(ACCOUNTS AND INVENTORY)

     RIDER  (this  "Modification")  is  entered  into as of May 23,  2000 by and
     between HANSEN BEVERAGE  COMPANY a Delaware  corporation  ("Borrower")  and
     COMERICA BANK-CALIFORNIA, a California corporation ("Bank").


          A.  Borrower  and Bank  have  previously  entered  into  that  certain
     Revolving Credit Loan & Security  Agreement  (Accounts and Inventory) dated
     as of May 15, 1997 (as modified, the "Loan Agreement"), together with those
     certain documents entitled Inventory Rider (Revolving  Advance),  Equipment
     Rider  and  Environmental  Rider,  all  dated as of May 15,  1997 and those
     certain UCC-1 Financing Statements filed with various states.

          B. In addition to the Collateral as defined in the Loan Agreement, the
     obligations  of Borrower under the Loan Agreement are and were also secured
     by  that  certain  Security   Agreement  in  License  Agreement  and  Other
     Agreements dated May 15, 1997 (the "License Security Agreement").

          C.  Hansen  Natural  Corporation  (sometimes  referred  to as  "Hansen
     Natural"),  a  Delaware  corporation,  and CVI  Ventures,  Inc.  (sometimes
     referred to as "CVI"),  a Delaware  corporation  (sometimes,  collectively,
     "Guarantors") have each executed those certain Guaranties, each dated as of
     May 15, 1997  (respectively,  the "Hansen Guaranty" and the "CVI Guaranty",
     which  are   sometimes   hereinafter   collectively   referred  to  as  the
     "Guaranties").  Pursuant  to  the  Guaranties,  Guarantors  guaranteed  the
     obligations that are or may be owing to Bank by Borrower, as set forth more
     completely in the Guaranties.

          D. The Loan Agreement has been modified pursuant to that certain First
     Modification to Revolving Credit Loan and Security Agreement  (Accounts and
     Inventory) dated May 11, 1998 the "First Modification").

          E. The Loan  Agreement  has been  further  modified  pursuant  to that
     certain Second Modification to Revolving Credit Loan and Security Agreement
     dated July 27, 1998 (the "Second Modification").

          F. The Loan  Agreement  has been  further  modified  pursuant  to that
     certain Third  Modification to Revolving Credit Loan and Security Agreement
     dated December 1, 1998 (the "Third Modification").

          G. In  conjunction  with  the  execution  of the  Third  Modification,
     Borrower and Bank also entered into those certain  documents,  respectively
     entitled  Inventory Rider (the "Inventory Rider") and addendum to Revolving
     Credit Loan and Security Agreement, both also dated as of December 1, 1998.

          H. The Loan  Agreement  has been  further  modified  pursuant  to that
     certain Fourth Modification to Revolving Credit Loan and Security Agreement
     dated March 28, 2000 (the "Fourth Modification").

          I. The Loan  Agreement  has been  further  modified  pursuant  to that
     certain Fifth  Modification to Revolving Credit Loan and Security Agreement
     dated April 27, 2000 (the "Fifth Modification").

          J. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, Bank has made available to Borrower
     a line of credit based on a formula (the "Formula  Based Line of Credit ').
     The amount  available under the Formula Based Line of Credit was calculated
     by the sum of (1) ninety  percent of the  Eligible  Accounts;  plus (2) the
     Inventory  Sublimit  (as  defined  in  Recital  K below),  in an  aggregate
     principal  amount not to exceed Three Million  Dollars  ($3,000,000) at any
     one time, as further  provided in the terms and  conditions  set forth more
     completely in the Loan Agreement

          K.  Pursuant to the terms of the Inventory  Rider,  and as part of the
     Formula  Based  Line of  Credit,  Bank has  provided  Borrower  with a loan
     facility based on advances  against  Borrower's  Inventory (the  "Inventory
     Sublimit"),  which was calculated based on fifty-five  percent (55%) of the
     lower of the cost or the value of  Borrower's  Inventory,  but in any event
     not to exceed  the  aggregate  sum of One  Million  Five  Hundred  Thousand
     Dollars  ($1,500,000)  at any time,  as further  provided  in the terms and
     conditions  set forth more  completely in the Inventory  Rider and the Loan
          L. As of May 15, 2000, the principal balance of the Formula Based Line
     of Credit was Five Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Dollars ($595,000).

          M.  All of  the  documents  referred  to  above,  and  those  executed
     therewith or thereafter, are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to
     as the "Loan Documents".

          N. Borrower is a distributor  of natural soda and other  non-alcoholic

          0.  Borrower  and Bank have  agreed to modify  the Loan  Documents  in
     certain respects, by, among other things, converting the Formula Based Line
     of Credit  provided for in the Loan Agreement and the Inventory  Rider to a
     non-formula based line of credit (the  "Non-Formula  Based Line of Credit")
     on the terms and conditions set forth below.


          For good  and  valuable  consideration,  receipt  of  which is  hereby
     acknowledged, the parties agree as set forth below.

          I.  Incorporation  by  Reference;   Definitions.  The  foregoing  Loan
     Documents  and the Recitals are  incorporated  herein by this  reference as
     though set forth in full herein. Any term not defined herein shall have the
     meaning given in the Loan Documents.

