Exhibit 99.1

ESCO Technologies Inc.

For more information contact:                             For media inquiries:
Patricia K. Moore                                              David P. Garino
Director, Investor Relations                                    (314) 982-0551
ESCO Technologies Inc.
(314) 213-7277


     St. Louis, MO, August 8, 2006 - ESCO  Technologies  Inc. (NYSE:  ESE) today
announced  its results for the fiscal 2006 third  quarter  ended June 30,  2006.
Within this release,  references to "quarters" and "year-to-date"  relate to the
fiscal  quarters and nine month periods ended June 30 for the respective  fiscal
years noted.

3rd Quarter Earnings Summary:
- -----------------------------

($ in millions)           3rd Qtr            3rd Qtr
                           2006               2005                   Delta
                           ----               ----                   -----
Net Sales               $  123.6               108.8                 13.6%
Pretax Earnings             16.2                14.7                 10.2%
Tax Expense / Rate           5.1  31.3%          2.3  15.7%         121.7%
                             ---                 ---                -----
Net Earnings            $   11.2                12.4                 (9.7%)
                            ====                ====
EPS                     $    0.42                0.47               (10.6%)
                             ====                ====

     Net earnings and earnings per share were lower in the third quarter of 2006
compared  to the prior year period as a result of changes in the  effective  tax
rate.  The  effective tax rate in the third quarter of 2006 was 31.3 percent and
was favorably  impacted by 6.0  percentage  points as a result of a $1.0 million
research tax credit recognized in the quarter.  The 2005 third quarter effective
tax rate was 15.7  percent,  and was  favorably  impacted  by a  true-up  in the
estimate of  foreign-sourced  income,  primarily  in Puerto  Rico.

YTD Earnings Summary:
- ---------------------
  ($ in millions)

                           9 Mon.              9 Mon.
                            2006                2005                Delta
                            ----                ----                -----
     Net Sales           $ 337.1               319.3                 5.6%
     Pretax  Earnings       35.7                48.1               (25.8)%
     Tax Expense / Rate     15.0  42.0%         14.8  30.8%          1.4%
                            ----                ----                 ---
     Net Earnings         $ 20.7                33.4               (38.0%)
                          ======                ====               =====
     EPS                  $ 0.78                 1.27              (38.6%)
                          ======                 ====              =====

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Add One

     The primary drivers of the lower net earnings and earnings per share in the
2006 year-to-date period include:

o    An additional $3.0 million of non-cash  amortization  expenses  related to
     identifiable  intangible assets from recent acquisitions,  and TNG software

o    A significantly  higher effective tax rate in 2006 of 42.0 percent compared
     to 30.8 percent in 2005,  primarily  due to the $1.7  million  foreign cash
     repatriation charge recognized in the 2006 second quarter, along with lower
     foreign-sourced income in 2006 compared to 2005.

o    A $16.2 million increase in SG&A expenses comprised of the following items:
     $9.3  million from the current  year Nexus and  Hexagram  acquisitions;  an
     additional $5.2 million relating to engineering,  sales and marketing,  and
     new product  development in the  Communications  segment;  and stock option
     expense of $1.7 million.

o    Lower sales of high margin defense spares and T-700 shipments at VACCO, and
     lower sales of Comtrak's SecurVision video security products.

o    Fiscal 2005  year-to-date  results  included $1.6 million in sales and $1.9
     million of pretax earnings at Filtertek from the termination and settlement
     of a supply agreement  ("Supply  Agreement") with a medical device customer
     which was not repeated in 2006.

o    The above items were partially offset by improved operating results in 2006
     from  the  additional  sales  of RF Test  equipment,  commercial  aerospace
     products,  and  Automatic  Meter  Reading  (AMR)  devices for gas and water

- -----

     Third quarter 2006 sales were $123.6  million,  or 13.6 percent higher than
third  quarter 2005 sales of $108.8  million.  Acquisitions  accounted  for $9.5
million of the $14.8 million sales increase.  Favorable  foreign currency values
in the 2006 third quarter resulted in an additional $1.1 million of sales.

