
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1


                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): May 17, 1999

                              Tredegar Corporation
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

          Virginia                        1-10258                54-1497771
(State or Other Jurisdiction           (Commission             (IRS Employer
        of Incorporation)               File Number)         Identification No.)

1100 Boulders Parkway Richmond, Virginia                                 23225
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:    (804)-330-1000


Item 2.           Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

         This Amendment No. 1 to the Form 8-K dated May 25, 1999, is being filed
by Tredegar  Corporation  ("Tredegar") to provide required financial  statements
and pro forma financial information related to its acquisition of Exxon Chemical
Company's  plastic  films  business  ("Exxon  Films")  on  May  17,  1999.  This
acquisition  was structured as an asset  purchase.  This amendment also includes
selected pro forma  financial  information on the effects of other  acquisitions
made by Tredegar  from the  beginning of 1998 through the  acquisition  of Exxon

         Information    provided   in   this   Form   8-K   amendment   includes
forward-looking   statements  based  on  Tredegar's  beliefs,   assumptions  and
currently  available  information.  Due to  potential  changes  in a variety  of
business and economic  conditions,  actual  results may differ  materially  from
those anticipated in forward-looking statements.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(a)      Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

         Report of independent accountants                                                   3
         Statements of income for the:                                                       4
                 Three  months  ended  March 31,  1999 and 1998  (unaudited)  12
                 months ended March 31, 1999  (unaudited)  Years ended  December
                 31, 1998 and 1997
         Statements of net assets as of:                                                     5
                 March 31, 1999 (unaudited)
                 December 31, 1998 and 1997
         Statements of cash flows for the:                                                   6
                 Three  months  ended  March 31,  1999 and 1998  (unaudited)  12
                 months ended March 31, 1999  (unaudited)  Years ended  December
                 31, 1998 and 1997
         Notes to financial statements (quarterly data and 12 months ended March 31,      7-11
         1999, information unaudited)


(b)      Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information for Tredegar.

         Introduction to pro forma financial information                                   12-13
         Pro forma  consolidated  statements  of income for the  acquisition  of
         Exxon Films for the:
                 Three months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998                                14-15
                 12 months ended March 31, 1999                                              16
                 Year ended December 31, 1998                                                17
         Pro forma consolidated balance sheet for the acquisition of Exxon Films as of       18
         March 31, 1999
         Other selected pro forma financial information for acquisitions made by
         19-22 Tredegar from the beginning of 1998 through May 17, 1999
         Notes to pro forma financial information                                          23-25

(c)      Exhibits.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To the Board of Directors of Tredegar Corporation:

         In our  opinion,  the  accompanying  statements  of net  assets and the
related  statements  of income and cash flows  present  fairly,  in all material
respects, the financial position of the films business of Exxon Chemical Company
("Exxon Films"), a division of Exxon Corporation, at December 31, 1998 and 1997,
and the results of its  operations  and its cash flows for each of the two years
in the period ended  December 31, 1998, in conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles.  These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of
Exxon Films'  management;  our  responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We  conducted  our audits of these
statements  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether the financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Richmond, Virginia
March 4, 1999


                  The Films Business of Exxon Chemical Company
                              Statements of Income
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                   Three Months          12 Months
                                                  Ended March 31           Ended             Years Ended
                                                   (Unaudited)            March 31,           December 31
                                               --------------------         1999          -------------------
                                                 1999      1998          (Unaudited)        1998      1997
                                               -------- -----------      -----------      --------- ---------

Net sales                                      $ 30,345   $ 25,156       $ 114,327        $ 109,138 $ 107,511

