This Contract  Agreement  ("Agreement") is made this 23rd day of March
     2000, by and between Rello,  Inc. d/b/a Gluek Brewing  Company,  a Colorado
     corporation,  with its  principal  place of business at 219 North Red River
     Avenue, Cold Spring,  Minnesota 56320 ("Brewer") and Hard Energy Company, a
     corporation, with its principal place of business at 2380 Railroad Street,
     Suite 101, Corona, California 92880 ("Company").


          WHEREAS,  Brewer is engaged in the  business  of  brewing,  packaging,
     marketing and distributing  malt beverages in the United States,  including
     the District of Columbia.

          WHEREAS, Company owns, controls or possesses certain recipes, formulae
     and/or  specifications  for  beverage  products as well as the right to use
     certain  names,  design,  slogans,  logos or  logotypes  as brand  names in
     conjunction therewith; and

          WHEREAS,  Company  desires to have certain of such  beverage  products
     brewed, packaged,  marketed and distributed by Brewer under the brand names
     identified below and Brewer desires to do so.

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the promises and covenants set
     forth   herein,   the  adequacy  and   sufficiency   of  which  are  hereby
     acknowledged, the parties, in good faith, agree as follows:

          1. GRANT.  Company hereby grants, and Brewer hereby accepts, the right
     and license to brew,  package,  label and distribute malt beverage products
     under the  brand  name  "HARD  ENERGY"  ("the  Trademark"),  such  products
     hereinafter referred to as "the Products", for which Company owns, controls
     or  possesses  all  recipes,  formulae,  specifications,   names,  designs,
     slogans,  logos and  logotypes in the fifty states of the United States and
     the- District of Columbia (the "Territory").

          2. TERM This  Agreement  shall become  effective  and binding upon the
     parties on the date set forth above and shall remain in effect for a period
     of twenty (20) months from such date, unless earlier terminated as provided
     herein ("the Initial Term"). Either party shall be entitled,  not less than
     ninety  (90) days prior to the  expiration  of the  Initial  Term,  to give
     notice  to  the  other  of the  termination  of  this  agreement  upon  the
     expiration of the Initial Term. In the absence of such written  notice from
     either party to the other  terminating  this Agreement on the expiration of
     the Initial Term,  this Agreement  shall continue  indefinitely  thereafter
     subject to the right to either  party to  terminate  this  Agreement at any
     time,  without cause,  upon the giving to the other of not less than ninety
     (90) days notice of such  termination,  and, in such event,  this Agreement
     shall be terminated on the date specified in such notice.

          3. DUTIES OF COMPANY.

          a. Proprietary Information. Company shall provide Brewer with recipes,
     formulae and  specifications for the Products as well as the Product flavor
     profiles,  packaging  materials and instructions and such other information
     and materials as are required  under the terms of this  Agreement or as may
     be  reasonable  and  necessary  for  Brewer  to carry out the terms of this
     Agreement (the "Proprietary Information").

          b. Product Orders and Shipments.  Brewer shall produce the Products in
     quantities  sufficient  to meet the needs of  customers  in the  Territory,
     provided  that it is furnished  with a written firm order for Products (the
     "Order") not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the requested Product
     packaging date (the  "Requested  Packaging  Date") which Orders shall be in
     writing  and  addressed  to  Brewer  at P.O.  Box 476,  219 North Red River
     Avenue,  Cold  Spring,   Minnesota  56320,   Attention:   Order  Processing
     Department;  fax number (320) 685-8313. Each Order shall state the quantity
     of each Product to be brewed and packaged and shall  provide  detailed pack
     aging instructions,  including but not limited to, specific instructions in
     regard to any packaging requirements.  Brewer shall not be required to brew
     and package less than 1500 cases (24 packs) with respect to any  individual

