Washington, D.C. 20549


                            FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)


For the quarterly period ended September 30, 1994



For the transition period from                 to                 

                 Commission file number 1-10258

                     Tredegar Industries, Inc.                    
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Virginia                                54-1497771      
(State or other jurisdiction                 (I.R.S. Employer
of incorporation or organization)            Identification No.)

1100 Boulders Parkway 
Richmond, Virginia                                   23225        
(Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (804) 330-1000

     Indicate by check whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or
for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file
such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements
for the past 90 days.
Yes   X    No      

     The number of shares of Common Stock, no par value,
outstanding as of November 2, 1994:  8,992,258


Item 1.  Financial Statements

                    TREDEGAR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                         (In thousands)

                                     September 30     December 31
ASSETS                                   1994             1993   
Cash and cash equivalents              $  10,449      $        - 
Accounts and notes receivable             76,617          70,173 
Inventories                               29,561          34,211 
Deferred income taxes                     11,016          11,555 
Prepaid expenses and other                 1,274             881 
   Total current assets                  128,917         116,820 

Property, plant and equipment            319,607         323,933 
   Less accumulated depreciation
      and amortization                   192,919         188,531 
   Net property, plant and equipment     126,688         135,402 

Other assets and deferred charges         27,773          24,456 
Goodwill and other intangibles            30,884          45,729 
Cash and cash equivalents designated
   for tender offer                       22,500               - 
Net assets of discontinued operations          -          30,976 
   Total assets                        $ 336,762      $  353,383 


Accounts payable                       $  24,194      $   19,376 
Accrued expenses                          42,467          35,380 
Income taxes payable                       6,657               - 
   Total current liabilities              73,318          54,756 

Long-term debt                            35,500          97,000 
Deferred income taxes                     14,326          23,108 
Other noncurrent liabilities              15,339           9,431 
   Total liabilities                     138,483         184,295 

Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock, no par value            165,817         170,140 
   Foreign currency translation
      adjustment                             236            (283)
   Retained earnings (deficit)            32,226            (769)

   Total shareholders' equity            198,279         169,088 
   Total liabilities and 
      shareholders' equity             $ 336,762      $  353,383 

         See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                         TREDEGAR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                 (In thousands, except per-share amounts)

                                 Three Months Ended  Nine Months Ended  
                                   September 30         September 30    
                                    1994     1993     1994        1993  
Net sales                        $132,191 $113,922   $376,098  $333,162 
Other (expense) income, net          (199)      39       (270)     (423)
                                  131,992  113,961    375,828   332,739 
Cost of goods sold                110,463   95,827    315,397   281,309 
Selling, general & administrative
  expenses                         11,783   11,659     35,337    36,365 
Research & development expenses     2,178    2,476      5,944     6,651 
Interest expense                      939    1,227      3,282     3,782 
Unusual items                       6,973        -     16,494    (2,263)
                                  132,336  111,189    376,454   325,844 
Income (loss) from continuing
  operations before income taxes     (344)   2,772       (626)    6,895 
Income taxes                          (66)   1,627      1,671     3,366 
Income (loss) from continuing
  operations                         (278)   1,145     (2,297)    3,529 
Discontinued operations:                           
  Income from energy segment operations1,013 1,162      4,220     5,157 
  Gain on disposition of interest in
    The Elk Horn Coal Corporation
    (net of income tax of $16,224) 25,740        -     25,740         - 
  Gain on sale of remaining oil & gas
    properties (net of income tax of
    $2,121)                             -        -      3,938         - 
  Deferred tax benefit on the difference
    between the financial reporting and
    income tax basis of The Elk Horn
    Coal Corporation                    -        -      3,320         - 
Net income before extraordinary item
  and cumulative effect of changes
  in accounting principles         26,475    2,307     34,921     8,686 
Extraordinary item - prepayment
  premium on extinguishment of
  debt (net of income tax benefits
  of $685)                              -        -          -    (1,115)
Cumulative effect of changes in
  accounting for postretirement benefits
  other than pensions (net of tax) and
  income taxes                          -        -          -       150 
Net income                       $ 26,475 $  2,307   $ 34,921  $  7,721 

