Exhibit 2.07
                           PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT
                              SAN DIEGO REAL ESTATE

         This Agreement is made and entered into this19th day of November,  1996
by and between  San Diego  Health  Associates  Limited  Partnership,  a Delaware
limited partnership ("Seller") and Regency Rehab Properties,  Inc., a California
corporation ("Purchaser").

                                    ARTICLE I
                                PURCHASE AND SALE

         1.01.  On the terms and  subject to the  conditions  set forth  herein,
Seller does hereby agree to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser does hereby agree to
acquire  from Seller all of  Seller's  right,  title and  interest in and to the

         (a) The  hospital  condominium  unit  more  particularly  described  in
Exhibit  1.01(a)(1)  (the  "Hospital  Condominium  Unit")  and the  improvements
thereon that  comprise the free standing  rehabilitation  hospital with 57 acute
rehabilitation  beds and 53 skilled nursing  facility beds and commonly known as
Continental  Rehabilitation  Hospital of San Diego, 555 Washington  Street,  San
Diego,  California (the "Hospital"),  including without  limitation the Seller's
interest under the Condominium Plan, the  Hospital/Medical  Offices  Declaration
and the Master  Declaration,  the  Articles of  Incorporation  and Bylaws of the
Association  and the  Maintenance  Agreement  (as all such terms are  defined in
Exhibit 1.01(a)(1),  which documents are collectively  referred to herein as the
"Condominium  Documents"),  Seller's  membership  in  the  Association  and  the
Seller's  interest under the "Hospital  Sublease" dated October 26, 1992 between
Oliver  McMillan  Village  Hillcrest 2, L.P.  (predecessor in interest to Lennar
U.S. Partners,  L.P.), as ground sublessor,  to Seller, as ground sublessee (the
"Ground Sublease").

         (b) The  lessor's  interest  under  the  "Amended  and  Restated  Lease
Rehabilitation  Hospital of San Diego" dated October 26, 1992 between Seller, as
lessor, and San Diego Rehab Limited Partnership,  a Delaware limited partnership
("SDRLP"),  as lessee,  as amended by First  Amendment  to Amended and  Restated
Lease dated as of October 28, 1992 (as amended, the "Hospital Lease").

         (c)  Seller's  interest  under the  Parking  Agreement  between  Oliver
McMillan  Village  Hillcrest  2, L.P.  (predecessor  in  interest to Lennar U.S.
Partners,  L.P.), as grantor,  and Seller,  as grantee,  dated October 26, 1992,
providing the parking rights for the Hospital (the "Parking Agreement").

         Hereinafter the Hospital  Condominium Unit, the Seller's interest under
the Hospital Lease, the Ground Sublease and the Parking Agreement will sometimes
be collectively referred to as the "Seller's Assets."

         1.02.  Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,
Purchaser  shall assume and agree to pay,  perform and  discharge  the following
liabilities and obligations (the "Assumed Liabilities"):

         (a)      The liabilities and obligations of Seller under the 
Condominium  Documents which relate to the
periods on and after the Closing Date; and

         (b)      The  liabilities  and  obligations of Seller as the lessor 
under the Hospital Lease and Ground
Sublease which relate to periods on and after the Closing Date; and

         (c) The  liabilities and obligations of Seller as the grantee under the
Parking Agreement which relate to periods on and after the Closing Date.

         1.03. Except for the Assumed Liabilities, no obligation or liability of
Seller relating to or arising from the Seller's Assets prior to the Closing Date
is to be assumed by Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                 PURCHASE PRICE

         2.01. The purchase price for Seller's Assets shall be Thirteen  Million
Three Hundred Thousand and no/100 Dollars  ($13,300,000)  (the "Purchase Price")
which shall be payable in cash at Closing  concurrently with the transfer of the
Seller's Assets to, and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities by, Purchaser,
which cash shall be paid at Closing, subject to adjustment to reflect the costs,
expenses and  prorations  for which Seller and Purchaser are  responsible  under
Paragraph 4 hereof.
                                   ARTICLE III

         3.01.  Provided  that all of the  conditions  to  closing  set forth in
Paragraphs 12.01 and 12.02 have been satisfied or waived,  the purchase and sale
of the Seller's Assets shall occur effective as of 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1997
unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties (the "Outside Closing Date").
Closing shall occur at offices of Lawyers Title Insurance Company at 10:00 am or
at such  other time and place as may be agreed  upon by the  parties in order to
ensure closing of the  transactions  provided for herein by the Outside  Closing
Date. The actual date of Closing is referred to herein as the "Closing Date."

         3.02.   At  Closing,   Seller  shall  deliver  title  to  the  Hospital
Condominium Unit and the Seller's  interest under the Hospital Lease, the Ground
Sublease and the Parking  Agreement to Purchaser free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances   other   than  the   following   (collectively,   the   "Permitted

         (a)      Liens for real and personal property taxes which are not yet 
due and payable;

         (b)      The title matters listed in Exhibit 3.02(b); and

         (c)      Such liens as may be approved or deemed approved by Purchaser 
pursuant to Paragraph 10.01.

         3.03.  Title to the Seller's  Assets shall be conveyed to Purchaser at 
Closing by Seller's  delivery of
the following documents:

         (a)      Seller shall deliver a Grant Deed in the form attached  hereto
as Exhibit  3.03(a) (the "Grant

         (b) Seller shall  deliver an  Assignment  of Lease in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 3.03(b) (the "Hospital Lease Assignment Agreement").

         (c) Seller shall  deliver an  Assignment  of Lease in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 3.03(c) (the "Ground Sublease Assignment Agreement").

         (d) Seller  shall  deliver an  Assignment  of Seller's  interest in the
Parking  Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit  3.03(d)(the  "Parking

                                   ARTICLE IV
                              COSTS AND PRORATIONS

         The costs of the transaction and the expenses  related to the ownership
and  operation of the Seller's  Assets  shall be  allocated  between  Seller and
Purchaser as follows:

         4.01. Seller and Purchaser shall share on a 50-50 basis any transfer or
excise taxes due on the transfer of title to the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit or
Seller's  interest in the  Hospital  Lease,  the Ground  Sublease or the Parking
Agreement to Purchaser.

         4.02.  Seller  shall pay the base  premium for a standard  ALTA owner's
policy of title insurance for the Hospital Condominium Unit in the amount of the
Purchase Price,  insuring  Purchaser's  title to the Hospital  Condominium Unit;
Purchaser  shall  pay the  cost of any  premiums  for  extended  coverage  which
Purchaser may elect to secure,  including the cost of the ALTA survey ("Survey")
required  to  obtain  the  same,  any  lender's  coverage  which it elects or is
required to secure in connection  with its acquisition of the Seller's Assets or
financing  thereof  and any title  endorsements  which it elects to obtain or is
required to obtain to satisfy the requirements of its lender.

         4.03.  Purchaser  shall  pay  the  cost  of any  environmental  Phase I
assessment  of the  Seller's  Assets which  Purchaser  elects to secure prior to

         4.04.  Any rent due to Seller  under the  terms of the  Hospital  Lease
shall be prorated as of the Closing  Date, it being  understood  and agreed that
there will be no proration  with respect to the payment of any real and personal
property  taxes,  ground  rent,  rent,  and  assessments  under the  Condominium
Documents or other expenses related to the ownership of the Hospital Condominium
Unit  or  the   ownership  or  operation  of  the  Hospital  as  Seller  has  no
responsibility for such costs and expenses under the terms of the Hospital Lease
but SDRLP is solely responsible therefor under the terms thereof.

         4.05.  Seller and  Purchaser  shall each pay their own  attorneys  fees
incurred in connection  with the  preparation  and negotiation of this Agreement
and the consummation of the transaction provided for herein.

         4.06.  Purchaser and Seller shall share  recording  fees related to the
recording of the conveyancing documents and any escrow fees on a 50-50 basis.

         4.07. Seller shall pay the cost of obtaining and recording any releases
and consents  necessary to deliver  title to the Seller's  Assets in  accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.  Without  limitation of the foregoing,  Seller
shall pay any  reasonable  attorneys  fees,  processing  fees and other fees and
expenses  contemplated  by the terms of the  Ground  Sublease,  the  Condominium
Documents or the Parking  Agreement as a condition to securing any consents to a
transfer or assignment thereof.

         4.08.  Purchaser  shall pay any  filing  fees due with  respect  to the
transaction  evidenced  by this  Agreement  and those  other  Purchase  and Sale
Agreements listed in Exhibit 4.08 (the "Other  Agreements")  under the Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR Act").

         4.09.  Purchaser  shall  reimburse  Seller at Closing  for any  prepaid
expenses and deposits which relate to the period on and after the Closing Date.

         4.10. Seller shall pay any reasonable  attorneys fees,  processing fees
and  other  fees and  expenses  contemplated  by the terms of that  Amended  and
Restated   Credit   Agreement  dated  September  26,  1995  between  Seller  and
NationsBank of Texas, N.A. (the "Seller's Credit Agreement"),  as a condition to
securing  consent to the sale of the Seller's Assets and Purchaser shall pay any
reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  processing  fees  and  other  fees  and  expenses
contemplated  by the terms of the  Credit  Agreement  dated  December  28,  1995
between Regency Health Services, Inc. and NationsBank of Texas, N.A.

                                    ARTICLE V

         On the Closing Date,  Purchaser  shall be entitled to possession of the
Seller's Assets, subject only to the rights of SDRLP under the Hospital Lease.