     Fiscal 2006 year-to-date  sales were $337.1 million,  or 5.6 percent higher
than the $319.3 million in sales for first nine months of 2005, primarily due to
the Nexus and Hexagram  acquisitions  which  contributed  $17.2 million of sales
since their respective  acquisition dates.  Unfavorable  foreign currency values
year-to-date in 2006 resulted in a $0.6 million negative sales comparison.

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Add Two

     Communications  sales of $49.2 million  increased  $18.1  million,  or 58.2
percent in the 2006 third  quarter  compared  to the third  quarter of 2005 as a
result of the following  items:  Sales to TXU Electric  Delivery (TXU) increased
$8.9 million to $10.2 million; $9.5 million of sales from the Nexus and Hexagram
acquisitions;  and  additional  sales to COOP  customers  which  increased  $1.9
million;  partially  offset by lower  sales to the Puerto  Rico  Electric  Power
Authority (PREPA) which decreased $2.9 million; and lower shipments of Comtrak's
SecurVision  video security  products which  decreased $0.8 million.  During the
2006 third quarter,  DCSI's sales to COOP and public power (Municipal) customers
were $25.0  million  compared  to $23.1  million  in the third  quarter of 2005.
Year-to-date  Communications  sales,  excluding  acquisitions,   decreased  $6.3
million in 2006 primarily due to the $8.5 million decrease in SecurVision sales,
partially offset by an increase of $2.2 million in sales of DCSI's AMR products.

     Filtration  segment sales of $42.6 million  decreased $2.1 million,  or 4.7
percent  during the third  quarter of 2006 compared to the prior year period due
to the following items: a $3.0 million decrease in sales at VACCO resulting from
lower deliveries of defense spares and T-700 valves; a net $0.2 million decrease
in sales at Filtertek  primarily due to the Supply  Agreement  settlement  which
contributed $1.6 million in sales in the 2005 third quarter; partially offset by
$1.1 million of  additional  sales at PTI due to the  continued  strength of the
commercial  aerospace  market.  Year-to-date  Filtration  sales  decreased  $0.6
million in 2006 primarily due to lower defense spares sales at VACCO,  partially
offset by increases at PTI and Filtertek.

     Test segment sales of $31.8 million decreased $1.2 million, or 3.6 percent,
during the third quarter of 2006 due to lower foreign embassy shielding projects
in the current year and the timing of completion  of a large chamber  project in
Japan.  Year-to-date Test sales increased $7.6 million, or 8.5 percent, to $96.5
million in 2006 as the overall wireless and electronics markets remained strong.

Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)
- -----------------------------------------

     On a segment basis,  items that impacted EBIT dollars and EBIT as a percent
of sales ("EBIT  margin")  during the third  quarter of fiscal 2006 included the

     In the  Communications  segment,  EBIT for the 2006 third quarter was $11.4
million  (23.2  percent of sales),  compared to $8.2  million  (26.4  percent of
sales) in the prior year third quarter.  The primary sources of the $3.2 million
increase in EBIT dollars  include:  a $3.6 million  increase from DCSI resulting
from the  increased  sales in the  quarter;  partially  offset by a $0.4 million
decrease  related  to  SecurVision.  Nexus  and  Hexagram's  combined  EBIT  was
breakeven and

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Add Three

excludes  the  amortization  of  identifiable   intangible   assets.   The  2006
year-to-date  Communications  segment EBIT  decreased  $8.3 million  versus 2005
primarily due to the decrease in SecurVision  sales described above,  changes in
the AMR related sales mix, and higher SG&A spending.

     In the  Filtration  segment,  the 2006 third  quarter EBIT was $5.2 million
(12.2 percent of sales), compared to $5.9 million (13.2 percent of sales) in the
prior year third  quarter.  This $0.7 million  decrease in the third quarter was
the result of: a $1.3  million  reduction  in EBIT at VACCO  resulting  from the
decreased sales of high margin defense spares;  partially offset by $0.9 million
increase at PTI related to  additional  sales volume  resulting  from  continued
strength  in the  commercial  aerospace  market.  Additionally,  the 2005  third
quarter and nine month EBIT amounts  included $1.0 million and $1.9 million from
the Supply  Agreement  settlement  at Filtertek  which was not repeated in 2006.
Year-to-date  Filtration  EBIT decreased  $4.0 million  primarily due to: a $3.8
million  decrease at VACCO related to lower defense spares sales; a $1.7 million
net  decrease  in EBIT at  Filtertek  resulting  from the  absence of the Supply
Agreement  settlement;  partially  offset by a $1.4 million  increase in EBIT at

