Exhibit 10.7

                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT


                               233 BROADWAY, INC.,
                                   as Seller,


                            233 BROADWAY OWNERS, LLC,
                                  as Purchaser

                              Dated: June 20, 1998


                                227-237 Broadway
                                21 Barclay Street
                                  22 Park Place
                               New York, New York

228463.07-New YorkS4A

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                   ARTICLE I.

         Sale of Property...............................................1
         1.1.  Sale.  ..................................................1
         1.2.  Excluded Property.  .....................................3
         1.3.  Like Kind Exchange.......................................4
         1.4.  License Agreement.  .....................................4

                                   ARTICLE II.

         Purchase Price.................................................4
         2.1.  Purchase Price.  ........................................4

                                  ARTICLE III.

         3.1.  Deposit. ................................................5
         3.2.  Application of Deposit. .................................6
         3.3.  Escrow Agent.............................................6

                                   ARTICLE IV.

         Closing, Prorations and Closing Costs..........................9
         4.1.  Closing..................................................9
         4.2.  Prorations...............................................9
         4.3.  Transfer Taxes...........................................15
         4.4.  Closing Costs............................................15

                                   ARTICLE V.

         Title and Survey Matters.......................................16
         5.1.  Title....................................................16
         5.2.  Seller's Inability to Convey Title.......................18
         5.3.  Violations...............................................18

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                                   ARTICLE VI.

         Representations and Warranties of Seller.......................19
         6.1.  Seller's Representations.................................19
         6.2.  Seller's Knowledge.......................................23
         6.3.  Change in Representation/Waiver..........................23
         6.4.  Survival.................................................24
         6.5.  Limitation of Liability..................................24
         6.6.  "AS IS" Sale.............................................25

                                  ARTICLE VII.

         Representations and Warranties of Purchaser....................25
         7.1.  Authority................................................25
         7.2.  Bankruptcy or Debt of Purchaser..........................25
         7.3.  No Financing Contingency.................................26
         7.4.  Purchaser's Acknowledgment...............................26
         7.5.  Survival.................................................27

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

         Seller's Interim Operating Covenants...........................27
         8.1.  Operations...............................................27
         8.2.  Maintain Insurance.......................................28
         8.3.  Personal Property........................................28
         8.4.  No Sales.................................................28
         8.5.  Tenant Leases............................................28
         8.6.  Reserved.................................................29
         8.7.  Tenant Estoppels.........................................29
         8.8.  Contracts................................................29
         8.9.  Tax Appeal Proceedings...................................30
         8.10. Notices of Violation.....................................30
         8.11. Access...................................................30

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                                   ARTICLE IX.

         Closing Conditions..............................................31
         9.1.  Conditions to Obligations of Seller.......................31
         9.2.  Conditions to Obligations of Purchaser....................32

                                   ARTICLE X.

         10.1.  Seller's Closing Obligations.............................33
         10.2.  Purchaser's Closing Obligations..........................36

                                   ARTICLE XI.

         Risk of Loss....................................................38
         11.1.  Condemnation and Casualty................................38
         11.2.  Condemnation not Material................................38
         11.3.  Casualty not Material....................................38
         11.4.  Materiality..............................................39
         11.5.  General Obligations Law..................................39

                                  ARTICLE XII.

         12.1.  Default by Seller........................................39
         12.2.  Default by Purchaser.  ..................................40

                                  ARTICLE XIII.

         13.1.  Brokerage Indemnity......................................40

                                  ARTICLE XIV.

         14.1.  Publication..............................................41

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                                   ARTICLE XV.

         15.1.  Employment Responsibilities..............................41
         15.2.  Collective Bargaining Agreements.........................43
         15.3.  Survival.................................................43

                                  ARTICLE XVI.

         16.1.  Notices..................................................43
         16.2.  Governing Law; Venue.....................................45
         16.3.  Headings.................................................45
         16.4.  Business Days............................................45
         16.5.  Counterpart Copies.......................................45
         16.6.  Binding Effect...........................................46
         16.7.  Successors and Assigns...................................46
         16.8.  Assignment...............................................46
         16.9.  Interpretation...........................................46
         16.10.  Entire Agreement........................................46
         16.11.  Severability............................................47
         16.12.  Survival................................................47
         16.13.  Exhibits................................................47
         16.14.  Limitation of Liability.................................47
         16.15.  Prevailing Party........................................47
         16.16.  Real Estate Reporting Person............................48
         16.17.  No Recording............................................48
         16.18.  No Other Parties........................................48
         16.19.  Waiver of Trial by Jury.................................48
         16.20.  Rule 314................................................48

                                  ARTICLE XVII.

         Purchaser Guaranty..............................................49
         17.1.  Purchaser Guaranty.......................................49
         17.2.  Waivers..................................................49

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         17.3.  Absolute Obligation......................................49
         17.4.  Enforcement Costs........................................50
         17.5.  Waiver of Subrogation....................................50
         17.6.  Waiver of Defenses.......................................50

                                 ARTICLE XVIII.

         Venator Lease...................................................50
         18.1.  Venator Lease............................................50
         18.2.  Disputes.................................................51
         18.3.  Alterations..............................................52

                                  ARTICLE XIX.

         Seller Guaranty.................................................52
         19.1.  Seller Guaranty..........................................52
         19.2.  Waivers..................................................52
         19.3.  Absolute Obligation......................................52
         19.4.  Enforcement Costs........................................53
         19.5.  Waiver of Subrogation....................................53
         19.6.  Waiver of Defenses.......................................53

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                         LIST OF EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES


Exhibit A-1                -      Broadway Parcel

Exhibit A-2                -      Barclay Parcel

Exhibit A-3                -      Park Place Parcel

Exhibit B                  -      Form of License Agreement

Exhibit C                  -      Permitted Exceptions

Exhibit D                  -      Leases

Exhibit E                  -      Rent Roll

Exhibit F                  -      Term Sheet for Venator Lease

Exhibit G                  -      Form of Deed
Exhibit H                  -      Form of  Assignment and Assumption of Leases

Exhibit I                  -      Form of Assignment and Assumption of Contracts

Exhibit J                  -      Form of Seller's Letter to Tenants

Exhibit K                  -      Form of Seller's Bring-Down Certificate

Exhibit L                  -      Form of Bill of Sale

Exhibit M                  -      Form of FIRPTA Certificate

Exhibit N                  -      Form of Non-Multiple Dwelling Affidavit
Exhibit O                  -      Form of Venator SNDA

Exhibit P                  -      Form of Purchaser's Bring-Down Certificate

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Exhibit Q                  -      Memorandum Regarding Alterations in Venator 

Exhibit R                  -      Intentionally Omitted

Exhibit S                  -      Form of Landlord's Estoppel Certificate


Schedule 1                 -      Excluded Assets

Schedule 2                 -      Lease Defaults

Schedule 3                 -      Intentionally Omitted

Schedule 4                 -      Contracts

Schedule 5                 -      Tax Appeals

Schedule 6                 -      Insurance Policies

Schedule 7                 -      Litigation

Schedule 8                 -      Employees

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                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

     THIS PURCHASE AND SALE  AGREEMENT  (this  "Agreement")  is made and entered
into as of the 20th day of June, 1998, by and between 233 BROADWAY,  INC., a New
York corporation  ("Seller"),  and 233 BROADWAY OWNERS,  LLC, a New York limited
liability company ("Purchaser").

     In  consideration   of  the  mutual  promises,   covenants  and  agreements
hereinafter set forth and of other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt
and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,  Seller and Purchaser agree as

                                   ARTICLE I.

                                Sale of Property

     1.1. Sale. Seller hereby agrees to sell, assign and convey to Purchaser and
Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller, the following:

     1.1.1.  Those certain  parcels of real property lying and being situated in
the City, County and State of New York and being more particularly described (i)
on Exhibit A-1  attached  hereto (the  "Broadway  Parcel"),  (ii) on Exhibit A-2
attached hereto (the "Barclay  Parcel") and (iii) on Exhibit A-3 attached hereto
(the "Park Place  Parcel")(the  Broadway Parcel, the Barclay Parcel and the Park
Place Parcel are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Land");

     1.1.2. All buildings,  structures and improvements now or hereafter erected
or situate on the Land or any portion thereof (the "Improvements");

     1.1.3. All rights of Seller, if any, in and to any land lying in the bed of
any street,  road or avenue,  opened or proposed,  in front of or adjoining  the
Land or any  portion  thereof,  to the center line  thereof,  and any strips and
gores  adjacent to the Land or any  portion  thereof,  and all right,  title and
interest of Seller in and to any award made or to be made in lieu thereof and in
and to any unpaid award for damage to the Land and  Improvements  or any portion
thereof by reason of any change of grade of any street;

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     1.1.4. All rights, privileges, grants and easements appurtenant to Seller's
interest  in  the  Land  and  the  Improvements,   if  any,  including,  without
limitation,  all of Seller's  right,  title and interest,  if any, in and to all
easements,  licenses,  covenants and other  rights-of-way or other appurtenances
used in  connection  with the  beneficial  use and enjoyment of the Land and the
Improvements (the Land, the Improvements,  all rights and interests described in
Section 1.1.3 and all such  easements,  grants and  appurtenances  are sometimes
collectively referred to herein as the "Real Property");

     1.1.5.  All  leases,  licenses  and  other  occupancy  agreements  covering
offices,  stores and other spaces at or within the  Improvements  (together with
any and all amendments,  modifications or supplements thereto, collectively, the
"Leases") and, subject to Section 4.2.6 below, the security  deposits under such
Leases (the "Security  Deposits") which have not been applied in accordance with
the provisions of such Leases;

     1.1.6. All fixtures,  equipment,  castings and personal  property,  if any,
used  solely  in  connection  with the  ownership,  management,  maintenance  or
operation of the  Improvements  and located at the Real  Property as of the date
hereof,  and all  inventory  used  solely  in  connection  with  the  ownership,
management, maintenance or operation of the Improvements and located on the Real
Property on the date of Closing (the "Per sonal Property"); and

     1.1.7.  All (i)  service,  utility,  maintenance  and  other  contracts  or
agreements  to which  Seller is a party or which  otherwise  would be binding on
Purchaser  or the  Property  (as  hereinafter  defined),  and all union or other
collective bargaining contracts  (collectively,  the "Contracts") in effect with
respect to the Property (as hereinafter  defined) as of the Closing Date and not
terminated by Seller under Section 8.8 and (ii) guarantees, licenses, approvals,
certificates, permits and warranties relating to the Property (collectively, the
"Permits and  Licenses"),  all to the extent  assignable  (the Contracts and the
Permits and Licenses are sometimes  hereinafter  collectively referred to as the
"Intangible Property").

     (The Real  Property,  the  Leases,  the  Security  Deposits,  the  Personal
Property,  the Intangible  Property and the foregoing  other property  interests
held by Seller in connection  with the  ownership,  management,  maintenance  or
operation of the Real Property are sometimes  collectively  hereinafter referred
to as the "Property").

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     1.2.  Excluded  Property.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of Section 1.1,
Seller shall not sell,  assign,  transfer or deliver to Purchaser  and Purchaser
shall not purchase, acquire or accept from Seller:

     1.2.1. Except as provided in Section 1.4, all trademarks and tradenames, if
any,  of  Seller  or any of  Seller's  affiliated  companies  used or  useful in
connection  with the Real  Property  (including,  without  limitation,  the name
"Woolworth" and all moveable artwork and memorabilia relating to Frank Woolworth
and/or F.W. Wool worth Co.).

     1.2.2.  All  fixtures,  equipment  and personal  property of Seller and its
affiliates  used solely in connection with the ownership and operation of its or
their busi nesses (other than the business of owning,  managing,  maintaining or
operating  the Prop erty)  and/or the  premises  currently  occupied  by Venator
Group,  Inc. or any of its  affiliates  or to be demised under the Venator Lease
(as hereinafter defined)  (collectively,  the "Venator Premises") and located in
the Venator Premises as of the date hereof, and all inventory used in connection
with the  ownership  and  operation of its or their  businesses  (other than the
business of owning, managing,  maintaining or operating the Property) and/or the
Venator Premises and located at the Venator Premises on the Closing Date.

     1.2.3.  Any other assets of Seller  described on Schedule 1 attached hereto
(all of the  foregoing  being  collectively  referred to herein as the "Excluded

     1.2.4.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any Excluded Assets remaining in a
portion of the Property not leased to Seller or any of its  affiliates as of the
Closing Date shall be deemed  abandoned and shall be  Purchaser's  property from
and after the Closing Date.

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     1.3. Like Kind Exchange.

     1.3.1.  Purchaser  acknowledges  that Seller  intends to exchange  the Real
Property for other  property to be held by Seller for productive use in trade or
business, or for investment,  in an exchange (the "Exchange") which will qualify
for  non-recognition  of gain under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code"),  and  the  Treasury  Regulations  promulgated
thereunder (the "Treasury Regula tions").  Purchaser further  acknowledges that,
in  connection  with such  Exchange,  Seller  may at any time  assign all of its
rights,  title and  interest  in, to and under this  Agreement  to a  "qualified
intermediary" (as such term is defined in Treasury Regulation 1.1031(k)-1(g)(4))
(the  "Qualified  Intermediary")  and that in the event of such  assignment  the
Purchaser  shall pay the Purchase  Price to the Qualified  Intermediary.  Seller
shall remain liable to Purchaser for its  obligation  hereunder  notwithstanding
any such assignment.

     1.3.2.  Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees that it shall cooperate fully
with Seller and the  Qualified  Intermediary  in  connection  with any Exchange,
including,  without  limitation,  by taking  such  actions  and  executing  such
documents as may reasonably be required in connection with an Exchange, provided
that  Purchaser  shall not be required to incur any additional  expenses  (other
than nominal  expenses)  or  additional  liabilities,  unless  Seller  agrees to
reimburse or indemnify Purchaser with respect to the same.

     1.4. License Agreement. On the Closing Date, Seller shall license (or cause
to be licensed  by the party  authorized  to do so) to  Purchaser  the  limited,
non-exclusive  right to use the name  "Woolworth"  solely in connection with the
ownership  of the  Improvements  upon  the  Broadway  Parcel  and  otherwise  in
accordance  with the  conditions  set forth in the license  agreement  ("License
Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit B.

                                   ARTICLE II.

                                 Purchase Price

     2.1.  Purchase  Price.  The purchase  price for the  Property  shall be One
Hundred  Forty Six Million Five Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($146,500,000)  (the
"Purchase  Price").  No portion of the  Purchase  Price is  attributable  to the
Personal Property or the

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Leases. The Purchase Price, net of all prorations as provided for herein,  shall
be paid by Purchaser as follows:

          (i)  Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (together with all interest, if
               any,  earned  thereon,  the "Initial  Deposit")  shall be paid to
               Skadden,  Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP (the "Escrow Agent") by
               wire   transfer   of   immediately    available   federal   funds
               simultaneously  with the execution and delivery of this Agreement
               by Purchaser;

          (ii) Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) (together with all interest, if
               any,  earned  thereon,  the  "Additional  Deposit";  the  Initial
               Deposit and the Additional Deposit are, together, the "Deposit" )
               shall be paid to the Escrow Agent by wire transfer of immediately
               available  federal  funds on or before  3:00 p.m.  on November 2,
               1998 (the  "Additional  Deposit Payment Date") (time being of the
               essence with respect thereto). In the event that Pur chaser shall
               fail for any reason to so pay the Additional Deposit, then Seller
               shall have the immediate right to terminate this Agreement and to
               collect and retain the Deposit. Payment of the Additional Deposit
               is being  guaranteed  by Steven C. Witkoff (the  "Guarantor")  in
               accordance  with the  provisions  of  Article  XVII  hereof.  The
               Deposit  shall  be  held  in  escrow  and  shall  be  payable  in
               accordance with Article III hereof; and

          (iii)The balance of the Purchase  Price (the  "Balance of the Purchase
               Price")  shall be paid on the  Closing  Date by wire  transfer of
               immediately available federal funds to or as directed by Seller.

                                  ARTICLE III.


     3.1. Deposit.  Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement,  and as a
condition precedent to the formation of this Agreement,  Purchaser shall deposit
with the  Escrow  Agent the  Initial  Deposit,  the  receipt  of which is hereby
acknowledged by Escrow Agent's execution hereof.  The Initial Deposit (and, when
received,  the Additional Deposit) shall be held in escrow, and not in trust, by
the Escrow Agent in an interest bearing account at Citibank,  N.A, provided that
Purchaser  provides  Escrow  Agent  with Pur  chaser's  taxpayer  identification
number.  The Escrow  Agent  shall pay the  Deposit  to Seller at the  Closing or
otherwise in accordance with this  Agreement.  All interest on the Deposit shall
belong to the party  entitled  to the  Deposit  hereunder,  unless  the  Closing
occurs,  in which  case such  interest  shall  belong  50% to Seller  and 50% to

     3.2. Application of Deposit.

     3.2.1.  If the Closing occurs as contemplated  hereunder,  then the Deposit
shall be paid to  Seller  (or,  in the  case of an  Exchange,  to the  Qualified

     3.2.2.  In the  event  that  the  Closing  does not  occur as  contemplated
hereunder  because of a default by Purchaser under this  Agreement,  the Deposit
shall be paid to and retained by Seller.

     3.2.3.  In the  event  that  the  Closing  does not  occur as  contemplated
hereunder because of a default by Seller under this Agreement, the Deposit shall
be paid to and retained by Purchaser.

     3.2.4. If either party makes a demand upon the Escrow Agent for delivery of
the  Deposit,  the Escrow  Agent  shall give  notice to the other  party of such
demand.  If a notice of objection to the proposed  payment is not received  from
the other party  within  seven (7) days after the giving of notice by the Escrow
Agent, the Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to deliver the Deposit to the party
who made the demand.  If the Escrow Agent receives a notice of objection  within
said seven (7) day period,  or if for any other  reason the Escrow Agent in good
faith elects not to deliver the Deposit, then the Escrow Agent shall continue to
hold the Deposit and thereafter  pay it to the party  entitled  thereto when the
Escrow Agent  receives (i) a notice from the  objecting  party  withdrawing  the
objection,  (ii) a notice signed by both parties  directing  disposition  of the
Deposit or (iii) a final judgment or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

     3.3. Escrow Agent. The parties further agree that:

     3.3.1.  Escrow Agent shall accept the Deposit with the understanding of the
parties that Escrow Agent is not a party to this Agreement  except to the extent
of its  specific  responsibilities  hereunder,  and does not  assume or have any
liability  for  the  performance  or  non-performance  of  Purchaser  or  Seller
hereunder to either of them;

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     3.3.2.  The Escrow Agent shall be  protected in relying upon the  accuracy,
acting in reliance  upon the  contents,  and  assuming  the  genuineness  of any
notice, demand,  certificate,  signature,  instrument or other document which is
given to the Escrow Agent  without  verifying  the truth or accuracy of any such
notice, demand, certificate, signature, instrument or other document;

     3.3.3.  The  Escrow  Agent  shall  not be  bound  in any  way by any  other
agreement or understanding between the parties hereto, whether or not the Escrow
Agent has knowledge  thereof or consents thereto unless such consent is given in

     3.3.4. The Escrow Agent's sole duties and responsibilities shall be to hold
and disburse the Deposit in accordance with this Agreement;

     3.3.5. The Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted
by the Escrow  Agent in good  faith and  believed  by the Escrow  Agent to be au
thorized  or within its rights or powers  conferred  upon it by this  Agreement,
except for damage caused by the gross negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct
of the Escrow Agent;

     3.3.6.  Upon the  disbursement  of the  Deposit  in  accordance  with  this
Agreement,  the Escrow Agent shall be relieved and released  from any  liability
under this Agreement;

     3.3.7.  The Escrow Agent may resign at any time upon at least ten (10) days
prior written notice to the parties  hereto.  If, prior to the effective date of
such  resignation,  the parties  hereto shall all have approved,  in writing,  a
successor  escrow agent,  then upon the  resignation  of the Escrow  Agent,  the
Escrow  Agent shall  deliver the Deposit to such  successor  escrow  agent.  The
parties  hereby  acknowledge  that  Chicago  Title  Insurance  Company  (or  any
subsidiary thereof that is a Qualified  Intermediary) is an acceptable successor
escrow agent.  Purchaser agrees to approve as a successor escrow agent any other
Qualified  Intermediary  proposed by Seller  that is  reasonably  acceptable  to
Purchaser.  From and after such  resignation  and the delivery of the Deposit to
such successor  escrow agent, the Escrow Agent shall be fully relieved of all of
its duties,  responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement, all of which
duties,  responsibilities  and  obligations  shall be performed by the appointed
successor escrow agent. If for any reason the parties hereto shall not approve a
successor  escrow  agent  within  such  period,  the Escrow  Agent may bring any
appropriate action or proceeding for leave to deposit the

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Deposit  with a court of  competent  jurisdiction,  pending  the  approval  of a
successor  es crow agent,  and upon such deposit the Escrow Agent shall be fully
relieved  of all of its  duties,  responsibilities  and  obligations  under this

     3.3.8.  Seller  and  Purchaser  hereby  agree to,  jointly  and  severally,
indemnify,  defend and hold the  Escrow  Agent  harmless  from and  against  any
liabilities,  damages,  losses,  costs or  expenses  incurred  by,  or claims or
charges made against, the Escrow Agent (including  attorneys' fees, expenses and
court  costs) by reason  of the  Escrow  Agent's  acting  or  failing  to act in
connection with any of the matters contemplated by this Agreement or in carrying
out the terms of this Agreement,  except as a result of the Escrow Agent's gross
negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct;

     3.3.9.  In the event that a dispute  shall  arise in  connection  with this
Agreement,  or as to  the  rights  of  any of the  parties  in  and  to,  or the
disposition  of, the Deposit,  the Escrow Agent shall have the right to (w) hold
and  retain  all or any part of the  Deposit  until  such  dispute is settled or
finally determined by litigation,  arbitration or otherwise,  or (x) deposit the
Deposit in an appropriate  court of law,  following which the Escrow Agent shall
thereby and thereafter be relieved and released from any liability or obligation
under  this  Agreement,  or (y)  institute  an action in  interpleader  or other
similar  action  permitted  by  stakeholders  in the State of New  York,  or (z)
interplead  any of the parties in any action or proceeding  which may be brought
to determine the rights of the parties to all or any part of the Deposit;

     3.3.10.  The Escrow Agent shall not have any  liability or  obligation  for
loss of all or any portion of the Deposit by reason of the insolvency or failure
of the institution of depository with whom the escrow account is maintained; and

     3.3.11.  The parties  hereto  represent that prior to the  negotiation  and
execution  of this  Agreement  they  were  advised  that the  Escrow  Agent  was
representing  Seller as such party's  attorney in connection with this Agreement
and the transaction referred to herein and the parties hereto covenant that they
shall not object,  on the grounds of conflict of interest or  otherwise,  to the
Escrow Agent  continuing  to act as the attorney for Seller in  connection  with
this Agreement and the transaction  contemplated  herein,  or to act as Seller's
attorney  in  connection  with any dispute in  connection  herewith or any other
matter, as well as act as the Escrow Agent hereunder;  provided,  however,  that
the Escrow Agent deposits the Deposit with a court of competent  jurisdiction or
transfers the Deposit and all accrued interest  thereon to a mutually  agreeable
substitute escrow agent.