                                   ARTICLE VI

Seller hereby  warrants and  represents to Purchaser  that,  except as otherwise
specifically set forth in the disclosure letter addressed to Purchaser and dated
the date hereof (the "Seller Disclosure Letter"):

         6.01.  Status of Seller.  Seller is a duly organized,  validly existing
Delaware  limited  partnership and is duly qualified to do business in the State
of  California  and is in good  standing  under  the laws  thereof.  Horizon/CMS
Healthcare  Corporation  ("Horizon")  is  a  duly  organized,  validly  existing
Delaware corporation and is in good standing under the laws thereof.

         6.02.  Validity and  Conflicts.  This  Agreement is valid,  binding and
enforceable  against  Seller  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  except  as  the
enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization
other similar laws relating to the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally
and by general principles of equity  (regardless of whether such  enforceability
is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).  Subject to Seller obtaining
those Third Party Consents and Regulatory Approvals (as defined below) for which
it is  responsible  under the terms hereof,  the execution of this Agreement and
the consummation of the transactions  contemplated herein in accordance with the
terms  hereof  will not  result in a breach of the terms and  conditions  of nor
constitute a default under or violation of Seller's Partnership Agreement or any
law,  regulation,  court order,  mortgage,  note,  bond,  indenture,  agreement,
license or other  instrument  or obligation to which Seller is now a party or by
which any of Seller's Assets may be bound or affected or any agreement,  option,
understanding  or commitment or any or privilege  granted by Seller to any other
party to purchase or  otherwise  acquire  the  Seller's  Assets or result in the
acceleration  of  or  an  increase  in  the  interest  rate  payable  under  any
indebtedness  other  than  indebtedness  of Seller  which does not relate to the
Hospital  Condominium  Unit or which is to be  discharged  by  Seller  as of the
Closing Date.

         6.03. Authority. Subject to Seller obtaining those Third Party Consents
and  Regulatory  Approvals for which it is  responsible  under the terms hereof,
Seller has full  partnership  power and authority to execute and to deliver this
Agreement  and  all  related  documents,  and  to  carry  out  the  transactions
contemplated herein and therein. Seller further has full power and authority (i)
to own and lease the Hospital  Condominium  Unit as the same is presently  owned
and leased and (ii) to conduct its business as the same is now being conducted.

         6.04.  Absence  of  Liabilities.  There  are no  material  liabilities 
with  respect  to the  Hospital
Condominium Unit of which Seller has knowledge and which Seller has failed to 
disclose to Purchaser.

         6.05.  The  Licenses.  To the extent not  obtained  by SDRLP  under the
Hospital  Lease in  accordance  with the  requirements  thereof,  Seller has all
material licenses, permits and authorizations,  if any, necessary for the lawful
ownership  and leasing  under the terms of the  Hospital  Lease of the  Hospital
Condominium Unit (the "Seller Licenses").  True and correct copies of all of the
Seller  Licenses are attached  hereto as Exhibit  6.05.  Seller has not received
written or verbal notice of any action or proceeding which has been initiated or
is proposed to be initiated by the  appropriate  state or federal  agency having
jurisdiction thereof, to revoke, withdraw or suspend any of the Seller Licenses.

         6.06.   Compliance   with  Law.   Seller  has  no  knowledge  that  the
improvements  of which the Hospital  Condominium  Unit comprises a part were not
constructed  and have not been  maintained in  substantial  compliance  with all
applicable health and safety laws, regulations, ordinances, standards and orders
issued by any municipal,  county, state or federal agency having authority there
over and with all  applicable  municipal  health,  building  and zoning laws and
regulations (including, without limitation, the building, zoning and life safety
codes)  where the  failure to comply  therewith  would  have a material  adverse
effect on the  business,  property,  condition  (financial  or otherwise) of the
Hospital  Condominium  Unit or the operation of the Hospital  under the terms of
the  Hospital  Lease and there are no  outstanding  cited  deficiencies  or work
orders issued to Seller with respect to the Hospital  Condominium Unit for which
it is  responsible  (as  compared  to for which SDRLP is  responsible  under the
Hospital Lease in accordance  with the terms thereof) under any of the foregoing
which  have  not  been  corrected  as of the date  hereof  or which  will not be
corrected as of the Closing Date.

         6.07.    Books and Records.  All of the Seller's books and records  
relating to the Seller's Assets are
true and correct in all material respects.

         6.08.    Title.  Seller has title to all of the  Seller's  Assets free
and clear of all liens,  charges
and  encumbrances  other than the liens provided for in Paragraph  3.02.  Seller
has not received  notice of any
pending or threatened condemnation proceedings with respect to the Hospital 
Condominium Unit.

         6.09. Taxes and Tax Returns. All tax and other related returns, reports
and filings of any kind or nature,  required to be filed by Seller prior to date
of execution of this Agreement with respect to the Hospital Condominium Unit for
which Seller (as compared to SDRLP under the Hospital Lease) is responsible have
been properly  completed and timely filed,  or extensions for the filing thereof
have been timely  secured,  with all such filings  being in material  compliance
with all  applicable  requirements  and all taxes due with  respect to  Seller's
ownership  and leasing  under the terms of the  Hospital  Lease of the  Hospital
Condominium  Unit have been timely paid,  except to the extent that the same are
being duly contested in good faith in accordance with applicable law.

         6.10.    Environmental Issues.

         (a)  Except  in  accordance,  and  in  compliance,  with  any  and  all
applicable  local,  state  and  federal   governmental  laws,   regulations  and
requirements (collectively,  the "Environmental Laws") relating to environmental
and occupational health and safety matters, and hazardous materials,  substances
or wastes (as defined under any applicable  Environmental  Laws), Seller has (i)
not released into the environment or discharged,  placed or disposed of any such
hazardous  materials,  substances or wastes or caused the same to be so released
into the  environment or  discharged,  placed or disposed of at, on or under the
Hospital  Condominium  Unit  other  than to the  extent the same will not have a
material  adverse  affect  on the  condition,  financial  or  otherwise,  of the
Hospital  Condominium Unit, (ii) not installed any underground  storage tanks at
or under the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit and (iii) at all times  maintained  or
caused to be maintained  the Hospital  Condominium  Unit in compliance  with all
Environmental  Laws,  except  where the  failure  to so comply  would not have a
material  adverse  affect  on the  condition,  financial  or  otherwise,  of the
Hospital Condominium Unit.

         (b) With respect to the Hospital  Condominium Unit prior to the date of
the Seller's  ownership  thereof,  to the best of Seller's  knowledge  after due
inquiry of the Director of Plant  Operations at the Hospital,  (i) except to the
extent  permitted by  applicable  Environmental  Laws,  no hazardous  materials,
substances or wastes were located on or at the Hospital Condominium Unit or were
released into the  environment  or  discharged,  placed or disposed of in, on or
under the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit,  (ii) except to the extent  permitted by
applicable  Environmental Laws, no underground storage tanks are or were located
at the Hospital  Condominium  Unit,  (iii) the Hospital  Condominium Unit is not
located on property  which was used as a dump for waste  material,  and (iv) the
Hospital  Condominium  Unit has at all times complied  with,  all  Environmental
Laws,  except to the extent in each of the  foregoing  clauses (i) through  (iv)
that any such  non-compliance  would not have a material  adverse  effect on the
Hospital  Condominium  Unit. Seller has not received any written notice from any
governmental  authority  or any  written  complaint  from any third  party  with
respect to its alleged  noncompliance  with, or potential  liability  under, any
Environmental Laws at the Hospital  Condominium Unit which remains unresolved as
of the date hereof.

         (c) Seller will use its reasonable  efforts to provide to Purchaser any
written assessments  prepared by or on behalf of Seller concerning the hazardous
waste  conditions  at the Hospital  Condominium  Unit which are currently in the
possession of Seller.

         6.11. Necessary Action.  Seller has duly and properly taken or obtained
or  caused  to be taken or  obtained,  or prior to  Closing  will  have duly and
properly  taken or  obtained  or  caused  to be taken or  obtained,  all  action
necessary for Seller (i) to enter into and to deliver this Agreement and any and
all documents  and  agreements  executed by Seller in connection  herewith or in
furtherance  hereof and (ii) to carry out the terms  hereof and  thereof and the
transaction contemplated herein and therein, which action shall include, but not
be limited to,  obtaining the Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals for
which Seller is responsible hereunder. No other action by or on behalf of Seller
is or will be necessary to authorize the execution,  delivery and performance of
this Agreement and any documents and agreements executed by Seller in connection
herewith or consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  herein,  other than
securing those Third Party Consents and Regulatory Approvals (as those terms are
defined  below) for which Seller is responsible  under the terms hereof.  Seller
represents and warrants that as of the date of execution of this  Agreement,  it
has secured the consent of its partners and of the Board of Directors of Horizon
to the execution of this Agreement and of any documents and agreements necessary
to carry out the  terms  hereof  and for the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed as a guarantee
by Seller that it will be able to secure the Third Party  Consents or Regulatory
Approvals  for which it is  responsible,  but  rather  this  paragraph  shall be
limited  to  Seller's  representation  and  warranty  that it will  use its best
efforts to secure such Third Party Consents and Regulatory Approvals.

