Exhibit 10.10

			      San Francisco,  31 January 1995

Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc.
Attn:  Mr. Paul Tezak
Vice President -Finance & Treasurer
1550 South Redwood Road
P.O. Box 30550
Salt Lake City, Utah  84130

Dear Sirs:

We are pleased to confirm the continued availability of our committed
credit facility for Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc. (the "Company")
under the following terms and conditions:

1.    The Facility.

      A.  Amount of Facility.  Banca di Roma (the "Bank") agrees to
	  make loans and other advances (hereinafter called
	  individually a "Loan" and collectively, "the Loans") to the
	  Company in an aggregate principal amount at any one time
	  outstanding up to but not exceeding Fifteen Million United
	  States Dollars ($15,000,000.00).  Within such limit the
	  Company may borrow, repay and reborrow at any time or from
	  time to time until the revocation of this facility by the
	  Bank as further discussed below.
      B.  Purpose of the Facility.  This facility may be used for the
	  general corporate purposes of the Company.
      C.  Interest.  Interest shall be computed in respect of the
	  amounts drawn under this facility at rates quoted by the Bank
	  and accepted by the Customer at the time of utilization.  In
	  any event the rate quoted by the Bank shall not exceed the
	  London Interbank Offered Rate plus 0.50 percent per annum.
	  Interest shall be computed on the actual number of days
	  elapsed and on the basis of a 360 day year.  Interest is
	  payable on the maturity date of each Loan.
      D.  Commitment Fee.  The Company agrees to pay the Bank a
	  commitment fee of 0.25 percent per annum on the unutilized
	  portion of the facility.   The commitment fee shall be
	  computed on the actual number of days elapsed and on the
	  basis of a 360 day year.  The commitment fee is payable
	  calendar quarterly in arrears as billed by the Bank.
      E.  Payments under the Facility.  Payments in respect to Loans
	  and the commitment fee are to be made in the legal currency
	  of the United States of America.
      F.  Expiry of the Facility.  The facility is committed for a
	  period of eighteen months plus one day to include an
	  "evergreen" clause for the automatic renewal of same each six
	  months, barring notice of cancellation of the evergreen
	  facility by the Customer or the Bank.  (For example, using
	  the new trigger dates, the Bank's commitment currently
	  will expire on 31 July 1996, but on 31 July 1995, the
	  expiration will extend automatically to 31 January 1997.
	  Thereafter, on 31 January 1996, the expiry automatically
	  extends to 31 July 1997, and so on, so that at no time will
	  there be less than one year and one day of availability,
	  barring notice of cancellation of the evergreen facility by
	  the Customer or the Bank).

      2.  Conditions of Lending.  The commitment of the Bank to make
      each Loan to be made by it hereunder is subject to the following      
      conditions precedent:

	     (1)   No event of default specified in Section 5 hereof,
		   and no event which with notice or lapse of time or
		   both would become such an event of default, shall
		   have occurred and be continuing; the representations
		   of the Company in Section 4 hereof shall be true on
		   and as of the date of the making of such Loan with
		   the same force and effect as if made on and as of
		   such date.
	     (2)   The Company shall from time to time promptly execute
		   and deliver all further instruments and documents,
		   and take all further action that may be reasonably
		   necessary or desirable or that the Bank may
		   reasonably request in order to carry out the
		   purposes of this facility agreement, to evidence its
		   signing authority and to enable the Bank to enforce
		   its rights and remedies hereunder.
	     (3)   All legal matters incident to the transactions
		   hereby contemplated shall be satisfactory to the

      3.  Covenants.  So long as the availability of this facility
	  shall be outstanding and until the payment in full of all
	  Loans outstanding hereunder and the performance of all other
	  obligations of the Company hereunder, the Company agrees
	  that, unless the Bank shall otherwise consent in writing, it

