Exhibit 2.2

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                          WILLIAMS TRUCK BROKERS, INC.

                               DATED: JULY 2, 1999

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.       DEFINITIONS.........................................................1

2.       SALE AND TRANSFER OF SHARES; CLOSING................................4

   2.1   SHARES..............................................................4
   2.2   PURCHASE PRICE......................................................4
   2.3   CLOSING.............................................................4
   2.4   CLOSING OBLIGATIONS.................................................4

3.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLERS...........................5

   3.1   ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING......................................5
   3.2   AUTHORITY; NO CONFLICT..............................................5
   3.3   CAPITALIZATION......................................................6
   3.4   FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................7
   3.5   BOOKS AND RECORDS...................................................7
   3.6   TITLE TO PROPERTIES; ENCUMBRANCES...................................7
   3.7   CONDITION AND SUFFICIENCY OF ASSETS.................................8
   3.8   ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.................................................8
   3.9   NO UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES..........................................8
   3.10    TAXES.............................................................8
   3.11    NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE........................................9
   3.12    EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.................................................9
   3.13    COMPLIANCE........................................................9
   3.14    LITIGATION........................................................10
   3.15    ABSENCE OF CHANGES................................................10
   3.16    CONTRACTS; NO DEFAULTS............................................11
   3.17    INSURANCE.........................................................12
   3.18    ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS.............................................12
   3.19    EMPLOYEES; INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS................................13
   3.20    LABOR RELATIONS; COMPLIANCE.......................................13
   3.21    INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.............................................14
   3.22    RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PERSONS................................15
   3.23    BROKERS OR FINDERS................................................15
   3.24    DISCLOSURE........................................................15
   3.25    INVESTMENT REPRESENTATION.........................................15
   3.26    TAX REPRESENTATIONS...............................................16

4.       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF TGI...............................16

   4.1   ORGANIZATION AND GOOD STANDING......................................16
   4.2   AUTHORITY; NO CONFLICT..............................................16
   4.3   CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS.................................................17

5.       COVENANTS...........................................................17

   5.1   ACCESS AND INVESTIGATION............................................17
   5.2   OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY............................17
   5.3   NEGATIVE COVENANT...................................................17
   5.4   NOTIFICATION........................................................17
   5.5   PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS BY RELATED PERSONS..........................18
   5.6   NO NEGOTIATION......................................................18
   5.7   BEST EFFORTS........................................................18
   5.8   RELEASE OF GUARANTEES...............................................18


   6.1   ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS.........................................18
   6.2   SELLERS' PERFORMANCE................................................18
   6.3   CONSENTS............................................................18
   6.4   ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS................................................19
   6.5   NO PROCEEDINGS......................................................19
   6.7   SATISFACTORY DUE DILIGENCE..........................................19
   6.8   FINANCING...........................................................19
   6.9   ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT.................................................19
   6.10    ACQUISITION OF R & M ENTERPRISES, INC.............................19


   7.1   ACCURACY OF REPRESENTATIONS.........................................20
   7.2   TGI'S PERFORMANCE...................................................20
   7.3   NO PROCEEDINGS......................................................20
   7.4   ACQUISITION OF R & M ENTERPRISES, INC...............................20

8.       TERMINATION.........................................................20

   8.1   TERMINATION EVENTS..................................................20
   8.2   EFFECT OF TERMINATION...............................................21

9.       INDEMNIFICATION; REMEDIES...........................................21

   9.1   SURVIVAL............................................................21
   9.3   INDEMNIFICATION AND PAYMENT OF DAMAGES BY TGI.......................22
   9.4   ESCROW..............................................................22
   9.6   PROCEDURE FOR INDEMNIFICATION--OTHER CLAIMS.........................24

10.      GENERAL PROVISIONS..................................................24

   10.1    EXPENSES..........................................................24
   10.2    PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS..............................................24
   10.3    NOTICES...........................................................24
   10.4    JURISDICTION; SERVICE OF PROCESS..................................25
   10.5    FURTHER ASSURANCES................................................25
   10.6    WAIVER............................................................25
   10.7    ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION.................................26
   10.8    DISCLOSURE LETTER.................................................26
   10.10   SEVERABILITY......................................................26
   10.11   SECTION HEADINGS, CONSTRUCTION....................................27
   10.12   TIME OF ESSENCE...................................................27
   10.13   GOVERNING LAW.....................................................27
   10.14   COUNTERPARTS......................................................27


   TGI CONSENTS...................................................SCHEDULE 14.2
   PERSONAL GUARANTEES............................................SCHEDULE 15.8

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         This Stock Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made as of July 2, 1999,
by and between Transit Group, Inc., a Florida corporation ("TGI") and Michael P.
Sortino  and  Randy A.  Williams,  each a  resident  of the  State  of  Nebraska
(referred  to  herein  individually  as  a  "Seller"  and  collectively  as  the
"Sellers"). TGI and the Sellers are sometimes referred to herein individually as
a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."


         A. TGI  desires to purchase  and Sellers  desire to sell 1000 shares of
common stock  representing  all of the  outstanding  shares of common stock,  of
Williams Truck Brokers,  Inc., a Nebraska  corporation,  (the "Company") as more
fully provided for in Article 12 of this Agreement (the "Stock Purchase").

         B.  Simultaneous  with the  closing  of the  Stock  Purchase,  TGI will
acquire  all of the  issued and  outstanding  stock of R & M  Enterprises,  Inc.
pursuant to the  provisions  of an Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  by and
between R & M Enterprises,  Inc., TGI and the Sellers of even date herewith (the
"Agreement and Plan of Reorganization").

         C. Upon the  closing  of the  Stock  Purchase,  all of the  outstanding
capital stock of the Company will be owned by TGI.

         D. Each Seller owns 500 shares of common  stock of the  Company,  which
together  represents  all of the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  of the


         For and in consideration of the above premises and the mutual covenants
contained  herein,  and other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the  Parties,  intending  to be
legally bound, agree as follows:


         For purposes of this  Agreement,  the following terms have the meanings
specified or referred to in this Section 1:

         "Agreement" --this Agreement together with all Schedules and Exhibits

         "Agreement and Plan of Reorganization"--that certain Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization by and between R & M Enterprises, Inc., TGI and the Sellers of
even date herewith.

         "Balance Sheet"--as defined in Section 3.4.

         "Closing"--as defined in Section 2.7.

         "Closing Date"--the date and time as of which the Closing actually
takes place.

         "Company"--the Company identified in the Recitals to this Agreement.

         "Company's  Disclosure  Letter"--the  disclosure  letter  delivered by
Sellers to TGI concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

         "Computer Devices"--as defined in Section 3.21(c).

         "Contemplated Transactions"--all of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement, including:

         (d)       the purchase and sale of the Shares;

         (e)      the execution, delivery, and performance of the Noncompetition
                  Agreements, and the Escrow Agreement as such terms are defined
                  in the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization; and

         (f)      the  performance  by TGI, the Company and the Sellers of their
                  respective covenants and obligations under this Agreement.

         "Damages"--as defined in Section 9.2 hereof.

         "Environmental Assessment"--as defined in Section 16.9 hereof.

         "Environmental Law"--any law or regulation that requires or relates to:

         (f)      advising appropriate authorities, employees, and the public of
                  intended  or  actual   releases  of  pollutants  or  hazardous
                  substances or materials,  violations of discharge  limits,  or
                  other  prohibitions  and of the  commencements  of activities,
                  such as resource  extraction or construction,  that could have
                  significant impact on the environment;

         (g)      preventing  or  reducing to  acceptable  levels the release of
                  pollutants  or  hazardous  substances  or  materials  into the

         (h)      reducing  to  acceptable  levels  the  risks  inherent  in the
                  transportation of hazardous  substances,  pollutants,  oil, or
                  other potentially harmful substances;

         (i)      cleaning up pollutants that have been released, preventing the
                  threat of  release,  or paying  the costs of such  clean up or
                  prevention; or

         (j)      making responsible  parties pay private parties,  or groups of
                  them, for damages done to their health or the environment,  or
                  permitting   self-appointed   representatives  of  the  public
                  interest to recover for injuries done to public assets.

         "ERISA"--the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of  1974,  as
amended,  and regulations and rules issued pursuant to that act or any successor

         "Escrow Agent"--as defined in Section 19.4 hereof.

         "Escrow Agreement"--as defined in the Agreement and Plan of

         "Escrow Shares"--as defined in Section 19.4 hereof.

         "Facility"-- as defined in Section 13.18 hereof.

         "GAAP"--generally accepted United States accounting principles, applied
on a basis  consistent  with the basis on which the Balance  Sheet and the other
financial statements referred to in Section 3.4 were prepared.

         "Hazardous  Materials"--any  waste or other  substance  that is listed,
defined, designated, or classified as, or otherwise determined to be, hazardous,
radioactive,  or toxic or a pollutant or a contaminant  under or pursuant to any
Environmental Law, including  petroleum and all derivatives thereof or synthetic
substitutes therefor and asbestos or asbestos-containing materials.

         "Indemnified Persons"--as defined in Section 19.2 hereof.