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                                   ARTICLE IV.

                      Closing, Prorations and Closing Costs

     4.1. Closing.
     4.1.1.  The closing of the  purchase  and sale of the  Property  (the "Clos
ing") shall be held at the offices of Skadden,  Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP,
919 Third Avenue,  New York, New York or at the offices of Purchaser's  lender's
counsel,  if  requested  by  Purchaser's  lender,  at 10:00  a.m.  local time on
December 31, 1998.  The date of Closing is referred to in this  Agreement as the
"Closing  Date".  In addition to any other  adjournment  rights  afforded to the
Seller  hereunder,  Seller shall have the right,  exercisable by giving not less
than ten (10) days prior written  notice to Purchaser on any number of occasions
prior to the then scheduled Closing Date, to adjourn the Closing to any business
day  designated  by Seller in the period  December 31, 1998 through  January 28,
1999,  both dates  inclusive (time being of the essence with respect to any date
between  January 15, 1998 and January 28, 1998, both dates  inclusive,  which is
designated by Seller upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to

     4.1.2.  Notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 4.1.1, Seller shall have
the  right,  on thirty  (30) days  prior  written  notice to the  Purchaser,  to
accelerate the Closing Date to any business day occurring on or after  September
14,  1998,  and, in such event,  Purchaser  shall have the right to adjourn such
accelerated Closing Date one or more times for up to an aggregate of thirty (30)
days (time being of the essence with respect to such thirtieth (30th) day).

     4.2. Prorations. All matters involving prorations or adjustments to be made
in connection with Closing and not specifically  provided for in another Section
of this Agreement  shall be adjusted in accordance with this Section 4.2. Except
as otherwise set forth herein, all items to be prorated pursuant to this Section
4.2 shall be prorated as of 12:01 A.M. on the Closing Date, with Purchaser to be
treated as the owner of the  Property,  for purposes of prorations of income and
expenses, on and after the Closing Date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the
event that the Purchase  Price is not disbursed to or as directed by Seller (or,
in the case of an Exchange, to or as directed by the Qualified  Intermediary) on
or before 3:00 p.m.  (eastern time) on the Closing Date,  then the Closing shall
be deemed to have occurred on the next business day and all adjustments

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shall be  recomputed  accordingly.  Except as otherwise  set forth  herein,  all
prorations  shall be done in  accordance  with the customs with respect to title
closings recommended by The Real Estate Board of New York, Inc.

     The following items shall be prorated:

     4.2.1.  Real Estate and Property Taxes.  Real estate and personal  property
taxes, business improvement district assessments and charges,  vault charges and
special  assessments,  if any.  Seller  shall pay all real  estate and  personal
property taxes,  business improvement  district  assessments and charges,  vault
charges and special assess ments  attributable to the Property through,  but not
including,  the Closing Date. If the tax rate,  assessment and/or assessed value
for any of the foregoing  items has not been set for the tax period in which the
Closing  occurs,  then the proration of such items shall be based upon the rate,
assessment  and/or assessed value for the  immediately  preceding tax period and
such  proration  shall be adjusted in cash  between  Seller and  Purchaser  upon
presen tation of written evidence that the actual amount paid for the tax period
in which the Closing  occurs  differs  from the  amounts  used in the Closing in
accordance with the provi sions of Section 4.2.13 hereof.  Any discount received
for an early payment shall be prorated between Seller and Purchaser.

     4.2.2.  Insurance  Premiums.  There  shall  be  no  proration  of  Seller's
insurance  premiums or assignment of Seller's insurance policies with respect to
the Property and Seller shall cancel all of its existing  policies  with respect
to the Property as of the Closing Date, except as provided in Article XI.

     4.2.3. Utilities and Services. Purchaser and Seller hereby acknowl edge and
agree that the amounts of all telephone,  electric, sewer, water, gas, steam and
other utility bills,  trash removal bills,  janitorial and  maintenance  service
bills  and all other  operating  and  administrative  expenses  relating  to the
Property and  allocable to the period prior to the Closing Date (other than such
items which are the  obligation of a Tenant under its Lease) shall be determined
and paid by Seller before Closing,  if possible,  or shall be paid thereafter by
Seller or adjusted between Purchaser and Seller  immediately after the same have
been  determined.  Seller shall have all base building meters read not more than
fifteen (15) days prior to the Closing Date.  Purchaser  shall cause all utility
services  Purchaser  desires to be placed in Purchaser's  name as of the Closing
Date. All deposits,  if any, furnished by Seller to any utility company or other
service provider shall continue to be owned by Seller.

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     4.2.4.  Base Rents.  Base or fixed rents due under Leases shall be adjusted
on an if, as and when collected basis. If, on the Closing Date, any tenant under
a Lease (a "Tenant") (other than Venator Group,  Inc. and its affiliates,  which
for all  purposes  under this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be current in their
obligations  under all of their Leases through the end of the month in which the
Closing Date occurs) is in arrears in the payment of such rent, then any amounts
received  by Seller or  Purchaser  from any such  Tenant  after the  Closing  on
account  of such  rent  (net of  reasonable  costs  of  collec  tion,  including
reasonable  attorneys fees and disbursements)  shall be applied in the following
order of priority:  (i) first  apportioned  between Purchaser and Seller for the
month in which the Closing occurred, (ii) then to Purchaser for any amounts then
due to Pur  chaser  for any  month or  months  following  the month in which the
Closing  occurred,  and (iii) then to Seller  for the period  prior to the month
preceding  the  month in which the  Closing  occurred.  If rents or any  portion
thereof  received  by Seller or  Purchaser  after the Closing are payable to the
other  party  by  reason  of  this  allocation,  the  appropriate  sum,  less  a
proportionate share of any reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs and expenses of
collection thereof, shall be promptly paid to the other party. Seller shall have
the right,  after  Closing,  to proceed  against  Tenants for  delinquent  rents
allocable solely to the period of Seller's ownership of the Property.  Purchaser
agrees  that it shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to collect any such
delinquent rents allocable to the period of Seller's  ownership of the Property,
but Purchaser  shall not be obligated to commence any actions to dispossess  any
of the Tenants (except that Purchaser shall continue any  dispossession  actions
against any Tenant  currently in monetary  default under its Lease (as set forth
on Schedule 2) if same was  initiated  by Seller prior to Closing for so long as
Seller continues to pay for the costs and expenses relating to such action). For
a one (1) year period  subsequent  to the Closing,  Seller shall have the right,
from time to time, on prior written notice to Purchaser,  to review  Purchaser's
books and records with respect to the Property during  ordinary  business hours,
to ascertain the status of Purchaser's  billing and collection of base and fixed
rents.  No action which  results in the  compromising  of any claim  against any
Tenant with respect to base or fixed rents due under such Tenant's Lease for the
period  prior  to the  Closing  shall be made  without  Seller's  prior  written
approval,  but Purchaser  shall not be obligated to continue any actions against
any Tenant  after  Seller has  rejected  any good  faith  compromise  reached by
Purchaser  with any such Tenant  which does not  unfairly  discriminate  against
Seller's claims against such Tenant.

     4.2.5.  Additional  Rents.  If any Tenants are  required to pay  percentage
rents,  escalation  charges  for  increases  in real estate  taxes or  operating
expenses,  porter's  wage  increases,   cost-of-living  increases,  charges  for
electricity, water, cleaning or overtime

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services,  "sundry  charges" or other charges of a similar  nature  ("Additional
Rents"),  the same shall be adjusted on an if, as and when collected  basis.  If
any Additional Rents are collected by Purchaser after the Closing Date which are
attributable  in  whole or in part to any  period  prior  to the  Closing,  then
Purchaser shall promptly pay to Seller its proportion ate share thereof,  less a
proportionate share of any reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs and expenses of
collection  thereof.  With  respect to any  estimated  Additional  Rents paid or
payable by Tenants for any period  prior to the Closing  which,  pursuant to the
applicable  Lease,  are to be  recalculated  after the Closing based upon actual
expenses and other relevant  factors,  (i) Seller  agrees,  with respect to such
adjustments  which  are in favor of any such  Tenant,  to  reimburse  Purchaser,
within  fifteen (15) days after  written  demand and  presentation  to Seller of
documentation in support of such adjustments, for the amount of such adjustments
which  Purchaser has paid or credited to such Tenant and (ii) Purchaser  agrees,
with  respect  to such  adjustments  which are in favor of  landlord,  to pay to
Seller the amount of such adjustments which the Tenant pays to Purchaser, within
ten (10) days after receipt  thereof by Purchaser.  Purchaser  shall  indemnify,
defend and hold Seller  harmless  from and against any and all losses,  damages,
costs and  expenses  (including  reasonable  attorneys  fees and  disbursements)
incurred  by Seller as a result of any  claims  brought  by any  Tenant  against
Seller with  respect to  adjustments  for which  Seller has made full payment to
Purchaser  under  clause (i) of the  preceding  sentence.  Seller shall have the
right, after Closing, to proceed against Tenants for delinquent  Additional Rent
allocable solely to the period of Seller's ownership of the Property.  Purchaser
agrees  that it shall use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to collect any such
delinquent Additional Rents allocable to the period of Seller's ownership of the
Property  but  Purchaser  shall not be  obligated  to  commence  any  actions to
dispossess  any of  the  Tenants  (except  that  Purchaser  shall  continue  any
dispossess  actions against any Tenant  currently in monetary  default under its
Lease (as set forth on Schedule 2) if same was  initiated by Seller prior to the
Closing  for so long as  Seller  continues  to pay for the  costs  and  expenses
relating to such action.  For a one (1) year period  subsequent  to the Closing,
Seller  shall  have the right,  from time to time,  on prior  written  notice to
Purchaser,  to review Purchaser's books and records with respect to the Property
during ordinary  business hours, to ascertain the status of Purchaser's  billing
and collection of Additional  Rents. No action which results in the compromising
of any claim against any Tenant with respect to  Additional  Rent due under such
Tenant's  Lease  for the  period  prior to the  Closing  shall  be made  without
Seller's  prior  written  approval,  but  Purchaser  shall not be  obligated  to
continue any actions against any Tenant after Seller has rejected any good faith
compromise  reached by Purchaser  with any such Tenant.  The  calculation of the
proration of Additional  Rents  hereunder  shall be computed on a straight- line
basis for the calendar year in which the Closing  occurs  (except for Additional
Rents arising from submetered electric charges, which shall be computed based on
actual usage).

     4.2.6.  Tenant Security Deposits.  Security Deposits held by Seller (to the
extent,  subject to the provision of this Section  4.2.6,  not applied by Seller
pursuant  to any  Lease)  shall be turned  over by Seller  to  Purchaser  at the
Closing  by  crediting   such  amount  (less  the  amount  of  any  interest  or
administrative  charges for the period  prior to the Closing  which the landlord
under such Lease would be entitled to retain) to Purchaser.  No allocation shall
be made of Security Deposits applied by Seller pursuant to any Lease, and Seller
may retain such  amounts;  provided,  however,  that Seller  shall not apply any
Security  Deposits  during the thirty  (30) days prior to the Closing or to cure
any non-monetary  Tenant defaults.  Security Deposits (net the reasonable costs,
if any, of realizing  upon the same,  including  reasonable  attorneys  fees and
disbursements)  applied after the Closing Date shall be applied in the following
order of priority: (i) first apportioned between Purchaser and Seller on account
of amounts  due under the  applicable  Lease for the month in which the  Closing
occurred,  (ii) then to  Purchaser  for any  amounts  then due to Pur  chaser on
account  of  amounts  due  under  the  applicable  Lease for any month or months
following the month in which the Closing  occurred,  and (iii) then to Seller on
account of amounts due under the  applicable  Lease for the period  prior to the
month preceding the month in which the Closing occurred.  At Closing,  Purchaser
shall  deliver to Seller a receipt  for any  Security  Deposits  turned  over by
Seller to Purchaser and Purchaser  shall  indemnify  Seller with respect thereto
pursuant to, and in accordance with, the Assignment and Assumption of Leases (as
hereinafter defined).


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     4.2.7. Brokerage Commissions/Tenant Improvements

     (i) Except as set forth below,  Seller shall be responsible for all leasing
and  brokerage  commissions,  tenant  improvement  costs and expenses and tenant
"buy-out" or lease  surrender costs with respect to the Leases executed prior to
the date hereof (the "Leasing Cut-off Date");

     (ii) With respect to the Leases executed prior to the Leasing Cut-off Date,
and only to the extent that such costs are  attributable to the exercise,  after
the Leasing  Cut-off  Date,  of a lease  renewal or  expansion  option  which is
contained in the  applicable  Lease on the date hereof,  (a) Purchaser  shall be
responsible for all tenant  improvement  costs and expenses and tenant "buy-out"
or lease  surrender  costs,  (b) Purchaser  shall be  responsible  for the first
$400,000, and any amounts exceeding

$650,000, with respect to any leasing and brokerage commissions,  and (c) Seller
shall be  responsible  for any  amounts  exceeding  $400,000,  to a  maximum  of
$250,000,  with  respect to any  leasing  and  brokerage  commissions.  Any such
brokerage commissions or tenant improvement costs and expenses payable by Seller
or  Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Section  4.2.7  shall be  payable by Seller or
Purchaser only when such commissions,  costs and expenses become due and payable
pursuant to the terms of the respective brokerage agreements or Leases.

     (iii) Purchaser  shall be responsible for all leasing and brokerage  commis
sions,  tenant  improvement  costs and  expenses  and tenant  "buy-out" or lease
surrender  costs with  respect to all Leases  executed  on or after the  Leasing
Cut-off Date in accor dance with Section 8.5.

     4.2.8.  Employees.  Salaries,  wages,  vacation pay,  bonuses and any other
fringe benefits (including,  without limitation,  social security,  unemployment
compensation,  employee disability insurance, sick pay, welfare and pension fund
contributions,  payments and deposits,  if any) of all Employees (as hereinafter
defined) shall be the sole obligation of Seller,  except as set forth in Article
XV hereof.

     4.2.9. Fuel. The value of fuel stored on the Property by Seller, if any, at
Seller's most recent cost,  including any taxes,  on the basis of a reading made
within ten (10) days prior to the  Closing by Seller's  supplier,  shall be paid
for by Purchaser.

     4.2.10.  Contracts.  Charges and payments under  transferable  Contracts or
permitted  renewals  or  replacements  thereof,  but  only  to the  extent  such
Contracts are assignable and are actually assigned to Purchaser at Closing.

     4.2.11.  Permit Fees. Fees and other amounts payable under the Licenses and
Permits, but only to the extent same are assignable and are actually assigned to
Purchaser at Closing pursuant to this Agreement.

     4.2.12.  Inventory.  The value of all  inventory  and  supplies in unopened
containers usable in connection with the management, maintenance or operation of
the  Improvements  and located on the Real  Property on the date of Closing,  if
any, at Seller's  most recent cost,  including  any taxes,  shall be paid for by

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     4.2.13.  Method of  Calculation.  For purposes of  calculating  prorations,
Purchaser  shall be  deemed  to be the  owner  of the  Property,  and  therefore
entitled to the income  therefrom and responsible  for the expenses  thereof for
the entire day upon which the Closing occurs.  All such prorations shall be made
on the basis of the actual  number of days of the month which shall have elapsed
as of the day of the  Closing  and based upon the  actual  number of days in the
month  and a three  hundred  sixty  five  (365)  day  year.  The  amount of such
prorations  shall be  initially  performed  at  Closing  but shall be subject to
adjustment  in  cash  after  the  Closing  as and  when  complete  and  accurate
information  becomes  available,  if such  information  is not  available at the
Closing.  Seller and Purchaser  agree to cooperate and use their best efforts to
make such  adjustments  within sixty (60) days after the Closing.  Except as set
forth in this Section 4.2, all items of income and expense  which accrue for the
period  prior to the Closing  will be for the account of Seller and all items of
income and expense  which accrue for the period on and after the Closing will be
for the account of Purchaser.

     4.2.14.  Survival.  The  provisions  of this Section 4.2 shall  survive the

     4.3.  Transfer Taxes.  Seller shall pay (or shall credit Purchaser for) all
transfer  taxes  imposed  upon the  conveyance  of the Real  Property  hereunder
pursuant  to Section  1402 of the New York State Tax Law and Title 11 of Chapter
21 of the  Administrative  Code of the City of New York (the "Transfer  Taxes").
Purchaser  shall  file all  neces  sary tax  returns  with  respect  to all such
Transfer Taxes and, to the extent  required by applicable  law, Seller will join
in the execution of any such Tax Returns.

     4.4.  Closing  Costs.  Purchaser  shall pay all recording  fees and charges
associ ated with the  recordation  of the Deed,  other than the Transfer  Taxes,
which are payable by Seller  under  Section  4.3.  Seller shall pay all fees and
commissions due to the Broker in accordance  with Section 13.1.  Purchaser shall
pay all title  insurance  premiums,  title  examination  fees and  survey  costs
incurred by Purchaser.  All other costs, fees,  expenses and charges of any kind
incident to the sale and  conveyance  of the Property  from Seller to Purchaser,
including  attorneys' fees and  consultants'  fees,  shall be borne by the party
incurring the same.

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                                   ARTICLE V.