	     A.    Furnish Financial Statements.  The Company will
		   furnish the Bank:

	     (1)   within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end
		   of each fiscal year of the Company, copies of the
		   balance sheets of the Company, including any
		   consolidated subsidiaries, as at the close of such
		   fiscal year and statements of income and retained
		   earnings of the Company and its consolidated
		   subsidiaries for such year, certified by independent
		   public accountants selected by the Company and
		   satisfactory to the Bank;

	     (2)   within ninety (90) days after the end of the first
		   three quarters of each fiscal year of the Company,
		   copies of balance sheets of the Company and its
		   consolidated subsidiaries as at the end of such
		   quarters and statements of income and retained
		   earnings of the company and its consolidated
		   subsidiaries for the period from the beginning of
		   the fiscal year to the end of such quarter.

	     (3)   from time to time, such further information
		   regarding the business, affairs, and financial
		   condition of the Company and its consolidated
		   subsidiaries as the Bank may reasonably request.

	     All financial statements delivered hereunder shall be
	     prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting
	     principals and practices applied on a basis consistent
	     with those used in the preparation of the audited
	     financial statements of the Company.

	     B.  Remain in compliance with Laws, etc.  The Company
	     will, and will cause each of its consolidated subsidiaries
	     to, comply in all material respects with all applicable
	     laws, rules, regulations and orders of all governmental
	     bodies and officers having power to regulate or supervise
	     its business activities provided, however, that neither
	     the Company nor any of its consolidated subsidiaries shall
	     be required to comply with any such laws, rules or
	     regulations and orders so long as the validity thereof
	     shall be contested in good faith by appropriate
	     proceedings and adequate book reserve shall have been set
	     aside with respect thereto in accordance with generally
	     accepted accounting principles.

	     C. Maintain a consolidated tangible net worth of not less
		than $350,000,000.

		"Consolidated Tangible Net Worth" shall mean all assets
		appearing on a balance sheet of the Company and its
		Consolidated subsidiaries determined on a consolidated
		basis in accordance with GAAP less (without limitation
		and without duplication of deductions) the sum of (a)
		consolidated Indebtedness to include preferred stock
		and all short and long term debt obligations (other
		than liabilities subordinated to the satisfaction of
		Bank to the Obligations incurred hereunder), (b) and
		reserves established by Company or any Consolidated
		subsidiary for anticipated losses and expenses
		including deferred taxes payable, (c) the amount, if
		any, of such intangible items as goodwill (including
		any amounts, however designated on the balance sheet,
		investments in excess of underlying tangible assets),
		trademarks, trademark rights, trade name rights,
		copyrights, patents, patent rights, licenses,
		unamortized debt discount, marketing expenses and
		deferred research and development costs.

      4.     Representations.

	     The Company hereby represents and warrants to the Bank

	     A. Corporate Existence and Power.  The Company is a
		corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in
		good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware
		and is duly qualified to transact business or own real
		property in each state or other jurisdiction in which
		its principal real properties are located or in which
		it conducts any important or material part of its
		business; and the Company has corporate power to enter
		into and abide by the terms of this facility agreement
		and to borrow hereunder.

	     B. Corporate Authority.  The making and performance by
		the Company of this facility agreement and the Loans
		hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary
		corporate action and will not violate any provision of
		law or of its charter or bylaws, or result in the
		breach of or constitute a default or require consent
		under, or result in the creation of any lien, charge,
		or encumbrance upon any property or assets of the
		Company pursuant to any indenture or other agreement
		or instrument to which the Company is a party or by
		which the Company or its property may be bound or
		affected, other than as specifically provided herein.
	     C.  Financial Condition.  The balance sheets and
		 statements of income and retained earnings of the
		 Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, heretofore
		 furnished to the Bank, are complete and correct and
		 fairly represent the financial condition of the
		 Company and its consolidated subsidiaries as at the
		 dates of said financial statements and the results of
		 their operations for the periods ending on said dates.
		 Neither the Company nor any of its consolidated
		 subsidiaries has any material contingent obligations,
		 liabilities for taxes, long-term leases or forward or
		 long-term commitments not disclosed by, or reserved
		 against in, said balance sheets or the notes thereto,
		 and at the present time there are no material
		 unrealized or anticipated losses from any unfavorable
		 commitments of the Company or any consolidated
		 subsidiary.  Since the date of the latest of such
		 statements there has been no material adverse change
		 in the financial condition of the Company and its
		 consolidated subsidiaries from that set forth in said
		 balance sheets as at that date.