     In the Test segment, EBIT of $4.0 million (12.6 percent of sales) increased
in the third  quarter of 2006 from $3.3 million  (10.0  percent of sales) due to
favorable  changes in sales mix. The 2006 third quarter  included a lower amount
of foreign embassy shielding  projects,  which in the prior year incurred higher
installation  costs on  projects  located in  volatile  areas of the world.  The
year-to-date  EBIT  increased  $2.6 million over prior year, and the EBIT margin
improved  to 11.7  percent of sales from 9.8  percent of sales due to  favorable
leverage on the additional sales volume and a larger percentage of higher margin
component sales. In addition, EBIT was negatively impacted in the nine months of
2005 as a result of higher costs incurred on the foreign shielding projects.

     The Corporate  office  operating  expenses were $1.4 million  higher in the
third  quarter of 2006  compared  to 2005 and  included  $1.0  million of pretax
amortization of identifiable  intangible  assets related to recent  acquisitions
and $0.6  million of pretax  expenses  related to stock  options.  Year-to-date,
Corporate  expenses were $2.4 million higher than prior year and included:  $1.9
million of  amortization  expense;  $1.7 million of pretax stock option expense;
and higher professional fees; partially offset by the 2006 second quarter pretax
gain of $1.8 million  recognized on the reversal of the liability  related to an
indemnity owed to a former defense subsidiary.

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Add Four

Effective Tax Rate
- ------------------

     For the 2006  third  quarter,  the  Company's  effective  tax rate was 31.3
percent  versus 15.7 percent for the third  quarter of 2005.  The  effective tax
rate in the 2006 third quarter was favorably  impacted by 6.0 percentage  points
as a result of a $1.0 million research tax credit recognized in the quarter. The
2005 third quarter effective tax rate was favorably impacted by a true-up in the
estimate of foreign-sourced income, primarily in Puerto Rico.

     The 2006 year-to-date effective tax rate of 42.0 percent,  compared to 30.8
in 2005,  included a $1.7 million non-cash charge related to the repatriation of
$28.7 million of foreign cash in the 2006 second quarter.

New Orders
- ----------

     New orders  received  were $109.1  million and $106.2  million in the third
quarters  of 2006 and  2005,  respectively,  resulting  in a  backlog  of $260.0
million at June 30, 2006.

     New orders  received  in the third  quarter of 2006  compared  to the third
quarter of 2005,  respectively,  were:  in  Filtration,  $49.6 million and $39.2
million; in Communications,  $29.7 million and $37.4 million; and in Test, $29.8
million and $29.6 million.

     During 2006, year-to-date orders were $134.0 million in Filtration,  $144.4
million in  Communications,  and $85.6 million in Test for a nine month total of
$363.9 million,  compared to year-to-date 2005 orders of $321.6 million.

- ----

     At June 30, 2006,  the Company had $35.3 million in cash and no outstanding
debt,  compared to $20.9 million cash and no debt at March 31, 2006.  During the
third  quarter of 2006,  the  Company  generated  $14.4  million of cash.

Stock Repurchase Program
- ------------------------

     On August 3, 2006,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  authorized a stock
repurchase program whereby Management may repurchase up to 1.2 million shares of
its  outstanding  common stock in the open market and otherwise  throughout  the
period ending September 30, 2008.

Chairman's Commentary
- ---------------------

     Vic  Richey,  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  commented,  "On an
operating basis,  our third quarter  performance in the aggregate was consistent
with our expectations. Our current view of the full year earnings remains within
the range of our previous guidance.

     "Perhaps the most  significant  event since our second quarter  release was
the California Public Utility  Commission's (CPUC) recent approval of PG&E's AMI
program, which includes equipping over nine million meters with a combination of
DCSI and Hexagram products.

