PO Box 2610
	Spokane, Washington

	Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
	to be held February 12, 1999


The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Coeur 
d'Alenes Company, an Idaho corporation ("Cd'A" or the 
"Company"), will be held on Friday, February 12, 1999, 
at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time at the offices of 
the Company, 3900 E. Broadway, Spokane WA, (the "Annual 
Meeting"), for the following purposes:

1.   To elect five directors to hold office until the 
next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and until their 
respective successors have been elected or appointed.

2.   To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the 
appointment of BDO Seidman as independent certified 
public accountants of the Company for fiscal 1999.

3.   To transact such other business as may properly 
come before the Annual Meeting and any adjournments 

The close of business on December 28, 1998, has been 
designated as the record date for the determination of 
Shareholders entitled to notice and to vote at the 
Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

By order of the Board of Directors
Spokane, Washington
January 15, 1999				
Arlene Coulson


The Board of Directors has nominated five persons for 
election as directors, all of whom currently act as 
directors of the Company.  If a quorum is present at 
the Annual Meeting, a plurality of the shares present 
is necessary for the election of directors and a 
majority of the shares present is necessary for the 
approval of the appointment of independent public 
accountants.  We consider the vote of each Shareholder 
important, whatever the number of shares held.  Please 
sign, date and return your proxy in the enclosed 
envelope at your earliest convenience.  The prompt 
return of your proxy will save expense to your Company. 
 The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company.

The Board of Directors solicits the execution and 
prompt return of the accompanying proxy.

	PO Box 2610
	Spokane, Washington


Proxies, Solicitation and Voting

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with 
the solicitation by the Board of Directors of proxies 
in the accompanying form to be used at the Annual 
Meeting of Shareholders on February 12, 1999.  It was 
mailed to shareholders on or about January 15, 1999.  
Properly executed and dated proxies received will be 
voted in accordance with instructions thereon.  If no 
instructions are given with respect to the matters to 
be acted upon, the shares represented by the proxy will 
be voted for the election of the nominees for directors 
designated below, for the approval of the appointment 
of BDO Seidman as the independent certified public 
accountants of The Coeur d'Alenes Company ("Cd'A" or 
the "Company") and, as to any other business that comes 
before the meeting, in the manner deemed in the best 
interests of the Company by the persons named in the 

Shareholders may vote in person or by proxy.  A 
shareholder giving a proxy may revoke it at any time 
before it is exercised by filing with the Secretary of 
the Company an instrument of revocation or a duly 
executed proxy bearing a later date.  A proxy may also 
be revoked by attending the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders and voting in person.  Attendance at the 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders will not in and of 
itself constitute the revocation of a proxy.

As of the record date, December 28, 1998, the Company 
had outstanding and entitled to vote 5,348,735 shares 
of Common Stock, each of which is entitled to one vote 
on each matter to be voted on at the meeting. The 
Articles of Incorporation of the Company state that 
shareholders are not entitled to exercise cumulative 
voting rights for the election of directors.


The Board of Directors of the Company will be comprised 
of five members.  The names, ages, business experience 
during the past five years and positions of the 
nominees for directors are set forth below.  All 
directors serve until the next annual meeting of the 
Company's shareholders and until their successors are 
elected and qualified or until their earlier 
resignation, removal or death.  Officers are appointed 
annually by the Board of Directors at the 
organizational meeting of the directors following the 
annual meeting of shareholders.  There are no 
arrangements or understandings between any nominee and 
any other nominee pursuant to which the nominee is 
listed below.



Jimmie T.G. Coulson	 	65	Director,	  Jan. 1976
6302 S. Corkery Rd.			President,  Jan. 1982
Spokane WA 99223			CEO	       Jan. 1982

Marilyn A. Schroeder 	47	Director,	  Dec. 1991
N. 15406 Lloyd Lane			Treasurer,  Jan. 1982
Mead WA 99021				CFO		  Jan. 1982
						Vice-Pres   May. 1998

Wendell J. Satre		80	Director	  Mar. 1989
39 West 33rd
Spokane WA 99203

Robert P. Shanewise M.D.	77	Director 	  Mar. 1989
921 West Comstock Ct.
Spokane WA 99203

Lawrence A. Stanley		70	Director	  Feb. 1997
311 West 32nd Avenue
Spokane WA  99203

Mr. Coulson has been a director of Cd'A since January 
1976 and President and Chief Executive Officer of Cd'A 
since January 1982.  Mr. Coulson also is a Director of 
Inland Northwest Bank, a Washington state-chartered 
commercial bank.  He is a member of the Steel Service 
Center Institute Planning and Policy committee and a 
past Director of Spokane Area Economic Development.

