exhibit 99.1

                             NEWS FROM ESCO TECHNOLOGIES INC.

For more information contact:                              For media inquiries:
Patricia K. Moore                                          David P. Garino
Director, Investor Relations                               (314) 982-0551
ESCO Technologies Inc.
(314) 213-7277
                            AND A 2 FOR 1 STOCK SPLIT

     St. Louis, MO, August 9, 2005 - ESCO  Technologies  Inc. (NYSE:  ESE) today
announced  its results for the fiscal 2005 third  quarter  ended June 30,  2005,
along with a 2 for 1 stock  split.

Third  Quarter  Summary

     Net earnings for the fiscal 2005 third quarter were $12.4 million, or $0.95
per share compared to net earnings of $12.0  million,  or $0.90 per share in the
third quarter of fiscal 2004.  The fiscal 2005 third quarter  operating  results
were impacted by:

     o An  effective  tax rate of 15.7  percent,  primarily  resulting  from the
true-up  of the  prior  year  estimated  foreign  sourced  income.  Absent  this
adjustment,  the fiscal 2005 third quarter effective tax rate would have been 33
percent,  which is lower than the previously  communicated estimated tax rate of
37.5 percent due to a significant  increase in fiscal 2005 third quarter foreign
sourced income.  The difference between the 15.7 percent actual tax rate and the
33 percent tax rate approximated  $0.20 per share in the quarter.  The specifics
of the tax rate are explained  below in the "Effective Tax Rate" section of this

     o Approximately $1.6 million in sales, and $1.0 million of pretax earnings,
resulting from a termination and settlement of a supply agreement with a medical
device customer at Filtertek.

     o Approximately  $0.8 million of pretax charges related to the write-off of
certain patents and licenses  resulting from Management's  decision to abandon a
sensor  development  program at PTI.  This  write-off  was  recorded as an asset
impairment charge.

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     Add One

     o    Approximately  $0.8  million  of  additional   Selling,   General  and
          Administrative  expenses (SG&A) incurred in the Communications segment
          primarily  relating  to  additional  engineering,  marketing  and  new
          product development efforts being expended.

     o    Approximately  $0.3 million of additional  professional  fees incurred
          related to the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

          The  fiscal  2004  third  quarter  results  included  a net gain  from
     discontinued  operations of $0.8 million, or $0.06 per share. Excluding the
     effect of discontinued  operations,  prior year third quarter "Operational"
     net earnings as defined in earlier  releases were $11.2  million,  or $0.84
     per share.

Year-To-Date Summary
- --------------------

     Net earnings  for the first nine months of fiscal 2005 were $33.4  million,
or $2.54 per share compared to net earnings of $23.6 million, or $1.77 per share
for the first nine months of fiscal 2004. The fiscal 2005 year-to-date operating
results were impacted by:

     O    The fiscal  2005 third  quarter  effective tax rate of 15.7 percent.

     o    The fiscal 2005 third quarter  termination  and settlement of a supply
          agreement with a medical device customer at Filtertek.

     o    The fiscal  2005  third  quarter  write-off  of  certain  patents  and
          licenses related to the sensor development program at PTI.

     o    Approximately  $3.6  million  of  additional   Selling,   General  and
          Administrative  expenses (SG&A) incurred in the Communications segment
          primarily  relating  to  additional  engineering,  marketing  and  new
          product development efforts being expended.

     o    Approximately  $0.8 million of additional  professional  fees incurred
          related to the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

     The fiscal 2004 year-to-date  results included a net loss from discontinued
operations of ($1.8) million,  or ($0.14) per share,  and the after-tax  charges
related to the exit and shutdown of the Puerto Rican facility of ($1.0) million,
or ($0.08)  per  share.  Excluding  these  items,  prior year first nine  months
"Operational"  earnings as defined in earlier  releases were $26.4  million,  or
$1.98 per share.

     A reconciliation of the fiscal 2004 GAAP reported earnings to "Operational"
earnings is  included in the  Exhibits  attached  to this  release.  The Company
believes that the presentation of fiscal 2004  "Operational"  earnings  provides
meaningful additional insight into the Company's performance.