                            Title and Survey Matters

     5.1. Title.

     5.1.1. Updated Commitment and Survey. Purchaser shall, at its sole cost and
expense,  within  five (5)  business  days from the date  hereof,  order a title
insurance  commitment  for an  owner's  policy of title  insurance  for the Real
Property (the "Pur chaser's Title  Commitment")  from  TitleServe  Agency of New
York City, Inc. (the "Title  Company") and such other title insurance  companies
as co-insurer or re-insurer as Purchaser may elect,  setting forth the status of
title to the Real  Property and any defects in or  objections  or  exceptions to
title  to the Real  Property,  together  with  true and  correct  copies  of all
instruments  giving rise to such defects,  objections or  exceptions.  Purchaser
shall  cause the  Title  Company  to  forward  a copy of the  Purchaser's  Title
Commitment and any updates thereof to Seller's attorney  simultaneously with the
issuance thereof to Purchaser. Seller has delivered to Purchaser copies of three
surveys of the parcels  comprising  the Real Property  initially  prepared by J.
George Hollerith  (collectively,  the "Survey"),  dated July 13, 1906, March 24,
1911 and June 19, 1920,  respectively,  all most recently updated as of June 12,
1998, by Manhattan Surveying, P.C.

     5.1.2. Title Objections.  If the Purchaser's Title Commitment,  any updates
to the Survey or any  further  update of either  shall  reveal or  disclose  any
defects,  objections  or  exceptions  in the  title to the Real  Property  which
Purchaser is not required to accept or have been deemed to have  accepted  under
the terms of this Agreement ("Title Objections"),  then, within 20 business days
after Purchaser's receipt of the Purchaser's Title Commitment, updated Survey or
any further update of either first revealing any such Title Objection, but in no
event later than  fifteen (15) days prior to the Closing Date (unless such Title
Objection is first disclosed by an update to the Purchaser's Title Commitment or
Survey  first  delivered to  Purchaser  within such fifteen (15) day period,  in
which case  Purchaser  shall  notify  Seller of such Title  Objection as soon as
reasonably practicable),  Purchaser shall notify Seller of such Title Objections
in writing.  If Purchaser  does not timely  notify Seller in writing of any such
Title  Objections,  then Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the state of
title to the Real Property  reflected in the Purchaser's Title  Commitment,  the
updated  Survey or any further  updates of either  received by Purchaser  and to
have  waived any claims or defects  which it might  otherwise  have  raised with

228463.07-New YorkS4A


to the matters reflected therein and the same shall be and shall be deemed to be
Permitted Exceptions for all purposes of this Agreement.

     5.1.3.  Elimination  of  Liens.  If  any  Title  Objections  appear  in the
Purchaser's  Title  Commitment,  the Survey or any updates thereof,  then Seller
may, at its election,  undertake to eliminate  such Title  Objections,  it being
agreed that Seller shall have no  obligation  to incur any expense in connection
with curing such Title  Objections,  except that Seller shall cure and eliminate
all Title  Objections  which were caused by,  resulted  from or arose out of (1)
judgments against Seller,  (2) a grant by Seller of a mortgage or other security
interest,  (3) items which can be satisfied by payment of a liquidated amount or
(4) Seller's  affirmative acts after the date hereof;  provided,  however,  that
Seller's obligation to cure such judgments as described in clause 1 or 3 of this
sentence  shall be limited to judgments in an amount not to exceed  $10,000,000.
Seller, in its discretion,  may adjourn the Closing for up to sixty (60) days in
the  aggregate  in  order  to  eliminate  such  Title  Objections.  In  lieu  of
eliminating  any Title  Objections  which  Seller  may  elect,  or be  required,
pursuant to the express terms hereof, to eliminate under this Agreement,  Seller
may deposit with the Title  Company such amount of money as may be determined by
the Title Company as being  sufficient to induce the Title Company,  without the
payment of any additional  premium by Purchaser,  to omit such Title  Objections
from Purchaser's  title insurance policy. If Seller is unable to so eliminate or
omit all such Title Objections in accordance with the terms of this Agreement on
or before such adjourned date for the Closing, then Purchaser shall elect either
to (i) terminate  this  Agreement by notice given to Seller,  in which event the
provisions  of Section 5.2 shall  apply,  or (ii) accept  title to the  Property
subject to such Title  Objections  and receive no credit against or reduction of
the Purchase Price,  except that Purchaser shall be entitled to a credit against
the Purchase Price in an amount equal to $10,000,000.

     5.1.4.  Payment from Balance of Purchase  Price.  Any unpaid  taxes,  water
charges,  sewer rents and assessments,  together with the interest and penalties
thereon to a date not more than five (5)  business  days  following  the Closing
Date (in each case subject to any applicable  apportionment),  and any mortgages
or other  liens  created  by  Seller  which can be  satisfied  by  payment  of a
liquidated amount and judgments against Seller, which Seller is obligated to pay
and discharge  pursuant to the terms of this Agree ment,  together with the cost
of recording  or filing any  instruments  necessary to discharge  such liens and
such judgments, may be paid out of the Balance of the Purchase Price pay able at
the Closing.  Seller hereby agrees to deliver to Purchaser, on the Closing Date,
instruments  in recordable  form  sufficient to discharge any such  mortgages or
other liens

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which can be satisfied by payment of a liquidated  amount and  judgments,  which
Seller  is  obligated  to pay  and  discharge  pursuant  to the  terms  of  this
Agreement.  Upon request of Seller, delivered to Purchaser no later than two (2)
business  days prior to the  Closing,  Purchaser  shall  provide at the  Closing
separate certified checks, or bank checks for the foregoing payable to the order
of the holder of any such lien,  charge,  or  judgment,  or a wire  transfer  of
federal funds as Seller shall direct,  in an aggregate  amount not to exceed the
Balance of the Purchase  Price,  as adjusted for  apportionments  required under
this Agreement, payable at the Closing.

     5.1.5. Affidavits. If the Purchaser's Title Commitment discloses judgments,
bankruptcies  or other returns against other persons having names the same as or
similar  to that of  Seller,  Seller,  on  request,  shall  deliver to the Title
Company  affidavits  showing that such judgments,  bankruptcies or other returns
are not against  Seller,  or any affiliates.  Upon request by Purchaser,  Seller
shall deliver any such  affidavits  and documen tary evidence as are  reasonably
required  by the Title  Company  in order to issue its  owner's  policy of title
insurance  to  Purchaser  free and clear of  matters  other  than the  Permitted

     5.1.6. Permitted Exceptions. Seller shall convey and Purchaser shall accept
fee simple title to the Real Property subject only to those matters set forth on
Exhibit C attached hereto  (collectively,  the "Permitted  Exceptions") and such
other matters as may be deemed Permitted Exceptions under Section 5.1.2.

     5.2.  Seller's  Inability  to Convey  Title.  If Seller is unable to convey
title in accordance  with the terms of this Agreement  and,  pursuant to Section
5.1.3,  Purchaser  elects to  terminate  this  Agreement,  the Deposit  shall be
returned to Purchaser,  and this Agreement  shall terminate and neither party to
this Agreement shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder other than
the Surviving Termination Obligations.

     5.3.  Violations.  Purchaser agrees to purchase the Property subject to any
and all notes or notices of violations of law, or municipal ordinances,  orders,
designations  or  requirements  whatsoever  noted in or issued  by any  federal,
state, municipal or other governmental department, agency or bureau or any other
governmental  authority  having  jurisdiction  over the Property  (collectively,
"Violations"),  or any lien imposed in connec tion with any of the foregoing, or
any condition or state of repair or disrepair or other matter or thing,  whether
or not noted,  which, if noted,  would result in a violation being placed on the
Property provided the same do not arise from a default by Seller in the

228463.07-New YorkS4A


performance  or observance of its  obligations  under Section 8.1.  Seller shall
have no duty to remove or comply with or repair any condition,  matter or thing,
whether or not noted,  which, if noted, would result in a violation being placed
on the  Property  provided the same do not arise from a default by Seller in the
performance  or observance of its  obligations  under Section 8.1.  Provided the
same do not arise from a default by Seller in the perfor mance or  observance of
its obligations under Section 8.1, Seller shall have no duty to remove or comply
with or repair any of the aforementioned Violations,  liens or other conditions,
and  Purchaser  shall accept the  Property  subject to all such  Violations  and
liens,  the existence of any conditions at the Property which would give rise to
such Violations or liens, if any, and any  governmental  claims arising from the
existence of such Violations and liens, in each case without any abatement of or
credit against the Purchase Price.  Notwith standing the foregoing,  but subject
to Section 5.1.3, to the extent that any Violations shall constitute a lien upon
the  Property,  Seller shall either  satisfy or discharge  the same or cause the
Title  Company  to omit  the  same  from  Purchaser's  title  insurance  policy.
Notwithstand ing anything to the contrary, if the cost to cure the Violations on
the Closing Date shall exceed  $10,000,000,  then Purchaser shall have the right
to terminate  this  Agreement by giving notice  thereof to Seller on or prior to
the Closing Date and,  unless Seller agrees (by notice to Purchaser given within
ten (10) days of Purchaser's  termination notice) to pay to Purchaser the amount
in excess of $10,000,000 necessary to cure such Violations, the Deposit shall be
returned to Purchaser,  this Agreement shall terminate and neither party to this
Agreement shall have any further rights or obligations  other than the surviving
Termina tion Obligations.

                                   ARTICLE VI.

                    Representations and Warranties of Seller

     6.1.  Seller's  Representations.  Seller  represents  and warrants that the
following matters are true and correct as of the date hereof with respect to the

     6.1.1. Authority.  Seller is a corporation duly organized and validly exist
ing  under  the laws of the  State of New  York.  This  Agreement  has been duly
authorized,  executed and delivered by Seller,  is the legal,  valid and binding
obligation  of Seller,  and does not violate any  provision of any  agreement or
judicial  order to which  Seller is a party or to which  Seller is subject.  All
documents to be executed by Seller which are to be delivered at Closing will, at
the time of Closing, be duly authorized, executed and delivered

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by Seller,  be legal,  valid and  binding  obligations  of Seller,  and will not
violate any  provision of any  agreement or judicial  order to which Seller is a
party or to which Seller is subject.

     6.1.2.  Bankruptcy  or Debt of  Seller.  Seller  has not made a general  as
signment  for  the  benefit  of  creditors,  filed  any  voluntary  petition  in
bankruptcy  or  suffered  the  filing of an  involuntary  petition  by  Seller's
creditors,  suffered the appointment of a receiver to take possession of all, or
substantially all, of Seller's assets, suffered the attachment or other judicial
seizure of all, or substantially  all, of Seller's  assets,  admitted in writing
its inability to pay its debts as they come due or made an offer of  settlement,
extension or composition to it creditors generally.

     6.1.3. Foreign Person. Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of
Section  1445(f) of the Code, and Seller agrees to execute any and all documents
necessary or reasonably required by the Internal Revenue Service or Purchaser in
connection with such declaration.

     6.1.4. Leases; Brokerage Commissions.

     (i) Seller has  delivered or made  available to Purchaser  true and correct
copies of the Leases.  Exhibit D attached  hereto  contains a description of all
Leases and tenancies and all  amendments  or  extensions  thereto  affecting the
Property  as of the date of this  Agreement  and to which  Seller  is a party or
bound. Except as set forth on Exhibit D, there are no leases,  licenses or other
occupancy agreements affecting the Property to which Seller is a party or bound.
Except with respect to the Venator  Lease or any other Lease with any  affiliate
of Seller, no  representation  is made as to (a) possible  assignments of any of
the Leases not  consented  to by Seller or (b) any  subleases  or  underlettings
under any of the Leases not consented to by Seller.

     (ii) To Seller's knowledge, Seller has not received any written notice of a
default on the part of Seller under any of the Leases and to Seller's knowledge,
Seller is not in material  default under any of the Leases.  Except as set forth
on Schedule 2 attached hereto, Seller has not sent any notices of default (which
remain  outstanding)  to any Tenant  and,  to  Seller's  knowledge,  no material
default by any Tenant exists, except as set forth on Schedule 2.

     (iii) Except with respect to the Venator  Lease or any other Lease with any
affiliate of Seller,  Seller does not warrant that any particular  Lease will be
in force or effect

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at the  Closing  or that the  Tenants  will  have  performed  their  obligations
thereunder.  Except for the Venator  Lease or any other Lease with any affiliate
of Seller,  the  termination  of any Lease prior to the Closing shall not affect
the obligations of Purchaser  under this Agree ment, or entitle  Purchaser to an
abatement of or credit  against the Purchase  Price or give rise to any claim on
the part of  Purchaser  against  Seller,  unless such  termination  results from
Seller's breach of such Lease or the terms of this Agreement.

     (iv) Commissions  payable under any brokerage  agreements shall be adjusted
and prorated as set forth in Section 4.2.7.

     6.1.5. Contracts.  Seller has delivered or made available to Purchaser true
and  complete  copies of the  Contracts.  To  Seller's  knowledge,  there are no
contracts  or  agreements  other  than those  listed on  Schedule 4 to which the
Property is subject and which would remain in effect after the Closing Date.

     6.1.6.  Condemnation.  Seller has not  received  any written  notice of any
existing,  pending  or  contemplated  condemnation,  eminent  domain or  similar
proceeding with respect to the Real Property, or any portion thereof.

     6.1.7. Tax Appeal  Proceedings.  Except as set forth on Schedule 5 attached
hereto,  Seller has not filed,  and has not retained anyone to file,  notices of
protest against, or to commence actions to review, real property tax assessments
against the Real Property.

     6.1.8.  Permits and  Licenses.  Seller has  delivered or made  available to
Purchaser  true and  complete  copies of the Permits and Licenses (to the extent
the same are in Seller's possession). To Seller's knowledge, Seller has received
no written  notice  (other  than  written  notices  that have been  subsequently
rescinded)  and Seller has no knowledge that any of the Permits and Licenses are
not in full force and effect or that there is a  violation  of such  Permits and
Licenses.  Seller will pay all fees which are due in connection with the Permits
and Licenses for the period prior to the Closing.  Purchaser  acknowledges  that
the Improvements located on the Broadway Parcel are not covered by a certificate
of occupancy.

     6.1.9. Insurance Policies. Schedule 6 annexed hereto and made a part hereof
is a true, correct and complete schedule of all insurance policies maintained by
Seller with respect to the Property and the amount of coverage  afforded by each

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policy.  All  premiums  due (or in the event that such  premiums  are payable in
installments,  all  installments of such premium payments due) on such insurance
policies  have been fully paid. To Seller's  knowledge,  Seller has not received
any  written  notice nor does Seller  have any  knowledge  that it is in default
under any insurance policy and to the best of Seller's knowledge, Seller has not
received any written  request for the performance of any work or alteration with
respect  to  the  Property  from  any   insurance   company  or  Board  of  Fire

     6.1.10.  Legal  Action  Against  Seller.  Except for matters  which  Seller
anticipates are fully covered by insurance and/or noted on Schedule 7, there are
no  judgments,  orders,  or  decrees  of  any  kind  against  Seller  unpaid  or
unsatisfied of record or otherwise.  There is no action,  suit or other legal or
administrative  agency  action  relating to the Property  which would  adversely
affect the  Property for its present use or affect  Seller's  ability to perform
its obligations under this Agreement, nor does Seller have any knowl edge of any
threatened  legal  action,  suit or  other  legal or  administrative  proceeding
relating to the Property.

     6.1.11.  Rent  Roll.  Attached  hereto as  Exhibit E is a rent roll for the
Property (the "Rent Roll") listing:  all Tenants as of the date hereof, the base
rent and  Additional  Rent billed to Tenants during the months of June and July,
1998 and the  Security  Deposit  held  (which is the amount  required to be held
pursuant to the  applicable  Leases) by Seller with respect to each Tenant as of
the date hereof.  The information set forth in the Rent Roll is true and correct
in all material respects.  With respect to any monetary amounts described in the
Rent Roll  (other  than  Security  Deposits),  the term "true and correct in all
material  respects" shall be construed to mean that, to the extent that the Rent
Roll overstates or understates the actual amounts of such items,  the net annual
adverse economic effect on Purchaser of such  overstatements or  understatements
in the  aggregate  does not exceed an amount equal to $250,000  (the  "Threshold
Economic  Effect").  The  representations  and warranties and provisions of this
Section 6.1.11 (other than with respect to Security  Deposits) shall expire upon
the close of business on June 24, 1998,  and shall  thereafter  be of no further
force or effect,  provided,  however,  that in the event that Seller  receives a
notice  from  Purchaser  prior to such date as a result of inaccu  racies in the
representations  contained  in this Section  which  create a Threshold  Economic
Effect,  Seller shall pay to Purchaser  monthly (from and after the Closing) one
twelfth  (1/12) of the  annual  amount  over the five (5) period  following  the
Closing  Date by which the actual  annual  overstatement  exceeds the  Threshold
Economic  Effect.  The  calculation  of the annual  payment due  pursuant to the
preceding sentence shall be based upon the terms

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of the Leases  with  respect to which the  overstatement  relates on the Closing
Date. In addition,  any increases in rent pursuant to the applicable Lease after
the date hereof shall be excluded in calculating overstatements. For example, if
a portion of the overstatement relates to a Lease which by its terms expires two
years from the Closing Date,  the  overstatement  shall not include the economic
effect of such lease in calculating the annual payment due in the third,  fourth
and fifth years from the Closing Date.

     6.1.12.  Employees.  Attached  hereto as  Schedule  8 is a  listing  of all
employees  employed  by Seller at the Real  Property  on the date  hereof  whose
duties  are  restricted  to the  management,  maintenance  or  operation  of the
Improvements  and the other  Property  the  "Employees"),  together  with  their
respective salaries, wages, vacation pay and other fringe benefits.

     6.1.13.  Transfer to Seller. The Property has been transferred to Seller by
the immediately prior owner of the Property prior to the date hereof.

     6.2.  Seller's  Knowledge.  For purposes of this Agreement and any document
delivered  at Closing,  whenever the phrases "to  Seller's  knowledge",  "to the
current, actual knowledge of Seller" or the "knowledge" of Seller and/or Venator
Group,  Inc. or words of similar import are used,  they shall be deemed to refer
to the  actual  knowledge  only of  Seller,  Venator  Group,  Inc.,  and/or  any
affiliate or predecessor  of Seller or Venator Group,  Inc. and not any implied,
imputed or constructive knowledge, without any inde pendent investigation having
been made or any implied duty to investigate.

     6.3.  Change  in  Representation/Waiver.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
contrary  contained herein,  Purchaser  acknowledges that Purchaser shall not be
entitled to bring any action after the Closing Date based on any  representation
made by  Seller  in this  Article  VI to the  extent  that,  prior  to  Closing,
Purchaser  shall  have or shall  obtain  actual  knowledge  (and not  merely any
implied,   imputed  or   constructive   knowledge,   without   any   independent
investigation  having  been  made or any  implied  duty to  investigate)  of any
information  that was  contradictory  to such  representation  or  warranty.  In
furtherance thereof, Purchaser and Seller expressly agree that Seller shall have
no liability with respect to any of the foregoing representations and warranties
to the extent that,  prior to the Closing,  Purchaser  obtains actual  knowledge
(and not merely any  implied,  imputed or  constructive  knowledge,  without any
independent  investigation  having been made or any implied duty to investigate)
(from whatever source, including,  without limitation, any property manager, any
materials furnished to Purchaser, the Estoppel Certificates,

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Purchaser's due diligence tests, investigations and inspections of the Property,
or written  disclosure by Seller or Seller's  agents and employees) that renders
any of the foregoing  representations  and warranties  untrue or incorrect,  and
Purchaser  nevertheless  consum  mates  the  transaction  contemplated  by  this

     6.4.  Survival.  The express  representations  and warranties  made in this
Agree ment by Seller shall not merge into any instrument of conveyance delivered
at the  Closing  and  all of the  representations  and  warranties  made in this
Agreement by Seller (other than those set forth in Section  6.1.11,  which shall
expire upon the close of business on June 24, 1998 and be of no further force or
effect  thereafter  except as provided  therein) shall survive the Closing for a
period of six (6) months; provided, however, that any action, suit or proceeding
with respect to the truth,  accuracy or completeness of such representations and
warranties  shall be commenced,  if at all, on or before the date which is seven
(7) months after the date of the Closing and, if not commenced on or before such
date,  thereafter  shall  be void  and of no  force or  effect.  The  terms  and
provisions of this Section 6.4 shall survive the Closing.

