NEWS FROM                                                    ESCO TECHNOLOGIES

For more information contact:                             For media inquiries:
Patricia K. Moore                                         David P. Garino
Director, Investor Relations                              (314) 982-0551
ESCO Technologies Inc.
(314) 213-7277


     St. Louis, MO, February 4, 2005 - ESCO  Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ESE) today
announced its results for the fiscal 2005 first quarter ended December 31, 2004.

     Net earnings for the fiscal 2005 first quarter were $10.5 million, or $0.80
per share  compared to net earnings of $6.2  million,  or $0.46 per share in the
first quarter of fiscal 2004. The prior year's first quarter results  included a
net loss from discontinued  operations of ($0.4) million,  or ($0.04) per share,
and the after-tax  charges related to the exit and shut down of the Puerto Rican
facility of ($0.5) million,  or ($0.04) per share.  Excluding these items, prior
year first quarter  "Operational"  earnings as defined in earlier  releases were
$7.1 million, or $0.54 per share.

    A reconciliation  of the prior year first quarter GAAP reported earnings to
"Operational" earnings is included in the Exhibits attached to this release. The
Company  believes that the  presentation of fiscal 2004  "Operational"  earnings
provides  meaningful  additional insight into the Company's  performance.

- -----

Fiscal  2005  first  quarter  consolidated  sales of  $104.4  million  were $8.0
million,  or 8 percent  higher than 2004 first quarter  sales of $96.4  million.
Favorable foreign currency values resulted in approximately  $1.5 million of the
sales increase  realized in the 2005 first quarter as compared to the prior year

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     On a segment  basis for the first  quarter of fiscal  2005,  Communications
sales  increased  7  percent;  Filtration  /  Fluid  Flow  ("Filtration")  sales
increased  10  percent;  and Test sales  increased  7 percent as compared to the
prior year period.

     Communications  segment sales increased in the first quarter as a result of
higher  shipments of  Comtrak's  SecurVision  video  security  products,  which
generated  $7.1  million in sales  during the first  quarter of 2005 versus $0.5
million of sales in the 2004 first quarter. The significant increase in sales of
these products was the result of additional deliveries which had been delayed by
the customer who had requested a modification of the operating system to provide
enhanced "virus" protection.

     Also within the  Communications  segment,  sales of DCSI's  Automatic Meter
Reading (AMR) equipment to electric utility  customers were $26.4 million in the
2005 first  quarter  compared  to $31  million in the prior year first  quarter.
Sales to PPL Electric Utilities Corporation (PPL) decreased  approximately $11.5
million in the current  year's first  quarter  compared to the first  quarter of
fiscal 2004 due to the planned completion of the PPL contract. Sales to PPL were
$1.0  million  and $12.5  million in the first  quarter of fiscal 2005 and 2004,
respectively.  DCSI's sales to electric utility cooperative customers (COOP) and
customers  other than PPL increased 37 percent  during the 2005 first quarter to
$25.4 million,  from $18.5 million in the prior year first  quarter.

     Filtration  segment  sales  increased  in the first  quarter of fiscal 2005
primarily  as a result of higher  sales of  commercial  and  military  aerospace
products  at  PTI,   favorable   foreign  currency  exchange  rates  related  to
Filtertek's  European  operations,  and higher defense  shipments at VACCO. Test
segment sales  increased in the first  quarter of 2005 due to the  completion of
several test chamber  installations,  higher antenna and other component  sales,
and the completion of additional government shielding projects.

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Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
- -----------------------------------------

     On a segment  basis,  items that impacted EBIT as a percent of sales ("EBIT
margin")  during the first quarter of fiscal 2005 include the following.

     In the  Communications  segment,  EBIT margin for the 2005 first quarter is
higher than the prior year period due to the  significant  increase in shipments
of SecurVision products.  The 2005 first quarter EBIT margin was also positively
impacted by the favorable  sales mix of AMR products  resulting from  additional
sales to the COOP market and cost reductions realized on certain components.