         6.12.  Litigation.  There is no,  nor has  Seller  received  written or
verbal  notice  of  any,  litigation,   administrative  investigation  or  other
proceeding pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge based on written notice
with  respect  thereto,   threatened  against  or  relating  to  Seller  by  any
governmental  authority  having  jurisdiction  over Seller or by any other party
which seeks to challenge Seller's title to the Seller's Assets or Seller's right
or ability to consummate  the  transaction  provided for herein or to impose any
lien on Seller's Assets not permitted by the terms of this Agreement.  Seller is
not a party  to nor is  Seller  bound  by any  orders,  judgments,  injunctions,
decrees or settlement agreements under which it may have continuing  obligations
as of the  date  hereof  or as of the  Closing  Date and  which  are  likely  to
materially restrict or affect Seller's present business operations. The right or
ability of Seller to consummate the transaction contemplated herein has not been
challenged  by any  governmental  agency or any other  person  and Seller has no
knowledge of the occurrence of any event which would provide a reasonable  basis
for any such litigation, investigation or other proceeding.

         6.13.  The  Hospital  Lease and the Ground  Sublease.  True and correct
copies  of the  Hospital  Lease  and  the  Ground  Sublease  (collectively,  the
"Leases")  have been provided by Seller to Purchaser.  The Leases remain in full
force and effect and have not been  amended or  modified  except as set forth in
Article 1. Seller has not received  from any other party to either of the Leases
any written notice that Seller is in default of its obligations under the Leases
nor does Seller have knowledge of any events which,  with the passage of time or
the giving of notice,  would  constitute a material default  thereunder.  Seller
enjoys exclusive,  peaceful and undisturbed possession under the Ground Sublease
(subject to the  Hospital  Lease).  There are no security  deposits  posted with
respect to the Leases.

         6.14.  Insurance.  All of the  insurance  required to be  maintained by
Seller with  respect to the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit and the other  Seller's
Assets and the Hospital is  maintained  by SDRLP under the terms of the Hospital
Lease. All of such insurance names Seller as an additional insured or loss payee
thereunder  and, to the best of Seller's  knowledge  based on Seller  having not
received any notice of termination or cancellation as of the date hereof, all of
such insurance is in full force and effect as of the date hereof.

         6.15  Condominium  Documents.  Seller has provided to  Purchaser  true,
correct  and  complete  copies of the  Condominium  Documents.  The  Condominium
Documents  remain in full force and effect and have not been amended or modified
except as set forth in Article 1. Seller has not  received  from any other party
to any of the Condominium Documents any written notice that Seller is in default
of its  obligations  thereunder  nor does  Seller have  knowledge  of any events
which,  with the  passage of time or the giving of notice,  would  constitute  a
material  default  thereunder  by any party  thereto.  There are no  condominium
governing documents or agreements,  other than the Condominium  Documents,  that
establish,  modify or govern the rights of owners of condominium  units that are
subject to the Condominium Documents.

         6.16. Parking Agreement.  Seller has provided Purchaser with a true and
correct copy of the Parking Agreement and the Settlement  Agreement  executed by
Seller on October 31, 1996 with  respect  thereto.  The Parking  Agreement is in
full  force  and  effect  and has not  been  modified  or  amended  but has been
interpreted by the terms of the Settlement  Agreement.  Seller is not in default
of any of its obligations under the Parking Agreement nor is Seller aware of any
default or any action or omission which,  with the passage of time or the giving
of notice or both, would constitute a default under the Parking Agreement by any
party  thereto.  At Closing,  Seller shall  deliver to Purchaser a duly executed
assignment of the Parking Agreement.

         6.17.  Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty by or on behalf of
Seller contained in this Agreement,  as those representations have been modified
by the terms of Seller's  Disclosure  Letter,  if  applicable,  contains or will
contain any untrue  statement of a material fact, or omits or will omit to state
any material facts which are necessary in order to make the statements contained
herein in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                                   ARTICLE VII

Purchaser  hereby  warrants and  represents to Seller that,  except as otherwise
specifically  set forth in the letter from  Purchaser  to Seller  dated the date
hereof (the "Purchaser Disclosure Letter"):

         7.01.    Status of Purchaser.  Purchaser is a corporation  duly  
incorporated,  validly existing and in
good  standing  under the laws of the State of  California.  Regency  Health  
Services,  Inc.  ("Regency")  is a
corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the 
laws of the State of Delaware.

         7.02.  Validity and  Conflicts.  This  Agreement is valid,  binding and
enforceable  against  Purchaser  in  accordance  with its  terms,  except as the
enforceability thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
or other similar laws relating to the enforcement of creditors' rights generally
and by general principles of equity  (regardless of whether such  enforceability
is  considered  in a  proceeding  in equity or at law).  The  execution  of this
Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated herein have been
approved by the Board of Directors  of Purchaser  and do not and will not result
in a breach of the terms and  conditions  of nor  constitute a default  under or
violation of the Articles of Incorporation  or Bylaws of Purchaser,  or any law,
regulation, court order, mortgage, note, bond, indenture,  agreement, license or
other instrument or obligation to which Purchaser is now a party or by which any
of its assets may be bound or affected, subject, however, to Purchaser obtaining
those Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals for which it is responsible
under the terms hereof.

         7.03.  Authority.  Subject to  obtaining  the Third Party  Consents and
Regulatory  Approvals  which it and/or  Seller  are  required  to use their best
efforts to secure,  Purchaser has full corporate  power and authority to execute
and to deliver this  Agreement and all related  documents,  and to carry out the
transactions  contemplated herein and therein.  Purchaser further has full power
and authority (i) to own and lease the Hospital  Condominium Unit from and after
the Closing Date as the same are presently  owned and leased and (ii) to conduct
its business from and after the Closing Date as the same is now being conducted.

         7.04  Necessary  Action.  Purchaser  has  duly  and  properly  taken or
obtained or caused to be taken or  obtained,  or prior to Closing will have duly
and  properly  taken or obtained or caused to be taken or  obtained,  all action
necessary for Purchaser (i) to enter into and to deliver this  Agreement and any
and all documents and agreements executed by Purchaser in connection herewith or
in furtherance hereof and (ii) to carry out the terms hereof and thereof and the
transactions  contemplated herein and therein,  which action shall include,  but
not be limited to,  obtaining the Third Party Consents and Regulatory  Approvals
for which Purchaser is responsible hereunder. No other action by or on behalf of
Purchaser  is or will be  necessary to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  and any documents  and  agreements  executed by
Purchaser  in  connection   herewith  or   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated  herein,  other  than  securing  those  Third  Party  Consents  and
Regulatory  Approvals for which Purchaser is responsible under the terms hereof.
Purchaser  represents  and  warrants  that as of the date of  execution  of this
Agreement, it has secured the consent of its Board of Directors and of the Board
of Directors of Regency to the execution of this  Agreement and of any documents
and agreements  necessary to carry out the terms hereof and for the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Nothing herein shall be
construed as a guarantee  by Purchaser  that it will be able to secure the Third
Party Consents or Regulatory  Approvals for which it is responsible,  but rather
this paragraph shall be limited to Purchaser's  representation and warranty that
it will use its best efforts to secure such Third Party  Consents and Regulatory

         7.05.  Litigation.  There is no, nor has Purchaser  received written or
verbal  notice  of  any,  litigation,   administrative  investigation  or  other
proceeding pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge based on written notice
with  respect  thereto,   threatened  by  any   governmental   authority  having
jurisdiction   over  Purchaser  or  by  any  other  party  or  which  challenges
Purchaser's ability to consummate the transaction provided for herein. Purchaser
is not a party to or bound by any  orders,  judgments,  injunctions,  decrees or
settlement  agreements under which it may have continuing  obligations as of the
date  hereof  or as of the  Closing  Date and which  are  likely  to  materially
restrict or affect the business  operations of Purchaser  either before or after
the Closing.  The right or ability of Purchaser to  consummate  the  transaction
contemplated  herein has not been challenged by any  governmental  agency or any
other person and Purchaser has no knowledge of the occurrence of any event which
would provide a reasonable basis for any such litigation, investigation or other

         7.06. Taxes and Tax Returns. All tax and other related returns, reports
and filings of any kind or nature,  required to be filed by  Purchaser  prior to
date of execution of this  Agreement  with respect to its  operations  have been
properly  completed and timely filed,  or extensions for the filing thereof have
been timely secured, with all such filings being in material compliance with all
applicable requirements and all taxes due with respect to Purchaser's operations
have been  timely  paid,  except  to the  extent  that the same are  being  duly
contested in good faith in accordance with applicable law and adequate  reserves
therefor are reflected on Purchaser's  financial statements or will be reflected
in any subsequent financial statements prepared by Purchaser.

         7.07.  Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty by or on behalf of
Purchaser  contained  in this  Agreement,  as those  representations  have  been
modified by the terms of Purchaser's Disclosure Letter, if applicable,  contains
or will contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact, or omits or will omit
to state any material  facts which are necessary in order to make the statements
contained herein in light of the  circumstances  under which they were made, not

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         Each party hereby represents, covenants, and warrants to the other that
it has  employed  no  broker  or  finder  in  connection  with  the  transaction
contemplated  herein.  Each party agrees to pay any  commission  or finder's fee
which may be due on account of the transaction  contemplated herein to any other
broker or finder employed by it, and to indemnify the other party hereto against
any claim for any commission or finder's fee made by any other broker  allegedly
employed by it and from and against any and all costs and  expenses  incurred in
connection therewith,  including,  but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees
and costs.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                                SELLER COVENANTS

         9.01.    Pre-Closing  Date.  Seller covenants that between the date 
hereof and the Closing Date, except
as  contemplated  by this  Agreement or with the consent of Purchaser,  which 
consent shall not be  unreasonably
withheld, conditioned or delayed:

         (a) Seller will  enforce the  obligations  of SDRLP under the  Hospital
Lease,  including  but not limited to, any  obligations  which  require SDRLP to
fulfill any  obligations  imposed on Seller  under the Ground  Sublease  and the
Parking Agreement.

