified mediators on a blind random
c.     Plaintiff's  counsel  shall be responsible for coordinating the mediation
conference  date  and  location  agreeable  to  the  mediator and all counsel of
d.     Within  five  (5)  days  following the mediation conference, the mediator
shall  file  a  Mediation  Report  indicating who attended the mediation and the
result  thereof.
6.     In  accordance  with  the  Magistrate  Act, 28 U.S.C.   636(b)(1)(A), and
Federal  Rule of Civil Procedure 72, all pretrial discovery motions which may be
filed  in  this case and all motions that relate directly to these motions, such
as  motions  for  extension  of  time,  motions for reconsideration, motions for
sanctions,  and  motions  for  mental  or  physical examinations are REFERRED to
United  States  Magistrate  Judge Frank J. Lynch for final disposition.  Counsel
shall send a copy of any discovery motion or responsive pleading directly to the
     Magistrate  Judge  at  the same time that pleading is filed with the Court.
Counsel  shall  include  the  Magistrate  Judge's  name  in  the  case number in
accordance  with  the  local  rule.
7.     This referral shall expire at the end of the discovery period established
in the pretrial schedule above.  Upon expiration, all matters pending before the
United  States  Magistrate  Judge  shall  remain before the Magistrate Judge for
resolution,  and  all  new  matters  shall  be  filed  for  consideration by the
                             TELEPHONIC CONFERENCING
8.     When  practical, counsel are urged to utilize telephonic conferencing for
any  pretrial appearances including calendar call.  Counsel wishing to appear in
this  manner for any proceeding must notify the Courtroom Deputy at 561/803-3452
at  least  24  hours prior to the proceeding.  Counsel wishing to appear for the
calendar  call  by  telephone must so notify the Courtroom Deputy by noon of the
Wednesday  preceding  the  date  of  the  calendar  call.
     DATED  and  SIGNED in Chambers at West Palm Beach, Florida, this 4th day of
June,  2001.
                              s/Daniel T.K. Hurley
                               Daniel T. K. Hurley
                          United States District Judge

Magistrate  Judge  Frank  J.  Lynch,  Jr.
Andrew  Friedmen,  Esq.
Allen  Lerner,  Esq.
Gerald  Richman,  Esq.
Greg  Deschence,  Esq.