Earnings (loss) per share:
  Continuing operations          $   (.02)$    .10   $   (.21) $    .32 
  Discontinued operations            2.52      .11       3.47       .48 
  Before extraordinary item and
    cumulative effect of changes
    in accounting principles         2.50      .21       3.26       .80 
  Extraordinary item                    -        -          -      (.10)
  Cumulative effect of changes
    in accounting principles            -        -          -       .01 
  Net income                     $   2.50 $    .21   $   3.26  $    .71 

            See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       TREDEGAR INDUSTRIES, INC.
                            (In thousands)

                                                       Nine Months    
                                                   Ended September 30 
                                                      1994      1993  
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Continuing operations:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations        $(2,297)  $ 3,529 
    Adjustments for noncash items:
      Depreciation                                   17,600    17,225 
      Amortization of intangibles                     1,250     1,992 
      Write-off of intangibles                       14,393         - 
      Deferred income taxes                          (8,243)    1,093 
      Accrued pension income and postretirement benefits(52)     (245)
      Gain on sale of investments                         -    (2,263)
    Changes in assets and liabilities, net of
      effects from acquisitions:
      Accounts and notes receivable                  (6,444)   (8,396)
      Inventories                                     4,650    (3,640)
      Prepaid expenses and other                       (393)      463 
      Accounts payable                                4,818     4,226 
      Accrued expenses and income taxes payable       6,568    (2,380)
    Other, net                                       (1,215)   (1,432)
      Net cash provided by continuing operating
       activities                                    30,635    10,172 
  Net cash used for extraordinary item                    -    (1,115)
  Net cash provided by discontinued operating 
       activities                                     5,665     5,047 
      Net cash provided by operating activities      36,300    14,104 
Cash flows from investing activities:
  Continuing operations:
    Capital expenditures                            (11,731)  (10,744)
    Acquisitions (net of $398 cash acquired)              -    (5,099)
    Investments                                      (1,400)     (400)
    Proceeds from sales of investments                    -     5,263 
    Property disposals                                2,263     2,047 
    Other, net                                          (24)     (264)
      Net cash used in investing activities
        of continuing operations                    (10,892)   (9,197)
  Discontinued operations:
    Capital expenditures                                (16)     (338)
    Property disposals                                7,924     1,708 
    Disposal of interest in The Elk Horn Coal
        Corporation                                  67,485         - 
      Net cash provided by investing activities of
        discontinued operations                      75,393     1,370 
      Net cash provided by (used in) investing
        activities                                   64,501    (7,827)
Cash flows from financing activities:
  Dividends paid                                     (1,926)   (2,616)
  Net decrease in borrowings                        (61,500)   (3,500)
  Repurchase of Tredegar common stock                (4,438)        - 
  Other, net                                             12      (161)
      Net cash used in financing activities         (67,852)   (6,277)
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     32,949         - 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period          -         - 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          $32,949   $     - 

Supplemental cash flow information:
  Interest payments (net of amount capitalized)     $ 3,051   $ 6,250 
  Income tax payments, net                          $17,149   $ 5,806 

            See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                    TREDEGAR INDUSTRIES, INC.

1.   In the opinion of management, the accompanying consolidated
     financial statements of Tredegar Industries, Inc. and
     Subsidiaries ("Tredegar") contain all adjustments necessary to
     present fairly, in all material respects, Tredegar's
     consolidated financial position as of September 30, 1994, and
     the consolidated results of their operations and their cash
     flows for the nine months ended September 30, 1994 and 1993. 
     All such adjustments are deemed to be of a normal recurring
     nature.  These financial statements should be read in
     conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and
     notes thereto included in the 1993 Annual Report.  The results
     of operations for the nine months ended September 30, 1994 are
     not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for
     the full year.