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     Add Two


     Fiscal  2005 third  quarter  sales were  $108.8  million  compared to third
quarter 2004 sales of $107.9 million.  Fiscal 2005 year-to-date  sales of $319.3
million were $12.8 million,  or 4 percent higher than 2004 year-to-date sales of
$306.5 million. Favorable foreign currency values resulted in approximately $0.9
million  and $3.2  million  of the sales  increases  realized  in the 2005 third
quarter and year-to-date periods, respectively.

     On a segment basis for the fiscal 2005 third quarter,  Communications sales
decreased 16 percent;  Filtration / Fluid Flow ("Filtration")  sales increased 2
percent;  and Test sales  increased  24 percent  as  compared  to the prior year
period.  Year-to-date,  fiscal 2005  Communications  sales  increased 2 percent;
Filtration  sales  increased  3 percent;  and Test sales  increased 9 percent as
compared to the first nine months of fiscal 2004.

     Communications segment sales decreased $6.1 million in the third quarter of
fiscal  2005  compared  to the third  quarter of fiscal  2004 as a result of the
following items: sales to Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) were $3.2
million  lower in the  current  period;  sales in the prior year  third  quarter
included  deliveries  to Bangor  Hydro  ($2.8  million)  and Idaho  Power  ($1.9
million)  which were not  repeated in the current  period;  partially  offset by
higher  shipments of  Comtrak's  SecurVision  video  security  products,  which
generated  $2.3  million in sales  during the third  quarter of 2005 versus $1.0
million of sales in the 2004 third  quarter.  DCSI's  sales to electric  utility
cooperative  customers (COOP) were  approximately  $23 million in both the third
quarter of fiscal 2005 and 2004. The year-to-date sales increase of $1.8 million
includes  an $11 million  increase  of  SecurVision  product  deliveries  ($12.9
million  versus $1.9  million),  offset by a reduction  in sales to PPL Electric
Utilities  Corporation  (PPL)  of  $18.7  million  ($1.9  million  versus  $20.6

     Filtration segment sales increased $0.7 million during the third quarter of
fiscal 2005 due to the following items: $1.6 million of sales resulting from the
above mentioned  settlement and termination of a supply  agreement for a medical
device customer at Filtertek; $1.1 million of additional shipments of commercial
and  military  aerospace  products at PTI;  partially  offset by a $1.1  million
decrease in defense spares shipments at VACCO; and lower automotive shipments at
Filtertek.  Year-to-date,  Filtration  segment sales increased  primarily due to
$4.1 million of additional volume of commercial and military  aerospace products
at PTI.

     Test segment  sales  increased  during the third  quarter and  year-to-date
periods  of  2005  due  to  higher  component  sales,  additional  test  chamber
installations,  the completion of several  government  shielding  projects,  the
achievement  of certain  revenue  milestones on the large Boeing  contract,  and
higher sales recorded at the Company's Asian operations.  These increases

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- -

Add Three

were partially  offset by a $3.3 million  decrease in sales in the third quarter
of fiscal 2005, and a $6.4 million decrease in the  year-to-date  period of 2005
at the Company's European  operations  resulting from the fiscal 2004 completion
of two large test chamber installations.

Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
- -----------------------------------------

     Although fiscal 2005 third quarter sales increased in total,  the sales mix
changed  reflecting  decreased sales in  Communications,  which were replaced by
higher sales in the Test  segment.  As a result,  fiscal 2005 third quarter EBIT
decreased  by $3.8  million as compared to the fiscal 2004 third  quarter.

     On a segment basis,  items that impacted EBIT dollars and EBIT as a percent
of sales ("EBIT  margin")  during the third  quarter of fiscal 2005 included the

     In the  Communications  segment,  EBIT for the 2005 third quarter was lower
than the prior year period the  decreased  sales  volume of AMR  products  noted
above,  and  due to an  $0.8  million  increase  in SG&A  expenses  relating  to
additional  engineering,  marketing  and new product  development  efforts being
expended to further  differentiate DCSI's technology and enhance its competitive
position.  EBIT for the  year-to-date  2005  period was  higher  than prior year
primarily due to the  additional  profit  associated  with the  increased  sales
volume of SecurVision products.