     6.5. Limitation of Liability.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary or
incon sistent in this  Agreement or in any of the  agreements,  certificates  or
affidavits  delivered by Seller pursuant to this Agreement,  except with respect
to the matters  covered  under  Section  4.2.7  hereof (i) Seller  shall have no
liability for any particular loss,  claim,  cost or expense suffered or incurred
by  Purchaser as a result of the  inaccuracy  of any of the  representations  or
warranties of Seller hereunder and/or under any of the agreements,  certificates
or affidavits of Seller set forth in or delivered  pursuant to this Agreement if
the same shall have a monetary  value (or be in a monetary  amount  claimed)  of
less  than  Twenty-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($25,000)  and  (ii)  the  aggregate
liability   of  Seller   arising   pursuant  to  or  in   connection   with  the
representations  and warranties of Seller and/or the agreements or  certificates
or  affidavits  of Seller set forth in or delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement
shall not exceed Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000).  Purchaser expressly waives,
relinquishes  and releases any right of  rescission  it may have against  Seller
after the Closing as a result of Seller's breach of  representation or warranty.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary,  Seller shall indemnify Purchaser and
Purchaser shall indemnify  Seller for any and all leasing  commissions  that are
due with  respect  to any lease  renewal  or  expansion  and are not paid by the
indemnifying party in accordance with Section 4.2.7. The terms and provisions of
this Section 6.5 shall survive Closing and/or termination of this Agreement.

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     6.6.  "AS IS" Sale.  Subject only to Seller's  covenants,  representations,
warranties and indemnifications in this Agreement,  Purchaser shall purchase the
Property in its "AS IS" condition at the Closing Date, subject to all latent and
patent defects (whether physical,  financial or legal, including title defects),
based solely on  Purchaser's  own inspec tion,  analysis and  evaluation  of the
Property and not in reliance on any records or other  information  obtained from
Seller or on Seller's behalf.  Purchaser  acknowledges that it is not relying on
any  statement  or  representation  (other  than  representations,   warranties,
covenants and  indemnifications  contained in this Agreement) that has been made
or  that in the  future  may be made by  Seller  or any of  Seller's  employees,
agents,  attorneys or repre sentatives  concerning the condition of the Property
(whether relating to physical conditions, operation performance, title, or legal

                                  ARTICLE VII.

                   Representations and Warranties of Purchaser

     Purchaser represents and warrants to Seller that the following matters are
true and correct as of the date hereof.

     7.1. Authority. Purchaser is a limited liability company duly organized and
validly  existing  under the laws of the State of New York.  This  Agreement has
been duly autho rized, executed and delivered by Purchaser,  is the legal, valid
and binding  obligation of Purchaser,  and does not violate any provision of any
agreement or judicial order to which  Purchaser is a party or to which Purchaser
is subject.  All documents to be executed by Purchaser which are to be delivered
at Closing  will,  at the time of  Closing,  be duly  authorized,  executed  and
delivered by Purchaser,  be legal,  valid and binding  obligations of Purchaser,
and will not violate any provision of any  agreement or judicial  order to which
Purchaser is a party or to which Purchaser is subject.

     7.2. Bankruptcy or Debt of Purchaser.  Purchaser represents and warrants to
Seller  that  Purchaser  has not made a general  assignment  for the  benefit of
creditors,  filed any voluntary petition in bankruptcy or suffered the filing of
an involuntary petition by Purchaser's creditors,  suffered the appointment of a
receiver to take possession of all, or substantially all, of Purchaser's assets,
suffered the attachment or other judicial seizure of all, or substantially  all,
of Purchaser's assets, admitted in writing its inability to pay its debts

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as they come due or made an offer of settlement, extension or composition to its
creditors generally.

     7.3. No Financing  Contingency.  It is expressly  acknowledged by Purchaser
that this  transaction is not subject to any financing  contingency  and that no
financing  for this  transaction  shall be provided by Seller.  Purchaser has or
will have at the Closing Date,  sufficient  cash,  available  lines of credit or
other  sources of  immediately  good  funds to enable it to make  payment of the
Purchase Price and any other amounts to be paid by it hereunder.

     7.4. Purchaser's  Acknowledgment.  Purchaser  acknowledges and agrees that,
except as expressly  provided in this  Agreement,  Seller has not made, does not
make and  specifically  disclaims  any  representations,  warranties,  promises,
covenants, agreements or guaranties of any kind or character whatsoever, whether
express or implied,  oral or written,  of, as to,  concerning or with respect to
(a) the  nature,  quality  or  condition  of the  Property,  including,  without
limitation,  the water, soil and geology,  (b) the income to be derived from the
Property,  (c) the  suitability  of the Property for any and all  activities and
uses which  Purchaser  may  conduct  thereon,  (d) the  compliance  of or by the
Property or its operation  with any laws,  rules,  ordinances,  designations  or
regulations of any applicable governmental authority or body, including, without
limitation,  the Americans with Disabili ties Act, any applicable federal, state
or local landmark designations,  and any rules and regulations promulgated under
or  in  connection   with  any  of  the   foregoing,   (e)  the  habit  ability,
merchantability  or fitness for a particular  purpose of the  Property,  (f) the
current or future real estate tax  liability,  assessment  or  valuation  of the
Property,  (g) the availability or  non-availability or withdrawal or revocation
of any  benefits or  incentives  conferred  by any  federal,  state or municipal
authorities,  or  (h)  any  other  matter  with  respect  to the  Property,  and
specifically that Seller has not made, does not make and specifically  disclaims
any representations  regarding solid waste, as defined by the U.S. Environmental
Protection  Agency  regulations  at 40  C.F.R.,  Part 261,  or the  disposal  or
existence,  in or on the Property, of any hazardous substance, as defined by the
Comprehensive  Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as
amended,  and applicable  state laws, and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder.
Purchaser further  acknowledges and agrees that, except as expressly provided in
this  Agreement,  having been given the oppor  tunity to inspect  the  Property,
Purchaser is relying solely on its own  investigation of the Property and not on
any  information  provided  or to  be  provided  by  Seller.  Purchaser  further
acknowledges  and agrees that any  information  provided or to be provided  with
respect to the Property was obtained  from a variety of sources and that Seller,
except as

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otherwise  provided  herein,  has not  made  any  independent  investigation  or
verification of such  information.  Purchaser  further  acknowledges  and agrees
that,  except  as  expressly  provided  in  this  Agreement,  and as a  material
inducement to the Seller's execution and delivery of this Agreement, the sale of
the Property as provided for herein is and on an "as is, where is" condition and
basis. Purchaser acknowledges,  represents and warrants that Purchaser is not in
a  significantly  disparate  bargaining  position  with  respect  to  Seller  in
connection with the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement;  that Purchaser
freely  and fairly  agreed to this  waiver as part of the  negotiations  for the
transaction contemplated by this Agreement; and that Purchaser is represented by
legal counsel in connection  with this  transaction  and Purchaser has conferred
with such legal counsel concerning this waiver. The terms and provisions of this
Section 7.4 shall survive the Closing and/or termination of this Agreement.

     7.5.  Survival.  The express  representations  and warranties  made in this
Agree  ment by  Purchaser  shall not merge  into any  instrument  or  conveyance
delivered at the Closing and all of the  representations  and warranties made in
this  Agreement by Purchaser  shall  survive the Closing for a period of six (6)
months;  provided,  however, that any action, suit or proceeding with respect to
the truth,  accuracy or completeness of all such represen tations and warranties
shall be  commenced,  if at all,  on or before  the date which is six (6) months
after the date of the  Closing  and,  if not  commenced  on or before such date,
thereafter shall be void and of no force or effect.  The terms and provisions of
this Section 7.5 shall survive the Closing.

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

                      Seller's Interim Operating Covenants

     8.1. Operations.  Seller agrees to continue to operate, manage and maintain
the  Improvements  through the Closing Date or the termination of this Agreement
in the ordinary course of Seller's business and substantially in accordance with
Seller's present practice, subject to ordinary wear and tear and further subject
to Article XI of this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Seller shall
only be responsible  for one-half (1/2) of the cost of the facade repairs to the
Improvements,  up to a maximum of $450,000  ("Seller's  Share"),  and  Purchaser
agrees  on the  Closing  Date to assume  and  reimburse  Seller  for any and all
liabilities  and  obligations  of Seller  with  respect  to such  repairs  above
Seller's  Share under any  contract  with  respect to such  repairs  approved by
Seller and

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Purchaser,  whether  arising  prior to or after the Closing  Date.  Seller's and
Purchaser's  consent shall be required to approve any contractors and agreements
necessary  for the  completion  of such  repairs,  which  consent  shall  not be
unreasonably withheld.

     8.2. Maintain  Insurance.  Seller agrees to maintain until the Closing Date
or the  termination  of this Agreement the insurance on the Property which is at
least equivalent in all material respects to the insurance  policies  identified
in Schedule 6.

     8.3. Personal Property. Seller agrees not to transfer to any third party or
remove any Personal Property from the Improvements after the date hereof, except
for repair or replacement  thereof and except in the case of any  termination of
this Agreement.  Any items of Personal  Property  replaced after the date hereof
shall be  promptly  installed  prior to  Closing  and shall be of  substantially
similar  quality to the item of Personal  Property  being  replaced,  subject to
Section 8.1.

     8.4.  No Sales.  Except for the  execution  of tenant  leases  pursuant  to
Section 8.5 and except in the case of any termination of this Agreement,  Seller
agrees that it shall not convey any interest in the Property to any third party.

     8.5.  Tenant  Leases.  Seller shall not, from and after the date hereof and
until the termination of this Agreement, (i) modify, renew or waive any material
rights under the Leases or grant any consent  under the Leases,  (ii)  terminate
any Lease except by reason of a default by the Tenant  thereunder or as required
by law,  (iii)  enter  into a new  tenant  lease,  or (iv)  accept a  surrender,
termination or  cancellation  of any Lease by the Tenant thereun der,  except if
Seller's  consent is not required in accordance  with the terms of such Lease or
as  required  by law,  in each  case  without  the  prior  written  approval  of
Purchaser.  If Purchaser  approves of Seller's entering into a new tenant lease,
then  Purchaser  shall pay to Seller on the Closing  Date, in the same manner as
the Purchase Price the following,  to the extent actually approved by Purchaser:
(i) the amount of the brokerage  commission  due in connection  with such lease,
(ii) the cost of any tenant  improvements  to be performed by the landlord under
the  terms of such  lease,  and (iii) the  amount of any cash work  allow  ances
required to be given by the landlord to the tenant under the terms of such lease
(the "Letting Expenses"), to the extent actually paid by Seller on or before the
Closing Date in accordance with agreements approved by Purchaser.  Except as set
forth in Section 10.2.1,  Purchaser and Seller  acknowledge that Seller shall be
required  to pay all  Letting  Expenses  relating  to the  Venator  Lease.  Upon
Seller's  execution  and  delivery  of any  such  lease  approved  by  Purchaser
(including, without limitation, the Venator Lease), the same

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shall be and be deemed  to be a Lease for all  purposes  under  this  Agreement.
Seller shall deliver to Purchaser copies of all default notices  delivered to or
received from Tenants promptly after such delivery or receipt.

     8.6. Reserved.

     8.7.  Tenant  Estoppels.  Seller shall promptly  deliver to each Tenant for
such Tenant's execution an estoppel certificate certified to Purchaser (each, an
"Estoppel  Certificate")  substantially in the form of the estoppel  certificate
attached to each such  Tenant's  Lease,  or, with respect to any Lease that does
not  include a form of  estoppel  certificate,  an  estoppel  certificate  which
substantially  incorporates the estoppel  provisions  expressly contained in any
such  Lease.  Seller  shall  cause  all of its  affiliates,  including,  without
limitation,  Venator Group, Inc., to execute and return an Estoppel  Certificate
to Seller and Seller shall use reasonable  efforts to cause all other Tenants to
execute and return the Estoppel  Certificates  to Seller not later than five (5)
business  days prior to Closing,  but Seller shall not be required to expend any
money  (other than  nominal  sums),  provide  any  financial  accommodations  or
commence  any  litigation.  Seller  shall use  reasonable  efforts to deliver to
Purchaser a copy of each Estoppel  Certificate  promptly after Seller's  receipt
thereof. Subject to Section 9.2.3, in no event shall Purchaser have any right to
terminate this Agreement,  nor shall Purchaser be entitled to a reduction of the
Purchase  Price or  otherwise  be relieved  from its  obligations  hereunder  on
account  of  any  statement  made  or  information  contained  in  any  Estoppel
Certificate,   but  Purchaser's   rights  hereunder  with  respect  to  Seller's
representations and warranties shall,  subject to Section 6.3, remain unimpaired
thereby.  To the extent that Seller  delivers  an  Estoppel  Certificate  from a
Tenant subsequent to Seller's delivery of an Estoppel Certificate in the form of
Exhibit S executed  by Seller  with  respect  to such  Tenant,  Seller  shall be
released  from  any  liability  in  connection  with  Seller's   representations
contained therein.

     8.8.  Contracts.  Seller  may,  between  the date  hereof and the  Closing,
extend,  renew, replace or modify any Contract or enter into any new Contract if
the terms thereof are on commercially  reasonable and competitive  terms and the
term  thereof is  cancellable  upon no more than thirty (30) days prior  written
notice,  without premium or penalty. At Purchaser's option exercisable by giving
written  notice to Seller at least ten (10)  business days prior to the Closing,
Seller shall use its best  efforts to terminate  all  Contracts  (and  Purchaser
shall  cooperate  with Seller in connection  therewith) by giving written notice
thereof  to the  parties  to  each  of  the  Contracts.  Seller  shall  pay  the
termination fees due

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under the property management agreement with Park Tower Management and all other
termination fees.

     8.9. Tax Appeal Proceedings.  Purchaser hereby agrees and acknowledges that
Seller  shall  have the right to  continue  to  prosecute  any tax appeal or tax
abatement proceeding with respect to the Property for the tax years prior to the
1998/1999  tax year which was  commenced by Seller prior to the date hereof.  If
any such tax  appeals  or tax  abatement  proceedings  result in tax  refunds or
rebates from the  applicable  taxing  authori ties,  then,  after  deduction for
Seller's  reasonable costs and expenses (including  reasonable  attorneys' fees)
incurred in connection with such tax appeal or abatement proceedings and subject
to the rights,  if any, of Tenants  under their Leases with respect  thereto (i)
Seller  shall be entitled  to receive any such refund or rebate with  respect to
the period prior to the Closing and (ii) Purchaser  shall be entitled to receive
any such refund or rebate with respect to the period from and after the Closing.
The party which  actually  receives  such tax refunds or rebates from the taxing
authorities  shall promptly notify the other party thereof and pay to such party
the amounts  due to such party  pursuant to the terms  hereof.  At the  Closing,
Seller shall assign to Purchaser all tax appeals and tax abatement  proceed ings
pending  with  respect  to the  Property  for the  1998/1999  tax  year  and any
subsequent tax years.  Seller agrees that it will not commence any tax appeal or
tax abatement  proceeding after the date hereof without  Purchaser's consent and
shall commence any such action (at Purchaser's  sole cost and expense)  promptly
upon  Purchaser's  request.  The terms and  provisions of this Section 8.9 shall
survive the Closing.

     8.10. Notices of Violation.  Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser of, and
shall promptly deliver to Purchaser a copy of any notice Seller may receive,  on
or before the Closing, from any governmental  authority,  concerning a violation
of laws at or a discharge of hazardous substances from or upon the Property.

     8.11. Access. Seller agrees to afford Purchaser and its employees and autho
rized agents with access to the Property  prior to the  Closing,  at  reasonable
times and upon reasonable  advance notice,  provided that neither  Purchaser nor
any of its  employees or agents  shall enter any portion of the Property  unless
accompanied by a representative  of Seller and that Seller shall not be required
to incur any cost or expense or  commence  any action to afford  Purchaser  with
such  access.  Purchaser  specifically  agrees  that  neither  it nor any of its
employees or agents shall  communicate  directly  with any  Employees or Tenants
unless such  communication  shall have been approved by Veronica Hackett (or any
other  representative of Seller  designated by Seller for such purposes),  which

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shall  not  be  unreasonably  withheld.  Seller  shall  be  entitled  to  have a
representative  present during any  communications  between Purchaser and any of
the Employees or Tenants.

                                   ARTICLE IX.

                               Closing Conditions

     9.1.  Conditions to Obligations of Seller.  The obligations of Seller under
this  Agreement  to sell the  Property  and  consummate  the other  transactions
contemplated  hereby  shall be  subject  to the  satisfaction  of the  following
conditions on or before the Closing Date,  except to the extent that any of such
conditions  may be waived by Seller in writing at Closing in the  Seller's  sole
and absolute discretion.

     9.1.1.   Representations,   Warranties  and  Covenants  of  Purchaser.  All
representations  and warranties of Purchaser in this Agreement shall be true and
correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date, with the same force and
effect  as if such  representations  and  warranties  were  made  anew as of the
Closing Date,  and Purchaser  shall have  performed and complied in all material
respects  with all covenants  and agree ments  required by this  Agreement to be
performed  or  complied  with by  Purchaser  on or  prior to the  Closing  Date.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Purchaser may cure any breach of representation
or warranty and otherwise satisfy all conditions to Seller's obligation to close
set forth in this Section 9.1.1 by paying the Balance of the Purchase  Price and
performing all other obligations of Purchaser  hereunder of a monetary nature on
the Closing Date.

     9.1.2.  No Orders.  No order,  writ,  injunction  or decree shall have been
entered  and  be in  effect  by  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or any
authority,  and  no  statute,  rule,  regulation  or  other  requirement  of any
governmental  authority shall have been promulgated or enacted and be in effect,
that restrains, enjoins or invalidates the transac tions contemplated hereby.

     9.1.3. Termination. Subject to Article XII, in the event Seller shall elect
not to close due to the failure of any one or more of the  conditions  precedent
to Seller's  obligation to sell set forth in this Section 9.1 which has not been
waived by Seller in writing in Seller's  sole and  absolute  discretion,  Seller
shall so notify  Purchaser  on the day of  Closing  in  writing  specifying  the
unfulfilled conditions, Seller shall direct the Escrow Agent

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to return the Deposit to  Purchaser  and this  Agreement  shall  terminate,  and
neither party shall have any further obligation under this Agreement (except the
Surviving  Termination  Obligations).  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary
contained  herein,  in the event that Seller  delivers a  termination  notice to
Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Section  9.1.3,  Purchaser  shall  have the  right
(provided  that it delivers a notice to Seller  within five (5) business days of
its receipt of Seller's  termination  notice),  to extend the scheduled  Closing
Date for a period  of up to  thirty  (30)  business  days in order to allow  the
satisfaction  of  the  unfulfilled  conditions  to  the  obligations  of  Seller
specified in Seller's termination notice.

     9.2.  Conditions to Obligations of Purchaser.  The obligations of Purchaser
under  this  Agreement  to  purchase  the  Property  and  consummate  the  other
transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be subject to the  satisfaction  of the
following  conditions on or before the Closing  Date,  except to the extent that
any of such  conditions  may be waived by Purchaser in writing at Closing in the
Purchaser's sole and absolute discretion.

     9.2.1.   Representations,   Warranties   and   Covenants  of  Seller.   All
representations  and  warranties of Seller in this  Agreement  shall be true and
correct in all material respects as of the Closing Date, with the same force and
effect  as if such  repre  sentations  and  warranties  were made anew as of the
Closing Date, any changes to such  representations  disclosed by Seller pursuant
to Section 10.1.9 shall be acceptable to Pur chaser in its sole discretion,  and
Seller  shall have  performed  and complied in all  material  respects  with all
covenants and agreements  required by this Agreement to be performed or complied
with by Seller prior to the Closing Date.

     9.2.2.  No Orders.  No order,  writ,  injunction  or decree shall have been
entered  and  be in  effect  by  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or any
authority, and no statute, rule, regulation or other requirement shall have been
promulgated or enacted and be in effect, that restrains,  enjoins or invalidates
the transactions contemplated hereby.

     9.2.3. Estoppels.  Purchaser shall not have received Estoppel Certifi cates
dated not earlier  than  thirty (30) days prior to the Closing  Date in the form
required by this Agreement  from (i) all  affiliates of Seller  occupying all or
any portion of the  Property  and (ii)  Tenants  (other than those  described in
clause (i) of this  sentence)  occupying an aggregate of 175,000  square feet of
the Improvements; provided, however, the condition set forth in this clause (ii)
shall be deemed  satisfied if Seller  delivers a Seller's  Estoppel  Certificate
executed by Seller and Seller's  Affiliate  (in the form set forth on Exhibit S)
with respect to Leases for Tenants (other than those described in clause (i) of

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this sentence)  occupying the balance of the required 175,000 square feet of the
Improve ments not satisfied by direct Estoppel Certificates from Tenants. Seller
may supplement a Tenant's Estoppel  Certificate dated more than thirty (30) days
prior to the Closing Date by delivering a Seller's Estoppel  Certificate limited
to the  period  between  the date of the  Tenant  Estoppel  Certificate  and the
Closing Date.