2.   Certain prior-period amounts have been reclassified to conform
     to the current presentation.

3.   The components of inventories are as follows:

                                          (In thousands)       
                                  September 30      December 31
                                      1994              1993   
     Finished goods               $      5,086      $    5,735 
     Work-in-process                     3,573           5,298 
     Raw materials                      13,690          15,497 
     Stores, supplies and other          7,212           7,681 
            Total                 $     29,561      $   34,211 

4.   On August 19, 1994, Tredegar used a portion of the proceeds
     received from the divestiture of The Elk Horn Coal Corporation 
     ("Elk Horn") (see Note 8) to prepay its $35 million variable-
     rate term loan due June 7, 1997.  On August 18 and 19, 1994,
     Tredegar established two new revolving credit facilities that
     permit it to borrow up to $235 million (no amounts borrowed
     at September 30, 1994) with $200 million maturing on August
     18, 1998 and $35 million maturing on August 19, 1999.  In
     connection with these new agreements, Tredegar terminated its
     $180 million facility that was due June 16, 1996 (no amounts
     borrowed).  The new agreements provide for interest to be
     charged at a base rate (generally the London Interbank Offered
     Rate) plus a spread that is dependent on Tredegar's quarterly
     debt-to-total-capitalization ratio.  Facility fees are also
     charged on the $235 million commitment amount.  The weighted
     average spreads and facility fees charged under the new
     agreements at various debt-to-total-capitalization levels are
     as follows:

                                          (Basis Points)       
                                     Spread        Facility Fee
        Debt to Total
     Capitalization Ratio
     Less than or equal to 35%          31.1            19.7   
     Greater than 35% and less
          than or equal to 50%          39.6            23.6   
     Greater than 50%                   49.3            26.5   

     Tredegar's remaining debt outstanding of $35.5 million at
     September 30, 1994, consists primarily of a $35 million, 7.2%
     note due June 16, 2003 (average remaining maturity of 5.75
     years at September 30, 1994).

5.   At its meeting on August 29, 1994, Tredegar's Board of
     Directors authorized a "Dutch Auction" tender offer for up to
     one million shares of the company's common stock at a price
     range of $17 to $19 per share.  The offer expired on October
     6, 1994.  More than one million shares were tendered and
     Tredegar purchased 1,211,857 shares of stock, the maximum
     permitted without requiring an extension of the offer.  The
     purchase price was $18.25 per share.  As a result of the
     oversubscription, the number of shares actually purchased from
     each tendering shareholder (other than odd lot shareholders)
     was prorated using a factor of 98.057%.  The total cost to
     purchase the tendered shares was approximately $22.5 million. 
     Between October 28 and November 2, 1994, Tredegar purchased
     388,174 additional shares of its common stock in the open
     market and in privately negotiated transactions for
     approximately $7.1 million.  These purchases of Tredegar's
     common stock, together with the tender offer, totalled
     approximately $29.6 million and were funded with a portion of
     the proceeds received from the divestiture of Elk Horn (see
     Note 8).

     As of November 2, 1994, Tredegar had 8,992,258 shares of
     common stock outstanding.  Under a standing authorization from
     its board of directors, Tredegar may purchase an additional
     1.4 million shares in the open market or in privately
     negotiated transactions at prices management deems

     During 1994 and prior to the tender offer, Tredegar purchased
     309,600 shares of its common stock in the open market for $4.4
     million.  In the first quarter of 1994, Tredegar granted stock
     options to purchase 381,000 shares of Tredegar common stock
     at prices not less than the fair market value on the date of
     grant ($15.125) and for a term not to exceed 10 years.