Costs and expenses:
    Cost of goods sold                          21,700      19,550          84,842          82,692    85,535
    Selling, general and administrative          1,702       1,674           7,092           7,064     6,859
    Research and development                       567         484           2,010           1,927     1,905
    Loss on property disposals                       -           -               -               -     2,644
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
       Total                                    23,969      21,708          93,944          91,683    96,943
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Income before income taxes                       6,376       3,448          20,383          17,455    10,568
Income taxes                                     2,385       1,290           7,623           6,528     3,952
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Net income                                     $ 3,991     $ 2,158        $ 12,760        $ 10,927   $ 6,616
                                               ======== ===========    ============       ========= =========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                  The Films Business of Exxon Chemical Company
                            Statements of Net Assets
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                         March 31,
                                                           1999               December 31,
                                                         (Unaudited)      1998              1997
                                                        ------------   ------------       ---------
Current assets:
    Accounts and notes receivable                         $ 12,620        $ 11,890         $ 9,820
    Inventories                                              9,709           8,804           5,171
    Prepaid expenses and other                                 230             490             970
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
       Total current assets                                 22,559          21,184          15,961
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
Property, plant and equipment, at cost                     100,015          99,527          98,940
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization              35,774          34,891          33,144
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
       Net property, plant and equipment                    64,241          64,636          65,796
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
       Total assets                                         86,800          85,820          81,757
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
Current liabilities:
    Accounts payable                                         2,370           2,190             890
    Accrued expenses:
       Vacation                                                976           1,122           1,196
       Other                                                   220             170             210
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
       Total current liabilities                             3,566           3,482           2,296
Deferred income taxes                                       18,489          19,139          17,543
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
       Total liabilities                                    22,055          22,621          19,839
                                                        -----------    ------------       ---------
Net assets                                                $ 64,745        $ 63,199        $ 61,918
                                                        ===========    ============       =========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                  The Films Business of Exxon Chemical Company
                            Statements of Cash Flows
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                   Three Months           12 Months
                                                  Ended March 31           Ended             Years Ended
                                                   (Unaudited)            March 31,          December 31
                                               --------------------         1999          -------------------
                                                 1999      1998          (Unaudited)        1998      1997
                                               -------- -----------    ---------------    --------- ---------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income                                 $ 3,991     $ 2,158        $ 12,760        $ 10,927   $ 6,616
    Adjustments for noncash items:
       Depreciation                              1,158       1,142           4,603           4,587     4,634
       Deferred income taxes                      (650)        (77)          1,023           1,596      (211)
       Loss on property disposals                    -           -               -               -     2,644
    Changes in assets and liabilities:
       Accounts and notes receivable              (730)     (1,440)         (1,360)         (2,070)    3,200
       Inventories                                (905)     (2,909)         (1,629)         (3,633)     (955)
       Prepaid expenses and other                  260         800             (60)            480       930
       Accounts payable                            180         820             660           1,300       530
       Accrued expenses                            (96)         30            (240)           (114)       92
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
       Net cash provided by operating
         activities                              3,208         524          15,757          13,073    17,480
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Cash flows from investing activities:
    Capital expenditures                          (760)     (1,289)         (2,774)         (3,303)   (3,141)
    Proceeds from property disposals                 -           -              18              18       446
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
       Net cash used in investing
         activities                               (760)     (1,289)         (2,756)         (3,285)   (2,695)
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Net (distributions to) contributions
       from Exxon Chemical Company              (2,448)        765         (13,001)         (9,788)  (14,785)
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
       Net cash (used in) provided by
         financing activities                   (2,448)        765         (13,001)         (9,788)  (14,785)
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Increase (decrease) in cash                          -           -               -               -         -
Cash at beginning of period                          -           -               -               -         -
                                               -------- -----------    ------------       --------- ---------
Cash at end of period                          $     -  $        -     $         -        $      -  $      -
                                               ======== ===========    ============       ========= =========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The  Films  Business  of Exxon Chemical Company, a Division of Exxon Corporation
(Quarterly   Data,  12 Months  Ended March  31  1999,  Information  and  Note  6
Unaudited) (In Thousands)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Organization  and Nature of  Operations.  The films  business of Exxon  Chemical
Company ("Exxon Films"), a division of Exxon Corporation,  manufactures  plastic
films  primarily  used in consumer  disposables,  paper  products  packaging and
medical  applications.  The  business  has two plants  located  in Lake  Zurich,
Illinois  and  Pottsville,   Pennsylvania.   Tredegar  Corporation  ("Tredegar")
acquired the business on May 17, 1999 (see pages 12-25 for more information).

Basis of Presentation and  Transactions  with Exxon  Corporation.  The financial
statements  include the accounts  and  operations  of Exxon Films.  Intercompany
accounts and transactions within Exxon Films have been eliminated.

         Exxon Films engaged in various  transactions with Exxon Corporation and
its  affiliates  that are  characteristic  of a group of companies  under common
control.  Exxon Films has no separate capital  structure of its own and utilized
Exxon Corporation's centralized treasury system, pursuant to which substantially
all  disbursements,  including capital  expenditures,  payroll and other expense
items, were funded by Exxon Corporation. Transactions with Exxon Corporation and
its affiliates were deemed settled  immediately and there were no amounts due to
or from Exxon  Corporation  and its  affiliates  at the end of any  period.  The
financial  statements include allocations of general corporate expenses incurred
by Exxon Corporation on behalf of Exxon Films. However, these allocations do not
necessarily  represent the level of expenses Exxon Films would have incurred had
it operated on a stand-alone basis.

         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues,  expenses,  assets and
liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements.  Actual results could differ from those estimates. The
results  of  operations  for the three  months  ended  March 31,  1999,  are not
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year (see Note

         The  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board has issued a new  standard
affecting the accounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities. This
standard is not expected to significantly  change operating  results,  financial
condition or disclosures.
The new standard will be adopted in the first quarter of 2001.

Revenue Recognition.  Revenue from the sale of products is recognized when title
and risk of loss have transferred to the buyer,  which is generally when product
is shipped.


Inventories.  Inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or market,  with cost
determined on the last-in,  first-out  ("LIFO") basis for all inventories except
stores and supplies.  The cost of stores and supplies  inventories is determined
on  the  first-in,   first-out   ("FIFO")  basis.   Cost  elements  included  in
work-in-process  and finished goods inventories are raw materials,  direct labor
and manufacturing overhead.

Property,  Plant and Equipment.  Accounts include costs of assets constructed or
purchased,  related  delivery and  installation  costs and interest  incurred on
significant capital projects during their construction periods. Expenditures for
renewals and betterments also are capitalized,  but expenditures for repairs and
maintenance are expensed as incurred.

         Depreciation is computed primarily by the straight-line method based on
the estimated useful lives of the assets as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 March 31,
                                                   1999     Depreciation Period
Property, plant and equipment, at cost:
     Land                                              $ 63
     Buildings and improvements                      12,456     30 years
     Machinery and equipment                         84,749     16 - 20 years
     Furniture and fixtures                             775     16 years
     Computers                                        1,791     5 - 7 years
     Vehicles                                           181     5 - 8 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                          100,015
Accumulated depreciation                             35,774
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net property, plant and equipment                  $ 64,241
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets.  For assets to be held and used in operations,
if events  indicate  that an asset may be  impaired,  management  estimates  the
future unlevered cash flows expected to result from the use of the asset and its
eventual  disposition.  Assets are grouped for this  purpose at the lowest level
for which there are identifiable and independent cash flows. If the sum of these
undiscounted  cash  flows is less  than the  carrying  amount of the  asset,  an
impairment  loss is recognized.  Measurement of the impairment  loss is based on
the estimated fair value of the asset.

         Assets to be  disposed of are  reported at the lower of their  carrying
amount or  estimated  fair  value  less cost to sell,  with an  impairment  loss
recognized for any write-downs required.