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Add Five

     "Also of significance  with respect to building our AMR business,  in June,
Hexagram established a distribution alliance with Neptune Technology Group which
will  significantly  increase  our reach in the  stand-alone  water AMR  market.
Neptune is a market  leader in the water  industry and  accessing  its extensive
distribution  network should  significantly  accelerate our growth in the large,
but highly fragmented municipal water market. In my view, Neptune's desire to be
aligned with  Hexagram is further  evidence  that the shift we are seeing in the
water AMR market to fixed  network  solutions  will continue and we expect it to
accelerate in the future. We are seeing substantially  increased activity in the
major municipal markets, along with a heightened desire for the broader range of
benefits that can be derived from a fixed network solution.

     "As I have suggested  previously,  our top priority is to capitalize on the
extraordinary opportunities in the rapidly developing AMI/AMR market. The CPUC's
approval and the Neptune  alliance are important  milestones in that regard.  In
addition  to  continuing  our  efforts in support of the PG&E  program,  we have
established a structured  initiative aimed at enhancing our AMI offering through
the  integration of our  technologies  and  accelerating  our growth through the
unification of our sales and marketing efforts. We are also actively considering
other   opportunities   to  augment  our  product   suite  to  provide   further
differentiation  from  our  competitors.   While  AMI/AMR  remains  our  highest
priority,  we continue to expect solid  performance  across all our businesses."

Management Changes
- ------------------

     Mr. Richey continued,  "Effective August 3rd, we have reduced the number of
active  Directors on our Board from eight to seven,  and have reduced the number
of inside  Directors from two to one. This change was made in  conjunction  with
Chuck Kretschmer's resignation from our Board of Directors.  Chuck will continue
in his role as President and Chief Operating Officer through September 30, 2006,
after which time he will stay on with the Company  for an  indefinite  period of
time with narrower  responsibilities  primarily  supporting our key initiatives,
including M&A  activities  and various  profit  improvement  projects  currently

     "After September 30, I will assume the additional  title of President,  and
Chuck's previous  operational  responsibilities  will be assumed in part by Gary
Muenster,  our Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and in part by
our current Filtration management team.

     "After more than 28 years with the Company,  we respect  Chuck's  desire to
make more time for his other  interests,  and we appreciate  his  willingness to
continue to support some of our key initiatives after September 30."

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Add Six

Business Outlook
- ----------------

     Statements contained in the preceding and following paragraphs are based on
current expectations. Statements that are not strictly historical are considered
forward-looking, and actual results may differ materially.

     The Business  Outlook  described  below  includes  the  expected  operating
results of Nexus and Hexagram since their respective  acquisition dates, as well
as the amortization of identifiable intangible assets.

     The  Business  Outlook  for the  balance of 2006 does not  include  the tax
impact of any potential fourth quarter  repatriation  activities  related to the
approximately  $13 million of foreign cash  outstanding at June 30, 2006, or any
additional research tax credits.

Purchase Accounting - Identifiable Intangible Assets
- ----------------------------------------------------

     As described in the May 9, 2006 earnings release,  Management completed its
purchase accounting valuation related to the identifiable  intangible assets for
Nexus and Hexagram.  The total amount of identifiable  intangible assets subject
to  amortization  was $9.3 million.  The estimated lives for these assets ranged
from six months for certain  contracts  in  backlog,  to seven years for certain
patents and proprietary know-how.

     The  2006  pretax  amortization   charges  related  to  these  identifiable
intangible  assets were $1.0 million in the third quarter,  and year-to-date was
$1.9  million.  The pretax  charge in the fourth  quarter is expected to be $0.8
million, for a total fiscal 2006 pretax charge of $2.7 million. The total pretax
amortization  expense  for  fiscal  year 2007 is  expected  to be $2.1  million,
decreasing to approximately $1.0 million in subsequent years. These amortization
charges  are  recorded  in the  Corporate  operating  segment  in  the  attached

Earnings Per Share - 2006
- -------------------------

     Management  now estimates 2006 EPS to be in the range of $1.10 to $1.15 per
share. The May 9, 2006 EPS guidance range for 2006 was $1.05 to $1.15 per share.

     In fiscal 2006, the Company began expensing stock options. This expense for
2006 which is  included in the EPS  guidance,  is expected to be in the range of
$0.08 to $0.11 per share, or $0.02 to $0.03 per quarter.

     The effective tax rate for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006 is expected to
be  approximately  38  percent  and does not  include  the  effect  of the above
mentioned fourth quarter foreign cash repatriation tax expense or any additional
research tax credits.

