Exhibit 2.02
                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

         This Agreement is made and entered into this 19th day of November, 1996
by  and  between  Kentfield  Hospital  Corporation,   a  California  corporation
("Seller")  and  Regency  Rehab  Hospitals,   Inc.,  a  California   corporation

                                    ARTICLE I
                                PURCHASE AND SALE

         1.01.  On the terms and  subject to the  conditions  set forth  herein,
Seller does hereby agree to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser does hereby agree to
acquire  from Seller all of  Seller's  right,  title and  interest in and to the

         (a) That Lease Agreement dated March 10, 1988 between Marin Health Care
Associates Limited Partnership,  a Delaware limited partnership,  as lessor, and
Seller,  as  Lessee,  as  amended by First  Amendment  dated June 29,  1990 (the
"Hospital Lease"), including, but not limited to, Seller's leasehold right title
and interest in and to:

         (1) The real property  leased by Seller under the terms of the Hospital
Lease and situated in the State of California and more particularly described in
Exhibit  1.01(a)(1) (the "Hospital Real Property") and the improvements  thereon
that  comprise  the  free  standing   rehabilitation   hospital  with  40  acute
rehabilitation  beds and 26 skilled nursing  facility beds and commonly known as
Kentfield Rehabilitation Hospital, 1125 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard,  Kentfield,
California (the  "Hospital") and the medical office building located adjacent to
the Hospital  (the "MOB") which is currently  used for  administrative  offices,
outpatient services and treatment rooms.

         (2)  All  equipment,  furniture  and  fixtures  located  on or  used in
connection  with the operation of the Hospital  Real  Property  leased by Seller
either  under the  terms of the  Hospital  Lease or under  those  contracts  and
commitments   described  in  Exhibit  1.01(f)  (the  "Leased  Hospital  Personal
Property"),  which Leased Hospital  Personal Property is more fully described in
Exhibit 1.01(a)(2).

         (3)      All rights of first refusal,  extension rights, and purchase 
options set forth in the Hospital Lease.

         (b) That  Sublease  Agreement  dated  January 2, 1996  between  Exertec
Health  Systems,  Inc., as  sublessor,  and Seller,  as sublessee  (the "Exertec
Clinic Lease"),  including,  but not limited to, Seller's  leasehold right title
and interest in and to:

         (1) The real  property  leased by Seller under the terms of the Exertec
Clinic  Lease and  situated  in the State of  California  and more  particularly
described or shown in Exhibit  1.01(b)(1)  (the "Exertec  Clinic Real Property")
and the improvements  thereon that comprise the outpatient clinic commonly known
as Kentfield Physical Therapy at Exertec (the "Exertec Clinic").

         (2)  All  equipment,  furniture  and  fixtures  located  on or  used in
connection  with the  operation of the Exertec  Clinic Real  Property  leased by
Seller  either  under the  Exertec  Clinic  Lease or under those  contracts  and
commitments  described in Exhibit  1.01(f) (the "Leased  Exertec Clinic Personal
Property"),  which  Leased  Exertec  Clinic  Personal  Property  is  more  fully
described in Exhibit 1.01(b)(2).

         (3) All rights of first refusal, extension rights, and purchase options
set forth in the Exertec Clinic Lease.

         (c) That  Sublease  Agreement  dated  February 1, 1995  between  Vatche
Cabayan,  M.D., as lessor, and Seller, as Lessee (the "Cabayan Clinic Lease" and
together with the Exertec  Clinic Lease,  the "Clinic  Leases" and together with
the Hospital  Lease,  the  "Leases"),  including,  but not limited to,  Seller's
leasehold right title and interest in and to:

         (1) The real  property  leased by Seller under the terms of the Cabayan
Clinic  Lease and  situated  in the State of  California  and more  particularly
described or shown in Exhibit 1.01(c)(1) (the "Cabayan Clinic Real Property" and
together with the Exertec Clinic Real Property, the "Clinic Real Property",  and
together  with  the  Hospital  Real  Property,  the  "Real  Property")  and  the
improvements  thereon that  comprise the  outpatient  clinic  commonly  known as
Kentfield  Physical  Therapy at Mission Bay (the  "Cabayan  Clinic" and together
with the Exertec Clinic, the "Clinics").

         (2)  All  equipment,  furniture  and  fixtures  located  on or  used in
connection  with the  operation of the Cabayan  Clinic Real  Property  leased by
Seller  either  under the  Cabayan  Clinic  Lease or under those  contracts  and
commitments  described in Exhibit  1.01(f) (the "Leased  Cabayan Clinic Personal
Property" and together with the Leased Exertec  Clinic  Personal  Property,  the
"Leased Clinic Personal Property" and together with the Leased Hospital Personal
Property, the "Leased Personal Property"),  which Leased Cabayan Clinic Personal
Property is more fully described in Exhibit 1.01(c)(2).

         (3) All rights of first refusal, extension rights, and purchase options
set forth in the Cabayan Clinic Lease.

         (d) The inventory,  including linens, dietary supplies and housekeeping
supplies,  food and other  consumable  inventories  located at, or usable in the
operation   of,  the   Hospital  and  the  Clinics  on  the  Closing  Date  (the

         (e) Any furniture, fixtures, equipment and vehicles owned by Seller and
located on the Real  Property or in the Hospital or the Clinics which is not the
property of the lessors under the terms of the Hospital Lease, the Clinic Leases
or any other lease  described in Exhibit  1.01(f),  as  applicable,  (the "Owned
Personal Property") and which Owned Personal Property is more fully described in
Exhibit 1.01 (e).

         (f) All patient  medical  records,  employment  records,  medical staff
rosters  and  files  and  other  intangible  personal  property  owned by Seller
relating to the  Hospital and the Clinics and all rights of Seller in and to (i)
those contracts and commitments  relating to the Seller's Assets (as hereinafter
defined)  as  listed  on  Exhibit  1.01(f),  true and  correct  copies  of which
contracts have been provided to Purchaser by Seller as of the date hereof,  (ii)
the permits and licenses  used or held for use by Seller in the operation of the
Seller's Assets and (iii) any and all warranties  issued to Seller in connection
with the repairs described in Exhibit 4.15 (the "Records and Rights").

         (g) All of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the trade names
"Kentfield  Rehabilitation  Hospital" and "Kentfield Physical Therapy at Mission
Bay" and "Kentfield  Physical Therapy at Exertec" and all other trade names used
exclusively at the Hospital or the Clinics and not used generally by Continental
Medical  Systems,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("CMS") at its hospitals  (the
"Trade  Names");  provided,  however,  that  Purchaser  shall  have the right to
continue to use for a period of 60 days after  Closing any signs  located at the
Hospital  and/or the Clinics or any  pre-printed  materials,  such as  admitting
forms  or  patient  information  materials,  on  which  the CMS name or logo may

         Hereinafter  Seller's leasehold rights under the Hospital Lease and the
Clinic Leases in and to the Hospital, the Clinics, the Real Property, the Leased
Personal Property, the Owned Personal Property, the Consumables, the Records and
Rights and the Trade Names will  sometimes  be  collectively  referred to as the
"Seller's Assets."

         1.02.  Notwithstanding  anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the
Seller's Assets shall not include , and Seller shall retain as its property, the
following assets (the "Excluded Assets"):

         (a)      Seller's stock record books, tax returns and minute books;

         (b)      The items owned by Seller and listed on Exhibit 1.02(b);

         (c)      All of Seller's  rights under this  Agreement,  including,  
without  limitation,  the right of Seller to receive the Purchase Price (as 
hereinafter defined);

         (d) All refunds, whenever paid, relating to payments by or on behalf of
Seller prior to the Closing including,  without limitation,  any federal, state,
local or foreign taxes paid by Seller prior to the Closing Date;

         (e)      All bank accounts of Seller;

         (f) All cash,  cash  equivalents  and  accounts  receivable  of Seller,
including  any amounts due or which may,  after the  Closing,  become due to the
Hospital or the Clinics from its or their  participation  in the Medicare or any
other third party payor  Programs for any period prior to the Closing Date,  and
all of Seller's prepaid assets and deposits;

         (g) All  computer  hardware  and  software  relating  to the wide  area
network of Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation ("Horizon") used for the operation
of the general ledger and accounts payable software applications, which computer
hardware  and software is more fully  described  in Exhibit  1.02(g) (the "GL/AP
Hardware and Software");

         (h)  Seller's  interest in the  Straddle  Patient  Payments (as defined
below) for the services rendered and medicine, drugs and supplies provided prior
to the Closing Date, all in accordance with Paragraph 16.14 hereof;

         (i) Seller's  claims,  if any,  against  third  parties  relating to or
arising  from  the acts or  omissions  of third  parties  prior to the  Closing;
provided that Seller shall give notice to Purchaser  before  pursuing any claims
against a third party who continues to have any business  relationship  with the
Hospital or the Clinics after the Closing; and

         (j)  Seller's  rights and  interests in and to  proprietary  materials,
programs,  manuals,  promotional materials and other intangibles not included in
Paragraph 1.01; provided, however, that Seller hereby agrees to permit Purchaser
to continue  to use,  for a period of one  hundred  eighty  (180) days after the
Closing,  any of such  proprietary  assets as are  reasonably  necessary  to the
continued  licensure,  certification and/or accreditation of the Hospital or the
Clinics after Closing.

         1.03.  Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,
Purchaser  shall assume and agree to pay,  perform and  discharge  the following
liabilities and obligations (the "Assumed Liabilities"):

         (a) The  liability to make the lease and other  payments and to perform
any other  obligations under the Leases which relate to the periods on and after
the Closing Date;

         (b) The  liability  to make the  equipment  lease  payments  under  the
equipment leases listed on Exhibit 1.01(f) (the "Equipment Leases") which relate
to the periods on and after the Closing Date;

         (c) The  liability  to make  the  payments  and to  perform  any  other
obligations  under the  contracts  other  than the  Equipment  Leases  listed on
Exhibit 1.01(f) (other than those  contracts  indicated on Exhibit 1.01(f) which
are to be terminated by Seller prior to Closing)  which relate to the periods on
and after the Closing Date;

         (d) The liability to make the payment due after Closing under  purchase
orders placed by Seller in the ordinary  course of business prior to the Closing
Date but which are open as of the Closing Date for  inventory and supplies to be
delivered after the Closing Date; and

         (e)      The liability to pay when due the Accrued Benefits (as defined

         1.04. Except for the Assumed Liabilities, no obligation or liability of
Seller  relating to or arising  from the  operation of the business of Seller or
the Seller's Assets prior to the Closing Date is to be assumed by Purchaser.

         1.05.  At  Purchaser's  request,  Seller  will use its best  efforts to
obtain prior to Closing, at Purchaser's sole cost, software licenses in favor of
Purchaser to enable Purchaser to use all of the software presently being used by
Seller at the  Hospital  and/or the Clinics  other than the  software  listed in
Exhibit 1.05 and the GL/AP Software described in Exhibit 1.02(g). At the Closing
and subject to Seller obtaining any necessary consents or approvals, Seller will
assign to Purchaser,  and Purchaser will assume from Seller, all existing leases
and maintenance agreements listed on Exhibit 1.01(f) relating to any computer or
systems  hardware  which is a part of the Leased  Personal  Property  and to all
computer  software  with  respect to which Seller is able to secure a license in
favor of Purchaser pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence.

         1.06.  Seller will provide to Purchaser data  processing  services with
respect to the  Hospital  and the  hospitals  which are the subject of the Other
Agreements (as  hereinafter  defined) on the terms and for the cost specified in
Exhibit 1.06.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                 PURCHASE PRICE

         2.01. The purchase price for Seller's Assets shall be One Million Three
Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars  ($1,350,000)  (the "Purchase  Price")
which shall be payable in cash at Closing  concurrently with the transfer of the
Seller's Assets to, and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities by, Purchaser,
which cash shall be subject to  adjustment  to reflect the costs,  expenses  and
prorations  for which Seller and Purchaser  are  responsible  under  Paragraph 4

                                   ARTICLE III

         3.01.  Provided  that all of the  conditions  to  closing  set forth in
Paragraphs 12.01 and 12.02 have been satisfied or waived,  the purchase and sale
of the Seller's Assets shall occur effective as of 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1997
unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties (the "Outside Closing Date").
Closing shall occur at offices of Lawyers Title Insurance Company at 10:00 am or
at such  other time and place as may be agreed  upon by the  parties in order to
ensure closing of the  transactions  provided for herein by the Outside  Closing
Date. The actual date of Closing is referred to herein as the "Closing Date."

         3.02.  At Closing,  Seller shall  deliver  leasehold  title to the Real
Property,  the Hospital,  the Clinics and the Leased Personal Property and title
to the Consumables,  the Owned Personal Property, the Records and Rights and the
Trade  Names  free and  clear  of all  liens  and  encumbrances  other  than the
following (collectively, the "Permitted Exceptions"):

         (a)      Liens for real and personal property taxes which are not yet 
due and payable;

         (b)       Liens and  encumbrances  affecting the fee simple title to 
any of the Clinic Real Property or the Hospital Real Property created by the 
owner thereof and not by Seller;

         (c)      The Permitted Exceptions listed in Exhibit 3.02(c); and

         (d)      Such liens as may be approved or deemed approved by Purchaser 
pursuant to Paragraph 10.01.

         3.03.    Title to the Seller's  Assets  shall be conveyed to Purchaser
at Closing by Seller's  delivery of the following documents:

         (a) Seller shall deliver a separate Assignment of Lease in the form and
substance  substantially  the same as that  attached  hereto as Exhibit  3.03(a)
pursuant to which Seller shall convey to  Purchaser  Seller's  right,  title and
interest in and to each of the Leases (the "Lease Assignment Agreements").

         (b)  Seller  shall  deliver  a Bill  of  Sale  in  form  and  substance
substantially  the same as that attached  hereto as Exhibit 3.03(b) with respect
to the Consumables,  the Owned Personal Property, if any, the Records and Rights
and the Trade Names (the "Bill of Sale").

         (c) Such other  documents or  instruments as may be necessary to convey
title to the Seller's Assets to Purchaser in accordance with the terms hereof.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                              COSTS AND PRORATIONS

         The costs of the transaction and the expenses  related to the ownership
and  operation of the Seller's  Assets  shall be  allocated  between  Seller and
Purchaser as follows:

         4.01.  Seller and Purchaser  shall share on a 50-50 basis any State and
County  transfer  or excise  taxes due on the  transfer  of  Seller's  leasehold
interest  in and to the  Real  Property  and the  Hospital  and the  Clinics  to

         4.02.  Purchaser  shall pay any sales tax due on the transfer of either
Seller's  leasehold  interest in and to the Leased Personal Property or title to
the Owned Personal Property to Purchaser.

         4.03.  Seller shall pay the base premium for a standard ALTA  leasehold
title  insurance  policy for the Hospital in the amount of the  Purchase  Price,
insuring Purchaser's title to the Hospital;  Purchaser shall pay the cost of any
premiums for extended  coverage which  Purchaser may elect to secure,  including
the cost of the ALTA survey  required to obtain the same, any lender's  coverage
which it elects or is required to secure in connection  with its  acquisition of
the Seller's  Assets or financing  thereof and any title  endorsements  which it
elects to obtain or is  required to obtain to satisfy  the  requirements  of its

         4.04.  Purchaser  shall  pay  the  cost  of any  environmental  Phase I
assessment  of the  Seller's  Assets which  Purchaser  elects to secure prior to

         4.05. To the extent Seller is  responsible  therefor under the terms of
the Leases,  Real and Personal  Property taxes related to the Hospital,  the MOB
and  the  Clinics  shall  be  prorated  as of  the  Closing  Date,  with  Seller
responsible therefor for the period prior to the Closing Date and with Purchaser
responsible  therefor for the period from and after the Closing Date.  Purchaser
shall  receive a credit  against the cash due at Closing  pursuant to  Paragraph
2.01 for any taxes for which it is responsible under the terms of the Leases and
which are accrued but unpaid as of the Closing Date.  Purchaser  shall reimburse
Seller  at  Closing  for any taxes  relating  to any  period  from and after the
Closing Date which have been paid by Seller prior to the Closing Date.