6.   Unusual items in 1994 include the write-off of certain Molded
     Products goodwill ($4.9 million) and costs related to the
     closing of a Molded Products plant ($2.1 million) in the third
     quarter.  The goodwill write-off is attributable to continued
     disappointing performance in certain lines of business.  The

     plant closing relates to a planned transfer of business to a
     new Molded Products facility in Graham, North Carolina, as
     well as other Molded Products facilities in an effort to
     reduce costs while improving service to customers in the
     eastern U.S.  In addition to the above, unusual items for the
     nine months in 1994 include the write-off in the first quarter
     of goodwill and other intangibles in APPX Software ($9.5
     million).  This write-off is the result of management's
     determination that income generated by the acquired products,
     which historically had been marketed to small and medium-sized
     companies, will not be sufficient to recover the unamortized
     costs associated with the intangible software assets purchased
     by Tredegar in December 1992.  The goodwill and other
     intangibles written off in APPX Software and Molded Products
     were being amortized over a remaining period of 5 to 8 years
     at an annual rate of approximately $1.9 million after income
     taxes.  Unusual items in 1993 include gains on the sale of
     Emisphere Technologies, Inc. common stock ($2.3 million).

7.   Net income and earnings per share from continuing operations,
     adjusted for special items affecting the comparability of
     operating results, are presented below:

                              (In thousands, except per-share amounts)
                                    Third Quarter       Nine Months   
                                 Ended September 30 Ended September 30
                                    1994     1993       1994    1993  
         Net income (loss) from
           continuing operations   $ (278)  $1,145   $(2,297)  $3,529 
         After-tax effects of
           special items:
           Write-off of APPX
             Software intangibles       -        -     7,642        - 
           Write-off of certain
             Molded Products goodwill3,109       -     3,109        - 
           Charges associated with
             the shutdown of a Molded
             Products plant         1,300        -     1,300        - 
           Impact on deferred taxes
             of 1% increase in federal
             income tax rate            -      348         -      348 
           Gain on sale of Emisphere     -       -         -   (1,410)
         Income from continuing
           operations as adjusted
           for special items       $4,131   $1,493    $9,754   $2,467 
         Earnings (loss) per share
           from continuing operations:
           As reported             $ (.02)  $  .10  $   (.21)  $  .32 
           As adjusted for
             special items            .39      .13       .91      .22 

8.   Tredegar is reporting its Energy segment as discontinued
     operations.  On August 16, 1994, Elk Horn, Tredegar's 97%-
     owned coal subsidiary, was acquired by Pen Holdings, Inc., for
     an aggregate consideration of approximately $71 million ($67.5
     million after minority interests and transaction costs). 
     Tredegar realized an after-tax gain on the transaction of
     $25.7 million.  In the first quarter of 1994, Tredegar

     recognized an income tax benefit of $3.3 million on the
     difference between the financial reporting and income tax
     basis of Elk Horn.  In February 1994, Tredegar sold its
     remaining oil and gas properties for approximately $8 million
     and recognized an after-tax gain of $3.9 million.  The
     divestiture of Elk Horn completes Tredegar's exit from its
     energy businesses.

     In accordance with applicable accounting pronouncements, a
     $6.2 million charge ($4 million after deferred income tax
     benefits) was recognized as a reduction to the gain on the
     disposal of Elk Horn for the estimated present value of the
     unfunded obligation under the Coal Industry Retiree Health
     Benefit Act of 1992 (the "Act") assumed by Tredegar in the
     divestiture transaction.  Under the Act, assigned operators
     (former employers) are responsible for a portion of the
     funding of medical and death benefits of certain retired
     miners and dependents of the United Mine Workers of America. 
     The $6.2 million unfunded obligation is reflected in
     Tredegar's consolidated balance sheet in other noncurrent
     liabilities.  The interest cost at an annual rate of 7% on the
     present value of the unfunded obligation since the Elk Horn
     divestiture is reflected in other (expense) income, net.