Employee Benefit Plans.  Eligible salaried employees of Exxon Films participated
in the  benefit  plans of Exxon  Corporation,  including  its  health and dental
assistance  program,  defined  benefit  pension plan,  savings plan with company
match,  disability  plan and life  insurance  plan.  Eligible  hourly  employees
participated in separate plans covering  similar  benefits.  The estimated costs
for these  employee  benefit  programs  have been  allocated  to Exxon Films and
included in the statements of income.


Income  Taxes.  Exxon  Films is  included  in Exxon  Corporation's  consolidated
federal  income  tax  return.  Income  tax  expense  for  Exxon  Films  has been
calculated  and  recognized on a separate  return basis.  Deferred  income taxes
arise from  temporary  differences  between  financial  reporting and income tax
reporting  of various  items,  principally  depreciation,  inventories,  accrued
vacation and allowance for doubtful accounts.

Earnings Per Share.  Earnings per share  is not  applicable to Exxon Films since
it has no capital structure of its own.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         A significant  portion of Exxon Film's sales are concentrated with four
customers ranked as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                         1998                       1997
                 ------------------------   ------------------------
                                % of                       % of
                    Sales       Total          Sales       Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Customer rank:
 1                  $ 15,719        14.4 %     $ 15,003        14.0 %
 2                    14,011        12.8         12,443        11.6
 3                    13,755        12.6          4,734         4.4
 4                    12,117        11.1         17,010        15.8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total          $ 55,602        50.9 %     $ 49,190        45.8 %
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

         Plastic film supplied to customers  ranked 1 and 2 were  converted into
materials used in products  manufactured  by the third  customer,  The Procter &
Gamble Company (P&G),  Tredegar's largest customer.  Management performs ongoing
evaluations  of customers and generally  does not require  collateral  for trade
receivables.  Accounts and notes  receivable  include an allowance  for doubtful
accounts  of $280 at March  31,  1999,  $280 at  December  31,  1998 and $180 at
December 31, 1997.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Inventories consist of the following:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           March 31,         December 31,
                                             1999        1998        1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished goods                                $ 2,312    $ 1,750        $ 876
Raw materials and work-in process               5,219      4,866        2,167
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total finished goods, raw materials and
     work-in process inventories stated
     at LIFO value                              7,531      6,616        3,043
Stores and supplies stated at FIFO value        2,178      2,188        2,128
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                    $ 9,709    $ 8,804      $ 5,171
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Inventories  stated  on a LIFO  basis are  below  replacement  costs by
approximately  $5,100 at March 31, 1999,  $4,600 at December 31, 1998 and $4,900
at December 31, 1997.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Income before income taxes and income taxes are as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Three Months                                    Years Ended
                                        Ended March 31,             12 Mos.              December 31,
                                    -----------------------          Ended          ---------------------
                                      1999         1998             3/31/99          1998         1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes           $ 6,376     $ 3,448          $ 20,383         $ 17,455     $ 10,568
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current income taxes:
     Federal                         $ 2,815     $ 1,268             6,121          $ 4,574      $ 3,860
     State                               220          99               479              358          303
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                             3,035       1,367             6,600            4,932        4,163
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred income taxes:
     Federal                            (603)        (72)              949            1,480         (195)
     State                               (47)         (5)               74              116          (16)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                              (650)        (77)            1,023            1,596         (211)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total income taxes              $ 2,385     $ 1,290           $ 7,623          $ 6,528      $ 3,952
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  effective  income tax rate for each  period of 37.4% is  comprised
principally of the federal income tax rate of 35% and a state income tax rate of
2.7% (net of federal benefit).

         Deferred  income  taxes  result  from  temporary   differences  between
financial  and  income  tax  reporting  of  various  items.  The source of these
differences and the tax effects are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                           Three Months                                 Years Ended
                                          Ended March 31,        12 Mos                 December 31,
                                          ----------------        Ended         ------------------------
                                           1999     1998         3/31/99          1998            1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Depreciation                              $ (113)    $ 40           $ 531         $ 684        $ (1,215)
Inventories                                 (592)     (79)            408           921           1,039
Accrued vacation                              55        -              84            29             (35)
Allowance for doubtful accounts                -      (38)              -           (38)              -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                $ (650)   $ (77)        $ 1,023       $ 1,596          $ (211)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Deferred tax assets and  liabilities at March 31, 1999 and December 31,
1998 and 1997, are as follows:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Loss on property disposals in 1997 of $2,644 relates principally to the
sale  of  a  plastic  films  plant  in  Wentzville,   Missouri,   following  the
consolidation of a portion of its business into the Pottsville plant.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Operating  profit (income before income taxes)  increased to $6,376,  a
record  level,  in the first quarter of 1999 from $3,448 in the first quarter of
1998,  due primarily to higher volume of breathable  diaper  backsheet  film and
packaging film supplied to P&G, and lower costs.

         Operating  profit increased to $17,455 in 1998 from $10,568 in 1997 due
mainly to:

o    The loss on property disposals recognized in 1997 (see Note 5)
o    Savings  from the  consolidation of business from the Wentzville plant into
     the Pottsville plant (see Note 5)
o    The commercialization  and  ramp-up  of  breathable  diaper  backsheet film
     supplied to P&G


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tredegar Corporation (In Thousands)

         Set forth below is certain pro forma consolidated financial information
for  Tredegar's  acquisition  of Exxon  Films,  and  other  selected  pro  forma
financial  information for  acquisitions  made by Tredegar from the beginning of
1998 through the acquisition of Exxon Films. Historical financial information on
Tredegar  was  excerpted  or  derived  from  the  audited  financial  statements
contained  in our 1998 Annual  Report on Form 10-K and the  unaudited  financial
statements  contained in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the first quarter
of 1999.  The  historical  information  below is  qualified  in its  entirety by
reference to such reports.