         "Intellectual Property Assets"--as defined in Section 13.21 hereof.

         "Noncompetition Agreements"--as defined in the Agreement and Plan of

         "Occupational Safety and Health Law"--any law or regulation designed to
provide safe and healthy working  conditions and to reduce  occupational  safety
and health hazards, and any program,  whether governmental or private (including
those   promulgated  or  sponsored  by  industry   associations   and  insurance
companies), designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions.

         "Party" or "Parties"--as defined in the first paragraph of this

         "Plans"--as defined in Section 13.12 hereof.

         "Purchase Price"--as defined in Section 12.2 hereof.

         "Securities  Act"--the Securities Act of 1933 or any successor law,and
regulations and rules issued pursuant to that act or any successor law.

         "Sellers"--as defined in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

         "Sellers' Closing Documents"--as defined in Section 13.2 hereof.

         "Shares"--as defined in Section 13.3.

         "Stock Purchase"--as defined in the Recitals hereto.

         "Subsidiary" or "Subsidiaries"--means any company, entity, partnership
or joint venture in which the Company owns an equity or other interest.

         "TGI"--Transit Group, Inc., a Florida corporation.

         "TGI's Advisors"--as defined in Section 15.1 hereof.

         "Year 2000 Problem"--as defined in Section 3.21(c).



           Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement,  at the
Closing, Sellers will sell and transfer the Shares to TGI, and TGI will purchase
the Shares from Sellers,  free and clear of all liens,  claims and  encumbrances

12.2              PURCHASE PRICE.

           The  purchase  price  for the  Shares  will  be an  amount  equal  to
$1,425,000,  to be paid by wire  transfer  or  certified  check  (the  "Purchase
Price") at  Closing,  with  one-half  of the  Purchase  Price being paid to each

12.3              CLOSING.

           The consummation of the Stock Purchase provided for in this Agreement
(the  "Closing")  will take  place at the  offices  of the  Company  in  Gretna,
Nebraska at 10:00 a.m. (local time) on the second business day following the day
on which all necessary  consents,  as required by Section 16.3 hereof, have been
received, or at such time and place as the Parties may agree.

12.4              CLOSING OBLIGATIONS.

                  At the Closing:

(a)               Sellers will deliver to TGI:

(i)               certificates   representing  the  Shares,  duly  endorsed  for
                  transfer  to  TGI  (or  accompanied  by  duly  executed  stock
                  powers), with signatures guaranteed by a commercial bank;

(ii)  releases and  resignations  from the officers and directors of the Company
duly executed by such parties;  (iii) a noncompetition  agreement in the form of
Exhibit "A" executed by each of the Sellers (the  "Noncompetition  Agreements");
and  (iv) a  certificate  executed  by the  Sellers  certifying  to TGI that the
Sellers'  representations  and warranties in this Agreement were accurate in all
respects as of the date of this Agreement and are accurate in all respects
as of the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date.
(b)                   TGI will deliver to Sellers:

(i) the Purchase  Price by wire  transfer or bank  cashier's or certified  check
payable to the order of the Sellers;

(ii) a certificate executed by TGI to the effect that the TGI's  representations
and warranties in this Agreement were accurate in all respects as of the date of
this  Agreement  and are  accurate in all  respects as of the Closing Date as if
made on the Closing Date.


         Sellers jointly and severally represent and warrant to TGI as follows:


(a) Part 3.1 of the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter  contains a statement  of the
Company's and each  Subsidiary's  jurisdiction of  incorporation,  a list of all
other  jurisdictions  in  which  it  is  authorized  to  do  business,  and  its
capitalization  (including  the identity of each  stockholder  and the number of
shares held by each). The Company and each Subsidiary is duly organized, validly
existing,   and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its  jurisdiction  of
incorporation,  with full corporate  power and authority to conduct its business
as it is now being  conducted,  to own or use the  properties and assets that it
purports to own or use, and to perform all its obligations  under its contracts.
The Company and each  Subsidiary  is duly  qualified to do business as a foreign
corporation  and is in good  standing  under  the  laws of each  state  or other
jurisdiction  in which either the  ownership or use of the  properties  owned or
used by it, or the  nature of the  activities  conducted  by it,  requires  such
qualification, except where the failure to so qualify would not adversely impact
the Company nor cost the Company  additional fees or penalties to qualify due to
the failure of the Company to previously do so.

(b) Sellers have  delivered to TGI copies of the Articles of  Incorporation and
Bylaws of the Company and each Subsidiary, as currently in effect.

13.2              AUTHORITY; NO CONFLICT.

(a) This  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,  valid,  and binding  obligation of
Sellers and the Company  enforceable  against them in accordance with its terms.
Upon the  execution  and  delivery  by Sellers of the Escrow  Agreement  and the
Noncompetition  Agreements  (collectively,  the "Sellers'  Closing  Documents"),
the Sellers'  Closing  Documents will constitute the legal,  valid,  and binding
obligations  of Sellers,  enforceable  against each of them in  accordance  with
their respective terms. Each of the Sellers and the Company has the absolute and
unrestricted  right,  power,  authority and capacity to execute and deliver this
Agreement and the Sellers'  Closing  Documents  and to perform their  respective
obligations under this Agreement and the Sellers' Closing Documents.

(b) Except as set forth on Part  13.2(b)  of the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter,
neither the execution and delivery of this  Agreement  nor the  consummation  or
performance of any of the Contemplated Transactions will, directly or indirectly
(with or without  notice or lapse of time):  (i)  contravene,  conflict with, or
result in a violation of (A) any provision of the Articles of  Incorporation  or
Bylaws of the Company or any  Subsidiary;  or (B) any resolution  adopted by the
board of directors or the stockholders of the Company or any Subsidiary;  or (C)
any of the terms or requirements of, or give any governmental  body the right to
revoke,  withdraw,   suspend,  cancel,  terminate,  or  modify,  any  permit  or
authorization  that is held by the Company or any  Subsidiary or that  otherwise
relates to the  business  of, or any of the assets owned or used by, the Company
or any  Subsidiary;  or (D) any  provision  of, or give any  person the right to
declare a default or exercise any remedy under, or to accelerate the maturity or
performance  of, or to cancel,  terminate,  or modify any  contract to which the
Company or any Subsidiary is bound; or
(ii) result in the imposition or creation of any lien, claim or encumbrance upon
or with  respect  to any of the  assets  owned  or used  by the  Company  or any
Subsidiary.  (c)  Except  as set forth in Part 3.2 of the  Company's  Disclosure
Letter,  neither Sellers,  the Company nor any Subsidiary is or will be required
to give any notice to or obtain any consent from any person in  connection  with
the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the  consummation or performance
of any of the Contemplated Transactions.

13.3              CAPITALIZATION.

(a) The authorized  equity securities of the Company consist of 10,000 shares of
common  stock,  par value $1.00 per share,  of which 1,000 shares are issued and
outstanding  (the "Shares").  Sellers are and ------ will be on the Closing Date
the record and  beneficial  owners and holders of the Shares,  free and clear of
all liens,  claims or  encumbrances.  The shares are owned of record as shown on
Part 3.3 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter.  With the exception of the Shares
(which are owned by Sellers),  there are no other outstanding  equity securities
or  other  securities  of the  Company.  No  legend  or other  reference  to any
purported   encumbrance   appears  upon  any  certificate   representing  equity
securities of the Company, including,  without limitation, any options warrants,
convertible  securities or other rights or agreements to acquire any  securities
of the Company.  All of the  outstanding  equity  securities of the Company have
been duly  authorized and validly  issued and are fully paid and  nonassessable.
There are no contracts relating to the issuance,  sale or transfer of any equity
securities or other  securities of the Company.  None of the outstanding  equity
securities  or other  securities  of the Company was issued in  violation of the
Securities  Act or any other law or  regulation.  The Company  does not own, nor
does it have any contract to acquire,  any equity securities or other securities
of any person  (other  than the  Company)  or any direct or  indirect  equity or
ownership interest in any other business.

(b) The authorized equity securities of each Subsidiary and the number of shares
of such  Subsidiary  that  are  outstanding  are set  forth  on Part  3.3 of the
Company's  Disclosure Letter. The Company is and will be on the Closing Date the
record and  beneficial  owner and  holder of all of the  issued and  outstanding
stock of each Subsidiary,  free and clear of all liens,  claims or encumbrances.
With the  exception  of the  shares  owned by the  Company,  there  are no other
outstanding  equity securities or other securities of any Subsidiary.  No legend
or other  reference to any purported  encumbrance  appears upon any  certificate
representing equity securities of a Subsidiary,  including,  without limitation,
any options,  warrants,  convertible securities or other rights or agreements to
acquire  any  securities  of  the  Subsidiary.  All of  the  outstanding  equity
securities of each  Subsidiary  have been duly authorized and validly issued and
are  fully  paid and  nonassessable.  There  are no  contracts  relating  to the
issuance,  sale, or transfer of any equity securities or other securities of any
Subsidiary. None of the outstanding equity securities or other securities of any
Subsidiary  was issued in  violation of the  Securities  Act or any other law or
regulation.  No Subsidiary  owns, nor does it have any contract to acquire,  any
equity  securities  or other  securities of any person or any direct or indirect
equity or ownership interest in any other business.


