READER'S DIGEST ROAD
                         PLEASANTVILLE, NY 10570-7000

MICHAEL S. GELTZEILER                                 TELEPHONE: (914) 244-7515
Chief Financial Officer                                     FAX: (914) 244-5665

                                               February 3, 2006
Mr. Joseph A. Foti
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC  20549

Re:   The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.
      Commission File No.: 001-10434
      Form 10-K:  For the year ended June 30, 2005
      Form 10-Q:  For the quarter ended September 30, 2005

Dear Mr. Foti:

Enclosed are our responses to your comment letter dated January 30, 2006,
regarding the above-referenced filings made by The Reader's Digest
Association, Inc. (the "Company") with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

The Company acknowledges that:
   -   the Company is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
       disclosure in the filings;
   -   staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff comments do
       not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect to
       the filing; and
   -   the Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding
       initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal
       securities laws of the United States.

Please do not hesitate to call me (914-244-7515) or our Controller, Tom Barry
(914-244-5232), if you have any additional questions.



cc: Tom Barry

Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2005
Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

1.    We note that your disclosure in Item 7A references the relevant
      discussion in the Currency Risk Management section of MD&A, which also
      references Note 7 to the financial statements.  Although Note 7
      discusses interest rate risk and the cash flow hedges that were entered
      we do not believe it appropriately discusses your foreign exchange
      risk.  In future filings, please present a sensitivity analysis for the
      effects of your foreign exchange risk, as required by Item 305 in
      Regulation S-K.

      Company response:
      We will comply in future SEC filings.

Item 9A. Controls and Procedures

2.    We note your conclusion that your disclosure controls and procedures
      were "sufficient to provide reasonable assurance".  Item 307 of
      Regulation S-K requires that management conclude on the effectiveness of
      the disclosure controls and procedures.  Please confirm to us that the
      disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of the end of the
      period covered by the end of your Form 10-K.  Additionally, in future
      filings, please refer to the effectiveness of the disclosure controls
      and procedures in your Item 9A disclosure.  If you indicate that your
      disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable
      assurance, you must conclude that they are effective at the reasonable
      assurance level.

      Company response:
      We confirm that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as
      of June 30, 2005.  We will comply in future SEC filings.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

3.    We note your disclosure that information with respect to certain
      relationships and related transactions can be found under the caption
      "Transactions with Management and Other Related Parties" in the Proxy
      Statement for the November 18, 2005 meeting.  Please list for us, and
      disclose in the notes to the financial statements in future filings, any
      related party transactions required to be disclosed under SFAS 57 as
      there does not appear to be such a section in the Proxy Statement or the
      notes to the financial statements.

      Company response:
      For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005, there were no transactions with
      management or other related parties that required disclosure pursuant to
      SFAS No. 57.  In future filings, if we have transactions that require
      disclosure pursuant to SFAS No. 57, such transactions will be
      appropriately disclosed.

Statements of Cash Flows

4.    We note your presentation of changes in noncurrent assets and
      liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions and dispositions as an
      operating cash flow activity.  In future filings, please separately
      present the change in each noncurrent asset and liability to the extent
      the amounts are material.

      Company response:
      We will comply in future SEC filings.

Notes to the Financial Statements
Note 4.  Other (Expense) Income, Net

5.    We note from your disclosure of the components of other (expense) income
      that the net gain on sale of certain assets, includes gains on the sale
      of buildings, Moneywise magazine, fine art and other non-strategic
      assets.  In future filings, please classify the gain or loss on the sale
      of long-lived assets as part of operating loss or profit.  See paragraph
      45 of SFAS No. 144.

      Company response:
      We will comply in future SEC filings.

Note 5.  Supplemental Balance Sheet Information

6.    We note that 54% of the accrued expenses balance is attributed to
      "other, principally operating expenses."  To the extent that any of the
      amounts included in this "other" category are more than 5% of total
      current liabilities, please separately list for us and disclose in
      future filings each amount.  See Rule 5-02.20 of Regulation S-X.

      Company response:
      None of the amounts included in the "other, principally operating
      expenses" category are more than 5% of total current liabilities.  In
      future filings, if we have amounts in the "other, principally operating
      expenses" category that are more than 5% of total current liabilities,
      such amounts will be appropriately disclosed.

2005 Annual Report

7.    We note your presentation of adjusted earnings per share, in which you
      eliminate the effect of charges for goodwill impairment, deferred
      promotion costs, and other items. This non-GAAP performance measure does
      not comply with the requirements of Item 10(c) of Regulation S-K because
      it eliminates items reasonably likely to recur within two years or
      occurring within the previous two years.  In future filings, please
      eliminate presentation of this non-GAAP performance measure. Refer to
      Item 10(c) of S-K and questions 8 and 9 of the staff's "Frequently Asked
      Questions Regarding the Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" dated June
      13, 2003.

      Company response:
      We will comply in future SEC filings.