     In the  Filtration  segment,  EBIT was lower during the 2005 third  quarter
primarily  due  to an  $0.8  million  asset  impairment  charge  related  to the
abandonment  of a sensor  development  program  at PTI.  The  Company  ended its
development  efforts on this program after it determined that the market was not
developing as quickly as anticipated and the future costs and timeframe to fully
commercialize the product were not acceptable. Filtertek's current-year EBIT was
favorably  impacted  by $1.0  million  in the  third  quarter  and $1.9  million
year-to-date as a result of the termination of a supply agreement with a medical
device  customer.  This  settlement  was offset by $1 million  reduction in EBIT
realized  during the third quarter of 2005 at VACCO resulting from the decreased
sales of defense spares.  The 2004 year-to-date  EBIT in the Filtration  segment
was   negatively   impacted  by  the  exit  and  move  costs  incurred  and  the
inefficiencies being absorbed at Filtertek during the first six months of fiscal
2004 as a result of operating in both the Puerto Rico and Juarez facilities.

     In the Test  segment,  EBIT  dollars  increased  in the third  quarter  and
year-to-date  periods of 2005 due to the additional  sales volume and changes in
sales mix resulting  from  additional  large chamber  projects which carry lower
margins as compared to  component  products.  In addition,  EBIT was  negatively
impacted in 2005 as a result of significantly higher installation costs incurred
during fiscal 2005 on government-shielding projects located in volatile areas of
the world, and higher costs of steel and copper.

     The Corporate office  operating  expenses were slightly higher in the third
quarter of fiscal 2005  resulting  from  additional  professional  fees incurred
related to Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.

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Add Four

     EBIT from continuing  operations for the prior year periods was affected by
certain charges which are presented in detail in the financial Exhibits attached
at the end of this release.

     For fiscal 2004 year-to-date,  the pretax charges in continuing  operations
related to these items were $1.3 million.  These items are included in "Earnings
before income taxes" in the Exhibits.

Effective Tax Rate
- ------------------

     During the third  quarter of fiscal 2005,  the Company had an effective tax
rate of 15.7  percent  versus our previous  expectations  of 37.5  percent.  The
decrease in the third quarter tax rate was primarily driven by: a true-up of the
estimated  prior year  foreign  sourced  income which was  finalized  during the
book-to-tax  reconciliation  generated in the course of filing the Corporate tax
return in June; an adjustment to the current year tax provision  resulting  from
higher foreign sourced pretax income (including the June 2005 settlement reached
with the medical  device  customer in Ireland);  and a favorable  state tax rate
adjustment. The majority of the rate adjustment resulted from DCSI pretax income
sourced in Puerto  Rico.  The fiscal  2005 third  quarter  tax rate,  absent the
true-up of the prior year foreign sourced income,  would have been approximately
33 percent.

New Orders
- ----------

     New orders  received  were $106.2  million  and $96.6  million in the third
quarter of fiscal  2005 and 2004,  respectively,  and $321.6  million and $291.7
million  for the  nine-month  periods  of fiscal  2005 and  2004,  respectively,
resulting in a backlog of $251.4 million at June 30, 2005.  New orders  received
in the third  quarter of fiscal  2005  compared  to the third  quarter of fiscal
2004,  respectively,  were: in Filtration,  $39.2 million and $40.3 million;  in
Communications,  $37.4 million and $31.8 million; and in Test were $29.6 million
and $24.6 million.

Cash Flow
- ---------

     The Company  generated  $9.3  million  and $33.8  million of free cash flow
during  the  third  quarter  and  year-to-date  periods  ended  June  30,  2005,
respectively.  Free cash flow is  defined  as "Net Cash  Provided  by  Operating
Activities" less "Capital Expenditures." For a reconciliation of free cash flow,
see the Exhibits attached to this release.

Stock Split
- -----------

     The Board of Directors  declared a 2 for 1 split of the Company's  stock to
be effected in the form of a 100 percent stock  dividend  payable  September 23,
2005 to  shareholders of record on September 9, 2005. The stock dividend will be
distributed by the Company's transfer agent, Registrar and Transfer Company.