     Results of Energy segment operations up to the dates of
     disposal are summarized below:

                                            (In thousands)   
                                  Third Quarter        Nine Months   
                               Ended September 30  Ended September 30
                                  1994     1993        1994    1993  
        Revenues                 $3,714   $8,281     $19,868 $24,212 
        Costs and expenses:
          Operating costs and
            expenses              2,346    6,167      13,229  17,186 
          Interest allocated         68      155         337     489 
          Unusual items               -        -           -  (1,424)
            Total                 2,414    6,322      13,566  16,251 
        Income before income taxes1,300    1,959       6,302   7,961 
        Income taxes                287      797       2,082   2,804 
        Income from Energy segment
          operations             $1,013   $1,162     $ 4,220 $ 5,157 

     Unusual items for 1993 include gains totalling $1.4 million
     ($938,000 after income taxes) for the sale of certain oil and
     gas properties.  Also included in the third quarter and nine
     months results is a charge of $177,000 related to the
     adjustment of deferred income taxes for a 1% increase in the
     federal income tax rate.

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
          Condition and Results of Operations

     On August 16, 1994, Tredegar completed the divestiture of The
Elk Horn Coal Corporation ("Elk Horn") for $71 million and
recognized an after-tax gain of $25.7 million.  In February 1994,
Tredegar sold its remaining oil and gas properties for
approximately $8 million and recognized an after-tax gain of $3.9
million.  See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" for discussion of
the cash flow effects of these transactions.  The Elk Horn
divestiture completes Tredegar's exit from its energy businesses. 
The Energy segment is being reported as discontinued operations.

                      Results of Operations

       Third Quarter 1994 Compared with Third Quarter 1993

     The loss from continuing operations for the third quarter of
1994 was $278,000, compared with income of $1.1 million in 1993. 
Special items recognized in the third quarter of 1994 affecting the
comparability of results from continuing operations include after-
tax charges of $3.1 million for the write-off of certain Molded
Products goodwill and $1.3 million for the shutdown of the Molded
Products plant in Alsip, Illinois.  The goodwill write-off resulted
from continued disappointing results in certain Molded Products
lines of business.  The plant closing relates to a planned transfer
of business to a new Molded Products facility in Graham, North
Carolina, as well as other Molded Products facilities in an effort
to reduce costs while improving service to customers in the eastern
U.S.  Income from continuing operations for the third quarter of
1993 includes a special charge of $348,000 related to the
adjustment of deferred income tax balances for the one percent
increase in the federal income tax rate.

     Third quarter net income from continuing operations excluding
special items was $4.1 million, an increase of 177% over $1.4
million in 1993.  The improvement in income from continuing
operations is due primarily to improved operating results in Film
Products and Aluminum Extrusions.

     Third quarter net sales from continuing operations increased
16% in 1994 due primarily to higher volume in Film Products and
Aluminum Extrusions and the inclusion of Polestar Plastics, Inc.
("Polestar") for the entire third quarter in 1994.  Tredegar
acquired the assets of Polestar effective August 1, 1993.

     The gross profit margin from continuing operations increased
to 16.4% in 1994 from 15.9% in 1993.  The improvement in gross
profit margin was due to higher volumes in Film Products and
Aluminum Extrusions.

     Selling, general and administrative expenses increased only
slightly compared with 1993.

     Research and development expenses decreased 12% due to lower
spending in Film Products and APPX Software ("APPX Software"),
partially offset by higher spending in Molecumetics.

     Interest expense for continuing operations decreased 23% as a
result of significantly lower average debt levels, partially offset
by higher average interest rates.  The average interest rate on
debt outstanding during the third quarter of 1994 was 6.6%,
compared with 5.3% in 1993.  Interest expense of $68,000 and
$155,000 was allocated to discontinued operations in the third
quarter of 1994 and 1993, respectively, based on relative capital

     The effective tax rate for continuing operations, excluding
special items, decreased to 37.7% in the third quarter of 1994 from
46.1% in the third quarter of 1993.  The higher rate in 1993 was
due to the combined effects of non-deductible goodwill amortization
and relatively low income.  In addition, a significant portion of
goodwill amortization was eliminated with the write-off of APPX
Software intangibles in the first quarter of 1994.