         (b) Seller will not sell or agree to sell the Hospital Condominium Unit
nor  otherwise  enter into any  agreements  materially  affecting  the  Hospital
Condominium Unit;

         (c) Seller will not, except in the ordinary  course of business,  enter
into any contract or commitment  affecting  any of the Seller's  Assets or incur
any  additional  indebtedness  or  amend,  extend  or  renew  any  current  debt
instruments,  whether in the ordinary course of business or otherwise,  nor will
Seller declare or pay any dividend or other  distribution with respect to any of
the Seller  Assets nor pledge the accounts  receivable of Seller as security for
any  indebtedness or lease  agreements  executed,  amended or extended by Seller
after the date hereof; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed
as prohibiting (i) Seller from incurring  inter-company  indebtedness to Horizon
and/or Continental Medical Systems,  Inc. ("CMS"),  (ii) Horizon and/or CMS from
incurring  debt, the proceeds of which may be made available to Seller  directly
or by means of a working capital loan from Seller's general partner to Seller or
(iii) Seller from  executing any and all  documents  necessary to amend any debt
instruments  under which  Horizon  and/or CMS may be the  borrower  and Seller a

         (d) During normal business hours, Seller will provide Purchaser and its
agents and employees with access on  twenty-four  (24) hours notice to the books
and records of Seller relating to the Hospital Condominium Unit provided they do
not interfere with the operation thereof;

         (e) If and  to the  extent  Seller  has  not  delegated  responsibility
therefor to SDRLP under the Hospital  Lease,  Seller will  maintain the Hospital
Condominium  Unit in  substantial  compliance  with  all  applicable  municipal,
county, state and federal laws, regulations, ordinances, standards and orders as
now in effect  (including,  without  limitation,  the building,  zoning and life
safety codes as currently  applied  with respect  thereto)  where the failure to
comply therewith could have a material adverse effect on the business, property,
condition (financial or otherwise) or operation thereof;

         (f) If and  to the  extent  Seller  has  not  delegated  responsibility
therefor  to SDRLP under the  Hospital  Lease,  Seller will take all  reasonable
action to achieve substantial compliance with any laws, regulations, ordinances,
standards  and orders  applicable  to the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit which are
enacted or issued after  execution  of this  Agreement  and become  effective or
require  compliance  prior to the Closing where the failure to comply  therewith
could  have a  material  adverse  effect on the  business,  property,  condition
(financial or otherwise) or operation thereof;

         (g) Within ten (10) days after Seller's  receipt of Purchaser's  title,
UCC search and survey  objections  pursuant to  Paragraph  10.01,  Seller  shall
advise  Purchaser  whether it intends to correct the defects to which  Purchaser
has objected;

         (h) If and  to the  extent  Seller  has  not  delegated  responsibility
therefor  to SDRLP  under the  Hospital  Lease,  Seller  will file all  returns,
reports and filings of any kind or nature,  or secure timely  extensions for the
filing thereof,  required to be filed by Seller  including,  but not limited to,
state and federal tax returns with respect to the Hospital  Condominium Unit and
will timely pay all taxes or other  obligations  which are due and payable  with
respect thereto where the failure to pay the same is reasonably likely to result
in the  imposition of a lien on the Hospital  Condominium  Unit not permitted by
the terms of this Agreement;

         (i) Unless  specifically  prohibited  by law,  Seller will use its best
efforts to cause all of the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraphs  12.01
and 12.02 which are within Seller's control to be satisfied prior to the Outside
Closing  Date  and  Seller  will  not  take  any  action  inconsistent  with its
obligations under this Agreement or which could hinder or delay the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or which is intended to cause
any representation, warranty or covenant made by Seller in this Agreement;

         (j)  Neither  Seller  nor  any  of its  partners,  advisors  or  others
authorized to act on its behalf shall directly  initiate or solicit  discussions
relating  to  any  alternative   acquisition  proposal  or  similar  transaction
including,  without limitation, a merger or other business combination involving
Seller  or any of the  Seller's  Assets,  or offer to  acquire  or convey in any
manner, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all of the equity interests
in Seller or the Seller's Assets;  provided,  however, that public announcements
of the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall  not be  prohibited

         (k)      Seller will proceed with all due diligence to secure the 
Regulatory  Approvals and Third Party
Consents for which it is responsible under the terms hereof; and

         (l) Seller will  cooperate  with  Purchaser,  at  Purchaser's  cost and
expense, in any audits relating to the Hospital Condominium Unit which Purchaser
elects to  conduct in order to comply  with any  requirements  applicable  to it
under the federal securities laws.

         9.02.  Closing  Date.  On the Closing  Date,  Seller will  deliver the 
following  to Purchaser or to a
designated escrow agent in accordance with any written escrow instructions 
executed by Seller and Purchaser:

         (a) A certificate of Seller dated as of the Closing Date, certifying on
behalf  of Seller  in such  detail  as  Purchaser  may  reasonably  specify  the
fulfillment  of the  conditions  set forth in  Paragraphs  12.02 (a) and (b) and
setting  forth the  incumbency  of the  partners or the officers of the partners
executing  documents on behalf of Seller,  a copy of the resolutions  adopted by
Seller's  Partners  authorizing  the  transaction  provided  for  herein and the
execution of this Purchase Agreement and the other documents contemplated herein
and attaching a certificate  of good standing  issued by each of the  California
and  Delaware  Secretary  of State within no more than thirty (30) days prior to

         (b)      The duly executed Grant Deed;

         (c)      The duly executed  Hospital Lease  Assignment  Agreement and 
the duly executed Ground Sublease
Assignment Agreement;

         (d)      The duly executed Parking Assignment;

         (e)      Written Escrow Instructions;

         (f) An Estoppel  Certificate in substantially  the form attached hereto
as Exhibit 9.02(f) duly executed by the lessor under the Ground Sublease and the
grantor under the Parking Agreement;

         (g)      An opinion of the General  Counsel of Horizon in form and 
substance  reasonably  acceptable to
Purchaser; and

         (h) Evidence that Seller has secured all of the Regulatory Consents and
Third Party  Approvals for which Seller is  responsible  under the terms of this

         In  addition,  on the Closing  Date,  the Seller  shall pay the closing
costs for which it is  responsible  under  Article IV and shall cause to be made
available to Purchaser at the Hospital any and all plans and specifications with
respect to the Hospital Condominium Unit which may be in Seller's possession.

         9.03.    Post-Closing.  Seller covenants and agrees that after the 
Closing Date it will:

         (a) Cooperate  with  Purchaser in the event its parent  corporation  is
required to include  audited  financial  statements with respect to the Hospital
Condominium  Unit in its filings with the United States  Securities and Exchange

         (b) Take such  actions and  properly  execute and deliver to  Purchaser
such  further  instruments  of  assignment,  conveyance  and transfer as, in the
reasonable  opinion of counsel for  Purchaser,  may be  reasonably  necessary to
assure,  complete and evidence the full and effective transfer and conveyance of
Seller's Assets.

         (c)  Fulfill  any  obligations  which it may have under this  Agreement
which survive Closing in accordance with the terms hereof or which, by agreement
of the  parties,  have not been fully  performed  as of the Closing Date and the
performance  of which,  by written  agreement of the parties,  has been extended
until after the Closing Date.

                                    ARTICLE X
                               PURCHASER COVENANTS

         10.01.   Pre-Closing  Date.  Purchaser  covenants  that  between the 
date hereof and the Closing  Date,
except  as  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  or with  the  consent  of  
Seller,  which  consent  shall  not be
unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed:

         (a) Within ten (10) days after the date of this Agreement advise Seller
of its  objections to any UCC Search  Reports,  title report or title  insurance
commitment  and/or survey of the Hospital  Condominium  Unit which Purchaser may
elect to obtain;  provided,  however, that Purchaser shall not have the right to
object to any of the Permitted Exceptions.  If Seller refuses to correct some or
all of the title,  survey or lien defects  objected to by  Purchaser  within the
time period  reflected  in  Paragraph  9.01(o) or to give  Purchaser  reasonable
assurances  that the same will be  corrected as of the Closing  Date,  Purchaser
shall  have  ten  (10)  days  to  advise   Seller  of  its  decision  to  close,
notwithstanding the defects, or of its election to terminate this Agreement,  in
which case neither party shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder.
If  Purchaser  does not give  notice  of  termination  within  this ten (10) day
period,  it will be deemed to have waived its  objections  and to have  accepted
such title, survey or lien defects.