         4.06.  Seller and  Purchaser  shall each pay their own  attorneys  fees
incurred in connection  with the  preparation  and negotiation of this Agreement
and the consummation of the transaction provided for herein.

         4.07.  Purchaser and Seller shall share  recording  fees related to the
recording of any of the  conveyancing  documents,  such as the Lease  Assignment
Agreement or an amendment to the Memoranda of Lease if the same appear of record
with respect to any or all of the Leases, and any escrow fees on a 50-50 basis.

         4.08. Seller shall pay the cost of obtaining and recording any releases
necessary to deliver title to the Seller's  Assets in accordance  with the terms
of this Agreement.

         4.09. Seller shall pay any reasonable  attorneys fees,  processing fees
and  other  fees and  expenses  contemplated  by the  terms of the  Leases  as a
condition to securing  consent to an  assignment  thereof which are necessary to
secure the consent of the lessors under the Leases.

         4.10.  Purchaser  shall pay any  filing  fees due with  respect  to the
transaction  evidenced  by this  Agreement  and those  other  Purchase  and Sale
Agreements  set  forth in  Exhibit  4.10  (the  "Other  Agreements")  under  the
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act").

         4.11.  Seller shall pay the cost of any repairs or renovations or other
work to the  physical  plant  of the  Hospital  or the  Clinics  required  to be
undertaken by the State of California in connection with any change of ownership
surveys  which it may elect to conduct as a  condition  to its  review  and,  if
applicable,  approval of the transaction which is the subject of this Agreement;
provided,  however,  that in the event the cost thereof,  along with the cost of
any repairs or renovations or other work to the physical plant of the facilities
which are the subject of the Other Agreements,  exceeds $250,000 (the "Licensure
Cost Cap") Seller shall have the right to  terminate  this  Agreement in lieu of
incurring such costs in excess of the Licensure Cost Cap; and provided, further,
that Purchaser shall have the right to pay such costs in excess of the Licensure
Cost Cap in lieu of permitting Seller to terminate this Agreement.

         4.12.  Purchaser  shall  pay  any  filing  or  licensure  fees  due  in
connection  with the  submission  of any  licensure  or  Medicare  certification
applications which it is required to file in order to secure the approval of the
State of California of the  transaction  which is the subject of this  Agreement
under applicable  licensure and/or certification laws governing the operation of
the Hospital  and the Clinics,  as well as the fees and expenses of Davis Wright
Tremaine or any other legal counsel  retained or utilized by Purchaser to assist
it with such matters.

         4.13.  Purchaser  shall  reimburse  Seller at Closing  for any  prepaid
expenses and deposits which relate to the period on and after the Closing Date.

         4.14. Seller shall pay any reasonable  attorneys fees,  processing fees
and  other  fees and  expenses  contemplated  by the terms of that  Amended  and
Restated   Credit   Agreement  dated  September  26,  1995  between  Seller  and
NationsBank of Texas, N.A. (the "Seller's Credit Agreement"),  as a condition to
securing  consent to the sale of the Seller's Assets and Purchaser shall pay any
reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  processing  fees  and  other  fees  and  expenses
contemplated  by the terms of the  Credit  Agreement  dated  December  28,  1995
between Regency Health Services, Inc. and NationsBank of Texas, N.A.

         4.15.  Seller and  Purchaser  acknowledge  and agree that the  purchase
price reflects a credit  against the Purchase  Price and that, in  consideration
therefor,  Purchaser has agreed to assume  responsibility  for the completion of
those  repairs  described in Exhibit 4.15 which Seller  agreed with Marin Health
Care  Associates  Limited  Partnership,  as a condition  to securing the consent
thereof to the transaction  provided for herein.  Accordingly from and after the
Closing Date Seller shall have no further  obligations  or  responsibility  with
respect to the completion thereof.

                                    ARTICLE V

         On the Closing Date,  Purchaser  shall be entitled to possession of the
Seller's Assets,  subject only to the rights of the lessors under the Leases and
the rights of the patients of the Hospital and the Clinics.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         Seller  hereby  warrants and  represents to Purchaser  that,  except as
otherwise specifically set forth in the disclosure letter addressed to Purchaser
and dated the date hereof (the "Seller Disclosure Letter"):

         6.01.    Status of Seller. Seller is a duly organized,  validly 
existing California  corporation and is in good standing under the laws thereof.
Horizon is a duly organized,  validly  existing  Delaware  corporation
and is in good standing under the laws thereof.

         6.02.  Validity and  Conflicts.  This  Agreement is valid,  binding and
enforceable  against  Seller  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  except  as  the
enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization
other similar laws relating to the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally
and by general principles of equity  (regardless of whether such  enforceability
is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).  Subject to Seller obtaining
those Third Party Consents and Regulatory Approvals (as defined below) for which
it is  responsible  under the terms hereof,  the execution of this Agreement and
the consummation of the transactions  contemplated herein in accordance with the
terms  hereof  will not  result in a breach of the terms and  conditions  of nor
constitute a default under or violation of Seller's Articles of Incorporation or
Bylaws or any law, regulation,  court order,  mortgage,  note, bond,  indenture,
agreement,  license or other  instrument  or obligation to which Seller is now a
party or by which  any of  Seller's  Assets  may be  bound  or  affected  or any
agreement,  option,  understanding or commitment or any or privilege  granted by
Seller to any other party to purchase or otherwise  acquire the Seller's  Assets
or result in the  acceleration  of or an increase in the  interest  rate payable
under any indebtedness  other than  indebtedness of Seller which does not relate
to the Hospital or the Clinics or which is to be  discharged by Seller as of the
Closing Date.

         6.03. Authority. Subject to Seller obtaining those Third Party Consents
and  Regulatory  Approvals for which it is  responsible  under the terms hereof,
Seller has full  corporate  power and  authority  to execute and to deliver this
Agreement  and  all  related  documents,  and  to  carry  out  the  transactions
contemplated herein and therein. Seller further has full power and authority (i)
to lease and to operate the Hospital  and the Clinics as the same are  presently
leased and  operated  and (ii) to conduct its  business as the same is now being

         6.04.  The Seller  Financials.  True and correct copies of an unaudited
balance  sheet and  statement  of  operations  of  Seller  with  respect  to the
operation  of the  Hospital  and the Clinics as of the close of Seller's  fiscal
year ended May 31, 1996, and for the four month period ended  September 30, 1996
(collectively,  the "Seller's  Financials") are attached hereto as Exhibit 6.04.
All such financial  statements  fairly  represent the financial  condition,  and
accurately set forth in all material  respects the results of the operations of,
Seller at the Hospital and the Clinics for the periods  covered  thereby subject
to customary year end adjustments.  Any financial  statements prepared by Seller
subsequent  to the date of the  Seller  Financials  or the date  hereof  will be
prepared in a manner consistent with the manner in which the Seller's Financials
were  prepared,  will  fairly  represent  the  financial  condition,   and  will
accurately  set forth in all material  respects the results of the operations of
Seller at the Hospital and the Clinics for the periods  covered thereby and will
be provided to Purchaser within ten (10) days after the completion thereof.

         6.05.    Absence of Adverse Change.  Since the date of the most recent 
Seller  Financials there has not been any material  adverse  change in the  
financial  condition,  business,  assets,  liabilities  or results of
operations of  the Hospital or the Clinics.

         6.06.  The  Licenses.  Seller has all  material  licenses,  permits and
authorizations necessary for the lawful leasing and operation of the Hospital as
a free standing  rehabilitation  hospital and the Clinics as outpatient clinics,
it being  understood  and agreed  that  Seller has  represented  and does hereby
represent  to  Purchaser  that the  Clinics are not  required  to be  separately
licensed but are operated under the Licenses issued to Seller in connection with
its  operation of the Hospital ( the "Seller  Licenses").  There are no licenses
required in connection with the ownership or operation of the services  provided
at the MOB other than the Seller Licenses. True and correct copies of all of the
Seller  Licenses are attached  hereto as Exhibit  6.06.  Seller has not received
written  or  verbal  notice  of (A) any  action  or  proceeding  which  has been
initiated  or is proposed to be initiated  by the  appropriate  state or federal
agency having jurisdiction  thereof,  to (i) revoke,  withdraw or suspend any of
the Seller  Licenses,  (ii) terminate the  participation  of the Hospital or the
Clinics in the Medicare  Program or the  accreditation of the Hospital or any of
the Clinics (to the extent it or they are certified to  participate  therein) by
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations  ("JCAHO") or
by the Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation  Facilities  ("CARF"),
(B) any judicial or administrative agency judgement or decision not to renew any
of the  Seller  Licenses,  (C) any  action  to  limit or ban  admissions  to the
Hospital  or the Clinics or (D) any  licensure  or  certification  action of any
other type, which would have a material  adverse effect on the business,  assets
or financial condition of the Hospital or the Clinics.

         6.07.    Compliance with Law.

         (a) The Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics and their current  operation
and use are in  substantial  compliance  with all  applicable  health and safety
laws,  regulations,  ordinances,  standards and orders issued by any  municipal,
county,  state or federal  agency  having  authority  over the  Hospital and the
Clinics and with all municipal health,  building and zoning laws and regulations
(including,  without  limitation,  the  building,  zoning and life safety codes)
where the failure to comply  therewith  would have a material  adverse effect on
the business,  property, condition (financial or otherwise) or operation thereof
and there are no outstanding cited  deficiencies or work orders issued to Seller
under any of the foregoing  which have not been  corrected as of the date hereof
or which will not be corrected as of the Closing Date;

         (b) Set forth in Exhibit 6.07(b) is a list of the most recent licensure
and   Medicare   certification   survey  and  the   results  of  any   complaint
investigations  conducted  within the last six months for the  Hospital  and the
Clinics,  copies of which have been made  available  to Purchaser as of the date
hereof.  Seller has no  knowledge,  based on the  results of  Hospital or Clinic
surveys  or  complaint  investigations  provided  verbally  or in writing to the
Hospital or the Clinics by the  applicable  supervising  agency or authority and
after due  inquiry  of the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Hospital,  that the
Hospital  or  the  Clinics,  if  and  to  the  extent  the  same  are  currently
participating in the Medicare  Program,  are not in substantial  compliance with
all Conditions and Standards of  Participation  in the Medicare  Program nor has
Seller  received  written or, to the best of Seller's  knowledge,  verbal notice
from any  licensing  or  certifying  agency  requiring  any or all of them to be
physically  reworked or redesigned or to add furniture,  fixtures,  equipment or
inventory so as to conform to or comply with any existing  licensure or Medicare
certification  law, code or standard except where the requirement either (i) has
been fully satisfied prior to the date hereof,  (ii) will be satisfied by Seller
prior to the Closing  Date,  (iii) will be in the process of being  satisfied in
the  ordinary  course of  Seller's  business  pursuant to the terms of a Plan of
Correction or other  documentation  submitted to and approved by the appropriate
authority or (iv) will be the subject of a valid  written  waiver  issued by the
applicable licensing or certifying agency;

         (c) Set forth in Exhibit 6.07(c) is a list of the most recent JCAHO and
CARF surveys conducted at the Hospital and, if applicable,  the Clinics, and the
dates of any correspondence from or to Seller and the JCAHO or CARF with respect
to the  correction  of any  deficiencies  identified  in said  survey,  true and
correct  copies of which have been made  available  to  Purchaser as of the date
hereof.  The  Hospital  is duly  accredited  by the JCAHO  and by CARF,  without
contingencies   except   such   contingencies   reflected   in  the  surveys  or
correspondence  described in Exhibit 6.07(c). Except as reflected in the surveys
or correspondence  described in Exhibit 6.07(c), Seller has made or caused to be
made on behalf of the  Hospital and the Clinics all proper  filings  required by
JCAHO and CARF.  Seller has not  received  written  or, to the best of  Seller's
knowledge  after due  inquiry of the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Hospital,
verbal notice from JCAHO or CARF  requiring the Hospitals  and/or the Clinics to
be reworked or redesigned or to add furniture,  fixtures, equipment or inventory
so as to retain such  accreditation  except where the requirement either (i) has
been fully satisfied prior to the date hereof,  (ii) will be satisfied by Seller
prior to the Closing  Date,  (iii) will be in the process of being  satisfied in
the  ordinary  course of  Seller's  business  pursuant to the terms of a Plan of
Correction or other  documentation  submitted to and approved by the appropriate
authority or (iv) will be the subject of a valid written  waiver issued by JCAHO
or CARF. Neither the Hospital nor the Clinics  participates in any accreditation
programs  other than that offered by the JCAHO and the  voluntary  accreditation
program offered by CARF by which the Hospital is currently accredited.

         (d) There are no pending  or, to the best of Seller's  knowledge  after
due  inquiry  of  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Hospital,  threatened
investigations  of or  claims  by any  governmental  agency  or  instrumentality
against (i) the Hospital or the Clinics,  (ii) any of the members of the medical
staff, the Board of Directors or employees of the Hospital or the Clinics.

         6.08.  Patients.  There are no agreements  not  terminable at will with
patients or  prospective  patients of the Hospital or the Clinics  which provide
for the provision of the care routinely  provided at the Hospital or the Clinics
for no consideration nor will Seller enter into any such agreements  between the
date hereof and the Closing Date.
         6.09.  Books and Records.  To the best of Seller's  knowledge after due
inquiry of the Chief Executive Officer and Medical Director of the Hospital, all
of the books and  records of the  Hospital,  the MOB, if any,  and the  Clinics,
including patient records, are true and correct in all material respects.

         6.10.  Title.  Seller has leasehold title to all of the Seller's Assets
(other than the Owned Personal Property, the Consumables, the Records and Rights
and the Trade  Names  which are owned by  Seller)  free and clear of all  liens,
charges and  encumbrances  other than the liens provided for in Paragraph  3.02.
Seller  has not  received  notice  of any  pending  or  threatened  condemnation
proceedings with respect to the Real Property.

         6.11. Unions. There are no union contracts in effect between Seller, on
the one hand,  and the  employees of the  Hospital or the Clinics,  on the other
hand.  To the best of  Seller's  knowledge,  none of its  employees  who are not
currently members of a labor union in connection with their work at the Hospital
or the  Clinics  are  actively  seeking  the  formation  of a labor union at the
Hospital or the Clinics.  Seller is not a party to any labor  dispute,  it being
agreed that a claim for  wrongful  termination  shall not,  for purposes of this
Paragraph  6.11 be  deemed to be a labor  dispute.  Seller is not a party to any
union contracts with respect to the Hospital or the Clinics.

         6.12. Taxes and Tax Returns. All tax and other related returns, reports
and filings of any kind or nature,  required to be filed by Seller prior to date
of execution of this  Agreement  with respect to its operations at the Hospital,
the MOB and the  Clinics  have been  properly  completed  and timely  filed,  or
extensions  for the  filing  thereof  have been  timely  secured,  with all such
filings being in material  compliance with all applicable  requirements  and all
taxes due with respect to Seller's  operations at the Hospital,  the MOB and the
Clinics have been timely paid, except to the extent that the same are being duly
contested in good faith in accordance with applicable law and adequate  reserves
therefor  are  reflected  on the Seller  Financials  or will be reflected in any
subsequent  financials  prepared  in  accordance  with the  representations  and
warranties contained in this Agreement.