         On May 17, 1999,  Tredegar  acquired the assets of Exxon Films for cash
consideration  of $203,693  (including  estimated  transaction  costs of $3,693)
using borrowed funds. During the 12 months ended March 31, 1999, Exxon Films had
pro forma revenues of $110,999 and generated pro forma EBITDA  (earnings  before
interest,   taxes,   depreciation  and  amortization  and  excluding   potential
synergies) of $24,618.  The  asset-purchase  structure,  unlike a stock-purchase
transaction,  allows  Tredegar to deduct over time the full value of depreciable
fixed assets and intangibles (goodwill).  We estimate the present value of these
tax benefits to be worth $28,000 based on the following assumptions:

o     A step-up in the basis of  depreciable  property,  plant and equipment and
      intangibles  of  $119,132,  which we estimate  will be  amortized  for tax
      purposes  over 15 years at $7,942  per year  (estimated  tax  benefits  of
      $2,994 per year  assuming a combined  federal and state income tax rate of
o     A discount rate of 6.65%,  our estimated  current average cost of debt and
      the rate we believe  reflects the low risk that future taxable income will
      not be sufficient for the ultimate realization of these benefits

         The pro forma  consolidated  statements  of income on pages  14-17 (and
related  notes)  assume that Tredegar  acquired  Exxon Films at the beginning of
1998.  The pro forma  consolidated  balance sheet on page 18 (and related notes)
assumes that  Tredegar  acquired  Exxon Films on March 31,  1999.  The pro forma
information excludes cost reductions,  efficiencies and technology  enhancements
expected from the integration of Exxon Films into existing operations.  Tredegar
expects that, by 2001,  the annual  ongoing  benefits from these  synergies will
range from $7,000 - $9,000.

         Other  selected  pro forma  financial  information  on pages 19-22 (and
related notes) assumes that all of Tredegar's acquisitions from the beginning of
1998 through the  acquisition of Exxon Films were made at the beginning of 1998.
In addition to Exxon Films, Tredegar acquired:

o     The assets of Therics, Inc. ("Therics") on April 8, 1999
o     The stock of Canadian-based Exal Aluminum Inc. ("Exal") on June 11, 1998
o     Two Canadian-based aluminum extrusion and fabrication plants from Reynolds
      Metals Company ("Reynolds") on February 6, 1998


         The assets of Therics were acquired for cash  consideration  of $13,600
(including   transaction   costs).   Before  the  acquisition,   Tredegar  owned
approximately  19 percent of Therics.  Upon the final  liquidation of the former
Therics,  Tredegar will have paid approximately  $10,220 to effectively  acquire
the   remaining   81%   ownership   interest.   Therics  is   developing  a  new
microfabrication technology that has potential applications in drug delivery and
a  variety  of  other  medical  markets.  The  company's  primary  focus  is  on
commercializing its TheriForm(TM)  technology, a novel process for manufacturing
tablets,  capsules and implantables with drug release profiles that are expected
to provide therapeutic  advantages over currently  available  products.  Therics
employs 43 people and is part of our Technology  Group,  which already  includes
Molecumetics,  our drug  discovery  subsidiary,  and Tredegar  Investments,  our
venture capital subsidiary. We plan to recognize a nonrecurring charge of $3,458
in the second  quarter of 1999 related to the write-off of  in-process  research
and  development  acquired.  The amount of the charge was determined  through an
independent, third-party analysis.

         Exal was acquired for $44,106 (including  transaction costs), which was
comprised of:

o        Cash consideration of $32,887 ($31,790 net of cash acquired)
o        380,172 shares of Class I non-voting preferred shares of Tredegar's Bon
         L Canada subsidiary (the "Class I Shares")

         The Class I Shares are  exchangeable  into  shares of  Tredegar  common
stock on a one-for-one  basis. Each Class I Share is economically  equivalent to
one share of Tredegar  common stock and  accordingly  accounted  for in the same
manner.  Tredegar  funded the cash portion of the purchase  price with available
cash on hand. Exal operates aluminum extrusion plants in Pickering,  Ontario and
Aurora,  Ontario.  Both  facilities  manufacture  extrusions  for  distribution,
transportation,   electrical,   machinery  and   equipment,   and  building  and
construction  markets.  The Pickering  facility also produces  aluminum logs and
billet for internal use and for sale to customers.

         The  former   Reynolds   plants  in  Canada  were   acquired  for  cash
consideration of $29,093  (including  transaction costs) using available cash on
hand. The plants are located in Ste-Therese, Quebec, and Richmond Hill, Ontario.
Both  facilities  manufacture  extruded and  fabricated  aluminum  products used
primarily in building and construction,  transportation,  electrical,  machinery
and equipment, and consumer durables markets.

         Each  acquisition  was  accounted  for using the purchase  method,  and
related  operating  results  have  been  included  in  Tredegar's   consolidated
statements  of  income  since the dates  acquired.  Excluded  from the pro forma
results are  synergies  expected from the  integration  of acquired and existing
operations. Accordingly, the pro forma financial information does not purport to
be indicative of the future results or the financial position of Tredegar or the
net income and financial position that would actually have been attained had the
pro forma transactions  occurred on the dates or for the periods indicated.  The
pro forma financial information is unaudited.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Pro Forma Statement of Income for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1999 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                            Exxon Films                       Tredegar
                                                                                Pro                          Pro Forma
                                                                               Forma                         for Exxon
                                              Tredegar                        Adjust-           Pro            Films
                                             Historical     Historical        ments            Forma          Acquis.
     Net sales                                $ 179,541       $ 30,345           $ (814)(1)    $ 29,531       $ 209,072
     Other income (expense), net                    259              -                -               -             259
                                            ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                   179,800         30,345             (814)         29,531         209,331
                                            ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of goods sold                         140,239         21,700               26 (2)      21,726         161,965
     Selling, general and administrative         11,373          1,702              (85)(3)       1,617          12,990
     Research and development                     4,097            567                -             567           4,664
     Amortization of intangibles                     87              -              949 (2)         949           1,036
     Interest                                       289              -            3,341 (4)       3,341           3,630
     Unusual items                                    -              -                -               -               -
                                            ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                   156,085         23,969            4,231          28,200         184,285
                                            ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income (loss) before income taxes                23,715          6,376           (5,045)          1,331          25,046
Income taxes                                      8,417          2,385           (1,902)(5)         483           8,900
                                            ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Net income (loss)                              $ 15,298        $ 3,991         $ (3,143)          $ 848        $ 16,146
                                            ============   ============    =============    ============    ============