           Sellers have  delivered to TGI: (a) unaudited  balance  sheets of the
Company and its  Subsidiaries  as at their fiscal year ends in each of the years
1996 through 1998, and the related  unaudited  statements of income,  changes in
stockholders' equity, and cash flow for each of the fiscal years then ended, and
(b) unaudited  balance sheets of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as at May 31,
1999 (the "Balance  Sheet") and income  statements for the five (5) month period
then ended.  Such financial  statements and the notes thereto fairly present the
financial  condition  and the results of  operations,  changes in  stockholders'
equity and cash flow of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  as at the  respective
dates of and for the periods  referred to in such financial  statements,  all in
accordance with GAAP, consistently applied throughout the periods involved.

13.5              BOOKS AND RECORDS.

           The books of account,  minute  books,  stock  record  books and other
records  of the  Company  and each  Subsidiary,  all of  which  have  been  made
available  to TGI,  are  complete  and  correct  and  have  been  maintained  in
accordance  with  applicable  law.  The  minute  books of the  Company  and each
Subsidiary  contain  accurate  and  complete  records  of all  meetings  of, and
corporate  actions  taken by,  the  stockholders,  the Boards of  Directors  and
committees of the Boards of Directors of the Company and each Subsidiary, and no
meeting of any such stockholders,  Board of Directors or committee has been held
for which  minutes have not been  prepared and are not  contained in such minute


           Part 3.6 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter contains a complete and
accurate list of all real property and material items of personal property owned
by the Company and each  Subsidiary.  The Company and each  Subsidiary owns good
and  marketable  title to the  properties  and assets  located in the facilities
owned or operated by the Company or any  Subsidiary or reflected as owned in the
books  and  records  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  including  all of the
properties and assets  reflected in the Balance Sheet, and all of the properties
and assets  purchased  or  otherwise  acquired by the Company or any  Subsidiary
since the date of the Balance Sheet. All real property listed on Part 3.6 of the
Company's  Disclosure  Letter  is  owned  in  fee  simple  title.  All  material
properties and assets reflected in the Balance Sheet are owned free and clear of
all liens,  claims or  encumbrances  and are not, in the case of real  property,
subject  to  any  use  restrictions,  exceptions,  variances,  reservations,  or
limitations  of any  nature  except,  with  respect to all such  properties  and
assets,  (a)  mortgages  or security  interests  shown on the  Balance  Sheet as
securing specified liabilities or obligations,  with respect to which no default
(or  event  that,  with  notice  or lapse of time or both,  would  constitute  a
default) exists, and (b) zoning laws and other land use restrictions that do not
impair the present or  anticipated  use of the  property  subject  thereto.  All
buildings,  plants,  and  structures  owned by the Company or any Subsidiary lie
wholly within the  boundaries  of the real property  owned by the Company or any
Subsidiary and do not encroach upon the property of, or otherwise  conflict with
the property rights of, any other person.


           The buildings,  plants,  structures, and equipment owned or leased by
the Company and each Subsidiary are  structurally  sound,  are in good operating
condition  and repair and are adequate for the uses to which they are being put,
and none of such  buildings,  plants,  structures,  or  equipment  is in need of
maintenance or repairs except for ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs that
are not  material  in  nature or cost,  individually  or in the  aggregate.  The
building,  plants,  structures, and equipment owned or leased by the Company and
each  Subsidiary are  sufficient for the continued  conduct of the Company's and
each Subsidiary's  businesses after the Closing in substantially the same manner
as conducted prior to the Closing.

13.8              ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE.

           All accounts  receivable of the Company and each Subsidiary as of the
Closing Date represent or will represent  valid  obligations  arising from sales
actually made or services actually performed in the ordinary course of business.
Unless paid prior to the Closing Date, the accounts receivable are or will be as
of the Closing Date current and collectible net of the respective reserves shown
on the Balance Sheet.  There is no contest,  claim, or right of set-off relating
to the amount or validity of such accounts receivable, except immaterial amounts
arising in the ordinary course of business.


           Except as set forth on Part 3.9 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter,
neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has any liabilities or obligations of any
nature (whether known or unknown and whether absolute,  accrued,  contingent, or
otherwise)  except for liabilities or obligations  reflected or reserved against
in the  Balance  Sheet  and  nonmaterial  current  liabilities  incurred  in the
ordinary course of business since the date thereof.

13.10             TAXES.

(a)      The  Company and each  Subsidiary  has filed or caused to be filed on a
         timely basis all tax returns  that are or were  required to be filed by
         or with  respect to it. The Company and each  Subsidiary  has paid,  or
         made  provision  for the  payment  of,  all taxes that have or may have
         become  due for all  periods  prior  to and  through  Closing.  All tax
         returns filed by the Company any each Subsidiary are true,  correct and
         complete.  All  references  in this  Section  3.10 to "taxes"  and "tax
         returns"  shall  include all federal,  state,  local and foreign  taxes
         required to be paid and tax returns, reports and statements required to
         be filed by the Company or any Subsidiary.

(b) Except as set forth on Part 13.10 of the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter,  no
United  States,  federal  or state  income  tax  returns  of the  Company or any
Subsidiary have been audited by the IRS or relevant state tax authorities during
the past seven years. Neither Sellers, the Company, nor any Subsidiary has given
or been  requested to give waivers or extensions (or is or would be subject to a
waiver or  extension  given by any other  person) of any statute of  limitations
relating to the payment of taxes of the Company. (c) The charges,  accruals, and
reserves  with  respect  to  taxes  on the  books of the  Company  are  adequate
(determined  in  accordance  with GAAP) and are at least equal to the  Company's
liability for taxes  (including  any  Subsidiary's  liability).  There exists no
proposed  tax  assessment  against  the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  except  as
disclosed  in the  Balance  Sheet.  (d) Proper and  accurate  amounts  have been
withheld by Company and its  Subsidiaries  from its employees for all periods in
full and complete  compliance  with the tax,  social  security and  unemployment
withholding  provisions of applicable federal,  state, local and foreign law and
such  withholdings  due and  payable  have been  timely  paid to the  respective
governmental  agencies.  Neither  the Company  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has
executed or filed with the IRS or any other governmental authority any agreement
or other  document  extending,  or having the effect of extending the period for
assessment or collection of any taxes. 13.11 NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE.

           Except as set forth on Part 3.11 of the Company's  Disclosure Letter,
since December 31, 1998,  there has not been any material  adverse change in the
business, operations, properties, prospects, assets, or condition of the Company
or any  Subsidiary,  and no event has occurred or  circumstance  exists that may
result in such a material adverse change.

13.12             EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.

           Part 3.12 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter contains a list of all
pension,  retirement,  disability,  medical,  dental or other health plans, life
insurance or other death benefit plans,  profit sharing,  deferred  compensation
agreements,  stock,  option,  bonus or other incentive  plans,  vacation,  sick,
holiday or other paid leave plans,  severance  plans or other  similar  employee
benefit  plans  maintained  by the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  (the  "Plans"),
including,  without  limitation,  all  "employee  benefit  plans" as  defined in
Section 3(3) of ERISA. All  contributions due from the Company or any Subsidiary
with  respect to any of the Plans  have been made or  accrued  on the  Company's
financial  statements,  and no  further  contributions  will be due or will have
accrued  thereunder as of the Closing.  Each of the Plans, and its operation and
administration, is, in all material respects, in compliance with all applicable,
federal, state, local and other governmental laws and ordinances,  orders, rules
and  regulations,  including the  requirements of ERISA and the Internal Revenue
Code.  All such Plans that are "employee  pension  benefit plans" (as defined in
Section  3(2) of ERISA)  which are  intended  to qualify  under  I.R.C.  Section
401(a)(8) have received favorable  determination letters that such plans satisfy
all  qualification  requirements.  In  addition,  the  Company  has  not  been a
participant in any "prohibited  transaction,"  within the meaning of Section 406
of ERISA,  with  respect to any  employee  pension  benefit  plan (as defined in
Section 3(2) of ERISA) which the Company or any Subsidiary  sponsors as employer
or in which the Company or any Subsidiary participates as an employer, which was
not otherwise  exempt pursuant to Section 408 of ERISA (including any individual
exemption  granted under Section  408(a) of ERISA),  or which could result in an
excise tax.

13.13             COMPLIANCE.

(a)      The Company and each  Subsidiary  is and at all times has conducted its
         business and the ownership and use of its assets in compliance with all
         applicable laws.

(b) Part  3.13 of the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter  contains  a  complete  and
accurate list of each permit or governmental  consent or  authorization  that is
held by the  Company  and  each  Subsidiary  or that  otherwise  relates  to the
business  of,  or to any of the  assets  owned or used by,  the  Company  or any
Subsidiary.  Each such permit or governmental  consent or authorization is valid
and  in  full  force  and  effect  and  constitutes  all  of  the   governmental
authorizations  necessary to permit the Company and each  Subsidiary to lawfully
conduct and  operate  its  business  in the manner  currently  conducted.