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Add Seven

Revenues and EBIT Margins
- -------------------------

     Management expects 2006 consolidated revenues to be in the range of $455 to
$460 million and  consolidated  EBIT margins  should be in the range of 10 to 11
percent  reflecting the impact of the  amortization of  identifiable  intangible

     On a segment and operating unit basis for 2006,  Management now expects the
     following (as compared to the May 9, 2006 Business Outlook):

     o    PTI sales are  expected to be between $46 and $47 million  (versus $43
          to $45 million)  and EBIT  margins  should be in the range of 13 to 14
          percent (versus 12 to 13 percent).

     o    VACCO's  outlook  remains  unchanged with sales expected to be between
          $31 and $32 million and EBIT margins in the range of 20 to 21 percent.

     o    Filtertek  sales are expected to be in the range of $94 to $96 million
          (versus  $93 to $95  million)  and the  EBIT  margin  outlook  remains
          unchanged and should be in the range of 7 to 8 percent.

     o    The Test segment outlook remains  unchanged with sales expected in the
          range of $126 and $129  million and EBIT  margins in the range of 10.5
          to 11.5 percent.

     o    The  Communications  segment  outlook  remains  unchanged  with  sales
          expected to be between  $156 and $159  million and EBIT margins in the
          range of 18 to 20 percent.  Nexus sales since the date of  acquisition
          (10 months) are  expected to be in the range of $10 to $12 million and
          EBIT should be  slightly  negative.  Hexagram  sales since the date of
          acquisition  (8 months) are  expected to be in the range of $17 to $19
          million and EBIT margins  should be in the low single  digits based on
          the  significant  investment in SG&A to support sales and marketing as
          well  as the  expected  ramp up of the  PG&E  contract.  Sales  of AMR
          products  at DCSI  are  expected  to be in the  range  of $121 to $122
          million  and do not  include  any  revenues  associated  with the PG&E
          contract as software  acceptance is not expected until the latter part
          of fiscal 2007.  DCSI's EBIT margin is expected to be 24 to 25 percent
          including  approximately  $2.1  million  of costs as a result  of DCSI
          beginning to amortize the capitalized development costs related to the
          TNG software.  TNG has been in development with a third party software
          contractor for the past two years.  TNG is being designed and deployed
          to efficiently handle the additional levels of communications dictated
          by the size of the service territories and the frequency of reads that
          are required under time-of-use or critical peak

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Add Eight

          pricing  scenarios  needed to meet the requirements of large IOUs. The
          Company  has  incurred  approximately  $35  million  in  external  TNG
          development  costs  through June 30,  2006,  which are included on the
          balance sheet in other assets,  and is expected to incur another $7 to
          $12 million in costs over the next two years. TNG amortization expense
          for  fiscal  2006 is  expected  to be  $2.1  million  and for  2007 is
          anticipated  to be  approximately  $7.0  million.  Additional  non-TNG
          related engineering and development costs are being incurred as period

     o    Corporate  operating costs for 2006 are expected to be in the range of
          $15 to $16 million and include the  following  items:  $2.7 million of
          pretax amortization of identifiable intangible assets related to Nexus
          and Hexagram; the pretax costs related to the adoption of stock option
          expensing   which   began  in  fiscal  2006  and  is  expected  to  be
          approximately  $2.2 to $2.4  million;  partially  offset  by the  $1.8
          million  pretax  gain   recognized  in  the  second  quarter  of  2006
          associated with the reversal of a liability  connected with the legacy
          defense contract noted above.

Conference Call
- ---------------

     The Company  will host a  conference  call  today,  August 8, at 4:00 p.m.,
Central Time, to discuss the Company's third quarter operating  results.  A live
audio   webcast   will   be   available   on   the   Company's   Web   site   at
www.escotechnologies.com.  Please  access the Web site at least 15 minutes prior
to the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

     A replay of the  conference  call will be  available  for seven days on the
Company's  website  noted above or by phone (dial  1-888-203-1112  and enter the
pass code 6788431).