          c.  Packaging  Materials.  Company  will provide  packaging  materials
     (labels,  crowns,  6-pack  carriers,  mother cartons and cans) to Brewer no
     later  than ten (10) days prior to the  Requested  Packaging  Date,  all of
     which packaging  materials shall be suitable for use in Brewer's  packaging
     equipment.  Brewer and Company  will  cooperate in the  purchasing  of such
     Packaging  Materials  so as to achieve  the best  possible  prices.  If the
     packaging Materials are not received as required herein,  Brewer shall have
     no  obligation  to have the Products  ready for  packaging on the Requested
     Packaging  Date  and  Brewer  and  Company  shall  mutually  agree on a new
     packaging date for the Products.  Upon the  termination of this  Agreement,
     all  packaging  materials in Brewer's  possession  relating to the Products
     shall be  shipped  to Company at  Company's  sole  expense.  Alternatively,
     Company  can prepay the cost of such  packaging  materials  and Brewer will
     obtain same.

          d. State Taxes and Recycling Fees.  Company shall reimburse Brewer for
     any sales taxes aid recycling fees required by state government regulations
     and which have been paid by Brewer.

         4.         DUTIES OF BREWER.

          a. Brewing and  Packaging  of Products.  Brewer shall brew and package
     the Products  according to  Company's  instructions/specifications.  Brewer
     possesses certain proprietary recipes,  formulas,  procedures and processes
     for production of clear malt,  which shall be made available to the Company
     as part of this contractual agreement.

          b. Sample Analysis of Products.  If required by the Bureau of Alcohol,
     Tobacco  and  Firearms   ("BATF")  and/or  any  state  alcoholic   beverage
     regulatory  authority,  Brewer shall provide an  appropriate  sample of the
     Products for analysis.  All costs  associated with such,  federal and state
     Product analysis shall be borne by the Company.

          c. Label  Approvals.  Brewer shall obtain a BATF  Certificate of Label
     Approval  as  well  as  the  appropriate   state  label  approvals   and/or
     registrations  for each of the  Products'  labels.  All costs  incurred  in
     obtaining  such  label  approval  and/or  registration  shall  be  borne by
     Company.  Brewer  agrees to sell the  Products in those states in which the
     Brewer is  currently  licensed  and in those  other  states  which  Company
     requests.  If Brewer is not  licensed to sell the  Products in any state in
     which Company requests it to sell the Products,  Brewer undertakes,  at its
     cost, to apply for and obtain the necessary  license(s) within a reasonable
     period of time after request therefor by the Company.

          d.  Delivery of Products.  Brewer shall arrange for the Products to be
     delivered to licensed distributors in the Territory approved of by Company.
     Company shall  reimburse  Brewer for the cost of  delivering  the Products.
     Brewer  shall not sell any  Products  to any  person or entity  within  the
     Territory  which  Brewer  knows or has  reason to know  intends to sell the
     Products outside the Territory.

          e.  Brewer  will  invoice  sales of Products in all states to licensed
     distributors  appointed by Brewer, all of whom shall be subject to approval
     by Company.  Each of the distributors  will be required to make payment for
     all Products purchased from Brewer by way of electronic transfer,  whenever
     possible, or by check, within 30 days from date of invoice, or such shorter
     period as may be  prescribed  by law in the states  concerned,  and will be
     subject to such credit  limits as may be set by Brewer  after  consultation
     with the  Company.  In respect  of-all  sales of Products in excess of such
     approved  credit  limits,  distributors  will be required  to make  payment
     therefor to Brewer  prior to shipping of Products by Brewer.  Brewer  shall
     provide the necessary  administrative services and assistance to manage and
     administer  the  invoicing  of all  sales of the  Products,  collection  of
     receivables,  and reconciliation of payments therefor from distributors and
     Brewer will provide Company with an accounting  thereof not less frequently
     than once a month.  Brewer  shall open a separate  bank account in its name
     with First National Bank of Cold Spring,  Minnesota.  All payments received
     from distributors of the Products shall be electronically  transferred into
     such bank account and/or deposited directly into such account,  immediately
     upon receipt thereof by Brewer. At the end of each business day, the amount
     standing  to  the  credit  of  Brewer  in  such  bank   account   shall  be
     automatically  transferred  from such bank  account,  by way of a  standing
     instruction,  to a separate bank account that will be opened and maintained
     by the Company in its own name, at the same bank.  The Company shall be and
     remain  the sole  owner  of such  bank  Account  and all  monies  deposited
     therein.  The separate bank account opened by the Brewer in accordance with
     this paragraph shall not be used for any purpose, other than the receipt of
     payments as  contemplated  above and payment  over of such  payments to the
     Company as contemplated above. Bank statements reflecting deposits into and
     transfers  between  Brewer's and  Company's  separate bank account shall be
     provided to the Company not less frequently than once a week.