         (b)      Purchaser  will  proceed  with all due  diligence  to obtain  
the  Third  Party  Consents  and
Regulatory Approvals for which it is responsible under the terms hereof; and

         (c) Unless specifically  prohibited by law, Purchaser will use its best
efforts to cause all of the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraphs  12.01
and 12.02  which are within its  control to be  satisfied  prior to the  Outside
Closing  Date and  Purchaser  will not take  any  action  inconsistent  with its
obligations under this Agreement or which could hinder or delay the consummation
of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

         10.02.  Closing Date. On the Closing Date,  Purchaser  will deliver to 
the Escrow Agent (unless  Seller
and Purchaser agree in writing in the Escrow Instructions to handle the same 
outside of escrow) the following:

         (a) A certificate of a responsible officer of Purchaser dated as of the
Closing  Date  certifying  on behalf of  Purchaser  in such detail as Seller may
reasonably  specify the  fulfillment  of the  conditions set forth in Paragraphs
12.01 (a) and (b) and setting  forth the  incumbency  of the officers  executing
documents  on  behalf  of  Purchaser,  a copy  of  the  resolutions  adopted  by
Purchaser's Board of Directors  authorizing the transaction  provided for herein
and  the  execution  of  this  Purchase   Agreement  and  the  other   documents
contemplated  herein and attaching a certificate of good standing  issued by the
California  Secretary  of State  within no more than  thirty  (30) days prior to

         (b)      The cash due at Closing pursuant to Paragraph 2.01;

         (c)      Duly executed Escrow Closing Instructions;

         (d)      An opinion of the General  Counsel of Regency in form and 
substance  reasonably  acceptable to

         (e)      The duly executed  Hospital  Lease  Assignment  Agreement  and
the duly executed  Ground Lease
Assignment Agreement; and

         (f)      The duly executed Parking Assignment.

         10.03.   Post-Closing.  After the Closing Date, Purchaser will:

         (a) Provide  Seller with access  during  normal  business  hours to any
books or records which Seller may need to file or to defend tax returns or other
filings  filed prior to or  subsequent  to the Closing  Date which relate to the
period  prior to the  Closing  Date or which  Seller may  require  for any other
lawful purpose other than litigation commenced by Seller against Purchaser under
the terms of this Agreement and maintain all such books and records for a period
of one year after the Closing  Date, at which time  Purchaser  shall give Seller
notice of Seller's  right to remove such books and  records  from the  Hospital.
Seller  shall have a period of thirty (30) days after  receipt of such notice to
advise  Purchaser  whether it intends to exercise its removal  right and, in the
event  Seller  elects to do so,  Seller  shall have a period of thirty (30) days
thereafter in which to arrange, at its sole cost and expense, for the removal of
any or of such books and records from the Hospital, subject to Purchaser's right
to retain copies of any or all of such removed books and records.

         (b) Take such  actions and  properly  execute and deliver  such further
instruments  as Seller may reasonably  request to assure,  complete and evidence
the transaction provided for in this Agreement.

         (c)  Fulfill  any  obligations  which it may have under this  Agreement
which  survive  Closing  in  accordance  with the terms  thereof  or  which,  by
agreement of the parties,  have not been fully  performed as of the Closing Date
and the  performance  of which,  by written  agreement of the parties,  has been
extended until after the Closing Date.

         (d) To provide  such  notice as may be required  after  Closing to each
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Hospital Condominium Unit, the
consent of which was not  required as a condition to Closing but notice to which
is required or recommended after Closing.

                                   ARTICLE XI
                                MUTUAL COVENANTS

         11.01.   General Covenants. Following the execution of this Agreement, 
Seller and Purchaser agree:

         (a) If any event should  occur,  either within or without the knowledge
or control of any party,  which would prevent  fulfillment  of the conditions to
the obligations of any party hereto to consummate the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement,  to use its or their  reasonable  efforts to cure the same as
expeditiously as possible;

         (b)  To  cooperate   fully  with  each  other  in  preparing,   filing,
prosecuting,  and taking any other actions  which are or may be  reasonable  and
necessary to obtain the consent of any governmental instrumentality or any third
party, to accomplish the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

         (c) To deliver such other instruments of title, certificates, consents,
endorsements,  assignments,  assumptions and other documents or instruments,  in
form reasonably  acceptable to the party requesting the same and its counsel, as
may be reasonably necessary to carry out and/or to comply with the terms of this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein;

         (d) To confer on a regular  basis  with the other,  report on  material
operational  matters and promptly  advise the other orally and in writing of any
change or event having,  or which,  insofar as can  reasonably be foreseen could
have, a material adverse effect on such party or which would cause or constitute
a material breach of any of the representations, warranties or covenants of such
party contained herein; and

         (e) To promptly  provide the other (or its counsel)  with copies of all
other filings made by such party with any state or federal  governmental  entity
in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

         11.02.   Hart-Scott-Rodino Filing. If and to the extent applicable:

         (a) Purchaser  and Seller agree to file,  and to cause any other person
obligated to do so as a result of its shareholdings or other ownership interests
in Seller,  with the  Antitrust  Division  of the United  States  Department  of
Justice and the  Federal  Trade  Commission  a  Notification  and Report Form in
accordance with the notification  requirements of the HSR Act and to use its and
their best  efforts  to achieve  the prompt  termination  or  expiration  of the
waiting  period or any  extension  thereof  provided  for under the HSR Act as a
prerequisite to the consummation of the transactions provided for herein.

         (b) Nothing  herein shall be construed as requiring  Seller to (i) sell
or otherwise  dispose of any of the Seller  Assets which are the subject of this
Agreement or the Other Agreements  which either alone or in the aggregate,  with
all such other sales or  dispositions,  would constitute the sale or disposition
of a "significant  subsidiary" (as defined in Rule 1-02 of Regulation S-X of the
rules and regulations of the Commission), (ii) take any action, the consummation
of  which  cannot  be  conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement,  where such action would have a material adverse
effect on Seller or (iii) take any  action  which  either  would have a material
adverse effect on the operations,  business or financial  condition of Seller or
would  materially  impair the value of the  transaction  contemplated  herein to
Seller or Purchaser.

         (c) Nothing  herein shall be  construed  as requiring  Purchaser to (i)
sell or  otherwise  dispose of any of its assets  which  either  alone or in the
aggregate, with all such other sales or dispositions,  would constitute the sale
or  disposition  of a  "significant  subsidiary,"  (ii)  take  any  action,  the
consummation  of  which  cannot  be  conditioned  on  the  consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  where such action  would have a
material  adverse effect on Purchase or (iii) take any action which either would
have  a  material  adverse  effect  on the  operations,  business  or  financial
condition of Purchaser or would  materially  impair the value of the transaction
contemplated herein to Seller or Purchaser.

         11.03. Third Party Consents/Regulatory  Approval. Each of Purchaser and
Seller  will use its best  efforts  to  obtain  prior  to the  Closing  Date all
consents,  approvals and licenses  necessary to permit the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Other Agreements, including,
but not limited to, such  licensure and  certification  approval in the State of
California as may be necessary to enable  Purchaser to lawfully own and/or lease
the Hospital  Condominium  Unit from and after the Closing Date (the "Regulatory
Approvals"),  and the consent of its lenders, lessors and other third parties to
the extent  required  under any loan  documents,  lease  agreements,  management
agreements  or other  instruments  to which  it is a party,  including,  but not
limited to, the consent of the lessor or licensor under the Ground  Sublease and
the Parking  Agreement if and to the extent  required by the terms  thereof (the
"Third Party Consents"),  provided,  however, that the consent of the holders of
the bonds issued by Purchaser's parent corporation under that Indenture dated as
of June 28,  1996 in the  original  principal  amount  of  $50,000,000  and that
Indenture  dated as of October  12,  1995 in the  original  principal  amount of
$110,000,000 shall not be deemed to be a required Third Party Consent,  it being
understood and agreed that  Purchaser has  represented  that the  transaction as
contemplated herein will not require the consent of such bondholders.

         11.04.   Public  Announcements.  The parties  shall  consult  with each
other prior to the  issuance by
either party of any press release or any written  statement with respect to this
Agreement or the  transactions
contemplated hereby.

         11.05.  Costs. Except as otherwise  specifically  provided herein, each
party shall bear its own costs and  expenses  with respect to securing the Third
Party  Consents  and  Regulatory   Approvals,   including   complying  with  the
requirements of the HSR Act, for which it is responsible hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XII

         12.01.   Purchaser  Conditions.  All  obligations of Purchaser  under 
this Agreement are subject to the
fulfillment,  prior  to or as of the  Outside  Closing  Date  (as  defined  
below),  of  each  of the  following
conditions any one or more of which may be waived in writing by Purchaser:

         (a) The  representations  and  warranties  of Seller  contained in this
Agreement shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing Date as though such
representations   and   warranties   were  then  again  made,   other  than  any
representations  or warranties which  specifically  relate to an earlier period,
which shall have been true as of the date thereof.

         (b)  Seller  shall have  performed  all of its  obligations  under this
Agreement that are to be performed by it prior to or as of the Closing Date.

         (c) Purchaser  and Seller shall have received the Third Party  Consents
and Regulatory  Approvals and shall have satisfied any and all conditions to the
effectiveness thereof.
         (d) Other  than with  respect  to a default  identified  in the  Seller
Disclosure  Letter as of the date of this  Agreement or any defaults  identified
after the date of this  Agreement  in any  amendments  to the Seller  Disclosure
Letter,  which amendments are not objected to by Purchaser,  Seller shall not be
in default,  where said default  cannot be cured by the Closing Date,  under any
mortgage,  contract,  lease or other  agreement to which Seller is a party or by
which  Seller is bound and which will  affect or relate to the  Seller's  Assets
after the Closing.

         (e) Subject to  Purchaser  ordering the same,  an ALTA title  insurance
policy  providing  for  extended  owner's  coverage  shall  have been  issued to
Purchaser  with  respect to the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit subject only to the
Permitted Exceptions (the "Title Insurance Policy").

         (f)  Subject  to  Purchaser  ordering  the  same,  Purchaser  shall  be
satisfied or,  pursuant to Paragraph  10.01(a)  shall be deemed to be satisfied,
with the Survey.