Earnings per share:
     Basic                                        $ .42                                                           $ .44
     Diluted                                        .39                                                             .42
Shares used to compute earnings
     per share:
     Basic                                       36,724                                                          36,724
     Diluted                                     38,800                                                          38,800

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Pro Forma Statement of Income for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1998 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                     Exxon Films                        Tredegar
                                                                                          Pro                          Pro Forma
                                                                                         Forma                         for Exxon
                                                        Tredegar                        Adjust-           Pro            Films
                                                       Historical     Historical        ments            Forma          Acquis.
     Net sales                                          $ 156,660       $ 25,156           $ (653)(1)    $ 24,503       $ 181,163
     Other income (expense), net                            1,390              -                -               -           1,390
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             158,050         25,156             (653)         24,503         182,553
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of goods sold                                   123,088         19,550              187 (2)      19,737         142,825
     Selling, general and administrative                    8,840          1,674              (85)(3)       1,589          10,429
     Research and development                               3,347            484                -             484           3,831
     Amortization of intangibles                                8              -              949 (2)         949             957
     Interest                                                 394              -            3,341 (4)       3,341           3,735
     Unusual items                                           (765)             -                -               -            (765)
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             134,912         21,708            4,392          26,100         161,012
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income (loss) before income taxes                          23,138          3,448           (5,045)         (1,597)         21,541
Income taxes                                                5,842          1,290           (1,902)(5)        (612)          5,230
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Net income (loss)                                        $ 17,296        $ 2,158         $ (3,143)         $ (985)       $ 16,311
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============

Earnings per share:
     Basic                                                  $ .48                                                           $ .45
     Diluted                                                  .44                                                             .42
Shares used to compute earnings
     per share:
     Basic                                                 36,396                                                          36,396
     Diluted                                               39,000                                                          39,000

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Pro Forma Statement of Income for the 12 Months Ended March 31, 1999 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                     Exxon Films                        Tredegar
                                                                                          Pro                          Pro Forma
                                                                                         Forma                         for Exxon
                                                        Tredegar                        Adjust-           Pro            Films
                                                       Historical     Historical        ments            Forma          Acquis.
     Net sales                                          $ 722,677      $ 114,327         $ (3,328)(1)   $ 110,999       $ 833,676
     Other income (expense), net                            2,884              -                -               -           2,884
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             725,561        114,327           (3,328)        110,999         836,560
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of goods sold                                   570,335         84,842              439 (2)      85,281         655,616
     Selling, general and administrative                   42,026          7,092             (340)(3)       6,752          48,778
     Research and development                              15,252          2,010                -           2,010          17,262
     Amortization of intangibles                              284              -            3,797 (2)       3,797           4,081
     Interest                                               1,213              -           13,548 (4)      13,548          14,761
     Unusual items                                            664              -                -               -             664
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             629,774         93,944           17,444         111,388         741,162
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income from continuing operations
     before income taxes                                   95,787         20,383          (20,772)           (389)         95,398
Income taxes                                               33,629          7,623           (7,831)(5)        (208)         33,421
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income from continuing operations                        $ 62,158       $ 12,760        $ (12,941)         $ (181)       $ 61,977
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ===========-

Earnings per share from continuing
     Basic                                                 $ 1.71                                                          $ 1.70
     Diluted                                                 1.61                                                            1.60
Shares used to compute earnings
     per share:
     Basic                                                 36,377                                                          36,377
     Diluted                                               38,629                                                          38,629

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Pro Forma Statement of Income for the Year Ended December 31, 1998 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                     Exxon Films                        Tredegar
                                                                                          Pro                          Pro Forma
                                                                                         Forma                         for Exxon
                                                        Tredegar                        Adjust-           Pro            Films
                                                       Historical     Historical        ments            Forma          Acquis.
     Net sales                                          $ 699,796      $ 109,138         $ (3,167)(1)   $ 105,971       $ 805,767
     Other income (expense), net                            4,015              -                -               -           4,015
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             703,811        109,138           (3,167)        105,971         809,782
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Costs and expenses:
     Cost of goods sold                                   553,184         82,692              600 (2)      83,292         636,476
     Selling, general and administrative                   39,493          7,064             (340)(3)       6,724          46,217
     Research and development                              14,502          1,927                -           1,927          16,429
     Amortization of intangibles                              205              -            3,797 (2)       3,797           4,002
     Interest                                               1,318              -           13,548 (4)      13,548          14,866
     Unusual items                                           (101)             -                -               -            (101)
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                             608,601         91,683           17,605         109,288         717,889
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income from continuing operations
     before income taxes                                   95,210         17,455          (20,772)         (3,317)         91,893
Income taxes                                               31,054          6,528           (7,831)(5)      (1,303)         29,751
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Income from continuing operations                        $ 64,156       $ 10,927        $ (12,941)       $ (2,014)       $ 62,142
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============

Earnings per share from continuing
     Basic                                                 $ 1.77                                                          $ 1.71
     Diluted                                                 1.66                                                            1.61
Shares used to compute earnings
     per share:
     Basic                                                 36,286                                                          36,286
     Diluted                                               38,670                                                          38,670

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
                Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
                                 March 31, 1999
                                 (In Thousands)