          f.  Brewer's  obligation  to receive and.  transfer all payments  from
     distributors of the Products pursuant to paragraph 4(e) above, shall not be
     subject to right of  set-off,  counterclaim,  recoupment,  defense or other
     right which the Brewer may have against the Company.

          g. All distribution agreements and/or appointments of distributors for
     the sale of Products  within the Territory shall be subject to the approval
     of the Company, notwithstanding that such agreements and appointments shall
     be  concluded  by the  Brewer in its own name.  Each such  agreement  shall
     include a provision that Brewer may assign its interests  thereunder.  Upon
     the   termination  of  this  Agreement,   all  distributor   contracts  and
     appointments  shall be assigned  by Brewer to the Company  and/or any other
     party nominated by the Company,  to the extent permitted by law. The Brewer
     undertakes  to execute any  instruments  or documents  that the Company may
     require in order to give effect to such assignments.

          5.  INSURANCE.  Brewer and  Company  shall each,  at its own  expense,
     obtain and maintain a adequate product liability  insurance during the term
     of the Agreement, and an) extension hereof (collectively referred to as the
     "Policy"),  in an amount not less than One Million Dollars  ($1,000,000.00)
     per incident and One Million Dollars ($1,000,00(.00) in the aggregate. Each
     party shall  provide the other with a certificate  of insurance  evidencing
     the  existence  of the Policy no later than  fifteen (15) days prior to the
     fir3t Requested Ship Date and the Policy shall provide that the other party
     shall be given  notice  by said  insurance  company  at least ten (10) days
     prior to the cancellation of expiration of the Policy.

          Brewer shall  procure and  maintain in full force and effect  workmans
     compensation,  public liability bodily injury and public liability property
     damage insurance policies wit a limits customary in the trade. Brewer shall
     add Company to such  policies as an additional  insured as  applicable  and
     Brewer shall provide company with proof of such insurance annually.

         6. PRICE AND PAYMENT.

          a. During the term of this  agreement  Brewer shall charge Company the
     price  set  forth on  EXHIBIT A  ("Price").  The  Price is F.O.B.  Brewer's
     warehouse  dock and  includes  applicable  Federal  Excise Tax and  certain
     packaging  materials,  as more fully described on EXHIBIT A. The Price does
     not include any state sales tax or recycling fees.

          b.  Brewer  shall  invoice  Company  for the  Products on the date the
     Products shipped, or if Product has been in Brewer's warehouse for at least
     fifteen  (15)  days  following  the date the  Products  are  packaged  (the
     "Packaging  Date").  All payments  are due fifteen (15) days from  Brewer's
     invoice on all  shipments  or  nonshipped  invoices  per  paragraph  6c. If
     Company has not tendered  payment  thirty (30) days from Brewer's  invoice,
     Brewer may charge Company  interest on the due amount from the thirty-first
     (31st) day from  Brewer's  invoice  until such payment is made at a rate of
     10% per annum. Brewer's right to charge such interest is not in lieu of any
     other right Brewer may have against Company for breach of this agreement.

          c. Company is  responsible  for the cost of  warehousing  any Products
     that have not been shipped within sixty (60) days of the Packaging Date. In
     the event that any Products are, for any reason,  still being warehoused by
     Brewer sixty (60) days after the Packaging  Date,  Brewer shall be entitled
     to levy a warehousing and handling  surcharge of _________  ($___) per case
     per month to Company for so long as such Products are stored by Brewer (the
     "Warehousing  Charge").  The Warehousing Charge shall accrue in full on the
     sixty-first  (61st) day after the  Production  Date and on the first day of
     each month  thereafter,  and shall be prorated for partial  months.  If the
     Products are not shipped within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the
     Packaging Date,  Brewer may, after the expiration of thirty (30) days after
     written  notice to Company,  sell or dispose of such  Products at Company's
     sole expense. Proceeds from the sale of the Products will be applied to the
     Company's  outstanding  balance due, but Company will remain liable for any
     outstanding balance due after such application of sales proceeds.