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Add Five

Stock Repurchase Program
- ------------------------

     No shares were  repurchased  during the third  quarter of fiscal 2005.  The
Company  spent  $24.9  million  during  the  first  quarter  of  fiscal  2005 to
repurchase  335,000  shares of its  outstanding  stock under its existing  stock
repurchase  program.  As of June 30, 2005,  approximately  575,000 shares remain
available for repurchase by the Company under the current program, which expires
September 30, 2006.

Chairman's Commentary
- ---------------------

     Vic   Richey,   Chairman   and   Chief   Executive   Officer,    commented,
"Operationally,  our  third  quarter  results  were  generally  in line with our
expectations   with  the   exception  of  the   Communications   segment   where
approximately  $1.2 million of expected sales and the associated  profit shifted
from the third quarter to the fourth  quarter.  The clear highlight of the third
quarter  was  the  progress  we  made  in  expanding  our  opportunities  in the
Investor-Owned  Utility (IOU) market.  As  previously  announced,  we received a
contract  from TXU  Electric  Delivery  (TXU) to  cover  an  additional  265,000
endpoints,  and we were selected by Pacific Gas and Electric  Company  (PG&E) as
the single solution for all of PG&E's electric customers as part of its proposed
Advanced  Metering  Infrastructure  (AMI)  project.  We are under way on the TXU
program and it is our hope that the performance and economies we deliver through
our TWACS system will  encourage  TXU to further  expand its  deployment  of our
product.  In the case of the PG&E  program,  we are  actively  working  with the
customer to finalize a contract.  In  addition  to  finalizing  a contract,  the
program is also subject to Regulatory and Board approvals.  If we are successful
in advancing these two IOU projects, we should see significant incremental sales
and profit contributions beginning in the second half of fiscal 2006.

     "In  terms  of the  current  market  and  operating  environments  for  our
businesses, we are seeing a wide range of conditions.

     "In Filtration,  while the commercial  aerospace  market has improved,  our
defense spares  business is declining  given the changing  nature of activity in
the Middle East.  The demand in the  automotive  markets we serve has been soft,
and taken together with higher raw material prices and our competitors' response
to the  softness,  we are in a  challenging  position in spite of the actions we
have taken to relocate our production to lower cost facilities. While we are not
without opportunities in Filtration, in the near term we expect continued market
pressure and a difficult operating environment.

     "In  Communications,  we remain encouraged by the activity in the Automatic
Meter  Reading  (AMR)  market.  While we are seeing a somewhat  higher  level of
competition in the COOP space, I think we are well positioned to respond both in
terms of the  functionality we
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 Add Six

deliver  and the  opportunities  we have to further  reduce  our costs.  The IOU
markets  remain  active  and the  competitive  landscape  is  unchanged.  We are
continuing  to  increase  our  investments  in the AMR  business  to expand  our
presence through new or enhanced products and to service the increased volume we

     "In the Test segment,  the overall market remains strong and we continue to
regard Asia as our best opportunity for growth.  The investments we have made in
both Japan and China are delivering  results beyond what we initially  expected.
In particular,  during the third quarter we received a $4.2 million  contract in
Japan from Mitsubishi Motors to provide a turnkey EMC test facility. Also in the
third quarter, we completed a state of the art shielded  multi-purpose  anechoic
chamber at the Telecommunications  Metrology Center (TMC) in Beijing. The TMC is
the regulatory body responsible for all mobile and network  equipment  standards
development  in China,  and as such,  we  consider  both our  selection  and the
chamber  performance  as  significant  in the context of further  expanding  our
business in China.

     "Across our  businesses,  while we have  pockets that are  challenging,  we
believe we have more opportunity than risk. The entire ESCO team is committed to
dealing   with  the   challenges   and  is  focused  on   capitalizing   on  the

     Mr. Richey  concluded,  "As indicated in the headline of this release,  the
Board of Directors today approved a split of the Company's  stock.  Our decision
to effect  the split was  based  not only on our  optimism  about our  long-term
outlook  but also our belief that the split will both  broaden  our  shareholder
base and enhance the marketability of our shares."