     9.2.4.  Title.  At the time of Closing,  title to the Property  shall be as
provided in this Agreement.

     9.2.5.  Termination.  Subject to Article XII, in the event  Purchaser shall
elect  not to  close  due to the  failure  of any one or more of the  conditions
precedent to Purchaser's  obligation to consummate this transaction set forth in
this  Section  9.2  which  has not  been  waived  by  Purchaser  in  writing  in
Purchaser's  sole and absolute  discretion,  Purchaser shall so notify Seller on
the day of Closing in writing  specifying  the  unfulfilled  conditions,  Seller
shall  direct the  Escrow  Agent to return the  Deposit  to  Purchaser  and this
Agreement shall terminate,  and neither party shall have any further  obligation
under  this   Agreement   (except  the   Surviving   Termination   Obligations).
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained  herein,  in the event that
Purchaser  delivers a  termination  notice to Seller  pursuant  to this  Section
9.2.4,  Seller  shall  have the right  (provided  that it  delivers  a notice to
Purchaser within two (2) business days of its receipt of Purchaser's termination
notice),  to extend the  scheduled  Closing  Date for a period of up to ten (10)
business days in order to allow the  satisfaction of the unfulfilled  conditions
to the obligations of Purchaser specified in Purchaser's termination notice.

                                   ARTICLE X.


     10.1.  Seller's  Closing  Obligations.  Seller shall,  at its sole cost and
expense,  execute,  acknowledge  (where  applicable)  and deliver or cause to be
delivered to Pur chaser at Closing the following:

     10.1.1.  A bargain and sale deed without  covenant  against  grantor's acts
(the "Deed")  substantially  in the form attached hereto as Exhibit G, conveying
to  Purchaser  the Land and  Improvements  in fee  simple,  subject  only to the
Permitted Excep tions.

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     10.1.2.  An "Assignment  and Assumption of Leases" in the form of Exhibit H
attached hereto, with respect to the Leases and the Security Deposits.

     10.1.3.  An "Assignment and Assumption of Contracts" in the form of Exhibit
I attached hereto.

     10.1.4. A list of Security Deposits required to be held pursuant to the
applicable Leases.

     10.1.5.  Copies  of  the  Contracts,  the  Licenses  and  Permits  and  the
warranties and guarantees (originals will be provided if available).

     10.1.6.  Originals  (to the  extent  in  Seller's  possession  or  control,
otherwise  photostatic  copies thereof) of all Leases in effect on such date and
all other  documents  in the  possession  of  Seller  relating  to the  Tenants,
including any Estoppel Certificates received by Seller from any of the Tenants.

     10.1.7. Written notices executed by Seller and addressed to each Tenant (i)
advising  each such Tenant of the sale of the  Property  and the transfer of the
unapplied  amount of its security  deposit (if any) to  Purchaser in  accordance
with New York General  Obligations  Law Section 7-105 and (ii)  indicating  that
rent should  thereafter be paid to Purchaser and giving  instructions  therefor,
substantially  in the form of Exhibit J  attached  hereto.  Purchaser  agrees to
deliver such notices to the Tenants,  by  registered or certified  mail,  within
five (5) days after the Closing  Date and hereby  agrees to  indemnify  and hold
Seller harmless from and against all loss,  cost and expense  incurred by Seller
as a result of  Purchaser's  failure to so deliver  such notices to the Tenants.
Purchaser's obligations under this Section 10.1.7 shall survive the Closing.

     10.1.8.  Written  notices  executed  by  Seller,  addressed  to each  party
performing services pursuant to a Contract indicating that the Property has been
sold to Purchaser and that either (i) all rights of Seller  thereunder have been
assigned to Purchaser or (ii) if  requested  by  Purchaser  in  accordance  with
Section 8.8, Seller has terminated such Contract.

     10.1.9. A certificate in the form of Exhibit K attached hereto,  indicating
that the  representations  and  warranties of Seller set forth in Article VI are
true and correct on the Closing Date, or, if there have been changes, describing
such changes.

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     10.1.10.  A bill of sale in the form  attached  hereto as  Exhibit L convey
ing, transferring and selling to Purchaser (with no value separate from the Real
Property)  all  right,  title and  interest  of  Seller  in and to the  Personal

     10.1.11. The License Agreement.

     10.1.12. A certificate substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
M certifying that Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined in Section 1445 of
the Code.

     10.1.13.  A New York City Real  Property  Transfer  Tax Return and New York
State  Combined  Real  Estate  Transfer  Tax  Return and  Credit  Line  Mortgage
Certificate  (Form TP-584)  (together,  the "Transfer Tax  Returns"),  each duly
signed by Seller, together with the payment of the amount of the Transfer Taxes,
if any, due in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereunder, in each
case by delivery to the Title Company of a certified  check payable to the order
of the Commissioner of Finance in the amount of the Transfer Tax due to New York
City and a certified check payable to the order of the New York State Department
of Taxation  and Finance in the amount of the Transfer Tax due to New York State
(unless Seller elects to have Purchaser make such payments with a credit against
the Purchase Price, in which case such payments shall be so made by Purchaser).

     10.1.14.  The following items to the extent in Seller's possession or under
Seller's control: (i) keys for all entrance doors in the Improvements,  (ii) all
original (or copies if  originals  are not  available)  books,  records,  tenant
files,  operating  reports,  files, plans and specifications and other materials
related to the operation of the  Property;  (iii) the originals (or copies where
originals are not available) of the Contracts and the Licenses and Permits,  and
(iv) a revised Rent Roll certified by an authorized  officer of Seller,  updated
to within ten (10) business days of the Closing.

     10.1.15.  Evidence  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Purchaser  and the  Title
Company that the person executing the Closing  documents on behalf of Seller has
full right, power and authority to do so.

     10.1.16. An affidavit in lieu of registration as required by Chapter 664 of
the Laws of 1978 in the form of Exhibit N.

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     10.1.17.  Affidavits and other matters as are  reasonably  requested by the
Title Company pursuant to Section 5.1.5 of this Agreement.

     10.1.18. At Closing, Seller shall have delivered possession of the Property
to  Purchaser,  subject to the  Permitted  Exceptions  and the rights of Tenants
under the Leases.

     10.1.19. The Venator SNDA.

     10.1.20. Such other documents as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate
to effect the  consummation  of the  transactions  which are the subject of this

     10.2.  Purchaser's  Closing  Obligations.  Purchaser,  at its sole cost and
expense, shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Seller (or, in the case of an
Exchange, to the Qualified  Intermediary) or the Tenant under the Venator Lease,
as applicable, at Closing the following:

     10.2.1.  The Balance of the Purchase Price,  after all adjustments are made
at the Closing as herein  provided to Seller,  and a payment to the tenant under
the  Venator  Lease in  respect of such  tenant's  initial  improvements  to the
Venator  Premises  that  were  completed  prior  to  the  Closing  Date,  up  to
$11,000,000,  in each case by  Federal  Reserve  wire  transfer  of  immediately
available  funds.  To the extent that such  initial  improvements  have not been
completed  prior to the  Closing  Date,  then,  in order to  secure  Purchaser's
obligation to pay  $11,000,000  (minus amounts paid pursuant to the  immediately
preceding  sentence) to the tenant under the Venator Lease,  Purchaser shall pay
to the Escrow  Agent,  at the  Closing,  by Federal  Reserve  wire  transfer  of
immediately  available  funds,  the balance thereof  remaining to be paid to the
tenant  under  the  Venator  Lease  so that  Purchaser's  total  payment  equals
$11,000,000  and the  tenant  under the  Venator  Lease,  the  Escrow  Agent and
Purchaser shall enter into an escrow agreement, in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to the parties thereto,  governing disbursement of said $11,000,000
(minus  amounts  paid  pursuant  to  the  immediately   preceding  sentence)  in
accordance with the terms of the Venator Lease, provided, however, that the only
condition to the disbursement of the $11,000,000 (minus amounts paid pursuant to
the  immediately   preceding   sentence)  shall  be  Purchaser's  receipt  of  a
certification  from the tenant under the Venator  Lease that the initial  tenant
improvements have been completed.

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     10.2.2. Purchaser shall duly execute, acknowledge (as appropriate) and

          (i)  the Assignment and Assumption of Leases;

          (ii) the Assignment and Assumption of Contracts;

          (iii) receipt for delivery and acceptance of the Security Deposits;

          (iv) the License Agreement; and

          (v)  the Transfer Tax Returns.

     10.2.3.  A  non-disturbance  agreement (the "Venator SNDA") in favor of the
tenant under the Venator Lease, duly executed, acknowledged and delivered by the
holder of any mortgage granted by Purchaser with respect to the Real Property or
any portion thereof, in the form of Exhibit O attached hereto.

     10.2.4.  Evidence  reasonably  satisfactory to Seller and the Title Company
that the person executing the Closing  documents on behalf of Purchaser has full
right, power and authority to do so.

     10.2.5. A certificate in the form of Exhibit P attached hereto,  indicating
that the  representations  and  warranties of Purchaser set forth in Article VII
are true and  correct  on the  Closing  Date,  or, if there  have been  changes,
describing such changes.

     10.2.6. Such other documents as may be reasonably  necessary or appropriate
to effect the  consummation  of the  transactions  which are the subject of this

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                                   ARTICLE XI.

                                  Risk of Loss

     11.1.  Condemnation and Casualty. If, prior to the Closing Date, all or any
portion of the  Property  is taken by  eminent  domain,  or is the  subject of a
pending  taking  which has not been  consummated,  or is destroyed or damaged by
fire or other  casualty,  Seller  shall notify  Purchaser of such fact  promptly
after Seller obtains  knowledge  thereof.  If such  condemnation  or casualty is
Material (as such term is hereinafter defined), Pur chaser shall have the option
to terminate  this  Agreement upon notice to Seller given not later than fifteen
(15)  business  days after  receipt of Seller's  notice,  or the  Closing  Date,
whichever is earlier.  If this  Agreement is  terminated,  the Deposit  shall be
returned to Purchaser and thereafter neither Seller nor Purchaser shall have any
further rights or obligations to the other hereunder  except with respect to the
Surviving Termination Obligations.  If this Agreement is not terminated,  Seller
shall not be obligated to repair any damage or destruction  but (x) Seller shall
assign and turn over to  Purchaser  the  insurance  proceeds  as they  relate to
property  damage to Property that the  Purchaser  will have an interest in after
the Closing or condemnation  awards, as applicable,  net of any costs of repairs
and net of reasonable  collection costs (or, if such have not been awarded,  all
of its  right to  receive  the  same)  authorized  by  Purchaser  to be paid and
actually  paid by  Seller  with  respect  to  such  fire or  other  casualty  or
condemnation,  including any rent abatement insurance accruing after the Closing
for such  casualty or  condemnation,  provided that  Purchaser  shall retain the
exclusive right to file and prosecute the  adjustment,  compromise or settlement
of any claim for the  insurance  proceeds as they  relate to property  damage to
Property that the Purchaser will have an interest in after the Closing,  and (y)
the  parties  shall  proceed to Closing  pursuant  to the terms  hereof  without
abatement  of the  Purchase  Price  except  for a credit  in the  amount  of the
applicable insurance deductible.

     11.2.  Condemnation not Material. If the condemnation is not Material, then
the Closing  shall occur  without  abatement  of the Purchase  Price and,  after
deducting  Seller's  reasonable  costs and expenses  incurred in collecting  any
award,  Seller shall assign all remaining awards or any rights to collect awards
to Purchaser on the Closing Date.

     11.3.  Casualty not  Material.  If the Casualty is not  Material,  then the
Closing shall occur without abatement of the Purchase Price (except for a credit
against the  Purchase  Price in the amount of the  applicable  deductible  under
Seller's  insurance  policies),  Seller  shall not be  obligated  to repair such
damage or destruction and Seller shall

228463.07-New YorkS4A


assign and turn over to Purchaser all of the insurance proceeds net of any costs
of repairs  and net of  reasonable  collection  costs (or, if such have not been
awarded,  all of its right, title and interest therein)  authorized by Purchaser
to be paid  and  actually  paid by  Seller  with  respect  to such  fire or such
casualty,  including any rent abatement insurance accruing after the Closing for
such casualty.

     11.4.  Materiality.  For purposes of this  Article XI, the term  "Material"
shall mean:

     (i) with respect to a taking by eminent domain, a taking of (x) any portion
of the Broadway Parcel or the Improvement thereon, or (y) the entirety of either
the  Barclay  Parcel or the Park Place  Parcel,  or both,  and the  Improvements
located thereon,  excluding,  however, any taking solely of subsurface rights or
takings for utility easements or right of way easements,  if the surface of such
Land, after such taking,  may be used in substantially the same manner as though
such rights had not been taken; and

     (ii) with respect to a casualty, any casualty such that the cost of repair,
as reasonably  estimated by an independent  engineer  licensed to do business in
the  State of New York  acceptable  to  Seller  and  Purchaser,  is in excess of

     11.5.  General  Obligations  Law.  The  provisions  of this  Article XI are
intended to supersede those of Section 5-1311 of the General  Obligations Law of
New York.

                                  ARTICLE XII.


     12.1.  Default  by  Seller.  Except  as set forth  below,  in the event the
Closing and the transactions contemplated hereby do not occur as provided herein
by reason  of the  default  of  Seller,  Purchaser  may  elect,  as the sole and
exclusive  remedy of Purchaser,  to (i) terminate this Agreement and receive the
Deposit from the Escrow Agent in  accordance  with the terms and  provisions  of
Section  3.2  hereof,  and in such  event  Seller  shall not have any  liability
whatsoever  to  Purchaser  hereunder  other than with  respect to the  Surviving
Termination Obligations,  or (ii) enforce specific performance of, or seek other
equitable actions under,  this Agreement,  provided none of the same requests or
entitles  Purchaser to any monetary  damages  from  Seller.  Purchaser  shall be
deemed to have elected to terminate  this  Agreement  (as provided in subsection
(i) above) if Purchaser fails to deliver

228463.07-New YorkS4A


to Seller  written  notice of its intent to file a cause of action for  specific
performance  against  Seller  within  thirty (30) days after  written  notice of
termination  from  Seller or thirty  (30) days  after the  originally  scheduled
Closing Date,  whichever shall occur first, or having given Seller notice, fails
to file a lawsuit  asserting  such cause of action within ninety (90) days after
the originally  scheduled Closing Date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  nothing
contained herein shall limit Purchaser's  remedies at law or in equity as to the
Surviving Termination Obligations.

     12.2.  Default by Purchaser.  In the event the Closing and the transactions
contemplated  hereby do not occur as provided herein by reason of any default of
Pur chaser,  Purchaser  and Seller agree it would be  impractical  and extremely
difficult to fix the damages which Seller may suffer.  Therefore,  Purchaser and
Seller  hereby agree a  reasonable  estimate of the total net  detriment  Seller
would suffer in the event Purchaser  defaults and fails to complete the purchase
of the Property is and shall be, as Seller's sole and exclusive  remedy (whether
at law or in  equity),  a sum  equal  to  the  Deposit.  Upon  such  default  by
Purchaser,  Seller  shall have the right to receive the Deposit  from the Escrow
Agent, in accordance with the terms and provisions of Section 3.2 hereof, as its
sole and exclusive  remedy and thereupon this Agreement  shall be terminated and
neither  Seller nor  Purchaser  shall  have any  further  rights or  obligations
hereunder  except with respect to the  Surviving  Termination  Obligations.  The
amount of the  Deposit  shall be the full,  agreed and  liquidated  damages  for
Purchaser's  default and failure to complete the purchase of the  Property,  all
other  claims to damages or other  remedies  being  hereby  expressly  waived by
Seller.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  nothing  contained  herein shall limit
Seller's  remedies  at  law  or  in  equity  as  to  the  Surviving  Termination
Obligations.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Purchaser may cure any defaults by
paying the Balance of the Purchase Price and performing all other obligations of
Purchaser hereunder of a monetary nature on the Closing Date.

                                  ARTICLE XIII.


     13.1.   Brokerage   Indemnity.   Purchaser  shall  indemnify  Seller,   its
affiliates,  and its and  their  partners,  trustees,  advisors,  officers,  and
directors,  against all losses,  damages,  costs, expenses (including reasonable
fees and  expenses of  attorneys),  causes of action,  suits or judgments of any
nature arising out of any claim, demand or liability to or asserted

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by any broker,  agent or finder,  licensed or otherwise,  claiming to have dealt
with  Purchaser  in  connection  with this  transaction  other than J.P.  Morgan
Securities  Inc. and The Georgetown  Company  (together,  the "Broker").  Seller
shall  indemnify  Purchaser  and its  affiliates,  and its and  their  partners,
members,  trustees,  advisors,  officers  and  directors,  against  all  losses,
damages,  costs, expenses (including reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys),
causes of action,  suits or  judgments  of any nature  arising out of any claim,
demand  or  liability  to or  asserted  by the  Broker in  connection  with this
transaction or by any broker, agent or finder,  licensed or otherwise,  claiming
to have dealt with Seller in connection with this transaction.  Seller shall pay
the Broker in connection with the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement  pursuant to a separate  agreement  between Seller and Broker.
The provisions of this Article XIII shall survive the Closing and/or termination
of this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE XIV.


     14.1. Publication. Purchaser and Seller shall consult with each other prior
to  making  any  public  statements  with  respect  to  this  Agreement  and the
transactions  contem plated  hereby and,  except as otherwise may be required by
law or in connection  with any filings  required to be made by either party with
the Securities and Exchange Commission,  Purchaser and Seller shall not make any
public  statements,  including,  without  limitation,  any press releases,  with
respect to this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby, without the
prior  written  consent of the other party,  which consent shall not be unreason
ably withheld.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this Article 14 shall terminate
and be of no further force and effect from and after the Closing.

                                   ARTICLE XV.

                                Employee Matters

     15.1. Employment Responsibilities.  Seller shall terminate all Employees on
the Closing  Date.  Purchaser  shall offer to rehire and employ on and after the
Closing  not less  than 33  Employees,  which  Seller  represents  is 60% of the
aggregate  number of  Employees  represented  by any and all  unions on the date
hereof  (collectively,  the "Union Employ ees") on substantially the same wages,
terms and conditions as such Union Employees were employed by Seller immediately
prior to Seller's  termination  of such  employment.  Except as set forth below,
Purchaser  shall be solely  responsible  for, and hereby assumes all liabilities
whatsoever  with respect to: (i) all  salaries  and wages  relating to any Union
Employee  hired by  Purchaser  and  attributable  to the period on and after the
Closing Date,  (ii) benefits  relating to any Union  Employee hired by Purchaser
and  attributable  to the period on and after the Closing  Date,  (iii)  benefit
continuation  and/or  severance  payments  relating  to any Union  Employee as a
result of any  termination  of employment of any Union Employee on and after the
Closing Date, (iv) notices, payments, fines or assessments pursuant to any laws,
rules or  regulations  with  respect to the  employment,  discharge or layoff of
Union  Employees on or after the Closing  Date,  including,  but not limited to,
such liability as arises under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification
Act, Section 4980B of the Code (COBRA) and any rules or regulations as have been
issued in connec tion with any of the foregoing and (v) any withdrawal liability
under any  multiemployer  pension plans or similar  arrangements with respect to
the Union  Employees  (the aggregate  amount of liabilities  pursuant to clauses
(iii), (iv) and (v) being hereinafter  collectively referred to as the "Employee
Termination  Liabilities").  Subject  to the  provisions  of the next  sentence,
Seller  shall be  responsible  for one-half  (1/2) of the  Employee  Termination
Liabilities  (defined  herein)  up  to  a  maximum  of  $250,000  (the  "Maximum
Termination Responsibility").  Purchaser may elect, without notice to Seller, to
decrease  the percent age of Union  Employees  which  Purchaser  is obligated to
offer to rehire  from 33 to any  number  (but not less than 27),  provided  that
Purchaser  shall,  in addition to Purchaser's  liabilities  set forth above,  be
solely responsible for, and hereby assumes all Employee Termination Liabilities,
with  respect  to a number of Union  Employees  equal to 33 minus the  number of
Union  Employees  Purchaser  actually  offered to hire.  Solely for  purposes of
calculating   Purchaser's   liability  pursuant  to  the  immediately  preceding
sentence,   Seller  shall  select  which  Union   Employees  shall  be  used  in
apportioning  liability from the list of Union Employees which Purchaser did not
offer employment.


