REPRESENTATIVE'S AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT, made at Fremont, Indiana, this 28th day of July, 1997, 
between, FUTURES INVESTMENT COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as FUTURES 
INVESTMENT and Shira Del Pacult, its Registered Representative, hereinafter 
referred to as "Representative".  

In consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the parties hereby agree as 

FUTURES INVESTMENT hereby appoints Representative to act as Sales 
Representative in connection with the sales of registered and unregistered 
securities.   At all times you shall act as an independent contractor, 
nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to create the 
relationship of employer and employee between you and us. Representative 
agrees not to hold himself out as Officer, Director or employee of FUTURES 
INVESTMENT.  Subject to the terms conditions contained herein, in your 
capacity as an independent contractor you shall represent us in soliciting 
application for the purchase of securities of any investment company or 
other issuer for which we act as dealer or underwriter, and you shall be 
free to exercise your own judgment as to the persons whom you will solicit 
and the time, place and manner of solicitation.  You shall pay your 
expenses in connection with your business as a Sales Representative 
Representative shall devote his/her best efforts to the performance of this 
Agreement.  FUTURES INVESTMENT will assist in obtaining the necessary 
license and surety bonds for those States which require surety bonds and 
the Representative shall bear the cost of these license and bonds 
Representative shall not interview prospects or solicit application until 
he has secured all licenses required by law and obtained a surety bond 
satisfactory to FUTURES INVESTMENT.  This Agreement shall terminate upon 
cancellation of such bond or non-renewal or cancellation of any license 
which Representative is required to have to perform this Agreement.   
(a)  No Violation of FUTURES INVESTMENT's Interests.  Neither during the 
period of this Agreement nor thereafter shall Representative, (1) use 
any information acquired by him/her during the period of this Agreement 
in a manner adverse to the interests of FUTURES INVESTMENT or the issuer 
of a Security, or (2) do any act to damage the good will of FUTURES 
INVESTMENT or such an issuer.   
(b)  Collections.  Representative shall report and remit promptly all 
payments for or security to FUTURES INVESTMENT without commingling the 
same with his/her own funds. 
(c)  Branch Office. Representative will act in the capacity of independent 
contractor and will not perform any acts which would lead anyone to 
believe FUTURES INVESTMENT has a full branch office at any other 
location except FUTURES INVESTMENT's home office without written 
approval from FUTURES INVESTMENT.   
(d)  Trafficking or Switching. Representative shall not make any agreement 
with any person for repurchase or resale of a Security nor twist or 
switch securities of any other company, or twist Insurance policies to 
the detriment of the client.   
(e)  Sales Literature. Representative must obtain the specific written 
approval of FUTURES INVESTMENT, before he/she may use any material 
concerning a Security, the issuer thereof, or FUTURES INVESTMENT.  
(f)  Policies of FUTURES INVESTMENT.  Representative shall abide by all 
rules, regulations and policies of FUTURES INVESTMENT.  These policies 
will be considered matters of company policy and will be updated, 
changed, expanded and deleted, from time to time, as deemed appropriate 
and will not alter or supersede this contract.  
(g)  Authority Limited.  Representative shall have no authority to alter or 
amend the provisions of a Security nor to incur any, liability on behalf 
of FUTURES INVESTMENT or the issuer of a Security. 
(h)  Compliance with Regulations. Representative agrees to explain fully all 
facts pertinent to any security offered to a prospect and to 
simultaneously deliver all required and necessary approved offering 
documentation in connection therewith.  Representative shall not make 
false statements, or deliver broker dealer only materials, or 
misrepresent or omit to state material facts to any client or 
prospective client. Representative shall adhere to and abide by the 
rules and regulations of FUTURES INVESTMENT and the rules of fair 
practice as prescribed by the NASD and shall comply with all general 
rules and regulations promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933 and 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as well as with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission Statement of Policy, all Federal 
Board regulation and all securities acts and regulations of the states 
in which Representative is licensed to transact business. Representative 
represents that he/she is completely familiar with such regulations. 
(i)  Exclusive. Representative agrees that during the term of this Agreement, 
he/she will not enter into any sales agency, brokerage or other 
agreement with any dealer, or issuer of securities other than FUTURES 
INVESTMENT and that he/she will not otherwise, directly or indirectly, 
place orders of any kind with any such other person or entity without 
the prior express written consent of FUTURES INVESTMENT.  
(j)  Notification and Approval.  Representative will inform FUTURES 
INVESTMENT in writing of any other financial planning product which 
he/she Intends to sell, or service he/she intends to provide and will 
not offer said product or service to the public without the prior 
written consent of FUTURES INVESTMENT.   
Your sole compensation will be commission earned with respect to sale made 
by you, but only In accordance with and subject to the applicable 
Commission Schedule Issued by FUTURES INVESTMENT and In effect at the time 
of the sale.  Our Commission Schedules are subject to change from time to 
time by us without the approval of Representative.  Your commission are 
payable as set forth In the Commission Schedule attached and made a part of 
this Agreement, subject to receipt by us of full payment for the securities 
sold In the case of cash sales, open account sales, or other voluntary 
Investment program sales and receipt by us of the full dealer concession 
for the securities sold.  You may not assign, hypothecate or otherwise 
encumber your right to receive commission without our prior written 
consent.  All expense Incurred by Representative in the solicitation and 
sale of investments hereunder shall be borne by the Representative. Neither 
FUTURES INVESTMENT nor any Issuer of Investment units shall be liable to 
Representative for the payment of commissions or expenses.  
a) Violation of this Agreement.  A breach by Representative of any 
provision of this Agreement shall terminate this Agreement and 
Representative shall not be entitled to receive any payment which he/she 
would otherwise be entitled to receive from FUTURES INVESTMENT. 
b) Claims, Controversies and Settlements.  In event of any claim of 
misrepresentation or the use of unfair or inequitable methods, or lack 
of proper registration by Representative  in regard to the sale of any 
Security for which commission are or become due to Representative, or 
failure of Representative to remit any collection, FUTURES INVESTMENT 
may withhold to the extent it deems necessary, any commissions or other 
amount to which Representative is or may become entitled, pending 
disposition or settlement of such matter, and in the event it is 
established that representative was guilty of wrong-doing FUTURES 
INVESTMENT may retain such withheld amounts and any future amounts 
received to pay any such disposition or settlement.  FUTURES INVESTMENT 
may effect settlement with a Security holder or issuer in accordance 
with its business judgment and refund in whole or in part any sum paid 
by such a holder.  Upon the making of a settlement or refund, whether or 
not a claim or misrepresentation was made by a certificate holder or 
stockholder, FUTURES INVESTMENT shall be entitle to charge back to 
Representative the  whole or such proportionate part of the withheld 
amounts.  Representative may not make any settlement or refund to a 
holder or stockholder without the prior written approval of FUTURES 
INVESTMENT. As used In  this paragraph, settlement includes a 
cancellation of Security or any adjustment made with a holder of a 
Security  To the extent that FUTURES INVESTMENT Incurs expense in excess 
of such withholding, Representative shall be responsible for payment 
thereof upon written demand by FUTURES INVESTMENT, Including any 
expenses In collecting the excess from Representative.  
c) Right of Offset.  FUTURES INVESTMENT reserves the right to apply any sum 
payable by FUTURES INVESTMENT to Representative against any indebtedness 
of Representative to FUTURES INVESTMENT or for which FUTURES INVESTMENT 
may become liable.  
Death, Disability or Retirement.  This Agreement shall be terminate by 
death, inability of Representative to perform duties under this Agreement 
due to physical or mental disability or retirement of Representative.  
Proof of these occurrences shall be in the form required by FUTURES 
INVESTMENT.  FUTURES INVESTMENT agrees that should Representative  become 
unwilling or unable to hold the registration(s) necessary to obtain such 
trailing commissions whether through death, disability, or otherwise, that 
these commissions will then be paid to her husband, Michael Pacult, who 
will then service the clients, subject to his being properly registered 
with the necessary regulatory agency(ies).  If both Michael and Shira 
Pacult should become unwilling or unable to hold the registration(s) 
necessary to obtain such trailing commissions whether through death, 
disability or otherwise, FUTURES INVESTMENT agrees that these commissions 
will then be paid to the person designated by the Pacults or, in case of 
death, their heir(s) as designated in the Pacults' testamentary documents, 
who will then service these clients, subject to their being properly 
registered with the necessary regulatory agency(ies).   