         Nine Months 1994 Compared with Nine Months 1993

     The loss from continuing operations for the first nine months
of 1994 was $2.3 million, compared with income of $3.5 million in
1993.  Special items recognized in the first nine months of 1994
affecting the comparability of results from continuing operations
include:  (i) after-tax charges of $3.1 million for the write-off
of certain Molded Products goodwill and $1.3 million for the
planned shutdown of a Molded Products plant in the third quarter,
and (ii) an after-tax charge of $7.6 million for the write-off of
goodwill and other intangibles in APPX Software in the first
quarter.  The goodwill and other intangibles written off in APPX
Software and Molded Products were being amortized over a remaining
period of 5 to 8 years at an annual rate of approximately $1.9
million after income taxes.

     The write-off in APPX Software is the result of management's
determination that income generated by the acquired products, which
historically had been marketed to small and medium-sized companies,
will not be sufficient to recover the unamortized costs associated
with the intangible software assets purchased by Tredegar in
December 1992.

     Special items recognized in the first nine months of 1993
affecting the comparability of results from continuing operations
include an after-tax gain of $1.4 million on the sale of Emisphere
common stock and a charge of $348,000 related to the adjustment of
deferred income tax balances for the one percent increase in the
federal income tax rate.

     Net income from continuing operations excluding special items
for the first nine months was $9.8 million in 1994, up 295% from

$2.5 million in 1993.  The increase is due primarily to higher
volumes in Film Products and Aluminum Extrusions.

     Net sales from continuing operations for the first nine months
increased 13% in 1994 due primarily to higher Film Products and
Aluminum Extrusions volume, and the inclusion of Polestar Plastics
in 1994.

     The gross profit margin from continuing operations increased
to 16.1% in 1994 compared with 15.6% in 1993 as a result of the
higher volume.

     Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased 3% in
1994 due to cost-reduction efforts.

     Research and development expenses decreased 11% due to lower
spending in Film Products, partially offset by higher spending in
Molecumetics and higher software development costs at APPX

     Interest expense for continuing operations decreased 13% due
to lower average debt levels, partially offset by higher average
interest rates.  The average interest rate on debt outstanding
during the nine months was 6% in 1994 compared with 5.6% in 1993. 
Interest expense of $337,000 and $489,000 was allocated to
discontinued operations in 1994 and 1993, respectively, based on
average capital employed.

     The effective tax rate for continuing operations, excluding
special items, decreased to 38.5% for the first nine months of 1994
from 46.7% for the first nine months of 1993.  The higher rate in
1993 was due to the combined effects of non-deductible goodwill
amortization and relatively low income.

                         Segment Results

     The following tables present Tredegar's net sales and
operating profit by industry segment for the third quarter and nine
months ended September 30, 1994 and 1993.

                Net Sales by Industry Segment(a)
                         (In thousands)

                             Third Quarter        Nine Months   
                          Ended September 30  Ended September 30
                             1994     1993       1994     1993  
Plastics                   $ 72,075 $ 64,164   $208,176 $189,801
Metal Products               59,278   48,925    166,166  141,176
Technology                      838      833      1,756    2,185
   Total                   $132,191 $113,922   $376,098 $333,162

             Operating Profit by Industry Segment(a)
                         (In thousands)

                             Third Quarter        Nine Months   
                          Ended September 30  Ended September 30
                             1994     1993       1994     1993  
  Ongoing operations       $ 8,570  $ 5,751   $ 25,336  $14,792 
  Unusual items (b)         (6,973)       -     (6,973)       - 
                             1,597    5,751     18,363   14,792 
Metal Products               3,100    2,450      7,907    6,773 
  Ongoing operations        (1,779)  (2,380)    (6,604)  (6,979)
  Unusual items (c)              -        -     (9,521)   2,263 
     Total Technology       (1,779)  (2,380)   (16,125)  (4,716)
        Total              $ 2,918  $ 5,821   $ 10,145  $16,849 