          a. Company represents, warrants and covenants to Brewer that:

          (i) it will assist Brewer in obtaining the necessary federal and state
     label  approval,  and  registrations  for the  Products,  and shall provide
     Brewer with copies of all federal and state label  approvals,  if any, held
     by Company for the Products prior to shipment, and

          (ii) it is the legal  owner or holder of all rights to the  Trademark,
     any and all trademarks and copyrights associated with the Products, whether
     registered,  pending or common law,  including but not limited to the brand
     names of the Products, Company's name used in connection with the Products,
     and all other names, designs,  slogans, logos or logotypes used to identify
     the' Products (collectively  referred to as the "Trademarks"),  an that the
     Trademarks  do not, to the best of Company's  knowledge,  infringe upon any
     copyrights,  patents,  trademarks, trade dress, or other property rights of
     any person, firm or entity.

          b. Brewer represents warrants and covenants to Company that:

          (i) it  currently  has,  and shall  maintain  during  the term of this
     Agreement,  a  Brewer's  Notice  issued  by the  BATF as well as all  other
     licenses,  permits,  registrations  and  certificates  of  approval  as are
     necessary to brew,  package and  distribute  the Products in the Territory.
     Brewer  currently holds state licenses  authorizing it to sell the Products
     in the states set forth on Exhibit B.

          (ii) all  Products  will be brewed and  packaged  in  accordance  with
     Company's specifications. Company may inspect Brewer's records or processes
     used in production of the Products upon request.

          (iii) it will follow good manufacturing practices in the production of
     the Products and; all Products shall be of a good and merchantable  quality
     and fit for the purpose for which they are intended to be used.

          (iv) the production,  packaging,  distribution  and marketing by it of
     the Products,  pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  are
     in accordance  with all applicable  laws and  regulations  dealing with the
     production,  storage,  distribution and sale of Products containing alcohol
     and/or malts.

          9  TRADEMARKS  Brewer  recognizes  the  great  value  of the  goodwill
     associated with the Trademarks and acknowledges that the Trademarks and all
     accompanying  rights therein,  and the goodwill  attached  thereto,  belong
     exclusively  to the  Company.  Brewer  shall  not,  during the term of this
     agreement or thereafter, assert any right of ownership of the Trademarks or
     use the  Trademarks  other  than in  accordance  with  the  terms  of to is
     agreement, or disparage or diminish the image and quality of the Trademarks
     among the public.  Brewer shall  cooperate  with Company in preserving  and
     protecting Company's rights in and to the Trademarks.

          10.  RELATIONSHIP  OF  THE  PARTIES.   The  parties  shall  be  deemed
     independent  contractors.  Nothing herein  contained  shall be construed to
     create any partnership,  joint venture,  agency or employment  relationship
     between the  parties.  Neither  party shall have the power or right to bind
     the other party to any third  party,  and each party  shall be  responsible
     exclusively for its own taxes and expenses related to doing business.