Forward-Looking Statements
- --------------------------

     Statements in this press release  regarding fiscal 2006 revenues,  results,
earnings,  sales,  EBIT,  EBIT  margins,  EPS,  sales  and  EBIT  margins  on  a
consolidated   basis  and  on  a  segment  and  operating  unit  basis,   pretax
amortization expenses in fiscal 2006, 2007 and beyond,  achievement of strategic
objectives,  the success of product development  efforts,  fiscal 2006 corporate
operating  expenses,  fiscal 2006  effective tax rate,  long term success of the
Company,  stock  option  expensing,  TNG  amortization  expense in fiscal  2006,
successful  development of the TNG software,  and the timing and amount of costs
to be incurred over the next two years in connection with the TNG software,  the
ultimate number of DCSI and Hexagram products deployed by PG&E, expected ramp-up
of the PG&E contract, the timing of the software acceptance by PG&E, the success
of the Hexagram alliance with Neptune,  Hexagram sales in the water market,  the
Company's  expectations  for the water  market,  and any other  written  or oral
statements which are not strictly  historical are  "forward-looking"  statements
within the meaning

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Add Nine

of the safe harbor  provisions  of the federal  securities  laws.  Investors are
cautioned  that such  statements are only  predictions  and speak only as of the
date of this  release,  and  the  Company  undertakes  no  duty to  update.  The
Company's  actual  results  in the  future  may  differ  materially  from  those
projected in the forward-looking  statements due to risks and uncertainties that
exist in the Company's  operations and business environment  including,  but not
limited to: PG&E's Board of Directors or PG&E's Management  impacting PG&E's AMI
projects; the success of the Company's competitors;  changes in or the effect of
the Federal Energy Bill; the timing and success of DCSI's  software  development
efforts;  the  timing and  content of  purchase  order  releases  under the PG&E
contracts;  DCSI's and Hexagram's successful  performance of the PG&E contracts;
weakening of economic conditions in served markets;  changes in customer demands
or customer insolvencies;  competition;  intellectual property rights; technical
difficulties;  unforeseen charges impacting corporate  operating  expenses;  the
performance of the Company's international  operations;  successful execution of
the planned sale of the Company's Puerto Rico facility;  material changes in the
costs of certain  raw  materials  including  steel,  copper and  petroleum-based
resins; delivery delays or defaults by customers; termination for convenience of
customer contracts;  timing and magnitude of future contract awards; containment
of engineering and  development  costs;  performance  issues with key customers,
suppliers and  subcontractors;  labor disputes;  changes in laws and regulations
including  but not  limited to  changes in  accounting  standards  and  taxation
requirements;  changes in  foreign or U.S.  business  conditions  affecting  the
distribution  of foreign  earnings;  costs  relating to  environmental  matters;
litigation uncertainty; successful integration of newly acquired businesses; and
the Company's successful execution of internal operating plans.

     ESCO,  headquartered  in St. Louis, is a proven supplier of special purpose
communications systems for electric, gas and water utilities, including hardware
and software to support advanced metering applications. In addition, the Company
provides engineered filtrations products to the transportation,  health care and
process  markets  worldwide  and is the industry  leader in RF shielding and EMC
test  products.  Further  information  regarding  ESCO and its  subsidiaries  is
available on the Company's website at www.escotechnologies.com.

                               - tables attached -

Add Ten

           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       Three Months Ended
                                          June 30, 2006

    Net Sales                             $ 123,626
    Cost and Expenses:
      Cost of sales                          77,152
      Amortization of intangible assets       2,554
      SG&A                                   28,385
      Interest (income) expense                (195)
      Other (income) expenses, net             (513)
        Total costs and expenses            107,383

    Earnings before income taxes             16,243
    Income taxes                              5,080

      Net earnings                        $  11,163

    Earnings per share:
        Net earnings                      $    0.43

        Net earnings                      $    0.42

    Average common shares O/S:
      Basic                                  25,790
      Diluted                                26,441

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Add Eleven

           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       Three Months Ended
                                          June 30, 2005

Net Sales                                 $  108,800
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                               71,732
  Asset impairment                               790
  Amortization of intangible assets              475
  SG&A                                        21,662
  Interest (income) expense                     (534)
  Other (income) expenses, net                   (38)
     Total costs and expenses                 94,087

Earnings before income taxes                  14,713
Income taxes                                   2,312

  Net earnings                                12,401

Earnings per share:
    Net earnings                          $     0.49

    Net earnings                          $     0.47

Average common shares O/S:
  Basic                                       25,424
  Diluted                                     26,188