         6.13.    Environmental Issues.

         (a)  Except  in  accordance,  and  in  compliance,  with  any  and  all
applicable  local,  state  and  federal   governmental  laws,   regulations  and
requirements (collectively,  the "Environmental Laws") relating to environmental
and occupational health and safety matters, and hazardous materials,  substances
or wastes (as defined under any applicable  Environmental  Laws), Seller has (i)
not released into the environment or discharged,  placed or disposed of any such
hazardous  materials,  substances or wastes or caused the same to be so released
into the  environment or  discharged,  placed or disposed of at, on or under the
Hospital, the MOB or the Clinics other than to the extent the same will not have
a material  adverse  affect on the  condition,  financial or  otherwise,  of the
Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics,  (ii) not installed any  underground  storage
tanks and (iii) at all times  operated the Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics in
compliance with all  Environmental  Laws,  except where the failure to so comply
would  not  have a  material  adverse  affect  on the  condition,  financial  or
otherwise, of the Hospital, the MOB or the Clinics.

         (b) With respect to the Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics prior to the
date of the  Seller's  ownership  or leasing  thereof,  to the best of  Seller's
knowledge after due inquiry of the Director of Plant Operations at the Hospital,
(i)  except  to the  extent  permitted  by  applicable  Environmental  Laws,  no
hazardous  materials,  substances  or wastes were located on or at the Hospital,
the MOB or the Clinics or were  released  into the  environment  or  discharged,
placed or disposed of in, on or under the Hospital, the MOB or the Clinics, (ii)
except to the extent permitted by applicable  Environmental Laws, no underground
storage tanks are or were located at the Hospital, the MOB or the Clinics, (iii)
none of the Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics are located on property  which was
used as a dump  for  waste  material,  and (iv)  the  Hospital,  the MOB and the
Clinics have at all times complied with, all  Environmental  Laws, except to the
extent  in  each of the  foregoing  clauses  (i)  through  (iv)  that  any  such
non-compliance would not have a material adverse effect on the Hospital, the MOB
or the Clinics. Seller has not received any written notice from any governmental
authority  or any written  complaint  from any third  party with  respect to its
alleged noncompliance with, or potential liability under, any Environmental Laws
at the Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics which remains unresolved as of the date

         (c) Seller will use its reasonable  efforts to provide to Purchaser any
written assessments  prepared by or on behalf of Seller concerning the hazardous
waste conditions at the Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics which are currently in
the possession of Seller.

         6.14. Necessary Action.  Seller has duly and properly taken or obtained
or  caused  to be taken or  obtained,  or prior to  Closing  will  have duly and
properly  taken or  obtained  or  caused  to be taken or  obtained,  all  action
necessary for Seller (i) to enter into and to deliver this Agreement and any and
all documents  and  agreements  executed by Seller in connection  herewith or in
furtherance  hereof and (ii) to carry out the terms  hereof and  thereof and the
transaction contemplated herein and therein, which action shall include, but not
be limited to,  obtaining the Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals for
which Seller is responsible hereunder. No other action by or on behalf of Seller
is or will be necessary to authorize the execution,  delivery and performance of
this Agreement and any documents and agreements executed by Seller in connection
herewith or consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  herein,  other than
securing those Third Party Consents and Regulatory Approvals (as those terms are
defined  below) for which Seller is responsible  under the terms hereof.  Seller
represents and warrants that as of the date of execution of this  Agreement,  it
has secured the consent of its Board of Directors  and of the Board of Directors
of  Horizon  to the  execution  of  this  Agreement  and of  any  documents  and
agreements  necessary to carry out the terms hereof and for the  consummation of
the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Nothing  herein  shall  be
construed  as a  guarantee  by Seller  that it will be able to secure  the Third
Party Consents or Regulatory  Approvals for which it is responsible,  but rather
this paragraph shall be limited to Seller's  representation and warranty that it
will use its best  efforts to secure such Third Party  Consents  and  Regulatory
Approvals,  subject to the  limitation  on the costs which  Seller must incur in
obtaining such consents being limited in the manner set forth in Paragraph 4.09.
         6.15. Litigation. Except as set forth in Exhibit 6.15, there is no, nor
has Seller received written or verbal notice of any, litigation,  administrative
investigation or other proceeding  pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge
based on written  notice with respect  thereto,  threatened by any  governmental
authority having jurisdiction over Seller, the Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics
or by any other party  where the amount  claimed  exceeds  $50,000 in any single
action or $100,000 in the aggregate or which seeks to challenge  Seller's  title
to  the  Seller's  Assets  or  Seller's  right  or  ability  to  consummate  the
transaction  provided for herein.  Seller is not a party to nor is Seller or the
Hospital,  the MOB or  either of the  Clinics  bound by any  orders,  judgments,
injunctions, decrees or settlement agreements under which it may have continuing
obligations as of the date hereof or as of the Closing Date and which are likely
to  materially  restrict  or  affect  the  present  business  operations  of the
Hospital,  the MOB or the Clinics.  The right or ability of Seller to consummate
the transaction  contemplated herein has not been challenged by any governmental
agency or any other person and Seller has no knowledge of the  occurrence of any
event  which  would  provide  a  reasonable   basis  for  any  such  litigation,
investigation or other proceeding.

         6.16.  Sensitive Payments.  Seller has no reason to believe that it has
(i) made any  contributions,  payments or gifts to or for the private use of any
governmental official, employee or agent where either the payment or the purpose
of such  contribution,  payment or gift is illegal  under the laws of the United
States or the  jurisdiction  in which made,  (ii)  established or maintained any
unrecorded fund or asset for any purpose or made any false or artificial entries
on  its  books,  (iii)  given  or  received  any  payments  or  other  forms  of
remuneration in connection with the referral of patients which would violate the
Medicare/Medicaid Anti-kickback Law, Section 1128(b) of the Social Security Act,
42 USC  Section  1320a-7b(b)  or any  analogous  state  statute or (iv) made any
payments to any person with the intention or understanding that any part of such
payment  was to be  used  for any  purpose  other  than  that  described  in the
documents  supporting  the  payment.  Seller has not filed any reports  with any
governmental  agency  which  disclose  that  it has  participated  in any of the
foregoing practices or acts giving rise to such practices.

         6.17. The Hospital and the Clinics.  Seller is duly licensed to operate
the  Hospital  with 40  acute  rehabilitation  beds  which  are  licensed  under
California law as general acute care beds and 26 skilled  nursing  facility beds
and to operate the Clinics  under the license  issued to it for the Hospital and
is duly  certified to  participate  in the Medicare  Program with respect to its
operations at the Hospital.  Except for those items  referenced in Exhibit 4.15,
the Hospital, the MOB and the Clinics are in good operating condition and repair
and  substantially  all of the Personal Property and all of the major mechanical
systems located at or used in connection with the operation of the Hospital, the
MOB and the  Clinics  are in good  working  order,  condition  and  repair.  The
Personal  Property is all of the property  necessary for the lawful operation of
the  Hospital at its current  occupancy  levels and of the Clinics in the manner
currently  operated  by Seller.  Seller has  provided  to  Purchaser  a true and
correct copy of that annual  inspection  report dated July 18, 1996  prepared by
Marin Health Care Associates Limited Partnership and that follow up letter dated
October 16,  1996,  both of which  address  those  repairs  which it has advised
Seller are required to be made by Seller  under the terms of the Hospital  Lease
and which will be handled in the manner set forth in Paragraph 4.15.

         6.18  Inventories.  At Closing,  each of the  Hospital  and the Clinics
shall have an  inventory  of  non-perishable  food,  central  supplies,  linens,
housekeeping  supplies,  kitchen supplies,  nursing supplies and other supplies,
which will be  sufficient  in  condition  and  quantity  to operate  each of the
Hospital and the Clinics at its normal  capacity and an inventory of  perishable
food at the levels normally maintained by Seller at the Hospital.

         6.19.  Trade  Names.  Set forth in Exhibit  6.19 is a true and complete
list of the trade names under which  Seller is doing  business at the  Hospital,
the MOB and the Clinics.  Seller has not sought  protection for such names under
state or federal  trademark or trade name laws except to the extent reflected in
Exhibit 6.19. Seller has not received any notice from any person  challenging or
questioning the right of Seller to use any such trade names.

         6.20.    Employees/ERISA.

         (a) Set forth in Exhibit 6.20 is an accurate  and complete  list of all
bonus, deferred compensation, hospitalization or other medical, pension, life or
other insurance, profit sharing, sick leave, vacation, post retirement health or
life benefit,  and any other employee  benefit plans (as such term is defined in
Section  3  of  the  Employee  Retirement   Insurance  Security  Act  ("ERISA"),
arrangement or practice,  whether formal or informal,  written or not, of Seller
which relate to the Hospital, the MOB, if applicable,  and the Clinics or to any
current or former employees at or of the Hospital and the Clinics (the "Plan" or
"Plans").  Except as set forth in Exhibit 6.20 and except for stock purchase and
stock options  programs  administered  by Horizon and for which  Purchaser shall
have no liability after Closing, Seller has made no commitment or representation
to the current or former employees of the Hospital, the MOB, if applicable,  and
the Clinics to establish  any  additional  Plan,  arrangement  or practice or to
modify or change any existing Plan,  arrangement or practice.  Exhibit 6.20 also
lists all employees of the Hospital, the MOB, if applicable,  and the Clinics as
of the date of this Agreement together with their positions and rates of pay and
earned and  accrued  vacation  time,  sick leave and  holiday pay as of the date
specified  therein,  which  date  shall be the most  recent  date to which  such
information is available to Seller.

         (b) Set  forth  in  Exhibit  6.20  is a true  and  correct  copy of all
employment  contracts between Seller and any employee of the Hospital,  the MOB,
if applicable, or the Clinics. Except as otherwise set forth in Exhibit 6.20 all
such  contracts  are  terminable by Seller prior to the Closing Date and, in the
case of those  contracts  listed in Exhibit 6.20A,  will be terminated by Seller
prior to the Closing Date if so requested by Purchaser.

         6.21. Operating  Contracts.  Set forth in Exhibit 1.01(f) is a true and
correct list of all supply, licensing and operating contracts, equipment leases,
contracts with affiliates of Seller, transfer agreements, contracts for or other
evidences of indebtedness  (other than indebtedness to be discharged or released
at Closing),  security agreements and other contracts and agreements,  including
without  limitation,  all  provider  agreements  with any third party payors and
consulting and service  contracts to which Seller is a party in connection  with
its  operations  at the  Hospital,  the  MOB  and the  Clinics  (the  "Operating
Contracts").  Seller has provided Purchaser with a true and correct copy of each
of the Operating Contracts. Each of the Operating Contracts is in full force and
effect and none of the Operating  Contracts has been modified or amended  except
as set  forth  in  Exhibit  1.01(f).  Seller  is not  in  default  of any of its
obligations under the Operating  Contracts nor is Seller aware of any default or
any action or omission  which,  with the passage of time or the giving of notice
or both, would  constitute a default under the Operating  Contracts by any other
party  thereto.  At Closing,  Seller shall  deliver to Purchaser a duly executed
assignment of the Operating  Contracts.  Purchaser  acknowledges and agrees that
Seller shall not be in default of its  obligations  under this Paragraph 6.21 in
the event Exhibit  1.01(f) fails to list or Seller fails to provide to Purchaser
any Operating  Contracts  where the payments  remaining due  thereunder are less
than $25,000.

         6.22.  The  Leases.  True and  correct  copies of the Leases  have been
provided by Seller to Purchaser.  The Leases remain in full force and effect and
have not been  amended or modified  except as set forth in Article 1. Seller has
not received from the landlord  under any of the Leases any written  notice that
it is in  default  of its  obligations  under the  Leases or that any  guarantor
thereof  is in  default  of its  obligations  under any  Guaranty  delivered  in
conjunction  therewith nor does Seller have knowledge after inquiry of the Chief
Executive  Officer of the Hospital of any events which, with the passage of time
or the giving of notice, would constitute a material default thereunder.  Except
as set forth in the Clinic Leases with respect to certain  common areas,  Seller
enjoys  exclusive,  peaceful  and  undisturbed  possession  under  all  real and
personal  property leases to which it is a party in connection with the Hospital
and the Clinics,  including, but not limited to, under the Leases. Except as set
forth in Exhibit 6.22, there are no security deposits posted with respect to the

         6.23. Physician Contracts.  Exhibit 1.01(f) lists each contract between
Seller and the physicians  providing services to the patients of the Hospital or
the Clinics, including contracts with any entity owned or controlled by any such
physicians,  true and correct  copies of which have been  provided to Purchaser.
Seller  represents and warrants that Seller has not received any notice that any
state or  federal  agency  or any  other  party  believes  or is  attempting  to
determine  whether  any  violation  exists  under any such  physician  contracts
relating to the  requirements of State and federal law governing  physician self
referral and  "kickbacks"  including but not limited to the provisions of "Stark
II" and the federal fraud and abuse laws.

         6.24.  Medical  Staff.  Attached  hereto as Exhibit  6.24 is a true and
correct  copy of the medical  staff  roster for the  Hospital  and the  Clinics.
Seller has made  available  to  Purchaser  a copy of the  medical  staff  bylaws
currently in effect with respect to the Hospital and the Clinics,  including any
and all current amendments and modifications thereto.

         6.25.  Cost  Reports.  Seller has filed when due all cost  reports  and
other reports  required to be filed with respect to each of the Hospital and the
Clinics as of the date hereof under the Medicare Program. Seller is not required
to file cost reports  under any other third party payor and other  reimbursement
programs  in which the  Hospital  and the  Clinics  participate.  Seller  has no
knowledge  that all such reports have not been  prepared and filed in compliance
with all applicable rules and regulations.  Attached hereto as Exhibit 6.25 is a
list of all such reports  which have been filed by Seller  during the last three
years, true and correct copies of which have been provided to Purchaser.
         6.26. Reimbursement. The Hospital is treated under the Medicare Program
for  reimbursement  purposes as a free standing  rehabilitation  hospital with a
skilled  nursing  facility  unit and the Clinics are treated  under the Medicare
Program  for  reimbursement  purposes  as  part  of  the  Hospital's  outpatient
rehabilitation department.  Seller has not received any written or verbal notice
from Medicare or its fiscal  intermediary  threatening or challenging the status
of the Hospital and the Clinics for  reimbursement  purposes as a free  standing
rehabilitation  hospital or from any third party payor, including Medicare, with
respect to any proposed  recoupment  claim or any other proposed  investigation,
audit or  reimbursement  dispute  with respect to the Hospital or the Clinics or
which could adversely affect Seller's  operations at the Hospital or the Clinics
or the continued licensure or certification thereof.

