TO THE

      WHEREAS,  Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc. (the "Company")
has  received a favorable determination letter from the  Internal
Revenue  Service  as  to  the form of the  Smith's  Food  &  Drug
Centers,  Inc. Employee Profit Sharing Plan, established  January
3,  1993  (the  "Plan"),  under Section 401(a)  of  the  Internal
Revenue Code (the "Code");
      WHEREAS, in order to maintain the qualified status  of  the
Plan,  the  Internal  Revenue Service  has  required  in  Revenue
Procedure  94-13 that the Plan be amended to comply with  Section
401(a)(17) of the Code;
      WHEREAS,  in Revenue Procedure 93-47, the Internal  Revenue
Service  has  allowed  qualified plans to be  amended  to  permit
participants to waive the 30-day notice requirement in connection
with certain distributions from such plans.
      WHEREAS, the Company has established other retirement plans
for the benefit of its non-union employees, including the Smith's
Food & Drug Center, Inc. Defined Benefit (Flat Unit Benefit) Non-
Union  Pension  Plan  and the Smith's Food & Drug  Centers,  Inc.
401(K)  Savings  Plan,  and the Company  contributes  to  various
multiemployer  pension  plans pursuant to  collective  bargaining
      WHEREAS,  those  retirement plans invest in  a  diversified
group of assets;
     WHEREAS, the Company established the Plan for the purpose of
making  its  employees beneficial owners of stock in the  Company
for  the sole purpose of aligning the interests of employees with
the  interests  of  the  shareholders of  the  Company  and  thus
providing  employees with greater incentives to  strive  for  the
success  of the operations of the Company; but for said  purpose,
the Company would not have established the Plan;
      WHEREAS, the Company desires to clarify its intent that the
Trustees  of the Plan invest Plan assets exclusively  in  Company
common   stock  which  is  readily  tradable  on  an  established
securities  market,  except  to the  extent  cash  or  marketable
securities are necessary to meet the liquidity needs of the  Plan
or  the  value  of Company common stock falls below  a  specified
      NOW,  THEREFORE, the following amendments to the  Plan  are
hereby adopted:
      1.   Effective January 3, 1993, Section 7.5 of the Plan  is
amended to add the following new paragraph at the end thereof:
     If  a  distribution is one to which Sections 401(a)(11)
     and 417 of the Code do not apply, such distribution may
     commence  less  than 30 days after the notice  required
     under   section  1.411(a)-11(c)  of  the   Income   Tax
     Regulations is given, provided that:

     7.5.1  the  Committee clearly informs  the  Participant
     that the Participant has a right to a period of at last
     30  days  after  receiving the notice to  consider  the
     decision  of  whether  or not to elect  a  distribution
     (and, if applicable, a particular distribution option),

     7.5.2  the  Participant, after  receiving  the  notice,
     affirmatively   elects   in  writing   to   receive   a

       2.     Effective  January  1,  1994,  the  definition   of
Compensation  in  Article I of the Plan is  amended  to  add  the
following new paragraphs at the end thereof:
	   In  addition to other applicable limitations  set
     forth  in  the  Plan,  and  notwithstanding  any  other
     provisions of the Plan to the contrary, for Plan  Years
     beginning  on  or  after January 1,  1994,  the  annual
     Compensation of each Employee taken into account  under
     the   Plan  shall  not  exceed  the  OBRA  '93   annual
     Compensation  limit.  the OBRA '93 annual  Compensation
     limit is $150,000, as adjusted by the Commissioner  for
     increases  in  the  cost of living in  accordance  with
     Section  401(a)(17)(B) of the Code.  The cost-of-living
     adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to any
     period,   not   exceeding   12   months,   over   which
     Compensation   is  determined  (determination   period)
     beginning  in  such calendar year.  If a  determination
     period  consists of fewer than 12 months, the OBRA  '93
     annual  Compensation  limit will  be  multiplied  by  a
     fraction,  the  numerator of which  is  the  number  of
     months in the determination period, and the denominator
     of which is 12.