         (g)  Subject  to  Purchaser  ordering  the  same,  Purchaser  shall  be
satisfied,  or pursuant to Paragraph  10.01(a)  shall be deemed to be satisfied,
with the results of the UCC Searches.

         (h) If applicable, the filing and waiting period requirements under the
HSR Act shall have been complied with and shall have expired or terminated.

         (i)      The  closing of the  transactions  which are the  subject of
the Other  Agreements  shall have

         12.02.   Seller  Conditions.  All  obligations  of Seller  under  this 
Agreement  are  subject  to the
fulfillment,  prior to or as of the Outside  Closing Date, of each of the 
following  conditions  any one or more
of which may be waived by Seller in writing:

         (a) The  representations  and warranties of Purchaser contained in this
Agreement shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing Date as though such
representations   and   warranties   were  then  again  made,   other  than  any
representations  or warranties which  specifically  relate to an earlier period,
which shall have been true as of the date thereof.

         (b) Purchaser  shall have performed all of its  obligations  under this
Agreement that are to be performed by it prior to or as of the Closing Date.

         (c) Purchaser  and Seller shall have received the Third Party  Consents
and Regulatory  Approvals and shall have satisfied any and all conditions to the
effectiveness  thereof;  provided,  however, that it shall not be a condition to
Seller's  obligation to close  hereunder that the landlord or licensor under the
Ground Sublease or the Parking  Agreement has refused to release Seller from its
guarantee thereof or from primary liability thereunder.

         (d)      The  closing  of the  transaction  which are the  subject of 
the Other  Agreements  shall have
                                  ARTICLE XIII

         13.01.   Termination.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  by 
Purchaser  or Seller upon the  following

         (a)      By mutual consent of the parties;

         (b) By  Purchaser if the  conditions  to Closing set forth in Paragraph
12.01  have not been  satisfied  through  no fault of  Purchaser  or  waived  by
Purchaser by the Outside Closing Date;

         (c) By Seller if the conditions to Closing set forth in Paragraph 12.02
have not been  satisfied  through  no fault of Seller or waived by Seller by the
Outside Closing Date;

         (d) By either  party if the  Closing  has not  occurred  by the Outside
Closing  Date or such later date as may be agreed  upon in writing by Seller and
Purchaser; provided, however, that in the event all of the conditions to Closing
provided  for in  Paragraph  12 have been  satisfied  or  waived by the  Outside
Closing  Date as the same may be  extended in  accordance  with the terms of the
Other Purchase Agreements;

         (e)      By either party if the United States  Department  of Justice 
or the Federal  Trade  Commission
requires any of the actions described in Paragraph 11.02;

         (f) By either  party in the event of a material  adverse  change in the
information  contained in the other party's Disclosure Letter as a result of the
updating thereof by such other party.

         (g) By Purchaser in the event that prior to the Closing Date a material
portion of any of the  Hospital  Condominium  Unit or the Hospital is damaged or
destroyed by fire or other casualty or has been taken or condemned by any public
or quasi-public authority under the power or eminent domain; provided,  however,
that in the event Purchaser fails to exercise its termination  rights hereunder,
then it shall be conclusively  deemed to have waived said right and Seller shall
assign to Purchaser all of its rights to any insurance  proceeds or condemnation
award and all claims in connection therewith.

                  13.02.  Neither party to this Agreement may claim  termination
or pursue any other remedy referred to in Paragraph 13.01 on account of a breach
of a  condition,  covenant or warranty  by the other,  without  first given such
other party written notice of such breach and not less than ten (10) days within
which to cure such  breach.  The Closing Date shall be postponed if necessary to
afford such opportunity to cure.

          13.03.  In the event of the  termination  of this  Agreement by Seller
under either Paragraph  13.01(c) or Paragraph 13.01(d) where, in either case the
Closing has failed to occur as a result of a material breach by Purchaser of its
obligations  hereunder or under the Other  Agreements,  Seller shall be entitled
either (A) to seek  damages  from  Purchaser  as a result of said  breach or (B)
without the need to prove  damages,  to collect from Purchaser on written demand
the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 Dollars  ($2,500,000) as
liquidated  damages in full and complete  settlement of any and all claims which
Seller may have against Purchaser  hereunder and under the Other Agreements as a
result of said  breach by  Purchaser,  it being  understood  and agreed that the
amount provided for in this clause (B) is intended to compensate  Seller for the
damages  suffered by it as a result of said breach  without resort to the courts
and is not intended to be a limitation on the damages which Seller would be able
to seek to recover in the event it elects to proceed under clause (A).

          13.04.  In the event of the termination of this Agreement by Purchaser
under either Paragraph  13.01(b) or Paragraph 13.01(d) where, in either case the
Closing  has failed to occur as a result of a  material  breach by Seller of its
obligations  hereunder or under the Other  Agreements,  Purchaser shall have the
right either (A) to seek specific performance of Seller's obligations  hereunder
or (B) to seek damages suffered by it as a result of said breach.

         13.05.  In the event of the  termination of this Agreement  pursuant to
Paragraphs  13.01(a),  (e),  (f) or (g),  neither  party  shall have any further
rights or obligations hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

         14.01.  Seller shall  indemnify  and hold  Purchaser  harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses which it may
incur as a result of:

         (a) Except as  otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement,  the leasing or
ownership of Seller's Assets prior to the Closing Date,  whether or not the same
are  covered  by  Seller's  insurance,   including,  but  not  limited  to,  any
obligations under the Condominium  Documents,  the Ground Sublease,  the Parking
Agreement or the Hospital  Lease (if and to the extent they relate solely to the
period prior to the Closing Date);

         (b)      Any  misrepresentation  or  breach  of  warranty  of Seller  
set  forth in this  Agreement  or
nonfulfillment of any agreement on the part of Seller under this Agreement;

         (c)      Any  failure  in  connection  with the  transaction  
contemplated  herein to  comply  with the
requirements of any laws or regulations relating to bulk sales or transfers; and

         (d) Any and all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,  assessments,
judgements,  reasonable costs and other reasonable expenses,  including, but not
limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, incident to the foregoing.

         14.02.  Purchaser  shall  indemnify  and hold Seller  harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses which it may
incur as a result of:

         (a)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  this  Agreement,  any and all
obligations  relating to the leasing or  ownership  of Seller's  Assets from and
after the Closing Date including,  but not limited to, any obligations under the
Condominium  Documents,  the  Ground  Sublease,  the  Parking  Agreement  or the
Hospital  Lease (if and to the extent they relate  solely to the period from and
after the Closing Date);

         (b)      Any  misrepresentation  or breach of  warranty of  Purchaser  
set forth in this  Agreement  or
nonfulfillment of any agreement on the part of Purchaser under this Agreement; 

         (c) Any and all  actions,  suits,  proceedings,  demands,  assessments,
judgements,  reasonable costs and other reasonable expenses,  including, but not
limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, incident to the foregoing.

         14.03. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither Purchaser nor Seller (the
"Non-Breaching  Party")  shall be entitled to seek  damages from the other party
(the "Breaching  Party") under Paragraphs  14.01(b) and 14.02(b),  respectively,
for the  breach of a  representation  or  warranty  set forth in this  Agreement
unless  the  amount  of the  damages,  liabilities,  losses,  costs or  expenses
incurred by the  Non-Breaching  Party  individually or in the aggregate with any
and all prior  breaches  hereunder or under that Purchase and Sale  Agreement of
even date  herewith  between  San Diego  Rehab  Limited  Partnership,  as Seller
("SDRLP"), and Regency Rehab Hospitals, as Purchaser, with respect to the right,
title and  interest  of SDRLP as  lessee  under the  Hospital  Lease,  equals or
exceeds Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars  ($50,000)  (the  "Representation  and
Warranty  Liability  Threshold").  In the event the  Representation and Warranty
Threshold  is met,  then the  Non-Breaching  Party  shall be entitled to seek to
collect from the Breaching Party any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs
or  expenses  suffered  or  incurred  as a result  of all such  breaches  of the
representations  and warranties set forth herein on a first dollar basis and not
merely to recover damages in excess of the Representation and Warranty Liability

                                   ARTICLE XV

         15.01.   Notices.  Any notice,  request or other communication to be 
given by any party hereunder shall
be in writing and shall be sent by registered or certified mail, postage 
prepaid,  by overnight  delivery,  hand
delivery or facsimile transmission to the following address:

         To Seller:                 c/o Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation
                                    6001 Indian School Road, N.E.
                                    Albuquerque, NM 87110
                                    Attn: Neal Elliott
                                    Telephone No.:   505-878-6350
                                    Facsimile No.:   505-881-6100

         With copy to:              Scot Sauder, Esq.
                     c/o Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation
                          6001 Indian School Road, N.E.
                              Albuquerque, NM 87110
                           Telephone No.: 505-878-6356
                           Facsimile No.: 505-881-6100

         To Purchaser:              Regency Rehab Properties, Inc.
                                    2742 Dow Avenue
                                    Tustin, CA 92680
                                    Attn: Bruce Broussard
                                    Telephone No.:   714-544-4443
                                    Facsimile No.:   714-544-2441

         with copy to:              Regency Rehab Properties, Inc.
                                    2742 Dow Avenue
                                    Tustin, CA 92680
                                    Attn: David Grant
                                    Telephone No.:   714-544-4443
                                    Facsimile No.:   714-544-2441

         and with copy to: Randi S. Nathanson, Esq.
                                    1411 Fourth Avenue
                                    Suite 905
                                    Seattle, WA  98101
                                    Telephone No.:   206-623-6239
                                    Facsimile No.:   206-623-1738

         Notices  shall be deemed given three (3) business days after deposit in
the  mail  as  provided  herein  or upon  actual  receipt  if sent by  overnight
delivery, facsimile transmission or hand delivery.