         6.27.  PRO  Denials.  Set forth in Exhibit 6.27 is a list of all of the
Peer Review  Organization  denials which to the best of Seller's knowledge after
inquiry of the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital, Seller has received with
respect to its  operations at the Hospital and the Clinics during the last three
years, including a description of the basis therefor, and of the action taken by
Seller,  if any,  to appeal the same and the status  and/or  outcome of any such

         6.28.  Insurance.  Set forth in Exhibit 6.28 is a list of all insurance
policies  held by Seller with respect to the  Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics
and the other  Seller's  Assets and in effect as of the date of this  Agreement,
including  the  types  of  coverage  and  amounts  thereof  and  the  amount  of
deductibles  thereunder.  Seller has  provided  to  Purchaser  true and  correct
certificates evidencing such insurance as well as copies of the Seller's current
property,  professional liability and workers compensation insurance policies in
effect  with  respect to the  Hospital,  the MOB and the  Clinics.  All  monthly
premium  installments  due with respect to all of such  insurance  policies have
been paid in full  through the date of this  Agreement  and will  continue to be
paid as and when due between the date of this Agreement and the Closing Date.

         6.29.    Hill Burton.  Seller has no liability  under the Hill Burton  
Program and Purchaser  will have no liability or  obligation,  as a transferee 
of Seller or otherwise,  under the Hill Burton Program as a result of the 
transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

         6.30.  Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty by or on behalf of
Seller contained in this Agreement,  as those representations have been modified
by the terms of Seller's  Disclosure  Letter,  if  applicable,  contains or will
contain any untrue  statement of a material fact, or omits or will omit to state
any material facts which are necessary in order to make the statements contained
herein in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                                   ARTICLE VII

         Purchaser  hereby  warrants and  represents  to Seller that,  except as
otherwise  specifically  set forth in the letter from  Purchaser to Seller dated
the date hereof (the "Purchaser Disclosure Letter"):

         7.01.    Status of Purchaser.  Purchaser is a corporation  duly  
incorporated,  validly existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the 
State of  California.  Regency  Health  Services,  Inc.  ("Regency")  is a
corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the 
laws of the State of Delaware.

         7.02.  Validity and  Conflicts.  This  Agreement is valid,  binding and
enforceable  against  Purchaser  in  accordance  with its  terms,  except as the
enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
or other similar laws relating to the enforcement of creditors' rights generally
and by general principles of equity  (regardless of whether such  enforceability
is  considered  in a  proceeding  in equity or at law).  The  execution  of this
Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein have been
approved by the Board of Directors  of Purchaser  and do not and will not result
in a breach of the terms and  conditions  of nor  constitute a default  under or
violation of the Articles of Incorporation  or Bylaws of Purchaser,  or any law,
regulation, court order, mortgage, note, bond, indenture,  agreement, license or
other instrument or obligation to which Purchaser is now a party or by which any
of its assets may be bound or affected, subject, however, to Purchaser obtaining
those Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals for which it is responsible
under the terms hereof.

         7.03.  Authority.  Subject to  obtaining  the Third Party  Consents and
Regulatory  Approvals  which it and/or  Seller  are  required  to use their best
efforts to secure,  Purchaser has full corporate  power and authority to execute
and to deliver this  Agreement and all related  documents,  and to carry out the
transactions  contemplated herein and therein.  Purchaser further has full power
and authority (i) to lease and to operate the Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics
from and after the Closing  Date as the same are  presently  leased and operated
and (ii) to conduct its business  from and after the Closing Date as the same is
now being conducted.

         7.04  Necessary  Action.  Purchaser  has  duly  and  properly  taken or
obtained or caused to be taken or  obtained,  or prior to Closing will have duly
and  properly  taken or obtained or caused to be taken or  obtained,  all action
necessary for Purchaser (i) to enter into and to deliver this  Agreement and any
and all documents and agreements executed by Purchaser in connection herewith or
in furtherance hereof and (ii) to carry out the terms hereof and thereof and the
transactions  contemplated herein and therein,  which action shall include,  but
not be limited to,  obtaining the Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals
for which Purchaser is responsible hereunder. No other action by or on behalf of
Purchaser  is or will be  necessary to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  and any documents  and  agreements  executed by
Purchaser  in  connection   herewith  or   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated  herein,  other  than  securing  those  Third  Party  Consents  and
Regulatory  Approvals for which Purchaser is responsible under the terms hereof.
Purchaser  represents  and  warrants  that as of the date of  execution  of this
Agreement, it has secured the consent of its Board of Directors and of the Board
of Directors of Regency to the execution of this  Agreement and of any documents
and agreements  necessary to carry out the terms hereof and for the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Nothing herein shall be
construed as a guarantee  by Purchaser  that it will be able to secure the Third
Party Consents or Regulatory  Approvals for which it is responsible,  but rather
this paragraph shall be limited to Purchaser's  representation and warranty that
it will use its best efforts to secure such Third Party  Consents and Regulatory

         7.05.  Litigation.  There is no, nor has Purchaser  received written or
verbal  notice  of  any,  litigation,   administrative  investigation  or  other
proceeding pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge based on written notice
with  respect  thereto,   threatened  by  any   governmental   authority  having
jurisdiction   over  Purchaser  or  by  any  other  party  or  which  challenges
Purchaser's ability to consummate the transaction provided for herein. Purchaser
is not a party to or bound by any  orders,  judgments,  injunctions,  decrees or
settlement  agreements under which it may have continuing  obligations as of the
date  hereof  or as of the  Closing  Date and which  are  likely  to  materially
restrict or affect the business  operations of Purchaser  either before or after
the Closing.  The right or ability of Purchaser to  consummate  the  transaction
contemplated  herein has not been challenged by any  governmental  agency or any
other person and Purchaser has no knowledge of the occurrence of any event which
would provide a reasonable basis for any such litigation, investigation or other

         7.06.  Sensitive  Payments.  Purchaser has no reason to believe that it
has (i) made any  contributions,  payments or gifts to or for the private use of
any  governmental  official,  employee or agent where  either the payment or the
purpose of such  contribution,  payment or gift is illegal under the laws of the
United States or the  jurisdiction in which made, (ii) established or maintained
any  unrecorded  fund or asset for any  purpose or made any false or  artificial
entries on its books,  (iii)  given or received  any  payments or other forms of
remuneration in connection with the referral of patients which would violate the
Medicare/Medicaid Anti-kickback Law, Section 1128(b) of the Social Security Act,
42 USC  Section  1320a-7b(b)  or any  analogous  state  statute or (iv) made any
payments to any person with the intention or understanding that any part of such
payment  was to be  used  for any  purpose  other  than  that  described  in the
documents supporting the payment.

         7.07. Taxes and Tax Returns. All tax and other related returns, reports
and filings of any kind or nature,  required to be filed by  Purchaser  prior to
date of execution of this  Agreement  with respect to its  operations  have been
properly  completed and timely filed,  or extensions for the filing thereof have
been timely secured, with all such filings being in material compliance with all
applicable requirements and all taxes due with respect to Purchaser's operations
have been  timely  paid,  except  to the  extent  that the same are  being  duly
contested in good faith in accordance with applicable law and adequate  reserves
therefor are reflected on Purchaser's  financial statements or will be reflected
in any subsequent financials prepared by Purchaser.

         7.08.  Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty by or on behalf of
Purchaser  contained  in this  Agreement,  as those  representations  have  been
modified by the terms of Purchaser's Disclosure Letter, if applicable,  contains
or will contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact, or omits or will omit
to state any material  facts which are necessary in order to make the statements
contained herein in light of the  circumstances  under which they were made, not

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         Each party hereby represents, covenants, and warrants to the other that
it has  employed  no  broker  or  finder  in  connection  with  the  transaction
contemplated  herein.  Each party agrees to pay any  commission  or finder's fee
which may be due on account of the transaction  contemplated herein to any other
broker or finder employed by it, and to indemnify the other party hereto against
any claim for any commission or finder's fee made by any other broker  allegedly
employed by it and from and against any and all costs and  expenses  incurred in
connection therewith,  including,  but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees
and costs.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                                SELLER COVENANTS

         9.01.    Pre-Closing  Date.  Seller covenants that between the date 
hereof and the Closing Date, except as  contemplated  by this  Agreement or with
the consent of Purchaser,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably
withheld, conditioned or delayed:

         (a) Seller will operate the  Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics only in
the ordinary course and with due regard to the proper  maintenance and repair of
any real property or personal property associated  therewith,  ordinary wear and
tear  excepted,  other than those  repairs for which  Purchaser has agreed to be
responsible under Paragraph 4.15;

         (b) Seller will take all reasonable action to preserve the goodwill and
the  present  occupancy  levels  of the  Hospital  and  the  Clinics,  it  being
understood  and agreed that Seller shall not be required to undertake any action
to preserve  occupancy  levels  other than  continuing  to engage in the routine
marketing  activities  in which it is currently  engaged at the Hospital and the

         (c) Seller will not make any  material  change in the  operation of the
Hospital or the Clinics nor, except in the ordinary course of business,  sell or
agree to sell any items of  machinery,  equipment  or other fixed  assets of the
Hospital,  including but not limited to assets and equipment  used in connection
with the  operation  of the  Hospital and located at the MOB, or the Clinics nor
otherwise  enter into any  agreements  materially  affecting the Hospital or the

         (d) Seller will use its  reasonable  efforts to retain the  goodwill of
the employees of, medical staff of or physicians  under  contract  with,  Seller
located at or connected  with the  operation of the Hospital and the Clinics and
will  provide  Purchaser  with  notice  in the  event  of any  union  organizing
activities or contract negotiations are commenced after the date hereof;

         (e) Except in the ordinary course of business, Seller will not increase
the compensation or bonuses payable or to become payable to any of its employees
located at or  connected  with the  operation  of the  Hospital or the  Clinics,
including  employees  located at the Seller's  corporate or regional offices who
work  exclusively on matters  related to the Hospital and the Clinics,  or grant
any  severance  benefits  to any such  employees  other than to the extent  such
bonuses or  severance  payments  impose no  obligation  on  Purchaser  after the
Closing Date;

         (f) Seller will not enter into any  written  employment  agreements  in
connection  with the  operation of the  Hospital or the Clinics  other than with
physicians in the ordinary course of business;  provided,  however,  that Seller
shall provide Purchaser with copies of any such physician contracts;

         (g) Seller will not, except in the ordinary  course of business,  enter
into any contract or commitment  affecting  any of the Seller's  Assets or incur
any  additional  indebtedness  or  amend,  extend  or  renew  any  current  debt
instruments,  whether in the ordinary course of business or otherwise,  nor will
Seller declare or pay any dividend or other  distribution with respect to any of
the Seller  Assets nor pledge the accounts  receivable of Seller as security for
any  indebtedness or lease  agreements  executed,  amended or extended by Seller
after the date hereof; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed
as prohibiting (i) Seller from incurring  inter-company  indebtedness to Horizon
and/or CMS, (ii) Horizon and/or CMS from  incurring  debt, the proceeds of which
may be made  available  to Seller or (iii)  Seller  from  executing  any and all
documents necessary to amend any debt instruments under which Horizon and/or CMS
may be the borrower and Seller a guarantor;

         (h) During normal business hours, Seller will provide Purchaser and its
agents and employees with access on  twenty-four  (24) hours notice to the books
and records of Seller and the Hospital,  including, but not limited to any books
or records  located in the MOB, and the Clinics  provided  they do not interfere
with the operation thereof;

         (i) Seller will  operate the  Hospital  and the Clinics in  substantial
compliance  with all  applicable  municipal,  county,  state and  federal  laws,
regulations,  ordinances,  standards  and  orders as now in  effect  (including,
without  limitation,  the  building,  zoning and life safety  codes as currently
applied with respect thereto) where the failure to comply therewith could have a
material  adverse  effect on the  business,  property,  condition  (financial or
otherwise) or operation thereof;

         (j)  Seller  will take all  reasonable  action to  achieve  substantial
compliance  with  any  laws,  regulations,   ordinances,  standards  and  orders
applicable to the Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics which are enacted or issued
after  execution of this  Agreement and become  effective or require  compliance
prior to the Closing where the failure to comply therewith could have a material
adverse effect on the business,  property, condition (financial or otherwise) or
operation thereof;

         (k) Seller will maintain the Seller's Assets in substantially  the same
condition as they were in at the date hereof,  ordinary wear and tear,  casualty
loss and taking by eminent domain excepted;

         (l)      Seller will provide Purchaser with copies of its monthly 
financial  statements prepared in the ordinary course of  business;

         (m)      Seller will provide  Purchaser with copies of all licensure or
certification  surveys received by Seller and the related Plans of Correction 
prepared by Seller;

         (n) Seller will pay as and when due the accounts payable which arise in
the ordinary  course of business,  except to the extent that the amount owing is
being duly  contested  by Seller and such  contest  does not  materially  affect
Seller or the Hospital or the Clinics;

         (o) Within ten (10) days after Seller's  receipt of Purchaser's  title,
UCC search and survey  objections  pursuant to  Paragraph  10.01,  Seller  shall
advise  Purchaser  whether it intends to correct the defects to which  Purchaser
has objected;

         (p)      Seller will  maintain in force the existing  insurance  
coverage with respect to the Hospital, the MOB and the Clinics described in 
Exhibit 6.28;

         (q) Seller  will file all  returns,  reports and filings of any kind or
nature,  or to secure timely  extensions for the filing thereof,  required to be
filed by Seller including, but not limited to, state and federal tax returns and
Medicare  cost  reports  with  respect to the  Hospital and the Clinics and will
timely pay all taxes or other obligations which are due and payable with respect
thereto,  except to the extent  that the same are being duly  contested  in good
faith in accordance  with  applicable  law and such contest does not  materially
affect Seller or the Hospital and the Clinics;

         (r) Unless  specifically  prohibited  by law,  Seller will use its best
efforts to cause all of the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraphs  12.01
and 12.02 which are within Seller's control to be satisfied prior to the Outside
Closing  Date  and  Seller  will  not  take  any  action  inconsistent  with its
obligations under this Agreement or which could hinder or delay the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

         (s)  Neither  Seller nor any of its  officers,  directors,  advisors or
others  authorized  to act on its  behalf  shall  directly  initiate  or solicit
discussions  relating  to  any  alternative   acquisition  proposal  or  similar
transaction   including,   without  limitation,   a  merger  or  other  business
combination  involving Seller or any of the Seller's Assets, or offer to acquire
or convey in any manner, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all of the
equity  interests in, the voting  securities  of Seller or the Seller's  Assets;
provided,  however, that public announcements of the transaction contemplated by
this Agreement shall not be prohibited hereby;

         (t) Seller will provide to Purchaser  copies of all material  documents
which relate to, and, upon request,  with verbal or written  updates  concerning
the  status  of, any  litigation  filed as of the date  hereof or filed from and
after the date hereof by or against  Seller after the date of this Agreement but
prior to the Closing Date where the amount  claimed or assessed by management of
Seller as likely to be claimed exceeds $500,000;

         (u)      Seller will proceed with all due diligence to secure the 
Regulatory  Approvals and Third Party Consents for which it is responsible under
the terms hereof;

         (v)      Seller will not amend or permit the amendment of any of the 
Medical Staff Bylaws  described in Paragraph 6.24; and

         (w) Seller will  cooperate  with  Purchaser,  at  Purchaser's  cost and
expense,  in any audits of the results of operations at the Hospital  and/or the
Clinics  which  Purchaser  elects  to  conduct  in  order  to  comply  with  any
requirements applicable to it under the federal securities laws.