(a) Except as set forth in Part 3.14 of the Company's  Disclosure Letter,  there
is no pending or to the  knowledge of the  Sellers,  threatened  action,  claim,
arbitration, audit, hearing,  investigation,  litigation or suit (whether civil,
criminal, administrative,  investigative, or informal) by or against the Company
or any  Subsidiary  or that  relates to or may affect the business of, or any of
the assets owned or used by, the Company or any Subsidiary;  or that challenges,
or that  may  have  the  effect  of  preventing,  delaying,  making  illegal  or
enjoining,  any of the Contemplated  Transactions.  The Company has not received
notice of any  vehicle  accident  involving  any  employees  or  vehicles of the
Company or a Subsidiary  which could reasonably be expected to result in a claim
or action against the Company or a Subsidiary and which is not set forth on Part


(b) Except as set forth on Part 3.14 of the Company's  Disclosure Letter,  there
is no order or court decision to which the Company, any Subsidiary, the Sellers,
any  director or officer of the  Company,  or any of the assets owned or used by
the Company, is subject.


           Except as set forth in Part 3.15 of the Company's  Disclosure Letter,
since  December 31, 1998,  the Company and each  Subsidiary  has  conducted  its
business only in the ordinary course and there has not been any:

(a)      change in its authorized or issued  capital  stock;  grant of any stock
         option or right to purchase  shares of capital  stock of the Company or
         any Subsidiary;  issuance of any security convertible into such capital
         stock; grant of any purchase, redemption or stock retirement rights, or
         any  acquisition  by the Company or any Subsidiary of any shares of its
         capital  stock;  or  declaration  or payment of any  dividend  or other
         distribution or payment in respect of shares of capital stock;

(b) amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of the Company or any
Subsidiary;  (c) payment or increase  by the  Company or any  Subsidiary  of any
bonuses, salaries or other compensation to any stockholder, director, officer or
employee  (except  normal raises in the ordinary  course of business  consistent
with past  practices),  or entry  into any  employment,  severance,  or  similar
contract with any director, officer or employee; (d) adoption of, or increase in
the  payments  to  or  benefits  under,  any  profit  sharing,  bonus,  deferred
compensation,  savings, insurance, pension, retirement or other employee benefit
plan for or with any employees of the Company or any  Subsidiary;  (e) damage to
or  destruction  or loss of any material asset or property of the Company or any
Subsidiary, whether or not covered by insurance; (f) entry into, termination of,
or receipt of notice of termination of any material  contract or any contract or
transaction  involving a total remaining  commitment by or to the Company or any
Subsidiary of at least $50,000;  (g) sale,  lease,  or other  disposition of any
material  asset or  property  of the  Company or any  Subsidiary,  or  mortgage,
pledge,  or imposition of any lien or other encumbrance on any material asset or
property of the Company or any Subsidiary; (h) material change in the accounting
methods used by the Company;  or (i) agreement,  whether oral or written, by the
Company  or any  Subsidiary  to do any of the  foregoing.


(a)      Part 3.16 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter  contains a complete and
         accurate  list,  and Sellers  have  delivered  to TGI true and complete
         copies, of:

(i)               each  contract  that  involves   performance  of  services  or
                  delivery  of goods or  materials  by or to the  Company or any
                  Subsidiary  of an amount or value in excess of  $50,000 in the
                  aggregate  or which is not  terminable  by the  Company or its
                  Subsidiaries upon 60 days or less notice;

(ii) each lease, license, installment and conditional sales agreement, and other
contract  affecting  the  ownership  of,  leasing  of,  title to, use of, or any
leasehold  or other  interest  in,  any real or  personal  property;  (iii) each
agreement  evidencing  or relating to any  indebtedness  or capital lease of the
Company or its  Subsidiaries;  (iv) each joint venture,  partnership,  and other
contract  involving a sharing of profits,  losses,  costs, or liabilities by the
Company or any Subsidiary  with any other person;  (v) each contract  containing
covenants  that in any way  purport to  restrict  the  business  activity of the
Company  or any  Subsidiary;  (vi)  each  power of  attorney  that is  currently
effective and outstanding;  and (vii) each written  warranty,  guaranty,  and or
other similar  undertaking by the Company or any  Subsidiary.  (b) Each contract
identified or required to be identified in Part 3.16 of the Company's Disclosure
         Letter is in full  force and  effect  and is valid and  enforceable  in
         accordance  with its terms.  The Company and each Subsidiary is, and at
         all times has been, in full  compliance  with all applicable  terms and
         requirements  of each  contract.  Each third party to any contract with
         the Company or any  Subsidiary  is, and at all times has been,  in full
         compliance with all applicable terms and requirements of such contract.
         Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary  has given nor received  notice
         from any other  person  regarding  any actual,  alleged,  possible,  or
         potential  violation or breach of, or default under, any contract,  and
         no default or event of default has occurred thereunder.

13.17             INSURANCE.

(a)      Set forth on Part 3.17 of the Company's Disclosure Letter is a true and
         complete list and  description  of all insurance  policies to which the
         Company or any  Subsidiary is a party or under which the Company or any
         Subsidiary  is or has been  covered  at any time  within  the three (3)
         years   preceding  the  date  of  this   Agreement,   and  all  pending
         applications  for policies of  insurance,  including  the premium paid,
         coverage amounts, deductible, and risks insured.

(b) All  policies  to which the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  is a party or that
provide coverage to either Seller,  the Company,  any Subsidiary or any director
or officer of the  Company or any  Subsidiary  (i) are valid,  outstanding,  and
enforceable;  (ii) are  issued  by an  insurer  that is  financially  sound  and
reputable;  (iii)  provide  adequate  insurance  coverage for the assets and the
operations of the Company and the  Subsidiaries  for all risks normally  insured
against in the Company's  industry;  (iv) will continue in full force and effect
following the consummation of the Contemplated  Transactions;  and (v) except as
set forth in Part 3.17(b) of the Company's Disclosure Letter, do not provide for
any retrospective premium adjustment or other experienced-based liability on the
part of the Company or any Subsidiary.  (c) Neither Seller,  the Company nor any
Subsidiary has received (i) any refusal of coverage or any notice that a defense
will be afforded with reservation of rights,  or (ii) any notice of cancellation
or any other  indication that any insurance policy is no longer in full force or
effect or will not be renewed or that the issuer of any policy is not willing or
able to perform its obligations thereunder.  (d) The Company and each Subsidiary
has paid all premiums due, and has otherwise  performed all of its  obligations,
under each  policy to which it is a party or that  provides  coverage to it. The
Company and each  Subsidiary  has given notice to the insurer of all claims that
may be insured thereby.


(a) The  Company  and each  Subsidiary  is,  and at all times has been,  in full
compliance with, and has not been and is not currently in violation of or liable
under,  any  Environmental  Law. All real  property  owned,  leased or otherwise
operated  by  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  (each,  a  "Facility")  is free of
- -------- contamination from any Hazardous Material which may result in liability
under any Environmental  Law. Sellers have no basis to expect,  nor have Sellers
or the  Company or any  Subsidiary  received,  any actual or  threatened  order,
notice,  or  other  communication  from  (i) any  governmental  body or  private
citizen,  or (ii) the current or prior owner or operator of any facilities owned
or leased by the Company or any Subsidiary, of any actual or potential violation
or failure to comply with any Environmental  Law. Neither Company nor any of its
Subsidiaries  has caused or suffered  to occur any  release,  spill,  migration,
leakage,  discharge,  spillage,  uncontrolled  loss,  seepage,  or filtration of
Hazard Material at or from any Facility.

(b) There are no above or underground storage tanks,  landfills,  land deposits,
or dumps present on or at any Facility or, to the  knowledge of the Sellers,  at
any adjoining  property,  or incorporated into any structure therein or thereon.
Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has  transported  Hazardous  Materials in
the  operation  of its  business.  (c) Sellers  have  delivered  to TGI true and
complete  copies and  results  of any  reports,  studies,  analyses,  tests,  or
monitoring  possessed  or initiated  by Sellers,  the Company or any  Subsidiary
pertaining  to  Hazardous  Materials  in, on, or under the  facilities  owned or
leased  by  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary.


(a)      Part 3.19 of the Company's  Disclosure  Letter  contains a complete and
         accurate  list of (i) each employee or director of the Company and each
         Subsidiary,  including  each  employee  on leave of  absence  or layoff
         status, his or her job title, and current  compensation;  and (ii) each
         independent contractor of the Company and each Subsidiary,  the type of
         services he or she provides and his current compensation.

(b) No employee or, to the knowledge of the Sellers,  no independent  contractor
of the Company or any  Subsidiary  is a party to, or is otherwise  bound by, any
agreement or  arrangement,  including  any  confidentiality,  noncompetition  or
proprietary rights agreement, between such employee and any other person that in
any way adversely  affects or will affect (i) the  performance  of his duties to
the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  or (ii) the  ability  of the  Company  or any
Subsidiary to conduct its business.  (c) All persons  rendering  services to the
Company or any Subsidiary have been properly characterized and treated as either
employees or independent contractors, and neither the Company nor any Subsidiary
has  received  notice of, nor do Sellers have any reason to believe  that,  such
treatment  will be challenged by the IRS or  otherwise.