     Subject to  Seller's  Maximum  Termination  Responsibility,  Purchaser  and
Seller each hereby agrees to indemnify the other and their respective affiliates
against,  and agrees to defend and hold them  harmless  from any and all claims,
losses,  damages  and  expenses  (including,   without  limitation,   reasonable
attorneys' fees) and other liabilities and obligations incurred or suffered as a
result  of any  claim by or on  behalf  any Union  Employee  that  arises  under
federal, state or local statute (including, without limitation, Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991,  the Age  Discrimination
in Employment Act of 1990,  the Equal Pay Act, the Americans  with  Disabilities
Act of 1990, the Employ ee Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974 and all other
statutes  regulating  the terms and  conditions  of  employment),  regulation or
ordinance,  under the common law or in equity (including any claims for wrongful
discharge or otherwise,  but specifically excluding any claims under any policy,
agreement,  understanding or promise, written or oral, formal or informal (other
than the CBAs),  between  Seller and the Union  Employees),  arising solely as a
result of termination of employment on the Closing Date.  Seller shall indemnify
and hold Purchaser  harmless from any of the foregoing to the extent arising out
of any acts or omissions that occurred (or, in the case of omissions,  failed to
occur) prior to the Closing Date.
     15.2.  Collective  Bargaining  Agreements.  Effective  as of  the  Closing,
Purchaser  shall  diligently  proceed in good  faith to enter into or  otherwise
become a party  or  subject  to and  thereafter  observe,  pay and  perform  all
obligations and liabilities under, arising from or otherwise relating to (i) the
1996 Commercial  Building  Agreement  between Local 32B-32J,  Service  Employees
International  Union,  AFL-CIO and the Realty Advisory Board on Labor Relations,
Inc. and (ii) the 1998 Engineer  Agreement  between the Realty Advisory Board of
Labor  Relations,  Incorporated  and Local  94-94A-94B,  International  Union of
Operating Engineers AFL-CIO  (hereafter,  collectively,  the "CBAs").  Purchaser
shall have sole  responsibility for all such obligations and liabilities arising
under or  relating  to the CBAs , to the extent  entered  into or  binding  upon
Purchaser (subject to Seller's Maximum Termination  Responsibility) on or at any
time  after the Clos ing Date and hereby  agrees to  indemnify  and hold  Seller
harmless  from and  against all loss,  cost and expense  incurred by Seller as a
result of Purchaser's failure to perform its obligation under this Section 15.2.

     15.3.  Survival.  The  provisions  of this  Article  XV shall  survive  the

                                  ARTICLE XVI.


     16.1.   Notices.   Any  and  all  notices,   requests,   demands  or  other
communications  hereunder  shall be deemed to have been duly given if in writing
and if transmitted by hand delivery with receipt therefor, by facsimile delivery
(with  confirmation  by hard copy),  by overnight  courier,  or by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested,  first class postage prepaid addressed
as follows (or to such new address as the addressee of such a

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communication  may have  notified the sender  thereof)  (the date of such notice
shall be the date of actual  delivery to the recipient or recipients  refusal to
accept thereof):

To Purchaser:                       233 Broadway Owners, LLC
                                    c/o The Witkoff Group LLC
                                    220 East 42nd Street
                                    New York, New York 10017
                                    Attn:  James Stomber, Esq.
                                    Fax No.:  (212) 672-3434

With a copy to:                     Herrick, Feinstein LLP
                                    2 Park Avenue
                                    New York, New York  10016
                                    Attn:  Neil Shapiro, Esq.
                                    Fax No.:  (212) 889-7577

To Seller:                          233 Broadway, Inc.
                                    c/o Venator Group, Inc.
                                    233 Broadway
                                    New York, New York  10279
                                    Attn: General Counsel
                                    Fax No.: (212) 553-7038

With a copy to:                     Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                                    919 Third Avenue
                                    New York, New York  10022
                                    Attn:  Benjamin F. Needell, Esq.
                                    Fax No.: (212) 735-2000

To Escrow Agent:                    Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                                    919 Third Avenue
                                    New York, New York  10022
                                    Attn:  James F. O'Rorke, Jr., Esq.
                                    Fax No.:(212) 735-2000

With a copy to:                     Each of the other parties to this Agreement

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     Purchaser's counsel may give any notices or other communications hereunder
on behalf of  Purchaser  and  Seller's  counsel  may give any  notices  or other
communications hereunder on behalf of Seller.

     16.2. Governing Law; Venue.

     16.2.1.  This  Agreement  was  negotiated  in the State of New York and was
executed and delivered by Seller and  Purchaser in the State of New York,  which
State the parties agree has a substantial relationship to the parties and to the
underlying transactions embodied hereby, and in all respects, including, without
limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  matters of  construction,  validity,
enforcement  and  performance,   this  Agreement  and  the  obligations  arising
hereunder  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of New York applicable to contracts made and performed  wholly within such
State,  without  giving  effect to the  principles  of  conflicts of law of such
jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the parties hereby uncondi
tionally and  irrevocably  waive and release any claim that the law of any other
jurisdiction  governs this  Agreement and this  Agreement  shall be governed and
construed  in accor  dance  with the laws of the State of New York as  aforesaid
pursuant to Section 5-1401 of the New York General Obligations Law.

     16.3.  Headings.  The captions and headings  herein are for convenience and
reference  only and in no way  define  or limit  the  scope or  content  of this
Agreement or in any way affect its provisions.

     16.4.  Business  Days. If any date herein set forth for the  performance of
any  obligations of Seller or Purchaser or for the delivery of any instrument or
notice as herein provided should be on a Saturday,  Sunday or legal holiday, the
compliance with such  obligations or delivery shall be deemed  acceptable on the
next business day following  such  Saturday,  Sunday or legal  holiday.  As used
herein,  the term "legal  holiday" means any state or Federal  holiday for which
financial  institutions or post offices are generally closed in the state of New

     16.5.  Counterpart  Copies.  This  Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterpart  copies,  all of which  counterparts  shall  have the same force and
effect as if all parties hereto had executed a single copy of this Agreement.

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     16.6.  Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall  be not  become  a  binding
obligation  upon  Seller  unless and until the same has been fully  executed  by
Purchaser  and Seller and a fully  executed  counterpart  delivered by Seller to

     16.7.  Successors and Assigns.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon, and
inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective  successors and
permitted assigns.

     16.8. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by Purchaser except to
a directly or indirectly  wholly-owned  subsidiary or subsidiaries of Purchaser,
or to a partnership, corporation or limited liability company in which Guarantor
(or any of his family  members)  and/or  Lehman  Brothers  Holdings  Inc. (or an
affiliate  thereof) owns,  either  directly or  indirectly,  at least 75% of the
profits  thereof and controls the  management of the affairs of such entity (any
such  entity,  a "Permitted  Assignee")  and any other  assignment  or attempted
assignment by Purchaser  shall  constitute a default by Purchaser  hereunder and
shall be  deemed  null and  void  and of no  force  or  effect.  Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, Purchaser may (i) assign the right to
purchase the Broadway  Parcel,  the Barclay Parcel and the Park Place Parcel and
the Improvements  relating to each such parcel to different entities,  provided,
however,  that  each  of  such  entities  is  a  Permitted  Assignee,  and  (ii)
collaterally  assign this Agreement to any institu tional lender.  A copy of any
assignment  permitted  hereunder,  together  with an  agreement  of the assignee
assuming all of the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement to be performed by
Purchaser,  in form  reasonably  satisfactory  to counsel for  Seller,  shall be
delivered to the attorneys for Seller prior to the Closing,  and in any event no
such assignment shall relieve Purchaser from Purchaser's  obligations under this
Agreement nor result in a delay in the Closing.

     16.9.  Interpretation.  This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly
against one party than  against  the other  merely by virtue of the fact that it
may have been  prepared by counsel for one of the parties,  it being  recognized
that both Seller and Purchaser have contributed  substantially and materially to
the preparation of this Agree ment.

     16.10.  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  and the Exhibits and Schedules
attached  hereto  contain  the final and entire  agreement  between  the parties
hereto with respect to the sale and purchase of the Property and are intended to
be an  integration  of all prior  negotiations  and  understandings.  Purchaser,
Seller and their agents shall not be

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bound by any terms, conditions, statements, warranties or representations,  oral
or written,  not contained  herein. No change or modifications to this Agreement
shall be valid  unless the same is in writing and signed by the parties  hereto.
Each party  reserves the right to waive any of the terms or  conditions  of this
Agreement  which  are  for  their  respective  benefit  and  to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement in accordance  with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement which have not been so waived. Any such waiver must
be in  writing  signed by the party for whose  benefit  the  provision  is being

     16.11. Severability.  If any one or more of the provisions hereof shall for
any reason be held to be invalid,  illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such
invalidity,  illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision
hereof,  and this  Agreement  shall be construed as if such invalid,  illegal or
unenforceable  provision  had never  been  contained  herein,  unless and to the
extent that the invalidation of any such term or provision materially alters the
intent of the parties hereto.

     16.12.  Survival.  Except as  otherwise  specifically  provided for in this
Agreement   (collectively,   the  "Surviving  Termination   Obligations"),   the
provisions  of this Agree ment and the  representations  and  warranties  herein
shall not survive  after the  conveyance  of title and  payment of the  Purchase
Price but be merged therein.

     16.13.  Exhibits.  Exhibits A through R and  Schedules 1 through 8 attached
hereto are incorporated herein by reference.

     16.14. Limitation of Liability.  Subject to Article XIX, the obligations of
Seller are intended to be binding only on Seller and Seller's assets,  and shall
not be  personally  binding  upon,  nor shall any  resort be had to,  any of the
partners,  officers,  directors,  shareholders,  advisors,  trustees, agents, or
employees of Seller, or its affiliates or any of their respective properties.

     16.15.  Prevailing Party. Should either party employ an attorney to enforce
any of the provisions hereof (whether before or after Closing, and including any
claims or actions  involving  amounts  held in escrow),  then the  nonprevailing
party  in  any  final  judgment  agrees  to pay  the  other  party's  reasonable
attorneys'  fees and  expenses in or out of  litigation  and, if in  litigation,
trial,  appellate,  bankruptcy  or other  proceedings,  expended  or incurred in
connection therewith, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

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The  provisions  of  this  Section  16.15  shall  survive   Closing  and/or  any
termination  of this  Agreement and shall not be subject to any  limitations  on
liability set forth herein.
     16.16. Real Estate Reporting Person.  Escrow Agent is hereby designated the
"real  estate  reporting  person" for  purposes of Section  6045 of the Code and
Treasury  Regulation  1.6045-4  and any  instructions  or  settlement  statement
prepared  by  Escrow  Agent  shall  so  provide.  Upon the  consummation  of the
transaction  contemplated by this  Agreement,  Escrow Agent shall file Form 1099
information  return  and send the  statement  to  Seller as  required  under the
aforementioned  statute and  regulation.  Seller and Pur chaser  shall  promptly
furnish  their  federal  tax  identification  numbers to Escrow  Agent and shall
otherwise  reasonably  cooperate  with Escrow  Agent in  connection  with Escrow
Agent's duties as real estate reporting person.

     16.17.  No Recording.  Neither this  Agreement nor any  memorandum or short
form  hereof  shall be  recorded  or filed in any  public  land or other  public
records of any  jurisdiction,  by either  party and any  attempt to do so may be
treated by the other party as a breach of this Agreement.

     16.18.  No Other Parties.  This Agreement is not intended,  nor shall it be
con strued,  to confer upon any person or entity,  except the parties hereto and
their respective heirs, successors and permitted assigns, any rights or remedies
under or by reason of this Agreement.

     16.19.  Waiver of Trial by Jury.  The  respective  parties hereto shall and
hereby do waive trial by jury in any action,  proceeding or counterclaim brought
by either of the parties  hereto  against  the other on any  matters  whatsoever
arising  out of or in  any  way  connected  with  this  Agreement,  or  for  the
enforcement of any remedy under any statute, emergency or otherwise.

     16.20.  Rule 314.  Seller agrees to cooperate with the  appropriate  owning
party in  connection  with any audit  pursuant  to Rule 314  promulgated  by the
Securities and Exchange Commission,  and to execute a representation certificate
in compliance with applicable law,  provided that Purchaser shall be responsible
for Seller's  reasonable  costs and expenses  (including  reasonable  attorney's
fees) in connection with such cooperation and representation certificate.

228463.07-New YorkS4A


                                  ARTICLE XVII.

                               Purchaser Guaranty

     17.1.  Purchaser  Guaranty.  In order to induce  Seller to enter  into this
Agree ment, the Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees (the
"Purchaser  Guaranty")  the full and prompt  payment when due of the  Additional
Deposit.  The  Guarantor  shall be primarily  (rather  than merely  secondarily)
liable hereunder with respect to the Additional Deposit.

     17.2.  Waivers.  The Purchaser Guaranty is a continuing  guaranty and shall
remain in force until the Additional Deposit has been paid in full to the Escrow
Agent and is  independent  of every other  recourse which Seller may at any time
hold or have for the  Additional  Deposit.  The Guarantor  waives all diligence,
presentment and protest, and also notice of dishonor, protest and nonpayment. No
failure  by Seller to assert  any right or pursue  any  remedy  with  respect to
Purchaser  or the  Purchaser  Guaranty  shall  relieve  the  Guarantor  from his
obligations with respect to the Additional Deposit.  The Purchaser Guaranty is a
guaranty of payment and not merely of collection and the Guarantor hereby waives
any right to require  that any action be brought  against  Purchaser or that the
Agreement  be  enforced  by Seller  without  Seller  first  taking  any steps or
proceedings against Purchaser.

     17.3. Absolute Obligation. The Guarantor agrees that the Purchaser Guaranty
shall  not  be  diminished  or  affected,   in  any  way,  by  any   bankruptcy,
reorganization,  arrangement,  liquidation or similar proceeding with respect to
Purchaser or by dissolution of Purchaser or by any default  hereunder by Seller.
The Purchaser  Guaranty shall continue in full force and effect  notwithstanding
any merger,  consolidation,  sale of assets or any other similar  transaction by
Purchaser or the  Guarantor.  In addition,  the Purchaser  Guaranty shall not be
affected by any act,  omission,  matter or thing which,  but for this provision,
might operate to release or otherwise exonerate the Guarantor from the Purchaser
Guaranty or affect the  Guarantor's  obligations  with respect to the Additional
Deposit,  including,  without  limitation  and  whether  or  not  known  to  the

     17.3.1.  any variation of this  Agreement or any other  document  delivered
pursuant hereto or any time, indulgence,  waiver or consent at any time given to
Purchaser or any other person or entity;

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     17.3.2.  any  compromise  or  release  of, or  abstention  from  obtaining,
perfecting or enforcing any security or other right or remedy whatsoever from or
against Purchaser or any other person or entity;

     17.3.3. any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other circumstances
relating to Purchaser or any other person or entity; and

     17.3.4. any irregularity, unenforceability or invalidity of this Agreement.

     17.4. Enforcement Costs. The Guarantor further agrees to pay all reasonable
costs and expenses,  including, without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees,
at any time  paid or  incurred  by or on  behalf  of  Seller  in  enforcing  the
Purchaser Guaranty.

     17.5. Waiver of Subrogation. The Guarantor irrevocably waives all rights to
enforce  or  collect  upon any rights  which it now has or may  acquire  against
Purchaser either by way of subrogation, indemnity, reimbursement or contribution
for  any  amount  paid  under  the  Purchaser  Guaranty  or by way of any  other
obligations  whatsoever of Purchaser to the  Guarantor,  nor shall the Guarantor
file, assert or receive payment on any claim,  whether now existing or hereafter
arising,  against  Purchaser  in the  event of any  bankruptcy,  reorganization,
arrangement, liquidation or similar proceeding with respect to Purchaser.

     17.6. Waiver of Defenses.  The Guarantor  absolutely,  unconditionally  and
irrevocably  waives any and all right to assert or interpose any defense  (other
than the final  and  indefeasible  payment  in full to the  Escrow  Agent of the
Additional Deposit), setoff, counterclaim or crossclaim of any nature whatsoever
with respect to the Purchaser Guaranty or the Additional Deposit.

                                 ARTICLE XVIII.

                                  Venator Lease

     18.1.  Venator Lease.  Seller and Purchaser hereby agree to proceed in good
faith to  expeditiously  finalize a lease (the  "Venator  Lease")  governing the
tenancy of Venator Group, Inc. or an affiliate thereof  (acceptable to Purchaser
subject to the terms of Exhibit F at the  Improvements  upon the Broadway Parcel
and the Park Place Parcel from and after the Closing Date, such Venator Lease to
incorporate the terms and conditions set

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forth in the term sheet attached  hereto as Exhibit F and otherwise be upon such
commer cially  reasonable  terms and  conditions  as Seller and Purchaser  shall
agree upon on or before July 15, 1998. Promptly after the Venator Lease has been
finalized in  accordance  with this  Article  XVIII,  Seller  shall  execute the
Venator Lease and shall cause the tenant thereunder to execute the Venator Lease
and,  upon such  execution,  the  Venator  Lease shall be deemed a Lease for all
purposes  under this  Agreement  and Seller shall  deliver a copy of the Venator
Lease to Purchaser.

     18.2.  Disputes.  In the event  that,  on or before  July 15, 1998 (or such
additional  period of time thereafter as Seller and Purchaser may mutually agree
upon in writing),  Seller and Purchaser shall be unable to agree upon any of the
terms and conditions of the Venator Lease (other than those set forth on Exhibit
F), then either party may, upon notice to the other identifying with specificity
the matter in dispute,  submit the  resolution  of such  dispute to the first to
accept of Robert S. Nash,  Gerald R. Uram,  Lawrence D. Eisenberg and L. Stanton
Towne (the "Lease Mediator"), such individuals to be requested to serve as Lease
Mediator in the order in which their names  appear  herein.  In the event of any
such submission, each party shall, at any time during the ten (10) business days
following the  initiating  party's notice (which notice shall identify the Lease
Mediator), submit to the Lease Mediator a written proposal for the resolution of
such  dispute.  In the  event  that one (but not  both) of the  parties  to this
Agreement shall fail to so submit its proposal to the Lease Mediator within such
ten (10) day  period,  then the Lease  Mediator  shall  proceed to  resolve  the
dispute without the benefit of the other proposal. Within ten (10) business days
after the Lease Mediator's receipt of such proposals (or, in the event that only
one proposal is submitted to the Lease  Mediator,  within ten (10) business days
after  the later to occur of (i) the  expiration  of the ten (10)  business  day
period for submis  sion of written  proposals  and (ii) the  receipt of a single
proposal),  the Lease Mediator shall resolve the dispute by drafting appropriate
provisions for incorporation  into, and/or deletion of specific provisions from,
the Venator Lease.  During such ten (10) business day period, the Lease Mediator
may conduct such hearings and  investigations  as he may deem  appropriate.  The
determination of the Lease Mediator shall be final and binding upon the parties.
Each party shall pay its own counsel fees and  expenses,  if any, in  connection
with any dispute  resolution  under this Section.  The costs and expenses of the
Lease Mediator  shall be borne equally by Seller and Purchaser.  In the event of
the  death or  incapacitation  of the Lease  Mediator,  then the  parties  shall
promptly and in good faith agree upon the identity of a successor Lease Mediator
from the list of individuals identified above.

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     18.3.  Alterations.  Purchaser  hereby  consents  to  and  approves  of the
alterations to the Venator Premises  described in the memorandum  annexed hereto
as  Exhibit  Q,  provided,  that  such  alterations  (i) shall  not  affect  the
structural  integrity of the Improve ments,  (ii) shall not adversely affect the
building  systems  in the  Improvements,  and  (iii) are  completed  in a manner
consistent with corporate  headquarters in buildings similar to the Improvements
on the Broadway Parcel.

                                  ARTICLE XIX.

                                 Seller Guaranty

     19.1.  Seller  Guaranty.  In order to induce  Purchaser  to enter into this
Agree ment, Venator Group, Inc. (the "Seller Affiliate") hereby  unconditionally
and irrevoca bly guarantees (the "Seller Guaranty") the full and prompt payment,
performance  and observance of the Seller's  obligations  hereunder (the "Seller
Obligations").  The Seller  Affiliate  shall be  primarily  (rather  than merely
secondarily) liable hereunder with respect to the Seller Obligations.