          2.  Modifications to the Loan Agreement.  The Loan Agreement is hereby
     modified as set forth below.

          2.1  Modification  of Section 2.1 of the Loan Agreement to Provide for
     Conversion of the Formula Based Line of Credit to a Non-Formula  Based Line
     of Credit. Section 2.1 of the Loan Agreement is hereby modified by deleting
     it in its entirety and substituting the following provision:

          "Notwithstanding any prior agreement to the contrary, upon the request
     of Borrower, made at any time and from time to time during the term hereof,
     and so long as no Event of Default has occurred,  and  irrespective  of any
     Borrowing Base defined herein, Bank shall lend to Borrower an amount not to
     exceed the principal sum of Three Million  Dollars  ($3,000,000) at any one
     time,  with any amount in 'excess  thereof being referred to hereinafter as
     an 'Overadvance')."

          2.2  Modification  of the First  Sentence  of Section  3.1 of the Loan
     Agreement.  The first  sentence  of Section  3.1 of the Loan  Agreement  is
     hereby  modified  by  deleting  it in its  entirety  and  substituting  the
     following provision:

          "This  Agreement  shall  remain in full force and effect  until May 1,
     2002, unless earlier terminated by Borrower."

          2.3  Modification  of  Section  6.15  (c) of  the  Loan  Agreement  to
     Eliminate  Certain  Reporting  Requirements.  Section  6.15 (c) of the Loan
     Agreement is hereby  modified by deleting it in its entirety and  replacing
     it with the following provision:

          "Notwithstanding  any prior agreement to the contrary,  Borrower shall
     not be under any obligation to provide Bank with the following reports:
(1) Accounts receivable or payable aging reports;
(2)      Inventory reports; and
(3)      Borrowing Base reports."

          2.4  Modification  of the Loan  Agreement  to Add New Section  6.25 to
     Eliminate  Required Audits Absent An Event of Default or Default.  The Loan
     Agreement is hereby modified to add the following provision as Section 6.25
     of the Loan Agreement:

          "Notwithstanding  any  prior  agreement  to  the  contrary,  the  Loan
     Agreement and in particular Section 6.1 are hereby modified to provide that
     absent the  occurrence  of an event of  default  or default  under the Loan
     Documents  which  is  continuing,  Bank  shall  not  require  that  Bank be
     permitted to conduct  audits of the  Accounts or Inventory of Borrower.  In
     the event of the  occurrence  of an Event of Default or Default by Borrower
     under the Loan Documents,  Bank shall be entitled to conduct such audits of
     Borrower's  Accounts and  Inventory  as Bank  reasonably  may  require,  at
     Borrower's expense."

          3. Deletion of the Inventory  Rider. In light of the conversion of the
     Formula Based Line of Credit to a Non-Formula Based Line of Credit pursuant
     to this  Modification,  the  Inventory  Rider is hereby  deleted  and is no
     longer an operative document between Bank and Borrower.

          4. No  Modification  of Other  Obligations;  No Effect on  Collateral.
     Except as is  otherwise  specifically  set forth  herein or in any document
     executed in connection herewith,  the Loan Agreement and the Loan Documents
     are and shall  remain  unmodified  and in full  force and  effect,  and are
     hereby ratified and confirmed.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect in
     anyway the Collateral that secures the obligations under the Loan Agreement
     (as modified by this  Modification)  or under any other agreement now or in
     the future.

          5.  Conflicts.  If any conflict  exists  between the provisions of the
     Loan Documents and the provisions of this  Modification,  the provisions of
     this Modification shall control.

          6. Ratification of the Guaranties and Security Therefor.  By executing
     this Modification below where indicated,  Guarantors  acknowledge and agree
     that they have read and are familiar with, and consent to, all of the terms
     and  conditions  of  this  Modification.  In  light  of the  foregoing,  by
     executing this Modification,  Guarantors further confirm and agree that all
     of the terms and provisions of the Guaranties are ratified and  reaffirmed,
     and that the  Guaranties  shall and do  continue  in full force and effect.
     Although Bank has informed  Guarantors  of the terms of this  Modification,
     Guarantors  understand and agree that Bank has no duty whatsoever to do so,
     nor to seek this or any future  acknowledgment,  consent, or reaffirmation,
     and that nothing  contained herein is intended to, or shall create,  such a
     duty on the part of Bank as to any transactions hereafter.

          7: Further  Assurances  Borrower agrees to make and execute such other
     Documents  and/or  take such  other  action  and/or  provide  such  further
     assurances as may be requested by Bank in connection  with the  Obligations
     or as may be necessary or required to effectuate  the terms and  conditions
     of this Modification and any documents executed in connection herewith.

          8. Future  Modifications.  Neither Us  Modification  nor any  document
     executed  herein  entitles,  or implies  any consent or  agreement  to, any
     further or future modification of, amendment to, waiver of, or consent with
     respect to any provision of the  Modification  or the Loan  Documents.  Any
     modifications  hereto  or to the Loan  Documents  shall be in  writing  and
     signed by the parties.

          9.  Integration.  This  Modification  and any  documents  executed  in
     connection   herewith  are   integrated   agreements,   and  supersede  all
     negotiations  and  agreements  regarding  the  subject  matter  hereof  and
     thereof,  and taken  together  with the Loan  Documents  and any  documents
     executed in  connection  herewith,  constitute  the final  agreement of the
     parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof.

          IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this  Modification to be
     executed as of the day and year first written above.

By: /s/ Rodney Sacks
Title: Chairman

By:  /s/ James Bradley
By: James Bradley
Its: Vice President

By: /S/ Rodney Sacks
Title: Chairman

Hard E Beverage Co. formerly
CVI Ventures, Inc.
By: /s/ Rodney Sacks
Its: Chairman