Mr. Satre has been a Director of Cd'A since March 1989. 
 He is a retired Chairman and CEO of Washington Water 
Power.  He also is a Director and Chairman of Output 
Technology Corporation,  and a Director of Key Tronic 
Corporation where he served as acting President from 
August 1991 to March 1992.

Ms. Schroeder has been Treasurer and Chief Financial 
Officer of Cd'A since January 1982 and has been a 
Director of Cd'A since December 1991.  She also is a 
member of the Board of Directors of Associated 
Industries of the Inland Northwest and a member of the 
Steel Service Center Institute Management Information 

Dr. Shanewise has been a Director of Cd'A since March 
1989.  Dr. Shanewise has been an orthopedic surgeon for 
Orthopedic Associates, Inc., from 1955 to present.  He 
also was a Director of Conjecture from 1979 to February 
1993 and President of Conjecture from 1987 to the 
merger date of February 2, 1993.  Dr. Shanewise is the 
owner of Moran Vista Assisted Living Facility.

Lawrence A. Stanley is currently CEO of Empire Bolt and 
Screw, Inc.; a Director of Washington Water Power 
Company; Output Technology Corporation, a manufacturer 
of high speed printers for industry; and CXT, Inc. a 
prestressed concrete manufacturer. He is past Chairman 
of the Association of Washington Businesses and the 
Spokane Area Chamber of Commerce.

The directors recommend a vote in favor of the 
nomination of these directors.


Executive Officers of the Company

The following information is provided about the 
Company's present executive officers.

Jimmie T.G. Coulson	   65	Director since
		January 1976 		
	          President and CEO   
                              since January 1982

Marilyn A. Schroeder	   47	Director since
		December 1991 		
		Treasurer and CFO
		since Jan. 1982.  		
		Vice-President since
		May 1998

Lawrence A. Coulson	   40	General Manager of 
		Stock Steel since 
		Oct. 1986 
		Vice President of 
		Stock Steel since
		January 1990

Joel E. Simpson	   41	Vice President since 
		August 1995
		General Manager CdA
		Ind Fab  since 
		Nov. 1993

Reference is made to the Form 10-KSB for the fiscal 
year ended September 1998, Item 10, which is 
incorporated by reference herein.


Compensation of Directors

Directors who are not officers of the Company are paid 
$400 for each regular meeting attended, $200 for each 
special meeting attended and $200 for all committee 
meetings not held in conjunction with a full Board 

Committees of the Board of Directors

The following is a list of standing committees and 
members of each:

                                       NO. MEETINGS FYE

EXECUTIVE	*	Jimmie Coulson		
		Wendell J. Satre
		Robert P. Shanewise
		Lawrence A. Stanley           

AUDIT	*	Lawrence A. Stanley	1
		Robert P. Shanewise
		Wendell J. Satre

COMPENSATION	*	Robert P. Shanewise	1
		Lawrence A. Stanley
		Wendell J. Satre

NOMINATING	*	Wendell J. Satre	1
		Lawrence A. Stanley
		Jimmie T. G. Coulson
		Robert P. Shanewise
*  Committee Chairperson

The duties of the Committee are as follows:

Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall 
have the full authority of the Board of Directors to 
take action upon such matters as may be referred to the 
Committee by the Board of Directors.

Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee meets with the 
independent public accountants at least annually to 
review financial data and address issues relevant to 
the operation of the Company.

Compensation Committee.  The Compensation Committee 
receives and considers recommendations from the chief 
executive officer for salaries and other forms of 
compensation for the executive officers and makes 
recommendations to the Board of Directors on these 

Nominating Committee.  The responsibilities of the 
Nominating Committee include recommending persons to 
act as directors, preparing for and recommending 
replacements for any vacancies in director positions 
during the year, and initial review of policy issues 
regarding the size and composition of the Board of 

There were four regularly scheduled Board meetings 
during the fiscal year ended September 26, 1998.  Four 
directors were in attendance at all meetings, including 
Committee meetings.  One director attended three of the 
four regular meetings and all appropriate committee 

Filing Requirements

With respect to the Company's most recent fiscal year, 
the records of the Company indicate that the directors 
and executive officers have filed all required Forms 3, 
4 and 5 on a timely basis.  