                                                                                     Exxon Films                        Tredegar
                                                                                          Pro                          Pro Forma
                                                                                         Forma                         for Exxon
                                                        Tredegar                        Adjust-           Pro            Films
                                                       Historical     Historical        ments            Forma          Acquis.
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                          $  27,991     $        -      $         -      $        -      $   27,991
     Accounts and notes receivable                         95,509         12,620                -          12,620         108,129
     Inventories                                           33,670          9,709            5,574 (2)      15,283          48,953
     Deferred income taxes                                  8,800              -                -               -           8,800
     Prepaid expenses and other                             2,914            230                -             230           3,144
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total current assets                              168,884         22,559            5,574          28,133         197,017
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Property, plant & equipment, at cost                      366,655        100,015          (28,441)(2)      71,574         438,229
Less accumulated depreciation and
     amortization                                         205,633         35,774          (35,774)(2)           -         205,633
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Net property, plant & equipment                   161,022         64,241            7,333 (2)      71,574         232,596
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Venture capital investments                                73,311              -                -               -          73,311
Other assets and deferred charges                          43,689              -           (6,275)(2)      (6,275)         37,414
Goodwill and other intangibles                             32,828              -          113,915 (2)     113,915         146,743
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total assets                                    $ 479,734       $ 86,800        $ 120,547       $ 207,347       $ 687,081
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
     Accounts payable                                    $ 48,673        $ 2,370        $       -       $   2,370        $ 51,043
     Accrued expenses                                      39,786          1,196               88 (2)       1,284          41,070
     Income taxes payable                                   7,100              -                -               -           7,100
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total current liabilities                          95,559          3,566               88           3,654          99,213
Long-term debt                                             25,000              -          203,693 (4)     203,693         228,693
Deferred income taxes                                      26,016         18,489          (18,489)(2)           -          26,016
Other noncurrent liabilities                                8,121              -                -               -           8,121
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total liabilities                                 154,696         22,055          185,292         207,347         362,043
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
Parent company's net investment                                 -         64,745          (64,745)(2)           -               -
Shareholders' equity:
     Common stock, no par value                            96,763              -                -               -          96,763
     Common stock held in trust for
        savings restoration plan                           (1,212)             -                -               -          (1,212)
     Unrealized gain on available-for-
        sale securities                                     1,311              -                -               -           1,311
     Foreign currency translation                          (2,423)             -                -               -          (2,423)
     Retained earnings                                    230,599              -                -               -         230,599
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total shareholders' equity                        325,038              -                -               -         325,038
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total liabilities and
            shareholders' equity                        $ 479,734       $ 86,800        $ 120,547       $ 207,347       $ 687,081
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Other Selected Pro Forma Financial Information for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1999
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                  Pro Forma Adjustments
                                                                         Pro                              Pro
                                                                        Forma             Pro            Forma
                                                                        Exxon            Forma            Aluminum
                                                                        Films           Therics        Extrusion        Tredegar
                                                        Tredegar       Acquisi-        Acquisi-         Acquisi-          Pro
                                                       Historical     tion (6)         tion (7)        tions (8)         Forma
                                                      ------------   ----------      - ---------      -----------     -  -----
Other financial information
excluding venture capital activities
and unusual items:
     Net sales                                          $ 179,541       $ 29,531         $     24         $     -       $ 209,096
     Earnings before interest and taxes
        (EBIT)                                             24,070          4,672           (2,046)              -          26,696
     Earnings before interest, taxes,
        depreciation and amortization
        (EBITDA)                                           29,905          7,544           (1,649)              -          35,800
     Depreciation                                           5,748          1,923              174               -           7,845
     Amortization of intangibles                               87            949              223               -           1,259
     Capital expenditures                                  10,075            760              217               -          11,052
Net income:
     Manufacturing operations                            $ 16,095          $ 848              $ -             $ -        $ 16,943
        Operating companies                                  (547)             -           (1,388)              -          (1,935)
        Venture capital investments                          (250)             -                -               -            (250)
     Unusual items                                              -              -                -               -               -
     Discontinued operations                                    -              -                -               -               -
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                            $ 15,298          $ 848         $ (1,388)            $ -        $ 14,758
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============
Diluted earnings per share:
     Manufacturing operations                               $ .41                                                           $ .44
        Operating companies                                  (.01)                                                           (.05)
        Venture capital investments                          (.01)                                                           (.01)
     Unusual items                                              -                                                               -
     Discontinued operations                                    -                                                               -
                                                      ------------                                                    ------------
        Total                                               $ .39                                                           $ .38
                                                      ============                                                    ============
Shares used to compute diluted
     earnings per share                                    38,800                                                          38,800

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Other Selected Pro Forma Financial Information for the Three Months Ended March 31, 1998
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                  Pro Forma Adjustments
                                                                         Pro                              Pro
                                                                        Forma             Pro            Forma
                                                                        Exxon            Forma          Aluminum
                                                                        Films           Therics        Extrusion        Tredegar
                                                        Tredegar       Acquisi-        Acquisi-         Acquisi-          Pro
                                                       Historical     tion (6)         tion (7)        tions (8)         Forma
                                                      ------------   ----------      -----------      -----------     -  -----
Other financial information
excluding venture capital activities
and unusual items:
     Net sales                                          $ 156,660       $ 24,503         $     23        $ 28,673       $ 209,859
     Earnings before interest and taxes
        (EBIT)                                             20,976          1,744           (2,031)            434          21,123
     Earnings before interest, taxes,
        depreciation and amortization
        (EBITDA)                                           25,840          4,600           (1,701)          1,193          29,932
     Depreciation                                           4,856          1,907              107             679           7,549
     Amortization of intangibles                                8            949              223              80           1,260
     Capital expenditures                                   5,704          1,289              316              98           7,407
Net income:
     Manufacturing operations                            $ 14,688         $ (985)             $ -          $ (149)       $ 13,554
        Operating companies                                  (590)             -           (1,390)              -          (1,980)
        Venture capital investments                           432              -                -               -             432
     Unusual items                                          2,766              -           (2,213)              -             553
     Discontinued operations                                    -              -                -               -               -
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                            $ 17,296         $ (985)        $ (3,603)         $ (149)       $ 12,559
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============
Diluted earnings per share:
     Manufacturing operations                               $ .38                                                           $ .34
        Operating companies                                  (.02)                                                           (.05)
        Venture capital investments                           .01                                                             .01
     Unusual items                                            .07                                                             .02
     Discontinued operations                                    -                                                               -
                                                      ------------                                                    ------------
        Total                                               $ .44                                                           $ .32
                                                      ============                                                    ============
Shares used to compute diluted
     earnings per share                                    39,000                                                          39,380