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Add Twelve
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       Nine Months Ended
                                         June 30, 2006

Net Sales                                 $  337,096
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                              221,654
  Amortization of intangible assets            4,603
  SG&A                                        78,574
  Interest (income) expense                   (1,012)
  Other (income) expenses, net                (2,440)
    Total costs and expenses                 301,379

Earnings before income taxes                  35,717
Income taxes                                  15,006

    Net earnings                           $  20,711

Earnings per share:
      Net earnings                         $    0.81

        Net earnings                       $    0.78

Average common shares O/S:
    Basic                                     25,678
    Diluted                                   26,418

                                    - more -

Add Thirteen
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       Nine Months Ended
                                         June 30, 2005

Net Sales                                 $  319,335
Cost and Expenses:
  Cost of sales                              209,070
  Asset impairment                               790
  Amortization of intangible assets            1,463
  SG&A                                        62,395
  Interest (income) expense                   (1,317)
  Other (income) expenses, net                (1,207)
    Total costs and expenses                 271,194

Earnings before income taxes                  48,141
Income taxes                                  14,790

    Net earnings                           $  33,351

Earnings per share:
      Net earnings                         $    1.31

        Net earnings                       $    1.27

Average common shares O/S:
    Basic                                     25,442
    Diluted                                   26,226

                                    - more -

 Add Fourteen

                     Condensed Business Segment Information
                              (Dollars in millions)

                         Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                               June 30,                June 30,
                               --------                --------
                          2006         2005        2006        2005
                          ----         ----        ----        ----

Net Sales
  PTI                    $ 11.4        10.3        33.8        30.6
  VACCO                     6.6         9.6        22.9        28.8
  Filtertek                24.6        24.8        72.3        70.2
                           ----        ----        ----        ----
    Filtration subtotal    42.6        44.7       129.0       129.6
  Communications           49.2        31.1       111.6       100.8
  Test                     31.8        33.0        96.5        88.9
                           ----        ----        ----        ----
    Totals               $123.6       108.8       337.1       319.3
                         ======       =====       =====       =====

  PTI                    $  1.5         0.6         4.3         2.8
  VACCO                     1.4         2.7         4.7         8.5
  Filtertek                 2.3         2.6         5.0         6.7
                            ---         ---         ---         ---
    Filtration subtotal     5.2         5.9        14.0        18.0
  Communications           11.4         8.2        20.1        28.4
  Test                      4.0         3.3        11.3         8.7
  Corporate                (4.6)(1)    (3.2)      (10.7)(2)    (8.3)
                           ----        ----       -----        ----
    Totals               $ 16.0        14.2        34.7        46.8
                           ====        ====        ====        ====

Note:  Depreciation and amortization expense was $5.2 million and
       $3.2 million for the quarters ended June 30, 2006 and 2005,
       respectively, and $12.4 million and $9.3 million for the nine-
       month periods ended June 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively.

(1) Corporate EBIT includes $1.0 million of amortization of acquired
    intangible assets related to the acquisitions of Nexus Energy and
    Hexagram, Inc.

(2) Corporate EBIT includes the following items:

ASG-21 Gain                                 $1.8
Amort. of acquired intangibles             ($1.9)
    Total                                  ($0.1)

                                    - more -

Add Fifteen

                  Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
                              (Dollars in millions)

    EBIT (1) - As Reported

                             Three Months Ended     Nine Months Ended
                                  June 30,                June 30,
                                  --------                --------
                              2006        2005        2006       2005
                              ----        ----        ----       ----

EBIT                         $16.0        14.2        34.7       46.8
Interest income                0.2         0.5         1.0        1.3
Less: Income taxes             5.0         2.3        15.0       14.7
                               ---         ---        ----       ----
Net earnings                 $11.2        12.4        20.7       33.4
                              ====        ====        ====       ====

(1) EBIT is defined as earnings from continuing operations before
    interest and taxes.