Reference is made to the Form 10-KSB for the fiscal 
year ended September 26, 1998, Item 11, which is 
incorporated by reference herein.


During October, 1993, the Company purchased the real 
estate occupied by the steel distribution business and 
sold convertible debentures in a private placement in 
order to raise the down payment.  The offering was for 
$250,000 with $200,000 being used for the down payment 
and $50,000 being used to purchase computer hardware.  
The debentures were due on October 31, 1998 but the 
initial term has been extended for one year through 
October 30, 1999.  The interest rate during the initial 
term was 9-1/4% but has been reduced to 8-3/4% for the 
period of the extension.  The debentures are secured by 
a second lien on the real estate.  The debenture allows 
the holder to convert in whole or in part after October 
31, 1994.  The initial conversion price was $.125 per 
share of Cd'A Common Stock.  On November 1 in each of 
1995, 1996 and 1997, the conversion price was increased 
by an amount equal to 20% of the initial conversion 
price.  The conversion price during the one year period 
of the extension is $.28 per share.  As of December  
1997 $122,000 of the debentures have converted into 
976,000 shares of CdA common stock. The Company may, 
at its option, call any or all of the outstanding 
debentures for redemption. Reference is made to the 
form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended September 26, 
1998, Item 2, which is incorporated by reference 

The following is a list of debenture holders as of 
December 31, 1998

		                    AMOUNT OF

Robert Shanewise, M.D.	Director            $50,000

CINV	Partnership of      $15,000
	Jimmie Coulson 
	and sons, 
	Lawrence Coulson 
	And David Coulson

Harry and Ruth Yost	Parents of Arlene   $50,000
	Coulson, a 
	Beneficial Owner 
	of more than 5%
	of outstanding 
	common stock	

The Estate of 	                     $13,000
Dorothy A. Harney	Estate of deceased 
	mother of 
	Marilyn Schroeder, 
	a Director and CFO


BDO Seidman has examined the financial statements of 
the Company starting with the fiscal year ended 
September 27, 1997 through fiscal year ended September 
26, 1998.  The directors recommend that their 
appointment for fiscal 1998, (the period ending 
September 25, 1999) be approved by the shareholders.  
If a majority of the shares present at the meeting 
fails to approve the appointment of BDO Seidman as 
independent certified public accounts, the Board of 
Directors will consider the selection of another 
accounting firm.  A representative of BDO Seidman is 
not expected to be present at the annual meeting of 
shareholders.  Therefore BDO Seidman will not have the 
opportunity to make a statement or respond to 

Proposals of shareholders intended to be presented at 
the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders should be 
submitted by certified mail, return receipt requested 
and must be received by the Company at its headquarters 
in Spokane, Washington on or before September 1, 1999 
to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's proxy 
statements and form of proxy card relating to that 

	SEPTEMBER 26, 1998

A copy of the Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year 
ended September 26, 1998 which was filed with the 
Securities & Exchange Commission has been included with 
this proxy statement.  Because of the expense 
associated with producing and mailing, the Exhibits 
have been omitted.  Reference is made to the Form 10-
KSB, Part IV, Item 13 (List of Exhibits) which is 
incorporated herein by reference.  A copy of the 
exhibits as filed with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission, will be sent to shareholders upon request 
and upon payment of a reasonable charge.  Requests 
should be made to:
	The Coeur d'Alenes Company
	Attn: Arlene Coulson
	PO Box 2610
	Spokane WA 99220-2610

Reference is made to the Form 10-KSB for the fiscal 
year ended September 1998, Item 2 (Description of 
Property) Item 10 (Compensation of executive officers), 
Item 11 (Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial 
Ownership and Management) and Item 13 (List of 
Exhibits) which is incorporated herein by reference.


No other matters are intended to be brought before the 
meeting by the Company nor does the Company know of any 
matters to be brought before the meeting by others.  
If, however, any other matters properly come before the 
meeting, the persons named in the proxy will vote the 
shares represented thereby in accordance with their 
judgment on any such matters.
By order of the Board of Directors

Arlene Coulson, Secretary