Fiscal 2005 Business Outlook
- ----------------------------

     Statements contained in the preceding and following paragraphs are based on
current expectations. Statements that are not strictly historical are considered
forward-looking, and actual results may differ materially.


     Management  expects the aggregate revenues to be up slightly for the fourth
quarter of fiscal 2005 compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2005 as presented
above.  On a segment basis,  Filtration  revenues  should be in the range of $40
million  to $42  million,  down from the third  quarter  of  fiscal  2005  which
included the $1.6 million in revenue from the medical  device  settlement.  Test
revenues should be in the range of $30 million to $32 million dependent upon the
timing of the completion of certain chamber projects in process.  Communications
revenues  are  expected to  increase in the fourth  quarter and should be in the
range of $35 million to $37 million.

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Add Seven

- ----

     Management  expects the  aggregate  EBIT to be up  slightly  for the fourth
quarter  of fiscal  2005  compared  to the third  quarter of fiscal  2005.  On a
segment  basis,  Filtration  EBIT should be in the range of $4.5 million to $5.5
million,  a decrease  from the $5.9  million  recorded  in the third  quarter of
fiscal 2005 which included the $1 million profit  contribution  from the medical
device  settlement.  Test EBIT  should be in the range of $2.7  million  to $3.2
million,  and in Communications,  EBIT should be in the range of $9.5 million to
$10.5 million.

  Corporate  operating  expenses are expected to be slightly lower
than the third  quarter  fiscal  2005  amounts.

     EBIT for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005 is expected to be lower than the
fiscal  2004 fourth  quarter  primarily  as a result of lower  sales  within the
Communications  segment  related to Bangor  Hydro and PREPA,  and lower sales of
defense spares products at Vacco.

Earnings Per Share
- ------------------

     Management anticipates fourth quarter fiscal 2005 EPS to be in the range of
$0.75 to $0.78 per share.  The resulting fiscal year EPS is expected to be $3.29
to $3.32 per share,  which  increased  from our previous range of $3.10 to $3.20
per share, as a result of the lower effective tax rate for fiscal 2005.

     As a result of the lower tax rate  realized in the third  quarter of fiscal
2005, the effective tax rate for the fourth quarter and full year of fiscal 2005
is  expected to be  approximately  37 percent  and 32.5  percent,  respectively,
compared to the previous expectation of 37.5 percent.

Other Matters
- -------------

     At the end of August, ESCO will be relocating its corporate headquarters to
a nearby and smaller  facility  in St.  Louis.  The new  location is expected to
reduce the Company's lease and operating expenses over the next several years.

     Effective  September 1, 2005,  the new address will be 9900A  Clayton Road,
St. Louis, Missouri, 63124. All telephone and fax numbers will remain the same.

Conference Call
- ---------------

     The Company  will host a  conference  call  today,  August 9, at 9:30 a.m.,
Central Time, to discuss the Company's third quarter operating  results.  A live
audio   webcast   will   be   available   on   the   Company's   Web   site   at
www.escotechnologies.com.  Please  access the Web site at least 15 minutes prior
to the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

     A replay of the  conference  call will be  available  for seven days on the
Company's  website  noted above or by phone (dial  1-888-203-1112  and enter the
pass code 4889050).

Forward-Looking Statements
- --------------------------

     Statements in this press release regarding future revenues and the level of
revenue contributions from each segment,  potential customer contracts,  further
deployment of our

