
                   (ADOPTED JULY 22, 2003)


     The  Parnassus  Fund  and  the Parnassus  Income  Trust
(collectively the "Funds") expect all of their  officers  to
maintain  high  ethical standards of conduct and  to  comply
with applicable laws and governmental regulations.  Officers
include,  without limitation, the Funds' principal executive
officer,   principal   financial   officer   and   principal
accounting   officer   (the  principal  executive   officer,
principal financial officer and principal accounting officer
of  the  Funds  are collectively referred to herein  as  the
"Senior  Financial Officers").  (The Funds  anticipate  that
most  of the time the Senior Financial Officers will consist
of  only  one  or two persons.)  In this regard,  the  Funds
require  all of its officers, including the Senior Financial
Officers,   to  adhere  to  such  other  rules,  codes   and
guidelines  as  the  Funds  may adopt  from  time  to  time,
including,  without limitation, the code of  ethics  adopted
pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company  Act  of
1940 (collectively, the "Fund Guidelines").

     To  deter wrongdoing and to promote honest and  ethical
conduct,  compliance with applicable laws  and  regulations,
avoidance of conflicts of interest and full, fair, accurate,
timely  and  understandable disclosure in the Funds'  public
filings  and  communications, the Funds have  approved  this
Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics to codify certain standards to
which the Senior Financial Officers will be held accountable
and  certain specific duties and responsibilities applicable
to  the Senior Financial Officers.  As the professional  and
ethical   conduct  of  the  Senior  Financial  Officers   is
essential  to the proper conduct and success of  the  Funds'
business, the Senior Financial Officers must adhere  to  the
standards,  duties and responsibilities set  forth  in  this
Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics in addition to adhering to the
Fund  Guidelines.  To the fullest extent possible, the  Fund
Guidelines and this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics should  be
read  to  supplement one another.  If there  is  a  conflict
between the Fund Guidelines and this Sarbanes-Oxley Code  of
Ethics,  then  this  Sarbanes-Oxley  Code  of  Ethics   will

Code of Ethics

General Standards

     The  Funds and the Funds' Board of Directors will  hold
each  Senior  Financial Officer accountable for adhering  to
and advocating the following standards to the best of his or
her knowledge and ability:

     A.   Act in an honest and ethical manner, including  in
          connection with the handling and avoidance of actual or
          apparent conflicts of interest between personal and
          professional relationships;

     B.   Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations
          of federal, state and local governments (both United States
          and foreign) and other applicable regulatory agencies
          (collectively, the "Laws");

     C.   Proactively promote full, fair, accurate, timely and
          understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the
          Funds file with, or submit to, the Securities and Exchange
          Commission (the "SEC") and in other public communications
          the Funds make; and

     D.   Proactively promote ethical and honest behavior within
          the Funds, including, without limitation, the prompt
          reporting of violations of, and being accountable for
          adherence to, this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

     In  adhering to and advocating the standards set  forth
above,  each  Senior  Financial Officer  shall  fulfill  the
following duties and responsibilities to the best of his  or
her knowledge and ability:

     1.   Each  Senior  Financial Officer shall  handle  all
          conflicts of interest between his or her personal and
          professional relationships in an ethical and honest manner,
          and shall disclose in advance to the Audit Committee of the
          Funds' Board of Directors ("Audit Committee") the relevant
          details of any transaction or relationship that reasonably
          could be expected to give rise to an actual or apparent
          conflict of interest between the Funds and such Senior
          Financial Officer.  The Audit Committee shall thereafter
          take such action with respect to the conflict of interest as
          it shall deem appropriate.  It is the general policy of the
          Funds that conflicts of interest should be avoided whenever
          practicable.  For purposes of this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of
          Ethics, a "conflict of interest" will be deemed to be
          present when an individual's private interest interferes in
          any way, or even appears to interfere, with the interests of
          the Funds as a whole.

     2.   Each Senior Financial Officer will use his or her best
          efforts to ensure the timely and understandable disclosure
          of information that, in all material respects, is accurate,
          complete, objective and relevant in all reports and
          documents the Funds file with, or submit to, the SEC or in
          other public communications that the Funds make.  As part of
          this undertaking, each Senior Financial Officer will
          periodically consider the adequacy and effectiveness of the
          Funds' "internal controls" and "disclosure controls and
          procedures" (as such terms are defined or used in rules
          proposed or adopted by the SEC).

     3.   Each Senior Financial Officer will use his or her best
          efforts to ensure compliance in all material respects by
          such Senior Financial Officer and the Funds with all
          applicable Laws.

     4.   Each  Senior  Financial Officer shall respect  the
          confidentiality of information acquired in the course of his
          or her work and shall not disclose such information, except
          when the Senior Financial Officer believes he or she is
          authorized or legally obligated to disclose the information.
          No Senior Financial Officer may use confidential information
          acquired in the course of his or her work for his or her
          personal advantage.

     5.   No Senior Financial Officer may take or direct or allow
          any  other person to take or direct any action  to
          fraudulently influence, coerce, manipulate or mislead the
          Funds' independent auditing firm.

     6.   No  Senior Financial Officer may engage the Funds'
          auditing firm to perform audit or non-audit services without
          the Audit Committee's (or its designee's) preapproval in
          accordance with the Audit Committee's charter.

Reporting Violations

     If  any person believes that a Senior Financial Officer
has violated this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics or the Funds
have  or  are about to violate a Law, or a Senior  Financial
Officer  believes that he or she is being asked  to  violate
this  Sarbanes-Oxley  Code  of Ethics  or  any  Law  in  the
performance  of  his or her duties for the Funds,  then  the
matter  should be promptly reported to the Audit  Committee.
The  Audit Committee will take appropriate steps to maintain
the  confidentiality of the reporting person's identity,  to
the  extent  consistent  with  the  Funds'  obligations   to
investigate  and  remedy the matter and, if appropriate,  to
report  the  matter  to government officials.   Persons  may
report  violations of this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics  on
an anonymous basis.  No retribution will be taken against  a
person  for  reporting,  in  good  faith,  a  violation   or
suspected violation of this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics.

Interpretation and Enforcement

     The  Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing  the
interpretation  and enforcement of this Sarbanes-Oxley  Code
of  Ethics.   When the Audit Committee considers any  matter
relating to this Sarbanes-Oxley Code of Ethics, it shall act
in executive session.

     Each  Senior Financial Officer will be held accountable
for  his  or  her adherence to this Sarbanes-Oxley  Code  of
Ethics by the Funds' Board of Directors.  A Senior Financial
Officer's failure to adhere to this Sarbanes-Oxley  Code  of
Ethics  will be subject to appropriate disciplinary  action,
ranging from warnings to possible termination or removal.

     Only  the  Audit  Committee may  waive  or  amend  this
Sarbanes-Oxley  Code of Ethics.  All waivers and  amendments
of  this  Sarbanes-Oxley  Code of Ethics  must  be  publicly
disclosed in a manner that complies with the requirements of
the SEC and other applicable Laws.