(a)  Amounts previously reported for 1993 have been reclassified to conform to
     the 1994 presentation.
(b)  Plastics segment unusual items consist of the write-off of certain Molded
     Products goodwill ($4.9 million) and costs related to the closing of a
     Molded Products plant ($2.1 million).
(c)  Technology segment unusual items consist of the write-off in the first
     quarter of goodwill and intangibles in APPX Software in 1994 and gains on
     the sale of Emisphere common stock in 1993.

     Tredegar Film Products third quarter sales improved over 1993
due to higher volume and higher average prices.  For the nine
months, sales increased over 1993 due primarily to significantly
higher volume.  Operating profit also improved due to cost
reduction efforts and higher volume.  Average raw material costs
were higher in the third quarter, but were virtually flat for the
nine month period.

     Tredegar Molded Products third quarter sales increased over
1993 due to the inclusion of Polestar and higher volume in the
packaging and industrial segments.  For the nine months, sales
improvement was due primarily to the inclusion of Polestar.  Third
quarter results include a pre-tax charge of $4.9 million for the
write-off of goodwill associated with continued disappointing
results in certain lines of Molded Products' business.  Third
quarter results also include a pre-tax charge of $2.1 million
related to the planned shutdown of a Molded Products plant in
Alsip, Illinois.  The plant closing relates to a planned transfer
of business to a new Molded Products facility in Graham, North
Carolina, as well as other Molded Products facilities in an effort
to reduce costs while improving service to customers in the eastern
U.S.  Excluding special items, operating results were favorable
compared with 1993 due to the inclusion of Polestar.

     Quarterly and year-to-date results in Fiberlux (extrusions for
vinyl windows and doors) improved over last year due to improved
building and construction markets.

     Metal Products sales and operating profit increased for the
third quarter and nine months of 1994 due to higher Aluminum
Extrusions volume and higher sales prices.  Volume increased as a
result of better economic conditions in construction and automotive
markets.  Prices, as well as raw material costs, have steadily
increased during 1994.  Results in materials handling declined for
the quarter and year-to-date periods.

     Tredegar's Technology segment (formerly the Other segment)
generated operating losses of $1.8 million in the third quarter of
1994.  Operating results in the Technology segment relate primarily
to APPX Software and Molecumetics, Tredegar's synthetic chemistry
research facility.  Excluding the pre-tax charge of $9.5 million
for the first quarter write-off of goodwill and other intangibles
in APPX Software, operating losses for the nine months totalled
$6.6 million.  For the third quarter and nine months in 1993, the
Technology segment had operating losses of $2.4 million and $4.7
million, respectively.  Excluding the pre-tax gains on the sale of
Emisphere common stock ($2.3 million), operating losses for the
nine months in 1993 were $7 million.

                 Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Tredegar's total assets at September 30, 1994, were $336.8
million, a decrease of $16.6 million from December 31, 1993.  The
decrease is primarily attributable to the write-offs of goodwill
and other intangibles in APPX Software and Molded Products and the
use of proceeds from divestitures to repay debt and purchase
Tredegar common stock (see Notes 4 and 5 of Notes to the
Consolidated Interim Financial Statements).  In addition,
depreciation exceeded capital expenditures by approximately $5.9
million for continuing operations.  The ratio of current assets to
current liabilities was 1.8 to 1 at September 30, 1994.  Accounts
receivable have increased as sales volumes continue to improve. 
Inventories declined as a result of the shutdown and sale of the
Flemington, New Jersey, Film Products plant and temporary declines
in inventory levels at Aluminum Extrusions to satisfy higher sales
activity.  Higher accounts payable reflect higher aluminum ingot
costs not fully reflected in inventories as a result of the LIFO
pricing method.  Income taxes payable increased due to the timing
of estimated tax payments.

