Exhibit 10 xlvii

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                          UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
                         CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA
                                WESTERN DIVISION
                        312 NORTH SPRING STREET, ROOM G-3
                              LOS ANGELES, CA 90012
Clerk of Court

                           COURT INTERPRETER SERVICES

                           DECLARATION OF INTERPRETER

I, the  undersigned  say I am an  Official  Court  interpreter  of  English  and
Russian.  I certify that the attached  translation  from Russian into English is
true and correct to the best of my abilities and belief.

                           DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT(S)

                     Joint Venture/Representation Agreement
                          Nevada Manhattan Group, Inc.
                    Bauman Moscow State Technical University

LEGEND: All text in the  translation  contained  in  brackets  ([ ])  represents
        translator's comments or explanatory remarks.

Executed this 24th day of March, 1999, at Agoura Hills, California.

Varvara Olson
- --------------

/s/ Varvara Olson
- ------------------
Signature of Interpreter

Case No.  N/A
Case Name:   N/A
No. of words:   2281

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5 Second Baumanskaya Str.           2-nd Baumanskaya Str.
Moscow, 107005                      Moscow 107005, Russia
Tel:  (095) 261-40-55               Tel.:  (095) 261-40-55
Fax:  (095) 267-9893                Fax:  (095) 267-98-93
E-Mail:  irina@interd.bmstu.ru      E-mail:  irina@interd.bmstu.ru

                          JOINT VENTURE/REPRESENTATION

     The present  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is entered  into by the Moscow State
Technical  University  named  after N.E.  Bauman  ("University")  and the NEVADA
MANHATTAN  GROUP,  INCORPORATED  ("Nevada"),  Nevada  Corporation  or the  party
designated by it as a Partner for the Joint Venture and the Representative,  and
becomes valid beginning with April 1, 1999.


     A.   The  University  is called forth for research and  development  in the
          fields of industry (Fields),  stated in Attachment A to this document.
          The University owns and has the right to sell, use and license certain
          technologies  that belong to it  (Technologies)  in these  Fields,  as
          shown in Attachment A.

     B.   The University appoints Nevada as its partner in the joint venture and
          representative   for   international   marketing   and   operation  of
          Technologies   and  all  products   (Products)   which   utilize  said
          technologies,  on the terms formulated in this Agreement. The right of
          exclusivity  will be realized only in specific  contracts for research
          and development projects.

          By this,  therefore,  taking into account the Declarative  part stated
          above and the joint agreements and provisions, included in the present
          document,  the parties who have signed below have come to an agreement
          about the following:

(Signature)  (Signature)

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     1.   Appointment.  With this the University  appoints Nevada as its Partner
          in  the  Joint  Venture  for  international  marketing  and  sales  of
          Technologies  and  Products.  With the  present  Nevada  accepts  this
          appointment  on the terms,  formulated in the present  Agreement.  The
          right for exclusivity will be realized only in specific  contracts for
          research and development projects.

     2.   The Service  provided by Nevada.  Taking into account the terms of the
          present  Agreement,  Nevada  agrees to  expand  the  possibilities  of
          marketing  and to  establish  business  contacts  for the needs of the
          University.  In view of what  was  stated  above,  and  amongst  other
          things, Nevada, at its own expense, must:

          a.   Maintain proper equipping of the office,

          b.   Review the  inquiries  for all Products and  Technologies  and to
               determine their value [cost],

          c.   Help those  customers it approves to place orders directly to the
               University for:

               1.   Development of scientific software;

               2.   Retraining and management of personnel, approved and staffed
                    by Nevada.

          d.   The Parties to this Agreement provide each other with information
               regarding the competitive  Products  already  available and those
               being developed.

          e.   Nevada  will be  responsible  for the  communication  between the
               University and the potential partners.

     3.   Statements and the Guarantees: Responsibilities of the University. The
          University  states and guarantees to Nevada that it is the legal owner
          of all rights for the  Technologies  with the condition  that no other
          natural or legal party has the right of retention and that it is fully
          authorized to enter into and fulfill this  Agreement.  The  University
          agrees that at its own expense it must:

(Signature)  (Signature)

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          a.   Deliver  to  Nevada  those  current   technical   specifications,
               advertising materials,  data concentrations  [basis], price lists
               and  other  information  (collectively,  "Product  Information"),
               which,  in  the  opinion  of  Nevada  it  needs  to  perform  its
               obligations per this Agreement;

          b.   Immediately  inform Nevada  regarding all inquiries  received for
               the Products; and

          c.   For the purpose of demonstrating to the potential  customers,  to
               provide Nevada the models,  prototypes,  components,  systems and
               instruments,  which in its opinion will help it in performing its
               obligations per the present  Agreement and which at the same time
               remains as property of the University.