         15.02.  Assignment.  No party may assign,  directly or indirectly,  its
rights or obligations  hereunder  without the prior written consent of the other
party;  provided,  however,  that  Purchaser  may  assign  its  any  or  all  of
Purchaser's  rights and  obligations  hereunder  effective  at Closing to a real
estate  investment  trust (the "REIT") in  connection  with its financing of the
transaction  provided for herein  provided  Seller  first  confirms to Purchaser
that, in its reasonable  determination,  such  assignment  will not have adverse
reimbursement  consequences  for Seller;  and  provided,  further,  that no such
assignment shall relieve Purchaser of its obligations hereunder.  This Agreement
shall be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and
their  respective  successors  and permitted  assigns,  including  successors by
operation  of law  pursuant  to any  merger,  consolidation  or sale  of  assets
involving either party. In the event of an assignment of this Purchase Agreement
to a REIT,  Purchaser  shall advise Seller as to those  documents and deliveries
contemplated by this Agreement which are to run in favor of the REIT rather than
Purchaser and those  documents and  deliveries  contemplated  by this  Agreement
which will be  delivered  by the REIT  rather than  Purchaser,  if any, it being
understood  and agreed that in the event of such an  assignment,  the only right
which the REIT will assume is  Purchaser's  right to take title to the  Seller's
Assets  and the only  obligation  which  the REIT  will  assume  is  Purchaser's
obligation to pay the purchase price in accordance with the terms hereof.

         15.03 Sole Agreement.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified in
any respect  whatsoever  except by instrument  in writing  signed by the parties
hereto.  This Agreement,  the Disclosure  Letter of each of Seller and Purchaser
and the documents  executed and delivered  pursuant hereto constitute the entire
agreement  between the parties  hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof
and  supersede  all prior  negotiations,  discussions,  writings and  agreements
between them.

         15.04.   Captions.  The captions of this Agreement are for  convenience
of reference only and shall not
define or limit any of the terms or provisions hereof.

         15.05.   Governing Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and 
construed in accordance  with the laws
of the State of California.

         15.06.   Severability.  Should any one or more of the  provisions of 
this Agreement be determined to be
invalid,  unlawful or unenforceable in any respect,  the validity,  legality and
enforceability of the remaining
provisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

         15.07.   Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in any number 
of  counterparts,  each of which
shall be an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one 
and the same instrument.

         15.08 Knowledge Defined.  To the extent that any of the representations
and  warranties  contained in this  Agreement are limited by the phrases "to the
knowledge of" or "Purchaser has no knowledge of" or "Seller has no knowledge of"
or words or  phrases  of  similar  import,  the same  shall  mean to the  actual
knowledge  of any of the  corporate  officers or  directors  of the party or its
subsidiaries  making  said  representation  or warranty  after due and  diligent
inquiry with respect thereto.  To the extent that any of the representations and
warranties  contained in this  Agreement  refer to verbal notice to a party such
notice shall be deemed to have been received if delivered to any officer of such
party or to an officer of one of its subsidiaries.

         15.09.   Expenses.  Each  party  shall  bear its own  costs  and  
expenses  (including  legal  fees and
expenses) incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions 
contemplated hereby.

         15.10.  Third Party  Beneficiary.  Nothing in this Agreement express or
implied is  intended to and shall not be  construed  to confer upon or create in
any person  (other than the parties  hereto and their  successors  and permitted
assigns) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement,  including
without limitation, any right to enforce this Agreement.

         15.11.  Attorneys'  Fees. In the event of a dispute between the parties
hereto with respect to the  interpretation  or  enforcement of the terms hereof,
the  prevailing  party in any action  resulting  therefrom  shall be entitled to
collect from the other its reasonable costs and attorneys'  fees,  including its
costs and fees on appeal.

         15.12.  Construction.  The  parties  have  participated  jointly in the
negotiation  and  drafting  of this  Agreement.  In the  event an  ambiguity  or
question of intent or interpretation  arises,  this Agreement shall be construed
as if drafted jointly by the parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall
arise  favoring or  disfavoring  any party by virtue of the authorship of any of
the provisions of this Agreement.  Any reference to any federal,  state or local
statute  or law  shall be  deemed  also to refer to all  rules  and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder,   unless  the  context  requires  otherwise.  The  word
"including" shall mean "including without limitation." The period covered by the
phrase "from and after the Closing Date" shall include the Closing Date.

         15.13.   Survival.  The  representations,   warranties,   covenants  or
conditions  set forth herein shall survive the Closing for a period of two years
after the Closing,  other than the  representation  set forth in Paragraphs 6.12
and 6.13,  which  shall  survive  for the  applicable  statute  of  limitations;
provided,  however,  that in the event  that,  at anytime  during  that two year
period,  any claim is made for a breach thereof,  the same shall survive until a
final non-appealable  resolution thereof.  Nothing in this Paragraph 15.13 shall
be construed to limit the indemnity  obligations  of Seller and Purchaser  under
Paragraph  14.01  which  shall  survive for as long as the matters to which they
relate  survive  by the terms of this  Agreement  or, if no such  limitation  is
provided for herein,  which shall survive until the expiration of the applicable
statute of limitations with respect to the matters to which they relate.

         15.14.   Effectiveness  of  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall be of no
effect unless and until each of
the Other Agreements has been executed and delivered by the parties hereto or 

         15.15.  Identification  of Documents  Provided.  Any and all  documents
provided by Seller to Purchaser which are listed on the exhibits hereto shall be
numbered using a Bates sequential numbering system in order to ensure that there
are no disputes concerning what documents were so provided.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby execute this Agreement as of the
day and year first set forth therein.

                           SAN DIEGO HEALTH ASSOCIATES
                                                     LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                            By:      SD Acquisition Corporation
                                            Its:     General Partner

                                          By:       ___________________________
                                          Its:     ____________________________

                                            REGENCY REHAB PROPERTIES, INC.

                                         By:      ____________________________
                                         Its:     ____________________________

                                HORIZON GUARANTY

         Horizon/CMS Healthcare Corporation,  a Delaware corporation ("Horizon")
as a material  inducement to Regency Rehab  Properties,  Inc.  ("Purchaser")  to
enter into the Purchase and Sale Agreement  between San Diego Health  Associates
Limited  Partnership,  as Seller and  Purchaser  dated  November  19,  1996 (the
"Agreement"), hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and jointly and severally with
Seller, guarantees and promises to and for the benefit of Purchaser that (i) the
representations  and warranties of Seller are true and correct as of the date of
execution of the  Agreement and shall be true and correct as of the Closing Date
(as  modified  by any  supplements  to the Seller  Disclosure  Letter to reflect
events  after  the  date  hereof)  and  (ii)  Seller  shall  perform  all of its
obligations,  covenants  and  agreements,  including,  but not  limited  to, its
indemnity  obligations under Paragraph 14, to be performed on its part under the
Agreement.  If  Seller  defaults  under the  Agreement,  Purchaser  may  proceed
immediately against Horizon or Seller or both to enforce any rights it has under
the   Agreement  or  this   Guaranty.   Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,   the
representations  and  warranties  of Seller will not survive  beyond the periods
applicable  thereto set forth in Paragraph  15.13 hereof and this Guaranty shall
not be construed to give  Purchaser a claim or cause of action  against  Horizon
after the expiration of the applicable survival period for a breach by Seller of
any representation or warranty.

         The liability of Horizon hereunder shall not be affected by:

                  (a) The renewal, extension, modification or termination of the
         Agreement  by  lapse of time or  otherwise  (all of  which  are  hereby
         authorized  by Horizon) or a release or  limitation of the liability of
         Seller or its estate in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding;

                  (b) Any  extension in the time for making any payment due 
under the  Agreement  or  acceptance
         of partial payment from Seller;

                  (c) The acceptance or release by Purchaser of any additional  
security for the  performance of
         Seller's obligations under the Agreement;

                  (d) The  failure  during  any  period  of time  whatsoever  of
         Purchaser  to attempt to collect any amount due under the  Agreement or
         to  exercise  any remedy  available  thereunder  or any other  security
         instrument  given as security for performance of the same, in the event
         of  a  default  in  the   performance  by  Seller  in  its  obligations

                  (e) Any  assignment or successive  assignments  of  
Purchaser's  interest  under the Agreement
         (whether absolute or as collateral);

                  (f) The assertion by Purchaser against Seller of any rights or
         remedies   reserved  or  granted  to  Purchaser  under  the  Agreement,
         including  the  commencement  by Purchaser of any  proceedings  against
         Seller upon the occurrence of a default thereunder; or
                  (g)  Any dealings, transactions or other matter occurring 
between Purchaser and Seller;

         whether or not Horizon shall have knowledge or have been notified of or
         agreed to any of the foregoing.