     Other noncurrent liabilities increased as a result of a $6.2
million charge ($4 million after deferred income tax benefits)
recognized for the present value of the unfunded obligation under
the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992 (the "Act")
assumed by Tredegar in the divestiture of Elk Horn.  This charge
was reflected as a reduction to the gain on the disposal.  The net
deferred income tax liability declined as a result of higher
depreciation for financial reporting purposes than tax purposes,
the reversal of deferred tax liabilities associated with the write-
off of intangibles and the deferred tax benefit related to the
unfunded obligation under the Act.

     For the first nine months of 1994, the net increase in cash
and cash equivalents was $32.9 million.  The major sources of cash
during the first nine months for 1994 were the sale of Elk Horn
($67.5 million after minority interests and transaction costs),
continuing operating activities in excess of capital expenditures
and dividends ($17 million), discontinued operating activities in
excess of capital expenditures ($5.6 million, including $8 million
from the liquidation of coal trading working capital and income
taxes paid on divestiture gains), proceeds from the sale of
Tredegar's remaining oil and gas properties ($8 million) and
property disposals ($2.2 million).  Property disposals relate
primarily to facilities previously shut down.  For the first nine
months, cash was used primarily to repay debt ($61.5 million) and
purchase Tredegar common stock ($4.4 million).  On various dates
from October 1 to November 2, 1994, Tredegar used $29.6 million to
purchase additional shares of its common stock (see Note 5 of Notes
to the Consolidated Interim Financial Statements).

     Debt was $35.5 million at September 30, 1994, a decrease of
$61.5 million since December 31, 1993.  Cash and cash equivalents

was $32.9 million at September 30, 1994, of which $29.6 million was
used on various dates from October 1 to November 2, 1994, to
purchase Tredegar common stock.  Debt as a percentage of
capitalization was 15% and 36% at September 30, 1994 and December
31, 1993, respectively.  The average interest rate on debt
outstanding at September 30, 1994, was 7.2%, compared with 5.3% at
the end of last year.  The higher rate reflects proportionally
higher fixed-rate debt.


Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

     (a)  Exhibit No.

          4.1  Revolving Credit Facility Agreement dated as of
               August 18, 1994 among Tredegar Industries, Inc.,
               the banks named therein, Chemical Bank as
               Administrative Agent and NationsBank of Virginia,
               N.A., as Co-Agent.

          4.2  Credit Agreement dated as of August 19, 1994 among
               Tredegar Industries, Inc., the banks named therein,
               and LTCB Trust Company, as Agent.

          11   Statement re computation of earnings per share

          27   Financial Data Schedule

     (b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

          On August 31, 1994, Tredegar filed a current report on
          Form 8-K for the disposition of its interest in The Elk
          Horn Coal Corporation ("Elk Horn") and the announced
          self-tender offer to purchase one million shares of its
          common stock.  Included in the Form 8-K was pro forma
          financial information reflecting the Elk Horn


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              Tredegar Industries, Inc.

Date: November 11, 1994        /s/ N. A. Scher                
                              Norman A. Scher
                              Executive Vice President,
                              Treasurer and Chief Financial      
                              Officer (Principal Financial

Date: November 11, 1994        /s/ D. Andrew Edwards          
                              D. Andrew Edwards
                              Corporate Controller
                              (Principal Accounting Officer)

                          EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.              Description

     4.1                 Revolving Credit Facility Agreement dated
                         as of August 18, 1994 among Tredegar
                         Industries, Inc., the banks named
                         therein, Chemical Bank as Administrative
                         Agent and NationsBank of Virginia, N.A.,
                         as Co-Agent.

     4.2                 Credit Agreement dated as of August 19,
                         1994 among Tredegar Industries, Inc., the
                         banks named therein, and LTCB Trust
                         Company, as Agent.       

     11                  Statement re computation of earnings per

     27                  Financial Data Schedule