     4.   Exclusivity:  refusal to be in competition. During the validity of the
          present  Agreement,  the University  shall not,  without prior written
          agreement by Nevada,  (I) directly or  indirectly  guarantee any other
          natural  party,  company,  corporation  or commercial  and  industrial
          enterprise any rights or licenses for marketing,  sale or licensing of
          any  Products  or  Technologies  for  which it has an  agreement  with
          Nevada,  (ii)  directly or  indirectly  involve  into  activity  which
          comprises competition to the exclusivity rights,  guaranteed to Nevada
          in accordance with the present Agreement,  or (iii) to influence or to
          undertake  an  attempt to  influence  any  natural  or legal  party to
          cooperate, who is or who was working as one hired in the capacity of a
          colleague, consultant, customer, supplier or an independent contractor
          to Nevada prior to or during the time of  termination  of the validity
          of the present Agreement.

     5.   Transfer  of  rights  and  Sub-Agents.  Nevada  must have the right to
          invite  its  own  agents  and  sub-agents   for   performance  of  its
          obligations  per this Agreement and to transfer to them its rights and
          obligations in accordance with the present Agreement.

     6.   Remuneration.  As remuneration for the rights and services provided by
          the University, which will be performed per the present Agreement, the
          University  must receive  remuneration in accordance with the Schedule
          of remuneration ("Remuneration Schedule"), provided in Attachment B to
          the present Agreement.

(Signature)  (Signature)

Page 5

     7.   Expenses. Only Nevada must be responsible for payment of all expenses,
          taxes and duties related to its fulfillment of the present  Agreement,
          if this is not in contradiction to the present Agreement.

     8.   Reimbursement  of losses.  The  University  must reimburse and protect
          Nevada and its employees, agents, representatives, directors and hired
          colleagues,  from  any  liabilities,  expenditures,  losses,  damages,
          injuries,  instances of lawsuits, claims,  litigation,  demands, court
          hearings,  payment  of  insurance  coverage  and the like,  including,
          without limits,  attorney fees, if this is a result,  or following the
          violation of  statements  and  guarantees  by the  University,  or its
          inability to fully perform and follow its  obligations per the present

     9.   Confidentiality.  Nevada acknowledges that the University is the owner
          of certain trade secrets and confidential  information,  which is used
          by the  University  in its  performance  of  commercial  transactions,
          including without any limitations the know-how,  patents, trade marks,
          trade  names,  files,  records,  documents,   samples  of  catalogues,
          drawings, specifications, technical information, price lists, customer
          lists,  advertising  materials and similar  information and literature
          (collectively  "Confidential  information").  This information must be
          forwarded to Nevada in accordance with the present Agreement.  By this
          Nevada agrees that:

          (a)  it should not,  without  having a prior written  agreement by the
               University  during the time of validity or after the  termination
               of  the  Agreement,  directly  or  indirectly  use,  disclose  or
               publicize any  confidential  information  obtained by the present
               Agreement,  excluding  that  which it has  solely  reproduced  in
               accordance with the terms of the present Agreement.

(Signature)  (Signature)

Page 6

          (b)  it must take  necessary  measures in order to guarantee  that its
               employees,  agents  and hired  workers,  without a prior  written
               agreement  by the  University  during the term of the validity or
               after the  termination of the Agreement to directly or indirectly
               would  not  use,   disclose   or   publicize   any   confidential
               information,  obtained  through this  Agreement,  excluding  that
               which  is  produced  by  itself  solely  in  accordance  with the
               conditions of the present Agreement.

          The University acknowledges that Nevada is a non-governmental  company
          and has obligations to publicize general information;  however, Nevada
          will  not  publish  any  confidential   information   without  written
          permission from the University.

     10.  Terms. The Present Agreement must become valid from the date indicated
          above and must  continue in full force for a period of 5 (five)  years
          ("initial term"). The Agreement must be automatically extended for the
          following  term of 1 (one)  year,  unless  within 30 days  before  the
          termination  of the initial  period  either of the parties  informs in
          writing the other Party at [its] legal address of the contrary.

     11.  Notifications.   All  notifications  and  other  notices  required  or
          permitted  on the  basis  of the  present  Agreement,  must be made in
          written  form and will be  considered  timely  served  when  delivered
          personally  or by  means of a  confirmed  facsimile  at the  addresses
          indicated  immediately  following the signatures of the parties to the
          present Agreement or at other such addresses which each of the signing
          parties may from time to time indicate to the other party in writing.

     12.  Refusals.  No  delay or  inability  by any  Party  to use some  right,
          authorization or sanction  regarding some violation or non-fulfillment
          per  this  Agreement,  or the  demand  for  strict  adherence  to some
          provisions  of the  present  Agreement,  should  diminish  any rights,
          authorizations or sanctions of this party, unless this is defined as a
          refusal of a right in relation to some violation or non-fulfillment of
          the  same  or some  other  provision  of the  present  Agreement.  Any
          refusal, permission,  agreement or approval of any type or kind by any
          of the  parties  must be [done by] a written  document  and must be in
          force  relating  only to something  specifically  provided for in this

(Signature)  (Signature)

Page 7

     13.  Sanctions.  All sanctions either for this Agreement,  in the framework
          of general  law,  in the court of law of justice,  or in the  contrary
          presented by any of the parties signed below must be general,  and not
          alternative type.