     19.2.  Waivers.  The Seller  Guaranty is a  continuing  guaranty  and shall
remain in force until the Seller  Obligations has been paid or performed in full
and is independent of every other recourse which  Purchaser may at any time hold
or have for the Seller Obliga  tions,  subject to the  limitations  set forth in
this  Agreement.  The Seller  Affiliate  waives all diligence,  presentment  and
protest,  and also notice of  dishonor,  protest and  nonpayment.  No failure by
Purchaser to assert any right or pursue any remedy with respect to Seller or the
Seller  Guaranty shall relieve the Seller  Affiliate from its  obligations  with
respect to the Seller Obligations.  The Seller Guaranty is a guaranty of payment
and  performance  and not merely of collection and the Seller  Affiliate  hereby
waives any right to require  that any action be brought  against  Seller or that
the Agreement be enforced by Purchaser  against Seller without  Purchaser  first
taking any steps or proceedings against Seller.

     19.3.  Absolute  Obligation.  The Seller  Affiliate  agrees that the Seller
Guaranty  shall not be  diminished or affected,  in any way, by any  bankruptcy,
reorganization,  arrangement,  liquidation or similar proceeding with respect to
Seller or by dissolution of Seller.  The Seller  Guaranty shall continue in full
force and effect  notwithstanding any merger,  consolidation,  sale of assets or
any other similar  transaction by Seller or the Seller  Affiliate.  In addition,
the Seller Guaranty shall not be affected by any act, omission, matter

228463.07-New YorkS4A


or thing which,  but for this  provision,  might operate to release or otherwise
exonerate  the Seller  Affiliate  from the Seller  Guaranty or affect the Seller
Affiliate's  obligations  with  respect  to the Seller  Obligations,  including,
without limitation and whether or not known to the Seller Affiliate:

     19.3.1.  any variation of this  Agreement or any other  document  delivered
pursuant hereto or any time, indulgence,  waiver or consent at any time given to
Seller or any other person or entity;

     19.3.2.  any  compromise  or  release  of, or  abstention  from  obtaining,
perfecting or enforcing any security or other right or remedy whatsoever from or
against Seller or any other person or entity;

     19.3.3. any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other circumstances
relating to Seller or any other person or entity; and

     19.3.4. any irregularity, unenforceability or invalidity of this Agreement.

     19.4.  Enforcement  Costs. The Seller  Affiliate  further agrees to pay all
reason  able  costs and  expenses,  including,  without  limitation,  reasonable
attorneys'  fees,  at any time paid or incurred by or on behalf of  Purchaser in
enforcing the Seller Guaranty.

     19.5. Waiver of Subrogation.  The Seller Affiliate  irrevocably  waives all
rights to  enforce or collect  upon any rights  which it now has or may  acquire
against  Seller  either  by  way of  subrogation,  indemnity,  reimbursement  or
contribution  for any amount  paid under the  Seller  Guaranty  or by way of any
other obligations  whatsoever of Seller to the Seller  Affiliate,  nor shall the
Seller  Affiliate  file,  assert or receive  payment on any claim,  whether  now
existing or hereafter  arising,  against Seller in the event of any  bankruptcy,
reorganiza tion, arrangement,  liquidation or similar proceeding with respect to

     19.6. Waiver of Defenses. The Seller Affiliate absolutely,  unconditionally
and  irrevocably  waives any and all right to assert or  interpose  any  defense
(other than the final and  indefeasible  payment and  performance  of the Seller
Obligations),  setoff,  counterclaim or crossclaim of any nature whatsoever with
respect to the Seller Guaranty or the Seller Obligations.

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     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
date first written above.


                                    233 BROADWAY, INC.,  a New York corporation

                                    By: /s/ Gary H. Brown
                                    Name: Gary H. Brown
                                    Title: Vice President


                                    233 BROADWAY OWNERS, LLC,
                                      a New York limited liability company

                                    By: 233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
                                           its managing member

                                    By: /s/  James F. Stomber Jr.
                                    Name: James F. Stomber Jr.
                                    Title: Authorized signatory

                                    FOR PURPOSES OF ARTICLE XVII HEREOF:

                                    /s/ Steven C. Witkoff
                                    Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
                                    not in any representative capacity

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                                    FOR PURPOSES OF ARTICLE XVIII HEREOF:

                                    VENATOR GROUP, INC.

                                    By: /s/ Gary H. Brown
                                    Name: Gary H. Brown
                                    Title: Vice President

     The Escrow Agent hereby  executes  this  Agreement  for the sole purpose of
acknowledging receipt of the Initial Deposit and its responsibilities  hereunder
and to evidence  its  consent to serve as Escrow  Agent in  accordance  with the
terms of this Agreement.

                                    ESCROW AGENT:

                                    SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER
                                      & FLOM LLP

                                    By: /s/ Benjamin F. Needell
                                    Name: Benjamin F. Needell
                                    Title: Partner

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                               233 BROADWAY, INC.
                             c/o Venator Group, Inc.
                                  233 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10279

                                             September 11, 1998

233 Broadway Owners, LLC
c/o The Witkoff Group, LLC
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10017

                  Re:  Woolworth Building

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference  is hereby made to that  certain  Purchase  and Sale Agree- ment,
dated  June 20,  1998 (the  "Agreement"),  by and  between  233  Broadway,  Inc.
("Seller"), as seller, and 233 Broadway Owners, LLC ("Purchaser"), as purchaser.
All initially  capitalized  terms used herein  without  definition and which are
defined in the Agreement  shall have the meaning set forth for such terms in the

     This will serve to confirm and clarify that the term "CBA's",  as such term
is  defined  in Section  15.2 of the  Agreement,  shall,  for  purposes  of such
Section,  include  any rider,  amendment  or  addendum  which may be  negotiated
between the unions(s) and Purchaser as a condition of Purchaser entering into or
becoming a party or subject to the CBA's.

     In addition,  the second full paragraph of Section 15.1 shall be amended so
as to delete the words "Subject to Seller's Maximum Termination  Responsibility,
Purchaser  and  Seller  each  hereby  agrees  to  indemnify  the other and their
respective  affiliates against" from the beginning of the first sentence thereof
and to substitute  therefore the words "Subject to Seller's Maximum  Termination
Responsibility,  Purchaser  hereby agrees to indemnify Seller and its respective
affiliates against".

     Lastly, Seller and Purchaser have agreed to extend the date by which Seller
and  Purchaser  are to have agreed upon the terms and  conditions of the Venator
Lease  through  September  18, 1998.  Thus,  the  references to July 15, 1998 in
Sections 18.1 and 18.2 of the Agreement are hereby  replaced with  references to
September 18, 1998.

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233 Broadway Owners, LLC
September 11, 1998
Page 2

     In all other respects, the Agreement remains in full force and effect.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            233 BROADWAY, INC.

                                            By: /s/ John H. Cannon

Acknowledged and Agreed to:


By:      233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
         its managing member

         By: /s/ James F. Stomber Jr.

/s/ Steven C. Witkoff
- -----------------------------------
Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
not in any representative capacity


By: /s/ John H. Cannon
Name: John H. Cannon

245948.02-New YorkS4A


                               233 BROADWAY, INC.
                               VENATOR GROUP, INC.
                                  233 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10279

                                            October 13, 1998

233 Broadway Owners, LLC
and Steven C. Witkoff
c/o The Witkoff Group, LLC
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10017

                  Re:  Woolworth Building

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference  is hereby  made to that  certain  Purchase  and Sale Agree ment,
dated June 20, 1998 (as amended by those certain letter  agreements  dated as of
September 11, 1998 and September 18, 1998, the "Agreement"),  by and between 233
Broadway,   Inc.   ("Seller"),   as  seller,   and  233  Broadway  Owners,   LLC
("Purchaser"), as purchaser. All initially capitalized terms used herein without
definition shall have the meaning set forth for such terms in the Agreement.

     The  Agreement is hereby  amended to provide that the Closing Date shall be
October 15, 1998 (time being of the essence with  respect  thereto).  Thus,  the
Closing shall occur at the offices of Skadden,  Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP,
919 Third Avenue,  New York, New York or at the offices of Purchaser's  lender's
counsel, if requested by Purchaser's lender, at 10:00 a.m. local time on October
15, 1998 (time being of the essence with respect thereto).

     In all other respects, the Agreement remains in full force and effect.

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233 Broadway Owners, LLC
October 13, 1998
Page 2

     Please  signify your agreement with the foregoing by signing and dating the
enclosed  counterpart of this letter where indicated  below.  This letter may be
executed in one or more counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one
and the same original.

                                          Very truly yours,

         233 BROADWAY, INC.                          VENATOR GROUP, INC.

         By: /s/ John H. Cannon                      By: /s/ John H. Cannon
             ------------------                          ------------------

Acknowledged and Agreed:
- -----------------------


By:      233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
         its managing member

         By: /s/ Steven C. Witkoff

/s/ Steven C. Witkoff
- -----------------------------------
Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
not in any representative capacity

249660.02-New YorkS4A

                               233 BROADWAY, INC.
                                  233 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10279

                                                            October 14, 1998

233 Broadway Owners, LLC  and Steven C. Witkoff
c/o The Witkoff Group, LLC
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10017

                  Re:  Woolworth Building

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference is hereby made to that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated
June 20,  1998  (as  amended  by those  certain  letter  agreements  dated as of
September 11, 1998,  September 18, 1998 and October 13, 1998, the  "Agreement"),
by and  between 233  Broadway,  Inc.  ("Seller"),  as seller,  and 233  Broadway
Owners, LLC ("Purchaser"),  as purchaser.  All initially  capitalized terms used
herein without definition shall have the meaning set forth for such terms in the
Agreement.  Purchaser and Seller have agreed to make certain further  amendments
to the Agreement as and to the extent hereinafter set forth.

          1.   Seller and Purchaser hereby confirm that each has agreed upon the
               terms and conditions of, and have finalized, the Venator Lease in
               the  form  of  Exhibit  A  attached   hereto  and  Seller   shall
               concurrently herewith execute, and cause the tenant thereunder to
               execute,  such  agreed-upon  Venator  Lease  as  contemplated  by
               Section 18.1 of the Agree ment.

     2.   Section 4.1.1 of the  Agreement is hereby  deleted in its entirety and
          replaced with the following new Section 4.1.1:

          "4.1.1  The  closing of the  purchase  and sale of the  Property  (the
          "Closing")  shall be held at the  offices  of  Skadden,  Arps,  Slate,
          Meagher & Flom LLP,  919 Third  Avenue,  New York,  New York or at the
          offices of Purchaser's  lender's counsel, if requested by Pur chaser's
          lender,  at 10:00 a.m.  local time on  December 4, 1998 (time being of
          the essence with respect thereto).  The date of Closing is referred to
          in this Agreement as the "Closing Date". "
          Section 4.1.2 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety.

          3.   Notwithstanding  Section 3.1 of the  Agreement,  Escrow  Agent is
               hereby  authorized  and  instructed  to  immediately  release the
               Initial  Deposit,  together with all interest  earned  thereon to
               date,  to or at the  direction  of Seller  and upon such  release

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233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 2

               Agent shall be relieved and released from any liability under the
               Agreement.  Upon consummation of the Closing,  as contemplated by
               the  Agreement,  Purchaser  shall be entitled to receive a credit
               against the Purchase Price equal to $44,370.64, such amount being
               one-half (50%) of the amount of interest  earned through  October
               14, 1998 on the Initial Deposit.

          4.   The definition of the term "Purchase Price", as such defined term
               appears in Section 2.1 of the Agreement,  is hereby amended so as
               to  delete   therefrom  the  reference  to  $146,500,000  and  to
               substitute therefor a reference to $126,500,000.

          5.   Clause (ii) of Section 2.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended and
               restated in its entirety to read as follows:

          "(ii)  Five  Million  Dollars   ($5,000,000)  (the  "First  Additional
          Deposit")  shall be paid directly to or at the direction of the Seller
          by wire transfer of immediately  available  federal funds on or before
          5:00 p.m. on October 19, 1998 (the "First  Additional  Deposit Payment
          Date") (time being of the essence with respect  thereto).  Two Million
          Five Hundred  Thousand Dollars  ($2,500,000)  (the "Sec ond Additional
          Deposit")  shall be paid directly to or at the direction of the Seller
          by wire transfer of immediately  available  federal funds on or before
          5:00 p.m. on November 9, 1998 (the "Second  Additional Deposit Payment
          Date") (time being of the essence with respect thereto). Seven Million
          Five Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($7,500,000)  (the "Third  Additional
          Deposit")  shall be paid directly to or at the direction of the Seller
          by wire transfer of immediately  available  federal funds on or before
          5:00 p.m. on November 16, 1998 (the "Third Additional  Deposit Payment
          Date")  (time being of the essence with  respect  thereto).  The First
          Additional  Deposit,  the  Second  Additional  Deposit  and the  Third
          Additional  Deposit  are  collectively   referred  to  herein  as  the
          "Additional  Deposit",  and the  Initial  Deposit  and the  Additional
          Deposit are  collectively  referred to herein as the "Deposit." In the
          event  that  Purchaser  shall fail for any reason to so pay any of the
          First Additional Deposit or the Second Additional Deposit or the Third
          Addi tional Deposit on the First  Additional  Deposit Payment Date and
          the Second  Additional  Deposit Payment Date and the Third  Additional
          Deposit  Payment  Date,  respectively,  then  Purchaser  shall  be  in
          material  default  under  this  Agreement  and  this  Agreement  shall
          automatically  terminate  without  further  action by the  parties and
          neither party shall have any further rights or  obligations  hereunder
          other than Purchaser's  obligation to pay any remaining unpaid portion
          of the  Deposit to Seller,  which  shall  expressly  survive  any such
          termination.  Payment of the First Additional Deposit is guaranteed by
          Steven C. Witkoff (the  "Guarantor") in accordance with the provisions
          of Article XVII hereof."

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233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 3

     Payment of the  Additional  Deposit shall be made pursuant to Seller's wire
transfer  instructions attached hereto as Exhibit D, or such other wire transfer
instructions  as Seller may deliver to Purchaser in accordance with Section 16.1
of the Agreement.

     The  provisions  of  Article  III  of the  Agreement  with  respect  to the
maintenance, retention, and release of the Deposit by the Escrow Agent in escrow
are hereby  deleted and of no further force or effect,  except that  Purchaser's
and  Seller's  indemnification  obliga  tions in favor of the Escrow Agent shall

     From and after the  release of the  Initial  Deposit to Seller as  provided
hereby, references in the Agreement to payments of the Additional Deposit and/or
the Deposit to or by Escrow Agent shall be deemed to be  references  to payments
to or by Seller,  as the case may be.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,  Seller
agrees to deliver  and apply the  Deposit  as  provided  in  Section  3.2 of the
6.   (a)  Steven C.  Witkoff,  by his  signature  hereto,  hereby  ratifies  and
     confirms  his guaranty of the payment of the First  Additional  Deposit (as
     modified  pursuant  to  this  letter  agreement)  in  accordance  with  the
     provisions of Article XVII of the Agree ment.  Notwithstanding  anything to
     the  contrary  contained  herein or in the  Agreement,  all  references  in
     Article XVII to the  "Additional  Deposit" shall be deemed to be references
     to the First Additional Deposit.
     (b) Venator  Group,  Inc., by its  signature  hereto,  hereby  ratifies and
confirms its guaranty of the Seller  Obligations  (as modified  pursuant to this
letter  agree  ment) in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Article XIX of the

7.   Purchaser  hereby  acknowledges  its receipt and  approval of copies of the
     Estoppel  Certificates  received  by the  Seller  from each of the  Tenants
     identified  on  Exhibit  B hereto  and  acknowledges  and  agrees  that the
     Seller's  obligations  under Section 8.7 and Section 9.2.3 of the Agreement
     have been fully satisfied  (other than with respect to delivery of Estoppel
     Certificates from Seller and Seller's  Affiliates) and that Purchaser shall
     have no right to terminate the Agreement,  nor shall  Purchaser be entitled
     to a reduction  of the Purchase  Price or  otherwise  be relieved  from its
     obligations  under  the  Agreement  on  account  of any  statement  made or
     information  contained in any such Estoppel  Certificate.  Without limiting
     the  generality of the foregoing,  Purchaser  acknowl edges and agrees that
     (A)  Seller  shall  have  no  basis  to  object  to  any  of  the  Estoppel
     Certificates  on the basis that any of the same are dated more than  thirty
     (30) days  prior to the  Closing  Date  provided  for herein and (B) Seller
     shall not be  required to  provide,  and the  Closing  shall in no event be
     conditioned   upon  the  Purchaser's   receipt  of,  any  further  Estoppel
     Certificates from any Tenants or an Estoppel Certificate executed by Seller

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233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 4

respect to Leases for any Tenants,  other than  Estoppel  Certificates  from all
affiliates of Seller  occupying  all or any portion of the Property  (including,
without limitation, an Estoppel Certificate from Venator Group Inc. with respect
to the Venator  Lease)  which  Seller will cause to be delivered to Purchaser on
the Closing Date, dated as of the Closing Date.

8.   Exhibit C to the  Agreement is hereby  deleted and replaced  with Exhibit C
     attached hereto and made a part hereof. Purchaser agrees to accept title to
     the Property subject to those matters set forth on, and in the manner shown
     on,  Exhibit C attached  hereto and any other  matters  caused,  created or
     consented to by Purchaser.

9.   Purchaser  acknowledges  its receipt of copies of (i) a complaint  filed in
     the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York in an action
     entitled  Harry's  at  the  Woolworth  Building,  Inc.  vs.  Venator  Group
     Speciality,  Inc.  (f/k/a F.W.  Woolworth Co.) (Index No.  98/604764)  (the
     "Harry's  Action")  and (ii) a notice of appeal filed in the civil court of
     the  City of New  York,  County  of New  York in an  action  entitled  F.W.
     Woolworth  Co.  against  Harad  Realty Corp.  and Harry's at the  Woolworth
     Building, Inc. (Index No. L&T 81281/98) (the "Landlord- Tenant Action" and,
     collectively, with the Harry's Action, the "Harry's Litigation"). Schedules
     2 and 7 of the Agreement and Seller's representations  contained in Section
     6.1.4(ii) are each hereby amended to refer to the Harry's  Litigation,  and
     the allegations contained therein, as well as a certain offer of settlement
     made by  Harry's at the  Woolworth  Building,  Inc.  (the  "Plaintiff")  in
     connection therewith. Seller represents and warrants that together herewith
     it has delivered to Pur chaser copies of the material  court filings in the
     Harry's  Litigation  and shall  hereafter  deliver to Purchaser  any future
     court filings as well as such other information as Purchaser may reasonably
     request. Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that, at the Closing, Pur chaser
     shall take title to the Property  subject to the pendency of and any relief
     afforded to the  Plaintiff  in the Harry's  Litigation,  if any,  provided,
     however that Seller agrees that (a) it shall indemnify, defend and hold the
     Purchaser  harmless  from and against any claims or judgments  for monetary
     damages  awarded to the Plaintiff in the Harry's  Litigation and reasonable
     out-of-pocket  costs  and  expenses  related  thereto,  including,  without
     limitation,  any  abatement,  set-off  or  reductions  of the  rent  now or
     hereafter due and owing under the Plaintiff's lease for the period prior to
     the Closing Date and/or  damages,  or reasonable  out-  of-pocket  costs or
     expenses arising out of any  court-ordered  modification of such lease (and
     Seller shall continue to defend and prosecute the Harry's Action subsequent
     to  the  Closing  (if  it is  not  sooner  resolved)),  (b)  it  shall  use
     commercially  reasonable efforts prior to the Closing to cause the eviction
     of the Plaintiff from the Property pursuant to the Landlord-Tenant  Action,
     (c) it shall not modify or amend the Plaintiff's Lease or waive any default
     thereunder  without the approval of  Purchaser  and (d) it shall not settle
     the Harry's Action or the Landlord-Tenant  Action in any manner which would
     permit the Plaintiff to

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Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 5

     retain  occupancy  of its premises  subsequent  to the Closing Date without
     Purchaser's consent.  From and after the Closing Date, Purchaser shall take
     over and have all  rights  and  responsibilities  in,  and  shall  take the
     Property subject to, the Landlord-Tenant Action and matters relating to the
     Plaintiff's  possession of the Property and the Plaintiff's  Lease,  except
     with  respect to monetary  claims  under the Harry's  Action,  which Seller
     shall  continue to  prosecute  and defend (if not sooner  resolved)  as set
     forth above and monetary  judgments  under the  Landlord-Tenant  Action (to
     which Seller is and shall remain entitled to retain).  Purchaser and Seller
     each agree to reasonably  co-operate  with the other in connection with the
     Harry's Action and the  Landlord-Tenant  Action  subsequent to the Closing.
     The provisions of the Section 9 shall survive the Closing.