	   For  Plan Years beginning on or after January  1,
     1994, any reference in the Plan to the limitation under
     Section 401(a)(17) of the Code shall mean the OBRA  '93
     annual Compensation limit set forth in this provision.

	  If Compensation for any prior determination period
     is  taken  into  account in determining  an  Employee's
     benefits  accruing  in  the  current  Plan  Year,   the
     Compensation  for  that prior determination  period  is
     subject  to the OBRA '93 annual Compensation  limit  in
     effect  for that prior determination period.  For  this
     purpose, for determination periods beginning before the
     first  day of the first Plan Year beginning on or after
     January 1, 1994, the OBRA '93 annual Compensation limit
     is $150,000.

      3.    Effective  January 1, 1994, the definition  of  "Plan
Year"  in Article I of the Plan is amended and restated to  read,
in its entirety, as follows:
     "Plan Year" means the fiscal year of the Plan and shall
     be  the  52- or 53-week period (depending on the ending
     date  of  previous Plan Year) ending  on  the  Saturday
     preceding the last Friday of December of each year.

      4.   Effective January 1, 1994, Section 2.1 of the Plan  is
amended and restated to read, in its entirety, as follows:
	   2.1   Years of Services.  Years of Service  shall
     include  each  Plan Year during which an  Employee  has
     completed  at  least 1,000 Hours of  Service  with  the

	   2.1.1   Years  of Service shall not include  Plan
     Years  beginning  prior to the effective  date  of  the

	   2.1.2   If a Participant who incurred a Break  in
     Service  is reemployed by the Company, Years of Service
     before  such  Break  shall  be  disregarded  until  the
     Participant has completed a Year of Service after  such
     Break;  provided  that  the Participant  satisfies  the
     conditions  of 2.1.3; in which event Years  of  Service
     before such Break shall be reinstated.

	   2.1.3   Subject  to 2.1.2, if a  Participant  who
     incurred  a  Break  in  Service is  reemployed  by  the
     Company,  his Years of Service shall include  Years  of
     Service to his credit at the beginning of such Break in
     Service,  unless (a) the Participant  did  not  have  a
     vested  and nonforfeitable right to any portion of  his
     Participant Account prior to such Break in Service, and
     (b)  the  number  of  consecutive  one-year  Breaks  in
     Service equals or exceeds five.

      5.   Effective January 1, 1994, Section 10.3 of the Plan is
amended and restated to read, in its entirety, as follows:
	   10.3  Trust  Fund Investments.  The Trustees  are
     directed to invest the Trust Fund exclusively in shares
     of  Common  Stock of the Company, except to the  extent
     cash or marketable securities are necessary to meet the
     liquidity  needs  of  the  Plan.   Notwithstanding  the
     foregoing, if the value of shares of Common Stock falls
     below $5.00 per share, the Trustees shall be authorized
     to  liquidate  a portion of the shares of Common  Stock
     held  in  the Trust Fund and invest in other assets  to
     the   extent   the   Trustees  deem   appropriate   for
     diversification purposes.  In the event that the shares
     of Common Stock should, as a result of a stock split or
     stock  dividend or combination of shares or  any  other
     change,   or   exchange   for  other   securities,   by
     reclassification,    reorganization,     redesignation,
     merger,  consolidation, recapitalization or  otherwise,
     be  increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged
     for  a  different number or kind of shares of stock  or
     other securities of the Company or another company, the
     foregoing dollar amount shall be appropriately adjusted
     to  reflect such action.  The Trustees may purchase  or
     sell Common Stock from or to the Company (provided, the
     requirements of Section 408(e) of ERISA are  satisfied)
     or  from or to any other source, and such Common  Stock
     may   be   outstanding,  newly   issued   or   treasury
     securities.  The Trustees shall not borrow  funds  from
     the Company for the purpose of purchasing Common Stock.

      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc.  has
caused  this  instrument to be executed by  its  duly  authorized
officer this 1st day of November, 1994.

			 By:  /s/ Matthew G. Tezak
			      Its  Sr. V.P.

/s/ Michael C. Frei