     In the  Filtration  segment,  EBIT  margin  improved  during the 2005 first
quarter  primarily due to: higher aerospace sales at PTI; a more favorable sales
mix at VACCO;  improved operating  efficiencies realized at Filtertek subsequent
to exiting the Puerto Rican  facility;  and $0.6  million of cost  reimbursement
realized at Filtertek from a medical device  customer  related to a shortfall in
their actual purchases versus the minimum  contractually  guaranteed amount. The
prior year EBIT margin in the Filtration segment was negatively  impacted by the
exit and move costs incurred and the inefficiencies  being absorbed at Filtertek
during the first six months of fiscal 2004 as a result of  operating in both the
Puerto Rico and Juarez facilities.

     In the Test segment,  EBIT margin was lower in the current period primarily
as a result of approximately $0.3 million in installation cost overruns incurred
on government  shielding projects located in particularly  volatile areas of the
world,  and higher  costs of certain  direct  materials.

     The Corporate  office  operating  expenses were  consistent in both periods

     EBIT from  continuing  operations  for the prior  year  first  quarter  was
affected  by certain  charges  which are  presented  in detail in the  financial
Exhibits attached at the end of this release.

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In the first quarter of fiscal 2004, the pretax charges in continuing operations
related to these items were $0.7 million.  These items are included in "Earnings
before income taxes" in the Exhibits.

New Orders
- ----------

     New  orders  received  in the  2005  first  quarter  were  $101.7  million,
resulting  in a backlog  at  December  31,  2004 of $246.4  million.  New orders
received  in  Filtration,  Communications  and Test were  $39.2  million,  $35.3
million, and $27.1 million in the 2005 first quarter, respectively.

     Subsequent to December 31, 2004, the Company's  VACCO  subsidiary  received
two  significant  orders to produce valves for delivery to the U.S.  Government.
The orders  were for  anti-icing  valves for the T-700  engine  utilized  on the
Blackhawk  Helicopter,  and for quiet valves and manifold assemblies used on the
Virginia Class  Submarine.  Both orders were multi-year  follow-on  awards.  The
T-700  contract  allows for orders up to 5,100 units through fiscal 2009 with an
aggregate  value of $24.1 million,  and included an initial release of 500 units
valued at $2.5 million. The Virginia Class order was received for a value not to
exceed $18.5 million and provided $6.1 million of initial  funding for long-lead
materials.  Deliveries  under the  Virginia  Class  program are  scheduled to be
completed in fiscal 2008.

Cash Flow
- ---------

     In the first quarter of 2005, the Company  generated  $12.3 million of free
cash flow, which is defined as "Net Cash Provided by Operating  Activities" less
"Capital Expenditures." For a reconciliation of free cash flow, see the Exhibits
attached to this release.

Stock Repurchase Program
- ------------------------

     During the first quarter of fiscal 2005, the Company spent $24.9 million to
repurchase  335,000  shares of its  outstanding  stock under its existing  stock
repurchase program. As of December 31, 2004, approximately 575,000 shares remain
available for repurchase by the Company under the current program, which expires
September 30, 2006.

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Chairman's Commentary
- ---------------------

     Vic Richey,  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,  commented,  "Our fiscal
2005 first quarter earnings and cash flow were modestly better than anticipated,
and our orders and sales were slightly  below what we expected as we entered the
quarter.  While there was some  variability  among the  operating  units' actual
performance  versus  expectations,  most of the  dynamics can be  attributed  to
timing within the fiscal quarters.  Accordingly,  our current outlook for fiscal
2005 is  consistent  with the  guidance  we provided  in our  November  16, 2004

     Mr.  Richey  continued,  "As I  have  previously  stated,  having  recently
completed our repositioning actions, we are more focused on growth, particularly
in the Automatic  Meter Reading (AMR) market.  In that regard,  during the first
quarter we were  awarded  funded  pilots for our AMR system from three  Investor
Owned  Utilities  (IOUs).  I believe these awards are not only indicative of the
increased activity in the marketplace,  but also a reflection of the strength of
our product  offering.  During the  quarter,  we continued  our AMR  engineering
development   efforts   where   we   are   working   towards   further   product
differentiation.  We  are  also  continuing  to  aggressively  seek  acquisition
opportunities which would augment our AMR offering.