10.  Section  12.1 of the  Agreement  is hereby  amended to provide  that in the
     event the Closing and the  transactions  contemplated  by the Agreement (as
     amended by this letter agreement) do not occur as provided in the Agreement
     (as amended by this letter  agree ment) by reason of the default of Seller,
     Purchaser's sole remedy shall be to terminate the Agreement and receive the
     Deposit from Seller.  Without  limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,
     Purchaser hereby irrevocably waives any right to (and agrees not to seek or
     prosecute  any action to) enforce  specific  performance  of, or seek other
     equitable  relief or actions under,  the Agreement in the event the Closing
     and the transactions  contemplated thereby do not occur as provided therein
     by reason of the default of Seller.

11.  Purchaser  agrees that it shall, on or before October 23, 1998,  deliver to
     CT  Corporation  for  filing  with  the New York  Secretary  of  State,  an
     amendment  to the  Articles of  Organization  of  Purchaser  providing  the
     following (the "Articles Amendment"):

     "Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in these Articles, the
     sole  business and purpose of the Company shall be the  acquisition  of the
     property  located at 233 Broadway,  New York, New York (the "Property") and
     to exercise all powers enumerated in the LLC Law necessary or convenient to
     the conduct,  promotion or attainment of such purpose. From the date hereof
     through the date of the Company's acquisition of the Property,  the Company
     shall have an  independent  member (the "IM"),  who shall have no financial
     interest in the Company or  affiliation  (as employee,  owner or otherwise)
     with The Witkoff Group,  LLC. The IM shall be an employee of CT Corporation
     or  shall  otherwise  be  reasonably  acceptable  to  233  Broadway,   Inc.
     ("Seller"), and any individual IM may be replaced at any time, upon request
     of the Company,  by another  individual  IM employed by CT  Corporation  or
     otherwise  reasonably  acceptable to Seller. The Company may not commence a
     bankruptcy  proceeding  without the consent of the IM. The IM shall have no
     rights or interests in the Company or otherwise with respect to the Company
     or the  Property  and shall have no right to vote on any issue,  other than
     the right to grant or  withhold  its consent  pursuant  to the  immediately
     preceding  sentence.  Notwithstanding any provision hereof to the contrary,
     the following shall govern: When acting on matters

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Page 6

     subject to the vote of the members, notwithstanding that the Company is not
     then insol vent, all of the members shall take into account the interest of
     the Company's creditors, as well as those of the members. The terms of this
     paragraph  shall be null and void from and after the date of the  Company's
     acquisition  of the Property or on any earlier date with  Seller's  consent
     (which may be granted or  withheld  in Seller's  sole and  absolute  discre

Seller agrees to act reasonably and promptly in granting its written  consent to
an IM and to any replacement IM. At the Closing,  upon the request of Purchaser,
Seller shall execute any confirmation reasonably requested by Purchaser in order
to amend its  Articles to delete the Articles  Amendment.  In the event that (i)
Purchaser  fails to deliver  the  Articles  Amendment  as set forth  above on or
before  October 25,  1998;  or (ii)  Purchaser  amends its Articles to modify or
remove the Articles  Amendment prior to Closing  without  Seller's  consent;  or
(iii) Purchaser breaches the Articles Amendment,  then (x) Purchaser shall be in
material  default  under  the  Agreement  and the  Additional  Deposit  shall be
immediately  due and payable to or at the  direction  of Seller and,  when paid,
shall be  non-refundable  and (y) if such failure,  modification or breach shall
continue for two (2) business  days after notice from Seller,  then Seller shall
be entitled to terminate  the Agreement and neither party shall have any further
rights or obligations  thereunder,  other than Purchaser's obligation to pay any
remaining unpaid portion of the Deposit to Seller.

12.  The second and third grammatical  sentences of Section 8.1 of the Agreement
     are hereby deleted and replaced with the following:

     "Subsequent  to  the  Closing,   Purchaser  has  the  right,  but  not  the
     obligation,  to undertake certain repairs to the facade of the Improvements
     substantially  in accordance  with the  specifications  attached  hereto as
     Exhibit F (the "Facade Repairs").  Seller agrees that subsequent to Closing
     Purchaser may make any and all repairs it desires to the Improve ments and,
     if all or any portion of the Facade  Repairs are made by Purchaser,  Seller
     shall promptly after written request reimburse Purchaser for one-half (1/2)
     of the amounts  actually  expended by  Purchaser  in  connection  with such
     Facade  Repairs,  up to a  maximum  of  $450,000  ("Seller's  Share").  The
     provisions of the Section 8.1 shall survive the Closing."


247306.08-New YorkS4A

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 7

13.  The second grammatical sentence of Section 4.2.6 of the Agreement is hereby
     amended to restate the  proviso at the end  thereof as follows:  "provided,
     however,  that  Seller  shall not apply any  Security  Deposits to cure any
     non-monetary  Tenant  defaults",  it being expressly agreed that Seller may
     apply any  Security  Deposits  in  accordance  with the terms of the Leases
     during the thirty  (30) days prior to the Closing to cure  monetary  Tenant

14.  Intentionally omitted.

15.  (a) Purchaser and Steven C. Witkoff hereby jointly and severally  represent
     and warrant to Seller that the execution,  delivery and  performance by the
     Purchaser of this  agreement and all actions  taken by Purchaser  hereunder
     have each been duly authorized,  executed and delivered by Purchaser,  that
     this agreement is the legal, valid and binding obligation of Purchaser, and
     that  neither  this  agreement  nor any of the actions  taken by  Purchaser
     hereunder violate any provision of any agreement or judicial order to which
     Purchaser  is a  party  or to  which  Purchaser  or any of its  constituent
     members is subject.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,
     Purchaser  and Steven C. Witkoff each  jointly and  severally  specifically
     represent and warrant to Seller that no consent,  approval, waiver or other
     authorization which has not been obtained by Purchaser and is in full force
     and effect on the date hereof is required  to be obtained by  Purchaser  in
     connec tion with the execution, delivery and/or performance by Purchaser of
     its obligations hereunder and under the Agreement.

     (b) Seller hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser that the execu tion,
delivery and  performance  by the Seller of this agreement and all actions taken
by Seller  hereunder have each been duly  authorized,  executed and delivered by
Seller,  that this  agreement  is the legal,  valid and  binding  obligation  of
Seller,  and that neither this agree ment nor any of the actions taken by Seller
hereunder  violate any  provision of any  agreement  or judicial  order to which
Seller is a party or to which Seller is subject. Without limiting the generality
of the foregoing,  Seller  represents and warrants to Purchaser that no consent,
approval,  waiver or other  authorization  which has not been obtained by Seller
and is in full force and effect on the date hereof is required to be obtained by
Seller in connec tion with the execution,  delivery and/or performance by Seller
of its obligations hereunder and under the Agreement.

247306.08-New YorkS4A

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
October 14, 1998
Page 8

16.  (a)  Purchaser  hereby  confirms  that,  as of the date  hereof,  it has no
     knowledge of any defenses, personal or otherwise,  offsets or counterclaims
     to all or any of the  obligations  of the Purchaser  hereunder or under the
     Agreement  and,  to the  extent  that  any of the  same  are  known  to the
     Purchaser, Purchaser hereby waives and releases the same.

     (b) Seller hereby  confirms  that,  as of the date hereof,  it has no knowl
     edge of any defenses,  personal or otherwise,  offsets or  counterclaims to
     all or any  of  the  obligations  of the  Seller  hereunder  or  under  the
     Agreement  and, to the extent that any of the same are known to the Seller,
     Seller hereby waives and releases the same.

17.  In all other respects,  the Agreement  remains in full force and effect and
     is hereby ratified and affirmed by the parties as modified hereby.

     Please  signify your agreement with the foregoing by signing and dating the
enclosed  counterpart of this letter where indicated  below.  This letter may be
executed in one or more counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one
and the same original.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    233 BROADWAY, INC.

                                    By: /s/ John E. DeWolf III


                                    VENATOR GROUP, INC.

                                    By: /s/ John E. DeWolf III

Acknowledged and Agreed:
- -----------------------


By:      233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
         its managing member

         By: /s/ James F. Stomber Jr.


/s/ Steven C. Witkoff
- -----------------------------------
Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
not in any representative capacity

247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT A
                              FORM OF VENATOR LEASE

                                  See Attached.

247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT B

1.       Steve Golfarb and Arthur Greenberg
2.       The Southmont Foundation
3.       Tellerman, Paticoff & Greenberg
4.       Joseph Cella
5.       Mel Sachs
6.       The Bank of New York
7.       Friedland, Fisbein, Laifer & Robbins
8.       Friedland, Fisbein, Laifer & Robbins
9.       William M. Kimball
10.      Stuart Shestack, Hayes Young, Michael Wofson and John Carroll
11.      Jack Goldstein and Donald Wallman
12.      The Basket Shop
13.      BDB Development Enterprise Corp.
14.      Madison Newstand VIII, Inc.
15.      Russell Guba
16.      Schneider, Kleinick, Weitz, Damashek, Godosky & Gentile
17.      Schneider, Kleinick, Weitz, Damashek, Godosky & Gentile
18.      Staat Personnel, Inc.
19.      Paragon Process Service
20.      Robert T. Schumpert
21.      Dick Dunphy Advertising Specialties, Inc.
22.      Panken, Besterman, Winer, Becker & Sherman, LLP
23.      Basichas & Sherman, P.C.
24.      Franklin Gould, Norman Reimer & Robert Gottfried
25.      Thomas O'Rourke & Ronald Degen
26.      Fasulo, Freidson & Joyce
27.      Gargiulo & Co
28.      Engitech Resources, Inc.
29.      Revinson & Reis
30.      Sheila Dugan
31.      Superior Officers Council
32.      Lionard Drexler
33.      Mark E. Seitelman
34.      Mark E. Seitelman
35.      Isidore R. Tucker
36.      Irving Fein, Peter Jakab, Jay B. Ringel and John M. Paige
37.      Daniel McCarthy
38.      Marvin Salenger and Robert Sack
39.      Doar Devorkin & Rieck
40.      Doar Devorkin & Rieck
41.      Serving by Irving, Inc.

247306.08-New YorkS4A

42.      Eisenberg, Margolis, Friedman & Basichas
43.      Stanley Young
44.      William S. Hocking Realty
45.      Electronic Instrument Co.
46.      Fromme, Schwartz, Newman & Cornicello, LLP
47.      Hanley Goble & Dennis LLP
48.      Richard A. Deinst and Allan G. Serrins
49.      Melito & Adolfsen, P.C.
50.      Dudley Gaffin
51.      Jeffrey T. Schwartz
52.      Associated Commodity Corp.
53.      Bruce Clark
54.      Stuart Perry & David Schwarz
55.      Solomon Pearl Blum & Quinn LLP
56.      Melvyn Jacknowitz
57.      Marcel Weisman
58.      DeBlasio & Alton, P.C.
59.      Downing & Mehrtens, P.C.
60.      Seymour Ostrow
61.      Kramer, Dillof
62.      Theobald J. Dengler
63.      Iannuzzi and Iannuzzi, John Nicholas Iannuzzi
64.      Kaplan, Ostheimer & Kuflik (Lamb & Lerch)
65.      Ginsburg, Becker & Weaver, LLP


247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT C
                             PRO FORMA TITLE POLICY

                                 (See Attached)

247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT D
                           WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS

Bank:                      M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank, Milwaukee, WI
                           Abbreviated Name: MARSHALL MILW

                           ABA: 075000051

Credit:                    The Chicago Trust Company
                           Account No. 01-24-2202

Further Credit to:         Trust Number: 385600010

                           Trust Name: 233 Broadway, Inc./CDEC

Telephone Confirmation:    Chicago Deferred Exchange Commission
                           1-312-223-2931 or
                           1-800-621-1919 ext. 2931
                           Attn: Mary Cunningham

247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT E

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED

247306.08-New YorkS4A

                                    EXHIBIT F

                          FACADE REPAIR SPECIFICATIONS

                                 (See Attached)


247306.08-New YorkS4A

                               233 BROADWAY, INC.
                                  233 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10279

                                                        as of November 9, 1998

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and Steven C. Witkoff
c/o The Witkoff Group, LLC
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10017

                  Re:  Woolworth Building

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference is hereby made to that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated
June 20,  1998  (as  amended  by those  certain  letter  agreements  dated as of
September 11, 1998,  September 18, 1998,  October 13, 1998 and October 14, 1998,
the "Agreement"),  by and between 233 Broadway, Inc. ("Seller"),  as seller, and
233 Broadway Owners, LLC ("Purchaser"),  as purchaser. All initially capitalized
terms used herein without  definition  shall have the meaning set forth for such
terms in the Agreement. Purchaser and Seller have agreed to make certain further
amendments to the Agreement as and to the extent hereinafter set forth.

     1. Seller and Purchaser  hereby  confirm that clause (ii) of Section 2.1 of
the  Agreement  (as such  clause  appears in Section 5 of the  October  14, 1998
amendment to the  Agreement)  is hereby  amended so as to delete  therefrom  the
references to November 9, 1998 and November 16, 1998 and to substitute therefor,
in each case,  a reference to November 19,  1998.  Thus,  the Second  Additional
Deposit Payment Date and the Third Additional Payment Date shall be, and each of
the Second Additional  Deposit and the Third Additional Deposit shall be due on,
November 19, 1998 (time being of the essence with respect thereto).

     2. Purchaser  hereby  acknowledges  and agrees that the Venator Lease,  the
form of which is attached as Exhibit A to the October 14, 1998  amendment to the
Agreement, shall be amended in the following respects:

253036.04-New YorkS4A

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
as of November 9, 1998
Page 2

     (a) the  reference,  in the second  (2nd)  sentence of Section 28A, to 6:00
p.m. shall be deleted and a reference to 7:00 p.m.  substituted in lieu thereof;

     (b) the  third  (3rd)  sentence  of  Section  28A shall be  deleted  in its
entirety as the following substituted therefor:

     Tenant shall have the additional right,  without  additional charge (except
     as hereinafter  expressly  provided),  (i) to exclusively use not less than
     (1) of the freight elevators (such freight  elevator(s) to be designated by
     Tenant)  at any time  during  the Term on ten (10)  Business  Days  advance
     notice to Landlord  (which may be telephonic) in order to relocate from the
     1998 Office  Space,  the 1999 Office  Space,  the Retail  Space  and/or the
     Kinney Storage Space to the Office Space and shall pay for any such freight
     elevator  usage on or after July 1, 1999 at an hourly  rate equal to $75.00
     during  Overtime  Periods,  (ii) to exclusively use two (2) of the four (4)
     passenger  elevators  serving the "tower floors" of the Woolworth  Building
     during Overtime Periods in order to relocate from the 1998 Office Space and
     1999 Office Space located on such "tower floors" of the Woolworth  Building
     to the Office  Space and (iii) to up to  one-half  (1/2)  hour of  reserved
     freight  elevator  service each Business Day for the moving of fixtures and
     equipment using a freight elevator to be designated by Tenant.

3.   In all other respects,  the Agreement  remains in full force and effect and
     is hereby ratified and affirmed by the parties as modified hereby.

253036.04-New YorkS4A

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
as of November 9, 1998
Page 3

     Please  signify your agreement with the foregoing by signing and dating the
enclosed  counterpart of this letter where indicated  below.  This letter may be
executed in one or more counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one
and the same original.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    233 BROADWAY, INC.

                                    By: /s/ Gary H. Brown

- -----------------------


By:      233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
         its managing member

         By: /s/ James F. Stomber Jr.

/s/ Steven C. Witkoff
- ----------------------------------
Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
not in any representative capacity


By: /s/ Gary H. Brown
253036.04-New YorkS4A

                               233 BROADWAY, INC.
                                  233 Broadway
                            New York, New York 10279

                                                              November 19, 1998

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and Steven C. Witkoff
c/o The Witkoff Group, LLC
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York  10017

                  Re:  Woolworth Building

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Reference is hereby made to that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated
June 20,  1998  (as  amended  by those  certain  letter  agreements  dated as of
September 11, 1998,  September 18, 1998,  October 13, 1998, October 14, 1998 and
November  9,  1998,  the  "Agreement"),   by  and  between  233  Broadway,  Inc.
("Seller"), as seller, and 233 Broadway Owners, LLC ("Purchaser"), as purchaser.
All initially  capitalized  terms used herein without  definition shall have the
meaning  set forth for such terms in the  Agreement.  Purchaser  and Seller have
agreed to reinstate the Old Agreement and make certain further amendments to the
Agreement as and to the extent hereinafter set forth.

1.   Seller and Purchaser hereby agree that,  notwithstanding the termination of
     the  Agreement on November 19, 1998 in accordance  with Section  2.1(ii) of
     the  Agreement,  the  Agreement  is  hereby  reinstated  on the  terms  and
     conditions set forth therein and herein.

2.   Seller and Purchaser  hereby confirm that clause (ii) of Section 2.1 of the
     Agreement  (as such  clause  appears in Section 5 of the  October  14, 1998
     amendment to the  Agreement and was amended in Section 1 of the November 9,
     1998  amendment  to the  Agreement)  is hereby  amended and restated in its
     entirety to read as follows:

     "(ii) Five Million Dollars  ($5,000,000) (the "First  Additional  Deposit")
     shall  be  paid  directly  to or at the  direction  of the  Seller  by wire
     transfer of immediately

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
November 19, 1998
Page 2

     available  federal  funds on or before  5:00 p.m.  on October 19, 1998 (the
     "First  Additional  Deposit  Payment Date") (time being of the essence with
     respect thereto). Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) (the "Second Additional
     Deposit")  shall be paid  directly to or at the  direction of the Seller by
     wire transfer of immedi ately available  federal funds on November 20, 1998
     (the "Second  Additional  Deposit Payment Date") (time being of the essence
     with  respect  thereto).  The  First  Additional  Deposit  and  the  Second
     Additional  Deposit are collectively  referred to herein as the "Additional
     Deposit",   and  the  Initial  Deposit  and  the  Additional   Deposit  are
     collectively  referred to herein as the "Deposit." Purchaser shall initiate
     the wire  transfer of the Second  Additional  Deposit and advise Seller and
     its counsel in writing as to reference  number  applicable  thereto  (which
     advice may be given by telecopy only) on or before 12:00 noon on the Second
     Additional Deposit Payment Date. In the event that Purchaser shall fail for
     any  reason to so pay any of the First  Additional  Deposit  or the  Second
     Additional  Deposit on the First  Additional  Deposit  Payment Date and the
     Second Additional  Deposit Pay ment Date,  respectively,  and to advise the
     Seller as to the  reference  number  applicable  to the  Second  Additional
     Deposit,  then Purchaser shall be in material  default under this Agreement
     and this Agreement shall automatically  terminate without further action by
     the parties and neither party shall have any further  rights or obligations
     hereunder  other than  Purchaser's  obligation to pay any remaining  unpaid
     portion of the Deposit to Seller,  which shall  expressly  survive any such
     termination.  Payment  of the First  Additional  Deposit is  guaranteed  by
     Steven C. Witkoff (the  "Guarantor")  in accordance  with the provisions of
     Article XVII hereof."

3.   Purchaser hereby confirms that, as of the date hereof,  it has no knowledge
     of any defenses, personal or otherwise,  offsets or counterclaims to all or
     any of the  obligations  of the Purchaser  hereunder or under the Agreement
     and,  to the  extent  that  any of the same  are  known  to the  Purchaser,
     Purchaser hereby waives and releases the same.

4.   Purchaser and Seller each hereby confirm that the Agreement,  as reinstated
     and  amended by this  letter  agreement,  constitutes  the entire and final
     agreement  between the parties with respect to the subject  matter  thereof
     and hereof and that there are no other  agreements,  written or oral,  with
     respect  thereto or  hereto.  This  letter  agreement  may not be  changed,
     terminated  or otherwise  varied,  except by a writing duly executed by the
     parties hereto.

5.   In all other respects,  the Agreement  remains in full force and effect and
     is hereby  reinstated,  ratified  and  affirmed  by the parties as modified

254271.02-New YorkS4A

233 Broadway Owners, LLC and
Steven C. Witkoff
November 19, 1998
Page 3

     Please  signify your agreement with the foregoing by signing and dating the
enclosed  counterpart of this letter where indicated  below.  This letter may be
executed in one or more counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one
and the same original.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    233 BROADWAY, INC.

                                    By: /s/ John H. Cannon

- -----------------------


By:      233 Broadway Next Generation LLC,
         its managing member

         By: /s/ James F. Stomber Jr.

/s/ Steven c. Witkoff
- -----------------------------------
Steven C. Witkoff, individually and
not in any representative capacity


By: /s/ John H. Cannon

254271.02-New YorkS4A