(a) Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary has been nor is it now a party to any
collective bargaining or other labor contract. There is not presently pending or
existing, and there is not threatened, (a) any strike, slowdown, picketing, work
stoppage, or employee grievance process, (b) any proceeding against or affecting
the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  relating  to  the  alleged  violation  of any
applicable law pertaining to labor  relations or employment  matters,  including
any charge or complaint  filed by an employee or union with the  National  Labor
Relations Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,  or any comparable
governmental body, organizational activity, or other labor or employment dispute
against or affecting the Company,  or (c) any application for certification of a
collective bargaining agent. There is no lockout of any employees by the Company
or any  Subsidiary,  and no such  action is  contemplated  by the Company or any
Subsidiary.  The Company and each  Subsidiary  has complied in all respects with
all legal  requirements  relating to employment,  equal employment  opportunity,
nondiscrimination,  immigration,  wages, hours, benefits, collective bargaining,
the  payment of social  security  and  similar  taxes,  occupational  safety and
health, and plant closing.

(b) The  Company  and each  Subsidiary  is,  and at all times has been,  in full
compliance  with,  and has not been and is not in violation of or liable  under,
any Occupational  Safety and Health Law. Seller has no basis to expect,  nor has
Seller, the Company or any Subsidiary received,  any actual or threatened order,
notice,  or other  communication  from any  person of any  actual  or  potential
violation  or failure to comply  with any  Occupational  Safety and Health  Law.


(a)               Intellectual Property Assets.  The term "Intellectual
Property Assets" includes:

(i)               the  Company's  and  each  Subsidiary's  name,  all  fictional
                  business  names,  trade  names,  registered  and  unregistered
                  trademarks, service marks, and applications;

(ii) all patents,  patent  applications,  inventions and discoveries that may be
patentable;  (iii) all copyrights in both published works and unpublished works;
and (iv) all know-how, trade secrets, confidential information,  customer lists,
software, technical information,  data, process technology,  plans, drawings and
blue prints owned,  used, or licensed by the Company or any Subsidiary.  (b) The
Intellectual  Property Assets are listed on Part 3.21 of the Disclosure  Letter.
The Company (directly or indirectly  through its  Subsidiaries)  owns all right,
title and interest in and to each of the Intellectual  Property Assets, free and
clear of all liens,  security  interests,  charges,  encumbrances,  equities and
other adverse claims,  and has the right to use without payment to a third party
all of the Intellectual Property Assets.

(c)  All of  the  computer  software,  computer  hardware,  other  computer  and
microprocessor-based  equipment and all other  equipment which performs or is or
may be required  to perform  functions  involving  dates or the  computation  of
dates, or containing date related data, owned,  licensed, or used by the Company
or any Subsidiary  (collectively the "Computer  Devices") will not suffer a Year
2000 Problem (as defined below). The Company has prepared and implemented, prior
to the date hereof, a written plan of action to ensure that the Computer Devices
will not have a Year 2000 Problem. The Company and each Subsidiary has contacted
and  received  written  assurances  from all  material  suppliers  of goods  and
services,  including but not limited to suppliers of Computer Devices,  that all
of  the  computer   software,   computer   hardware,   and  other  computer  and
microprocessor-based  equipment owned,  licensed,  or used by such supplier will
not have a Year 2000 Problem.  For the purposes of this Section  3.21(c),  "Year
2000  Problem"  shall mean any  failure  of a Computer  Device to: (a) store all
date-related  information and process all data  interfaces  involving dates in a
manner that  unambiguously  identifies the century,  for all date values before,
during or after  January 1, 2000;  (b)  calculate,  sort,  report and  otherwise
operate correctly and in a consistent manner and without interruption regardless
whether the date on which the Computer Device is operated or executed is before,
during or after  January  1,  2000;  (c)  report  and  display  all dates with a
four-digit date so that the century is unambiguously identified;  and (d) handle
all leap years, including but not limited to the year 2000 leap year, correctly.


           Except as set forth on Part 3.22 of the Company's  Disclosure Letter,
no Seller or any related  person or  affiliate of Sellers or of the Company has,
or has  had,  any  interest  in  any  property  used  in  the  Company's  or any
Subsidiary's  business.  No Seller or any related person or affiliate of Sellers
or of the Company is, or has owned,  directly or indirectly,  an equity interest
or any other  financial  or  profit  interest  in,  an  entity  that has (i) had
business dealings or a material  financial  interest in any transaction with the
Company or any  Subsidiary;  or (ii) engaged in competition  with the Company or
any  Subsidiary  with  respect to any line of the  products  or  services of the
Company or any  Subsidiary.  No Seller or any  related  person or  affiliate  of
Sellers or of the  Company is a party to any  contract  with the  Company or any
Subsidiary.  All  transactions  or  agreements  set  forth  on Part  3.22 of the
Company's  Disclosure  Letter are on arms length terms no less  favorable to the
Company and its Subsidiaries than independently obtained.

13.23             BROKERS OR FINDERS.

           Neither the Company, Sellers or their respective agents have incurred
any obligation or liability,  contingent or otherwise, for brokerage or finders'
fees or agents'  commissions  or other similar  payment in connection  with this

13.24             DISCLOSURE.

           No  representation  or warranty of Sellers in this  Agreement  and no
statement in the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter  omits to state a material  fact
necessary  to  make  the  statements   herein  or  therein,   in  light  of  the
circumstances in which they were made, not misleading. There is no fact known to
Sellers  that  has  specific  application  to any  Seller,  the  Company  or any
Subsidiary  (other  than  general  economic  or  industry  conditions)  and that
materially adversely affects or, as far as either Seller can reasonably foresee,
materially threatens, the assets, business,  prospects,  financial condition, or
results of  operations  of the Company or any  Subsidiary  that has not been set
forth in this Agreement or the Disclosure Letter.


           Each of the Sellers is  acquiring  the shares of the TGI Common Stock
for their  own  account  and not with a view to their  distribution  within  the
meaning of Section 2(11) of the  Securities  Act. Each Seller  understands  that
such shares are  "restricted  stock" and agrees not to sell,  pledge,  transfer,
assign or otherwise  dispose of such shares for a minimum period of one (1) year
following the Closing Date.

13.26             TAX REPRESENTATIONS.

           The  liabilities  of the Company were  incurred by the Company in the
ordinary  course of  business.  Through the Closing  Date,  the Company will not
discontinue any of its historic  businesses nor has it  discontinued  any of its
historic  businesses within the period beginning twelve months prior to the date
hereof.  The  Company  and the  Sellers  will  each pay their  own  expenses  in
connection with the Reorganization.  Dividends the Company has paid (or may pay)
in anticipation of the Reorganization  will be regular and normal  distributions
made in  accordance  with the Company's  past  practices and no share of Company
stock has been or will be redeemed in anticipation of the Reorganization. At all
times during the five year period  ending on the Closing  Date,  the fair market
value of all of the Company's  real property  interests has been less than fifty
percent  (50%) of the total  fair  market  value of all the  assets  used in the
Company's  trade or business,  including any real property  owned by the Company
which is not used in its trade or business.


         TGI represents and warrants to Sellers as follows:


           TGI is a corporation duly organized,  validly  existing,  and in good
standing under the laws of the State of Florida.

14.2              AUTHORITY; NO CONFLICT.

(a)      This Agreement  constitutes the legal,  valid and binding obligation of
         TGI, enforceable against TGI in accordance with its terms.

(b)  Neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by TGI nor the
consummation or performance of any of the Contemplated  Transactions by TGI will
give any person the right to prevent,  delay or otherwise  interfere with any of
the Contemplated  Transactions  pursuant to: (i) any provision of TGI's Articles
of Incorporation or Bylaws;

(ii) any  resolution  adopted by the board of directors or the  stockholders  of
TGI; (iii) any legal  requirement or order to which TGI may be subject;  or (iv)
any contract to which TGI is a party or by which TGI may be bound.
(c)      TGI will not be  required  to obtain  any  consent  from any  person in
         connection  with the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement or the
         consummation  or performance of any of the  Contemplated  Transactions,
         except as set forth on Schedule 14.2 hereto.

14.3              CERTAIN PROCEEDINGS.

           There is no pending  proceeding  that has been commenced  against TGI
and that  challenges,  or may have the effect of  preventing,  delaying,  making
illegal, or otherwise enjoining, any of the Contemplated Transactions.

15.      COVENANTS


           Between  the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing  Date,  Sellers
will, and will cause the Company, its Subsidiaries and their representatives to,
(a)  afford  TGI and its  representatives  and  prospective  lenders  and  their
representatives  (collectively,  "TGI's  Advisors")  full and free access to the
Company's and its  Subsidiaries'  personnel,  properties,  contracts,  books and
records,  and other  documents and data, (b) furnish TGI and TGI's Advisors with
copies of all such contracts,  books and records,  and other existing  documents
and data as TGI may reasonably  request,  and (c) furnish TGI and TGI's Advisors
with such additional financial, operating, and other data and information as TGI
may reasonably request.