	     D.  Litigation.  There are no material suits or material
		 proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of the
		 Company threatened against or affecting the Company or
		 any of its consolidated subsidiaries which, if
		 adversely determined, would have a material adverse
		 effect on the financial condition or business of the
		 Company and its consolidated subsidiaries and there
		 are no material proceedings by or before any
		 governmental commission, board, bureau, or other
		 administrative agency pending, or to the knowledge of
		 the Company, threatened, against the Company or any of
		 its consolidated subsidiaries.

      5.     Defaults.

	     If any of the following events of default shall occur and
	     shall not have been remedied:

	     A.  Any representation or warranty made by the Company in
		 this facility agreement or in any request or
		 certificate of the Company furnished to the Bank shall
		 prove to have been incorrect in any material respect
		 when made or at any time while this facility agreement
		 is in effect; or
	     B.  The Company shall default in the payment, when due,
		of any principal of or interest on the Loans or any
		other sum payable by the Company under this facility
		agreement; or

	     C.  The Company shall default in the performance of any
		 other obligation to be performed by it contained
		 herein and such default shall continue for thirty (30)
		 days after the Bank has given the Company written
		 notice of such default; or
	     D.  The Company shall default in the payment of any of its
		 indebtedness in an aggregate amount of at least
		 $20,000,000 or in the performance of any covenants
		 with respect to such indebtedness and such
		 indebtedness shall have been accelerated by the holder
		 or holders thereof prior to its stated maturity or
		 maturities and such default shall continue unremedied
		 for a period of 30 calendar days; or

	     E.  The Company or any of its consolidated subsidiaries
		 shall (1) apply for or consent to the appointment of a
		 receiver, trustee, or liquidator of itself, or of all
		 or a substantial part of its assets, (2) be unable, or
		 admit in writing its inability to pay its debts as
		 they fall due, (3) make a general assignment for the
		 benefit of its creditors, (4) be adjudicated a
		 bankrupt or insolvent, or (5) file a voluntary
		 petition in bankruptcy or a petition or an answer
		 seeking reorganization or an arrangement with
		 creditors or to take advantage of any insolvency law
		 or an answer admitting the material allegations of a
		 petition filed against it in any bankruptcy,
		 reorganization, or insolvency proceeding, or any
		 corporate action shall be taken by it for the purpose
		 of effecting any of the foregoing; or

	     F.  An order, judgment, or decree shall be entered,
		 without the application, approval, or consent of the
		 Company or any of its consolidated subsidiaries by any
		 court of competent jurisdiction, approving a petition
		 seeking reorganization of the Company or any such
		 consolidated subsidiary or appointing a receiver,
		 trustee, or liquidator of the Company or any such
		 consolidated subsidiary or of all or a substantial
		 part of any of their respective assets and such order,
		 judgment or decree shall continue unstayed and in
		 effect for any period of more than thirty (30)
		 consecutive days;
		 then, and in any such case, the Bank may by written
		 notice to the Company (i) immediately terminate the
		 facility hereunder and/or (ii) declare the principal
		 of and interest accrued to be forthwith due and
		 payable, whereupon the same shall become forthwith due
		 and payable.