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Other Selected Pro Forma Financial Information for the 12 Months Ended March 31, 1999 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                  Pro Forma Adjustments
                                                                         Pro                              Pro
                                                                        Forma             Pro            Forma
                                                                        Exxon            Forma         Aluminum
                                                                        Films           Therics        Extrusion        Tredegar
                                                        Tredegar       Acquisi-        Acquisi-         Acquisi-          Pro
                                                       Historical     tion (6)         tion (7)        tions (8)         Forma
                                                      ------------   ----------      - ---------      -----------     ----------
Other financial information
excluding venture capital activities
and unusual items:
     Net sales                                          $ 722,677      $ 110,999         $     66        $ 17,126       $ 850,868
     Earnings before interest and taxes
        (EBIT)                                             96,627         13,159           (8,975)          1,096         101,907
     Earnings before interest, taxes,
        depreciation and amortization
        (EBITDA)                                          120,042         24,618           (7,442)          1,568         138,786
     Depreciation                                          23,131          7,662              642             408          31,843
     Amortization of intangibles                              284          3,797              891              64           5,036
     Capital expenditures                                  38,387          2,774            1,101             255          42,517
Net income:
     Manufacturing operations                            $ 65,344         $ (181)             $ -           $ 439        $ 65,602
        Operating companies                                (2,473)             -           (6,098)              -          (8,571)
        Venture capital investments                          (288)             -                -               -            (288)
     Unusual items                                           (425)             -                -               -            (425)
     Discontinued operations                                4,713              -                -               -           4,713
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                            $ 66,871         $ (181)        $ (6,098)          $ 439        $ 61,031
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============
Diluted earnings per share:
     Manufacturing operations                              $ 1.69                                                          $ 1.70
        Operating companies                                  (.06)                                                           (.22)
        Venture capital investments                          (.01)                                                           (.01)
     Unusual items                                           (.01)                                                           (.01)
     Discontinued operations                                  .12                                                             .12
                                                      ------------                                                    ------------
        Total                                              $ 1.73                                                          $ 1.58
                                                      ============                                                    ============
Shares used to compute diluted
     earnings per share                                    38,629                                                          38,704

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


                              Tredegar Corporation
 Other Selected Pro Forma Financial Information for the Year Ended December 31, 1998 (Unaudited)
                    (In Thousands, Except Per-Share Amounts)

                                                                                  Pro Forma Adjustments
                                                                         Pro                              Pro
                                                                        Forma             Pro            Forma
                                                                        Exxon            Forma         Aluminum
                                                                        Films           Therics        Extrusion        Tredegar
                                                        Tredegar       Acquisi-        Acquisi-         Acquisi-          Pro
                                                       Historical     tion (6)         tion (7)        tions (8)         Forma
                                                      ------------   ----------      -----------      -----------     -----------
Other financial information
excluding venture capital activities
and unusual items:
     Net sales                                          $ 699,796      $ 105,971        $      65        $ 45,799       $ 851,631
     Earnings before interest and taxes
        (EBIT)                                             93,533         10,231           (8,960)          1,530          96,334
     Earnings before interest, taxes,
        depreciation and amortization
        (EBITDA)                                          115,977         21,674           (7,494)          2,761         132,918
     Depreciation                                          22,239          7,646              575           1,087          31,547
     Amortization of intangibles                              205          3,797              891             144           5,037
     Capital expenditures                                  34,016          3,303            1,200             353          38,872
Net income:
     Manufacturing operations                            $ 63,937       $ (2,014)             $ -           $ 290        $ 62,213
        Operating companies                                (2,516)             -           (6,100)              -          (8,616)
        Venture capital investments                           394              -                -               -             394
     Unusual items                                          2,341              -           (2,213)              -             128
     Discontinued operations                                4,713              -                -               -           4,713
                                                      ------------   ------------    -------------    ------------    ------------
        Total                                            $ 68,869       $ (2,014)        $ (8,313)          $ 290        $ 58,832
                                                      ============   ============    =============    ============    ============
Diluted earnings per share:
     Manufacturing operations                              $ 1.66                                                          $ 1.60
        Operating companies                                  (.07)                                                           (.22)
        Venture capital investments                           .01                                                             .01
     Unusual items                                            .06                                                               -
     Discontinued operations                                  .12                                                             .12
                                                      ------------                                                    ------------
        Total                                              $ 1.78                                                          $ 1.51
                                                      ============                                                    ============
Shares used to compute diluted
     earnings per share                                    38,670                                                          38,839

           See accompanying notes to pro forma financial information.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tredegar Corporation (In Thousands)

(1)      Represents  adjustment to reclassify  freight costs of Exxon Films from
cost of goods sold to net sales consistent with Tredegar's classification system