           Between  the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing  Date,  Sellers
will,  and will cause the Company  and its  Subsidiaries  to: (a) conduct  their
businesses only in the ordinary course; and (b) use its best efforts to preserve
intact the current  business  organization of the Company and its  Subsidiaries,
keep available the services of their current  officers,  employees,  and agents,
and  maintain  the  relations  and good will with  their  suppliers,  customers,
landlords,   creditors,   employees,   agents,   and  others   having   business
relationships with the Company or any Subsidiary.

15.3              NEGATIVE COVENANT.

           Except as otherwise  expressly  permitted by this Agreement,  between
the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing  Date,  Sellers  will not, and will
cause the Company and each  Subsidiary not to, without the prior consent of TGI,
take any affirmative  action, or fail to take any reasonable action within their
or its  control,  as a result of which any of the  changes  or events  listed in
Section 3.15 is likely to occur.

15.4              NOTIFICATION.

(a)      Between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing  Date,  each Seller
         will  promptly  notify  TGI in writing  if such  Seller or the  Company
         becomes  aware of any fact or condition  that causes or  constitutes  a
         breach of any of Sellers' representations and warranties as of the date
         of this  Agreement,  or if such Seller or the Company  becomes aware of
         the  occurrence  after  the  date  of  this  Agreement  of any  fact or
         condition  that  would  cause  or  constitute  a  breach  of  any  such
         representation  or warranty had such  representation  or warranty  been
         made  as of the  time  of  occurrence  or  discovery  of  such  fact or

(b) Between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing Date,  TGI will promptly
notify the Company in writing if TGI becomes aware of any fact or condition that
causes or constitutes a breach of any of TGI's representations and warranties as
of the date of this Agreement,  or if TGI becomes aware of the occurrence  after
the  date of this  Agreement  of any  fact or  condition  that  would  cause  or
constitute   a  breach  of  any  such   representation   or  warranty  had  such
representation  or warranty  been made as of the time of occurrence or discovery
of such fact or condition.


           Except as expressly  provided in this  Agreement,  Sellers will cause
all indebtedness  owed to the Company by any Seller or any related person of any
Seller to be paid in full prior to Closing.

15.6              NO NEGOTIATION.

           Until such time, if any, as this Agreement is terminated  pursuant to
Section  18,  Sellers  will  not,  and will  cause the  Company  and each of its
Subsidiaries  and  representatives  not  to,  directly  or  indirectly  solicit,
initiate,  or encourage  any inquiries or proposals  from,  discuss or negotiate
with,  provide any  non-public  information  to, or  consider  the merits of any
unsolicited inquiries or proposals from, any person (other than TGI) relating to
any  transaction  involving the sale of the business or assets of the Company or
any Subsidiary, or any of the capital stock of the Company or any Subsidiary, or
any  merger,   consolidation,   business  combination,  or  similar  transaction
involving the Company or any Subsidiary.

15.7              BEST EFFORTS.

           Between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date, Sellers will
use their best efforts to cause the conditions in Section 6 to be satisfied.

15.8              RELEASE OF GUARANTEES.

           The Company and TGI will use their respective best efforts to obtain,
within 60 days from the Closing  Date,  the release of the  personal  guarantees
provided  by the  Sellers  and any family  member of the  Sellers to each entity
listed on Schedule  15.8 hereto with  respect to any debt or  obligation  of the
Company.  Until such guarantees are released or the underlying obligations fully
satisfied,  TGI will cause the Company to perform all obligations thereunder and
will fully  indemnify the Sellers  against any loss,  claim or payment made with
respect thereto.


         TGI's obligation to consummate the Reorganization and to take the other
actions  required  to be  taken  by  TGI  at  the  Closing  is  subject  to  the
satisfaction,  at or prior to the Closing,  of each of the following  conditions
(any of which may be waived by TGI, in whole or in part):


           All of Sellers' representations and warranties in this Agreement must
have been  accurate in all respects as of the date of this  Agreement  and as of
the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date.

16.2              SELLERS' PERFORMANCE.

           All of the covenants and obligations that the Company and the Sellers
are required to perform or to comply with pursuant to this Agreement at or prior
to the Closing must have been duly performed and complied with in all respects.

16.3              CONSENTS.

           Each  of the  consents  identified  in  Part  3.2  of  the  Company's
Disclosure  Letter and on Schedule  14.2 hereto must have been obtained and must
be in full force and effect.

16.4              ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.

           Each of the following documents must have been delivered to TGI:

(a) an opinion of counsel to the  Company  and the  Sellers,  dated the  Closing
Date, in form acceptable to TGI; and

(b) such other  documents  as TGI may  reasonably  request  (i)  evidencing  the
accuracy of any of Sellers' representations and warranties;  (ii) evidencing the
performance  by either Seller of, or the  compliance by either Seller with,  any
covenant or obligation required to be performed or complied with by such Seller;
(iii) evidencing the  satisfaction of any condition  referred to in this Section
6; or (iv) otherwise  facilitating the consummation or performance of any of the
Contemplated Transactions.


           Since the date of this Agreement,  there must not have been commenced
or threatened  against TGI, Sellers,  the Company or any Subsidiary,  or against
any person  affiliated with TGI,  Sellers,  the Company or any  Subsidiary,  any
proceeding (a) involving any challenge to, or seeking damages or other relief in
connection with, any of the Contemplated Transactions,  or (b) that may have the
effect of  preventing,  delaying  or  making  illegal,  any of the  Contemplated


           There must not have been made or  threatened  by any person any claim
asserting that such person (a) is the holder or the beneficial  owner of, or has
the right to acquire or to obtain beneficial  ownership of, any stock of, or any
other voting,  equity, or ownership  interest in, the Company or any Subsidiary,
or (b) is entitled to all or any portion of the merger consideration.


           TGI shall have completed its  investigation of the Company's  assets,
business and financial condition and shall be satisfied with the results thereof
in its sole discretion.

16.8              FINANCING.

           TGI shall have  obtained  financing  for the Purchase  Price on terms
satisfactory to TGI in its sole discretion.

16.9              ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT.

           TGI may cause an independent environmental consultant,  chosen by TGI
at its sole  discretion,  to inspect,  audit,  and test the  Facilities  for the
existence of any and all environmental  conditions and any and all violations of
Environmental  Laws,  and to  deliver  a  report  describing  the  findings  and
conclusions  of the  inspection  (hereafter  referred  to as the  "Environmental
Assessment").  The scope, sequence,  and timing of the Environmental  Assessment
shall be at the sole  discretion of TGI and expense of the Sellers.  The results
of the Environmental Assessment shall be satisfactory in all respects to TGI.


  Simultaneously  herewith,  TGI and the Sellers  have entered into an Agreement
and Plan of  Reorganization  providing for the  acquisition by TGI of all of the
outstanding stock of R & M Enterprises,  Inc. All of the conditions precedent to
TGI's obligation to close such  transaction  shall have been satisfied as of the
Closing Date.


         The Company's  obligation to consummate the  Reorganization and to take
the other  actions  required  to be taken by the  Company or the  Sellers at the
Closing is subject to the satisfaction,  at or prior to the Closing,  of each of
the following conditions (any of which may be waived by the Company, in whole or
in part):


           All of TGI's  representations  and  warranties in this Agreement must
have been accurate in all respects as of the date of this  Agreement and must be
accurate in all respects as of the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date.

17.2              TGI'S PERFORMANCE.

           All of the covenants and obligations  that TGI is required to perform
or to comply with  pursuant to this  Agreement  at or prior to the Closing  must
have been performed and complied with in all respects.

17.3              NO PROCEEDINGS.

           Since the date of this Agreement,  there must not have been commenced
or threatened  against TGI, Sellers,  the Company or any Subsidiary,  or against
any person  affiliated with TGI,  Sellers,  the Company or any  Subsidiary,  any
proceeding (a) involving any challenge to, or seeking damages or other relief in
connection with, any of the Contemplated Transactions,  or (b) that may have the
effect of  preventing,  delaying,  or making  illegal,  any of the  Contemplated


  Simultaneously  herewith,  TGI and the Sellers  have entered into an Agreement
and Plan of  Reorganization  providing for the  acquisition by TGI of all of the
outstanding stock of R & M Enterprises,  Inc. All of the conditions precedent to
Sellers'  obligation to close such  transaction  shall have been satisfied as of
the Closing Date.


18.1              TERMINATION EVENTS.

           This  Agreement  may, by notice given prior to or at the Closing,  be

(a)      by either TGI or the Company if a material  breach of any  provision of
         this  Agreement  has been  committed by the other party and such breach
         has not been waived;

(b)               by:

(i)               TGI if any  of  the  conditions  in  Section  6 has  not  been
                  satisfied as of the Closing Date or if  satisfaction of such a
                  condition  is or becomes  impossible  (other than  through the
                  failure  of TGI to  comply  with its  obligations  under  this
                  Agreement)  and TGI has not waived such condition on or before
                  the Closing Date; or

(ii) Sellers,  if any of the  conditions in Section 17 has not been satisfied of
the Closing Date or if satisfaction of such a condition is or becomes impossible
(other than  through  the  failure of Sellers to comply  with their  obligations
under this  Agreement)  and Sellers have not waived such  condition on or before
the Closing Date; (c) by mutual consent of TGI and Sellers; or

(d) by either TGI or Sellers if the Closing has not occurred (other than through
the failure of any party  seeking to  terminate  this  Agreement to comply fully
with its  obligations  under this Agreement) on or before July 31, 1999, or such
later date as the Parties may agree upon. 18.2 EFFECT OF TERMINATION.