         9.02.    Closing  Date.  On the Closing  Date,  Seller will deliver the
following to Purchaser or to a designated escrow agent in accordance with any 
written escrow instructions executed by Seller and Purchaser:

         (a)      The Benefits Schedule (as defined in Paragraph 14.01);

         (b) A certificate of Seller dated as of the Closing Date, certifying on
behalf  of Seller  in such  detail  as  Purchaser  may  reasonably  specify  the
fulfillment  of the  conditions  set forth in  Paragraphs  12.02 (a) and (b) and
setting forth the  incumbency of the officers  executing  documents on behalf of
Seller,  a copy of the  resolutions  adopted  by  Seller's  Board  of  Directors
authorizing  the  transaction  provided  for  herein and the  execution  of this
Purchase Agreement and the other documents  contemplated  herein and attaching a
certificate  of good  standing  issued by each of the  California  and  Delaware
Secretary of State within no more than thirty (30) days prior to Closing;

         (c)      The duly executed Lease Assignment Agreements;

         (d)      The duly executed Bill of Sale;

         (e) A duly executed  Assignment of the Operating Contracts described in
Paragraph  6.22,  which shall be in  substantially  the form attached  hereto as
Exhibit 9.02(e) (the "Operating Contract Assignment Agreement");

         (f)      The original titles to any motor vehicles included within the 
Owned Personal Property;

         (g)      Written Escrow Instructions;

         (h)      An Estoppel Certificate in form and substance  reasonably  
acceptable to Purchaser executed by the landlord under the Hospital Lease;

         (i)      An opinion of the General  Counsel of Horizon in form and 
substance  reasonably  acceptable to Purchaser;

         (j) Evidence that Seller has secured all of the Regulatory Consents and
Third Party Approvals,  including,  but not limited to, the consent of the Marin
Health Care  Associates  Limited  Partnership and the landlords under the Clinic
Leases, for which Seller is responsible under the terms of this Agreement.

         In  addition,  on the Closing  Date,  the Seller  shall pay the closing
costs for which it is responsible  under Article IV and the Accrued Benefits (as
defined in Paragraph 14.01) and shall cause to be made available to Purchaser at
the Hospital any and all plans and  specifications  with respect to the Hospital
and the Clinics which may be in Seller's possession.

         9.03.    Post-Closing.  Seller covenants and agrees that after the 
Closing Date it will:

         (a) Cooperate  with  Purchaser in the event its parent  corporation  is
required to include  audited  financial  statements with respect to the Hospital
and the Clinics in its filings with the United  States  Securities  and Exchange

         (b) Take such  actions and  properly  execute and deliver to  Purchaser
such  further  instruments  of  assignment,  conveyance  and transfer as, in the
reasonable  opinion of counsel  for  Purchaser  and  Seller,  may be  reasonably
necessary to assure,  complete and evidence the full and effective  transfer and
conveyance of Seller's Assets.

         (c)  Fulfill  any  obligations  which it may have under this  Agreement
which survive Closing in accordance with the terms hereof or which, by agreement
of the  parties,  have not been fully  performed  as of the Closing Date and the
performance  of which,  by written  agreement of the parties,  has been extended
until after the Closing Date.

         (d) File any final cost  reports  with  respect  to the cost  reporting
periods  prior  to the  Closing  Date  for  which  it may be  responsible  under
applicable state and federal law within the time periods proscribed  thereunder,
it being  understood  and agreed that the purpose of this provision is to ensure
that there is no adverse  affect on the  reimbursement  paid to  Purchaser  with
respect to its operations at the Hospital and the Clinics after Closing.

                                    ARTICLE X
                               PURCHASER COVENANTS

         10.01.   Pre-Closing  Date.  Purchaser  covenants  that  between the 
date hereof and the Closing  Date, except  as  contemplated  by  this  Agreement
or with  the  consent  of  Seller,  which  consent  shall  not be
unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed:

         (a) Within ten (10) days after the date of this Agreement advise Seller
of its objections to any UCC Search Reports,  title commitment  and/or survey of
the Real  Property  and the  Hospital  which  Purchaser  may  elect  to  obtain;
provided,  however,  that  Purchaser  shall  not have the right to object to any
items reflected on the title commitment which are referred to in Paragraph 3.02.
If Seller  refuses to correct  some or all of the title,  survey or lien defects
objected to by Purchaser within the time period  reflected in Paragraph  9.01(o)
or to give Purchaser reasonable assurances that the same will be corrected as of
the Closing  Date,  Purchaser  shall have ten (10) days to advise  Seller of its
decision to close,  notwithstanding the defects, or of its election to terminate
this  Agreement,  in which case neither  party shall have any further  rights or
obligations  hereunder.  If Purchaser does not give notice of termination within
this ten (10) day period, it will be deemed to have waived its objections and to
have accepted such title, survey or lien defects.

         (b)      Purchaser  will  proceed  with all due  diligence  to obtain  
the  Third  Party  Consents  and Regulatory Approvals for which it is 
responsible under the terms hereof; and

         (c) Unless specifically  prohibited by law, Purchaser will use its best
efforts to cause all of the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraphs  12.01
and 12.02  which are within its  control to be  satisfied  prior to the  Outside
Closing  Date and  Purchaser  will not take  any  action  inconsistent  with its
obligations under this Agreement or which could hinder or delay the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         10.02.   Closing Date. On the Closing Date,  Purchaser  will deliver to
the Escrow Agent (unless Seller and Purchaser agree in writing in the Escrow 
Instructions to handle the same outside of escrow) the following:

         (a) A certificate of a responsible officer of Purchaser dated as of the
Closing  Date  certifying  on behalf of  Purchaser  in such detail as Seller may
reasonably  specify the  fulfillment  of the  conditions set forth in Paragraphs
12.01 (a) and (b) and setting  forth the  incumbency  of the officers  executing
documents  on  behalf  of  Purchaser,  a copy  of  the  resolutions  adopted  by
Purchaser's Board of Directors  authorizing the transaction  provided for herein
and  the  execution  of  this  Purchase   Agreement  and  the  other   documents
contemplated  herein and attaching a certificate of good standing  issued by the
California  Secretary  of State  within no more than  thirty  (30) days prior to

         (b)      The executed Operating Contract Assignment Agreement;

         (c)      The cash due at Closing pursuant to Paragraph 2.01;

         (d)      Duly executed Escrow Closing Instructions;

         (e)      An opinion of the General  Counsel of Regency in form and 
substance  reasonably  acceptable to Seller;

         (f)      The duly executed Lease Assignment Agreements; and

         (g) One or more Guaranty  Agreements  duly  executed by Regency  Health
Services,  Inc., with respect to the Hospital Lease and the Clinic Leases if and
to the extent, in the case of the Clinic Leases,  they are currently  guaranteed
by CMS.

         10.03.   Post-Closing.  After the Closing Date, Purchaser will:

         (a) Provide  Seller with access  during  normal  business  hours to any
books or records which Seller may need to file or to defend tax returns or other
filings  filed prior to or  subsequent  to the Closing  Date which relate to the
period  prior to the  Closing  Date or which  Seller may  require  for any other
lawful purpose other than litigation commenced by Seller against Purchaser under
the terms of this Agreement and maintain all such books and records for a period
of one year after the Closing  Date, at which time  Purchaser  shall give Seller
notice of Seller's  right to remove such books and  records  from the  Hospital.
Seller  shall have a period of thirty (30) days after  receipt of such notice to
advise  Purchaser  whether it intends to exercise its removal  right and, in the
event  Seller  elects to do so,  Seller  shall have a period of thirty (30) days
thereafter in which to arrange, at its sole cost and expense, for the removal of
any or of such books and records from the Hospital, subject to Purchaser's right
to retain copies of any or all of such removed books and records.

         (b) Take such  actions and  properly  execute and deliver  such further
instruments  as Seller may reasonably  request to assure,  complete and evidence
the transaction provided for in this Agreement.

         (c)  Fulfill  any  obligations  which it may have under this  Agreement
which  survive  Closing  in  accordance  with the terms  thereof  or  which,  by
agreement of the parties,  have not been fully  performed as of the Closing Date
and the  performance  of which,  by written  agreement of the parties,  has been
extended until after the Closing Date.

         (d) To the extent  permitted by law, Seller and the staff physicians of
the  Hospital  employed by Seller  prior to the Closing Date (but in the case of
such staff  physicians  only as necessary for the further care of their patients
and the defense of litigation) shall be entitled, after the Closing Date, during
normal  business  hours of the Hospital and the Clinics and on advance notice to
Purchaser to have access to and to make copies,  at their sole cost and expense,
of the patient records,  including the medical records and medical charts of any
patient  admitted  to the  Hospital  or the treated in a Clinic on or before the
Closing  Date.  In  addition,  to the extent  permitted by law and to the extent
required by law,  Seller  shall be  entitled  to remove  from the  Hospital or a
Clinic any such record or chart, but only for the purposes of pending litigation
involving a patient to whom such record or chart refers, as certified in writing
prior to  removal  by an  officer  of Seller or  counsel  retained  by Seller in
connection  with such  litigation,  and only prior to making a copy thereof,  at
Seller's  cost and expense,  for  retention  at the  Hospital or the Clinic,  as
applicable.  Any record or chart so removed by the  Hospital or any Clinic shall
be promptly returned to Purchaser following its use by Seller in accordance with
the terms hereof.

         (e)  Provide  such  notice as may be  required  after  Closing  to each
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Hospital, the consent of which
was not  required as a  condition  to Closing but notice to which is required or
recommended after Closing, including, but not limited to, JCAHO and CARF.

         (f) Purchaser  shall not renew the term of the Hospital  Lease upon the
expiration of the Initial Term thereof  unless CMS is released from its Guaranty
at the time of such renewal with respect to any  obligations  arising  under the
Hospital Lease during any and all renewal terms.

                                   ARTICLE XI
                                MUTUAL COVENANTS

         11.01.   General Covenants. Following the execution of this Agreement, 
Seller and Purchaser agree:

         (a) If any event should  occur,  either within or without the knowledge
or control of any party,  which would prevent  fulfillment  of the conditions to
the obligations of any party hereto to consummate the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement,  to use its or their  reasonable  efforts to cure the same as
expeditiously as possible;

         (b)  To  cooperate   fully  with  each  other  in  preparing,   filing,
prosecuting,  and taking any other actions  which are or may be  reasonable  and
necessary to obtain the consent of any governmental instrumentality or any third
party, to accomplish the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

         (c) To deliver such other instruments of title, certificates, consents,
endorsements,  assignments,  assumptions and other documents or instruments,  in
form reasonably  acceptable to the party requesting the same and its counsel, as
may be reasonably necessary to carry out and/or to comply with the terms of this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein;

         (d) To confer on a regular  basis  with the other,  report on  material
operational  matters and promptly  advise the other orally and in writing of any
change or event having,  or which,  insofar as can  reasonably be foreseen could
have, a material adverse effect on such party or which would cause or constitute
a material breach of any of the representations, warranties or covenants of such
party contained herein; and

         (e) To promptly  provide the other (or its counsel)  with copies of all
other filings made by such party with any state or federal  governmental  entity
in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

         11.02.   Hart-Scott-Rodino Filing. If and to the extent applicable:

         (a) Purchaser  and Seller agree to file,  and to cause any other person
obligated  to do so as a  result  of  its  shareholdings  in  Seller,  with  the
Antitrust  Division of the United  States  Department of Justice and the Federal
Trade  Commission  a  Notification  and  Report  Form  in  accordance  with  the
notification  requirements  of the HSR Act and to use its and their best efforts
to achieve the prompt  termination  or expiration  of the waiting  period or any
extension  thereof  provided  for  under  the HSR Act as a  prerequisite  to the
consummation of the transactions provided for herein.

         (b) Nothing  herein shall be construed as requiring  Seller to (i) sell
or otherwise  dispose of any of the Seller  Assets which are the subject of this
Agreement or the Other Agreements  which either alone or in the aggregate,  with
all such other sales or  dispositions,  would constitute the sale or disposition
of a "significant  subsidiary" (as defined in Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X of the
rules and regulations of the Commission), (ii) take any action, the consummation
of  which  cannot  be  conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement,  where such action would have a material adverse
effect on Seller or (iii) take any  action  which  either  would have a material
adverse effect on the operations,  business or financial  condition of Seller or
would  materially  impair the value of the  transaction  contemplated  herein to
Seller or Purchaser.

         (c) Nothing  herein shall be  construed  as requiring  Purchaser to (i)
sell or  otherwise  dispose of any of its assets  which  either  alone or in the
aggregate, with all such other sales or dispositions,  would constitute the sale
or  disposition  of a  "significant  subsidiary,"  (ii)  take  any  action,  the
consummation  of  which  cannot  be  conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  where such action  would have a
material  adverse effect on Purchase or (iii) take any action which either would
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  operations,  business  or  financial
condition of Purchaser or would  materially  impair the value of the transaction
contemplated herein to Seller or Purchaser.

         11.03. Third Party Consents/Regulatory  Approval. Each of Purchaser and
Seller  will use its best  efforts  to  obtain  prior  to the  Closing  Date all
consents,  approvals and licenses  necessary to permit the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Other Agreements, including,
but not limited to, such  licensure and  certification  approval in the State of
California  as may be  necessary  to enable  Purchaser  to  lawfully  own and/or
operate  the  Hospital  and the  Clinics  from and after the  Closing  Date (the
"Regulatory Approvals"), and the consent of its lenders, lessors and other third
parties to the  extent  required  under any loan  documents,  lease  agreements,
management  agreements or other  instruments to which it is a party,  including,
but not  limited  to, the  consent of the  lessors  under the Leases (the "Third
Party  Consents"),  provided,  however,  that the  consent of the holders of the
bonds issued by Purchaser's  parent corporation under that Indenture dated as of
June 28, 1996 in the original principal amount of $50,000,000 and that Indenture
dated as of October 12, 1996 in the original  principal  amount of  $110,000,000
shall not be deemed to be a required  Third Party Consent,  it being  understood
and agreed that Purchaser has  represented  that the transaction as contemplated
herein will not require the consent of such bondholders.

         11.04.   Public  Announcements.  The parties  shall  consult  with each
other prior to the  issuance by either party of any press release or any written
statement with respect to this  Agreement or the  transactions contemplated 

         11.05.  Costs. Except as otherwise  specifically  provided herein, each
party shall bear its own costs and  expenses  with respect to securing the Third
Party  Consents  and  Regulatory   Approvals,   including   complying  with  the
requirements of the HSR Act, for which it is responsible hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XII

         12.01.   Purchaser  Conditions.  All  obligations of Purchaser  under 
this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment,  prior  to or as of the  Outside 
Closing  Date  (as  defined  below),  of  each  of the  following
conditions any one or more of which may be waived in writing by Purchaser:

         (a) The  representations  and  warranties  of Seller  contained in this
Agreement shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing Date as though such
representations   and   warranties   were  then  again  made,   other  than  any
representations  or warranties which  specifically  relate to an earlier period,
which shall have been true as of the date thereof.

         (b)  Seller  shall have  performed  all of its  obligations  under this
Agreement that are to be performed by it prior to or as of the Closing Date.

         (c) Purchaser  and Seller shall have received the Third Party  Consents
and  Regulatory  Approvals,  including,  but not limited to, change of ownership
approval from the California Department of Health Services (the "CHOW Approval")
and shall have satisfied any and all conditions to the effectiveness thereof.

         (d) Other  than with  respect  to a default  identified  in the  Seller
Disclosure  Letter as of the date of this  Agreement or any defaults  identified
after the date of this  Agreement  in any  amendments  to the Seller  Disclosure
Letter,  which amendments are not objected to by Purchaser,  Seller shall not be
in default,  where said default  cannot be cured by the Closing Date,  under any
mortgage,  contract,  lease or other  agreement to which Seller is a party or by
which Seller is bound and which will affect or relate to the Real Property,  the
Personal Property, the Hospital or the Clinics after the Closing Date.
         (e) Subject to Purchaser  ordering the same, a title  insurance  policy
providing  for  leasehold  coverage  shall have been  issued to  Purchaser  with
respect to the Hospital  subject only to the  Permitted  Exceptions  (the "Title
Insurance Policy").