     "Across the balance of the business, while our individual opportunities are
less  significant  than those within the AMR space,  we are squarely  focused on
achieving  profitable  growth.  In  particular,  we are  working  to  take  full
advantage of the lower cost manufacturing locations we have established.  We are
also  concentrating on raw material cost reductions,  not only to offset some of
the  commodity  cost  increases  we have  experienced  but also to  enhance  our
competitive position.

     "Overall, I am confident that we will deliver solid results in 2005. I also
want to  assure  you  that we are  working  vigorously  across  the  Company  to
accelerate  the  growth  of  our  businesses,   both   organically  and  through
complementary acquisitions."

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Fiscal 2005 Business Outlook
- ----------------------------

     The Business Outlook noted below is consistent with the guidance  presented
in  the  November  16,  2004  Earnings  Release,  and  is  reiterated  here  for

     Statements contained in the preceding and following paragraphs are based on
current expectations. Statements that are not strictly historical are considered
forward-looking, and actual results may differ materially.

     The fiscal  2005  Business  Outlook  described  below does not  include the
impact of potential  acquisitions,  or the impact of any significant orders from
new investor owned utility  customers that may be entered into during the fiscal

- --------

     Management expects fiscal 2005 year-over-year  revenue growth in Filtration
in the range of 2 to 5 percent. In Test,  Management expects revenue growth of 4
to 8 percent,  and in  Communications,  Management expects revenue to be flat to
down 3 percent.  The expected  decrease in  Communications  is due to the fiscal
2004  wind-down of the PPL contract that generated  $21.6 million in sales,  and
the Idaho Power phase one and Bangor Hydro  contracts  that  generated  combined
sales of approximately $8.5 million in fiscal 2004.

EBIT Margin
- -----------

     Management  expects EBIT margins to be in the following ranges:  Filtration
margins  should be in the range of 13 to 15 percent;  Test margins  should be in
the range of 9 to 11 percent; and Communications  margins should be in the range
of 27 to 29 percent.

     Corporate operating expenses are expected to be consistent with fiscal 2004

Earnings Per Share
- ------------------

     Management  estimates  fiscal 2005 EPS to be in the range of $2.95 to $3.15
per share,  with the first half of the fiscal year EPS being  between  $1.50 and
$1.60 per share.

     The effective tax rate for fiscal 2005 is expected to be  approximately  38
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Conference Call
- ---------------

     The Company  will host a  conference  call today,  February 4, 2005 at 9:30
a.m.,  Central Time, to discuss the Company's first quarter operating results. A
live  audio   webcast  will  be  available   on  the   Company's   Web  site  at  Please  access the Web site at least 15 minutes prior
to the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

     A replay of the  conference  call will be  available  for seven days on the
Company's  website  noted above or by phone (dial  1-888-203-1112  and enter the
pass code 251319).

Forward-Looking Statements
- --------------------------

     Statements   in  this  press   release   regarding  the  level  of  revenue
contributions  from each segment,  potential  acquisitions,  potential  customer
contracts,  the timing of  deliveries  under the VACCO T-700 and Virginia  Class
contracts,  the  success  of  cost  reduction  efforts,  fiscal  2005  corporate
operating  expenses,  the fiscal 2005  effective  tax rate,  future  fiscal 2005
results,  earnings,  revenue growth, EBIT margins, EPS, long term success of the
Company and other written or oral statements  which are not strictly  historical
are  "forward-looking"   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  safe  harbor
provisions of the federal  securities  laws.  Investors are cautioned  that such
statements are only  predictions  and speak only as of the date of this release,
and the Company  undertakes no duty to update.  The Company's  actual results in
the future may differ  materially  from those  projected in the  forward-looking
statements due to risks and uncertainties that exist in the Company's operations
and business  environment  including,  but not limited to: weakening of economic
conditions  in  served  markets;   changes  in  customer   demands  or  customer
insolvencies; competition; intellectual property rights; technical difficulties;
the  availability  of  selected   acquisitions;   unforeseen  charges  impacting
corporate  operating  expenses;  the performance of the Company's  international
operations;  successful  execution of the planned sale of the  Company's  Puerto
Rico facility; delivery delays or defaults by customers; termination