           Each Party's right of termination under Section 8.1 is in addition to
any  other  rights  it may have  under  this  Agreement  or  otherwise.  If this
Agreement is terminated  pursuant to Section 8.1, all further obligations of the
Parties under this  Agreement  will  terminate,  except that the  obligations in
Sections 10.1 and 20.2 will survive.


19.1              SURVIVAL.

           All representations,  warranties,  covenants, and obligations in this
Agreement,  the Company's Disclosure Letter, the certificates delivered pursuant
to Sections  12.4(a)(iv) and  12.4(b)(ii) and any other  certificate or document
delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement  will survive the  Closing.  The right to
indemnification,  payment of Damages (as defined below) or other remedy based on
such  representations,  warranties,  covenants,  and  obligations  will  not  be
affected  by any  investigation  conducted  with  respect  to, or any  knowledge
acquired (or capable of being acquired) at any time, whether before or after the
execution and delivery of this  Agreement or the Closing  Date,  with respect to
the accuracy or  inaccuracy  of or  compliance  with,  any such  representation,
warranty, covenant, or obligation.


           Sellers, jointly and severally, will indemnify and hold harmless TGI,
the Company,  and their respective  representatives,  stockholders,  controlling
persons, and affiliates (collectively,  the "Indemnified Persons") for, and will
pay to the Indemnified Persons the amount of, any loss, liability, claim, damage
(including  incidental and consequential  damages),  expense (including costs of
investigation  and defense and  reasonable  attorneys'  fees) or  diminution  of
value, whether or not involving a third-party claim  (collectively,  "Damages"),
arising, directly or indirectly, from or in connection with:

(a)      any breach of any  representation  or warranty  made by Sellers in this
         Agreement,  the Company's Disclosure Letter or any other certificate or
         document   delivered  by  Sellers  or  the  Company  pursuant  to  this

(b) any breach by Sellers or the Company of any covenant or  obligation  in this
Agreement;  (c) any product  shipped or any services  provided by the Company or
any Subsidiary  prior to the Closing Date; (d) any claim for unpaid taxes or for
failure to file  appropriate  returns above the amounts accrued  therefor on the
Balance Sheet,  including without limitation,  United States, state and/or local
income, profits, franchise, sales, use, occupancy, property (real and personal),
ad valorem, excise, value added, withholding,  payroll, transfer and other taxes
(including interest, penalties and any additions to tax) due from the Company or
any  Subsidiary  or claimed to be due from the Company or any  Subsidiary by any
taxing authority for all periods through the Closing Date, including taxes which
may  accrue for  periods  up to  Closing  Date but which have not become due and
owing; (e) any use, release, threatened release, emission, generation,  storage,
transportation, disposal, or arrangement for the disposal of Hazardous Materials
by the Company or any  Subsidiary or the presence of any Hazardous  Materials or
circumstance  or condition at any Facility  which would require  remediation  or
other action under any Environmental Laws,  including,  without limitation,  the
cost of any  environmental  response action or liability under the Comprehensive
Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act  whether  such  loss
accrues,  is required or is  necessary  prior to the Closing  Date,  to the full
extent  that  such  loss is  attributable,  in  whole or in  part,  directly  or
indirectly, to the presence, use, emission, generation, storage, transportation,
release, threatened release, disposal, or arrangements for disposal of Hazardous
Materials at any Facility or on any other  properties to which the Company,  its
Subsidiaries  or affiliates or any other prior owner or operator of any Facility
has sent or  arranged  for the  disposal  of  Hazardous  Materials  prior to the
Closing Date. All terms used in this paragraph and not otherwise  defined herein
shall be given the meaning provided under the Environmental  Laws; (f) any claim
by any person for brokerage or finder's fees or commissions or similar  payments
based upon any agreement or understanding  alleged to have been made by any such
person with either  Seller or the Company (or any person acting on their behalf)
in connection with any of the Contemplated Transactions.


           TGI will indemnify and hold harmless Sellers, and will pay to Sellers
the amount of any  Damages  (as  defined in 19.2  above)  arising,  directly  or
indirectly,  from or in connection with (a) any breach of any  representation or
warranty made by TGI in this  Agreement or in any  certificate  delivered by TGI
pursuant to this Agreement,  (b) any breach by TGI of any covenant or obligation
of TGI in this  Agreement,  or (c) any  claim by any  person  for  brokerage  or
finder's fees or  commissions  or similar  payments  based upon any agreement or
understanding  alleged to have been made by such  person with TGI (or any person
acting on its behalf) in connection with any of the Contemplated Transactions.

19.4              ESCROW.

           At the closing of the  acquisition  of R & M  Enterprises,  Inc., the
Sellers will  initially  deposit  750,000  shares of TGI's Common Stock that are
issued to the Sellers in the merger (the "Escrow  Shares")  with a bank or trust
company  located  within the State of Georgia  which will act as an escrow agent
(the "Escrow  Agent"),  who will hold the Escrow  Shares in escrow as collateral
for the indemnification  obligations of the Sellers under the Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization and this Agreement.  The Escrow Shares will be released to the
Sellers as set forth in the Escrow Agreement.


(a)      Promptly  after  receipt  by an  Indemnified  Person  of  notice of the
         commencement  of any  proceeding  against it, such  Indemnified  Person
         will, if a claim is to be made against an indemnifying party hereunder,
         give  notice  to the  indemnifying  party of the  commencement  of such
         claim,  but the  failure  to notify  the  indemnifying  party  will not
         relieve the indemnifying party of any liability that it may have to any
         Indemnified  Person,  except to the extent that the indemnifying  party
         demonstrates  that the  defense  of such  action is  prejudiced  by the
         Indemnified Person's failure to give such notice.

(b) If any  proceeding  is brought  against an  Indemnified  Person and it gives
notice to the indemnifying  party of the  commencement of such  proceeding,  the
indemnifying  party will be entitled to participate in such  proceeding  and, to
the extent that it wishes (unless (i) the indemnifying  party is also a party to
such proceeding and the Indemnified  Person  determines in good faith that joint
representation  would be inappropriate,  or (ii) the indemnifying party fails to
provide reasonable assurance to the Indemnified Person of its financial capacity
to defend such  proceeding  and  provide  indemnification  with  respect to such
proceeding),  to assume the defense of such proceeding with counsel satisfactory
to the Indemnified  Person and, after notice from the indemnifying  party to the
Indemnified Person of its election to assume the defense of such proceeding, the
indemnifying party will not, as long as it diligently  conducts such defense, be
liable to the  Indemnified  Person  under  this  Section 9 for any fees of other
counsel or any other expenses with respect to the defense of such proceeding, in
each case subsequently incurred by the Indemnified Person in connection with the
defense of such proceeding, other than reasonable costs of investigation. If the
indemnifying  party  assumes  the  defense  of a  proceeding,  (i)  it  will  be
conclusively  established for purposes of this Agreement that the claims made in
that proceeding are within the scope of and subject to indemnification;  (ii) no
compromise  or  settlement  of such claims may be  effected by the  indemnifying
party without the Indemnified Person's consent unless (A) there is no finding or
admission of any violation of applicable  laws or any violation of the rights of
any  person  and no effect  on any other  claims  that may be made  against  the
Indemnified  Person,  and (B) the sole relief provided is monetary  damages that
are paid in full by the  indemnifying  party;  and (iii) the Indemnified  Person
will have no liability  with respect to any  compromise  or  settlement  of such
claims effected without its consent. If notice is given to an indemnifying party
of the  commencement  of any  proceeding  and the  indemnifying  party does not,
within ten (10) days after such notice is given,  give notice to the Indemnified
Person  of  its  election  to  assume  the  defense  of  such  proceeding,   the
indemnifying party will be bound by any determination made in such proceeding or
any compromise or settlement effected by the Indemnified Person. Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  the filing of an answer by the  indemnifying  party in order to
preserve the rights of the Indemnified  Party due to a filing deadline shall not
in itself  constitute  its election to assume the defense of a claim  hereunder.
(c) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if an Indemnified Person determines in good
faith that there is a reasonable  probability  that a proceeding  may  adversely
affect it or its affiliates other than as a result of monetary damages for which
it would be entitled to  indemnification  under this Agreement,  the Indemnified
Person may, by notice to the indemnifying  party,  assume the exclusive right to
defend,  compromise, or settle such proceeding,  but the indemnifying party will
not be bound by any  determination of a proceeding so defended or any compromise
or  settlement  effected  without  its  consent  (which may not be  unreasonably
withheld).  (d) Sellers hereby consent to the non-exclusive  jurisdiction of any
court in which a  proceeding  is  brought  against  any  Indemnified  Person for
purposes of any claim that an  Indemnified  Person may have under this Agreement
with respect to such proceeding or the matters alleged  therein,  and agree that
process may be served on Sellers  with  respect to such a claim  anywhere in the


           A  claim  for   indemnification   for  any  matter  not  involving  a
third-party   claim  may  be   asserted   by  notice  to  the  party  from  whom
indemnification is sought.