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Add Eight

TWACS  system by TXU,  the  Company's  successful  negotiation  and receipt of a
contract  with PG&E,  growth in the AMR market,  the  success of cost  reduction
efforts, fiscal 2005 corporate operating expenses, the fiscal 2005 effective tax
rate, future fiscal 2005 results,  earnings, sales and profit contributions from
IOU  projects,  revenue  growth,  EBIT  margins,  EPS,  long term success of the
Company,  expected  results  of the  stock  split,  and other  written  and oral
statements which are not strictly  historical are  "forward-looking"  statements
within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws.
Investors are cautioned that such statements are only predictions and speak only
as of the date of this  release,  and the Company  undertakes no duty to update.
The  Company's  actual  results in the future may differ  materially  from those
projected in the forward-looking  statements due to risks and uncertainties that
exist in the Company's  operations and business environment  including,  but not
limited to: actions by the California Public Utility  Commission or PG&E's Board
of Directors impacting PG&E's AMI projects;  weakening of economic conditions in
served  markets;   changes  in  customer   demands  or  customer   insolvencies;
competition;  intellectual property rights;  technical difficulties;  unforeseen
charges impacting corporate operating expenses; the performance of the Company's
international  operations;  successful  execution  of the  planned  sale  of the
Company's  Puerto Rico  facility;  material  changes in the costs of certain raw
materials including steel, copper and petroleum based resins; delivery delays or
defaults by customers; termination for convenience of customer contracts; timing
and magnitude of future contract awards;  performance issues with key customers,
suppliers and  subcontractors;  labor disputes;  changes in laws and regulations
including changes in accounting standards and taxation requirements;  changes in
foreign  or U.S.  business  conditions  affecting  the  distribution  of foreign
earnings; costs relating to environmental matters;  litigation uncertainty;  and
the Company's successful execution of internal operating plans.

     ESCO,  headquartered  in St.  Louis,  is a leading  supplier of  engineered
filtration  products  to the  process,  health care and  transportation  markets
worldwide.  In  addition,  the  Company  markets  proprietary,  special  purpose
communications  systems and is the industry  leader in RF shielding and EMC test

                               - tables attached -

Add Nine

           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                           Three Months Ended
                                              June 30, 2005

Net Sales                                      $ 108,800
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                                   71,911
  Asset impairment                                   790
  SG&A                                            21,722
  Interest (income) expense                         (534)
  Other (income) expenses, net                       198
    Total costs and expenses                      94,087

Earnings before income taxes                      14,713
Income taxes                                       2,312

    Net earnings                               $  12,401

Earnings per share:
    Net earnings                               $    0.98

    Net earnings                               $    0.95

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                                           12,712
  Diluted                                         13,094

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Add Ten

           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                   Three Months Ended June 30, 2004

                                   GAAP        Adj.    "Operational"
                                   ----        ----    -------------

Net Sales                        $107,911                 107,911
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                    70,125                  70,125
  SG&A                             19,670                  19,670
  Interest (income) expense          (129)                   (129)
  Other (income) expenses, net         71                      71
                                       --       ----           --
     Total costs and expenses      89,737                  89,737
                                   ------       ----       ------

Earnings before income taxes       18,174                  18,174
Income taxes                        6,958                   6,958
                                    -----       ----        -----

  Net earnings from
   continuing operations           11,216                  11,216

Loss from discontinued
  operations, net of tax           (1,100)    1,100  (2)       --

Gain on sale of discontinued
  operations, net of tax            1,925    (1,925) (2)       --
                                    -----    ------            --

  Net earnings from
    discontinued operations           825      (825)           --

  Net earnings                   $ 12,041      (825)       11,216
                                 ========      ====        ======

Earnings per share:
    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   0.87                    0.87
    Net earnings from
     discontinued operations         0.06                    0.00
                                     ----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   0.93                    0.87
                                 ========                    ====

    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   0.84                    0.84
    Net earnings from
     discontinued operations         0.06                    0.00
                                     ----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   0.90                    0.84
                                 ========                    ====

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                            12,938                  12,938
                                   ======                  ======
  Diluted                          13,315                  13,315
                                   ======                  ======

 (1) Represents results on an adjusted basis, after removing the
     item described below in (2).
 (2) Relates to the Microfiltration and Separations businesses
     which are classified as "discontinued operations."

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Add Eleven
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                            Nine Months Ended
                                              June 30, 2005

Net Sales                                       $ 319,335
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                                   209,409
  Asset impairment                                    790
  SG&A                                             62,804
  Interest (income) expense                        (1,317)
  Other (income) expenses, net                       (492)
    Total costs and expenses                      271,194

Earnings before income taxes                       48,141
Income taxes                                       14,790

  Net earnings                                  $  33,351

Earnings per share:
    Net earnings                                $    2.62

    Net earnings                                $    2.54

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                                            12,721
  Diluted                                          13,113

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Add Twelve

           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                 Nine Months Ended June 30, 2004

                                   GAAP        Adj.    "Operational"
                                   ----        ----    -------------

Net Sales                        $306,477                 306,477
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                   207,175                 207,175
  SG&A                             57,549      (470) (2)   57,079
  Interest (income) expense          (648)                   (648)
  Other (income) expenses, net      1,199      (860) (3)      339
                                    -----      ----           ---
     Total costs and expenses     265,275    (1,330)      263,945
                                  -------    ------       -------

Earnings before income taxes       41,202     1,330        42,532
Income taxes                       15,833       305  (4)   16,138
                                   ------       ---        ------

  Net earnings from
   continuing operations           25,369     1,025        26,394

Loss from discontinued
  operations, net of tax           (3,737)    3,737  (5)       --

Gain on sale of discontinued
  operations, net of tax            1,925    (1,925) (5)       --
                                    -----    ------            --

  Net loss from discontinued
   operations                      (1,812)    1,812            --

  Net earnings                   $ 23,557     2,837        26,394
                                 ========     =====        ======

Earnings (loss) per share:
    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   1.97                    2.05
    Net loss from
     discontinued operations        (0.14)                   0.00
                                    -----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   1.83                    2.05
                                 ========                    ====

    Net earnings from
     continuing operations       $   1.91                    1.98
    Net loss from
     discontinued operations        (0.14)                   0.00
                                    -----                    ----
    Net earnings                 $   1.77                    1.98
                                 ========                    ====

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                            12,885                  12,885
                                   ======                  ======
  Diluted                          13,310                  13,310
                                   ======                  ======

 (1) Represents results on an adjusted basis, after removing the
     items described below in (2)-(4).
 (2) Represents severance charges related to the exit of the Puerto
     Rico facility.
 (3) Represents shutdown costs related to the exit of the Puerto
     Rico facility.
 (4) Represents the tax impact of items described above in (2)-(3).
 (5) Relates to the Microfiltration and Separations businesses
     which are classified as "discontinued operations."

                                    - more -

Add Thirteen

                     Condensed Business Segment Information
                              (Dollars in millions)

                         Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
                               June 30,               June 30,
                               --------               --------
                          2005         2004        2005      2004
                          ----         ----        ----      ----

Net Sales-GAAP

  Filtration            $ 44.7         44.0       129.6     126.2
  Communications          31.1         37.2       100.8      99.0
  Test                    33.0         26.7        88.9      81.3
                          ----         ----        ----      ----
    Totals              $108.8        107.9       319.3     306.5
                        ======        =====       =====     =====

EBIT-GAAP basis (1)
  Filtration            $  5.9          6.4        18.0      14.1 (2)
  Communications           8.2         11.7        28.4      26.3
  Test                     3.3          2.8         8.7       8.3
  Corporate               (3.2)        (2.9)       (8.3)     (8.1)
                          ----         ----        ----      ----
    Totals              $ 14.2         18.0        46.8      40.6
                        ======         ====        ====      ====

    Note: Prior year amounts presented above exclude the operations
          of the MicroSep businesses, which are classified as
          "discontinued operations."  Depreciation and amortization
          expense for continuing operations was $3.2 million and
          $3.1 million for the fiscal quarters ended June 30, 2005
          and 2004, respectively, and $9.3 million and $9.0 million
          for the nine-month periods ended June 30, 2005 and 2004,

    (1) EBIT is defined as earnings from continuing operations before
        interest and taxes.
    (2) The reconciliation to Operational Revenue/EBIT for the Filtration
        segment is below:

                                                       YTD FY 04
                                                   Net Sales    EBIT
                                                   ---------    ----
Filtration Segment - GAAP                           $126.2      14.1
Add: Puerto Rico facility
  exit costs                                            --       1.3
                                                        --       ---
Filtration Segment -
  "Operational"                                     $126.2      15.4
                                                    ======      ====

                                    - more -

Add Fourteen

                  Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
                              (Dollars in millions)