     14.  Successors. Contracts, agreements, conditions contained in the present
          Agreement  must be mandatory  and serve for the benefit of  successors
          and assignees of the parties signed below.

     15.  Applicable Law. The present Agreement must be fulfilled and defined in
          accordance with the laws of the state of Delaware, USA.

     16.  Division.  Any  provision  of  the  present  Agreement  which  may  be
          prohibited  or deemed as invalid  by any court  will be without  force
          only regarding that  injunction or that  acknowledgment  of invalidity
          and such a prohibition or invalidity should not cancel the legality or
          make  invalid  any  one or all  remaining  provisions  of the  present

     17.  Arbitration:  Attorney fees. In case of any  discrepancies,  claims or
          disputes  between the parties  signed  below which have arisen from or
          which are  related to the  present  Agreement,  any of the Parties may
          present the case for mandatory  arbitration in Stockholm,  Sweden,  in
          accordance  with the rules of the  Stockholm  Chamber of Commerce.  In
          addition to any arbitration ruling, the prevailing party will have the
          right to cover at the  expense  of the other  party all  expenditures,
          including,   without  limitations,  the  expenses  for  discovery  and
          reasonable fees to attorneys and respondents, which have been incurred
          relating to this.

     18.  Full Agreement.  The present  Agreement  together with the Attachments
          hereto,  which by present  reference are included in it, formulate the
          present  Agreement  between the Parties  signed  below and  completely
          replaces all previous  written or oral agreements  between the Parties
          signed below regarding the subject of the Agreement.

(Signature)  (Signature)

Page 8

     19.  The right of choice. In further study of the accords with Nevada,  the
          University  guarantees with this the right of choice in purchasing any
          or all Technologies, as well as products of commercial activity by the
          University [in its capacity of a] functioning enterprise.

     20.  Variations.  No  changes,   modifications  or  additional  conditions,
          corrections or  attachments to the present  Agreement will be valid if
          they are not formulated in the written form,  signed and dated by each
          of the Parties signed below.

     21.  Language.  The languages of the present  Agreement,  as well as of all
          subsequent related to it documents,  must be the corresponding English
          and  Russian  languages.  Certified  translations  in the  Russian and
          English language are provided to each party.

(Signature)  (Signature)

Page 9

     22.  Authority.  Each natural Party,  signing this Agreement on behalf of a
          legal party, by this action,  states and guarantees that he or she has
          all legal authority to execute this document in the name of this legal
          party and that such action bears full,  legally binding force of claim
          on behalf of this legal party.

     In attestation to which the parties signing below have drawn up the present
Representation  Agreement in due manner on the day indicated at the beginning of
the document.


     The University                        NEVADA MANHATTAN
                                           GROUP, INC.

     ---------------------                 ----------------------

     I. B. Fedorov                          Jeffrey Kramer
     Rector                                 President

     (Signature)                               (Signature)
       Feb. 25, 1999                          March 23, 1999
     ------------------                     ----------------------
     G. P. Pavlikhin                        Yuriy Belman
     Pro-rector for International           Director for Development of
      Relations                               Technologies
     (Signature)                                 (Signature)

     [Round Seal with following from        [Round Seal of Nevada Manhattan
        center out]                                 -- details illegible]
     Foreign Relations Administration
     Moscow State Technical University
     The Ministry of General and
     Professional Education of the
     Russian Federation

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5 Second Baumanskaya Str.           2-nd Baumanskaya Str.
Moscow, 107005                      Moscow 107005, Russia
Tel:  (095) 261-40-55               Tel.:  (095) 261-40-55
Fax:  (095) 267-9893                Fax:  (095) 267-98-93
E-Mail:  irina@interd.bmstu.ru      E-mail:  irina@interd.bmstu.ru

                                  ATTACHMENT 1

Based on the proposal by the "MGTU" [Moscow State  Technical  University]  named
after N. E. Bauman in the Russian text the following changes have been made:

     1.   In the first paragraph, the word "Exclusive" was deleted.

     2.   In p. "B" of the  Declarative  Part,  in the first  sentence  the word
          "Exclusive" was deleted.

     3.   In p. "B" of the  Declarative  Part a sentence  has been  added:  "The
          right of exclusivity  will be realized only in specific  contracts for
          research and development projects".

     4.   In p. 1 this sentence has also been added.

     5.   In p. 1, in the first sentence the word "Exclusive" has been deleted.

     6.   In  p.  4,  in  the  section  "i"  [the   following  has  been]  added
          "...regarding which it has agreements with Nevada".

     7.   In p. 15. The  [following]  sentence  has been  deleted from the text:
          "The Parties  specifically  stipulate that the present  Agreement will
          not  be  regulated  by  the  Convention  of  the  United  Nations  for
          International Trade of Goods."

                                            (Round Seal of Nevada Manhattan
                                            -- illegible)
                                            (Signature)  3/23/99

Rector (Signature) 2.25/99 I.B. Fedorov
Pro-rector for International Regulations (Signature) G. P. Pavlikhin
         [Round Seal over signatures above with following from center out]
         Foreign Relations Administration
         Moscow State Technical University
         The Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian