Washington, DC 20549
(Mark One)
__________________    TO ________________.

Commission File Number   0-18353
 (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Idaho                                  82-0109390  
(State or other jurisdiction of        (IRS Employer incorporation or 
organization)	                   				  Identification No.)			
PO Box 2610, 
Spokane, Washington                  		     99220-2610
(Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip code)             
  (509) 924-6363
  (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by 
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or 
for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such 
reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the 
past 90 days.  Yes   X _ No ___

Applicable only to issuers involved in bankruptcy proceedings during 
the preceding five years.

Check whether the registrant filed all documents and reports required 
to be filed by Section 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act after the 
distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court. 

Applicable only to corporate issuers.

State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes 
of common equity, as of the latest practicable date.

       5,352,553 shares of common stock, no par value, were outstanding 
as of April  25, 1998.


     Item 1.  Financial Statements.

     The condensed financial statements of The Coeur d'Alenes Company 
(sometimes referred to herein as the "Company") included herein have 
been prepared by the Company without audit or review by the Company's 
accountants pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and 
Exchange Commission.  In the opinion of management, all adjustments 
necessary to a fair statement of the results of operations for the 
interim periods ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997 have been made.  
The results of operations for the interim periods are not necessarily 
indicative of the results to be expected for the full fiscal year. 
Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in 
financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles have been condensed or omitted pursuant to such 
rules and regulations, although the Company believes that the 
disclosures are adequate to make the information presented not 
misleading. These condensed financial statements should be read in 
conjunction with the financial statements and the notes thereto 
included in The Coeur d'Alenes Company's latest audited financial 
statements for the fiscal year ended September 27, 1997.

 Index of Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets -
March 25, 1998 and September 27, 1997  	       	 	       	     3

Unaudited Consolidated Income Statements -
Six Months Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997			          4

Unaudited Consolidated Income Statements -
Three Months Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997  		       5

Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows -
Six Months Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997  			        6 

Condensed Notes to Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statement  7

March 25, 1998 and September 27, 1997

                                          March 25, 		         September 27
   	                                      1998 		              1997
(Unaudited)		(Audited)
Current Assets:
     Cash                  					          $    60,070	          $    89,495
     Accounts receivable         			      	 1,263,056           		1,240,996
     Inventory            		 	           		 2,762,192             2,342,671
     Other current assets   	    	   		        93,874                70,004
     Total current assets              				 4,179,192             3,743,166

Plant, Property and Equipment    			        4,788,407             4,735,715
     Less accumulated depreciation      			 1,529,441             1,400,291
     Net plant property and 
Equipment		                              		 3,258,966             3,335,424

Other assets                          			      54,389                73,365
Total assets                           				$7,492,547 	          $7,151,955


Current Liabilities:
     Short term bank borrowings        			 $  771,649            $  833,656
     Accounts payable                		  	  1,011,901               613,608
     Accrued expenses                         331,730        	      307,520
     Debentures payable to related parties                          128,000	
     Current amount on long-term debt         103,663               103,663
               Total current liabilities    2,346,943             1,858,447

Long-term debt:
     Deferred tax liability                    97,953      		        65,000
     Long term debt less current maturities 2,347,607	            2,393,822
     Long term debt to related parties          	  0       		       128,000
               Total long term liabilities  2,445,560             2,586,822
Total liabilities                           4,792,503	            4,445,269

Stockholders' Equity:
     Capital Stock            		            1,186,192	            1,186,192
     Retained earnings                      1,518,792	            1,524,294
                                            2,704,984	            2,710,486
          Less Treasury Stock at cost           4,940     	           3,800
          Total stockholders' equity        2,700,044             2,706,686
     Total liabilities and stockholders
          equity 	                         $7,492,547            $7,151,955

 Six Months Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997

                                   			    	  1998    	                 1997
Net sales                    	           		$6,569,918 	          $6,053,954

Cost of sales                          			  4,982,770         	   4,473,000

Gross profit on sales              	    		  1,587,148        		   1,580,954

Selling, general and administrative 
     expenses   	                           1,472,339             1,590,634

Operating income (loss)                		     114,809     		    (     9,680)
Other income (expense)
     Interest income             	      	      16,319		              12,788 
     Interest expense                      (  149,882)	      	     (156,568)
     Other income                              10,020		              47,896 

Total other expense		                 		 	(   123,543)     		       (95,884)  	

Income (loss) before income tax expense  	(     8,734)	      	     (105,564)   

Income tax (benefit) 				                 (     3,232)		            (39,059)   

Net income (loss)                     			$(     5,502)            $( 66.505)

Earnings (loss) per share              		$(     0.00 )	           $(  0.01 )

     Shares outstanding               		    5,352,553	            5,353,561

Three Months Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997

                                      			   	 1998	              1997

Net sales                              			$3,341,378           		$3,049,824	   

Cost of sales                       		  	  2,502,300          		  2,276,804     

Gross profit on sales                 		     839,078	         	     773,020    

Selling, general and 
     administrative expenses           	     733,575		              760,052 

Operating income                  	    	     105,503        		       12,968     

Other income (expense)
     Interest income         	       	         8,530       		         6,133    	
     Interest expense                        (75,562)		            ( 79,176)    
     Other income                              2,493		               18,329 

Total other expense              	    	      (64,539)	       	     ( 54,714) 

Income (loss) before income tax expense       40,964		             ( 41,746) 

Income tax expense               	    	       15,157	        	     ( 15,446)    

Net income (loss)                    			   $  25,807        	 	  $ ( 26,300)   

Earnings (loss) per share           	  	   $    0.00   	         $ (  0.00   ) 
     Shares outstanding                    5,352,553          		  5,353,561     

Six Months  Ended March 25, 1998 and March 25, 1997

                                          	 	 1998 	                   1997
 Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net loss	             		     	          ( 5,502)	          	$ (66,505) 
     Adjustments to reconcile net income
               to cash provided (used) by
               operating activities:
          Depreciation              		       129,150           		  110,134
          Gain on disposal of assets         ( 1,000)	        	 (  35,723) 
          Changes in assets and liabilities
               Accounts and notes receivable ( 22,060)       		    27,168 
               Inventories                   (419,521)	        	  216,512
               Prepaid expense and other
                 current assets             (  23,870)       		  ( 34,043)

               Other assets      		  	         18,976	        	  ( 12,761)
               Accounts payable               398,293		          (269,697)
               Accrued expenses                24,210	        	  (197,317)
	    Other liabilities			   	                  32,953        		  ________

     Cash provided (used) 
     by operating activities		        	       131,629        		  (262,232)

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Proceeds from sale of assets               1,000		            98,860
     Additions to property and equipment    (  52,692)       		  (267,580)

Cash used by investing activities    	      (  51,692)       		  (168,720) 

Cash flows from financing activities:
     Net borrowing (repayment)
          under line of credit  		   	      (  62,007)       		   181,841
     Principal repayment of long-term debt  (  46,215)      		  (  19,993)
     New long term note                          	0		             262,000 
     Treasury shares repurchased		   	      (   1,140)            		0__  

     Cash provided (used) by 
          financing activities      		      ( 109,362)     	 	    423,848

Net decrease in cash        	   	   	       (  29,425)	     	   (   7,104)
Cash, beginning of period                      89,495      		      68,645

Cash, end of period             	   	       $  60,070        	   $ 61,541


(1)  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.

     Significant accounting policies followed for the six months ended March 
25, 1998  are the same as those contained in the Summary of Significant 
Accounting Policies from the Company's audited financial statements as of
September 27, 1997 and September 28, 1996.

(2)  Inventories.
Inventories are summarized as follows:

		                                          March 25,	         September 27,
                                        				1998               1997
Fabrication inventories:
   Raw materials		 		                       $   61,860       		$     74,501    
   Work-in-progress                            318,580		            293,181     

   Inventories, at FIFO cost                   380,440      		      367,682    
   LIFO reserve                             (   50,538)           (  50,538)

   Inventories, at LIFO cost       	   	       329,902              317,144

Distribution inventories, at FIFO	    	      2,432,290	       	   2,025,527

Total inventories                    		      2,762,192            2,342,671
(3)  Short-term bank borrowings.

     The Company has $1,850,000 in bank credit lines which mature on May 1, 
1999.  Interest is charged at the lenders prime rate plus .25%.   At March 
25, 1997, the operating line was still priced under the prior loan agreement
which carried interest at the rate of the lenders prime rate plus .325%, or
8.57%.  Outstanding borrowings are collateralized by accounts receivable and 

     The credit line agreement contains covenants under which the Company 
may not pay dividends in excess of 10% of annual net (after tax) profit, or 
enter into mergers, acquisitions or any major sales of assets or corporate 
reorganizations without prior consent of the bank.  The Company is also 
required to maintain certain financial ratios concerning working capital 
and debt to equity, as well as a minimum net worth of $2,200,000.

(4)  Capital Stock.

      The Company conducted two tender offers which expired during the current 
fiscal year.  The offers resulted in 1,008 shares being repurchased as 
treasury stock with a total cost to the Company of $1,140.  The purpose of 
the tender offers was to buy out odd lot holders of stock with diminimus 
value which cost the Company more to service than the value of the stock held.

(5)  Federal Income Tax Expense

     As of March 25, 1998 and September 27, 1997, the Company has a deferred 
long term tax liability of $65,000 resulting primarily from the use of 
accelerated methods of depreciation of fixed assets and a deferred tax asset
of $46,000 resulting from vacation accrual and bad debt allowance.  A 
valuation allowance on the Company's deferred tax assets has been established 
to the extent the Company believes it is more likely than not that the 
deferred tax assets will not be realized.

     There were no extraordinary items to be reported for any of the above 
accounting periods.

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
Results of Operations.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     During the first six months of the current fiscal year, the Company's 
working capital decreased from approximately $1,885,000 at the end of the 
prior fiscal year to approximately $1,832,000 as of March 25, 1998.  The 
3% decline is primarily the result of debentures in the amount of $128,000 
moving from long term to current liabilities.  These debentures are due 
at the end of October 1998.  The operating line is adequate to retire this 
debt and currently has an interest rate 1-1/4% lower than the rate carried 
by the debentures.

     On January 26, 1998 the Company converted the real estate loan from a 
variable rate loan to an 8-1/2% fixed rate loan for the 228 months remaining
 on the term.

     The Company is dependent on an operating line of credit, secured by 
accounts receivable and inventory, to meet its daily financial obligations. 
A $1.85 million operating line is currently in place through May 1, 1999.
Results of Operations.

Six Months Ended March 25, 1998

     Sales of approximately $6,570,000 for the six month period ended 
March 25, 1998 are 8-1/2% higher than approximately $6,054,000 for the 
same six month period of the prior fiscal year.  Gross margins, however, 
increased by less than 1/2% from approximately $1,581,000 for the first 
half of last year to approximately $1,587,000 during the same six month 
period of the current fiscal year.  The steel service center sales 
represent approximately 87% of the total sales for the first six months 
of the current year compared to 80% for the first six months of the prior 
year.  This reflects a 19% increase in the steel service center's sales 
volume over the first half of the prior year.  Of that 19%, approximately 
1/4 is the result of press brake work moving from the fabrication business 
to the steel service center business where there is a better fit.  The 
remaining 3/4, or 14% is real sales growth.  The fabrication business 
(contributing 13% and 20% of the total sales in the first six months of 
1998 and 1997 respectively).  After factoring out the shift of the press 
brake work experienced a sales decline of 24%.  Since the business will 
experience gross margins from 10% to 20% higher as a percentage of sales then 
the distribution business, the increase in gross margins did not keep pace 
with the sales volume increase.

     Operating expenses at approximately $1,472,000 for the six month period 
ended March 25, 1998 were 7% lower than approximately $1,591,000 for the 
same period of the prior fiscal year.  The $118,000 decrease was possible 
because the current fiscal year was not impacted by severe weather 
conditions, relocation of operations or nonproductive labor resulting from  
declining sales volume, as was the prior year.