      6.     Notices.

	     All notices, requests, and demands shall be in writing and
	     shall be personally delivered or sent by mail or by telex,
	     and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered
	     by hand, or, if mailed, when deposited in the United
	     States mail, certified and return receipt requested,
	     postage and charges prepaid, or, in the case of any telex,
	     when sent, answerback received, and, regardless of method,
	     addressed to such party at its address set forth as
	     follows or such other address as such party may hereafter
	     designate by written notice to the other:

	     The Company:              Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc.
				       1550 South Redwood Road Salt
				       Lake City, Utah  84104

	     The Bank:                 Banca di Roma
					    Attn:  Credit Department
					    One Montgomery Street
					    Telesis Tower - Suite 2200
				       San Francisco, CA  94104

      7.     Miscellaneous.

	     A.  As used in this facility agreement, "Taxes" shall mean
		 taxes, levies, imposts, duties, withholdings or other
		 charges of whatsoever nature levied, imposed,
		 collected, withheld or assessed by any government or
		 any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof,
		 other than any such charges on or measured by the net
		 income, net worth or shareholders' capital of the

	     B.  Neither failure nor delay on the part of the Bank to
		 exercise any right, power, or privilege hereunder
		 shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any
		 single or partial exercise of any right, power, or
		 privilege hereunder preclude any other or further
		 exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,
		 power, or privilege.

	     C.  This facility agreement and each Loan shall be deemed
		 to be contracts made under the laws of the State of
		 California and for all purposes shall be governed by
		 the laws of California, without regard to the conflict
		 of laws statutes of such state.  The Company hereby
		 irrevocably agrees that any legal action or
		 proceedings against the Company with respect to the
		 facility agreement may be brought in the courts of the
		 State of California, in any United States District
		 Court located in California and, by execution and
		 delivery of this facility agreement, the Company
		 hereby irrevocably submits to each such jurisdiction
		 and hereby irrevocably waives any and all objections
		 which the Company may have as to venue in any of the
		 above courts.

	     D.  The Company will pay costs of collection (including
		 reasonable counsel fees) in case default is made in
		 the payment of any Loan made under this agreement.

		E.  Each payment or prepayment of principal, interest
		or other amount payable by the Company under this
		facility agreement and any other document required
		hereunder shall, to the extent permitted by applicable
		law, be made without set-off or counterclaim and free
		and clear of, and exempt from, and without deduction
		or withholding for or on account of, any present or
		future Taxes levied, imposed, collected, withheld or
		assessed by any governmental entity or any political
		subdivision or taxing authority thereof.  For the
		purposes here, "Taxes" shall exclude (i) any taxes,
		levies, impost, duties, withholdings or other charges
		of whatsoever nature levied, imposed, collected,
		withheld or assessed by any government or any
		political subdivision or taxing authority thereof
		which are measured by net income, net worth, or
		shareholders' capital; (ii) any such taxes or
		withholdings imposed on interest income under Sections
		871 or 881 of the Internal Revenue Code or any
		corresponding provisions of succeeding laws and (iii)
		any amounts required to be withheld under Sections
		1441 or 1442 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Bank
		hereby represents that it is currently engaged in the
		active conduct of the banking business in the United
		States and the interest payable in connection with the
		Loans is effectively connected with the conduct of
		such business within the meaning of Section 864 of the
		Internal Revenue Code and the regulations promulgated
		thereunder as such may be amended from time to time.
		So long as the Bank is engaged in the active conduct
		of the banking business in the United States, the Bank
		will deliver to the Company, as and when required by
		the Company, a properly executed Form W-9 (or any
		successor form or statement) setting forth its
		taxpayer identification number and a properly executed
		Form 4224 (or any successor form or statement)
		claiming exemption from withholding of tax on income
		effectively connected with its conduct of a trade or
		business in the United States.  If any Taxes are
		levied, imposed, collected, subject  to withholding or
		assessed on any such payment or prepayment, the
		Company shall make any withholding required for the
		account of the Bank and make timely payment thereof to
		the appropriate governmental authority, and shall, in
		any event, forthwith pay to the Bank such additional
		amounts as may be necessary so that the net amount
		actually received by the Bank in respect of each such
		payment or prepayment, after withholding, deduction or
		payment for or on account of such Taxes, and after
		payment by the Bank of any taxes due by reason of the
		payment of such additional amounts will not be less
		than the amount the Bank is entitled to receive
		hereunder had no such Taxes been deducted, withheld
		from or paid in respect of such payment.  The Company
		shall, promptly upon receipt, furnish to the Bank all
		official receipts evidencing payment of any such Taxes
		(which shall be either originals, duplicate originals,
		or copies duly certified or authenticated).  The Bank
		may, but is not required to, pay at any time and from
		time to time any amount in respect of such Taxes or
		penalties therefore or interest thereon, in which
		event the Company shall, in each instance, reimburse
		the Bank on demand therefor and pay to the Bank the
		additional amounts specified above.