                  Horizon hereby expressly waives:

                  (a)  Notice of acceptance of this Guaranty;

                  (b)  Presentment,  demand,  notice of  dishonor,  protest  and
         notice of protest, and all other notices whatsoever, including, without
         limitation,  notice  of any  event or  matter  described  in the  first
         paragraph  hereof;  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein shall be
         construed  as a waiver  by  Horizon  on its own  behalf or on behalf of
         Seller with respect to any notice  required to be provided by Purchaser
         under the terms of the Agreement;

                  (c)  Any and all claims or defenses based upon lack of 
diligence in:

                  (i)  collection of any amount, the payment of which is 
guaranteed hereby;

                  (ii)  protection  of any  collateral  or other  security  for 
the  obligations  which  are the
                  subject of this Guaranty;

                  (iii)  realization upon any other security given for the 
obligations  which are the subject of
                  this Guaranty; or

                  (iv) the  discharge,  liquidation or  reorganization  of 
Seller in bankruptcy or the rejection
                  of the Agreement by Seller or by a trustee in bankruptcy;

                  (d)  Any and all defenses of suretyship; and

                  (e) Any defense based on the lack of consideration for this 

         Nothing herein shall be construed,  however,  as a waiver by Horizon of
any of the defenses  available to the Seller under the Purchase Agreement to the
extent  Horizon  is  lawfully  entitled  to raise the same as a  defense  to its
obligations hereunder.

         No delay or omission on the part of  Purchaser  in the  exercise of any
right or remedy  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver  thereof.  All remedies of
Purchaser  hereunder shall be in addition to, and exercisable  consecutively  or
concurrently  in any  combination  with,  any  and  all  remedies  available  to
Purchaser by operation of law or under the Agreement, and Purchaser may exercise
its remedies  hereunder without the necessity of any notice to Seller or Horizon
of nonpayment,  nonobservance,  nonperformance  or other default by Seller under
the  Agreement  other than such  notice as may be  specifically  required by the
terms of the Agreement prior to the exercising of such right or remedy.

         Notwithstanding any provision of this Guaranty to the contrary,  in the
event of the  enforcement  of this  Guaranty by  Purchaser,  Purchaser  shall be
entitled to collect from Horizon,  Purchaser's  costs of collection,  including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees.

         Horizon  shall not be  subrogated  to any of the rights of Purchaser by
reason of any of the provisions of this Guaranty or by reason of the performance
by Guarantor of any of its  obligations  hereunder and Horizon shall look solely
to Seller  for  recoupment  of any costs or  expenses  incurred  by  Horizon  in
performing its obligations hereunder.

         For so long as any of the  obligations  which are the  subject  of this
Guaranty remain outstanding Horizon shall, upon request,  provide Purchaser with
its quarterly and annual financial  statements as soon as the same are available
and with any  other  financial  statements  as may be  reasonably  requested  by

         This  Guaranty  shall not be assignable by Horizon but shall be binding
upon the  successors of Horizon.  This Guaranty shall be assignable by Purchaser
in  connection  with a permitted  assignment of the Agreement and shall inure to
the benefit of its successors and assigns.

         If any term, restriction or covenant of this Guaranty is deemed illegal
or unenforceable, all other terms, restrictions and circumstances subject hereto
shall remain  unaffected to the extent  permitted by law; and if any application
of any term,  restriction or covenant to any person or  circumstances  is deemed
illegal, the application of such term,  restriction or covenant to other persons
and circumstances shall remain unaffected to the extent permitted by law.

                                            Seller's Parent:

                                            HORIZON/CMS HEALTHCARE CORPORATION,
                             a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      ______________________________
                                                     Neal M. Elliott

                                REGENCY GUARANTY

         Regency Health Services,  Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Regency") as a
material   inducement  to  San  Diego  Health  Associates  Limited   Partnership
("Seller")  to enter into the Purchase  and Sale  Agreement  between  Seller and
Regency  Rehab  Properties,  Inc.  ("Purchaser")  dated  November  19, 1996 (the
"Agreement"), hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and jointly and severally with
Purchaser, guarantees and promises to and for the benefit of Seller that (i) the
representations  and warranties of Purchaser are true and correct as of the date
of  execution of the  Agreement  and shall be true and correct as of the Closing
Date (as  modified by any  supplements  to the  Purchaser  Disclosure  Letter to
reflect  events after the date hereof) and (ii)  Purchaser  shall perform all of
its obligations,  covenants and agreements,  including,  but not limited to, its
indemnity  obligations under Paragraph 14, to be performed on its part under the
Agreement.  If  Purchaser  defaults  under the  Agreement,  Seller  may  proceed
immediately  against  Regency or  Purchaser or both to enforce any rights it has
under  the  Agreement  or this  Guaranty.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
representations  and warranties of Purchaser will not survive beyond the periods
applicable  thereto set forth in Paragraph  15.13 hereof and this Guaranty shall
not be construed to give Seller a claim or cause of action against Regency after
the  expiration of the applicable  survival  period for a breach by Purchaser of
any representation or warranty.

         The liability of Regency hereunder shall not be affected by:

                  (a) The renewal, extension, modification or termination of the
         Agreement  by  lapse of time or  otherwise  (all of  which  are  hereby
         authorized  by Regency) or a release or  limitation of the liability of
         Purchaser or its estate in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding;

                  (b) Any  extension in the time for making any payment due 
under the  Agreement  or  acceptance
         of partial payment from Purchaser;

                  (c) The  acceptance or release by Seller of any  additional  
security for the  performance  of
         Purchaser's obligations under the Agreement;

                  (d) The failure during any period of time whatsoever of Seller
         to attempt to collect any amount due under the Agreement or to exercise
         any remedy available  thereunder or any other security instrument given
         as security for  performance  of the same, in the event of a default in
         the performance by Purchaser in its obligations thereunder;

                  (e) Any  assignment  or  successive  assignments  of  Seller's
interest  under the  Agreement
         (whether absolute or as collateral);

                  (f) The assertion by Seller against Purchaser of any rights or
         remedies  reserved or granted to Seller under the Agreement,  including
         the  commencement by Seller of any proceedings  against  Purchaser upon
         the occurrence of a default thereunder; or

                  (g)  Any dealings, transactions or other matter occurring 
between Seller and Purchaser;

         whether or not Regency shall have knowledge or have been notified of or
         agreed to any of the foregoing.

                  Regency hereby expressly waives:

                  (a)  Notice of acceptance of this Guaranty;

                  (b)  Presentment,  demand,  notice of  dishonor,  protest  and
         notice of protest, and all other notices whatsoever, including, without
         limitation,  notice  of any  event or  matter  described  in the  first
         paragraph  hereof;  provided,  however,  that  nothing  herein shall be
         construed  as a waiver  by  Regency  on its own  behalf or on behalf of
         Purchaser with respect to any notice  required to be provided by Seller
         under the terms of the Agreement;

                  (c)  Any and all claims or defenses based upon lack of 
diligence in:

                  (i)  collection of any amount, the payment of which is 
guaranteed hereby;

                  (ii)  protection  of any  collateral  or other  security  for 
the  obligations  which  are the
                  subject of this Guaranty;

                  (iii)  realization upon any other security given for the 
obligations  which are the subject of
                  this Guaranty; or

                  (iv)  the  discharge,  liquidation  or  reorganization  of  
Purchaser  in  bankruptcy  or  the
                  rejection of the Agreement by Purchaser or by a trustee in 

                  (d)  Any and all defenses of suretyship; and

                  (e) Any defense based on the lack of consideration for this 

         Nothing herein shall be construed,  however,  as a waiver by Regency of
any of the defenses  available to the Purchaser under the Purchase  Agreement to
the extent  Regency is  lawfully  entitled to raise the same as a defense to its
obligations hereunder.

         No delay or omission on the part of Seller in the exercise of any right
or remedy  hereunder shall operate as a waiver  thereof.  All remedies of Seller
hereunder shall be in addition to, and exercisable consecutively or concurrently
in any combination  with, any and all remedies  available to Seller by operation
of law or under the  Agreement,  and Seller may exercise its remedies  hereunder
without  the  necessity  of any notice to  Purchaser  or Regency of  nonpayment,
nonobservance,  nonperformance or other default by Purchaser under the Agreement
other  than such  notice  as may be  specifically  required  by the terms of the
Agreement prior to the exercising of such right or remedy.

         Notwithstanding any provision of this Guaranty to the contrary,  in the
event of the enforcement of this Guaranty by Seller, Seller shall be entitled to
collect  from  Regency,  Seller's  costs  of  collection,   including,   without
limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees.

         Regency  shall  not be  subrogated  to any of the  rights  of Seller by
reason of any of the provisions of this Guaranty or by reason of the performance
by Regency of any of its obligations  hereunder and Regency shall look solely to
Purchaser  for  recoupment  of any costs or  expenses  incurred  by  Regency  in
performing its obligations hereunder.

         For so long as any of the  obligations  which are the  subject  of this
Guaranty remain outstanding Regency shall, upon request, provide Seller with its
quarterly and annual financial  statements as soon as the same are available and
with any other financial statements as may be reasonably requested by Seller.

         This Guaranty shall not be assignable by Regency or by Seller but shall
be binding upon the successors of Regency and Seller.

         If any term, restriction or covenant of this Guaranty is deemed illegal
or unenforceable, all other terms, restrictions and circumstances subject hereto
shall remain  unaffected to the extent  permitted by law; and if any application
of any term,  restriction or covenant to any person or  circumstances  is deemed
illegal, the application of such term,  restriction or covenant to other persons
and circumstances shall remain unaffected to the extent permitted by law.

                               Purchaser's Parent:

                          REGENCY HEALTH SERVICES, INC.
                             a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      ______________________________
                                                     Richard Matros