     Interest expense, at approximately $150,000 for the six month period 
ended March 25, 1998 is 4% lower than approximately $157,000 for the same 
period of the prior year.  The decrease was possible because of a slightly 
lower debt level during the first quarter and a lower interest rate on a 
real estate loan of approximately $1,911,000 during the second quarter of 
the current year.

     Other income at approximately $10,000 for the first six months of the 
current fiscal year compares to approximately $48,000 for the first half of 
the prior fiscal year.  The decrease was anticipated as the prior year 
includes approximately $36,000 of gain on the disposal of surplus equipment. 
The surplus equipment was sold at the time of and immediately following the 
relocation of the fabrication business to its current location.

     The reduced operating costs for the first half of the year helped to 
reduce the size of the net loss to approximately $5,500 compared to a net 
loss of approximately $66,500 for the same period of the prior year.

Three Months Ended March 25, 1998
     Sales of approximately $3,341,000 for the second quarter of the current 
fiscal year are 10% higher than approximately $3,050,000 for the second 
quarter of the prior fiscal year.  The steel service center business, which 
contributed 92% of the total sales for the three month period ended March 
25, 1998, increased revenues by approximately 21% over the same period of 
the prior fiscal year when its sales represented 84% of the Company's sales. 
In October 1997 the press brake business was shifted from the fabrication 
business to the steel service center business.  After eliminating the effect
of the press brake business, the real increase in second quarter sales for 
the current year over the sales for same period of the prior year was 18%.  
The fabrication business represents 8% of the total sales for the second 
quarter of the current year and 16% for the same period of the prior year.  
After the same process of eliminating the effects of the business shift, 
the fabrication sales were down 40% in a comparison of sales for the three 
month period ended March 25, 1998 with sales for the three month period 
ended March 25, 1997.  The decrease is the result of low demand in the 
Company's market area.

     Gross margins for the three month period ended March 25, 1998, at 
25.1% of sales compared to 25.3% of sales for the same period of the prior 
fiscal year.  With the higher volume of sales, gross margin dollars for the 
second quarter of the current fiscal year at approximately $839,000 exceed 
those of the prior year's second quarter at approximately $773,000 by 8-1/2%

     Operating expenses at approximately $734,000 for the three month period 
ended March 25, 1998 are 3% lower than approximately $760,000 for the same 
period of the prior fiscal year.  The decrease is due primarily to the 
absence in the current year of some of the relocation related expenses that 
were present during the second quarter of last year.  These expenses were 
mostly repair and maintenance on equipment that was unsettled in the 

     Interest expense for the three month period ended March 25, 1998 at 
approximately $76,000 was only slightly lower than approximately $79,000 for 
the same period of the prior year  The 4% decline was the result of a lower 
interest rate on a real estate loan.
     Higher sales volume and a lower expense load resulted in a net income 
of approximately $26,000 for the second quarter of the current year compared 
to a net loss of approximately the same amount for the three month period 
ended March 25, 1997.

     Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.

     Item 2.  Changes in Securities.
     The Company had sold $250,000 of convertible debentures, collateralized 
by land and building, held by related parties, with annual interest at 9.25% 
and due October 31, 1998.  The instruments are convertible to no-par common 
stock after October 31, 1994 at $0.125 per share with 20% per year 
incremental conversion price increases over the life of the debentures.  The 
Company, at its option, may call any or all outstanding debentures for 
redemption after January 2, 1994.

     During October 1995, $122,000 of the debentures were converted at 
$0.125 per share for which 976,000 shares were issued.  $128,000 remains 
as long-term debt.  This conversion increased the number of outstanding 
shares by 22%.

     The company conducted two tender offers, one from August 1997 through 
October 15, 1997 and another from January 15, 1998 through March 15, 1998.  
These tender offers were made to holders of odd lot shares of 24 or fewer 
shares.  As a result of the offers the Company purchased 1008 shares at a 
total cost of $1,140.

     Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities.

     Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

     Item 5.  Other Information.

     Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K (249.308).
	(a)  Exhibits.

     	(b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: April 29, 1998
						/s/ Marilyn A. Schroeder
						Marilyn A. Schroeder, Treasurer and
						Chief Financial Officer
						(Authorized Officer and Principal
						Accounting and Financial Officer)