(2)      The  pro forma adjustments to cost of goods sold for the acquisition of
Exxon Films are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Three Months                 12 Mos.          Yr. Ended
                                                     Ended March 31,                Ended            Dec. 31,
                                                  1999            1998             3/31/99             1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Higher depreciation expense due to the:
     Net write-up of property, plant and
        equipment to estimated fair value
        and the effect of changes to
        remaining depreciation lives             $ 670           $ 670             $ 2,679          $ 2,679
     Estimated depreciation on replacement
        computers to resolve Year 2000
        information technology issues
        (see further discussion below)              95              95                 380              380
Expected higher employee benefit
     expenses under Tredegar employee
     benefit programs                               75              75                 708              708
Reclass of freight costs to net sales             (814)           (653)             (3,328)          (3,167)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total pro forma adjustment to cost of
      goods sold                                  $ 26           $ 187               $ 439            $ 600
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         For purposes of  allocating  the  purchase  price for Exxon Films among
various  assets  acquired  and  liabilities   assumed,  we  have  estimated  the
respective  asset  and  liability  fair  values  pending   completion  of  final
valuation.  As a  result  of a  preliminary  valuation,  the  allocation  of the
purchase price to the net assets acquired and goodwill are as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Estimated net assets of Exxon Films on acquisition date
     (balance at March 31, 1999)                                       $ 64,745
Adjustments to reflect net assets at estimated fair value:
     Write-up of inventory from LIFO value to estimated
        replacement cost                                                  5,574
     Write-up of property, plant and equipment to estimated
        fair value                                                        7,333
     Pension obligation assumed for certain benefit credits granted
        to former employees of Exxon Films upon their hiring and
        immediate participation in Tredegar's pension plans              (6,275)
     Other adjustment to accrued liabilities                                (88)
     Elimination of deferred income taxes due to step-up in
        tax basis of net assets to estimated fair value                  18,489
     Goodwill (to be amortized on a straight-line basis over 30 years
        at $3,797 per year)                                             113,915
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total purchase price and value of net assets acquired                  $203,693
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         The estimated fair value and weighted average remaining useful lives of
property, plant and equipment for Exxon Films are as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                       Estimated Weighted
                                                                                        Average Remaining
Exxon Films Property, Plant and Equipment                            Amount                Useful Life
Estimated fair value on acquisition date:
     Land                                                            $ 2,179
     Land improvements                                                   413              10.4 years
     Buildings                                                         9,300                20 years
     Machinery and equipment                                          58,877                 9 years
     Furniture and fixtures                                              339               4.1 years
     Computers                                                           371               3.2 years
     Vehicles                                                             95               3.7 years
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total                                                            71,574
Estimated net book value of property, plant and equipment for
     Exxon Films on acquisition date (balance at March 31, 1999)      64,241
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Estimated write-up of property, plant and equipment to
     estimated fair value                                            $ 7,333
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  computer  systems  for Exxon  Films  are not Year 2000  compliant.
Tredegar   plans  to   replace   non-compliant   systems   (including   internal
computer-based  information  systems,  communications  equipment  and shop floor
machines)  and  integrate   the  business  into  the   enterprise-wide   systems
infrastructure  of Tredegar  Film  Products.  Tredegar  expects to complete  all
remediation  efforts by the end of 1999 at a cost of approximately  $1,900, most
of which will be  capitalized  and amortized  over the estimated  useful life of
related assets.

(3) The pro forma  adjustment to selling,  general and  administrative  expenses
relates to the elimination of salaries and benefits associated with employees of
Exxon Films that were not hired and will not be replaced by Tredegar.

(4) Tredegar borrowed money under its $275,000 revolving credit facility to fund
its  acquisition of Exxon Films.  The borrowings are currently being rolled over
each month at relatively low floating rates while we review long-term  financing
options to maintain our available  credit at about $275,000.  We are considering
using  interest-rate  swaps or other derivative  instruments to fix the interest
rate for several years on a portion of our acquisition financing.

         The pro forma adjustment to interest expense assumes an annual weighted
average interest rate of 6.65% on the total  acquisition cost of $203,693.  This
rate was  determined  using market  rates as of June 22, 1999,  assuming a 50/50
split of floatingand  fixed- rate debt with the floating portion priced at 6.02%
and the fixed  portion  (assumed  fixed for 5 years with an interest  rate swap)
priced at 7.28%.

(5) The pro forma  adjustment to income taxes for the acquisition of Exxon Films
was made at an  estimated  combined  federal and state income tax rate of 37.7%.
Since  the  acquisition  was  structured  as  an  asset  purchase,  goodwill  is
deductible for tax purposes on a straight-line basis over 15 years.


(6) The pro forma adjustments for Exxon Films included in the other selected pro
forma  financial  information  presented  on pages 19-22 were  derived  from the
historical and pro forma financial information presented on pages 4-18.

(7) The pro forma adjustments for the purchase of the assets of Therics included
in the other selected pro forma financial  information on pages 19-22 were based
on the following:

o        Historical operating results of Therics for the periods presented
o        An  allocation  of  the  purchase   price  to  the assets  acquired and
         depreciation and amortization rates as follows:

o        Assumed  interest income foregone by Tredegar on the cash used to fund
         the  acquisition  of  4.9%  for the first quarter of 1999, 5.6% for the
         first  quarter  of 1998,  5.43% for the 12 months ended March 31, 1999,
         and 5.6% for all of 1998
o        An  estimated combined federal and state income tax rate of 36% and the
         deductibility  of intangibles for tax purposes on a straight-line basis
         over 15 years

(8) The pro forma adjustments for the aluminum extrusion  acquisitions  included
in the other  selected  pro forma  financial  information  on pages  19-22  were
derived from:

o       The information  contained in our Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the
        first quarter of 1999
o       The information contained in our 1998 Annual Report on Form 10-K
o       The related pro forma information  contained  in our Form 8-K/A filed on
        August 19, 1998



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                   TREDEGAR CORPORATION

Date:         June 24, 1999        By:  /s/ N. A. Scher
              ----------------          -----------------------------------
                                         Norman A. Scher
                                         Executive Vice President