         (f)  Subject  to  Purchaser  ordering  the  same,  Purchaser  shall  be
satisfied or,  pursuant to Paragraph  10.01(a)  shall be deemed to be satisfied,
with the Survey.

         (g)  Subject  to  Purchaser  ordering  the  same,  Purchaser  shall  be
satisfied,  or pursuant to Paragraph  10.01(a)  shall be deemed to be satisfied,
with the results of the UCC Searches.

         (h) If applicable, the filing and waiting period requirements under the
HSR Act shall have been complied with and shall have expired or terminated.

         (i)      The  closing of the  transactions  which are the  subject of 
the Other  Agreements  shall have occurred.

         12.02.   Seller  Conditions.  All  obligations  of Seller  under  this 
Agreement  are  subject  to the fulfillment,  prior to or as of the Outside  
Closing Date, of each of the following  conditions  any one or more of which may
be waived by Seller in writing:

         (a) The  representations  and warranties of Purchaser contained in this
Agreement shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing Date as though such
representations   and   warranties   were  then  again  made,   other  than  any
representations  or warranties which  specifically  relate to an earlier period,
which shall have been true as of the date thereof.

         (b) Purchaser  shall have performed all of its  obligations  under this
Agreement that are to be performed by it prior to or as of the Closing Date.

         (c) Purchaser  and Seller shall have received the Third Party  Consents
and Regulatory  Approvals and shall have satisfied any and all conditions to the
effectiveness  thereof;  provided,  however, that it shall not be a condition to
Seller's obligation to close hereunder that the Landlord under any or all of the
Leases has refused to release Seller from its guarantee  thereof or from primary
liability thereunder.

         (d)      The  closing  of the  transaction  which are the  subject of 
the Other  Agreements  shall have occurred.

                                  ARTICLE XIII

         13.01.   Termination.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  by 
Purchaser  or Seller upon the  following conditions:

         (a)      By mutual consent of the parties;

         (b) By  Purchaser if the  conditions  to Closing set forth in Paragraph
12.01  have not been  satisfied  through  no fault of  Purchaser  or  waived  by
Purchaser by the Outside Closing Date;

         (c) By Seller if the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraph 12.02
have not been  satisfied  through  no fault of Seller or waived by Seller by the
Outside Closing Date;

         (d) By either  party if the  Closing  has not  occurred  by the Outside
Closing  Date or such later date as may be agreed  upon in writing by Seller and
Purchaser; provided, however, that in the event all of the conditions to Closing
provided  for in  Paragraph  12 have been  satisfied  or  waived by the  Outside
Closing Date other than the Purchaser's receipt of the CHOW Approval pursuant to
Paragraph  12.01(c),  provided Purchaser is diligently  pursuing the issuance of
the CHOW Approval by the California  Department of Health,  the Outside  Closing
Date shall  automatically be extended for such additional  period of time as may
be necessary to permit Purchaser to secure the CHOW Approval;  provided, further
that in the event  Purchaser  has not secured  the same within  thirty (30) days
after the Outside  Closing Date, this Agreement  shall  thereafter  terminate in
accordance with the terms hereof and the parties shall have no further rights or
obligations hereunder.

         (e)      By either party if the United States  Department  of Justice 
or the Federal  Trade  Commission requires any of the actions described in 
Paragraph 11.02;

         (f) By either  party in the event of a material  adverse  change in the
information  contained in the other party's Disclosure Letter as a result of the
updating thereof by such other party.

         (g) By  Purchaser  in event that prior to the  Closing  Date a material
portion of any of the  Hospital  Real  Property  or the  Hospital  is damaged or
destroyed by fire or other casualty or has been taken or condemned by any public
or quasi-public authority under the power or eminent domain; provided,  however,
that in the event Purchaser fails to exercise its termination  rights hereunder,
then it shall be conclusively  deemed to have waived said right and Seller shall
assign to Purchaser all of its rights to any insurance  proceeds or condemnation
award and all claims in connection therewith.

         13.02.  Neither party to this Agreement may claim termination or pursue
any other  remedy  referred  to in  Paragraph  13.01 on account of a breach of a
condition,  covenant or warranty  by the other,  without  first given such other
party written notice of such breach and not less than ten (10) days within which
to cure such breach.  The Closing Date shall be postponed if necessary to afford
such opportunity to cure.
          13.03.  In the event of the  termination  of this  Agreement by Seller
under either Paragraph  13.01(c) or Paragraph 13.01(d) where, in either case the
Closing has failed to occur as a result of a material breach by Purchaser of its
obligations  hereunder or under the Other  Agreements,  Seller shall be entitled
either (A) to seek  damages  from  Purchaser  as a result of said  breach or (B)
without the need to prove  damages,  to collect from Purchaser on written demand
the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 Dollars  ($2,500,000) as
liquidated  damages in full and complete  settlement of any and all claims which
Seller may have against Purchaser  hereunder and under the Other Agreements as a
result of said  breach by  Purchaser,  it being  understood  and agreed that the
amount provided for in this clause (B) is intended to compensate  Seller for the
damages  suffered by it as a result of said breach  without resort to the courts
and is not intended to be a limitation on the damages which Seller would be able
to seek to recover in the event it elects to proceed under clause (A).

          13.04.  In the event of the termination of this Agreement by Purchaser
under either Paragraph  13.01(b) or Paragraph 13.01(d) where, in either case the
Closing  has failed to occur as a result of a  material  breach by Seller of its
obligations  hereunder or under the Other  Agreements,  Purchaser shall have the
right either (A) to seek specific performance of Seller's obligations  hereunder
or (B) to seek damages suffered by it as a result of said breach.

         13.05.  In the event of the  termination of this Agreement  pursuant to
Paragraphs  13.01(a),  (e),  (f) or (g),  neither  party  shall have any further
rights or obligations hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XIV
                                EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

         14.01.  On the  Closing  Date,  Seller  shall  deliver to  Purchaser  a
schedule  (the  "Employee  Schedule")  which  reflects  among  other  things the
following:  (i) the name of all  employee of the  Hospital and the Clinics as of
the Closing  Date,  (ii) their  positions  and rates of pay,  (iii) a reasonable
estimate as of the Closing Date of all earned and accrued vacation,  holiday and
sick pay and earned or accrued  "EVA"  bonuses  due to and/or  coming due to the
employees of the Hospital and the Clinics as of the Closing Date (the "Estimated
Accrued  Benefits").  On the Closing Date,  Seller shall deliver to Purchaser an
amount  equal  to the  Estimated  Accrued  Benefits  reflected  on the  Employee
Schedule and  Purchaser  shall agree from and after the Closing Date, to pay the
Accrued  Benefits,  to the employees of the Hospital and the Clinics as and when
due in accordance with Purchaser's personnel policies from and after the Closing
Date,  it being  agreed for the benefit of Seller that such  policies  shall not
result in a  reduction  of benefits  accrued in favor of any  employee as of the
Closing  Date.  In  addition,  on the Closing Date or as soon  thereafter  as is
required by  California  law,  Seller shall pay to the employees of the Hospital
and the Clinics any wages due to them as of the Closing  Date.  Any benefits due
to the  employees  of the  Hospital  and the Clinics for the period prior to the
Closing Date and not included  within the Accrued  Benefits paid to Purchaser at
Closing shall be and remain the responsibility of Seller after Closing. Within a
reasonable period of time following the Closing Date, which shall in no event be
more than thirty (30) days,  Seller shall provide  Purchaser  with a schedule of
the Accrued  Benefits  which were earned or accrued as of the Closing  Date (the
"Actual  Accrued  Benefits").  To the  extent  the  Estimated  Accrued  Benefits
exceeded the Actual Accrued  Benefits,  Purchaser shall remit said difference to
Seller  within ten (10) days  after  Purchaser's  receipt of the Actual  Accrued
Benefits  schedule.  To the extent the Estimated Accrued Benefits were less than
the Actual  Accrued  Benefits,  Seller shall remit said  difference to Purchaser
along with the schedule of Actual Accrued Benefits.

         14.02. Purchaser shall offer to hire at Closing all of the employees of
Seller who, as of the Closing,  work at the Hospital and/or the Clinics and have
been employed on average for 20 hours or more per week.  Such  employees who are
offered   employment  by  Purchaser  shall  be  referred  to  as  the  "Retained
Employees."  Any such offer of  employment  to a Retained  Employee by Purchaser
shall  be to  perform  comparable  services,  in a  comparable  position  and at
substantially  the same  base  salary as such  Retained  Employee  enjoyed  with
Seller.  Seller or any of its affiliates shall have the right to employ or offer
to employ any Retained  Employee who declines  Purchaser's  offer of employment.
Purchaser  shall hire at Closing  each  Retained  Employee  who elects to accept
employment  with Purchaser (the "Hired  Employees"),  shall  recognize each such
Hired Employees  original hire date and shall continue to employ each such Hired
Employee  for a period of no less than  ninety (90) days  following  the Closing
Date unless the  employment  of such Hired  Employee is terminated in accordance
with  Purchaser's  personnel  policies  or as a result of such Hired  Employee's

         14.03.  Purchaser and Seller  acknowledge and agree that the provisions
of Section  14.02 are  designed  solely to ensure that Seller is not required to
give notice to the  employees of the  Hospital and the Clinics of the  "closure"
thereof under the Worker  Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act (the "WARN
Act") or under any  comparable  California  state  law.  Accordingly,  Purchaser
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller from any liability which it
may incur under the WARN Act or under any comparable California State law in the
event of a violation  by Purchaser of its  obligations  thereunder,  including a
violation  which  results  from   allegations   that  Purchaser   constructively
terminated the employees of the Facility as a result of the terms and conditions
of  employment  offered by Purchaser.  Nothing in Section 14.02 shall,  however,
create  any  rights in favor of any person  not a party  hereto,  including  the
employees of the Hospital or the Clinics, or constitute an employment  agreement
or condition of employment for any employee of Seller or any affiliate of Seller
who is a Retained Employee or a Hired Employee.

         14.04.  Seller shall offer and provide,  as  appropriate,  group health
plan continuation  coverage pursuant to the requirements of Section 601, et seq.
of ERISA and Section 498B of the Internal  Revenue Code  ("COBRA") to all of the
employees  of the  Hospital  and the Clinics to whom it is required to offer the
same under applicable law. Seller  acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser is not
assuming any of Seller's  obligations to its employees under COBRA or otherwise,
except as specifically provided in this Article XIV. As of the Closing Date, all
active employees of Seller:  (i) who participate as of the Closing Date in group
health insurance  coverage  sponsored by Seller and (ii) who become employees of
Purchaser on the Closing Date,  shall be eligible for  participation  in a group
health plan (as defined for purposes of Internal  Revenue  Code  Section  4980B)
established and maintained by Purchaser for the general benefit of its employees
and their  dependents and all such employees  shall be covered without a waiting
period and  without  regard to any  pre-existing  condition  unless (A) they are
under a waiting  period with  Seller at the time of Closing,  in which case they
shall be required to complete their waiting  period while in Purchaser's  employ
or (B) they were subject to a pre-existing condition exclusion while in Seller's
employ,  in which  case they shall be  subject  to the same  exclusion  while in
Purchaser's employ, which exclusion shall, if applicable, be subject to the same
time limitation while in Purchaser's employ as was applicable thereto while said
employees were in Seller's employ,  with the time limit calculated from the date
the same commenced while in Seller's  employ.  Seller and Purchaser  acknowledge
and agree  that it is the  intent of this  provision  that  Seller  shall not be
required to provide continued health coverage under ERISA or Section 4980 of the
Internal  Revenue  Code to any of such  employees  of  Seller  who are  hired by
Purchaser or to any  qualified  beneficiary  (as defined for purposes of Section
4980B of the Internal Revenue Code) with respect to any such employees.

         14.05.  Seller  agrees  that  the  continued  employment  of the  Hired
Employees  will be important to the viability of  Purchaser's  operations at the
Hospital and the Clinics.  Accordingly,  Seller  agrees that for a period of one
year after the  Closing  Date it will not  directly  or  indirectly  solicit the
employment  of any of such  Hired  Employees  nor  shall it take any  action  to
directly  or  indirectly  interfere  with  their  employment  relationship  with
Purchaser  or to  induce  them  in any  manner  to  terminate  their  employment
relationship with Purchaser. Seller acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser would
not be fully  compensated  by  damages  in the event of a breach  or  threatened
breach by Seller of this provision and  accordingly  agrees that Purchaser shall
be entitled,  without the need to post a bond, to seek an injunction to restrain
such violation or threatened violation of this Paragraph 14.05.

                                   ARTICLE XV

         15.01.  Seller shall  indemnify  and hold  Purchaser  harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses which it may
incur as a result of:

         (a) Except as  otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement,  the leasing or
ownership of Seller's Assets and the operation of the Hospital,  the MOB and the
Clinics  prior to the  Closing  Date,  whether  or not the same are  covered  by
Seller's insurance,  including, but not limited to (i) any obligations under the
Leases, the Operating Contracts and the Assumed Liabilities, (ii) any violations
of the  Medicare or Medicaid  fraud and abuse laws,  the Stark II law  governing
relationships  with  physicians  or any other state or federal law governing the
operation of the  Hospital  and/or the Clinics  (whether or not such  violations
would  constitute a breach by Seller of a  representation  or warranty set forth
herein),  and (iii) any failure of any cost report  filed by Seller for the cost
reporting  periods prior to the Closing  Date,  including the final cost reports
filed after the Closing  Date,  to comply with  applicable  state or federal law
(whether  or not such  violation  would  constitute  a  breach  by  Seller  of a
representation or warranty set forth herein) provided,  however, nothing in this
Paragraph  15.01(a)  shall be construed as imposing any liability on Seller as a
result of the negative impact, if any, on Purchaser's operations at the Hospital
and Clinics from and after the Closing Date resulting  from the items  described
in Exhibit 15.01(a);

         (b)      Any  misrepresentation  or  breach  of  warranty  of Seller  
set  forth in this  Agreement  or nonfulfillment of any agreement on the part of
Seller under this Agreement;

         (c)      Any  failure  in  connection  with the  transaction  
contemplated  herein to  comply  with the requirements of any laws or 
regulations relating to bulk sales or transfers;

         (d) Any claims against Seller,  Purchaser, the Hospital, the Clinics or
the other  Seller's  Assets under the Medicare  Program or under any other third
party payor  programs (i) with respect to the  operation of the Hospital and the
Clinics by Seller prior to the Closing Date,  (ii) for recapture of depreciation
generated by the transaction  contemplated  hereby or (iii) for repayment of any
overpayments  made to Seller under the Medicare Program or any other third party
payor program for services  rendered at the Hospital or the Clinics prior to the
Closing Date,  including,  but not limited to, claims  against  Purchaser in the
form of offsets  by  Medicare  or any other  third  party  payor  against  their
payments due to Purchaser on and after the Closing Date;

         (e)      The Excluded Assets; and

         (f) Any and all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,  assessments,
judgements,  reasonable costs and other reasonable expenses,  including, but not
limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, incident to the foregoing.