          11.  INDEMNIFICATION.  If any  demand,  claim  or  action  is  made or
     threatened   against   Brewer  for  (a)  trademark   infringement,   unfair
     competition  or  interference  with a contract to which Company is a party,
     asserted  as a result of Brewer's  lawful  performance  of its  obligations
     under the terms of this  Agreement,  or (b)  violation  of Federal or State
     alcohol laws and regulations  due to marketing  practices of the Company in
     respect of the Products,  Company  shall defend,  indemnify and hold Brewer
     harmless from any loss, damage, liability, or expense, including reasonable
     attorneys  fees,  for which Brewer may be liable and pay in response to any
     such demand,  claim or action,  including  but not limited to Brewer's cost
     for any products that must be destroyed, recalled or otherwise not saleable
     as a result of the  resolution of any such demand and claim or action,  and
     Brewer's  cost for packaging  materials  and labels for any such  materials
     that must be  destroyed,  recalled or are otherwise not useable as a result
     of any such demand,  claim or action. If Company should fail or refuse, for
     any reason, to defend,  indemnify, or seek to preserve for Brewer the right
     to use the Trademarks,  as provided herein, Brewer shall have the right but
     shall not the obligation to defend against any such demand,  claim in place
     of  Company.  If  Brewer  does  undertake  to defend  against  a  trademark
     Infringement claim, or to otherwise preserve and protect the rights granted
     herein to use the  Trademarks,  Brewer shall have the right to collect from
     Company by way of separate  action,  any and all amounts expended by Brewer
     in  connection  with  such,  action  including  but not  limited to actual,
     direct,  out-of-pocket costs and expense of investigation,  litigation, and
     all its reasonable  outside  attorneys fees directly related to such claim,
     provided,  that Company shall,  under no  circumstances,  be liable for any
     loss, damage, liability or expense resulting from the negligence or willful
     or reckless misconduct of Brewer, its employees, agents or representatives.

         Brewer agrees to defend,  indemnify and hold Company  harmless  against
any and all  claims,  costs,  expenses,  losses,  causes  of  action  (including
reasonable  attorneys fees and costs),  damages or liabilities on account of the
death and/or injury to any  person(s) or damage to any property  arising out of,
due to, or in any way connected with (a) Brewer's failure to produce and package
the  Products  in  accordance  with  the   Proprietary   Information  and  other
specifications and processes  provided to Brewer by Company,  and/or b) any act,
omission or failure to act by Brewer, its employees,  agents or representatives.
which act,  omission or failure to act is in violation  of Brewer's  obligations
under this  Agreement  and/or (c) any violation of Federal or State alcohol laws
and regulations by Brewer or due to any act or omission of the Brewer in respect
of the Products.

         12. TERMINATION.  Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary,
either party may, at anytime,  terminate this Agreement, with cause, upon thirty
(30)  days  prior  written  notice  to  the  other  party.  The  warranties  and
representations   set  forth  herein  shall  survive  the  termination  of  this
Agreement.  Cause must be a serious breach and not corrected after  notification
during the thirty  (30) day  period.  If there is an  inability  to agree on any
major issue, it must be submitted to arbitration.

         13.   CONFIDENTIALITY.    All   Proprietary   Information,    material,
information,  data or records  (the  "Materials")  provided  by one party to the
other  shall be the sole and  exclusive  property  of the party  providing  such
Materials.  The parties agree that any information that may be received from the
other party,  including but not limited to,  Proprietary  Information,  customer
lists,  product  recipes,  formulae,  specifications  and  pricing  information,
promotional or marketing materials,  or the like in connection with the Products
or this  Agreement or the rights and  obligations  provided for  hereunder  (the
"Confidential  Information"),  shall not be disclosed by such party to any other
person and is only to be used in the performance of the  obligations  under this
Agreement and for no other reason.  Each party shall return the original and all
copies of the Materials  and  Confidential  Information  received from the other
party promptly following the termination of this Agreement.

         In the event of any  breach of this  provision  by  either  party,  the
injured party may obtain an injunction  against the other party's  disclosure of
the  data  and  shall be  entitled  to any  damage  or loss  occasioned  by such
disclosure.  This application of confidentiality  and  non-disclosure  shall not
apply  to  information  which  (a) is in the  public  domain  at the time of the
receipt  from the other  party,  or which comes into the public  domain  without
breach of an obligation hereunder;  (b) is known and can be shown to be known by
one party at the time of receipt from the other party;  or (c) becomes  known to
one party through a third source whose  acquisition was independent of the other
party and not in breach of any obligation hereunder.


                  a. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement and the exhibits referred
to herein and to be delivered  pursuant hereto,  constitute the entire agreement
between the parties  pertaining to the subject matter hereof,  and supersede all
prior agreements,  understandings,  negotiations and discussions of the parties,
whether oral or written,  and there are no warranties,  representations or other
agreements  between the parties in connection  with the subject  matter  hereof,
except as specifically set forth herein.