EBIT Margin Outlook - FY 2006
- -----------------------------

Consolidated EBIT margin in the range of 10 percent to 11 percent,
PTI EBIT margin in the range of 13 percent to 14 percent, VACCO
EBIT margin in the range of 20 percent to 21 percent, Filtertek
EBIT margin in the range of 7 percent to 8 percent, Test segment
EBIT margin in the range of 10.5 percent to 11.5 percent,
Communications segment EBIT margin in the range of 18 percent to
20 percent, and DCSI EBIT margin in the range of 24 percent to
25 percent under "Business Outlook" cannot be reconciled with a
GAAP measure as this represents a forward-looking measure with no
comparable GAAP measurement quantifiable at this time.

                                    - more -

Add Sixteen

                Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                           June 30,     September 30,
                                            2006             2005
                                            ----             ----

- ------
  Cash and cash equivalents              $ 35,258          104,484
  Accounts receivable, net                 82,744           68,819
  Costs and estimated earnings
    on long-term contracts                  2,321            4,392
  Inventories                              50,208           48,645
  Current portion of deferred
    tax assets                             26,616           30,219
  Other current assets                     11,487            8,394
                                           ------            -----
    Total current assets                  208,634          264,953

  Property, plant and equipment, net       69,363           67,190
  Goodwill                                143,677           68,880
  Deferred tax assets                           -                -
  Other assets                             63,783           27,697
                                           ------           ------
                                         $485,457          428,720
                                         ========          =======

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
- ------------------------------------
  Accounts payable                       $ 46,918           29,299
  Other current liabilities                39,031           33,458
                                           ------           ------
      Total current liabilities            85,949           62,757
  Deferred income                           6,452            3,134
  Other liabilities                        34,235           31,805
  Long-term debt                                -                -
  Shareholders' equity                    358,821          331,024
                                          -------          -------
                                         $485,457          428,720
                                         ========          =======

                                    - more -

Add Seventeen

                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                      June 30 2006
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                          $ 20,711
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
    cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                         12,407
    Stock compensation expense                             3,660
    Changes in operating working capital                  13,005
    Effect of deferred taxes                                 444
    Other                                                 (2,831)
      Net cash provided by operating activities           47,396

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Acquisition of businesses                              (91,468)
  Capital expenditures                                    (6,753)
  Additions to capitalized software                      (24,413)
    Net cash used by investing activities               (122,634)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from / payments of long-term debt                   -
  Purchases of common stock into treasury                      -
  Other, including exercise of stock options               6,012
    Net cash provided by financing activities              6,012
  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              (69,226)
  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         104,484
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of period              $ 35,258

                                    - more -

 Add Eighteen

                          Other Selected Financial Data
                             (Dollars in thousands)

Backlog And Entered
- -------------------
Orders-Q3 FY 2006          Filtration   Comm.      Test      Total
- -----------------          ----------   -----      ----      -----
  Beginning Backlog
    3/31/06                $  78,389   140,069    56,016    274,474
  Entered Orders              49,590    29,731 *  29,795    109,116
  Sales                      (42,565)  (49,251)* (31,810)  (123,626)
                             -------   -------   -------   --------
  Ending Backlog-
   6/30/06                 $  85,414   120,549    54,001    259,964
                              ======   =======    ======    =======

Backlog And Entered
- -------------------
Orders-YTD FY 2006         Filtration   Comm.      Test      Total
- ------------------         ----------   -----      ----      -----
  Beginning Backlog-
   9/30/05                 $  80,497    87,781    64,836    233,114
  Entered Orders             133,977   144,391 *  85,578    363,946
  Sales                     (129,060) (111,623)* (96,413)  (337,096)
                            --------  --------   -------   --------
  Ending Backlog-
   6/30/06                 $  85,414   120,549    54,001    259,964
                              ======   =======    ======    =======

                          Q3 FY                 YTD FY
                           2006      Q3 FY       2006       YTD FY
                         Entered      2006     Entered       2006
*Communications Recap:    Orders     Sales      Orders      Sales
- ----------------------    ------     -----      ------      ------

AMR Products (DCSI)      $16,670    38,249     101,075      90,009
SecurVision Video
  Security (Comtrak)       1,517     1,517       4,411       4,417
Nexus Energy               6,232     2,459      23,550       6,329(1)
Hexagram                   5,312     7,026      15,355      10,868(2)
                           -----     -----      ------      --------
    Total                 29,731    49,251     144,391     111,623
                          ======    ======     =======     =======

(1)  Represents seven months of sales.
(2)  Represents five months of sales.

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