         15.02.  Purchaser  shall  indemnify  and hold Seller  harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses which it may
incur as a result of:

         (a)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this  Agreement,  any and all
obligations  relating to the  leasing or  ownership  of Seller's  Assets and the
operation  of the  Hospital,  the MOB and the Clinics from and after the Closing
Date,  including,  but not limited  to, any  obligations  under the Leases,  the
Operating Contracts and the Assumed Liabilities;

         (b)      Any  misrepresentation  or breach of  warranty of  Purchaser  
set forth in this  Agreement  or nonfulfillment of any agreement on the part of 
Purchaser under this Agreement; and

         (c) Any and all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,  assessments,
judgements,  reasonable costs and other reasonable expenses,  including, but not
limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, incident to the foregoing.

         15.03. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Purchaser nor Seller (the
"Non-Breaching  Party")  shall be entitled to seek  damages from the other party
(the "Breaching  Party") under Paragraphs  15.01(b) and 15.02(b),  respectively,
for the  breach of a  representation  or  warranty  set forth in this  Agreement
unless  the  amount  of the  damages,  liabilities,  losses,  costs or  expenses
incurred by the  Non-Breaching  Party  individually or in the aggregate with any
and all prior  breaches  equals or exceeds  Fifty  Thousand  and no/100  Dollars
($50,000) (the "Representation and Warranty Liability Threshold").  In the event
the Representation  and Warranty Threshold is met, then the Non-Breaching  Party
shall be  entitled  to seek to  collect  from the  Breaching  Party  any and all
damages, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses suffered or incurred as a result
of all such breaches of the representations and warranties set forth herein on a
first  dollar  basis  and  not  merely  to  recover  damages  in  excess  of the
Representation and Warranty Liability Threshold.

         15.04.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  contained  in this
Paragraph  15 in addition to all other  available  rights and  remedies,  in the
event of a breach by Purchaser of its covenant set forth in Paragraph  10.03(f),
Seller  shall have the right to require  Purchaser  to post as security  for the
performance  by  Purchaser  of its  obligations  under  the  Hospital  Lease  an
irrevocable  letter of credit from a lender and in a form reasonably  acceptable
to Seller  and in an  amount  equal to one  year's  Base Rent then due under the
Hospital Lease (the "Letter of Credit").  Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that
Seller shall have the right to draw on such Letter of Credit,  in the event of a
breach by Purchaser of its  obligations  under the Hospital Lease as a result of
which the landlord  thereunder seeks to enforce the obligations of CMS under its
Guaranty  thereof  and that,  in the event of such a draw  against the Letter of
Credit,  that  Purchaser  shall be required to reinstate the Letter of Credit to
its original  principal  balance.  Seller and Purchaser  shall have the right to
enter  into  Letter of  Credit  Agreement  if and when such  Letter of Credit is
posted setting forth such  additional  details with respect thereto as they deem
to be appropriate.

                                   ARTICLE XVI

         16.01.   Notices.  Any notice,  request or other communication to be 
given by any party hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by registered
or certified mail, postage prepaid,  by overnight  delivery,  hand
delivery or facsimile transmission to the following address:

         To Seller:                 c/o Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation
                                    6001 Indian School Road, N.E.
                                    Albuquerque, NM 87110
                                    Attn: Neal Elliott
                                    Telephone No.:   505-878-6350
                                    Facsimile No.:   505-881-6100

         With copy to:              Scot Sauder, Esq.
                     c/o Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation
                          6001 Indian School Road, N.E.
                              Albuquerque, NM 87110
                           Telephone No.: 505-878-6356
                           Facsimile No.: 505-881-6100

         To Purchaser:              Regency Rehab Hospitals, Inc.
                                    2742 Dow Avenue
                                    Tustin, CA 92680
                                    Attn: Bruce Broussard
                                    Telephone No.:   714-544-4443
                                    Facsimile No.:   714-544-2441

         with copy to:              Regency Rehab Hospitals, Inc.
                                    2742 Dow Avenue
                                    Tustin, CA 92680
                                    Attn: David Grant
                                    Telephone No.:   714-544-4443
                                    Facsimile No.:   714-544-2441

         and with copy to: Randi S. Nathanson, Esq.
                                    1411 Fourth Avenue
                                    Suite 905
                                    Seattle, WA  98101
                                    Telephone No.:   206-623-6239
                                    Facsimile No.:   206-623-1738

         Notices  shall be deemed given three (3) business days after deposit in
the  mail  as  provided  herein  or upon  actual  receipt  if sent by  overnight
delivery, facsimile transmission or hand delivery.

         16.02.  Assignment.  No party may assign,  directly or indirectly,  its
rights or obligations  hereunder  without the prior written consent of the other
party;  provided,  however, that Purchaser may assign its rights and obligations
hereunder  with respect to any Real Property and Personal  Property  included in
the Seller's Assets effective at Closing to a real estate  investment trust (the
"REIT") in connection with its financing of the transaction  provided for herein
provided   Seller  first   confirms  to  Purchaser   that,  in  its   reasonable
determination,  such assignment will not have adverse reimbursement consequences
for  Seller;  and  provided,  further,  that no such  assignment  shall  relieve
Purchaser of its obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and permitted assigns,  including successors by operation of law pursuant to any
merger,  consolidation or sale of assets involving either party. In the event of
an  assignment  of this  Purchase  Agreement to a REIT,  Purchaser  shall advise
Seller as to those documents and deliveries contemplated by this Agreement which
are to run in favor of the REIT rather than  Purchaser  and those  documents and
deliveries  contemplated  by this Agreement  which will be delivered by the REIT
rather than Purchaser,  if any, it being understood and agreed that in the event
of such an assignment,  the only right which the REIT will assume is Purchaser's
right to take title to the  Seller's  Assets and the only  obligation  which the
REIT  will  assume  is  Purchaser's  obligation  to pay the  purchase  price  in
accordance with the terms hereof .

         16.03 Sole Agreement.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified in
any respect  whatsoever  except by instrument  in writing  signed by the parties
hereto.  This Agreement,  the Disclosure  Letter of each of Seller and Purchaser
and the documents  executed and delivered  pursuant hereto constitute the entire
agreement  between the parties  hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof
and  supersede  all prior  negotiations,  discussions,  writings and  agreements
between them.

         16.04.   Captions.  The captions of this Agreement are for  convenience
of reference only and shall not define or limit any of the terms or provisions 

         16.05.   Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and 
construed in accordance  with the laws of the State of California.

         16.06.   Severability.  Should any one or more of the  provisions of 
this Agreement be determined to be invalid,  unlawful or unenforceable in any 
respect,  the validity,  legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

         16.07.   Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in any number 
of  counterparts,  each of which shall be an original; but such counterparts 
shall together constitute but one and the same instrument.

         16.08 Knowledge Defined.  To the extent that any of the representations
and  warranties  contained in this  Agreement are limited by the phrases "to the
knowledge of" or "Purchaser has no knowledge of" or "Seller has no knowledge of"
or words or  phrases  of  similar  import,  the same  shall  mean to the  actual
knowledge  of any of the  corporate  officers or  directors  of the party or its
subsidiaries  making  said  representation  or warranty  after due and  diligent
inquiry with respect thereto.  To the extent that any of the representations and
warranties  contained in this  Agreement  refer to verbal notice to a party such
notice shall be deemed to have been received if delivered to any officer of such
party or to an officer of one of its subsidiaries.

         16.09.   Expenses.  Each  party  shall  bear its own  costs  and  
expenses  (including  legal  fees and expenses) incurred in connection with this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

         16.10.  Third Party  Beneficiary.  Nothing in this Agreement express or
implied is  intended to and shall not be  construed  to confer upon or create in
any person  (other than the parties  hereto and their  successors  and permitted
assigns) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement,  including
without limitation, any right to enforce this Agreement.
         16.11.  Attorneys'  Fees. In the event of a dispute between the parties
hereto with respect to the  interpretation  or  enforcement of the terms hereof,
the  prevailing  party in any action  resulting  therefrom  shall be entitled to
collect from the other its reasonable costs and attorneys'  fees,  including its
costs and fees on appeal.

         16.12.  Construction.  The  parties  have  participated  jointly in the
negotiation  and  drafting  of this  Agreement.  In the  event an  ambiguity  or
question of intent or interpretation  arises,  this Agreement shall be construed
as if drafted jointly by the parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall
arise  favoring or  disfavoring  any party by virtue of the authorship of any of
the provisions of this Agreement.  Any reference to any federal,  state or local
statute  or law  shall be  deemed  also to refer to all  rules  and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder,   unless  the  context  requires  otherwise.  The  word
"including" shall mean "including without limitation." The period covered by the
phrase "from and after the Closing Date" shall include the Closing Date.

         16.13.   Survival.  The  representations,   warranties,   covenants  or
conditions  set forth herein shall survive the Closing for a period of two years
after the Closing,  other than the  representation  set forth in Paragraphs 6.12
and 6.13,  which  shall  survive  for the  applicable  statute  of  limitations;
provided,  however,  that in the event  that,  at anytime  during  that two year
period,  any claim is made for a breach thereof,  the same shall survive until a
final non-appealable  resolution thereof.  Nothing in this Paragraph 16.13 shall
be construed to limit the indemnity  obligations  of Seller and Purchaser  under
Paragraph  15.01  which  shall  survive for as long as the matters to which they
relate  survive  by the terms of this  Agreement  or, if no such  limitation  is
provided for herein,  which shall survive until the expiration of the applicable
statute of limitations with respect to the matters to which they relate.

         16.14.   Remittances and Receivables.

         (a) All  remittances,  mail and other  communications  relating  to the
Excluded Assets or liabilities  other than the Assumed  Liabilities  received by
Purchaser at any time after the Closing shall be promptly  remitted by Purchaser
to Seller and,  pending such delivery,  Purchaser  shall have no interest in the
same and shall hold such remittances, mail and other communications in trust for
the benefit of Seller. All remittances,  mail and other communications  relating
to the Seller's Assets or the Assumed Liabilities received by Seller at any time
after the Closing shall be promptly remitted by Seller to Purchaser and, pending
such  delivery,  Seller  shall have no  interest in the same and shall hold such
remittances,  mail  and  other  communications  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of

         (b) Any payments  received by Purchaser (or its  successors in interest
or assigns) which relate solely to accounts receivable for services rendered and
medicines,  drugs and supplies provided by Seller to patients of the Hospital or
the  Clinics  who are  discharged  prior to the Closing  Date or  otherwise  not
receiving  such goods or  services as of the  Closing  Date (the  "Receivables")
whether from patients,  payors, clients,  customer or others (collectively,  the
"Account Parties") shall be paid by Purchaser to Seller weekly commencing on the
first Monday  following  the Closing and covering the seven day period ending on
the immediately  preceding  Saturday (or, in the case of the first such payment,
the period  beginning  on the  Closing  Date and  ending on the next  succeeding
Saturday). Within no more than ten (10) days after Closing, Seller shall deliver
to Purchaser a schedule of all such Receivables  which are outstanding as of the
Closing  Date,  which  schedule  shall show (i) the amount due from each Account
Party and (ii) if possible,  the portion thereof, if any, due from a third party
payor on behalf of an Account Party who is a patient.  Any payments  received by
Seller with  respect to balances  owing to Purchaser  for  services  rendered or
medicines,  drugs or supplies  provided after the Closing Date shall be remitted
to  Purchaser  within  five (5)  business  days after the receipt  thereof.  All
payments  which are  remitted  by  Purchaser  to Seller  shall be applied to the
oldest  receivable  reflected  on the  schedule  provided by Seller to Purchaser
unless  Purchaser in good faith  determines that the same should be applied to a
more  recent  Receivable  and so  advises  Seller at the time of the  remittance
thereof to Seller.

         (c) To compensate Seller for services rendered and medicines, drugs and
supplies  provided to the  Closing  Date to  patients  who were  admitted to the
Hospital or treated at the Clinics before the Closing Date and discharged by the
Hospital or whose  treatment  at the Clinics  terminated  after the Closing Date
(the "Straddle Patients"), the following provisions shall apply:

         (i) Seller shall prepare  cut-off  billings for all Straddle  Patients,
other than Medicare and Champus program patients (the "Program  Patients") as of
the close of business on the day prior to the Closing Date.  All payments  which
are received by Purchaser (or its  successors in interest or assigns)  after the
Closing Date with respect to such non-Program  Patients to whom cut-off billings
were provided shall  constitute  Excluded Assets and shall be remitted to Seller
within two (2) weeks after Purchaser's receipt of such payments.

         (ii) Seller shall prepare its final cost reports under Medicare and, if
applicable,  Champus with respect to amounts owing from the Program  Patients as
of the close of  business  on the day prior to the  Closing  Date and shall file
such cost  reports  within  such period as may be required by law for the timely
filing  thereof,  it being  understood and agreed that the intent and purpose of
this  provision  is to ensure both that Seller  receives  the final  payments to
which it is entitled and that the payments due to Purchaser  after  Closing from
Medicare and, if  applicable,  Champus,  are not adversely  affected by Seller's
failure to timely file such final cost reports.  All payments which are received
by Purchaser (or its  successors in interest or assigns)  after the Closing Date
with respect to such Program Patients shall constitute Excluded Assets and shall
be remitted to Seller  within two (2) weeks  after  Purchaser's  receipt of such

         (iii) For any Program  Patients or Non-Program  Straddle  Patients with
respect to which either a cut off billing  cannot be made or a final cost report
cannot be filed  until  he/she  ceases to be a patient  of the  Hospital  or the
Clinics,  Seller shall  deliver to Purchaser a statement  calculating  the total
charges made by Seller for services  rendered and  medicine,  drugs and supplies
provided through the Closing Date with respect to such Straddle Patients. Within
ten (10) days  following the discharge or  termination of treatment of each such
Straddle Patient,  Purchaser shall deliver to Seller a statement  reflecting the
total  charges  for the  services  rendered  and  medicine,  drugs and  supplies
provided to such  Straddle  Patient  after the Closing Date and the amount owing
from said Straddle Patient  (including  amounts owing from any third party payor
on behalf of such Straddle  Patient and amounts owing from such Straddle Patient
as co-payment or deductible  amounts) (the "Straddle  Patient  Payments").  Upon
receipt of any such Straddle  Patient  Payments  Purchaser shall remit to Seller
its pro rata  portion  thereof  which shall be  calculated  by  multiplying  the
Straddle  Patient  Payment so received by a fraction,  the numerator of which is
the total patient days of Seller with respect to such Straddle  Patient  through
the  Closing  Date and the  denominator  of which is the total  patient  days of
Purchaser and Seller with respect to such Straddle  Patient  through the date of
discharge or  termination  of  treatment.  Such  payment  shall be due to Seller
within five (5) business days after the receipt thereof by Purchaser.

         (iv)  Seller  shall be  required  to file its final cost  reports  with
Medicare in the event Purchaser elects to change fiscal intermediaries, in which
case the provisions of clause (ii) shall apply to all patients affected thereby.

         (d) Any payments in excess of One Hundred  Thousand and no/100  Dollars
($100,000)  owing from either party to the other under this Section  16.14 shall
be paid in  immediately  available  funds.  All other  payments shall be paid by
check made payable to the party entitled to such payment in accordance  with the
terms hereof. Any payment not paid when due hereunder or within thirty (30) days
thereafter  (the  "Overdue  Date"),  shall bear  interest at the rate of 10% per
annum from the Overdue Date to the date paid in full.