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for convenience of customer  contracts;  timing and magnitude of future contract
awards;  performance  issues with key customers,  suppliers and  subcontractors;
collective  bargaining  and  labor  disputes;  changes  in laws and  regulations
including changes in accounting standards and taxation requirements;  changes in
foreign  or U.S.  business  conditions  affecting  the  distribution  of foreign
earnings; costs relating to environmental matters;  litigation uncertainty;  and
the Company's successful execution of internal operating plans.

     ESCO,  headquartered  in St.  Louis,  is a leading  supplier of  engineered
filtration  products  to the  process,  health care and  transportation  markets
worldwide.  In  addition,  the  Company  markets  proprietary,  special  purpose
communications  systems and is the industry  leader in RF shielding and EMC test

                               - tables attached -

Add Eight

                     ESCO Technologies Inc. and Subsidiaries
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Three Months Ended December 31, 2004

    Net Sales                             $ 104,375
    Cost and Expenses:
      Cost of sales                          68,509
      SG&A                                   19,813
      Interest income                          (481)
      Other (income) expenses, net             (453)
        Total costs and expenses             87,388

    Earnings before income taxes             16,987
    Income taxes                              6,464

      Net earnings                        $  10,523

    Earnings per share:
        Net earnings                      $    0.82

        Net earnings                      $    0.80

    Average common shares O/S:
      Basic                                  12,793
      Diluted                                13,204

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                     ESCO Technologies Inc. and Subsidiaries
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                Three Months Ended December 31, 2003

                                   GAAP        Adj.    "Operational"
                                   ----        ----    -------------

Net Sales                        $ 96,396                  96,396
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                    66,270                  66,270
  SG&A                             18,769      (294) (2)   18,475
  Interest expense                    (36)                    (36)
  Other expenses, net                 614      (392) (3)      222
                                      ---      ----           ---
     Total costs and expenses      85,617      (686)       84,931
                                   ------      ----        ------

Earnings before income taxes       10,779       686        11,465
Income taxes                        4,191       150  (4)    4,341
                                    -----       ---         -----

  Net earnings from
   continuing operations            6,588       536         7,124

Loss from discontinued
  operations, net of tax             (437)      437  (5)       --
                                     ----       ---         -----

  Net earnings                   $  6,151       973         7,124
                                 ========       ===         =====

Earnings (loss) per share:
    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   0.51                    0.55
    Net loss from
     discontinued operations        (0.03)                   0.00
                                    -----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   0.48                    0.55
                                 ========                    ====

    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   0.50                    0.54
    Net loss from
     discontinued operations        (0.04)                   0.00
                                    -----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   0.46                    0.54
                                 ========                    ====

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                            12,838                  12,838
                                   ======                  ======
  Diluted                          13,284                  13,284
                                   ======                  ======

 (1) Represents results on an adjusted basis, after removing the
     items described below in (2)-(4).
 (2) Represents severance charges related to the exit of the Puerto
     Rico facility.
 (3) Represents shutdown costs related to the exit of the Puerto
     Rico facility.
 (4) Represents the tax impact of items described above in (2)-(3).
 (5) Relates to the Microfiltration and Separations businesses
     which are classified as "discontinued operations."

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                     Condensed Business Segment Information
                              (Dollars in millions)

                                 Three Months Ended
                                    December 31,
                                 2004         2003
                                 ----         ----

    Net Sales - GAAP

     Filtration                 $ 44.0        39.9
     Communications               33.6        31.4
     Test                         26.8        25.1
                                  ----        ----
       Totals                   $104.4        96.4
                                ======        ====

    EBIT - GAAP basis(1)
      Filtration                $  7.1         3.5 (2)
      Communications               9.6         7.4
      Test                         2.1         2.2
      Corporate                   (2.3)       (2.4)
                                  ----        ----
        Totals                  $ 16.5        10.7
                                ======        ====

    Note: Prior year amounts presented above exclude the operations
          of the MicroSep businesses, which are classified as
          "discontinued operations."  Depreciation and amortization
          expense for continuing operations was $3.1 million and
          $2.8 million for the quarters ended December 31, 2004 and
          2003, respectively.