    EBIT (1) - As Reported

                             Three Months Ended      Nine Months Ended
                                  June 30,                June 30,
                                  --------                --------
                              2005        2004        2005       2004
                              ----        ----        ----       ----

EBIT                         $14.2        18.0        46.8       41.9
Interest income                0.5         0.1         1.3        0.6
Less: Income taxes             2.3         6.9        14.8       16.1
                               ---         ---        ----       ----
Net earnings from
  continuing operations      $12.4        11.2        33.3       26.4
                             =====        ====        ====       ====

    (1) EBIT is defined as earnings from continuing operations before
        interest and taxes. Excludes the operations of the MicroSep
        businesses, which are classified as "discontinued operations"
        in fiscal 2004.

                                    - more -

Add Fifteen

                Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                          June 30,      September 30,
                                            2005             2004
                                            ----             ----

- ------
  Cash and cash equivalents              $ 85,765         $ 72,281
  Accounts receivable, net                 71,045           77,729
  Costs and estimated earnings
    on long-term contracts                  3,056            2,476
  Inventories                              53,881           44,287
  Current portion of deferred
    tax assets                             20,022           27,810
  Other current assets                      9,184            8,947
                                            -----            -----
    Total current assets                  242,953          233,530

  Property, plant and equipment, net       67,360           69,103
  Goodwill                                 68,884           68,949
  Deferred tax assets                       6,529           10,055
  Other assets                             23,894           20,803
                                           ------           ------
                                         $409,620         $402,440
                                         ========         ========

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
- ------------------------------------
  Short-term borrowings and current
   maturities of long-term debt          $     37              151
  Other current liabilities                61,089           68,171
                                           ------           ------
      Total current liabilities            61,126           68,322
  Deferred income                           3,288            2,738
  Other liabilities                        23,527           23,396
  Long-term debt                              360              368
  Shareholders' equity                    321,319          307,616
                                          -------          -------
                                         $409,620         $402,440
                                         ========         ========

                                    - more -

Add Sixteen

                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                     Nine Months Ended
                                                       June 30, 2005
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                          $ 33,351
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
  cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                          9,263
    Changes in operating working capital                  (3,020)
    Effect of deferred taxes                               3,526
    Other                                                 (2,689)
      Net cash provided by operating activities           40,431

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Capital expenditures                                    (6,580)
    Net cash used by investing activities                 (6,580)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Principal payments on long-term debt                      (122)
  Purchases of common stock into treasury                (24,928)
  Other, including exercise of stock options               4,683
    Net cash used by financing activities                (20,367)
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               13,484
  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period          72,281
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of period              $ 85,765

                                    - more -

Add Seventeen

                Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow - June 30, 2005
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                     Three Months    Nine Months
                                    Ended June 30,  Ended June 30,
                                         2005            2005
                                         ----            ----

Net cash provided by
  operating activities                $ 11,323          40,431

Less: Capital expenditures              (2,012)        ( 6,580)
                                        ------         - -----

Free cash flow                        $  9,311          33,851
                                      ========          ======

                                    - more -

Add Eighteen

                          Other Selected Financial Data
                             (Dollars in thousands)

Backlog And Entered
- -------------------
Orders-Q3 FY 2005          Filtration   Comm.      Test      Total
- -----------------          ----------   -----      ----      -----
  Beginning Backlog-
    3/31/05                $  92,523   101,706    59,716    253,945
  Entered Orders              39,198    37,402    29,609    106,209
  Sales                      (44,652)  (31,141)  (33,007)  (108,800)
                             -------   -------   -------   --------
  Ending Backlog-
   6/30/05                 $  87,069   107,967    56,318    251,354
                           =========   =======    ======    =======

Backlog And Entered
- -------------------
Orders-YTD FY 2005         Filtration   Comm.      Test      Total
- ------------------         ----------   -----      ----      -----
  Beginning Backlog-
   9/30/04                 $  77,753   108,661    62,664    249,078
  Entered Orders             138,947   100,065    82,599    321,611
  Sales                     (129,631) (100,759)  (88,945)  (319,335)
                            --------  --------   -------   --------
  Ending Backlog-
   6/30/05                 $  87,069   107,967    56,318    251,354
                           =========   =======    ======    =======

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