20.1              EXPENSES.

           Each  Party  to this  Agreement  will  bear its  respective  expenses
incurred in connection with the preparation,  execution, and performance of this
Agreement and the Contemplated Transactions,  including all fees and expenses of
agents, representatives, counsel, and accountants.

20.2              PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.

           Any public  announcement  or similar  publicity  with respect to this
Agreement or the  Contemplated  Transactions  will be issued at such time and in
such manner as mutually agreed, except TGI may make such disclosures as it deems
necessary to comply with applicable  securities laws. Unless consented to by TGI
in advance or required by applicable  law,  prior to the Closing  Sellers shall,
and shall cause the Company to, keep this Agreement  strictly  confidential  and
may not make any  disclosure  of this  Agreement to any person.  Sellers and TGI
will mutually agree upon the means by which the Company's employees,  customers,
and suppliers  and others  having  dealings with the Company will be informed of
the Contemplated Transactions, and TGI will have the right to be present for any
such communication.

20.3              NOTICES.

           All notices,  consents,  waivers, and other communications under this
Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given when (a)
delivered by hand (with written confirmation of receipt), (b) sent by telecopier
(with  written  confirmation  of  receipt),  provided  that a copy is  mailed by
registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  or  (c)  when  received  by  the
addressee,  if  sent  by a  nationally  recognized  overnight  delivery  service
(receipt  requested),  in each case to the appropriate  addresses and telecopier
numbers set forth below (or to such other addresses and telecopier  numbers as a
party may designate by notice to the other parties):

         Sellers:          .........Michael P. Sortino
                                    908 Shady Tree Lane
                                    Papillion, Nebraska  68046
                                    Facsimile No.: (402) 332-3248

                                    Randy A. Williams
                                    14806 Monroe
                                    Omaha, Nebraska  68137
                                    Facsimile No.: (402) 332-3248

         with a copy to:   .........Daniel P. Bracht
                                    127 West Bridge
                                    P. O. Box 252
                                    West Point, Nebraska  68788
                                    Facsimile No.: (402) 372-5400

         TGI:              .........Transit Group, Inc.
                                    Overlook III, Suite 1740
                                    2859 Paces Ferry Road
                                    Atlanta, Georgia  30339
                                    Attention:  Philip A. Belyew, President
                                    Facsimile No.:  (770) 444-0246

         with a copy to:   .........Sharon L. McBrayer, Esq.
                                    Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC
                                    Suite 3500, One Atlantic Center
                                    1201 West Peachtree Street
                                    Atlanta, Georgia  30309
                                    Facsimile No.:  (404) 870-4825


           Any action or  proceeding  seeking to enforce  any  provision  of, or
based on any right arising out of, this  Agreement may be brought by TGI against
any of the other Parties in the courts of the State of Georgia,  County of Cobb,
or, if it has or can acquire  jurisdiction,  in the United States District Court
for the  Northern  District  of  Georgia.  Each of the  Parties  consents to the
jurisdiction  of such courts (and of the  appropriate  appellate  courts) in any
such  action or  proceeding  and waives  any  objection  to venue laid  therein.
Process in any action or proceeding referred to in the preceding sentence may be
served on any party anywhere in the world.

20.5              FURTHER ASSURANCES.

           The  Parties  agree (a) to  furnish  upon  request to each other such
further  information,  (b) to  execute  and  deliver  to each  other  such other
documents,  and (c) to do such other acts and things, all as the other party may
reasonably  request for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this Agreement
and the documents referred to in this Agreement.

20.6              WAIVER.

           The  rights  and  remedies  of the  parties  to  this  Agreement  are
cumulative and not  alternative.  Neither the failure nor any delay by any Party
in  exercising  any right,  power,  or  privilege  under this  Agreement  or the
documents  referred to in this Agreement will operate as a waiver of such right,
power, or privilege, and no single or partial exercise of any such right, power,
or privilege will preclude any other or further  exercise of such right,  power,
or privilege or the exercise of any other right,  power,  or  privilege.  To the
maximum extent permitted by applicable law, (a) no claim or right arising out of
this Agreement or the documents  referred to in this Agreement can be discharged
by one Party,  in whole or in part, by a waiver or  renunciation of the claim or
right unless in writing signed by the other  Parties;  (b) no waiver that may be
given by a Party will be applicable except in the specific instance for which it
is given;  and (c) no  notice  to or demand on one Party  will be deemed to be a
waiver of any  obligation of such Party or of the right of the Party giving such
notice or demand to take further  action without notice or demand as provided in
this Agreement or the documents referred to in this Agreement.


           This Agreement  supersedes all prior  agreements  between the parties
with respect to its subject  matter and  constitutes  (along with the  documents
referred to in this  Agreement) a complete and exclusive  statement of the terms
of the agreement  between the parties with respect to its subject  matter.  This
Agreement may not be amended except by a written agreement executed by the Party
to be charged with the amendment.

20.8              DISCLOSURE LETTER.

           The disclosures in the Company's  Disclosure Letter, and those in any
supplement  thereto,  relate only to the  representations  and warranties in the
Section of the  Agreement  to which they  expressly  refer.  In the event of any
inconsistency  between the statements in the body of this Agreement and those in
the Company's  Disclosure Letter (other than an exception expressly set forth as
such  in  the  Company's  Disclosure  Letter  with  respect  to  a  specifically
identified  representation  or  warranty),  the  statements  in the body of this
Agreement will control.


           None of the Sellers  nor the  Company may assign any of their  rights
under this  Agreement  without  the prior  consent of TGI.  TGI may assign  this
Agreement, the Seller's Closing Documents, or any one of them at any time to any
affiliated entity without obtaining the consent of or notifying any other Party.
This  Agreement will apply to, be binding in all respects upon, and inure to the
benefit of the heirs,  successors and permitted assigns of the Parties.  Nothing
expressed or referred to in this  Agreement will be construed to give any person
other than the Parties to this Agreement any legal or equitable  right,  remedy,
or claim  under or with  respect  to this  Agreement  or any  provision  of this
Agreement.  This  Agreement and all of its provisions and conditions are for the
sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties to this Agreement and their successors
and permitted assigns.

20.10             SEVERABILITY.

           If any provision of this  Agreement is held invalid or  unenforceable
by any court of competent  jurisdiction,  the other provisions of this Agreement
will remain in full force and  effect.  Any  provision  of this  Agreement  held
invalid or  unenforceable  only in part or degree  will remain in full force and
effect to the extent not held invalid or unenforceable. The remedies provided in
this  Agreement will not be exclusive of or limit any other remedies that may be


           The  headings  of  Sections  in  this   Agreement  are  provided  for
convenience  only and will not affect its  construction or  interpretation.  All
references  to "Section" or  "Sections"  refer to the  corresponding  Section or
Sections of this  Agreement.  All words used in this Agreement will be construed
to be of such gender or number as the  circumstances  require.  Unless otherwise
expressly  provided,  the word "including" does not limit the preceding words or

20.12             TIME OF ESSENCE.

           With regard to all dates and time periods set forth or referred to in
this Agreement, time is of the essence.

20.13             GOVERNING LAW.

           This  Agreement  will be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia
without regard to conflicts of laws principles.

20.14             COUNTERPARTS.

           This Agreement may be executed in one or more  counterparts,  each of
which will be deemed to be an original copy of this  Agreement and all of which,
when taken together, will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed  and  delivered  this
Agreement as of the date first written above.


                                      TRANSIT GROUP, INC.

                                      BY:      /s/Philip A. Belyew________
                                               PHILIP A. BELYEW, President

                                 THE "COMPANY":

                                      WILLIAMS TRUCK BROKERS, INC.

                                      BY:      /s/Michael P. Sortino_________
                                                MICHAEL P. SORTINO, President


                                                MICHAEL P. SORTINO

                                                RANDY A. WILLIAMS

                                  SCHEDULE 14.2

                                  TGI CONSENTS

1.       AmSouth Bank, N.A.

2.       GE Capital Equity Investments, Inc.

                                  SCHEDULE 15.8

                               PERSONAL GUARANTEES

                           Lender                                      Guarantor
                           ------                                      ---------
Security National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska                   Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Douglas County Bank & Trust Company of Omaha, Nebraska      Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Mercedes-Benz Credit Corporation                            Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Associates Commercial Corporation                           Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Navistar Financial Corporation                              Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

AT&T Capital Corporation                                    Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Tie Systems, Inc.                                           Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams



                           Lender...                                   Guarantor
                           ------                                      ---------

Security National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska                   Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Douglas County Bank & Trust Company of Omaha, Nebraska      Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Mercedes-Benz Credit Corporation                            Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Associates Commercial Corporation                           Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Navistar Financial Corporation                              Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

AT&T Capital Corporation                                    Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams

Tie Systems, Inc.                                           Michael P. Sortino and Randy A. Williams