(a)  Termination by the Parties.  This Agreement may be terminated by FUTURES 
INVESTMENT without Cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to 
Representative and for Cause may be terminated immediately without prior 
notice by FUTURES INVESTMENT.  This Agreement may be terminated by 
Representative upon written notice to FUTURES INVESTMENT.  FUTURES 
INVESTMENT agrees that all trailing commissions paid to FUTURES 
INVESTMENT by the issuer, underwriter, sponsor or other distributor of 
direct participation securities as a result of the solicitation and 
servicing of clients by Representative will be paid to him/her, less the 
percentage to which FUTURES INVESTMENT is entitled pursuant to the 
Commission Schedule in effect at the time such commission payments are 
made.  Should the relationship between FUTURES INVESTMENT and 
Representative be terminated by either party for any reason, FUTURES 
INVESTMENT consents to the payment of all such commissions to the 
broker-dealer designated by him/her and agrees that it will instruct all 
issuers, underwriters, sponsors or other distributors of such securities 
to transfer all commission payments to the broker-dealer designated by 
him/her within five days of such designation and request.  
(b)  Return of Records.  Representative upon termination of this Agreement, 
shall return to FUTURES INVESTMENT all supplies, books, video tapes, 
cards, Customer records and all other materials and property furnished 
to him/her by FUTURES INVESTMENT.  
VII.  PRIOR AGREEMENTS.  This Agreement shall supersede all former Agreement 
which have existed between the parties hereto relative to the sale of  

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the date first 
above written.


By: s/ Michael Pacult                 s/ Shira Del Pacult                
    Michael Pacult                    Shira Del Pacult