         (e) Seller  acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser's  obligations under
this  Paragraph  16.14  shall be limited  to  remitting  to Seller any  payments
received by Purchaser  which belong to  Purchaser in  accordance  with the terms
hereof and that  Purchaser  shall not be  obligated to attempt to bill for or to
collect  Seller's  Receivables,  other  than  Seller's  pro rata  portion of any
payments  owing from the Straddle  Patients which are not the subject of cut off
billings or final cost reports.  Accordingly,  in order to  facilitate  Seller's
collection efforts, Purchaser agrees to cooperate with Seller and, to the extent
permitted  by law, to provide  access to records  (both  medical and  financial)
during normal  business hours and to a reasonable  number of Seller's  personnel
and representatives,  to assist Seller in the collection, rebilling and auditing
(by Seller or its  representatives,  including its independent  certified public
accountants) of the Receivables  included in the Excluded Assets  (including but
not limited to, any and all  Receivables  from Account Parties or amounts due to
Seller from any other payor).  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
Purchaser agrees that (A) for a period of six months following the Closing Date,
(i)  Seller  may,  at  its  sole  cost  and  expense,   locate  an  employee  or
representative  at the Hospital,  without  charge,  in order to facilitate  such
collection,  rebilling and auditing  efforts,  (ii) Purchaser shall provide such
employee or  representative,  without  charge,  adequate space to facilitate the
performance  of  such  duties  and  (iii)  Purchaser  shall  provide  reasonable
assistance of the employees of Purchaser,  without charge; provided, however, in
each  instance  that  Purchaser's  obligations  hereunder  are  subject  to such
presence  of  Seller's  employee  or  representative   and  such  assistance  of
Purchaser's  employee not interfering  with Purchaser's day to day operations at
the Hospital and the Clinics and (B) with respect to any  Receivables  for which
collection  has not been  received  within one  hundred  and  twenty  (120) days
following  its due date, to the extent  Purchaser  has not already  provided the
same to Seller's employees or representatives under clause (A) hereof, Purchaser
shall upon the request of Seller  promptly  turn over to Seller all evidences of
any such  Receivables  and  documents  pertaining  to the  same  that are in the
possession of Purchaser  (or its  successors in interest or assigns) and, to the
extent it has not already  done so pursuant to clause (A),  Seller shall be free
to institute such collection efforts,  including without limitation,  initiating
such  legal  proceedings,  with  respect  thereto as Seller  shall,  in its sole
discretion, determine to be necessary or appropriate for the collection thereof.

         (f) In the event any  collection  efforts are necessary with respect to
the  Straddle  Patient  Payments,   Seller  and  Purchaser  shall  cooperate  in
determining the nature and extent of such collection efforts and shall share the
cost  thereof on the same pro rata basis as the  Straddle  Patient  Payments are
allocated  between  Seller and  Purchaser  in  accordance  with clause  (c)(iii)

         16.15.   Effectiveness  of  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall be of no
effect unless and until each of the Other Agreements has been executed and 
delivered by the parties hereto or thereto.

         16.16.  Identification  of Documents  Provided.  Any and all  documents
provided by Seller to Purchaser which are listed on the exhibits hereto shall be
numbered using a Bates sequential numbering system in order to ensure that there
are no disputes concerning what documents were so provided.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this Agreement as of the
day and year first set forth therein.

                                            KENTFIELD HOSPITAL CORPORATION

                                          By:       ___________________________
                                          Its:     ____________________________

                          REGENCY REHAB HOSPITALS, INC.

                                          By:      ____________________________
                                          Its:     ____________________________

                                HORIZON GUARANTY

         Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation,  a Delaware corporation ("Horizon")
as a material inducement to Regency Rehab Hospitals, Inc. ("Purchaser") to enter
into the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Kentfield Hospital Corporation,  as
Seller  and  Purchaser  dated  November  19,  1996  (the  "Agreement"),   hereby
unconditionally,  irrevocably and jointly and severally with Seller,  guarantees
and  promises to and for the benefit of Purchaser  that (i) the  representations
and warranties of Seller are true and correct as of the date of execution of the
Agreement  and shall be true and correct as of the Closing  Date (as modified by
any supplements to the Seller Disclosure Letter to reflect events after the date
hereof) and (ii) Seller  shall  perform all of its  obligations,  covenants  and
agreements,  including,  but not limited  to, its  indemnity  obligations  under
Paragraph  15,  to be  performed  on its part  under  the  Agreement.  If Seller
defaults under the Agreement,  Purchaser may proceed immediately against Horizon
or Seller or both to  enforce  any  rights  it has under the  Agreement  or this
Guaranty.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the representations and warranties of
Seller  will not  survive  beyond the  periods  applicable  thereto set forth in
Paragraph  16.13  hereof  and  this  Guaranty  shall  not be  construed  to give
Purchaser a claim or cause of action against Horizon after the expiration of the
applicable  survival  period  for a breach by Seller  of any  representation  or

         The liability of Horizon hereunder shall not be affected by:

                  (a) The renewal, extension, modification or termination of the
         Agreement  by  lapse of time or  otherwise  (all of  which  are  hereby
         authorized  by Horizon) or a release or  limitation of the liability of
         Seller or its estate in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding;

                  (b)      Any  extension  in the time for  making  any  payment
due  under  the  Agreement  or acceptance of partial payment from Seller;

                  (c)      The  acceptance  or  release  by  Purchaser  of  any 
additional   security  for  the performance of Seller's obligations under the 

                  (d) The  failure  during  any  period  of time  whatsoever  of
         Purchaser  to attempt to collect any amount due under the  Agreement or
         to  exercise  any remedy  available  thereunder  or any other  security
         instrument  given as security for performance of the same, in the event
         of  a  default  in  the   performance  by  Seller  in  its  obligations

                  (e)      Any  assignment  or  successive   assignments  of  
Purchaser's   interest  under  the Agreement (whether absolute or as 

                  (f) The assertion by Purchaser against Seller of any rights or
         remedies   reserved  or  granted  to  Purchaser  under  the  Agreement,
         including  the  commencement  by Purchaser of any  proceedings  against
         Seller upon the occurrence of a default thereunder; or
                  (g)      Any dealings, transactions or other matter occurring 
between Purchaser and Seller;

whether or not Horizon  shall have  knowledge or have been notified of or agreed
to any of the foregoing.

         Horizon hereby expressly waives:

                  (a)      Notice of acceptance of this Guaranty;

                  (b)  Presentment,  demand,  notice of  dishonor,  protest  and
         notice of protest, and all other notices whatsoever, including, without
         limitation,  notice  of any  event or  matter  described  in the  first
         paragraph  hereof;  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein shall be
         construed  as a waiver  by  Horizon  on its own  behalf or on behalf of
         Seller with respect to any notice  required to be provided by Purchaser
         under the terms of the Agreement;

                  (c)      Any and all claims or defenses based upon lack of 
diligence in:

                  (i)      collection of any amount, the payment of which is 
guaranteed hereby;

                  (ii)     protection of any  collateral  or other  security for
the  obligations  which are the subject of this Guaranty;

                  (iii)    realization  upon any other security given for the 
obligations  which are the subject of this Guaranty; or

                  (iv)     the  discharge,  liquidation  or  reorganization  of 
Seller  in  bankruptcy  or  the rejection of the Agreement by Seller or by a 
trustee in bankruptcy;

                  (d)      Any and all defenses of suretyship; and

                  (e)      Any defense based on the lack of consideration for 
this Guaranty.

         Nothing herein shall be construed,  however,  as a waiver by Horizon of
any of the defenses  available to the Seller under the Purchase Agreement to the
extent  Horizon  is  lawfully  entitled  to raise the same as a  defense  to its
obligations hereunder.

         No delay or omission on the part of  Purchaser  in the  exercise of any
right or remedy  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver  thereof.  All remedies of
Purchaser  hereunder shall be in addition to, and exercisable  consecutively  or
concurrently  in any  combination  with,  any  and  all  remedies  available  to
Purchaser by operation of law or under the Agreement, and Purchaser may exercise
its remedies  hereunder without the necessity of any notice to Seller or Horizon
of nonpayment,  nonobservance,  nonperformance  or other default by Seller under
the  Agreement  other than such  notice as may be  specifically  required by the
terms of the Agreement prior to the exercising of such right or remedy.

         Notwithstanding any provision of this Guaranty to the contrary,  in the
event of the  enforcement  of this  Guaranty by  Purchaser,  Purchaser  shall be
entitled to collect from Horizon,  Purchaser's  costs of collection,  including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees.

         Horizon  shall not be  subrogated  to any of the rights of Purchaser by
reason of any of the provisions of this Guaranty or by reason of the performance
by Guarantor of any of its  obligations  hereunder and Horizon shall look solely
to Seller  for  recoupment  of any costs or  expenses  incurred  by  Horizon  in
performing its obligations hereunder.

         For so long as any of the  obligations  which are the  subject  of this
Guaranty remain outstanding Horizon shall, upon request,  provide Purchaser with
its quarterly and annual financial  statements as soon as the same are available
and with any  other  financial  statements  as may be  reasonably  requested  by

         This  Guaranty  shall not be assignable by Horizon but shall be binding
upon the  successors of Horizon.  This Guaranty shall be assignable by Purchaser
in  connection  with a permitted  assignment of the Agreement and shall inure to
the benefit of its successors and assigns.

         If any term, restriction or covenant of this Guaranty is deemed illegal
or unenforceable, all other terms, restrictions and circumstances subject hereto
shall remain  unaffected to the extent  permitted by law; and if any application
of any term,  restriction or covenant to any person or  circumstances  is deemed
illegal, the application of such term,  restriction or covenant to other persons
and circumstances shall remain unaffected to the extent permitted by law.

                                            Seller's Parent:

                                            HORIZON/CMS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION,
                             a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      ______________________________
                                                     Neal M. Elliott

                                REGENCY GUARANTY

         Regency Health Services,  Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Regency") as a
material inducement to Kentfield Hospital  Corporation  ("Seller") to enter into
the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Seller and Regency Rehab Hospitals, Inc.
("Purchaser") dated November 19, 1996 (the "Agreement"), hereby unconditionally,
irrevocably and jointly and severally with Purchaser, guarantees and promises to
and for the benefit of Seller that (i) the  representations  and  warranties  of
Purchaser  are true and correct as of the date of execution of the Agreement and
shall be true and correct as of the Closing Date (as modified by any supplements
to the  Purchaser  Disclosure  Letter to reflect  events after the date hereof),
(ii) Purchaser shall perform all of its  obligations,  covenants and agreements,
including,  but not limited to, its indemnity obligations under Paragraph 15, to
be performed on its part under the Agreement and (iii) the Note being  delivered
at  Closing.  If  Purchaser  defaults  under the  Agreement,  Seller may proceed
immediately  against  Regency or  Purchaser or both to enforce any rights it has
under  the  Agreement  or this  Guaranty.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
representations  and warranties of Purchaser will not survive beyond the periods
applicable  thereto set forth in Paragraph  16.13 hereof and this Guaranty shall
not be construed to give Seller a claim or cause of action against Regency after
the  expiration of the applicable  survival  period for a breach by Purchaser of
any representation or warranty.

         The liability of Regency hereunder shall not be affected by:

                  (a) The renewal, extension, modification or termination of the
         Agreement  by  lapse of time or  otherwise  (all of  which  are  hereby
         authorized  by Regency) or a release or  limitation of the liability of
         Purchaser or its estate in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding;

                  (b)      Any  extension  in the time for  making  any  payment
due  under  the  Agreement  or acceptance of partial payment from Purchaser;

                  (c)      The  acceptance or release by Seller of any 
additional  security for the  performance of Purchaser's obligations under the 

                  (d) The failure during any period of time whatsoever of Seller
         to attempt to collect any amount due under the Agreement or to exercise
         any remedy available  thereunder or any other security instrument given
         as security for  performance  of the same, in the event of a default in
         the performance by Purchaser in its obligations thereunder;

                  (e)      Any  assignment or successive  assignments  of 
Seller's  interest under the Agreement (whether absolute or as collateral);

                  (f) The assertion by Seller against Purchaser of any rights or
         remedies  reserved or granted to Seller under the Agreement,  including
         the  commencement by Seller of any proceedings  against  Purchaser upon
         the occurrence of a default thereunder; or

                  (g)      Any dealings, transactions or other matter occurring 
between Seller and Purchaser;

whether or not Regency  shall have  knowledge or have been notified of or agreed
to any of the foregoing.

         Regency hereby expressly waives:

                  (a)      Notice of acceptance of this Guaranty;

                  (b)  Presentment,  demand,  notice of  dishonor,  protest  and
         notice of protest, and all other notices whatsoever, including, without
         limitation,  notice  of any  event or  matter  described  in the  first
         paragraph  hereof;  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein shall be
         construed  as a waiver  by  Regency  on its own  behalf or on behalf of
         Purchaser with respect to any notice  required to be provided by Seller
         under the terms of the Agreement;

                  (c)      Any and all claims or defenses based upon lack of 
diligence in:

                  (i)      collection of any amount, the payment of which is 
guaranteed hereby;

                  (ii)     protection of any  collateral  or other  security for
the  obligations  which are the subject of this Guaranty;

                  (iii)    realization  upon any other security given for the 
obligations  which are the subject of this Guaranty; or

                  (iv)     the  discharge,  liquidation  or  reorganization  of 
Purchaser in  bankruptcy  or the rejection of the Agreement by Purchaser or by a
trustee in bankruptcy;

                  (d)      Any and all defenses of suretyship; and

                  (e)      Any defense based on the lack of consideration for 
this Guaranty.

         Nothing herein shall be construed,  however,  as a waiver by Regency of
any of the defenses  available to the Purchaser under the Purchase  Agreement to
the extent  Regency is  lawfully  entitled to raise the same as a defense to its
obligations hereunder.

         No delay or omission on the part of Seller in the exercise of any right
or remedy  hereunder shall operate as a waiver  thereof.  All remedies of Seller
hereunder shall be in addition to, and exercisable consecutively or concurrently
in any combination  with, any and all remedies  available to Seller by operation
of law or under the  Agreement,  and Seller may exercise its remedies  hereunder
without  the  necessity  of any notice to  Purchaser  or Regency of  nonpayment,
nonobservance,  nonperformance or other default by Purchaser under the Agreement
other  than such  notice  as may be  specifically  required  by the terms of the
Agreement prior to the exercising of such right or remedy.

         Notwithstanding any provision of this Guaranty to the contrary,  in the
event of the enforcement of this Guaranty by Seller, Seller shall be entitled to
collect  from  Regency,  Seller's  costs  of  collection,   including,   without
limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees.

         Regency  shall  not be  subrogated  to any of the  rights  of Seller by
reason of any of the provisions of this Guaranty or by reason of the performance
by Regency of any of its obligations  hereunder and Regency shall look solely to
Purchaser  for  recoupment  of any costs or  expenses  incurred  by  Regency  in
performing its obligations hereunder.

         For so long as any of the  obligations  which are the  subject  of this
Guaranty remain outstanding Regency shall, upon request, provide Seller with its
quarterly and annual financial  statements as soon as the same are available and
with any other financial statements as may be reasonably requested by Seller.

         This Guaranty shall not be assignable by Regency or by Seller but shall
be binding upon the successors of Regency and Seller.

         If any term, restriction or covenant of this Guaranty is deemed illegal
or unenforceable, all other terms, restrictions and circumstances subject hereto
shall remain  unaffected to the extent  permitted by law; and if any application
of any term,  restriction or covenant to any person or  circumstances  is deemed
illegal, the application of such term,  restriction or covenant to other persons
and circumstances shall remain unaffected to the extent permitted by law.

                               Purchaser's Parent:

                          REGENCY HEALTH SERVICES, INC.
                             a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      ______________________________
                                                     Richard Matros