	     F.  If, after the date of this facility agreement, the
		adoption or enactment of any applicable law or
		governmental rule, requirement, guideline, order,
		regulation, or any change therein, or change in the
		interpretation or administration thereof by any
		judicial or governmental authority, central bank,
		comparable agency or other person charged with the
		interpretation or administration thereof, or
		compliance by the Bank with any request or directive
		(whether or not having the force of law) of any such
		authority (a "Change of Law") shall make it unlawful
		or impossible for the Bank to make or maintain any of
		the Loans, the Bank shall immediately notify the
		Company of such Change of Law.  Thereafter, the
		Company's right to request the making of or
		continuation of, and the Bank's obligation to make or
		continue, a Loan shall be terminated.  The Company
		shall repay the Loan in full, (a) at the specified
		maturity if the Bank may lawfully continue to maintain
		the Loan to such day, or (b) immediately if the Bank
		may not lawfully continue to fund or maintain the Loan
		and the Bank so notifies the Company (which notice
		shall be conclusive and binding upon the Company for
		all purposes in the absence of error); provided,
		however, that the Company and the Bank will, if
		possible, take all reasonable and feasible steps to
		mitigate the effect of any such Change in Law.

	     G.  If, after the date of this facility agreement, the
		 Bank shall reasonably demonstrate that, because of any
		 Change of Law which shall have general applicability
		 to the Bank and to other lending institutions
		 similarly situated, (including, without limitation,
		 those affecting Taxes or reserve or special deposit or
		 similar requirements), the direct cost to the Bank of
		 making, renewing or maintaining any of the Loans has
		 been increased, or an additional direct cost imposed,
		 or any sum received or receivable by the Bank
		 hereunder has been reduced, in any of the foregoing
		 cases by an amount deemed by the Bank to be material
		 (including, without limitation, reductions resulting
		 from any material difference between the Federal
		 Reserve System reserve requirement imposed on the Bank
		 after the date of this facility agreement and the
		 reserve requirement for which the Bank is compensated
		 as of the date hereof in determining the interest
		 rate), the Company shall from time to time, upon
		 demand by the Bank, pay to the Bank such additional
		 amount or amounts as will compensate the Bank for such
		 increased or additional cost or such reduction.  Any
		 such demand shall be accompanied by a statement of the
		 Bank setting forth the basis of the Bank's
		 determination of the amount necessary to compensate
		 the Bank, which statement as to the Bank's direct cost
		 shall, in the absence of error, be conclusive and
		 binding on the Company for all purposes.

	     H.  In the Event of Default by the Company on loans made
		 by Bank under this agreement, the Company shall
		 compensate the Bank, within ten (10) days after
		 written notice by the Bank, for all reasonable losses,
		 costs and expenses in respect of any interest paid or
		 premium or penalty incurred by the Bank to lenders or
		 otherwise in respect of funds borrowed by or deposited
		 with it to make or maintain any of the Loans which the
		 Bank may sustain as a consequence of any Event of
		 Default by the Company.

We are pleased that you have provided us with the opportunity to
continue to assist in your banking needs and look forward to
strengthening our relationship with you in the future.

					     Sincerely yours,


			 /s/ Richard G. Dietz   /s/Thomas C. Woodruff

We confirm our agreement with the above
and agree to abide by its terms.

Smith's Food & Drug Centers, Inc.

By: /s/ Paul Tezak

Title: V.P. Finance and Treasurer        Date: February 8, 1995