                  b.  Severability.  If any term or provision of this  Agreement
shall,  to any  extent,  be  determined  to be  invalid  or  unenforceable,  the
remainder of this Agreement  shall not be affected  thereby,  and each remaining
term and  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be valid and  enforceable  to the
greatest extent permitted by law.

                  c. Captions.  The captions and paragraph  numbers appearing in
this Agreement are inserted as a matter of convenience only and shall not in any
way limit, amplify or otherwise affect the term of provisions hereof.

                  d. Governing Law and Venue.  This Agreement shall be construed
and  interpreted  according to the laws of the State of  California  and Company
agrees that it is subject to personal jurisdiction in California.

                  e.  Arbitration.  Any  dispute  hereunder  shall be settled by
arbitration  in Los  Angeles  Court,  California  pursuant  to the  rules,  then
obtaining, of the American Arbitration Association.

                  f.  Attorneys'  Fees.  If  either  party  brings  an action to
enforce  this  Agreement,  or  to  declare  rights  under  this  Agreement,  the
prevailing  party  in any  such  action  shall  be  entitled  to its  reasonable
attorneys' fees to be paid by the losing party.

                  g. Assignment. Either party may assign this Agreement, subject
to all of the terms and  provisions  hereof  and to the  written  consent of the
non-assigning party, which may bc withheld by the Company in its sole discretion
but may not be  unreasonably  withheld by the  Brewer.  All  provisions  of this
Agreement shall be binding upon the respective employees, delegates, successors,
heirs and permitted assignees of the parties.

                    h. Notices.  Unless otherwise  specifically provided herein,
all  communications  or notices required or permitted by this Agreement shall be
in  writing  and shall be deemed to have been  given at the  earlier of the date
when  actually  delivered to an officer of the other or three days after deposit
in the United States mail, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt  requested,  and  addressed  as follows,  unless and until  either party
notifies the other of a change of address:

         If to Brewer: Rello, Inc. d/b/a Gluek Brewing Company

         PO Box 476
         219 North Red River Avenue
         Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320
         Attention: Order Processing Department
         Fax# (320) 685-8318

         If to Company:

         Hansen's Beverage Company
         2380 Railroad Street, Suite 101
         Corona, California 92880
         Telephone: (909) 739-6200
         Facsimile: (909) 739-6210

                  I. Waiver and  Modifications.  Unless  otherwise  specifically
provided herein, no waiver or modification of any of the terms of this Agreement
shall be valid'  unless in  writing  and  signed by both  parties.  No waiver by
either party of a breach hereof or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver by
such party of a prior or subsequent breach or default of like or similar nature.

                  j . Force Majeure. In the event that either party is prevented
or delayed from performing its obligations  under the terms of this Agreement by
virtue of one or More events or  contingencies  beyond its  reasonable  control,
whether or not presently  occurring or contemplated  by either party,  including
but not limited to, fires, labor strikes, labor disputes,  accidents,  sabotage,
federal or state legislation or any regulations or orders  thereunder,  judicial
action,  acts of God,  war, or civil  commotion,  such  nonperformance  shall be
excused and shall not  constitute a default  under the terms of this  Agreement,
provided,  however,  that in the event that such nonperformance  continues for a
period in excess of three (3)  consecutive  months,  either party shall have the
option thereunder to terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to
that effect.

                  k. Further Instruments.  The parties shall execute and deliver
any and all other instruments and shall take any and all other actions as may be
reasonably  necessary to carry out the intent of the  Agreement  into full force
and effect.

                  l Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  undersigned  parties  have  executed  this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


By: /s/Maurice Bryan
Name:     Maurice Bryan
Title:        President


By: /s/Rodney Sacks
Name:       Rodney Sacks
Title:          Chairman

                                  EXHIBIT "B",
                         STATES IN WHICH BREWER LICENSED

ALASKA                                               WASHINGTON
ARIZONA                                              WISCONSIN