    (1) EBIT is defined as earnings from continuing operations before
        interest and taxes.
    (2) The reconciliation to Operational Revenue/EBIT for the Filtration
        segment is below:

                                                    Q1 FY 04
                                              Net Sales      EBIT
                                              ---------      ----
    Filtration Segment - GAAP                   $39.9         3.5
    Add: Puerto Rico facility exit costs            -         0.7
                                                 ----         ---
    Filtration Segment - "Operational"          $39.9         4.2
                                                =====         ===

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                  Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
                              (Dollars in millions)

    EBIT (1) - As Reported

                                  Three Months Ended
                                      December 31,
                                   2004         2003
                                   ----         ----

    EBIT                          $16.5        10.7

    Interest income                 0.5         0.1

    Less: Income taxes              6.5         4.2
                                    ---         ---

    Net earnings from
      continuing operations       $10.5         6.6
                                  =====         ===

    (1) EBIT is defined as earnings from continuing operations before
        interest and taxes. Excludes the operations of the MicroSep
        businesses, which are classified as "discontinued operations"
        in fiscal 2004.

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                Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                        December 31,    September 30,
                                            2004             2004
                                            ----             ----

  Cash and cash equivalents              $ 60,357         $ 72,281
  Accounts receivable, net                 69,248           77,729
  Costs and estimated earnings
    on long-term contracts                  2,957            2,476
  Inventories                              48,204           44,287
  Current portion of deferred
    tax assets                             22,320           27,810
  Other current assets                      8,408            8,947
                                            -----            -----
    Total current assets                  211,494          233,530

  Property, plant and equipment, net       69,496           69,103
  Goodwill                                 69,437           68,949
  Deferred tax assets                       8,933           10,055
  Other assets                             22,252           20,803
                                           ------           ------
                                         $381,612         $402,440
                                         ========         ========

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
  Short-term borrowings and current
   maturities of long-term debt          $    126              151
  Other current liabilities                56,793           68,171
                                           ------           ------
      Total current liabilities            56,919           68,322
  Deferred income                           2,623            2,738
  Other liabilities                        23,485           23,396
  Long-term debt                              407              368
  Shareholders' equity                    298,178          307,616
                                          -------          -------
                                         $381,612         $402,440
                                         ========         ========

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                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                    Three Months Ended
                                                    December 31, 2004
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                          $ 10,523
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
    cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                          3,119
    Changes in operating working capital                  (1,265)
    Effect of deferred taxes                               1,122
    Other                                                    781
      Net cash provided by operating activities           14,280

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Capital expenditures                                    (2,013)
    Net cash used by investing activities                 (2,013)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from long-term debt                                --
  Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings            --
  Principal payments on long-term debt                       (42)
  Purchases of common stock into treasury                (24,928)
  Other, including exercise of stock options                 779
    Net cash used by financing activities                (24,191)
  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              (11,924)
  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period          72,281
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of period              $ 60,357

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                     ESCO Technologies Inc. and Subsidiaries
                  Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow - Q1 FY 2005
                             (Dollars in thousands)


    Net cash provided by operating activities      $ 14,280

    Less: Capital expenditures                       (2,013)

    Free cash flow                                 $ 12,267

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                          Other Selected Financial Data
                             (Dollars in thousands)

Backlog And Entered
- -------------------
Orders-Q1 FY 2005          Filtration   Comm.      Test      Total
- -----------------          ----------   -----      ----      -----
  Beginning Backlog
   9/30/04                 $  77,753   108,661    62,664    249,078
  Entered Orders              39,213    35,308    27,129    101,650
  Sales                      (44,005)  (33,533)  (26,837)  (104,375)
                             -------   -------   -------   --------
  Ending Backlog-
   12/31/04                $  72,961   110,436    62,956    246,353
                           =========   =======    ======    =======

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